G-18 Truck Route OrdinancePlanning Commission
Report on the Grand Terrace Truck Route
Ordinance and Traffic Control Devices
August 09, 2022
2030 Vision Goals
#2.Maintain Public Safety by
investing in critical
improvements to
•Article 10.04.630 of the Municipal Code identifies the
designated truck routes are streets designated by the City
Council to be used by any vehicles exceeding a maximum gross
weight of 10,000 pounds.
•Designated truck routes are established and designed by the
appropriate signs.
•City Ordinance has established truck routes on 4 major streets:
•Barton Road (within Grand Terrace City limits)
•Mt.Vernon from Barton Rd.to Main Street
•Main St.from the westerly city limits to Mt.Vernon
•La Cadena Dr.(within Grand Terrace city limits)
•Trucks over 5 tons are prohibited to travel over other streets in
the City with some exceptions (deliveries of goods,
construction materials to permitted developments,public
utility vehicles,emergency vehicles).
•Staff implemented measures to discourage truck drivers from
using local streets by installing truck route signs and striping at
appropriate locations as shown on the attachments.The San
Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department will also monitor the
traffic and issue citations to violators including any commercial
vehicles 5 tons or greater in residential streets who are not
exempt .
•Additionally,Terrace Road is currently in the process of being
renamed in order to direct all truck traffic on a commercial
road and discourage use on any residential streets.
Truck Route
M 6-1
R 5-2
R 14-1
R 3-5
Environmental Impact
•There will be no environmental impact
Planning Commission
Report on the Grand Terrace Truck Route
Ordinance and Traffic Control Devices
August 09, 2022