F.9 - PARS Post Employment Benefit TrustCity of Grand Terrace Unfunded Pension Liability Unfunded Pension Liability Unfunded Pension Liability CalPERS For CalPERS, the City has three plans, Miscellaneous Plan, PEPRA Miscellaneous Plan, and the Miscellaneous Second Tier Plan. Per the CalPERS Actuarial Valuation dated June 30, 2020, the unfunded liability and funded ratio for each of the Plans is as follows: Misc.PEPRA Second Plan Plan Tier Plan Unfunded Accrued Liability 5,526,787$ 56,733$ 53,849$ Funded Ratio 67.70%88.50%91.20% June 30, 2020 Valuations Unfunded Pension Liability The Normal Costs are based on the City’s payroll and are reasonable and within the City’s annual budget.We need to have a way to reduce the UAL payment or find an alternative way to fund it annually. Misc.PEPRA Second Plan Plan Tier Plan Total Normal Cost 7,731$ 47,544$ 31,938$ 87,213$ UAL Contribution 579,800 10,202 7,856 597,858 587,531$ 57,746$ 39,794$ 685,071$ Unfunded Pension Liability Reasons to Prefund •Greater expected rate of return (discount rate)which lowers your liabilities. •Investment flexibility with Section 115 Trust compared to restrictions on general fund investments (Govt. Code 53216). •Contributions into trust are “assets”that offset liabilities on the financial statements. •Can help with the City’s credit ratings. •Prefunding has no downside other than market fluctuation (like pension). Unfunded Pension Liability •At its meeting of June 14,2022,Council indicated they would like to further explore the use of a Section 115 Trust to address the City’s unfunded liabilities. •In compliance with this direction,staff contacted four providers to solicit proposals from qualified vendors for IRS Section 115 Pension Trust Services.Finance staff reviewed,compared,and evaluated the respective proposal responses. •In total,the City received three responses to the request for information:CalPERS,Keenan,and PARS.The fourth provider PFM declined to respond.Finance Staff found all three firms to be professionally qualified to provide trust services.Staff were unanimous in recommending PARS for providing trust services based on qualifications,experience,staff knowledge,cost,and ease of administrative process. •PARS has the most IRS Section 115 pension trusts under management,managing over 420 separate trusts.PARS provided strong experience and a knowledgeable working group for the City. Unfunded Pension Liability •We are looking for alternative ways to increase the funded ratio and reduce our annual costs for CalPERS and one such option is a Section 115 Trust as offered by PARS.CalPERS is making the following changes which will directly affect the unfunded liability amounts and employer contributions,lowering the discount rate from 7%to 6.8%and shortening the amortization period for the UAL from 30 years to 20 years. •This would provide the City with an alternative to sending funds to CalPERS that will allow for greater local control over assets,investment by a professional fund management team selected and monitored by the City,with future excess contributions transferred to CalPERS at the City’s discretion to reduce the City’s Net Pension Liability. Unfunded Pension Liability IRS Section 115 Trust Governmental entities can establish an IRS Section 115 Trust,these are irrevocable and must be usedforpensionorOPEBobligations.A couple of the companies that provide the Section 115 Trusts haveIRSPrivateLetterRulingsontheirPlans.CalPERS also offers a Section 115 Trust. This would provide the City with an alternative to sending funds to CalPERS that will allow forgreaterlocalcontroloverassets,investment by a professional fund management team selected andmonitoredbytheCity,with future excess contributions transferred to CalPERS at the City’s discretiontoreducetheCity’s Net Pension Liability. These programs can be established as a multiple employer trust so that public agencies regardless ofsizecanjointheprogramtoreceivethenecessaryeconomiesofscaletokeepadministrativefeeslowandavoidanysetupcosts.The trust permits the City,under federal and state law,to invest in a morediversifiedarrayofinvestmentstomaximizeinvestmentreturnslongterm. Unfunded Pension Liability Expected benefits offered by the PARS PRSP include: •Contributions placed in an exclusive benefit trust could address the City’s Net Pension Liability •Investment flexibility with Section 115 Trust compared to restrictions on general fund investments (Govt. Code 53216) •Increased risk diversification of plan assets through different asset management •Investments can be tailored to the City’s unique demographics •Oversight and control of fund management selection, monitoring of performance and ability to replace fund management based on performance criteria •Increased flexibility on use of trust assets (i.e., trust assets can be accessed at any time as long as the assets are used to fund the City’s pension obligations) •Lower investment management and administrative expenses compared to CalPERS •Potential for positive rating agency and investor consideration. Unfunded Pension Liability •The program has been established as a multiple employer trust so that public agencies regardless of size can join the program to receive the necessary economies of scale to keep administrative fees low and avoid any setup costs.The trust permits the City,under federal and state law,to invest in a more diversified array of investments to maximize investment returns long term. •PARS has partnered with US Bank to serve as trustee and its sub-adviser HighMark Capital Management,Inc.,to provide investment management services for the program. Unfunded Pension Liability Possible Funding Options •Pension Obligation Bonds •Use one-time revenue sources, such as proceeds from the sale of property •Lower the minimum General Fund Reserve level percentage •Contribute a certain percentage of any given year’s realized General Fund surplus •Annual appropriation in each year’s budget Staff is recommending using a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the Fire Station Unfunded Pension Liability Staff is recommending the City Council adopt the resolution authorizing participation in the PARS Post-Employment Benefits Trust Program administered by Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS)and U.S.Bank,appointing the City Manager as the City’s Plan Administrator,and authorizing the City Clerk to execute the documents and to implement the Program. Unfunded Pension Liability •Questions