E.9 - Adoption of 2022 California Building Codes, 2021 IPMC, Amended OrdinancesPlanning Commission Hearing of the Adoption of the 2022 California Building Codes November 08, 2022 2030 Vision Goals #4.Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships •Prepare the City of Grand Terrace for growth, development, and prosperity by updating the City’s development codes and standards. Background •The City of Grand Terrace currently enforces the 2019 California Building Codes (CBC)in their entirety. •Every three years each jurisdiction in the State of California is mandated to adopt the California Building Codes,and make amendments that are reasonably necessary because of local, climate,geological,or topographical conditions. •Modifications must be filed with the California Building Standards Commission in order to become legally effective by January 1st,2023. Background •The California Building Standards Commission (CBSC)publishes new editions of the CBC with updates to the California Building Code as recommended by the International Code Council (ICC). •After adoption by the local governing board (City Council),the City of Grand Terrace Building Division files modifications to the CBSC and then enforces the CBC over the next three years as mandated by the State until the next code cycle. Discussion •Staff requests that a public hearing take place with the City Council to discuss adoption of the 2022 California Building Codes in their entirety and as amended by the City of Grand Terrace Code of Ordinances •The Building Division also recommends adoption of the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code and 1997 Uniform Code for the abatement of dangerous buildings. Discussion •The City of Grand Terrace has certain local climatic,geological, and topographical conditions which require amendments to the 2022 California Building Codes. •The City’s climatic,geological,and topographical conditions are as follow: •Climate Zone 10 •Seismic Zone D (earthquake zone) •Wind gusts up to 95 mph •Category C •Contains flood hazard areas •Contains very high fire hazard severity zones Discussion •The Building Division also recommends the following amendments (included as part of the Municipal Code changes) to the 2022 CBC to include the requirement of fire sprinklers under the following categories,but not limited to: •All new residential and non-residential buildings regardless of total building area. •All new residential and non-residential buildings containing most occupancies listed in Chapter 3 of the CBC. •All new residential and non-residential accessory structures containing construction type IV and V (heavy timber and light frame respectively) material exceeding 200 square feet . •Existing residential and non-residential buildings undergoing through a remodel of at least 50%in total building area containing all occupancy types. Discussion (cont’d) •Fire sprinklers will also be required for new accessory dwelling units (ADUs) where the existing main dwelling has existing or new fire sprinklers, however not for new ADUs where the existing main dwelling does not contain existing fire sprinklers per SB 1069. Environmental Review •The adoption of the Proposed Ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) as an item that has no potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Public Notice •Public notice of this meeting for participation and attendance of this hearing was provided online via the City’s website and published in the local newspaper, City News Group. Economic Impact •Adoption of the proposed code ordinances will significantly save residents and businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars in monetary loss caused by a fire including any associated indirect costs caused by such incident. Community Safety Impact •The proposed ordinances will significantly increase life safety and will save many lives by preventing fires in occupied buildings. Recommendation •Staff recommends that the City Council adopt an Ordinance which adopts by reference the 2022 California Building Codes in their entirety, the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code, the 1997 Uniform Code for The Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and amended Municipal Code of Ordinances. Planning Commission Hearing of the Adoption of the 2022 California Building Codes November 08, 2022