C2 PC Presentation Zone Change Amendment 23-01 Parking RequirementsCity of Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site And Architectural Review Board Public Hearing for Zone Change Amendment (ZCA 23-01) Update Parking Requirements May 2, 2024 Backround •Although Section 18.60.030 currently includes off-street parking regulations for a variety of use types, updates and modifications were needed to provide additional clarification of the regulations. •The City’s policies regarding parking regulations to be more in line with development best practices. Environmental Review Project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section §15061(b)(3)- Common Sense The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Commercial/ Office Uses. Drive-Through Facilities Fast food restaurants that do not have a drive- through Fast food restaurants that are drive- through only Drive- through queuing Gas Station Parking update Handicapped spaces update Shared parking update Design standards update Parking study requirements update Conclusion The Parking Ordinance is consistent with the spirit and intent of the implementation of the Zoning Code parking standards to assure that adequate off-street parking is available for specific land uses. The Amendment is consistent with the Plan Goal 3.3 and Policy 3.3.2  The modifications are intended to address shortcomings of the code and make parking requirements clearer for land use and developments. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Resolution for ZCA 23-01 Zoning Change Amendment 23-01 Off-Street Parking California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exempt Pursuant to Section 15061(B)(3)- Common Sense Exemption Thank you for your consideration. May 2, 2024 Planning Commission Public Hearing