Public Hearing PC CITY Presentation Gateway SPCity of Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site And Architectural Review Board Public Hearing for The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan May 2, 2024 •General Plan Amendment (17-01) •Zone Change (17-02) •Zone Change Amendment (24-01) •Specific Plan (17-01) •Tentative Tract Map 20501(18-01) •Development and Exchange Agreements •Draft Final Environmental Impact Report - State Clearinghouse No. 2021020110 •Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations •Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program June 6, 2024 Planning Commission Public Hearing Discretionary Approvals •General Plan Amendment No. 17-01 (GPA 17-01) •The amendment establishes The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan (GSP) in the General Plan Land Use Element and on the Land Use Map •Edits to Land Use Element provided as EXHIBIT A to Attachment 1 •Edits to Land Use Map provided as EXHIBIT B to Attachment 1 Discretionary Approvals continued… •Zone Change No. 17-02 (ZC 17-02) & Zone Change Amendment No. 24-01 (ZCA 24-01) •The zone change establishes The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan (GSP) in the Zoning Code and on the Zoning Map •Edits to Zoning Code provided as EXHIBIT C to Attachment 1 •Edits to Zoning Map provided as EXHIBIT D to Attachment 1 Discretionary Approvals continued… •Specific Plan No. 17-01 •The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan (GSP) would provide detailed policies, standards, and criteria for future development or redevelopment of the 112 -acre area •The GSP is provided as EXHIBIT E to Attachment 1 Discretionary Approvals continued… •Tentative Parcel Map No. 20501 (TTM 18-01) •The Parcel Map subdivides a 55.01 - acre site within the GSP for conveyance purposes related to the Gateway development Land Use Element and General Plan Land Use Map •The map is provided as EXHIBIT F to Attachment 1 •Map conditions are provided as EXHIBIT G to Attachment 1 Discretionary Approvals CEQA Compliance •Environmental Impact Report - State Clearinghouse No. 2021020110 •EXHIBIT H to Attachment 1 •Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations •EXHIBIT I to Attachment 1 •Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program •EXHIBIT J to Attachment 1 Discretionary Approvals continued… •Development and Exchange Agreements •Identify parties responsible for the construction of major infrastructure improvements, phasing schedule of development and infrastructure improvements, financial commitments for the construction of the infrastructure improvements, vesting of applicable codes and standards, vesting of development impact fees for a specified term and appropriate extension metrics, and the terms and conditions for the exchange of developer owned land for city property. •(Request for this item to continue to Planning Commission on June 20, 2024) Staff Recommendations Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) recommending the following actions to the City Council: a. Recommend the City Council certify the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH #2021020110); b. Recommend the City Council adopt the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations; Staff Recommendations Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) recommending the following actions to the City Council: c. Recommend the City Council adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; and d. Recommend the City Council approve The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan (17-01); General Plan Amendment (17-01), Zone Change (17-02), Zone Change Amendment (24-01), Tentative Tract Map 20501 (18-01) Staff Recommendations (CONTINUE) “e.” to June 20, 2024, Meeting e. Recommend the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving the Development Agreement by and between the City of Grand Terrace and Lewis Land Developers, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company pursuant to Article 2.5 of Chapter 4 of Division 1 of Title 7, Sections 65864 through 65869.5 of the Government Code and Article XI, Section 2 of the California Constitution.) Background 2016 to 2024 •2016-Lewis and City enter into a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). •2017 – Lewis and City enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). •2020 – 1st Amendment to MOU •2017-2024 – Specific Plan application and preparation •June 6, 2024 – Planning Commission Public Hearing •City Council Public Hearing - To Be Determined Location & Surroundings LOCATION EXISTING LAND USE EXISTING ZONING Project Site Mixed Use Commercial Manufacturing (CM) Restricted Manufacturing (RM) Industrial (M-2) North General Commercial Industrial General Commercial (C2) Commercial Manufacturing (CM) South Industrial Public Restricted Manufacturing (MR) Industrial (M-2) Public Facilities (PUB) East General Commercial Low Density Residential Industrial Public Single Family (R1-7.2) Commercial Manufacturing (CM) Restricted Manufacturing (MR) Public Facilities (PUB) West Industrial Park Light Industrial Industrial Park (I-P) Light Industrial (M-1) Specific Plan Defined 18.06.860 - Specific Plan. •"Specific plan" means a plan adopted by the legislative body which is based on the general plan and including such regulations, programs and legislation as may be required for the systematic execution of the general plan 18.20.010 - Purpose. •The specific plans as referenced in the Zoning Code are intended to carry out the goals and objectives of the community's general plan, with respect to commercial, office industrial and residential development. •To achieve this purpose the specific plans provide comprehensive plans for land use, development regulations, design guidelines, development incentives and other related actions. 13 Current Land Use Map Proposed Land Use Map Current Zoning Map Proposed Zoning Map GATEWAY SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING DISTRICTS Specific Plan Summary ▪Approximately 43 gross acres (39 net acreage developable) of residential development (up to 695 Dwelling Units) ▪Approximately 25 acres of general commercial development (up to 335,700 square feet) ▪Development and/or improvement of drainage facilities, utilities, and public streets with enhanced landscaping ▪A newly constructed park that includes a lighted baseball field with a tot-lot/playground ▪A detention basin with open space overlay 22 Planning Areas •Assigned to each existing parcel •Designates use/density/intensity •Commerce Way/Taylor Street improve •Encourages mix of commercial, industrial, residential and public park uses •Multi-family housing with active and passive recreational amenities •Cluster-type single-family residences •A new lighted baseball field with a public playground, pedestrian and bike trails, a detention basin Planning Areas 11, 12, 14, 15 16, 19, and 20 - Residential (R 4-20): ▪Maximum 786 dwelling units with a projected 695 dwelling units due to site constraints, roads, and infrastructure ▪Encompass approximately 43 acres of the GSP ▪Range of housing product types ▪Duplexes / townhomes / detached small lot homes / attached or detached cluster or motor court homes / multi-family apartments ▪Density range of 4 to 20 dwelling units per acre Planning Areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 - General Commercial ▪Could be developed with up to 455,050 sq. ft. commercial ▪Encompass approximately 25 acres of the GSP with a projected 335,700 sq. ft. due to constraints ▪GC will serve as an enhanced continuation of the Barton Road Specific Plan ▪Retail / Personal Service / Office / Entertainment uses Planning Areas 5, 10, 13 17, 18, and 21 - Drainage Facilities, Utilities, and Public Streets: ▪Drainage facilities located in PAs 5 and 18. ▪Utilities located in Pas 10, 13, 17, 21 Planning Areas 18 and 22 - Open Space and Public Park: ▪PA 18 is a detention basin for the entire GSP ▪PA 22 will include a lighted baseball field and tot -lot Conceptual Circulation Plan •Improves local circulation •Commerce Way completed •Taylor Street widened and improved •On-street bike lanes •Pedestrian Friendly Typical Cross Section for Commerce Way Environmental Review ▪Program Environmental Impact Report for the Proposed Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan Project ▪CEQA Lead Agency: City of Grand Terrace ▪Applicant: Lewis Management Corporation Environmental Review continued… Focus of the EIR ▪Future development within the Specific Plan area in compliance with CEQA Guidelines §15168. ▪Potential environmental impacts to 18 resource areas associated with future development projects. ▪Identifying feasible mitigation measures that would be required for future projects to reduce or eliminate potentially significant impacts ▪Evaluation of reasonable alternatives to the proposed Specific Plan buildout. Environmental Review continued… Summary of the Analysis All potential environmental impacts, with the exception of AQ and GHGs, can be reduced to a less than significant level with mitigation. Impacts from AQ and GHGs would remain adverse and unavoidable even after mitigation. Environmental Review continued… Alternatives to the Project An EIR is required to identify the environmentally superior alternative from among the range of reasonable alternatives that are evaluated. Alternatives evaluated included: ➢No Project Alternative ➢Reduced Retail By 20 Percent Alternative ➢No Commercial Alternative The Environmentally Superior Alternative is the No Commercial Alternative which would: ➢Reduce the Project to only its residential components, resulting in fewer environmental impacts than the Proposed Project or any of the other alternatives. Environmental Review continued… Cumulative Impacts Cumulatively significant impacts for AQ and GHGs Statement of Overriding Considerations In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Sections 15093 (Statement of Overriding Considerations) and 15043, the City, has balanced the economic, legal, social, technological, and other benefits of the Project against its unavoidable environmental risks, and has determined that the unavoidable adverse impacts for air quality and greenhouse gases may be considered “acceptable” due to the benefits which outweigh the unavoidable, adverse environmental impacts. Environmental Review continued… Project Benefits Create local and regional employment opportunities. Increase new housing units, improving jobs -housing balance. Attract businesses that expedite the delivery of essential goods. Improved infrastructure Close proximity to freeways and roads, reducing vehicle miles traveled. Fair share contributions for future regional circulation improvements. Notification ▪The Public Hearing Notice for the Project was published in compliance with the City’s Municipal Code and the City’s “Expanded Public Noticing and Outreach Policy for Public Hearings and Public Workshops.” ▪One phone inquiry from a property owner who lives out of state and inquiring about selling their land to the Applicant. ▪Four emails received: 1. Gas Co. regarding connections / 2. Property owner in support / 3. Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians regarding cultural resource monitoring / 4. Mitchell M. Tsai Law Firm - Environmental and Land Use Litigation on behalf of the Western States Regional Council of Carpenters (WSRCC) regarding local workforce Conclusion The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan Project is consistent with: ▪The goals and policies of the General Plan ▪The Municipal Code and Objective Design Standards The Gateway at Grand Terrace Specific Plan Project would: ▪Promote strategic growth ▪Provide more detailed regulatory guidance ▪Be a program level plan and no specific project is being proposed at this time Thank you for your consideration. June 6, 2024 Planning Commission Public Hearing •General Plan Amendment (17-01) •Zone Change (17-02) •Zone Change Amendment (24-01) •Specific Plan (17-01) •Tentative Tract Map 20501(18-01) •Development and Exchange Agreements •Draft Final Environmental Impact Report - State Clearinghouse No. 2021020110 •Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations •Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.