02/25/1999 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL N NUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - FEBRUARY 25. 1999, A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on February 25, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Jim Singley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director John Harper, City Attorney Lt. Pete Ortiz, Sheriffs Department ABSENT: None The meeting was opened with invocation by Dr. Tom Harvick, Colton Christian Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Singley. ITEMS TO DELETE - None SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A. Recycling Family of the Month - January 1999 Mayor Matteson announced that the Mr. and Mrs. Mark Grant and family are the recipients of the Recycling Family of the month award for January 1999 and of the local merchant gift certificates from Stater Brother's Markets, Blue Mountain Coffee House, Domino's Pizza, and La Pasta Italia. 2B. Introduce New Citizen Patrol Member Tanya Cahill, Community Services Officer, introduced Ben Bernor, the newest member of the Grand Terrace Citizen Patrol. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-99-15 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following consent calendar items: Council Minutes February 25, 1999 Page 2 3A. Approval of Check Register No. 022599 3B. Ratify 02-25-99 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D. Approval of 02-11-99 Minutes 3E. Consulting Services for the Engineering and Design of the Bridge Replacement at Union Pacific/Southern Pacific Overhead Bridge 3F. Authorize Staff Travel to APA National Planning Conference in Seattle PUBLIC COMMENT Dick Rollins, 22797 Barton Road, stated that the Food Connection is adding a banquet room to their facility and feels that it will be a great addition to our City. Julie Torres, 12760 Vivienda Avenue, representing the Sparrow Foundation, introduced the new non-profit organization. She indicated that they would like to open a shelter for abused women and children in the Inland Empire. She stated that it is their plan to offer immediate intervention and legal protection to stop further abuse. The confidential safe house will meet the physical and spiritual needs of women and their children. They will also have individually tailored counseling and drug and alcohol recovery for women, medical treatment, vocational training , educational assistance, parenting skills, infant care training, relationship skills, and marriage counseling. They will also offer an outreach for the abusive men with separate counseling as well as drug, alcohol and dependancy counseling, marriage counseling, employment and vocational referrals, spiritual guidance and parenting skills. 459 cases were reported in Grand Terrace and of those 279 needed medical attention of some sort. No women will be refused services. The shelter will be a drug and alcohol free facility. All donated monies and materials will be used only in the ethical manner and the financial records will also be available. The location of the shelter will remain confidential and every legal means will.be used to assure the safety of the residents. Mavor Matteson, questioned if the shelter will be run out of Ms. Torres' home or at another location. Ms. Torres, responded that they are looking for a facility, however, they are waiting for awards. They have applied for several grants and are waiting for their responses. Mavor Matteson, asked how many women they will house in the shelter. Ms. Torres, responded with nine women and their children.. Citv Manager Schwab, stated that the Sparrow Foundation is one of the organizations on the list of proposals for the Community Development Block Grant Funding. ORAL REPORTS 5A. Committee Reports a( Council Minutes February 25, 1999 Page 3 1. Crime Prevention Committee a. Minutes of January 11, 1999 CC-99-16 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the January 11, 1999 minutes of the Crime Prevention Committee. 5B. Council Reports Councilmember Garcia, reported that she attended the East Valley Coalition meeting. Jim Gorley, director of IBDA, was the speaker and discussed what is going on out at the former Norton Air Force Base. One of the big issues is the Tech Park.. They are looking into building a two year High Tech High School. They are working on a regional basis to come up with a general aviation plan. Councilmember Sinalev, reported that he received a response from the fire department with regards to the fire at the Food Connection and that there were a number of engines ,Ahat responded to the call and the response time was appropriate. City Manager Schwab, stated that the response time from the call to the actual response was approximate four minutes and fifteen seconds within fifteen minutes there were seven pieces of apparatuses on hand and declined two calls of engines.responding._Those who responded were our two engines from Grand Terrace, Colton, Loma Linda, Riverside County, CDF and City/County Fire. Total resources were seven engines, one rescue :.vehicle, ladder truck, three battalion chiefs on the scene. The response was more than . .adequate. Councilmember Hilkev, thanked Lt. Ortiz for responding to the speeding issues on Barton Road and the school bus route change issue. He gave a plaque to.Comcast for sponsoring a hockey team and indicated that they are always eager to sponsor local youth sports. He reported that Classic Window in Grand Terrace has great prices. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6A. CDBG Funding.Awards - 1999-2000 Program Year Assistant Citv Manager Donlevv_ , stated that the City receives a total of $37,000 each year of which $5,500 may be awarded for public service projects for Community Development Block Grant Projects. The County of San Bernardino Department of Economic and-Community Development is responsible for the review and compliance of programs conducted within Grand Terrace which includes the conduct of the grant process and the administration,of project implementation and compliance. The County has completed its application process and submitted a listing of eligible projects which have requested funding from the Grand Terrace allocation. The City Council is now responsible for determining funding and sending this information to the County for adoption. Staff is recommending that $4,500 be allocated to the County of San Bernardino Library (Public Service) for a literacy education program which funds the Council Minutes February 25, 1999 ; Page 4 Grand Terrace Branch Library%to be open an additional day each week. Mayor Matteson opened discussion to the public. Traian Green, requested and encouraged the Council to allocate $500 to the Elder Citizen Protection Services; Inc. for the continuation of senior grocery shopping and delivery program Shoppin' 4 Seniors. Mayor Matteson returned discussion to the Council. Mavor Pro Tem Buchanan, stated that any service available dollars that are not spent or banked can not be used in the future for service. There is $5,500 that can be allocated for services if$4,500 is spent on the literacy program the $1,000 left over could not be used for service. It will be put in the pool for capital projects. Mayor Matteson, asked Assistant City Manager Donlevy if he has any recommendations. _Assistant Citv Manager Donlevv, responded that he recommends allocating $4,500 to the County of San Bernardino Library. Mavor. Pro Tem Buchanan, stated that he feels that $4,500 should be allocated to the County of San Bernardino Library. He stated that he feels that it is to the communities benefit to spend all of the available service related dollars. $500 for the Shoppin' 4 Seniors and apply $500 to another program. Assistant Cit_v Manager Donlevv, suggested that Council possibly look at funding the Steelworkers Oldtimers Foundation allowing minor home repair for seniors. Jo Ann Johnson, indicated that she would like to see the Steelworkers Oldtimers Foundation funded, CC-99-17 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to establish a list of projects for the 1999-2000 Community Development Block Grant Funding Year with an allocation of $4,500 to the County of San Bernardino Library Grand Terrace Branch for the literacy education program, $500 to the Elder Citizen Protection Services, Inc for the Shoppin' 4 Seniors to allow the continuation of senior grocery shopping and delivery, and $500 to the Steelworkers Oldtimers Foundation to allow the continuation of the minor home repair program for seniors and authorize staff to submit the funding list to the County of San Bernardino. UNFMSHED BUSINESS 7A. , Second Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace, California Approving General Plan Amendment GPU-99-01, E-98-15 Adding the Air Quality Element and Respective Negative Declaration Council Minutes February 25, 1999 Page 5 CC-99-18 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, . . SECOND BY COUNCn ffimBER HILKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the Second Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace, California Approving General Plan Amendment GPU-99-01, E-98-15 Adding the Air Quality Element and Respective Negative Declaration NEW BUSINESS 8A. Council Biographies on the City's Web Page CC-99-19 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, CARRIED 4-1 (COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY VOTED NO), to include basic information on the City's Web Page about the City Council members such.as name, title, mailing address, phone number, term of office, photo, fax number, and E-mail address. 8B. GIS/Web Page Division Update and Presentation Community and Economic Development Director Materassi gave a presentation on the GIS/Web Page Division. 8C. Economic Base Analysis by John Husing, P.h.D. John Husing, P.h.D., gave a presentation on the data that forms the foundation of the recommendations for the city with regard to economic development. A Summary of the data concludes that Grand Terrace is a small community with prosperous .families who are largely commuting to white collar jobs. The property values in the community are rising and there is an opportunity to add some high priced.executive style homes. The lack of space will probably limit most population growth. Residents have relatively high incomes, however, there is a low per capita retail sales, which means a substantial amount of tax dollars that go to municipal services are going somewhere else. It is important to try to get more retail sales onto the Barton Road corridor and to focus on the commercial and industrial property that is essentially vacant which is the one part of the city that is clearly visible as you drive down the freeway. . Grand Terrace is a largely residential community with a disproportionate number of well educated better paid workers living in it. It has one of the smallest populations in the Inland Empire. The community has limited land area with only a couple of places where there is not build out. There is a substantial possibility for unaffordable housing. There is an industrial commercial area.that has not been developed yet. Grand Terrace sits on a major freeway link. Residents are going somewhere else to shop causing the City to lose sales tax dollars and because of the topographical problem with virtually invisible signage we are unable to gain dollars. There are problems with the industrial area having no great freeways access. Given all of.the data his reccomendations are to get involved with SANBAG and IEEP in order to get some leverage regionally. He suggested maintaining the residential areas and suggested building upscale residential areas. Council Minutes February 25, 1999 Page 6 He also suggested placing City of Grand Terrace on the large signs that say Barton Road or to change the name to Grand Terrace Blvd. The commercial and industrial zone should be developed in the same character as the rest of the City and indicated that the marketing of the City is a very important issue with regards to its economic development. 8D. Economic Development Division Update & Presentation It was the consensus of the Council to continue this item to the next Council meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 11, 1999. 8E. Resolution - Setting Priorities for Filing Written Arguments Regarding a City Measure and Directing the City Attorney to Prepare an Impartial Analysis CC-99-20 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, CARRIED 5-0, to appoint Dan Buchanan and Herman Hilkey to prepare written argument to be published and distributed to voters and to adopt a Resolution Setting Priorities for Filing Written Argument Regarding a City Measure and Directing the City Attorney to Prepare an Impartial Analysis. CLOSED SESSION - None ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT Mayor Matteson adjourned the City Council Meeting at 9:23 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 11, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. CITY CLERK of the City/f Grand Terrace . _ Al#'�dit'of the City of Grand Terrace