05/13/1999 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING- MAY 13. 1999 A regular meeting of the City Council o_f the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on May 13, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Jim Singley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City.Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patrizia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Lt. Pete Ortiz, Sheriffs Department ABSENT: Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director John Harper, City Attorney The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Salim Elias, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Garcia. ITEMS TO DELETE None SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A. Proclamation - Water Awareness Month Councilmember Hilkey read a proclamation proclaiming the month of May 1999 as Water Awareness Month and urged all citizens to be responsible water users and protectors. 2B. Water Awareness Month Poster Contest Winners from Terrace View Maryetta Ferrel, Principal from Terrace View Elementary School, announced that each year Riverside Highland Water Company holds a poster contest for students in the category of water awareness. This year the theme is "Conserve Water It's Easier Than You Think." She indicated that first and second place winners are chosen from each grade level and then one sweepstake winner is chosen from those students and receives a $100 savings bond from Riverside Highland Water Company. She introduced each of the winners while,they displayed their posters and plaques. Council Minutes May 13, 1999 Page 2 . 2C. Proclamation - Inland Empire Hearts of Our Cities Gala Dinner - June 3, 1999 Councilmember Garcia read the Proclamation urging City residents to support.the American Heart Association and its volunteers in the fight against cardiovascular diseases and stroke through the first annual Inland Empire Hearts of Our Cities Gala Dinner on June 3, 1999. 2D. Commendation - Raul Colunga Mayor Pro Tem Buchanan read a commendation to Raul Colunga for the outstanding and dedicated work that he has provided to the City of Grand Terrace and wished him well in all of his future endeavors. 2E. Proclamation -.National Salvation Army Week Councilmember Singley read a proclamation proclaiming National Salvation Army Week in the City of Grand Terrace and presented it to Phil.Nash. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-99-75 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILN EMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following consent calendar items: 3A. Approval of Check Register No. 051399 3B. Ratify 05-13-99 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D. Approval of 04-22-99 Minutes 3E. Award Contract Slurry Seal California Pavement Maintenance 3F. Award Contract - Street Striping Services - Arrow Straight Marking and Striping Services 3G. Authorization to go to Bid - Senior Center Expansion 3H.- . Reallocation of Road Funds - Street Maintenance 3I. Authorize Council Travel to Sacramento to Attend the League of California Cities Legislative Action Briefing PUBLIC COMMENT --The Grand Terrace Republican Women presented Tony Petta with a plaque in appreciation for the use of his building as a meeting location for the group. . Thelma Winkler, 12570 Mt. Vernon Avenue, expressed her concern with the proposed utility tax and stated that she is opposed to it. Tonv Petta, indicated that he supports the proposed utility tax based on statements and presentations that have been made by the City Manager. Council Minutes May 13, 1999 Page 3 ORAL REPORTS 5A. Committee Reports 1. Historical and Cultural Activities Committee a. Minutes of April 5, 1999 CC-99-76 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the April 5, 1999 minutes of the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee. 5B. Council Reports Mavor Pro Tem Buchanan, reported that he attended the Art Show that was held on May 2, 1999. He congratulated the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee on the Art Show and felt that it was a great event. He indicated that the City has looked into several other alternatives as opposed to a utility tax and that there are no other choices. He stated that he supports the proposed utility tax. Councilmember Sinalev, stated that he supports the proposed utility tax. The state has robbed the City of their property taxes causing the City to dip into the reserves. If the City continues in this direction, the reserves will be depleted in approximately five years. The quality of life is our most valuable asset. Councilmember Hilkev, indicated that the City has lost four employees over the last month and feels that this raises a red flag. Grand Terrace does not have a retail income. He feels that the quality of life that the residents are use to has to be supported. It is staffs and Council's opinion that the quality of life will deteriorate because the up keep can't be afforded and that is why the Council is proposing a utility tax. Councilmember Garcia, she questioned whether there was a way that the poster contest participants and art show participants art can be displayed for everyone to see. She reported that June 5, -1999 is Grand Terrace Days. She attended the SANBAG meeting where they discussed a state wide tax to pay for freeway expansion. She reported that Action for Better Cities is being looked at by the State Legislators. Assemblyman Leonard will be speaking at the Inland Empire Division of the League of California Cities meeting where he will discuss the bill that he has written on the return of ERAF dollars. The League is looking at different fees that are charged to cities and are working on ways to eliminate them. She stated that the Council took a vote to place the proposed utility tax on the ballot and that it is up to the community to decide whether they want it or not. Mavor Matteson, indicated that the Council voted to place the proposed utility tax on the ballot and that it doesn't mean that everyone supports it. It will be up to the voters. PUBLIC HEARING Council Minutes May 13, 1999 Page 4 6A. Resolution Approving TPM-97-01 (Tentative Parcel Map 15068) Associate Planner Lampe, indicated that this is a request by W.J. McKeaver, representing the property owners of Ann and Tony Petta, to divide a 1.24 acre parcel into two (2) separate parcels. The property-in-question is located westerly of Honey Hill Drive just south of the intersection of Honey Bill.Drive and Westwood Street. Mayor Matteson opened discussion to-the public. Conrad Salinas, expressed his concern with the erosion on the proposed site. He stated that parcel 1 is smaller than the existing homes in Honey Hills and will do nothing for the quality of life for those in the surrounding homes. Eloise Reves, 11900 Honey Hill Drive, indicated that her home is just north of parcels 1 and 2. She expressed her concern with the proposed division of the parcel and the size of the proposed homes. She urged the Council not to approve the proposed split of the parcel. Tonv Petta, 11875 Eton Drive, stated that he intends to be a good neighbor and that as a real estate professional he is committed to the preservation and the protection of property rights and that he will respect his neighbors rights to enjoy their property. He stated that when he purchased this lot it was a little mountain similar to honey hills prior to development. ._Over the years he has seen Honey Hills develop into the most.beautiful residential development in the Inland Empire. He wants his lot to display the same degree of excellence that is seen in Honey. Hills. He has hired the same master craftsmen that developed Honey Hills. Mayor Matteson returned discussion to the Council. . Mavor Matteson,asked Mr. Petta whether there was a fault that ran through this parcel. Mr. Petta, responded that he is unaware of any fault running through his property. Mavor Matteson, questioned the grading of the property. Mr. Petta, responded that twice a year the lot is graded and weeded. There .is some erosion going down into the gutter and that he has been shoveling the gutter. He stated that when this property is landscaped it will loot:just like Honey Hills and the ground cover will hold everything down. Councilmember Hilkev, questioned the size of the lots west of the property. Associate Planner Lampe, responded that they average 11,000 and 13,000 square feet. Councilmember Garcia, questioned the safety and seismic issue. Citv Engineer Addineton, everyone in Grand Terrace is within 2 to 3 miles of the San Council Minutes May 13, 1999 Page 5 Jacinto Fault which is on the other side of Reche Canyon and it is an active fault. This parcel has no more hazard than any of the homes in this area. He indicated that as an engineer he is comfortable with Grand Terrace because this regions is not subject to liquefaction. He feels that when the site is developed and stabilized there will be far less erosion than in the current state. Councilmember Sinalev, asked Mr. Petta if the homes to the north of his parcel were there when he purchased the property except the Miller home. Mr. Petta, responded in the negative. Councilmember Sinelev, stated that he believes in property rights and doesn't see a problem with the parcel split. Councilmember Garcia, stated that when the property is developed it will have to come back to the Planning Commission and that all property owners will be notified. .Mavor Pro Tem Buchanan, stated that he feels that the proposed subdivision is an `appropriate use of the property. .He feels that most of the concerns that have been raised -are most appropriately addressed in the Site and Architectural Review process. CC-99-77 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the Resolution approving TPM-97-01 -Tentative Parcel Map 15068 ,.6B. An Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Approving General Plan Amendment GPU-99-02 Amending the Housing Element of the City General Plan and Approving Related Negative Declaration Joann Lombardo. Housine Consultant, stated that the Housing Element covers the planning period from 1989-1999, detailing a schedule of actions the Grand Terrace community is undertaking or plans to undertake to achieve its housing goals and objectives. It updates and expands the City's 1992 draft Housing Element. The following updates are being proposed: 1. A strategy to preserve the affordability'of 111 rental units at the Highlands Apartments called "at risk housing analysis," During the years 1989-91, the City provided bond financing and density bonuses to successfully provide 556 multi- family housing units at the Highlands Apartments, 111 of which are affordable to low income households. The original mortgage revenue bond issue for the Highlands Apartments, as guaranteed by the City, stipulated that the affordability controls imposed on these units would not begin to expire until the year 2020. However, this stipulation was not legally binding, and the property owners, Forest Management Company, refinanced the bond. The affordability controls will begin to expire by the end of 1999. This places 111 affordable rental units in the City of Grand Terrace at risk. Since learning of the units at risk status, the City has been actively negotiating with the Forest Management Company to Council Minutes May 13, 1999 Page 6 preserve the affordability of the 111 units. 2. Allocation of redevelopment tax increment funds to subsidize 57 of the market rate Highlands apartment units to make these units affordable to very low income households. These subsidized units would be in addition to the 111 affordable units mentioned above. 3. Commitment to permit and to financially assist mixed use residential development in the Barton Road commercial area, with the provision that 15 dwelling units be affordable to very low income senior citizens. 4. A proposed amendment to the density bonus ordinance that will comply with State law. Pursuant to State housing element law, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is empowered to review the housing element of each community to certify whether it complies with State law. Our updated Housing Element addresses all comments.previously raised by HCD.. HCD has reviewed our updated Element and has found that, upon its adoption by the Grand Terrace City Council, the Mousing Element will be in full compliance with the law. :Mayor Matteson,opened discussion to-the public, there being none he returned discussion to Council. CC-99-78 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the first reading of an Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace,.California, Approving General Plan Amendment GPU-99-02 Amending the Horsing Element of the City General Plan and Approving Related.Negative Declaration. 6C. Traffic Signal and Circulation Improvement Fee Ordinance to be Used by the City to Construct Traffic Signal and Roadway Improvements Required as Outlined in.the Circulation Element Update Study. CC-99-79 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to continue the Traffic Signal and Circulation Improvement Fee Ordinance to July 8, 1999. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7A. Second Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Adding a Chapter, "Rollerskating, Skateboarding, and Bicycling Prohibited in Certain Designated Areas.," to the Grand!Terrace Municipal Code CC-99-80 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIFM 5-0, to approve the second reading Council Minutes May 13, 1999 Page 7 of an Ordinance of the.City of Grand Terrace, California, Adding a Chapter, "Rollerskating, Skateboarding, and Bicycling Prohibited in Certain Designated Areas," to the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. NEW BUSINESS 8A. Authorization to Design/Bid - Sewer Manhole Modifications CC-99-81 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, CARRIED 4-1-0-0 (COUNCIT 1 MIF IBER HILKEY VOTED NO), to authorize staff to Design and Bid for locking manholes along Barton Road Sewer Easement. CLOSED SESSION - None ORDER.OF ADJOURNMENT Mayor>�.Matteson adjourned the City Council Meeting at 8:05 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting .which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace MAOR of the `y�of band Terrace