03/06/1980CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ` COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 6, 1980 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at 12354 Mt. Vernon, First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, Grand Terrace, California, at 6:18 p.m. on March 6, 1980. PRESENT: Tony Petta, Mayor Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Pro Tempore Doug Erway, Councilman Hugh J. Grant, Councilman Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Eugene Nazarek, Attorney representing Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency Joe Kicak, City Engineer Myrna Lindahl, Executive Secretary/Deputy City Clerk ABSENT: Jack Allen, Councilman The meeting was opened with invocation by Paster Salim Elias, Azure Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Commissioner John McDowell. CONTINUED JOINT PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Continued Advertised Joint Public Hearing of the Community Redevelopment Agency and the City Council on the proposed First Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Project. Attorney Eugene Nazarek, representing the Grand Terrace Community Redevel- opment Agency, gave a Staff presentation stating the Joint Public Hearing had been continued from February 21, 1980, to allow the County of San Bernardino to clarify certain portions of the proposed First Amendment. As of this date, the San Bernardino County Staff, the City and the Community Redevelopment Agency are in accordance. Mr. Nazarek reported the changes were not substantial, but were made so the City and the Community Redevelopment Agency will know exactly how much tax increment they will receive and the Auditor -Controller of San Bernardino County will know how to allocate the various revenues. Mr. Nazarek identified each modification which had been made, as well as the affect of each item on the proposed First Amendment to the Redevel- opment Plan, and recommended, subject to any further testimony received in Public Hearing, that the Amendment be approved. Page one - 3/6/80 Mayor Petta opened Public Hearing on this matter, and the following citizens addressed the City Council and the Community Redevelopment Agency: Mr. Ken Rinderhagen, 12738 Wilmac Avenue, asked to what extent the success of the Program depends on the tax money. Mr. Nazarek replied the tax increment allows the Agency a tax revenue by which it can finance public improvements needed city-wide, such as drainage, flood control, City Hall, Fire Station, Parks, etc. The effect of the Amendment is the Agency will now have less than half the previously anticipated tax revenue to finance projects. Mr. Rinderhagen then questioned what would happen to the Community Redevelopment Agency should the State of California choose to sue the Community Redevelopment Agency for the 43% tax increment that will be going to the Community Redevelopemnt Agency rather than the Colton Joint Unified School District. Mr. Nazarek replied San Bernardino County is expected to dismiss litigation regarding the Redevelopment Plan shortly after the First Amendment is adopted. There is a 60 day period following the effective date of the Ordinance in which to file a suit, addressing the Amendment only, regarding invalid or improper allocation of the tax increment. If a suit is not filed within 60 days, no one thereafter can file a suit. Dolores Kossman, 22735 De Soto, referred to a newspaper article indicating Colton Joint Unified School District School Board is considering joining with the County of San Bernardino in the lawsuit against the Community Redevelopment Agency and asked if this is a possibility. Mr. Nazarek replied he understands San Bernardino County plans to dismiss their action. The School Board of the Colton Joint Unified School District has not filed a response to the lawsuit, and the period for filing responses expired two (2) months ago. San Bernardino County Counsel has indicated the School District will not suffer any financial impact as a result of this Amendment. Dolores Kossman asked if this will affect the handicapped students. Mr. Nazarek replied they are provided for in the 57% tax increment. Dolores Kossman then questioned how a tax would be levied to pay taxes and principal for bonded indebtedness. Attorney Nazarek replied two-thirds of the voters would have to approve a proposed bonded indebtedness allowed under Proposition 13, which, if approved by the voters, would then be levied equally in all affected areas. Mayor Petta closed Public Hearing RECESS Mayor Petta called a Recess at 6:40 p.m. Council reconvened at 6:45 p.m. with all Members present, except Councilman Allen. RESOLUTION NO. 80-8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, MAKING ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION OF THE PROPOSED FIRST AMENDMENT TO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT DETERMINING THAT SAID FIRST AMENDMENT DOES NOT RESULT IN A SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE IN SAID PROJECT; AND MAKING OTHER DETERMINATIONS Page two - 3/6/80 CC-80-63 Following briefing by Attorney Nazarek recommending approval, Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Erway and carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 80-8 as presented. ORDINANCE NO. (FIRST READING) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CLAIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Following briefing by Attorney Nazarek and recommendation to adopt CC-80-64 the first reading of the Ordinance by title only, Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Erway and carried unanimously to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. next in sequence by title only. ITEMS DELETED FROM AGENDA Agenda Item 6B - Urban Futures, Inc., Final Billing. This Item was deferred to the Executive Session, Item No. 11 on the Agenda. Agenda Item 7A - Approval of Agreement with Gale Carr & Associates. This Item was acted upon by the Community Redevelopment Agency. ITEM ADDED TO AGENDA Under Executive Session, Agenda Item 11 - Approval of Letter to Citibank of New York. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - FEBRUARY 21, 1980 Following discussion and amendment of Motion No. CC-80-59 to includg authorization of funds for sewer trench failures throughout the City, CC-80-65 Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Erway, to approve the Minutes of February 21, 1980, as amended. CC-80-66 Following discussion and additional correction, Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast to amend Motion No. CC-80-65 to include additional correction, seconded by Councilman Grant. The Motion to amend carried unanimously, and the Amended Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were removed from the Consent Calendar: B. Approve request to join Community Redevelopment Administrators Organization. Cost $500.00. C. Approve Organization Chart and Job Descriptions. E. Approval to Eliminate Ways & Means Committee. Page three - 3/6/80 G. Authorization to request proposals for Data Processing. K. Approve street name change for Flicker Street & budget appropriation to purchase replacement signs and legal and administrative changes to applicable maps & records of the City and County. CC-80-67 Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Grant and carried unanimously to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: A. Approval of Check Register No. 030680 D. Approval for Ilene Dughman to attend Secretarial Conference on Emergency Services in Sacramento April 29-30. (State will refund cost of this to the City) F. Approve budget appropriation for 1979/80 for overtime per Staff Report. H. RESOLUTION NO. 80-9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, INDICATING ITS INTENT TO IMPLEMENT PRIOR TO DECEMBER 31, 1982, HEREIN DEFINED "REASONABLY AVAILABLE CONTROL MEASURES" FROM THE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN. I. Approve Release of Road Bonds for Tract 9545 in amount of $100,000.00. J. Approve Release of Street Improvement Bond for John & Evelyn Russell in amount of $4,000.00. RECESS Mayor Petta called a Recess at 6:55 p.m. Council reconvened at 7:19 p.m., with all Members present, except Councilman Allen. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATORS ORGANIZATION Following discussion, action on this Item was deferred to the City Council meeting of March 20, 1980, for further clarification. ORGANIZATION CHART AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS CC-80-68 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Erway, seconded by Councilman Grant and carried unanimously to approve the Organization Chart as presented. Motion was made by Councilman Grant to approve the Job Descriptions as revised. Motion died for lack of a second. Recommended changes were proposed on the Job Descriptions by Councilmen Erway and Tillinghast. This matter was then delayed to a future Council meeting. Page four - 3/6/80 WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE City Manager Seth Armstead briefed Council stating the Ways & Means Committee had been inactive since the resignation of Chairman Eugene Tidwell, and recommended elimination of this Committee until such time as further consideration is felt to be necessary. Glenda Jay, 22415 Tanager, Recording Secretary for the Ways & Means Committee, addressed Council, stating she felt a member of Staff should have been assigned to the Committee to be a Coordinator between the Committee and the City Staff; felt Staff did not coordinate with the Committee in areas in which they should have been concerned; and proper consideration was not given to the Committee's recommendations which were submitted. Mayor Petta recommended Glenda Jay meet with Staff prior to further Council consideration of this matter. PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR DATA PROCESSING CC-80-69 Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Erway and carried unanimously to delay further action on authorizing Staff to request proposals for Data Processing until a later Council meeting. Councilman Tillinghast stated his reason for this Motion is that in discussion in the Workshop Session, Council's general feeling was that the specifications for the proposals on Data Processing need to be expounded upon, and this will allow Staff adequate time to prepare the necessary requested proposal. The Motion carried unanimously. STREET NAME CHANGE - FLICKER STREET CC-80-70 Following discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Erway and carried unanimously to defer this Item to the City Council meeting of March 20, 1980. This action was taken to allow input from the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee and the Volunteer Services Committee regarding this matter. HISTORICAL & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman Koleta Green reported on the following: (1) Most Council Members and City Manager portraits have been taken. They will be black and white, 11 X 14, and will be placed in the City Hall; (2) Dr. Paul Allen, History Teacher, San Bernardino Valley College, will make a presentation to the Committee of the history of San Bernardino Valley on April 1. The place for this presentation will be set at a later date; (3) A Grand Terrace Community Theatre has been established, with Karen Miller as Director. A production is scheduled at Terrace Hills Junior High School the last two weekends in May; (f) Interviewing of Pioneers is going very well. Mr. Jack Wildman and four assistants are compiling this information. Page five - 3/6/80 Mayor Petta and Councilman Grant requested Chairman Koleta Green investigate the possibility of a retake of their pictures. (6) The Committee will meet Wednesday, March 12, and will consider street names at that time. ORDINANCE NO. 30 (SECOND READING) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 275-242-24, ZONE CHANGE NO. E223-120 (ZC 80-01) CC-80-71 Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Erway and carried unanimously to adopt Ordinance No. 30 by title only. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman Geoff Dooley reported on the following: (1) Approximately 75 entries have been received for the run "Train Don't Strain" to be held March 30; (2) Vacancy still exists for an Alternate Member; (3) Staff is presently sending letters to approximately 78 applicants who applied for the position of Parks & Recreation Director, advising them the filling of this position has been postponed to FY 1980-81. RECESS Mayor Petta called a Recess at 7:52 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:03 p.m., with all Members present, except for Councilman Allen. ENERGY COMMITTEE REPORT ESTABLISHMENT OF TASK FORCE Leader Doug Erway announced he is now a Certificated State Energy Auditor. Following a briefing by Mr. Erway regarding his Memo dated February 29, 1980, to Council, and a recommendation to establish a Task Force to CC-80-72 establish an Energy Plan, Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Tillinghast and carried unanimously to approve establish- ment of a Task Force and to authorize the City Manager to draft a letter to members of the community inviting participation on this Task Force for the purpose of establishing a Comprehensive Energy Plan for the City. (A copy of this Memorandum is on file in the City Clerk's Office.) PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT Commissioner John McDowell reported on the following: (1) Council was provided Minutes of the Planning Commission Workshop held February 25, 1980. Stated the Planning Commission had drafted a Resolution request- ing the status of various ordinances, such as the Solar Access Ordinance Page six - 3/6/80 and the Building Security Ordinance, which have been reviewed by the Planning Commission; (2) Reported on the League of California Cities 1980 Planning Commissioners Institute in San Diego, February 27-29. (A copy of Commissioner McDowell's report is on file in the City Clerk's office.) VOLUNTEER SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman Bob Yeates reported on the following: Bob Yeates, Ken Rinderhagen and Clyde Gunderson attended a "Keep America Beautiful" Conference in Riverside, and as a result of information obtained from that Conference, recommended Council eliminate the function of a clean community service organization from the Volunteer Services Committee. Bob Yeates and Ken Rinderhagen then briefed Council regarding the proposed establishment of a Grand Terrace Clean Community System Organization and its proposed functions, stating this would not be a City organization, but would be comprised of individuals from local schools, business and industry; requested Council support and formally recognize such an organization. CC-80-73 Motion was made by Councilman Grant that the Council support the creation of a Grand Terrace Clean Community System Organization to be responsible for activities as outlined by Mr. Yeates. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Tillinghast and carried on AYE votes of Councilmen Tillinghast, Grant and Mayor Petta. Councilman Erway abstained since he was not present for the presentation during the Public Work Session. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Tillinghast reported he will attend a conference put on by the League of California Cities in Lakewood on Monday, March 10, regarding merchandising of drug habits and strategies to combat drug paraphernalia sales in California. Councilman Erway reported he attended a SCAG Energy meeting in behalf of the City. Mayor Petta reported he will attend the County Flood Control Committee meeting Wednesday, March 19. Councilman Grant reported on the following: L11 Recently represented the City at the SCAG General Assembly meeting. The two primary issues discussed which would concern our City were matters regarding Air Travel in Southern California and Energy; C21 Supervisor Edwin Jones of Ventura County, SCAG President, has a written strong opposition to Proposition 9.. Councilman Grant has this information upon request; (3) Reported that in San Bernardino County there is an organization called the San Bernardino County Criminal Justice and Delinquency Preyention Planning District. Councilman Grant briefed Council regarding this organization, and recommended Grand Terrace enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with this organization. The cost to the City will be $264.75. Page seven - 3/6/80 CC-80-74 Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Tillinghast, that this Council go on record as expressing its desire to participate in the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979 in accordance with a memorandum from the San Bernardino County Criminal Justice and Delinquency Prevention Planning District also known as Region V, and the Arrowhead Justice Association dated February 8, 1980, and received by the Grand Terrace City Manager on February 28,1980, with the specific condition that the City of Grand Terrace participate as a full and equal partner within the District with all the rights and privileges exercised by the County of San Bernardino and all of the other municipalities who are parties to an existing Second Amendment to a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, and with the additional condi- tion that the City of Grand Terrace be entitled, as an integral part of this action and its membership in the District, to a Delegate to the Region V Planning Board, who shall exercise the rights of a principal member of said Board, with all the rights and privileges accorded to all other such Members of said Board. The Motion carried unanimously. POLICE CHIEF REPORT Proposed Speed Limit Signs and Signal - this Item was deferred to the City Council meeting of March 20, 1980. Councilman Tillinghast requested Staff to see that a Yield Right -Of - Way sign is placed at the intersection of Holly and Brentwood, as approved by Council at the City Council meeting of December 6, 1979. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF GRAND TERRACE & NEWPORT EQUITIES Attorney Ivan Hopkins briefed Council regarding a Settlement Agreement with Newport Equities Trust, and recommended Council approve the Agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute. CC-80-75 Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Erway and carried unanimously to authorize the Settlement Agreement between the City of Grand Terrace and Newport Equities Trust. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Seth Armstead reported on the following: (1) AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FOR STORM DAMAGE CC-80-76 Following recommendation and briefing by City Manager Armstead, Motion was made by Councilman Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Grant and carried unanimously to declare an emergency and authorize the City Manager to apply for Federal Assistance under Federal Law 288 for Streets that have been damaged in the City of Grand Terrace by the rain since January, 1980. Page eight - 3/6/80 (2) Reported the City presently has investments of approximately $500,000.00 which are accruing interest at a rate of 14%. Mayor Petta commended City Manager Armstead for excellent management of City funds. (3) FUND-RAISING ACTIVITIES Reported various non-profit organizations have submitted information regarding planned Fund -Raising Activities to be conducted in the City, and requested Council policy regarding handling of such matters. Following discussion and consultation with City Attorney Hopkins, Council agreed to a "Hands Off" policy in these matters. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The following citizens addressed Council: Bob Yeates, 12888 Fremontia, regarding the proposed Speed Limit Signs and Signals as presented by the Sheriff's office, and recommended at the intersection of Vivienda and Barton Road, some device to stop traffic at that intersection. Mr. Yeates also requested permission to use the garage facility presently leased by the City on Mt. Vernon to be used by the Grand Terrace Clean Community System Organization. CC-80-77 Motion was made by Councilman Erway, seconded by Councilman Grant and carried unanimously to cooperate with the Grand Terrace Clean Community System Organization by providing space in the City building located at 12189 Mt. Vernon Avenue until the expiration of the Lease, June 30, 1980, Geoff Dooley, 22432 Franklin Street, voiced concern over the disrepair of the vacant houses located on Barton Road and on Mt. Vernon Avenue, and requested immediate action. Staff is to take action on this matter. Mr. Dooley also stated on Barton Road there are certain trees that overhang the sidewalk, hampering pedestrian traffic; some trees have been cut and the branches left on the sidewalk; and some tree branches overhang the street, hampering the street sweeping. Staff is to take immediate action on this item. Bob Yeates, 12888 Fremontia, stated there is a house and a garage in total disrepair at the east end of Pico. John McDowell, 22690 Cardinal, stated there are ordinances which have been reviewed by the Planning Commission that would take care of matters such as this, and hopes those ordinances will be brought before Council soon. Dolores Kossman, 22735 De Soto, voiced objection to including the program on "We Tip" and "War on Arson" in the Council meeting of March 20, 1980 Agenda. Don Fishback, 22491 De Berry, asked when the red paint on the curb on De Berry, in front of the apartments, will be removed. Page nine - 3/6/80 Following discussion, Staff was directed to take immediate action to clean the red paint off all City curbs as outlined in the Traffic Control Signs and Curb Marking Plan. 0 Mary Robinson, 22631 Minona Drive, asked why the City will only receive 43%of the tax increment under the Redevelopment Plan. John McDowell, 22690 Cardinal, stated should the City wish to consider a separate School District, he has all the facilities and information to accomplish this. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council adjourned to Executive Session at 9:23 p.m. with City Manager Seth Armstead, Attorney Ivan Hopkins, Administrative Services/Finance Officer Edward Clark in attendance. RECONVENE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of the City Council reconvened at 10:42 p.m. with all members present, except Councilman Allen. Mayor Petta reported the Executive Session dealt with litigation and no action was taken. ADJOURN The regular meeting of the City Council was adjourned at 10:43 p.m. A Public Work Session will be held Thursday, March 20, 1980, at 4:00 p.m. followed by the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved: Me, _ �L� . Page ten - 3/6/80