05/22/1980CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - MAY 22, 1980 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City called to order at 12354 Mt. Vernon, First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, California, at 4:07 p.m., on May 22, 1980. PRESENT: Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Jim Rigley, Councilman Seth Armstead, City Manager Joe Kicak, City Engineer of Grand Terrace was Grand Terrace, ABSENT: Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Myrna Lindahl, Executive Secretary/Deputy City Clerk ITEM ADDED TO AGENDA Agenda Item 3 - Approval of letter to California State Assembly Criminal Justice Committee Members. _ f SB 1660 (PRESLEY) - LEGISLATION FOR CONTROL OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA Mayor Tillinghast read a letter he had prepared which expressed Council's support of Senate Bill 1660 (Presley), legislation for control of drug paraphernalia; and, with Council's concurrence, directed Staff to send a letter to each member of the California State Assembly Criminal Justice Committee. GOALS & BUDGET The following items were discussed: COMMUNICATION BETWEEN COUNCIL AND MANAGEMENT Following discussion, the consensus of Council for a news release policy was the Mayor be the spokesman for Council, and policy statements should come from the Mayor, with concurrence of Council; in the Mayor's absence, the spokesman would be the next Council Member in line. Management will only release news.Jlaterial relating to administrative matters, action taken by Council and agenda information. f Page one - 5/22/80 CITY/COUNTY CONTRACTS Councilman Grant and Councilman Petta were appointed to work with the City Manager and Staff to negotiate the contracts between the City and the County of San Bernardino. Following discussion of Law Enforcement, Road and Maintenance and Weed Abatement Contracts, Council concurred to defer further discussion until after the negotiations with the County. TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTRACT 5.35 ACRE PARK SITE CIVIC SITE CENTER PURCHASE CITY ENGINEER CONTRACT STREET LIGHTING Discussion included: (1) The possibility of establishing an Assessment Lighting District for new developments under the Street Lighting Act of 1974; the established areas developing their own districts. (2) The possibility of establishing a Landscaping Maintenance District. (3) Street lighting as a preventative measure against crime, which could reduce the amount of law enforcement required by the City. AUDITING SERVICES 0 Policy regarding selection of an auditing firm for FY 1979/80 and future audits was discussed. Staff was directed to furnish Council with an estimate from Vasquez, Quezada & Navarro, Certified Public Accountants, for hourly and fixed costs for performing the City's 1979/80 audit. RECESS Mayor Tillinghast called a Recess at 6:04 p.m. Council reconvened at 6:14 p.m., with all members present. LEASE AGREEMENT - 12189 MT. VERNON Following discussion, Staff was directed to negotiate an extension of the City's lease with Zampese and DeBenedet for the building at 12189 Mt. Vernon Avenue for the purpose of accomodating the CETA Program, which is approved through September 30, 1980. Page two - 5/22/80 fl STREET SWEEPING AGREEMENT STREET SWEEPING AGREEMENT Following discussion, Staff was directed to look into other street sweeping firms and Engineering was directed to investi- gate the possibility of dumping debris from the street sweeper into a ravine. TRASH PICKUP FRANCHISE Following discussion, Council concurred to leave the City's trash pickup as is. STREET SLURRY SEAL City Engineer Joe Kicak briefed Council on the Street Slurry Seal status. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COSTS 4 City Manager Seth Armstead briefed Council on the City's project status; announced the Standard & Poors meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m., May 28, to give a bond rating for the Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds Issue of 1980 for the City of Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency. 1980/81 BUDGET Council requested a line item budget as soon as possible for items other than those which have to be negotiated with the County. City Manager Armstead stated they would have one for the June 5 Council Meeting. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Following discussion and questions, City Manager Seth Armstead stated the Calendar for the General Plan Amendment will be on the Agenda for the June 5, 1980, Public Work Wession for the purpose of discussion and preparation for Hearings of the General Plan Amendment. TAX FREE STATUS OF THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GRAND TERRACE City Manager Seth Armstead briefed Council on the tax free status of the First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace due to the City holding Council and Planning Commission meetings there. Opposition by some citizens to the City holding public meetings in a church and the possibility of holding City public meetings f-- in the Community Center was discussed. No action was taken. Page three - 5/22/80 ADJOURN CC-80-172 Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Councilman Grant and carried unanimously to adjourn the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council at 7:15 p.m. A Public Work Session will be held Thursday, June 5, 1980, at 4:00 p.m., followed by the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted APPROVED: Page four - 5/22/80