10/02/1980CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 1980 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at 12354 Mt. Vernon, First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, Grand Terrace, California, at 6:15 p.m. on October 2, 1980. PRESENT: Thomas A. Tillinghast, Mayor Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Edward Clark, Finance/Administrative Services Officer Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer Myrna Lindahl, City Clerk ABSENT: Jim Rigley, Councilman Seth Armstead, City Manager The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Junsik Yoo, Loma Linda Korean Church of Seventh Day Adventist, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Geoff Dooley. ITEMS ADDED TO AGENDA Item 9 - Executive Session ITEMS DELETED FROM AGENDA Item 6A - ORDINANCE NO. (First Reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 11, PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND FEES, DEDICATIONS OF LAND FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, UTILITIES, PARK PURPOSES, & INSTALLATION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Item 3D - RESOLUTION NO. 80- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF THE RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS ISSUE OF 1980, OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. Page one - 10/2/80 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 18, 1980 CC-80-334 Following corrections to Motion No. CC-80-327, comprehensive landscaping plan, and changing "22799 Barton Road" to "Front Building" on Page 7 - MODIFICATION FUNDS, Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Nix and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve the Minutes of September 18, 1980 as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 22, 1980 CC-80-335 Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve the Minutes of September 22, 1980 as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were removed from the Consent Calendar: 3A - Approval of Check Register No. 100280 3B - Approve Policy for Flowers from City CC-80-336 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Nix and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve the following item on the Consent Calendar: 3C - Approve Amended Contract with San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, and Authorize Mayor to Execute. POLICY - FLOWERS FROM CITY Discussion was held regarding Check #276 on the Check Register, and the establishment of a policy to purchase flowers with City funds. Points raised in discussion were: Setting a precedent by authorizing the City Manager, at his discretion, to expend City funds; Would contract employees be included if the flowers were restricted to Staff; and Whether or not to include authori- zation for occasions such as the death of a public official• outside the City. CC-80-337 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Grant to: A. Establish the policy that the City Manager send flowers at his discretion in the name of, as appropriate, the citizens of - Grand Terrace, Council, and Staff to such instances as funerals, commercial/industrial grand openings, and hospitalized employees. B. Approve Check No. 276 on Check Register No. 100280. Page two - 10/2/80 Motion No. CC-80-337 failed on AYE votes of Councilmen Grant and Petta, with Councilman Nix and Mayor Tillinghast voting NOE. CC-80-338 Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Councilman Petta to: A. Establish the policy that the City Manager send flowers at his discretion in the name of, as appropriate, the citizens of Grand Terrace, Council and Staff to such instances as funerals and hospitalized employees. B. Approve Check No. 276 on Check Register No. 100280. The question was raised if this Motion includes the immediate families of employees and contractual employees, and clarified this would be at the City Manager's discretion. Motion No. CC- 80-338 then passed unanimously by all present. CHECK REGISTER NO. 100280 CC-80-339 Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously, by all present, to approve Check Register No. 100280, with the clarification that Check No. 276 had previously been approved in Motion No. CC-80-338. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Chairman Geoff Dooley recommended the appointment of Ken Howard to the Committee as Alternate. CC-80-340 Motion was made by Mayor Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Petta and carried unanimously, by all present, to appoint Ken Howard as an Alternate to the Parks & Recreation Committee. Chairman Dooley then reported on the following: (1) The City's scheduling of recreational activities on school grounds has been postponed momentarily; (2) Dedication of Terrace Hills Community Park October 12, 1980; (3) Read an article from the Sun -Telegram commending the Grand Terrace youth on their behavior at Glen Helen Park during the Summer Day Camp Program; and (4) Meeting he attended at Dr. Halstead's World Life Research Institute - stated he was impressed with the facilities, and recommended the City accept Dr. Halstead's offer to assist in the areas of trees and fountains, and to work with the Energy Committee. Page three - 10/2/80 ENERGY COMMITTEE Mr. Ed Clark introduced Dave Carmany, hired as Administrative Assistant on September 25, 1980. Dave Carmany then reported the following for the Energy Committee: The Committee is presently formulating an Energy Element to the City's General Plan, which is expected to be completed next week; Outreach Program - Committee requests funding in the amount of 100.00 for the Outreach Program to be used for the expenditure of printing and mailing brochures. CC-80-341 Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Councilman Grant, and carried unanimously by all present to approve the allocation of $100.00 for the Outreach Program. HISTORICAL & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Mr. Ed Clark stated the Planning Commission had recommended the Historical & Cultural Activities Committee consider alternative names for Industry Street. Mayor Tillinghast recommended asking the Historical & Cultural Activities Committee if they would be willing to consider alternate names for Industry Street and submit their recommendations for Council approval. VOLUNTEER SERVICES COMMITTEE Chairman Bob Yeates reported the Volunteer Services Committee will be aiding the Clean Community Systems in an "Untrash Grand Terrace Day" and plans to have a free dump day. CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE Chairperson Judy Rinderhagen reported the following: (1) A Lady Beware Program will be held October 23 at the Terrace Hills Jr. High School; (2) Several Neighborhood Watch meetings are planned; (3) Block Parent Program. FIRE CHIEF REPORT Mayor Tillinghast stated a written Monthly Activities Report was submitted to Council and indicated the number of emergency incidences has not increased over the last year. CITY ENGINEER REPORT City Engineer Joe Kicak reported on the following: Skating Rink Landscaping - Landscaping has been assured by the developer and will be installed at the Skating Rink. Page four - 10/2/80 Barton Road Landscaping - Requested this matter be continued to a subsequent Council meeting as a result of a meeting held with Staff and Dr. Halstead, in which Dr. Halstead indicated a willingness to assist Staff in the preparation and selection of trees for landscaping the northerly side of Barton Road. Traffic Signal Funding - City Engineer Joe Kicak advised Council a Hazard Elimination Application has been submitted which includes funding for a traffic signal to be located at the intersection of Michigan and Barton Road. He recommended redirecting $90,000.00 from the F.A.U. Program, previously allocated for the reconstruction of Mt. Vernon Avenue, to the construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of Michigan and Barton Road, since Caltrans Staff is not optimistic about the application being approved, and due to the hazardous situation at that intersection. In discussion, Council questioned what Caltrans considers high priority in reviewing and approving applications, since this intersection is adjacent to a school, and many near -accidents have occurred. Mr. Kicak stated traffic volume and fatalities are among high -priority considerations. CC-80-342 Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Petta, and carried unanimously, by all present, that the $90,000.00 from the F.A.U. Program that was allocated for the reconstruction of Mt. Vernon Avenue be redirected to the construction of the traffic signal at the intersection of Michigan and Barton Road. Algae Growth on City Streets - City Engineer Joe Kicak referred to a list which had been prepared for Council showing other streets in Grand Terrace with similar problems as Mr. Arkebauer's, and indicated the primary reason for algae growth is the constant water running in the gutters; doesn't feel adjusting the grade will eliminate the problem. Councilman Nix stated he had visited Mr. Arkebauer's residence twice recently and, in both cases, most of the water in the gutters was coming from Mr. Arkebauer's yard. Street Striping Grant - Mr. Kicak reported the Street Striping Grant, which has been approved by Caltrans, can now be administered, since the Slurry Seal Program is nearly completed. Proposals will be requested soon. Nandina Street - Hopes to have Nandina Street sign erected by October 5, 1980. Page five - 10/2/80 CITY ATTORNEY REPORT City Attorney Ivan Hopkins reviewed a letter of clarification written to the Public Utilities Commission regarding a telephone dialing area for the City. Council concurred this letter now reflects Council's intent. CITY MANAGER REPORT Mr. Ed Clark reported the following: Southern California Gas Company has given notice to the Public Utilities Commission regarding lowering rates; (2) Invitation has been received from the County Administrator's Office to have breakfast with the 1980/81 Grand Jury at Griswold's Restaurant in Redlands, 7:30 a.m., Ocotober 6, 1980. CDF Lease - 12167 Mt. Vernon Avenue - Mr. Ed Clark advised Council the lessors, Ernie Zampese and Bill DeBenedet, have requested an increase of $200.00 a month (from $400.00 to $600.00) for rental of those facilities. San Bernardino County has agreed to increase the payment to $500.00 from $400.00 per month effective October 1, 1980, for the lease of those facilities. Following clarification that funds for this expenditure are available due to certain approved positions not being filled at CC-80-343 this time, Motion was made by Mayor Tillinghast, seconded by Councilman Nix, and carried unanimously, by all present, that the City Council subsidize the cost of the CDF Station, County Service Area 38, by the amount of $100.00 per month for the term of the lease San Bernardino County has on the property. RECESS Mayor Tillinghast called a recess at 7:10 p.m. Council reconvened at 7:23 p.m., with all members present except Councilman Rigley. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Applicant: Verda Hixson File/Index: GPA/79-0395/E223-117 Proposal: Amend General Plan, Res 2-4 du/ac to Res 9+ du/ac on 6.32 acres Location: Extending btw Mt. Vernon & Gage Canal, approx. 410' S/o Grand Terrace Road Rep: Robert W. Buchanan Planning Staff, Jean Laurin, advised Council this application was originally submitted in November, 1979, and was delayed pending a geological hazard report to determine if multiple residences would be adversely affected by seismic activity in the area. Determination was reached that multiple residences would be suitable for the site, subject to conditions. Ms. Page six - 10/2/80 Laurin stated the Planning Commission reviewed this matter and recommends amending the Grand Terrace General Plan Land Use Map subject to the Findings. Council questioned the effect of increased traffic, since access will be across from Brentwood. Ms. Laurin stated two accesses will be required, and this matter will be addressed at the time the zone change is considered for this area at the City Council Meeting of October 16, 1980. Mayor Tillinghast opened Public Hearing on this matter. Supporting Testimony Mr. Stanley Proud, 1466 Greenbriar, Corona, representing Mrs. Verda Hixson, stated plans are to construct condominiums of 70 units and feels it will be an asset to the community. Mr. Jay Ruffin, 22491 DeBerry, stated he is a prospective property owner; feels construction of this type will be good for the City, creating a better tax base. Dr. Jack Booker, 11875 Mt. Vernon Avenue, stated he lives directly across from the proposed development and feels this will be an attractive addition to the City. Said Condominiums are valuable to a community, and he does not feel the traffic will be a problem. Opposing Testimony Mr. Homer H. Howell, 11821 Mt. Vernon Avenue, voiced opposition to the proposed zone change from the standpoint that it does not protect the homeowners from less desirable construction and commercial construction in that area. Mr. Howell requested Council place restrictions on the construction as the Planning Commission has done; stated he does not oppose the condominiums. Mayer Tillinghast closed the meeting to Public j:earing. In discussion, Council questioned if restrictions will be set prohibiting mobilehomes. Ms. Laurin stated a "T" Standard can be placed on R-3 limiting it to apartments, condominiums, or townhouse -type developments, and stated this matter will be addressed when the zone change is considered. RESOLUTION NO. 80- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE SECOND CYCLE 1980 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS. CC-80-344 Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Nix, and carried unanimously, by all present, to move introduction of Resolution No. 80- . Second reading will be at the City Council meeting of October 16, 1980, following Public Hearing. Page seven - 10/2/80 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Applicant: City of Grand Terrace File/Index: GPA/80-1020/E221-119 Proposal: Amend General Plan Map & text from Res-4 du/ac, Res-8 du/ac, & Res-16 du/ac to Office Comm. & Gen. Comm. on .300 acrest. Location: Generally btw Michigan & Vista Grande Ave., N & N/s Barton Rd. Rep: Gale Carr Councilman Petta disqualified himself from discussion on this matter due to a conflict of interest. Presentation was made by Planning Staff, Jean Laurin, stating the City had identified areas needing Office and General Commercial and had authorized Gale Carr, Gale Carr & Associates, to conduct a study of this area. As a result of this study, Mr. Carr recommended not only amending the General Plan, but also amending the Land Use Map, the Circulation Element Map, and the text of the General Plan. The Planning Commission has considered this matter and recommends approval by the City Council. Mayor Tillinghast opened Public Hearing on this matter. There being no public testimony for or against this matter, Mayor Tillinghast then closed Public Hearing. In discussion, Council referred to Industry Street becoming a secondary highway and questioned who was responsible for the improvements. Council received clarification that each development would be responsible for improving a portion of that street. RESOLUTION NO. (First Readin A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE SECOND CYCLE 1980 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS CC-80-345 Motion was made by Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Nix, and carried unanimously, by all present, to move introduction of Resolution No. 80- The Motion carried on AYE votes of Councilman Grant, Councilman Nix, and Mayor Tillinghast, with Councilman Petta abstaining due to conflict of interest and Councilman Rigley being absent. Second reading of Resolution will be at the Council meeting of October 16, 1980. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Grant reported the following: (1) Attended a meeting with a representative of the Yellow Cab Company in San Bernardino and anticipates a request being made to make a presentation to Council regarding providing transportation within the City; Page eight - 10/2/80 (2) Attended Inland Manpower Association meeting; (3) Attended presentation of the solar home to be constructed by the University of California, Riverside; (4) Attended an Omnitrans Board of Directors meeting October 1, 1980, followed by a SANBAG meeting, at which time a comprehensive operational analysis for transportation in the East and West Valley was approved. SANBAG approved equipping the new buses to handle passengers' bicycles and authorized new glass enclosed display units for the bus schedules; (5) Attended City Selection Committee meeting which followed the SANBAG meeting; (6) Attended Inland Manpower Association Audit Workshop on October 1, 1980, in Riverside and will share the information gained with Staff. Mayor Tillinghast stated correspondence was received from Ann Siracusa, Director, Office of Community Development, County of San Bernardino, regarding the County's Home Mortgage Revenue Bond Program relating to Assembly Bill 1355 (Hughes & Chacon), which indicates the City must decide whether or not to participate in this program by October 21, 1980; requested Staff to place this on the Council Meeting Agenda for October 16, 1980, and to make copies of the information available. COUNCIL TABLE Council discussed, in the Workshop Session prior to the Council meeting, alternatives for a new Council table. CC-80-346= Motion was made by Councilman Petta, seconded by Councilman Grant to approve a bid submitted by Kenneth Jack Spencer for a total cost of $500.00 to build a table which will seat nine individuals, with ;r expected delivery of three weeks. Following clarification that Council's intent is for the table to be identical to the one located at the San Bernardino Flood Control District Offices, the Motion carried unanimously by all present. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Geoff Dooley, 22432 Franklin, voiced opposition to the proliferation of housing development signs once again in the City. Mr. Dooley also questioned when the abandoned house on Barton Road, adjacent to the Keeney Building, will be removed. Susan Stouffer, 548 Main Street, Highgrove, presented to Council a petition requesting the establishment of a four-way stop at the intersection of Main Street and Michigan. Stated there is presently a two-way stop at that intersection located on Michigan going north and south; a four-way stop is being requested, since seven accidents have occurred at that intersection since January, 1980. Ms. Stouffer requested the cities of Riverside and Grand Terrace work cooperatively on this matter. Page nine - 10/2/80 Mayor Tillinghast directed Staff to send copies of the information to Supervisor Younglove, Mr. Dobbins, and Mr. Newcomb of Riverside County; and to coordinante the matter with San Bernardino County and City Traffic Engineering Departments. Councilman Nix questioned whether Staff had been aware of this matter prior to the presentation at this Council Meeting, stating information had been given him which indicated a report regarding this matter was made available to the City of Grand Terrace a year ago; that Riverside County had indicated they were unable to get any coopera- tion from the City of Grand Terrace. Staff indicated this is the first time information has ever been received on this matter. John McDowell, 22690 Cardinal, stated may citizens in that vicinity have indicated an interest in being annexed to the City of Grand Terrace. City Attorney Ivan Hopkins indicated that unless present legislation is changed, it is very difficult to annex a territory presently within another county. Ken Rinderhagen, 12738 Wilmac, a member of the CRA AD HOC Committee, stated Gale Carr had indicated he wished input from the Committee regarding AB 1355 (Hughes & Chacon) and the County Home Mortgage Revenue Bond Program, and asked whether this information should not be provided to the Committee Members. Mr. Rinderhagen also voiced approval of the letter of clarification written to the Public Utilities Commission regarding the telephone dialing area; asked if Council would like the Chamber of Commerce to send a similar letter to the Public Utilities Commission. Mayor Tillinghast stated this would be appropriate. Mr. Rinderhagen also asked for further clarification of the additional funding for the Fire Station. Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry, stated he had also visited the World Life Research Institute and was very impressed. Mr. Rollins asked Council's permission to cooperate with Dr. Halstead to arrange a tour of the Institute for members of Council and Committees. Council indicated approval as long as Dr. Halstead is in agreement. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council adjourned to Executive Session to discuss litigation at 8:25 p.m., with City Attorney Ivan Hopkins, City Engineer Joe Kicak, and Finance/Administrative Services Officer Ed Clark in attendance. RECONVENE Council reconvened at 9:28 p.m. Mayor Tillinghast announced Council will take action to adopt an urgency ordinance establishing a thirty (30) day moratorium on the issuance of building permits within the City of Grand Terrace. City Attorney Ivan Hopkins explained the purpose of the 30-day moritorium is, that under the Settlement Agreement, the City of Page ten - 10/2/80 _ Colton requires payment of certain monies. Until such time as Colton has acted upon that amount, the City of Grand Terrace is precluded from issuing any permits. Therefore, this moratorium has been proposed to preserve the integrity of the Settlement Agreement. The City of Grand Terrace will consider lifting the moratorium and establishing a fee at such time as the City of Colton establishes a connection fee. ORDINANCE NO. 39 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IMPOSING A 30-DAY MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS WITHIN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. CC-347 Motion was made by Councilman Nix, seconded by Mayor Tillinghast, and carried unanimously, by all present, to adopt Ordinance No. 39. ADJOURN The Regular Meeting of the City Council was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. A Public Work Session will be held at 4:00 p.m., Thursday, October 16, 1980, followed by the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, i City rk APPROVED: Page eleven - 10/2/80