E.10 CDBGCDBG FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE 2022-2023 PROGRAM YEAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 8, 2022 2030 Vision Statement Goal 4 –Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships by Working Collaboratively with Community Groups and Private and Public Sector Agencies to Facilitate the Delivery of Services Benefitting Youth, Seniors & Our Community CDBG PROGRAM Benefit low-moderate income persons; eliminate blight; meet an urgent need 4 Public Service projects can be funded Expected Allocation = $60,140 Unprogrammed Funds Balance = $35,727 Only for construction projects BACKGROUND –2021-2022 FUNDING Priority Applicant Project Recommendation Public Service 1 SB County –GT Library Literacy Education $10,000 2 Family Services Association Senior Nutrition $10,000 3 Family Services Association Senior Center Coordinator $39,329 Total $59,329 Unprogrammed Funds 2021-2022 $287 •Due to COVID-19 the City did not host a prioritization hearing and programs and funds were assigned by the County. 2022-2023 ELIGIBLE APPLICATIONS Applicant Project Funding Requested SB County –GT Library Adult Literacy Program $10,000 Family Services Association Senior Nutrition $10,000 Family Services Association Senior Center Coordinator $50,000 Total Requested $70,000 Allocation $60,140 ($9,860) 2022-2023 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS Priority Applicant Project Funding Requested Recommendation Public Service 1 SB County –GT Library Adult Literacy Program $10,000 $10,000 2 Family Services Association Senior Nutrition $10,000 $10,000 3 Family Services Association Senior Center Coordinator $50,000 $40,140 Total $60,140 RECOMMENDATION Conduct a public hearing for the prioritization of eligible applications for the 2022-2023 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding; and Prioritize funding allocations and authorize staff to submit the City's CDBG funding recommendation to the County of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency CDBG FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE 2022-2023 PROGRAM YEAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 8, 2022