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F.5 - Adoption of FY2022-23 Proposed Budget
2 3 4 5 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22 2021-22 2022-23 Adjusted Budget Actuals Adjusted Budget Year-End Projections Proposed Budget Property Tax $2,082,593 $2,197,948 $3,989,040 $1,985,232 $2,078,595 Residual Receipts -RPTTF $1,798,163 $1,354,741 $176,900 $2,603,817 $2,402,700 Proceeds from Sale of Property $0 $0 $1,798,700 $2,070,601 $0 Franchise Fees $445,000 $613,598 $620,000 $644,000 $635,000 Licenses, Fees & Permits $329,090 $439,948 $490,000 $329,822 $665,400 Sales Tax $750,000 $1,064,567 $988,000 $1,110,053 $1,125,400 Intergovernmental Revenue/Grants $20,000 $54,606 $31,220 $66,492 $60,500 Charges for Services $100,300 $138,916 $141,100 $73,229 $178,000 Fines & Forfeitures $70,000 $73,219 $66,300 $44,274 $66,300 Miscellaneous $0 $20,091 $0 $14,885 $26,710 Use of Money & Property $67,500 $31,140 $34,660 $28,416 $34,660 Wastewater Receipts $318,349 $318,349 $318,349 $318,349 $318,349 Transfers In $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 Residual Receipts -Sr Ctr $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Revenues $5,980,995 $6,307,123 $8,654,269 $9,289,170 $7,641,614 Property Tax 58.6% Sales Tax 14.7% Franchise Fees 8.3% Licenses, Fees & Permits 8.7% Waste Water Receipts 4.2% Intergovt Revenue/Grants 0.8% Charges for Services 2.3% Use of Money & Property 0.5%Fines & Forfeitures 0.9% Transfers In 0.7% Miscellaneous 0.3% City of Grand Terrace 2022-23 General Fund Proposed Revenues 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22 2021-22 2022-23 Adjusted Budget Actuals Adjusted Budget Year-End Projections Proposed Budget Salaries $1,094,006 $1,088,247 $1,552,512 $1,356,254 $1,482,899 Benefits $1,118,326 $964,910 $1,149,757 $1,044,541 $1,356,069 Materials & Supplies $190,955 $206,360 $224,770 $218,657 $323,605 Professional/Contractual Services $3,572,540 $3,646,766 $3,674,258 $3,743,232 $4,198,568 Equipment $1 $0 $0 $3,000 $0 Lease of Facility/Equipment $19,323 $17,513 $19,600 $17,615 $12,000 Utilities $143,858 $168,416 $176,448 $199,166 $229,448 Overhead Cost Allocation ($81,950)($68,192)($84,950)($84,950)($81,950) Capital Projects $213,419 $90,615 $0 $113,922 $0 Debt Service $0 $15,968 $0 $0 $0 Transfers Out $139,750 $200,725 $110,000 $110,000 $110,700 Total Expenditures $6,410,228 $6,331,328 $6,822,395 $6,721,437 $7,631,339 $1,482,899 $1,356,069 $323,605 $4,198,568 $12,000 $229,448 ($81,950) $110,700 Salaries Benefits Materials & Supplies Prof/Cont Services Lease of Equip Utilities Overhead Cost Alloc Transfers Out ($500,000)$500,000 $1,500,000 $2,500,000 $3,500,000 $4,500,000 City of Grand Terrace 2022-23 General Fund Proposed Expenditures 10 Event Date Budget Introduction Tue., May 24th Budget Adoption Tue., June 14th