2015-20 v RESOLUTION: NO. 2015-20 A RESOLUTION: OF THE CITY COUNCIL:OF THE CITY OF ::GRAND::,.TERRACE, CALIFORNIA,. .RESCINDING .. . RESOLUTION' NO. 201.5-1 l AND DECLARING.- -ITS :INTENTION: TO .ADJUST: THE .RESIDENTIAL . AND -COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE: AND .:'RECYCLING RATES AND SETTING A. TIME :AND PLACE FOR :A PUBLIC HEARING :TO. PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING:TO:THE:PROPOSED,RATE:ADJUSTMENTS.:: NOW,.THEREFORE; BE.IT RESOLVED by.the City:Council of the-City,of.Grand.Terrace as. . follows: . .... . ... ....... Section 1. That the Council has determined that:due to:changes in.operating and program costs: - -. art adjustment in the 'service rates for the provision of refuse and recycling collection is hereby deemed appropriate.:and that:the; proposed refuse: rate adjustments'set :forth:in "-Exhibit: A", "Exhibit :B" and "Exhibit C".'are hereby: deemed' appropriate:and reasonable::All other. rates existing.and not,separately.i.dentified..in `Exhibit All, "Exhibit B"and'`Exhibit C" shall.remain . the same: ...... _.. ....... ....... Section 2. That.a.Public:Hearing is i to be conducted on:the 11th day of August;2015,:at the hour of 6:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, 22795 Barton Road, Grand,Terrace California; at which time all persons interested:in or objecting to: the proposed solid:waste and recycliug rate adjustments will be:heard. Section 3. Notices of said.solid waste:and recycling rate:adjustments shall be provided via U.S. Postal;.Service:Mail to all.residential and commercial customers.of record-by Bun-tec Waste: . Industries. .Section 4.: That said solid waste and:recycling :rate adjustments shall become effective on September 1;:2015,:upon final:adoption:by the Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council: of the City of:Grand Terrace, California, at:a . regular meeting:held on _ :e 28th day,of April:2015. AYES: .:Council.Members,.Mitchell, Hussey; Wilson, Mayor Pro.:Tem Robles, ...Mayor McNaboe.::. . NOES None ABSENT:: None' ABSTAIN: None RESOLUTION NO. 201:5-20 PAGE 1 OF 13 JUNE 23, 2015 . ....... ... o ATTEST: Pat Jacq -Na s Dar cgor e City Cl a RESOLUTION NO. 2015-20 PAGE 2 OF 13 JUNE 23,2015 Exhibit A-Solid Waste&Recycling Rates Table 1-Residential Rates(96 Gallon)- Standard Residential.-26 Gallon . .... Memo .. Gen'I :2011 Rate. 2012.Rate 201 a Rate 2014 Rate 20 Rate Rate Components- Ref 10/1/11: -7/1112 711/13 7/1/•14 7=JY/A.5 7 7 Change Service - $ 12.41 $ 12:65 (a)' $ 12.90 (a) $ 12:96 (a) $ 12.97 (a) $ 0.56 Disposal Refuse ....... (1) 3.42 3.43.. 3.45 3.41: ---- 3.33. ..... Greenwaste: (2) 2.38 2.47 2.60 2.73.: 2:74 Total Disposal 5.80- 5.90 6.0$. 6:14 .... 6.07 O.U7 Franchise Fees (3) 2.73 2:78 2.84 2.87 :2.86 0.13 ...... ....... ...... Pavement.Impact Fee. ,_ (4).- 0.64, 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.67 0.03_ Household Haz Waste (5) 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 - Street Sweeping (6) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 Customer Rate $ 23.26 $ .:23.73 $ - 23.92 j[$*23 85+ : .$ 0.99 Shortfall::. $ (0.40): $ (0.67) $ (1.06)::. General References:; _. .. .. (1) 2615.Rate 1;0141.tons/home/yearat$39.38/ton 2014 Rate .. 10468 tons/homelyear at$39.06/ton 2013 Rate 1.0657 tons/home/year at$38.90/ton. 2012 Rate: 1.0618 tons/home/yearbt$38.79/ton. (2) 2015 Rate. : 0.8450 tons/year at$38.90/ton 2014 Rate 0:8471.tons/yeahat$38.62/ton 2013:Rate 0.8163 tons/year at$38.18/ton 2012.Rate 0.7910 tons/year.at$37.46/ton.: . (3) .All Rates 15%of sum of service and disposal (4) 2011-2015 Rate :3:5%of sum of service and disposal - (5) 2011-2015 Rate $0.32 per-customer (6) 2011 9015 Rate: $0.96 per customer . Other Notes (a) February,2015 CPI was 0.1%(90%is 0A%) February 2014.CPI was 0.5%(90%Is 0.5%): February 2013:CPI was 2.2%(90%is 2.0%): February 201.2 CPI was 2. %0.(90%Is 1.9%). Using Feb CPI rather than Mar CPI due to 218 Notification process... RESOLUTION NO. 201:5-20 PAGE 3 OF 13 JUNE 23, 2015 ...... ....... Exhibit A-Solid Waste&Recycling Rates Table 2-Residential Rates.(64 Gallon) Standard Residential-64 Gallon -Memo . Gen'I 2011 Rate 2012 Rate 2013 Rate '2014 Rate. W7,'iAl Rat Rate Components ... Ref 10l1/11 7/1/12 7/1/13. 7/1/14 5. Change Service $ 12.41 $, 12.65 (a),..;:$ 12:90•;(a) $ 12.96 (a). $: 12.97. .(a) $;0.56. Disposal Refuse (1) 2:29 2.28 2:33 2.30,... 2:25 Greenwaste (2) 2.38 2.47 :2.60 2:73 2.74 Total Disposal' 4.67 4:75. 4.93 5:03:.: 4:99 0.32 Franchise Fees (3) 2.56 2.61 2.67 2.70 2:69 0.13 Pavement Impact Fee: (4) 0:60- 0.61 0.62, 0.63 0.63: 0.03 ..Household Haz Waste (5) 0:32 0.32 0:32 0.32 0.32 - Street Sweeping (6) 0.96- 0.96 0.96 . 6.96 Customer Rate �2,91r52 $ 21.90 $ 22.40 $ 22.60 W6 .. $ 1.04: Shortfall $ (038) $. ..(0.88) $ (1-00)... General References: (1) -2016 Rate 0.6870 tons/home/year at$39.38/ton 2014 Rate 0.7080 tons/home/year at$39.06/ton 2013.Rate 0.7195 tons/home/year at$38.90/ton .2012 Rate .0.7038 tons/home year at$38.79/ton (2) 2015 Rate 0.8450 tons/year at$38:901ton 2014 Rate 0.8471 tons/year at$38.62/ton 2013 Rate 0.8163 tons/year at$38.18hon 2.012 Rate 0.7910 tons/year at.$37.46/ton ..... ..... (3): AII:Rates 157)o of sum of service and disposal . (4) 2011-2015 Rate 3.5%,of sum of service and disposal . '(5) 2011-20.15:Rate $0.32:0ercustomer .0) 2011-2015-Rate ... $0.96 per customer . . Other Notes (a) February 2015 Ck was 0.1%(90%is 0.1%) February 2014 CPI.was 0.5%(90%is 0.5%) February 2013 CPI was 22%(90%is.2.0%) February 2012 CPI was 2:1%(90%is 1.9%) Using Feb CPI rather than Mar CPI due to 218 Notification process. RESOLUTIONNO. 2015:-20 PAGE 4 OF 13: JUNE 23, 2015. Exhibit A=Solid Waste 8 Recycling Rates Table -.ResidenfiaLRates(Commercial 96 Gallon) Commercial Barrel.-.96 Gallon .: Memo GeM _2011 Rate. 2012.Rate ..2013 Rate• 2014 Rate 201 Rae Rate . Components Ref 811/11 711112 7/1/13 7/1/14 =77,1MBIN Change Service $ 22.32 $ 22.74..(a) $ 23.19 (a) $ _ 23:31 .(a),. $' 23.33 (a);- $._1.01 Disposal Refuse (1) 3.42 3.43 -- 3.45 ..... 3.41„ ... 3.33 _.... GYeenwaste:.. (2) - Total Disposal .... 3.42- _ 3.43 3.45 .3:41 3.33 0.09 Franchise Fees. (3).. 3.86 3:93 4.00;::. 4,01 4.00 .:.. _ 0.1:4: .. Pavement,Impact Fee (4). . 0.90.. 0.92 0.93;_ 0.94 0.93 ;:_ 0.03 Househofd.Haz Waste . .... (5) .0.32' O.M. . .0.32 0.32 . ... 0.32 Street Sweeping, (6) 0.96 . 0.96 0.96 0.96• .0.96- .:..Customer Rate $�3c1 I8 $ 32.30 $ ..:32.85 $ :. 32.95: ff$ 3 ;8.7 $' 1.09 .: Shortfall: $ (0.52) $ (1.07) $ (1.17)::.. General References::::.. (1) 20:15:Rate 1:0141 tons/home/year at$39.38/ton 2014 Rate .. . 1.0468 tons/home/year at$39.06/ton . 2013 Rate 1.0657 tons/home/year at$38.90/ton: 2012 Rate 1.0618 tons/home/year at$38.79/ton (2) No Commer&16 Greenwaste Barrel Collection (3) All.Rates 1 M/6 of sum of service and disposal (4) 2611:=2015 Rate 3:5%'of sum of service and disposal P. 2011-2015 Rate $0.32 per,customer (8)..2011-2015 Rate '.$0.96 p er customer -Other Notes (a) February 2015 CPI Was 0.19'a(90%is:0.1%) February 2014 CPI was 0.5%(90%is 0.5%) ...... February 2013 CP.I.was 2.2%(90%is:2.0%) ::.. February.2012 CPI was 2.1%(90%is 1.9%) Using Feb CPI rather than.Mar CPI due to:21:8 Notification process.. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-20 PAGE•5 OF 13 JUNE 23,2015 -- -- ..... Exhibit A-Solid Waste&Recycling Rates Table 4-Residential Rates;(Additional Services) Additional Services and Fees-Residential :... Memo Gen'I: 2011 Rate 2012 Rate: 201.3,Rate 2014 Rate 201;5 Rate Rate Components Ref. 10/1/11 7/1/12 711/13 7/1/14: 7,/d/,1.5 Change Extra Cart-64 Gal Service and Disposal $ 7.58, $ 7.72 (a) ..:$ 7.87 :(a) $ Franchise Fees (1) 1..14: 1.16 1:18 1.19 1.19: Pavement Impact Fee: .(2) 0.27 0.27 0:28 0.28 0.28 .. Customer Rate W-so-W-8-T5-91 $ 9.15 $ 9.33 $ 9.38 _ff$�AK9091 $ 0.40 Extra Cart 96 Gal Service and Disposal $ 9.31 $ 9.49 (a) $ 9.68 (a) $ 9.7.3 (a) $ 9.74 (a) Franchise Fees (1,) 1,40 1.42 1.45-, 1.46" 1.46 Pavement Impact Fee:. (2) -.0.33 0.33 0:34 0.34 0.34 Customer Rate " 11?T04 $ "11.24 $ 11.47 $�11.53 ✓T$ 11, 4 $ 0.50 Extra Cart-Recycling Service and Disposal $ 1.75 $ 1.78:.(a) $ :1.82 (a) $. 1.83 :(a). $ 1.83 (a) Franchise Fees:: (1) .....: 0.26 . ... 0,27... 0.27 0.27..,,; 0.,27 Pavement Impact Fee ,(2) 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 Customer Rate A_W2i07 $ 2.11 $ 2.15 $ 2.16 16 $ 0.09 Extra Cart-Greenwaste Service and Disposal $ 1.75 $' 1.78 a "$ 1.82, a $ " 1_.83 a - '$ 1.83.' a Franchise Fees (1) 0.26: 0.27 0:27 0.27 0.27 Pavement Impact Fee; (2) 0 06 0.06 0:06 0.06 0.06- Customer Rate 2.16 [#$_9A I F2Xl't $ 0.09 Backyard/Sidevard Service and Disposal $ 10.77 $ 10.97 (a) $ 11.19 (a) $: 11.25 (a) $ 11.26 (a) Franchise Fees-� (1) 1.62 1.65 1.68 1.69 1.69 Pavement Impact Fee: (2) 0.38 0.38 0.39 .; 0.39 0.39 - Customer Rate ;112.77 $ 13.00 $ 13.26 $- 13.33 $. 0.57 General References: (1) 15%of sum of service and disposal (2) 3.5%of sum of service and disposal Other Notes (a) February 201.2 CPI was 2.1%0(90%is 1.9%) February 2013 CPI was 2.20/6:(90%is 2.0%) February 2014 CPI was 0.5'%(90%is 0.5%a) February 2015 CPI was 0.1°%(90%Is 0.1%) Using Feb.CPI rather than Mar CPI:due to 218 Notification process. - -c RESOLUTION NO. 2015-20 PAGE 6 OF 13 JUNE 23, 20.15 Z 1�18� 9 95 a mwg�dd 25��!Rmoa a A sg�: A 42"Pag�VV R7FRER"', �R- 4�d g 6 ged g gi �R��s 8 P R. 89-1 -gin Y.;;;i 's v 12 8 A P: 1.812�S.191. Q t:.1 1. ... ... 6� ..d4�d6d s wa v P;32%8 -Fd! ...... ...... Ps.V. r-;g Z;1- 9 SV21A.I.I."A 4 q 3:9 w8D;:E;:por;; ps9iWdg HM�PN �-gggjd� N 9.9 9 d, CO �ddm�gmdd q�v�dddd ca tm a v a g, 9 E d�jvg.d 4�d 0 E L) q '(D ca :(D 5:gg 9 9 9 9�,6 �9 9 Tggg�d6� 2 g-i :E B *X cc 8 qa�Q 3 19 MA R 12;z d9s- wR2RRd-- pR,a5w6 n�2s5WV .......... .................................!..................!..................................................... ................... R;qvvgsz� 4-..2.P.2.�:2 t�-.A P�;2 2;i zi q;i;k 2��� . - ViLe J--� S, 99 ;g�Madg . - . 9 tA�:;z R 7-q R 'A R'S P�;: s::V2V v �"dd Ga Ti tj "78 33 3? .1 -9 JUNE 23,2015 ION NO.2015-20- ' 9 . N�.1 ArIE 5-, ,9-N SOLUT 11, r Sag Exhibit B:Solid Waste and Recycling Rates Table 2-Commercial Rates(Commercial Compactor Bin Service) 1.11 It- 2013 R.M 711113 M1. "I". uu%I epi 3.5%: $ -.254 ci 3.5% D254 330.QD; 15.0% PIV1111t S ol"' . W.t 2.0% aaa Is..% P....nt 330.00 15.13% �a-wnf o..t 31::3.. -"Is.�- --t I T-I 7 $ 3B.� F,-i 1.,11 B-P ij A. F-chi�. I—. �iiij 1­� B I R- 3 39 � a � i.. si '.0 F.e C 15a. i -Chim. Wp-t --p1ho- s1i,. --.1 -W -M F.e $ U. F'=017 S1."'I' RT-11-1 S�M-- R11i -1.18 F-9 J.) ti Fj- Zpl- -P-I I.) F..11M 'a 21 1 57 11 12.1* 11.47 3 Ill 2 SSW SSA7 M. 3.. 2� 136.78 H.2a ii�Z .11; 11 1 13.1a 1..14 4.3 2�O IBM I ':'U. 29" .'tl 'Ill-al 11 161 �Gl I DS 62 127.9a IS.oa 4.40 31.99 IGIA; D5 60 30.99 7.23 A 1 02.93 110.9 32.08 .7.49 '40 25T. 104.99 Ilua 32.. 7.57 a 4 as 1 8 2 3 .a mAo 47.46 I'M G.GI .1 161 3 1 6.41 ".12 11.4 6.61 394.W 1642 166.89 49.67 11.59 6.61 399.01 165:11 167 4.:.'o 1 6..1 `,00.8a 1.2 Iol.97 s-8 1210 'tS 2 1 A 3 o7 114 21 111 11.11 1 as 2 4 215 21120 �N 14.92 ..81 02 19.14 221 88 66.S 5 4 8.8; 5�31,12 Z2 S2 2n.s2 66.91 15.61 6.81 537.37 224. 223 6721 Is 5 271' 141.71 1 276.74 �n:35 M;I to 11.1, 1171 212.17 21..I� B4.6 19.61 11.01 67 283." 27."' ..as 1..7'0 '1 :31:1 2.3:1 .: 3'::11 a a, 5.1 "o 7814 95 Sa. 21 1:317 "1 3: 32 1 -.S1 335.16 Io1Ao 23.75 U.21 B17.43 343.5 383.94 109.17 25.47 1321 .'. ":1 22 6.80 Ba.as 22.60 3.2; 4 335.10 3 04.70 341.80 333.7 1 .34 23.0 13-21 a .7 . B 12.:�': 23 11 �3:3 3 �d.Pli(.-it.) 6.54 2.11 0.11 Mao 6.66 12.80 2:.124 0 1 1 2�3:la B.79 12 M 2.B4 US 0.00 23.26 Ma 0.0a 23.38 6 �4 77 1.14 a.76 o.oD k. - la 21.23 12.84 5.11 1.1? O.OD AD.37 III: s :68 :0 B.41 I*pi, p 111,11 21,11 12'A 4,11 1,14 0,11 s 20.81 12.B. a �B, 2'1:B4 12 BAB Ila 1 40.5. 21:3 4.n s.42 1.26 0.00 4.1a 3 1 73.43 7B.1 2ZBB s.. 3:3 74.83 .B32. ".70 s.53 3�3. 110 23.B7 5.59 3.30 192:63 76.71 BB.7a 24.07 -5.6l a.. -Aa 76.79 9S.99 25.92 6..5 j�o 23.90 ':1 j37::" ':�3,i .3 2 1�17 158�8 43.88 1014 6 61' IN72 166.40 15.V 10.61 6.61 .1 45 Aa- 45.B5 Mn 6.61 3..Bl 140.15 167ZG 4GAG IO.n G.SI 371.25 M.29 19I.B8 49.8,I� .11.63 B.G1 47..T 3 2 70 B .67 237.s 66.79 15.1. 9311 211.62 2 .60 69.1. IG.14 9.91 ss.,ts 215.M 2s0.32 B3 16.32 sQ�33 216.B3 251- IBM B.B1 --'1 21711 217-17 .711 17 1 11� 6 8091 316 13 2 �3:1 07 " a 2'11 2B615 332.80 92.86 21.67 2 746.79 291.98 -.76 93.86 21.9t) 1311 7U.71: 211 7� I a 4 2 36 .... N:Z 193� 1 1 �7.:" 1.12 a4l. 22.00 3 21 758.06 9a.73 383.9a 101.65 3-2, B4.8 3 35,1 .1 BB1.38 416.03 116.61 2721 .1::21 1 a 7.1 B.al 411.1a 1417.a7 27.50 1651 947.609 45 41 N 118.40 27.� 1651 a5l.as .,7:.1.4 11:s' 13"2:11 21.21 11:.121 - 370.82 479.BS 127.62 2B.7. I's .71 4 1 B, �a '2:73 a �6. 75 45 31.81 11:.12 43:AI 49920 14D.28 ;128.04 �14.73 500.64 1.81 M.09 19.82 1,14D. 95 602.6. 142M 3324 B.82 1,145.13 447.40 575." 153.54 �542 .a. 66 .2 a 142.5a pi.k.p(-K.) 6.54 ��1:21 3:�7.2 19.20 3.Ba 30.65 6.79 ;�111 3:.171 -1.11 MO 3..B7 B.132 -;B1,3 3110 1% 0:11 3.1:11 1.3 22.11 1.� Lot a.oa 0 a. 494 1.3, 0. 0. 0. 9 :1 ':4 a.. 4 a P1..p .h.,J) 20A2 27 5 O.Oa 20.81 I'la 8.0a 1:4. UO 47AI 21.23 A2 0.00 47.BB 2 .3 .3G 22.15 B.s4) 1.52 ...a !r 5.72 4 1 96.57 10.59 3D.37 7.09 440 11-71 111.- 31 15 7.. 4.40 252.84 100.0 111.25 31.71 7,12 .4:1 25554 101.18 111.71 3;::�3 '7 4� 4.40 25B.G7 1.12. 127.99 .39 .12 4:.41 Go 3':71 4 Itto a, .a 211.1a Mal 13.72 8: j..34 �21.65 14 a 4 09' 1412 "" 4B"' "a- �"-sa IBB.B7 221.12 B 62 a 3 2� 11]1a 2a. .21 20,17 332,12 92 40 21.56 1321 743.16 2::::�3 1 .3:3". K'n 13111 .7"9 29027 155.13 BUI 241- 13':�'� 14'7" 2''N'.4'�G �3ss�a-7 Ial.'18 23.�st a,s.65 1 3 97 -8a 1321 P1 4 3"' 3B1.98 443.7G 23 1 211 Ill 11.11 3 B, 4 4 374 422.36 271 7.61 17..' 1, 25.7a 21 17.61 Sa 31 .a I.11 2::.23' - 1"."a ;57.71 36 t Z2.02 1.01112 391.9a sli.B. 13559 211 B4 7'61 4 5 471.8 527.95 149.97 u 99 22.02 4ao.79 S54.70 13 22.02 1.249.07 49DAI 55615 157.00, 3 MM 1.26131 4 2- SS S5 a 267.94 09.95 17a.M 39:67, 22.a I sal`3 4 a 5 0 2B ;�6 67.82 ...54 Isola 42.05 2S.2 sMal BO.B4 186- 433 26.42 1.500.8G 59.18 GG7.5D 186.65 �1.02 26.42 1.516.n 5:.13 6713.26 I89.SI 4,122 2B.Q 1.523.5,1 593.72 76 14 -11 41,11 A, ias.96 p 654 24X 4.64 �.8 0 as 6.66 25.60 4.84 1 13 1�00.1 311 a7a 21.17 .4..T 1.14 4.BB 1.14 O.DO 38.G3 6.83 29.5,1 a.. �:7 a. 6.� (".0.) .0 1:01.1 311] 1.11 2SIa 000 5S.B4 21.36 29.54 -:7.6,4 27 d..Pj..�p(.-Nd) 20.42 24.37 6.n 57 o.s. .2...81 25.B. 6.96 ':62 0 B4.Ba 21.23 25.BT 1 64 a sa 21... :25�.78 7.07 1.65 8 a:.'O aq, 7.24 I..""11"N" 9--A-f-pI C.Witeiil d-p..I I-`= d.M i (1,)3.5%.1 IN. d..M'.M B'i 0 171 p q a w w w w r Exhibit B:Solid Waste and Recycling Rites: Table 3-Commercial Rates(Rolloff Service) q 2011 Rat.C-rommts 811/11 2012 Rate C-gagals,7/1/12 - 2013 Rate C.mDonarts,711/13 2014 Rate ComDoments 711114 Memo 90%of 90%of -- 90%of I .. .... 909A old,, ,,0. -90%of CPI 3.5% 3.5% CPI. 3.5% 3.,., CPI 3.5% 11.1 15.0% Pavement Y. Pavement 2.0% 15.0% Pavement 0. 1,�..I% 0.1% :15.0�,b Pavement $ . . . CP1 150., Pavement Total -$ 51 8 Franchise Impact 4g.92 Franchise : Total 1.9 $ 50.79 Franchise Impact Total 5090 Impact Total S. Franchise 'Impact .3 Rate ,..'e, 'e.,h S Franchise vic I Fee M Fee Ila, Sae Tons Service* Disposal Rate S arvIce Dis-al Fee N) Feelb) Rate Service- Disposal Fee fat Fee IbI Rate Service- Disnosal Fee(at Feelbl Rat. Service* Dispo a Change ---Real . . . . L p C-- :40 168.47 Actual:. 25.27, 5.90 '17.1.67 Actual 25.75 6.01 203.43 175.10 Actual 26.27: 6.13: 207.5D 175.98' Actual 26.40 6.16 2D8.54 176.16 Actual 26.42: 6.17' 9.11 20 IS�1.47 Actual 25.27 5 171.67 Actual 2�1� 6.01 �03.43 175.10 Actual 26.27 .6.13 207�5() 176.98 Actual 26.40 6.16 208.54 .176.16 Actual .26.42 6.17 9.11 p 168.47 Act�al 25.27 5 171.67 Actual 5 6.01 203.43 176.10 :A ctual 26.27 6.13 207 26.0 -6.16 208.54 176.16 Act.1 6,42 10 25.7 . u 2 6.17 9.11 :50 175:98 Actual 4 40 18i.27. Actual 28.24 6.5.9 191.85 Actual 28'.78 6..71 227.34 195.69 Actual 29.35 6.85 29.50 6.88 233.05 196.87 Actual 29.53 .89 10.19 (Dompactor) 231.89 196.67 Actual p: Q 168.47 Actual: 2SJ7 5.90 :171.67 Actual 25.75 6.01 2D3.43 175.10 Actual .26.27 6.13: 207.50 175.96 Actual 1 :26.40 6.16 20854 176.16: Actual 26.42: 6.17 9.11 Y' 4D �i!8.27, Actual 28.24 6.59 191.85 Actual 28..78 :6.71 227.34 195.69 �A.ctu.al 29.35 6.85 2 31M, 196.67 Actual 29.51) S 1.88 1 233.05 196.87 Actual 2i.53 6.89 10.19 8een Waste) p Temporary 40 6 188.27 293.52 72.27 16.86 JOKIM :191.85 :304.74 74.49 17.38 588.46 195.69 305.40 75.16 17.54. 593.79 196.67 306*36 .75.45 17.61 596.09 196.87 308.28 7:�77 17 27.68 293.52 16.86 191.8S 304.74 74.49 17.38 588.46 195.69 305.40 7�.16 17.54 593.79 196.67 306.36 27.68 20- 6 188.27 7Z27 :75.45 17.61 596.09 196.87 308.28 7 77� 1 7�S 10 6 186.27: 293.52 72.27 16:66 191.85 304.74 74.46, 17.38 588.46 195.69 305.40 75.16 17.64 693.79 196.67 306.36 75.45 17.61 596.09 196.87 308.28 75.77 17.68 27.68 41 ......... 2�46 hl/� 3.37, 0.79 22.89 NfA 3.43 0.80. .27.12 23.35 N/A 3.50, 0.8 2 27.67 23.47 N/A 3.62 0.82 27.81 .23.49 WA 3.52 0.82 1.21 .a 48.92 7.34 1:71 50J9 7.62 1.78 -60.19 50.90 T64 US 60.32 51.06 7.66 1.79 60.51 51.38 7.71 .80 2-92 I 2_9 a,5 Tons) 48.92 7.34 71 MMff&ZJ"7 50.79 7.62 1.78 60.19 11.91 7-64: 1.78 60.32 51.06 7.66 1.79 60.51 51.38 7.71 1.80 2 a Selvice fee is adjusted at 910%of CPI �Jd disposal bg5%of the surn.of service an q .5%ofthesewice Perm..Box serviced a minimum of four(4)times permonth and left on premises full tim. Temp.Bo.x se.rviced minimum of one time every seven(7).d.ys q w p a r q q q a OREM w q q ... Exhibit B:Solid Waste-and Recycling Rates Table 4-Commercial Rates(Commercial Commingled Recycling Bin Service) .. ..... ..... 1 2011 Rate COMDonents 811/11 2012 Rate C.m..nents 711/12 2013 Rate C.m..ncnte 711/13 1 2014 Rate Comoon-te Mild Wenn. M/ ritof q 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 1.9% 15.6% Pavement 2.0% 15.0% Pavement 0.5% 15.0% Pavement 0.1% 15.0% Pave- .0% f--"7-1 Franchise impact IMI. Franchise P Franchise -I.pa [-S-2- el FrIa5nchlse mpact ota 90�A of Franchise Tam Total Rate T 3.5% .3 pil 0 1 Cp C v_ET b "in emanI 1.9'.A impa 'm act ,nt c _.c Disoosal Fee(a) Fee N Fee(a) Fee(b) Rate- Disoosal Fee(.1 Fee lb) Rate F.,] Fee(.1 Fee(b) Scre Fn. .TR.te HS-i-f Disoosal Fee(a) Fee febt) Rate G.rc., "Change 2 1 54.56 0.00 8.18 191 5 55.60 0.00 8.34 1.95 65.89 56.71 0.00 8.51 1.98 67.20 56.99 0.00 8.55 1.99 67.63 57.05 0.00 8.56 2.00 2.96 2 2 16.16 MO 14.41 337 1111 0.10 14.11 .1.44 116.36 100-11 0.11- 1 1�02 1.11 111.61 100.61 011 11.10 1.12 111.27 111.71 1.11, 11.11 1.13 5.21 3 1 70.00 0.00 10.50 2.45 71.33 0.00 10.70 2.50 84.53 72.76 0.00 10.91 2.55 56.22 73.12 0.00 10.97 2.56 86.65 7319 0.00 10.98 2.56 3.78 :157.14 133.27 O.DO 19.99 4.66 157.92 1 3340 9.01) 20.D1 4.67 3 2 127,11 1,10 11,14 447 130.01 0.00 19.50 4.55 154.06 132.61 0.00 19.89 4.64 6.88 4 1 92.33 0.00 13.85 3 3 94.08 00 '14.11 3.29 111.48. 95.96: 0.00 14.39 :3 3.6 -11:3.71 96.44 o.aa 44.47 3.38 114.29 96.54 0.00 14.48 3.38 1 4.99 0 4 2 17Z10 0.00 25.82 �:2 2�03�9_41 175.37 0.00 26.31 6.14 207.82 178.88 0.00 26.83 6.26 211.97 179.77 0.00 26.97 6.29 213.03 179.95 0.00 26.99 6.30 2 9.30 6 1 131.77 0.00 19.77 4.61 13.4.27 0.00 20.14 4JO 159.11 136.96 0.00 26.54 4.79 162-29 :137.64 0.00 2D.65 4.ii 163.1`1 137.78 0.00 -20.67 4.82 T12 0 6 2 2.50.86 0.00 37.62. 8.7B.JIM 255.57 0.00 38.34 .8.94 302..85 260.69 0.00 39.10 .9,1 2 30.8.90 2�1.5�11 0.0.0 39.30 9.17 310.45 26224 0.00 39.34 9.1 1 8 13.56,1 U .Jervice fee is adjusted at 90%ofCPi tol 5%ofthe sum ofseivide and disposal gP3.5%of the sum of service and disposal 0 q q Exhibit.B'Solid Waste and Recycling Rates Table.5-Residential &Commercial Rates (Special Services) ....... ...... ....... =ps e dTR IL5A 3/week Push:Bin Rates.Per Pick-U0�Fr _1/Week 2/week ....... ...... ....... 0-25feet N/C: N/C ... N/C. 26-50 feet 51-75 feet- 7&100 feet 1 01�-1 25 feet 126-:150 feet -------------- .151-175 feet ............. 176-200 feet Over..200 feet ....... . ..... .... .. . . . .... 51.0,70 B r7j.5,1 3 .51 M $ -.64 ... ...... --- RESOLUTIONNO. 201:5-20 PAGE 11 OF 1 1 3 JUNE-23, 2015 ...... ..... ... Exhibit B:-Solid Waste and Recycling Rates Table 6. Commercial Rates (Additional Fees) Additional Services ... Residential&Commercial On-dall Bulky Pickup- First Itern IMEMEM On-call-Bulky Pickup- Each Additional Item Commercial. Bin-enclosure Clean Up- Per Hour Residential: Extra'Pick Up-On Service Day Extra Pick Up-All.0ther Days-:' Rolkoff Relbcation/Extra Trip:Charge (no pull) q r ... Contamination Fee...... ...... ...... ...... ... ..... ....... ..... ..... ...... ....... .... . .... . ..... ... .. ..... ....... q r RESOLUTION NO.201-5:-20 PAGE 12 OF 13 JUNE 23, 2015 Bdrrtec Waste Industries, Inc. �City of Grand Terrace EXHIBIT C July M5 Multi-Family Commercial Bin-Service CR W/ 5=21 vxeW�11111111 POO 2-01 Twon0enEtL9115195 A i P-�% $ 0.160 $ 0.254 F142.00: 15.0% Pavement Street Bin $ 39.38 Franchise Impact :HHW :Sweeping ee Fee Size Freq' Servic6'*: Disposal Fee-(6) Fee N F 2 1 - 57.05 24.23 12.19 2.84 1.39 �2.20 2 2 . 100.75 48.46 22.38 5.22 2.77 .4.140: .2- ..3 157.80 -72.69 -- 34.57- 8.0 7 4 1 6 .6 6 1 .:2: .4 �214.86 96.92 46.7�'� 10.9.1 �.:55 '8.8 1 2 5 27139 121.15 58.88 .13.74 6.93 11.01 ... 2 6 328.70 145.38. 71.11 .16.59 8.32 1321 Add. Pickup:(on-�site) 6.83.. '5.'59 J.86 0.43 0.00 0.00 Add. Pickup(u sched) 21�36 .5.59 4.04 0.94 0.00 0.00 3 1 73.19 36.35 16.43 3.83 2.08 3.30, :3 .2 -133.40 72.70 30.92 7.21 4.16 6.61: 3' 3. 206.69 109.05 47.36 11.05 6.24 . :1 .4 288.47 145.40 65.08: 15.16-1 8.32 4:-�I: 3 5 353':17 181'74 .80.24 ..18.72 10.40 16.51 3 6 426-16 218.10: 96.64 22'55 12.48 19.82 Add. Pickup(on-�site) 6..8.3 .8.39 Z28 0.53 - 0.00 .' 0.00 ..... Add. Pickuo.(u sched) 21 36 8.39 :-4.46 1.04 0.00 0.00 4 1 -96.54 48.46 21.75 5.08 2.77 4.40' :4 ---2 : 179.95 96.92 - 41.53 9.69, 5.55 '9.81: ....... ...... :4� .31 276.59 145.38 63.30: 14.77 8.32 13.21. :4 4 .373.23 193.84 85.06- 19.86 11.09 17.61 4 5 471 65 2 4 2.3­0 107.09 24.99 13.87 22.02 4 w 6 565,50 290.76� 128.44 113.64 M42 Add. Pickup(on-site) 6.83 1.1.18 . 2.70 ...0.63 .... 0.00 0.00 Add.,Pickup*(u sched)-.. 2136' 11.18, .::4.88 1'.14 p ' 0.00 0.00 6 1 - 137.78 72.70 31.51 7.37 4.16 .61: :6- ...2. 262.24 -145.40 61.15,.,, 14.27. 8.32. 13.21: 6 3 400.55 -218.10 92.80 21.65 1�.48 1.9.82. 6 4 537.82 2.90.80 124.29 29.00' 16.64 26.42 6 5 675.61 363.50 155.87 36.37 .20.80 33.03 43�74 24.96 39.63 6 6 813.3 436.20 181.44 Add. Pickupon-site) 6.83. 16.7.8 :-3.54 0.83 '0.00 0.00 Add. Pickup(unsched) 2136 1678 5.7� 1.33 0.00 0.00 Add'l Charcies T-Bin§ -3 yards(Cob) 21.36 :36.35 8.66 2.02 N/A N/A' ------ : 96 GM-Cornmingled Recy lin 9 .... .... Extra Recycling Barrel Locks Burned Bin 270.'85 40.63 N/A N/A 'N/A C 7 Exchanges ­57.07 8.56 N/A N/A N/A. ),13 Lock:Rental(Monthfy) _ 11.61 1.74 N/A N/A N/A� 5 Lost or Stolen Bin 483.65 72.55 N/A N/A N/A. 551. Overage: 32.48 4.87 N/A N/A N/A 7A 5, Replaced Key 4.83 0.72 N/A N/A N/A Replaced Lock 24;18 3.63 N/A N/A MA 8.il ... Service fee is adjusted at 90%of CPI (a) 15%of the surn,of service, disposal (b)3.5%of M'$I'%d�B?Sa�o 119Mob PAGE 13 OF 13 JUNE,23, 201.5 Grand.Terrade 201.5 Ccirrimercial.Rate Calculation 6-4-15.xlsx MF Cdrhm.Refuse Bins ... .. . ....