Minutes - 01/18/2018 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSIONISITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD L%RP- MINUTES * JANUARY 18, 2018 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 06:30 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center• 22796 Barton Road CALL TO ORDER Chairman Comstock convened the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. Pledge of Allegiance led by Chairman Comstock. Attendee Name _ Title Status_ Arrived Tom Comstock Chairman Present Tara Cesena Vice Chair Present Jeffrey Allen Commissioner Present Edward A. Giroux Commissioner Absent Gregory A. Goatcher Commissioner Present APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1. Motion: APPROVAL OF AGENDA JANUARY 18, 2018 RESULT: ADOPTED[UNANIMOUS] AYES: Tom Comstock,Tara Cesena,Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux PUBLIC ADDRESS None. City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board January 18, 2018 A. CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Approval of Minutes— Regular Meeting —04/06/2017 RESULT: ACCEPTED[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Tom Comstock, Chairman SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Cesena,Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux 3. Approval of Minutes— Regular Meeting —06/15/2017 Minutes accepted with typographical error corrected on page 14 of the agenda packet. RESULT: ACCEPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Tom Comstock, Chairman SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Cesefia,Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux 4. Approval of Minutes— Regular Meeting — 11/02/2017 RESULT: ACCEPTED[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Tom Comstock, Chairman SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock, Tara Cesefla,Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux 5. Approval of Minutes— Regular Meeting — 11/16/2017 On Packet Page 22, Chairman Comstock stated he did not ask Commissioner Giroux to entertain a motion. He asked all members of the Commission if anyone wanted to entertain a motion on the item. On Packet Page 24, Chairman Comstock recalled Bobbie Forbes statement that she was against one-acre ranchettes but was in favor of at least 2-1/2-acre ranchettes. On Packet Page 26, first paragraph, line 13 should read: "to go. He reassured those in attendance that he has been on the Geunsil Commission when manhole" On Packet Page 26, third paragraph from the bottom should read: "Chairman Comstock clarified that 1-acre ranchettes were also part of the conversation at the last meeting." Minutes tabled so staff can confirm Bobbie Forbes testimony. City of Grand Terrace page 2 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board January 18, 2018 RESULT: TABLED[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Tom Comstock,Chairman SECONDER: Tara Cesefia,Vice Chair AYES: Tom Comstock,Tara Cesena, Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux 6. Approval of Minutes— Regular Meeting — 12/21/2017 RESULT: ACCEPTED[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Tom Comstock,Chairman SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock,Tara Cesena,Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux m� ACTION ITEM 7. Findings of Conformance with Government Code Section 65402 Sandra Molina, Planning and Development Services Director gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. Chairman Comstock asked if any written communications were received on the item. Director Molina stated no written communication was received. Jeffrey McConnell, Grand Terrace supports the project however he asked the Commission to keep in mind that things are changing, i.e. brick and mortar stores are closing every day. Therefore, he would like the City to review the Barton Road Specific Plan. Commissioner Allen asked if the property was in conformity. Baron Bettenhausen, City Attorney explained the Planning Commission to determine whether the intended development is in conformity with the General Plan which is a statutory requirement. Commissioner Allen does not want the Senior Center residents' lifestyle disturbed. Director Molina explained that the proper Public Hearing noticing will be performed at the appropriate time. Vice-Chair Cesena asked when the commercial developer returns, will they have to identify the specific establishments for the location. Director Molina stated the Barton Road Specific Plan allows for various uses. City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board January 18, 2018 1) ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, DETERMINING GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 66402 FOR THE PROPOSED DISPOSITION OF APPROXIMATELY 0.88 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BARTON ROAD, 260 FEET EAST OF VIVIENDA AVENUE (APN 0276-242-10 & 0275-242-11); AND 2) ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, DETERMINING GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 FOR THE PROPOSED DISPOSITION OF APPROXIMATELY 4.80 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BARTON ROAD, BETWEEN MICHIGAN AND CANAL STREETS (APN 1167-231-01, 1167-231-02, AND 1167-311-01) RESULT: APPROVED[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Tara Cesefia,Vice Chair SECONDER: Jeffrey Allen, Commissioner AYES: Tom Comstock,Tara Cesefia, Jeffrey Allen, Gregory A. Goatcher ABSENT: Edward A. Giroux B. INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS None. C. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Allen asked the other Commissioners if they receive information via email from the American Planners Association regarding training. He encouraged the Commission to attend the trainings and described one that he recently attended at the Mission Inn regarding the history of Riverside. Chairman Comstock asked for a progress report on CB Tyres. Director Molina stated CB Tyres has made progress removing tires however a schedule will need to be established for the removal of the remaining tires and trailers on the property. Chairman Comstock asked for clarification from Staff that CB Tyres can no longer establish a business at the location since their CUP was revoked. Director Molina confirmed that it could not. Director Comstock asked if the City is officially in the building stages of the Barton Road Interchange. City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board January 18, 2018 Director Molina stated the City is in the building stages. Chairman Comstock asked for an approximately completion date. Director Molina advised sometime in late 2019, early 2020 however Staff will provide the Planning Commission with a schedule outlining the timeline for the project. ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on February 1, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. &Ae/z -(20�-ML, om Comstock Sandra Molina Chairman of the Grand Terrace Planning Director of Planning and Development Commission Services Department City of Grand Terrace Page 5