03/01/2007 Community and Economic Development Department (ALIFORNIA GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING March 1,2007 The rMular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center. 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace. California, on March 1.2007 at 7:15 v.m.. by Vice Chairperson Matthew Addin on. PRESENT: Matthew Addington,Vice Chairperson Darcy McNaboe, Commissioner Brian Phelps, Commissioner Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Lampe,Associate Planner Jerina Cordova,Planning Secretary 7:15 P.M. CONVENE SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING • Call to Order • Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner McNaboe • Roll Call Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation,please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Community and Economic Development. NO PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: ADJOURN SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENE PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, Gallifornia 92313-5295 9 909/ 824-6621 1. APPLICANTS: City of Grand Terrace -Department of Community Development SUBJECT: General Plan Update Workshop #3 LOCATION: City-Wide RECOMMENDATION: Review the current policies and staffs recommended changes, open a public discussion to provide staff with direction in developing the goals and policies section of the various elements and close public discussion. Vice Chair Addington: Based upon our discussion prior to convening the meeting, I would like to make a motion that we reconvene the meeting to the next available date. Commissioner Phelps: I will second that. MOTION PC-06-2007 Vice Chair Addington made a motion to continue the General Plan Update to March 15,2007 Commissioner Phelps Seconded Chair Wilson and Commissioner Comstock Absent 3-0-2-0 Vice Chair Addington: Other than this is there any other information to the Commissioners? Is there any information from the commissioners to the City staff? Commissioner Phelps: There is a purchaser at my company who specializes in energy saving techniques and I wanted to know if any one would like to see a presentation for him regarding what they do at their stores to save energy. Gary L. Koontz, Director: Last Tuesday the City Council had their Priority Setting Session and talking about energy efficiency within City Hall. It was a very high topic of discussion as part of development process. We had Edison there and we are working closely with them on ways to improve City Hall and the overall community in terms of energy efficiency. We are going to be discussing, within the next few sessions, about conservation element as part of the plan. You may also want to talk to Steve Berry regarding Edison as well as the City Council. If you want to have.a presentation we can schedule anything you want. Commissioner Mc Naboe: That would be interesting. - 2 - Vice Chair Addington: I would be interested in that if you would like to arrange it with Staff. Gary L. Koontz, Director: It is very timely in dealing with the General Plan and conservation. Commissioner Phelps: That is why I wanted to bring this up now because it seems like the right time to do so. Vice Chair Addington: Are there any projects that have come up that we will be seeing in the near future? Gary L. Koontz,Director: . We haven't seen much lately and it has been pretty quiet. ADIOURN PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON MARCH 15, 2007 Respectfully Submitted, A Gary ZKoontz(,'flanning Directror a w Ad , Ce Chairman Pl ning Commission - 3 -