07/19/2007 I II GRAND TERRACE PLAkWftZ'6 f§�R' c Development Department I , , MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (ALIfORNIA JULY19,2007 The re ar meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on, Tulv 19,2007 at 7:00 n.m., by Vice Chairman Addin on. PRESENT: Matthew Addington,Vice Chairperson Tom Comstock, Commissioner Darcy McNaboe, Commissioner Brian Phelps, Commissioner Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Lampe,Associate Planner Rich Shields,Public Works Jerina Cordova,Planning Secretary ABSENT: Doug Wilson, Chairperson 7:00 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING • Call to Order • Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner McNaboe • Roll Call • Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Community and Economic Development. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION This is the time for anyone in the audience to speak on any item which is not on the agenda for this meeting. 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621 LAWRENCE CARAWAY,PASTOR THE GRAND VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH 22547 La Paix Street Pastor Lawrence asked the Planning Commission to give him some written directions on how he can or should proceed with his project. He believes that his church has an opportunity to minister to this community as well as others. Vice Chair Addington suggested that Pastor Lawrence should work with the City staff and provide them with plans. Once Staff has reviewed the project they can present the Planning Commission with a workshop prior to the actual submittal to provide guidance. PATRICIA FARLEY 12513 Michigan Street Ms. Farley informed the Planning Commission that their approval of the Blue Mountain Senior Villas in relation to the project versus the zoning was unclear. Ms. Farley was unsure when to comment on a rough draft of the General Plan. Ms. Farley wants to review a draft of the General Plan. Vice Chair Addington asked Gary L. Koontz whether or not a rough draft was available. Gary L. Koontz, Director informed Vice Chair Addington that the rough draft was partially completed. Mr. Koontz informed the Vice Chair that no one has reviewed it and asked for -- direction on how the Planning Commission wished to proceed. Vice Chair Addington asked the general public if any other participant wished to speak. END OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1. MINUTES: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of June 21,2007 RECOMMENDATION: Approval Commissioner McNaboe informed Vice Chair Addington that there were some typos. Gary L. Koontz,Director stated the typos would be corrected as noted. MOTION PC-15-2007 Commissioner Comstock made a motion to approve Commissioner Phelps seconded a motion to approve MOTION VOTE 4-0-1-0 Motion carries with Chair Wilson Absent -2 _ 2. SA-06-23/V-07-01 E-06-18: SA-0&23 has been filed for the construction of a two-story office building. The first floor will be developed as a parking garage for 21 vehicles. The second floor will be developed as . office space containing 7,532 square feet of floor area. Additional facilities will include open parking for 19 vehicles on the easterly side of the site. Approximately 20% of the project site will be landscaped. The drive-way to the open parking and parking garage will be off Preston Street approximately 100 feet south of Barton Road. The proposed building will be marketed to medical professionals. V-07-01 has been filed for a variance to modify the set-back requirements to the Administrative and Professional Office (AP) category of the Barton Road Specific Plan. APPLICANT: Lance Freidman LOCATION: 22881 Barton Road (Vacant parcel approximately .56 acres located on the southwest corner of Barton Road and Preston Street,APN# 0276-202-25) RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing, receive the staff report and testimony, close the hearing and approve the Resolution calling for the approval of SA-06-23, V-07-01 and E-06-18 based on the findings in the "Resolution of Approval" and subject to the recommended conditions of approval. Vice Chair Addington requested the staff report. Mr. Lampe greeted the Planning Commission 'and presented his staff report. Mr. Lampe described the site as irregular in shape. Mr. Lampe gave historical information relating to the subject site. Mr. Lampe declared the lot at this time to be vacant. The designation of this site on the General Plan is Office Commercial (OC) it also lays within the Barton Road Specific Plan. This project is consistent with the City's General Plan and the Administrative Profession category of the Barton Road Specific Plan. This building will be marketed as medical offices. This project meets the City's ordinance requirement for off street parking and handicapped space. Pedestrian access will be provided by a 5 ft. wide walk way off Barton Road and stairs providing access to the second floor. In addition there will be a 4 ft. wide ramp providing handicap access to the second floor. The parking requirement is 1 space for every 200 sq. ft. of office use. Mr. Lampe pointed out the building will be marketed as medical offices. This project will meet the City's requirements for number of"off-street parking" spaces. - 3 - Vehicular access will be provided off Preston Street. The applicant's Engineer concluded �= the access would be best off Preston due to line of site issues as well as safety issues. The City's traffic engineer agreed with the applicant's engineer. The amount of landscaping in this project is approximately 20% and it complies with the standard for Administrative Professional (AP) category. The reason for the variance filed,is that there will be an encroachment of the balcony and the roof line is approximately 7-8 ft within the 15 ft. setback. The staff felt the variance is warranted due to the size and irregular shape of the parcel and the landscaping will soften the appearance of the building and encroachments. The floor plan showed the 21 space parking garage with access provided by a ramp at the end of the garage. There will be five offices on the second floor. Each office will have its own restroom and the doors will open up to the 6 ft. wide balcony. There are notes on the grading plan for the NPDES requirements and a water quality management plan was also prepared for this project. The landscaping will screen the parking from Barton Road and additional landscaping will be between in the front of the building to screen the-garage. The design will be contemporary. Mr. Lampe pointed out the items on the color board and described the color board to the Planning Commission. The project qualified as a mitigated negative declaration meaning the project will not have an adverse impact on the environment. Included in the Planning Commission packet were copies of a mandatory finding of no impact. A mitigation monitoring plan was also included. The staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the proposed two-story office building under SA-06-23, V-07-01and E-06-18 based on the recommended findings and Conditions of Approval in the resolution of approval Vice Chair Addington thanked Mr. Lampe for his staff report. Commissioner McNaboe inquired on the zoning of the property immediately behind the project. Mr. Lampe explained that the whole area was part of the Barton Road Specific Plan and though there are multi-family structures that are non-conforming. Mr. Koontz explained a provision to construct multi-family units on parcels that do not have frontage on Barton with a Conditional Use Permit. The area is Administrative Professional (AP). Commissioner Phelps pointed out a difference in slope designation on the pedestrian ramp. He also inquired as to what the maximum slope for wheelchair access was. l Mr. Shields of Public Works said pursuant to Tide 24 California Building Code you are allowed 8.33%maximum. - 4- Vice Chair Addington informed Commissioner Phelps of the process for planning submittal and said that some items would not be caught until final engineering. Mr. Koontz described the evolution of the project and the cooperation of the applicant. Vice Chair Addington opened the public hearing. LANCE FRIEDMAN 10242 Old Lamplighter Lane Villa Park, California Mr. Friedman introduced himself and informed the Planning Commission of his cooperation. He is willing to make any and all changes to get this project approved. Mr. Friedman introduces his architect. Commissioner McNaboe inquired as to what type of medical professionals. Mr. Friedman listed Chiropractors,Dentist, etc. Mr. Friedman hired someone to market his building in the City of Loma Linda to bring in other types of medical offices. JUSTIN BARTH 1575 W. Cerritos Anaheim, California Mr. Barth introduced himself and informed the Planning Commission of his cooperation. He is willing to make any and all changes to get this project approved. Vice Chair Addington described the east and south elevation to the architect and pointed out the large amount of stucco. Vice Chair Addington suggested architecture elements to adorn the building. -Mr. Freidman explained there would be a six foot wall that would cover that portion in the back of the building. Vice Chair Addington suggest architecture elements. Commissioner Phelps suggested stone veneer work on the pedestrian ramp to avoid tagging. Mr. Friedman explained to Commissioner Phelps of three different submittals and it appeared to be too busy. However they played around with the colored elevations and the project at hand appeared to be the best. Mr. Koontz apologizes to the Planning Commission and informs them of their efforts to satisfy the needs of this project. Commissioner Comstock inquired as to the drainage out of the parking lot under the building. Mr. Friedman described a filter collection box to a catch basin and then out to Barton Road where the storm water will be drained. Commissioner Comstock also wanted to know exact type of Willow Trees? Mr. Barth explained the exact type of tree and asked for preference of tree. Mr. Freidman offered full cooperation with tree designation. It was noted that all Water Quality Standards have been met. - 5 - r- PATRICIA FARLEY 12513 Michigan Street Mr. Farley is concerned about the residents on the other side of Preston Avenue. She wants i assurance that they are aware of the project. Mrs. Farley is also concerned about the safety of children and the appearance of the landscaping and the view of the residents who live nearby. Gary Koontz, Director of Planning assured Ms..Farley that proper notice was sent out to 300 ft. radius as per code. Mr. Lampe indicated the Administrative Professional code did not have a specific setback for the south property line. The applicant provided 5 ft. when it could have been zero feet. Mr. Shields informed the Planning Commission that it is not required to have an elevator for this project. However, what is required is handicapped accessibility,which the applicant has provided. Commissioner Comstock acknowledged a facsimile that was included in his package regarding an opposition from a resident. The resident was opposed to any entrance or exit on Preston Street. Vice Chair Addington closed the public hearing and asked the Planning Commission for additional comments. Commissioner Phelps inquired on the electrical room. Mr. Freidman explained the position of the electrical room will be located on the second floor without exposure. r y Commissioner Phelps & Commissioner McNaboe expressed their desire to add architectural work. There is a consensus to add conditions to the approval of the project. MOTION PC-16-2007 Vice Chair Addington made a motion to approve SA-06- 23/V-07-01 & E-06-18 with a condition for archectural elements added to the West,East and South elevations. Commissioner Comstock seconded a motion to approve MOTION VOTE: 4-0-1-0 Motion carries with Chair Wilson Absent ADTOURN SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENE PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION 1. SUBJECT: Workshop and briefing on the City Attorney's review of the "Amateur Radio Antenna (HAM) Ordinance" (Z-06-02) l - 6 - Mr. Lampe proceeded with his introduction of the workshop and noted that this presentation was a continuance from a prior workshop. Mr. Lampe reiterated the purpose of the workshop in relation to the resident who requested a Conditional Use Permit to place a 35 foot high tower to 75 feet. The workshop was held in November of 2006 and it included a draft ordinance. Members of the Commission in November expressed concerns and commented on the "Amateur Radio Antenna (HAN) Ordinance". Based on this decision the staff added additional items and clarifications to the ordinance such as a 300 ft. notice and had the City attorney reviewed the ordinance. All Amateur Radio Antennas were proposed to be discretionary and would require a Conditional Use Permit, a public hearing,a 35 ft. height limit and specific language regarding the antenna array. The City attorney informed staff that the ordinance should be limited to health and safety issues and would likely be an administrative type approval. The conclusion is that we will have an ordinance that will allow (HAM) antennas through a Land Use Application and Building Permit Application. If someone were to apply and it did not conform to the standards of the ordinance they would have to go through a special review process such as a Conditional Use Permit or a Variance Vice Chair Addington discussed the maximum height according to the zoning ordinance and noticing a wider range of residents for any public review. Commissioner McNaboe needed clarification on the antennas adjustable height. Commissioner Comstock inquired on zoning limitations for accessory structures. Mr. Lampe explained the review process on the previous applicant's structure. Commissioner Comstock recommended a limitation of 20 ft. as oppose to 35 ft. because they are accessory structures in his opinion. The Planning Commission came to a consensus to keep the maximum height at 20 ft. However they inquired as to the ability to use an Amateur Radio Antenna (HA 1) at 20 ft. Director Koontz confirmed the Planning Commission's consensus and indicates the need to discuss it with the City Attorney. Commissioner Phelps questioned one's ability to object to the project. Director Koontz informs the Planning Commission of the right to a public hearing and appeal. Commissioner Comstock questioned the fee for appeal. Commissioner Comstock is not in agreement with the fees involved in an appeal. Director Koontz explains the involvement of changing a fee schedule. Commissioner Comstock asked for clarification on "boom" and "element" and the 5% on the array. Vice Chair Addington informed Commissioner Comstock that a typical 7,200 sq. ft. lot, 5%would be 360 sq. ft. Staff received the direction needed from the Planning Commission. 2. SUBJECT: General Plan Update Workshop Director Koontz proceeds with his status report on the General Plan Update. Staff decided to a "Sustainable Development" element relating to Green Building. "Sustainable Development" will result in long term cost benefits such as conservation of water and energy. Staff is currently working with Riverside Highland Water and Edison on conservation programs to incorporate in this element. C Director Koontz presents a power point presentation on the General Plan: - 7 - . Slide 2 Director Koontz discussed the elements that have been completed. Slide 3 Director Koontz discussed the two elements in process as the Housing Element and Sustainable Development. Writing a Sustainable Development Element will take a while because we are pioneering our way through writing the element since there were not very many current examples. Slide 4 Table of Contents Introduction — Authority — Scope — City Overview — Explanation of the Implementation Plans Slide 5 �. Typical Element Format — Introduction o Purpose&Function o Relationship to other elements — Existing Conditions — Goals and Policies — Implementation Plan Director Koontz explained that staff is currently finalizing the draft of the Implementation Element. There are one or more programs that are going into the Implement Element. Staff will identify the primary and secondary responsibilities. The introduction will include definitions. There will be funding sources to help the financial aspect of prioritizing implementation. Slide 6 EIR — Draft Existing Conditions section complete — Scoping Session once a Preferred Alternative is agreed to The City is under contract with The Chambers Group to do the EIR and they are in the process of completing the existing conditions section. We will need to have a scoping session once we have a Land Use plan. - 8- Slide 7 GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP Slide 8 PROPOSED LAND USE MAP Director Koontz described the maps that were included in the Planning Commission packages. Director Koontz described the map as an alternative to start the Environmental document and that it was not here for approval. The public facilities are identified on this map. The Planning Commission commented on the Alternative maps. Director Koontz noted all comments and will plan on doing a detailed analysis on it as one of the alternatives it would retreat back to multi-family. Commissioner Comstock was not in favor of that idea. Commissioner Comstock commented that people have purchased property in areas as investments and if we change zoning we are taking ability for investment. Commissioner Comstock recommended a mailing survey discussing possible changes to the Zoning and the General Plan. Director Koontz agreed to announcing changes via mailer/survey. A discussion was held on the Hillside Residential. It was confirmed by the City Council and City of Colton there would be no road connecting the two cities in the Honey Hills area. Commissioner Phelps inquired the definition for the new senior project. Director Koontz explained that the "Medium High Density' designation is specifically for senior oriented projects. Any new projects will require the preparation of a specific plan. Slide 9 Direction — Preferred Alternative for EIR? — Workshops of remaining Element's Goals and Policies? — PC review of completed draft Elements? Director Koontz asked whether the Planning Commission wanted a modified designation for the Vivienda Avenue/Grand Terrace Road area added on the preferred alternative Land Use Map. Vice Chair Addington agreed, Commissioner Comstock disagreed, Commissioner McNaboe disagreed. Director Koontz was directed to leave as is and to add an alternative to changing it to lower density. Staff was also directed to mail out a survey to local property owners in that area to solicit their opinion Director Koontz explained to the Planning Commission that staff was not planning to have workshops on Public Safety & Noise because there are not going to be any major changes for the current elements. Director Koontz,recommended going over the Goals and Policies if they desired. - 9 - PATRICIA FARLEY _ 12513 Michigan Street Ms. Farley stated that there were several rumors going around about the elementary school by the freeway and the possibility of eminent domain. She expressed her concern with multi-family units, the noise policy, the Gage Canal, and the proposed public plaza. At the Townsquare Project Ms. Farley encouraged the City of Grand Terrace to refer to the City of Anaheim's example of an underground power plant as opposed to the AES Power plant that is coming to the City of Grand Terrace. Ms. Farley does not feel the citizens of Grand Terrace have any control on what is going on with zoning. Director Koontz commented on an item Ms. Farley addressed regarding the Gage Canal. Director Koontz has attempted to work with the City of Riverside to do something with the canal itself. The canal is a weed infested dirt road. We proposed to the City of Riverside if anyone were to develop next to the canal, they must landscape the canal. The Gage Company refused to cooperate. Director Koontz is currently working with Supervisor Hansberger's office for assistance in working with the Gage Canal. Vice Chair Addington informed Director Koontz that his predecessor tried for ten years and ended with the same result. Commissioner Comstock addressed a few concerns regarding Ms. Farley's comments. Commissioner Comstock summarized the last Planning Commission's approval of the Blue ` Mountain Senior Villas and informed Ms. Farley that it would be heard by the City Council next week. Director Koontz addressed Ms. Farley's question about the elementary school and explained the only possibility for the school to get moved is if the freeway were widened and the City of Grand Terrace has no control over that. Director Koontz plans to continue to having workshops to look at various elements and the information will be made available to the Planning Commission and the general public at the same time. • Information to Commissioners The California Energy Commission scheduled a workshop at City Hall regarding the AES Power Plant. It will be a public workshop and anyone can give testimony. • Information from Commissioners Vice Chair Addington inquired on the message board at CVS. Director Koontz informed the Planning Commission that he has tried to contact the person in charge of the message board. The message board is run by a person in Connecticut and he is unreachable. - 10 - Commissioner Comstock asked about the lot where the mobile homes on Michigan use to be and how the City could go about having that lot cleared. Richard Shields, Public Works informed. the Planning Commission that NPDS requires only maintenance with shorter weeds as oppose to stripping the land due to possibilities of flood season and citations. Commissioner Comstock inquired about status on the Town Center project. Director Koontz informed the Planning Commission about the status on the Town Center project. A specific plan is in process. Commissioner Comstock inquired on the Essco project. Richard Shields, Public Works informs Commissioner Comstock the project should be done in one month. Commissioner Comstock wanted an update on the "OAC". Director Koontz expected to see a specific plan in the next few months. Director Koontz recently had a meeting with Caltrans and other Supervisors in regards to changes that will help the level of service. Caltrans and SANBAG are looking to reconstruct the Barton Road Interchange and it will be funded by"Measure I". Richard Shields, Public Works informs the Planning Commission on the status of the signal lights at Honey Hill Drive. ADTOURN PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 2, 2007 Respectfully Submitted, Approved By Gary L�Koontz,4-fanning Director ice Jvllai anXfatt ew Addington Pladmng Commission - 11 -