09/20/2001 c►TY. �Repv TERR a Community Development Department GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on September 20, 2001 at 7:05 p.m., by Chairperson Fran Van Gelder. PRESENT:, Fran Van Gelder, Chairperson Matthew Addington, Commissioner Brian Whitley, Commissioner Patrizia Materassi, CEDD Director John Lampe, Associate Planner Michelle Boustedt, CEDD Secretary ABSENT: Doug Wilson, Vice Chairperson Mary Trainor, Commissioner 7:05 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING • Call to Order • Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Whitley • Roll Call • Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: NONE • This is the time for anyone in the audience to speak on any item, which is not on the agenda for this meeting. 1 2-2795 Barton Road• Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • (909)824-6621 ITEMS: 1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of July 19, 2001. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. MOTION: PC-25-2001 Commissioner Addington made a motion to approve the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated July 19, 2001. Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion MOTION VOTE: PC-25-2001 Motion approved 3-0-0-2. Vice Chair Wilson absent Commissioner Trainor absent 2. MINUTES Planning Commissioner Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2001. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. MOTION: PC-26-2001 Chair Van Gelder made a motion to approve the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated August 16, 2001. Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion MOTION VOTE: PC-26-2001 Motion approved 2-0-1-2. Commissioner Addington Abstaining Vice Chair Wilson absent Commissioner Trainor absent 3. TPM-01-01 (TPM15710) V-01-01 & E-01-04 Divide the subject parcel into two separate lots each having an area of approximately 8,635 square feet and a variance to modify the minimum lot width requirement of 60 feet to approximately 55 feet. APPLICANT: Robert Chagolla Construction on behalf of Jonathan Joseph, t Owner. 2 LOCATION: Vacant 17,270 square foot parcel located on east side of Vivienda Avenue, approximately 240 feet south of Van Buren Street. RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, receive testimony, close the Public Hearing and recommend the approval to the City Council of Tentative Parcel Map No. 01-01, approve Variance Case No. 01- 05 subject to the approval of the Tentative Parcel Map by the City Council and approve Environmental Review Case No. 01-04 to divide the site into two separate lots with a variance for the minimum lot width from 60 to 55 feet. Associate Planner Lampe reported that the applicant is requesting the approval of the Tentative Parcel Map 01-01 to create two lots together with a Variance request to modify the minimum lot width requirement. The subject site is a 17, 270 square foot parcel, which is located on the east side of Vivienda Avenue approximately 240 feet south of Van Buren Street. The subject site is zoned R1-7.2 as are all of the surrounding properties. In addition, the site is located in the LDR; or the Low Density Residential category of the City's General Plan, as are all other surrounding properties. The Applicant, on behalf of the Property Owner is proposing to divide the site into two equal lots of 8,635 square feet each. The proposed tentative map shows the proposed division. Each new lot exceeds the _ minimum lot area by 120%, even without adding the area to be vacated along Vivienda f Avenue. To the immediate left of the subject site is an excess right-of-way along Vivienda and it is a condition that it is being recommended that the excess right-of-way be vacated. This will add to the existing proposed parcel site if the street is vacated. The overall dimension of the lots as proposed is 55 feet by 157 feet. As noted the excess right-of-way along Vivienda Avenue, which will be vacated if this project is approved, will slightly increase the overall resulting parcel size of the lots. The proposed lots meet all of the standards of the underlying zone with the exception of the minimum lot width requirement, which is 60 feet. The applicant is asking this evening that this standard be modified about 8% to 55 feet for each new lot. The applicant has not submitted any plans for residential construction at this time, because he would like to know if the City is going to approve the proposed lot split before undertaking the additional expense in preparing plans and drawings for residential construction. To build a residence on the property, a Site and Architectural Review application would have to file with the Planning Department, and the hearing would have to be scheduled before the Planning Commission. The Applicant has indicated if the tentative map is approved, he will purchase the property from the current owner. 3 The subject site is a remainder parcel in the area, which was not included when the tracts to the immediate west, southeast of the subject site were subdivided. The proposed lots of the subject site will exceed the minimum required area for the zone as stated before, by 120%. The resulting lots will exceed a majority of the lots in the immediate surrounding area. The resulting lots will be compatible in terms of the area of the surrounding neighborhood. In addition, the resulting proposed density of the tentative map proposal is consistent with the City's General Plan. The proposed variance will only reduce the 60-foot minimum lot width requirement by 8%. Staff believes that the modification in such a slight change of the standard that will not result in any additional impact to the neighborhood, nor will it prohibit maintaining required setbacks from future residential development on the two blocks. Without the variance, it would not be possible for the property owner / applicant to enjoy the same rights and privileges as other owners in the area, that he would not be able to create lots in the similar size and shape which currently exist in the immediate area. Staff did receive one letter from a property owner of the area objecting to this proposal. Dorothy Farley, who presides on the corner of Van Buren and Michigan, believes the approval of the construction of two small houses will resolve in a negative effect on the neighborhood. Staff believes that some, and not all of Mrs. Farley's objections can be rectified when the plans and drawings are prepared for the residence in the construction of two lots, which will come before the Commission through the Site and Architectural Review. As part of the review, the staff will evaluate compatibility of the proposed structures of the existing homes in the surrounding area. The Director also has the option to modify to a minor deviation, some of the setback requirements that would allow for a wider house on the lot if necessary, for a house to be compatible with the immediate neighborhood. This was explained to Mrs. Farley, and she indicated that she was satisfied with that explanation, and is looking forward to the Site and Architectural review application and the Public Hearing to follow thereafter. Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the Council to move forward to approve the proposed tentative map. There will be a secondary public hearing for the tentative map going to the City Council. Staff is asking to approve and recommend to the City Council that the Council go forward and adopt the proposed resolution calling for the approval of the tentative map. Planning Associate Lampe concluded his presentation by stating that Staff is recommending that the variance application be approved for the proposed variance application subject to the City Council approval. Chair Van Gelder asked Planning Associate Lampe how large of a house could be placed on each of the lots? Planning Associate Lampe replied that the Zoning Code requires a minimum of 1,350 square feet. 4 Director Materassi added that the home could be built larger, than homes in.the other lots. Even though the lot is not as wide as the other lots, this lot is larger than the majority of the other lots in the surrounding area. Mrs. Farley's concern was of the street frontage. Most of the houses are very wide in front, and short in the rear. Even though the home could be built larger in square feet, from the exterior portion, it would look much more narrow. Commissioner Addington commented that looking at the tentative map that was submitted, a 10-foot and-a 5-foot setback that would leave 40 feet from the'width of the house, which is as wide as Commissioner Addington's house. Commissioner Whitley wanted to know what the average square footage of a house was in the proposed area. Director Materassi replied that 1,700 to 1,800 square feet was the average in Grand Terrace. The older homes are normally smaller between 1,600 to 1,700 square feet or smaller. Chair Van Gelder opened the public hearing and invited the applicant to address the Commission. Warren Tuttle Tuttle Engineering 800 E Clifton Avenue, Suite K Redlands �-` Mr. Tuttle commented on Staffs efforts and feels that staffs report was excellent, and has stated everything that he himself would have reported to the Commission and offered to answer any questions on behalf of the applicant. Commissioner Whitley asked Mr. Tuttle if he knew what to expect as in the size of the residences that was being proposed to be built. Mr. Tuttle stated that he was unaware of what the proposed residences were going to be, and that it was out of his field. His sole purpose was to get the lots split up for the purpose of the proposed home, and turned to the applicant for the information. Robert Chagolla Robert Chagolla Construction 35575 Balsa Street Yucaipa, Ca Mr. Chagolla answered Commission Whitley's question by stating that the proposed home was going to be 1,500 to 1,600 square feet. Mr. Chagolla spoke with a number of real estate agents within the area who have informed him that the homes in the area have been comparable to the proposed square footages. 5 Jim Lintern 22570 Eton Street Grand Terrace Mr. Lintern stated that he formally lived at 22209 Lark Street, which was just around the corner from the proposed site. Mr. Lintern stated that his former house was 1,240 square feet. All of the homes on Lark Street at Pascal and Kentfield are all less than 1,300 square feet. If a 1,300 + square foot home was going to be built, it would be considered more than comparable to the neighborhood. Being that Mr. Lintern no longer lives in the area, he feels that the proposed home would be a much better improvement compared to the empty lot that' currently exists on the proposed site. Director Materassi informed the Commission that there was a previous approval on this property for a residential care facility. The owner had decided that he did not want to pursue that project, so this is his second proposal. Also, if the Commission would like to know what the proposed foot-print of the houses in this neighborhood would be, the GIS Division can provide the Commission with information at the time a Site and Architecture Application is submitted. Chair Van Gelder concluded the public hearing for further discussion and action from the Commission. Commissioner Addington wanted to discuss the letter from Dorothy Farley, in which Mrs. Farley had brought up a good issue. In looking at the assessor's parcel maps, adjacent to it is a sixty-foot lot, by a lot that it is even deeper than what is being proposed, adjacent to it is also a 65 foot lot. Commissioner Addington expressed that this lot split, in his opinion, is well within what is built currently in that neighborhood, and would not be a detriment to the neighborhood. Commissioner Addington had one change with the first set of conditions. Condition Number Eight on page number four, in reviewing the subdivision map act, Condition number eight should read: "Parcel Map shall be properly prepared" and not "The final map". Legally, there is a difference between the final map and a parcel map. Planning Associate Lampe informed Commissioner Addington and Chair Van Gelder that the Staff will make that correction. MOTION PC-27-2001 Commissioner Addington moved to approve TPM-01-01, V-01-01 & E-01-04 and recommend to the Council. Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion. MOTION VOTE: Motion approved 3-0-0-2. PC-27-2001 Vice Chair Wilson absent Commissioner Trainor absent 6 7:27 P.M. CONVENED PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION a • Information from Commissioners None • Information to Commissioners Director Materassi reported that the Chevron plans would be resubmitted for a demolition permit within the next week. Staff was concerned that due to an upcoming merger with Texaco, Chevron would not proceed with project, which is not the case so far. Sav-On representatives are currently under the Due Diligence process for the Rite Aid Site. Should the Board of Directors approve the site, the same architectural plans will be utilized with the exception of the Rite Aid's trademark diamond shaped windows. The City is currently scheduling a workshop with the California Economic Development Association also known as CALED, for the month of November. CALED evaluates a city's economic development plan, and speaks with the Staff, Planning Commission, and City Council and study the current city's programs. From their findings, they advise each city on how to proceed effectively. This was a recommendation of the General Plan .Task Force. CALED is more cost effective than a consultant. The City is currently entertaining an "end user" material supply business on the Luna Property on the south side,of Barton Road. This construction material supply "end user" sells large pipes for construction sites. This type of user can bring a significant amount of taxes into the City. The site where business is currently operating was visited by one of the members of staff in which he reported that the frontage of the site has been landscaped,,and appears to have a clean operation. Director Materassi reported that Occupancy within Grand Terrace is at or near 100%, with the exception of the Stater Brothers shopping center. It seems to be unclear why the shopping center remains partially vacant. All other vacant spaces are in escrow or are unavailable for rent. Commissioner Addington commented that the center does looked dated, and can use refurbishment in the front of the center. Trees in the parking lot would make the parking lot look a lot more appealing. Director Materassi agreed and advised that she had.tried to put funds in the amount of $7,000 for fagade and landscape improvements to the site, but there were no funds available for such. Supervisor Hansberger has been contacting surrounding cities because he would like to disburse some available funds to the area. Tom, our City Manager, may be placing a request to the County for funding. 7 Chair Van Gelder added that the shopping center could use some uniformity. There seems to be a mixture of different signs and canopies, etc. Chair Van Gelder asked Director Materassi what her thoughts were on the Texaco / Chevron merger. Director Materassi replied that she was optimistic that Chevron will go ahead with the station on the corner of Barton Road and Mount Vernon Avenue. Director Materassi also reported that the Texaco Station Franchisees have sold their station to someone else, and the new owner seems to have initiative to improve the Texaco Site. Commissioner Whitley-added that as far as the merger, it was his understanding that the Chevron name will survive the merger. Unless the Federal Trade Commission orders the companies to divest certain fuel stations, they will not necessarily be concerned with some stations being closer together. Commissioner Whitley had a question with regard to the status of the small shopping center where Blue Mountain Coffee used to be. Director Materassi reported that the building is currently in escrow. Chuck Eads of Blue Mountain Real Estate is the selling broker for the building and is purchasing the building himself. Mr. Eads has several tenants who are interested in leasing within the site, but is awaiting another party to take over the building. Commissioner Addington asked if Mr. Eads gave any indication as to who was interested in leasing at the site. Director Materassi replied that Mr. Eads did not want to give out that information as yet, because of the pending transaction. However, Blue Mountain Real Estate was thinking about moving their real estate office into the site. ADJOURN PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION AT 7:40 P.M. NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2001 Respectfully submitted, Approved by, r - atrizia Materassi Fran Van elder Director of Community Chairperson, Planning Commission and Economic Development 8