06/17/2004 Community and Economic Development Department CALIFORNIA GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINTUES OF REGULAR MEETING June 17, 2004 The reaular meetina of the Grand Terrace Plannina Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on June 17. 2004. at 7:00 p.m., by Vice Chairperson Matt Addinqton PRESENT: Matthew Addington, Vice Chairperson Brian Whitley, Commissioner Robert Bidney, Commissioner Tom Comstock, Commissioner Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Lampe, Associate Planner Jeff Gollihar, Planning Technician ABSENT: Doug Wilson, Chairperson 7:00 P.M. CONVENE SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Whitley Roll Call PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Barney Karger 11668 Bernardo Way I wish to speak regarding your Planning Director. I do not normally do business with people that I cannot trust. Or that lie to me. In fact, I very very seldom do business with anybody like that, and they only usually get one chance to lie to me. The Planning Director that you have has lied to me; backed up by John Lampe. As witnesses I have my engineer and one of his men. They aren't here tonight because I don't think I need them. Mr. Koontz told me that I would need a minimum amount of paperwork for the subdivision that I wanted to put in on De Berry Street. When I told my engineer that, he said, 'I have to hear that from Mr. Koontz.' So my engineer, Paul and one of his men came and we had a meeting, where it was explicitly said by Gary Koontz, 'I want a minimum amount of paperwork, this is all I'm going to call for.' We presented that amount of paperwork and he wanted other things. We changed the stuff and gave him the other things. 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, Cdlifornia 92313-5295 9 909/ 824-6621 Now, I'm not going to go into exact details, but then after we did that, he gave us a whole list.of stuff to do. Which he had not called for, not mentioned, which my engineer had asked, 'do we need some of these things.' And he said, 'no, we will not need this.' He included in his last request, what my engineer and I agree is called a "turd count". Well, I count two of them right here. (Points to Gary and John simultaneously). He wants me to go measure the flow of sewage down De Berry Street for a total of 19 units, 15 houses and four apartment units. He has not requested that. Did not request it for the apartment units that were going to be further south than I am. Has not requested it for the houses that are going in. there on De Berry Street, west of me. And evidently he has developed an enmity. Has decided that I don't like him, which I don't, although I started to when he first came on board here. A minimum of three and a maximum of five times I have been at his counter out here and in the middle of a sentence I have stopped and walked away. It is a felony to hit a Governmental Employee... Matt Addington: That's true. Barney Karger: Yeah, in the process of their business on City Property or County Property, or State Property, or Federal Property, and I do not wish .to be charged with a felony. But I also don't wish to be dealt to do business with a liar. That's my statement. I will advise anybody else coming before the Planning Director to get everything, You hear me? (facing an audience member) Everything he says in writing. That's it. ITEMS: 1. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of April 16, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: Approval MOTION PC-10-2004: Commissioner Whitley made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Comstock seconded the motion MOTION VOTE PC-1 0-2004: Approved 3-0-1-1 Chair Wilson Absent Commissioner Bidney Abstained 2. MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: Approval 2 MOTION PC-11-2004: Commissioner Comstock made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Bidney seconded the motion. MOTION VOTE PC-11-2004: Approved 4-0-1-0 Chair Wilson Absent 3. SA-04-07, E-04-02 Applications for a Site and Architecture SA-04-07 and Environmental Review E-04-02 to construct a new two- story, 5,063 square foot custom home with 4,211 square feet of livable space and an 852 square foot, 3 car garage on a .92 acre lot located in the R1-20 Zone (single family residential minimum 20,000 square feet), with an agricultural overlay, (AG). APPLICANT: Leno Moreno LOCATION: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 550, which is a vacant lot located on the east side of Rosedale Avenue, and one lot north of Palm Avenue APN: 275-083-19. RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, receive testimony, and close the public hearing and approve SA-04-07 and E-04-02 µ, with conditions. Planning Technician Gollihar greeted the Commission and presented his staff report. The Staff is requesting to approve the site and architectural and environmental review to construct a two store 5,063 square foot custom home on a .92 acre lot. The surrounding area consists of 17 residences within the area. The majority of the home in the area are 2,500 square feet and larger. There are some homes down on Rosedale and are in the City of Colton boundary and consist anywhere from 1,800 to 2,000 square feet. There are also some homes that are at 4,000 and over. The project is located in the low-density residential category of the general plan R1-20 Single Family Residential with a minimum of 20,000 square feet. It does have an Agricultural Overlay. The single family residence at this location is consistent with both the City's General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. The site plan shows the 5,063 square foot custom home with 4,211 square feet of livable space and 852 square foot three car garage. The front of the residence will have a circular driveway with a center piece fountain as an architectural detail. A six foot block wall will be built around the rear of the property. The residence is set back 40 feet from the rear property line and covers approximately 12% of the lot which is well under the 40% maximum allowable coverage under R1-20. The final landscape plan will need to submitted and approved by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3 The elevations show a two-story California Ranch Style home with a small decorative balcony that is accessible from the upstairs attic space. The front of the residence will be accented by lead stone columns, and arched windows. The garage will be accessible from the south portion of the property to remove the large appearance of a three-car garage from the elevation. A carport will allow for the resident to gain access to the rear yard and will be 10 feet in height. The floor plan consists of a two-story residential custom constructed home with four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a family room, living room, kitchen with nook, dining room, den, laundry room and a 590 square foot attic space located on the second floor and a 917 square foot garage and carport that will be attached to the residence. The lot is currently vacant and has been pre-graded and has a gradual downward slope from the rear of the property to the front where water will drain from the rear of the house to the driveway. Planning Technician Gollihar concluded his staff report and stated that the application complies with the. Municipal codes and meets all the findings of the zoning code. Staff has recommended approval of the Resolution. Commissioner Addington asked if any of the Commission had questions of staff. Commissioner Bidney asked a question with regard to the slope of the property. Planning Technician Gollihar reported that the property slopes from the rear of the property - to the front of the property. Commissioner Bidney stated that he drove by the property and said that the property sloped towards La Cadena Drive. Vice Chair Addington replied that it is hard to tell since there is no topography map provided. Commissioner Bidney asked if the residence will have a slope from the rear to the front when it is built. Planning Technician Gollihar did report that there are some spots in the rear of the property that are lower but they would not be disturbed. Everything around the residence will slope from the rear to the front. Vice Chair Addington opened up the public hearing. Leno Moreno -Applicant 640 W. Olive Street, Colton The reason that the property looks like it slopes towards La Cadena is because the property was used as an off road track. We graded a hill in front of the sidewalk to try to - . keep the kids from continuing to use the property as an off road track. 4 Vice Chair Addington asked if there was a condition where he will be required to drain everything towards Rosedale. If he drains to the rear, then the applicant will need an off- site drainage easement. Vice Chair Addington asked Mr. Moreno if he was confident that the property naturally drains to Rosedale. Mr. Moreno affirmed that he was confident in that the property does drain towards Rosedale. Vice Chair Addington had a concern with where the carport will be located and that it looks fairly close to the property line. Will there be a need for zoning requirements for setbacks. Planning Technician Gollihar replied that there is a 10-foot requirement for the zoning. At present there is a 6-foot set-back. The intent of the setback is to allow access to the rear of the property.and to gain space between the two residences. The resident to the south is facing Palm Avenue and is more than 50 feet away from the property. Because the space has already been created and the access is available, it meets the intent. Should the Planning Commission requests that Staff shift the property or use a minor deviation, Staff could add a recommendation to do so. Vice Chair Addington asked if it was Staffs intention to ask the Commission to grant a variance or a minor deviation for the change in setback. Planning Technician Gollihar replied that it was Staffs request that if the proposed project became an issue to direct staff on which actions should be taken. If the Commission feels that it is acceptable the project would be left as presented. Vice Chair Addington asked if the property of .92 was net or gross acres. Planning Technician Gollihar replied that it is .92 gross acres. Vice Chair Addington asked if there were any retaining walls being proposed along the boundary of the property and if the walls that are being proposed to be built along the rear of the property become a graffiti issue. Planning Technician Gollihar replied that there were no retaining walls proposed at this time. As far as the proposed walls are concerned, there are residences on all sides of the property, so there will not be any public access to the walls. Vice Chair Addington closed the public hearing and brought the item back to the Commission for discussion. Vice Chair Addington asked a question with regard to the drainage. Did the City Engineer have any drainage requirements? Planning Technician Gollihar reported that there was a condition submitted by the Building and Safety Director with regard to the drainage. Vice Chair Addington asked if the staff was comfortable with the minor deviation going from 10 feet to 6 feet. 5 Planning Director Koontz replied that the staff was comfortable with the deviation. Because of the distance between the lot line and the design of the house and the distance with the house next door, it seems feasible. Vice Chair Addington asked if a minor deviation would be approved at an administrative level or would the deviation be brought before the Commission. Planning Director Koontz replied that it would be an administrative application. Vice Chair Addington asked if the Commission wanted to entertain a motion. MOTION PC-12-2004: Commissioner Comstock made a motion to approve SA 04-07 and E-04-02. Vice Chair Addington seconded the motion. MOTION VOTE PC-12-2004: Approved 4-0-1-0 Chair Wilson absent ADJOURN SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 7:25 PM CONVENE PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION • Information to Commissioners None • Information from Commissioners Vice Chair Addinton asked staff what the status was for the new Sav-On Drug Store Planning Director Koontz replied that the City has been working with them and they have had some issues with their lease agreement. But are expecting plans in the near future. Vice Chair Addington asked when the new Miguel's Jr. will be opening. Planning Director Koontz replied that the first plan check came in about two weeks ago; they are in the middle of plan check process at present. ADJOURN PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION 7:30 PM NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON JULY 15. 2004 Respectfully Submitted, Approved By, 71 Gary Kdontz, Plarng Director fUl- tthe ddingto 1!2, Vi Chairman anni g Commissio 6