07/07/1994GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1994 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on July 7, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jimmy Sims. PRESENT: Jimmy Sims, Chairman Matthew Addington, Commissioner Leeann Garcia, Commissioner Moire Huss, Commissioner Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director Maria C. Muett, Associate Planner Maggie Alford, Planning Secretary ABSENT: Doug Wilson, Vice -Chairman Ray Munson, Commissioner PLEDGE: Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner Commissioner Garcia nominated Commissioner Addington to be Chairman for this evening, since neither the Chairman nor the Vice -Chairman were present at this time. VOTE 4-0-3-0. Chairman Sims, Vice -Chairman Wilson and Commissioner Munson absent. 6:52 P.M. CONVENED PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION The Community Development Director said the City has not adopted the Robert's Rules of Order, but instead has modified it somewhat to produce the City Council Procedures Handbook. She recommended that the Planning Commission have its own handbook. The Community Development Director brought up the issue of R.V. covers, stating that they have never been reviewed before as they are usually tents or tarps and do not require a permit. She said a complaint was received regarding an R.V. cover, and the complainant couldn't understand why it wouldn't come under review when smaller items come under review. The Director stated that she is proposing over-the-counter review similar to that for playhouses. She said if the applicant brings in letters of approval from the neighbors, approval can be issued immediately, and if building permits are required, they can be applied for at that time. She said otherwise, the Planning Department can route letters to the adjacent neighbors, which would take approximately two weeks. Commissioner Addington asked if it was customary for the City to mediate disputes between neighbors like this. The Director said we should not intervene, but what they are doing here is reviewing the bulk and colors. She said if staff can give some advice, this would eliminate a lot of problems. Commissioner Garcia was concerned about public notification. The Director said staff could put an article in the City newsletter and perhaps put it on cable television. The Chairmanship was returned to Jimmy Sims. 7:05 P.M. ADJOURNED PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION 7:05 P.M. CONVENED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Commissioner Van Gelder welcomed back the Community Development Director. ITEM #1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 211994 MOTION PCM-94-31 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1994 Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to approve the June 2, 1994 minutes. Commissioner Garcia seconded. 2 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-31 Motion carries. 3-0-2-2. Vice -Chairman Wilson and Commissioner Munson absent. Chairman Sims and Commissioner Addington abstained. ITEM #2 CUP-94-01/E-94-09 L.A. CELLULAR 21971 DE BERRY G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN UNMANNED PUBLIC UTILITY SUBSTATION FOR CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS The Associate Planner presented the staff report. LINDA PAUL L.A. CELLULAR BOX 6028 CERRITOS, CA 90702-6028 Ms. Paul said the diameter of the monopole is typically 34" at the base. She said with regard to electromagnetic fields, cellular facilities are extremely low - powered, stating that they operate at about 30 watts per channel, and there is a maximum of 58 channels per site. She said channels do not operate simultaneously, and only about 10% of the time would all channels be in operation. She mentioned that the average call lasts about one minute and 45 seconds maximum. She said the service in this area is currently very poor, and this is why they need a substation here. Chairman Sims expressed concern about the maintenance of the pole if graffiti were to take place. Ms. Paul said they would immediately paint the pole once graffiti were place on it. 7:57 P.M. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING 7:57 P.M. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING 3 MOTION PCM-94-32 O CUP-94-01/E-94-09 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-32 Chairman Sims made a motion to add to Condition #9, "All graffiti placed on the facility, including the pole, must be removed by the applicant within 48 hours of notification by the City of Grand Terrace. Commissioner Huss seconded. Motion carries. 5-0-2-0. Vice -Chairman Wilson and Commissioner Munson absent. Chairman Sims commented that he feels this is the wrong location for this business, as it is too close to the residential area. MOTION PCM-94-33 CUP-94-01/E-94-09 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-33 Commissioner Addington made a motion to approve CUP-94-01 and E-94-09 as conditioned and amended. Commissioner Van Gelder seconded. Motion carries. 4-1-2-0. Chairman Sims voted no. Vice -Chairman Wilson and Commissioner Munson absent. 8:14 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 8:14 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ITEM 3 SA-94-05 L.A. CELLULAR 21971 DE BERRY G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF AN UNMANNED PUBLIC UTILITY SUBSTATION FOR CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS o MOTION PCM-94-34 SA-94-05 MOTION VOTE PCM-94-34 Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to approve SA-94-05 as conditioned and amended. Commissioner Garcia seconded. Motion carries. 4-1-2-0. Chairman Sims voted no. Vice -Chairman Wilson and Commissioner Munson absent. 8:16 P.M. ADJOURNED SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD 8:16 P.M. RECONVENED PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION The Community Development Director asked for a consensus to go ahead with R.V. Cover Review Procedures Resolution. Chairman Sims and Commissioners Garcia, Huss and Van Gelder agreed. Commissioner Addington disagreed, stating that he felt we are over -regulated as it is. Chairman Sims said he does not have a problem with this since staff will not get involved unless somebody complains. 8:24 P.M. ADJOURNED PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD JULY 21, 1994. Respectfully submitted, Patrizia Materassi Community Development Director 07-27-94:ma c:\wp51\planning\minutes\07-07-94.m 5 Approved by, r Jimmy Sims Chairman, Planning Commission