06/06/1997GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION NIINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 5, 1997 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on June 5, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman, Jimmy W. Sims. 7:00 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PRESENT: Jimmy W. Sims, Chairman Fran Van Gelder, Vice -Chairperson Doug Wilson, Commissioner Matthew Addington, Commissioner Gerry Ellis, Commissioner OPatrizia Materassi, Community Development Director Joann Lombardo, Housing Consultant Larry Mainez, Associate Planner Hally Cappiello, Associate Planner Pat Peterson, Community Development Department Secretary ABSENT: Moire Huss, Commissioner Mary Trainor, Commissioner * Call to Order * Pledge of Allegiance led by Chairman Sims * Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 2 JUNE 5,1997 ITEM#1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - MAY 15, 1997 MOTION PCM-97-38 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - MAY 15, 1997 Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder made a motion to approve the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from the May 15, 1997 meeting. Seconded by Chairman Sims. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-38 Motion carried. 2-1-2-2. Commissioner Addington voted "no"; Chairman Sims and Commissioner Ellis abstained; and Commissioners Huss and Trainor absent. Commissioner Addington pointed out in Items #3 and #4 of the minutes he felt the minutes C, were too brief and over -summarized. Director Materassi asked if there are specific things missing. Chairman Sims asked Commissioner Addington if he had recommendations. Commissioner Addington said in Item #3 when he made his 10-minute presentation on behalf of Azure Hills School it was summarized to 10 seconds reading. In Item #4 the opponents to the drive through amendment were also summarized to 10 seconds. He said he feels more content is needed in the minutes. Chairman Sims summarized by saying, "The comment is to look at the germane issues, state the issues, a summarization of the discussion but make sure the points are made clear for the record." He pointed out Commissioner Van Gelder's comments about the drive throughs is all in the minutes, and said staff has to make judgments to be fair to all the participants. Director Materassi said when a prepared statement is being read, the minutes so reflect with a direct quote. If the Commission has a discussion, the discussion is summarized in the minutes. ITEM#2 UPDATE OF THE GENERAL PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY-WIDE Staff report was presented by Director Materassi and Housing Consultant Joann Lombardo. Director Materassi started by saying the City has a self -certified Housing Element from 1991. However the three attempts made at State approval with HCD were each denied. Funding was exhausted at the PLANNING COMAUSSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 3 JUNE 5,1997 end of the third attempt and the project went dormant for a time. State law requires the City have housing to satisfy "low", "very low" and assistance to the homeless. All options have been explored to satisfy the requirement and avoid building "low" and "very low" housing units. Three years ago the Redevelopment Agency began generating rehab housing units which may help satisfy the State requirement to provide low income housing. Chairman Sims asked what the benefit is to the City of having a certified Housing Element. Housing Consultant Joann Lombardo said State law requires the State Housing/Community Development review and certify the Housing Element for each City. It is currently not tied to financing, although an amendment is expected shortly. Cities such as Grand Terrace which are uncertified are legally liable for law suits regarding land use, zoning or general plan. Such a suit could be brought by any developer whose proposed project is not approved. The City has never had a State -certified Housing Element. In her work on the Housing Element Update she approached the task from two directions. It needs to meet community needs as well as State requirements. The first step was a review of the socio- economic data or basic demographics. A survey was distributed to 700 households randomly throughout the City to determine community needs. In addition, information was gathered from the General Plan Task Force. Collectively it was determined the community does not want more housing, and in particular multi -family housing. A need for senior housing was determined and possibly a mixed -use housing for seniors in the downtown area. Mixed -use housing may partially help meet the "very low" income requirement of the State; however, not totally. To complete the "very low" requirement the suggestion has been made to subsidize existing apartments using some of the 20% CRA set -aside funds. That strategy is acceptable to the State if the City subsidizes some of the market -rate Highlands apartments. It would provide more opportunities for the elderly, young adults, and single parents. City Manager's office has reviewed and approves of this strategy. In response to Commissioner Van Gelder's inquiry, Ms. Lombardo explained the Highlands Apartments were constructed under a mortgage revenue bond issue, which is required by the State to have 20% of the units affordable to "low" or "moderate" income residents. In order to now meet the requirement for "very low" housing the proposal is to use CRA set -aside funds to provide additional subsidies to existing market rate units so they become more affordable. This would be a cash subsidy in addition to the bond issue already in place. Ms. Lombardo also developed a strategy whereby the CRA 20% set -aside could be used to purchase 12 acres of residential land on Barton Road to develop a mixed -use facility. 25 % of the senior condos will be indirectly subsidized by the City via land write-offs and bond financing support for the developer. Attachment C of the report illustrates a scenario based upon surveys done to determine land values and construction costs. The subsequent pro forma indicated an attractive profit for any potential developers. The plan would require the developer maintain 25 % of the senior condos available to the very low income for a period of 15 years. Ms. Lombardo said if the City approves the above Housing Element strategies and HCD also approves and then certifies the element the City would then need to demonstrate a good faith effort to implement the element. Amendment of the BRSP allowing mixed -use development would need PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 4 JUNE 5,1997 to be accomplished. Cost to the City of the 12 acres is estimated at as much as $1.2 million, from the CRA 20 % set -aside fund. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder asked Director Materassi if the Planning Commission was being asked to approve one or both of the proposed strategies. Director responded the Commission is asked to approve both of the proposed strategies already approved by HCD. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder expressed concern that the City would be providing housing for unemployed and financially unstable individuals. Ms. Lombardo explained that many elderly residents, college students and young people qualify under the "very low" definition. These people buy food and other services which will help the economy. Commissioner Wilson pointed out the General Plan says the City has responsibility to provide housing for citizens of all income levels; there is a State mandate to so provide, and the City may have legal problems if we don't meet the requirements. He suggested the City proceed as follows: "How are we going to best meet these requirement?" He applauded the concept of the "very low" income affordable housing strategy involving mixed -use on Barton Road. He pointed out the plan calls for only 10 units per acre so it would not be a high -density project. He said the cost of shared infrastructure (sewer, water, street, etc.) can make the project very attractive and also profitable for potential developers. Commissioner Addington asked Ms. Lombardo to explain the definition of "low" and "very low" income. Ms. Lombardo said they are based on a specific percentage of the San Bernardino County median income. Criteria is set up for 1 person household, 2 person, 3 person, 4 person and 4+ person household. "Very low" is 50 % of the County median income and "low" is 80 % of the County median income. I 7:50 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED, MOTION PCM-97-39 Chairman Sims made a motion to accept the Housing Element strategies as proposed by staff and recommend approval to the City Council. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ellis. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-39 Motion carried. 5-0-2-0. Commissioners Huss and Trainor absent. PAGE 5 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 5,1997 7:53 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD MEETING 7:53 P.M. CONVENED THE PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP Information from Commissioners Vice -chairperson Van Gelder asked staff for an update on the Bike Lane Project. Director Materassi responded the plans will probably go to bid in approximately 10 days. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder said she needs some planting information for the Blue Mountain Lupine seeds. Director said staff will get some information and pass it along. Information to Commissioners Director Materassi asked if any of the Planning Commissioners would be interested in riding in the Grand Terrace Days Parade on June 7, 1997. Chairman Sims will represent the Planning Commission and General Plan Task Force. Commissioner Addington will represent the Planning Commission. The Community Development Department booth will feature General Plan update information and be part of the public outreach effort. NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON JULY 3, 1997. Chairman Sims announced he will be away on vacation and Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder said she will not be in town either. There was a general discussion about changing the meeting date to ensure quorum. 8:00 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP Respectfully submitted, Approved by, '�J'W�' Patrizia Materassi . Community Development Director 07-09-97:pp c:\office\wpwin\wpdocs\planning\minutes\06-05-97. min Planning Commission