09/04/1990GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on September 4, 1990, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Hawkinson. PRESENT: Jerry Hawkinson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Stanley Hargrave, Commissioner Herman Hilkey, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner David R. Sawyer, Community Development Director Maria C. Muett, Assistant Planner Maggie Barder, Planning Secretary ABSENT: Jim Sims, Commissioner PLEDGE: Herman Hilkey, Commissioner PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP CONVENED AT 6:30 P.M. Information from staff to Planning Commissioners. Information from Planning Commissioners to staff. PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP ADJOURNED AT 7:00 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENED AT 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None. ITEM #1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 7, 1990 E* MOTION PCM-90-132 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 7, 1990 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-132 Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to approve the August 7, 1990 minutes. Vice -Chairman Buchanan second. Motion died for lack of majority. 3-0-1-3. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson abstained. Commissioner Sims absent. ITEM #2 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 21, 1990 MOTION PCM-90-133 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 21, 1990 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-133 Vice -Chairman Buchanan made a motion to approve the August 21, 1990 minutes. Commissioner Hilkey second. Chairman Hawkinson requested that the first paragraph on the first page be changed to read that Vice -Chairman Buchanan called the meeting to order. Motion carries. 5-0-1-1. Chairman Hawkinson abstained. Commissioner Sims absent. ITEM #3 CUP-90-06, E-90-04 K & M RC ACCESSORIES 22474A BARTON ROAD G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF A RACE TRACK AND LIGHTING FOR REMOTE CONTROL CARS IN THE BRSP DISTRICT o The Community Development Director presented the staff report. Commission Hargrave asked if anything was submitted by the applicant since the last meeting, to which the Community Development Director responded in the negative. The Community Development Director stated that the applicant did present staff with something as he walked in this evening, but they did not have time to look at it. MIKE BLAKE 22474A BARTON ROAD G.T. Mr. Blake stated that the property owner, Quentin Smith will handle things when the Barton Road plan comes around, but he brought in plans showing exactly what he wants to do, which includes grass and plants. He stated that the parking lot is adequate and will stay as is, and the owner does not feel curb and gutter improvements are necessary until the Barton Road plan comes in. Commissioner Hargrave asked if he was saying that Mr. Quentin Smith was not going to comply with Condition #3 regarding dedication, which Mr. Blake verified. Commissioner Hargrave asked if he agreed to landscaping. Mr. Blake stated that he did, except for curb and guttering. Commissioner Hargrave asked if he agreed to fencing, which Mr. Blake agreed to. Commissioner Hargrave asked if he felt the parking was adequate as is, which Mr. Blake verified. Commissioner Hargrave asked about the lighting. Mr. Blake stated that the lighting will not go into Mt. Vernon or Britton Way or obstruct any surrounding homes. Commissioner Hargrave asked if occupancy could be limited to 75 people, which Mr. Blake agreed to. Commissioner Hargrave asked if there would be seating for 25% of the 3 maximum occupancy, which Mr. Blake agreed to. Commissioner Hargrave asked if there would be an amplified speaker system. Mr. Blake stated that there would be one. Commissioner Hargrave asked if the hours of operation would be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Blake stated that he would like hours until 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Commissioner Hargrave asked if track would be secured and locked when not in operation, which Mr. Blake agreed to. Commissioner Hargrave asked if he would keep the track clean and functional, which Mr. Blake agreed to. Mr. Blake presented the drawings he brought. Commissioner Van Gelder asked why lights are needed if they are through at 6 p.m. Mr. Blake stated that they are for Friday night racing, and the hours would be from 7 p.m. to between 10 and 11 p.m. The Community Development Director asked for clarification on Condition #5, and whether or not the applicant to agreed to completely fencing along the race track facility on the south, east and north perimeter lines and should be 5' high and constructed of a solid material, wood cap and rail or decorative block, and the remainder of the required fence to be vinyl -coated chain link material, 4' in height. Mr. Blake stated that he did not agree on this. The Community Development Director stated that Condition #7 states that lights shall be limited to parking lights in accordance with the Barton Road Specific Plan parking regulations, which includes a maximum allowable height of 18 feet and low level security lights. Mr. Blake stated that he did not agree to the height level. 4 MOTION PCM-90-134 CUP-90-06, E-90-04 Commissioner Van Gelder stated that because the material was not given to staff or commissioners before this evening, she made a motion to continue this item until the next regular meeting so that it can be reviewed. Chairman Hawkinson second for discussion. Commissioner Hilkey asked if it is continued, if he would still be allowed to operate. The Community Development Director stated that it is up to the commission. Commissioner Hilkey stated that the concerns seems to be discontinuing of racing at the time when the Barton Road Specific Plan grows into that area. Mr. Blake stated that it will be there as long as possible, until the Barton Road plan comes through the area and his landlord states that he must move. The Community Development Director stated that there is nothing wrong with the project itself, but they feel there are better locations in town, and in the long run, this could be a detriment to the Barton Road Specific Plan, the pedestrian atmosphere and the retail atmosphere they are trying to create, but this is a matter of opinion. He stated that they have recommended and conditioned this project with the feelings that if it is going to be approved, they should make it work with the specific plan. He stated that staff does not recommend they approve anything on a temporary basis. Commissioner Van Gelder stated she wants the project to be there or somewhere, as they need something for kids, but there are so many problems that need to be worked out, and they need time for staff to look at the new drawings and work something out. She stated that she doesn't feel this is an inappropriate place, but it has to be done right. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that the concern with the conditions was that they were not economically feasible, but the problem is that they are proposing a use that may or may not be incompatible with the City's vision for that area. Mr. Blake stated that there is nothing in the area that is even half -way decent, and the area he is in is actually a dump. He said there is a chain link fence that goes all the way around the property and down to Barton Road Center, and there is nothing but weeds and fields there, and they are asking him to 5 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-134 161 put up a pretty wall. He stated that when it comes down to it, they can insist that the property owner redevelop the property, and then he can do it, but now he cannot. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that from a planning standpoint is that someone has to be the first one. Mr. Blake stated that he is just a renter. Vice -Chairman stated that he wants to see this use available. Mr. Blake stated that he just wanted to show them the drawings he gave them to show what was on his mind, and he is not changing any plans. He said they are the same plans with colors added, and the green is grass and the brown is dirt. Chairman Hawkinson asked if the applicant would prefer a motion of continuance to the next meeting. Mr. Blake stated that he prefers to proceed right now as he has people here to express their opinions. Motion carries. 4-2-1-0. Vice -Chairman Buchanan and Commissioner Hilkey voted no. Commissioner Sims absent. Chairman Hawkinson stated that this would then be continued to the October 29 1990 meeting. Mr. Blake asked why they had to go to October 2 and if he could get a "yes" or "no" tonight. Chairman Hawkinson stated that the problem is they just received the material this evening and no one has had a chance to digest it. Mr. Blake stated that it is just a video. Chairman Hawkinson stated that they would have public discussion at the next meeting. Commissioner Hilkey asked about other sites. Z Mr. Blake stated that the owner of a track in Norco was present tonight. Chairman Hawkinson gave her permission to speak. CO-OWNER BRAKEAWAY RACEWAY 3179 HAMNER AVENUE NORCO The track owner stated that they have a store up front and a track out back, and they are quite a bit larger than Mr. Blake's operation. She said they run quite a few more racers, and over the weekend, they ran over 185 drivers. Commissioner Hilkey asked how important Friday night races are. The track owner stated that they have to have at least one weekend night, as the racers work during the day, and recreation is on Friday and Saturday nights. She said they run Wednesday and Saturday nights, and they must especially have night racing with high temperatures. She stated that there is also "Outlaw" race track at 5th and Webster in Highland, and also "The Ranch Pit Shop" in Pomona. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:35 P.M. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD CONVENED AT 7:35 P.M. ITEM #4 SA-90-17 K & M RC ACCESSORIES 22474A BARTON ROAD G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF A RACE TRACK AND LIGHTING FOR REMOTE CONTROL CARS IN THE BRSP DISTRICT MOTION PCM-90-135 SA-90-17 Commissioner Hargrave made a motion to continue SA-90-17 to the next regularly scheduled Site and Architectural meeting. 7 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-135 Commissioner Hilkey asked if he would be able to continue his operation. Commissioner Hargrave stated that he should be able to continue his business, and included this in his motion. Commissioner Hilkey second. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that it is only fair to allow him to continue to operate since this continuance is not his request but the commission's action. Motion carries. 5-1-1-0. Vice -Chairman Buchanan voted no. Commissioner Sims absent. ITEM #5 SA-90-20 LARRY J. VESELEY/MALPROP PARTNERS 22524 BARTON ROAD G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE IN THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN The Community Development Director presented the staff report. 8:45 P.M. TO 8:55 P.M. - RECESS Commissioner Van Gelder asked if it was going to be a market again. The Assistant Planner stated that under CEQA, it can be. The Community Development Director stated that it is a little more broad, with the proposed use being classified as retail. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if an alternate to the long ramp concept was discussed with the applicant. The Community Development Director stated that he gave the architect preliminary comments including the ramp issue. Commissioner Van Gelder asked if there was anything to control the number of tenants in relationship to the number of entrances. The Community Development Director stated that each tenant will have an exterior entrance, and if in the future they decide to create an interior mall effect, they may want to condition the project that they come back to the commission for approval. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that the Planning Department recommends the buildings to be located adjacent to the Barton Road and Mt. Vernon right-of-ways and asked if staff was considering this requirement in the force of an ordinance or a design guideline. He also asked about the requirement that the driveway not be located within 100' of an intersection. The Community Development Director stated that this is in Master Plan Area #4, which states that street -adjacent buildings shall be located no more than five feet from street right-of-way lines to the greatest extent possible, so there is some flexibility. He stated that the driveway access shall not be located within 100' of an intersection. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked what the front property line was. The Community Development Director stated that it is Mt. Vernon. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that the BRSP states that parking areas shall be set back a minimum of 30' from the front property line. The Community Development Director stated that as far as the setbacks go, they go by the narrowest street frontage property line as the front yard. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that the building currently sits on the property line to the north, and the property to the north is residential, so it doesn't meet the side yard setback requirement. He stated that if there are certain ordinance -type requirements that are not satisfied, he doesn't see how they can approve this in the absence of a variance. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that if the building was moved up to the comer on both sides, she didn't feel there would be enough room for a driveway on Mt. Vernon. The Community Development Director stated that there possibly could be. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked why the applicant could not have a driveway off of Barton Road. The Community Development Director stated that the City Engineer recommended against any access onto Barton Road because of sight distance requirements, as Barton Road begins to curve and it would be unsafe. Chairman Hawkinson called up the applicant. LARRY VESELEY 22400 BARTON ROAD, SUITE 15 G.T. Mr. Veseley clarified Item #3 of staff s recommendation. He said that as of the end of March/first part of April, the property became available to the present landlord; it has been leased since 1987 and the people had been doing tenant improvements very slowly, and it took legal action to get back into the owner's hands. He stated that the structure is a sound, stable building, and he had a letter from the structural engineer involved on the original design on the structure, and it is still in compliance with the current 1988 U.B.C., and in his opinion, it is worth another 20-25 years as it stands today. He stated that they have taken the structure and made it to comply as much as possible with the Barton Road Specific Plan. He said the roofing, glass and colors are all within the specific plan guidelines. He said the masonry on this structure is of a unique, pyramidal shape, and they chose to leave it as is. He said that the ramp is designed to allow handicapped access. He stated that they have looked at options to have it leased to from 1-6 tenants, and the entrances have been designed so that should 4-5 tenants take lease, each would have their own exterior entrance; should 1-2 tenants take lease, the entrances would be store front. He stated that in terms of driveway access onto Mt. Vernon, they looked at having access off of Barton Road, which the City Engineer is against due to the possibility of cars trying to cross three traffic lanes trying to get into the left-hand turn pocket. He said they have contacted a couple of traffic engineers, who recommended widening Barton Road and putting in a right hand turn lane, which could be done but would be of great monetary expense. He stated that the northerly driveway is 100' from the intersection, and they could route the traffic pattern around the building and out this driveway, but they elected not to in order to provide more landscaping and pedestrian atmosphere. He said there is one correction to be made regarding architectural design, as the existing roof structure, white rock, is to remain, and they are adding a canopy walkway around the three sides of the building. He said that in terms of the light standards, the pedestals are still there, and with new lighting fixtures they can still provide adequate lighting to the parking lot. He felt that tearing down a structurally sound, economically viable structure to provide the wishes of the City doesn't make sense from the development standpoint, whether partially or in whole. 10 Commissioner Van Gelder stated that once they decide upon multiple tenants, would they then plan to have separate doors or one entrance. Mr. Veseley stated that they presently show five entrances, and should one tenant use two spaces, they can take out the door. Commissioner Van Gelder asked about awnings. Mr. Veseley stated they provide beautiful accents, but since this is a single story, he doesn't feel they are appropriate. Commissioner Van Gelder felt there was no accent color. Mr. Veseley said they could work on accent colors. Commissioner Munson asked what his reasoning was against tearing down part of the building. Mr. Veseley stated they discussed tearing down the eastern bay and moving it down to the intersection, but he felt they would be tearing down something sound. Commissioner Munson stated that the building is fine for a grocery store, and maybe the land would be better utilized with a different structure. Mr. Veseley stated that they are looking at tenants that would want to take the 5,000 square foot space. He said they would consider another market, but they are trying to stay away from the professional office. He said they would like a nice florist or a realtor, for example. Commissioner Hargrave asked about the Barton Road frontage and if they intended to keep the wall there. Mr. Veseley said they intend to keep the retaining wall as a visual barrier from the cars. Commissioner Hargrave asked about the driveway dilemma with regard to coming into the property. Mr. Veseley stated that both ingress and egress are within 100 feet. Commissioner Hargrave stated that he is not in favor of tearing the building down based upon the economics and demographics of the City, but he thinks the site plan needs significant work. He stated that he didn't not agree with 11 the ingress and egress on Arliss. Mr. Veseley stated that they have 10 extra stalls they can possibly utilize. Commissioner Hilkey agreed that the entrance and exit on Arliss needs to be addressed, and stated that the exit to Mt. Vernon there would be a problem with the control of traffic. He said that they are adding trim to an old building and asked if the existing roof would protrude above the new trim. Mr. Veseley said it would. Commissioner Hilkey said that he does not show power lines or air conditioning units for the trash bins. Mr. Veseley said the air conditioning units will be redone and the power access will be underground, which they have already discussed with Edison. 8:50 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING OPENED 8:50 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MOTION VOTE PCM-90-136 Chairman Hawkinson brought the item back to the Site and Architectural Review Board. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that if they allow the building to stay, they have defeated the Barton Road Specific Plan. Chairman Hawkinson agreed, as it is the very center of the City. Vice -Chairman Buchanan agreed, as it isn't in conformance with the specific plan without variances. Commissioner Hargrave stated that he agrees with all that was said, but they should be concerned cost as this is not a city that has the size where they have the luxury of waiting for the "white knight" to come along, and he is willing to work with the applicant. Commissioner Munson made a motion to deny SA-90-20. Commissioner Van Gelder second. 12 Commissioner Hargrave asked what the applicant's right are to come back if the project is denied. The Community Development Director stated that he could redesign the project and come back at his earliest convenience and he would have to repay the fees of $550.00. FRED BASKIN 18008 SANDY CAPE DRIVE PACIFIC PALISADES MOTION VOTE PCM-90-136 Mr. Baskin stated that the Grand Terrace Market served the community for 35-40 years, but for the last 3 years, it was leased out to a tenant who did not comply with the contract. He stated that he was forced to spend close to $20,000 to get the tenant to give up the lease and get out. He stated that he likes the design approach of the specific plan, but he feels what they have proposed conforms with the specific plan requirements. He said they are talking about $1.5 million, and they are willing to work with them if they let him know what they want and give them a chance. Chairman Hawkinson stated that he is sure staff would be willing to work with Mr. Veseley. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that if they come up with some starting points, they can probably arrange a workshop session. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that the number one question is whether or not they are going to require them to move the building. Commissioner Hargrave stated it may be more appropriate to continue this item and start the working process. Vice -Chairman Buchanan felt that denial is in the applicant's best interest as it gives them an opportunity to appeal and to work with staff. Motion carries. 5-1-1-0. Commissioner Hargrave voted no. Commissioner Sims absent. 9:15 P.M. TO 9:25 P.M. - RECESS 13 ITEM #6 SA-90-21; E-90-06 POTOMAC WEST ASSOCIATES LTD./BILL DARWIN 22324/22310 BARTON ROAD G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF RETAIL FACILITIES INCLUDING GENERAL RETAIL, FOOD AND HARDWARE STORES IN THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN; AN APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF RETAIL FACILITIES IN THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN The Community Development Director presented the staff report. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked about the solid siding under the windows. The Community Development Director stated that the original proposal had solid glass, and he suggested the continued siding across the bottom, but they are not in agreement with that, as window treatment at the bottom would be more inviting to tenants and would allow more flexibility to make changes for particular tenants. He said that the applicant suggested placing plug-in panels of the siding in the window areas at the bottom so there would still be a modular effect. He said that staff recommends the windows to be multi - paned, and they have a mixture of them. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked about the Riverside Highland Water letter which recommends a change in the environmental review. The Community Development Director stated that they can change it if that is the Commission's decision. Commissioner Van Gelder commented that she would encourage or perhaps condition if possible that there only be five shops allowed instead of six, as she thinks they are too small. Commissioner Hargrave asked about the signs in front. The Community Development Director stated that a monument sign is to reflect the center. He stated that True Value Hardware is the major tenant and the market feels they are a major tenant also. Commissioner Hargrave asked if staff recommends the monument sign be lighted or not. The Community Development Director stated that it doesn't matter, and it can be channel lit letters or indirectly lighted. 14 Commissioner Hargrave asked if staff felt there should be some relief on the north elevation. The Community Development Director stated that it would depend upon what they feel is more appropriate from a residential point of view. He said that it is not a large building and there are some horizontal relief features and landscaping treatment would be appropriate. Commissioner Hargrave asked if the vertical lines on the east elevation of the hardware store represented glass or solid. The Community Development Director stated that would be glass, and that there was no objection to this. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked if, on the north end where the property abuts residential uses, there was a requirement for a 6' decorative block wall. The Community Development Director stated that this is not required in the Barton Road Specific Plan but is something they can consider. Vice -Chairman Buchanan felt this should be the responsibility of the commercial project. Commissioner Hilkey was concerned about the west side treatment, as they've created a barrier between the two buildings if the adjacent property builds similar to what is shown. He was concerned about human safety, trash and maintenance. The Community Development Director stated that this can be addressed when the adjacent property is developed. Commissioner Hilkey stated that the exit off of Barton Road is 95' from the comer and asked if this required a variance. The Community Development Director stated that staff can do a minor deviation. Commissioner Hargrave asked if the ingress off of Barton Road was also an egress. The Community Development Director stated that it is both. Commissioner Hargrave asked about making it an ingress only and having them come out on Canal. 15 The Community Development Director stated that the City Engineer hadn't indicated anything regarding this, but they can condition it. STEVEN WEISPARTH HANK JACOBS 11712 MOORPARK STREET, SUITE 101 STUDIO CITY Mr. Weisparth stated that the back of the True Value building would be facing residential, and the back should not have glass as it is a storeroom, and this coupled with the landscaping should mitigate any problems with the residential. He said that with the front treatment, they tried to capitalize on making it a focal point but yet working within the floor plan of the tenant, as they are very involved in the planning. He said they will work within the Planning Department guidelines with regard to the monument sign. He stated that they desired treatment for the part of the building that lines the property west of them, but this would be the back of the stores in Building A, and they will probably be storerooms and bathrooms, and doesn't really lend itself to windows. He said that by having smaller stores planned, they are giving the opportunity for a tenant as their common area charges are going to be less percentage -wise. Mr. Jacobs asked if the property to the north is zoned commercial. The Community Development Director stated that it is zoned Village Commercial as it was anticipated that this would go as a part of this project, and the first time there is an amendment to the Barton Road Specific Plan, it is anticipated that this would be converted back to residential. Mr. Jacobs stated that regarding the rear elevations, if you look at the landscaping plan with the number and type of trees to be planted, in 3-4 years, you won't be able to see the back of the building anyway. He said that on the engineer's recommendation to prepare and file one lot subdivision in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, they don't have a problem other than the fact that they may not be able to get it done when they want a building permit, and if they could make it a condition of the Certificate of Occupancy rather than the condition of the issuance of a building permit, they would appreciate it. He stated that they won't be demolishing the houses but moving them somewhere else. He said that they went with the asphalt tile rather than concrete tile as that would have looked top-heavy. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that she preferred 5 over 6 stores, as the width is 14 feet wide, and she didn't feel this made sense. 16 Mr. Weisparth stated that they have done this before, and he stated that they could have shown a blank area, but they wanted to be up front. He stated that there may be a tenant that wants more space, but they can't guarantee it. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked about having multi -pane treatment on the True Value building. Mr. Weisparth stated that this doesn't really lend itself to their merchandising, but they will do it if required. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked about the siding treatment at ground level. Mr. Jacobs stated that if they insert the siding, it will give them the flexibility to switch the modules if necessary. He stated that they don't have to have glass go down to the ground. Mr. Weisparth commented on the access, stating that they would like to have a right-tum only and at their expense, put up the necessary City -approved signs, as a right turn onto Barton isn't really a hazard. Commissioner Hargrave asked about the lighting. Mr. Weisparth stated that the lighting will have as little of an impact on the residential as possible. Mr. Jacobs said they haven't addressed the lighting yet, and once they get approval, they will hire an electrical engineer. Commissioner Hargrave asked if they were thinking of bringing in a theme. Mr. Weisparth stated that there needs to be a cover on the top, otherwise you tend to light up the sky. He stated that they will put up what the Commission wants. Commissioner Hargrave asked if the landscaping is drought tolerant. Mr. Jacobs responded in the affirmative. Commissioner Hargrave asked if they favor perennial plantings. Mr. Jacobs stated that they are using English Ivy. Commissioner Hargrave asked if they bring color into their sites. 17 Mr. Weisparth stated that like to put in landscaping that is aesthetic as well as low maintenance. He asked what they would like to see. The Community Development Director stated that staff can work with the applicant on the detailed landscaping plan to include spot color. Commissioner Hargrave asked if they would have only True Value Hardware on the monument sign. Mr. Weisparth stated that they would like to include the market, which is a step up from 7-Eleven, and is a local chain. The Community Development Director stated that the monument sign may identify center and/or establishment. Mr. Weisparth stated that he would prefer to put the two major tenants on the sign. Discussion of concrete tile as opposed to asphalt. The Community Development Director stated that they are trying to stay away from a flat roof. Mr. Weisparth stated that they would put up a concrete roof if they so desire. The Community Development Director stated that perhaps they can condition that and staff can work with the applicant as far as they style of concrete tile. Vice -Chairman Buchanan was concerned about the west side of Building B and the north side of the parking lot above Building A, which abuts the residential, and the separating of the parking lot from somebody's back yard. Mr. Weisparth stated that the landscaping and the side of the building with no glass should not be a problem. Chairman Hawkinson stated that the trash may be offensive. The Community Development Director stated that a 6' block wall requirement would be appropriate. Mr. Weisparth thought a wood fence would look better aesthetically. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that he did not have a problem leaving it to the discretion of staff. IN The Community Development Director stated he has no problem with wood, but he would suggest having the wood fence go along the other property line along the north side. Commissioner Van Gelder asked who is responsible when the awnings age. The Community Development Director stated that they are the property owner's responsibility, and the tenants will demand that they be kept in good shape, and if not, staff will go through nuisance abatement. Commissioner Van Gelder requested relief to the blank wall area. 11:00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING OPENED 11:00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Chairman Hawkinson brought it back to the commission. Commissioner Hargrave recommended landscape relief for the blank wall. Commissioner Van Gelder stated this was fine, but this is high maintenance. MOTION PCM-90-137 SA-90-21, E-90-06 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-137 Vice -Chairman Buchanan made a motion to amend Condition # 1 to read September 4, 1990 rather than August 21, 1990. Commissioner Hargrave second. Motion carries. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. MOTION PCM-90-138 SA-90-219 E-90-06 Vice -Chairman Buchanan made a motion to add to Condition #2 that this plan shall reflect two additional trees in the parking area and trellised landscaping such as bougainvillea along the south and west portions of Building A. Commissioner Hargrave second. 19 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-138 Motion carries. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. MOTION PCM-90-139 SA-90-21, E-90-06 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-139 Vice -Chairman Buchanan made a motion to add Condition # 13 requiring the applicant to enter into a reciprocal parking agreement with the City of Grand Terrace regarding the property on the west. Commissioner Hargrave second. Motion carries. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. MOTION PCM-90-140 SA-90-219 E-90-06 Vice -Chairman Buchanan made a motion to add Condition # 14 that the applicant include six foot, cap and rail, wood fencing on the north and west property lines adjacent to Building B, and the north property line above Building A, subject to approval by the Planning Director. Commissioner Hargrave second. Commissioner Hilkey recommended a block wall. The Community Development Director stated that there are new materials of a pre-fab concrete material designed to look like a wood treatment. Vice -Chairman Buchanan amended his motion to require wood decorative block or an appropriate compromise treatment subject to approval by the Planning Director. Commissioner Hargrave concurred. Commissioner Hilkey stated that they should specify that the wall match the existing construction. Mr. Weisparth stated that his residence is surrounded by woodcrete wall, which is really concrete but looks like wood, and it has been there for four 20 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-140 years with sprinklers hitting it and along a busy road. Vice -Chairman Buchanan and Commissioner Hargrave concurred. Motion carries. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that the applicant requested that the engineer's condition of approval of preparing and filing the one lot subdivision, and asked if this should be a condition of occupancy rather than building permit. The Community Development Director stated that they can specify this. MOTION PCM-90-141 SA-90-21, E-90-06 Vice -Chairman Buchanan made a motion to add as Condition #15 that the O Engineering Department's requirement that the applicant prepare and file a one lot subdivision in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act be a condition of the issuance of any occupancy permits on this project. Commissioner Hargrave second. MOTION VOTE PCM-90-141 Motion carries. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. The Community Development Director asked for clarification on Condition #5 regarding the siding underneath the windows. MOTION PCM-90-142 SA-90-219 E-90-06 Vice -Chairman Buchanan made a motion that Condition #5 be amended to read that the applicant shall use solid siding under the windows continuously and that panel inserts are acceptable. Commissioner Hargrave second for discussion. 21 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-142 Commissioner Hargrave asked if they could put the glass pane at the bottom, to which Vice -Chairman Buchanan responded in the negative. Motion carries. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. MOTION PCM-90-143 SA-90-219 E-90-06 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-143 Commissioner Hargrave made a motion to add as Condition # 16 that the monument sign be limited to the two main tenants only. Commissioner Van Gelder second. Motion carries. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. ' MOTION PCM-90-144 SA-90-219 E-90-06 Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to add as Condition #17 that Building A, exclusive of the area designated for a market, be divided into no more than five shops. Motion dies for lack of second. MOTION PCM-90-145 SA-90-21, E-90-06 Vice -Chairman Buchanan made a motion to adopt the Negative Declaration, E-90-06, and approve SA-90-21, with the changes made this evening. Commissioner Hargrave second. �` 22 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-145 Motion carries. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent. The Community Development Director stated that there is a 10 day appeal period and after that time, the applicant may submit for building permits. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ADJOURNED AT 11:17 P.M. NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD OCTOBER 2, 1990. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, David R. Sawyer Community Development Director 09-26-90 23