10/02/1990GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 2, 1990 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on October 2, 1990 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Hawkinson. PRESENT: Jerry Hawkinson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Stanley Hargrave, Commissioner Herman Hilkey, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner Jim Sims, Commissioner Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner David R. Sawyer, Community Development Director Maria C. Muett, Assistant Planner Maggie Barder, Plaiuung Secretary ABSENT: None PLEDGE: Jim Sims, Commissioner PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP CONVENED AT 6:30 P.M. Information from staff to Planning Commissioners. Information from Planning Commissioners to staff. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CONVENED AT 7:10 P.M. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None. I ITEM #1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 7, 1990 MOTION PCM-90-146 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 7, 1990 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-146 Vice -Chairman Buchanan made a motion to approve the August 7, 1990 minutes. Commissioner Hargrave second. Motion carries. 4-0-0-3. Chairman Hawkinson and Commissioners Hilkey and Munson abstained. ITEM #2 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 MOTION PCM-90-147 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-147 Commissioner Hargrave made a motion to approve the September 4, 1990 minutes. Commissioner Van Gelder second. Motion carries. 6-0-0-1. Commissioner Sims abstained. ITEM #3 CUP-90-06, E-90-04 K & M RC ACCESSORIES 22474A BARTON ROAD G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF A RACE TRACK AND LIGHTING FOR REMOTE CONTROL CARS IN THE BRSP DISTRICT 2 The Community Development Director presented the staff report. WILLIAM BLAKE 22474A BARTON ROAD G.T. Chairman Hawkinson asked about the project and the light tower. Mr. Blake stated that he has a hobby shop which sells remote control cars and accessories, and he has an off -road track for young adults and kids. He stated that he called the City and left a message that he was going to put up the lights, as after the 9-4-90 meeting, running the night program was a means of strictly surviving, as the heat of the summer caused business to go downhill, and the lighting substantially helped the business. Chairman Hawkinson asked if he had made any new submittals to the City. Mr. Blake stated that what he has in the plan he submitted is what he is asking for. Chairman Hawkinson stated that there were several items the City asked for that he was having difficulty complying with. Mr. Blake stated that he talked to the property owner, and he has agreed upon the right-of-way improvements but only if it won't be required that it be done tomorrow, and when the Barton Road development comes through the area, they will be met. He said that the street has not been dedicated to the City yet, and he will dedicate 30 feet of right-of-way in the near future when the requirements are to be met. He said that he can make quite a bit of the parking lot improvements, but he will need time. Commissioner Sims asked for clarification of staffs recommendation. The Community Development Director stated that the intent of the staff report is that they would recommend approval of this project as they understand it, with the recommended conditions; however, until staff received an accurately dimensioned site plan which shows what the applicant is asking for, they don't know what they are approving. Chairman Hawkinson stated that he is bothered that the lights went up. Commissioner Sims stated that he has never seen the plans in his packet other than the 8 17' X 11" sketches which were not good enough. i 3 Mr. Blake stated that an architect came out, measured and made all the dimensions and stated that this was all he would need. Commissioner Sims asked if the architect came in and talked to the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director stated that he did come in a couple of times. He said that the drawing doesn't reflect current parking code requirements, and they require a drawing which shows what he wants to do. Mr. Blake said that when he brought the plans in, he was asked to draw plans of what he wanted to put there, and then the commission would tell him what he would need, but he gave them what he wanted to put up there. He said that he does not know what the City wants. He said he will put trees, plants and sod around the track, but he doesn't know how to draw it in. He said that he was told he needed dimensions of the property, tower and track, and when he brought it back he was told it needed curb and guttering, but that is not what he wants, and what he has submitted is what he is asking for. He stated that it has been a confusion from the beginning. Commissioner Sims stated that the confusion he may have is that he is looking for the commission or the Planning Director to prepare the plan for him. Mr. Blake stated that he is only asking for suggestions. Commissioner Sims said that he is asking for approval, and he didn't feel he had anything to do that with. The Community Development Director stated that they have been trying to get a drawing from the beginning of what the applicant is asking for as well as coming close to meeting code requirements. He said that they have indicated what the drawing needs to be to the applicant, which includes being accurately dimensioned, the Britton Way right-of-way line, seating area, fencing, restrooms, the proposed structures and parking lot improvements per code. He said they sent a letter after the last meeting which included the requirements for the drawing, and the applicant stated he would go with the drawings he has. If recommended the Planning Commission take an action on the plans before them, and the applicant has the opportunity to appeal. Commissioner Sims stated that he hasn't even received this drawing. The Community Development Director stated that they requested 15 copies of revised plans from the applicant and they didn't receive them. 4 0 Mr. Blake stated that he gave him twenty -some copies of it. The Community Development Director stated that this was at the very beginning of the application, and he believes the commissioners received that in August, but there are changes to that plan, and they do not know what he means by the colorings on the plan. Commissioner Hilkey stated that it appears this will go City Council, and they ought to make it presentable enough so that it is not a can of worms when handed to council. He said that he is confused as to what the applicant has agreed to and has not agreed to. He asked if the applicant was still speaking with the person who did the drawing. Mr. Blake stated that he told him what he needed and he came out and made the dimensions. He stated that he asked where all the numbers were, and the response was that it was done by scale. Commissioner Sims asked his name. The Community Development Director stated that it was Larry Vesely and Associates. Commissioner Hilkey asked if he could take the list to him to revise the plans. Mr. Blake said that he will charge him, as he has charged $100 every time he has gone back, and that Mr. Vesely said that the drawing was sufficient. The Community Development Director suggested allowing the public hearing and going through the recommendations for approval, and then taking action based on items that are necessary per code and that the drawings be redone reflecting all conditions required within a certain time period, and if the applicant disagrees with any conditions, he can appeal to council. Mr. Blake stated that whatever he puts on the plans, they will expect him to put in. The Community Development Director stated that if it is approved with the conditions as well as the condition that the applicant submit revised drawings to the Planning Department which reflect all of the conditions of approval in a certain time period, and if he does not, the Conditional Use Permit would expire, pending submittal of drawings. He said that he can then go to council if he does not want to do these things. Mr. Blake stated that he was told that if he put the curb and guttering on the 5 plans, then this is what they will think he wants there. There was discussion as to whether he would have the plans reflect a chain link fence or a brick wall. The Community Development Director stated that if they want the drawing to reflect the recommended conditions, then he would draw them as stated in the conditions, which would be brick or wood. He said that another alternative would be to act on the drawing submitted by the applicant, and staff would recommend denial, as it is not per code. He said that another alternative is to get it approved per code. Commissioner Munson asked Mr. Blake if he received a copy of the letter September 10, stating that it said very legibly what they asked for, and he ignored it. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that this is an excruciating process for all involved, and he perceives the problem to be that he has certain economic realities he is dealing with regarding this project, and the income doesn't justify the expenses. He felt they all generally favor this activity for the community, but the location happens to be where they have worked very hard to bring some high -end development to. 7:48 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING OPENED KURT NORRIS 1251 SOUTH MEADOW LANE COLTON Mr. Norris stated that he has raced a few times at the track and he does not know what improvements he has to make to be up to code, but he has a good time, and there are kids from 12 to 18 playing with their cars, and he has seen kids at that age that are doing what they shouldn't, and he thinks this is a good thing. Ile said that some of the commissioners seem to be opposed pretty adamantly and he is not sure why, but he thinks they should make a go of it if at all possible. DENNIS AVANTS 22606 KENTFIELD G.T. Mr. Avants stated that he has lived in Grand Terrace for 1 1/2 years and discovered the track 1 1/2 months ago. He said that his nephew races all over Southern California, and he as well as his 14 year old daughter have L 6 been coming to the track, and it is a good thing. He said that he works for a general contractor, and he is willing to help him bring things up to code and help the commission understand what he is trying to do. He said that it is a good project and he hopes it stays, as it gets families out there working together. RHONDA ZESK 835 CLARK STREET RIVERSIDE Ms. Zesk stated that her son has been racing at the track for quite some time, and Mr. Blake is a super guy, and he keeps the kids off the street, and everybody works together. 7:53 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Chairman Hawkinson asked the applicant back up. Mr. Blake apologized for the small number of people, but explained it was difficult for them to keep returning. He asked the commission how many places they can go where there is a large amount of kids and young adults and not here foul language or see drinking or smoking. He said that the good kids need a place to go, and even the rough kids seem to behave themselves at the track. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that no one is against the project. She suggested going through the conditions. Chairman Hawkinson stated that they do have safety concerns, as there will be traffic, and they will need some assurance that he will not create an environment that could create problems that haven't occurred to him. He stated that they should go down conditions of approval one by one. Chairman Hawkinson stated that the first condition consists of all the condition recommended by the City Engineer in his memorandum dated July 31. The Community Development Director read the conditions as follows: 1) Identify assessor's parcel where the proposed project is to be constructed; 2) Provide structural design to required occupancy loading (viewing stand); 3) provide ramp for handicapped with hand rail 1:12 slope; 4) provide restroom facilities; and 5) all improvements shall be designed by owner's civil engineer and shall meet requirements of the City. 7 Chairman Hawkinson asked if Mr. Blake had a problem with any of these 5 issues, to which Mr. Blake responded in the negative. Commissioner Sims asked if he realized he had to hire a registered civil engineer to do the work. Mr. Blake stated that he understood and agreed to condition of approval # 1. Commissioner Hilkey asked who built the existing structure. Mr. Blake stated that they designed it themselves, as his father is an engineer. Commissioner Hilkey asked if he was a registered civil engineer, to which Mr. Blake responded in the negative. Commissioner Hilkey was concerned as to whether or not it was structurally safe. Mr. Blake stated that it was designed to hold 20,000 lbs. Commissioner Munson asked how much time would be required to provide the restrooms. Mr. Blake stated about 4 months to build restrooms on. He said that he has two restrooms inside the hobby shop that are adequate and he would take one and make it into a handicapped restroom. The Community Development Director stated that he would assume the requirement would be for one men's and one women's restroom. Chairman Hawkinson stated that #2 is the memorandum from the fire warden's department. The Community Development Director stated that the most important item is #F-11, which refers to fire hydrants and pavement markers being required. He said that one fire hydrant is required. Mr. Blake stated that he would have difficulty with this. Chairman Hawkinson stated that #3 states that 30 feet of right-of-way south of Britton Way center line shall be offered for dedication to the City, and such dedication and associated street, curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements for the Britton Way right-of-way shall be completed upon request of the City. Mr. Blake asked for an approximate time for when they would want it done, and asked about the rest of the street, as the City doesn't own the street yet. He said that the property owner said that when the City is ready to take over and maintain the road, he will be ready to donate the 30 feet. The Community Development Director stated that the standard procedure is an Offer of Dedication, which the City does not accept until they are ready to accept the street, and the offer is good forever until the City takes the title to it and it would be conditioned that the street improvements be put in at that time. He said that a deferment agreement would be required and no time periods would be placed on it. Mr. Blake stated that he has no problem with this item. Chairman Hawkinson stated that #4 states that the area located in the Britton Way right-of-way shall be landscaped. Mr. Blake stated that he agreed to this item. Chairman Hawkinson stated that #5 states that the race track facility shall be completely fenced. Along the south, east and north perimeter lines of the track facility, the fence shall be 5 feet high and constructed of a solid material (wood cap and rail of decorative block), and the remainder of the fence shall be vinyl -coated, chain link material, 4 feet in height. The Community Development Director indicated this on the plans. He stated that on the north property line, they would anticipate the fence to be 6 feet high. Mr. Blake agreed to chain link fencing, but had problems with the type that the City is recommending. Chairman Hawkinson stated that #6 states that the existing parking lot shall be improved to meet the standards of the BRSP parking regulations. Mr. Blake disagreed. Chairman Hawkinson stated that #7 states that the lights shall be limited to parking lights in accordance with the BRSP parking regulations, which is a maximum allowable height of 18' and low level security lights. Mr. Blake disagreed. Chairman Hawkinson stated that #8 states that the occupancy of the race 9 track facility shall be limited to 75 persons. Mr. Blake disagreed. Chairman Hawkinson stated that #9 states that adequate seating area for 25% of the maximum occupancy shall be provided. Mr. Blake agreed. Chairman Hawkinson stated that # 10 states that there shall be no amplified speaker system. Mr. Blake disagreed. Chairman Hawkinson stated that #11 states that the hours of operation shall be limited to: Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mr. Blake disagreed. Chairman Hawkinson stated that # 12 states that when the track is not in operation, access to the track shall be secured and locked. Mr. Blake agreed and stated that he would like to have that done right away if possible. Chairman Hawkinson stated that # 13 states that a detailed planting and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department. Commissioner Sims asked if they had to be prepared by a landscape architect. The Community Development Director strongly recommended this. Mr. Blake disagreed. Chairman Hawkinson state that #14 states that the proposed project shall be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board. He stated that if he agreed to #1, then #14 would resolve itself. The Community Development Director stated that it would resolve itself depending upon the action. Mr. Blake stated that he is running on a tight budget, and he put the lights up because he was on his last leg, and he asked what would happen if he could 10 not come up with the plans. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that he would not have permits to operate and he would have to shut down. Mr. Blake stated that the drawing presented tonight is what he really wants to do. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that the only reason everyone is hanging in with this is because it is a desirable project. Mr. Blake stated that when the Barton Road development comes in, then he can put a lot of money into it to bring it up to code or move to another spot. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that if they approve it, they will do so subject to certain conditions, and unless he satisfies each condition, he is not operating legally. He said that he would recommend certain time constraints, and staff recommends that the commission tells him he can't operate until everything has been complied with. The Community Development Director suggested that they asked the applicant what type of time frame he is looking at in order to achieve the conditions he has accepted. Commissioner Sims asked if he would be allowed to continue to operate during this time frame. The Community Development Director stated that this is up to the commission. 8:42 P.M TO 8:56 P.M. - RECESS Chairman Hawkinson called up the applicant and asked if he had a problem with # 14, to which the applicant responded in the negative. Chairman Hawkinson stated that #15 states that the proposed project be maintained in a clean and functional manner. Mr. Blake agreed. He asked if, with regard to condition #5, a cedar fence would be allowable as opposed to a brick wall. The Community Development Director stated as long as it had cap and rail. Mr. Blake agreed. 11 Chairman Hawkinson asked if there was anything the applicant would like to add. Mr. Blake stated that he would like to be able to continue the operation until all of these matters are taken care of. Chairman Hawkinson asked if he would have a problem if they put a condition on the project that he not make any further improvements in any way. Mr. Blake said that he would not, but asked if he could put a tarp over the tower. Chairman Hawkinson felt this would look tacky. Mr. Blake stated that he is tired of looking at it the way it is and would like to get the roof up. Chairman Hawkinson asked if he would have a problem if they put some time constraints on it. Mr. Blake stated that regarding the plans, he would have to disagree if it would be any more than $3,000. Chairman Hawkinson stated that they have an obligation to make certain that what he puts up is not unsafe. Commissioner Hargrave asked if they were allowing him to continue night racing with the lighting. Mr. Blake stated that the lights are permanent, and he would like to continue night racing. Commissioner Hargrave stated that at the last meeting, the applicant stated that he couldn't do some of the things he has agreed to this evening. Mr. Blake stated that this was through the summer time. Commissioner Hargrave asked if he felt he had enough capital to take care of these provisions in a reasonable time period, perhaps $5,000 to $10,000, at maybe 6 months maximum. Mr. Blake stated he did not. 12 Chairman Hawkinson asked what hours were ideal for him. Mr. Blake stated that he has already tried out his ideal hours and they worked out very well; there were no complaints from the sheriff's department or neighbors to his knowledge, and quite a few neighbors came over to watch the activities. He said that he would need lights to be on at 4:00 p.m. on Friday since it gets dark early, and until 11:00 p.m. He said that when he tried them out, the lights went out at 10:34 p.m. He said that Saturdays, he would like the track open during business hours, but no race activities. He said that on Sunday morning, racing will be at 12:00 p.m. and would end around 4:00 p.m. He said that on Fridays at 10:00 p.m., they announce that the noise be kept down. The Community Development Director clarified that the hours for Saturday and Sunday would be 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and that he wanted the track open at that time. He stated that other than the operation hours, the track is to be locked and secured. He asked if he wanted the track to operate at any time other than that. Mr. Blake stated that he would like it to be unlocked Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., but there would be no racing activities. He said that he would only need lights one time per week. Chairman Hawkinson brought it back to commission for action, and suggested going down each item separately. MOTION PCM-90-148 CUP-90-06, E-90-04 Commissioner Sims made a motion to deny CUP-90-06 and E-90-04 and be given back to the applicant for further work as previously described by the Planning Director so that the commission can address the issues of the development properly. Commissioner Hargrave second. Chairman Hawkinson stated that unless they put conditions on this project and it goes to the City Council, it is conceivable that it get approved at that level without conditions, and he preferred they approve it or deny it with conditions. Commissioner Sims said that he is not sure there shouldn't be more conditions on it, but he has nothing to look at to do so. Commissioner Van Gelder stated that there are so many things that should 13 come before this in order to answer appropriately. Commissioner Hargrave was concerned that Mr. Blake has financial constraints, and U.B.C. and safety requirements are not something this body can waive. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that with any other project, this would be a quick decision, but he feels this is out of place. He said that he is not sure he wants to see it in the middle of the BRSP forever, but a possible compromise is limiting the conditional use permit to a relatively short period of time, but he is not willing to let it operate as proposed by Mr. Blake. Commissioner Hilkey asked if he would be able to operate if it was denied. The Community Development Director stated that the commission's direction at the last meeting be that he be able to operate until the issue was concluded by the commission, and their denial would be the conclusion. Commissioner Hilkey asked if they could accept it based on a lengthy list of contingencies which he could take to the City Council for variances. Commissioner Sims said he could still take the denial to City Council. F � The Community Development Director stated that if it is denied, he would direct him to cease operations tomorrow with a letter, and once he appeals, that may technically allow him to operate until the appeal is heard. He stated that he has 10 days to appeal and it costs $133.00. Commissioner Sims stated that the project is not supposed to be here right now, as it has not been planned. Chairman Hawkinson asked if they deny it, would they be starting from square one as far as any conditions go. The Community Development Director stated that if they deny it, he will give them the original staff report with the conditions, and he would make a recommendation similar to what he made to the commission, which would be that the drawings be submitted and brought back to the Planning Commission. Chairman Hawkinson stated that if it goes to City Council, it is feasible that it will never come back to commission again. Commissioner Van Gelder asked what will have been gained if they just pick it up and move it over to City Council. 14 Commissioner Hargrave called for the question. Chairman Hawkinson verified that the motion was for denial. The Community Development Director verified that this was based on inadequate information presented to the Planning Commission regarding the project. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked if they deny the project so that the applicant can put together adequate information, does this modify the requirements of substantial changes or waiting one year and does that apply to a conditional use permit. The Community Development Director stated that it does, and he would recommend that the motion be that they deny it based on the information provided on the drawings submitted indicate inadequate parking per the Grand Terrace Municipal Code, and the drawings are insufficient with regard to other information. Commissioner Sims concurred. Commissioner Hargrave asked if he was saying that this is a way to condition this if Mr. Blake wants to come back without the one year waiting period. The Community Development Director stated that he would have to come back with drawings providing that information, and he wouldn't have to wait one year, but he would have to refile the fees. Commissioners Sims and Hargrave concurred. Chairman Hawkinson stated that if they deny it, as of tomorrow morning he would be operating illegally with respect to the race track. The Community Development Director stated that he would clarify this with the City Attorney before Friday night comes about. He said that if they deny, it, he will give them an order to cease and desist tomorrow on a follow-up letter from the commission's decision tonight. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked that the motion be restated. Commissioner Sims stated that the motion was to recommend denial directing it back to the applicant to provide the information requested by the Planning Director. 15 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-148 The Community Development Director paraphrased the motion based on the finding that the drawings do not contain the adequate information, and the information they do contain does not meet the current parking code requirements. Commissioner Hargrave added that it doesn't meet the safety and health and U.B.C. requirements. Motion carries. 6-1-0-0. Vice -Chairman Buchanan voted no. The Community Development Director stated that there is a 10 day appeal period. ITEM #4 CUP-90-04R1 TAYLOR LUMBER CO., INC./THOMPSON EQUITIES 21800 MAIN STREET G.T. { AN APPLICATION FOR REVISION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A WHOLESALE AND CONTRACTOR LUMBER SALES OFFICE The Community Development Director presented the staff report. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked about the barbed wire extension. The Community Development Director stated that this came up from a staff design concept. He said that staff was pleased with the wall erected and the landscaping in front. He said that the landscaping was done prior to submitting any plans and none have been submitted yet, but they did put barbed wire fencing along the top of the perimeter wall and staff has required that this be removed, but the applicant has indicated that there have been some security problems, so they want to keep the barbed wire. He stated that staff feels it detracts from the environment that has been created. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked if the use of barbed wire was restricted by ordinance or building code requirements, and asked if the City prohibits its use. The Community Development Director stated not that he is aware of. 16 Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked if this was run by the City Engineer to determine whether or not the barbed wire, at that height, complies with other building code requirements. The Community Development Director stated that it has not. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked for specifics on what aspects of the future improvements don't satisfy the municipal code. The Community Development Director indicated this on the future plan. He stated that the public will be in the parking area, and he indicated the area where staff recommends they meet the parking code requirements. He said that they would need tree islands for every five spaces. He said that the number of spaces is fine. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked if this is a parking code requirement, can the commission through modification of conditions on a conditional use permit modify that if they choose to, or would it require the applicant to apply for a variance. The Community Development Director stated that if they were to accept anything other than the code requirements, he would recommend that a variance be applied for. Commissioner Sims asked about the scenario of the $15,000 cash deposit. The Community Development Director stated that this was a compromise which the City Manager and himself and the applicant came up with to allow him to open up for business on September 17 rather than wait until they came to the commission for this decision. Chairman Hawkinson called up the applicant. DENNY HUTNIK 21800 MAIN STREET G.T. Mr. Hutnik stated that the code requirements seem to be standardized, and the parking requirements seem to be set up as if they were a major department store, but they are a lumber facility. He said that the City required a 6' high wall, which they put up, and they put landscaping out front. He said that they took a poll from the neighbors, who all wanted to see a nice parkway. With regard to the interior parking lot, he said that in the area, all properties are stepped, with anywhere from 6-10' property elevations, and if r 17 you put planters in, they will require retaining walls. He said that Inland Timber is above them, and through talk with the neighbors, they were able to get them to pave their whole facility, and now, if they cut up their parking lot along their edge to put in planters, once you start watering, this wets down the earth along their parking lot, so they would have to put in retaining walls to retain the soil. He said that below them is an older plating company, which drops between 6-10% and if they cut up their parking lot and put planters there, water will drain downhill, and they will need retaining walls, which are very costly. He said that 85% of their clients operate by telephone, and people who drive in don't come into the employee parking area and are not allowed to wander around. He said they don't keep lumber inside the store, so there is no reason for anyone to hang around. He questions the code as far as practicality of going through this major undertaking. He said there is no reason to put flowers behind a block wall, and around the building, they propose to put there trees on the surface in planters that they build. Commissioner Sims mentioned the retaining walls, and recommended that they look at the option of drip irrigation. Vice -Chairman Buchanan asked about the barbed wire. Mr. Hutnik stated that the original fence is barbed wire, and when they put the block wall up, they had problems, so they added barbed wire. He said that there is a gang problem in the area, and T.M. Cobb put barbed wire up for the same reason. They considered infrared or beams of light, but this is an industrial area with animals running through there, and the winds blow very hard, and if they used beams of light, the sheriff's department will be down there every day trying to figure out who has been breaking in. He spoke to the local law enforcement and citizen's patrol, who suggested barbed wire. He said that he discovered a piece of someone's shirt stuck on the fence one morning. Vice -Chairman Buchanan stated that he doesn't have a problem with barbed wire as long as the Building Department looks at it to make sure it meets code requirements. Commissioner Hargrave asked how much sales volume his firm generally does and how much sales tax that might mean to the City. Mr. Hutnik stated that right now the industry is down, and they are down to $10 - $15 million per year, which gives the City 1 %. 10:36 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING OPENED 19 BARBARA PFENNIGHAUSEN 22111 LADERA STREET G.T. Ms. Pfennighausen stated that she hates barbed wire, but there is a reality when you cross Main Street, and they need to deal with it, as they could probably unload that whole lot by parking trucks blocking the view of the neighbors across the street and be gone in one night. She said that she doesn't think there is anyway they can be prohibited from using barbed wire. She said that, regarding the parking requirements, if you look at the code, as soon as they were required to build a 6' block wall and then cite the code for the parking lot specifications, the City is in violation of its own code. She said that the specifications were set up essentially for open parking lot areas in commercial areas such as Barton Road, and within the code, height limits were set as to how high berms and walls can go, which she believed to be 3'. She said that nobody will see the things they want on the inside of the wall, and she felt it was ridiculous that they first violated the landscaping requirements by telling them to build a 6' wall, but now are telling him to landscape inside the wall. 10:40 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MOTION PCM-90-149 CUP-90-04R1 Chairman Hawkinson brought it back to commission. Commissioner Hargrave was in favor of leaving the barbed wire there. Vice -Chairman Buchanan had no problem with the barbed wire as long as the other requirements are met. Commissioners Van Gelder and Sims did not have a problem with the barbed wire. Commissioner Hargrave made a motion to approve CUP-90-04R1 as conditioned by staff. Commissioner Sims second. Commissioner Munson asked if the applicant could apply for a variance at any time. The Community Development Director stated that the resolution attached will require that they meet the parking code requirements in the future. He said 19 MOTION VOTE CUP-90-04R1 that applying for a variance would be a waste of time and money as there are no findings that could be made. Motion carries. 7-0-0-0. The Community Development Director stated that there is a 10 day appeal period. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:53 P.M. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD CONVENED AT 10:53 P.M. ITEM #5 SA-90-17 K & M RC ACCESSORIES 22474A BARTON ROAD { G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF A RACE TRACK AND LIGHTING FOR REMOTE CONTROL CARS IN THE BRSP DISTRICT MOTION PCM-90-150 SA-90-17 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-150 Commissioner Hargrave made a motion to deny SA-90-17. Commissioner Sims second. Motion carries. 6-1-0-0. Vice -Chairman Buchanan voted no. 20 ITEM #6 SA-90-04R1 TAYLOR LUMBER CO., INC./THOMPSON EQUITIES 21800 MAIN STREET G.T. AN APPLICATION FOR REVISION OF SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW APPROVAL OF A WHOLESALE AND CONTRACTOR LUMBER SALES OFFICE MOTION PCM-90-151 SA-90-04R1 MOTION VOTE PCM-90-151 Commissioner Hargrave made a motion to approve SA-90-04R 1 as conditioned by staff. Commissioner Sims second. Motion carries. 7-0-0-0. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ADJOURNED AT 11:55 P.M. NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990. Respectfully submitted, David R. Sawyer Community Development Director 10-12-90 21 Approved by, terrya son Chaihudn, Planning Commission