04/17/1997GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION N UNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 17, 1997 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on April 17, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman, Jimmy W. Sims. 7:00 P.M. CONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PRESENT: Jimmy W. Sims, Chairperson Fran Van Gelder, Vice -Chairperson Moire Huss, Commissioner Gerry Ellis, Commissioner Mary Trainor, Commissioner Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director Larry Mainez, Associate Planner Raul Colunga, Planning Intern Pat Peterson, Community Development Department Secretary ABSENT: Matthew Addington, Commissioner Doug Wilson, Commissioner * Call to Order * Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Ellis * Roll Call * Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 2 APRIL 17,1997 ITEM#1 CUP-96-01/E-96-04 AN APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF A BUSINESS WHICH PERFORMS SMALL ENGINE REPAIR AND SALES OF LANDSCAPING EQUIPMENT, PLUS RENTAL OF U-HAUL VEHICLES. JOHN W. OWEN (JOHN'S LAWN MOWER SHOP) 21893 BARTON ROAD, GRAND TERRACE, CA MOTION PCM-97-17 Commissioner Van Gelder made a motion to continue this agenda item to the next Planning Commission Meeting on May 1, 1997. Seconded by Commissioner Huss. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-17 Motion carried. 5-0-2-0. Commissioners Wilson and Addington absent. 7:04 P.M. Commissioner Wilson joined the meeting. ITEM #2 Z-97-02/E-97-03 AN APPLICATION FOR A ZONE CHANGE, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, AND AMENDMENT OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE BY PROVIDING REGULATIONS REGARDING THE LOCATION AND DESIGN OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES TO ENSURE THAT THE INSTALLATION OF SUCH FACILITIES WILL NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY-WIDE Staff report was presented by Associate Planner Larry Mainez. Introductions were made of Suzanne Cunningham from PacBell and David Seidel from San Bernardino County Radio Operations Division who were both present to answer questions. Mr. Mainez started by going over the changes requested by the Planning Commissioners at the meeting of April 3, 1997. Page 4, paragraph 4 - The sentence referencing the minimum size of evergreen trees is amended to indicate 48" size boxed trees. Page 4, paragraph 5 - The requirement to put base transceivers underground was stricken. Page 5, paragraph 4 - The last sentence was stricken regarding the height limit. Page 5, paragraph 5 - Waives the required 800' distance between structures "if the structure is concealed by an existing structure compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. " PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 3 APRIL 17,1997 Page 6, paragraph 2 - Requirement of submission by the applicant of a copy of his lease is stricken. Applicant is only required to submit a "letter outlining the terms of the lease". Page 7, paragraph 1 - Wireless communication facilities are permitted if completely concealed in residential zones only when associated with the non-residential uses permitted in residential zones, such as parks, church towers, school and light standards. No ground -mounted wireless communication facilities shall be installed in residential district on private or public property. Page 8, paragraph 6 - This paragraph, pertaining to incentive processing, was added since the last meeting, to encourage applicant to completely conceal/integrate their equipment into existing structures with no aesthetic impacts to avoid a public hearing before the Planning Commission. Page 9, paragraph 3 - Regarding Processing Requirements: The addition of a Site Analysis in lieu of a Master Plan, to provide a detailed description of the type of category and service proposed, as well as an estimate of what the future needs will be. Mr. Mainez introduced Kathi Head, Real Property Services Manager, from the City of Riverside, who addressed the Planning Commission as an extension of staff's report. Ms. Head showed overhead photos of some of the 13 wireless communication sites in the City of Riverside. She said PacBell Mobile Services, a personal communications services carrier, approached the City of Riverside approximately 2 year ago. City officials have benefited tremendously by the industry information provided by PacBell. The City has realized some revenue from location of PacBell's wireless communications facilities placed in the public right of way. No complaints or calls of concern by residents were received after the 11 poles were installed in the public right of way. Administratively, the City entered into a Master Communications Site License Agreement, the terms of which were negotiated with the carrier. The Agreement was approved by Council and thereafter sites have been added and deleted administratively by staff. The expeditious planning process incorporating a "minor" CUP is the incentive used to entice applicants into co -locating on existing facilities. Suzanne Cunningham with PacBell Mobile Services addressed the Planning Commission. She said she has read the proposed ordinance and it does seem to be fair and something they can work with. Chairman Sims asked Ms. Cunningham if she believed the proposed requirement of a Master Plan/Site Analysis is reasonable. Ms. Cunningham said it is possible for her carrier to give an estimate only because their system is not currently operational. It is based solely on computer models at this time. Director Materassi asked Ms. Cunningham about the number of repeaters possible on one antenna. Ms. Cunningham replied the maximum number they have planned on one pole is six per their design. Chairman Sims thanked both Ms. Head and Ms. Cunningham for attending and sharing their knowledge and expertise with staff and the Planning Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 4 APRIL 17,1997 Staff recommended the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the proposed ordinance as amended. 7:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED 7:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MOTION PCM-97-18 Chairman Sims a motion to approve Z-97-02 and E-97-03 as proposed and amended by staff. Seconded by Commissioner Huss. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-18 Motion carried. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Addington absent. ITEM #3 Z-97-01/E-97-02 AN APPLICATION TO CHANGE ZONING OF TWO PARCELS ON CITY CENTER COURT AND THE ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH -DAY ADVENTIST/AZURE HILLS S.D.A. CHURCH PARCEL NUMBERS 277-161-32; 277-161-33 CITY CENTER COURT, GRAND TERRACE Associate Planner Larry Mainez presented the staff report. He showed an overhead projection of an outline clarifying goals to be accomplished at that meeting. The purpose of project is to allow the expansion of the Azure Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church for a playground area for the private school students. Staff recommended a negative declaration on the project. The parcels are currently in the Barton Road Specific Plan Village Commercial District. General Plan designation is GC or General Commercial. Surrounding zoning is as follows: - to the North is Village Commercial; - to the East is the Azure Hills Education Center; - to the South is residential low density; and - to the West is medium density residential Mr. Mainez said the Church is currently in escrow to buy the subject lots to be used for a playground. The former playground was lost to a parking lot as necessitated by parking congestion. A conceptual plan for the playground as prepared by Applicant was distributed to each Planning Commissioner. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 5 APRIL 17,1997 The vacant parcels on City Center Drive the Church is in escrow for now (parcels 6 & 7) are zoned Village Commercial which does not allow church uses. In order to be consistent with the current church use of the adjacent church property the subject 2 parcels must be rezoned to Administrative Professional. Staff's recommendation of a lot merger for the 2 new parcels and the current church parcel is acceptable to the Church. Staff recommended the Planning Commission recommend to City Council approval of the proposed ordinance and associated negative declaration based on the findings listed in the staff report for BRSP-97-01-A2 and E-97-02. Chairman Sims expressed concern and asked if staff had considered the possible impact of development of the commercial property on the north side of City Center Court. Mr. Mainz said consolidation of the vacant north parcels on City Center Court is encouraged by the General Plan. Director Materassi said the entire school playground will have chain link fencing and shrubbery between the fence and sidewalk for enhance the appearance. There will be no gates for direct access to the road from the playground at this time. 7:50 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED Jack Booker 11785 Mt. Vernon Avenue Grand Terrace, CA He wished to express appreciation to the Planning Department for recommending a zone change for the playground. He said it is the intention of the Church for the playground to have a very desirable appearance the City can be proud of. It is planned to be irrigated and landscaped with trees and shrubbery. Chairman Sims asked if the Church intends to fence the playground with chain link fencing. Dr. Booker responded that is the current intention of the church and pointed out that most schools are fenced with chain link. He said chain link is also a safety factor. Mr. Debenedet requested as a condition of the sale that shrubbery be used to disguise the chain link fencing. Arthur Blinci 12825 Vivienda Grand Terrace, CA He stated he is the finance committee chairman for Azure Hills Church. He stated he wished to thank the Planning Department for their report and remind the Planning Commission it was the Commission's concern and idea to create additional parking spaces to alleviate parking congestion on the street. 55 additional spaces above the 35 required by the new child ministry building were realized but to accomplish that the old playground area was PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 6 APRIL 17,1997 used. With his experience as a risk manager he said he feels chain link fencing is best for any school facility. Additionally, chain link fencing will not create an attractive nuisance because of graffiti. Irene Mason 22530 LaPaix Grand Terrace, CA She said her property is adjacent to the proposed school playground. She said the proximity of the playground will have an adverse effect on her quality of live. She said she is hopeful the Church will build a block wall between the properties with shrubbery. Linda Pennick 1650 Ramsgate Ct. Riverside, CA Said she is the principal of Azure Hills School. She thanked the Planning Department for the work done on the playground. She said the school is mindful of the surrounding neighbors and concerned about the noise factor. The school anticipates the layout of the playground equipment will be such as to keep the noise well away from the fences of neighbors. Chairman Sims asked Ms. Pennick about the conceptual playground layout presented to each Planning Commissioner at the beginning of the meeting. Ms. Pennick said she was involved in development of this "wish list", a result of a brainstorming session and that all of the activities indicated on the plan can be rearranged on the playground. Debbie Stottlemyer 22568 Cardinal St. Grand Terrace, CA She said she is Chairman of the Azure Hills Elementary School Board. She said her property is adjacent to the playground of the junior high school. She property has a chain link fence separating it from the school playground and all shrubbery is the responsibility of the homeowners. She said it adds to adds to the value of community property to have good quality education in the schools, including adequate playground area. She said she appreciated staff's help with the plan for this project. There is currently no playground at the school. 8:10 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. Chairman Sims asked Director Materassi for a clarification regarding staffs recommendation to administratively review and approve the actual playground plans. He asked if surrounding property owners would be notified of filing of proposed playground plans. Director said the procedure for administrative review entails routing the design plans to reviewing agencies for comments and PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 7 APRIL 17,1997 notification to neighbors of the administrative review. If neighbors have any concerns they will be put in touch with the church to resolve or mitigate the issues. Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder said she felt the design of the playground should be brought before the Planning Commission for review. Director said she felt the former playground was small and if the Church intends to keep the playground on part of the first parcel only as originally explained to her she feels the review could be done administratively. Chairman Sims said he felt there could be drainage and/or grading issues, in addition to the noise concerns. He said he considers it the Planning Commission's "job" to give input regarding any of the above issues. Commissioner Huss asked if it is standard procedure in an administrative review to bring unresolved issues to the Planning Commission for resolution. Director Materassi answered in the affirmative. Commissioner Wilson asked Director Materassi what percentage of the zone change parcels was the conceptual drawing presented by the school. Director Materassi said the conceptual drawing was just received from the school today. She understood the school would be merely replacing the old playground equipment and an extended grass area, not extensive new equipment. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder asked how many children would be on the playground at one time. Director Materassi referred that question to Principal, Linda Pennick, who said the school recesses are staggered so the number of children on the playground would vary from 20 to 40. The entire school population is never anticipated to be on the field concurrently. Chairman Sims said the Planning Commission should address the zone change then bring a separate motion as to whether the playground design should go before Planning Commission for approval or be approved at staff level. MOTION PCM-97-19 Chairman Sims made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of Z-97-01 and E-97- 02 as amended. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ellis. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-19 Motion carried. 5-1-1-0. Commissioner Wilson voted "no" and Commissioner Addington absent. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 8 APRIL 17,1997 MOTION PCM-97-20 Chairman Sims made a motion to have the Site and Architectural Review of the playground brought before the Planning Commission for approval. Motion was seconded by Vice -chairperson Van Gelder. Commissioner Huss said she has confidence in staff's ability to do an administrative review of the playground and does not feel the Planning Commission needs to review a grass playground. She is concerned the school will still have no playground in the fall when school opens due to the delay of coming before the Planning Commission again. Chairman Sims said this is a planning process which takes time to be done correctly. He said he is concerned about a "hodge-podge" design and feels that the Planning Commission will ensure compatibility of design. He said he supports the church and the idea of a new playground but felt the Planning Commission needs to have a say in the process. Commissioner Huss asked Director Materassi if a Planning Commissioner can review the file when an administrative review is conducted. Director Materassi said a Commissioner can look at the file however there is no process for input from the Commissioner, as it is a process involving the applicant, staff and the adjacent neighbors. Vice -chairperson Van Gelder called for the vote. MOTION VOTE PCM-97-20 Motion carried. 4-1-1-1. Commissioner Huss voted "no", Commission Wilson abstained and Commissioner Addington absent. 8:30 P.M. ADJOURNED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 8:30 P.M. CONVENED PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP • Information from Commissioners - Commissioner Huss inquired about the status of sign code enforcement at Blue Mountain Coffeehouse Director Materassi said violations are not completely cleared. Community Dev. Dept. is still pursuing enforcement. Commissioner Huss asked about the status of compliance with conditions of approval by Golden Aluminum. Staff responded that just this week Golden Aluminum presented the results of their PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 9 APRIL 17,1997 customer service neighbor survey indicating the neighbors are happy. Staff will be following up to determine compliance with other conditions of approval. Commissioner Wilson thanked staff for continued updates on regional transportation issues. They have been very informative and helpful to him in his work. Commissioner Ellis commended staff on the supplemental information and work done on the wireless communication ordinance since the last meeting. Commissioner Van Gelder expressed concern about the painted window advertisements at Village Food & Wine. Director Materassi said the Community Development Department is still pursuing code enforcement. The Planning Commission would like staff to have the authority to issue citation to repeat violators. Staff will pursue the recommendation. Information to Commissioners Director Materassi gave the Planning Commission an update on the Halstead code enforcement actions regarding the recent wedding performed last weekend. Director requested the Planning Commission reserve time next weekend to review General Plan Task Force material which will be subject of upcoming meetings, starting on May 1, 1997. Director said Council Member Garcia has requested, and Council supported, the General Plan Task Force process be expedited to assist the Council in the budget process. Director will present the City Mission/Vision and Executive Summary of the Action Plan proposed by the General Plan Task Force to City Council on May 1, 1997. This item will be discussed at the City Council Meeting on May 8, 1997, and the Planning Commission is invited to attend that meeting for input. NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON MAY 1, 1997 9:00 P.M. ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP Respectfully submitted, Approv d by, Patrizia Materassi Jimmy W. ims Community Development Director Chairpe n, Planning Commission 04-23-97:pp c:\office\wpwin\wpdocs\planning\minutes\04-17-97. min