01/18/1979GRAND TERRACE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 18, 1979 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace City Planning Commission was held in the City Hall, 22140 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on January 18, 1979 at 10:07 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners: Tony Petta, Thomas Tillinghast, Doug Erway, Jack Allen and Hugh Grant Staff: Douglas Payne, Associate Planner, San Bernardino County Planning Department; Seth Armstead, City Manager; Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney; John Shone, City Engineer; Myrna Lindahl, Executive Secretary/Deputy City Clerk (Item 1.) Tentative Tract 9919 - Request to extend to January 21, 1980. EXTENSION REQUESTS The extension request on this tract was approved on motion of Commis- sioner Erway, seconded by Commissioner Allen, subject to conditions which the City Council might impose. Motion was carried unanimously. Tentative Tracts 9772 and 9773 - Request to extend to January 21, 1980. Extension Requests on these tracts were approved unanimously, on motion of Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Grant, subject to conditions which the City Council might wish to impose. (Added Item) Tentative Tract 9625 - Request to extend one year, or at least six weeks. A sixty (60) day extension request on this tract was approved unanimously, on motion of Commissioner Tillinghast, and seconded by Commissioner Allen, subject to whatever conditions the City Council is able to impose. (Item 2.) APPLICANT/ Karger Construction Company ENGINEER Bill Snell, Wes Engineering PROPOSAL Tentative Tract 9359, 33 lots on 9.95 acres LOCATION Extending between Mt. Vernon and Canal Street, approximately 1320 feet north of Barton Road PROJECT Doug Payne, Planner, made presentation including background analysis, PRESENTATION findings and recommendation. TESTIMONY Mr. Karger requested approval to install wood fences on lots 21 thru 25, rather than a block wall, stating he felt they would serve the purpose as well. Mr. Snell stated the map was approved two and a half years ago, with wood fences being provided. Since then, a new staff is involved, and they now require a block wall. Karl Evans, 23115 Vista Grande Way, spoke in favor of the block wall. Larry Walker, 22711 Brentwood, also spoke in favor of the block wall. Grand Terrace City Planning Commission Minutes - January 18, 1979 ( "'OMMISSION Commissioner Grant moved that the San Bernardino County Planning ACTION Department's requirement for a block wall be maintained. Commissioner Allen seconded. The motion passed on AYE votes of Commissioners Tillinghast, Erway, Allen and Grant. Commissioner Petta voted NOE. (Item 3a) APPLICANT/ Britton & Harber ENGINEER W. R. Showalter & Associates PROPOSAL a. Zone change from RR-T (rural residential) to Cl-T (neighborhood commercial) LOCATION East side of Canal Street at the east terminous of McClarren Street PROJECT Doug Payne, Planner, made presentation including background analysis, PRESENTATION findings and recommendation. Doug Payne stated that a portion of Con- dition #2 had been omitted, and that this item will have to go back to the City Council at another hearing for final action. TESTIMONEY None COMMISSION Commissioner Erway moved approval of the recommendation to change the ACTION zoning as proposed in the staff report. Commissioner Allen seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Item 3b) APPLICANT/ Britton & Harber ENGINEER W. R. Showalter & Associates PROPOSAL b. Tentative tract 10586, to create 7 commercial lots on 10 acres. LOCATION East side of Canal Street at the east terminous of McClarren Street PROJECT Doug Payne, Planner, made presentation including background analysis, PRESENTATION findings and recommendation. TESTIMONY Condition #5: Commissioner Tillinghast asked if there are any normal conditions whereby curbed sidewalks would be required within the boundaries of the tract. Doug Payne replied that the standard requires that a plot plan be approved by the Planning Department, and that particular concern would be an issue of the plot plan approval. He stated that it could be attached to the plot plan requirements if desired. Commissioner Tillinghast stated his concern is if there are to be sidewalks on the interior roads. Mr. Britton stated there is some provision for sidewalks in front of the buildings, but not a continuous provision next to the curb. Commissioner Allen questioned if curbs and gutters wouldn't provide better drainage. Conditions #16 and #22: Commissioner Tillinghast commented these two conditions duplicate each other. One of them will be deleted. Condition #31: Commissioner Tillinghast asked, with regard to the distribution system, if any thought had been given to 8 inch diameter - 2 - Grand Terrace City Planning Commission Minutes - January 18, 1979 main. Doug Payne stated the information listed was supplied by the Fire Warden's Department. Joe Kicak stated the figures listed are minimum figures, and feels they will untimately use a larger size than 8 inch. Condition #35: The wording in this condition should be changed to read "City Council" rather than "Board of Supervisors." One citizen, not identifying himself, stated concern about the easement of the church. Doug Payne stated we could specifically include that request as a condition. Mr. Britton stated the church does have an easement. Doug Payne stated he will include the easement on the map. COMMISSION Commissioner Tillinghast moved that the Commission make the six ACTION findings listed in the staff report and approve the tract, subject to the conditions as modified; further, adopt the negative declaration and instruct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Determination. Commissioner Erway seconded. The motion passed unanimously. (Item 4.) Deleted. Grand Terrace General Plan consistency appeal Morgan Trucking APPLICANT/ Morgan Trucking ENGINEER L.A. Wainscott & Assoc. "ROPOSAL a. Zone change from C-2-T to C-1-T b. Large Scale Housing Project, Index No. E 220-122, 48 units on 3 acres LOCATION West side of Michigan, approximately 600 feet south of Barton Road ADJOURNED The Planning Commission adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, City C1 er City of Grand Terrace APPROVED: Plann g Commission - 3 -