H.8 Enhanced Law Enforcement - 30 Hour Deputy AnalysisGrand Terrace 30 Hour Deputy Analysis 2019 -2020 2019-2020 Direct Billed Cost 30-Hour Deputy •1st Quarter Billing •$31,308.80 •2nd Quarter Billing •$27,426.28 •3rd Quarter Billing •$30,224.88 •4th Quarter Billing •$27,106.44 •Total fiscal Year Billing •$116,066.40 31,308.80 27,426.28 30,224.88 27,106.44 116,066.40 0.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 60,000.00 80,000.00 100,000.00 120,000.00 140,000.00 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total Fiscal FY 19-20 In total, there were over 1700 calls for service for 12W1. 120 of those calls resulted in a report being taken or arrest made. The miscellaneous category includes calls for the following: Conspiracy 290 Fraud Trespass Panhandling Unlawful Fire Vandalism 55 19 17 15 7 4 2 1 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Report Totals Call Totals 1700 calls per year equates to about 11 calls per day for just one unit Of the 120 reports taken by 12W1, 77 resulted in an arrest, which is an average of 1.5 arrests per week. Proactivity are those self initiated calls or stops by the deputy in between dispatched calls for service The traffic, warrant and drug categories are largely proactive stops, where had there not been this unit working, these would not have occurred and the vast majority of arrests would not have been made. The other calls are those that are dispatched to the unit and would have been handled by the other deputy working, reducing their proactivity Ratio of Proactive Enforcement to CFS 4 / 1 (avg.) •Looking at several days worth of calls this month, on average, for every 1 call for service they receive from dispatch, the deputies are conducting 4 self initiated stops or incidents. Most arrests are a result of these proactive measures. Response Times Comparison •The 30 hour deputy had significant impact on response times to all call types. In some cases, shortening the time to on scene by as much 2 minutes. •The last month without the position saw an increase in as much as 1-2 minutes. Note: there were no emergency calls during the month of July 2020. Reinstatement of the 30 Hour Proactive Deputy •It is apparent that this position is very effective at staying busy, working to keep the citizens of Grand Terrace safe: •Increased proactivity on the part of all deputies working in the city •Reduced response times to calls by as much as 2 minutes •Provides additional officer safety •The units work together to handle calls and make stops, and ensure there is always at least one deputy in the city at all times when arrests are made resulting in a jail run •Heavily focused on traffic which is a city priority, but available for emergency calls or when the regular deputy is busy on other calls