03-18-2021CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD AGENDA ● MARCH 18, 2021 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:30 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center ● 22795 Barton Road City of Grand Terrace Page 1 PPUBLIC ADVISORY: THE COUNCIL CHAMBER IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!! Beginning June 15, 2020, the City of Grand Terrace will reopen its public meetings. Therefore, the regular meeting of the Planning Commission for March 18, 2021 is now open to the public. Please be advised that face masks are required, social distancing will be practiced, and occupancy limits will be enforced. Please note that Pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order N -29-20, issued by Governor Newsom on March 17, 2020, the regular meeting of the Planning Commission for March 18, 2021 will also be conducted telepho nically through Zoom and broadcast live on the City’s website. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC The public is encouraged to address the Planning Commission on any matter posted on the agenda or on any other matter within its jurisdiction. If you wish to address the Planning Commission, you are invited to provide your name to the City Clerk who will be compiling a list of speakers. Speakers will be called upon by the Mayor at the approp riate time and each person is allowed three (3) minutes speaking time. If you would like to participate telephonically and speak on an agenda item, you can access the meeting by dialing the following telephone number and you will be placed in the waiting room, muted until it is your turn to speak: 1-669-900-9128 Enter Meeting ID: 872 3586 0847 Password: 655700 The City wants you to know that you can also submit your comments by email to ccpubliccomment@grandterrace- ca.gov. To give the City Clerk adequate time to print out your comments for consideration at the meeting, please submit your written comments prior to 5:00 p.m.; or if you are unable to email, please call the City Clerk’s Office at (909) 824-6621 x230 by 5:00 p.m. If you wish to have your comments read to the Planning Commission during the appropriate Public Comment period, please indicate in the Subject Line “FOR PUBLIC COMMENT” and list the item number you wish to comment on. Comments that you want read to the Planning Commission will be subject to the three (3) minute time limitation (approximately 350 words). Pursuant to the provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The Planning Commission may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future Planning Commission meeting. PLEASE NOTE: Copies of staff reports and supporting documentation pertaining to each item on this ag enda are available for public viewing and inspection at City Hall, 1st Floor Lobby Area and 2nd Floor Reception Area during regular business hours and on the City’s website www.grandterrace-ca.gov. For further information regarding agenda items, please contact the office of the City Clerk at (909) 824-6621 x230, or via e-mail at dthomas@grandterrace- ca.gov. Any documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on this agenda w ill be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s office at City Hall located at 22795 Barton Road during normal business hours. In addition, such documents will be posted on the City’s website at www.grandterrace-ca.gov. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office, (909) 824-6621 x230 at least 48 hours prior to the advertised starting time of the meeting. This will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Later requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Rev iew Board March 18, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 2 CALL TO ORDER Convene the Meeting of the Planning Commission and Site and Architectural Review Board. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Chairman Edward A. Giroux    Vice-Chairman Jeremy Briggs    Commissioner Tara Cesena    Commissioner Jeffrey McConnell    Commissioner David Alaniz    APPROVAL OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC ADDRESS Public address to the Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Planning and Development Serv ices. This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in Califo rnia Law, the Planning Commission may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The Chairman may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during publ ic comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting. Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Rev iew Board March 18, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 3 A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes – Regular Meeting – 02/18/2021 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK B. ACTION ITEMS None. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Conditional Use Permit 21-01, Site and Architectural Review 20-08, Variance 20-01, Sign Program 20-05, and Environmental 20-08, Proposing a Multi-Tenant Shop, Located at Barton Road (Assessor's Parcel Number 0275-242-10-0000 and 0275-242- 11-0000) RECOMMENDATION: 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AND FINDING AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) GUIDELINES (ENVIRONMENTAL 20-08), AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 21- 01, SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 20-08, VARIANCE 20-01, AND SIGN PROGRAM 20-05 TO CONSTRUCT A MULTI-TENANT SHOPPING CENTER WITH A “PICK UP ONLY” DRIVE-THROUGH LANE, LOCATED AT BARTON ROAD (APN: 0275-242-10-0000 AND 0275-242-11-0000) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES D. INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS E. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Agenda Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Rev iew Board March 18, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 4 ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Site and Architectural Review Board/Planning Commission to be held on April 1, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD MINUTES ● FEBRUARY 18, 2021 Council Chambers Regular Meeting 6:30 PM Grand Terrace Civic Center ● 22795 Barton Road City of Grand Terrace Page 1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Edward Giroux convened the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board for Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Planning Commissioner David Alaniz. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Edward A. Giroux Chairman Present Jeremy Briggs Vice-Chairman Absent Tara Cesena Commissioner Remote Jeffrey McConnell Commissioner Present David Alaniz Commissioner Present Steven Weiss Planning & Development Services Director Present Robert Khuu Assistant City Attorney Present Haide Aguirre Assistant Planner Present Debra Thomas City Clerk Present APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1. Motion: Motion: February 18, 2021 Approval of Agenda RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jeffrey McConnell, Commissioner SECONDER: David Alaniz, Commissioner AYES: Edward A. Giroux, Tara Cesena, Jeffrey McConnell, David Alaniz ABSENT: Jeremy Briggs PUBLIC ADDRESS None. A.1 Packet Pg. 5 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Feb 18, 2021 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board February 18, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 2 A. CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Approval of Minutes – Regular Meeting – 09/17/2020 RESULT: ACCEPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jeffrey McConnell, Commissioner SECONDER: David Alaniz, Commissioner AYES: Edward A. Giroux, Tara Cesena, Jeffrey McConnell, David Alaniz ABSENT: Jeremy Briggs B. ACTION ITEMS None. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. D. PRESENTATIONS 1. UPDATE REGARDING THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN Steve Weiss, Planning & Development Services Director gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. 2. PRESENTATION ON BROWN ACT, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, AND PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES. Robert Khuu, Assistant City Attorney gave the PowerPoint presentation for this item. E. INFORMATION TO COMMISSIONERS Director Weiss informed the Planning Commission that he would like to register the Planning Commissioners for the 2021 Planning Commissioners Academy. Secondly, Director Weiss commented on the Inland Empire Planning Forum workshops and that he would like participation in those workshops from the Commissioners. Thirdly, the American Planning Association should be holding its Annual Conference in September of 2021 and is scheduled to be held at the Riverside Convention Center. A.1 Packet Pg. 6 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Feb 18, 2021 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) Minutes Grand Terrace Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board February 18, 2021 City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Director Weiss will provide more information on that conference once available. F. INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONERS Chairman Giroux asked if there is a project entering 21600 W alnut that will increase the volume of traffic and if so, will the project be given guidance to use Terrace Avenue. Director Weiss can review the information responsive to the question and report back to the Planning Commission. Commissioner McConnell requested an update on the proposal of the old Stater Bros. warehouse. Director Weiss informed the Planning Commission that staff is reviewing the Notice of Availability for a Draft Environment Impact Report for the Barton Road Logistics Center which is proposed for close to a million square feet of high cube logistics. The logistics center will take access from Barton and 100% of the access would travel easterly towards the roundabout. Staff recommended to the City Council that a letter opposing the project be drafted. Commissioner McConnell requested information for the public on the high speed rail system that will be traveling through Grand Terrace. Director Weiss explained that the project will be a large logistical freight yard off of Agua Mansa in the City of Colton’s sphere of influence. ADJOURN Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission / Site and Architectural Review Board to be held on Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. _________________________________ Edward Giroux, Chairman _________________________________ Debra L. Thomas, City Clerk A.1 Packet Pg. 7 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Feb 18, 2021 6:30 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR) AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: March 18, 2021 TITLE: Conditional Use Permit 21-01, Site and Architectural Review 20-08, Variance 20-01, Sign Program 20-05, and Environmental 20-08, Proposing a Multi-Tenant Shop, Located at Barton Road (Assessor's Parcel Number 0275- 242-10-0000 and 0275-242-11-0000) PRESENTED BY: Haide Aguirre, Associate Planner RECOMMENDATION: 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AND FINDING AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) GUIDELINES (ENVIRONMENTAL 20-08), AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 21-01, SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 20-08, VARIANCE 20-01, AND SIGN PROGRAM 20-05 TO CONSTRUCT A MULTI- TENANT SHOPPING CENTER WITH A “PICK UP ONLY” DRIVE-THROUGH LANE, LOCATED AT BARTON ROAD (APN: 0275-242-10-0000 AND 0275-242-11-0000) 2030 VISION STATEMENT: This item supports Goal 3 to Promote Economic Development. And Goal 2.3 to Provide a wide range of retail and service commercial opportunities designated to meet the needs of the City's residents, businesses, and visitors while also providing employment opportunities. PROPOSAL: Golden Star Investments ("Applicant") represented by Annaliza Cardon from Bickel Group Architecture, has filed a Conditional Use Permit, Site and Architectural Review, Variance, and Sign Program applications to establish a 5,342 square -foot Multi-tenant Shopping Center on two lots measuring 0.88-acres. Key components will be a 1,275 square-foot open dining/patio area fronting Barton Road, a “pick-up only” drive-through lane, and four tenant suites. To date the Applicant has secured two casual r estaurant franchises. “Piara Pizza, Fresh and Ready” is proposed within Unit A at the westernmost suite, and a “Wing Stop” will be located in Unit D, the easternmost suite. C.1 Packet Pg. 8 The Applicant’s Project is designed anticipating two additional commercial tenant s. An OmniTrans bus stop/shelter fronting the property will be relocated. Project improvements include parking, landscaping, trash enclosure, loading area, access, lighting, open dining/patio, and street improvements. The Project fronts Barton Road and it is zoned Barton Road Specific Plan ("BRSP"), General Commercial (GC). The application includes the following requests: • Conditional Use Permit for businesses proposing extended hours of operation. The proposed hours of operation for all tenants are 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. After midnight only the drive-through/pick-up lane servicing Suite A, will be open until 2:00 a.m. • Site and Architectural Review for the construction of the proposed development. • Variance to deviate from the twenty-foot front landscape setback requirement to accommodate an open dinning/patio area. • Sign Program to establish sign regulations unique to the center. SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA: The Project site consists of two existing lots that will be merged fronting Barton Road, located about 250-feet from Vivienda Avenue and about 1,000-feet from Interstate-215. The property is vacant, rectangular in shape, and the land gradually slopes from the lowest grade at the south property line by five-feet within a span of 194-linear feet towards the north property line. The site has some minor trees and overgrown vegetation that will be cleared to make space for the new center. An OmniTrans bus stop/shelter currently fronts the property, and it is located where the driveway is proposed. The relocation of the OmniTrans bus stop/shelter has been included in the Conditions of Approval Resolution and is to be relocated and completed by the Applicant per OmniTrans and City standards. Surrounding uses are as follows: Zoning General Plan Existing Land Uses North R2-Low Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential Single Family Residential and Multi-Family Residential East BRSP-General Commercial General Commercial Multi-Family Residential - Legal Nonconforming Use South BRSP-General Commercial General Commercial Commercial Shopping Center C.1 Packet Pg. 9 West BRSP-General Commercial General Commercial Commercial Use Medical Office GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS: Land Use The property is designated General Commercial ("GC") within the General Plan Land Use Element. This designation encompasses the area between Interstate -215 and Canal Street. The Project is a commercial retail center consistent with the General Commercial Designation which has the goal to provide a wide range of retail services and commercial opportunities of underdeveloped properties. The Project is consistent with the Land Use Element which promotes growth and commercial development. Circulation The Project is consistent with the Circulation Element Policies. Ba rton Road is a Major Highway with 100-feet right-of-way servicing major commercial areas and has direct access to Interstate 215. The Project has the ultimate right-of-way along the street frontage and will not require additional street dedication. The A pplicant will provide the necessary street improvements as determined by the Public Works Department, including Project driveways, streetscape, utility relocation, and the relocation of an OmniTrans bus stop/shelter. The Applicant provided a parking demand analysis and circulation assessment based on the parking requirements of the City’s Municipal Code and the City’s Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) Resolution and Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines established in July 2020, which demonstrated that the proposed onsite circulation and parking demand can support the Project and meets the intent of the Circulation Element. Noise The Project is consistent with the Noise Element. The Applicant is proposing limited extended hours of operation. The proposed hours of operation will be 6:00 a.m. to midnight for all the tenants. After midnight, only the drive -through/pick-up lane will continue to provide service until 2:00 a.m. The proposed drive-through does not include an ordering speaker or menu board. The concept is “order in advance” and premade pizza, ready for pick-up. The “order pick-up” window is located on the west side of the building over 150-square-feet away from the nearest residential properties located to the north; therefore, it has been determined the Project will not cause noise impacts to adjacent properties. In addition, the Project design will incorporate Noise Barriers such as decorative perimeter block walls with a combination of landscape planting material and evergreen trees. The Project has been strictly conditioned for compliance with the Noise Ordinance. Water Quality C.1 Packet Pg. 10 In compliance with the Open Space and Conservation Element, the Applicant has prepared a Water Quality Management Plan and a Preliminary Soils Engineering Investigation Report. The structure and site improvements will be built strictly in compliance with the current Grand Terrace Building Code and the San Bernardino County Fire Department Regulations. ZONING CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS: The proposed Project site is zoned Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial (BRSP, GC). This zoning designation consists mainly of strip commercial, a school, and some residential uses. It is an area in transition with several residential structures having been converted to commercial uses. This zoning supports a variety of uses including restaurants. The proposed Project is consistent with the development standards established on the Barton Road Specific Plan-General Commercial District (Planning Area 1 - Master Plan Area 2), except for the twenty-foot front landscape setback located on the south side of the property fronting Barton Road. The Applicant has applied for a Variance proposing to deviate from the twenty-foot front landscape setback requirement to accommodate an open dining/patio area. The Project complies with all other development standards including building height and lot coverage. Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit has been filed pursuant to Ordinance No. 332 proposing extended hours operation. The Applicant is proposing extended hours of operation for all tenants. The proposed hours of operation for Suite A, “Piara Pizza, Fresh and Ready” will be from 6:00 a.m. to midnight. The operational activities include counter service, outdoor dining (in the open/dining patio), deliveries and pick-up service, and drive-through/pick-up lane service. After midnight, the drive-through/pick-up service will remain open until 2:00 a.m. The proposed hours of operation for Suite D “Wing Stop” will be from 6:00 a.m. to midnight. The restaurants operational activities will include indoor dining and outdoor dining (in the open/dining patio), deliveries, and pick-ups. Future tenants for Suites B and C are anticipated to have hours of operation between 6:00 a.m. to midnight. Should he Applicant desire consideration for an amendment their hours, Staff has included a condition of approval requiring a minor modification via an Administrative Conditional Use Permit review for changes to the hours of operation. The following table shows the proposed hours of operation. Suite Indoor and Outdoor Dining Hours Pick-up and Delivery Hours Drive-Thru Pick-up Lane Hours A 6:00 a.m.- 12:00 a.m. *Outdoor patio/dining only 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m.- 2:00 a.m. C.1 Packet Pg. 11 B, C, & D 6:00 a.m.- 12:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. N/A The Project will be equipped with exterior security cameras providing line of sight to all areas of the property. Lighting will be provided in the parking, walkway areas, and along the building exterior. The site will be regularly maintained to keep the landscaping, collection of litter, and overall upkeep to the building exterior and site . The Project has been conditioned to submit a final operations plan for the overnight activities, including compliance with noise, trash, loitering, overnight security, lighting, and maintenance. The City has the authority to revoke a conditional use permit to ensure the community’s health, safety, and welfare. Variance The Applicant has applied for a Variance to deviate from the twent y-foot front landscape setback requirement. The zoning requires a front setback of twenty feet, entirely landscaped, and requires open spaces not to be located within a required setback. The Project is positioned with a front building setback of approximately twenty-three-feet, which exceeds the setback requirement. Within the frontage, the Applicant is proposing to construct an open dining/patio extending ten feet into the landscape area. The proposed open dining/patio encroaches inside the landscape area. Even with the front landscape setback encroachment, the landscaping plans demonstrate the Project will exceed the required landscaping percentage. The Project has been strictly conditioned so that all proposed landscape areas are enhanced, especially the areas fronting Barton Road. In addition, the design includes a “pick-up only” drive-through lane. The drive-through lane wraps around the north and west sides of the building, exiting towards Barton Road. Other uses along Barton Road within the Gene ral Commercial zoning, such as McDonalds, Miguel’s Jr., and Taco Bell have also received Planning Commission approval to utilize the front landscape setback to accommodate open areas such as drive-through lanes. The demand for open outdoor dining has become increasingly popular in the wake of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which has affected multiple types of businesses, especially the way in which restaurants function. Overall, the open dining patio is best design solution based on the lot size, locati on, and surrounding. Locating the outdoor dining area activates the street with a functional and beautiful design. S pecial circumstances exist to support the Variance request. The findings in support of the Variance are included in the attached Resolution. C.1 Packet Pg. 12 Project Access and Onsite Parking The site is bound by developed properties to the east, north, and west. One primary Project driveway and a secondary drive-through lane are proposed. The southeast corner fronting Barton Road is the project entry. The single building multi-tenant structure will be situated toward the front of the lot, which allows adequate space for a pick-up only lane to wrap around the building, thus providing a secondary outlet. As cited in the parking demand analysis prepared by Linscott Law and Greenspan, “Piara Pizza’s operational concept allows for the quick processing of vehicles within the drive-through, which would replace the need for customers to park and enter the restaurant to pick-up their takeout order. With this operational concept, the drive- through pick-up lane is effectively considered additional movable parking supply.” The parking requirement for Suite A with the “pick-up only” drive-through lane component is one parking space per 75 square feet and Suites B, C, D, and the open dining/patio have the requirement of one parking space per 200 square feet. The Project requires a total of 45 parking spaces which have been incorporated; however, the order pick-up lane has the car storage capacity for (8) eight additional vehicles; which provides a total of 53 spaces. The Project has been strictly conditioned so that the drive-through lane is utilized exclusively for order “pick-up.” The parking analysis demonstrates the parking arrangement, number of spaces and drive through lane has adequately serves the future center. Staff supports the parking analysis as it empirically addresses parking demands. Attached is the parking demand and circulation analysis. Grading/Site Plan/ Landscape There is a ten-foot easement located along the west side of the property owned by the Riverside Highland Water Company. The Applicant is proposing to construct a bioretention basin within this easement area. An additional basin will be located within the eastern landscape area comprising 80 feet from the south property line. A perimeter decorative wall has been required for the Project. The walls located to the west and east will gradually increase in height, starting from three -feet within the front setback up to six-feet towards the back parking area. Along the he north, the property is bounded by a residential neighborhood requiring a six-foot wall with a ten-foot landscape buffer. The loading area located on the north east corner of the property will serve a dual purpose, to keep loading trucks away from blocking parking access and as a turn- around for the trash collecting services. Due to limited after hour operations, security lighting plan will be required and a photometric plan in compliance with the Municipal Code has been submitted. Lighting will not exceed eighteen-foot in height and will not glare onto adjoining properties or reflect onto public roadways. C.1 Packet Pg. 13 The development will include evergreen trees to the east, north, and west sides of the property. All landscape areas will have a variety of trees, vines, drought tolerant planting, shrubs, and groundcover. The open dining/patio columns, railings, and trellis will be required to include climbing vines. The streetscape will include four mature trees and the overall Project ‘s landscape will be compliant with the most recent Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance as required by the State of California. Architectural Floor Plans and Elevations The floor plans identify the proposed square footage for each of the tenant spaces and provide an estimated area dedicated for customers. Full interior floor plans will be provided during the Building and Safety plan checking stage to allow each space to be customized to tenant specifications. “Piara Pizza” will not include sitting areas inside the unit (Suite A). Suites B and C will have an approximate customer area of 360 square feet each, and “Wing Stop” proposed in Suite D will have an approximate 440 square feet of customer area. The Applicant is proposing a contemporary/modern building. The design elements include significant vertical and horizontal wall articulations and accent elements. The tallest architectural element will comply with the maximum height requirement of twenty - eight (28) feet.. The main façade includes vertical corrugated metal siding, which the Applicant is proposing to treat with a thick paint finish to avoid the reflective component, while preserving the architectural change in texture and articulated surfaces. The Applicant is proposing light gray (Dunn Edwards “Dolphin Tales”) as the dominant building color; however, the articulation elements and accents will variate in colors, textures, and materials. The architectural components include dark gray horizontal wood siding, and vertical corrugated metal. The open outdoor patio/dining has been conditioned to be painted in a single accent color and to include a permanent roofing material. The east side of the building will include a couple of wall trellis to allow climbing vines to grow along the walls and incorporate a natural articulation element. The Project’s architecture will complement and enhance the “downtown” character of the Barton Road corridor and will be compatible with surrounding uses and structures. Sign Program The Applicant is proposing a Sign Program establishing the sign standards necessary to provide coordinated, proportional and complementary signs for the tenants and for center monumentation. The Sign Program includes six designated wall sign areas and one monument sign. The endcap tenants (Suites A and D) will be allowed one additional sign on the corners side of their storefront. The proposed location, dimensions and spacing of the signs is consistent with similar centers. The landlord will be required to approve a proposed sign prior to the submittal for City permits and approval. C.1 Packet Pg. 14 The Sign Program also includes requirements for the drive-thru signage, building address, tenant address signs, regulatory signage, temporary signs, and maintenance criteria. The specified sign size requirements will keep the scale, design, and location consistent with the architectural character of the center. Conditions of approval have been included to clarify consistency with the Municipal Code, including required landscape in relation to the monument sign, maximum sign height, and consistency with City’s prohibited signs. The design and location of all signs associated with this Project are consistent with the scale and character of the building to which they are attached or otherwise associated with and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. The findings to support this Sign Program have been made and have been included on the attached Resolution. AGENCY REVIEW COMMENTS: The Project Plans were distributed to various agenci es and City Departments for review and comments. Conditions of approval from the City’s Building and Safety Division and Public Works Division have been included in the attached Resolution. The Applicant shall comply with the conditions of approval established by San Bernardino County Fire under Record Number FPLN-2020-00142. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements established by the Riverside Highland Water Company, Colton Water and Wastewater Department, Burrtec, and San Bernardino County Division of Environmental Health Services. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Project qualifies for a categorical exemption, pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts infill projects that (a) are consistent with the general plan designation and zoning regulations; (b) the development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses; (c) the site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species; (d) approval of the Project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and (e) the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public service. PUBLIC NOTICE: Public notice of the Project was published in Grand Terrace City News, posted at three public places and mailed to property owners within 500 -foot radius of the site. To date, staff has not received any comments. C.1 Packet Pg. 15 CONCLUSION: The Project is consistent with the General Commercial Designation which goal is to provide a wide range of retail services and promote economic development. The Project is consistent with the zoning requirements. The limited after-hours operation provides longer dining opportunities within a regu lated context. The Variance request activates the street and enhances the frontage with a clean modern design. The parking and circulation analysis demonstrates there are no anticipated stacking issues, and the proposed parking is sufficient to service the proposed development. The building architecture, landscaping, and Sign Program will be consistent with the surrounding commercial developments. Overall, the Project will be a vital addition to the Barton Road corridor. Staff recommends adoption of the attached Resolution approving the Project. ATTACHMENTS: • Bickel Resolution (DOC) • Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (PDF) • Notice of Exemption (PDF) • Renderings and Material Board (PDF) • Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (PDF) • LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (PDF) APPROVALS: Haide Aguirre Completed 03/11/2021 11:09 AM Steven Weiss Completed 03/11/2021 11:10 AM City Attorney Completed 03/11/2021 11:10 AM Steven Weiss Completed 03/11/2021 11:10 AM Planning Commission/Site And Architectural Review Board Pending 03/18/2021 6:30 PM C.1 Packet Pg. 16 Page 1 of 16 RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION/SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AND FINDING AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) GUIDELINES (ENVIRONMENTAL 20-08), AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 21-01, SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 20-08, VARIANCE 20-01, AND SIGN PROGRAM 20-05 TO CONSTRUCT A MULTI-TENANT SHOPPING CENTER WITH A “PICK UP ONLY” DRIVE-THROUGH LANE, LOCATED AT BARTON ROAD (APN: 0275- 242-10-0000 AND 0275-242-11-0000) WHEREAS, Golden Star Investments (“Applicant”) represented by Annaliza Cardon from Bickel Group Architecture, has filed Conditional Use Permit 21-01, Site and Architectural Review 20-08, Variance 20-01, Sign Program 20-05, and Environmental 20- 08 proposing to construct a 5,342 square-foot Multi-Tenant Shopping Center with a 1,275 square-foot open dining/patio area, and a “pick-up only” drive-through lane on two lots measuring approximately 0.88-acres. The improvements include outdoor dining, parking, landscaping, trash enclosure, loading area, access, the relocation of an OmniTrans bus stop/shelter, and street improvements; and WHERAS, the Applicant has applied for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 21-01) pursuant of Ordinance No. 332, proposing limited after hour business activity availability for tenants; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for a Site and Architectural Review (SA 20- 08) for the construction of the proposed development; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for a Variance (V 20-01) to deviate from the twenty-foot front landscape requirement located on the south side of the property; and WHERAS, the Applicant has applied for a Sign Program Application (SGN 20-05) proposing to establish the sign standards for the multi-tenant development; and WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit (CUP 21-01), Site and Architectural Review (SA 20-08), Variance (V 20-01), and Sign Program (SP 20-05) are collectively referred to as the “Project;” and WHEREAS, the Project site is zoned Barton Road Specific Plan (BRSP), General Commercial, located at Barton Road, APN’s: 0275-242-10-0000 and 0275-242-11-0000; and C.1.a Packet Pg. 17 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 2 of 16 WHEREAS, the Project qualifies for a categorically exemption, pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts infill projects that (a) are consistent with the general plan designation and zoning regulations; (b) the development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses; (c) the site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species; (d) approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and (e) the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services.; and, WHEREAS, on March 18, 2021, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing at a special meeting on Project at the Grand Terrace City Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313 and concluded the hearing on said date; and WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written communications from members of the public and City staff (including, but not limited to, all oral and written staff reports and attachments) presented at the March 18, 2021, public hearing, the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board hereby finds that the Project is categorically exempt; pursuant to Section 15332, from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and adopts Environmental 20-08. The Notice of Exemption prepared in connection with the Project has been reviewed and considered and reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board and is hereby adopted. 3. Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written communications from members of the public and City staff (including, but not limited to, all oral an d written staff reports and attachments) presented at the March 18, 2021, public hearing, the Planning Commission/ Site and Architectural Review Board finds as follows with respect to Conditional Use Permit 21-01: a. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the neighborhood of the proposed Project or within the City. Ordinance No. 332 requires a Conditional Use Permit review and approval for uses proposing to operate any time between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. The Project is proposing limited C.1.a Packet Pg. 18 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 3 of 16 extended after hours of operations; therefore, triggering this Conditional Use Permit review process. The proposed hours of operation for Su ite A, “Piara Pizza, Fresh and Ready” will be from 6:00 a.m. to midnight. The operational activities include counter service, outdoor dining (in the open/dining patio), deliveries and pick-up service, and drive-through window lane service. After midnight, the drive- through/pick-up service will remain open until 2:00 a.m. The proposed hours of operation for Suite D “Wing Stop” will be from 6:00 a.m. to midnight. The restaurant operational activities will include indoor dining and outdoor dining (in the open/dining patio), deliveries, and pick-ups. Future tenants for suites B and C are anticipated to have hours of operation between 6:00 a.m. to midnight. The Applicant will provide overnight lighting, security cameras, and onsite maintenance. The proposed limited extended hours are consistent with the zoning and will not be detrimental to the health, safe ty, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the neighboring residents. The Applicant would like future consideration for potential modified operation. Staff has included a condition of approval requiring an Administrative Conditional Use Permit should the hours of operation be extended. In addition, a condition of approval has been included requiring the Applicant to submit a final operations plan for the proposed hours of operation sd psrt of this project. b. The proposed use will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or within the City. The Barton Road Specific Plan allows a Conditional Use Permit review process for uses proposing to operate after hours. The proposed multi-tenant center is consistent with the General Plan and Municipal Code. The Conditional Use Permit allows the City to impose conditions of approval to prevent impacts to the adjacent properties caused by the limited extended overnight hours of operation. The Project has been conditioned to regulate compliance with noise, trash, loitering, overnight security, lighting, and onsite maintenance. The City has the authority to revoke a conditional use permit to ensure the community’s health, safety, and welfare are protected. The Project will be equipped with exterior security cameras. The cameras will have a line of sight to all areas of the property. Lighting will be provided in the parking, walkway areas, and on the building exterior. The site will be maintained regularly to keep the landscaping, collection of litter, and overall upkeep to the building exterior and center. The proposed extended hours of operations will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or City. c. The proposed use will be consistent with the latest adopted General Plan. The proposed multi-tenant development and proposed hours of operation are consistent with the Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial zoning designation and with the latest adopted General Plan. C.1.a Packet Pg. 19 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 4 of 16 d. Conditions necessary to secure the purposes of the Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial have been applied to the Project. 4. Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written comm unications from members of the public and City staff (including, but not limited to, all oral and written staff reports and attachments) presented at the March 18, 2021, public hearing, the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board finds as follows with respect to Site and Architectural Review 20-08: a. The Project is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan. The proposed Multi-Tenant Shop with a “pick-up only” drive- through restaurant is consistent with the Municipal Code, General Plan and is consistent with the Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial designation, which supports restaurants and retail businesses. The Project site is designated General Commercial on the General Plan Land Use Map. The Project is consistent with the General Commercial Land Use which goal is to provide a wide range of retail and service commercial opportunities designed to meet the needs of the City’s residents, businesses, and visitors while also providing employment opportunities. The Project is consistent with the Circulation Element. Barton Road is a Major Highway with a 100-foot right-of-way, which provides direct service to major commercial areas and provides a well-maintained roadway system. The proposed Project will not require additional dedication; however, the Applicant will provide the necessary street improvements as determined by the Public Works Department, including the relocation of the OmniTrans bus stop/shelter that fronts the proposed Project’s entry access. The proposed drive-through lane will be exclusively utilized for “order pick-up”. There will be no ordering menu or speakers; therefore, the pick-up lane functions as a moving parking and eliminates car stacking issues. The Applicant provided a parking demand analysis and circulation assessment based on the parking requirements of the City’s Municipal Code and the City’s Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Resolution and Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines established in July 2020, which demonstrated that the proposed on-site circulation and parking demand can support the Project and meets the intent of the Circulation Element. The City Engineer reviewed the analysis and there was no traffic study required. The Project is consistent with the Noise Element. The pick-up window is located on the west side of the building over 150-feet away from the nearest residential properties located to the north; therefore, it has been determined, the Project will not cause noise impacts to adjacent properties. In addition, the Project will incorporate Noise Barriers such as decorative perimeter block walls with a combination or landscape and evergreen trees. The Project is proposing limited extended after-hours availability for tenants; however, the Project has been conditioned for compliance with the Noise Ordinance. C.1.a Packet Pg. 20 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 5 of 16 In compliance with the Open Space and Conservation Element, the Applicant has prepared a Water Quality Management Pan and a Preliminary Soils Engineering Investigation Report. The structure will be built in compliance with the Building Code and San Bernardino County Fire Department Regulations. The Project complies with the Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial designation which overall goal is to create a dynamic “downtown” commercial center that is attractive and of high quality, unifying community design image and providing a balanced mixture of commercial and administrative/professional uses with safe, efficient circulation and access. The General Commercial designation is closest to the Interstate-215 and consist mainly of residential uses, a school, and some strip commercial. It is an area in transition with several residential structures having been converted to commercial uses. This area supports a variety of uses including but not limited to supermarkets, drug stores, variety stores, hotels, and restaurants. The proposed Project is consistent with the development standards established on the Barton Road Specific Plan-General Commercial District (Planning Area 1 – Mater Plan Area 2), except for the front landscape setback, located on the south side of the property fronting Barton Road. The twenty-foot front landscape setback requires to be entirely landscaped. The Applicant is deviating from this requirement and has applied for a Variance proposing to accommodate an open/dining area within ten-foot of the required setback. Developments that include open dining structures have become increasingly desirable within recent years and have become a necessity within the last year, due to changing times triggered by the most recent pandemic; and the consequences that affected the ability to provide indoor services for multiple types of businesses, including restaurants. The Project complies with all other development standards including building height and lot coverage. b. The location and configuration of all structures associated with this Project are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and structures, that they do not interfere with the neighbors' privacy, that they do not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the area. The proposed Project will be visually harmonious, the structure will not interfere with neighbor’s privacy as the building has been located towards the south side of the property fronting Barton Road and about one-hundred feet away from the residences located to the north. The building height is consistent with the zoning. The proposed style of the building will be contemporary/modern. The landscape will enhance and complement the surrounding General Commercial area. Overall, the Project is consistent with the Barton Road Specific Plan goals and objectives to create and enhance the downtown character, while promoting economic development, and maintaining the community design character, environmental quality, and a high level of public services. The proposed development is consistent with surrounding uses along Barton Road and it will C.1.a Packet Pg. 21 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 6 of 16 help support the Goal of the Barton Road Specific Plan to create a “dynamic” commercial center. c. The architectural design of structures, their materials, and colors are visually harmonious with the surrounding development, natural landforms, are functional for the Project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. The proposed structure will comply with the general architectural guidelines for all development established by the Barton Road Specific Plan. The Applicant is proposing a contemporary/modern building. The design elements include significant vertical and horizontal wall articulations and accent elements. The main façade includes vertical corrugated metal siding, which the Applicant is proposing to treat with a paint finish to avoid the reflective component, while preserving the architectural change in texture and articulated surfaces. The Applicant is proposing light gray (Dunn Edwards “Dolphin Tales”) as the dominant building color; however, the articulation elements and accents will variate in colors, textures, and materials. The articulation elements located to the south-west corner of the property will include horizontal wood texture siding in dark gray color with a combination of vertical galvanized corrugated metal siding, the south-east corner of the building will include a red clay accent color with vertical galvanized corrugated metal siding, and the north-west corner of the building will also include horizontal wood texture siding in dark gray color. Adding to the articulation elements, the open outdoor dining area located on the south side of the property will be conditioned to be painted in one single accent color and to include a permanent roofing material. The east side of the building will include a couple of wall trellis to allow climbing vines to grow along the walls and incorporate a natural articulation element. The Project’s architecture will complement and enhance the “downtown” character and identity of the Barton Road Corridor and be compatible with surrounding uses and structures. d. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provides a functional and visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. A perimeter decorative wall has been required for the Project. The walls located to the west and east will gradually increase in height, starting from three-feet within the front setback up to six-feet towards the back parking area. The Applicant has requested a Variance to deviate from the front landscape setback at Barton Road to accommodate an open dining area. The proposed open/dining area will be required to include patterned colored concrete. In addition, the Project’s ingress and egress areas will include decorative pavers. The Applicant will be required to enhance the proposed ten feet of landscaping setback fronting Barton Road as well as enhance all other proposed planting areas. The proposed development will include numerous landscaping areas, including a ten-foot landscape buffer to the east and north perimeter and a twenty-two-foot landscape buffer to the west perimeter. Overall, the Project is proposing a landscape area greater than the minimum requirement. The C.1.a Packet Pg. 22 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 7 of 16 perimeter landscaping will include evergreen trees to the east, north, and west sides of the property, landscape islands, shrubs, multiple-colored/drought tolerant planting, shrubs, planting material, and groundcover. The street scape will include four trees compliant with the Municipal Code requirements. The landscape will be compliant with the Municipal Code and with the most recent Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance by the State of California. e. There is no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, thus the natural beauty of the City, its setting and natural landforms are preserved. The site is relatively flat, it will require minimal grading, there are no hillsides. The Project requires the clearing of the property including approximately four minor trees and overgrown weeds. f. The design and location of all signs associated with this Project are consistent with the scale and character of the building to which they are attached or otherwise associated with and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. The Applicant is proposing a sign program to establish sign regulations unique to the center. The proposed sign program will include six designated wall sign areas and a monument sign located at the south east entrance of the property. The proposed signs will be consistent with the scale and character of the building. g. Conditions of approval for this Project necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan have been applied to the Project. 5. Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written communications from members of the public and City staff (including, but not limited to, all oral and written staff reports and attachments) presented at the March 18, 2021, public hearing, the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board hereby finds as follows with respect to Variance 20-01: a. A special circumstance regarding the size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings of the subject property exists. The site is restricted by its size, location, and surroundings; therefore, the Applicant has applied for a Variance to deviate from the twenty-foot front landscape setback. The Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial (BRSP,GC) zoning requires a twenty-foot building front setback, entirely landscaped, and requires open spaces not to be located within a required setback. The Project is proposing a front building setback of approximately twenty-three-feet, which exceeds the setback requirement. However, the Applicant is proposing to construct an open dining/patio within ten-feet of the twenty-foot front landscape area requirement. Even with the front landscape setback reduction, the Project will exceed the required landscape and have a total of 7,326 square foot of green areas. The Project will be conditioned so that all proposed landscape areas are enhanced, especially the areas fronting Barton Road. The Applicant will be required to C.1.a Packet Pg. 23 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 8 of 16 include the use of landscaping vines on the open dining/patio columns, railings, and trellis. The development also includes a “pick-up only” drive-through lane; there will be no order menu and speaker included with this proposal. The drive-through lane wraps around the north and west sides of the building to service Suite A. Other uses along Barton Road within the General Commercial zoning, such as McDonalds, Miguel’s Jr., and Taco Bell have also received Planning Commission approval to utilize the front landscape setback to accommodate open areas such as drive-through lanes driveways and pedestrian accessible opportunities are not possible without considering these lots as having a physical hardship since access can only be achieved from Barton Road. The need for open outdoor dining has become increasingly essential in the wake of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which has affected multiple types of businesses, especially the way restaurants function. Overall, the open dining/patio is located as part of the front open space and is the best design solution based on the lot size, location, and surroundings; therefore, special circumstances exist to support the variance. b. Because of the special circumstance, the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. The size, location, and surroundings of the site pose a special circumstance that restricts the design location of the open dining area and therefore reducing the front setback landscape requirement. The Project is proposing approximately twenty-three- feet front setback, which exceeds the twenty-foot front building setback requirement; however, the BRSP, GC zoning requires the twenty-foot front setback to be entirely landscaped. The proposed open dining/patio area will reduce the landscaped area but not the overall building setback requirement. The total landscape areas will exceed the minimum landscape requirement for the Project. In addition, existing restaurants under the same zoning classification have encounter similar front setback landscape reductions to accommodate open areas, such as drive-through lanes; therefore, similar circumstances exist to other uses within the same zoning classification. c. The granting of the variance will not constitute the grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the property is situated. The granting of the Variance for the required twenty-foot front landscape setback will not constitute the grant of special privileges, because existing uses along Barton Road have encounter similar circumstances to accommodate open areas within the front landscape setback requirement, such as drive-through lanes. d. The granting of the variance will not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the district governing the parcel of property. The reduction of twenty-foot landscape front setback to accommodate an open dining patio will not authorize a use or activity not permitted in the underlying C.1.a Packet Pg. 24 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 9 of 16 zone district. The proposed multi-tenant commercial development is a permissible use in the BRSP, GC zoning designation. e. The granting of the variance will not result in a situation inconsistent with the latest adopted General Plan. The Project is consistent with the General Commercial Land Use Element which goal is to provide a wide range of retail and service commercial opportunities. Restaurant uses are supported in the General Commercial designation. f. Conditions necessary to secure the above findings are made a part of the approval of the variance. 6 Based upon the forgoing and all oral and written communications from members of the public and City staff (including, but not limited to, all oral and written staff reports and attachments) presented at the March 18, 2021, public hearing, the Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board finds as follows with respect to Sign Program 20-05: a. The proposed Sign Program is consistent with the development standards for signs as provided in Chapter 18.80 – Signs. The Applicant is proposing a Sign Program establishing the sign standards necessary to provide coordinated, imaginative, and proportional exposure for all the tenants to be located within the center. The proposed sign program includes six wall sign areas and a monument sign located at the south east entrance of the property. The endcap tenants will be allowed one additional sign on the corners side of their storefront. In addition, every tenant space will have a sign copy area on the proposed monument sign located on the Project’s entrance. The proposed monument sign will be constructed five-feet from the front property line as permissible by the Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial, Planning Area 1-Master Plan Area 2. The location will not cause line of sight issues. The Sign Program includes requirements for the drive-thru signing, front address, rear tenant address signs, regulatory signag e, temporary signs, and maintenance. The specified sign size requirements will keep the scale, design, and location consistent with the architectural character of the center. Conditions of approval have been included to clarify consistency with the Municipal Code, including required landscape to the monument sign, maximum sign height, and consistency with City’s prohibited signs. The design and location of all signs associated with this Project are consistent with the scale and character of the building to which they are attached or otherwise associated with and are consistent with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. b. The design, location, and scale of proposed signs for the integrated development are in keeping with the architectural character of the development. The proposed location and spacing of the sings will generally conform at a location which centers on tenant’s space and the maximum height will not exceed twenty-feet. The landlord will be required to approve a C.1.a Packet Pg. 25 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 10 of 16 proposed sign prior to the submittal for City permits and approval. Tenants are responsible for keeping the signage in good working order. The specified sign size requirements will keep the scale, design, and location consistent with the architectural character of the center. The proposed signs will be consistent with the scale and character of the building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, based upon the forgoing and all oral and written communications from members of the public and City staff (including, but not limited to, all oral and written staff reports and attachments) presented at the March 18, 2021, public hearing, Conditional Use Permit 20-01, Site and Architectural Review 20-08, Variance 20-01, and Sign Program 20-05 are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Conditional Use Permit 21-01, Site and Architectural Review 20-08, Variance 20- 01, and Sign Program 20-05 are approved to construct and establish a 5,342 multi-tenant commercial building on two vacant sites measuring 0.88 acres, located at APN: 0275-242-10-0000 and 0275-242-11-0000, zoned Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial (GC). The proposal includes four tenant spaces, a 1,275 square-foot outdoor dining/patio area, and a drive-through lane to be exclusively utilized for order “pick-up only.” There is no order menu and speaker box included with this approval. The “pick-up only” drive-through lane will serve Suite A, located on the west side of the property. A Conditional Use Permit has been submitted pursuant of Ordinance No. 332 for the review of limited extended after hour operational activities. A Variance has been submitted to deviate from the twenty-foot front building setback which requires to be entirely landscaped to accommodate an open dining/patio area. A Sign Program has been submitted to establish sign requirements unique to the center. An OmniTrans bus stop/shelter fronting the Project’s entrance will be relocated. The improvements include parking, landscaping, trash enclosure, loading area, access, open dining/patio, and street improvements. This approval is based on the application and materials submitted on November 1, 2020, including the revised plans and materials dated February 2, 2021. These plans are approved as submitted and conditioned herein and shall not be further altered except as modified by these conditions of approval, and unless reviewed and approved by the affected city departments. 2. If not appealed, this approval shall become effective on the eleventh (11th) day after the date of the Planning Commission’s approval; or the next city business day following such eleventh (11th) day when the eleventh (11th) day is not a city business day. This approval shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in accordance with Chapter 18.63-Site and Architectural Review, Chapter 18.86- Variance, and Chapter 18.83-Conditional Use Permit of the Zoning Code. Time extensions shall be filed at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. C.1.a Packet Pg. 26 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 11 of 16 3. Minor modifications to this approval which are determined by the Planning and Development Services Director to be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, and which do not intensify or change the use or require any deviations from adopted standards, may be approved by the Planning and Development Services Director upon submittal of an application and the required fee. 4. The Applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Grand Terrace and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Grand Terrace, its officers, employees, or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Grand Terrace concerning this Project, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the Planning Commission, or Planning and Development Services Director. The City shall promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the Project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 5. Conditional Use Permit 21-01 shall permit uses to operate after hours with limited functions provided that appropriate security and maintenance measures have been submitted for review and approval by the Planning Division. Hours of operation shall be Monday through Sunday from 6:00 a.m. to midnight for all tenants. After midnight, only the drive-through/pick-up lane, servicing Suite A, will remain open until 2:00 a.m. 6. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit, the Applicant shall provide a final operations plan for the proposed extended hours of operation, including specific information about security cameras, lighting, noise, and site maintenance. The Operations Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. 7. Future changes to the hours of operation shall require a Minor Modification via an Administrative Conditional Use Permit, for review and approval by the Planning Director. Such modifications shall require a revised operational security plan, including but not limited to onsite security, lighting, noise, and maintenance. 8. The Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board shall have the authority to issue and revoke Conditional Use Permit 21-01 in regard to limited after hour operation per the approved operation plan in order to ensure the community’s health, safety and welfare by reviewing uses which may create objectionable or undesirable effects upon nearby uses but may still be compatible with the zoning. 9. The Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board may periodically review, modify, or revoke a conditional use permit pursuant of Chapter 18.83 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. C.1.a Packet Pg. 27 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 12 of 16 10. In the event that exhibits, and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. 11. Construction and operational activities associated with the Project shall comply with the regulations of the City’s Noise Ordinance, Chapter 8.108 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 12. The Applicant “Golden Star Investments” shall obtain a City’s Business License from the Finance Division and shall be renewed annually, at the beginning of each calendar year, during the month of January, for as long as the business in operation. 13. Prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for the center, the Applicant shall ensure that all individual business tenants located at the Project property, including but not limited to “Piara Pizza” and “Wing Stop”, obtain a business license from the Finance Division. The Business License shall be renewed annually, at the beginning of each calendar year, during the month of January, for as long as each tenant business remains in operation. 14. Future tenants shall obtain Land Use approval by the Planning Division, shall obtain clearances by the Building and Safety Division, including but not limited to tenant improvements and Certificate of Occupancy, shall obtain a Business License from the Finance Division to be renewed annually as long as businesses remain in operation, and shall obtain all required clearances established by the City. 15. The Applicant shall pay all applicable development impact fees and demonstrate the payment of school impact fees to the Building and Safety Department. 16. All contractors shall acquire a valid City business license and be in compliance with all City Codes. 17. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Grand Terrace Building and Safety Division, including the Conditions of Approval contained in the Building and Safety Memorandum dated February 22, 2021, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 18. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Grand Terrace Public Works Division, including the Conditions of Approval contained in the Public Works Memorandum dated February 25, 2021, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 19. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with Burrtec’s requirements per AB 2766 and City of Grand Terrace contractual requirements per the Memorandum dated, January 20, 2021, attached hereto as Exhibit 3. Under C.1.a Packet Pg. 28 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 13 of 16 no condition shall the Applicant, tenant or assignee contract for construction, solid waste, recycling, or green waste services with any independent disposal service. 20. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with the Conditions of Approval contained in the San Bernardino County Fire Department, permit number FPLN-2020-00142, attached hereto as Exhibit 4. 21. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall obtain all clearances by the San Bernardino County Division of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) for food service tenants. 22. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall obtain all requisite permits and clearances from Riverside Highland Water Company (RHWCO). Including approval for the construction of a bio-retention basing within their ten- foot easement located to the west side of the property. 23. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with all the requirements of the City of Colton Water and Wastewater Department, relating to sewer service requirements. 24. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Lot Merger 20-02 shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and shall be recorded at the Office of the county of San Bernardino Recorder’s Office. The Lot Merger cost for said review and recording shall be borne by the Applicant. 25. Prior to the issuance of a construction permit for the street improvements, the Applicant shall relocate the OmniTrans bus shelter across Barton Road per City and OmniTrans standards, including but not limited to providing plans showing the exact placement where the bus stop will be moved to, show a minimum 25-feet long stretch of 10-feet wide regular sidewalk for shelter and ADA passenger boarding, provide thick concrete pad in the pavement of the street, coordinate with OmniTrans regarding traffic control, bus stop signal, and temporary closure during construction. All cost associated by said relocation shall be borne by the Applicant. 26. The drive-through lane shall be utilized for “pick-up only.” Drive-through speaker and menu are strictly prohibited. The Applicant shall identify on the design plans that the drive-through lane will not include a menu and speaker and shall be exclusively utilized for window “pick-up only”. 27. If parking problems arise, the property owner shall institute all operational measures that are necessary to minimize or eliminate such problems, including but not limited to providing free on-site valet service, and/or acquisition of offsite parking area through a shared parking agreement. C.1.a Packet Pg. 29 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 14 of 16 28. The Applicant or assignee shall, within 30 days of a parking issue arising, provide an alternative offsite parking overflow plan. Said plan shall be reviewed by the Director of Planning and Development Services. The Applicant shall be required to secure offsite parking agreement should any parking issues occur during operational hours. 29. Loading and unloading delivery activities of motor trucks and other vehicles shall be prohibited from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 30. The construction plans shall include a note identifying the proposed open dining/patio paving material and color. The open dining/patio shall be hardscaped with patterned colored concrete or pavers, the color and material shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division. 31. Proposed lighting shall not glare onto adjoining properties and may need to be shielded per the approved photometric plan. Lighting shall not exceed eighteen feet in height from the finished grade and shall be designed to reflect away from residential district and public roadways. 32. Prior to issuance of building permits for the perimeter decorative block walls on shared property lines, the Applicant shall submit a Fence/Wall Agreement signed by the adjacent property owners authorizing construction of the wall on the shared property line. In the absence of a Fence/Wall agreement, the construction plans shall demonstrate the perimeter decorative block walls to be constructed entirely inside the property. 33. The perimeter block wall to the east and west shall be 3-feet high within the 20- foot front set-back, gradually increase in height up to 4-feet and 5-feet within the next seventy feet and increase up to six-feet high after approximately ninety-feet measured from the front property line. 34. The 15-feet decorative paving at the Project ingress and egress access shall match the color used within the same zoning designation and shall approved by the Planning Division. Identify the proposed color in the construction plans. 35. The patterned color concrete for the open dining/patio area shall be approved by the Planning Division. Identify the patterned style and color in the construction plans. 36. The open dining/patio shall be the same color on both patio sections. The color “preserve” shall be changed to “monarch migration.” A different color proposal shall be approved by the Planning Division. 37. The Elevations shall identify the proposed color for the corrugated vertical metal siding (11/J). The proposed color shall be approved by Planning. C.1.a Packet Pg. 30 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 15 of 16 38. The proposed roofing material for the outdoor patio shall be made of a permanent material, such as wood trellis or tile. The proposed material shall be identified on the Elevations and shall be approved by the Planning Division. 39. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit three (3) copies of the landscape and irrigation plan for the Project to the Planning and Development Services Department for review and approval. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared in accordance with the City’s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (Chapter 15.56) Landscaping Standards contained in Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning Code and in compliance with the most recent version of the State Model Ordinance. The plans shall demonstrate the following: a. The proposed parkway trees shall comply with the list of approved trees contained on Chapter 12.28 – Street and Parkway Trees of the Municipal Code. b. Ensure that proposed plant material, at maturity, will maintain clear line visibility at all intersections as determined by the City’s Traffic Engineer. c. Plant material adheres to spacing recommendations based on plant and shrub species. d. Note the material that will placed in planter areas, i.e. mulch, decorative rock, etc. e. Use drip irrigation system. f. All trees shall be a minimum size of 15-gallon, having a minimum height of eight feet at the time of planting. g. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 1-gallon size at the time of planting. h. Ground cover shall be healthy, dense foliage, and well routed cuttings, or one-gallon container plants. i. The spacing of trees and shrubs shall be appropriate for the species used. j. Twenty percent of planting material shall be pollinating plants. k. Approval must be obtained for removal of all trees having a trunk diameter of 10 inches or more measured 48 inches above existing grade. l. Show location and number of existing trees to be removed on the legend. m. Include on the legend the climbing vines to be planted on the east side wall trellis, the patio trellis, and patio fencing. n. The monument sign shall include four square feet of landscape area for each square foot of sign area (measured by one side only). o. Submit an initial deposit of $2,000 deposit for landscape plan check review. 40. The trash enclosure shall be constructed of decorative block walls, with solid metal gates attached to posts, embedded in concrete and roofed. 41. The location and method of screening for all roof-mounted and building-mounted equipment shall be demonstrated on the elevations. All equipment shall be screened from public view and designed to be an integral component of the building design. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from view by parapet walls or other architectural means. The Applicant shall demonstrate to the C.1.a Packet Pg. 31 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Page 16 of 16 satisfaction of the Planning Director that no roof-mounted equipment will be visible from the public right-of-way. 42. All ground mounted equipment, including backflow devices, shall be screened in a manner that does not impede traffic visibility. 43. The Applicant shall be responsible for regular and ongoing upkeep and maintenance of the site, including parking lot paving condition and striping, clearing of trash, weeds and debris, lighting, and other site improvements. All parking facilities shall be maintained in good condition. The maintenance thereof may include but shall not be limited to the repaving, sealing, and striping of a parking area and the repair, restoration and/or replacement of any parking area design features when deemed necessary by the City to insure the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. 44. The Applicant shall contact the Planning Division for a final inspection a minimum two weeks prior to the inspection date requested. 45. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the Applicant must sign and return an “Acceptance of Conditions” form. The form and content shall be prepared by the Planning and Development Services Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a public hearing/special meeting held on the 18th day of March 2021. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: RECUSE: ATTEST: __________________________ __________________________ Debra L. Thomas Edward A. Giroux City Clerk Chairman C.1.a Packet Pg. 32 Attachment: Bickel Resolution (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Building and Safety Conditions of Approval Date: February 22, 2021 File No: SA 20-08 Applicant: Bickel Group-represented by Annaliza Cardon Address of Applicant: 3600 Birch St Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Site Location: 22200 Barton Road APN: 0275-242-10 Provide the following sets of construction plans and documentation for plan review along with an electronic copy of the plans and calculations of the proposed project once approved. Below you will find a list of the plans and documents Building and Safety will need for plan review. The initial plan review will take approximately two weeks on most projects. Provide the following sets of plans and documents. Building and Safety submittals required at first plan review. (4) Architectural Plans (2) Structural Plans (2) Structural Calculations (2) Soils Reports (4) Plot/Site Plans (2) Electrical Plans (2) Electrical Load Calculations (2) Plumbing Plans/Isometrics, Water, Sewer and Gas (2) Mechanical Plans (2) Mechanical Duct Layout Plans (2) Roof and Floor Truss Plans (2) Title 24 Energy Calculations (4) Rough and Precise Grading Plans (2) Water Quality Management Plan, (WQMP) and Erosion Control Plan. (2) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan EXHIBIT 1 C.1.b Packet Pg. 33 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Building and Safety Conditions of Approval Building & Safety Conditions 1) All structures shall be designed in accordance with the most current California Building Codes adopted by the State of California and as amended by the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Codes. 2) The Developer/Owner is responsible for the coordination of the final occupancy. The Developer/Owner shall obtain clearances from each department and division prior to requesting a final building inspection from Building & Safety. Each agency shall sign the bottom of the Building & Safety Job Card. 3) Building & Safety inspection requests can be made twenty-four (24) hours in advance for next day inspection. Please contact 909-825-3825. You may also request inspections at the Building & Safety public counter. 4) All construction sites must be protected by a security fence and screening. The fencing and screening shall be maintained at all times to protect pedestrians. 5) Temporary toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers. The toilet facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non-sewer type shall conform to ANSI ZA.3. 6) Construction projects which require temporary electrical power shall obtain an Electrical Permit from Building & Safety. No temporary electrical power will be granted to a project unless one of the following items is in place and approved by Building & Safety and the Planning Department. a. Installation of a construction trailer, or, b. Security fenced area where the electrical power will be located. 7) Installation of construction/sales trailers must be located on private property. No trailers can be located in the public street right of way. 8) Separate plan submittals and permits are required for all accessory structures; example would be trash enclosures, block walls, outdoor dining area, signage and storage buildings. 9) Pursuant to the California Business and Professions Code Section 6737, most projects are required to be designed by a California Licensed Architect or Engineer. The project owner or developer should review the section of the California Codes and comply with the regulation. C.1.b Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Building and Safety Conditions of Approval 10)Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall pay all Development Improvement Fee’s to the City; this also includes school fees and outside agency fees such as sewer water and utilities. Copies of receipts shall be provided to Building & Safety prior to permit issuance. 11)All on site utilities shall be underground to the new proposed structure unless prior approval has been obtained by the utility company or the City. 12)Prior to issuance of Building Permits, on site water service shall be installed and approved by the responsible agency. On site fire hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Department. No flammable materials will be allowed on the site until the fire hydrants are established and approved. 13)Prior to issuance of building permits, site grading certification and pad certifications shall be submitted to Building & Safety. Prior to concrete placement, submit a certification for the finish floor elevation and setbacks of the structures. The certification needs to reflect that the structure is in conformance with the Precise Grading Plans. Compaction reports shall accompany pad certifications. The certifications are required to be signed by the engineer of record. 14)Prior to issuance of building permits, provide Building & Safety with a will service letter from Riverside Highland Water Company. 15)All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES), and the San Bernardino County MS-4 Storm Water Permit. C.1.b Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Public Works Conditions of Approval Date: February 25, 2021 Applicant: The Bickel Group, Represented by Jessica Steiner Site Location: APN 0275-242-10 and 11, Barton Road Provide two (2) construction plans with digital copy and required documentation in hard copy and digital format for review of the proposed project. Below is a list of the plans and documents Public Works will need for plan review. The initial plan review will take approximately three weeks on most projects. Plan review fees and permit fees will be charged at the time plans are approved and are ready to issue. Provide the following sets of plans and documents. Public Works/Engineering submittals required at first plan review. (1) Grant Deed showing all easements. (1) Water Plans. (2) Street improvement plans prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. (1) Utility Plans (2) Sewer Plans (2) Grading Plans and Erosion Control Plan (2) Drainage Report and Water Quality Management Plan, (WQMP) (2) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (1) ALTA/ACSM Survey and Map All work performed in the public right of way shall comply with the San Bernardino County Public Works Standards or standards of the latest update of the Greenbook as approved by the Public Works Director or City Engineer. Public Works inspection requests can be made twenty-four (24) hours in advance for next day inspection. Please contact (909) 825-3825. You may also request inspections at the Building & Safety public counter. The Applicant shall provide mitigation measures to be incorporated into the development to prevent flooding of the site and downstream properties. The retention of the difference of the post-development runoff from the pre-development 100-year event shall be required as part of the drainage improvements for this project. EXHIBIT 2 C.1.b Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Public Works Conditions 1.All fronting overhead utilities shall be underground in the road right-of-way. Relocation of existing utilities in conflict with improvements shall be shown on improvement plans. 2.All proposed public street improvements shall be designed by persons registered and licensed pursuant to the Business and Professions Code and all street work will require a contactor licensed in the State of California and insured pursuant to the City’s insurance requirements. 3.The Applicant shall dedicate right of way and/or construct all missing or damaged public improvements. The missing or damaged public improvements shall include, but are not limited to, pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approach, landscaping and streetlights as directed by the Public Works Department. 4.Provide half street width paving overlay after utility installations on the entire length of the project. Minimum 2-inch asphalt overlay with an asphalt grind. All grindings shall be recycled. 5.The Applicant shall submit proposed sewer plans to the City of Colton Wastewater Department and Public Works for plan review. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the sewer review to the City of Colton and Public Works. Please provide a written “Will Serve” letter and sewer plans to the City of Grand Terrace for approval before any permits are issued. 6.The Applicant shall submit proposed water plans to the Riverside Highland Water Company and Public Works for plan review. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the water review to Riverside Highland Water Company and Public Works. Please provide a written “Will Serve” letter and plans to the City of Grand Terrace for approval before any permits are issued. 7.Applicant shall submit proposed water plans for fire hydrants to the County of San Bernardino Fire Department for plan review and approval. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the fire hydrant system review to the County of San Bernardino Fire Department. 8.Provide missing right of way dedication on Barton road for the entire length of the property and provide paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, streetlights, signage and stripping and repave to a half width street improvement. Street improvements will be required to extend beyond the frontage of the project to blend and taper the pavement for traffic and address street flows for drainage. 9.Minimum driveway grades shall be consistent with San Bernardino County Standards 129 and 131. Riverside County Standard 207 driveway approach can also be used. 10. Driveway on Barton shall restrict left turns out. C.1.b Packet Pg. 37 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) 11.Parking on Barton Road shall be signed as “No Parking” per the Municipal Code 10.04.290 at 20 foot spacing, 7 feet above the sidewalk and 1.5 feet from curb face. 12.A truck haul permit shall be required if more than 50 cubic yards of earth is to be hauled on City Street. Additional conditions, such as truck route approval, traffic controls, bonding, and or street cleaning may be required by the City engineer. 13.The geotechnical report recommendations for on- and off-site excavation, compaction, slope stability and paving sections shall be submitted. The date of the report shall be placed on the title sheets of the street plans. 14.Monumentation: If any activity on this project will disturb any land survey monuments, the disturbed monumnetation shall be located and referenced by or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor or a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying prior to commencement of any activity with the potential to disturb the monumnetation, and a corner record or record of survey of the references shall be filled with the County Encroachment Permit Conditions 1.Prior to the issuance of an encroachment permit, the Applicant shall pay all Development Improvement Fee’s to the City and pay school fees to Colton Joint Unified School District. 2.Encroachment permits are required before work begins in the public right of way. A street cut deposit will be collected for each street cut and held for two years. 3. Prior to paving, water, sewer, gas and electrical service shall be installed and approved by the responsible agency. Fire hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Department. 4.Prior to paving, compaction reports on utility trenches shall be provided. 5.Prior to issuance of building permits, provide Public Works with a copy of the will service letter from Riverside Highland Water Company and the City of Colton wastewater Department. 6.All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) and the current San Bernardino County MS4 permit. Cursory Document Review; 1) Preliminary Geotechnical Report 2) Interpretive Report for Infiltration Design 3) Site Plans 4) Preliminary title and grant deed 5) Site Plan, showing vehicle stacking 6) Photometric 7) Conceptual Grading and Wet Utilities Plan C.1.b Packet Pg. 38 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Comments: 1. Interpretive Report for Infiltration Design Report, shows a design infiltration rate of 0.15 in/hr. This is substantially lower than the 1.6 in/hr that is required for infiltration best management practices (BMP’s) required in the Santa Ana watershed region. It may be necessary to utilize alternative means, such as Modular Wetlands, to meet requirements of Water Quality Management Plan for this project. 2.Provide design indicating the drive-through lane will not include a menu and speaker and will be exclusively utilized for window “pick up only. If in the future if the proposal changes to drive-through menu and speaker a vehicle queuing analysis will be required to demonstrate the stacking of vehicles will not back up onto Barton Road. 3.Relocate OmniTrans bus stop in accordance with requirements of Omintrans and City. C.1.b Packet Pg. 39 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Date: January 20, 2021 Project: SA 20-08 22200 Barton Road Reviewer: Gary Koontz Email: gkoontz@burrtec.com Phone: (909) 429-4200 __X___ Comments ______ Approval Project Description: Construct a 5,200 square foot commercial building for up to four potential restaurant tenants. Comments: The Site Plan dated 12/7/20 identifies four potential restaurant tenants within a single structure at the southwest corner of the parcel. There is a single access point onto Barton Road at the southeast corner often parcel. A single trash enclosure is located at the northeast corner of the parcel facing south. A loading zone is located adjacent to the enclosure along the east property line. On January 15, 2021, a truck turning exhibit was submitted to Burrtec illustrating how collection trucks can make a multiple point turning movement in ordered exit the site. Burrtec operations staff has reviewed this exhibit and have determined that it is acceptable turning maneuver for three axle collection trucks to exit the property with minimal safety impacts. Based upon the information provided, Burrtec will provide standard commercial collection services for trash and mixed recyclables. In addition, per the requirements of AB1826, all restaurant tenants shall be required to participate in an organics recycling program designed to recycle food waste. At a minimum, the trash enclosure shall be designed to accommodate two 4-cubic yard commercial bins for trash and mixed recyclables and one 2-cubic yard bin for organic (food) waste. Any changes to the overall project design, enclosure specifications or location, or access may adversely impact Burrtec’s ability to service the project. Any design modifications that could impact Burrtec’s service will be subject to review and approval by Burrtec. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the developer or their contractor shall contact Burrtec to coordinate the preparation and implementation of a Construction Waste Management Plan. EXHIBIT 3 C.1.b Packet Pg. 40 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) SA 20-08 22200 Barton Road January 20, 2021 Page 2 Burrtec’s review of this project is limited to determining whether it meets Burrtec’s minimum standards for waste and recycling collection services. Any comments or approvals by Burrtec are limited to these minimum standards as they relate to our equipment and personnel and do not pertain to the project’s compliance with applicable federal, state and local land use and environmental laws, building codes or other applicable government regulations. Any approvals by Burrtec do not warrant or represent that Burrtec accepts any liability relative to the performance of waste and recycling collection services within this project. _____________________________ Gary Koontz, Facility Project Manager C.1.b Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) San Bernardino County Fire Department Community Safety Division Plan Review Comments Date Reviewed:03/02/2021 Reviewed By:Mike Havens Project Type:Fire Planning/DRC Permit Number:FPLN-2020-00142 Project Name:Formal Entitlement Submittal Project Description:APN: 0275-242-10,11 Address: 22200 Barton Rd, Grand Terrace Approx. 5,200sf shell building, type VB, 4 restaurant tenants including drive thru at end, site work includes parking, landscaping and covered patio Location:22220 BARTON RD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324 APN:0275242090000 Dear Applicant, San Bernardino County Fire Department has completed review of the proposed project. Please see the FIRE COMMENTS attachment below. Redline Plans can be downloaded from the San Bernardino County EZ Online Permitting (EZOP) system at http://av-ezop.sbcounty.gov. Guidance on how to access and navigate the EZOP portal can be found at http://wp.sbcounty.gov/ezop/faqs/videos/. If you have any questions please contact County Fire at (909) 386-8400. Sincerely, The Office of the Fire Marshal Community Safety Division San Bernardino County Fire Department Page 1 of 2v.19.02.0 EXHIBIT 4 C.1.b Packet Pg. 42 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) Review Date:03/02/2021 Permit Number:FPLN-2020-00142 Location:22220 BARTON RD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324 APN:0275242090000 FIRE COMMENTS Water System Prior to any land disturbance, the water systems shall be designed to meet the required fire flow for this development and shall be approved by the Fire Department. The required fire flow shall be determined by using California Fire Code. The Fire Flow for this project shall be: ___1500____ GPM for a ___2___hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure. Fire Flow is based on a _5342___ sq.ft. structure. Additional Requirements In addition to the Fire requirements stated herein, other onsite and offsite improvements may be required which cannot be determined from tentative plans at this time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and profiles have been submitted to this office. 1. Show direct exit from the patio areas being proposed 2.Indicate on Plans the total Occupant load that will be allowed for the buildings 3. Indicate on Plans that a deferred submittal will be required for Sprinklers, Alarms and Hood Suppression Systems 4. Indicate the Riser Room on Plans per Standard F-4 and F-5. The room needs to be a 4x4 room. Page 2 of 2v.19.02.0 C.1.b Packet Pg. 43 Attachment: Exhibits to Conditions of Approval (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92313-5295 909/824-6621 Fax 909/783-2600 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION TO: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors FROM: Planning and Development County of San Bernardino Services Department 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, 2nd Floor City of Grand Terrace San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Project Title: Conditional Use Permit 21-01, Site and Architectural Review 20-08, Variance 20-01, Sign Program 20-05, and Environmental 20-08 Project Location – Specific: APN’s: 0275-242-10-0000 and 0275-242-11-0000, Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92313, County of San Bernardino Description of Project: Construct a 5,342 square-foot multi-tenant shopping center with a 1,275 square-foot open dining/patio area, and a “pick-up only” drive-thru lane, located on two lots measuring approximately 0.88-acres. A Variance has been submitted for the reduction of the front landscaped setback. The improvements include parking, landscaping, trash enclosure, loading area, access, lighting, open dining/patio area, and street improvements. The site is zoned Barton Road Specific Plan, General Commercial (BRSP,GC). Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Grand Terrace Planning Commission Name of Person or Agency Carrying out Project: Golden Star Investments (“Applicant”) represented by Annaliza Cardon of Bickel Group Architecture Exempt Status: California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15332, Infill Development Projects Reasons Why Project is Exempt: Section 15332, This section exempts infill projects when the project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code; is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses; the property has no value as habitat for rare, endangered, or threatened species; the site is served by public utilities and services; and there are no impacts to traffic noise, air quality, or water quality. Lead Agency or Contact Person: Area Code/Telephone Haide Aguirre (909) 824-6621, Extension 225 ______________________________ _________________ Haide Aguirre Date Associate Planner Planning and Development Services C.1.c Packet Pg. 44 Attachment: Notice of Exemption (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Bickel Group #2) C.1.d Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: Renderings and Material Board (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The C.1.d Packet Pg. 46 Attachment: Renderings and Material Board (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The C.1.d Packet Pg. 47 Attachment: Renderings and Material Board (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The C.1.d Packet Pg. 48 Attachment: Renderings and Material Board (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The C.1.d Packet Pg. 49 Attachment: Renderings and Material Board (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The SignProgram Sign Contractor Information: 701 LAKME AVE. WILMINGTON, CA 90744 P: 310.549.4661 F: 310.549.7788 STATE LICENSE # 351019 WWW.SPESCO.COM 22200BARTONROADGRANDTERRACE,CA C.1.e Packet Pg. 50 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The Table of Contents A.Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 1 B.General Criteria and Sign Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 1, 2 C.Prohibited Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 2, 3 D.Sign Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 3, 4 E.Sign Types and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 4, 5 Site Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 6 Building Elevation Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 7 Typical Sign Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 8 Ground Sign Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 9 C.1.e Packet Pg. 51 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The A.Introduction Thepurposeofthissignprogram isto ensurecoordinationandcompatibilitybetweenallsignswiththeCenter. Signswillbehigh-qualityandwillbeconsistentwiththe establishedCity SignRegulations.Master SignProgram shallestablishthesignstandardsnecessarytoprovidecoordinated,imaginative, andproportionalexposurefor alltheTenants to belocatedwithintheCenter.Performanceshallbestrictlyenforcedand any non-conforming signthatisinstalledshallberemoved immediatelybya professionalsigncontractoratTenant'sexpense. B.General Criteria and Sign Design 1.EachTenantshallsubmitfor approvaltotheLandlordor designated agent,two(2) originalsetsofthedetailed shopdrawingsof itsproposed sign,indicatingconformancewiththeMaster SignProgram hereinoutlined. 2.Tenantshallsubmitthesigndrawingapproved bytheLandlord totheCity foritsapprovaland issuanceofasignpermitpriortothestartofanysignconstruction. 3.Tenantshallpayforallsignsandtheirinstallationandmaintenance. Tenantshallalsoobtainallnecessarylicenses, permitsandapprovalsasrequiredforsign installationbytheCity. 4.Tenantshallberesponsiblefor fulfillmentof allrequirements ofthisSignProgram. 5.Tenantmayplacesigns atrear entryfor deliveryand emergency purposes only. Signsizenotto bemorethana totalof144squareinches. 6.Tenantmayplacesigns uponentrancetoitsdemised premises;notmorethan144 squareinchesoflettering,nottoexceedtwo(2”) inchesinheight,indicating hours ofbusiness, telephone, etc. 7.Locationand spacingofthesignsonallbuildingsshallgenerallyconform atalocationwhichcentersonTenant's space. TheLandlordshalldeterminetheexacthorizontal placementofallsignsuponthebuildinginconjunctionwiththeapprovaloftheshop drawingof theindividualsigns.Maximumsignheight20’. 8.EachTenantshallberesponsiblefor andrepairofanydamagetoanysurfacecausedbythesignor itsinstallation. Onlystate-licensed-and-insuredsigncontractors shallperform signmanufacturing andinstallations. 9.Eachtenantshallberesponsiblefortheperformanceofitssigncontractor. 10.Eachtenantshallberesponsiblefor keeping itssignageingood workingorder. 1 SignProgram TERRACEPLAZA C.1.e Packet Pg. 52 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The 11.Landlordreservestherightto periodicallyhireandindependentelectricalorsignconsultant,atTenant'ssoleexpensetoinspecttheinstallationofallofTenant'ssigns. Tenantswillberequiredtocorrectdiscrepanciesand/orcodeviolationsatTenant'sexpense. Anycodeviolations,requestsforsignremovals,ordiscrepanciesnotaddressed withinfifteen(15)daysofnoticeorpursuanttoLeaseholdprovision(s)orCityrequirements,maybecorrectedbyLandlordatTenant'sexpense. Tenant'ssigncontractor shallcarryWorkmen'sCompensationandPublicLiabilityInsuranceagainstalldamagebyanyandallpersonsand/orpropertywhileengaged intheconstructionorerectionofsignsintheamountof$1,000,000per occurrence.Aninsuranceendorsementmustbeprovidedto theLandlordpriortoinstallationnaming LandlordasAdditionalInsured. TenantshallremovesignandrestorethefasciatooriginalconditionwhichLandlordshallapproveatTenant'ssolecostandexpensewithinfifteen(15)daysofexpiration oftermsorearlierterminationofTenant'slease.FailuretorepairandrestorewillresultinSecurityDepositdeductionor other legalremedies. LandlordwillinstallandpayforthefollowingbuildingaddresssignsaccordingtoFireDepartmentrequirements. Tobetwelveinches(12”)high,locatedandinstalledbyLandlord. Suiteaddressnumbersorlettersaretobethreeinches(3”)high,inauniformcolor (mattefinishonly)andfontwiththelettersinstalled overentrydoor. Threeinches(3”)highstoreaddressnumbersinauniformcolor(mattefinishonly)andfontaretobeinstalledonthereardoors. 12. 13. 14. a.BuildingAddressSign: b.FrontSuiteAddressSign: c.RearSuiteAddressSign(asneeded): C.Prohibited Signs The following types of signs are prohibited: 1.Outdooradvertisingor advertisingstructureincluding,butnotlimitedto,“sandwichboards”,flags,inflatable's,“lawn”signs,vehiclesandmobilebillboardsdisplaying Tenant'sbusinessoutsidethedemisedpremises. Exposedjunctionboxes,transformers,lamps,tubing,conduits,exposedraceways. 3.Signsvisiblethroughthewindowsofthepremisesaresubjecttocitycode.These includepainted,hanging,orneonsigns.Decorationsattachedtowindowsareprohibited. 2. 2 SignProgram TERRACEPLAZA C.1.e Packet Pg. 53 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The 4.TemporarywallsignsarenotpermittedwiththeexceptionofBannersinaccordancewithSection6ofthisSignProgram. Pre-manufacturedsigns,suchasfranchisesigns,thathavenotbeenmodifiedtofitthiscriteria,exceptasnotedotherwiseinthePlannedSignProgram. Paper,cardboard,stickersordecalsplacedaround,on,orbehindstorefronts. Exposedfasteningsunlessfasteningsmakeanintentionalstatement. Nopersonshallinstallormaintain,orcausetobeinstalledormaintained,anysignwhichsimulatesorimitatesinsize,color,letteringordesignanytrafficsignorsignal, oranyother symbolorcharactersinsuchmannerto interferewith,misleadorconfusetraffic. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.Signs,banners,flagsorsimilar advertisingdevisesthatareexhibited,postedordisplayedbyanyperson,includinganythingofanobscure,indecent,orimmoralor unlawfulactivityarestrictlyprohibited.Landlordreservestherightinitssolediscretiontoimmediatelyremoveitemsthatitbelievesviolatethisclause. Nosignshallbeinstalled,relocatedor maintainedsoastopreventfreeingressofegressfromanydoor.Nosignshallbeattachedtoastandpipe,post,oranyother iteminthecommonarea,exceptthosesignsasrequiredbycodeorordinance. Signsor parkinglotflyersonoraffixedtotrucks,automobiles,trailers,or other vehicleswhichadvertise,or identifyastoreofitsmerchandiseareprohibited. Anysignlocatedontherooforprojectedabovetherooflineofabuilding. 15.Prohibitedsignspercity’smunicipalcode,section18.80.120 10. 11. 14. D.Sign Construction 1.AllsignsandinstallationshallcomplywithallapplicableCitybuildingandelectricalcodes,andshallbear aU.L.label. 2.TheTenant'ssigncontractorshallcompletelyinstallandconnectsignandprimarywiringatsignlocationconsistentwithLandlord'sapproval.Signsareto beconnectedtoaJ-boxwhichisconnectedtoTenant'selectricalpanel. 3 SignProgram TERRACEPLAZA C.1.e Packet Pg. 54 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The 3.Allpenetrationsofexteriorfasciatobesealedwatertight. 4.Allsignsshallbekeptingoodcondition,belegibleadequatelyrepairedandmaintainedbytheTenantatalltimes.Thestandardsformaintenanceandrepairofsigns shallmaintainthehighestvisualquality. 5.Allexteriorsignsshallbesecuredbyconcealedfasteners,stainlesssteel,nickelorcadmiumplated. 6.Plasticsurfacesto be3/16inch(3/16”)asmanufacturedforoutdooradvertising. 7.Internalilluminationtobe30milli-ampH.P.F.NeonorLEDinstallationslabeledinaccordancewiththe“NationalBoardofFireUnderwritersSpecifications”.Noother labelsoridentificationwillbepermittedontheexposedsurfacesofthesignexceptthoserequiredbylocalordinances. E. Signage Sign Types and Specifications 1.Tenant Signage: Number of Signs Allowed:One(1)BusinessnamesignperstorefrontelevationandOne(1)businessnamesignoneachsideofthemonumentsign.Endcaptenantsareallowed One(1)additionalsignonthecornersideoftheir storefront. Tenant Front Signage:SignageshallbeindividualchannelletterwithHalo&Face-LitIllumination,Halo-Litor Face-Litilluminationeither byNeonor L.E.D. Signsshallbeone(1)uniformcolorthroughoutandone(1)font/letterstyle,unlessapprovedbylandlord.IncaseswhereTenantispartofanationalorregionalchainwhose graphicsarepartofitsbranding,inwhichcasesaidTenantwouldbeallowedalettercolor,font,logo,andtypicalsignageinaccordancewiththeir corporatespecifications. Maximum Sign Area:ThesignareashallnotexceedOne(1)SquareFootofstorefrontwidth. Maximum Letter and Logo Height:Themaximumheightfor anyletter or logoontypicaltenantelevationshallnotexceed24inches. Lines of Copy:Tenantsshallbeallowedamaximumoftwo (2)linesofcopyandisnottoexceedamaximumheightof30inchesontypicaltenantelevations. Maximum Length of the Sign:Themaximumlengthofthesignshallnotexceed75%ofthebuildingfasciaoftenant'sleaseholdfrontageorelevation. Sign Location:Tenantwallsignsshallbecenteredhorizontallyandverticallyinthesignbandareaorwithinthewallplanedefinedbyarchitecturalfeatures. Thesignshallnotexceed20’inheight.Maximum sign height:4 SignProgram TERRACEPLAZA C.1.e Packet Pg. 55 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The 2. Directional Signage for Drive-Thru(s):Eachrestaurantdrive-thruisallowed:one(1)“Drive-Thru”entrancesign,Maximum4'tall,6squarefeet,one(1)“Drive-Thru” exit sign,Maximum4'tall,6squarefeet,one(1)Drive-thrupre-menusign,Maximum6' tall,14 squarefeet,one(1)Drive-thrucanopywithdigitalorderscreen,Maximum10' tall,40squarefeet,one(1)Drive-thrumenuboardsign,Maximum8' tall,40squarefeet.One(1)Freestandingdrive-thruclearancebarsign,Maximum11'tall,6square feet.Thelocationofthedrive-thrusignsshallallowsufficientqueuingofthedrive-thruandshallbesubjectto approvalfromtheCity'sTrafficEngineer. Exterior ATM Signage:AnyexteriorATMisallowedone(1)signwithintheframingoftheATM.Thesigncopyshallbelimitedto“ATM”andthelogoand/ornameofthe bank.Thesignshallnotincludeanyadditionaladvertisingforthebusiness.Thesignareshallnotexceedatotalofsixsquarefeet(6sf.).Themaximumletter andlogo heightshallnotexceedeighteeninches(18”). 3. Address and Regulatory Signage a.Building Address Sign:BuildingAddressSignshallbelocatedoneachbuildingandshallbe12-inch(12”)highdarkbrownaluminumnumbersattachedtothebuilding. b.Front Tenant Address Sign:TenantsareallowedaTenantaddresssignthatmaybe3inches(3”)highandmadeofwhitevinyllocatedabovethetenantentrydoor. 5 SignProgram TERRACEPLAZA 4. Rear Tenant Address Sign:TenantsareallowedaTenantaddresssignthatmaybe3inches(3”)highandmadeofdarkbrownvinyllocatedoutsideofTenant'sexitdoor ontherearelevationofthetenantspace. 5. Regulatory Signage:AllRegulatorySignage,suchas“No Skateboarding”,“NoLoitering”,HandicappedParkingSignsand“NoOvernightParking”shallcomplywith theCitycode. 6.Temporary Signage a.BannersareonlypermittedwithissuanceofCitypermitandLandlordapproval. b.Temporarywindowsignsareallowedsubjectstothefollowingconditions: 1)Landlordapprovalinwriting. 2)Shallnotexceed25percentofwindowareaofeachwindow;totalareaofallsignsshallnotexceed50squarefeet(50sf.),temporaryletteringonwindowsisnot permitted. 7.Ground Signage a.One(1)6’tallmulti-tenantmonumentsign,24sqftcombinedmaxtenantcopyareafor alltenants C.1.e Packet Pg. 56 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The SP SITE-PLAN 6 SignProgram TERRACEPLAZA LEGEND WALLSIGNLOCATION GROUND SIGNLOCATION 10’ 10’VISIBILITY TRIANGLE10’ 10’ Note: Minimum 5’ from property line C.1.e Packet Pg. 57 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The 7 SignProgram TERRACEPLAZA 20’-0” 20’-0” 20’-0” *SIGN NOT TO EXCEED 20’ MAX HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE *SIGN NOT TO EXCEED 20’ MAX HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE *SIGN NOT TO EXCEED 20’ MAX HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE C.1.e Packet Pg. 58 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The 1 TO 1 RATIO / SIGN LENGTH NOT TO EXCEED 75% OF THE BUILDING FASCIA TYPICAL INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTER SIGN (TYPICAL ELEVATION) SCALE: NTSA Sign Location:Tenantwallsignsshallbecenteredhorizontally andverticallyinthesignbandareaorwithinthewallplanedefined byarchitecturalfeatures. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: · :TenantStorefrontBuildingElevation · :One(1)signperstorefrontelevationwith endcapunitsallowedOne(1)additionaltenantsign · :Letters/Logosshallnotexceed24"inheight. · :Maximumtwo(2)linesofcopyandshallnot exceed30inches. · :ShallbeprovidedbyNeonorL.E.D.modules w/powersuppliesremotelylocatedbehindwall. ·AlllettersshallconformtoallULspecificationsandbear aULlabel. · :One(1)squarefootperlinearfoot oftenantfrontageorleasespace[1:1]. :Tenantsignsmaynotbegreater than75%ofthebuildingfascia Location Number Allowed Maximum Height Lines of Copy Illumination Allowable Sign Area Maximum Sign Length . 8 SignProgram TERRACEPLAZA WALL (V.I.F.) 5" #6 x 3/16” PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW #10 x 3” STAINLESS STEEL TEK SCREWS SET IN GE SILICONE (MIN. 3 PER LETTER) DRAIN HOLE(S)AT ALL LOCATIONS THAT MAY COLLECT WATER 5” DEEP PRE-COATED BLACK RETURNS 6500K L.E.D. LIGHTING CLASS 2 LOW VOLTAGE WIRING ALUMINUM BACKS INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTER SECTION DETAIL SCALE: NTS ACRYLIC FACE POWER SUPPLY ENCLOSURE DISCONNECT SWITCH 60W 12V L.E.D. DRIVER PRIMARY POWER C.1.e Packet Pg. 59 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The SignProgram TERRACEPLAZA 9 TENANTCOPY TENANTCOPY A INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED D/F MONUMENT SIGN 2'-2" 2'-0" 1'-8" 1'-4" 4'-8" 3'-10" 3'-10" 4'-10" TENANTCOPY 3-10"SIGNSPECIFICATIONS A CUSTOM FABRICATED ALUMINUM TRIM PAINTED WITH SMOOTH SATIN FINISH B C CUSTOM FABRICATED INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED S/F TENANT CABINET SIGNS WITH ROUTED FACE D CUSTOM FABRICATED NON-IILLUMINATED DOUBLE SIDED SIGN CABINET WITH CORRUGATED METAL F BORAL TRUEEXTERIOR WOOD TEXTURE SIDINGE PUSH-THRU ACRYLIC COPY COLORSPECIFICATIONS 1 MATTHEWS PAINT - BRUSHED ALUMINUM 2 MATTHEWS PAINT - WHITE SATIN FINISH A 1 B C 1 2 D E NOTE: EACH TENANT COPY SPACE WILL RECEIVE THE SAME BACKGROUND COLOR AND THE TEXT WILL BE PUSH-THROUGH ROUTED TEXT OF THEIR SPECIFIED LOGO. C.1.e Packet Pg. 60 Attachment: Terrace Plaza Sign Program r2 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, SP 20-05 and E 20-08 -The January 28, 2021 Mr. Matthew Arfa AMS Real Estate Services 4040 MacArthur Blvd, Suite 309 Newport Beach, CA 92660 LLG Reference: 2.20.4341.1 Subject: Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment for the Proposed 22200 Barton Road Project Grand Terrace, California Dear Mr. Arfa: As requested, Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers (LLG) is pleased to submit this Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment for the proposed 22200 Barton Road Project (hereinafter referred to as Project). The project site is located at 22200 Barton Road in the City of Grand Terrace, California. Figure 1, located at the rear of this letter report, presents a Vicinity Map, which illustrates the general location of the project site and depicts the existing surrounding street system. Figure 2 presents an aerial depiction of the existing site. Based on our understanding, a parking study and traffic impact assessment has been required by the City of Grand Terrace to justify the parking supply proposed for the Project and ensure that the Project will not impact the existing surrounding transportation system. This report evaluates the parking demand based on application of the parking requirements contained within the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the operations of the proposed Project, and also considers parking requirements of other adjacent jurisdictions. This report also evaluates the traffic impacts [i.e. trip generation, Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and drive through queuing)] based on the City of Grand Terrace Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines, dated July 2020. Our method of analysis, findings, and recommendations are detailed in the following sections of this letter report. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed Project will include four (4) suites consisting of in-line food uses “retail food” totaling 5,200 square feet (SF) plus 1,275 SF of outdoor patio area (i.e. 575 SF of effective outdoor seating area space). Suite A will consist of a 1,400 SF Piara Pizza with drive-through pick up window with storage for eight (8) vehicles. C.1.f Packet Pg. 61 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, Mr. Matthew Arfa January 28, 2021 Page 2 Suites B, C and D will consist of 1,250 SF, 1,250 SF and 1,300 SF of in-line food uses, respectively. Based on the operational information provided by Piara Pizza, the drive-through lane is a pick-up window only. There is no ordering menu or speakers within the drive- through lane and therefore no customer ordering in the drive-through lane. Their concept is ready Premade Pizza ready to be picked up without placing an order or waiting to be made. This operational concept allows for the quick processing of vehicles within the drive-through, which would replace the need for customers to park and enter the restaurant to pick-up their take out order. With this operational concept, the drive-through pick-up lane is effectively considered additional parking supply. A total of 45 parking spaces will be provided for the proposed Project, which is effectively 53 parking spaces considering the eight (8) space drive-through pick-up lane storage capacity. Access to the proposed Project will be provided via one full access unsignalized driveway located along Barton Road. Figure 3 presents the proposed site plan for the proposed Project, prepared by Bickel Group Architecture. CITY PARKING CODE REQUIREMENTS To determine the number of parking spaces required to support the proposed Project, the parking demand was calculated using parking code requirements per the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code; Chapter 18.60 – Off-Street Parking. The City specifies the following parking ratios:  Commercial/Office Uses Not Located Within A Center: Delicatessens, sandwich shops, retail bakeries and other establishments for the sale of food and beverages to be consumed either on or off the premises: (i) One parking space for every 200 square feet of gross floor area (includes outdoor seating areas); (ii) Fast-food restaurants require one parking space for every 75 square feet of gross floor area (includes outdoor seating areas). Although the majority of the patrons for the proposed Piara Pizza (i.e. Suite A) will make use of the drive-through pick up window (used for pizza pick-ups only), this parking analysis conservatively utilizes the City-code parking ratio for fast-food restaurants of one parking space for every 75 square feet. Further, given that the other uses proposed as part of the proposed Project (i.e. Suites B, C and D) will consist of in-line food uses “retail food”, the appropriate City-code parking ratio to apply to these proposed land uses is one parking space for every 200 square feet. The outdoor seating area which is shared amongst the four suites will be parked at one parking space for every 200 square feet. C.1.f Packet Pg. 62 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, Mr. Matthew Arfa January 28, 2021 Page 3 Table 1 presents the City-code parking requirements for the proposed Project. As shown, application of the above-referenced parking code ratios to the development totals results in a City-code parking requirement of 45 spaces. With a proposed parking supply of 53 spaces (including the 8 space drive-through pick-up lane storage capacity), the proposed Project will provide adequate parking with a surplus of 8 spaces. It should be noted that the parking demand for the proposed Project will likely be less than the aforementioned City-code requirement given the use of food delivery services such as Uber Eats, DoorDash, etc., whose drivers have a significantly shorter parking duration than customers. The parking demand for the proposed Project will also likely be less given the potential for walk-in customers to the site from the residential homes located within one-half mile of the project site, which is considered a reasonable walking distance. PARKING REQUIREMENTS PER OTHER SOURCES As requested by City of Grand Terrace staff, parking requirements per other sources were evaluated in order to further justify the parking supply provided for the proposed Project. Specifically, the City of Colton parking requirements utilized for the Olive Plaza Project, which consisted of a 1,100 SF Piara Pizza and an 860 SF in- line food “retail food” use, will be utilized. The City of Colton recommended the use of one parking space per 250 SF of gross floor area for takeout uses and one parking space per 100 SF for the effective areas designated for outdoor dining. Appendix A contains the letter from the City of Colton indicating the use of the aforementioned parking requirements for the Olive Plaza Project. Table 2 presents the parking requirements for the proposed Project based on the City of Colton parking requirements utilized for the Olive Plaza Project. As shown, application of the above-referenced parking code ratios to the development totals results in a parking requirement of 28 spaces. With a proposed parking supply of 53 spaces (including the 8 space drive-through pick-up lane storage capacity), the proposed Project will provide adequate parking with a surplus of 25 spaces. PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST Traffic generation is expressed in vehicle trip ends, defined as one-way vehicular movements, either entering or exiting the generating land use. Generation rates used in this analysis are based on information found in the 10th Edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) [Washington, D.C., 2017]. C.1.f Packet Pg. 63 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, Mr. Matthew Arfa January 28, 2021 Page 4 Table 3 summarizes the trip generation rates used in forecasting the vehicular trips generated by the proposed Project and presents the forecast daily and peak hour project traffic volumes for a “typical” weekday. As shown in the upper portion of Table 3, the trip generation potential of the proposed Project was estimated based on ITE Land Use Code 930: Fast Casual Restaurant trip rates and ITE Land Use Code 934: Fast Food Restaurant with Drive Through Window trip rates. It should be noted that ITE Land Use Code 934 was utilized to forecast project traffic for the proposed Piara Pizza (i.e. Suite A) to provide a conservative project trip generation forecast. Review of the lower portion of Table 3 indicates that the proposed Project is forecast to generate 1,572 daily trips, with 36 trips (19 inbound, 17 outbound) produced in the AM peak hour and 54 trips (29 inbound, 25 outbound) produced in the PM peak hour on a “typical” weekday. Please note that the aforementioned overall project trip generation includes adjustments for pass-by as recommended by ITE. The pass-by reduction factors that are utilized in this letter report are based on information published in the Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition, published by ITE (2014) and are summarized in the footnotes of Table 3. As a result, based on the relatively low AM and PM peak hour project trip generation (i.e. < 100 peak hour trips), the proposed Project will not require a TIA which includes LOS analysis based on the City of Grand Terrace Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines, dated July 2020. Therefore, we conclude that the trips associated with the proposed Project will not significantly impact the existing surrounding transportation network. VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) ANALYSIS On December 28, 2018, the California Natural Resources Agency adopted revised CEQA Guidelines. Among the changes to the guidelines was the removal of vehicle delay and LOS from consideration for transportation impacts under CEQA. With the adopted guidelines, transportation impacts are to be evaluated based on a project’s effect on vehicle miles traveled. Lead agencies are allowed to continue using their current impact criteria, or to opt into the revised transportation guidelines. However, the new guidelines must be used starting July 1, 2020, as required in CEQA section 15064.3. The City of Grand Terrace recently adopted new transportation impact criteria in July 2020 to be consistent with the CEQA revisions. These new guidelines are contained within the City of Grand Terrace Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines, dated July 2020 and provide screening criteria and methodology for VMT analysis. For the VMT screening analysis, the Project Screening – Step 3: Project Type Screening was applied to the proposed Project. The Step 3: Project Type Screening C.1.f Packet Pg. 64 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, Mr. Matthew Arfa January 28, 2021 Page 5 states that local serving retail projects less than 50,000 square feet (SF) may be presumed to have a less than significant impact absent substantial evidence to the contrary. Local serving retail generally improves the convenience of shopping close to home and has the effect of reducing vehicle travel. As stated previously, the proposed Project will consist of local serving in-line food uses “retail food” totaling 5,200 SF. Therefore based on the aforementioned criteria, this project is screened from a VMT analysis, and could be presumed a less than significant impact on VMT, per the City’s guidelines. DRIVE-THROUGH QUEUING ANALYSIS As stated previously, the proposed Piara Pizza will have a drive-through pick-up lane with storage for eight (8) vehicles. Based on the operational information provided by Piara Pizza, the drive-through lane is a pick-up only window. There is no ordering menu or speakers within the drive-through lane and therefore no customer ordering in the drive-through lane. Their concept is ready Premade Pizza ready to be picked up without placing an order or waiting to be made. This operational concept allows for the quick processing of vehicles within the drive-through, as it eliminates any waiting in the drive-through lane, thus requiring less drive-through storage. The drive-through lane will essentially function as a moving parking lot with eight (8) available spaces given that the drive-through lane replaces the need for at least eight pick-up parking spaces. Therefore, we conclude that the drive-through pick-up lane storage provided is adequate and it is not anticipated that vehicles will queue back onto Barton Road based on the operations of the proposed Piara Pizza, whose drive-through lane serves as a pick-up only window for patrons. CONCLUSION  Application of the above-referenced City parking code ratios to the development totals results in a City-code parking requirement of 45 spaces. With a proposed parking supply of 53 spaces (including the 8 space drive-through pick-up lane storage capacity), the proposed Project will provide adequate parking with a surplus of 8 spaces. It should be noted that the parking demand for the proposed Project will likely be less than the aforementioned City-code requirement given the use of food delivery services such as Uber Eats, DoorDash, etc., whose drivers have a significantly shorter parking duration than customers. The parking demand for the proposed Project will also likely be less given the potential for walk-in customers to the site from the residential homes located within one-half mile of the project site, which is considered a reasonable walking distance. C.1.f Packet Pg. 65 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, Mr. Matthew Arfa January 28, 2021 Page 6  Application of the other sources parking code ratios (City of Colton) to the development totals results in a parking requirement of 28 spaces. With a proposed parking supply of 53 spaces (including the 8 space drive-through pick-up lane storage capacity), the proposed Project will provide adequate parking with a surplus of 25 spaces.  The proposed Project is forecast to generate 1,572 daily trips, with 36 trips (19 inbound, 17 outbound) produced in the AM peak hour and 54 trips (29 inbound, 25 outbound) produced in the PM peak hour on a “typical” weekday. As a result, based on the relatively low AM and PM peak hour project trip generation (i.e. < 100 peak hour trips), the proposed Project will not require a TIA which includes LOS analysis based on the City of Grand Terrace Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines, dated July 2020. Therefore, we conclude that the trips associated with the proposed Project will not significantly impact the existing surrounding transportation network.  The proposed Project would screen out from a VMT analysis and be presumed to have a less than significant impact on VMT, per the City’s guidelines (i.e. local- serving retail less than 50,000 square feet).  Further, the proposed drive-through storage of eight (8) vehicles is adequate and it is not anticipated that vehicles will queue back onto Barton Road based on the operations of the proposed Piara Pizza, whose drive-through lane serves as a pick- up only window for patrons. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this parking analysis and traffic impact assessment. Should you have any questions, please call us at 949.825.6175. Sincerely, Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Daniel A. Kloos, P.E. Associate Principal California Registration: TR 2200 C.1.f Packet Pg. 66 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, C.1.fPacket Pg. 67Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1- C.1.fPacket Pg. 68Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1- C.1.fPacket Pg. 69Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1- TABLE 1 CITY CODE PARKING REQUIREMENT 1 22200 BARTON ROAD PROJECT, GRAND TERRACE Project Description Size City of Grand Terrace Code Parking Ratio Spaces Required  Suite A – Piara Pizza 1,400 SF 1.0 space per 75 SF 19  Suites B, C and D 3,800 SF 1.0 space per 200 SF 19  Outdoor Dining 1,275 SF 1.0 space per 200 SF 7 Subtotal 45 City Code Parking Requirement 45 Parking Supply 2 53 Parking Surplus/Deficiency (+/-) +8 1 Source: City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code; Chapter 18.60 – Off-Street Parking. 2 The parking supply includes the eight (8) spaces within the proposed drive-through for Piara Pizza. Based on the proposed operations, the drive-through lane will essentially function as a moving parking lot with 8 available spaces given that the drive-through lane replaces the need for at least eight pick-up parking spaces. C.1.f Packet Pg. 70 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, TABLE 2 PARKING REQUIREMENT PER OTHER SOURCES (CITY OF COLTON)3 22200 BARTON ROAD PROJECT, GRAND TERRACE Project Description Size City of Colton Code Parking Use City of Colton Code Parking Ratio Spaces Required  Suite A – Piara Pizza 1,400 SF Take Out 1.0 space per 250 SF 6  Suites B, C and D 3,800 SF Take Out 1.0 space per 250 SF 16  Outdoor Dining 1,275 SF (575 SF) 4 Take Out 1.0 space per 100 SF 6 Subtotal 28 City Code Parking Requirement 28 Parking Supply 5 53 Parking Surplus/Deficiency (+/-) +25 3 Source: Olive Plaza Project, City of Colton (see attached letter from the City of Colton included in Appendix A). 4 Although the project’s outdoor dining area totals 1,275 SF, the City of Colton requires only the effective outdoor seating area space to be included in the parking requirement (i.e. 575 SF parked at 1 space per 100 SF). 5 The parking supply includes the eight (8) spaces within the proposed drive-through for Piara Pizza. Based on the proposed operations, the drive-through lane will essentially function as a moving parking lot with 8 available spaces given that the drive-through lane replaces the need for at least eight pick-up parking spaces. C.1.f Packet Pg. 71 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, TABLE 3 PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST 6 22200 BARTON ROAD PROJECT, GRAND TERRACE ITE Land Use Code / AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Project Description Daily Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Generation Rates:  930: Fast Casual Restaurant (TE/TSF) 315.17 67% 33% 2.07 55% 45% 14.13  934: Fast Food Restaurant with Drive Through Window (TE/TSF) 470.95 51% 49% 40.19 52% 48% 32.67 Generation Forecasts:  Fast Casual Restaurant (3,800 SF) 1,198 5 3 8 30 24 54 Pass-By (Daily: 10%, AM: 10%, PM: 43%)7 -120 -1 0 -1 -13 -10 -23 Fast Casual Restaurant Subtotal 1,078 4 3 7 17 14 31  Piara Pizza (1,400 SF) 659 29 27 56 24 22 46 Pass-By (Daily: 25%, AM: 49%, PM: 50%)8 -165 -14 -13 -27 -12 -11 -23 Piara Pizza Subtotal 494 15 14 29 12 11 23 Total Proposed Net Project Trip Generation 1,572 19 17 36 29 25 54 Notes:  TE/TSF = Trip End per Thousand Square Feet 6 Source: Trip Generation, 10th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, (ITE) [Washington, D.C. (2017)]. 7 Source: Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition. As there is no Fast Casual Restaurant recommended pass-by, High-Turnover Sit Down Restaurant pass-by was utilized, which recommends a PM peak hour pass-by of 43%. The daily and AM peak hour pass-by is estimated to be 10%. 8 Source: Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition, which recommends an AM peak hour pass-by of 49% and a PM peak hour pass-by of 50%. The daily pass-by is estimated to be 25%. C.1.f Packet Pg. 72 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 2-20-4341-1 22200 Barton Road Project, Grand Terrace N:\4300\2204341 - 22200 Barton Road Project, Grand Terrace\Report\4341 - Dividers.doc APPENDIX A CITY OF COLTON LETTER – OLIVE PLAZA PROJECT C.1.f Packet Pg. 73 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, C.1.f Packet Pg. 74 Attachment: LLG - 22200 Barton Road Project Parking Demand Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment 1-28-21 (CUP 21-01, SA 20-08, V 20-01, TERRACE PLAZA Conditional Use Permit 21-01 Site and Architectural Review 20-08 Variance 20-01 Sign Program 20-05 Environmental 20-08 March 18, 2021 Planning Commission 2030 Vision Statement Goal 3 to Promote Economic Development Goal 2.3. to provide a wide range of retail and service commercial opportunities designated to meet the needs of the City’s residents, businesses, and visitors while also providing employment opportunities. Proposal The Applicant is proposing the construction of a 5,342 square foot integrated Multi-tenant Shopping Center measuring 0.88-acres. The improvements include: four tenant suites 1,275 square-foot open dining/patio drive-through lane -“pick-up only” relocation of an OmniTrans bus stop/shelter removal of minor trees and overgrown vegetation parking, landscaping, trash enclosure, loading area, access, lighting, and street improvements Conditional Use Permit proposing extended hours of operation Site and Architectural Review for the construction of the proposed development Variance to deviate from the 20’ front landscape setback requirement to accommodate an open dining/patio area Sign Program to establish sign regulations unique to the center Applications General Plan and Zoning Designation Zoning General Plan Existing Land Uses North R2-Low Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential Single Family Residential and Multi - Family Residential East BRSP-General Commercial General Commercial Multi-Family Residential -Legal Nonconforming Use South BRSP-General Commercial General Commercial Barton Road Town Center West BRSP-General Commercial General Commercial Medical Office Surrounding Images Site Plan Easement Building Location Trash Enclosure Perimeter Block Wall OmniTrans bus stop/shelter Bus stop will be moved away from the project entrance Bus shelter will be relocated across the street Variance Zoning requires a 20- foot front landscape setback Proposing an open dining/patio within 10- feet of the front landscape area Project exceeds the overall landscape requirement COVID-19 –Outdoor Patio Demand Similar existing businesses have been granted consideration Access and Parking Barton Road –Major Highway with 100-feet right-of-way Access Drive-Through lane: Exclusive order “pick- up only” No menu board and no speaker box No stacking issues No noise concerns Parking & Circulation Analysis Conditional Use Permit “Terrace Plaza” -Proposed Hours of Operation Suite Indoor and Outdoor Dining Hours Pick-up and Delivery Hours Drive-Thru Pick-up Lane Hours A (“Piara Pizza”)6:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m. *Outdoor patio/dining only 6:00 a.m. –12:00 a.m.6:00 a.m.-2:00 a.m. B & C 6:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m.6:00 a.m. –12:00 a.m.N/A D (“Wing Stop”) 6:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m.6:00 a.m. –12:00 a.m.N/A The project will be equipped with exterior security cameras. Lighting will be provided in the parking, walkway areas, and building exterior. The site will be regularly maintained to keep the landscaping, collection of litter, and overall upkeep to the building exterior and site. A condition has been included for the Applicant to submit a final operations plan. Operation Hours -“Piara Pizza” Multiple Locations “Piara Pizza Fresh and Ready” Operation Hours Location Days From To Days From To Moreno Valley Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.10:30 p.m. Rancho Cucamonga Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.10:00 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.10:30 p.m. Pomona Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.10:00 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.11:00 p.m. La Mirada Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.10:00 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.11:30 p.m. Pico Rivera Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.11:30 p.m. La Habra Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.11:30 p.m. Huntington Park Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.11:30 p.m. Los Angeles (Beverly Blvd) Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.11:30 p.m. Whittier Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.11:30 p.m. Inglewood Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.11:00 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.Midnight Compton Sunday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.11:00 p.m.Friday-Sunday 9:30 a.m.Midnight Los Angeles (Normandie Ave)Open 24 Hours Operation Hours -“Wing Stop” Multiple Locations “Wing Stop” Operation Hours Location Days From To Redlands, Stuart Avenue Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.10:00 p.m. San Bernardino Mills Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.11:45 p.m. San Bernardino, Highland Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.11:45 p.m. Rialto, Market Place Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.11:45 p.m. Rialto, Easton Street Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.11:45 p.m. Fontana, Sierra Avenue Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.11:45 p.m. Moreno Valley, Alessandro Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.11:45 p.m. Riverside, Arlington Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.11:45 p.m. Riverside, University Avenue Sunday-Saturday 10:00 a.m.Midnight Jurupa Valley, Limonite Ave Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.Midnight Moreno Valley, Moreno Beach Drive Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.Midnight Riverside, Van Buren Blvd Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.Midnight Riverside, Lincoln Plaza Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.Midnight Rancho Cucamonga Sunday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.Midnight Floor Plan Full interior floor plans will be provided during the Building and Safety stage to allow each space to be customized to tenant specifications. Piara Pizza No dining proposed Wing Stop 1,300 sq. ft. inside dining Preliminary Landscape TERRACE PLAZA -Sign Program AGENCIES COMMENTS CEQA NOTICING PUBLIC COMMENTS The project was distributed to various agencies for review. The project qualifies for CEQA exemption Section 15332, which exempts infill projects. Public notice was provided consistent with State Law. Mailed to property owners within 500-foot radius. To date staff has received one comment regarding this proposal. Conclusion and Recommendations The project is consistent with: General Plan Designation and promotes economic development Zoning Designation and overall goal to create a dynamic ‘downtown’ commercial area. The Conditional Use Permit for the extended hours of operation provides longer dining opportunities with regulations. The Variance request activates the street and enhances the street frontage with a clean modern design. The parking circulation analysis demonstrates there are no anticipated stacking issues, and the proposed parking is sufficient to service the development. The building architecture, landscaping, and sign program complements the surrounding neighborhood. Overall, the Project will be a vital addition to the Barton Road corridor. Staff recommends the Planning Commission Consider Approval of the Project, Adopting the Resolution. Thank You! TERRACE PLAZA Conditional Use Permit 21-01 Site and Architectural Review 20-08 Variance 20-01 Sign Program 20-05 Environmental 20-08 March 18, 2021 Planning Commission Conditions of Approval 26.The drive-through lane shall be utilized for “pick-up only.”Drive-through speaker and menu are strictly prohibited.The Applicant shall identify on the design plans that the drive-through lane will not include a menu and speaker and shall be exclusively utilized for window “pick-up only”. 27.If parking problems arise,the property owner shall institute all operational measures that are necessary to minimize or eliminate such problems,including but not limited to providing free on-site valet service, and/or acquisition of offsite parking area through a shared parking agreement. 28.The Applicant or assignee shall,within 30 days of a parking issue arising,provide an alternative offsite parking overflow plan.Said plan shall be reviewed by the Director of Planning and Development Services.The Applicant shall be required to secure offsite parking agreement should any parking issues occur during operational hours. Trash Enclosure OmniTrans Bus Stop/Shelter Elevations Color and Material Board