05-04-2015 J y HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Minutes for May 4,2015 The meeting was called to order at 6:07 pm. by Chairperson Pauline Grant. Those also present were Ann Petta, Masako Gifford,Shelly Rosenkild, Martina Boentaran, Martha.Monteon and Carol Jacobs, Interim City Manager. Frances Carter,Susan Robles and City Clerk, Pat Jacquez Nares were absent. SECRETARY'S REPORT: The minutes of April 6,2015 were read and approved on a motion by Ann and seconded by Masako with all'in favor. TREASURER'S REPORT: The budget shows a total balance of$606.96 and a petty cash of$187.60. Reimbursements: Shelly$10.29 for balloons expense and$21.09 to Frances for punch,water and ice. HISTORICAL REPORT: The Grand Terrace High School has been doing an excellent job of updating the City Hall lobby glass display case. .-OLD BUSINESS: Art Show The 31'Annual Art Show was a success. Ann,reported that we had about thirty eight Art entries and a good number of volunteers. Insurance cost for the event was$81.00. Shelly will contact Mr.Steve Barton,advisor of the Leos Club at the Grand'Terrace High School to see.if the students can help paint in cream color the Art Show display boards as a project. The claim tickets to return art work,will.be kept for next year.. Shelly will be working in coordination with Ann and Pauline to send thank you notes,including photos from the Art Show to participating artists. Ann will provide Shelly with the list and addresss of artists and Pauline will write and sign the thank you letter for printing. The Certificate presented to the Committee by Mr.Jon Gaede, representative from the Office of Assembly Woman Cheryl Brown,goes into the scrap-book at City Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 6:37 pm. Respectfully submitted, i� �4 Martha Monteon, Secretary. Historical and Cultural Committee Treasury Report 2014/2015 A/C #10-804-210/220 A/C 210 Office Expense Month Description Debit Credit Balance Balance Forward _ — $300.00 $300.00 Jul August September October — November December January February March April- _ May _ - June Total $300.00 $300.00 A/C 220 S ecial Departmental Month Description Debit _ Credit Balance___ Balance Forward $900.00 900.00 Jul — Se t Shelley, Photos $30.78 Oct Country Fair insurance $428.00 Dec Birthda Part Insurance $81.00 Dec Masako arty Supplies, Lasagna $53.26 Total 220 Acct. $593.04 $900.00 $306.96 Total A/C 210 &A/C 220 $593.04 $1,200.00 $606.96 Report for Month of May Historical And Cultural Committee Petty Cash Expense 2014/2015 Date Item Debit Credit Total July forward $147.25 $147.25 Oct Country Fair Income $250.15 Oct_ Drawing Income _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $41.00 Oct Martha Country Fair Expense $32.10 Nov Shelly Decorations $87.41 Dec Pauline turkey $43.72 - _ Dec Ann Ham $24.95 Dec Francis, Punch, Water, Ice $23.74 Jan — Masako, Table clothes cleanning _ $7_50 May Shelly Baloons $10.29 May Francis, Punch, Water, Ice $21.09 Totals $250.80 $438.40 $187.60 ------ -- ----------- -- —-- - -- ............ ---- -------Report for Month Of: May Historical And Cultural Committee Petty Cash Box 2014/2015 Money Month Month Month Month Month Month 7/1/14 8/1/14 9/1/14 10/1/14 11/1/14 12/1/14 Twenties $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $280.00 $160.00 Tens $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $60.00 $50.00 $40.00 Fives $40.00 . $40.00 $40.00 $45.00 $60.00 $60.00 Ones $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $28.00 $28.00 $26.00 Quarters $20.25 $20.25 $20.25 $10.25 $15.25 $15.25 Dimes $7.70 $7.70 $7.70 $2.70 $3.60 $3.50 Nickles $3.20 $3.20 $3.20 $1.20 $1.45 $1.45 Pennies $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Totals $147.25 $147.25 $147.25 $147.25 $438.40 $306.30 Money 1/1/15 2/1/15 3/1/15 4/1/15 5/1/15 6/1/15 Twenties $60.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $80.00 Tens $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 Fives $60.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $30.00 Ones $26.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $19.00 Quarters $15.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.00 Dimes $3.50 $3.10 $3.10 $3.10 $3.00 Nickles $1.45 $1.45 $1.45 $1.45 $1.40 Pennies $0.10 $0.18 $0.18 $0.18 $0.20 Totals $206.30 $218.98 $218.98 $218.98 $187.60 $0.00