09/20/1982 GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 20 , 1982 The Grand Terrace Planning Commission adjourned regular meeting of September 20 , 1982 was called to order at 7 : 00 P .M . in the Terrace View Elementary School Multi -Purpose Room , 22731 Grand Terrace Road , Grand Terrace , California by Chairman Douglas E . Erway . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : Led by Commissioner Smith ROLL CALL : Commissioners Present : Cole , Collins , DeBenedet Erway , McDowell , Munson and Smith Commissioners Absent : Andress (excused ) and Bartel Others Present : Virginia Farmer , Planning Director Randall L . Anstine , Community Services Director Gloria J . Flood , Planning Secretary MINUTES : The minutes of the special meeting of September 9 , 1982 were approved as submitted . PCM 82-67 MOTION by Commissioner Collins , seconded by Commissioner Cole and passed by an 7-0 VOTE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9 , 1982 AS SUBMITTED . NEW BUSINESS : ITEM #1 SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW NO . SA 82-13 FOR FIRE STATION , CITY OF GRAND TERRACE - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Center City Court , E/s of Mt . Vernon Avenue , approximately 260 ' S/o Barton Road Commissioner DeBenedet was excused for conflict of interest and took a seat in the audience . Grand Terrace Planning Commission Page 1 of 7 September 20 , 1982 Virginia Farmer , Planning Director , introduced Larry Wolff, architect with the firm of Barmakian , Wolff, Lang and Christopher Architects in Rancho Cucamonga . He presented a perspective of the proposed fire station which was presented to the Commission and City Council at a special work session . The perspective illustrates the material basically clay masonry block . The lighter being used on the building and the darker color being used on two accent bands going around the building . The tile roof is proposed as an S the with dark brown tile . The proposed site plan has 22 parking spaces with a parking ratio of 1 to 200 . The parking is inconformance with the code . Commissioner Collins asked since staff didn ' t make presentation , he would like to ask staff a question . Commissioner Collins asked why it is this is the first approval we have ever had with no conditions attached to it . Mrs . Farmer stated the project meets City requirements . Commissioner Collins asked if this project has a sewer permit . Mrs . Farmer stated there are sewer connections available . Commissioner Munson asked if the fire station is backed against the residents of La Paix . Mr . Wolff stated it would be on the other side of the cul -de-sac . Mrs . Farmer stated staff has been meeting at City Hall once a week for about six weeks and the conditions were worked out at staff level . Commissioner Cole asked if this project had a property line fence . Mr . Wolff stated it will have a 5 to 6 foot garden wall around the property matching the exterior of the station . Commissioner Smith asked if there is signal warning for people on Mt . Vernon . Mr . Wolff stated a stop light would be installed at the corner of La Alba and Mt . Vernon . Chairman Erway asked if anyone wished to speak in favor or in opposition to this project . Hearing none the public hearing was closed . COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION : The Commissioners discussed landscaping and signs . Mrs . Farmer stated that what they could do in addition to the landscaping , have the sign plans return to the Planning Commission for final approval . Grand Terrace Planning Commission Page 2 of 7 September 20 , 1982 Chairman Erway stated that in seeing the architectural rendering that it would certainly enhance our community. I think that our public buildings should be built so they look like they fit into the community . I think this one does that . There is no doubt about what it is . I think in a fire station we need to have it look like a fire station and serve that purpose . In addition I was pleased to see that it can be expanded . There will probably come the time when this community will need to expand their fire protection services . The location is near the center of our community and the ability for the structure to expand and accommodate our citizens needs , I think will enhance it . Commissioner Smith asked about the red doors and suggested that perhaps an earth tone would be better . Chairman Erway stated he looked at a new fire station in San Bernardino and it had red doors and that the red doors left no doubt about the identity of the building and the color seemed appropriate . PCM 82-68 MOTION by Commissioner McDowell , seconded by Commissioner Cole and passed by a 5- 1 VOTE TO APPROVE SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN SA 82-13 , BASED ON THE MATERIAL IN THE STAFF PRESENTATION AND REPORT , ALSO MOVED TO ADOPT THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION , INCLUDING THE FINDINGS AS WRITTEN IN THE STAFF REPORT AND SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION THAT LANDSCAPE PLANS AND SIGN PLANS BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL . Commissioner Collins voted in opposition to this motion . --------------------- ------------------ ------------------------- Commissioner DeBenedet returned and took his place among the Commission . ADD ON ITEM : Chairman Erway stated the Commission has received a proposal from the United States Post Office regarding neighborhood box units and he invited James Gay , Superintendent Postal Operations to explain the directive from the Post Master General . Mr . Gay explained the new postal box requirements for single family units to the Commission . Lengthy discussion followed . Grand Terrace Planning Commission Page 3 of 7 September 20 , 1982 PCM 82-69 MOTION by Commissioner Collins , seconded by Commissioner Munson and passed by an 7-0 VOTE THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVE IN CONCEPT THE NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY AND COLLECTION BOX UNITS FOR THE UNITED STATES POST OFFICE AND THAT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BE DIRECTED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CONCEPT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY AND COLLECTION BOXES IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY IN NEW SUBDIVSIIONS . PCM 82-70 MOTION by Commissioner Collins , seconded by Commissioner Cole and passed by an 7-0 VOTE TO DIRECT STAFF TO CONSULT WITH THE DEVELOPER OF TRACT 9919 TO APPROVE THE LOCATION OF THE BOXES AND CONSULT WITH PROPERTY OWNERS . Commissioner Collins asked Chairman Erway to direct the Planning Director to investigate why the 60 foot easement on north of this tract is being advertized by the developer as being nonusable and fences are being put in at the easement line , making the lots 6000 square feet where a minimum of 7200 is required . ----- ---------------------------------------------------------- ITEM #2A STUDY FOR BEAUTIFICATION MASTER PLAN Chairman Erway stated the Commission received testimony at the last meeting and it needs to be placed on an agenda when the Commission has more time to talk it over and arrive at a conceptual plan for the beautification of the streets and roads . Chairman Erway asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak on the beautification of Barton Road or any of the streets and roads in the City . Elsie DeBald , no address given , asked if before beautification takes place if there are plans to widen Barton Road . She opposed islands or median strips on Barton Road . ---------------- ------ ----------- ------------------------------ ITEM #2B RECOMMENDATION FOR TRIANGLE AT BARTON ROAD Commissioner Cole showed the Commission four renderings of the triangle . Rendering A had ground cover or lawn area , berms to the north and trees . The idea is to give the berms a little bit of height with some shrubbery and to keep any trees in the back to avoid obstructing the view for traffic . Grand Terrace Planning Commission Page 4 of 7 September 20 , 1982 Chairman Erway asked if he has specified what kinds of plants would go in there . Commissioner Cole stated not at this point . Commissioner Cole showed rendering B . Stamp concrete was incorporated . Also , the berming flows into the hard surface so the stamp concrete would stretch to the mound of the berm . Rendering C was shown . Basically it has two planters raised about 24 inches and it steps down to 12 inches of stamp concrete area . The green area indicated could be stamp concrete al so . Rendering D showed a low retaining wall about 24 inches high wrapping around the back side by Palm . The ground then berms up against a .wall from the Barton Road side . Everything in the rendering is about 24 inches high . Commissioner Cole stated he thought it would be nice to have a little color in the planters such as a flowering shrub that is low on maintenance . It is an opportunity to make a focal point for the City . Chairman Erway asked the Commissioners to give their opinions . Commissioner Collins stated he liked rendering C. Chairman Erway stated he liked rendering D. Commissioner DeBenedet stated he liked rendering D. Commissioner Smith liked rendering C . Commissioner DeBenedet stated he liked renderings A or D. Commissioner Smith stated she also liked various features of each rendering . Commissioner Cole stated he preferred rendering D. Commissioner Munson stated he liked rendering B . Commissioner McDowell liked rendering D . Chairman Erway requested an opinion from Randall L . Anstine . He commended Commissioner Cole for the fine work . He said all four renderings are excellent recommendations and far superior to the elementary sketch that I submitted initially . Any one of the four can be workable from the Community Services standpoint . From a departmental perference he was partial to B or C . Chairman Erway requested an opinion from Virginia Farmer , Planning Director . She stated she agreed with Mr . Anstine that she like C but felt that any one of the renderings would work . Ground cover would be perferred in place of lawn and flowering ground cover as well as leafy ground cover can be combined . Grand Terrace Planning Commission Page 5 of 7 September 20 , 1982 Chairman Erway asked about the availability of water in the triangle . Mrs . Farmer stated water was available . Mrs . Farmer said a sign should be a low monument type sign and felt it would look very nice in there . Commissioner Cole stated the Commission can incorporate the ideas from the planter in C with the hard surface of the stamp concrete idea in B very easily . The same goes for the wall in D . Commissioner Smith stated she felt we should discuss whether people want lawn or not . Chairman Erway stated that lawns require mowing and mowing is by people and people cost money . Lengthy discussion followed . Chairman Erway stated what he would like to do is take the tip of B and put it on C and specify from the list of approved trees what type would go in . PCM 82-71 MOTION by Chairman Erway , seconded by Commissioner Collins and passed by an 7-0 VOTE TO PUT THE TIP OF B ON C . Chairman Erway stated now the Commission must specify the colors and trees . Commissioner Smith asked if the raised area outside the wall would be lawn . Chairman Erway stated it should be low ground cover rather than lawn . PCM 82-72 MOTION by Commissioner Munson , seconded by Chairman Erway and passed by an 7-0 VOTE TO HAVE LOW FLOWERING GROUND COVER IN THE RAISED AREA OUTSIDE THE WALL . Lengthy discussion followed . Chairman Erway stated the Commission will leave it up to Planning Department to get color in the planter . Commissioner DeBenedet concurred . He also said that he liked Lilies of the Nile . Chairman Erway asked how about the trees . Grand Terrace Planning Commission Page 6 of 7 September 20 , 1982 Commissioner Smith stated she liked palm trees best . Commissioner Cole asked what trees were on the list . Mrs . Farmer stated she recommended the palm trees should be the tropical sort . Commissioner Cole stated that Fan Palms are good although they are low . Mrs . Farmer stated there are several different kinds and that the heights could be graduated . PCM 82-73 MOTION by Commissioner Munson , seconded by Commissioner Cole and passed by an 7-0 VOTE TO ADJOURN THE MEETING . Chairman Erway hearing no objections adjourned the meeting at 8 :40 P . M . Respectfully submitted by , U Virg ' i a Farmer Planning Director APPROVED: ttt-DIOUGLAV E . ERWAY , CHAIRMAN Grand Terrace Planning Commission Page 7 of 7 September 20 , 1982