210 ORDINANCE NO. 210 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE/UTILITY TRAILER PARKING ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 8, THE GRAND TERRACE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE BY REVISING CHAPTER 8.04, NUISANCE ABATEMENT; AMENDING TITLE 18, THE GRAND TERRACE ZONING CODE BY ADDING TO CHAPTER 18.06, - DEFINITIONS, A NEW DEFINITION OF RECREATION VEHICLES (RV'S) AND OF UTILITY TRAILERS, BY ADDING TO CHAPTER 18.60, OFF-STREET PARKING, A NEW SECTION ON RECREATIONAL VEHICLE/UTILITY TRAILER PARKING; AND BY REVISING CHAPTER 18.73, GENERAL REGULATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS; AND AMENDING TITLE 4, COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULES, FINES AND TAXES, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 4.88, PLANNING FEES AND BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 4.105, RECREATIONAL VEHICLE/UTILITY TRAILER PARKING AND STORAGE FINES WHEREAS, over the years there has been an increase in the use of Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers by the residents of the City of Grand Terrace; and WHEREAS, under the existing Municipal Code, many Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers can not be parked on a residential site except where they are screened; and WHEREAS. many of these Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers have been stored or parked in the front yard on unimproved surfaces or in a manner that may create traffic hazards or inhibit pedestrian use of the public sidewalk; and WHEREAS, some of the Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers visible from the public right-of-way have an unsightly appearance; and. WHEREAS, many complaints have been received by the City regarding the parking of RV's/Utility Trailers with respect to location and appearance; and WHEREAS, this matter has been discussed with the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace on at least two different occasions; and WHEREAS, the City Council directed staff to re-write the Grand Terrace Municipal Code to allow all Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers to be regulated in a manner similar to motorized non-commercial vehicles; and WHEREAS, the City Council directed staff to convene a "RV task force" to review current codes and to make recommendations regarding Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking with respect to unsightly Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers and parking setbacks for residential property; and Waste Management Inc. (WMI). The City of Grand Terrace is under franchise with' WMI and waste collection service is mandatory for all commercial and residential land uses within the City. All proposed commercial and multi- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services 55 17 includes trees,shrubs, ' x F �, ( °t .1-4 and a 6'high block wall. g - .: b `a x, } Lot 8 tr '1' : land swap option: .. Lot A in return rot Lot 0 {'-4 y feu r J_ r r': <2.4 [ ,,' UlION440,,,,,,,,,,,i.,,. 4 ' '_ 7 il ' 'Alegitlirnialk, i [15 -4.1,2,,,,,,,..„.„.„ip,,,,,,,, L. ( Extend Road LAPAIX ST, .. ....r k'+' EXHIBIT VI BARTON ROAD Prepared tor.City of Grand Terrace its' l 7 1 _l 1 ICI COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Prepared-by:Urban Design Studio lecT o • SPECIFIC PLAN H 15 '':'''''''''I''''''''''''''.' :.,:,::::::..',::.',.:.1.:',.!:,:',.:,:i.::.';'•;:',,.','.:,',;:'i',.,,.,:',',.;,;:::,:,;•,.;,:....;',1,:,,i.,.1.,::::',.:::..!;.,-;!;:- ""-- - - •• .••••---L.::::''' 'E—.:,-,::!. ..;:j'i:::-::': i••:!::':-.:::: ::A' luilLULIAL wiau .. . --- „....:.:i.,f7,:;....,,,,,,.':,.,.•,:::,:!,::::.:::::,::., 1 .1 1 Filill Nela,....,.., :' ' ::'::::' :!..::..'' 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For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. . . . . ., ji Ar 1 i - 5 CNEL Contours for San Bernardino International Airport Reuse Plan .'•!, FIGURE 4 GRAND TERRACE . 1. , . , • i' ' . • :,-1".:---. ..„_.••-.--,_, ‘ ..----;-•-_,.: ,-7-- -- --- - -.;,..- 1 • i ii' •‘‘•C:20 e--r• • *=.=••-.7.':•'"?.."-\ :-.- "Zz---'f•f*----:•-•'',-14.;"'-'• ---,'1:- 1 . ,• ••• A,,sz„,.../,........ .,,„,\•...„......„-,...1,:.,..1 ,.; :j' :-:_,--• ::,,...,_.•_/_,)--- cIZAV. ..:*'•%.,.., 1 ',',.`.‘,A %;1_,..„1-07,.{...;:=&_._ -•••••••‘..-.: Arj. .• ‘..-.2-Z.;, -.." r"-_!;,,,-/- - • \- • ' ‘‘'., ---' \‘. _- -...\\, .._ ..„,.. ,,.., , 7,-- 7/- -:---.A_ 1 s• s ' - -------- .._.:.,e,-- :_------ 'z-----=-1--.-: .--. ; \\ ---:_.---:-: -y A' - _ - - . , i . - \_ .:__--:-:,•- N----•;.'.-,s, -- .2--'.-':7-1, --*-- ,. _____/,' ...,-. .s ••-: . MEMMIF, •••• 4971t97 07 DEVE40 *Fir WHEREAS, the staff on January 23,2003, taking into consideration the discussions with the "RV Task Force," made specific recommendations as to changes to the Municipal Code regarding Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking; and WHEREAS, as the proposed changes to the City's Municipal Code involve changes to the Zoning Code, the matter must first be heard by the Planning Commission which held a workshop to discuss the proposed changes on September 4, 2003 and on November 20, 2003 and a public hearing on January 15, 2004 under Zoning Amendment No. 03-01 (Z-03-01); and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration for the proposed Ordinance was prepared by the Community Development Department under Environmental Review Case No. 03-12 (E-03-12) and duly posted for public review and recommended for approval by th'e Planning Commission on January 15, 2004 at a publicly noticed meeting; and WHEREAS, the following findings have been set forth in the staff report to the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace: 1. The proposed Ordinance is consistent with the General Plan in that these regulations on Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking will further the City's Goals to maintain and enhance the visual appearance of the community and protect the public safety. 2. The proposed Ordinance is consistent with all other applicable requirements of local ordinances and state law in that the proposed regulation of Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking will not conflict with any existing provisions of the Municipal Code and will be in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act. 3. The proposed Ordinance will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the City of Grand Terrace or be injurious to property or improvements within the City of , Grand Terrace. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 8.04.020 A.14, Chapter 8.04, Nuisance Abatement, is modified as follows: 14. Vehicles parked in required front or side yard setbacks in a residential zone, except when such vehicles are operative, have current licensing, and are parked on a paved drive approach to a required garage or other permitted driveway and except when such vehicles comply with the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking provisions of Section 18.60.030 D.6. of the Zoning Code; Section 2. Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.931 are hereby added to Chapter 18.06, Definitions, as follows: ti- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services 55 17 includes trees,shrubs, ' x F �, ( °t .1-4 and a 6'high block wall. g - .: b `a x, } Lot 8 tr '1' : land swap option: .. Lot A in return rot Lot 0 {'-4 y feu r J_ r r': <2.4 [ ,,' UlION440,,,,,,,,,,,i.,,. 4 ' '_ 7 il ' 'Alegitlirnialk, i [15 -4.1,2,,,,,,,..„.„.„ip,,,,,,,, L. ( Extend Road LAPAIX ST, .. ....r k'+' EXHIBIT VI BARTON ROAD Prepared tor.City of Grand Terrace its' l 7 1 _l 1 ICI COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Prepared-by:Urban Design Studio lecT o • SPECIFIC PLAN H 15 '':'''''''''I''''''''''''''.' :.,:,::::::..',::.',.:.1.:',.!:,:',.:,:i.::.';'•;:',,.','.:,',;:'i',.,,.,:',',.;,;:::,:,;•,.;,:....;',1,:,,i.,.1.,::::',.:::..!;.,-;!;:- ""-- - - •• .••••---L.::::''' 'E—.:,-,::!. ..;:j'i:::-::': i••:!::':-.:::: ::A' luilLULIAL wiau .. . --- „....:.:i.,f7,:;....,,,,,,.':,.,.•,:::,:!,::::.:::::,::., 1 .1 1 Filill Nela,....,.., :' ' ::'::::' :!..::..'' 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For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. . . . . ., ji Ar 1 i - 5 CNEL Contours for San Bernardino International Airport Reuse Plan .'•!, FIGURE 4 GRAND TERRACE . 1. , . , • i' ' . • :,-1".:---. ..„_.••-.--,_, ‘ ..----;-•-_,.: ,-7-- -- --- - -.;,..- 1 • i ii' •‘‘•C:20 e--r• • *=.=••-.7.':•'"?.."-\ :-.- "Zz---'f•f*----:•-•'',-14.;"'-'• ---,'1:- 1 . ,• ••• A,,sz„,.../,........ .,,„,\•...„......„-,...1,:.,..1 ,.; :j' :-:_,--• ::,,...,_.•_/_,)--- cIZAV. ..:*'•%.,.., 1 ',',.`.‘,A %;1_,..„1-07,.{...;:=&_._ -•••••••‘..-.: Arj. .• ‘..-.2-Z.;, -.." r"-_!;,,,-/- - • \- • ' ‘‘'., ---' \‘. _- -...\\, .._ ..„,.. ,,.., , 7,-- 7/- -:---.A_ 1 s• s ' - -------- .._.:.,e,-- :_------ 'z-----=-1--.-: .--. ; \\ ---:_.---:-: -y A' - _ - - . , i . - \_ .:__--:-:,•- N----•;.'.-,s, -- .2--'.-':7-1, --*-- ,. _____/,' ...,-. .s ••-: . MEMMIF, •••• 4971t97 07 DEVE40 *Fir Section 18.06.626 Recreation Vehicles (RV's): "Recreational Vehicle (RV)" means a vehicle for non-commercial, recreational use, including a motor home (including Class A, B and C), travel. trailer, camper shell, cab-over-camper, fifth wheel, horse trailer, or trailers mounted with Recreational Vehicle such as a water craft or off-road vehicles. Section 18.06.931 Utility Trailers: "Utility Trailer" means a trailer not defined as a recreational vehicle that has an axle and a frame that can be used to haul any type of material or equipment. Section 3. Section 18.60.030 D. 6. is hereby added to Chapter 18.60, Off- Street Parking, as follows: 6. Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking and storage: a. Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers when parked or stored on residential properties must be kept neat and clean at all times. Spider webs, debris, excessive dirt, weed accumulation on and under a Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer are prohibited at all times as are broken windows and flat tires. All Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers must be weather resistant at all times. b. All Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers when parked. or stored on residential properties must display current vehicle registration tags. Those Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers not displaying current registration tags will be considered in-operable and must be removed from the public view which includes streets, sidewalks and adjacent properties. c. All covers and tarps or any other material employed to protect a Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer from the elements must be secured and be must be weather proof. d. Rocks/bricks or other weighted items cannot be used to secure the weather proofing cover. e. All Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking and storage areas shall be properly maintained and kept free of weeds, mud and other debris. f. No Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer shall be parked or stored closer than 10.5 feet to curb face. Where ial zone, except when such vehicles are operative, have current licensing, and are parked on a paved drive approach to a required garage or other permitted driveway and except when such vehicles comply with the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking provisions of Section 18.60.030 D.6. of the Zoning Code; Section 2. Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.931 are hereby added to Chapter 18.06, Definitions, as follows: ti- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services 55 17 includes trees,shrubs, ' x F �, ( °t .1-4 and a 6'high block wall. g - .: b `a x, } Lot 8 tr '1' : land swap option: .. Lot A in return rot Lot 0 {'-4 y feu r J_ r r': <2.4 [ ,,' UlION440,,,,,,,,,,,i.,,. 4 ' '_ 7 il ' 'Alegitlirnialk, i [15 -4.1,2,,,,,,,..„.„.„ip,,,,,,,, L. ( Extend Road LAPAIX ST, .. ....r k'+' EXHIBIT VI BARTON ROAD Prepared tor.City of Grand Terrace its' l 7 1 _l 1 ICI COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Prepared-by:Urban Design Studio lecT o • SPECIFIC PLAN H 15 '':'''''''''I''''''''''''''.' :.,:,::::::..',::.',.:.1.:',.!:,:',.:,:i.::.';'•;:',,.','.:,',;:'i',.,,.,:',',.;,;:::,:,;•,.;,:....;',1,:,,i.,.1.,::::',.:::..!;.,-;!;:- ""-- - - •• .••••---L.::::''' 'E—.:,-,::!. ..;:j'i:::-::': i••:!::':-.:::: ::A' luilLULIAL wiau .. . --- „....:.:i.,f7,:;....,,,,,,.':,.,.•,:::,:!,::::.:::::,::., 1 .1 1 Filill Nela,....,.., :' ' ::'::::' :!..::..'' '... .:1'. .-'''''' 'r'. —•'.'"•:—::\ II •::::EE:E!'i!•-:!i:;I:i ...%::!:::: :-,:::::','...:::::::::::::”,'i;,;::.,:.i':.:,:iii,i;i!' h=ii'ITI ,t [ 1 1 1.!!:...17.-.........',.:;:::;:,:':.,.:::.:':,.,•:,'...,..::.1.';',,...-„:',:,•,::i,.1,,,::?:.::::•:::.;!. ::.,•.!;1 : :,'.i.:, ,:......,.1i,\-:-_-, I77.; \ I I =MIMI _.1,_._IL...L_L___J...._.11J [----.L ------' Lli P ,P4 • x_y Planning Area: :: 1 Specific Plan Area 750 625 500 250 0 500 1000 A .... N Community Development Department March 2003 . Exhibit 1. This Map is for reference only. For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. . . . . ., ji Ar 1 i - 5 CNEL Contours for San Bernardino International Airport Reuse Plan .'•!, FIGURE 4 GRAND TERRACE . 1. , . , • i' ' . • :,-1".:---. ..„_.••-.--,_, ‘ ..----;-•-_,.: ,-7-- -- --- - -.;,..- 1 • i ii' •‘‘•C:20 e--r• • *=.=••-.7.':•'"?.."-\ :-.- "Zz---'f•f*----:•-•'',-14.;"'-'• ---,'1:- 1 . ,• ••• A,,sz„,.../,........ .,,„,\•...„......„-,...1,:.,..1 ,.; :j' :-:_,--• ::,,...,_.•_/_,)--- cIZAV. ..:*'•%.,.., 1 ',',.`.‘,A %;1_,..„1-07,.{...;:=&_._ -•••••••‘..-.: Arj. .• ‘..-.2-Z.;, -.." r"-_!;,,,-/- - • \- • ' ‘‘'., ---' \‘. _- -...\\, .._ ..„,.. ,,.., , 7,-- 7/- -:---.A_ 1 s• s ' - -------- .._.:.,e,-- :_------ 'z-----=-1--.-: .--. ; \\ ---:_.---:-: -y A' - _ - - . , i . - \_ .:__--:-:,•- N----•;.'.-,s, -- .2--'.-':7-1, --*-- ,. _____/,' ...,-. .s ••-: . MEMMIF, •••• 4971t97 07 DEVE40 *Fir there is no curb, the 10.5 feet shall be measured from the edge of the street pavement. No part of the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer including all' equipment and towing mechanisms, shall encroach into this 10.5 feet. g. In no instance shall a Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer be parked or stored where any portion of the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer blocks or overhangs the sidewalk within the public right-of-way. h. A Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer shall not be parked or stored where such parking or storage constitutes a clear and demonstrable traffic hazard and threat to public health and safety. Either the Sheriff or City Manager can, at their discretion, declare the parking or storage of a particular Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer to be a traffic hazard and require the immediate removal of the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer. If a Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer is parked or stored on a portion of a driveway leading to the garage of the residence, the garage door must be fully operational which means it can be fully opened at all times. j. No Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer shall be parked or stored in the corner lot side yard next to the street unless it complies with all other provisions of this section. k. All Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer must park perpendicular to the street except where they are parked on a curved or circular driveway. All Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers in the front yard or the side yard must be parked or stored on an improved surface such as concrete, asphalt, laid brick, or other impervious material. Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers parked in the back yard may be parked on gravel in lieu of an impervious surface. .v� d kept free of weeds, mud and other debris. f. No Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer shall be parked or stored closer than 10.5 feet to curb face. Where ial zone, except when such vehicles are operative, have current licensing, and are parked on a paved drive approach to a required garage or other permitted driveway and except when such vehicles comply with the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking provisions of Section 18.60.030 D.6. of the Zoning Code; Section 2. Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.931 are hereby added to Chapter 18.06, Definitions, as follows: ti- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services 55 17 includes trees,shrubs, ' x F �, ( °t .1-4 and a 6'high block wall. g - .: b `a x, } Lot 8 tr '1' : land swap option: .. Lot A in return rot Lot 0 {'-4 y feu r J_ r r': <2.4 [ ,,' UlION440,,,,,,,,,,,i.,,. 4 ' '_ 7 il ' 'Alegitlirnialk, i [15 -4.1,2,,,,,,,..„.„.„ip,,,,,,,, L. ( Extend Road LAPAIX ST, .. ....r k'+' EXHIBIT VI BARTON ROAD Prepared tor.City of Grand Terrace its' l 7 1 _l 1 ICI COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Prepared-by:Urban Design Studio lecT o • SPECIFIC PLAN H 15 '':'''''''''I''''''''''''''.' :.,:,::::::..',::.',.:.1.:',.!:,:',.:,:i.::.';'•;:',,.','.:,',;:'i',.,,.,:',',.;,;:::,:,;•,.;,:....;',1,:,,i.,.1.,::::',.:::..!;.,-;!;:- ""-- - - •• .••••---L.::::''' 'E—.:,-,::!. ..;:j'i:::-::': i••:!::':-.:::: ::A' luilLULIAL wiau .. . --- „....:.:i.,f7,:;....,,,,,,.':,.,.•,:::,:!,::::.:::::,::., 1 .1 1 Filill Nela,....,.., :' ' ::'::::' :!..::..'' '... .:1'. .-'''''' 'r'. —•'.'"•:—::\ II •::::EE:E!'i!•-:!i:;I:i ...%::!:::: :-,:::::','...:::::::::::::”,'i;,;::.,:.i':.:,:iii,i;i!' h=ii'ITI ,t [ 1 1 1.!!:...17.-.........',.:;:::;:,:':.,.:::.:':,.,•:,'...,..::.1.';',,...-„:',:,•,::i,.1,,,::?:.::::•:::.;!. ::.,•.!;1 : :,'.i.:, ,:......,.1i,\-:-_-, I77.; \ I I =MIMI _.1,_._IL...L_L___J...._.11J [----.L ------' Lli P ,P4 • x_y Planning Area: :: 1 Specific Plan Area 750 625 500 250 0 500 1000 A .... N Community Development Department March 2003 . Exhibit 1. This Map is for reference only. For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. . . . . ., ji Ar 1 i - 5 CNEL Contours for San Bernardino International Airport Reuse Plan .'•!, FIGURE 4 GRAND TERRACE . 1. , . , • i' ' . • :,-1".:---. ..„_.••-.--,_, ‘ ..----;-•-_,.: ,-7-- -- --- - -.;,..- 1 • i ii' •‘‘•C:20 e--r• • *=.=••-.7.':•'"?.."-\ :-.- "Zz---'f•f*----:•-•'',-14.;"'-'• ---,'1:- 1 . ,• ••• A,,sz„,.../,........ .,,„,\•...„......„-,...1,:.,..1 ,.; :j' :-:_,--• ::,,...,_.•_/_,)--- cIZAV. ..:*'•%.,.., 1 ',',.`.‘,A %;1_,..„1-07,.{...;:=&_._ -•••••••‘..-.: Arj. .• ‘..-.2-Z.;, -.." r"-_!;,,,-/- - • \- • ' ‘‘'., ---' \‘. _- -...\\, .._ ..„,.. ,,.., , 7,-- 7/- -:---.A_ 1 s• s ' - -------- .._.:.,e,-- :_------ 'z-----=-1--.-: .--. ; \\ ---:_.---:-: -y A' - _ - - . , i . - \_ .:__--:-:,•- N----•;.'.-,s, -- .2--'.-':7-1, --*-- ,. _____/,' ...,-. .s ••-: . MEMMIF, •••• 4971t97 07 DEVE40 *Fir m. All paved areas including areas used for Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking and storage shall not exceed fifty percent of the lot area located between the front property line and the required front setback line of the residential zone and of the lot area located between the corner side property line and the required sideyard setback line of a corner lot. n. Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers shall not be occupied for living purposes or be used as a storage container. Electrical hookups are prohibited except during loading and unloading or for the charging of batteries for no more than 48 consecutive hours per week. Sewer hookups are prohibited at all times. o. No Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer shall be parked or stored on a residential site for a period exceeding one month unless it is owned by the resident. p. No camper shells or cab-over-campers shall be stored in the front yard or the corner side yard of a corner lot other than on an operable and licensed pick-up truck parked in a lawful manner. Said camper shells or cab-over-campers may be stored unmounted in the interior side yard or rear yard so long as they are screened in conformance with Section 18.73.200 of the Municipal Code. q. No boats or other water craft shall be stored in the front yard or side yard other than on a validly licensed trailer parked in a lawful manner. r. No more than one Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer shall be parked in the front yard or side yard for any lot or parcel less than 20,000 square feet in size. A maximum of one additional Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer may be parked in the rear yard for any parcel less than 20,000 square feet. For parcels 20,000 square feet or larger, two Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers may be parked in the front yard or side yard. A maximum of two additional Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers may be parked in the rear yard for any parcel 20,000 square feet or larger. rmitted driveway and except when such vehicles comply with the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking provisions of Section 18.60.030 D.6. of the Zoning Code; Section 2. Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.931 are hereby added to Chapter 18.06, Definitions, as follows: ti- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services 55 17 includes trees,shrubs, ' x F �, ( °t .1-4 and a 6'high block wall. g - .: b `a x, } Lot 8 tr '1' : land swap option: .. Lot A in return rot Lot 0 {'-4 y feu r J_ r r': <2.4 [ ,,' UlION440,,,,,,,,,,,i.,,. 4 ' '_ 7 il ' 'Alegitlirnialk, i [15 -4.1,2,,,,,,,..„.„.„ip,,,,,,,, L. ( Extend Road LAPAIX ST, .. ....r k'+' EXHIBIT VI BARTON ROAD Prepared tor.City of Grand Terrace its' l 7 1 _l 1 ICI COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Prepared-by:Urban Design Studio lecT o • SPECIFIC PLAN H 15 '':'''''''''I''''''''''''''.' :.,:,::::::..',::.',.:.1.:',.!:,:',.:,:i.::.';'•;:',,.','.:,',;:'i',.,,.,:',',.;,;:::,:,;•,.;,:....;',1,:,,i.,.1.,::::',.:::..!;.,-;!;:- ""-- - - •• .••••---L.::::''' 'E—.:,-,::!. ..;:j'i:::-::': i••:!::':-.:::: ::A' luilLULIAL wiau .. . --- „....:.:i.,f7,:;....,,,,,,.':,.,.•,:::,:!,::::.:::::,::., 1 .1 1 Filill Nela,....,.., :' ' ::'::::' :!..::..'' 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For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. . . . . ., ji Ar 1 i - 5 CNEL Contours for San Bernardino International Airport Reuse Plan .'•!, FIGURE 4 GRAND TERRACE . 1. , . , • i' ' . • :,-1".:---. ..„_.••-.--,_, ‘ ..----;-•-_,.: ,-7-- -- --- - -.;,..- 1 • i ii' •‘‘•C:20 e--r• • *=.=••-.7.':•'"?.."-\ :-.- "Zz---'f•f*----:•-•'',-14.;"'-'• ---,'1:- 1 . ,• ••• A,,sz„,.../,........ .,,„,\•...„......„-,...1,:.,..1 ,.; :j' :-:_,--• ::,,...,_.•_/_,)--- cIZAV. ..:*'•%.,.., 1 ',',.`.‘,A %;1_,..„1-07,.{...;:=&_._ -•••••••‘..-.: Arj. .• ‘..-.2-Z.;, -.." r"-_!;,,,-/- - • \- • ' ‘‘'., ---' \‘. _- -...\\, .._ ..„,.. ,,.., , 7,-- 7/- -:---.A_ 1 s• s ' - -------- .._.:.,e,-- :_------ 'z-----=-1--.-: .--. ; \\ ---:_.---:-: -y A' - _ - - . , i . - \_ .:__--:-:,•- N----•;.'.-,s, -- .2--'.-':7-1, --*-- ,. _____/,' ...,-. .s ••-: . MEMMIF, •••• 4971t97 07 DEVE40 *Fir s. No second driveways or driveway approaches may be created or used for the purposes of parking or storing a Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer except where the lot is 100 feet wide or except where the second driveway would be on the side of a corner lot where there is no existing driveway or driveway approach. Any second driveway shall have the proper driveway approach requiring a Public Works permit. t. No Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer shall be parked on a public street if it is within 50 feet of any intersection or within 50 feet of any crosswalk. u. All non-motorized Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers must be attached to the tow vehicle if parked on a public street. Any owner of a detached, non- motorized Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parked on the public street for any length of time will be subject to immediate citation and/or to the removal of the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer at the owner's expense. v. No Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer shall be parked on a public street longer than 72 consecutive hours without being moved. The total number of days a recreational vehicle may be parked on a public street shall not exceed 6 days per month. w. Minor modifications or adjustments to this Section may be administratively approved by the Community Development Director by means of a Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking minor variance where conditions such as, but not limited to, lot size, lot configuration, house location, previous construction or improvements warrant a minor modification or adjustment. If the Community Development Director can not make such a determination, the matter may be appealed to the City's Planning Commission with the appropriate appeal fee. In no instance shall a modification or adjustment be made to the provisions of this Section if it violates a safety concern/regulation of this Section. l Vehicles/Utility Trailers may be parked in the rear yard for any parcel 20,000 square feet or larger. rmitted driveway and except when such vehicles comply with the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking provisions of Section 18.60.030 D.6. of the Zoning Code; Section 2. Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.931 are hereby added to Chapter 18.06, Definitions, as follows: ti- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services 55 17 includes trees,shrubs, ' x F �, ( °t .1-4 and a 6'high block wall. g - .: b `a x, } Lot 8 tr '1' : land swap option: .. Lot A in return rot Lot 0 {'-4 y feu r J_ r r': <2.4 [ ,,' UlION440,,,,,,,,,,,i.,,. 4 ' '_ 7 il ' 'Alegitlirnialk, i [15 -4.1,2,,,,,,,..„.„.„ip,,,,,,,, L. ( Extend Road LAPAIX ST, .. ....r k'+' EXHIBIT VI BARTON ROAD Prepared tor.City of Grand Terrace its' l 7 1 _l 1 ICI COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Prepared-by:Urban Design Studio lecT o • SPECIFIC PLAN H 15 '':'''''''''I''''''''''''''.' :.,:,::::::..',::.',.:.1.:',.!:,:',.:,:i.::.';'•;:',,.','.:,',;:'i',.,,.,:',',.;,;:::,:,;•,.;,:....;',1,:,,i.,.1.,::::',.:::..!;.,-;!;:- ""-- - - •• .••••---L.::::''' 'E—.:,-,::!. ..;:j'i:::-::': i••:!::':-.:::: ::A' luilLULIAL wiau .. . --- „....:.:i.,f7,:;....,,,,,,.':,.,.•,:::,:!,::::.:::::,::., 1 .1 1 Filill Nela,....,.., :' ' ::'::::' :!..::..'' '... .:1'. .-'''''' 'r'. —•'.'"•:—::\ II •::::EE:E!'i!•-:!i:;I:i ...%::!:::: :-,:::::','...:::::::::::::”,'i;,;::.,:.i':.:,:iii,i;i!' h=ii'ITI ,t [ 1 1 1.!!:...17.-.........',.:;:::;:,:':.,.:::.:':,.,•:,'...,..::.1.';',,...-„:',:,•,::i,.1,,,::?:.::::•:::.;!. ::.,•.!;1 : :,'.i.:, ,:......,.1i,\-:-_-, I77.; \ I I =MIMI _.1,_._IL...L_L___J...._.11J [----.L ------' Lli P ,P4 • x_y Planning Area: :: 1 Specific Plan Area 750 625 500 250 0 500 1000 A .... N Community Development Department March 2003 . Exhibit 1. This Map is for reference only. For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. . . . . ., ji Ar 1 i - 5 CNEL Contours for San Bernardino International Airport Reuse Plan .'•!, FIGURE 4 GRAND TERRACE . 1. , . , • i' ' . • :,-1".:---. ..„_.••-.--,_, ‘ ..----;-•-_,.: ,-7-- -- --- - -.;,..- 1 • i ii' •‘‘•C:20 e--r• • *=.=••-.7.':•'"?.."-\ :-.- "Zz---'f•f*----:•-•'',-14.;"'-'• ---,'1:- 1 . ,• ••• A,,sz„,.../,........ .,,„,\•...„......„-,...1,:.,..1 ,.; :j' :-:_,--• ::,,...,_.•_/_,)--- cIZAV. ..:*'•%.,.., 1 ',',.`.‘,A %;1_,..„1-07,.{...;:=&_._ -•••••••‘..-.: Arj. .• ‘..-.2-Z.;, -.." r"-_!;,,,-/- - • \- • ' ‘‘'., ---' \‘. _- -...\\, .._ ..„,.. ,,.., , 7,-- 7/- -:---.A_ 1 s• s ' - -------- .._.:.,e,-- :_------ 'z-----=-1--.-: .--. ; \\ ---:_.---:-: -y A' - _ - - . , i . - \_ .:__--:-:,•- N----•;.'.-,s, -- .2--'.-':7-1, --*-- ,. _____/,' ...,-. .s ••-: . MEMMIF, •••• 4971t97 07 DEVE40 *Fir Section 4. Section 18.73.200, Chapter 18.73, Visual Screening of Unsightly Uses, is modified as follows: All open storage of motor vehicles {other than licensed Recreational Vehicle), trailers, unmounted camper shells or cab-over-campers, {other than licensed boat trailers with a beat) building materials, appliances and similar materials shall be screened from all other properties and public streets by a six (6) foot high solid block wall on nonresidential properties and a six (6) foot high solid fence on residential properties, unless otherwise approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board or City Council. This provision for screening shall not apply to Recreational Vehicle (RVs)/Utility Trailers stored or parked in a.lawful manner in conformance with Section 18.60.030 D.6 of the Municipal Code. Section 5. Section 18.73.210, Chapter 18.73, Yards, is hereby modified as follows: All yards as required by this title shall be subject to the following regulations: A. All front, side and rear yards shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky unless other wise provided for in this title. B. All portions of any front yard (fenced or unfenced) which is adjacent to a street or unfenced side yard which is adjacent to a street, except for driveways, RV/Utility Trailer storage areas and walks, shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, flowers, or other decorative plant materials and shall be permanently maintained in a neat, attractive and weed free manner. In no case shall trailers{other than licensed boat trailers, with a boat), commercial vehicles or any miscellaneous materials be stored or parked in any required front yard (fenced or unfenced) which is adjacent to a street or unfenced side yard which is adjacent to a street. This provision for storage or parking shall not apply to Recreational Vehicles (RVs)/Utility Trailers stored or parked in a lawful manner in conformance with Section 18.60.030D.6 of the Municipal Code. of this Section if it violates a safety concern/regulation of this Section. l Vehicles/Utility Trailers may be parked in the rear yard for any parcel 20,000 square feet or larger. rmitted driveway and except when such vehicles comply with the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking provisions of Section 18.60.030 D.6. of the Zoning Code; Section 2. Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.931 are hereby added to Chapter 18.06, Definitions, as follows: ti- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services 55 17 includes trees,shrubs, ' x F �, ( °t .1-4 and a 6'high block wall. g - .: b `a x, } Lot 8 tr '1' : land swap option: .. Lot A in return rot Lot 0 {'-4 y feu r J_ r r': <2.4 [ ,,' UlION440,,,,,,,,,,,i.,,. 4 ' '_ 7 il ' 'Alegitlirnialk, i [15 -4.1,2,,,,,,,..„.„.„ip,,,,,,,, L. ( Extend Road LAPAIX ST, .. ....r k'+' EXHIBIT VI BARTON ROAD Prepared tor.City of Grand Terrace its' l 7 1 _l 1 ICI COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Prepared-by:Urban Design Studio lecT o • SPECIFIC PLAN H 15 '':'''''''''I''''''''''''''.' :.,:,::::::..',::.',.:.1.:',.!:,:',.:,:i.::.';'•;:',,.','.:,',;:'i',.,,.,:',',.;,;:::,:,;•,.;,:....;',1,:,,i.,.1.,::::',.:::..!;.,-;!;:- ""-- - - •• .••••---L.::::''' 'E—.:,-,::!. ..;:j'i:::-::': i••:!::':-.:::: ::A' luilLULIAL wiau .. . --- „....:.:i.,f7,:;....,,,,,,.':,.,.•,:::,:!,::::.:::::,::., 1 .1 1 Filill Nela,....,.., :' ' ::'::::' :!..::..'' '... .:1'. .-'''''' 'r'. —•'.'"•:—::\ II •::::EE:E!'i!•-:!i:;I:i ...%::!:::: :-,:::::','...:::::::::::::”,'i;,;::.,:.i':.:,:iii,i;i!' h=ii'ITI ,t [ 1 1 1.!!:...17.-.........',.:;:::;:,:':.,.:::.:':,.,•:,'...,..::.1.';',,...-„:',:,•,::i,.1,,,::?:.::::•:::.;!. ::.,•.!;1 : :,'.i.:, ,:......,.1i,\-:-_-, I77.; \ I I =MIMI _.1,_._IL...L_L___J...._.11J [----.L ------' Lli P ,P4 • x_y Planning Area: :: 1 Specific Plan Area 750 625 500 250 0 500 1000 A .... N Community Development Department March 2003 . Exhibit 1. This Map is for reference only. For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. . . . . ., ji Ar 1 i - 5 CNEL Contours for San Bernardino International Airport Reuse Plan .'•!, FIGURE 4 GRAND TERRACE . 1. , . , • i' ' . • :,-1".:---. ..„_.••-.--,_, ‘ ..----;-•-_,.: ,-7-- -- --- - -.;,..- 1 • i ii' •‘‘•C:20 e--r• • *=.=••-.7.':•'"?.."-\ :-.- "Zz---'f•f*----:•-•'',-14.;"'-'• ---,'1:- 1 . ,• ••• A,,sz„,.../,........ .,,„,\•...„......„-,...1,:.,..1 ,.; :j' :-:_,--• ::,,...,_.•_/_,)--- cIZAV. ..:*'•%.,.., 1 ',',.`.‘,A %;1_,..„1-07,.{...;:=&_._ -•••••••‘..-.: Arj. .• ‘..-.2-Z.;, -.." r"-_!;,,,-/- - • \- • ' ‘‘'., ---' \‘. _- -...\\, .._ ..„,.. ,,.., , 7,-- 7/- -:---.A_ 1 s• s ' - -------- .._.:.,e,-- :_------ 'z-----=-1--.-: .--. ; \\ ---:_.---:-: -y A' - _ - - . , i . - \_ .:__--:-:,•- N----•;.'.-,s, -- .2--'.-':7-1, --*-- ,. _____/,' ...,-. .s ••-: . MEMMIF, •••• 4971t97 07 DEVE40 *Fir C. Architectural features (such as chimneys, cornices, eaves and canopies), uncovered porches, landing places, heating and air conditioning equipment, pool equipment or outside stairways may project up to five (5) feet into a required side or rear yard but shall in no case extend closer than three (3) feet to any side or rear lot line. Section 6. Amending Chapter 4.88, Planning Fees as follows: Section 4.88.010 C. Variance. 1. Sign variance $300.00 2. Minor deviation : $300.00 3. Standard variance $1450.00 4. RV/Utility Trailer parking minor variance $50.00 Section 7. A new Chapter 4.105, Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer Parking and Storage Fines and Penalties, is added to read as follows: Sections: 4.105.010 Fines designated. 4.105.020 Penalties. 4.105.010 Fines designated. The following fines have been established for violations: Description of Violation Fine Parking over the 10.5 ft. setback $75 Parking within 50 feet of a crosswalk $75 Parking within 50 feet of any intersection $75 Parking/storage on unimproved surface $25 Illegal parallel parking on property $25 Inoperable vehicle parked on property $30 (also required-MC 8.04.020 (14) be landscaped with trees, shrubs, flowers, or other decorative plant materials and shall be permanently maintained in a neat, attractive and weed free manner. In no case shall trailers{other than licensed boat trailers, with a boat), commercial vehicles or any miscellaneous materials be stored or parked in any required front yard (fenced or unfenced) which is adjacent to a street or unfenced side yard which is adjacent to a street. This provision for storage or parking shall not apply to Recreational Vehicles (RVs)/Utility Trailers stored or parked in a lawful manner in conformance with Section 18.60.030D.6 of the Municipal Code. of this Section if it violates a safety concern/regulation of this Section. l Vehicles/Utility Trailers may be parked in the rear yard for any parcel 20,000 square feet or larger. rmitted driveway and except when such vehicles comply with the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking provisions of Section 18.60.030 D.6. of the Zoning Code; Section 2. Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.931 are hereby added to Chapter 18.06, Definitions, as follows: ti- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services 55 17 includes trees,shrubs, ' x F �, ( °t .1-4 and a 6'high block wall. g - .: b `a x, } Lot 8 tr '1' : land swap option: .. Lot A in return rot Lot 0 {'-4 y feu r J_ r r': <2.4 [ ,,' UlION440,,,,,,,,,,,i.,,. 4 ' '_ 7 il ' 'Alegitlirnialk, i [15 -4.1,2,,,,,,,..„.„.„ip,,,,,,,, L. ( Extend Road LAPAIX ST, .. ....r k'+' EXHIBIT VI BARTON ROAD Prepared tor.City of Grand Terrace its' l 7 1 _l 1 ICI COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Prepared-by:Urban Design Studio lecT o • SPECIFIC PLAN H 15 '':'''''''''I''''''''''''''.' :.,:,::::::..',::.',.:.1.:',.!:,:',.:,:i.::.';'•;:',,.','.:,',;:'i',.,,.,:',',.;,;:::,:,;•,.;,:....;',1,:,,i.,.1.,::::',.:::..!;.,-;!;:- ""-- - - •• .••••---L.::::''' 'E—.:,-,::!. ..;:j'i:::-::': i••:!::':-.:::: ::A' luilLULIAL wiau .. . --- „....:.:i.,f7,:;....,,,,,,.':,.,.•,:::,:!,::::.:::::,::., 1 .1 1 Filill Nela,....,.., :' ' ::'::::' :!..::..'' '... .:1'. .-'''''' 'r'. —•'.'"•:—::\ II •::::EE:E!'i!•-:!i:;I:i ...%::!:::: :-,:::::','...:::::::::::::”,'i;,;::.,:.i':.:,:iii,i;i!' h=ii'ITI ,t [ 1 1 1.!!:...17.-.........',.:;:::;:,:':.,.:::.:':,.,•:,'...,..::.1.';',,...-„:',:,•,::i,.1,,,::?:.::::•:::.;!. ::.,•.!;1 : :,'.i.:, ,:......,.1i,\-:-_-, I77.; \ I I =MIMI _.1,_._IL...L_L___J...._.11J [----.L ------' Lli P ,P4 • x_y Planning Area: :: 1 Specific Plan Area 750 625 500 250 0 500 1000 A .... N Community Development Department March 2003 . Exhibit 1. This Map is for reference only. For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. . . . . ., ji Ar 1 i - 5 CNEL Contours for San Bernardino International Airport Reuse Plan .'•!, FIGURE 4 GRAND TERRACE . 1. , . , • i' ' . • :,-1".:---. ..„_.••-.--,_, ‘ ..----;-•-_,.: ,-7-- -- --- - -.;,..- 1 • i ii' •‘‘•C:20 e--r• • *=.=••-.7.':•'"?.."-\ :-.- "Zz---'f•f*----:•-•'',-14.;"'-'• ---,'1:- 1 . ,• ••• A,,sz„,.../,........ .,,„,\•...„......„-,...1,:.,..1 ,.; :j' :-:_,--• ::,,...,_.•_/_,)--- cIZAV. ..:*'•%.,.., 1 ',',.`.‘,A %;1_,..„1-07,.{...;:=&_._ -•••••••‘..-.: Arj. .• ‘..-.2-Z.;, -.." r"-_!;,,,-/- - • \- • ' ‘‘'., ---' \‘. _- -...\\, .._ ..„,.. ,,.., , 7,-- 7/- -:---.A_ 1 s• s ' - -------- .._.:.,e,-- :_------ 'z-----=-1--.-: .--. ; \\ ---:_.---:-: -y A' - _ - - . , i . - \_ .:__--:-:,•- N----•;.'.-,s, -- .2--'.-':7-1, --*-- ,. _____/,' ...,-. .s ••-: . MEMMIF, •••• 4971t97 07 DEVE40 *Fir Accumulation of dirt, debris, litter under and $25 around an RV/Utility Trailer Torn RV/Utility Trailer cover including any and all tarps $25 or other materials and improper use of articles to secure tarp (not limited to but including rocks, bricks and other heavy objects Sewer hookup $75 Electrical hookup for more than 48 $50 first violation Consecutive hours $100 second violation $150 third violation and for each additional violation Use of an RV/Utility Trailer for storage purposes , $25 Parking an unattached RV/Utility Trailer on street, $75 City right-of-way, or any City property RV/Utility Trailer blocking or overhanging the sidewalk $75 within the public right-of-way. Blocking a garage door with a $25 Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer RV/Utility Trailer parking/storage on unimproved surface $25 in the front yard or the corner yard of a corner lot RV/Utility Trailer parking/storage on a unimproved surface $25 or non-graveled surface in the rear yard. Parking/storage an unmounted camper or cab-over-camper $25 in the front yard or corner side yard Excessive number of Recreational Vehicles/Utility Trailers $25 parked on a lot No approved driveway approach for the parking or $25 storage of a Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer Parking of a Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer $75 on a public street in excess of 6 days per month a neat, attractive and weed free manner. In no case shall trailers{other than licensed boat trailers, with a boat), commercial vehicles or any miscellaneous materials be stored or parked in any required front yard (fenced or unfenced) which is adjacent to a street or unfenced side yard which is adjacent to a street. This provision for storage or parking shall not apply to Recreational Vehicles (RVs)/Utility Trailers stored or parked in a lawful manner in conformance with Section 18.60.030D.6 of the Municipal Code. of this Section if it violates a safety concern/regulation of this Section. l Vehicles/Utility Trailers may be parked in the rear yard for any parcel 20,000 square feet or larger. rmitted driveway and except when such vehicles comply with the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking provisions of Section 18.60.030 D.6. of the Zoning Code; Section 2. Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.931 are hereby added to Chapter 18.06, Definitions, as follows: ti- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services 55 17 includes trees,shrubs, ' x F �, ( °t .1-4 and a 6'high block wall. g - .: b `a x, } Lot 8 tr '1' : land swap option: .. Lot A in return rot Lot 0 {'-4 y feu r J_ r r': <2.4 [ ,,' UlION440,,,,,,,,,,,i.,,. 4 ' '_ 7 il ' 'Alegitlirnialk, i [15 -4.1,2,,,,,,,..„.„.„ip,,,,,,,, L. ( Extend Road LAPAIX ST, .. ....r k'+' EXHIBIT VI BARTON ROAD Prepared tor.City of Grand Terrace its' l 7 1 _l 1 ICI COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Prepared-by:Urban Design Studio lecT o • SPECIFIC PLAN H 15 '':'''''''''I''''''''''''''.' :.,:,::::::..',::.',.:.1.:',.!:,:',.:,:i.::.';'•;:',,.','.:,',;:'i',.,,.,:',',.;,;:::,:,;•,.;,:....;',1,:,,i.,.1.,::::',.:::..!;.,-;!;:- ""-- - - •• .••••---L.::::''' 'E—.:,-,::!. ..;:j'i:::-::': i••:!::':-.:::: ::A' luilLULIAL wiau .. . --- „....:.:i.,f7,:;....,,,,,,.':,.,.•,:::,:!,::::.:::::,::., 1 .1 1 Filill Nela,....,.., :' ' ::'::::' :!..::..'' '... .:1'. .-'''''' 'r'. —•'.'"•:—::\ II •::::EE:E!'i!•-:!i:;I:i ...%::!:::: :-,:::::','...:::::::::::::”,'i;,;::.,:.i':.:,:iii,i;i!' h=ii'ITI ,t [ 1 1 1.!!:...17.-.........',.:;:::;:,:':.,.:::.:':,.,•:,'...,..::.1.';',,...-„:',:,•,::i,.1,,,::?:.::::•:::.;!. ::.,•.!;1 : :,'.i.:, ,:......,.1i,\-:-_-, I77.; \ I I =MIMI _.1,_._IL...L_L___J...._.11J [----.L ------' Lli P ,P4 • x_y Planning Area: :: 1 Specific Plan Area 750 625 500 250 0 500 1000 A .... N Community Development Department March 2003 . Exhibit 1. This Map is for reference only. For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. . . . . ., ji Ar 1 i - 5 CNEL Contours for San Bernardino International Airport Reuse Plan .'•!, FIGURE 4 GRAND TERRACE . 1. , . , • i' ' . • :,-1".:---. ..„_.••-.--,_, ‘ ..----;-•-_,.: ,-7-- -- --- - -.;,..- 1 • i ii' •‘‘•C:20 e--r• • *=.=••-.7.':•'"?.."-\ :-.- "Zz---'f•f*----:•-•'',-14.;"'-'• ---,'1:- 1 . ,• ••• A,,sz„,.../,........ .,,„,\•...„......„-,...1,:.,..1 ,.; :j' :-:_,--• ::,,...,_.•_/_,)--- cIZAV. ..:*'•%.,.., 1 ',',.`.‘,A %;1_,..„1-07,.{...;:=&_._ -•••••••‘..-.: Arj. .• ‘..-.2-Z.;, -.." r"-_!;,,,-/- - • \- • ' ‘‘'., ---' \‘. _- -...\\, .._ ..„,.. ,,.., , 7,-- 7/- -:---.A_ 1 s• s ' - -------- .._.:.,e,-- :_------ 'z-----=-1--.-: .--. ; \\ ---:_.---:-: -y A' - _ - - . , i . - \_ .:__--:-:,•- N----•;.'.-,s, -- .2--'.-':7-1, --*-- ,. _____/,' ...,-. .s ••-: . MEMMIF, •••• 4971t97 07 DEVE40 *Fir 4.105.020 Penalties. Each and every day during which a violation(s) continues, except in cases which a given time has been allowed for corrective action to be taken, shall be a separate and distinct offense. Any and all persons guilty of an infraction shall pay the fine within thirty days or be declared delinquent and the fine doubled. Failure to pay within ninety days shall result in a tripling of the fine and filing of the amount with the county as a tax lien against the property. . Section 8. The Negative Declaration, as determined under E-03-12, attached hereto, is hereby approved. Section 9. Effective Date: The Ordinance shall be in full force and effect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day of its adoption. Section 10. Positing: The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in three (3) public places within fifteen (15) days of its adoption, as designated for such purpose by the City Council. Section 11. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the 11 th day of March, 2004 and finally adopted and ordered posted at a regular meeting of said City Council on the 8th day of April, 2004. ATTEST: ilk_0172440(,(// ity Clerk of the City Mayor of e City of Grand Terrace Grand Terrace and of the and of the City Council thereof City Council thereof ay approach for the parking or $25 storage of a Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer Parking of a Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer $75 on a public street in excess of 6 days per month a neat, attractive and weed free manner. In no case shall trailers{other than licensed boat trailers, with a boat), commercial vehicles or any miscellaneous materials be stored or parked in any required front yard (fenced or unfenced) which is adjacent to a street or unfenced side yard which is adjacent to a street. This provision for storage or parking shall not apply to Recreational Vehicles (RVs)/Utility Trailers stored or parked in a lawful manner in conformance with Section 18.60.030D.6 of the Municipal Code. of this Section if it violates a safety concern/regulation of this Section. l Vehicles/Utility Trailers may be parked in the rear yard for any parcel 20,000 square feet or larger. rmitted driveway and except when such vehicles comply with the Recreational Vehicle/Utility Trailer parking provisions of Section 18.60.030 D.6. of the Zoning Code; Section 2. Sections 18.06.626 and 18.06.931 are hereby added to Chapter 18.06, Definitions, as follows: ti- family residential development within the Plan area shall be required to provide adequate enclosures for trash and recycling containers and to contract with WMI for waste collection and recycling services 55 17 includes trees,shrubs, ' x F �, ( °t .1-4 and a 6'high block wall. g - .: b `a x, } Lot 8 tr '1' : land swap option: .. Lot A in return rot Lot 0 {'-4 y feu r J_ r r': <2.4 [ ,,' UlION440,,,,,,,,,,,i.,,. 4 ' '_ 7 il ' 'Alegitlirnialk, i [15 -4.1,2,,,,,,,..„.„.„ip,,,,,,,, L. ( Extend Road LAPAIX ST, .. ....r k'+' EXHIBIT VI BARTON ROAD Prepared tor.City of Grand Terrace its' l 7 1 _l 1 ICI COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR Prepared-by:Urban Design Studio lecT o • SPECIFIC PLAN H 15 '':'''''''''I''''''''''''''.' :.,:,::::::..',::.',.:.1.:',.!:,:',.:,:i.::.';'•;:',,.','.:,',;:'i',.,,.,:',',.;,;:::,:,;•,.;,:....;',1,:,,i.,.1.,::::',.:::..!;.,-;!;:- ""-- - - •• .••••---L.::::''' 'E—.:,-,::!. ..;:j'i:::-::': i••:!::':-.:::: ::A' luilLULIAL wiau .. . --- „....:.:i.,f7,:;....,,,,,,.':,.,.•,:::,:!,::::.:::::,::., 1 .1 1 Filill Nela,....,.., :' ' ::'::::' :!..::..'' 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For detailed information,please consult with the Community Development Department. . . . . ., ji Ar 1 i - 5 CNEL Contours for San Bernardino International Airport Reuse Plan .'•!, FIGURE 4 GRAND TERRACE . 1. , . , • i' ' . • :,-1".:---. ..„_.••-.--,_, ‘ ..----;-•-_,.: ,-7-- -- --- - -.;,..- 1 • i ii' •‘‘•C:20 e--r• • *=.=••-.7.':•'"?.."-\ :-.- "Zz---'f•f*----:•-•'',-14.;"'-'• ---,'1:- 1 . ,• ••• A,,sz„,.../,........ .,,„,\•...„......„-,...1,:.,..1 ,.; :j' :-:_,--• ::,,...,_.•_/_,)--- cIZAV. ..:*'•%.,.., 1 ',',.`.‘,A %;1_,..„1-07,.{...;:=&_._ -•••••••‘..-.: Arj. .• ‘..-.2-Z.;, -.." r"-_!;,,,-/- - • \- • ' ‘‘'., ---' \‘. _- -...\\, .._ ..„,.. ,,.., , 7,-- 7/- -:---.A_ 1 s• s ' - -------- .._.:.,e,-- :_------ 'z-----=-1--.-: .--. ; \\ ---:_.---:-: -y A' - _ - - . , i . - \_ .:__--:-:,•- N----•;.'.-,s, -- .2--'.-':7-1, --*-- ,. _____/,' ...,-. .s ••-: . MEMMIF, •••• 4971t97 07 DEVE40 *Fir I, BRENDA STANFILL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 8th day of'Aprl:.,= -):; 2004 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Garcia, Larkin & Cortes; Mayor Pro Tem Ferrel and Mayor Hickey NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None City Clerk G7 t14t Brenda Stanfill 06 Approved as to r : City Attorney ---- John Harper c:\MyFiles\JOHN\RVordinance\proposedRVOrd3-16-04 t corner of Barton Road and Mount Vernon Avenue only. 64 required parking spaces shall be based upon the level of the qualifying merits, but in no case shall the bonus exceed 20% of the required standard. 48 ty Attorney -2-