G.9 Senior ParadeSenior Parade RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DETERMINE WHETHER FUNDS SHOULD BE EXPENDED TO SUPPORT A PARADE FOR GRADUATING SENIORS AT GRAND TERRACE HIGH SCHOOL Background This staff report supports Goal #4,Develop and Implement Successful Partnerships. In 2020 and 2021 Grand Terrace High School (GTHS) did not have regular commencement ceremonies due to COVID-19. In 2020, parents and students held a parade. In 2021, The City hosted a parade for the seniors. The group was not charged for the costs associated with the event. A group of parents is organizing to promote a similar parade Parade Route Start at Richard Rollins Park Mt Vernon to Main Main to GTHS Requires traffic control at 5 intersections Cost City Cost $1800.00 Sheriffs Cost $3800.00 Insurance $1000.00 TOTAL $6600.0