2015-02 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION AND APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO.15=01 (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 18793)A SUBDIVISON OF A 3.2-ACRE PARCEL INTO 12 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LOCATED AT 22247 PICO STREET WHEREAS, Kenneth J: Catanzarite, represented by Darryl Moore ("Applicant"), filed an application for Tentative Tract Map 15-01 (Tentative Tract Map No. 18793) to subdivide subdivide 3.2 acres into 12 single family lots,with each lot measuring a minimum of 7,200 square feet. A concurrent Variance application (Variance 15-01) was submitted to deviate from the lot width standards for two lots and the lot depth standards for'seven lots ("Project"). WHEREAS, the Project site is zoned R1-7.2 Single Family and designated Low Density Residential on the General Plan Land Use Map, located 22247 Pico Street, identified as Assessor's Parcel Number 1167-292-01. The Project site contains a single family residence and an old barn. WHEREAS, the Project qualifies for an environmental exemption pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts infill projects when the,project is compatible with the General Plan and Zoning Code, is on less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses, it,is devoid of habitat for'biological resources, the site is served by public utilities and services, and there are no impacts to traffic noise, air quality or water quality. WHEREAS, on April 16, 2015,the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing at the Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California and concluded the hearing on said date. WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Planning Commission hereby finds that the Project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332. The Notice of Exemption prepared in connection with the Project has been reviewed and considered and reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission, and is recommended for adoption. 2. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Tentative Tract Map 15-01 (Tentative Tract Map No. 18793): a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the City General Plan and any applicable specific plan for the area. The proposed single family residential Project at a density of 3.75 dwelling units per acre is consistent with the Low Density Residential (LDR) General Plan designation, which is intended for detached single family residential. It conforms to several General Plan policies relating to the RESOLUTION NO. 2015-02 PAGE I OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 construction of roadways.and utilities to serve the Project, and Housing Element policies to encourage housing development of various types and designs. The Project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code, except for Lots land 4 which do not meet the minimum lot width standards and Lots 1, 6, and 8 through 12 which do not meet the minimum lot depth requirements. However, consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code, the Applicant has filed a Variance application. b. The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the City General Plan and any applicable specific plan for the area. The density of 3.75 dwelling units per acre conforms to the density limitation of 0-5 dwelling units per acre of the LDR designation. The Project conforms to several General Plan policies relating to the construction of roadways and utilities to serve the Project, and Housing Element policies to encourage housing development of various types and designs. C. The site-is physically suitable for the type and proposed density of development proposed by the tentative map. The site can support the Project at the proposed density of 3.75 dwelling units per acre. The Variance- is necessitated by the irregular lot shape. d. The design of the subdivision and proposed improvements are'not likely to cause significant environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The Project is infill development and qualifies for an environmental exemption, pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) Guidelines.. e. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. f. The design of the subdivision provides for future passive or natural heating and cooling opportunities in the subdivision to the extent feasible. g- The design of the subdivision and the type. of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, or the design of the alternate easements which are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public will not be provided. h. In approving the subdivision the approving authority has considered its effects and the effects of adopted ordinances and actions relating to the review and approval of subdivisions on the housing needs of the region and balanced those needs against the public service needs of its residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. 3. The Planning Commission finds as follows with respect to Variance 15-01: a. A special circumstance regarding the size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property exists. The triangular shape of the property RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 PAGE 2 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 and logical location for the cul-de-sac to serve interior lots precludes the applicant's ability to design the lots to meet the minimum lot depth (Lots 1, 6, 8 and 9 through 12) and width(Lot 4). Because of the-irregular shape relocation of the public street to meet the lot standards for these lots impacts other lots. This design results in the best design given the lot limitations. b. Because of the special circumstance, the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. The triangular shape of the property precludes the applicant's ability to design certain lots to meet the minimum lot depth and width requirements. Strict application of the'zoning code would result in a lesser number of lots with lot sizes greater than the surrounding area and 'at a lesser density than adjacent Tracts. Strict application would deprive the property to develop at a density commensurate with adjacent Tracts. C. The granting of the.variance will not constitute the grants of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the property is situated. The granting of the variance would not grant a special privilege; rather it will provide the ability to develop the subject lot at comparable densities as adjacent properties and as anticipated in the General Plan. d. The granting of the variance will not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the district governing,the parcel of property. The granting of the variance would not authorize an unpermitted use because single family residential uses are permitted in the R1-7.2 zone. e. The granting of the variance will not result in a situation inconsistent with the latest adopted general plan. The density of 3.75 is consistent with the LDR General Plan designation which planned for a maximum density of 5 units per acre. f. Conditions necessary to secure the above findings are made a part of the approval of the variance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT based on the findings and conclusions set forth above, this Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve the Addendum prepared for the Project and approve Tentative Tract Map 15-01 (Tentative Tract Map No. 18793) and Variance 15-01, subject to the following conditions of approval. General Conditions of Approval: - 1. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 15-01 (Tentative Tract Map No. 18793) and Variance 15-01 are granted to subdivide 3.2 acres into twelve (.12) single family lots on property located at 22247 Pico Street. Variance 15-01 grants a less lot width for Lot 4, and lesser lot depth for Lots 1., 6, 8, and nine through 12. This approval is granted based on the application materials submitted by Kenneth J. Catanzarite,represented by Darryl Moore on January 29, 2015, as modified.on March 19, 2015, including the revised tentative map and tree plan. These plans are approved as submitted and conditioned herein, and shall not be further altered except as modified by these conditions of approval, and unless reviewed and approved by the affected city departments. RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 PAGE 3 OF 19 APRIL 16, 2015 2. This approval shall expire twenty-four (24) months from the date of adoption of this resolution. This approval shall become null and void if a final map has not been.timely filed prior to the expiration date in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. An extension of time may be granted by the Community Development Director upon submittal of a time extension request and appropriate filing fees. In granting any such time extension the City may impose new conditions and standards, on the tentative map, pursuant to Section 66452.6(e)of the California Government Code. 3. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents, officers, attorneys and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding (collectively referred to as "proceeding") brought against the City or its agents, officers, attorneys or employees to attack, set aside,, void, or annul the City's decision to approve the tentative tract development, approval or authorization and approvals conditions or approval and certifications under CEQA and/or any mitigation monitoring program, but excluding any subdivision approval governed by California Government Code § 66474.9, and which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37. This indemnification shall include,'but not limited to, damages, fees and/or costs awarded against the City, if any, and cost of suit, attorneys' fees and other costs liabilities and expenses incurred in connection with such proceeding whether incurred by applicant, the City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding.. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own , option,to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers, employees and attorneys for all costs incurred in additional investigation and/or study of, or for supplementing,.preparing, redrafting, revising, or amending any document(such as a notice of exemption, negative declaration, EIR, specific plan or General Plan amendment), if made necessary by said proceeding and if applicant desires to pursue securing such approvals, after initiation of such proceeding, which are conditioned on the approval of such documents, and shall Indemnify the City for all the City's costs, fees, and damages that the City incurs in enforcing these indemnification provisions. 4. Any details which are inconsistent with requirements of state and local ordinances, conditions of approval, or City policies must be specifically modified to comply with state and local ordinances, conditions of approval, or City policies, or must.be approved in the final map or improvement plan approvals 5. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, and Title 17 (Subdivisions)contained in the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. 6. In the event that exhibits and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. 7. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the applicant must sign and return an "Acceptance of Conditions" form. The form and content shall be prepared by the Community and Economic Development Department. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-02 PAGE 4 OF 19 APRIL 16, 2015 8. The applicant shall obtain Site and Architectural Review approval prior to construction of the residences.. 9. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Safety/Public Works Department, including the conditions of approval contained in the Memorandum dated February 18,2015, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 10. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the San Bernardino County Fire Department, Office of the Fire Marshal Community Safety Division, including the conditions of approval contained in their letter dated March 6, 2015; attached hereto attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 11. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Colton Public Works Department Water & Wastewater Department, including the conditions of approval contained in their letter dated February 25,2015,attached hereto as Exhibit 3. 12. In the event that the final drainage study, including the Water Quality Management Plan, determines that a drainage area (basin) needs to be included and lots could be modified or reduce the number of lots to I lots, the modification to the tentative- map shall be reviewed at staff level. A major change to the tentative map shall be reviewed by Planning Commission. Conditions Prior to Final Map Approval: 13. A final soils report shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. Any recommendations included in the soil study shall be incorporated into the design of the precise grading and paving plan as appropriate. 14. The applicant shall prepare improvement plans, in accordance with the City Subdivision Ordinance. 15. The applicant shall restrict access rights for Lots 4 and 12 abutting along Pico Street. 16. If any public improvement required as part of the approval of the subdivision will not be completed and accepted prior to approval of the final tract map, then prior to a determination of a complete.and timely filing of the final tract map, the subdivider, at his expense, shall be required to enter into a subdivision improvement agreement, with the City to complete said public improvements in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Performance of said agreement shall be guaranteed by the security specified in the Subdivision Ordinance (GTMC Title 17) and Section 66499 et seq. of the Subdivision Map Act. 17. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the applicant must agree to and sign the "Acceptance of Conditions" form.. The content of the form to be prepared by the Community and Economic Development Department. 1.8. Provide a"will serve" letter from the Riverside Highland Water Company. RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 PAGE 5 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 19. A final tract prepared by, or under the direction of a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying, or a licensed land surveyor, must be processed through the City prior to being filed with the County Recorder. 20. The applicant shall submit_a title report and subdivision guarantee showing all•fee interest holders, all interest holders whose interest could ripen into a fee, all'trust deeds, together with the names of the trustee and all easement holders. The account for this title report shall remain open until the final parcel map is filed with the County Recorder. No easements shall be granted and recorded until after the final map is recorded, unless approved by the City Engineer and subordinated to any City easements by a certification upon the title sheet of the final map,prior to the grant. 21. The applicant shall incorporate into the project design all existing easements within the project boundaries. In the case where easements are proposed to be abandoned, the applicant shall obtain abandonment of said easements from the affected easement holder(s). If this requirement cannot be accomplished, the project shall be redesigned accordingly and as approved by the City. 22. Easements for all on-site facilities, public and private, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to recordation. Such easements may include,but are not limited to, sewer,water, electric; gas,telephone, storm drains, detention basins, and landscaping 23. Pay all required fees for the processing and approval of the final tract map. 24. Prior to final map approval, all on-site and off-site curbs, gutters, paving, street lights, sewer laterals, water services, utilities, grading, storm drain improvements shall be installed or sufficient surety shall be posted to-the satisfaction of the City to guarantee their installation. 25. Prior to final map approval,plans and specifications for the water system facilities shall be submitted for approval to the Riverside Highland Water Company. The subdivider shall submit an agreement and other evidence, satisfactory to :the City, indicating that the subdivider has entered into a contract with the water purveyor guaranteeing payment and installation of the water improvements. 26. Prior to the final map approval, there shall also be filed with the City Engineer, a statement from the water purveyor indicating subdivider compliance with the Fire Department's fire flow requirements. 27. Improvement plans for utility connections and services, including water, fire hydrant and/or fire sprinklers, sewer, storm drain, gas, electric, phone, and television, shall be submitted to and approved by the City. 28. Sewer,improvement plans must be approved by the City of Colton Wastewater &Utilities Department. 29. Easements for all on-site facilities, public and private, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to recordation. Such easements may include,but are not limited to, sewer,water, electric, gas,telephone, storm drains, detention basins, and landscaping. RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 PAGE 6 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 30. Access rights shall be granted to the City for the purpose of allowing access over private drives within the development for all City,vehicles, including police, fire, and other emergency vehicles. The document(s) recording this access shall be prepared by the applicant for review and approval by the City Engineer,prior to recordation. 31. Lots 4 and 12 shall take access along Street"A". 32. The driveway serving Lot 3 shall be placed on the east side of the lot, and the driveway serving Lots 4 and 12 shall be placed on the south side of each lot. 33. The applicant shall submit a composite development plan for review and'approval. Said composite development plan shall be recorded with the tentative tract map, and shall depict the following for information purposes: a. Front yard setbacks. 34. Final map shall be filed with the County recorder'and one (1) Mylar copy of the filed map shall be submitted to the City offices prior to the issuance of any building permits. 35. The project shall be constructed in accordance with all the approved plans and conditions of approval, including but not limited to site plans, grading plans, wall plans, and building elevations. 36. Construction and operational activities associated with the project shall comply with the regulations of the City's Noise Ordinance, Chapter 8.108 of the Grand-Terrace Municipal Code. 37. All perimeter walls shall be decorative, which may include the incorporation of stucco, split-face block, stone veneer and/or other materials that match the colors and materials of the project. 38. The developer shall pay all applicable development impact fees in effect at the time that construction permits are issued by the City. 39. The applicant shall make the following street improvements to the satisfaction of the Senior Civil Engineer: a. Speed limits shall be painted on Pico Street for both east and west bound traffic; b. Speed limit signs shall be posted on Pico Street for both east and'west bound traffic; c. Stripe the centerline of Pico Street to cover minimum of one hundred (100) feet on either side of the intersection of Pico Street and Pascal Avenue; and d. Stripe the centerline of Street "A" to cover minimum of one hundred (100) feet on either side of the intersection of Pico Street and Street"A". 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-02 PAGE 7 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California, at a regular meeting held on the 16th day of April, 2015. AYES: Commissioners Allen, Cesena, Giroux, Chair Comstock NOES: None ABSENT: Vice-Chair Stephens ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: 0"_ Je sica Lambarena tom Comstock Secretary Chairman, RESOLUTION NO. 2015-02 PAGE 8 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 Exhibit 1 Building and Safety Division Conditions of Approval Date: February 18, 2015 Applicant: Kenneth J. Catanzarite Address of Applicant: 2331 W. Lincoln Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801 Site Location: 22247'Pico Street, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 APN: 1167-291-02-0000 Project: TTM 15-01, (TTM No. 18793) 12 unit Detached SFD Provide four (4) sets of construction plans and documentation for .plan review-of the proposed project. Below you will find a list of the plans and documents Building' and Safety will need for plan review. The. initial plan review 'will take approximately two. weeks on most projects. Provide the following sets of plans and documents. Building and Safety submittal's required at first plan review. (4) Architectural Plans (4) Structural Plans (2) Structural Calculations (4) Plot/Site Plans (4) Electrical Plans (4) Electrical Load Calculations (4) Plumbing Plans/Isometrics, Water, Sewer and Gas (4) Mechanical Plans (4) Mechanical Duct.Layout Plans (2) Roof and Floor Truss Plans (2). Title 24 Energy Calculations Building & Safety General Information All structures shall be designed in .accordance with the 2013 California Building Code, 201.3 California Mechanical Code, 2013 California Plumbing Code, and the 2013 California Electrical Code, 2013 Residential-Code and the 2013 California Green-Buildings Standards adopted by the State of California. RESOLUTION NO,2015-02 'PAGE 9 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 Page 2 of 6' The Developer/Owner is responsible for the coordination of the final occupancy. The Developer/Owner shall obtain clearances from each department and division prior to requesting a final building inspection from Building & Safety. Each agency shall sign the bottom of the Building & Safety Job Card. Building, & Safety inspection requests can be made twenty four (24) hours in advance for next day inspection. Please contact (909) 430-2250. You may also request inspections at the Building & Safety public counter. All construction sites must be protected by a security fence and screening. The fencing and screening shall be maintained at all times to protect pedestrians. Temporary toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers. The toilet facilities shall be maintained in .a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non sewer type shall conform to ANSI ZA.3. Construction projects which require temporary electrical power shall obtain an Electrical Permit' from Building & Safety. , No temporary electrical power will be granted to a project unless one of the following items is in place and approved by Building & Safety and the Planning Department- (A) Installation of a construction trailer, or, (B) Security fenced area where the electrical power will be located. Installation of construction/sales trailers must be located on private- property.. No trailers can be located in the public street right of way. The City enforces the State of California provisions of the California Building Code disabled access requirements. The Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards may differ in some cases from the California State requirements, therefore it is the building owner's responsibility to be aware of those differences and comply accordingly. Pursuant to the California Business and Professions Code. Section 6737, most projects are required to be designed by a California Licensed Architect or Engineer. The project owner or developer should review the .section of the California Codes and comply with the regulation. I Building & Safety Conditions 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay all Development Improvement Fee's to the City; this also includes school fees and outside agency fees such as sewer, water and utilities. Copies of receipts shall be provided to, Building & Safety prior to permit issuance. RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 PAGE 10 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 Page 3 of 6 2. All on site utilities shall be underground to the new proposed structure unless prior approval has been obtained by the utility company or the City. 3.� Prior to issuance of Building Permits, on site water service shall be installed and approved by the responsible agency. On site fire hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Department. No flammable materials will be allowed on the site until the fire hydrants are established and approved. 4. Prior to issuance of building permits, site grading certification and pad certifications shall be submitted to Building,& Safety. Prior to concrete placement, submit a certification for the finish floor elevation and set backs of the structures. The certification needs to reflect that the structure is in'conformance with the Precise Grading Plans. Compaction reports shall accompany,pad certifications. The certifications are required to be signed by the engineer of record. 5. Prior to issuance of building permits, provide Building & Safety with a will service letter from Riverside Highland Water Company. 6. Special inspectors and structural observation inspectors that are required,by the engineer of record shall register with the Grand Terrace Building & Safety Division. The special inspectors shall provide a copy of his or her certifications and a copy of their driver's license'before the start of work as an inspector on the project. Special inspectors are,'to provide daily reports to Building & Safety by e- mail to the City inspector and to the permit technician. Special inspectors are also required to provide a hard copy of the reports in the construction office daily for the inspectors use. The special inspectors shall make all necessary and required inspections before the City provides periodic inspections. 7. Prior to any permits being issued; the applicant shall enter into a recycling agreement for construction waste according to Ordinance No. 243. A deposit will be required as part of this ordinance. Recycling receipts from the recycled company responsible for accepting,the materials shall be kept in the construction office for viewing by the City Inspector. Burrtec Waste Industries has a Franchise Agreement with the City to recycle waste. Waste from the project will need to be disposed at a Burrtec Waste Industries facility. No waste shall be disposed of at any other waste facility. If waste -is disposed of at an unapproved facility, funds from the deposit will be used to offset the waste stream. I Public Works Plans required for first plan review Provide the following sets of plans and documents for review: (2) Tentative Tract Map Plans. (2) Street Improvement Plans for Pico Street and Street"A". RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 PAGE 11 OF.19 APRIL 16,2015 Page 4 of 6 i (2) Title report showing all easements on the property. (2) Rough and Precise Grading Plans. (2) Water Quality Management Plan, (WQMP) and Erosion Control Plan. (2) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. (2) Sewer Plans (2) Water Design Plans approved by the Fire.Department and RHWC. (2) Approved alteration plan from Riverside City Gage Canal. (1) Copy'of Construction Encroachment Permit from Riverside City Gage Canal. Public Works Conditions J 1. A final Water Quality Control Plan (WQMP) shall be submitted for engineering review and approval prior to any permits being issued. 2. All proposed public street improvements shall be designed by persons registered and licensed pursuant to the Business and Professions Code. All public works improvements shall be constructed to the San Bernardino County Standards and specifications. 3. Provide right of way dedication on Pico Street the entire length of the property and provide paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights, signage and stripping and repave to a half width street improvement. Street improvements will be required to extend beyond the frontage of the project to blend the street flows for-drainage and traffic. 4. Provide right of way dedication on Street "A" and provide paving, curb and gutter, cross gutter, ramps, sidewalk, street lights, signage and stripping. 5. The curb returns and ramps on at the intersection of Street "A"-and Pico,Street shall be constructed per San Bernardino County Standard 110. The radius of these curb returns shall be 30 feet. 6. Maximum driveway grades shall be consistent with San Bernardino County Standard 131. Riverside County Standard driveway approach can also be used. This driveway approach will allow for the disabled access to be installed in the reduced street width design as long as the SFD lots are elevated above the street. 7. Street cut permits on Pico Street are required before work begins in the public right of way. A street cut deposit shall be paid to the City for each utility. The street cut deposit will be held by the City for two years after the street has been accepted. 8. A haul permit shall be required if more than 50 cubic yards of earth is to be hauled on City streets. Additional conditions, such as truck route approval, traffic controls, bonding, and /or street cleaning may be required by the City engineer. J RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 PAGE 12 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 Page 5 of 6, 9. The geotechnical report recommendations for on and off site over-excavation, compaction, slope stability and paving sections shall be placed on the title sheets of the rough and precise grading plans along with the seal and signature of the geotechnical engineer. 10. The applicant shall improve the area beyond the block perimeter wall adjacent to the Riverside Gage Canal to the satisfaction of the Riverside Gage Canal by providing drainage next to the wall that will direct canal surface flows to an approved location. 11. Prior to the final tract map approval, there shall be filled with the City a statement _from Riverside Highland Water Company that the project is in compliance with the Fire Department fire flow requirements. 12. A final tract map.prepared by.a registered civil engineer authorized to practice land survey, or a licensed land surveyor, must be processed through the City prior to being filed with the San Bernardino County Recorder. The final map shall comply with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. 13. A preliminary subdivision guarantee is required showing all fee interest holders and encumbrances. An updated title report shall be provided before the final parcel map is released for filling by the County Recorder. 14. Survey monuments shall be set prior to map recordation or post a bond for the, same. 15. Monumentation- If any activity on this project will disturb any land survey monuments, the disturbed ,monumentation shall-be located and referenced by or under 'the direction of a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying prior to commencement of any activity with the potential to disturb the monumentation, and a corner record or record of survey of the references shall be filed with the County. 16. Prior to final map being approved by the City Council, the applicant shall submit an estimate for the off-site improvements to the Public Works Director. The Director will estimate a bond amount based on the .estimate from the engineer of record. Ten (10) percent of the bond amount will be required in cash payable to the City of Grand Terrace. 17. Prior to grading permit and public works permit issuance, the tentative tract map shall be recorded with the San Bernardino County Recorder's office. The recorded tract map Mylar shall be provided to the Public Works Department. 18. A Storm Water Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be required for this project pursuant to the State Construction General Permit. The owner will be responsible RESOLUTION N,O.2015-02 PAGE 13 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 Page 6 of 6 for submitting the necessary documents to the SMART system and obtaining a WDID# prior to any grading permits being issued. RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 PAGE 14 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 Exhibit 2 $AN BERNARDINO COUNTY ...... COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC AND SUPPORT SERVICES GROUP OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL MARK A. HARTWIG COMMUNITY SAFETY DIVISION Fire Chief 620 South"E"Street San Bernardino,CA.92415-0179 (909)386-8400-Fax(909)386-8460 SAO DATE: March 6,20115 EXPIRATION:. March 2016 DARRYL MOORE AEGIS BUILDERS 2265 BARTON ROAD STE 112 923.13 PERMIT NUMBERS- F201500220 PROJECT,NUMBER.- LOCATION: 22247 PICO ST-GRAND TERRACE PROJECT TYPE: TTM OCCUPANCY TYPE: APN: 1167-291-02-00.00 PROPOSAL: PLANNER: Dear Applicant: With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced project, 'the San Bi3mardino County Fire Department requires'the following fire protection measures to be provided in accordance with applicable local ordihancesj. codes, and/or recognized fire protection standards: The,Fire Conditions Attachment of this document sets forth the FIRE CONDITIONS and STANDARDS which are applied to this project FIRE CONDITIONS.-- All FIRE CONDITIONS FOR THIS PROJECT ARE ATTACHED Page of 4 Sincerely, J Stihson, Fire Prev'en Jeff Lt= San Bernardino County Fire Department Valley Division Community Safety Division Duty, Honor,Community RESOLUTION NO. 2015-02 PAGE 15 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015 FIRE CONDITIONS ATTACHMENT DATE: 03-06 2015 PROJECT: PERMIT NUMBER: F201500220 ` LOCATION: 22247 PICO ST-GRAND TERRACE PARCEL: 1167-291-02-0000 CONDITIONS: Cond: EXPNOTE Construction permits, including Fire Condition Letters,shall automatically expire and become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the work authorized'by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the time the work is commenced. Suspension or abandonment shall mean,that no inspection by the Department has occured with 180 days of any previous inspection..After a construction permit.or Fire Condition Letter, becomes invalid and before such previously approved work recommences, a new permit shall be first obtained'and the fee to recommence work shall be one-half.the fee for the new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original construction documents for such work, and provided further that such,suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year.A request to.,extend the Fire Condition Letter or Permit may be made in writing PRIOR T6 the expiration date justifying.the reason that the Fire Condition Letter should be extended. Cond: F01A Additional Requirements. In addition to the-Fire requirements stated.herein,other on site and off site improvements may be required which cannot be determined from tentative plans at this time and would have to be reviewed after more complete improvement plans and profiles have.been submitted to this office.'[1701A] Cond:CON0031411 Water System. Prior to any land disturbance, the water systems shalt be designed to meet the required fire flow for this development and shall be approved'by the Fire Department. The required fire flow shall be determined by using Appendix IIIA of the California Fire.Code..[F05] Cond: GON0031410 Fire Fee.The required fire fees(currently$ )shall be paid to the Safi Bernardino County Fire Department/Community Safety.Division'(909)386-8400.This fee is in addition to fire fees that are paid to the City of Grand Terrace. [F40] , Cond:00NO031409 Access.The development shall have a minimum of 1_points of vehicular access. These are for fire/emergency equipment access and for evacuation routes. Standard 902.2.1' Single Story Road Access Width: All buildings shall have access provided by approved roads,alleys and private drives with a minimum twenty six(26)foot unobstructed width and vertically to fourteen(14)feet six.(6) inches in.height. Other recognized standards may be more restrictive by requiring wider access provisions. RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 Pagep.7 'U -19— APRIL 16, 2015 FIRE CONDITIONS ATTACHMENT DATE: 03-10 2015 '� ';�'i • ,' PROJECT: PERMIT NUMBER: F201500220 1 LOCATION: 22247 PICO ST:GRAND ,x *�=`"°�,f' ' TERRACE PARCEL: 1167-291-02-0000 saw q E Multi-Story Road Access Width: Buildings three(3)stories in height or more shall have a,minimum access of th_ irty(30)feet unobstructed width and vertically to,fourteen(14)feet six(6)inches in height[1741) Cond: F42 Building Plans. No less than three,(3)complete sets of Building Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval. [F42] Cond:CON0031447 Turnaround.An approved turnaround shall be provided at the end of each roadway one hundred,and fifty-(150)feet or more in length. CulAe-sac length shall not exceed six,hundred(6.00)feet;all roadways shall not exceed a 12%grade and have a minimum of forty five(40)foot radius.for all turns.In the FS1, FS2 or FS-3 Fire Safety Overlay District areas,there are additional requirements.Standard 902.2.1-[F43] L Cond: F61 Fire Sprinkler NFPA#13D.An automatic life safety fire,sprinkler system complying with NFPA. Pamphlet#13D and the Fire Department standards is.required:The applicant shall hire a.Fire Department approved fire sprinkler contractor;br be the approved-hordeowner/intaller.The fire sprinkler contractor/installer shall submit three(3)sets of detailed plans(minimum-1/9'scale) with hydraulic.calculations and manufacture's specification sheets to the Fire Department for approval.The required fees shall be paid at the time of plan submittal. Minimum water supply shall be in accordance with current fire department standards. The applicant or contractor shall contact their local water purveyor to obtain specifications on installing a residential fire sprinkler system within the jurisdiction of the water purveyor.The applicant shall attach a letterfrom the water purveyor indicating the types of:systems allowed in. that jurisdiction.Standard 101.1 D[F61]. Cond: F72' Street Sign.This project'is required to have an approved street sign(temporary or permanent).The street sign shalt be.installed on the nearest street corner to the project. Installation of the temporary sign shall be prior any.combustible material being placed on the construction site. Prior to final inspection and occupancy of the first structure,the permanent street,sign shall be installed. Standard 901.4.4[F72] Cond:F80 Hydrant-Marking. Blue reflective pavement markers indicating fire hydrant locations shall be installed as specified by the Fire Department. In areas where snow removal occurs or non-paved roads exist,the blue reflective hydrant marker shall be posted on an,approved post along the side of the road, no more than three(3)feet from the hydrant and at least.six(6)feet high above the RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 Pag$ o6r APRIL 16,2015- I , FIDE CONDITIONS ATTACHML r DATE: 03-06-2015 '• ':=�i PROJECT: o PERMIT NUMBER: F201500220 LOCATION: 22247 PICO ST-GRAND ti r•' TERRACE PARCEL: 1167491-02-0000 ., • -r adjacent road. Standard 901.4.3. [F80] Cond: F81 Residential Addressing. The street address shall be installed on the building with numbers that are a minimum of four(4) inches in height and with,a one half(Y2) inch stroke.The address shall be visible from the street. During the hours of darkness,the numbers shall'be internally and electrically illuminated with a low voltage power source. Numbers shall contrast with their background and be legible from the street.Where the building is fifty.(50)feet or more from the roadway,additional contrasting four.(4)inch numbers shall be displayed at the property access entrances. Standard 901.4.4[F81] Cond: F84 Illuminated.Site Diagram. The applicant shall submit for review and approval a site diagram plan to the Fire Department.The applicant shall install at each entrance to a multi-family complex an iiluminated'diagrammatic representation of the complex,which shows the'location of-each unit and each fire hydrant. Standard 901.4.4[F84] Cond:.F87 Spark Arrestor.An approved spark.arrestor is required. Every chimney that is used in conjunction with any fireplace or any heating appliance in which solid or liquid fuel are used, shall have an approved spark arrestor visible from the ground that is maintained in conformance with the Uniform Fire Code. [F87] .Cond: F89 Primary Access Paved. Prior to building permits being issued to any new structure, the primary access road shall be paved or an all weather surface and shall be installed as specified in the General-Requirement conditions(Fire#F-9), including width, vertical clearance and turnouts, if required. [F89] RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 Pa9PM DF APRIL 16, 2015 Exhibit 3 COLTON February 25,2015 Via E-mail SAM AKBARPOUR, P.E: SAKE ENGINEERS, INC. 400 S. Ramona Ave. Ste 202 Corona;CA 92879. Public Utilities RE: PLAN CHECK 1 FOR SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLAN,TRACT 18793 SOUTH OF PICO STREET,GRAND TERRACE CA Dear Mr.Akbarpour, . Please address and comply with the following conditions and submit a copy of revised plans.to Water and Wastewater Division for further review. 1. Submit a Sewer Improvement Plan that shows the plan and profile of the proposed sewerline. Note-the.plan number is 2648. 2. Provide cover.sheet of the Sewer Improvement.Plan showing'the sewer notes, construction notes, vicinity map, North arrow, Dig Alert,note and logo, site address, approved titre and approval block, and plan number. Electronic file of the approved title block is available at the office. 3. Show'proposed and/or existing sewer connections on-plan. Note horizontal separation between water and sewer-mainlines should be minimum 10 feet. 4. Provide slope for-sower lateral: Minimum slope shall be 2% 0/4-inch per foot) from main to.property line: 5. The lateral•shall be terminated at the property line by means of a sewer deanout.per City Std.:#308. j 6. .Provide type of sewermain and lateral to-be used. AlFsewer laterals shall be extra strength,vitrified clay,pipe(VCP)or PVC SDR35 per City Std.#312. 7. .Provide the following note on first sheet of plan: "The Contractor shall.mark the location of the sewer services.with a stamped "S"on"the curb". 8. The proposed sewer-cleanout shall be installed at the property line per City an, Std.#308. 9. In the point of connection (breaking into manhole) per City,standard No.303. .Provide note stating existing manhole.will be core drilled if no existing stub-out r exists. 10. Provide Engineers Cost Estimate and quantity calculations for all offsite improvements along.with plans. Note that Sewer Improvement Plan must be submitted in Mylar and in AutoCAD format for final approval after all corrections and plan checks have been completed. You will be notified when these-may be submitted. Fees will not be available until. plans have been approved for Mylar submittal'. If you have any questions, please contact me at 909-37.0-5551. Sincerely, Joss Sotto PE 160 South 10th street UtilitiesEngineer Callao,California 92324 [us]310-5059 Committed to O-ur C'ommunity RESOLUTION NO.2015-02 PAGE 19 OF 19 APRIL 16,2015