08/28/2003 CIT y F I L r� 0 GRAND TER CE August 28, 2003 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 " Civic Center (909)824-6621 Fax(909)783-7629 ' Fax(909)783-2600 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Lee Ann Garcia Mayor CRA/CITY COUNCIL Maryetta Ferr6. Mayor Pro Tem• REGULAR MEETINGS Herman Hilkey DonLarkin 2ND AND 4, Tuesdays ,- 6:30 p.m, Bea Cortes Council Members Thomas J.Schwab City Manager _ Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MEETING REVISED AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AUGUST 28, 2003 GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 6:30 PM 22795 Barton Road THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMPLIES WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990.IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CALL THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT(909)824-6621 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. IF YOU DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL DURING THE MEETING, OTHER THAN UNDER PUBLIC COMMENT,YOU ARE ASKED TO PLEASE COMPLETE A REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM AVAILABLE AT THE ENTRANCE AND PRESENT IT TO THE CITY CLERK. SPEAKERS WILL BE CALLED UPON BY THE MAYOR AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME. * Call to Order- * Invocation- * Pledge of Allegiance- * Roll Call- STAFF COUNCIL r AGENDA ITEMS RECOMMENDATION ACTION CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. Approval of 08-12-2003 Minutes Approve ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY'COUNCIL MEETING 1. Items to Delete 2. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Update-Leonard Paulitz 3. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member,Staff Member,or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion. A. Approve Check Registers Dated August 28,2003 Approve B. Ratify 08-28--2003 CRA Action C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda i I I COUNCIL AGENDA 08-28-2003 PAGE 2 OF 2 I AGENDA ITEMS STAFF COUNCIL j RECOMMENDATIONS ACTION D. Approval of 08-12-2003 Minutes Approve I E. Continuing Appropriations for FY 03-04 Approve j F. The Establishment of a Volunteer Policy for the City of Grand Approve Terrace G. Authorization to Sell Equipment Authorize H. Authorization for City Manager to Apply to the State Authorize/Adopt 1 Department of Parks and Recreation for Roberti-Z'Berg- Hams Open Space Program Allocation and Resolution I. State COPS Grant FY 03-04 Allocation Approve J. Resolution Authorizing Submittal of Local Agency-State Adopt Agreement and Program Supplement Agreement Covering the Construction Phase of the Traffic Signal at De Berry Street& Mt.Vernon Avenue K. Authorization for City Manager to Apply to the State Authorize/Adopt Department of Parks and Recreation for the Per Capita Program Under the 2002 Resources Bond Act and Resolution I 4. PUBLIC COMMENT 5. ORAL REPORTS A. Committee Reports-None B. Council Reports 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Authorize Year 2003-2004 Re-Allocation 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS-None I 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Waste Disposal Agreement Amendment (San Bernardino Approve County) B. Policy for Naming Public Facilities I C. Departmental Reorganization-Community Services I 9. CLOSED SESSION A. Personnel I I ADJOURN i THE NEXT CRA/CITY COUNCIL MEETING WILLBE HELD ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11:2003 AT 6:30 P.M: ............. ........................................... .......... . .. AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE 09-11-2003 MEETING MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY NOON 09-04-2003. i PENDING C R A APPROVAL f CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-AUGUST 124 2003 A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City.of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers,Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace,California, on August 12, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: Lee Ann Garcia, Chairman Maryetta Ferr6, Vice-Chairman Herman Hilkey,Agency Member Don Larkin, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager Larry Ronnow, Finance Director Jerry Glander,Building & Safety Director Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Harper, City Attorney Lt. Guerra, Sheriffs Department _ ABSENT: Bea Cortes,Agency Member APPROVAL OF 07-08-2003 MINUTES CRA-2003-26 MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN FERRE, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER LARKIN, CARRIED 4-0-1-0(AGENCY MEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to approve the July 8, 2003 Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes. COMBINED CASH AND INVESTMENTS TREASURY REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDED DUNE 30, 2003 CRA-2003-27 MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN FERRE, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER LARKIN,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(AGENCY MEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to accept the Combined Cash and Investments Treasury Report for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2003. Chairman Garcia temporarily adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 6:10 p.m. Chairman Garcia re-convened the Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 8:55 p.m. CLOSED SESSION -REAL ESTATE NEGOTIATIONS (21893 Barton Road) CRA AGENDA ITEM NO. Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes August 12,2003 Page 2 I Chairman Garcia announced that the Agency met in Closed Session to discuss Real Estate Negotiations and that there was no reportable action taken. I Chairman Garcia adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 10:05 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. I j SECRETARY of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace i CHAIRMAN of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace i I I 1 I i I i i Check Register Dated August 28, 2003 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 08/21/2003 10:07:54AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52149 8/7/2003 010208 RATELLE, DAZE &ASSOCIATES 07012003 June Prof. Services 34-400-251-000-000 1,920.00 Total : 1,920.00 52159 8/21/2003 007034 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 360 April prof. services 10-805-702-000-000 47.50 44-200-620-000-000 850.00 10-370-255-000-000 132.12 4672007264-000-000 425.00 10-370-255-000-000_ 200.38 Total : 1,655.00 52160 8/28/2003 001683 CA. STATE DEPT OF CONSERVATION 08072003 4th gtr;Stronq Motion/Mapping Fees - 23-200-21-00 81.36 08082003 4th Qtr Strong Motion/Mapping Fees 10-700-01 -4.07 Total : 77.29 52161 8/28/2003 001860 COLTON JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL 05082003 G.T. Days-use of kitchen 6/7/2003 23-200-12-00 90.00 Total : 90.00 52162 8/28/2003 003224 HYDRO-SCAPE PRODUCTS INC. 2813213-00 Sprinkler supplies 10-450-710-000-000 70.50 Total : 70.50 52163 8/28/2003 003800 JAGUAR COMPUTER SYSTEMS INC 24078/23768 Mail server balance due on invoices 10-380-701-020-000 82.92 Total : 82.92 52164 8/28/2003 005537 PATTON SALES CORP 725467 1/4" Floor Plate &shearing 10-180-218-000-000 56.21 Total : 56.21 52165 8/28/2003 010171 REPUBLIC ELECTRIC 71769 MO SIGNAL MAINTENACE 16-510-255-000-000 280.00 Page: 1 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N®., ��q vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 08/21/2003 10:07:54AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52165 8/28/2003 010171 REPUBLIC ELECTRIC (Continued) 71770 MO SIGNAL MAINTENACE 16-510-255-000-000 270.00 Total : 550.00 52166 8/28/2003 006451 S.B. COUNTY ASSESSOR 99304 SUBSCRIBTIONS TO PARCEL MAP REVISIONS 10-370-220-000-000 9.00 Total : 9.00 52167 8/28/2003 006531 S.B. COUNTY SHERIFF 3976 4th Qtr-Gen Serv.-cell phone 10-410-256-000-000 198.85 3976a 02-03 SHERIFF OVERTIME 10-410-250-000-000 3,787.63 Total : 3,986.48 52168 8/28/2003 001140 THE ALTEK GROUP 03-47 Website development 10-180-255-000-000 1,200.00 10-125-250-000-000 600.00 Total : 1,800.00 52169 8/28/2003 007920 WILLDAN 062-6528 June engineering services 10-172-250-000-000 742.50 10-370-255-000-000 220.00 Total : 962.50 12 Vouchers for bank code : bofa Bank total : 11,259.90 12 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 11,259.90 I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the afore-listed checks for payment of City and Community Redevelopment Agency liabilities have been audited by me and are necessary and appropriate expenditures for the operation of the City and Agency. Larry Ronnow, Finance Director ` Page: 2 Check Register Dated August 28, 2003 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code : bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52143 8/6/2003 001720 CAPREE ESCROW 08052003 Balance of down pmt-22799 Barton Rd. - 32-600-209-000-000 15,935.00 Total : 15,935.00 52144 8/6/2003 005452 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA PACIFICARE PACIFICARE HEALTH INS 34-800-142-000-000 333.06 10-022-61-00 213.74 10-022-63-00 5,607.68 10-120-142-000-000 518.44 10-125-142-000-000 378.30 10-140-142-000-000 1,350.21 10-172-142-000-000 162.96 10-175-142-000-000 130.36 10-180-142-000-000 616.63 10-370-142-000-000 456.26 10-380-142-000-000 213.74 10-440-142-000-000 427.48 10-450-142-000-000 189.15 21-572-142-000-000 213.74 32-370-142-000-000 130.36 34-400-142-000-000 826.57 Total : 11,768.68 52145 8/6/2003 006772 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY std STANDARD INS- LIFE AND DISABILITY Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code : bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52145 8/6/2003 006772 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY (Continued) 10-120-142-000-000 13.00 10-125-142-000-000 11.75 10-140-142-000-000 19.50 10-172-142-000-000 3.26 10-175-142-000-000 2.60 10-180-142-000-000 18.88 10-370-142-000-000 9.10 10-380-142-000-000 6.50 10-440-142-000-000 89.75 10-450-142-000-000 6.50 21-572-142-000-000 5.87 32-370-142-000-000 2.60 34-400-142-000-000 20.19 34-800-142-000-000 10.50 10-022-63-00 1,197.93 Total : 1,417.93 52146 8/6/2003 005702 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 080103 PERS FOR PAYROLL END 8/1/03 10-022-62-00 5,996.18 Total : 5,996.18 52147 8/6/2003 004630 METLIFE (METROMATIC) 080103 METLIFE FOR AUGUST 2003 10-022-63-00 219.00 Total : 219.00 52148 8/6/2003 003420 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SVCS 080103 DENTAL &VISION 2003 10-022-61-00 63.00 10-022-63-00 966.11 Total : 1,029.11 52150 8/7/2003 010208 RATELLE, DAZE &ASSOCIATES 08012003 July Prof. Services 34-400-251-000=000 1,770.00 Total : 1,770.00 52151 8/7/2003 001699 CALIF. STATE CONTROLLER 08072003 Audit confirmation fee re state revenue 10-140-250-000-000 100.00 Page: 2 ( I t vchlist V;,..-;;her List Page: 3 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code : bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52151 8/7/2003 001699 CALIF. STATE CONTROLLER (Continued) Total : 100.00 52152 8/8/2003 006720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY JuIV 2003 Electricity-street lights, parks, sr. 10-450-238-000-000 1,029.11 16-510-238-000-000 4,506:13 10-190-2387000-000 5,146.88 34-400-238-000-000 146.98 10-175-238-000-000 53.45 10-172-238-000-000 66.80 10-440-238-000-000 1,490.86 15-500-601-000-000 19.90 10-805-238-000-000 1,077.98 26-600-238-000-000 _49.80 26-601-238-000-000 41.50 26-602-238-000-000 58.10 Total : 13,687.49 52153 8/11/2003 010237 Y.E.S. CAMP ' 08112003 Citizen Patrol-sponsor donation 23-200-03-00 250.00 Total : 250.00 52154 8/11/2003 001038 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 1793148515 Bldg &Safety JuIV cell service 34-400-235-000-000 119.21 Total : 119.21 52155 8/13/2003 010102 CALIF. ASSOC. OF CODE ENFORCE. 08132003 Sept. Ann. Seminar Reqistration-Owens 34-800-270-000-000 275.00 Total : 275.00 52156 8/20/2003 001907 COSTCO#478 478110049111 CHILD CARE SUPPLIES 10-440-220-000-000 42.80 Total : 42.80 52157 8/20/2003 003440 INLAND EMPIRE MANAGERS ASSOC.- 08132003 8/28 luncheon 10-120-270-000-000 21.00 Total : 21.00 52158 8/20/2003 007400 U. S. BANK TRUST N.A. 08122003 94668700 Rollins Park Loan Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code : bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52158 8/20/2003 007400 U. S. BANK TRUST N.A. (Continued) 33-300-207-000-000 7,097.65 33-300-207-001-000 20,000.00 Total : 27,097.65 52170 8/28/2003 001383 BARR COMMERCIAL DOOR INC. 4946 DOOR REPAIR FOR CITY HALL 10-180-245-000-000 4,560.00 Total : 4,560.00 52171 8/28/2003 001456 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS 133527 Office supplies 10-440-220-000-000 884.11 289705 Xerox paper 10-190-212-000-000 88.80 10-140-210-000-000 10.94 10-190-212-000-000 6.88 10-140=210-000-000 0.85 336163- Fax cartridge 1.0-172-210-000-000 58.63 CM168825 RET'D MERCH. ORIG INV.#88133527 10-440-220-000-000 -262.35 CM255444 RET'D MERCH-ORIG. INV.#88133527 10-440-220-000-000 -26.89 CM88400776 CREDIT-RET'D MERCH. ORIG.'INV.#88133527 10-440-220-000-000 -393.53 Total : 367.44 52172 8/28/2003 010239 BUSINESS BANK OF CALIFORNIA 08082003 In Lieu of Flowers-Dep. M.Tierney 10-190-220-000-000 100.00 Total : 100.00 52173 8/28/2003 001745 CHAMPLAIN PLANNING PRESS 08012003 1 yr. subscription renew.-PI. Comm. - 10-370-274-000-000 45.00 10-801-274-000-000 50.00 Total : 95.00 52174 8/28/2003 010218 CHEVRON 789819195730 July Fuel-city vehicles Page: 4 • r 1 vchlist V uuquher List �__ Page: 5 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code : bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52174 8/28/2003 010218 CHEVRON (Continued) 10-180-272-000-000 313.05 16-900-254-000-000 84.38 34-800-272-000-000 14.04 Total : 411.47 52175 8/28/2003 001860 COLTON JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL 04-08-004 USAGE OF TERRACE HILLS-MIDDLE SCHOOL 10-180-250-000-000 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 52176 8/28/2003 010147 CORTES, BEA August Aug. Council &Agency stipends 32-200-120-000-000 150.00 10-110-120-000-000 250.00 Total : 400.00 52177 8/28/2003 001930 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION B562488 LEGAL ADVERTISING 10-125-230-000-000 44.62 Total : 44.62 52178 8/28/2003 001937 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY 72289651 DANKA COPIER 34-400-246-000-000- 54.64 10-175-246-000-000 24.84 10-172-246-000-000 19.87 Total : 99.35 52179 8/28/2003 003210 DEPT 32-2500233683 141491292200 HARDWARE AND SUPPLIES 10-180=245-000-000 21.52 10-440-245-000-000 5.25 187737010486 Garbagi�Dlsposal-C. Care 10-440-245-000-000 140.02 10-180-246-000-000 18.46 506/4291216 C. Care Maint supplies 10-446-245-000-000 31.08 6554/9012275 C. Care maint supplies 10-440-245-000-000 32.29 Total : 248.62 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account _ Amount 52180 8/28/2003 002165 DRUG ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM 3752 LAWN CARE 34-700-767-000-000 40.00 Total : 40.00 52181 8/28/2003 002187 DUNN-EDWARDS CORP. 180054848 PAINT SUPPLIES 10-450-245-000-000 21.24 10-450-245-000-000 1.65 Total : 22.89 52182 8/28/2003 010055 EMPIRE DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2002.27 COMMERCE WAY REDEVELOPMENT CONSULT 32-600-205-000-000 8,017.50 2002.27a July econ. dev. consulting for OAC 32-600-205-000-000 327.50 Total : 8,345.00 52183 8/28/2003 002301 FEDEX 1131-6666-5 Document delivery service 10-190-211-000-000 50.23 Total : 50.23 52184 8/28/2003 002450 FERRE', MARYETTA August Aug. Council &Agency stipends 32-200-120-000-000 150.00 10-110-120-000-000 250.00 Total : 400.00 52185 8/28/2003 010241 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY 62322693 Prelim report-So. Pacific Railroad 47-100-250-001-000 360.00 62322694 Prelim Report-Barton Property LLC 47-100-250-001-000 360.00 62322695 Prelim Report-Union Pac. Railroad 47-100-250-001-000 360.00 62322699 Prelim Report-So. Calif. Edison 47-100-250-001-000 360.00 Total : 1,440.00 52186 8/28/2003 002740 FRUIT GROWERS SUPPLY 32056796 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 10-450-245-000-000 25.19 10-450-245-000-000 1.95 Page: -6 vchlist %J • ;her List ` Page: 7 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52186 8/28/2003 002740 FRUIT GROWERS SUPPLY (Continued) 32057018 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 10-450-245-000-000 60.09 32057036 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 10-450-245-000-000 1.83 Total : 89.06 52187 8/28/2003 002901 G.T. AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 3403/3404 JULY NEWSLETTER/CALENDAR W/CHAMBER 10-125-213-000-000 1,120.75 3405/3406 CITY CONTRIBUTION FOR JOINT 10-125-213-000-000 1,120.75 Total : 2,241.50 52188 8/28/2003 002795 GARCIA, LEE ANN August Aug. Council &Agency stipends 32-200-120-000-000 150.00 10-110-120-000-000 250.00 Total : 400.00 52189 8/28/2003 002867 GOLDEN PROTECTIVE SERVICES 27367 RUBBER GLOVES 10-440-228-000-000 159.60 10-440-228-000-000 12.31 Total : 171.97 52190 8/28/2003 010181 GOPHER PATROL 35082 GOPHER ERADICATION SERVICES 10-450-245-000-000 425.00 Total : 425.00 52191 8/28/2003 010148 GRAND TERRACE SENIORS August August Larkin stipend donation 10-110-120-000-000 250.00 Total : 250.00 52192 8/28/2003 003020 GREENWOOD'S UNIFORM COMPANY 06470 UNIFORMS 10-180-218-000-000 102.55 10-180-218-000-000 7.95 - Total : 110.50 52193 8/28/2003 003152 HARPER& BURNS LLPN JuIV 2003 JuIV Professional services 10-160-250-000-000 1,006.25 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code : bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52193 8/28/2003 003152 HARPER& BURNS LLPN (Continued) Total : 1,006.25 52194 8/28/2003 003200 HILKEY, HERMAN August August Council & agency stipends 32-200-120-000-000 150.00 10-110-120-000-000 250.00 Total : 400.00 52195 8/28/2003 010194 HINKLEY&ASSOCIATES, INC. 08042003#5 ROLLINS PARK/TERRACE HILLS SCHOOL 32-600-207-000-000 292,923.13 Total : 292,923.13 52196 8/28/2003 003213 HONEYWELL ACS SERVICE 752652 C. Care HVAC service call 10-440-246-000-000 126.04 754063 C. Care HVAC service 10-440-246-000-000 267.00 Total : 393.04 52197 8/28/2003 003224 HYDRO-SCAPE PRODUCTS INC. 2960574-00 SPRINKLER MATERIALS 10-450-245-000-000 85.00 2960591-00 SPRINKLER MATERIALS 10-450-245-000-000 40.00 10-450-245-000-000 3.10 2972361-00 SPRINKLER MATERIALS 10-450-245-000-000 1.07 2975703-00 SPRINKLER MATERIALS 10-450-245-000-000 6.35 Total : 135.52 52198 8/28/2003 003800 JAGUAR COMPUTER SYSTEMS INC 29689 Aug. prat-Eden server 10-140-701-000-000 291.32 29690 Aug Pmt-mail server 10-380-701-000-000 406.10 Total : 697.42 52199 8/28/2003 003850 JANI-KING 07031946 BUILDING CLEANING 10-440-244-000-000 50.00 Page: 8 1 l ` vchlist V ,....her List � Page: 9 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code : bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52199 8/28/2003 003850 JANI-KING (Continued) 08030106 BUILDING CLEANING 10-440-244-000-000 815.00 Total : 865.06 52200 8/28/2003 003867 K. D. SALES 11661.1 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 10-450-245-000-000 14..61 10-450-245-000-000 1.13 116633 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 10-450-245-000-000 45.82 10-450-245-000-000 3.55 116708 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 10-450-245-000-000 81.50 10-450-245-000-000 6.32 Total : 152.93 52201 8/28/2003 004316 LARKIN, DON August August Agency stipend 32-200-120-000-000 150.06 Total : 150.00 52202 8/28/2003 004380 LEGEND BUILDING MAINTENANCE JUL06-200333 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 10-180-245-000-000. 250.00 Total : 250.00 52203 8/28/2003 010210 LILBURN CORPORATION 03-0824 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CENTER 32-600-205-000-000 4,107.00 Total : 4,107.00 52204 8/28/2003 004667 LUCKY'S'LOCK& KEY 42531 Change 2 locks/make 10 keys 10-180-245-000-000 79.05 Total : 79.05 52265 8/28/2003 004670 MIRACLE MILE CAR WASH 564267 CAR WASHES & OIL CHANGES 10-180-272-000-000 2.00 10-440-272-000-000 24.42 Total : 26.42 52206 8/28/2003 010097 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS \ 410575025011 NEXTEL PHONE SERVICE Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10, 0812112063 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52206 8/28/2003 010097 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) 10-180-240-000-000 265.74 10-440-235-000-000 70.38 - Total : 336.12 52207 8/28/2003 010041 NOLTE ASSOCIATES INC. 3120015' FIELD SURVEYS 32-370-255=000-000 837.00 Total : 837.00 52208 8/28/2003 005586 PETTY CASH 08192003 Replenish petty cash 10-440-219-000-000 62.45 10-440-220-000-000 12.78 10-440-223-000-000 59.86 10-440-221-000-000 35.49 10-440-228-000-000 37.13 10-440-270-000-000 35.00 10-440-246-000-000 40.00 Total : 282.71 52209 8/28/2003 010238 RAYCO PLUMBING, HEATING &AIR 08062003 New laundry sewer-12548 Mirado - 34-700-771-000-000 868.23 ' Total : 868.23, 52210 8/28/2003 010171 REPUBLIC ELECTRIC 72022 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 16-510-255-000-000 280.00 Total : 280.00 52211 8/28/2003 006451 S.B. COUNTY ASSESSOR 99304 MAP REVISIONS 10-370-220-000-000 7.50 Total : 7.50 52212 8/28/2003 006453 S.B. COUNTY AUDITOR/CONTROLLER 770 BOOKING FEES 10-410-259-000-000 1,277.76 796 FY 02-03 Audit Disbursement Confirmation 10-140-250-000-000 130.00 Total : 1,407.76 52213 8/28/2003 006557 S.B. COUNTY DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS FC 035/04 NPDES FLOOD CONTROL SERVICES AGREEME� - Page: 10 vchlist Vj_' :her List Page: 11 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code : bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52213 8/28/2003 006557 S.B. COUNTY DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS (Continued) 12-903-701-000-000 1,600.00 Total : 1,600.00 52214 8/28/2003 006531 S.B. COUNTY SHERIFF 3976b SHERIFFS CONTRACT 14-411-256-000-000 5,331.20 10-410-255-000-000 2,760.80 10-410-256-000-000 87,108.00 3976c AUGUST GRANT-FUNDED DEPUTY 14-411-256-000-000 11,667.00 Total : 106,867.00 52215 8/28/2003 010109 SAN MANUEL BOTTLED WATER GROUP 21334 July BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 10-190-238-000-000 104.33 21335 July BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 10-440-238-000-000 66.18 21336 July BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 10-805-238-00M00 36.75 21388 July BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 10-440-238-000-000 20.50 21389 July_ BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 10-440-238-000-000 15.50 22119 July BOTTLED WATER SERVICE 34-400-238-000-000 20.25 Total : 263.51 52216 8/28/2003 005529 SBC CALIFORNIA Jul/Aug July/Auq Coin phone - 10-440-235-000-000 51.54 10-450-235-000-000 53.46 July 2003 July DSL Service 10-380-235-000-000 179.64 Total : 284.64 52217 8/28/2003 004480 SCOTT LOGAN HEATING &AIR 012483 HVAC service-22565 Franklin 34-700-769-000-000 65.00 Total : 65.00 Page: 11 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code : bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52218 8/28/2003 006730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY July 2003 Nat'l qas-city facilities 10-190-238-000-000 40.80 10-440-238-000-000 30.88 10-440-272-000-000 11.84 10-805-238-000-000 12.93 Total : 96.45 52219 8/28/2003 006778 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 08052003 Office supplies 10-180-210-000-000 123.36 Total : 123.36 52220 8/28/2003 006898 SYSCO FOOD SERVICES OF L.A. 3080614575 CHILD CARE FOOD 10-440-220-000-000 591.00 3081109054 CHILD CARE FOOD 10-440-220-000-000 19.57 3081312203 CHILD CARE FOOD 10-440-220-000-000 571.61 Total : 1,182.18 52221 8/28/2003 006980 TEXACO/SHELL July 2003 July fuel-city vehicles 10-180-272-000-000 327.60 Total : 327.60 52222 8/28/2003 006565 THE SUN 74107684 48 wk subscription-Laister 10-804-210-000-000 160.80 Total : 160.80 52223 8/28/2003 010240 UNIVERSAL MAP 913147 CA290 S.B./Riverside Map 10-175-210-000-000 197.00 Total : 197.00 52224 8/28/2003 007795 WAXIE 59589531 03 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 10-440-228-000-000 156.36 Total : 156.36 52225 8/28/2003 007843 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC 28832 TREE TRIMMING ` 16-900-260-000-000 9,156.00 Page: 12 vchlist V,vuiiiher List ` - Page: 13 08/21/2003 11:25:28AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: F bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52225 8/28/2003 -007843 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC (Continued) Total : 9,156.00 52226 8/28/2003 007854 WESTERN EXTERMINATORS CO 163650 PEST CONTROL 10-180-245-000-000 76.00 10-440-245-000-000 65.00 U 10-805-245-000-000 29.00 34-400-246-000-000 33.50 Total : 203.50 52227 8/28/2003 007938 WIRZ & COMPANY 34034 Letterhead 10-370-210-000-000 57.50 32-370-210-000-000 57.50 10-370-210-000-000 . 4.46 32-37.0-210-000-000 4.45 Total : 123.91 52228 8/28/2003. 010236 YBARRA, SELINA 08052003 Refund 3 swim lessons 10-430-30 168.00 - Total : 168.00 8/15/2003 007400 U. S_ . BANK TRUST N.A. Aug. 2003 MO LEASE PAYMENTS - 33-300-206-000-000 23,194.94 Total : 23,194A4 75 Vouchers for bank code: bofa Bank total : 550,417.03 75 Vouchers in this report - Total-vouchers : 550,417.03 I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the afore-listed checks for payment of City and Community Redevelopment Agency liabilities have been audited by me and are necessary and appropriate expenditures for the operation of the City and Agency. G'l G�Gr�Zvr�l Larry Ronnow, Finance Director r Page: 13 PENDkoZG C�1 V CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-AUGUST 12, 2003 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City'of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace,California,on August 12, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: Lee Ann Garcia,Mayor Maryetta Ferr6, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Don Larkin, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager Larry Ronnow, Finance Director Jerry Glander, Building & Safety Director Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Harper, City Attorney Lt. Guerra, Sheriff's Department ABSENT: Bea Cortes, Councilmember The meeting was opened with invocation by Mayor Pro Tem Ferr6, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Don Larkin. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A. Home of Distinction Award Assistant City Manager,Berry announced that Maggie Kapp and Barbara Boutwell are the recipients of the 2nd Quarter Home of Distinction Award. They were presented with the Home of Distinction Award and a$50 gift certificate for Stater Bros. 2B. Innovation Award Assistant City Manager Berry indicated that he feels that it is important that an atmosphere be created so that employees are passionate about what they do,that it is really not just a job and that we like what we do, not only by being friendly but by being fiscally conservative too. He feels that it is important to challenge your employees to do something above and beyond what they would normally do. He stated that he challenged Michael Cruz to come up with a better way to water our trees. Michael came up with a solution that cut man time in half and made it a little more convenient for him. He introduced Michael Cruz and Mayor Garcia presented him with an Innovation Award and gift certificates for Food Connection. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO3 i Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 2 2C. Presentation of the New Web Site Assistant City Manager Berry reported that the web site has been in design for approximately 16 months with a committee working together to come up with the final site. He went I through the web site for Council. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-2003-85 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM i FERRE, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT), to approve the following consent calendar items with removal of item 3D., 3E., and 3M.. i 3A. Approval of Check Registers Dated July 22, and August 12, 2003 3B. Ratify 08-12-2003 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3F. Resolution Rescinding City Council Continued Benefits 3G. Travel Authorization for the Assistant City Manager and Code Enforcement Officer to Attend the CACE Conference in Oxnard, CA September 24-27, 2003 i 3H. City Manager Travel to Charlotte, North Carolina, for International City/County Management Association's Annual Conference 3I. Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, Council Members and City Manager Travel- to Sacramento for League of California Cities Annual Conference, September 7-10, 2003 3J. Combined Cash and Investments TreasuryReport for Quarter Ended June 30, 2003 3K. Parcel Map No. 16012 (Zakharia) 3L. CLEEP Grant Expenditures ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 3D. Approval of 07-08-2003 Minutes Councilmember Hilkev, questioned if someone peruses the minutes before they are published. Cily Manager Schwab,responded that the minutes are put together by the Deputy City Clerk and then reviewed by the City Clerk and then placed in the packet and delivered to the Council on the Friday prior to the meeting. Councilmember Hilkev, feels that the Councilmembers comments seem at times not to I Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 3 reflect the content of the Councilmembers intent. He was working on something and found that on the meeting on July 8, and the prior meeting the verbatim content didn't match, he felt, the content of what was on the minutes. He wanted to make sure and understand and be reassured that there was no one looking at the minutes and correcting or editing the content. City Manager Schwab, again confirmed that just the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk review the minutes prior to Council receiving them. He indicated that the purpose of bringing the minutes to the Council and having them review them is for Council to have the opportunity to say that the interpretation ofthe conversation was not properly interpreted and to request staff change or modify the minutes. CC-2003-86 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to approve the July 8, 2003 Minutes. 3E. Update on the Grand Terrace Foundation Councilmember Larkin, indicated that they are working on establishing a Foundation for Grand Terrace and one of the ideas would be that it would be independent from the City. The City is serving as a catalyst as far as developing it,but there has been participation from residents. He feels that it will be beneficial. Councilmember Hilkev, stated that he feels a Foundation for the City of Grand Terrace is a very good idea. He believes that Mr.Larkin was the one that started it. It is a very promising aspect that may produce parks and facilities in the future for the community. Councilmember Larkin, indicated that it was a collective idea. CC-2003-87 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBERLARKIN,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to accept the update on the Grand Terrace Foundation. 3M. Authorization to go to Bid - Traffic Signal -DeBerry and Mt. Vernon Councilmember Hilkev, indicated that he sent a letter to all of the Councilmembers, SANBAG representatives, and the City Manager regarding the traffic signal. He recently read in the Staff Meeting Summary Minutes that the traffic light at Honey Hill and Grand Terrace Road and Barton Road is three years away. He asked staff to look into alternative ways of funding that signal until the CMAC money comes through. He suggested that possibly the Redevelopment Agency could pay for the project and then be reimbursed when the CMAC money comes through. He feels that the traffic light at the corner of DeBerry and Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 4 Mt. Vernon is important. CC-2003-88 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT), to appropriate $40,000 from Fund II Street Development Fund and direct staff to advertise for bids for the construction of the traffic signals at the intersection of De Berry and Mt. Vernon. PUBLIC COMMENT Bill Addington, 12055 Westwood Lane, is pleased with the actions that the City has taken in the last year or two for the betterment of the City and he specifically mentioned something that is near and dear to his heart which is the Mt. Vernon grade. He has watched that road deteriorate and was delighted when the City of Grand Terrace and the City of Colton got together and made that improvement happen. He indicated that Grand Terrace has hillside properties and as the properties are developed there are a lot of important things to consider. He feels that the City of Highland and Yucaipa have very good Hillside Grading Ordinances that take into account the topography, ecological substance and the habitat all of which are important. He feels that it would be worthwhile for Grand Terrace to consider adopting a Hillside Grading Ordinance and that he would volunteer his time to do anything that he could to promote the adoption of one. I Betty Guzman,23222 Glendora Drive,indicated that the petition to elect a Mayor by popular vote is not put forth by the Grand Terrace Republican Woman. It is a group of Grand Terrace citizens that want to do this. Frank Guzman,23222 Glendora Drive, indicated that there is a very popular petition being circulated to elect the Mayor by popular vote and requested that the Council consider this by placing it on an agenda and taking action on it. He indicated that if the Council decides to do this it will save money otherwise they can submit the required number of petitions in order to have it placed on the ballot. He indicated that the City has grown and believes that selecting the Mayor by popular vote will give each citizen a voice but also lends credence to the notion that the Mayor was selected properly and not by the good of boy system,which we have at appearance at this point. He asked each Council to consider this and if they vote it down, they will remember that at the time of the election. Jim Koda, 12807 Reed Avenue,feels that the City has changed over the last fifteen years and feels that the system of the Council selecting the Mayor is not fair. He feels that certain people are using it amongst the group to get to the next level when others have the City truly at heart and want to do good. He feels that whoever is serving as Mayor is not the one that the people by popular vote would pick. He requested the Council consider changing the way the Mayor is selected and if not there are other ways they can go about having it changed. Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 5 Thelma Winkler Beach, 12570 Mt. Vernon Avenue, stated that each and everyone of the Councilmembers have a microphone and requested that they use it. It is hard to hear them. As far as the issue of Mayor, she would love to be able to cast a vote for the Mayor and believes that the current Mayor agrees with her. Grand Terrace has grown big enough to be able to go to the polls and-elect a Mayor. The City has had good Mayors and has a good Mayor, however she would like to be able to cast her own vote. Lori Roberts, 12510 Nightingale Way,feels that Grand Terrace is becoming a bigger city and would like to be able to vote for her own Mayor. She has nothing against anyone here, however, she feels that the citizens of Grand Terrace should be able to vote. Janis Koda, 12807 Reed Avenue,seconded everything that everyone before her has said. She would love to be able to vote for her Mayor. She watched on television the meeting when the Council selected the Mayor and felt that it was all out of her hands and believes that she is not the only one who felt that way. Councilmembers are one thing but a Mayor is another. They have a lot of signatures and they can get a lot more and feels that it would be the right thing to do. Dick Rollins, 22797 Barton Road, throughout the history of the government of the City of Grand Terrace the process of selecting Councilmembers through popular elections has been _ non-criticized and non-partisan. The efforts of the Grand Terrace Republican Woman's Federation to create an election process for the position of Mayor of Grand Terrace is totally unnecessary and unproductive. Selecting our Mayor from the ranks of the City Council has been what we have done in the past and it has worked well for us because the individual is always well qualified. We do not need the expenditure of public tax payers funds to select a Mayor. Mayor Garcia, indicated that she received a call from Jaci Hammil, President of the,Grand Terrace Republican Woman that indicated that the petition to elect a Mayor by popular vote is not put forth by the Grand Terrace Republican Woman it is a group of Grand Terrace citizens that want to do this. ORAL REPORTS 5A. Committee Reports 1. Historical and Cultural Activities Committee a. Appoint New Member(Gifford) CC-2003-89 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to appoint Masoko Gifford to the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee to fill i Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 6 the unexpired term continuing to June 30, 2006. I b. Minutes of July 7, 2003 CC-2003-90 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to accept the July 7,2003 minutes of the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee. i 2. Crime Prevention Committee a. Minutes of June 9, 2003 and July 14, 2003 CC-2003-91 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to accept the June 9, 2003 and July 14, 2003 minutes of the Crime Prevention Committee. 3. Emergency Operations Committee a. Minutes of July 1, 2003 CC-2003-92 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, CARRIED 4-0-1-0, (COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT), to accept the July 1, 2003 minutes of the Emergency Operations Committee. COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Pro Tern Ferre,commented on the article that appeared in the Blue Mountain Outlook I that was written by Assistant City Manager Steve Berry regarding the Grand Terrace Foundation. She feels that it is an outstanding article and hopes that everyone had an opportunity to read it because it explains very plainly just what this Foundation is about and how it can benefit the City. She felt that it was very well done and thanked him. She feels that everyone on the Council is very much in support of a Foundation for the City of Grand Terrace. The landscaping on Barton Road all the way down to Grand Terrace Road is really filling out and really looking good and wanted to be sure to let Assistant City Manager Steve i Berry know that it is very much appreciated. She also read the summary of the Staff Meeting Minutes regarding the traffic light at Honey Hill Drive, Grand Terrace Road and Barton Road. She thought that light was pretty much in the works and about to be completed for us and now she sees that it is in the mix with all of the 300 other that are going to be on Barton Road. Councilmember Hilkey,indicated that the light was in Phase II and Phase II had completion of one to two years. Now they are talking three years and we are on the tail end of that three years, which was a surprise. It is an immense project to sequence many lights within the i I I I J Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 7 County and they'are using CMAC money to do so. Hopefully we can find some way to get the project moved up. Part of the reason we got that money was because the 215 south was the only major project from Measure I that was not funded and because that traffic coming through Barton is a direct result of the 215 congestion,SANBAG had agreed to help us with the traffic flow and this was part of it. Moor Pro Tem Ferre, stated that somehow we got lost in the mix and now we are the tail end. Councilmember Hilkev,indicated that he doesn't know where we are but hopefully staff can find out. Mayor Pro Tem Ferre, questioned if there was an update on the high school. City Manager Schwab,responded that there really hasn't been any change since the last time he updated the Council. Basically the School District has sent out letters to all of the property owners asking for entry including the Community Redevelopment Agency,which owns 60 acres, so they are in the process of doing their Phase I environmental work to determine if the land is safe to occupy a school but beyond that there hasn't been any movement. Councilmember Hilkev, reported that he received an e-mail from the City regarding the Grand Terrace Fire and Rescue Association that is planning a dedication of a plaque on September 11, 2003 at the Fire Station. He indicated that our station in Grand Terrace is Station 23 and the Lions Den Station in New York is also 23. He reminded everyone to mark their calendar's for September 11, 2003 and show up at the Fire Station. It should be a very tear jerking, emotional,memorable event. A Representative from the Fire Department, indicated that the memorial at the Fire Station was completed today and as mentioned they have linked up with the Fire Company in Mid- town Manhattan with the same number 23 so they are very much involved with the incident on September 11,2001. It is going to be a very moving and memorable event and encourage everyone to attend. City Manager Schwab,added that Station 23 in Mid-town Manhattan has adopted station 23 as a sister station. On September 11, 2001 Station 23 in Manhattan lost six of their firefighters so on September 11, 2003 approximately 14 people are flying out from New York to attend a memorial. The City is hosting a BBQ that afternoon. Councilmember Hilkev,complemented staff on Street Sweeping. He has lived in his house for many years and this is the first time in a long time his curb has been swept. Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 8 Councilmember Larkin, reported that he had the opportunity to speak to Councilmember Cortes and regretfully she is still in pain, is undergoing testing, and still under doctors instructions to stay home and rest. She regrets that she is unable to attend the meeting. Hopefully she will be better soon and we are looking forward to her coming back. In reference to the September 11 th Dedication by our Grand Terrace Fire Station 23,he feels that it is very commendable that they are showing that camaraderie and brotherhood. He referred to an article where the Captain from Manhattan came to Grand Terrace to visit and now with fourteen other members coming he feels that it is outstanding. He commended the fire station on their efforts. Mayor Garcia, said that it was nice to see everyone. She wanted to let Councilmember Cortes know that our prayers are with her and hope she has a speedy recovery because she knows that she is in pain right now. She wanted to remind everyone that the Grand Terrace Republican Women will be hosting their 25`h Annual Ice Cream Social at CityHall from 4:30 to 8:00 p.m. It is a non-political event and everyone in the City is invited. There will a lot of great opportunity gifts and food and good clean fun. Tickets are available if you would like to purchase them. If you don't purchase a ticket you can pay at the door, $5.00 per person or$15..00 per family. She complemented the Chamber of Commerce on their ribbon cuttings. They have been very busy. She was able to attend the Extreme Paintball Ribbon Cutting that is on Michigan, a Christian husband and wife have opened this up. It is a very nice family run business. The General Plan Task Force talked about Grand Terrace being known as a fitness area. She remembers the days as being noted as a healthy city and she feels that it is really nice for a city of our size to have two fitness centers right here in town. She reported that at the League of California Cities Annual Conference there is going to be a flag ceremony and wanted to know if there was a volunteer to carry the City Flag in the ceremony. If anyone is interested they should let City Manager Schwab know. She is hoping that Councilmember Hilkey will be able to go to the SCAG General Assembly where they are going to have an amendment to their by-laws and wanted to make sure that he received the information. She indicated that Councilmember Hilkey attended the SANBAG Board Meeting and questioned if he had anything to report on the Jump Start Program that SCAG gave a presentation on. She reported that it is a program where SCAG is trying to package the three major projects that are in the Regional Transportation Plan from 2001 which includes MAGLEV Program,Truck Lanes,where they are trying to separate the huge trucks off of the freeways that we all use and then the Rail Capacity Improvements, which is the overcrossings. They are packaging all that together and calling it Jump Start. Maybe in the future we can get a presentation here for the Council so our residents are informed about that. She always says that one thing that we have in Grand Terrace is informed citizens and she is so proud of that. Our residents take the time to understand what the issues are. The Inland Empire is trying to get their share of the Regional Airport equation and so there was a tour of all of the airports of the Inland Empire on Friday that she attended. She feels that it is important that we understand what the regional airport needs are going to be because we are right near the 60/91/215.,When it comes to goods movement we need to understand how Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 9 that will impact us and we want to try to get the goods movements away from our commuter traffic and passenger traffic as much as possible because otherwise we will be at deadlock. Councilmember Hilkev, stated that the presentation by SCAG at SANBAG he thought got a cold reception because it seems that L.A. and Orange Counties will benefit more than the Inland Empire. He stated that he remembers back when Hugh Grant and Byron Matteson had a contest for Mayor,which was a long time ago, caused a riff in their friendship that has never healed. He has seen three or four such riffs on this panel in the past thirteen or fourteen years which also have never healed. We all get a little squirley every two years and if there is one thing that separates this panel consistently, is when we pick a Mayor. You would not believe the shananigans and stuff that goes on behind doors. Dick Rollins hasn't been there and hasn't seen the stuff that goes on. He feels that we need to change how the Mayor is selected which needs to be done in a civic manner and a more structured manner. As a panel we need to come up with something that makes the citizens of this community feel like part of that selection and that they have some say so in it. Right now he is hearing that'they feel that they don't have a part in the selection and he sees that it causes problems. Problems that never heal. It causes staff frustrations and it is not good for the City and the politic of this town. He would hope that we could come up with a different way to pick Mayor. Mavor Garcia, indicated that she will bring more back on the SCAG presentation because she had a little bit different read on it than Councilmember Hilkey. Councilmember Hilkev, stated that 32% is a bigger number than 17% and if one County is getting a 32% increase and one County is getting a 17% increase it looks like the County getting the 32%increase is benefitting more than the County getting a 17%increase. He has a great deal of appreciation of Ty Schuiling,he is an amazing person,very honest. However, the presenter did not explain the benefit chart very well. The chart looked like it was benefitting L.A. and Orange Counties more than the Inland Empire, which is expected to fund a good portion of it and benefitting less. Our growth is going up, our sales are going up, and our housing is going up. L.A. and Orange County are looking at something else. They are looking at a flat growth rate. We are looking at substantial growth rate and they want us to help them fund this,which will help their growth more than our growth.It doesn't make sense to him. Mayor Garcia,responded that the things that she is aware of and is very concerned about is the Renewal of Measure I, if that doesn't happen that means we don't get 215 so the congestion that you are seeing is going to get even worse. The financial horizon for transportation funding is very bleak. From that you realize that maybe truck lanes isn't what we all want and maybe MAGLEV isn't what we all want but we have got to get behind something because the fact of the matter is the Southern California Region gets the least amount of money out of all of the metropolitan planning associations throughout the country 4 Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 10 i so until L.A.,Orange,the Inland Empire,Ventura,Imperial can come together and agree on a plan the eastern states,Nevada,and Washington State are getting the big chunk of the pie. That CMAC funding that you want is going to other areas. Last year there was a consensus project where the SCAG President got all of the transportation commissions to go back to j Washington with one voice to say these are the Regional Programs. Transportation will only work when approached Regionally. She encouraged everyone to commit themselves to be informed about the issues so that we can let the residents know what the issues are. The bottom line is that if there is not some funding or an agreement on the plan of attack to move I forward we are all going to be standing still. PUBLIC HEARING -None UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None NEW BUSINESS 8A. , Contracting with the City of Colton for Animal Control Services I ' CC-2003-93 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to recommend that the City of Grand Terrace contract with the City of Colton for the Animal Control Services pending review and approval by the City Attorney. I 8B. Waste Disposal Agreement Amendment (San Bernardino County) CC-2003-94 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT), to continue the Waste Disposal Agreement Amendment(San Bernardino County)to the next Council Meeting. 8C. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Amending Chapter 4.72 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and Establishing Sewer User Charges CC-2003-95 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,CARRIED 4-0-1-0,(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to request that an Independent Audit be done in conjunction with the requirements of the current amendment to the Agreement with the City of Colton. i 8D. Award of Construction Bid for the Grand Terrace Road Widening Project CC-2003-96 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER i Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 11 LARKIN,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to award the contract for the Grand Terrace Road Widening Project to NPG Corporation. 8E. Resolution Changing Regular City Council Meeting Day CC-2003-97 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBERHILKEY,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to approve a Resolution changing the Regular City Council Meeting Day to the 2"d and 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. beginning on August 28, 2003. 8F. Cancellation of September 9, 2003 City Council Meeting This item does not require action because of the action taken on item 8E. CLOSED SESSION 9A. Personnel Negotiations Mayor Garcia announced that the City Council met in Closed Session to discuss Personnel Negotiations. CC-2003-98 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to add a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace Adjusting the Salary Ranges of the Employees of the City of Grand Terrace to the agenda. Resolution Adjusting the Salary Ranges of the Employees of the City of Grand Terrace CC-2003-99 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,CARRIED 4-0-1-0(COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WAS ABSENT),to approve a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace Adjusting the Salary Ranges of the Employees of the City of Grand Terrace. ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT Mayor Garcia adjourned the City Council Meeting at 10:05 p.m., until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, August 28, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. I Council Minutes August 12,2003 Page 12 CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace I Finance Department C1Ty . O 6RAHD TERR CE Staff Report J CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM(X) MEETING DATE : August 28, 2003 AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS FOR FY 03 - 04 FUNDING REQUIRED XX NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: It is the practice in many cities to carry over or continue appropriations from one fiscal year to the next for specific items or projects that are unspent and not encumbered by purchase order as of June 30 of the closing fiscal year. Since these appropriations were not encumbered or spent in FY02-03, they remain over and above anticipated ending fund balance as shown in the adopted budget for FY03-04, since that figure assumes, for purposes of conservatism, that all of the prior year budget would be spent or encumbered. Additionally, appropriations normally are not carried over from one fiscal year to another for unspent and undesignated balances in generic line items such as supplies or travel/training. DISCUSSION: Reference the attached memo, the City Clerk Department is requesting carry over of$7,900 of unspent appropriations in account 10-125-250 to format the Municipal Code for on-line internet service. - RECOMMENDATION: Request Council approval to continue appropriations of$7,900 in account 10-125-250 to fiscal year 03-04, subject to year-end audit adjustments and accruals. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.1' d.7.3L interoffice MEMORANDUM I To: Larry Ronnow, Finance Director From: Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk i Date: August 21, 2003 Subject: Request for Continuing Appropriation i As part of the FY 2002-2003 Budget the City Council approved funds to format the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and place it on the internet. This is a practical way to provide the code to the community. Staff is still working with the Book Publishing Company who currently provides the municipal code supplement service. I j I am requesting the carryover of unspent appropriations from the FY 2002-03 Budget in the following account: • 10-125-250 (Professional/Special Services) Amount: $7,900.00 Purpose: Funds to be used to electronically format Municipal Code for on-line service I I i i c1Tr . RAND TERR C Community Services Department Staff Report MEETING DATE: August 28, 2003 SUBJECT: THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A VOLUNTEER POLICY FOR THE CITY GRAND TERRACE NO FUNDING AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED: BACKGROUND: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the operation and administration of the City's Volunteer Services Program. With the exception of Council-appointed volunteers to various Council Committees, the City Manager, through the operational department heads, administers and directs all volunteer programs and policies. This policy is not applicable to contract agency volunteer programs when their governing policies and procedures are in conflict with these policies. In that incidence the agency policy is to be followed. •PROGRAM GOALS: It is the goal of the City to have a Volunteer Program that benefits both the volunteer and the City. The volunteers benefit by contributing their skills, abilities, knowledge, and time for the betterment of the community and receive satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, personal development, and recognition. The City benefits by having a better informed and more involved citizenry and by allowing the City to enhance its service levels at low cost. *PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: The objective is to increase the number and value of the volunteers serving the City of Grand Terrace. This will be accomplished by providing opportunities for citizens of Grand Terrace to participate in City programs and serve their community by augmenting City programs. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approving the establishment of the Volunteer Policy for the City of Grand Terrace. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 1403 s r U CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RNMDTERR [ VOLUNTEER POLICY Creating Community Through People, Parks & Programs -PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the operation and administration of the City's Volunteer Services Program. With the exception of Council-appointed volunteers to various Council Committees, the City Manager, through the operational department heads, administers and directs all volunteer programs and policies. This policy is not applicable to contract agency I volunteer programs when their governing policies and procedures are in conflict with these policies. In that incidence the agency policy is to be followed. -PROGRAM GOALS: It is the goal of the City to have a Volunteer Program that benefits both the volunteer and the City. The volunteers benefit by contributing their skills, abilities, knowledge, and time for the betterment of the community and receive satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, personal development, and recognition. The City benefits by having a better informed and more involved citizenry and by allowing the City to enhance its service-levels at low cost. -PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: The objective is, to increase the number and value of the volunteers serving the City of Grand Terrace. This will be accomplished by providing opportunities for citizens of Grand Terrace to participate in City programs and serve their community by augmenting City programs. •DEFINITIONS: Volunteer. 1) a non-salaried individual who offers his/her services for a limited time, acting in a specified capacity, willingly by one's own accord; or, 2) an intern who receives academic credit for a class assignment or project,but no stipend Volunteer Status with the City. A volunteer has no salary, benefits, or labor relations rights of a City employee and serves "at the will" of the designated department head. A volunteer can be placed in or removed from volunteer duties by the respective operational department head with or without cause. One must be registered, i.e. fill out a volunteer application, to be considered an official City volunteer. r CITY OF GRAND TERRACE NMI VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Creating Community Through People, Parks & Programs Name: Date: Address: Day Phone• City, State, Zip: Evening Phone• Email: Date of Birth: 1. Are you interested in volunteering: On a regular basis ❑ One time only ❑ For special events ❑ Please note the times and days that you are available to volunteer: 2. What are your reasons for volunteering and what would you like to get out of this experience? 3. What types of skills and interest do you hope to bring into your volunteer experience? ti - 4. Do you have any special needs that.you would like us to be aware of? Please specify. i 5. References: Please list 2 local references that we may contact: 1) Name: Relationship: Telephone Number: 2) Name: Relationship: Telephone Number: 6. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor? _YES NO A "yes" answer is not an automatic bar to placement, but an untrue statement will disqualify you. If yes, please list all convictions including date, name and location of court where convicted. CONSENT AND SIGNATURE ➢ I hereby certify that all statements made in this application are true and I authorize investigation of all matters contained in the application. ➢ I am aware that fingerprinting and/or background checks will be required in some positions (such as working with youth, seniors and special needs participants). i ➢ I understand it is the policy of the City of Grand Terrace to preserve the right to equal opportunity for all persons. By signing this application, I agree to adhere and uphold all city policies, rules and regulations. Date: Signature of Applicant i i Date: Signature of Parent/ Guardian if volunteer is a minor i I Interviewed By: Date: Dept: CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RRI'ID TERR [ l VOLUNTEER WAIVER Creating Community Through People, Parks & Programs EVENT/ACTIVITY: DATE: I hereby absolve and hold harmless the City of Grand Terrace, their respective officers, employees, and instructors, from all injuries, claims, or liabilities that may result from my participation or my minor child's participation in the above noted event/activity. If the above participant is a minor, I give my consent to his/her participation. I am aware the activity may involve risk of injury and assume all risks for injuries. . Date: Signature of Participant Date: Signature of Parent/Guardian (if participant Under 18) PHOTO RELEASE I agree to use of participant's photo for City program publicity. Date: Signature of Participant Date: Signature of Parent/Guardian (if participant Under 18) l RpMD TERR C Community Services Department Staff Report MEETING DATE: August 28, 2003 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO SELL EQUIPMENT NO FUNDING AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED: BACKGROUND: The City of Grand Terrace was recently awarded$58,000 in a competitive grant process from the AQMD. The funds are to be used to help purchase CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)trucks and to establish a CNG Fueling Station. The City will be replacing two gasoline engine pickup trucks with the CNG trucks. Community Services is requesting that Council allow the sale of the two 1995 Toyota Tacoma gasoline pickup trucks and the 1995 Ford Supre Van. f RECOMMENDATION r Staff recommends approving the sale of the above equipment. 1 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO,,' � RpMD 7ERR C Community Services Department Staff Report- AMENDED MEETING DATE: August 28, 2003 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO SELL-EQUIPMENT AND PURCHASE NEW t EQUIPMENT FUNDING AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED: BACKGROUND: The City of Grand Terrace was recently awarded$58,000 in a competitive grant process from the AQMD. The funds are to be used to help purchase CNG(Compressed Natural Gas)trucks and to establish a CNG Fueling Station. I r The goal is to replace two gasoline engine pickup trucks with two CNG trucks. DISCUSSION Staff is requesting that Council allow for the public sale of the two 1995 Toyota Tacoma gasoline pickup trucks and the 1995 Ford Van. Council has approved the purchase of one Ford 150 type truck in the 2003/04 Budget. ` Staff is requesting the purchase of one additional CNG Ford 150 truck using the AQMD Grant of$10,000 per CNG vehicle and the remaining funds from the AQMD AB2766 Fund. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approving the sale of the above equipment, appropriating up to $10,000 in grant,funds per vehicle, and$13,743 additional AQMD Funds for the second CNG truck. Total cost of each truck is $23,743. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.,3� RHnD TERR C Community Services Department Staff Report MEETING DATE: August 28, 2003 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO APPLY TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOR ROBERTI-Z' BERG-HARRIS OPEN SPACE PROGRAM ALLOCATION. NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: The Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2000 provides funds state bond funding for open space and recreational needs for qualified and other jurisdictions throughout'the State of California. One of the programs provided by this Bond Act is the Roberti-Z' Berg- Harris Block Grant Program. This program allocated available bond funds to qualified jurisdictions based upon population. The City of Grand Terrace was given an allocation of$32,224 for FY 2003. This is a reduction over the last allocation of$39,453 for FY 2002. These funds may be used for the acquisition, development and special maintenance of recreation lands and facilities as well as innovative recreation programs. They are intended to be used to help fund high priority projects that satisfy the most urgent recreation needs of a community. In order to receive these funds, a qualified city must first pass a resolution approving the City's application for this funding. Upon receipt of this resolution, the Department of Parks and recreation will prepare a contract for execution by the City, acknowledging the funds will be used in compliance with Bond Act guidelines. The City may then submit applications for funding specific recreation projects with the funds. These funds are matching funds and may be used to fund up to 70 percent of an eligible project. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 0011JWCiL AGENDA ITEM No. ��� I 1. ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA approving the filing of an application with the California Department of Parks and Recreation for Roberi-Z' Berg Harris Open Space Program local assistance funds, and 2. AUTHORIZE Staff to submit the necessary forms. Fiscal Impact: The City will receive up to $32,224 in 2000 Bond Act funds for eligible projects. i i J _ I i i RESOLUTION NO. 2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICANT TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR THE ROBERTI-Z'BERG-HARRIS OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM UNDER THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, CLEAN ,WATER, CLEAN AIR AND COSTAL PROTECTION BOND ACT OF 2000 WHEREAS,the people of the State of California have enacted the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air and Costal Protection Bond Act of 2000 which provides funds for the Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris Open Space Program; and WHEREAS,the Legislature ofthe State of California has enacted the Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris Open Space Program, which provides funds to certain political subdivisions of the State of California for acquiring lands and for developing facilities to meet urban recreational needs; and WHEREAS,the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the grant program, setting up necessary procedures; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the California Department of Parks and Recreation require the Applicant's Governing Body to certify by resolution the approval of the Applicant to apply for the Rob erti-Z'B erg-Harri s allocation; and WHEREAS, the Applicant will enter into a Contract with the State of California; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby; 1. Approves the filing of an application for local assistance funds from the Roberti-Z'Berg- Harris Open Space Program under the Safe Neighborhood Parks,Clean Water,Clean Air and Costal Protection Bond Act of 2000; and 2. Certifies that the Applicant has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project(s); and 3. Certifies that the Applicant has reviewed,understands, and agrees to the General provisions contained in the Contract shown in the Procedural Guide; and 4. Appoints the City Manager as agent to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to, applications, agreements, payment requests and so on, which may be necessary for the completion of the Project(s). i i Resolution No. 2003- PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of August, 2003. Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace ATTEST: ; City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace I, BRENDA STANFILL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2003-_ was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 28`' day of August, 2003,by the following vote: AYES: I I NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE STAFF REPORT Finance'Department C1Tr . O GRAND TERR CE CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM(X ) MEETING DATE: August 28, 2003 AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: STATE COPS GRANT FY03-04 ALLOCATION FUNDING REQUIRED _xx \ NO FUNDING REQUIRED The City Budget for FY03-04 was adopted by Council action on May 22, 2003. Included in the budget document was a separate section for the Supplemental Law Enforcement Safety Fund (SLESF AB3229 COPS) which funds the activities of the Sheriff's Department Special Services Officer, Tanya Cahill, and one general law patrol car. I have attached a copy of the applicable budget page. The estimated FY03-04 grant revenue is $100,000. This amount will be supplemented by estimated carry-over balance of$89,573, interest income of$2,000, and traffic safety fund transfer of up to $25,000. Total budget is $216,510. New statutes require that expenditure plans for SLESF Funds receive separate Council approval, which in turn must be certified by the County Supplemental Law Enforcement Oversight Committee prior to the release of funds. Staff Recommends that the Citv Council: Approve the Grand Terrace Expenditure Plan for SLESFAB3229 COPS Grant for FY03-04. COUNCIL AGENDA �TERA NO]31 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT(14) SAFETY FUND (SLESF AB3229 COPS) (411) EXPENDITURES COMMENTARY LINE ITEM EXPLANATION 210 GENERAL OFFICE EXPENSE AND SUPPLIES 220 _ SUPPLIES AND SUPPORT COSTS FOR INVOLVEMENT PROGRAMS AND RED RIBBON WEEK, ETC. 223 EXPENSES FOR CITIZEN PATROL UNIFORMS 230 ID PROGRAM 256 CONTRACT WITH COUNTY SHERIFF FOR SPECIAL SERVICES OFFICER,ONE VEHICLE AND RELATED OVERHEAD: SSS OFFICER&VEHICLE$57,965, SHERIFF CONTRACT O/H ALLOCATION(4.98%)$5,882.AND ONE GEN LAW PATROL CAR-40 HR($140,012+5%CONTINGENCY) 268 CONFERENCES,REQUIRED ANNUAL CPR AND FIRST AID TRAINING FOR VOLUNTEERS ASSUMED FUNDING FOR FY 03-04,FUNDS MUST BE APPROPRIATED BY STATE LEGISLATURE EVERY BUDGET YEAR BUDGET 2002-2003 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 LINE TITLE 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 COUNCIL ADJUSTED DEPT MANAGER ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED BUDGET REQUEST RECOMMENDS PROGRAM EXPENDITURES 210 OFFICE EXPENSE 0 1,445 268 1,500 1,500 1,560 1,500 220 SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL EXPENSE 0 2,236 2,041 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 223 CITIZEN'S PATROL-UNIFORMS 0 602 880 750 750 750 750 230 CHILDREN IDENTIFICATION AWARENESS PROGRAM 0 0 0 2,500 2,500 0 0 235 COMMUNICATIONS 0 0 0 0 3,720 0 0 256 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES-COUNTY 0 63,831 191,713 59,071 59,071 210,860 210,860 268 TRAINING 0 364 25 500 500 400 400 270 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES/MEETINGS 0 0 0 400 400 0 0 TOTAL PROGRAM COSTS U 68,478 194,927 67,221 70,941 216,010 216,010 701 EQUIPMENT&FURNITURE 0 4,101 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL 0 4,101 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PRIOR TO COST ALLOCATION 0 72,579 194;927 . 67,221 , 70;941 .216-101:0 2169010 14-998 TRANSFER-IN(OUT)O/H COST ALLOCATION. 308 0 159 159 500 500 500 14 GRAND TOTAL-FUND 14 1- 3081 72,579 1951086 67,380 71,441, 216,510 216,51Q G(,OMMUV?�A O DATE: August 21,2003 `IT` W.O.# 12.639 GRNND TERMC -REP •RT:.. _ _:STAFF:, .O - 0UGH K�US CRA ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: August 28,2003 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING &SAFETY, SUBJECT: Traffic Signal PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING FUNDING REQUIRED_ NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX 22795 Barton Road ' Suite B Staff is requesting the City Council to adopt a resolution to authorize Thomas J. Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Schwab to be the authorized official to execute the Program Supplement Civic Center Agreement No. 003-M for the construction of traffic signals at the intersection (909) 825-3825 g g Fax (909) 825-7506 of Mt. Vernon Avenue and De Berry Street, through a safe route to schools funding program administered by CALTRANS. I 1 t COPUNICIL AGENDA ITEM No. i RESOLUTION NO. 2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF-LOCAL AGENCY-STATE AGREEMENT AND PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT COVERING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE OF THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT DE BERRY STREET & MT. VERNON AVENUE i WHEREAS, the local agency has completed all the engineering, plans and specifications for the traffic signal; and WHEREAS,the State of California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS)has authorized the construction phase for the installation of traffic signals; and t WHEREAS, the local agency is in the process of advertising for bidders; I NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE does hereby resolve, declare determine, and order as follows: SECTION 1. Section I Local Agency- State Agreement No. 08-5421 and program supplement agreement No. 003-M'covering the construction of the traffic signals at the intersection of Mt. Vernon Avenue and De Berry Street project No. STPLHSR-5421 (003) underthe safe route to school program is hereby approved and the City Manager,Thomas - Schwab, is hereby authorized to execute the necessary agreements. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of August, 2003. Mayor of-the City of Grand Terrace ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace i I c►T Y RSKV TERR C Community Services Department Staff Report MEETING DATE: August 28, 2003 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO APPLY TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOR THE PER CAPITA PROGRAM UNDER THE 2002 RESOURCES BOND ACT NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: The Per Capita Grant Program is intended to maintain a high quality of life for California's growing population by providing a continuing investment in parks and recreational facilities. Specifically it is for the acquisition and development of neighborhood, community, and regional parks and recreation,lands and facilities in urban and rural areas. The allocations for the Per Capita Program under the 2002 Resources Bond Act for the City of Grand Terrace is $220,000. The State of California enacted the Per Capita Grant Program which provides funds for the acquisition and development of neighborhood, community, and regional parks and recreation lands and facilities. The California Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the grant program, setting up necessary procedures. In order to receive these funds, a qualified city must first pass a resolution approving the City's application for this funding. Upon receipt of this resolution, the Department of Parks and recreation will prepare a contract for execution by the City, acknowledging the funds will be used in compliance with the funds. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: C-0WICIL AGENDA ITEM NQ J i i 1. ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA approving the filing of an application with.the California Department of Parks and Recreation for the Per Capita Program under the 2002 Resources bond Act. 2. AUTHORIZE Staff to submit the necessary forms. Fiscal Impact: The City will receive up to $220,000 in 2002 Bond Act funds for eligible projects. I i i i ' J i RESOLUTION No 2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, .APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR THE PER CAPITA GRANT PROGRAM UNDER THE CALIFORNIA CLEAN WATER, CLEAN AIR,SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS.,AND COASTAL PROTECTION ACT OF 2002 WHEREAS,the people of the State of California have enacted the Per Capita Grant Program which provides funds for the acquisition and .development of neighborhood, community, and regional parks and-recreation lands and facilities; and WHEREAS,the California Department of Parks and Recreationhas been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the grant program, setting up necessary procedures; and WHEREAS,said procedures established bythe California Department of'Parks and Recreation require the Applicant's Governing Body to certify by resolution the approval of the Applicant to apply for the Per Capita Allocation; and WHEREAS, the Applicant will enter into a Contract with-the State of California; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council: - 1. Approves the filing of an Application for local assistance funds from the Per Capita Grant Program under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002; and 2. Certifies that the Applicant has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project(s); and 3. Certifies that the Applicant has reviewed, understands and agrees to the General Provisions contained in the Contract shown in the Procedural Guide; and 4. Appoints the City Manager as agent to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to Applications, agreements;, payment requests and so on, which may be necessary for the completion of project(s). PASSED, APPROVED.AND ADOPTED this 28T" day of August, 2003. Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace Resolution 'No. 2003- ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace I, BRENDA STANFILL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2003- was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 281' day of August, 2003, by the following vote:, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney u RpMD TERR C Community Services Department Staff Report MEETING DATE: August 28, 2003 r SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM L_ YEAR 2003-2004 RE-ALLOCATION FUNDING AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED: BACKGROUND: The City of Grand Terrace is under,contract with County of San Bernardino Department of Economic and Community Development(ECD)who is responsible for the review and compliance of programs conducted within Grand Terrace. This includes not only the conducting of the grant process, but also the administration of project implementation and compliance. The County has a process which follows the guidelines of HUD in requiring public hearings and input into the grant allocation process for these funds. For Grand Terrace, this includes a public hearing, submittal of recommended projects to ECD who qualifies for the eligible programs, then returns those to the City for prioritization and funding. Additionally, during the grant process, outside agencies may submit projects directly to the County, however,,the final determination of the spending of the City allocation is with the purview of the by Council. To date, the City has been notified by the'County to expect a total of$68,000 for FY.2003-2004. In addition, the City has approximately $103,000 un-programmed funds to use on CDBG approved projects. DISCUSSION Staff is requesting council to allocate up to$15,000 for a Consulting Services RFP. The chosen consultant company will then prepare an environmental remediation program for the now defunct K&J Plating facility on Main Street and Taylor. This assessment is important for two reasons: -This will help clean up a blighted area -This will assist Colton Joint Unified School District.in alleviating an environmental challenge for the proposed new high school. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to re-submit an updated Funding List to the County of San Bernardino Department of Economic and Community Development. This updated list will include a request to re-allocate our un-programmed funding for up to$15,000 for a Consulting Services RFP. �'vNNOIL AGENDA ITENI NOJ U14 STAFF- REPORT , O FROND TERR ` - -City Manager's Office CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: August 28;20.03 SUBJECT:,WASTE DISPOSAL AGREEMENT AMENDMENT (SB COUNTY) FUNDING REQUIRED.( ) NO FUNDING REQUIRED (X) In February of 1998 The City of Grand"Terrace and 13 other incorporated-,cities in San Bernardino County entered into a waste disposal agreement with the County of San Bernardino to guarantee that our flow of waste stream be dedicated to the County landfill system. In exchange for this commitment the County agreed to a set rate.structure with which to charge us for land fill fees. This arrangement guaranteed.the County a"'substantial dedicated waste stream so that they could plan for the operation of their land fills and.it also gave cities the ability to have some" control over the tonnage fees charged to place our municipal solid waste into the County system. The agreement made the cities and the county,partners in,the solid waste disposal system-of the county. In March of 2001 the County wished to allow Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. to bring up to 300,000 tons per year of solid waste into the disposal system.- The current agreement gives the waste disposal agreement'.s cities certain authorities over additional tonnage coming into the system and it was at that time that the WDA cities and the County agreed,that we would share any additional profit from this 300,000 tons of additional land filled material. That currently provides the City of Grand Terrace with $46,790 of additional general fund income. This Amendment No. 3 to the Waste Disposal Agreement is increasing Burrtec's allocation to 375,000 tons into the system. This will increase the share of Grand Terrace's profits by $11,548 annually fora total of$58,338 in.revenue-to the General"Fund from the Waste Disposal " Agreement. The County has indicated that an additional 75,000 tons have a negligent effect on the mid-valley land fill and that the.operation could easily accept'the additional tonnage.. STAFF RECOMMENDS: " STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ALLOW THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO 3 TO THE WASTE DISPOSAL AGREEMENT THAT WILL BE DATED JUNE 10,2003. " 1 COLJNCiL AGENDA .ITEM N0j. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS couNrY OF CAN BEOPMENNO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FIOOD CONTROL • GIMS • REGIONAL PARKS • SOLID WASTE • SURVEYOR • TRANSPORTATION �c�;nny AND PUBLIC SERVICES GROUP SAN BE0.HARDINO ' 131 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION "' KEN A. MILLER 222 West Hospitality Lane, Second Floor San Bernardino,CA 92415-0017 (909) 386-8701 Director of Public Works Ahministration/Engineering/Solid Waste Programs Fax (909) 386-8900 FisAN cal Section/Operations Fax(909)386-8786 PETER H. WULFM Solid Waste Division Manager •6U t 4 August 11, 2003 Mr. Thomas J. Schwab City Manager City of Grand Terrace ' 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 Re: Re-issue of Waste Disposal Agreement Amendment #3 for 75,000 additional tons of the Operations Contract, Article 1,9 Solid Waste. Dear Mr. Schwab: The Solid Waste Management Division (SWMD) is,re-issuing the Waste Disposal Agreement (WDA) Amendment#3 for approval by all WDA cities. The first issuance required adoption by the WDA Cities and the County before August 1, 2003. Adoption before August 1, 2003 was not completed, and,'therefore, although all fifteen WDA Cities agreed to adopt WDA Amendment#3, the SWMD - is re-issuing Amendment #3 and has revised the adoption date as before December 31, 2003. In addition, the projected maximum total net revenue generated by the increased tonnage has been updated to reflect a final COLA adjustment in the County's required payment to the City of Fontana reducing the total net'revenue by $1,790. Enclosed are two copies of the revised amendment to the WDA to allow Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. (Burrtec) to bring an additional 75,000 tons/year of in- County solid-waste to the Solid Waste Disposal System. Please"take the necessary approving action for-your city. Since the changes are only minor, this .may be able to be,done administratively depending upon your city's procedures. If you have questions regarding this amendment, please contact me at (909) 386-8720. Sincerely, Donald M: Casalman Financial Manager ninistrafi Nicer JOHIN COS; Si:_?OS T WU' ......... .... 1:iMu Di ?.:ic; DENNiY f e:iSGc i":> ._ Third tiszri PAU s_".'^^'_IAAk E....... ....... se!;crcii f,P{�"£C:;`:; YRct'%;=i.GUTA!? .., >. YQiilit£ De-vekap •'.:tif3lr, Recycled Paper l NET PER TON ARTICLE 19 DISPOSAL FEE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 COMPARISON OF 300,000 TONS TO 375,000 TONS ANNUALLY Breakdown Amendment#1 300,000 Tons Amendment#2 375,000 Tons of Tonnage Tons Revenue Tons Revenue Rate Brought In Breakdown Brought In Breakdown Article 19 Disposal-Fee $21.42 300,000 $6,426,000.00 375,000 $8,032,500.00 Less: Payment under Operations Contract to Contractor $6.64 300,000 $1,992,000.00 375,000 $2,490,000.00 Payment to California Integrated Waste Management Board $1.40 300,000 $420,000.00 375,000 $525,000.00 Payment to Local Enforce ment.Agency $0.78 300,000 $234,000.00 375,000 $292,500.00 Payment to the City of Fontana $2.30 300,000 $690,000.00 375,000 $862,500.00 Any other payment required to be made to local, State or Federal agencies relative to the disposal of solid waste Or fees collected relative to such disposal $0.00 300,000 $0.00 375,000 0.00 Allocation of costs for closure and po`stclosure $0.35 300,000 $105,000.00 375,000 $131,250.00 Allocation of costs for construction of additional capacity $2.20 300,000 $660,000.00 375,000` $825,000.00 Net Per Ton Article 19 Disposal Fee $7.75 300,000 $2,325,000.00 375,000 $2,906,250.00 "Article 19 City Fee" consisting of 50% of the Net Per Ton Artilce 19 Disposal Fee $3.875 300,000 $1,162,500.00 375,000 $1,453,125.00 CITY'S SHARE OF ARTILCE 19 CITY FEE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 COMPARISON OF 300,000 TONS TO 375,000 TONS ANNUALLY For 300,000/tons For 300,000/tons For 300,000/tons For 375,000/tons For 375,000/tons For 375,000/tons Increased 1 st Half of Flat Per 2nd Half Annual Flat 2nd Half Annual Annual gi!y Cily Fee CitV Fee Population' Capita% of City Fee Total City Fee of City Fee Total Amount 1. Apple Valley 6 66% $38,711.25 58,883 6 67% $38,764 61 $77,475.86 $48,389.06 $48,455.77 $96,844.83 $19,368.97 2. Barstow 6.66% $38,711.25 22,980 2.60% $15,128.49 $53,839.74 $48,389.06 $18,910.61 $67,299.67 $13,459.93 3 Big Bear Lake 6 66% $38,711.25 5,872 0.67% $3,865 73 $42,576.98 $48,389.06 $4,832.16 $53,221.23 $10,644.25 4 Colton 6.66% $38,711.25 50,211 5.69% $33,055.55 $71,766.80 $48,389.06 $41.319.44 $89,708.50 $17,941.70 5 Fontana 6 66% $38,711.25 145,770 16.51% $95,965.18 $134,676.43 $48,389.06 $119,956 48 $168,345.54 $33,669.11 6 Grand Terrace 6 66% $38,711.25 12,090 1.37% $7,959.24 $46,670.49 $48,389.06 $9,949.06 $58,338.12 $11,667.62 7 Hesperia 6 66% $38,711.25 67,843 7 68% $44,663.28 $83,374.53 $48,389.06 $55,B29 10 $104,218.16 $20,843.63 8 Highland 6 66% $38,711.25 47,412 5.37% $31,212.88 $69,924.13 $48,389.06 $39,016.10 $87,405.16 $17,481.03 9 Loma Linda 6 66% $38,711.25 20,136 2.28% $13,256.19 $51,967.44 $48,389.06 $16,570.24 $64,959.30 $12,991.86 10. Rialto 6 66% $38,711.25 96,561 10.94% $63,569.28 $102,280.53 $48,389.06 $79,461.60 $127,860.66 $25,570.13 11 San Bernardino 6.66% $38,711.25 194,120 21.99% $127,795.58 $166,506.83 $48,389.06 $159,74447 $208,133.54 $41,626.71 12. Twentynine Palms 6.66% $38,711.25 25,171 2.85% $16,570.90 $55,282.15 $48,389.06 $20,713.62 $69,102.68 $13,820.54 13. Victorville 6.66% $38,711.25 72,485 8.21% $47,719.26 $86,430.51 $48,389.06 $59,649.07 $108,038.14 $21,607.63 14. Yucaipa 6.66% $38,711.25 45,412 5.14% $29,896.21 $68,607.46 $48,389.06 $37,370.27 $85,759.33 $17,151.87 15 Yucca Valley 6.66% $38,711.25 17.966 2.03% $11,827.61 $50,538.86 $48,389.06 $14,784.51 $0,173.57 $12,634.71 99.90% $580,668.75 882,912 100.00% $581,250.00 $1,161,918.75 $725,835.94 $726,562.50 $1,452,398.44 $290,479 69 ' from the State of California,Department of Finance Population Estimate for January 2003,Table E-5,as published on the DOF website. Population estimates were updated on May 05,2003. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Annual Population Estimates City/County/State January 1, 2001 January 1, 2002 January 1, 2003 CALIFORNIA 34,385,000 35,037,000 35,590,952 SAN BERNARDINO 1,741,100 1,783,700 1,832,966 ADELANTO 18,250 18,650 19,396 APPLE VALLEY 55,200 56,800 58,883 BARSTOW 21,150 22,150 22,980 BIG BEAR LAKE 5,550 5,700 5,872 CHINO 67,600 68,800 70,663 CHINO HILLS 68,300 71,000 72,994 COLTON 48,000 49,100 50,211 FONTANA 132,700 139,100 145,770 GRAND TERRACE 11,700 11,900 12,090 HESPERIA 63,300 65,100 67,843 HIGHLAND 44,800 45,800 47,412 LOMA LINDA 19,150 19,650 20,136 MONTCLAIR 33,350 33,850 34,306 NEEDLES 4,890 5,125 5,225 ONTARIO 159,000 162,300 165,678 RANCHO CUCAMONGA 130,800 137,100 146,666 REDLANDS 64,400 66,000 67,604 RIALTO 92,800 94,800 96,561 SAN BERNARDINO 186,500 189,800 194,120 T WENTYNINE PALMS 28,900 27,600 25,171 UPLAND 69,100 70,500 71,819 VICTORVILLE 66,500 69,300 72,485 YUCAIPA 41,750 43,500 45,412 YUCCA VALLEY 17,050 17,450 17,966 UNINCORPORATED 290,300 292,600 295,703 3 AMENDMENT No. 3 TO WASTE DELIVERY AGREEMENT On February 24, 1998, the City of Grand Terrace ("City") and the County of San Bernardino ("County") entered into a Waste Disposal Agreement 1 (the "WDA") which is hereby amended as of this day of , 2003 ("Amendment No. 3"). Recitals A._ On March 27, 2001 the County entered into a Solid Waste Operations Contract ("Operations Contract") with, Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. ("Contractor"). During each fiscal year during the term of the Operations Contract, the Contractor has the right and the obligation to dispose of at least 250,000 but not more than 300,000 tons of solid waste to the Disposal System. In Amendment No. 4 to the Operations Contract, entered into on March 5, 2002 { the amount of Article 19 Solid Waste to be delivered for disposal in the Disposal System from March 19, 2002 to and through June 30, 2002 was at least 20,830 but not more than 150,000 tons of solid waste. In Amendment No. to the Operations Contract, to be entered into concurrently with this Amendment, the amount of Article 19 Solid Waste that is acceptable for disposal in the Disposal System for the month of June 2003 is to be at least 20,834 but not more than, 31,250tons of solid waste. -� B. In Amendment No. 2: (i) City agreed to waive its right under the provisions , of Section 3.5(A) of the WDA with respect to the Operations Contract, including the right-of the County to accept Article 19 Solid Waste on payment of Article 19 Disposal Fee without being required to offer to City to adjust the current or future Contract Rate to equal the Article 19 Disposal Fee; (ii) County agreed to waive any right, it may have to accept Article 19 Solid Waste except as provided in Amendment No. 1; and (iii) the County and City agreed on the method of calculating and sharing with City its share from the receipt of-the Article 19 Disposal Fee,;as described in Amendment No. 2. C. The Contractor under the Operations Contract has stated that it has control over 75,000 additional tons per year of solid waste that satisfies the definition of Article 19 Solid Waste within the meaning of the Operations Contract and that it desires to bring such waste to the Disposal System for disposal as Article 19 Solid Waste. D. The County and City agree that it is in the interests of both parties to allow the Contract to bring the additional 75,000 tons of Article 19 Solid Waste for disposal in the Disposal System, under the same terms and conditions as set out in Amendment No. 1 to the WDA. Thus, the purpose of this Amendment No. 3 to the WDA is to increase the maximum amount of Article 19 Solid Waste that is 83030 024537/004317 AGMT I acceptable for disposal in the Disposal System from 300,000 tons per Contract Year to 375,000 per Contract Year. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the forgoing recitals and the following covenants and promises the parties agree as follows: 1. Amendment to Section 1 of Amendment No. 2 to the WDA Regardinq Limited Waiver of City's Rights Under WDA and Right of County to Accept Article 19 Solid Waste. The parties agree that Section 1 'of Amendment No. 2 shall be revised by adding the following: Notwithstanding the forgoing, commencing on the effective date of Amendment No. 3, and for the term of the Operations .Contract (including•.any extensions of term currently contained in the Operations Contract), the County may -accept Article 19 Solid Waste from Contractor for disposal in the Disposal System in the amount of at least 250,000 but not more than 375,000 tons of solid waste.and for the month of June 2003, in the amount of at least 20,834• but not more than 31,250 tons of solid waste. All other terms and conditions of Section 1 of Amendment-'No. 2 shall remain in full force and effect and are not amended by the provisions of this Amendment No. 3. 2. Effective Date. This Amendment shall be effective if and only when. all cities listed on .Exhibit "A" to Amendment No. 3 have adopted and executed a counterpart of this Amendment No. 33and such amendment has been adopted and executed by the County. In all events, the conditions in the forgoing sentence necessary for this Amendment No. 3 to be effective shall occur on or before December 31, 2003, otherwise this Amendment No. 3 shall be null and void and without any effect whatsoever. 3. No other amendments. Except as modified in this Amendment No.3 (or in any prior amendment) all other terms and conditions of the WDA, including without limit those contained in Amendment No. 2, shall remain in full force and effect. / 83030 •024537/004317 AGMT J IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year set forth below. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY By: Dennis Hansberger, Chairman, Board of Supervisors Title: Date: Date. SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS,DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD RENEE BASTIAN Clerk of the Board of Supervisors BV: Date: Approved as to form: ALAN K. MARKS, County Counsel BY: Deputy Date: 8303v1 024537/004317 AGMT AMENDMENT No. 3 EXHIBIT "A" i LIST OF WASTE DELIVERY AGREEMENT CITIES AND TOWNS Town of Apple Valley City of Barstow City of Big Bear Lake City of Colton City of Fontana City of Grand Terrace City of Hesperia City of Highland City of Loma Linda City of Rialto City of San Bernardino City of Twentynine Palms City of Victorville City of Yucaipa Town of Yucca Valley 83030 024537/004317 AGMT STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM O COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: August 28, 2003 SUBJECT: POLICY FOR NAMING PUBLIC FACILITIES The City Council has expressed the desire to develop a policy for the City of Grand Terrace regarding naming public facilities and has directed staff to obtain sample policies. Staff has been able to receive information from the Cities of Colton, El Segundo, Rancho Palos Verdes and Brentwood, which are attached. Staff Recommends Council: Review sample policies and give staff direction to meet the desires of the Council. COUNCV- AGENDA M NO.1 ��� Jur:-25-2003 14:53 F,=-COLTOh CITY CLERK '093705154 i-�u4 r.uu vuu� r-ooc os1-tL'`ax tvoze ipr i -- ++��,, pages- :J 1 r t � From � r :c it)ept .r�: G rr� Co (> i O n! i •I2pC S I Phor6lr iPltonelr 370 IFa%it 57 0 15157 I 1 RESOLUTION NO. R-116A-§3 i 2 !` 3 ; A RESOLUTION OF THE`CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF I 4 ij C€3LTON ESTABLISHING ITS POLICY FOR THE NAMING OF ;1 CITE! PARKS, PARK FEATURES AND COMMUNITY 5 FACILITIES 6 7 WHEREAS, the City has established a vigorous prograrrtto provide suitable park 8 9 �I and recreation areas for its residents; and, 10 II WHEREAS, it is 'desirable that appropriate names be selected for the City's I , II , 11 4t parks and that a policy be adopted by the City Council to accomplish this purpose. 12 i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Colton 13 that the following policy shall be instituted for the naming of the City's parks, perk 14 i features and community facilities: 15 I II 1, That parks adjacent to schools be named .the same as the school but 1 16 jI ll that the parks so named be dedicated in honor of persons who have i 17 �; ' 18 iI I served their community in an exceptional and distinguished manner. 11 19 I� 2. If an entire park or sizeable portion of a park which is not adjacent to a , 20 i! school is donated by an individual or family it shall be named after the { 21 ! � donor. I 22 I, be included in the above list of priorities for naming I .,. S may 23 Exception� , 24 parks in order to honor persons who have served their community in an 25 exceptional and distinguished manner or to emphasi2e environmental j I 26 features of the community with the concurrence of the Re.creation and j 27 Human Services Commission and the City Council. 28 , i i s I , Jun-2F-200'. 14:54 From-COLTZ CITY CLERK 90H 705154 T-904 P.002/003 F-682 II 11 4. Only one par' , park feature or community facility shall be Warned for an 2 individual. 3 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 16th day of November, 1993. 4 , 5 ! 6 ' Frank A. Go z IQ. Mayor i 7 ATTEST: 8 10 J Helen A. Ramos, CMC City Clerk 12 13 14 I y5 �I 16 17 i 18 19 i 20 II 21 II I 22 1 23 II I i 24 I 250 ,i 26 27 26 1 II • :un-25-2002 14,55 From-CUTON CITY CLERK T-604 P-003/008 F-682 1 - 2 I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 3 i COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY OF COLTON ) 4 � I 5 i 1, HELEN A. RAMOS, City Clerk of the City of Cclton, California, i DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by rz I the City Council of said City,- and was approved by the Mayo.* of said 1 j City, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 16th day of 7 November, 1 S93 and that it was so adopted as follows: $ AYES: COUN01-MEMBER: BENNETT. SANDOVAL, RIOS, CISNEROS, COOK, BELTRAN 9 i AND MAYOR GONZALES 10 NOES: COUNCILMENIBER: NONE 12 II ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMEER: NONE. I II 1 13 tSEAL1 14 5 Ij HELEN A. RAMOS, CMC 15 1� City Clerk II City of Colton 7 � ; 1 � STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 18 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ) ss. 19 iI CITY OF COLTON ) 20 I, HELEN A. RAMOS, City Clerk of the City of C01ton, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and 21 I1� correct Copy of Resolution No. R-11 GA-93 and that the some has not 1 been amended or repealed. z2-�t j ii 23 DATED. li I - 241; 26 (SEAL; ' �! 26 " HELEN A. RAMOS, CIVIC ii 11 City Clerk 27 �1 City of Colton 26 i i RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR NAMING AND DEDICATING CITY FACILITIES. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of El Segundo as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. Naming City buildings, parks, and other facilities serves a public interest by recognizing important landmarks, locations, or persons. This assists the public not only in identifying and visiting these places, but also promotes civic pride. B. In order to facilitate that manner in which public facilities may be named, the City Council believes that it should set forth the guidelines for identifying facilities that should be named and the manner in which names may be selected. SECTION 2: The public facilities affected by this Resolution areas follows: A. Buildings: City-owned facilities used for City administration or other City business. Such facilities include, without limitation, the Civic Center, City Council Chambers, Police Facility, Fire Facility and Communications Center and Library. B. Support Facilities: City-owned facilities that support field operations. Support facilities include, without limitation, the corporation yard and water and wastewater pump stations. C. Parks: City-owned facilities utilized as recreation or open space sites and trail areas. Park sites included developed and undeveloped park areas and designated open space areas. D. Recreation Facilities and Amenities: City-owned facilities used primarily for sports, recreation and leisure activities, including, without limitation, the Joslyn Center, beach property, athletic fields, tennis/basketball/handball courts, lawn bowling space, community centers, gazebos and meeting rooms. SECTION 3: City facilities will be named pursuant to the following guidelines: A. Names given to facilities will provide easy and recognizable references for City residents, corporate citizens and other visitors. Such names should generally reflect the facility's geographic location (such as a major street, Page 1 of 3 I location, neighborhood) or the City's name if the facility serves the entire population. I I - B. In certain, unusual, circumstances, where names reflecting the geographical location or the City are unworkable, names may reflect topography, notable j flora, or historical precedent. Under extraordinary circumstances, consideration may be given to naming facilities after significant personages who made prominent contributions to the City's community. SECTION 4. Facilities will be dedicated as follows: A. After a recommendation from the Recreation &Parks Commission on the name for a particular facility, the City Council will take action to dedicate that facility at a regularly scheduled meeting. I B. Following the City Council's action, the City Manager, or designee, will install a plaque on the facility which includes the following: i 1. Facility name; i 2. Dedication date; i 3. Names of all city councilmembers at the time of dedication; I 4. Names of the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem at the time of the dedication; i 5. Name of the City Manager at the time of the dedication and the name of the City Manager in office when the project was budgeted; I 6. Name of the Department Head primarily responsible for operating the facility at the time of the dedication; and i 7. Additional information determined by City Council action at the time of naming the facility. i C. If a plaque currently exists on a building or facility being named or dedicated, that plaque will be retained and appropriately displayed. SECTION 5: The City may name facilities using private funding on the following basis: A. The Recreation &Parks Commission may consider requests by residents or business enterprises located within the City to name public facility. B. The Recreation &Parks Commission will consider these requests as follows: I I I j Page 2 of 3 I 1. The request will specifically state how such naming complies with Section 3 of this Resolution; .r 2. The proposal will include a funding mechanism to offset the City's cost of installing and maintaining a plaque or other form of naming the facility; C. The costs of installing and maintaining the plaque, or other form of memorial, will be established by the City Manager, or designee. SECTION 6: The City Manager, or designee, is directed to implement this Resolution through administrative policies and procedures. SECTION 7: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Resolution; enter same in the book of original Resolutions; and make a Minute of its adoption in the City's records and in the Minutes of the meeting when it was adopted. SECTION 8: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2002. Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Karl H. Berger, Assistant City Attorney Page 3 of 3 ' L rl TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 7, 2003 SUBJECT: POLICY FOR NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES'AND PLACING OF MONUMENTS AND OTHER MEMORIALS RECOMMENDATION Adopt a policy for the naming of public facilities and placing of monuments and other memorials on-City property. BACKGROUND At the City Council meeting on June 12, 2002 Mayor McTaggart presented a proclamation in memory of Jeannette Mucha to Valerie Mucha, and said that he was going to propose to the Council that the Forrestal Nature Preserve be renamed the Jeannette Mucha Nature Preserve. On August 12,2002 the Mayor placed the matter before the City Council for action. The following paragraphs are excerpts from the minutes of that meeting: Councilman Gardiner stated that the generic question is, "How should the City .recognize those who-give so much of their time in service to the city?" He asked if there were a City procedure or policy regarding recognizing citizens who have served the City. Mayor pro tem Stern echoed Councilman Gardiner's feelings and stated that the Council should concentrate more on a policy for commemorating those who have served. He suggested that a commemorative wall be proposed. Councilman Gardiner suggested that this item be tabled for later consideration so that the Council can create a policy for this procedure. Councilman Gardiner moved that this item be continued, seconded by Mayor pro tem Stern. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Councilwoman Ferraro having left-the meeting). DISCUSSION The City of Rancho Palos Verdes has lacked a uniform_policy to assist the City Council and to guide staff in the naming of City facilities, including.parks and Policy for Naming Public Facilities January 7, 2003 Page 2 of 6 open space areas, buildings, streets and other public amenities. In.addition., there are no formal policies or guidelines for honoring City leaders, nor for memorializing persons whose loved ones simply want to provide a remembrance in the form of a bench or tree. Although the City has no formal,policy for naming public facilities and sites in honor of persons, there are precedents. Fred Hesse Park and Community Center is named for a City founder, Robert Ryan Park is .named for a.former Mayor and Councilrnember and Vanderlip Park is named for an original. i Peninsula landowner. There is a GPS monument at'Portuguese Point named in honor of Dr. Perry Ehlig. There is a trail below Ocean Terrace Drive,known as the McBride Trail in honor of the man who constructed'it. There are also.three small memorials, one near Ladera Linda Community Center, one at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center and the other near Inspiration Point that honor persons who died prematurely. Finally, there have been numerous-requests from individuals to install park benches or.plant trees in memory of deceased loved ones,`many of which have been granted. Attached is a proposed Policy for the.recognition of those who have contributed to the vision of Rancho Palos Verdes as well as others who have been proposed for some form of memorial marker. The development of a Policy.to guide the naming of City facilities, the permitting of monuments, benches and trees is intended to enable these processes to be conducted in an equitable, objective i and consistent manner.' In addition,.the establishment of a 'Wall of Honor" will. offer a new formal opportunity for honoring community leaders., Respectfully submitted, Les Evans City Manager Cc: DRAFT Policy t DRAFT.POLICY: http://www.cacities-org/newcybrary/2003/subm itted_by_cities/RPV--fadlity_naming_policy.doc Policy for Naming Public Facilities January 7, 2003 ' Page 3 of 6 It shall be the policy of the City Council to.name City facilities in the following manner: ■ General The policy of the City is to name facilities in a manner that%will provide an easy and recognizable reference to the City's residents and visitors. ■ -Geographic Location Whenever possible, City facilities will be named for their geographic location. The geographic location may be based on the identification of the facility with a specific place, neighborhood, street, topographic or other natural feature, such as a drainage course, tree or plant species, or historical precedent. ■ Individual/Organizational Recognition The naming of City facilities in honor of individuals or community organizations will be a rare event,,and will be considered under the following conditions: The individual, a family or a community organization has made exceptional contributions to the City, including one or more cif the .followingi a) financial gifts, b) public service as an elected official, c) public service as a community volunteer, or d) long term sponsorship agreements,. .There should be a well-defined connection between the contributions of the individual or community organization and the City facility. The significance of the contribution from the individual/organizations needs to be evaluated in relation to the impact of the City facility Individuals and organizations that have made contributions of regional or community-wide significance may be considered for naming of facilities that serve the entire City. Individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to a particular area or neighborhood may be considered for the naming of facilities that serve these areas or neighborhoods within the City, including recreational and other amenities within City parks. Only a current Mayor or City Councilmember may nominate an individual to have a City facility named in his or her honor, and the determination will be made by the City Council. City policy does not preclude additional opportunities for recognition that may be created in the future. For.instance, the Point Vicente Interpretive Center is planned to include exhibits that may be funded by individual or corporate donations. 'Recognition of such donations may include a donor http://www.cacities.org/n ewcybra ry/2003/s ubm itted_by_cities/RPV--facil ity_nam i ng_poli cy.d oc Policy for Naming Public Facilities January 7, 2003 Page 4of6 wall within the Interpretive Center, or recognition of a contributor's sponsorship of a specific exhibit. 4 It shall be the policy of the City Council to allow the,placing of monuments and other memorials on City properties under the"following guidelines: ■ Monuments Monuments in memory of deceased persons may be permitted, in rare cases, on City property with permission of the City Council under the following conditions: 1. The person memorialized is closely associated with the area where the monument will belocated. The person memorialized is known to; and revered, by a significant number of,City residents. 2. The monument design is discreet and unobtrusive and designed to blend into the surrounding.area. A small,plaque on a.large rock (4 cubic"feet) would'be appropriate. The location of the-monument will be determined by City staff with approval of the City Council. 3. Costs of design, installation,and 'maintenance of the monument will be determined by the City and borne by the requestor at the discretion of the City. Only City personnel or City contractors may perform work on City property. 4. The monument is only a marker and is not a place of worship, a cemetery or official gathering place. Flowers, and other Yf memorabilia are not permitted and will be removed by maintenance personnel. 5. The City is not responsible for damage or deterioration of the monument and may remoV6 it at any time for any reason with. permission of the City Council ■ Benches or Trees Benches or trees in memory of deceased persons may be placed in City parks, or other City spaces, at the discretion of the City Manager under the following'conditions: 1. The bench design, or tree species, will be determined by the City and the'-location of the bench or tree will be selected by the City. 2. No plaque, inscription or other written'memorial information may be placed on or near the bench or tree. 3. Costs of design; installation and maintenance of the bench or tree will be determined by the City and borne by the requestor at the discretion of the City. Only City personnel or City contractors may perform work on City.property. 4. The"bench, or tree, is only a marker and.'is not a place of worship, a cemetery or official.gathering place. Flowers,'and other memorabilia are not permitted and will be removed by maintenance personnel. http://www.ca cities.org/newcybra ry/2003/su bm itted_by_ci ties/RPV--fa ci lity_n a m i ng_pol icy.doc Policy for Naming Public Facilities January 7, 2003 j Page 5 of 6 i 5. The City is not responsible for damage or deterioration of the bench or tree and may remove it at any time for any reason without replacement. It shall be the policy of the City Council to'establish a "Wall of Honor" under the following guidelines: ■ Wall of Honor The Wall of Honor will memorialize the names of distinguished community leaders who have made substantial contributions to the City of Rancho { Palos Verdes under the following conditions: 1. Persons nominated for the 'Wall of Honor" shall have been dedicated community leaders who have contributed significantly to the quality of life offered by the City and realization of the vision expressed in.the i original General Plan. The honoree must have had a significant presence in the community throughout a good portion of their life and should have made notable impacts on sustaining the quality of life of the residents of Rancho Palos Verdes. 2. Persons nominated for inclusion on the 'Wall of Honor" will be deceased and will not have been previously honored by other actions of the City such as facilities named in their honor or other memorial. 3. In order to maintain the significance of being named to the 'Wall of Honor" the number of names on the 'Wall" will never exceed the a number of years the'City has been incorporated. 4. Only a current Mayor of City Councilmember may nominate a citizen to be included on the 'Wall of Honor." The determination of the persons who will be included will be made by the City Council. 5. The location of the 'Wall" and the format of names and inscriptions shall be established by the City Council. { BACKGROUND The City of Rancho Palos Verdes has lacked a uniform policy to assist the City Council and to guide staff in the naming of City facilities, including parks and open space areas, buildings, streets and other public amenities. In addition, there have been no formal policies or guidelines for honoring City leaders, nor for memorializing persons whose loved ones simply want to provide a remembrance in the form of a bench or tree. I Although the City has had no formal policy for naming public facilities and sites in honor of persons, there are precedents. Fred Hesse Park and Community Center is named for a City founder, Robert Ryan Park is named for a former http://www.cacities.org/newcybrary/2003/su bm itted_by_cities/RPv--faciiity_nam i ng_pol i cy.doc Policy for Naming Public Facilities January 7, 2003 Page 6 of 6 Mayor and Councilmember and Vanderlip Park is named for an original Peninsula landowner. There is a GPS monument at Portuguese Point named in honor of Dr. Perry Ehlig. There is a trail below Ocean Terrace Drive known as the McBride Trail in honor of the man who constructed it. There are also three small memorials, one near Ladera Linda Community Center, one at the Point Vicente. Interpretive Center and the other near Inspiration Point that honor persons who died prematurely. Finally, there have been numerous requests from individuals to install park benches or plant trees in memory of deceased loved ones, many of which have been granted. The development of a Policy to guide the naming of City facilities, the permitting of monuments, benches and trees is intended to enable these processes to be conducted in an equitable, objective and consistent manner. In addition, the establishment of a "Wall of Honor" will offer a new formal opportunity for honoring community leaders. http://www.cacities.org/newcybrary/2003/submitted_by_cities/RPv--faciiity_nam!ng_policy.doc COUNCIL/ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY Subject: Policy No: Date: Naming/Dedication of Facilities Resolution No: Page 1 of 4 PURPOSE To define the policies,responsibilities and procedures associated with the naming of City facilities. DEFIl,4ITIONS 1. "Buildings"are City-owned facilities that house employees or are otherwise used to conduct City business. Buildings may include,but are not limited to,the Civic Center, City Council Chambers, and Police facility. 2. "Support Facilities" are City-owned facilities that are used to support field operations. Support facilities may include,but are not limited to,the corporation yard and pump stations. 3. "Park Sites"are City-owned parks, open space, and trail areas. Park sites include developed and undeveloped park areas and designated open space areas. 4. "Recreation Facilities and Amenities"are facilities/amenities used primarily for recreation and leisure activities, including,but not limited to, athletic fields, tennisibasketball courts,recreation centers, gazebos and meeting rooms. POLICY 1. General. The policy of the City is to name facilities in a manner that will provide an easy and recognizable reference for the City's customers. Therefore,naming options will always consider a name based on the facility's geographic location. However,the policy also established conditions for the consideration of naming options based on other factors. 2. Geographic Location. Whenever possible, all City facilities will be named for their geographic location. The geographic location many be based on the identification of the facility with a specific place,neighborhood, major street,regional area of the City or the City itself if the facility is deemed to serve the entire community. 3. Other Considerations. Consideration of names for facilities may also include a prominent form of topography, a prominent plant,bush or tree and historical precedent. Dedications: a. Facilities or portions thereof,may be dedicated in memory, or honor of, individuals, groups or organizations.Dedications are encouraged to be in the form of facility improvements or enhancements: b. Dedication may be in recognition of an outstanding service, a donation or contribution to the facility or community. C. Dedication may be in memory of someone who has contributed to the facility or community. d. Any individual, family, group or organization sponsoring a dedication or memorial must provide sufficient funds to purchase, install, and maintain any plaque or other form of label associated with the recognition. The dedication or memorial may take the form of a ceremony or other testimonial in honor of the person or group in question. e. The City will make every effort to preserve any dedication plaque or other dedicated object. If necessary, due to repair of surround areas, construction or redesign of a facility,the plaque or dedication object may be relocated. If the plaque or other dedication object cannot continue to be reasonably maintained or after a period of ten years, it may be removed by the City. I CITY OF BRENTWOOD COUNCIL/ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY Sub3ect: Policy No: Date: Naming/Dedication of Facilities Resolution No: I Page 2 of 4 f. If the dedication includes the gift or a tree or other plant the City will provide its regular standard of landscape care for the tree. If the tree does not survive,the City is not obligated to provide a replacement. If the dedication includes the gift of an object(e.g.bench,picnic table,play equipment),the City will provide its regular standard of care and maintenance for the object. g. The City will not be responsible for upkeep,repair or replacement of any dedication or memorial plaque whose placement was not sponsored by the City. h. Dedication or memorial plaques may not be placed in or on City facilities without written City approval. ]. The Park and Recreation Commission will, on behalf of the City Council, oversee the provisions of this policy. The City Council will refer naming or dedications in public park,recreation and open space areas and facilities to the Commission for recommendation. j. The Park and Recreation Commission will initiate the naming of new facilities and their features.. The City Council will be advised of dedications covered by this policy and asked to confirm facility names. CITY OF BRENTWOOD STAFF REPORT O BRA"°TERR ` City Manager's Office CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: August 28, 2003 SUBJECT: Reorganization of Community Services FUNDING REQUIRED () NO FUNDING REQUIRED (X) Currently the maintenance division of the Community Services Department consists of a maintenance supervisor and 4 maintenance workers. Currently the maintenance workers do all outside maintenance for the City of Grand Terrace as well as the building maintenance of City owned buildings.'-The City currently utilizes our maintenance workers that have an average annual cost of$37,924/yr to'perform all necessary tasks but management staff feel that it would be more efficient to create a lesser category of maintenance worker that would only perform very low skill landscaping maintenance tasks such as watering,mowing;and weeding of parks,and building grounds. The elimination of one maintenance worker could allow us to create 1%-2 landscape maintenance positions. This would allow us to expand our maintenance staff from 5 to 6 with no additional costs to the City. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1)Council authorize the elimination of one maintenance worker position,2)Council authorize an employee, lay off of one maintenance worker position,3)Council authorize the creation of a landscape laborer position. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NC..��