09/11/2003 opy _I T- FILE ,C 0 �RRND TERZ CI September 11, 2003 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center (909)824-6621 Fax(909)783-7629 Fax(909)783-2600 ` CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Lee Ann Garcia Mayor CRAXITY COUNCIL Maryetta,Ferre ; Mayor Pro Tem - - REGULAR MEETINGS Herman Hilkey DonLarkin 2ND AND 4TH Thursday. - 0:30 p.m. Bea Cortes Council Members Thomas J.Schwab City Manager - Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center ' 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 , 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS SEPTEMBER 11,2003 GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 6:30 PM 22795.Barton Road THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMPLIES WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT'OF 1990.IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CALL THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT(909) 824-6621 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. IF YOU DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL DURING THE MEETING, OTHER THAN UNDER PUBLIC COMMENT,YOU ARE ASKED TO PLEASE COMPLETE A REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM AVAILABLE AT THE ENTRANCE AND PRESENT IT TO THE CITY CLERK. SPEAKERS WILL BE CALLED UPON BY THE MAYOR AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME. * Call to Order- * Invocation- * Pledge of Allegiance- * Roll Call- STAFF COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS RECOMMENDATION ACTION CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. Approval of 08-28-2003 Minutes Approve ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1. Items to Delete 2. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS-None 3. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the.Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member,Staff Member,or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion. A. Approve Check Register Dated September 11,2003 Approve B. Ratify 09-11-2003 CRA Action C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda i I i COUNCIL AGENDA 09-11-2003 PAGE 2 OF 2 AGENDA ITEMS STAFF COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS ACTION D. Approval of 08-28-2003 Minutes Approve E. Purchase of Equipment for the Annual Halloween Haunt and Approve other City Sponsored Events I 4. PUBLIC COMMENT 5. ORAL REPORTS I IA. Committee Reports-None B. Council Reports I 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS-None i 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS-None 8. NEW BUSINESS I A. Schedule Joint Meeting with Colton Joint Unified School Select Date District Board of Education B. Policy for Naming Public Facilities Direct Staff 9. CLOSED SESSION -None ADJOURN i I I E I I THE NEXT CRAXITY COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,2003 AT 6:30 P.M. AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE 09-25-2003 MEETING I MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY NOON 09-18-2003. f PENDING O R A APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-AUGUST 28, 2003 A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency,City of Grand Terrace,was held in the Council Chambers,Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace,California, on August 28, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. f PRESENT: Maryetta Ferr6, Vice-Chairman Herman Hilkey,Agency Member Don Larkin, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Steve Berry, Assistant City Manager Larry Ronnow,Finance Director Jerry Glander,Building& Safety Director Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Harper, City Attorney Lt. Guerra, Sheriff s Department ABSENT: Lee Ann Garcia, Chairman Bea Cortes, Agency Member APPROVAL OF 08-12-2003 MINUTES CRA-2003-28 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER HILKEY,SECOND BY AGENCY+MEMBER LARKIN, CARRIED 3-0-2-0(CHAIRMAN GARCIA AND AGENCY MEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT), to approve the August 12, 2003 Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes. Vice-Chairman Ferr6 adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 6:35 p.m.,until the next CRA/City Council Meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday,September 11,2003,at 6:30 p.m. SECRETARY of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace CHAIRMAN of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace CIA AGENDA ITEM NO. uWE V1 vchlist Voucher List COUI!°C11 APPROVAL Page: 1 09/03/2003 9:39:46AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code : bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52229 8/22/2003 005702 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 081503 PERS PAYROLL END 8 15 03 10-022-62-00 6,163.04 Total : 6,163.04 52230 8/25/2003 007400 U. S. BANK TRUST N.A. 94-622650 CRA Refunding TAB Series 1993 A& B 33-300-203-000-000 201,775.37 33-300-203-001-000 260,000.00 Total : 461,775.37 52231 8/26/2003 006285 RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER CO June/July June/July water fees 34-700=710-000-000 9.08 34-700-709-000-000 9.08 34-700-750-000-000 31.48 34-700-767-000-000 66.17 26-601-239-000-000 131.50 26-600-239-000-000 254:64 10-440-238-000-000 101.24 10-805-238-000-000 212.83 10-190-238-000-000 555.22 10-450-238-000=000 5,290.22 Total : 6,661.46 52232 8/27/2003 001907 COSTCO#478 47807015611 CHILD CARE SUPPLIES 10-440-220-000-000 41.56- Total 41.56 52233 8/28/2003 001206 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION Aug. 2003 Juiv/Aug VISA charges COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. Page: 1 vchiist Voucher List Page: 2 09/03/2003 9:39:46AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52233 8/28/2003 001206 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION (Continued) 23-200-61-00 50.00 10-110-270-000-000 1,719.72 10-120-210-000-000 8.61 10-120-270-006-000 '1,412.09 10-180-218-000-000 253.85 10-180-245-000-000 86.36 10-180-'246-000-000 188.38 10-180-268-000-000 399.73 10-180-270-000-000 560.88 10-180-272-000-000 23.01 10-180-701-000-000' 110.95 10-440-223-000-000 399.54 10-440-272-000-000 11.01 32-200-210-000-000 23.90 Total : 5,248.03 52234 9/2/2003 005529 SBC CALIFORNIA 08142063 July/Auq directory listinq 10-190-235-000-000 1.68 08162003 July/Auq. Phone Serv.-C. Care 10-440-235-000-000 16.03 - Total : 17.71' 52235 9/2/2003 010110 REED, CAROLYN 091003 BIRTHDAY BONUS 10-440-110-000-000 50:00 Total : 50.00 52236 9/2/2003 010247 SANTA-ROSA, JULIA 091403 BIRTHDAY BONUS 10-440-110-000-000 50.00 Total : 50.00 52237 9/2/2003- 002840 GLANDER, JERRY 091803 BIRTHDAY BONUS 10-175-110-000-000 10.00 34400-110-000-000 27:50 10-172-110-000-000 12.50 Total : 50.00 Page: 2 C" vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 09/03/2003 9:39:46AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52238 9/2/2003 010115 DUENES, MARION 092503 BIRTHDAY BONUS 10-440-110-000-000 50.00 Total : 50.00 52239 9/2/2003 002673 FLANN, ALISA 092503 BIRTHDAY BONUS 10-175-110-000-000 10.00 34-400-110-000-000 27.50 10-172-110-000-000 12.50 Total : 50.00 52240 9/2/2003 010116 MONTANO, RUBEN 092503 BIRTHDAY BONUS 10-180-110-000-000 50.00 Total : '56.00 52241 9/2/2003 010023 MACIAS, ROSA 093003 BIRTHDAY BONUS 10-440-110-000-000 50.00 Total : 50.00 52242 9/11/2003 001456 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS 255893 Office supplies 10-440-228-000-000 60.79 Total : 60.79 52243 9/11/2003 001713 CA. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 164806 July 1-215 signal-energy/maintenance 16-510-238-000-000 — 168.36 Total : 168.36 52244 9/11/2003 001840 COLTON, CITY OF June/July 03 WASTEWATER TREATMENT SERVICES 21-570-802-000-000 160,063.90 Total : 160,063.90 52245 9/11/2003 001867 COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 123345 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 10-450-245-000-000 361.03 Total : 361.03 52246 9/11/2003 001930 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION B574141 LEGAL ADVERTISING 10-125-230-000-000 31.57 Total : 31.57 Page: 3' vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 09/03/2003 9:39:46AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice' Description/Account Amount 52247 9/11/2003 010245 FRITTS RIVERSIDE AUTO CENTER C51937 REPL. BRAKES/ELECT. REPAIRS F-250 - 10-180-272-000-000 727.88 Total : 727.88 52248 9/11/2003 002740 FRUIT GROWERS SUPPLY 32057048 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 10450-245-000-000 15.34 - 32057110 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 10-450-245-000-000 8.35 Total : 23.69 52249 9/11/2003 010194 HINKLEY&ASSOCIATES, INC. #6 08292003 ROLLINS PARK/TERRACE HILLS SCHOOL 32-600-207-0007000 279,072.51 Total : 279,072.51 r 52250 9/11/2003 010242 INLAND COMPUTER SYSTEMS 1-3108 7 CANNON POWERSHOT S45 DIGITAL CAMERA 10-410-701,000-000 3,093.79 - 10-4107701-000'000 239.77 Total : 3,333.56 52251 9/11/2003 003490 INMARK/VICTOR 20426 CUSTOM SIGNAGE 16-900-254-000-0.00 4,982.14 Total : 4,982.14 -52252 9/11/2003 003800 JAGUAR COMPUTER SYSTEMS INC 29513 3 100MB zip disks 10-440-210-000-000 32.33 29925 C. Care database recovery _ 10-440-246-000-000 170.00 Total : 202.33 52263 9/11/2003 004320 LAWNMOWER CENTER 0685 LAWNMOWER REPAIRS 10-180-246-000-000 10.78 0702 LAWNMOWER REPAIRS 10-180-246-000-000 62.46 10890 LAWNMOWER REPAIRS 10-180-246-000-000 92.47 Total : 165.71 Page:. 4 vchlist 'I?--Cher List Page: 5 09/03/2003 9:39:46AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52254 9/11/2003 004620 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 63036420 Aug. phone service. 10-190-235-000-000 37.49 10-440-235-000-000 350.17 10-450-235-000-000 16.93 10-805-235-000-000 37.41 cm63036420 1/25/03 INV.#0996973 CREDIT 10-440-235-000-000 -10.42 Total : 431.58 52255 9/11/2003 006310 ROADRUNNER STORAGE Sept..2003 Sept. Storage fee 10-140-241-000-000 63.00 Total : 63.00 52256 9/11/2003 006504 S.B. FIRE DEPT./HAZ.MATERIAL GT104CC HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE SERVICES F 10-190-258-000-000 2,451.40 Total : 2,451.40 52257 9/11/2003 010248 SMITH'S.FLOWERS 6937/7002 Flowers 10-190-220-000-000 90.52 Total : 90.52 52258 9/11/2003 006720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY Auq. 2003 Electricity-city facilities 10-450-238-000-000 509.75 16-510-238-000-000 261.94 10-190-238-000-000 4,401.82 15-500-601-000-000 17.06 10-440-238-000-000 1,289.57- 34-40.0-238-000-000 124.22 10-805-238-000=000 988.51 10-175-238-000-000 45.17 10-172-238-000-000 56.46 Total : 7,694.50 52259 9/11/2003 006898 SYSCO FOOD SERVICES OF L:A. 3082013297 CHILD CARE FOOD 10-440-220-000-000 590.76 Total : 590.76 52260 9/11/2003 010091 TELEPACIFIC COMMUNICATIONS 483014-0 Aug. phone usage fees Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 09/03/2003 9:39:46AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Bank code: -bofa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Description/Account Amount 52260 9/11/2003 010091 TELEPACIFIC COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) 10-190-235-000-000 925.97 Total 925.97 52261 9/11/2003 007845 W. E. C. ELECTRIC INC. 14691 SPORT LIGHT REPLACEMENT 10-450-246-000-000 2,050.00 14692 REPLACE (6)SIX 1000 WATT SPORT LIGHTS 10-450-246-000-'000 1,024.98 Total : 3,074.98 52262 9/11/2003 .007843 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC 29002 TREE TRIMMING 16-900-260-000-000 88.00 Total : 88.00 52263 9/11/2003 007987 XEROX CORPORATION 097403112 DOWNSTAIRS XEROX 10-190-700-000-000 530.01 097403113 UPSTAIRS'XEROX 10-190-700-000-000 318:22. Total : 848.23 35 Vouchers for bank code : bofa Bank total : 945,709.58 35 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers :' - 945,709.58 I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the afore-listed checks for payment of City and Community Redevelopment Agency liabilities have'->been ai:dited by me and are necessary and appropriate expenditures for the operation of the City and Agency. Larry Ronnow, Finance Director Page: 6 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PENDING (;=14CIL A CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-AUGUST 28, 2003 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center,22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on August 28, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: Maryetta Ferr6,Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Don Larkin, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Steve Berry,Assistant City Manager Larry Ronnow,Finance Director Jerry Glander, Building& Safety Director Gary Koontz, Community Development Director John Harper, City Attorney Lt. Guerra, Sheriff's Department _ ABSENT: Lee Ann Garcia, Mayor - �,' Bea Cortes, Councilmember The meeting was opened with-invocation'by Councilmember Hilkey, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Don Larkin. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A. South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Update-Leonard Paulitz Leonard'Paulitz,Representative of AQMD, gave the Council an update-on the activities of the South Coast Air Quality Management District. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-2003-100 MOTION BYCOUNCILMEMBERHILKEY,SECOND BYCOUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, CARRIED 3-0-2-0 (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT), to approve the following consent calendar items with removal of item 3F.: 3A. Approval of Check Register Dated August 28, 2003 _ 3B. Ratify 08-28-2003 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D. Approval of 8-12-03 Minutes COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.' F_ Council Minutes August 28,2063 Page 2 3E. Continuing Appropriations for FY 03-04 3G. Authorization to Sell Equipment and Appropriate Funds for the Purchase of CNG Trucks 3H. Authorization for City Manager to-Apply to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris Open Space Program Allocation, and Resolution 3I. 'State COPS Grant FY 03-04 Allocation 3J. Resolution Authorizing Submittal of Local Agency-State Agreement and Program Supplement Agreement Covering the Construction Phase of the Traffic Signal at,De Berry Street&Mt..Vernon Avenue 3K. Authorization for City Manager to Apply to the'State Department of Parks and Recreation-for the Per Capita Program Under the 2002 Resources Bond Act and Resolution ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 3F. The Establishment of a Volunteer Policy for the City of Grand Terrace Councilinember Hilkev, questioned the purpose of this policy. Assistant City Manager Berry, responded that this policy will provide the City with information.about the individuals who come in to volunteer; it does not apply to' the volunteers who serve on our committees. He indicated that we are getting more and more people who are looking for,ways to volunteer.to meet community service requirements through schools and churches. CC-2003-101 MOTION B_Y COUNCILMEMBERHILKEY,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN., CARRIED 3-0-2-0 (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT),to approve the establishment of a Volunteer Policy for the City of Grand Terrace as recommended by,staff. PUBLIC COMMENT None ORAL REPORTS 5A. Committee Reports -None COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Hilkev,indicated that the Richard Rollins Park renovation project is coming along. He reported that staff is working on air quality management grants that the County and SANBAG are working on for light sequencing through-the City of Grand Terrace.and Council Minutes August 28,2003 Page 3 possibly light number 6. He asked staff to keep the Council informed. Councilmember Larkin, announced that the Halloween Haunt is coming up on October 31 S` He indicated that Mario Guerrero, who is a long-time resident and member of the Lion's Club has passed away.He expressed sympathy to his family and requested that the meeting be adjourned in his memory. Mayor Pro Tem Ferre, reported that there will be a School Bond Oversight Committee meeting on September 171' at the School District Office where there will be an update on where we stand with the-High School. She announced that there will be a memorial at the Grand Terrace Fire Station on September 11"' in honor of the victims of the World Trade Center tragedy. PUBLIC HEARING 6A. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Year 2003-2004 Re- Allocation Mayor Pro Tem Ferr6 opened discussion to the public,there being none she returned discussion to the City Council. CC-2003-102 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 3-0-2-0 (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT),to authorize staff to re-submit an updated Funding List to the County of San Bernardino Department of Economic and Community Development. This update list will include a request to re-allocate our un- programmed funding for up to $15,000 for a Consulting Services RFP. UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None NEW BUSINESS 8A. Waste Disposal Agreement Amendment (San Bernardino County) CC-2003-103 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBERHILKEY,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, CARRIED 3-0-2-0 (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT), to approve Waste Disposal Agreement Amendment No. 3 with the County of San Bernardino. 8B. Policy for Naming Public Facilities CC-2003-104 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN,SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER Council Minutes August 28,2003 Page 4 HILKEY, CARRIED 3-0-2-0 (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT),to continue the Policy for Naming Public Facilities to the September 11, 2003 Council Meeting. CLOSED SESSION 9A. Personnel Mayor Pro Tem Ferre announced that the City Council met in Closed Session to.discuss Personnel and there was no reportable action taken. 8C. Department Reorganization- Community Services CC-2003-105 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER LARKIN, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM FERRE, CARRIED 2-1-2-0, (MAYOR GARCIA AND COUNCILMEMBER CORTES WERE ABSENT AND COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY VOTED NO),to authorize the elimination of one maintenance worker position;authorize an employee lay off of one maintenance worker position;and authorize the creation of a landscape laborer position. ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pro Tem Ferr6 adjourned the City Council Meeting at 8:28 p.m.', until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace c1Ty . RFIND TERR C ' Community Services Department Staff Report MEETING DATE: September 11, 2003 CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) SUBJECT: Purchase of Equipment for the Annual Halloween Haunt and other City Sponsored Events. FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND Each year the City of Grand Terrace, working with many volunteer groups, holds its annual Halloween Haunt at Pico Park. Staffs goal is to further enhance the quality of the life for the children of Grand Terrace through this safe, fun event. Staff maintains an active fundraising role to help fund this project 100% through community donations and sponsorships. The funds for this purchase would come from the.Halloween Trust Account. Staff is considering purchasing an inflatable, 25ft. Court Jester to use at this annual event along with the Country Fair and Grand Terrace Days. The cost of the item is $1,087.85. Consideration was taken to rent the Jester but the rental cost exceeds $300 per day and our payback on the device would be J approximately 3.5 uses. RECOMMENDATION, Staff recommends approving the purchase of the Court Jester for use at any City of Grand Terrace sponsored event. COUNCIL AGENDA ITER0 [10.j.F Sep-02-03 02: 15P (626)579-5561 P.01 y PRO 'I'IGN I� DESIGN GAO UP 1638 Adelia Ave. So. lit Monte CA 91733 (626) 579-1772 Fax (620) 79-5561 '1'0: Steve Septen�er 2, 2003. Re: Proposal 1br Court Jester Fly Guy Purchase: 25fl. (Single I,eg)Jester Fly Guy $450.00 .3 - Speed.Blower System $490.00 Sales Tax: 7.75% $ 72.85 Shipping charge .$ 75.00 Total: $1,087.85 1-Day Rentalr 2511. (Single L,eg) Jester lily, Guy $250.00 3 - Speed'Blower System Included in rental price Sales'Tax: 7.75% $4.85 Shipping charge $75.00 Total: .$329.85 i if you need more information or have any questions please call me(626) 579-17"12. Sincerely, Geo a Mancina Sales and Marketing STAFF REPORT:; CRA ITEM O COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: September 11,2003 ` SUBJECT: Schedule Joint Meeting With Colton Joint Unified School District Board of Education Members of the Colton Joint Unified School District Board of Education are requesting a joint meeting between our agencies sometime this fall to continue discussion on common issues. School District Board meetings for the remainder of the year are scheduled for the following dates and are not available for the joint meeting. September 4 and 18 October 2 and 16 November 6 and 20 December 11 Regular meeting dates for the City Council are: September'25 October 9 and 23 November 13 December 11 Staff Recommends Council: SELECT POTENTIAL MEETING DATES THAT COUNCIL IS AVAILABLE FOR STAFF TO SUGGEST TO THE SCHOOL DISTRICT COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. �/ � STAFF;REPORT CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM(X) MEETING DATE: September 11, 2003 SUBJECT: POLICY FOR NAMING PUBLIC FACILITIES The City Council has expressed the desire to develop a policy for the City of Grand Terrace regarding naming public facilities and has directed staff to obtain sample policies. Staff has been able to receive information from the Cities of Colton, El Segundo, Rancho Palos Verdes and. Brentwood,which are attached. J Staff Recommends Council: Review sample policies and give staff direction to meet the desires of the Council. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NOes ' Jur,-25-2003 14:53 FroorC0LT0N.C1TY CLERK 9093705154 T-904 P-0011003 F-M 'OSI-R'Yax NOW r From"• ,.� ^cj''DepV'14 i!o r T9F t r.L Co D i o n 1 l •L2 S D'horefi F Pnoneir 37C �� 1 =a" � $ —7 Uj� �Fe�is 5-7 0 '5 15 1 RESOLUTION NO. R-116A-93 2 f� 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 4 �� COLTON ESTABLISH!NG ITS POLICY FOR THE NAMING OF ,y CITY PARKS, PARK FEATURES AND COMMUNITY 5 �� FACILITIES 6I 7 WHEREAS, the City has established a vigorous program to provide suitable park 8 i and recreation areas for its residents; and, 10 I WHEREAS, it is desirable that appropriate names be selected for the City's fI 11 li parks and that a policy be adopted by the City Council to accomplish this purpose. i 12 ! rycw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Colton ` 13 that the following policy shall be instituted for the naming of the City's parks, park 14 features and community facilities, 15 �I 1. That parks adjacent to schools be named the same as the school but I 16 j 17 l that the parks so named be dedicated in honor of persons who have �; 18 I served their community in an exceptional and distinguished manner. 19 2. If an entire park or sizeable portion of a park which is not.adjacent to a 20 II school is donated by an individual or family it shall be named after the 21 donor. 22 3. Exceptions may be included in the above list of priorities for naming 23 G4 `� parks in order to honor persons who have served their community in an 25 Ij exceptional and distinguished manner or to emphasize 'environmental 1, I 26 features of the community with the concurrence of the Recreation and I ' 27 Human Services Commission and the City Council. I 28 ! . I i J Jun-2E-200S 14:54 From-COLTON CITY CLERK 9093705154 T-904 P-002/003 F-662 I 1 4. Only one park, park feature or community facility shaEl be Warned for an 2 II individual. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 16:h day of November, 1993. 4I'5 6 ' Frank A. Go zjl , Mayor 7 ATTEST: 10 Helen A. Ramos, CIVIC City Clerk 11 i 12 13 14 �5 16 {j U' 17 i 18 19 I • 20 21 22 23 II I 24 25 26 27 +� 28 i II • Jur.-25-200e 14:55 From-COLTON CITY CLERK 9DESTU5154 T-604 P-003/003 F-682 1 2 I STATE OF CALIFORNIA } 3 t COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY OF COLTON ? ! 1, HELEN A. RAMOS, City Clerk of the City of Colton, California, 5 DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by 6 , the City Council of said City, and was approved by the Mayor of said City, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 16th day of 7 i November, 1993 and that it was so adopted as follows: $ AYES: COUNC!LMEMBER: BENNETT, SANDOVAL, RIOS, CISNEROS, COOK,' BELTRAN 9 �I AND MAYOR GONZALES 10 j NOES: COUNCILMEFOEER: NONE I; 12 ABSTAIN: COUNCI LIME MEER: NONE. 14 �I iSEAL1 HELEN A. RAMOS, CMC 15 City Clerk 16 City of Colton 17 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 1 B COUNTY OF SAN-BERNARDINO 1 ss. 19 ! CITY OF COLTON I 20 I I, HELEN A. RAMOS, City Clerk of the City of Colton, . 00 HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and 21 correct copy of Resolution No. R-11 SA-93 and that the same has not been amended or repealed. 22 23 DATED: i 24 ISEALi 26 !� I 26 HELEN A. RAMOS, CIVIC 27 II City Clerk I� City of Colton 28 ` Ii I I i RESOLUTION N.O. A RESOLUTION OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR NAMING AND DEDICATING CITY FACILITIES. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of El Segundo as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. Naming City buildings,parks, and other facilities serves a public interest by recognizing important landmarks, locations, or persons. This assists the public not only in identifying and visiting these places,but also promotes civic pride. B. In order to facilitate that manner in which public facilities may be named, the City Council believes that it should set forth the guidelines for identifying facilities that should be named and the manner in which names may be selected. SECTION 2: The public facilities affected by this Resolution are as follows: A. Buildings: City-owned facilities used for City administration or other City business.'Such facilities include, without limitation, the Civic Center, City Council Chambers,Police Facility, Fire Facility and Communications Center and Library. B.' Support Facilities: City-owned facilities that support field operations. Support facilities include, without limitation,the corporation yard and water and wastewater pump stations. C. Parks: City-owned.facilities utilized as recreation or open space sites and trail areas. Park sites included developed and undeveloped park areas and designated open space areas. D. Recreation Facilities and Amenities: City-owned facilities used primarily for , sports,recreation and leisure activities, including, without limitation, the Joslyn Center,beach property, athletic fields, tennis/basketball/handball courts, lawn bowling space, community centers, gazebos and.meeting rooms. SECTION 3: City facilities will be named pursuant to the following guidelines: A. Names given to-facilities will provide easy and recognizable references for City residents, corporate citizens and other visitors. ,Such names should generally reflect the facility's geographic location(such as a.major street, Page 1 of 3 I . location, neighborhood) or the City's name if the facility serves the entire population. B. In certain,unusual, circumstances, where names reflecting the geographical location or the City are unworkable, names may reflect topography, notable flora, or historical precedent. Under extraordinary circumstances, consideration may be given to naming facilities after significant personages who made prominent contributions to the City's community. SECTION 4: Facilities will be dedicated as follows: A. After a recommendation from the Recreation &Parks Commission on the name for a particular facility, the City Council will take action to dedicate that facility at a regularly scheduled meeting. i B. Following the City Council's action, the City Manager, or-designee, will install a plaque on the facility which includes the following: 1. Facility name; 2. Dedication date; 3. Names of all city councilmembers at the time of dedication; 4. Names of the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem at the time of the dedication; 5. Name of the City Manager at the time of the dedication and the name of the City Manager in office when the project was budgeted; 6. Name of the Department Head primarily responsible for operating the facility at the time-of the dedication; and 7. Additional information determined by City Council action at the time of naming the facility. I C. If a plaque currently exists on a building or facility being named or dedicated, that plaque will be retained and appropriately displayed. SECTION 5: The City may name facilities using private'funding on the following basis: A. The Recreation &Parks Commission may consider requests by residents or business enterprises located within the City to name public facility. B. The Recreation &Parks Commission will consider these requests as follows: E i Page 2 of 3 1. The request will specifically state how such naming complies with Section 3 of this Resolution; 2. The proposal will include a funding mechanism to offset the City's cost of installing and maintaining a plaque or other form of naming the facility; C. The costs of installing and maintaining the plaque, or other form of memorial, will be established by the City Manager, or designee. SECTION 6: The City Manager, or designee, is directed to implement this Resolution through administrative policies and procedures. SECTION 7: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Resolution; enter same in the book of original Resolutions; and make a Minute of its adoption in the City's records and in the Minutes of the meeting when it was adopted. SECTION 8. This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2002. Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Karl H. Berger, Assistant City Attorney Page 3 of 3 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 7, 2003 SUBJECT: POLICY FOR NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PLACING OF MONUMENTS AND OTHER MEMORIALS RECOMMENDATION Adopt a policy for the naming of public facilities and placing,of monuments and other memorials on City property. BACKGROUND At the City Council meeting on June 12, 2002 Mayor McTaggart presented a proclamation in memory of Jeannette Mucha to-Valerie Mucha, and said that he was going to propose to the Council that the Forrestal Nature Preserve be ` renamed the Jeannette Mucha Nature Preserve. On August 12, 2002 the Mayor placed the matter before the City Council for action. The following paragraphs are excerpts from the minutes of that meeting: Councilman Gardiner stated that the generic question is, "How should the City recognize those who give so much of their time in service to the city?" He asked if there were a City procedure or policy regarding recognizing citizens who have served the,City. Mayor pro tern Stern echoed Councilman Gardiner's feelings and stated that the Council should concentrate rmore on a policy for commemorating those who have served. He suggested that a commemorative wall be.proposed. Councilman Gardiner suggested that this item be tabled for later consideration so that the Council can create a policy for this procedure. Councilman.Gardiner moved,that this item be continued, seconded by Mayor-pro tem Sterna Motion carried 4-0-1 (Councilwoman Ferraro having,left the meeting). DISCUSSION The City of Rancho Palos Verdes has lacked a uniform policy to assist the City Council and to guide staff in the naming of City facilities, including parks and Policy for Naming Public Facilities January 7, 2003 i Page 2 of 6 open space areas, buildings, streets and other public amenities. In addition, there are no formal policies or guidelines-for honoring City leaders, nor for memorializing persons whose loved ones simply want to provide a remembrance in the form of a bench or tree. Although the City has no formal policy for naming,public facilities and sites in honor of persons, there are precedents. Fred Hesse Park and Community Center is named for'a City founder, Robert Ryan Park is named for a former Mayor and Councilmember and Vanderlip Park is named for an original Peninsula landowner. There is a GPS monument at,Portuguese Point named in honor of Dr. Perry Ehlig. There is a trail below Ocean Terrace Drive known as the McBride Trail inr honor of the man who constructed"it. There are-also three small.memorials, one near Ladera Linda Community Center, one at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center and the other near Inspiration Point that honor persons who died prematurely. Finally, there have,been numerous requests from individuals to install park benches or plant trees in memory of deceased loved ones, many of which have been granted. Attached is a proposed Policy for the recognition of those who,have contributed to the vision of Rancho Palos Verdes as well as others who have been proposed for some form of memorial marker. The development of a Policy to guide the naming of City facilities, the permitting of monuments, benches and trees is intended to enable these processes to be conducted in an equitable, objective and consistent manner. In addition, the establishment of a 'Wall of Honor" will offer a new formal opportunity for honoring community leaders. Respectfully submitted, Les Evans City Manager Cc: DRAFT Policy DRAFT POLICY: http://www.cacities-orginewcybra ry/2003/submitted_by_cities/RPV—facil ity_na m i ng_pol i cy.doc Policy for Naming Public Facilities January 7, 2003 Page 3 of 6 It shall be the.policy of the City Council to name City facilities in the following manner: ■ General The policy of the City is to name facilities in a manner that will provide an easy and recognizable reference to the City's residents and visitors. ■ Geographic Location Whenever possible-, City facilities will be named for their geographic location. The geographic location may be based on the identification of the facility with a specific place, neighborhood, street, topographic or other natural feature, such as a drainage"course, tree or plant species, or historical,-precedent. ■ Individual/Organizational Recognition The naming of City facilities in honor of individuals or community organizations will be a rare event, and will be considered under the following conditions: The individual, a family:or a community organization has made exceptional contributions to the City, including one or more of the following: a).financial gifts, b) public-service as an elected official, - - c) public service as a community volunteer, or d) long term sponsorship agreements., There should be a well-defined connection between the contributions of the individual or community organization and the City facility. The significance of the contribution from the individual/organizations needs to be evaluated in relation to the impact of the City facility. Individuals,and organizations that have made contributions of regional or community-wide significance maybe considered for naming of facilities that serve the entire City. Individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to a particular area or neighborhood may be considered for the naming of facilities that serve these areas or neighborhoods within the City, including recreational and other amenities within City parks. Only a current Mayor or-City Councilmember may nominate an individual to have a City facility named in his or her honor, and the determination will be made by the City Council. City policy does not preclude additional opportunities for recognition that may be created in the future. For instance, the Point Vicente Interpretive Center is planned to include exhibits that maybe funded by individual-or corporate donations. Recognition of such donations may include a donor http://www.cacities.org/newcybrary/2003/s ubm itted_by_cities/RPV--facility_nami ng_policy.doc Policy for Naming Public Facilities January 7, 2003 Page 4of6 wall within the Interpretive Center, or recognition of a contributor's sponsorship of a specific exhibit. It shall be the policy of the City,Council to allow the placing of monuments and other memorials on City properties under the following guidelines: ■ Monuments Monuments in memory of deceased persons may be permitted, in rare cases, on City property-with permission of the City Council under the following conditions: 1 1. The person memorialized is closely associated with the area where the monumentwill be located.` The person memorialized is known to, and revered,,by a significant number of City residents. 2. The monument design is discreet and unobtrusive and designed to blend into the surrounding area. A small plaque on a large rock-(4 cubic feet)would.-be appropriate. The location of the monument will be determined by City staff with approval of the City Council. 3. -Costs of design, installation and maintenance of the monument will be determined by the City and borne by the requestor at the discretion of the City. Only City personnel or City contractors may perform work on City property. 4. The monument is only a marker and is not a place of worship, a cemetery or official gathering place. Flowers, and other memorabilia are not permitted and will be removed by . maintenance personnel. 5. The City is not responsible for damage or deterioration of the monument and may remove it at any time for any reason with permission of the City Council. ■ Benches or Trees Benches or trees in memory of deceased persons may be placed in City parks, or other City spaces, at the discretion of the City Manager under the following conditions: 1. The bench design, or tree species, will be determined by the City and the location of the bench or tree-will be selected by the City. 2. No plaque, inscription or other written memorial information may be placed on or near the bench or tree. 3. Costs of design, installation and maintenance of the bench or tree will be determined by the City and borne by the requestor at the discretion of the City. Only City personnel or City;contractors may perform work on City property. 4. The bench, or tree, is only a marker and is not a place of worship, a cemetery or official gathering place. Flowers, and other memorabilia are not permitted and will-be removed by maintenance personnel. http://www.cacities.org/newcybra ry/2003/submitted_by_cities/RPV—facil ity_na m ing_policy.doc Policy for Naming Public Facilities January 7, 2003 Page 5 of 6 5. The City is not responsible for damage or deterioration of the bench or tree and may remove it at any time for any reason without replacement. It shall be the policy of the City Council to establish a 'Wall of Honor' under the following guidelines: ■ Wall of-Honor The Wall of Honor will memorialize.the names of distinguished community leaders who have made substantial contributions to the City of.Rancho 'Palos Verdes under the following conditions: 1. Persons•nominated for the 'Wall of Honor" shall have been dedicated community leaders who have contributed significantly to the quality of _ life offered by the City and realization of the vision expressed in the original General Plan. The honoree must have had a significant presence in the community throughout a,good portion of their life and should have made-notable impacts on sustaining the quality of life of the residents of Rancho Palos Verdes. 2. Persons nominated for inclusion on.the "Wall of Honor" will be deceased and will not have been previously honored 'by other actions of the City such as facilities named in their honor or other memorial. 3. In order to maintain the significance of being named to the 'Wall of Honor" the number of names on the 'Wall" will never exceed the number of years the City has been incorporated. 4. Only a current Mayor of City Councilmernber may nominate a citizen to be included on the "Wall of Honor." The determination of the persons who will be included will be made by the City Council. 5. The location of the 'Wall" and the format of names and inscriptions shall be established by the City Council. BACKGROUND The City of Rancho Palos Verdes has'lacked a uniform policy to assist the City Council and to guide staff in the naming of City facilities, including parks and open space areas, buildings, streets and other public amenities. In addition, there have been no formal policies or guidelines for honoring City leaders, -nor for memorializing persons whose loved ones simply want-to provide a remembrance in the form of a bench or tree. Although the City has had no formal policy for naming public facilities and sites in honor of persons, there'are precedents: Fred Hesse Park and Community Center is named for a City founder, Robert Ryan Park is named for a former http://www.cacities.org/newcybrary/2003/submitted_by_cities/RPV--facility_n6ming_policy.doc Policy for.Naming,Public'Facilities January 7, 2003 Page 6 of 6 Mayor and Councilmember and Vanderlip Park is named for an original Peninsula landowner. There is a GPS monument at.Portuguese Point named in honor of Dr. Perry Ehlig. There is a trail below Ocean Terrace Drive known.as the McBride Trail in honor of the man who constructed it. There are also,three small memorials, one near Ladera Linda Community Center, one at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center and the other near Inspiration Point that honor persons who.died prematurely. Finally, there have been numerous requests from individuals to install park benches or plant trees in memory of deceased loved ones, many of which have been granted. The development of a Policy to guide the naming of City facilities, the permitting of monuments, benches and trees is intended-to enable these processes to be conducted in an equitable, objective and consistent manner. In addition, the establishment of a "Wall of Honor" will offer a new formal opportunity for honoring community leaders. http J/www.cacities.org/newcybrary/2003/subm itted_by_cities/RPV—fadil ity_nam i ng_policy.doc i • COUNCIUADMINISTRATIVE.POLICY Subject: Policy No: Date: rNaming/Dedication of Facilities Resolution No: Page 1 of 4 PURPOSE To define the policies,responsibilities and procedures associated with the naming of City facilities. i DEFRQTIONS i 1. "Buildings"are City-owned facilities that house employees or are otherwise used to conduct City business. Buildings may include,but are not limited to, the Civic Center, City Council Chambers, and'Police facility. 2. "Support Facilities"are City-owned facilities that are used to support field operations. Support facilities may include,but are not limited to,the corporation yard andpump stations. 3. "Park Sites"are City-owned parks, open space, and trail areas. Park sites include developed and undeveloped park areas and designated open space areas. 4. "Recreation Facilities and Amenities"are facilities/amenities used primarily for recreation and leisure activities, including,but not limited to, athletic fields, tennisibasketball courts,recreation centers, gazebos and meeting rooms. I POLICY i i 1. General. The policy of the City is to name facilities in a manner that will provide an easy and recognizable reference for the City's customers. Therefore,naming options will always consider a name based on the facility's geographic location. However,the policy also established conditions for the consideration of naming options based on other factors. 2. Geographic Location. Whenever possible, all City facilities will be named for their geographic location. The geographic location many be based on the identification of the facility with a specific place,neighborhood, major street,regional area of the City or the City itself if the facility is deemed to serve the entire community. 3. Other Considerations. Consideration of names for facilities may also include a prominent form of i topography, a prominent plant,bush or tree and historical precedent. Dedications: i j a. Facilities or portions thereof,may be dedicated in memory, or honor of, individuals, groups or organizations. Dedications are encouraged to be in the form of facility improvements or enhancements: b. Dedication may be in recognition of an outstanding service, a donation or contribution to the facility or community. C. Dedication may be in memory of someone who has contributed to the facility or community. i d. Any individual, family, group or organization sponsoring a dedication or memorial must provide sufficient funds to purchase, install, and maintain any plaque or other form of label associated with the recognition. The dedication or memorial may take the form of a ceremony or other testimonial in honor of the person or group in question. e. The City will make every effort to preserve any dedication plaque or other dedicated object. If necessary, due to repair of surround areas, construction or redesign of a facility,the plaque or dedication object may be relocated. If the plaque or other dedication object cannot continue to be reasonably maintained or after a period of ten years, it may be removed by the City. I CITY OF MENTWOOD i COUNCIL%ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY SubJect: Policy No: Date: Naming/Dedication of Facilities Resolution No: Page 2 of 4 f. If the dedication includes the gift or a tree or other plant the City will provide its regular standard of landscape care for the tree. If the tree does not survive,the City is not obligated to provide a replacement. If the dedication includes the gift of an object(e.g.bench,picnic table,play equipment),the City will provide its regular standard of care and maintenance for the object. g. The City will not be responsible for upkeep,repair or replacement of any dedication or memorial plaque whose placement was not sponsored by the City. h. Dedication or memorial plaques may not be placed in or on City facilities without written City approval. i. The Park and Recreation Commission will, on behalf of the City Council, oversee the provisions of this policy. The City Council will refer naming or dedications in public park,recreation and open space areas and facilities to the Commission for recommendation. j. The Park and Recreation Commission will initiate the naming of new facilities and their features. The City Council will be advised of dedications covered by this policy and asked to confirm facility names. CITY OF BRENTWOOD