01/08/1987A� Alt R CITY COUNGII : sj PM GRAND TERRACE . - CENTER 22795 Barton Rtij< * Call to {}rder * Invocation - * Pledge of Allegiance * Roll Call IM REYISrb CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REGULAR COUNCIL FETING AGENDA CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. Approve Check Register No. CRA010887 ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL 1. Items to Delete 2. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine & non -controversial They will be enacted by one motion without discussion unless Council, Staff, or the Public requests removal of an item for Iseparate discussion and action. A. Approve Check Register No. 010887 B. Ratify 1/8/87 CRA Action C. Waive Full Reading of All Resolutions and Ordinances on Agenda D. Approval of 12/4/86 Council Minutes E. Accept & Authorize City Clerk to Record Grant Deed for Barton Road Dedication from Vernon R. Stauble, Assessor's Parcel No. 275-242-11 - located on the Northerly side of Barton Road, East of Vivienda. Staff Recommendations Approve Approve Approve Approve Approve Approve January 8, 1987 5:30 P.M. Council Action it 4 rZ% E COUNCIL, A Staff 1/8/87 �- pag X 'af- 2 Recommendations F. Authofto City Staff to Advise Property Approve Owneft&, it. the Cost to Convert Existing Overhe6d-.0tilities to Underground will be Borne''tv"'City in Addition to Previous Offeit At-440S.ideration for Dedication of the S&n,Foot Wide Strip along the Frontage of -their Property on Barton Road. .G. Authorize Community Services Director & Approve Parks & Recreation Committee Members attendance to the 1987 California Parks & Recreation Society Annual Conference in San Francisco, March 12 - 15, 1987. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 4. ORAL REPORTS A. Planning Commission B. Parks & Recreation Committee C. Historical & Cultural Activities Committee D. Crime Prevention Committee E. Emergency Operations Committee F. Chamber of Commerce G. Police Chief H. Fire Chief I. City Engineer J. City Attorney (1) Authorization for the City of Grand Terrace to Participate in Litigation with the Inland Empire Counties & Cities Relative to the Rialto Power Plant; (A Joint Effort between Garb Oil & Power Company & DITT S.A.) & Authorization to Expend City Funds for this Purpose. K. City Manager L. City Council ADJOURN THE NEXT REGULAR CRA/CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS WILL BE HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1987, AT 5:30 P.M. AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE 1/22/87 MEETING MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY 12:00 NOON ON 1/14/87. r Council Action shin u 1, t,j COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF GRAND TERRACE JAN. 8, 1987 CHECK REGISTER NO.CRAO10887 CHECK NUMBER OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF JAN. 8, 1987 (1) P4835 BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. FINAL PAYMENT ON CONSTRUCTION PHASE OF VIVIENDA BRIDGE PROJECT $37,371.27 (2) P4836 KICAK AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING SERVICES 12/1-12/28/86 VIVIENDA BRIDGE PROJECT 123.60 TOTAL: $37,494.87 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORELISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF CRA LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF CRA. THOMAS CHWAB TREASURER VOUCHAEG " FF DbTF 12/31/86 -b��Il:rya CIGj Y r. VOUCHEF/ VENDER VENDOR CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME CITY OF GRAND TERRACE C� ,„ ��' "" cW ` VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS CHECK REGISTER NO.010887 - --- - --- ITEM - - -- - -- - ITEM -- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P4910----------'------ DIANE CHRISTIAN-------------- .P4�1�--�725.0:-CA-,.EiD..1SON--CMEAN Y ---- '-' - 'I P4812 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY +-r P4813 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY - I P-4814 6730 5niCALGA�_�QMPA[�Y _ DECORATE WINDOWS9C/C CASH- PAY. 1ZL11iSCE-- CASH PAY.12/11tSCG CASH PAY.12/159SCE CASH-P_A_Y.12/15.iSC 74.32 31.88 19.15 9-a. 4 7 PAGE 1 CHECK AMOUNT 74.32 ------1n2.�1 31.88 19.15 --.----3Q.-47 P4815 1726 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SERVICE DO NOT ENTER SIGNS 47.70 47.70 P4816 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.12/169SCE 145.61 145.61 _ P4817 6730.---_SO.C_A.GASCMPANY -_- - CASH PAY.1.211-6: �8A ZQ -_- -$A.70 P4818 4347 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES NEW MAYOR/COUNCIL MEET. 270.00 270.00 Ij P4819 2703 FRITZ'S LAWNMOWER REPAIR SERVICE LAWN MOWER 40.50 LINE FOR WEED EATER 15.90 56.40 1 >� P4820 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.12/18sSCE 216.50 216.50 -u' P4.821_ 6730 S.Q,lA1GA'lCQMP¢NY ___CASH--PAYA-I2LL$-t5C-G 1fi$-jLQ6 11j1I�6 �' r.� P4922 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.12/199SCE 96.30 96.30 P4823 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.12/199SCG 66.63 66.63 „I PP_4824 6720 SO.CA.E�ISON COMPANY CA-SH PAY_*1Z/22�CE 202.75 20-2.75 »' P4825 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.12/229SCG 125.52 125.52 � )�-P4826 �- 1134 ALL PRO CONSTRUCTION - - - REPAIRSgVIV/BURNS 89500.00 - 8,500.00 - I; .J P4-827 6720 _�-O.CA.EDISON CMPANY -.-CASH--PAY IZ/2-3-2.-CE 12$-._14 '•I i I P4828 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.12/239SCG 173.01 173.01 , P4929 7215 U.S.IC POSTAL SERVE ZIP+4 CODE DIRECTORY - 4.50 '•i ZIP+4 CODE DIRECTORY 4.50 9.00 i+ P4830 7216 U.S.POSTAL SERVICE FIVE DIGIT ZIP CODE 9.00 Ise' I: FIVE DIGIT ZIP CODE 9.00 18.00 , P 4 8 3 1 6720 SO.CA,EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.12/24tSCE 73.11 73.11 i` --------P4932-_--__---6730__--_$Q.CA:.GAS--COMPANY---_---- -- CASH_ PAY.12/241SCG__-- -- '-- 2249 ---22a94-.-- - �• P4833 h720 SO.CA.EDIS014 CrMPAt.Y CASH PAY.12/299SCE 20.00 20.00 wl V' OUCHR/EG 01+'TE 12/31/P6 6 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS _t PAGE 2 - VOUCHEk/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT P4634 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.12/299SCG 21.67 21.67 P4835 1450 BONADIMAN_MCCAI,N,LNC. FINAL _PAYNENT P4836 4110 KICAK E ASSOCIATES ENG.SVCS.12/1-12/28/86 39068.25 ENG.SVCS.12/.1-12/28/86 426t25 ENG.SVCS.12/1-12/28/86 17.50 ENG.SVCS.12/1-12/28/86 4,913.75 -- -- _ _ ENG.SVCS.12/1-12/_28/86 _-_3-i025_i30._- --- ENG.SVCS.12/1-12/28/86 39502.15 ENG.SVCS.12/1-12/26/86 432.00 3 ENG.SVCS.12/1-12/28/86 123,60 159508.80 'a P4837 1972 DEFERRED COMPENSATION FUND D/C,STONE,DUGHMAN 100.04 100.04 P4838 2260 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT. S.U.I.4TH DUARTER.86 262.71 262.71 4 P4839 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY -_- -CASH PAY.12/30,SCE 47 42 47s42 P4940 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.12/309SCG 50.00 50.00 16587 GLORIA BLALOCK W.W.D.REFUND,BLALOCK 14.00 14.00 i 16588 BONNIE KRUEGER W.W.D.REFUNO,KRUEGER 2,80 2.80 V 16589 CENTRAL SAVINGS W.W.D.REFUND,CENT.SAVINGS 10.99 10.99 16590 LARRY ROCHE W.W.D.REFUND,ROCHE 3.29 3.29 ,f 16591 ALAN COLE W.W.D.REFUNO,COLE 7.00 7.00 16592 1223 ATET INFORMATION SYSTEMS RENT PHONE,EOC 4.35 4.35 r -16593 1365 BAYLESS STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES 26.36 26.36 j 16594 1710 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIGHTSjBART/215 337.27 337,27 16595 1725 NORMAN T. CAOUETTE CAOUETTE 12/15/86 25.00 25.00 16596 1748 ----CON CONSTANCE CHAPMAN 1i597 1940 DARWIN FLOURS .,I 16598 2042 CICKSON CO.OF INLAND EMPIRE 16599 2226 EASTERDAY SUPPLY COMPANY - - - -- - -- - --- - -- -- ----- -- - -- ----------- - f 00 223,) EDEN- SYSTEP S CLEAN R/R,PARK (4 -DAYSI CLEAN R/R,PARK (6 DAYS) CARPET COMMLNITY CENTER ST.SWEEP 11/86 TRASH LINERS MAINT/COMP.1987 MAINT/COMP.1987 80.00 120.00 4,99b.00 _2,40C.72 . 126.48 19375.00 1,375.00 200.00 49996.00 2L00_.72 _ 126.48 2,750.00 VTJCHPEG CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PAGE 3 DATE 12/31/86 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER j, FOR ALL PERIODS - -- -----------ITEM--- ---CHECK_---- - -----^ITEM -.------_---- rI VOUCHEP./ VENDOR VENOGR .. 1= CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT �•j++ 16601 23u1 FEDERAL EXPRESS COP.P - EXPRESS MAIL i 25.75 25.75 02 1 I°L�1 _.S_IAN.L1`Y_J±AEGRAYE _____.__-_ HARGKAYE,_121l5-18f_- _255-OQ _______.--.25�IlQ__-__ 16603 3155 JERRY HAWKINSON HAWKINSON, 12/15/86 25.00 25.00 � 16604 3217 IVAN HOPKINS LEGAL SERVICES 11/86 49269.30 49269.30 6605 3503 INTER ATIONA.L-11TY 1'i.AhLAGEMENT__--IC A-SUB.1(I87 __55 00_...- ___.___. 55.00.- 16606 4652 MAR LIN PRINTING MAPS/PLANNING 251.64 oI -ENVELOPES 106.91 r ENVELOPES/PLANNING 90.03 "i LEGAL PRINTING 713.40 19161.98 • r zol 16607 4655 MARTIN E CHAPMAN CO. CAND.NOMINATION CERTIFICATES 6.30 6.30 I:,i 16608 4656- DANIEL UGH _--_- MOHUGH,1ZL15LE6_-_ 25,00 25-LQQ_ 16609 4664 MERRY MOUSE HOUSE HELIUM TANK,TOUR DE TERRACE 21.20 21.20 -j= 16610 4668 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT BAR-B-Q PITS/PARK 629.76 629.76 16611 4700 RAY MQN DN _-_-Mt)N5ON.L121151_8t 25.00 __-251-.-Q0 ■I:,I 16612 4 89 0 JEAN MYERS CROSS GUARD 12/1-12/12/86 127.20 _-_-.CROSS.GUARD_12115-12/_1_91.R4__---_----------43,�0---- 16613 4891 NADIG SCAFFOLDING RENT SCAFOLDING/PARK 60.50 60.50 • 16614 4903 NAT.INSTITUTE/PARK/GROUND MGT. MEMB.NIPGM,1987 50.00 50.00 • ,r 16615 - 5529_ PACIFI-C BELL PHONE,_C.OMPUTER__- PHONE, COMPUTER 8.57 •.I PHONE,EOC 34.70 '" _PHONE,-Q.I.VjQ_._QENTI R_ 7 5-2-49 •�! PAY PHONE,CIVIC CENTER 26.09 I•. PAY PHONE,CIVIC CENTER 32.24 895.65 �• 16616 5535 PAGING PLUS - RENT PAGER912/86 29.00 RENT PAGER912/86 29.00 58.00 I•° 16617 5545 PETRA ENTEkPRISES FLYEERS/SENIOR CITIZENS 106.70 - �''' CERT.PARTICIPATION,C/P 48.39 _ _._.__ REC.�►IrrTER_6ROCHURES--------_--- - ----- .717.00.- -_-_- 1E618 5579 PEOPLE HELPERS,INC. REC.SVCS.12/2-12/15/86 29087.19 29087.19 1E519 5595 PITNEY RCiv.ES MAINT.MAIL SCALE 1987 37.50 MAINT.MAIL SCALE 1987 37.50 75.00 `/OU(,fibfcG CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PAGE 4 [�A TE 12/31/n6 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS Emm VOUCHER/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 1E6Z0 5670 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY SUB.PRESS,1587 66.00 66.00 16621 5688 PRIMA DUE_S_,PR.IM_-A-19$7 20._0_0 _2.0100----__—_ 16622 6420 SACRAMENTO NEWSLETTER SAC.NEWSLETTER 1987 35.00 35.00 16623 6458 SAN BERNARDIN09COUNTY OF COPIER PAPER 232.30 WALL CALENDARS 15.12 WALL CALENDARS 10.08 25.7_5_0___._—__ — 16624 6528 SAN BERNARDINO,COUNTY OF ELECTION MATERIALS 19518.18 19518.18 16625 6555 SAN PERNARDINO,COUNTY OF DUMP CHARGE,11/17-12/12/86 172.75 DUMP CHARGE911/17-12/12/86 45.00 217.75 16626 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY ELEC.CITY BLOGS.13I 37.68 16627 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY 16628 6765 SQUIRES LUMBER COMPANY 16629 7553 FRAN VAN GELDER ELEC.CIVIC CENTER 1,534.16 ELEC.B/_P L_IGHTS 394.95._ _ ELEC.BART/PALM 10.33 2 LIGHTS/PAFK 25.06 ELEC_.SIGNALS_(4> 417.23 ELEC.SPRINKLERS/PARK 17.74 29437.15 GAS,CITY BLOGS9(3) 64.97 GAS, CIVIC CENTER 429.09 494.06 HARDWARE SUPPLIES,C/C 52.00 52.00 C/CPLAN CONF.VAN GELDER 12.00 VAN GELDER, 12/15/86 25.00 37.00 TOTAL CHECKS 909546.99 �— Is I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORELISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN -AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY -AND -APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY.---- .i THOMAS SCHWAB FINANCE DIRECTOR ri -------------------- -- 55 DATE: December 23, 1986 SftFF REPtORT 12.376 C R A ITEM ( ) c COUNCIL ITEM (4 AGENDA ITEM NO. G SUBJECT GRANT DEED DEDICATION - BARTON ROAD WIDENING FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED xx MEETING DATE: JANUARY 8, 1987 Attached is a Grant Deed for Barton Road dedication from Vernon R. Stauble, Assessor's Parcel #275-242-11. The Parcel is located on the northerly side of Barton Road, east of Vivienda. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ACCEPT THE DEDICATION AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD. JK/lh Attachment _ l Older No. Escrow No. Loan No. A.P.N. 275-242-11 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ ................................................ ...... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ...... Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax — Flrm Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Vernon R. Stauble, a single man hereby GRANT(S) to The City of Grand Terrace the real property in the City of Grand Terrace County of San Bernardino , State of California, described as That portion of Lot 17 of Tract No. 2966, as per map recorded in Book 40' of Maps, page 46 records of said t:ounty lying Southerly of a line that is parallel with and distant 17.00 feet Northerly of, measured at right angles to the Southerly line of said Lot 17. Contains 0.036 Acres, more or less. (1530.0 Sq. Ft.) i � i naf-Yll7nP-nt to add an additional 17.00 DATE: December 31, 1986 STAFF REPdRT 12.376 C R A ITEM ( ) }- COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: January 8, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. T SUBJECT Barton Road Right -of -Way Acquisition FUNDING REQUIRED XX NO FUNDING REQUIRED The City Council has directed the staff to attempt to obtain a right-of-way along the frontage of Barton Road for the purpose of widening the roadway between Canal Street and Michigan Avenue. We have recently received correspondence from three property owners who are willing to dedicate the necessary right-of-way (seventeen additional feet) provided that the City is willing to accept the cost of converting the existing overhead utilities from overhead to underground in accordance with the requirements of the building code and to the satisfaction of the utility companies. Copies of these letters from the three property owners are attached hereto. It is estimated that the cost for the individual conversion of the utilities from overhead to underground will be approximately $1,000.00. It would appear benificial for the City to agree to pay the cost of these conversions for the three property owners who requested it. Staff Recommends: THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE STAFF TO ADVISE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT THE COST FOR UNDERGROUNDING THE UTILITIES WILL BE BORNE BY THE CITY IN ADDITION TO PREVIOUS OFFERS AS CONSIDERATION FOR DEDICATION OF THE SEVENTEEN FOOT WIDE STRIP ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF THEIR PROPERTY. *00 1,2 -/ - �,� 1r1c& - ; J986 rfs RECEIVED OE --"%1 0 81986 PITY OF GRAND TERRACE v �o *0 LIn 40 Caldwell & Cropsey A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION TERRY E CALDWELL 15476 SAND STREET- SUITE 100 JEANNE E. CROPSEY RUTH ANN MAGNUSON VICTORVILLE. CALIFORNIA 92392 City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, Ca 92324 Attn: Joseph Kicak City Engineer December 12, 1986 RE: Assessor's Parcel Number: 277 121 021 Dear Mr. Kicak: AREA CODE 619 TELEPHONE 245-1637 factWED %T 5 1986 KICAK & ASSWATES Please be advised that this firm represents Mrs. Helen K. Stringfield, the owner of the above referenced parcel of real property. We are in receipt of your letter dated July 9th, 1986 concerning the possible improvement of Barton Road and the need for additional right of way to complete the contemplated improvements. Mrs. Stringfield supports the improvement project, understands the need for additional right of way and is not necessarily opposed to your requested dedication of seventeen (17) feet of her Barton Road frontage. The only problem is the eventual cost to Mrs. Stringfield for the undergrounding of her individual service from the street right --of- way to her existing Edison Company electric meter. Edison estimates that her hookup costs could be in the range of $400.00 to $1, 000.00 when she makes the conversion from overhead to underground. Mrs. Stringfield is elderly, on a fixed income and does not have the financial resources to pay the $400.00 to $1,000.00 conversion fee. Therefore, we must request that as a part of her dedication that the city agree to pay the Edison Company fee for conversion of her overhead facilities to an underground facility. The city's proposal to install Mrs. Stringfield's curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving at no cost to her in City of Grand Terrace December 12, 1986 Page 2 exchange for her dedication of the required seventeen (17) feet is appreciated and we concur that the contemplated improvements would be beneficial to the property owners. Mrs. Stringfield doesn't want to cause any problems for the contemplated project but her fixed income precludes her from entering into an agreement that will result in her being obligated to pay a sum of money to the Edison Company which is beyond her financial resources. We are willing to explore with any mutually acceptable resolutions to Mrs. Stringfields problem so that this contemplated project can go forward. Sincerely, 'r , d&a.-tv TERRY E. CALDWELL TEC/arc cc: Mrs. Helen K. Stringfield cc: Mr. Ron Obser DATE• December 31, 198tik STAFF REPORT C R A ITEM ( ) AGENDA ITEM NO. e-Cl SUBJECT COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: JANUARY 8, 1987 AUTHORIZATION FOR PARK & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL CPRS CONFERENCE FUNDING REQUIRED X NO FUNDING REQUIRED DURING THE FISCAL YEAR 86/87 BUDGET HEARINGS, THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVED LINE ITEMS 10-807-265 AND 10-180-270, TRAVEL/CONFERENCES/MEETINGS. SAID FUNDS WERE APPROPRIATED SO THAT THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE COULD ATTEND THE ANNUAL CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY CONFERENCE IN SAN FRANCISCO. THE CPRS CONFERENCE IN SAN FRANCISCO WILL BE HELD MARCH 12 - 15, 1987. SINCE THIS CONFERENCE IS LOCATED OUTSIDE THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AREA, CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION IS NEEDED IN ORDER FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED TO ATTEND. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY COUNCIL: APPROVE STAFF AND COMMITTEE MEMBER ATTENDANCE TO THE 1987 CPRS ANNUAL CONFERENCE.