02/12/1987CITY OF GRAND TERRACE .� 'REVULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA. -f9OIL February 12, 1987 GltD TERRACE CIVIC CENTEit 5:30 P.M. 22795 Barton Road * Call to Order * Invocation - Doctor Stephen" Carleton, Executive Vice -President and Academic Dean, California Baptist College, Riverside * Pledge of Allegiance * Roll Call Staff Recommendations Council Action CONVENE CITY COUNCIL 1. Presentation to Outgoing Council Member. 2,. City Manager Announcement of Retirement for Medical Reasons. 3. Conduct Election for Mayor (City Clerk) 4. Conduct Election for Mayor Pro Tempore (Mayor) RECESS CITY COUNCIL CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. Approval of Minutes 1/22/87 Approve 2. Approval of Check Register No. 021287 Approve ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL 4. Items to Delete 5. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine & non -controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Staff Member or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Approve A. Approve Check Register No. 021287 $1 COUNCIL AGENDA 2/12/87- Page 2-of 3 6. Ratify 2/12/87 CRA Action C-. Waive Full- Readf 6vvf- Ordinances on Agenda Staff Recommendations Approve Approve D. Approve Minutes: Approve (1) 1/8/87; (2) 1/22/87; (3) 2/3/87 E. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Adopt OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, APPROVING THE APPLICA- TION FOR GRANT MONIES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE COMMUNITY PARKLANDS ACT OF 1986 (Park Development - T. J. Austyn Parksite) F. Accept Grading Permit Bond No. NA 100411 for Approve Tract 13050,-Phases 1 - 4., in the Amount of $63,000.00 for Proper Grading within the Subdivision - Fieldcrest Homes, Inc. G. Request Council Declare Washington's Birthday Approve an Observed City Holiday. i 16. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 17. ORAL REPORTS A. Planning Commission B. Parks & Recreation Committee (1) Request Subsidizing 1/3 or $500 for Little League Light Tokens. (2) Feasibility Study of Available land for Future Park Development. C. Historical & Cultural Activities Committee D. Crime Prevention Committee E. Emergency Operations Committee F. Chamber of Commerce G. Police Chief H. Fire Chief I. City Engineer J. City Attorney K. City Manager L. City Council 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Award & Authorize Mayor to Execute Contract Approve (GTC-87-01) with Willdan & Associates for Planning Services to the City of Grand Terrace at the Hourly Rates & the Scope of Services as outlined in their Proposal. Council Action COUNCIL AGENDA 2/12/87 - Page 3 of 3 B. Authorize EXpenditure of 1987-88 Community Development Blod !Grant Program Funds for the Mt. Vernon Arellue/Barton Road Signal ization. Project. C. Authorize Staff to Retain with the City of Colton Krieger & Stewart to Perform a Sewer Study & Appropriate $3,000.00 from the Sewer Fund. D. Authorize Staff to Transmit all Current Sewer Connection Fees to Colton. 9. Closed Session: (1) Potential Litigation - Pursuant to Govern- ment Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) (2) Personnel Matters ADJOURN THE NEXT REGULAR CRA/CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS WILL BE HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1987, AT 5:30 P.M. sZxxxxxxxxxxx�x AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE 2/26/87 MEETING MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY 12:00 NOON ON 2/18/87. Staff Recommendations Approve Council Action M CITY CF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 22, 1987 FIR 12 r; A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on January 22, 1987, at 5:30 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Chairman Byron Matteson, Vice Chairman Dennis L. Evans Susan Crawford Seth Armstead , Executive Director Thomas J. Schwab, Treasurer Alicia Chavez, Acting Secretary ABSENT: Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney APPROVAL MINUTES (12/18/86) CRA-87-02 Motion by Vice Chairman Matteson, Second by Mrs. Crawford, ALL AYES, to approve 12/18/86 minutes, as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (1/8/87) CRA-87-03 Motion by Vice Chairman Matteson, Second by Mrs. Crawford, ALL AYES, to approve 1/8/87 minutes, as presented. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER NO. 012287 CRA-87-04 Motion by Vice Chairman Matteson, Second by Mrs. Crawford, ALL AYES, to approve Check Register No. 012287, as submitted. Adjourned at 5:36 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held Thursday, February 12, 1987, at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Acting Secretary APPROVED Chairman NL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY1987 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ` �,; �,...: IT" Aso FEB. 12, 1987 CHECK REGISTER NO.CRAO21287 CHECK NUMBER OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF FEB. 12, 1987 (1) P4879 KICAK AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING SERVICES 12/29/86-1/18/87. VIVIENDA BRIDGE PROJECT $ 242.00 (2) 16720 SANWA BANK C.O.P CIVIC CENTER PAYMENT 149,829.48 TOTAL: $150,071.48 E I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORELISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF CRA LIABILITIES. HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF CRA. --:: � � _L/- THOMAS SCHWAB TREASURER "C'If EG s WTE ?t(03/f 7 � � CITY OF GPANU TERFl.I,E r VOUCHEK/CHECK PEGISTER, f'360 rm, II 1PV[At ) V A"L FOR ALL PEPIODS A CHECK REGISTER N0.021287 VOUCHEt/ CHECV t:UhBER VENDOR NUMBER VENDOR NAME ITEP, DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 114674 1134 ALL PRO CONSTRUCTION _ GPADE SHOLOER,MV/GT 870.00 PLACE GUARD RAIL/VIVIENDA 39726.00 RAISE 9 MANLOL.ES1"""`NDA 2 025 nn 1" OVERLAY/VIVIENDA 129560.00 PLACE A.C./VIVIENDA 225.00 199406.00 P4g75 E•720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/169SCE 96.80 96.80 P4F76 f-730 SQ.CA.GA5 COMPANY CA5H P P4877 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/199SCE 188.86 186.86 P4878 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/19vSCG 183.86 183.86 4P79 4110 K AK 6 A AT G 5 Y$S�l y/86-1/18/87 2.339-75. ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/67 235.50 ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 245.00 ENG. SVCS.s 12/2�86-1L18/87 9$ ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 3034.75 ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 49296.65 ENG.SVCS.1Z29/86-1 18 87 306.00 ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 1i,843.90 ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 200.00 ENG.SVCS 12/29/86-1/16/67 242.00 149029.55 P48EO E-720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/209SCE 270.49 270.49 P 4 8 8 1 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/209SCG 314.84 314.84 P4882 E720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/219SCE 68,47 68.47 P4e63� 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/219SCG 101.74 101.74 P4884 7884 LAVON WIEGENSTEIN CASSETTE/VIDEO TAPES 64.36 HEATERS 46.62 I HEATERS 69.93 180.91 P48e5 CITY OF FIVERSIDE TIRE BURNING LITIGATION TRUST 59000.00 59000.00 P48P6 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/229SCE 264.15 284.15 1 P4887 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.l./22.SCG 247 89 247.89 t P48P8 3426 INLAND ErPIRE LCC MEET.CRAWFORD 16.25 1b.25 i -1 P4B89 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/239SCE 110.49 110.49 i P4890 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/23q-5.CG _ 266 16 266.16 P48Q1 f720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/269SCE 63.56 63.56 i :'r'U(IF, F(-, ')f TF .C2/1- /E 7 CIT1 OF GFANO TERRACE VOUCHEk/CHECK P.EGISTLR F(IR ALL PFk'IODS VOUCHEP/ CHECK, KW',PFR VEt:I)OR NUMLER VENOCR NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION V ITEM AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT P4R.92 6730 SO.C4.CAS COMPANY I: n i CnN rnY PAN, Y _ CASH PAY .1/26,SCG rASN PAY-II27,SCJE 101.84 101.84 h P4894 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/279SCG 104.95 104.95 P4895 R 6720 SO.CA.EDISGN COMPANY CASH PAY.1/289SCE r.A_SH PAY.1 /29'S-CF 63.95 14.16 63.95 _-1 P4897 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/299SCG 13.73 13.73 P4898 3103 HEALTH NET MED.INS.2/87 MED.INS.Z/87 164.22 164.22 MEO.INS.2/87 MED.INS.2/87 246.33 83.56 MED.INS.2/87 MED.INS.2/87 MED.It1S.2/8 275.94 323.59 - 4fi99 1972 _ DEFERRED MEO.INS.Z/67 247.78- 19466.82 P4900 6720 SO.CA.EDISCN COMPANY CASH PAY.1/309SCE 170.37 170.37 P4901 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/309SCG 152.90 152.90 TOTAL CHECKS 439108.08 r/ I I I VflUCi4 EG BATE f2/0`/E7 CITY OF GPAND TERPACE VOUCHEP/CHECK REGISTER Fnc All ccutnnc VUUCHER/ VFNDCR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT , P4902 67b2 STATE COMPENSATION INS.FUND WORKERS COMP.INS.1/87 690.24 690.24 ; P4904 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY .. CASH PAY.2/29SCG,'A 126.44 126.44 P4905 31E3 F:EALTH NET MED.INS.DUGHMAN 246.33 246.33 P4908 2605 FIRST INTERSTATE.,BANK OF CA PAY.BOND ISSUE,COMP. 11931.86 19931#86 + _ .y. .. ,1. f !e P4909 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.2/4,SCG ' 120.83 120.83 T: 22 iJ :. 23 16660 -. -• DANIEL HANTMAW�',` " ' REFUND.,"CANO.F}EE9'D/H - -37.20," 4.ti N - 37.20 :, ♦ I. 1f.6P1 SOLANO PPESS BOOKLETS/PLANNING 47.49 47.49 21 el 32 16683•' 1040 AOELES OF HOLLYWOOD SANTA WIG/BEARD 104.03 ee 104.03 ,s 66 16664 1223 ATET INFORMATION SYSTEMS RENT PHONEtEOC 4.35 4.35 ;; 16685 1360 BASTANCHURY BOTTLED WATER BOTTLED WATER._2/qg C/C 28 .e ' WATER COOLER RENIT92/87 42.00 BOTTLED WATER91/219C/C 28.50 99.00 . 16686: 166E7 1748 1798 CONSTANCE CHAPMAN GERAID COIF CLEAN R/RgPARK9(11 DAYS) COLE.1119187 220.00 25.00 220.00 ,s 25.00 jz'., PC - ;�•:..':' 16688 1840 COLTON9 CITY OF W.W.D.SVCS.2/87 19,457.03 _ �� 19,457.03 ,i 16689 1899 SUSAN CRAWFORD M/C MEET.CRAWFORD 25.75 61 REFUND,CAND.FEE,S/C 37.20 14 62.95 66 16690 2289 EXPERT TREE SERVICE REMOVE DOWNED TREE 206.50 208.50 16691_ t 'sF �7[)i FRt77.tc "1'eWt,IMnLiCD` dcn'�ro • ' REPAIR"CHAIN` _ <' 60 1E,692 2730 FUN SHIRT FACTORY SHIRTS/RECREATION 22.26 22.26 63 6. 16693 3151 STANLEY HARGRAVE HARGRAVEt1/19/87 25.00 25.00 ,61 I f,69g -- _ _,' '' .' �955 1FRRY HAkKTALCOti HAXKLNS.DK* I I19 .82 2.5--.00 --.--25-fin 6e e. 16695 3218 HYDREX PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL92/87,C/C 48.00 48.00 " •.T C., .. '' ., •' � : Ml a .`3 i .. + 1 „f 1'pUCNF F G 0/•TE' 02/0°/F7 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE VOUCHER/CHECK PEGISTER FDR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 16696 3464 INLAND EMPIRE MANAGERS ASSOC. MEMB.IEMA986/87 15.00 15.00 16697 1496 INTEGRITY 16698 4100 KLEEN-LINE CORPORATION JANITORIAL SUPPLIES,C/C 94.25 94.25 ' 16699 4370 LELAND NURSERY LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 39.19 39.19 ; 1E700 4470 L MA LINVA DISPOSAL TR - " TRASH PICK-UP92/879PARK 38.35 76.70 ; 16701 4656 DANIEL MCHU6 M 9 87. 29,00 2 15,' 16702 4657 M KENZIE COMPANY REPAIR WORD PROCESSOR 157.30 157.30 : 4700, RA MUNSON ,• MUNSON�1/19/8716703 , 25.00 25.00 16704 A710". MOORE BUST ESS� CENTER.. RIBBONS l T-OFF TAPIE 34,00 RIBBONS/LIFT-OFF TAPE 34.00 68.00 ; 16705 4890 JEAN MYERS CROSS.GUARD91/5-1116/87 127.20' CROSS GUARD91/20-1/30/87 114.48 241.68 ; 16706 4891 NADIG SCAFF OLDI NG RENT SCAFFOLDel/87.,' 16707 5450 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY MAINT.ELEV.2/87 190.50 190.50 16708 5527 THOMAS Be PAGE PARK CLEAN-UP91/87 136.00 136.00 ; 16709 5529 PACIFIC BELL. HQNEZEQC. 33.03 I' , PHONE,CIVIC CENTER 657.72 690.75 , 16710 5565 ANTHONY PETTA REFUND CANDDFEEjT/P 37.20 REFUND 9SIGNS9PETTA 60.00 97.20 ; ' 16711 5576 BARBARA PFENNIGHAUSEN REFUND ANO.FEE,B/P':. 37.20 REFUND,SIGNS,PFENNIHAUSEN 85.00 122.20 16712 5579 PEOPLE HFLPERSqINC. REC.SVCS,1/2-1115187 2t746.94' S ' REC.SVCS.1/16-2/1/87 21359.90 59106.84 s 16713 5595 PITNEY BOWES RENT POSZ,_CtEIE_R.41 QUART 1 RENT POST.METERI(1 QUART) 51.28 51.2E ' 102.56 ; 16714 E000 RADIO SHACK. REPAIR RECORDER 181O Q. , 18.00 , ' 16715 6124 RAY HEEMSTRA SIGNS NAME PLATE 50.58 50.58 , ' 16716 6144 kECO REFRIGERATION EQUIP.CO. MAINT.AC/HEATER,C/C 187.00 187.00 , ' IC717 6501 SAN PERNARGINO,AUDITOR/CONTROL PARK SITES,CJFTCF97-12/86 12.00 12,00 VPUCHFEC r,GTE. (;'I/05/F7 CITY OF GPAND TERkACE TOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUVPFR NUMBER NAN,E DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 16718 6531 SHERIFF FLOYD TIDWELL SHERIFF OVER.10-12/86 19532.20 19532.20 CANWA BANK DUMP CHARGE912/16/86-1/15/87 rnP,riVt(' CENTFR Utq 11.25 182.00 1G721 6620 SCOTT LOGAN H/AC ELEC.SIGNALS 13) 347.08 347.08 16722 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY „ 2 ELEC.2 LIGHS,PARK 25.06 ELEC.CITY BLDGS913) 44.90 , NIFR ELEC.B/P LIGHTS 228.22 z ELEC.BART/PALM 1q.09 , 2 16723 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY GAS,CITY BLCGS 131 ;" 91.54 , 16724 6790 STOCKWELL E BINNEY OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 86.82 45.43 ; OFFICE SUPPLIES 8.62 ' OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 6.62OFFICE 2.22 151.71 , s 1E725 6820 STULTS ELECTRIC CO REPAIR B/P LIGHTS 130.44 130.44 16726 6844 THE SUN SUB.SUN,879HCC 105.00 105.00 16727 6960 TERRACE LANDSCAPE SERVICES LANDSCAPE AINT-PRAK.1/87 900.QD• " LANDSCAPE MAINT.B/P,1/87 60.00 ; LANDSCAPE MAINT.C/C,1/87 440.00 19400.00 16728 7309 UNION OIL CO.OF CALIFORNIA GAS/CITY TRUCK 25.76 .< 25.76 5 �16729 7553 FRAN VAN GELDER .. VAN GFLDER.IL 26 no TOTAL KS 1 AR 55f, s s s' s' • ERTIFY THAT. TO HE-BI.53-O.E-M-KRGWLfIGE.-BE-AFORELISJED-CHECKS-FDR-PAYMENT-OF--CLTY-.LIABILLTIES-HAV.E-BEFN6 s AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY. 6. I. THOMAS SCHWAB FINANCE DIRECTOR M I '(',:( tip E(; _)rTF C2/^37 )�°+,"N ` CI TY OF GP AND TERF I.LE y ° VOUCHER/CHECK PEGISTER L f-SC APP-,E-ttlVAl FOR ALL PEPIODS � s� �� '"=0 y`"'"' • .' _ l.fitl.K KtG1J I tK NU.Ueleb/ VOLICHEF / VEf:DL,R VENDOR IT Eh ITEM CHECK CHFCY 14Uf9ER NUMBER NAME DESCPIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT P4674 1134 ALL PRO CONSTRUCTION GPADE SHOLDER,MV/GT 870.00 PLACE GUARD RAIL/VIVIENDA 39726.00 RAISE. 9MANLOLES1_ 1" OVERLAY/VIVIENDA 129560.00 PLACE A.C./VIVIFNOA 225.00 199406.00 P4975 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/16.SCE 96.80 96.60 P4876 t730 5Q.CA,GA5 COMPANY CASH P PA877 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/199SCE 188.86 188.86 P4878 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/199SCG 183.66 183.86 4879 4110 KICAK E ASSOCIATES G-,SVS�.12/nL86-1/18/87 2.3-4 75 .ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 235.50 ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 245.00 ENG.SVC .1W 29/86-1,L1 87 986.00 ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 39334.75 ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 AgZ96.65 ENG.SVCS.12/291 6-1/18/87 306.00 ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 19843.90 ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 200.00 ENG.SVCS.12/29/86-1/18/87 242.00 P4860 E1720 SO.CA.EOISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/209SCE 270.49 270.49 P4881 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/209SCG 314.84 314.84 P4862 t720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/219SCE 68.47 68.47 I P4P83� 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/219SCG 101.74 101.74 P4884 7884 LAVON WIEGENSTEIN CASSETTE/VIDEO TAPES 64.36 HEATERS 46.62 HEATERS P48e5 CITY OF FIVERSIDE TIRE BURNING LITIGATION TRUST 59000.00 I 59000.00 P48P6 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/229SCE 264.15 284.15 P4887 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY 1/22•S-G 247.89 t 247.89 P48P.8 3426 INLAND EMPIRE LCC MEET.CRAWFORD 16.25 16.25 I P4889 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/239SCE 110.49 110.49 i P4890 C730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/ b_5CG 266.16 266.16 P4941 f720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.1/269SCE 63.56 63.56 yrUCfir, [G CI TN (JF G F A N D TERRACE VOUCIIEK/CHECK PEGISTER F('R ALL PEk'IODS VOUCHEP/ CHECK t`U.W R VEt:PCR NUM bER VEt%DLR NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT P4892 �4A" t730 E720 SO.CA.CAS COMPANY S�r�..F �TSfTN �jjYP9NY __ CASH PAY.1/269SCG CGSH P-&-+-1f2_7 CE 101.84 4 40 101.84 P4894 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/279SCG 104.95 104.95 P4895 R 9 6 6720 E SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY EDISFjN COMPANY CASH PAY.1/289SCE CASH PAY.T/Z9_,_$-CF 63.95 14-16 63.95 L P4897 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/299SCG 13.73 13.73 4898 3163 HEALTH NET M E D . I N S . 2 / 8 7 MED.INS.2/87 164.22 164.22 MED.INS.2/87 MED.INS.2/87 MEO.INS..2L87 _ 246.33 63.56 247.78 ' MED.INS.2/87 MED.INS.2/87 MFD.ItJS.2/8 275.94 323.59 4 99 1972 DEFERREDIJCHMAN MED.INS.2/67 _ _. 247.78— R 19466.82 P4900 6720 SO.CA.EDISGN COMPANY CASH PAY.1/309SCE 170.37 170.37 I P4901 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.1/30tSCG 152.90 152.90 'I TOTAL CHECKS 439108.08 i I Vflllf 11; EG PATE c-2/0c,7F CITY OF GPAND TERRACE VOUCHEP/CHECK REGISTER FnR At 1 PFRInnC _ e VOUCHER/ VFNDCR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION _ AMOUNT AMOUNT , + P4902 6782 STATE COMPENSATION INS.FUND WORKERS COMP.INS.1/87 690.24 690.24 � P4904 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.2/29SCG,,.'y 126.44 126.44 P4905 3 1 E 3 hEALTH NET MED.INS.DUGHMAN 246.33 246.33 e . P4908 2605 FIRST INTERSTATE',.BANK. OF CA PAY.BDND ISSUE9COMP. 19931.86 19931.86° I. P4909 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.2/495CG 120.83 120.83 :+ 16660 DANIEL HANTMAN REFUND CAND.FEE9D/H �' 37.20. 24 37.20 .." , ....:..... I 16681 SOLANO PPESS LOU'S)t BOOKLETS/PLANNING 47.49 47.49 30 n ' 16683a ' 1040 AOELES OF HOLLYWOOD .. SANTA WIG/BEARD 104.03 7) 3. 104.03 ), ]6 16684 1223 ATET INFORMATION SYSTEMS RENT PHONE9EOC ' 4.35 4.35 16685 1360 BASTANCHURY BOTTLED, WATER BOTTLED WATER92/4.C/C 28 n � WATER COOLER RENT92/87 42.00 ,: BOTTLED WATER91/219C/C Z8.50 99.00 +I 166861 16687 1748 1798 CONSTANCE CHAPMAN GERA CLEAN R/R9PARK9(11 DAYS) 220.00 220.00 ' +6 +e t " .• r }'• tt ' iz'A. i ry`' w'i„i%, '..J i ' ',,. js E: P'� 5 , .. �'.� +• ~so 16b68 1840 COLTON :='c' 9 CITY OF,. Y W.W.D.SVCS.2/87, 199457.03 199457.03 '^_ ` ¢. •�v P .,•`$''R v�` u.:•; ...l" X��' yYi 9. i''.:: r�^,f'',)',;..' • :. ri,. S <' b t. � 6 9t 16689 1899 SUSAN CRAWFORD M/C MEET.CRAWFORD 25.75 s; REFUND9CAND.FEE9S/C 37.20 62.95 s, 156 16690 2289 EXPERT TPEE SERVICE REMOVE DOWNED TREE 206.50 208.50 _ 16691 Y'3s? 770-A FRiT tc fAWNM0il:R. AFFAIR' RFPIliR'CHA.I1�i QIlW 9. 4879 4-& 60 s 16692 2730 FUN SHIkT FACTORY SHIRTS/RECREATION Z2.26 22.26 6, 6+I 16693 3151 STANLEY HARGRAVE HARGRAVE91/19/87 25.00 25.00 6' 661i Ifh94 a155 IFRRY HAL KiNCnN HA"Il�fM�j191RZ �r-on 69 16695 3218 HYDREX PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL92/879C/C 48.00 48.00 )' Vfi 1) CA I F F G -)/•TE (12/O!7F7 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE VOUCHER/CHECK PEGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUrSER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 16696 3464 INLAND EMPIRE MANAGERS ASSOC. MEMB.IEMA,66/87 15.00 15.00 16697 'a 96 INTEGRITY 16698 4160 KLEEN-LINE CORPORATION JANITORIAL SUPPLIES,C/C 94.25 94.25 16699 4370 LELAND NURSERY LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 39.19 39.19 1E700 4470 L MA LINDA DISPOSAL TR - TRASH PICK-UP92/87PPARK 38.35 76.70 16701 4656 DANIEL MCHUGH MCHUGH,1/- 87 25.00 16702 4657 M KENZIE COMPANY REPAIR WORD PROCESSOR 157.30 157.30 16703 4700, RAY MUNSON"�,, MUNSON41119/87 '� ' 25.00 25•.00 16704 4710 MOORE BUSINESS CENTER RIBBONS lFT-OFF TAPE 34.00 RIBBONS/LIFT-OFF TAPE 34.00 68.00 1 16705 4890 JEAN MYERS CRQSS.GUARD L1 - b 8 1 CROSS GUARD91/20-1/30/87 114,48 241.68 1 16706 4891 . NADIG $CAFE0L6ING RENT SCAF.FOLD91/87.... / II , 16707 5450 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY MAINT.ELEV.2/87 190.50 190.50 16708 5527 THOMAS B. PAGE PARK CLEAN-UP91/87 136.00 136.00 16709 5529 PACIFIC BELL. PHONE,EQCo 33.03 PHONE,CIVIC CENTER 657.72 690.75 + 1(,710 5565 ANTHONY PETTA REFUND CAND.FEE T P 37.20 REFUND*SIGNS,PETTA 60.00 97.20- + 16711 5576 BARBARA PFENNI.GHAUSEN R N ANj)F o REFUND,SIGNS,PFENNIHAUSEN 65.00 122.20 = 16712 5579 PEOPLE HELPERS+INC. REC.SVCS,1/2-1/15/87 2,7146,94 e REC.SVCS.1/16-2/1/87 29359.90 5,106.84 ' 16713 5595 PITNEY BOWES RENT POSi,_CLESER.{1 oUARTf 51.28 e RENT POST.METER,(l QUART) 51.28 102.56 , = 1E714 E000 RADIO SHACK REPAIR RECORDER 18.00 18.00 �J 1 16715 6124 RAY HEEMSTRA SIGNS NAME PLATE 50.58 50.58 ' 16716 6144 kECO REFRIGERATION EQUIP.CO. MAINT.AC/HEATER,C/C 187.00 187.00 ' 1L717 6501 SAN BERNARGINO,AUDITOR/CONTROL PARK SITES,CJFTCF 7-12/86 12.00 12.00 !,nU(HF E C ')GTE C2/')5•/f 7 CITY OF GSAVD TERKACE VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUNPER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 16718 6531 SHERIFF FLOYD TIDWELL SHERIFF OVER.10-12/86 19532.20 19532.20 16720 6590_iANWA RANK DUMP CHARGE,12/16/86-1/15/87 GILP,CTVIC CENTER :_ __'_ _. 149,18 11.25 29-4N 182.00 T49,829.b8 " 16721 6620 SCOTT LOGAN H/AC ELEC.SIGNALS (3) 347.08 347.08 16722 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY 2 ELEC.2 LIGHS,PARK 25.06 ELEC.CITY BLDGS9(3) 44.90 ELEC.B/P LIGHTS 228.22 z ELEC.BART/PALM iq.09 : 16723 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY GAS,CiTY BLCG5 (3)'`, ASsCTVlr rFNTFR -" 91.54 16724 6790 STOCKWELL E BINNEY OFFICE SUPPLIES 86.82 OFFICE SUPPLI-ES 45.43' OFFICE SUPPLIES 8.62 OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 8.62OFFICE 2.22 151.71 , 1E725 6820 STULTS ELECTRIC CO REPAIR B/P LIGHTS 130.44 130.44 , , 16726 6844 THE SUN SUB.SUN,879HCC 105.00 105.00 N8 7 900.0.0 LANDSCAPE MAINT.B/P,1/87 60.00 LANDSCAPE MAINT.C/C,1/87 440.00 19400.00 16728 7309 UNION OIL CO.OF CALIFORNIA GAS/CITY TRUCK, 25.76 .+; 25,76 , AN GFLDFR•."+- VAN GFLDER• TOTAL CHE KS s s s - SERTIFY THAT. TO TH�EST t OEMY—M-VLFDGE,_I "EDRELISJED—CHECKS—,FOR.PAYMENT DE_CIIIL.UABILITIES— V1_BE s M1 AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY. e M1 e M1 e �M1 THOMAS SCHWAB FINANCE DIRECTOR .. a ��.' Y.C+ ,�[y •• L. 2 CCU= ,4; .,L APPROVA:. FEB -12 1987 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 8, 1987 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on January 8, 1987, at 5:38 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Byron Matteson, Mayor Pro Tempore Dennis L. Evans, Councilman Susan Crawford, Councilwoman Seth Armstead, City Manager Thomas J. Schwab, Treasurer Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak.,. Planning Director/City Engineer Alicia Chavez, Acting City Clerk ABSENT: NONE The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Larry Wilson, Praise Fellowship Foursquare Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Councilwoman Susan Crawford. CC-87-01 ITEMS DELETED FROM THE AGENDA - Item 2D, 12/18/86 Minutes. CONSENT CALENDAR Item 2F, Authorizing City Staff to advise property owners that the cost to convert existing overhead utilities to underground will be borne by the City in addition to previous offers as consideration for dedication of seventeen foot -wide strip along the frontage of their property on Barton Road, was removed for discussion. Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, ALL AYES, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar items: A. Approve Check Resister No. 010887; B. Ratify 1/8/87 CRA Action; C. Waive full Reading of All Resolutions and Ordinances on Agenda; E. Accept and Authorize City Clerk to Record Grant Deed for Barton Road Dedication from Vernon R. Stauble, Assessor's Parcel No. 275-242-11 - located on the Northerly side of Barton Road, East of Vivienda; Ln n G. Authorize Community Services Director and Parks and Recreation Committee Members attendance to the 1987 California Parks & Recreation Society Annual Conference in San Francisco, March 12 - 15, 1987. BARTON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION Councilman Evans questioned giving approval of assisting three residents in the undergrounding of utilities and wanted to know if arrangements to do any other structures along Barton Road are being considered; felt if we do for one, should do for all residents. All residents should be made aware of the sentiments before granting approval. City Engineer Kicak stated that the three residents specifically asked the City to assist in the undergrounding of utilities as consideration for dedication, other property owners did not stipulate the same conditions; also reported that the City Council, at their initial recommendation, was to assist all property owners but it was deleted from the original offer. Several residents along Barton Road felt it would not create a hardship for them to provide their own installation of underground utilities. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson stated each parcel is basically separate and the City should go ahead and pick up the three parcels now for the best interest of the City and proceed at a later date for the remainder. Mr. Kicak concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Matteson to approve this action now and aet the deeds subject to the conditions as stated in their letters; has no problem with Council proceeding with all other properties that have been previously dedicated under the same conditions, leaving one parcel at the northeast corner of Vivienda and Barton Road which has not been dedicated. Councilwoman Crawford's understanding of the letters is that there are three different stipulations. The first letter stating that whatever the City wanted to do was fine, however, at no cost them; The second letter requests regrading of her road; and the third letter, indicates she does not want to bear the underground utility cost from the street to her house. Mr. Kicak reported that the first letter from Ms. Parker stated, she did not want to bear the cost for the electric and phone service that is necessary at the meter; the second letter is two -fold: One, that undergrounding be provided for that facility plus the grading of the driveway; second, that grading would occur regardless of whether or not she was participating in the project, and we would provide her an access equal to or better than she previously had. The third letter, again, is requesting the undergrounding of the facilities, so basically they are all the same. The cost would be no different. Pagec�l Minutes - 1/8/87 Ln CC-87-02 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, second by Councilwoman Crawford, ALL AYES, to approve and authorize City Staff to advise property owners that the cost of converting overhead utilities to underground will be paid for by the City as a consideration for dedication of the seventeen foot -wide strip along the frontage of their property on Barton Road. Councilman Evans stated there is a need to get the cost if going to participate on other connections for other properties; questioned City Engineer Kicak on status of project as referenced in the time line of inprovements. Mr. Kicak reported that plans for the project have been completed based on acquisition of all rights -of -way with the exception of one modification at the northeast corner of Vivienda and Barton Road. Southern California Edison and Pacific Telephone have the final plans and are now in the process of preparing them for the undergrounding. After speaking with Sue Noreen, feels the undergrounding project may be completed this fiscal year; however, the City's portion may not be completed until the next fiscal year. Councilman Evans questioned status of project, and if time line reflects all design engineering, drafting, quantity estimate, cost estimate and specs. City Engineer Kicak stated we are in a holding pattern for utilities and installation of underground conduits and physical connections of the individual residences along frontage of Barton Road. Once that is done, our portion of work can be started. Feels considerably behind primarily due to delays that will occur with respect to completion of undergrounding utilities. ORAL REPORTS CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE Laurie Payce, Chairperson, reported the following: Committee reviewed the Crime Prevention Grant and interaction with the Crime Prevention Committee; felt there was a conflict in what duties as volunteers are and what functions are supposed to be; requested a clear description of the members' responsibilities and who the Committee reports to? Referenced the Crime Prevention Committee responsibilities had been set in January, 1980 and the need to have redone. The Grant states the Community Service Officer will provide informational and quarterly reports; Crime Prevention Committee's responsibilities include crime busters, senior citizens involvement in crime prevention, business alert, etc. Mayor Grant agreed that there is a need for input from each Council member; Crime Prevention responsibility is directly to the Council; Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 3 Community Service Officer's responsibility is directly to the Sheriff's Department under the Grant. The Sheriff is responsible for ensuring that the Grant meets the requirements of the Office of Community Justice Planning (OCJP) in terms of the objectives of the Grant. Council did not pinpoint Crime Prevention Committee's responsibilities so Committee could have the same latitude as was given to all other volunteer Committees. Further stated it is Council's responsibility in coordination with the City Manager and Captain Bradford to make sure there is coordination between the Grant. Councilman Evans stated after reviewing the 1985 Grant he had some concerns on how it was to be operated; questioned Ms. Payce what she felt the Committee could do, but unable to do as it is currently being operated. Ms. Payce stated that the Grant states responsibilities are assigned by the Community Service Officer, but the Committee disagrees; felt that blame will fall on Committee if there isn't a change. Community Service Officer does not seem to know who to answer to, feels she is pulled two ways and is stuck in the middle, thereby creates a problem in getting the job done. Stated spoke to Sue Kilday from OCJP and she feels the Grant was written too broadly; was informed by OCJP that it is not the Sheriff Department's responsibility; it is the City's and if the City does not take a stand and oversee the Grant as set forth, another Grant will not be granted upon request and the City would be responsible for paying any fines, or rebate portions, that were not completed. Councilman Evans stated he had not heard any specifics as to what the problem is that has been created in the Committee's minds; feels need to arrange a meeting with the entire Committee, Community Service Officer, City Staff, Sheriff's Department and deal with specifics to iron out the problems; then, if unable to resolve, bring back to Council for more direction. Ms. Payce informed Council a meeting has been scheduled for next week with Mr. Schwab and Captain Bradford. The reason I am bringing this up tonight is to receive Council's input so that when we meet on February 2 I can inform the Committee members how you view our functions to be. Further stated that the Committee hears of projects that are being accomplished or about to be accomplished, but the actual "vision" of these accomplishments is not there. Felt this important to be worked out before the budget sessions. Councilwoman Crawford questioned Ms. Payce about the Town Meeting Program; what role does the Committee and the Crime Prevention Officer have in carrying out these meetings? In the past the Crime Prevention Committee advertised and arranged the meetings and the Crime Prevention Officer presented it; questioned if tracking map of crime in Grand Terrace has been accomplished or kept up-to-date? Is information provided to the Neighborhood Watch Captains or disseminated to the people in the community in any manner? Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 4 Ms. Payce stated she was not personally told, but brought to the Committee's attention that the Town Meetings were not being held due to lack of response; a problem with taping because of change in hand with Group W Cable, and essentially not enough time since she was working on numerous projects. Committee was never asked to participate. Stated she was in learning process and needed direction; Committee is also new. In reference to tracking map, feels just kept up-to-date with last update being June, 1986; not sure if updated since. Further stated she had no idea what has been done or what is in the process of being done about the Neighborhood Watch Programs or the Block Captains; reports only indicate upcoming Neighborhood Watch Programs; has no knowledge of information getting out to the people; indicated has knowledge of seven Neighborhood Watch Signs being erected in the vicinity of one neighborhood as of last week. Also questioned who purchases signs for the City and where do the funds come from? Are funds approved for the signs, and how many signs have been purchased and put up in the City? Committee is unaware of all this since we do not receive that information. Councilwoman Crawford feels Committee is in a great quandary as to who is working for whom, looking at the Grant it appears the Committee has been assigned the majority of the duties of the Crime Prevention Officer to accomplish the ramifications of the Grant. Feels a heavy burden has been put on a volunteer Committee. Mayor Grant stated that once reports are reviewed by OCJP, then there is a critique of them and then sent back to the Project Director. These projects have certain objectives and methodologies for keeping those objectives. If objectives are not met, OCJP has a legal right to demand a refund. Feels it is extremely important that someone locally oversee the day-by-day expenditures of those funds in addition to what OCJP does from the fiscal point -of -view and that objectives are being achieved; stated that the Community Service Officer is the one implementing the objectives, but is not the Project Director. It is Council's responsibility directly and indirectly to ensure the requirements of the Grant are being fulfilled. City Manager Armstead stated he was unaware of any concerns until yesterday (January 7, 1987). Have worked with Sheriff's Department and gave them responsibility of administering funds and reports through the Community Service Officer. A meeting has been scheduled with Captain Bradford, Community Service Officer and the Crime Prevention Committee next Tuesday morning (January 13, 1987) to identify specific concerns. Had been assured by Community Service Officer that everything was running smoothly. Mr. Schwab reported that most Grants are written with a broad enough exposure to where you never include objectives that cannot be achieved; City Staff receives copies of all quarterly reports that are filed by the Sheriff's Office; the objectives for last year and this Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 5 %0, *Please replace ce pages 6 & 13 in your 1/8/87 minutes with the attached. year are being achieved and feels no possibility that OCJP would demand a refund of this year's or last year's Grant. Overall broad objectives of Grant are being met and fulfilled through reports and have come back with positive feedback. Further stated that this year's Grant is very similar and received extreme praise as far as the amount that was achieved on paper, as to what they were going to achieve and what indeed was achieved. Feels there is a conflict between the Community Service Officer and the Committee. A meeting has been scheduled to determine what the problems are. Mayor Grant agrees the meeting is an excellent idea. The only reason I'm observing there may have to be a refund is that our speaker from the Committee has indicated a staff person from OCJP has indicated there could be a real problem in implementing this Grant. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson concurred with Council and Staff that a meeting with all Committee members is necessary, since it appears the problem is that the Committee is not informed on procedures and operations of the Grant. Would also like to see some follow-up done to ensure the Grant is being fulfilled. Ms. Payce responded that the Project Director has granted a meeting; stated the Community Service Officer was not assigned to Captain Bradford, she is assigned to the Public Affairs Division headed by Captain Brody and supervised by Sgt. Stodelle; therefore, feels Captain Brody and Sgt. Stodelle should be involved in the meeting. Ms. Barbara Pfennighausen expressed concern on discussion that has taken place at this Council meeting and explained how the Crime Prevention Committee has had an up and down history. While under the leadership of Judy Rinderhagen was very strong; thereafter, Committee seemed to have taken a down -hill run to the point that only one member was on the Committee and has since become revitalized. Ms. Payce's reference to rules by which the Committee operates was adopted in 1980. The Grant was non-existent then and rules should have been redefined. The indication that programs within the Grant not being accomplished and paperwork being doctored is a misrepresentation; total representation of the Committee being dissatisfied may also be a misrepresentation. Agreed with Councilman Evans and the rest of Council that bringing everyone together to work out problems is a good idea. In order for the Grant to be accomplished, it calls for a broad base of volunteer participation and, in this respect, the Committee had accepted the responsibility of forming sub -committees to see that these tasks were completed. It seems the ball has been dropped in some critical areas within the Grant. Request Council not continue further discussion until the Community Service Officer and all parties can be present. Felt the Community Service Officer has done a great job in the City. Also, the Neighborhood Watch Program is alive and moving and they do receive monthly newsletters and, as indicated, by the Finance Director, quarterly reports are done. Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 6 Mayor Grant stated that the spokesperson from the Committee is requesting some guidance and there had not been an intentional effort to disparage the Community Service Officer. Stated he is hearing from the Committee Chairperson that OCJP may not be happy; hearing from Finance Officer Schwab that OCJP should be happy; hearing that no one knows what anyone else is doing; that many things that should be done are not being done and it is felt we don't have a clear picture of chain -of -command and responsibilities. Felt the indicated meeting is extremely important and each party involved should be at the meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson thanked Ms. Payce for coming to the Council seeking advice and guidance she felt she needed and, if she did not receive information needed from the upcoming meeting, suggested she come back to Council. Mr. Tony Petta commended Ms. Payce for her efforts and courage in coming to the Council requesting guidance to enable the Committee to function properly. Mayor Grant informed Ms. Payce, as indicated by Councilman Evans,, if no one else can help her the City Council can and will. Ms. Payce stated her intention was not to criticize the Community Service Officer as to what is done or not done since she has not seen the reports; is aware of a lot of things that are in progress of being completed and it is a lot of work for one person to do. Indicated she would not stand up to condemn her with her not being present for her non -efforts; that was not her intent. Captain Bradford pointed out that at conclusion of last year's Grant, the Community Service Officer came before the Council and requested direction as far as Crime Prevention Committee's role and assistance in the Grant. At that time Council provided her some direction which was purposely written into the Grant. Also pointed out that he receives copies of the reports that go to OCJP; satisfied terms of the Grant were being met; clarified that Community Service Officer is, in fact, assigned to my division, under my station. Functionally, she is supervised by the Sergeant in the Crime Prevention Unit; discussions and regular meetings are held to discuss any particular progress or if we felt we were not meeting the Grant, and we have the same discussions with the City Manager. Further stated he felt we were meeting terms of the Grant. Councilwoman Crawford felt after listening to everyone that there are two different problems; one, is to have an organizational chart and, two, communication. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson suggested that the Crime Prevention Committee visit other cities that have Crime Prevention Committees, see how they operate and maybe get some ideas. Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 7 CHAMBER REPORT Mr. Dick Kelsey, Vice -President of Chamber, reported the following: First, to properly complete the City's entrance signs, it has to go through the Planning Commission to get a formal variance on the sign and believed it is scheduled for the next agenda. The other is we have all needed material, but no experienced masonary volunteers to do the work. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson questioned the location of the signs. City Engineer Kicak indicated one sign was to be at Mt. Vernon and Grand Terrace Road on the southwest corner, one in one of the alcoves on Barton Road, and one in front of the school. Requested to see final plans which are to be submitted to Planning Commission. Also understood Chamber had a letter of commitment on location of signs on school property; requested to know if property will be dedicated to the City or how will it be done. Mr. Kelsey indicated he did not know, but he will get the information for Engineer Kicak. City Engineer Kicak felt some of that information was needed and suggested a meeting with our Chamber Representative(s) to discuss details that need to go before the Planning Commission. POLICE CHIEF REPORT Captain Bradford reported on the homicide that had occurred on DeBerry Street last month and that the suspect was arrested the following Friday. Stated there was another homicide that occurred on New Year's Day on Barton Road and that four suspects had been arrested on that case. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT City Attorney Hopkins stated that at the last meeting Council had directed staff to look into the possibility of filing an appeal relative to the tire burning plant in Rialto. Reported that the City hosted a meeting last Monday evening which was well attended by members of the General Public and other municipalities in the County; had met earlier the same day with County Counsel representatives of the Counties of Riverside and San Bernardino and representatives of the City Attorneys' offices of San Bernardino, Riverside, Redlands and Grand Terrace. Recommended these agencies get together to investigate the filing of an appeal and take appropriate legal action. It had been recommended that the firm of Best, Best & Krieger of Riverside be retained to investigate and pursue appealing this project. San Bernardino and Riverside Cities indicated they would each contribute the amount of $12,500 as did the Counties of San Bernardino and Riverside. Recommended that other Cities who wish to join in, allocate a basic amount of $5,000 each. CCouec l Minutes - 1/8/87 Page M Recommended Council authorize filing whatever action would be appropriate to attempt to stop the construction of this tire burning facility and allocate from General fund the amount of $5,000 as the City of Grand Terrace contribution. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson stated that unfortunately Garb Oil Company received approval for their permit yesterday. Stated he and Mayor Grant decided to contact all the Cities and Counties for a meeting to join legal forces to stop Garb Oil Company. We had representatives from the Counties and Cities in the area plus Senators and Assemblymen in attendance. Attorneys from several Cities met and came up with a program for joining forces to stop Garb Oil Company, and it is felt this is one of the few times all Cities and Counties have combined forces. Mayor Grant questioned City Attorney Hopkins on what the results were from the action yesterday, and will there be any negative bearing on what we are going to have Best, Best & Krieger do. Attorney Hopkins responded with a No, but for our purposes we would have preferred that the permit had not been issued; it will have no affect on our legal challenge and we are moving along on this. Mayor Grant reported that yesterday San Bernardino Associated Government dealt with the issue of pollution in general. Several Cities were concerned as to where located. Felt there wasn't much concern from Fontana to the east, sentiment was same as was the other night in Council Chambers. Tim Johnson, Councilperson from Redlands, made motion with my second to support efforts made in terms of litigation to undo this thing; discussion ensued and quite a few people, including the Supervisor from the Third District, were not prepared at this point to vote in favor for the strong effort. They felt they did not have enough data, yet here is Rancho Cucamonga which probably is not going to be affected as much as we are and came out strongly in favor of definitive action. Tim Johnson made a substitute motion with my second simply to indicate that SANBAG was concerned about environmental issues and greater effort should be encouraged to look into environmental issues and it passed unanimously. Agreed also that Garb Oil will have a real fight because people were opposed to it. Felt Rialto City Council had some misgivings and realizes there is really nothing they can do about it at this point; felt concern for the Rialto Government Officals and people, but on this one they are wrong. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson attended several meetings on Garb Oil Company, but after investigating found that everyone for the project will benefit financially, as would the gentleman that spoke here the other night. Attorney Hopkins stated that City Manager Armstead had received a call today from an individual representing groups from Los Angeles County that are interested in participating in the struggle. Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 9 In n Councilman Evans questioned whether this particular project had all approvals needed in order for the plan to be on line? Attorney Hopkins stated he didn't attend the hearing, but he read in the newspaper regarding the approval granted by the Appeals Board of the Air Pollution Control Mangement District was somewhat limited and was less of an approval than had originally'been anticipated. Garb Oil must first take some other action before the plant can be put into operation besides completing construction. Councilman Evans wanted to know what approvals must they have. Attorney Hopkins reported they must get approval from the Air Quality District and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. Felt the building permit they don't have yet is simply a ministerial task. Councilman Evans questioned Attorney Hopkins' thoughts on Garb Oil being granted a permit. City Attorney Hopkins felt, due to the fact that Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board only deals with water quality, there was no reason not to grant the approval. Stated the main problem is the air pollution. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson stated the report indicated Garb Oil would have to cut the emissions down to 340 tons and that is approximately a ton of pollutant a day into the atmosphere with the prevailing wind from the west; Colton and Grand Terrace would get a ton a day. Councilwoman Crawford stated that the water district may take into consideration the risk assessment done on the tire burning plant with the emission control assumed to be 99% for particulates and 90% for trace metals and organics. The exception was mercury which is considered to be uncontrolled; mercury, when heated, becomes gas, then solidifies and goes to the bottom of the ground because it is heavy metal and would get into the water table? Attorney Hopkins responded that they will pursue that also. Indicated he had a meeting the next day with Best, Best & Krieger and other City and County Counsels. CC-87-03 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, second by Councilman Evans, ALL AYES, to appropriate $5,000 and enter into joint litigation with other cities and counties relative to the Rialto Power Plant. CITY MANAGER City Manager Armstead reported that Mayor Bill Franklin from Corona would like a letter to join the group and would contribute $5,000; also, there are three others lined up and letters will be prepared for the Mayor's signature. Mary said Roy Knull from Claremont, who is on the AQMD wants to work out a joint plan with the Inland Empire County on putting moratoriums on some of the burnings. City Manager Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 10 M Armstead gave a brief report regarding Agua Mansa Park. Also reported the closing of the solid waste dump located along the Santa Ana River in October this coming year. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilwoman Crawford reported that a bill was introduced to congress by Senator Presley to reduce the number of members on the Air Quality Management District and to have the majority of members appointed by the Governor which would take the local control out of that Committee; feels members should come from this area; can we let Senator Presley know how we feel? Mayor Grant felt we should since it does involve this area. Councilman Evans stated that since he was not familiar with the legislation he had no comment at this time, but he did feel that the people from this area should be respresenting us. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson concurred with Council. Mayor Grant stated he was familiar with it due to the fact that it was discussed and briefed to them yesterday; felt Councilwoman Crawford was correct that unless action is taken, it is going to be in the total south coast air basin as opposed to local areas; it is also felt that it can be very detrimental to us if Sacramento has a once -removed position. Councilman Evans stated he had five or six items to discuss. First to find out the status and what is being done on the building moratorium that was imposed about two months ago. City Engineer Kicak reported all letters, which included maps, indicating general plan designation and zoning for the general plan had been mailed to all property owners; felt should be getting feedback soon. Councilman Evans questioned if anything was being done within the geographical boundaries where the moratorium was imposed. City Engineer Kicak felt studies could be completed; would still require changes that would satisfy property owners in that area with required general plan amendments. Councilman Evans stated the six-month period will be up in four months and it does not seem the General Plan has started; also questioned who will update the General Plan and is it going to be in-house or with a consultant like before? City Engineer Kicak replied that he could not give an answer as to whom will be updating the General Plan; felt information that will come back from property owners will be useful to the consultant. Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 11 City Manager Armstead stated screening is being done for a planning consultant and a screening board will be held the next day. As soon as the board makes a selection, it will be brought to the Council and the Council can decide whether to contract or go in-house; information should be ready by next Council meeting. Councilman Evans questioned whether determination had not been made as to whom is going to do the General Plan? City Manager Armstead replied that is correct, we have to take other things first and then we will come back to Council to see if you want to contract or use other methods. Councilman Evans questioned whether widening the hill going down Mt. Vernon would be addressed specifically. City Engineer Kicak responded that this should be a part of the circulation element of the General Plan; the last General Plan was based on the traffic count and it was believed to be in 1982 -83 and the count has not substantially changed; based on the consultant's opinion, it is felt a four -lane roadway is needed going from Grand Terrace Road down to Washington Street; also the City of Colton has recently received professional proposals to redo the entire area; unsure if the contract has been awarded but, felt it should tie in with the project down the hill. Councilman Evans questioned if the previous General Plan showed extension from Grand Terrace Road to the bottom of the hill as a four -lane roadway as it applied to the R-3 land, did it encompass the density based on that being a four -lane roadway? City Engineer Kicak responded that the four -lane roadway was determined on the density as permitted by the General Plan; felt the traffic that would eventually end up on Mt. Vernon going down hill was based not only on R-3 zone, but the development of all of Grand Terrace is based on the General Plan as it was adopted. Councilman Evans felt it unlikely the street would ever be developed into four -lanes and questioned if it would change the development within the City as far as the impact? City Engineer Kicak stated the General Plan Circulation Element with a four -lane roadway going from Grand Terrace Road down to Washington Street projected a level of service "A". Feels the Planning Commission, the Council, as well as the citizens, are going to have to consider the impact of the General Plan as it is right now, assuming that it hasn't changed and the two-lane roadway and the level of service that would be available to the residents to this City or anyone using that road. Feels under the two-lane roadway the traffic volume that projected, based on the existing General Plan and Zoning, Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 12 n that the two-lane roadway level of service "A" dropped somewhere to level service "C"; not suggesting the roadway will not handle the traffic only that the level of service will be different. Councilman Evans asked if the capital improvement project time sheet had been updated; would like by next meeting to have updated time table and to know if all projects are on schedule and, if not, where are they in reference to the time table; would specifically like to talk about the status and widening of the southwest corner on Michigan and Barton Road. City Engineer Kicak explained the right-of-way was not acquired. The right-of-way that was to be dedicated for widening that particular corner was a condition of approval of a project, it was a mini -mart with a service station; the Planning Commission approved that project subject to specifically referring to the improvement and the dedications excluding all the other conditions. The conditions were that they dedicate and pay a portion of the total cost of improvements; the total estimated cost with the relocation of the traffic signal, the widening of the roadway on Michigan, as well as a portion of Barton Road came to approximately sixty thousand dollars and a formula that had been developed and approved by the City Council which would be the pro rata share to be paid by the City and the developer of this particular project. The project has been approved but has not submitted a dedication nor proceeded with the project that is approved. At this point we do not have the right-of-way. Councilman Evans explained he understood that the right-of-way had been granted and would the City Engineer find out the status on it. City Engineer Kicak responded it had not been granted, but he would check with the proponent of the project. The project has been designed as though the dedication was made so that portion of the project design is complete with the traffic signal relocation of the facilities. Councilman Evans stated that at the informal workshop session held in September with the Council, Planning Commission and Chamber to discuss ideas on land use in the City, we agreed on a couple of items which had a 30-day limit and I'm sure that has run out; one was to contact property owners and Edison on realignment of Commerce Way; the other was school impaction and for Staff to investigate what student population will be at maximum enrollment at build out, and will the schools in Grand Terrace be able to handle the population; if not, how many more facilities and classrooms are needed. City Engineer Kicak responded with respect to Edison that's in their hands; as far as school population and projection for Grand Terrace School, I will have to take another look at that. Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 13 Councilman Evans stated that on Monday, he and Ms. Pfennighausen attended a meeting at Colton Public Utilities Commission; within the last couple of years a condition had been imposed on Colton to provide a Tertiary Treatment at the Sewage Plant, which means this treatment will make any water that has drained into the wash safe for drinking. We found the status to be Colton and San Bernardino are exploring a joint regional sewage plant which will be provided by both cities and since we buy into Colton's facility this also pertains to us. It is in the preliminary stage at the present; the Tertiary Treatment would cost $9,000,000.00, and it is felt that is something we need to consider. We have approximately a 25% interest and you take 25% of nine million, where will that money come from? Colton will be exploring the possibility of a State Grant and loans, but we will probably have a sewer rate increase as the outcome. The plant was to initially be on line by 1988, but because a study has been initiated by Colton a three-year extension has been allowed and the plant will not have to be fully operational until 1991. The nine million dollars is just for the treatment; it does not include the money needed for upgrading their entire facility. Approximate estimation for total operation is twenty two million dollars; felt this is something we should think about and get more information on. Mayor Grant expressed his concern on where Grand Terrace stood on the Tertiary Treatment and responsibility thereof. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson asked Mr. Schwab to find out how feasible it would be to build a reserve fund for a Sewer Treatment Plant. Mayor Grant questioned the extent of our obligations as far as participating in the plant treatment improvements. City Attorney Hopkins reported there are several different classes of improvements; through the years we have been meeting with Colton, but sometimes we are not as informed as we should be, but that is because Colton doesn't always inform us. However, we are aware of the things that have been brought to our attention tonight. As far as expansion goes, we are under no obligation to participate unless the City of Grand Terrace wishes to increase its capacity. We determined years ago our needed capacity and unless that has changed there is no need to be concerned, but if there has been a change then we should participate on a pro rata basis expansion; felt as far as the Tertiary Treatment, or the third stage treatment, we will probably be obligated to participate on a pro rata basis, but there is still some question to that. Payment of our sewer connection fees include the maintenance of the plant and upgrading of the plant by the City of Colton. The expansion is their responsibility since they own the plant; however, the Tertiary Treatment is something they cannot be expected to do by themselves; they could not foresee Santa Ana Regional Water Control Board would impose a burden on them so I think we would be required and obligated to participate on a pro rata basis. A Financial study Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 14 has been done by Mike Whipple, Colton's Financial Consultant, who has also been our Financial Consultant on various projects and does include our participation in the financing. At this point, since Colton is still investigating, we can't say how we will have to participate financially. City Manager Armstead and Finance Director Schwab are scheduled to meet with their counterparts in Colton next Monday on the sewer project and to try to settle differences that have existed for some time. Mayor Grant stated we want to meet in an amicable and cooperative fashion, but ultimately we may have to defend the integrity of the City; questioned Mr. Schwab if he understood what Mayor Pro Tem Matteson was askino about funds. Mr. Schwab responded he did and explained that they have been working very closely with Colton and it is felt they do want us to participate financially; our participation would be about three million dollars and, if implemented immediately, it will increase the seven dollar bills by $3.20 to approximately $10.20; instead of a bi-monthly bill of $14.00, you would have a $20.40 bi-monthly bill. The financial advisor had recommended to Colton and the City of Grand Terrace that we raise our fees by $1.00 per month now and set aside for the future Tertiary Plant to help soften the impact and at that point we would not have to come up with a $3.00 increase. We are looking at an increase somewhere between $2.00 and $3.00 even with the one dollar going toward the reserve; we are involved with Colton in the planning stages of putting in the Tertiary Treatment Plant. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson felt even if Colton does not do it the City of Grand Terrace should build a reserve so that we will not end up with the same problem we had with Riverside/Highland Water Company. We can plan ahead and have the money build up and earn interest. Mr. Schwab stated we would like to increase the bills slightly to increase the reserve and we would like to do in concert with Colton, but if we don't then possibly we should do on our own. Councilman Evans agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Matteson on exploring the possible rate increase in anticipation of the upgrading. It is something we need to look at now so that we won't have to face problems later. Riverside/Higland Water Company is a good example. City Manager Armstead stated this is one of the reasons they have tried to set up a meeting with the Colton City Manager and Staff to take care of mutual sewer problems, sewer connections, etc.; will give a report to Council as soon as possible. Councilwoman Crawford questioned the status of the Pico Park. Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 15 City Manager Armstead stated that he had talked with Sue Noreen on Tuesday and a meeting was set for Wednesday but had to be cancelled; should have report by next Council Meeting. Mayor Grant expressed his concern about Barton Road; felt there should be a better way to repair the asphalt until the repaving; expressed concern on the litter at top of hill on Mt. Vernon. City Manager Armstead said he would get people on the clean-up project immediately. Mayor Grant reported that he attended the San Bernardino Associated Government Meeting yesterday representing the City. Adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Next regular meeting will be held Thursday, January 1987 at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Acting C i ty Clerk APPROVED Mayo r Council Minutes - 1/8/87 Page 16 (ENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 22, 1987 FEB 12 S87 COUNCIL A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on January 22, 1987, at 5:37 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Byron R. Matteson, Mayor Pro Tempore Dennis L. Evans, Councilman Susan Crawford, Councilwoman Seth Armstead, City Manager Thomas J. Schwab, Finance Director Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Alicia Chavez, Acting City Clerk ABSENT: Joe Kicak, Planning Director/City Engineer The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Frank Cawthon, First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Councilman Evans. ITEMS DELETED FROM THE AGENDA - 6A, Award of of Contract for Planning Services;an em P, CloseJSession. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Mayor Grant read and presented a Resolution of Acknowledgement to Mrs. Ruby Andengaard, who retired as Finance Director from the City of Colton and for her 27 years of outstanding service. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were removed for discussion: 3D - Minutes of 12/4/86; and 3E - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF THE FY 1986-87 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT CLAIM. CC-87-04 Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, ALL AYES, to approve the following Consent Calendar items: A. Approve Check Register No. 012287; B. Ratify 1/22/87 CRA Action; M C. Waive Full Reading of all Resolutions & Ordinances on Agenda; D. Approval of Council Minutes 12/18/86 F. Authorize Finance Director's attendance to the 1987 California Society of Municipal Finance Officers Annual Seminar in Fresno, February 11 - 14, 1987. APPROVAL OF 12/4/86 MINUTES Mayor Pro Tem Matteson referenced page 3, paragraph 5: "the importance to compare certain issues as to number of hours that the in-house planner would devote" intent was not for in-house planner, but was for the contract planner. CC-87-05 Following clarification, Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, second by Councilwoman Crawford, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of December 4, 1986, as amended: "the importance to compare certain issues as to number of hours that the contract planner would devote to the planning process and whether or not his facilities would be located in this building opposed to having elsewhere." FY 1986-87 TDA CLAIM A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF THE FY 1986-87 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT CLAIM. Councilman Evans questioned whether the resolution was to accept funds or -did it also have attached the projects to which the money will be applied? Finance Director Schwab clarified that there is no specific project to which the money has been tied. The TDA funds are a form of gas tax and had been budgeted in this year's budget for various road projects within the gas tax. This is the mechanical process to draw down our funds. CC-87-06 Following clarification by Finance Director Schwab, Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, ALL AYES, to approve Resolution No. 87-01, authorizing the submittal of the FY 1986-87 Transportation Development Act Claim. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Barbara Pfennighausen, 22491 DeBerry, stated she has three questions that she would like the City Attorney to clarify. (1) At the bottom of the hill there has been an increasingly heavy density of housing being developed; questioned the City Attorney whether the construction of those apartments in that density in that area would satisfy the mandate that Grand Terrace has to provide affordable housing? Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 2 M F1 City Attorney Hopkins stated that he is unable to answer yes or no because this is up to the State agency and not him; felt would probably assist in that but, does not feel will totally satisfy. Ms. Pfennighausen questioned whether during the process prior to the adoption of our General Plan during the negotiation period with the State of California, was affordable housing available in the surrounding communities cited as the reason for us not having to put in apartments? City Attorney Hopkins responded that the State never indicated we did not have to put in affordable housing in the community and doubted if they would put themselves out on that limb. Ms. Pfennighausen's second question was: if in the General Plan update R-3 zoning or the R-3 land use is removed in the areas previously known as 10, 11 and 12, will it have to be located else- where in the City? City Attorney Hopkins responded that under the current law the State would probably not give their concurrence of the total removal of multiple -residential family housing within Grand Terrace. If Grand Terrace were to decide and determine that it should be located some other place within the community, feels that the State could probably be convinced of that, but it would be difficult to get the State's concurrence if we just totally eliminated. Further stated that there is a piece of legislation which was recently written that a proposal is currently before the State legislature that would remove the housing element from the General Plan; if that housing element were removed it would seem that the State would provide some other protection because without that there are many communities that woud just not put in affordable housing. Ms. Pfennighausen questioned whether that legislation had been enacted. City Attorney Hopkins responded, No. Ms. Pfennighausen asked for an explanation of the purpose of a specific plan required by developers on development that exceeds sixteen units. City Attorney Hopkins responded that in the General Plan we can address lower residential or lower density residential problems that might occur; anything below nine units per acre doesn't require a Conditional Use Permit. Anything above nine units per acre would require a Conditional Use Permit and any project in excess of sixteen units requires a specific plan. The reasoning behind that is the need to see the plans for a proposed specific development before one can address the specific problems that might be incurred. For instance, the Britton project, with ninety-six units and the fact we couldn't really say what the problems would be until we actually saw the proposed development; we didn't know what density it would be; we didn't know the type of housing and so forth. There are many problems you cannot address until you have the actual proposal. That's the Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 3 M F] C. Waive Full Reading of all Resolutions & Ordinances on Agenda; D. Approval of Council Minutes 12/18/86 F. Authorize Finance Director's attendance to the 1987 California Society of Municipal Finance Officers Annual Seminar in Fresno, February 11 - 14, 1987. APPROVAL OF 12/4/86 MINUTES Mayor Pro Tem Matteson referenced page 3, paragraph 5: "the importance to compare certain issues as to number of hours that the in-house planner would devote" intent was not for in-house planner, but was for the contract planner. CC-87-05 Following clarification, Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, second by Councilwoman Crawford, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of December 4, 1986, as amended: "the importance to compare certain issues as to number of hours that -the contract planner would devote to the planning process and whether or not his facilities would be located in this building opposed to having elsewhere." FY 1986-87 TDA CLAIM A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF THE FY 1986-87 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT CLAIM. Councilman Evans questioned whether the resolution was to accept funds or -did it also have attached the projects to which the money will be applied? Finance Director Schwab clarified that there is no specific project to which the money has been tied. The TDA funds are a form of gas tax and had been budgeted in this year's budget for various road projects within the gas tax. This is the mechanical process to draw down our funds. CC-87-06 Following clarification by Finance Director Schwab, Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, ALL AYES, to approve Resolution No. 87-01, authorizing the submittal of the FY 1986-87 Transportation Development Act Claim. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Barbara Pfennighausen, 22491 DeBerry, stated she has three questions that she would like the City Attorney to clarify. (1) At the bottom of the hill there has been an increasingly heavy density of housing being developed; questioned the City Attorney whether the construction of those apartments in that density in that area would satisfy the mandate that Grand Terrace has to provide affordable housing? Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 2 City Attorney Hopkins stated that he is unable to answer yes or no because this is up to the State agency and not him; felt would probably assist in that but, does not feel will totally satisfy. Ms. Pfennighausen questioned whether during the process prior to the adoption of our General Plan during the negotiation period with the State of California, was affordable housing available in the surrounding communities cited as the reason for us not having to put in apartments? City Attorney Hopkins responded that the State never indicated we did not have to put in affordable housing in the community and doubted if they would put themselves out on that limb. Ms. Pfennighausen's second question was: if in the General Plan update R-3 zoning or the R-3 land use is removed in the areas previously known as 10, 11 and 12, will it have to be located else- where in the City? City Attorney Hopkins responded that under the current law the State would probably not give their concurrence of the total removal of multiple -residential family housing within Grand Terrace. If Grand Terrace were to decide and determine that it should be located some other place within the community, feels that the State could probably be convinced of that, but it would be difficult to get the State's concurrence if we just totally eliminated. Further stated that there is a piece of legislation which was recently written that a proposal is currently before the State legislature that would remove the housing element from the General Plan; if that housing element were removed it would seem that the State would provide some other protection because without that there are many communities that woud just not put in affordable housing. Ms. Pfennighausen questioned whether that legislation had been enacted. City Attorney Hopkins responded, No. Ms. Pfennighausen asked for an explanation of the purpose of a specific plan required by developers on development that exceeds sixteen units. City Attorney Hopkins responded that in the General Plan we can address lower residential or lower density residential problems that might occur; anything below nine units per acre doesn't require a Conditional Use Permit. Anything above nine units per acre would require a Conditional Use Permit and any project in excess of sixteen units requires a specific plan. The reasoning behind that is the need to see the plans for a proposed specific development before one can address the specific problems that might be incurred. For instance, the Britton project, with ninety-six units and the fact we couldn't really say what the problems would be until we actually saw the proposed development; we didn't know what density it would be; we didn't know the type of housing and so forth. There are many problems you cannot address until you have the actual proposal. That's the Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 3 M F] purpose of the specific plan and why it's named a specific plan so that you can address the specifics of that particular proposal. Ms. Pfennighausen stated then it is incumbent that the developer address the elements in the General Plan as to how the problems will be mitigated by the developer? City Attorney Hopkins replied yes. Councilman Evans addressed the City Attorney with the fact that in the past he had answered "no they cannot" when asked "can the apartments at the bottom of the hill be considered in a regional sense for multi- family as applied in our City?" Now you're saying something different. City Attorney Hopkins responded that he could not answer that question with a yes or no; it's up to the State to determine what can be considered; there are no guidelines in writing on what they will consider. Further stated he could only give his opinion that he didn't think they will allow the City to use that as the total consideration; however, they might use them to mitigate some of,the concerns, which is what I've answered to Mrs. Pfennighausen, but I can't say yes or no. Councilman Evans questioned whether the City Attorney was now saying that now that those projects have been built they might consider looking at our City in a different prospective. City Attorney Hopkins responded yes, but didn't feel that they would totally void the requirement for multiple -family residential; they might say that will take away some of the present need, but if we have overbuilt in this area for multiple -family residential for apartments, condominiums and such, you could make an argument to the State that you cannot get a developer to come in and build apartments when they can't be rented or to build condominiums when they can't be sold. If that can be effectively shown, I would think that the State would mitigate those requirements. I don't know if that situation exists or not. That condition did not exist at the time the General Plan was adopted. Councilman Evans stated that the other night information was brought to the people that the apartments down at the bottom of the hill and maybe as far as a ten -mile radius could be used to be considered in a possible zone change; the area that has become known as areas 10, 11 and 12, has beena very controversial area in the last two years. That area is currently zoned for multi -family and it had two projects approved. What liability would the City face if we now say "you can't build there with the remaining lands if we rezone it back to R-1?" City Attorney Hopkins answered that if a developer can show that the City has zoned property for a given use and they have proposed a use consistant with our zoning, consistant with our General Plan, Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 4 consistant with the laws of the City and, if they did show that the City, however, in view of those consistencies has still declined to permit development that would have been permitted by those laws within that area, then I think they have a cause of action against us for inverse condemnation. We probably will have apartments in that area and would be misleading to let the citizens think that we can put a stop to building apartments in areas 10, 11 and 12 by rezoning. Councilman Evans questioned City Attorney Hopkins whether the Planning Commission or the Council can deny a project that has written into their specific plan all the mitigating measures that comply with the General Plan? We encourage development of twenty units to the acre of multi -family; if a developer were to bring that before Council at twenty units to the acre and they meet all the conditions, mitigate all the problems, can we deny that project? Further questioned if the developer complies with our General Plan, and the developer at that time agreed to the 15.75, would we have to have written documentation to deny that project based on a lower density? City Attorney Hopkins responded yes; the State law indicates if you reduce the density that is allowed, you have to make written findings upon which that reduction of density is based. Councilman Evans questioned further regarding whether the City ever produced written documentation for any of the projects that were brought before any of the bodies to have a lower density other than the arguments of just the vocal people? City Attorney Hopkins stated he would prefer not to answer. Mr. Tony Petta, 11875 Eton Drive, Grand Terrace, stated the State says that each general area must have affordable apartments for individuals that cannot afford the maximum going price to have a place to live. The State does not say that you must have affordable apartments in this location, if affordable apartments are within a reasonable radius and, down the hill from this City is a reasonable radius. The State of California is not going to mandate that the City of Grand Terrace build more affordable apartments up here since there are hundreds of vacant apartments just down the hill. The General Plan states that a developer can build apartments in the City up to twenty units, but it does not mandate that the City accept up to twenty units for a developer. It does say that a developer can submit up to nine units and if he meets all of the requirements, then it's a go. However, if a developer submits a project for more than nine units, then he has to go before the Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission can look at the specific project and if it determines that this project is over nine units per acre adversely affects the health, welfare and safety of our people in the neighborhood, the Commission can reject that project outright; also can approve the project if the findings are that it does not adversely affect the health, welfare, and safety of our people. The Council Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 5 M modified the Mt. Vernon Villas project to the satisfaction of the neighborhood, so it would not adversely affect the health, welfare, safety of our people. The State does not mandate that we accept this developers project. Gary Arnold, 111 Pomona, Fullerton, Political National Educator, which is a monthly newspaper. Stated he was here to discuss the City Attorneys and Council's responsibility to the public trust; mentioned conflict of interest and bid procedures. Referenced City Attorney Ivan Hopkins and whether he is operating independently. Suggested it was Council's responsibility to look over the City Attorney's contract, to protect the citizens and City from future law suits and to insist on biddings so that you do get the best situation for your citizens. City Attorney Hopkins questioned Mr. Arnold as to whether he was saying that he had partners and had mislead the Council. Mr. Arnold answered no; that he came here to let the Council know that other cities have problems with Councils not being properly informed by changes in their City Attorney's corporate structure. City Attorney Hopkins again asked whether Mr. Arnold was indicating that he had not been honest with Council on his association. Mr. Arnold again responded with a no. Sharon Korgan, Community Service Officer, gave an update on the Crime Prevention Grant objectives listed, what they require and what the status is at this point. First objective on the Grant was to recruit ten new volunteers; at present we have seven new volunteers. At his point we need three; I have satisfied this part of the Grant because five volunteers are waiting to sign up for the projects that we have going on now. The second part of the Grant is the Neighborhood Watch Program and it required twenty-five new groups of Neighborhood Watch Programs and thirty -block captains; to date there are ten new groups and ten block captains; need fifteen Neighborhood Watch Groups and twenty block captains. A new volunteer, Tim Lotspeich, wants to start a drug program with the youth. He brought in two Neighborhood Watch Programs; will schedule a third one within the next two weeks. Plans to give us fifteen new Neighborhood Watch groups. Objective number three is the Senior Citizen Program that requires ten presentations to four -hundred people. To date four presentations have been made to 149 people, which leaves us needing six programs and 251 people; Is on their program every month; just by being there will satisfy the Grant. Anything we do over and above that in programs would make us exceed the Grant. Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 6 Mayor Pro Tem Matteson asked for total of block captains and how many are from the old groups? Ms. Korgan answered there are fifty listed but they are not all active. One of the members has taken the responsibility to motivate those block captains so that we have regular follow-up meetings. We will work with Bethlehem House and the first project is on February 14; will have a taping of a program entitled "Troubled Family" with five panelists. The panelists consist of a formerly battered woman, a former batterer, a deputy who has dealt with domestic violence; Sister Clair from the shelter itself, and a counselor who's dealt with domestic violence. The purpose of this program is to get the people down here to listen to the panel speak and then have a question/answer period. This program will be taped that day and will be on the air from 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. on Group W T.V.'s closed circuit. For the other part; March 26 and 27, again cosponsored by Bethlehem House, we're going to be doing a two-day seminar (two eight -hour days) with ten to twelve speakers. Will have a couple of general sessions and then workshops. The "B" part of this objective is the follow-up to what we did last time with our domestic violence brochure and follow-up calls with people involved in domestic violence. The sexual assault part requires four presentations to 150 people. I've done one presentation at a PTA meeting to 100 people, so need three more programs. The "C" part is date rape; two programs with 500 students on the junior high level, and will be called a Personal Safety Program. We're going into the school, spend a whole day and have five assemblies a day with 100 students per assembly talking team teaching with Mr. Otis from Terrace Hills Junior High School and one of the students on personal safety with a part of that on the acquanintance rape. The fifth objective is Crime Busters which we wrote into the Grant this year because we felt it was such a good program. Requirement is to involve the two elementary schools here with forty members. We started this last April and have had one meeting with about fifteen children. Terrace Hills Junior High Student Counsel and the Student Body President contacted me several months ago and wanted to participate in some of the projects we had going on in crime prevention. This is a result of the poster/essay contest. Objective number six is the School Attendance Review Board. It requires me to attend once -a -month meetings and become involved in that program dealing with kids that are at their last point - not attending schooland dealing with their parents. I've attended all the meetings starting in September and will satisfy the Grant by attending the meetings. This falls under the diversion program for delinquent kids; fortunately, our students seem to be pretty good in the Colton School District, but had two or three that have dealt with this problem. Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 7 4 Objective number seven is School Programs; requires six presentations on personal safety to 1,500 students. To date have done nine presentations to 1,800 students, we have exceeded the goal and still scheduling programs. A portion of this includes the poster/essay contest and we had 285 entries. (Objectives eight and nine do not apply to this Grant) Objective number ten was doing rural crime and one of the neighborhood watchers, which was on a street that came from some of our more rural areas; talked to them about the I.D. system we have and the marking of their equipment and handed out brochures; satisfied this objective with one neighborhood watch program with twenty people in attendance. Objective eleven, Business Alert, through the Chamber Luncheon made announcements about business alert, provided them with information, and had an actual program on check and credit card fraud, so will far surpass what is required. That concludes the update on the objectives of the Grant that I'm dealing with; the other activities include working on bicycle registraton, and a Safety Fair on April 25. A part of the Safety Fair we will be doing bicycle registration and a bicycle rodeo at the school; going through the obstacle courses, teaching them safety tips and checking their bikes. The Safety Fair portion will consist of service organizations, Sheriff's Department, Fire Department, Health Department, and the Red Cross. They will also have vendors such as alarm and lock companies. Also plan to have a karate demonstration by kids and food booths. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson stated he had two questions; first, how many total vounteers do you have working for you? Ms. Korgan answered that there are two that are consistent, there are seven Crime Prevention Committee members and about ten or fifteen volunteers that work on specific projects in which they have interest. I fully expect by June to have about twenty or thirty that would be consistently active. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson stated that one the biggest problems most communities have is drugs and would like to see emphasis put on a community drug program; feels that should be a number one priority. Ms. Korgan responded she is governed by the Grant; that nothing is written in the Grant that actually addresses drugs; the school has a drug resource person that does drug programs in the schools. Mayor Grant thanked Ms. Korgan for her very detailed outline of what all has been and being accomplished in the Grant and felt this is something we all could have benefitted from in the past and we delighted she did it this time. Ed O'Neal, 22608 Minona Drive, commended Sharon Korgan on update of projects and grant. Referenced the peer pressure in schools and the Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 8 M F� fact that something is being done with the school and interacting with others throughout this area. Commended California Department of Forestry on putting out his garage fire; referenced the professionalism of Station No. 23 and the support that is available to the City; felt City should recognize their excellent work. Mayor Grant responded that the OF Program in this City has been excellent; referenced his own experience with serious flooding in his house about a year ago and the fact they came out and pumped out the water; has nothing but admiration for this department and the back-up. Dick Rollins, 22700 DeBerry Street, stated the need for additional shopping areas in this City; stressed that this Council, City Staff, Planning Commission and the Chamber need to work this year to do everything possible to get developers in here to develop land on the west side of this town. Where we could have a nice shopping center with a restaurant, a coffee shop and perhaps a hardware store which we really need. Asked whether Council adopted a negative declaration on the Environmental Impact Report associated with the General Plan, and what does the negative declaration imply? City Attorney Hopkins responded that he couldn't recall whether or not we had done an Environmental Impact Report on the General Plan. The California Environmental Quality Act requires that we do an environmental analysis and make some determination and produce an environmental document which we did do, but I don't recall whether we did a negative delcaration or whether we did a full Environmental Impact Report. The negative declaration says there is no negative effect to the environment so that you make any negative declaration that the project would not be detrimental to the environmental after studying and reviewing all the information available. At one point in time, the law required that Environmental Impact Reports be prepared on all General Plan adoptions, and we so did however, subsequent to to that the law had determined that Environmental Impact Reports are not required in all General Plan approvals and so negative declarations are frequently done on them. Gene McMeans, 12004 Glenwood, Colton, in regards to discussion of California Department of Forestry, felt the City and citizens should be aware of another service they offer which is First Aid Classes. They offer an effective two-day class for approximately seven dollars which covers the literature and the information you get. Stated they do an excellent job in this community. Recessed at 6:48 p.m.; reconvened at 7:04 p.m., with all members present. Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 9 ORAL REPORTS PLANNING COMMISSION City Attorney Hopkins stated one issue on the Planning Commission Agenda was the sign for the Community/Senior Center. Had discussion on the Planning Director position and what was transpiring. Also discussed the ITT School which is proposed for California Skate. Understand they have a lease for the Traveler's Building and discussed whether or not that's an allowable use and the Planning Commission asked us to bring that back to them; have discussed that with the gentleman from ITT and he indicated that he would submit an application to Mr. Kicak, so will be submitted to the Planning Commission at their next meeting. Councilman Evans stated that last year a number of people reviewed Title 18 and that Mr. Kicak would bring document to the Planning Commission in the second meeting in Janaury; to my knowledge it didn't come before the Planning Commission; would like to know the status and if we're going to see it brought to that body? City Attorney Hopkins responded that it wasn't brought before the Planning Commission yet; did not know why, but did talk to Mr. Kicak on it since I had discussed it with the proponents that are recommended by the staff for the for planning contract division. If the Council appoints them, that would be an item on the agenda removed until a later time; it was indicated that we may look to them to complete that document, the Title 18 revision. I discussed that with Mr. Kicak and he indicated he wanted to come up with a draft that they could review, as well as have input on the old and new; felt that he had a commitment to complete the draft, that he has it almost completed. Councilman Evans stated that we need to set a definite date because the review process is a lengthly process and it's going to be pertinent to have that document approved so that it would be available for use. City Attorney Hopkins responded that he felt it would be completed within thirty days. Councilman Evans felt it should be available at the next meeting of the Planning Commission. Attorney Hopkins responded that he would convey those wishes. City Manager Armstead interjected that the General Plan had gone out to the community and have received only eight as of this date out of the 3,300 that were mailed. Plan to recommend a planning director on the twelvth of February and then we can get on with hearings on the General Plan and recommend we should go to the second planning Commission meeting in February. Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 10 Attorney Hopkins added that there is no proposed amendment to the General Plan yet and that's one of the reasons for the low response; would assume if nobody had anything to address that we're just seeking preliminary input before it's even studied. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Dick Rollins stated minutes of January are in the Council packets; that Committee has not been able to get a crew out to finish grouting the walls on the snack bar; have discussed the fact that might have to get a contractor to finish the snack bar. We have some money from the City and the Lion's Club that could be used to complete this project. The School District is anxious for completion and the Pico Street parksite is in a catch 22 situation. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson stated he met with Barney Karger and was aware of the problems with the snack bar; felt that Barney Karger had done an outstanding job and we all owe him some gratitude; felt some of the requirements for the snack bar were riduculous. Mr. Rollins answered that the Department of Environmental Health Services had decided we didn't have to put in a dressing room, but still stipulating the need for a certain kind of sink: We had a couple of refrigerators donated, but they would not accept the home -type refrigerator, they must be commercial refrigerators that would maintain a temperature of 45 degrees as the door is opened and closed. This project has become costly. Mr. Petta commented that the Lion's Club has expressed interest in wanting to participate in financial aid on the completion of the snack bar and has already contributed $500. If needed, the Lion's Club would be willing to continue with the contributions. Possibly the City could make a commitment whereby the City and the Lion's Club could split the costs and complete the project for use this summer. City Manager Armstead stated a need to first find out what the actual cost is and then address the possibility of splitting the cost. Mayor Grant stated that Barney Karger could give an accurate estimate; perhaps at the next meeting we can address this with a specific figure in mind. Councilman Evans stated his sentiments are the same as just given; felt staff needs to find out how the much cost will be to complete the project and then determine whether we should go out for bid to complete the project. Mr. Rollins stated some funds had been set aside, but did not know the actual dollar figure. Felt Mr. Karger should attend first meeting in February with one of the Councilpersons along with Mr. Anstine to get some costs to complete the project. Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 11 4 Mr. Rollins stated that 40% of the project has been completed. The biggest problem is the sewer line which we need to trench all the way from the snack bar to the street and hook up a sewer line. We need to bring in electricity from the street which means that Edison is going to have to put up another pole and possibly two poles; use of the electricity from the existing light poles and flood lights would overload that system. For water the school district can hook up to the water supply that is at the baseball diamond, but supply may not be adequate. This could require additional costs. Councilman Evans questioned the Finance Director as to whether this would be a project that could be funded out of the Park Development Fees? Finance Director Schwab stated it would be eligible under Park Development; Council already appropriated in this year's current budget $5,000 for engineering and construction of the snack bar. The engineering of the snack bar was donated by Kicak and Associates and much of the materials, the concrete and some of the block had been donated and we currently have in the budget appropriated over $4,000 for the construction. Have up to $4,000 available if the decision is to go ahead and contract, the money is already available. Mr. Rollins stated he wanted to remind Council that it was his understanding originally that the Lion's Club did plan to donate $5,000 so that would help tremendously. Councilman Evans questioned Mayor Grant if the lease agreement for the Edison parksite was entered into? What is the status right now? Mr. Schwab answered that originally when they went out for the proposals to design a park facility the decision was made that it would be unavailable to go for state funding with a lease period of only five years, since the state requires substantial control of the property before they would assist the City in a grant. They feel that five years is not sufficient control of the property to allow a grant. If we lost control of the property in five years, then the structures that the grant money would build would ultimately be destroyed. Edison did extend the lease to Marygold Farms for one year so the City has an option in January, 1988 to take the lease. Marygold Farms did take on a one-year crop which would allow us the option in 1988, and basically what the City's doing at this point is requesting two things from the Edison Company. One, is to have Edison give us a 25-year lease period which would then give us substantial control and allow us to go before the state and request grant funds for the project. The other, is the question of whether we could use the water that exists currently on that site, which is a well owned by Edison. The discussion that came up was that perhaps with a ten -acre park the amount of water that we would have to use just to maintain the turf might make the project non -feasible; so we have one year to try to put together a project and also to gain substantial control and use of the Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 12 M water. At this point there is no signed lease for the City; we have the option for 1988. Councilman Evans asked what Edison's position is regarding proposed facilities to be built. Mr. Schwab answered that Edison was concerned that the facilities that were going to be constructed were going to be permanent in nature and they had some objections to some of the structures that we wanted to build; they initially had the idea that it was going to be a somewhat unimproved park with backstops and no permanent structures so they objected to the plan to develop a full-scale park on their site. Basically, we're going to look at doing an unimproved park. Just put in backstops and fencing, but no permanent facilities such as restrooms or parking. We have notified the landscape architects that responded to our RFP that at this time we cannot develop that facility and thank them for their input. We have a year to decide what we will do. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST OF ONE-TIME APPROVAL TO NAME A STREET IN HONOR OF A GRAND TERRACE CITIZEN Barbara Bayus, President, Chamber of Commerce, stated the Chamber had requested to have on the agenda a one-time approval to name a street after a citizen in Grand Terrace. We've been in communication with the Historical & Cultural Activities Committee which is the body that has the jurisdiction of street names. The name was sold at an auction by the Chamber with permission from the Council for us to coordinate with the Historical Committee gn this and we have a letter from the Committee approving this on a one-time basis because of the uniqueness of this particular situation. The Committee is in agreement to name a Grand Terrace street "Mike Todd Lane." The -letter is signed by Viola Gratson, the chairperson for the Historical & Cultural Activities Committee. Mayor Grant thanked Ms. Bayus and agreed that the Council would enthusiastically authorize the naming of this street Mike Todd Lane; stated appreciation and cooperation between the Chamber and the Committee. As a matter for future policy, we have all accepted that street names should be of a historical nature. CC-87-07 Motion by Councilwoman Crawford, second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, for a one-time approval to name a street in honor of a Grand Terrace citizen and that street is to be named "Mike Todd Lane." Ms. Bayus stated that the other item from the Chamber is to update Council on the Chamber's calendar. The regular Board Meeting has been changed to Monday, February 2, as opposed to Wednesday. The reason for this is there's a Chamber Institute that will be held in Monterey Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 13 and part of staff and Chamber will be attending. Ms. Bayus invited the public to attend the ceremonies to dedicate the restored Vivienda Bridge on Saturday, February 7. On February 11 the Mixer, sponsored by the Chamber, will be at Pure Design which is a business which has recently moved to Grand Terrace out of the Colton area. They are having their grand opening and mixer on Wednesday evening, February 11, at 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. The regular Chamber Luncheon will be on Friday, February 20, in the City's Community Room at Noon. Debbi's Travel will be giving a slide program on a cruise that the Chamber is sponsoring. We wanted to invite the citizens of Grand Terrace and Councilmembers to participate in the cruise. Mayor Grant complimented Ms. Bayus on her Committee Report and suggested the need for some kind of response from each Committee even if nothing more than to say they didn't do anything; we keep putting this on the agenda and then have no input. Mayor Grant stated that we applauded the Fire Department tonight and feels our Sheriff's Department and Sheriff Tidwell's organization is as equally fantastic as our Fire Department, and they have proven it on their investigative techniques. From a layman's point of view, feels it's second to none on the solving of two major offensives that have occurred in this town. Lt. Reynosa thanked the Mayor and will extend that to Captain Bradford. Councilman Evans stated he recognized that Mr. Kicak is not present, but asked if Mr. Kicak could recontact Caltrans to run a study again to see what their status is on widening the Barton Road freeway interchange. City Manager Armstead answered yes. made with Wes McDaniel of SANBAG and since they work very closely with th CITY ATTORNEY REPORT e Mayor Grant asked that contact be County Transportation Commission, representative from Caltrans. City Attorney Hopkins briefed Council on the Rialto Tire Burning suit and that he had delivered a copy to the City and a copy to the Councilmembers circulation file of the complaints and petitions that were filed in this particular matter. Read in today's newspaper the Judge declined to issue a temporary restraining order and set hearings on these two items. There is a meeting tomorrow morning on this and will be better informed then. The paper accurately quoted and established the time and date of the hearing in which these matters will be considered. It was set aside so that the defendants had an opportunity to review the matters that were alleged which is the fair way for the court system to give both sides an opportunity to respond. The requests were ex-parte, meaning one party, rather than both Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 14 parties and Judge Kruge indicated that he felt the defendants should have the opportunity to review the material and to respond to it. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson asked the City Attorney what he thought the results of the suit would be, since the fault is with the City of Rialto rather than Garb Oil who acted in good faith. Attorney Hopkins responded that they would have to do an environmental impact report before the permit could be issued. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson questioned the time lapse between the time of commencement and the suit being filed. A similar operation going in up North filed a suit and lost because of such a time lapse. Will we have this problem? City Attorney Hopkins responded that the permits were issued in 1985, the negative declaration was issued in 1985, and we have a problem with that since the statute of limitations has run out. Permits have not been issued yet, but the permit for the South Coast Air Management District may have been issued. The findings have never been made and put in writing and, thus, the conditions never issued, but at best or worst to us it was issued December 22. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson asked whether a stopping point could be the fact that they did not have permission to move that pipeline that has the right of way through that property. Attorney Hopkins responded that might be part of the whole issue. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilwoman Crawford reported that she attended the League of California Cities Conference; learned a lot at the conference and the length of Council meetings. Councilwoman Crawford extended her apologies to both of the candidates that whe will not be able to attend the swearing in ceremony due to a meeting she is attending out of town. Mayor Pro Tem Matteson stated that a gentleman from the Arco station had been before Council and the Planning Commission and had placed blame on the Commission for holding up permits and development of that project. Since then, the owner has not dedicated the right-of-way to the City. Felt should be brought up since the Planning Commission had taken heat and now doesn't seem justified. Also, the bus stop shelter program that was approved by Council for Grand Terrace will add to our our City. Colton has their's up and they look great. Mayor Grant stated for the record represented the City at the LAFCO meeting yesterday morning. Adjourned at 7:59 p.m. to an Adjourned Regular meeting to be held on uei s ad`y,'February 3, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. Council Minutes - 1/22/87 Page 15 'PENDING C TY .CCUNGYL APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES MS -. 2 W 60 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 3, 1987 AGr-. rA An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on February 3, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Byron Matteson, Mayor Pro Tempore Dennis L. Evans, Councilman Susan Crawford, Councilwoman Barbara Pfennighausen (Incoming) Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Alicia Chavez, Acting City Clerk ABSENT: Thomas J. Schwab, Finance Director Joe Kicak, City Engineer/Planning The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Ray Williams, Grand View Baptist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson. ELECTION - JANUARY 27, 1987 RESOLUTION NO. 87-02 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TERRACE,GRAND A, ECITING THE FACT OF THE SPECIAL RUN-OFF ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON JANUARY 27, 1987, DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTER AS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW. CC-87-08 Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Matteson, ALL AYES, to adopt Resolution No. 87-02. SWEARING -IN CEREMONY Alicia Chavez, Acting City Clerk, administered the Oath of Allegiance to newly -elected Councilmember Barbara Pfennighausen, and presented Certificate of Election. Adjourn The adjourned regular meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held February 12, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. APPROVED Mayor Respectfully submitted, Acting City Clerk DATE: 2/4/87 StAFF REP6RT C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM N MEETING DATE: FEB RUARY 12, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. �E SUBJECT CALIFORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 19861 GRANT ALLOCATION REQUEST FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X A REVIEW OF THE ELIGIBILITY OF ALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS TO RECEIVE PROPOSITION 43 GRANT FUNDS HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY THE STATE. THE ALLOCATED AMOUNTS TO EACH ELIGIBLE CITY, COUNTY AND SPECIAL DISTRICT HAS BEEN SET ACCORDING TO PROVISIONS OF THE BOND ACT. THE FULL ALLO- CATION, UNDER THIS GRANT PROGRAM, TO OUR JURISDICTION IS $27,000.00. TO APPLY FOR THE FUNDS, COUNCIL NEEDS TO AUTHORIZE THE APPLICATION FOR SAID FUNDS. AFTER DISCUSSION WITH THE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE, SAID COMMITTEE IS REQUESTING THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE FUNDS TO BE UTILIZED TOWARDS THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPOSED T.J. AUSTYN PARKSITE. STAFF IS IN CONCURRENCE WITH THE COMMITTEE, AND FEELS'THAT DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PARKSITE WOULD BE ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE RESIDENTS OF GRAND TERRACE. IF AT A LATER DATE, SHOULD COUNCIL DECIDE TO APPLY THE FUNDS TO A DIFFERENT PROJECT, THE CITY WOULD MERELY FILE AN AMMENDED RESOLUTION. IN ANY EVENT, AT LEAST THE MONEY WOULD BE ENCUMBERED BY THE STATE AND AVAILABLE FOR OUR UTILIZATION. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY COUNCIL: _ ADOPT THE ATTACHED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO APPLY FOR FUNDS UNDER THE CALIFORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 1986. RLA RESOLUTION NO. 87- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE COMMUNITY PARKLANDS ACT OF 1986. Park Development - T. J. Austyn Parksite) WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the Community Parklands Act of 1986, which provides funds to the State of California and its political subdivisions for acquiring and developing facilities for public recreational and historical purposes; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program within the State, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Recreation require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of application before submission of said application to the State; and WHEREAS, said application contains assurances that the applicant must comply with; and WHEREAS, the applicant agency State of California for acquisition, restoration of the project; will enter into an agreement with the development, rehabilitation or NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Approval for the filing of an application for 1986 grant assistance for development of the above project. Section 2. Certification that said agency understands the assurances and certification in the application. Section 3. Certification that said agency has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project. Section 4. Certification that said agency will complete the project within three years from date of the approval by the State. Section 5. Appoints the City Manager as Agent of the City to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including but not limited to applications, agreements, amendments, payment requests, and any other documents necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project. ADOPTED this day of February, 1987. - ;f-rdl;�; r COUNCIL MEETING DATE: _'^" ar'r 1: �' So- OATS : Fobr-,JA 1 COMM ISSICN/CCMMITTEE: FORKS ANT' RF7FEgTION SUBJECT: 198E PARK LAND BOND ISSUE PRCIRLEM A need for more developed parks in the City of Grand Terrace that residents may enjoy. Facts- Due to the progress of the T.J. Austyn Development it is apparent that the T.J. Austyn Park site will be available for development approximately September 198 This being the case, this Committee would like tc request that the Council directs Staff to submit to State for dispersement the $27,000 allocation from the Park Bcnd Land Issue towards the development of the T.J.Austyn Park site based on, prior agreed arrangements between T.J. Austyn, and City of Grand Terrace. AI-TERNAT T UF*S : 1. Review and reject the allocation as requested. SOLUTION: 2. Direct Staff to submit to State so the Bond Money can be allocated with a defined purpose for the City cf Grand Terrace. Based on the limited number cf developed park sites in the City of Grand Terrace this Committee feels this request fc7 allocation tc be just and worthwhile fcr the residents of this city as well as beneficial for the City itself. R=QUESTFM orT I nN 'I'^ P7-' TpKL-N gv (-QUN I r A^ID " OP. S-aFF : Accept Alternative #2 atcve. • � DATE: Feb. 5, 1987 to STAFF REPORT zo C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (A AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT Bond for Grading. Tract 13050 Phases 1-4 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED x MEETING DATE: February 12, 1987 Attached YOU will find a Bond in the amount of $63,000 guaranteeing the proper grading within the subdivision. Staff Recormends: CITY CLERK. THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ACCEPT THE BOND FOR FILING WITH THE BOND NO.: NA 100411 PREMIUM : $1,134.00 EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE GRADING PERMIT BOND KNOW ALL M BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, WE FT TD RFST HOMFc Tur (Permittee) As Principal, and Bonding Company) A NEBRASKA CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZED TO OPERATE IN THE•STATE OF CALIFORNIA Organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, As Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF GRAND TERRACE • in the just and full sum of SIXTY-THREE THOUSAND AND NO/100THS DOLLARS ------------------------------------------------------($63,000.00) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly and by these presents. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that whereas said principal uAS filed or about to file with �•T= n� GRAND TFRRACE an application for a permit to perform excavation or fill work, or both , more specifically described in the applicaiton for the grading permit, upon real property owned by said principal known as IRA T No 11050 4 IN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE NOW THEREFORE, if the above named principal shall well and truly comply with all the requirements of CITY OF GRAND TERRACE • and if all of the work required to be done complies with all of the terms and conditions of the grading permit for excavation or fill or both to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and is completed within the time _ limit specified in said grading permit, then this obligation shall be void and of no effect; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or additions to"the'terms of th,2 permit or to the work or improvements to be perfomed thereunder or to the grading plans attached to said permit shall in any wise affect the bligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or additions to the terms of the permit or to the work or improvements or to the plans. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by CITY OF GRA".D TERRACE and judgement is recovered, the Surety shall pay all (-osts incurred by CITY OF GRAND TERRACE in such suit, including a reasonable attorneys fee to be fixed by the Court. WITNESS OUR HANDS THIS 23RD DAY OF JANUARY 1987 •_p�FST HOMES, TNC. NATTnNAT TNT RMMTTV CDBZANY Priar.i 1 S rety B By: RGARET E. O'BRIEN 01�{ ATTORNEY IN FACT Principal NOTE: Acknowledgembnts of Execution by Principals and Surety must be attached. APPRUVED AS TO FORM THIS DAY OF 19 , CITY ATTORNEY Filed with the City Clerk's office on this day of ,19 ATTEST: , CI17f CLERK CITY OF GRAND TERRACE BY: HAM" CITY OF GRAND TERRACE BY: ' -s AC OWLEDGMENT OF ANNEXED INSTAKIENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA l 1 ".. COUNTY OF Los Angeles On this _ day of JANUARY in the year 1987 before me, —Lisa, a Notary Public, State of California, duly commtstoned and sworn, personally appeared Margaret E. O'Brien personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the Attorney in Fact of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me. that such corporation executed the same. National Indemnity Company IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the Los Angeles County of California on the date set forth above in this certificate. �ee�M1e1e1H H111111�1111 � N' OFFICIAL SEA: LISA ! . T'HORNTON i Notary p. Cd1;f,rnie J/ Los %nge?:s iourav i ♦ '� e.�-N♦111111♦ Notary Public. My commission expires May 24, 1989 FMIW fAO POWER -OF -ATTORNEY FOR SUBDIVISION BONDS NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY NGP Na 20222S 3024 HARNEY STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68131 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That this Power -of -Attorney is not valid unless attached to the bond which it authorizes executed. It specifies the LIMIT OF THE AGENTS AUTHORITY AND THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY, HEREIN, THE AUTHORITY OF THE ATTORNEY-M-FACT and THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ............ TWO Million. Dollars. • .(.$2,QW QQQX) ......ON ANY ONE BOND, • . . . . .. . ....... . USE OF MORE THAN ONE POWER VOIDS THE BOND NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, having its principal office in the City of Omaha, state of Nebraska, does hereby make, constitute and appoint James W. Econn, Donald Killian III, Margaret E. O'Brien, Linda Sciaini, and Barry M. Sullock in the City of LOS ANGELES, County of LOS ANGELES, State of CALIFORNIA, its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, at LOS ANGELES , in the State of CALIFORNIA to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed,only the following classes of Subdivision Bonds: Subdivision Improvement including Performance and Labor and Materials; Subdivision Inspection; Subdivision Survey or :Monument; Subdivision Tax; Subdivision Warranty; Completion Common Facilities; Maintenance Assessment; Release of Mechanic's Lien; Release of Stop Notice: License or Permit Bonds required in connection with the subdivision (or subdivision related); Bonds required by F.H.A. or other similar government agencies; Conversion ed that the liability of the company co panyias surce ety on aments ny ucch bond executed under this authority, hall al Authority, any event or other ceeed the sum shown above. THIS POWER VOID IF ALTERED OR ERASED This power Is not valid unless used before December 31, 1988 The acknowledgement and execution of any such document by said Attorney -in -Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if such bond had been executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of this Company. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 3rd day of January, 1986: RESOLVED, that the President, or any Vice President, or Assistant Vice President, of the Companv, be, and that each of any of them hereby is, authorized to execute Powers of Attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute in behalf of NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY, bonds, undertakings and all contracts of suretyship; and that any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary be, and that each or any of them hereby is authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney, and to attach thereto the seal of the Company. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company when so affixed and in the future with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached." In Witness Whereof NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused its official seal to be hereunder affixed, and these presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice President and attested by its Assistant Secretary this 6th day of January, 1986. ATTEST NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY 9 Assistant Secretary BY Assistant Vice President STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES J SS On this 6th day of January, 1986, before me, a Notary Public personally appeared Thomas A. Bolt, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that he signed the above Power of Attorney as Assistant Vice President of said NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY and acknowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. My Commission expires May 20,1988 OFFICIAL SEAL fldQ� NANCY M FLORES s NOTARY OVBM - CAUFORNLA Notary Public, California ANGELESWS COUNTYCERTIFICATION My commay�ns MAY M1!!! STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES I SS I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of NATIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY, a Nebraska Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore that the By -Laws of the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power ofAttorney, are now in force. _ - Signed and sealed at Pasadena, California Dated the............'_3rd............. .. ... . .day of....... Assistant Secretary 1.ONLY ONE POWER -OF -ATTORNEY MAY BE ATTACHED TO A BOND. 2. POWER -OF -ATTORNEY :MUST NOT BE RETURNED TO ATTORNEY -IN -FACT, BUT SHOULD REMAIN A PERMANENT PART OF THE OBLIGEE'S RECORDS. 3. THIS POWER DOES NOT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF BONDS OF NE EXEAT OR ANY GUARANTEE FOR FAILURE TO PROVIDE PAYMENTS OF ALIMONY SUPPORT OR WAGE LAW CLAIMS, OR BONDS FOR CRIMINAL APPEARANCE. 4. THIS POWER DOES NOT AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF BONDS FOR LOAN GUARANTEES OR ANY BONDS. OTHER THAN THOSE ENUMERATED ABOVE. N1 1181F (1156) 8 BOND NO.: NA 100411 PREMIUM : $1,134.00 EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE GRADING PERMIT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, WE FIELDCREST HOMES INC. (Permittee) As Principal, and NATIONAL INDaMNITY COMPANY (Bonding Company) A NEBRASKA CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZED TO OPERATE IN -THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, As Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF GRAND TERRACE in the just and full sum of SIXTY THREE THOUSATIM AND NO 100THS DOLLARS ------------------------------------------------------($63,000.00) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, succe3sors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly and by these prese:its. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that whereas said principal HAS filed or about to file with CTTY OF _. GRAND_ TERRACE an application for a permit to perform excavation or fi61 work, or both , more specifically described in the applicaiton for the grading permit, upon real property owned by said principal known as TRACT NO. 13050 - 1, 2, 3 & 4 TN TVr rTTY nV GRAND TERRACE NOW THEREFORE, if the above named principal shall well and truly _ compl-i with all the requirements of CITY OF GRAND TERRACE , and iE all of the work required to be done complies with all of the terms and cinditions of the grading permit for excavation or fill or both to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and is completed within the time _ limit specified in said grading permit, then this obligation shall be void and of no effect; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or additions to"the terms of the permit or to the work or improvements to be perfomed thereunder or to the grading plans attached to said permit shall in any wise affect the ,bligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or additions to the terms of the permit or to the work or improvements or to the plans. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by CITY OF GRAND TERRACE and judgement is recovered, the Surety shall pay all costs incurred by CITY OF GRAND TERRACE in such suit, including a reasonable attorney s fee to be fixed by the Court. WITNESS OUR HANDS THIS 23RD DAY OF JANUARY 919 87 , NATTCINAT T'L EMM TV C MPANV Surety i Bye GARET E. O'BRIEN ATTORNEY IN FACT NOTE: Acknowledgembnts of Execution by Principals and Surety must be attached. APPRC-VED AS TO FORM THIS DAY OF , 199 CITY ATTORNEY Filed with the City Clerk's office on this . day of ,19 r. ATTEST: CITY CLERK CITY OF GRAND TERRACE BY: MAYO.". CITY OF GRAND TERRACE BY: A40OWLEDGMENT OF ANNEXED INSTIENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA l COUNTY OF Los Angeles On this 23RD day of JANUARY in the year 1987 before me, L . a Notary Public. State of California, duly commisioned and sworn, personally appeared Margaret E. O'Brien personalty known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the Attorney in Fact of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named. and acknowledged to me. that such corporation executed the same. National Indemnity Company IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the Los Angeles County of California on the date set forth above in this certificate. 1 Notary Public:-Staift-01.-6alitornia SE 'R�\` Lich L. TI • �� + .M 53_\ NctarY �ubl:oCa1 In Ce May 24, 1989 • i;�,� pr, A'a C` 1 My commission expires Las a�3e'es you `^/ 19^� Po%'tD POWER -OF -ATTORNEY FOR SUBDIVISION BONDS NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY NGP N? 202228 3024 HARNEY STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68131 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That this Power-of-Attornev is not valid unless attached to the bond which it authorizes executed. It specifies the LIMIT OF THE AGENTS AUTHORITY AND THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY, HEREIN, THE AUTHORITY OF THE ATTORNEY -IN -FACT and THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ....... . TWO Million Dollars , ( ?,QW Q%QQ) . , . , , ON ANY ONE, BONG . . . . . ............ . USE OF MORE THAN ONE POWER VOIDS THE BOND NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, having its principal office in the City of Omaha, state of Nebraska, does hereby make, constitute and appoint James W. Econn, Donald Killian III, Margaret E. O'Brien, Linda Sciaini, and Barry M. Sullock in the City of LOS ANGELES. County of LOS ANGELES, State of CALIFORNIA, its true and lawful attornev-in-fact, at LOS ANGELES , in the State of CALIFORIN41A to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed,only the following classes of Subdivision Bonds: Subdivision Improvement including Performance and Labor and Materials: Subdivision Inspection; Subdivision Survey or Monument: Subdivision Tax; Subdivision Warranty; Completion echanic's Lien; Release of Stop Notice: License or Permit Bonds required Common Facilities; Maintenance Assessment: Release of M in connection with the subdivision (or subdivision related); Bonds required by F.H.A. or other similar government agencies; Conversion tax or fee: Advance Payments required by Federal, State, County, Municipal Authority, or other obligees, provided that the liability of the company as surety on any such bond executed under this authority shall not in any event exceed the sum shown above. THIS POWER VOID IF ALTERED OR ERASED This power Is not valid unless used before December 31, 1988 The acknowledgement and execution of any such document by said Attorney -in -Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if such bond had been executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of this Company. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authoritv of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly caned and held on the 3rd day of januarv, 1986: "RESOLVED, that the President, or any Vice President, or Assistant Vice President, of the Companv, be, and that each of any of them hereby is, authorized to execute Powers of Attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute in behalf of NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY, bonds, undertakings and all contracts of suretyship; and that any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary be, and that each or any of them hereby is authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney, and to attach thereto the seal of the Company. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to anv certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and anv such Power of Attornev or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company when so affixed and in the future with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached." In Witness Whereof NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused its official seal to be hereunder affixed, and these presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice President and attested by its Assistant Secretary this 6th day of January, 1986. ATTEST NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY 9. "Q . 4_c� 4/= //.Assistant Secretary BY t Vice President STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS On this 6th day of January, 1986, before me, a Notary Public personally appeared Thomas A. Bolt, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that he siggnned the above Power of Attorney as Assistant Vice President of said NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY and acknowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. My Commission expires May 20, 1988 OFFICIAL SEAL NANCY M FIORES s NOTARY PVp tC • GIUFORNIA Notary PubUc, California 'OS MGM UW CMAY 2 CERTIFICATION rr uwa rAr io 190 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES J SS I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of NATIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY, a Nebraska Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore that the By -Laws of the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in force. Signed and sealed at Pasadena, California Dated the 23rd day of January 19.. 8!..... Assistant Secretary 1.ONLY ONE POWER -OF -ATTORNEY MAY BE ATTACHED TO A BOND. 2. POWER -OF -ATTORNEY MUST NOT BE RETURNED TO ATTORNEY -IN -FACT, BUT SHOULD REMAIN A PERMANENT PART OF THE OBLIGEE'S RECORDS. 3. THIS POWER DOES NOT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF BONDS OF NE EXEAT OR ANY GUARANTEE FOR FAILURE TO PROVIDE PAYMENTS OF ALIMONY SUPPORT OR WAGE LAW CLAIMS, OR BONDS FOR CRIMINAL APPEARANCE. 4. THIS POWER DOES NOT AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF BONDS FOR LOAN GUARANTEES OR ANY BONDS. OTHER THAN THOSE ENUMERATED ABOVE. NI 1181P(1,861 I DATE: Feb. 4, 1987 SiOAFF.- REPSRT ;ga* C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) MEETING DATE: Feb. 12, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X The City of Grand Terrace currently observes eleven holidays. The federal holidays the City does not observe are: the Birthdays of Martin Luther King, President Lincoln, President Washington, and Columbus Day and California Admission Day. City Staff is requesting Council to declare Monday, February 16, as,a City holiday bringing the total number of observed holidays to twelve. The following is a survey of local cities with an indication whether the holiday is observed and the total number of holidays granted: CITY WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY OBSERVED TOTAL HOLIDAYS Colton Yes 14 Fontana Yes 14 Loma Linda Yes 12 Redlands Yes 11 Rialto Yes 12 Riverside City Yes 14 Riverside County Yes 13 San Bernardino City No 12 San Bernardino County Yes 13 Victorville Yes 12 Moreno Valley Yes 12 Adelanto Yes 12 The only city in the area that does not observe the federal holiday is San Bernardino City. Their Personnel Department indicates that several years ago the Washington Holiday was traded for an additional floating holiday for a total of two floating holidays. As with all observed holidays, a department head would be on call to deal with any emergencies that might arise. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COUNCIL DECLARE WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, AN OBSERVED CITY HOLIDAY TO BRING THE TOTAL TO TWELVE HOLIDAYS PER YEAR. TS:bt -. i; j. wlfifi NNIS 11U3N a GRANT ANyw i BMW MATMON 6 M♦yE► Ap TNII 7 cou"M TONr L EVANS SAaRA.�RyA. PFEw4*HAUSEN � �Q p "µ" Co ITY OF GRAND TERRACE• cur'�•10'�' PARKS &RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETIN MONDAY, JANUARY 5,19H6 m MTNUTSS MEMBERSk''%: Chairman Louis. Galvez, Barbara Conley, Lenore Frost, Ken Rinderhagen, Jason Otter, Dick Rollins, Dave Wider ABSENT: Chuck Percy CITY STAFF jPRESENT: Randall Anstine, Renee McCarthy GUEST: Jane Aj` worth CALL TO ORDER: 7:3e PM by Chairman Galvez T Ms 1. Minutes of the November 3,ISSS meeting were reviewed and upon a motion by Jason Otter and seconded by Ba<.rbara Conley approved by quarum. Ken Rinderhagen abstained from voting. 2. SNACKEAR--Snackbar has been. donated 2 microphones and a sound system to be installed when the snackbar is completed. Colton cement has donated 6 bags of cement. Due to the slow progress of completion, this.cpmMittee feels that all commissioner* should attempt to bring to the February meeting a potential Contractor who will/has submitted a hid to Randall Ainstine for completion of the•snackbar shell. Dave Wider brought up For discussion whether the .planned purchase and installation of outside barbecues are useful/appropriate for this snackbar.Csee Nov. 3 minutes, #3) Further discussion will be necessary to insure that this snackbar will actually .be useful for its intended .purpose. Subject of ovens and commercial Fans was also discussed again. 3. SECURITY LISHT--Randy Anstine reported there should be no problem re-direct:,ng the security light onto the snackbar. Randy will rzccrt in February on the feasibility and-ccst of keeping the light on all night; 4. TOUR de TERRACE --City Ccuncil voted to make the Taur de Terrace an annual event administered by this committee. RECEIVED 22795- RARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA $2324.5295 cc 0 21987 Planning — Enginewring — 59 Triy +M siCV?W u • S. Pico land be t During, son wi Due to postponed . disci,ss th:i.� that discus` :.ty Council voted that possession of Edison sub -leased out to MArygold farms. rn of last meeting it has come to light that a S year lease, not a 21 year lease, as <This fact makes null and void any thoughts of tuith a State grant. 4a!,tion, physical transfer of they. land is being t°t�tine will. meet with Edison representatives and fan and report to this Committee the results of tv lso current actual cost of preparing and maintaining -rne • iw acres of land as practice baseball Fields. S. T.J. AItS?YfV 'PAR3C SITE --Randy Anstine updated_ tx It committee to the fact thatO, t X.J. Austyn Co. may be anWwhera> ',from 2 months to y®ors Etheir la+t phase of development) to complation. This Committee will_ '; ., ified for input into the final stages/ comple ,t:,' f the park at the appropriate time. ti 7: CPRS CONE ,�..f t was decided that Chairm4l .° ZA�is Ealvsz, Barbara Conley= nick Rollins would represent �this Committee at the ise7 confer 9 ce Randy Anstine is submitting: ta• Ctsuncil:- appropriate actidn to accomplish this goal. 8. Randy Anstina,-�ot.iFied this Committee I that the State Bond Park Act monies (Approx'.SZO,000) can be carried over-3 addtional fiscal Wears. S. Renee McCarthy reported on the Winter 1987 PA00 & Recreation program. Bus excursions appear to be doing well.naw that she has coordinated with -Rim -of -the -World to share bus U*atS. Renew will soon be developing the Fall 1,987 schedule and wll1 --present a draft Ear input and suggestion at the February meeting..--- Commissioners are to bring suggested program offerings to the'Fabruarky meeting. 10. City Council-,-_*sked this Committee to ccnsider••aponscring a Run or Triathlon. At,`this time it does not seem Eeasib-18 although this Committee is currently entertaining many ideas for 1967. Meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm. NEXT MEETING• F;22", A! RY Z, -19 -7 Respectfully submitted, 1 Barbara M. Conley ,f '.i £'", 3 .al• T .^'i ;�^'i T .i^" tt � '3 �^.J�"'. Y'•i j.t"�. '� 'Ir 'i J 7 T '"T-•'" -�^t���'� COLP;C I L MEETING IIA" F �' a ' , ce-� CATE : F ai-^ua^� P 1Qe7 E ,� - - COMMISSION/ COMMITTEE: Rogtic AND 9Fr:REATION /7 C 'ET SUBJECT: TOKEN SL''3ATnv FOP LITTLE LEAGUE PpC'T✓T EM : Subsidy of 1/3 or SS00 for Little League for the use of Park lights during their season. Facts: Little League has requested, through this Committee, that the established policy of subsidizing 1/3 or $S00 worth of light tokens be continued for their 13e7 season. (aT TF*?F.IAT I UES 1. Direct- Staff to subsidize up to $500wcrth of lighting needs to Little League for the use of the Park during their. season. 2. Eliminate lighting subsidy for Grand Terrace athletic leagues. SOT LT I ON : We feel that it is a positive relationship between Parks & Recreation/City of Grand Terrace and athletic organizations/leagues to support, by way of a subsidy, leagues'lighting needs for the good of the residents of Grand Terrace. pcnt jFSTEM ACTION Onc N TO TAKENa Ev rn`�!C T' AND/OR aTAr E . y .J L Accept Alternative #1 above. foo "A 4 A I P Ptil ffs COUNCIT MEETING I 192Z DATE: —F-hr,-2a-ts P - 1997 COMM! SSI ON/COMMITTEE: P22XS ONQ 2ECREPTION 'S SUBJECT: T-pr\ILI ACQUTSTTION FOR FUTURE: PARKS PprFLEM: A need For more parks in the City which Residents can utilize and enjoy. Farts: Due to the home construction development of Grand Terrace, usable land may nct be available For Park Site developments in the Future. Current efforts at acquiring leased land does not appear to be materializing or be the most financially advantageous to the City. By purchasing land now we will own the land to develop Future park complexes that this city can be proud of. Al TFpNATI UFS: 1. Review and reject the proposal. 2. Direct Staff to start a Feasibility study of available land in the City. Instead of develcping leased land, this City should be developing land it owns FCc permanent park sites For its res4dents- pc-0UE:S7En ACT TCN TO RF TAKEN REY r-r;'-'NCI' AN -/OR 512FE: Accept Alternative #2 above. ON . , t two IR' J, Ar Am, 'IKI" oomtkibut The Commi branch wh ommtty I hold in IN x,,2987 Meeting -b W to order, at - 7 *�'for- "wMimr Mao to�ioifaw ti r ow bidet. A reft 4. , h',jeaveturned. The 6:110hitteol, r W- a-vo �t-.a w W4 41 � 4- rl 11111ho", for "s, - kecei* 0. . otber Velma, 'Of from Jubri Matl*w ar4, Z*4, fot -tbb ks*eks fu*sral not dow as a �#ss* to knw AW a Co=ty,?Air city 1,1w oultural C=mittwi`anl* F that this wal dear aft- Committm would aaMicdAte - a- replay o, that � Im iqw an., -1987 Country ft= - Novad= 7thj, 10 MAPH 2. Art May 17th. 3. City Ziithfty - UMmobery to be decided Viola will look into getting a pezmw*nt sign for the Wx and art show. Pictures taken at the fair by Hwmb Aore, b=wd wer, to -%ola * In anower t* our letter to the rAisqn, w rec*iv eg, .,of 'lr*n Mw and ad 06'bO . .0 ' bc ' " , , - - Win cdorjWte _= a Of L th-oft­'�, fine": to, eo a6am ftrrweopper wires. , T* *xMiL Library. %!he se*iiwy will awd a TiArk You r;*td,...- 777 *wbara ww Old BUsirxm: -ft �ofty oa Nov to sepbu is chairman oz -4 c6riai VAAM It4 She made a W to the 'I be rcb� 2nd'at 7 PM. %Um9w x.9 The next mestijW-wil, - ured a was *Ajo t, 8:05 Ann made the Vi secorAed. Respectfully SUIM&ttedf Hammh Laistero' Secretary RECEIVtD N-2 0 1987 CITY OF GRAND MRACE �AR 2 K6 'N' 14- CITY OF GRAND TERRACE N EMERGENCY OPERATIONSCOMMITTEE, a A �Wx MEETING MINUTES 19 Nov i"= 1111#16 'AN 2-2 1 C41-y OF QWV SWAGE irman J. Hodder. The meeti aled to order at 7:20 pm by cha 5 M. Harris E. Luers 'Member E. Hodder V. I J. Hodder Guests pre'Sexjt:, Cynthia L. Williams Council lial-sonptiesent: R. Anstine Minutes of the '16 October 1986 meeting were pre"nted and -approved as read. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Communications: i. V. Pfennighau­ reported that the HF trantoolver Power 84VP17 . sen and the NICAD battery pack for thelhand-held transceiver have been. repaired and replaced. Emergency Operations Plan: k 1. The Base Plan -has been submitted for review by the coWnittOet city council, and staff. Inputs have been requested 'by the -'neat regular meeting. 2. E. Luers led a'discuosion on a prelimAzary out ine for isubsoqu " volumes of the Plan'. 1!1P17 Be will generate a Pr-tOrLtV list-trom thl discussion based on the estimated amount-ofrk and specific modules. OLD BUSINESS 1. In response to a request to staff concerning lnfbrnAtl_am Womy - S. 11 structual surveys done on buildings in the;city,, R-. Ans ­rted that the only building that had previously be" Adentifie problem several years ago was the old community center. I that time the building had been condemned because the origin 'an off, documents had been lost. It was subsequently-tubjected'io_` inspection.,. r, +ermine if there was any other basis for the condemnatf_; as'found to be structurally sound and safe. J. Hodder re 4t J. Kicak related that he was going to provide that info' a report to city council and would put the committe*-�_ :bution. Be also had related that the current - building :,the city -correlated directly with the county's in strictness"} Gh has bean written f©r -4 -Z- factor 1 zone, the highest rrx, 'risk. In a re3;t'4' Sject a discussion was held concerning the request for informatl:. xtions of utility facilities within the city. R. Anstine �rV*1 :.;,'that Southern California Gas is reluctant to disseminate _ tl" 'kind of information because in previous emergencies service- & `-been, nterupted to customers for insufficient cause, by unautharitie!..,ger onnel. M. Harris suggested that R. Anstine and staff contiue `lY<< i` $ .t this information (AI# 16), and emphasized that it was "7777 not the iriF-the committee or the emergency operations management team to do a*tng unauthorized during , an emergency, but that the informations! +*�'s► important for risk assessment in the planning process and for:_decision making during an emergency. R. Anstine 2. Concerning/building 3 security, R. Anstine reported that there were currently no cthe* users of the building and that there were no outstanding keys except for those held by the city clerk. 3. R. Anstine informed the committee that the most comprehensive mailing list `that staff has found is the Penny Saver list. 'This list could be used formailing or distributing a family disaster preparedness planning guide. 4. In response to our request for an inspection of building 3, R. Anstine reported that the fire department had -made the inspection and found no major problems. They did however expkOs some concerns about some electrical connections outside the buildin$'and the fact that the water heater should be secured to the structure. The committee will review the report and take appropriate action when the report is recieved. ACTION ITEM STATUS 1. Several action items were closed. (see attached list) NEW BUSINESS - 1. The Southern California Earthquake Preparedness .rro�ei€4t-> %. seminar on 30 October in preparation for "Earthquake'Pre `rclaePs Week 1987" . E. Hodder contacted SCEPP and was told that the.carmittee- had not been able to attend and that we would like to re�ceivd,V.urchis* the package. She was told that we would be put on -the list but they did not know if they were going to distribute the material -to anyono-..- who had not attended. M Harris took aril action item (AI# 1-6) to, ... contact Sc nel and see why the information could not be obtained. 2. The cc that will,,-. be of in.'ti find out be requiro uaz received & Sqhedule a, -thetraining programs st over thee-VEMA satellite, several of WbIch might 0 committee, council, ``and staff M. Harris will I'M located and what might A` nearest receive.facil�-tY_". In access. (AIS 17) l"sOrviAS On this , 3. Cruth. lams expressed her iut.rtst ih. ly agreed to submit a re4utst for ittee unanimous 00 committe''A" action t4,­ il concerning her appointment. (AI# 18). The meet14gva adjourned at 8:10 Pm - The next will be held at 7:00 PM on 17 December 1986. Submitted by-; Eileen F. Hodder, Secretary Grand Terrace Imergency Operations Committee Approve.' by jame' A. -Hodder., Chaff Grand TeXTAteZMergency Operations Committee .. F CITY f `DOE ;1 EMERGENCY OPERA IONS COMMITTEE ACTION ITEM LIST (Dec. 1086 Update) #86-1 ASS- 4, T0: E. Luers ON: 9/17/86 DUE: 10/15/86 Hodder CLOSED: ACTION ?rice sheet cork for status display boards and provide information to staff. CLOSURE: ' #86-2 ASSIGNED TO: E. Luers ON: 9/17/86 DUE: 10/15/86 CLOSED: 11/19/86 ACTION: Provide a draft of Emergency Operations Plan for committee review. CLOSURE: Submitted for committee/council/staff review.,. #86-4 ASSIGNED TO: J. Hodder ON: 9/17/86 DUE: 10/15/86 CLOSED: ACTION: Provide draft of Family Emergency Preparedness Pamphlet for'committee review. CLOSURE: Rough draft submitted. Note: New, similar document now available. Further analysis required. #86-13 ASSIGNED TO: J. Hodder ON: 10/,15/86 DUE: 11/19/86 CLOSED: 11/19/86 ACTION: Contact membership applicant C. L. Williams and extend invitation to November 1986 meeting.. CLOSURE: 086-15 ASSIGNED TO: R Anstine ON: 11/19/86 CLO UE. 12/17/86 ACTION: Talk to engineering staff and pursue informati*A''on utilies information to be used for risk analysis. CLOSURE: 0: M. Hariis CLOSED. 0.; to SC t pp contazt, and, out if "Get on Boar;l** can be obtained. -seminar last. age from 086-17 M. Barris ON: 11/19/86 Mg: 12/.17/``S6 CLOSED: fain information on how FEMA satellite trainins 7 11 -available to Vroarams may be this commit tee, city .0puncil, and staff. bwsuw: #86-18 ASS� TO: J. Hodder ON: 11/19/86 DUE: 12/X71/86 Ir& Hodder CLOSED: ACTION ' and submit request, for .44tion to city council, on appointment of Cynthia L. Williams to vacancy on this committee. CLOSURX: AL %0 STAFF REPORT C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: February 12, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8A SUBJECT CONTRACT AWARD FOR PLANNING SERVICES Please refer to Agenda Item No. 6A in your packet from the meeting of January 22, 1987. AC U DATE: Feb. �6�19�8,7 40 STAFF REP R'i C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: ' Feb. 12, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT PART FUNDING REQUIRED XX NO FUNDING REQUIRED Some time ago the City of Colton indicated that it was planning to undertake a sewer capacity study. Grand Terrace staff requested that we be included in the study. The City of Colton has received a proposal to develop a sewer master plan and a rate and capacity study. Our portion of the study would be $3,000.00, and would provide an analysis of the Grand Terrace's portion of the capacity -over the next ten years and what improvements, if any, would be required in the primary and secondary treatment systems. This study would provide the data needed to ensure that ample capacity remained to provide for the City's future growth. STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL AUTHORIZE STAFF TO RETAIN WITH THE CITY OF COLTON KRIEGER AND STEWART TO PERFORM A SEWER STUDY AND APPROPRIATE $3,000.00 FROM THE SEWER FUND. TS:bt KRIEGER & STEWART 6„Co,0014t.a ENGINEERING CONSUL -ANTS 3602 University Ave.. Suite 201 Riverside. California 92501-3348 (714)684-6900 312-19 January 15, 1987 Leslie Keane, Assistant City Manager City of Colton 650 La Cadena Drive Colton, CA 92324 Subject: Master Plan and Rate Study Wastewater System Dear Ms. Keane: As requested at our December 18, 1986 meeting, we are proposing to provide a combined Master Plan and Rate Study for the Colton Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewer System within 75 days (by approximately April 1, 1987) for $30,000.00. Krieger & Stewart is able to provide these services at this cost and within the specified time period due to our firm's familiarity with the existing Wastewater System, specifically because of our responsibility for the renovation of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant, Industrial Waste Pretreatment Program, and for the development of a program to monitor flow entering the Colton Sewer System from Grand Terrace. The proposed services would include an evaluation of the impacts of projected flows from Colton and Grand Terrace on the Colton Wastewater System and revision of Colton's 1" to 500' scale Sewer Atlas Map. If the above services were provided in two phases, we estimate that the cost would be $40,000.00, $20,000.00 to prepare a combined Mid -Level Report and Rate Study which would address existing and future improvements for the secondary treatment facilities, and $20,000.00 for a subsequent Master Plan which would address existing and future improvements for the sewer system. The items that would be covered in a Master Plan or a Mid -Level Report are addressed on the attached two sheets which list the advantages of each approach. A subsequent rate study would entail evaluation of current operating and capital expenditures and projections of those expenditures based on estimated increases in population, flow and estimated capital improvements. Based on the projected expenditures, alternative rate schedules would be proposed for setting sewer service charges for residential and commercial users and setting connection fees KRIEGER & STEWART Margoana ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LESLIE MOE January 15, 1987 Page 2 to cover costs for future secondary treatment facilities and sewer facilities. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact me. Sincerely, KRIEGER & STEWART Ste �1)rrera SDH/ j 1m Enclosures: Two Sheets Described Above CITY OF COLTON WASTEWATER TREAT` MNT PLAf1T AP1D SET;M SYSTEM MASTER PLAN ADVANTAGES: 1. Determine the primary and secondary treatment facilities ands wers and necessary to handle projected and ultimate growth (population industrial). 2. Determine remaining capacity in existing sewers and provide recommendations for the sizes of future sewers. 3. Provide estimates regarding construction and operation costs for future improvements (treatment facilities and sewer). Such costs can be used in a subsequent rate, study to revise sewer service charges.: and connection fees. 4. Provide the information necessary to evaluate the impact that a proposed development will have on the existing sewer capacity. 5. Establish sewer size requirements for improvements by developers. 6. Develop a 10-year Capital Improvement Program (treatment facilities and sewers). DISADVANTAGES: 1. Cost (approximately $25,000). u DATE: Feb.6, 1987 S FF RE p RT C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) MEETING DATE: -Feb. 12 ._ 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. SIG - SUBJECT RELEASE OF CURRENT SEWER CONNECTION FEES FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX The City Council on September 14, 1982 directed staff to withhold City sewer connection fees until all the issues arising out :of discussions between the two cities were resolved. Four and a half years later we are still withholding connection fees. The City has withheld over $250,000.00 in connection fees. The City is currently negotiating a settlement of the issue and, as a demonstration of the City's good faith, staff is ' recommending that all new connection fees collected be transmitted to Colton. To continue to withhold these fees only compounds the problem. We have had no new connections made in 1987, but as connections i� occur, $1,350.00 of the total fee of $1,500.00 will be transmitted to Colton. Staff is negotiating with Colton to settle the sewer issues and is working toward bringing a recommendation to Council in the near future. STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL AUTHORIZE STAFF TO TRANSMIT ALL CURRENT SEWER CONNECTION FEES TO COLTON. TS:bt