02/26/1987r •rd� .iY.!ul�iNra f..y Q.V * �� i - r' 'fy REGULAR COUNCIL NEETINGI AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 22795 Barton Road * Call to Order * Invocation - Teddric Mohr, Associate Pastor of Administration, Azure Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church * Pledge of Allegiance *. Roll Call February 26, 1987 5:30 P.M. Staff Recommendations Council Action CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Approve 1. Approval of Minutes 2/12/87 Approve 2. Approval of Check Register No. CRA022687 ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL 1. Items to Delete 2. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine & non -controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Staff Member -or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Approve A. Approve Check Register No. 022687 B. Ratify 2/26/87 CRA Action Approve C. Waive Full Reading of Resolution & Approve Ordinances on Agenda D. Approve 2/12/87 Minutes Approve COUNTER COPY - DO NOT REMOVE FROM INFOR ION DESK!! 6 C6UNCIt AGENDA //87 - Page 2- .'Aj'� -E. A RESOLUTION OFiTHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE,, CA, PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT Of -CERTAIN UNCOLLECTABLE DELIN- QUENT SEWER -USER CHARGES PLUS PENALTIES. F. Reject Liability Claim #87-01 (Lawson) 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 4. ORAL REPORTS A. Planning Commission B. Parks & Recreation Committee C. Historical & C.ttltural Activities Committee D. Crime Preventi6n Committee (1) Decrease of Committee Membership from Eight to Seven Members. E. Emergency Operations Committee F. Chamber of Commerce G. Police Chief H. Fire Chief I. City Engineer J. City Attorney K. City Manager L. City Council (1) Appointments of Representatives and Alternates to: (a) SANBAG/Omnitrans (b) SANBAG-T-TAC (c) SCAG (d) League of California Cities (e) Community Redevelopment Administrators (f) Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (Board of Directors) (g) Clean Community Systems 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 7:00 P.M. Staff Recommendations Adopt Approve A. AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Adopt following OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, RELATING Public Hearing TO UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROCEDURAL REGULATIONS. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Consider Awarding & Authorizing Mayor To Execute Contract (GTC 87-01) with Willdan & Associates for .Planning Services to the City of Grand Terrace; or Council Action AGr 3 "off Staf f Recommendations Council Action B. Appropriate $5,365 to Department #370 from the General Fund Balance for a Total Appropriation of $80,865 for In-house Planning. (1) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 86-25 AND AMENDING THE ESTABLISHED CLASSIFI- CATIONS AND SALARY RANGES FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Mid Year Budget Review B. Authorize Advertising for Bids - Mt. Vernon, Canal Street and Grand Terrace Road Street Improvements & Expenditure of $162,865.00 For Construction of Project. If this alternative is approved, adopt the following Resolution Adopt C. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Adopt CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING TO DETERMINE WHETHER PUBLIC NECES- SITY, HEALTH, SAFETY OR WELFARE REQUIRES FORMATION OF AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT D. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Adopt CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS TOGETHER WITH APPURTENANCES IN A PROPOSED UNDERGROUND UTILITIES DISTRICT PURSUANT TO THE PROVI- SIONS OF GRAND TERRACE CITY ORDINANCE #107 RELATING TO UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING. ADJOURN THE NEXT REGULAR CRA/CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS WILL BE HELD THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1987, AT 5:30 P.M. AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE 3/12/87 MEETING MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY 12:00 NOON ON 3/4/87. M CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 12, 1987 A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on February 12, 1987, at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Chairman Barbara Pfennighausen, Vice Chairman Susan Crawford Dennis L. Evans Hugh J. Grant Seth Armstead , Executive Director Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer/Planning Director Loretta Thompson, Secretary Barbara Michowski, Accountant Finance Manager Randy Anstine, Community Service Director ABSENT: Thomas J. Schwab, Treasurer APPROVAL JANUARY 22, 1987 MINUTES. CRA-87-05 Motion by Vice Chairman Pfennighausen, Second by Mr. Evans, ALL AYES, to approve the minutes of January 22, 1987. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER NO. 021287. CRA-87-06 Motion by Vice Chairman Pfennighausen, Second Mr. Evans, ALL AYES, to approve Check Register No. 021287. Adjourned at 6:10 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held Thursday, February 26, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. APPROVED: Respectfully submitted, Chairman Secretary `` s�;,i,; COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FEB. 26, 1987 CHECK REGISTER NO.CRA022687 CHECK NUMBER OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF FEB. 26, 1987 (1) P4917 SANWA BANK BALANCE DUE ON C.O.P. CIVIC CENTER, FEB. 1987 $ 9,600.87 *2) 16746 SUSAN CRAWFORD STIPENDS FOR FEB., 1987 150.00 (3) 16748 DENNIS EVANS STIPENDS FOR FEB., 1987 150.00 (4) 16751 HUGH GRANT STIPENDS FOR FEB., 1987 150.00 (5) 16758 BYRON MATTESON STIPENDS FOR FEB., 1987 150.00 (6) 16768 BARBARA PFENNIGHAUSEN STIPENDS FOR FEB., 1987 150.00 TOTAL: $10,350.87 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORELISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF CRA LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF CRA. r- THOMAS SCHWAB TREASURER v^UCW EG 1 �yC'f�1�it'IG CITY FED L � M! r�',tr. ;.,.., t PAGE 1 � s: '��� �oZ�- CITY DF GFAND TERkACE �-� � �-�-�s .CoIrN/�VL �,�€+Pf`Ov � VOUCHER/CHECK F.ECISTER li FOR ALL PFkIODS CHECK REGISTER NO.022687 VCIUCH;P/ VENOCIR VENDL'R CHECK NUV5FR N01,f,Fk NA"E ITEM DESCRIFTION ITEM AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT .I P4910 C70 SO.CA.CAS C0r•,PANY CASH PAY.2/69SCG 76.97 76.97 el •�.'� 91 1 _Lf.29.----.--=FGUE_IIY-�AC.lE..1.L_'�.I...E3.ct:t:_. C.OiJr:C.1L1r:AxL1�_Ctu�l�. a32.2-3 ------a`� ' COUNCIL/STAFF MEETING 37.17 ` I� COUNCIL/STAFF MEETING 37.18 III ' - M F F I. Lr1L/SE . aLER 18.96 ° MEETING/COLTON 44.06 PARK/PEC.CONF.GALVEZ 98.00 � " -_i' k R Y/ R E C ._C r,hE_ Af,l S I Lt. F 1 9 6. D.DIJ -- --- "J MEMBERSHIP/hASTERCHARGE 90.00 853.60 , P4912 f.51 SHERIFF Fl CY t) TIDWFI L j.Alet FNFfiRC(✓2/-87 42�95A h7 � o� C.O.P. 2/87 3,386.33 469345.00 24913 E720 sIl•cc,. ;ISr;N COMPANY CASjiPAY.2/-9-.Sscr 21.97 21 97 "z,i! zo P4914 6614 THOMAS SCH6AB LOCAL MILEAGE,SCHWAB 20.25 Z• �:•� SCJPIA MFETING-,S-Ch AR 26.a0 i1 ,I CSMFO MEETING,ADVANCE 190.50 236.75 +• P1,91 5 --L_72_Q-__-S 2, .C. E. FCII SON C (' M F A N Y CA.S 1 P A_y_.2110'sSL E 56.24 5 h.. 2 4 �, Z z'I P4916 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY ELEC.SIGNALS (3) 347.08 347.08 P4917 C590 SANWA SANK BAL.2/879COF/CIVIC CENTER 9,600.87 99600.87 ,e �0I P491ft L-7?0 SO.-CL-F1,L CCLUnEANY ('ASH P_AY-2L12-sSCF 25 25 25-25 -.--- P4919 6730 S^.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.2/1295CG 100.73 100.73 .i '•i P4920 Cyt10 TELRACE LANDSCAPE SEkVICES L/S MAINT.PARK92/87 90C.00 I"; Jf' L/S MAINT.6ART/PALM,2/87 60.00 LLS_11A1IVLCLf s21BL 4 40 -00 GRADING/SEEDINGsPARK 19270.00 21670.00 P4921 4110 KICAK E ASSr1CiATFS FtaC.SpCS.1/19-1/9/A7_ 2,00.-A0 ENG.SVCS.1/19-2/8/87 143.00 ENG.SVCS.1/19-2/8/87 198.00 19 -21$/_8 7 -1+-0 6-9 5 --- ENG.SVCS.1/19-2/8/87 3s353.55 ENG.SVCS.1/19-2/8/87 29972.45 _r,.Svcc_1/1g-7/ALg7 --- 3.?2A 5D ENG.SVCS.1/19-2/8/87 200.00 139265.45 22- --- LEA_LLLE nF ( tF _C I11 Fe LLCJ EET_INLa�OUACIL _ 1 65.DQ_ P4923 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.2/17,SCG 58.78 58.78 P4924 1720 SO.Ct.EDISGN COMPANY CASH PAY.2/189SCE 120.98 120.98 .`_.-__Ct,SN_ F PAY,_2L18,SCG--__ ___---1(�G.b4- ---16-0.fLI----- UCHREG _ CITY OF GRAND TERkACE P/TE C2/1r/N7 VOUCHER./CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PEkIODS PAGE 2 VOUCHER/ VEFDOP, VFNDCR : CHECK NUi'RFk KUF'BER NAME •I 16731 --- - kObEkT ZANLBERGEN ,i ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT W.K.D.REFUN( ,ZAF.UPEFGEN 9.59 CHECK A�,OUNT 9.59-- --- -I . 1t•7?7 - ----------11_=,-r t'ffL£.EkllES W.}�..Q..BEFS1t1t-,USL P�IlP�- 9_59 - I 16733 GECRGE MINER W.W.D.REFUNO,MINER 2.31 2.31 16734 MEFLE E. NURFIS W.W.D.REFUNL,BURRIS 7.00 7.CO 1t 725 tIAPCEL RROUSARD _W_W.D,_RI_E11;LjFRnUSSABQ 7.00 7-00----.--� 16736 GEOFFREY E. GOENNIER W'.W.D.REFUNE,GOENNIER 7.00 I 7.00 Y6737 MORGAN DEVELOPMENT,INC. W'.W.D.REFUND,MORGAN DEV 4.20 4.20 1t,738 DAVIE RUSSELL __Wj_W,.DARE_UNLt_qRUSS LL 3.50 3,SO 16739 1024 ACCENT PRINT E DESIGN SET-UP PRINT,FAIR FLYERS 11.93 I 11.93 1 16740 1134 ALL FRO CONSTRUCTION RFPAIR/kECONST.MAIN/MV 379620.00 i GUAFD PAIL,VIV. 310.00 0 CO U A F D RSA 1-� O1- M L LLD-2, 3f, OVERLAY VAN BUREN 475.00 409765.00 16741 1371 BECKLEY CAkDY RECREATION SUPPLIES 11E.69 118.69 16742 1711 CALIFOPNIA, STATE OF LIGHS,BART/215 11/86 28E.80 288.80 I•� 16743 1725 NORMAN T. CACIUETTE CAOUETTE,2/2/67 25.00 25.00 i. I 16744 1748 CONSTANCE CHAPMAN CLEN R/R,PAFK 4 A)L5 80..Q0 80.00 _ i , 16745• 1875 COMPLETE BUSINESS SYSTEMS RENT COPIER,LARGE 505.62 505.82 ., L, 1t.746 1899 SUSAN CRAWPORD CRAWFORD,2/87 150.00 CRAWFORD92/67 150.00 300.00 j 1t,747 2042 CICKSON CO.OF INLAND EMPIRE STREET SWEEP.1/87 1,757.67 1057.67 i 1t,748 7278 EENNIS L. FVANS -. VAN.i_ZL_t7- 150.00 EVANS,2/87 150.00 300.00 16749 22P.9 EYPEkT TREE SEPVICE RE -MOVE THE-E-2-CLC 180.00 I IC750 2703 FRITZ'S LAWNMOWEk PEPAIR REPAIR WEED EATEk 26.49 26.49 16751 2950 HUGH GFANT GRANT,2/87 - 150.00 GRANT92/87 150.00 300.00 1f.742 31`.•1 STANLEY F-AMGRAVE HAPGRAVE92/2/87 25.00 25.00 It 7` 3 31,15 J E k R Y-F° A W' K I N S O N _--_--_. -H A W f:_ I. N S 0'J.i -`/ 2/� �--- -- - -- ------ ---------2-i. -Q4. --- --- Z `1. 0 0 - -- - VnLICHFEG " CITY CF GRAND TERRACE PAGE 3 r)ATF C2/19/F7 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER Y F02 ALL PERIODS VOUCHEFEhDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUPRFR NWii EP, NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 16754 ?1f13 hEALTH NET MED.INSUP.ANCE93/87 164.22 1',FD.INS.I/D,3/87 82.11 MED- 14IS-31P 3157 A;, I (` MED.IN'SURANCE93/87 246.33 MED.INSURANCE,3/87 292.52 ED.-INSURIlYCE.•.3/H7 24-633 1,113 62 -i j 1E755 3217 IVAN HGPI:INS LEGAL SVCS.1/87 59615.97 51,615.97 1f.756 3426 INLAND EMPIRE IED/LCC DUES91967 50.00 50.00- 6757 41E0 K.LFEN-1 INF rr,REORATInN IANITOR IAI S11PPI 1 'I 16758 4658 6YRON MATTESON MATTESON,2/E7 150.00 .7 15n on 3a(),n 16159 46E5 MOBILECOMM OF S.B.,INC. PAGING SVC.CITY MANAGER 2.57 2.57 It, 7E0 47C'-0 KAY VUNSCN MUNSON92/2/b7 25.00 25.00 L� ill 1E.761�EEUS.I.NFS_S-CE-�LI-ER^ RI6eNh5.1L1E_T-OEE-TAPE 63_,_4.7 - ---- RIBEONS/LIFT-OFF TAPE 63.97 127.94 16762 4718 MU GAN AND EPAN7 IIFE INSU$.AllCE,-3/87. 14.50 II� I LIFE INSUPANCE93/87 21.75 LIFE INSIIPANCE93/87 21.75 -_- __L1 F_E_111511 F A N E a 3/ 8 7 21.75 16763 4890 JEAN IMYERS CROSS.GUARD,2/2-2/12/87 114.48 114.48 »I LE,764 5529 PACIFIC [ELL COMP.PHONE 6.83 COMP . PHONE 6.82 IJeI --- P_A. L_£IiIlNE,_LC-_ 26.04 _ PAY PHONE,C/C 32.48 72.17 y ,! f _�_535 PAGING PLUS PAGING SERVICE RENT_ 29.00 • PAGING SERVICE RENT. 29.00 56.00 j,. I55 If 7t,6 `• FNIEKPKTCFS NT F K P R T C F S AR_LStillld-F-1-Y.I E-RS 16767 5555 PERRY'S STATIONARY AND PRE -INKED STAMPS 80.93 ..i FjCF SIIPI?Lj.ES-g3 "j OFFICE SUPPLIES 8.28 OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.11 -_-_- _-_ IIFEICE__S11.P_Pl1ES -..6a-Al- OFFICE SUPPLIES 81.18 258.91 76-Allit.ltit_F.E.El�thLLH1tUS.FN ��E�NIGN1illSFN,2187 67 89 _- PFEtNIGHAUSEPI,2/87 150.00 217.89 yll I ` 5 71-_ . _ _. _ _ P E GP L E _N 1 L P E FS 2 Lty.Cs-_-_--- _ _-_ __-- __R E C . 5 V C S . 2 / 2-2 115 / 5 7___ _---------_.___1 a 5.4 7.8 6 -_-- -_ --- -- 1 a S 4 7 .8 6 Vr(I(HF EG Dt TF C211c,./( 7 PAGE 4 VOUCHER/ VE(,EICR VENDOR. CHECK NUKOFR NUP5Fk NAME IE770 `.tiE1 PETTY C4SH CITY OF GRAND TERRACE VOUCHEP/CHECK RECISTFR FOR ALL PEk1UOS ITEh, DESCRIPTION PETTY CASH LEIKE. PETTY CASH KEIMP. P E_TIY_C A.Sh_U I.r F_. PETTY CASH RE1MB, PETTY CASH F.EIMB. ITEM AMOUNT 2.60 10.00 12.28 21.00 PFTTY Ct.SH FEIME. - - _ 25.72 PETTY CASH FE1KB. 10.00 PEG LY-C AS H.-,F. Lt h . 1. DA PETTY CASH kEIKE. 46.71 PETTY CASH FEIMB. 9.79 E771 5F,22 PACIFIC TRAILER CORP. STORAGE CONTAINER ChECK AMOUNT I' 145.81 i�� 11802.00 19802.00 E,5 RIVERSIDE hICHLAND WATER CO WATER9C/Ci_C_Lll ELDGS. 164.64 WATER,BART/PALM 29.56 WATER,FIRE STATION 88.74 WATFR,PARK,DEBERkY 426.60 WATER,PARK/MERLE CT 141.28 19090.02 �! It.773 65C2 SAN EERNARDINO,COUNTY OF NO PARK SIGNS,CURB 67.47 67.47 16774 6655 SIGNAL Mt INTENANCE INC. SIGNAL MA1NT.1/87 ?14.48 219.48 !' ,.l i"; 16775 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY ELEC.SIGNAL (1) 102.37 FLEC.PARK LIGHTS (_2) 2 14 ELEC.ST.LIGHTS,1/87 29402.08 29529.51 ;U 1f776 6730 S,-CL-(,AS COMPANY GA-S.C1JY _BL fzS.(3) 106.30 '•i GAS ,CIVIC CENTEk 772.64 b78.94 <•� '• 1E777 ( "It5 _- SOLID FS LUMBER COMPANY _.�IANCSC.aPE_ UPP.E_I-E.SiUC ,-_�`5.61 35._li_L"• 1I 1<LI � 6778 '•, 674d STOCKWELL 6 SINNEY OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.30 s, OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.74 8.04 lL779 7340 UNIVERSITY PFOKPT CARE PHYSICAL,THOMPSON 48.00 48.00 ,I 16760 7553 FRAN VAN GELDED VAN GELDEP,2/2/87 25.00 25.00 !4G' TOTAL CHECKS 1359449.50 +�-CERTIFY--THAT,-TO THE _BEST-.OE_MY_KNOWLEDGE, THEAFORELISTED- CHECKS _FOR -PAYMENT.- OF_ _CITY_LIABILI.TIES__HAVE. BEEN ' AUDITED BY ME AND NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY. �O1 THOMAS SCHWAB FINANCE DIRECTOR 00 2 6 1937 11 UTY � flV CITY OF GRAND TERRACE �7 11 A .✓r :V\ aI t,.�a to J + COUNCIL MINUTES GT!"DA TIDY REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 12, 1987 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on February 12, 1987, at 5:30 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Barbara Pfennighausen, Mayor Pro Tem Dennis L. Evans, Councilman Susan Crawford, Councilwoman Hugh J. Grant, Councilman Seth Armstead, City Manager Joe Kicak, Planning Director/City Engineer Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Randy Anstine, Community Service Director, Loretta Thompson, City Clerk Barbara Michowski, Account Finance Manager ABSENT: Thomas J. Schwab, Treasurer The meeting was opened with invocation by Doctor Stephen Carleton, Executive Vice President and Academic Dean, California Baptist College, Riverside, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Mr. Tony Petta. INTRODUCTION Mayor Grant introduced the new City Clerk, Mrs. Loretta OF CITY CLERK Thompson, providing general information on her experience and qualifications. PRESENTATION Mayor Grant opened the meeting with a presentation to Mr. Tony TO MR. PETTA Petta, commending him for his endeavers related to cityhood proceedings prior to the incorporation of the City of Grand Terrace; as the first Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace as well as his efforts to assist the senior citizens and the youth of the community. Mr. Petta thanked the Mayor and Council for the commendation expressing his appreciation for their thoughts and spoke about the history of the incorporation of the City of Grand Terrace and expressing his wishes for continued development of the city. CITY MANAGER Mayor Grant advised the City Manager had requested the RESIGNATION opportunity to make a presentation. Mr. Armstead read his letter of resignation to be effective May 1, 1987. The resignation was necessary for medical reasons. CC-87 -04 Motion%fy Mayor Grant, Second by Mayor ro Tem Matteson, ALL AYES, that Council accept, with regret, the resianation of Seth Armstead as City Manager, effective May 1, 1987. ELECTION OF The City Clerk opened nominations for Mayor. Councilwoman MAYOR Pfennighausen nominated Councilman Matteson, Councilwoman Crawford nominated Councilman Grant. There being no further nomination received, the City Clerk declared the nominations closed. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: CC-87-05 Councilman Matteson - AYE votes by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ounce man vans and Councilman Matteson; NOE votes by Councilman Grant and Councilwoman Crawford. CC-87-06 Councilman Grant - AYE votes by Councilwoman Crawford and Councilman rant; NOE votes by Councilman Matteson, Councilman Evans and Councilwoman Pfennighausen. The City Clerk announced that Councilman Matteson was elected to serve as Mayor. ELECTION Mayor Matteson opened nomination for Mayor Pro Tempore. MAYOR PRO TEM Councilman Grant nominated Councilwoman Crawford; Mayor Matteson nominated Councilwoman Pfennighausen. There being no further nomination received, Mayor Matteson declared the nomination closed. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: CC -87-07 Councilwoman Crawford - AYE votes by Councilman Grant and Councilwoman Crawford; NOE votes by Councilman Evans, Councilwoman Pfennighausen and Mayor Matteson. CC-87-08 Councilwoman Pfennighausen - AYE votes by Councilman Evans, Councilwoman Pfennighausen and Mayor Matteson; NOE votes by Councilman Grant and Councilwoman Crawford. Mayor Matteson announced that Councilwoman Pfennighausen was elected to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore. ITEMS DELETED Mayor Matteson requested that Item 8A - Award of Contract for FROM AGENDA Planning Services be deleted from the agenda for further discussion. He made this request because he has accumulated information with regards to the proposed cost for the Planning Service Contract. He wished to discuss this information with Administration before a decision is made. Councilman Grant questioned whether an item could be deleted from the agenda without the consent of the total Council. The City Attorney advised that a total consent of Council members was necessary before deleting an item from the agenda. This consent was obtained. Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 2 The City Attorney indicated that while Council may not wish to act on the entire matter of the Award of Contract for Planning Service, he felt that Council may wish to look at certain aspect of it. He indicated there is a moratorium on multiple -family residential development in the City of Grand Terrace, pending the outcome of a review of the General Plan. At this time there is no staff available to undertake this review. Council may wish to retain a Consultant to undertake this review. In discussing this matter, Council indicated they were of the understanding that the City Planner would be undertaking the review. The City Planner indicated that he had sent letters out to the community and will proceed along this line if Council so directs. However, when questioned, he indicated that he would prefer to have another Consultant continue with the revision to the General Plan. CC-87-09 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilwoman Crawford that Item 8A Award of Contract for Planning Service remain on the agenda for discussion under new business. In discussion this further, Councilman Evans questioned whether or not the City Attorney felt that because of the lag -time it would be better to hire the Consultant to do the General Plan update. The City Attorney indicated he felt it would be better to hire a Consultant to do the General Plan update. Councilman Evans expressed some concerns about awarding such a contract, as the actual cost of that portion of the contract was not known at this time. The City Attorney indicated that the contractor has provided an hourly rate. The City Manager advised that representative from Willdan will be attending the meeting at a later time, if Council wished to hold this discussion for consideration later in the meeting. Mayor Matteson withdrew his request to delete Item 8A from the agenda. Councilman Grant withdrew his resolution to have Item 8A remain on the agenda for discussion under new business. Councilwoman Crawford, seconder, concurred. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were withdrawn from the Consent Calendar: Item 5A - Check Register No. 021287; Item E - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE OF CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT MONEY UNDER THE PROVISION OF THE COMMUNITY PARK ACT OF 1986 (Park Development - T.J. Austyn Park Site); Item G Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 3 Request Council to declare Washington's Birthday an observed City Holiday. Item D(1) - Minutes January 8, 1987. CC-87-10 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, Second by Councilwoman Crawford, ALL AYES, to approve the following Consent Calendar items. Item B - Ratify 2/12/87 CRA Action; Item C - Waive full reading of ordinances on agenda; Items D(2) & (3) - Minutes January 22, 1987 and Minutes of February 3, 1987. Item F - Accept Grading Permit Bond No. NA100411 for Tract 13050, Phases 1-4, in the amount of $63,000.00 for proper grading within the subdivision Field Crest Homes, Inc. Item 5A Check Register No. 021287. Councilman Grant questioned voucher numbers 16679 and 16680. He asked whether the records indicate that all the signs have been removed and whether there were funds put down on deposit for all the signs put up during the run-off election. Administration advised that all the signs have been removed and that funds have been put on deposit for all the signs. CC-87-11 Motioned by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilwoman Crawford, ALL AYES, to approve Check Register No. 021287. Item D(1) Minutes of January 8, 1987 Council meeting, Councilwoman Crawford indicated that page 4, starting on line 3, the minutes should read Criminal Justice rather than Community Services. CC-87-12 Motion by Councilwoman Crawford, Second by Councilman Grant, ALL AYES, that the minutes of January 8, 1987 be approved as amended. Item E A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT MONIES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE COMMUNITY PARKLAND ACT OF 1986. In discussion this, Councilman Evans indicated that his understanding was that the funds being applied for would be used for the development of a Park which is part of a residential development. He understood that the developer would be developing this Park at his expense. To allow him an opportunity to review the background on this matter, Councilman Evans requested that the matter be continued until the next meeting. Mayor Matteson indicated he understood the City is applying for these Grants with the understanding that the money can be applied towards any project. Mr. Anstine concurred with Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 4 Mayor Matteson. Councilman Evans indicated he has some concern with this and he would rather apply the money directly to the park being developed. He indicated he would rather have the money applied to the Pico Park Development rather than the T.J. Austyn Park. Councilwoman Crawford questioned if time was of essence in making this application. Mr. Anstine indicated that if an application is not made for these funds this evening, there is a possibility that the City would not be able to access these funds until 1988. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen questioned whether or not the possibility was a probability. Mr. Anstine indicated that in his discussion with representative from the Park & Recreation, there is a good possibility that if the City of Grand Terrace did not apply for these funds this evening, the money would not be available until 1988. He stressed that the money would not be lost, however, the City would not have access to it until 1988. CC-87-13 Motion by Councilman Grant, Seconded by Councilwoman Crawford, that the CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, APPROVE THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT MONIES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE COMMUNITY PARKLANDS ACT OF 1986. (Park Development - T.J.' Austyn Parksite). In discussion this matter further, Councilman Evans indicated that if time was of an essence, perhaps the City was procrastinating in that they had not applied for these Grants in a timely manner. Mr. Anstine indicated that until this time there was no project for which to make application. Motion No. CC-87-13 carried, with Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen and Councilman Evans voting against. Item G Councilman Evans questioned whether the request for Washington's Birthday as an observed City Holiday is a one time request or if the intent was for it to be a permanent holiday. The City Manager indicated that the intent was that Washington's Birthday would be a permanent holiday. CC-87-14 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilwoman Crawford, ALL AYES, that Council declare Washington's Birthday (Feb. 16) as an observed City Holiday. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mayor Matteson invited members of the public who wished to participate to do so at this time. He indicated that comments will be restricted to three minutes. Councilman Grant indicated that if Council was going to restrict public Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 5 participation to three minutes per speaker, the same time constraint should be placed on Council members themselves as, on occassion, a Councilman has spoken for longer than three minutes. Councilman Grant indicated that each time citizens were restricted to speaking for three minutes to Council, he will raise the same issue with regards to Council members and similar restraints being applied to them. Mayor Matteson indicated that the Chair will attempt to be fair to all speakers. However, he did point out the cost to the City for allowing speakers to continue for an unlimited amount of time. Mayor Matteson invited public to speak at this time. Mr. Dick Rollins Mr. Rollins read a prepared speech to Council wishing them good 22700 DeBerry luck in their term in office and expressing the hope that Council could work together in harmony as they have in the past. Mr. Ed O'Neal Mr. O'Neal indicated Council has an obligation for the health 22608 Minona and welfare of their citizens and stated that sometime they appear to overlook this obligation. Mr. O'Neal indicated he feels the community is threaten. He outlined the events which took place subsequent to the fire in his home, with particular reference to his negotiation with the insurance agents regarding his loss. Mr. O'Neal indicated his questions is, what can the local Government do to alleviate the problem with insurance agencies. He posed this problem so others will not have to suffer the same way he has. ORAL REPORTS PLANNING The Planning Director reported that the Title 18 COMMISSION recommendations as submitted by the Title 18 Committee have been compiled and circulated to the members participating in the review and that he anticipates that in a week or two, a final draft will be submitted. PARKS & Mr. Louis Galvez, Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Committee, RECREATION indicated that the minutes of the last Parks & Recreation Committee have been circulated for Councils information. He mentioned there were two particular items being presented for Council attention. Mr. Galvez presented an update on the snack bar indicating they have met with the parties who have submitted bids and while details are still being worked out, it appears that for all intents and purposes the snack bar can be completed for under $15,000. LITTLE LEAGUE With regards to the subsidizing of lighting for the Little LIGHTING League, Administration was asked if the amount proposed was adequate. Council was assured it was. Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 6 CC -87-15 Motion Councilman Evans, Second by Councilwman Crawford, ALL AYES, that Staff be directed to subsidize up to $500 worth of lighting needs to the Little League for the use of the Park during their season. FEASIBILITY With regards to the proposed feasibility study for available STUDY land for future park development, Councilman Evans questioned RE: PARK LAND why this matter was on the agenda. Mr. Galvez explained his Committee made this recommendation so that they would know what land was available for Park development and indicated they were asking that Administration be authorized to start a feasibility study in this regard. Councilman Grant asked that it be recorded that he is prepared to vote in favor of the feasibility study, however, he wants it understood that his vote does not imply any change in his position with regards to the Pico Park Site Development. In discussing this matter further, Councilman Evans questioned what the feasibility study will entail, whether or not it would entail the actual sites to be acquired and at what cost or if it would be just a review of the sites. Mr. Galvez indicated that his Committee would like to get an idea of what sites' are available and from that determine what money would be required to purchase the sites. Councilman Evans asked that, if the feasibility study is approved, the Parks & Recreation Committee prepare terms of reference for the study in conjunction with Staff and establish a time -frame for the completion of the feasibility study. Mr. Galvez indicated that the Parks & Recreation Committee will discuss the terms of reference and the time -frame at their meeting in March. CC-87-16 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Evans, ALL AYES, that the Staff be directed to start a feasibility study of available land in the City for future Park development. HISTORICAL & Mayor Matteson advised that the minutes of Historical and CULTURE Culture Committee had been circulated for Councils review. ACTIVITY Council was advised that there was no report from this COMMITTEE Committee at this time. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen commended the Committee on their services to the community. Councilman Grant indicated he shared Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen feelings to a certain extent. However, he has a concern which is, that the Historical and Culture Committee sponsors a Fall Craft Fair each year. This year Staff paid by the City is sponsoring a Spring Craft Fair. Councilman Grant indicated that he feels this is wrong. He clarified his Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 7 position by stating that the City depends to a great extent on volunteers to organize Special Events and if paid employees provide the same type of event, volunteers may be discouraged and may no longer wish to donate their service to the City. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated she did not feel there would be any difficulty with having two of the same type events each year. In fact, she felt that having two similar events would encourage people from outside Grand Terrace to participate in our Craft Fair. Councilman Grant indicated he felt that as there appeared to be some problem with communication in this situation that efforts should be made to improve communication between employees paid by the City and Volunteer Committees. CRIME No report at this time. PREVENTION COMMITTEE EMERGENCY Mr. Jim Hodder, Chairman of the Emergency Operations Committee, OPERATION spoke to Council thanking them for appointing Cynthia Williams COMMITTEE to serve on their Committee. He advised they are currently working on the operation procedures as well as internal procedures, several of which are indirectly or directly involved with maintenance of the facilities that we do have here. Those will be formalized and published in an official manual. They are also working on the building 3 enhancements, which are going on in the communication area. During the January meeting, they had a Civil Air Patrol Representative give a presentation on their capabilities in aerial -reconnaissance and some of the other things they give through the Emergency Operations Organizations in the County and the number of other services they do provide which would be available to the City of Grand Terrace in the case of an emergency. Mr. Hodder indicated they are still looking for constructive criticism on the base plan they have submitted. He has had some discussions with Councilman Evans and Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, but would appreciate comments from other Council Members or Administrative Staff. A number of Council Members expressed their appreciation and commended the Emergency Operations Committee for the outstanding work they have done on behalf of the City of Grand Terrace. CHAMBER OF Phyllis Forbes was present on behalf of the Chamber of COMMERCE Commerce. She advised their Economic Development Committee is meeting with various colleges to establish an Economic Development Policy for the City of Grand Terrace. The next Mixer will be at the Terrace Travel & Tourist. Terrace Travel is preparing a special travel program which will be discussed at the next meeting. Debbi's Travel is trying to put together a Cruise Package and they will be talking about it at the meeting. Terrace Days will be held on October 4, 1987. The Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 8 Chamber had planned to hold Terrace Day on Sunday. Local Bands had agreed to march on a Sunday, however, Bands from out of the community were not prepared to do so, accordingly, they may have to look at a Saturday for Terrace Day again. Edison Company has offered the use of Gage Park for this event. The Legislative Committee, Chamber Members and any other interested citizens are invited to join the annual trip to Sacramento, April 7 & 8, 1987. We plan a day at the Capital and luncheon with our legislatures. The Chamber of Commerce did host a Candidates Night which was very successful. The Chamber of Commerce largest problem is their insurance which is costing them $10,000 a year. They feel that their Mixers may be causing this problem. They are investigating possibilities of reducing the cost of insurance. Video promotion, Dick Yost, has volunteered to prepare the Video and is prepared to pay for the video. He will be taping the different businesess in town. Another problem the Chambers is facing is the computer that was donated to them. The computer is too large. They would like to sell it in order to buy a smaller one. She asked if any of the Council Members know of anybody interested in purchasing a computer, that they refer them to the Chamber of Commerce. Special Events - The Chamber of Commerce had invited members and honored guest to the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Vivienna Bridge, and she thanked those for turning out. POLICE Captain Bradford indicated that he has distributed a flyer on a CHIEF robbery suspect who robbed the Terrace Pharmacy February 10, REPORT 1987. Captain Bradford described this suspect and asked anyone who may have seen him to contact the police. Captain Bradford also mention that the Domestic Violence Workshop will be held on February 14, 1987 at the City Hall from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. He invited interested citizens to attend. FIRE CHIEF No report at this time. REPORT CITY ENGINEER No report at this time. CITY ATTORNEY No report at this time. CITY MANAGER The City Manager advised that a Community Redevelopment Workshop has been scheduled for Thursday, February 26, 1987 at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing redevelopment in Grand Terrace by Westar Association of Costa Mesa. COUNCIL Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that she would like clarification on the issue of the Park Grant. She asked if she understood correctly that Councilman Grants motion was to authorize Staff to pursue the development of the T.J. Austyn Park Site without bringing the matter back to Council or did he Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 9 `J say pursue the grant and that a report be brought back to Council on the proposed development. Councilman Grant indicated his intent was to approve it. Councilwoman Crawford, seconder, concurred. Mayor Matteson indicated his interpretation was that Councilman Grant directed that we pursue the Grant and that the development will be brought back to Council for consideration at a later date. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen asked what mechanism they had to ensure this development was brought back to Council for any necessary changes. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated she had great concerns about Staff being authorized to develop T.J. Austyn Park Site and using City funds to do it, she would like to have the proposed development brought back to Council for any changes that Council may see fit. Councilman Evans indicated that if the T.J. Austyn Park Site Development does proceed, that he would expect monthly progress reports so that Council would be kept updated as to the proaress being made on the development. Mr. Anstine indicated that the funds will not be available to the City until July of this year. The final plans for the T.J. Austyn Site have not been completed by the developer nor the City. It is their intent to take the Park Site to the next Parks & Recreation meeting and if the Committee concurs with the proposed site, it is the intent of the developer and the City Staff to bring the proposed Park Site back to Council. If at that time Council wishes to make any changes in the proposed development, they can be made. It was suggested that it may take up to two years to complete this Park Site. Mr. Anstine indicated that he understood the developer was prepared to break ground immediately and ask that the City Engineer provide any input he may have in regard to the developers time -frame. The City Engineer indicated that they are in the process of reviewing the developers plans which are fairly well completed at this time. He indicated that in approximately a month, they would be prepared to begin building that portion which included the Park development. Councilwoman Crawford indicated that she had two concerns, one was the ingress and egress of the Terrace Town Center. She requested that Captain Bradford look into this. Two is the speed limit on Palm Street. Apparently the speed limit is posted at 25 mph and she believes this is not correct as drivers go sustantially faster than 25 mph. She is concerned that the speed limit is consistently being broken and request that Captain Bradford look into this situation. Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 10 040 Captain Bradford indicated that they do enforce the speed limit on this street frequently and will continue to do so. Councilman Grant indicated that he is concerned about the condition of the roads in Grand Terrace. They are in bad shape and he questioned when the contractor will be remedying the situation. He questioned what could be done about ensuring the merchant in the Staters Shopping Center clean up the outside of their businesses. He inquired if City Attorney has received any response from the FPPC, regarding any conflict of interest that any Council member may have. The City Attorney indicated that he had written to them following the election of Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen and is awaiting a response. Councilman Grant question the Angelus Insulation Truck parked - on private property. He questioned whether or not this Firm had a business license and whether or not it was going to remain where it was. The City Attorney indicated that the property on which the trucks are located is zoned for commercial property. He further understood that the property is owned by the person who owns the truck. He has no idea whether a business license has been issued. Councilman Grant indicated that he had again written a letter to the Post Office requesting that a Post Office be established in Grand Terrace with a separate zip code for Grand Terrace. Councilman Grant requested that a NO PARKING sign be installed in front of Mr. Arkebauers home. Councilman Grant attended the Ominitrans SANBAG meeting of February 4 and introduced Mary Burns, an excellent speaker - an anti -pollution activist who made an excellent presentation against the Garb Oil Rubber Burning Plant. Council recessed at 7:15 p.m. and reconvened at 7:30 p.m. Contract Award Mayor Matteson introduced the subject of the contract for For Planning Planning Services and opened the matter for discussion. The Service City Manager indicated there were representatives from Willdan & Associates in the audience if Council wished to hear from them. Mr. Worat was introduced and he introduced Mr. Mel Tooker, Manager of Planning Services for the Firm of Willdan & Associates. He advised Mr. Mel Tooker who would be the designated Project Manager in Grand Terrace and would be the Planning Director for the City. He indicated they were a multi -disciplinary Consulting Firm that provide services mainly to public agencies. They are capable of providing engineering, Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 11 building and safety services. He provided some background information on the firm itself and listed the communities they serve. Willdan & Associates are capable of providing a full range of planning services on a day to day basis. They are proposing to provide the total planning service for the City of Grand Terrace. Councilman Evans questioned whether he understood the proposal correctly and that they would provide a Planner that would be available on a part-time basis. Mr. Warot indicated that their proposal was to provide a Planning Director four half days per week and would be available for various meeting and prepare all necessary reports and conduct reviews that are associated with planning issues in the City of Grand Terrace. Councilman Evans questioned where the firm obtained the hours they were quoting on. Mr. Worat indicated the hours were obtained from the request for proposal and indicated that if the hours of service increase, the cost would increase proportionally. Councilman Evans questioned if the contractor supplied a Planner on a full-time basis, if the City could look at doubling the cost in the proposal. Mr. Worat indicated that was pretty reliable rule of thumb. Councilman Evans indicated that the City needs to provide an updated General Plan. The Staff Report indicated that additional funds would be required for that update. Councilman Evans questioned whether or not the cost of the General Plan revision would be over and above the proposal submitted for the provision of Planning Services. Mr. Warot agreed that the cost of the General Plan revision would be over and above the proposed cost. When pressed, Mr. Worat indicated they would be looking at a cost of between $10,000 and $35,000, depending on the extent of the revision reouired. Councilman Evans asked Administration what the justification was for requesting tenders on part-time planning services when we have had full-time planning services for the last several years? The City Manager indicated that in the discussion with the Planning Director, he learned he did not spend his entire time on planning issues for the City. 'It was decided that it would be beneficial to have a quote on part-time planning service only. Councilman Evans questioned why, after having had what is considered full time planning service for the last three years, Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 12 it is now considered worth while having a quote on part-time planning services. The City Manager indicated that the decision was based on planning load. It was felt that the City Planner did not devote his entire time to planning matters and therefore, it would not be necessary to have a full-time Planner. Councilman Evans indicated he found this hard to understand and questioned why the matter of the planning load had not been brought to Councils attention on a continual basis. The City Planner explained why he recommended that a part-time Planning Contract be requested. Councilman Evans indicated that he would like written justification for going out with an RFP for part-time Planning Service. The City Engineer indicated that what the City of Grand Terrace has had in the past is a Planning Staff that would be available to answer questions eight hours a day, but that did not mean that the Planning Staff was working on nothing but Grand Terrace business. Councilman Grant indicated that he has some questions with regards to the need for a full-time Planner. He also indicated that Willdan & Associates have the background to provide the planning service required by the City of Grand Terrace. CC-87-17 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilwoman Crawford that Council award and authorize Mayor to execute the contract GTC8701 with Willdan & Associates for Planning Services for the City of Grand Terrace on the hourly rate and the scope of services that are outlined in their proposal. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated her position in support of the In-house Planning Staff due to the amount of planning that is required in the future. She feels an In-house Planner will provide the flexibility that the City needs to develop in a proper manner. Councilwoman Crawford indicated that she felt that if developers were made aware of the Planning Directors hours, they would arrange to attend the office during these hours. She also indicated that she is a Councilwoman for the City of Grand Terrace and that the City has a very good Staff. They have looked into all aspect of this particular problem and made their recommendation. It is up to Council to question Staff with regards to these recommendations, but by and large, Council must depend on the Staff and she indicated she is in favor of this proposal. Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 13 Motion No. CC-87-17 was voted on and defeated with Councilman Evans, Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen and Mayor Matteson voting NOE. Mayor Matteson questioned what the contractor would charge for preparing revisions to the General Plan. Mr. Warot indicated that the cost of doing the revision for the General Plans depends on the scope of the plan. Once he knew what the scope of the revisions were, he could provide a cost estimate for the work. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that the only way Council could control the cost of providing Planning Services, was to have the services provide in-house. She indicated that she is totally in support of in-house planning at this time. In a discussion with the Planner for the City of Los Angeles now retired, it appears that in-house planning was viable for our City and that we may find that occassionally it is necessary to contract some services for special projects. At that time, the City could face this possibility. It seems that the General Plan Update is one of these things. MAYOR PRO TEM PFENNIGHAUSEN INDICATED THAT THE PLANNER FOR LOS ANGELES DID NOT FEEL IT WAS BEYOND THE REALM OF FEASIBILITY TO HAVE A VERY GOOD YOUNG PLANNING DIRECTOR WITH A BASE PAY OF $32,000 TO $35,000 A YEAR. Councilman Grant indicated contracting for Planning Service would provide the City with the latitude that Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen was outlining. He indicated that he was fully in support of contracting planning service. COUNCILWOMAN CRAWFORD CONCURRED WITH COUNCILMAN GRANT AND INDICATED SHE FEELS IT WOULD BE A GRAVE MISTAKE FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, HAVING SO LITTLE LAND LEFT TO DEVELOP, TO PUT IT IN THE HANDS OF AN INEXPERIENCED DEVELOPER WHO HAS NO TRACK RECORD. SHE FEELS WE HAVE T00 MUCH AT STAKE TO MAKE A DECISION TO SAVE US SOME MONEY THAT MAY COST US THE INTEGRITY OF OUR WHOLE CITY. Mayor Matteson requested that Willdan & Associates bring in a cost estimate on preparing the General Plan review for the next Council meeting. Mr. Warot indicated this would be possible providing he had some indication as to the scope of the proposed revision for the General Plan. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen asked if the City Planner would be prepared to provide the information that Mr. Warot required. The City Engineer indicated that he will provide this information, providing he understood the scope of the plan review as per Council direction. He reviewed there directions briefly. Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 14 CDB Grant Mr. Anstine reviewed the Staff Report in this regard. Program Councilman Evans indicated that last year he understood that we would be drawing on future allocations to proceed with the Mt. Vernon/Barton Road Signalization Project. He now hears Administration saying that they are coming back to us for more funds to proceed with this project. He questioned why Administration had not proceeded to do what they proposed to do originally? Mr. Anstine indicated that they were held up on this project until right-of-way acquisition is complete. It is our hope that this Grant will be used for right-of-way acquisition and we can proceed with the Signalization Project. We currently do not have enough money budgeted for this. Mr. Anstine indicated that it was the Traffic Engineers recommendation with the concurrances of the City Engineer that a new standard has to be installed. The installation of this new standard with the increased footing will encroach upon private property and would virtually render the front portion of the premises useless which is why we require the acquisition of -right -way. Councilman Evans questioned whether anyone had approached the property owner to determine whether they could proceed with the project. He commented that we started this project sometime ago and now it appears we are at a dead stand still. Is it the right-of-way, and why wasn't it brought back to Council before this? Mr. Anstine indicated there are other projects Administration has been working on over the past fiscal year. Councilman Evans questioned what other projects were being done. He feels that when a budget is approved, budgeted items take priority. If Administration is not able to get the projects done during the year, they need to come to Council and tell them, so that they can allocate additional funds. Mr. Anstine indicated that they are finding with the budgets being received, that we may have a short fall in these project and are asking for additional funds now. Councilman Evans asked if the projects will be completed this year. Mr. Anstin indicated that if there are no problems with the right-of-way acquisition, the project should be completed this year. Councilman Evans questioned the length of time involved in ironing out the right-of-way acquisition. Mayor Matteson requested that City Engineer check on the right-of-way acquisition and report at the next Council meeting. CC-87-18 Motion by Councilman Grant, Second by Councilwoman Crawford, ALL AYES, to authorize the expenditures of 1987-88 Community Development Block Grant Program Funds for the Mt. Vernon Avenue/Barton Road Signalization Project. Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 15 n Sewer Study Councilman Evans stated when the City fills out, capacity. He questioned review. that the General Plan indicates that we will have adequate sewage the reason for participating in this The City Manager indicated that the State has mandated that the City go to Tertiary Treatment in addition to the required expansion. Colton is willing to contribute $30,000 to the study. We are asking that the City of Colton, Krieger & Stewart do the study as they are familiar with the Colton Plant. This study will show us the built out and give us a feel for the Tertiary System. Councilman Evans indicated that his understanding was that this study had nothing to do with the Tertiary Treatment. This was just to look at the two cities and to indicate we are expected to grow to a certain capacity. He requested a justification for the study. He questioned whether or not the General Plan was an error. The City Engineer indicated that the General Plan was not in error in his opinion and that when asked, he suggested that the study be done. CC-87-19 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, second by Councilman Grant, ALL AYES, to authorize Staff to retain with the City of Colton, Krieger & Stewart to perform a Sewage Study and appropriate $3,000 from the Sewer Fund. Sewer Connection Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, second by Councilman Fee Evans, ALL AYES, to authorize Staff to transmit all current Cc-87-20 Sewer Connection Fees to Colton. Closed Session At 8:25 p.m. Mayor Matteson indicated that Council will be going into Closed Session, requesting that Council members and City Attorney attend. Councilman Grant asked if the City Manager was to attend this meeting? Mayor Matteson indicated that the City Manager should make himself available in case he was required to attend later in the meeting. Councilman Grant and Councilwoman Crawford indicated they would not be attending the Closed Session if the City Manager was not included. Council reconvened at 9:10 p.m. The City Attorney advised that the Council had gone into Closed Session to discuss potential litigation with no decision being made and to discuss personnel matters -specifically the City Manager's retirement. CC-87-21 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, second by Councilman Evans, ALL AYES, that the City Manager resignation for medical reasons be effective within seven days and that Mr. Thomas Schwab be appointed as Interim City Manager with Mr. Seth Armstead to be retained on a Consultant basis for the remainder Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 16 of his ninety days notice and that Council will determine how to fill the position at a later date. Mayor Grant indicated that for the record he felt this method of handling the resignation of the City Manager is incorrect and he strongly objected to it. Councilwoman Crawford agreed. Adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held February 26, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: City Clerk APPROVED: Mayor Council Minutes - 2/12/87 Page 17 DATE: Feb. 24, 1987 -� StAFF RE RT C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: Feb. 26, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. E SUBJECT DELINQUENT SEWER FEES FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED In the past it has been the City's policy to place liens on seriously delinquent sewer users rather than physically disconnecting a sewer, which would make the house uninhabitable. Staff is requesting authorization to place a lien on the attached listed properties and add it to the next available tax roll for collection. Staff is currently developing a program to automatically place liens on delinquent sewer users and that program will be brought before the Council for approval at a future Council Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION PLACING LIENS ON THE LISTED PROPERTIES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES. TS:bt Attachment FES 2 G IS87 RESOLUTION NO. 87 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN UNCOLLECTABLE DELINQUENT SEWER USER CHARGES PLUS PENALTIES. (22628 Miriam Way - AP #0276-192-09-0000, 22653 Thrush Street - AP #0277-263-23-0000, 22381 Van Buren - AP #0277-223-01-0000, 22562 Thrush Street, AP #0277-262-10-0000). WHEREAS, Article II, Chapter 13.08, of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code, provides for Billing and Collection of Sewer User Charges: and WHEREAS, Grand Terrace Municipal Code Section 13.08.130 and Government Code Sections 54354, 54354.5, and 54355 provide for placement of liens upon real properties served, for delinquent sewer charges plus penalties; and WHEREAS, sewer user charges for the following properties are delinquent and have been determined uncollectable: 22628 Miriam Way - AP #0276-192-09-0000 22653 Thrush St. - AP #0277-263-23-0000 22381 Van Buren - AP #0277-223-01-0000 22562 Thrush St. - AP #0277 -262-10-0000 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Clerk is authorized and directed to record a Notice of Lien against said property and is to advise the Auditor of the County of San Bernardino, who will record the assessment, and the assessor of the County of San Bernardino, who will enter the assessment as follows on the tax roll against said properties. DELINQUENT SEWER USER CHARGES PLUS PENALTIES AP #0276-192-09-0000 - $68.51 AP #0277-263-23-0000 - 77.00 AP #0277-223-01-0000 - 71.00 AP #0277-262-10-0000 - 87.10 ADOPTED this day of , 1987. ATTEST: City er of the City of GrandMayor of the City of GrandTerrace Terrace and of the City Council and of the City Council thereof. thereof. :Z DATE: Feb. 18, 198 STAFF REPORTgo C R A ITEM ( ) AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT COUNCIL ITEM (x) MEETING DATE: Feb. 26, 1987 a*f REJECT LIABILITY CLAIM GTLC 87-01 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED xy On February 5, 1987 the City of Grand Terrace received a claim for alleged damages as a result of certain actions taken by the ' City. The normal procedure would be to reject the claim and refer it to our underwriter for an investigation and recommendation. This liability claim is not covered under the scope of our coverages and, therefore, will not be handled by our Claims Administrator. Staff is recommending that the Council reject this claim for lack of liability and direct the City Clerk to notify the claimant of the action taken. The City Attorney indicates that in order for the claimant to pursue this matter further a court action would have to be brought against the City. Since this matter does involve potential litigation, if it is wished to be discussed, a closed session or private consultation with Staff would be appropriate. STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL REJECT LIABILITY CLAIM GTLC 87-01 FOR LACK OF LIABILITY AND DIRECT THE CITY CLERK TO NOTIFY THE CLAIMANT OF THE ACTION TAKEN. TS:bt -f$ r "AIM FOR DAMAGE OR INJI %;.0 ?"— 4 1 . Claims for death , injury to person, or to personal property must be filed not later than 100 days after the occurrence (Gov. Code, Sec. 911 ,2). 2. Ca damages Claims for des to real property must be filed not later than 1 year after the occurrence 9 (Gov. Code, Sec. 911.2). TO: CITY OF Grand Terrace Gary Lawson, 18180 Name of C aimanl Devonwood Cir., Fountain Valle 18180 Levonwood Circle, Fountain Valle Address to whit Claimant wishes notices sent. WHEN did damage or injury occur? November 6 1 86 CA 92708 CA 92708 (7 Zip Phone :- 4 3 50yrs Age WHERE did damage or injury occur? Grand Terrace City Council chambers in city hail . HOW and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Grand Terrace city courzi l»P— held the citizens' appeal of my conditional use permit #86-8 and Tentative Tract #13283 for the Lawson Terrace Apartments project on Grand Terrace Rd. :he —council also passed a -month moratorium on all development in this area which has caused me to loose fall monies spent to date and a loss of all future profits. " w WHAT particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged damage or injury? (include names of employees, if known) The city council upheld the citizens' appeal and passed the 6-month morator- ium after my project was approved and passed by the G.T. planning nnmmissinn and recommended by staff. My project conformed with the city's General Plan which was in effect at that time (November 6, 1986). WHAT sum do you claim? Include the estimated amount of any prospective loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the presentation of this claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed: (Attach estimates or bills, if possible) City of Grand Terrace Fees 6 261 J,�yyidcon Eng $2 46 .14• Pa a ison, ,arc i ec ,221.�Fs�n refundable escrow . eposi s �P ,000; Uffice supplies 448.43; Telephone $ 69.88; Bank charges 466.721 Gas$60.00; Loss of potential profit on 37 apartments® 0 5,000/unit = 185,000. Total Amount Claimed: $ 208,190.71 NAMES and addresses of witnesses, Doctors and Hospitals: RECEIVED w CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ..C� 2/3/87 Gary T.a DATE cnzf A70 Signature mant wqqmp, lox bNLY, ACT .97 ��inq R IM The nap at wfi 10 PM by C* YvIa1w _44 Sepretary s v medDers. ba"', ", Mort jeor';t*,", read. Motipapotu to, omipt; all were a ' ta�ret S, r4ort b6 Art Shaw: S=Uy, MAy :17thr 1-4 -PM. TXem M8064, got A notice in the � nailed with the next 9"wer billu'' PamawatSign i Via -bu r of -sigh 4 pain estimate for our pe=s*, 84P. Cm�:ticy ft-, $xz A def!M#* &te. *as Set for Our A=All,- FOX., 'Aas Will, be Novi,diiii 7th frcm 10 AK - 4 IM. Display -cases am And Vi wtU be 9qIA41 to, P= $10kila#*0 b, vw- asi ul"Obw for a di -splay -vase for the ld*V of thal rlivic New Buainws- 30 Japanese students, W41 ble. iIfn! t,*41; , any one has- in, their bcme,, Ann hasthe The dedicate.6W-j9 -6thaNivienda Street Bridp wYill noon. All sine �'*iloqtmid.try ottend. The next mating will -I.W*rch end. "w meeting yes' i &t, 745 Ann made motion, It*,* 466o6ded R"pectfull submituidt H=gih 14iitdr#' Secretary f DEB 2 6 la?i CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE ini SHARON KORGAN 987 Crime Prevention Officer LAURIE PAYCE Chairperson warn► VMN MATTE'J M wa"W PM tam TOW PEfrA DENNO L EVANS YARaARA PF00#0HAu3EN SM ARMSMO City wan"Or CriniRAMON E #Ree met on Monday, February 2, 1987 at 0630 hrs. Those present were,I--Laurie Payce, Chairperson; Ron Wright, Vice Chairperson; Ralph Buchwalter,Trotsurer; Robert Bailes, Secretary; Bruce Foytik; Tom Semph; Jim Singley; and=Sharon Korgan, Community Service Officer. Guests included Mr. Ed O'Neal, Interim Crime Buster Committee Chairman and Sr. Deputy Floyd Gilbreth, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. Prior to any business Ralph Buchwalter made a motion that the Committee operate under Robert's Rules and Orders. This motion was seconded by Jim Singley.:,Opened for discussion: None. All in favor: Yes. Ralph Buchwalter discussed the treasury report. He advised that there was a budget of $2,000 for the Crime Prevention Committee with a current balance of $1,623.12. Expenditures tp date have been $376.88. A motion that the report be accepted was made by Buchwalter and seconded by Singley. No discussion. All in favor. CSO Korgan advised Committee that they are to keep hourly stats on all activities pertaining to the Committee, and that these are to be turned in at each monthly meeting. She also advised that new letterhead would have to be made due to changes in the City Council. Ron Wright recommended that expenditures be approved for the new letterhead. Singley seconded the motion. No discussion. All in favor. CSO Korgan informed Committee that she will be performing residential safety checks in the community of Grand Terrace'in uniform. This will be done on weekends. She will also be providing a check -off list handout. See attached. Korgan will be adjusting her hours to meet with the public and volunteers in the evening at her Grand Terrace office. Per the attached Agenda the following topics were discussed: TROUBLED FAMILIES will be conducted on February 14. See attachment. Korgan re- quested that the Committee assist by spreading the word to citizens of the community so that they might attend this program. There will be a DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SEMINAR on March 26 and 27. Participants will receive one unit of credit from Valley College; registration fee approximately $40. BICYCLE SAFETY FAIR has been set for April 25 from 1000 to 1600 hrs. Korgan advised that she needs as much assistance as possible in assuring that this.program is a success. Some other participating agencies will be the Health Department, American Red Cross, California Division of Forestry, YMCA, Sheriff's Department and some private businesses. Ed O'Neal advised that he is the new Interim Chairman for the CRIME BUSTERS PROGRAM. for the City of Grand Terrace. He had a meeting on January 28 where 20 people 22795 BARTON ROAD Civic Canter -- (714) 8244621 GRAND TERRACE, CA9232-1- a, CRIME PREVENTION.;C"IE Page 2 .:. ta k' signed i K' =, rfe t fi ve Center e e - `z,,We hesday 1] months the Crime Busters will meet at the Civic at 1830 hrs. Participant -,in...:thi C ME BUSTERS PROGRAM may be three to twelve years of age. City Manager; Aftttea s going to ave an audit performed on this -programr O'Neal furtl` d that their requirements are:' the program be performed under a° `who, in this case, will be Sgt. Mike Stodelte-from the Sheriff£s`:, Other officers will be Tim Lotspeich, Grim& Buster liaison;. Judy R .x Tt.Parliamentarian; Jamie Butler, Comm ttee Adviser; Amy Rinderha°` Assistant and Justin Shear, Historian. t' Next meets g< T be February 25, 1987. 4. OLD BUSINESS= Ralph Buchwalter-requested that the Committee meet on February, 23 at 1800 hrs, regarding. the Safety Fair. Ron Wright seconded thi's Pr".*sel, and it was also - decided that Bailes will assure that a,disaster prepa.rednass booth will be provided. Foytik suggested bringing its other volunteers,to this particular, meeting. Singley advised that he needed to get together with CSO Korgan to get the names of all individuals involved,in neighborhood watch. Payce was given $150 for the Crime Busters Program. She still has the check and will return it to CSO Korgan. Also discussed was whether or not the city was going to pick up the Crime Prevention Program during the upcoming budget year. NEW BUSINESS Laurie Payce advised that Tim Kryder turned down hts-position on the Crime Prevention Committee. The Committee_ was asked if a recruitment should take -,place for Kryder's vacancy or stay with the current seven members. Buchwalter recommended that the Committee stay with the current seven members. This was seconded by Semph Flo discussion. All in,favbr. The Crime Prevention Committee will consist of seven members. Bailes made a motion for Committee to select a new Chairperson. Payce seconded this recommendation. It was opened for discussion of which there was none. All members voted in favor of the recommendation. Foytik nominated Ralph Buchwalter as the new Chairperson. ,This motion was seconded by Bailes. Opened for discussion of which there was none. All in favor. Buchwalter accepted and will be the new Chairperson for the Crime PareVenti.on Committee. The Vice Chairperson will remain Ron Wright; Secretary will remain Robert Bailes; Buchwalter resigned -as Treasurer. Bailes nominated Jim Singley for Treasurer, and this motion was seconded by Semph. No discussion. All in favor. Singley will be the new Treasurer. Payce advised that when Foytik and Singley were appointed.to the Committee their terms were not sett The two terms would be from 1988 to 1990 respectively. Buchwalter recommended that Singley's term last until 1908 and Foytik's until 1990. Bailes seconded this motion. No discussion. All in favor.. CRIME PREVEMON'tMITTEE Page 3 The minutes 'frowDi0ember 1, 1986 meeting were recommended by Bailes and approved by the Committoe. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P.M. The next meeting of the Crime Prevention Committee is scheduled for March 2, 1987. r. 0 S. Secretary Attachments' I 0 COMMMSELON fOND COMMITT4E REPORTS FEB z > � COUNCILC '0fNGRaAnTERRACE DATE: COMMISSION/COMMITTEE: CRIME PREVENTION SUBJECT: Number of members on Crime Prevention Committee PROBLEM: Facts: On December 6, 1986, a motion was carried to amend the current policy and change the Committee member status to eight (8) members, as the Committee has received three (3) new applications from equally qualified individuals. •• Mr. Terry Krider has since turned down his position on the Crime Prevention Committee. Instead of opening up for new applications the Committee unanimously voted that the Crime Prevention Committee consist of seven (7) members. ALTERNATIVES: Amend current policy to change Committee member status from eight (8) to seven (7) members. cni [ITTnm- Recommend acceptance by City Council to maintain membership at seven (7) members. REOUESTED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND/OR STAFF: We request the City Council to approve membership for the Crime Prevention Committee to be seven (7) members. o ihHn SfAFF REPt$RT so C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) MEETING DATE: February 26, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. )- SUBJECT ORGANIZATIONAL APPOINTMENTS FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING_ REQUIRED X_ Mayor Matteson is presenting the following recommendations for appointments to organizations for Council consideration. (1) SANBAG/Omnitrans epresen a ive - Councilman Grant; Alternate - Councilwoman Crawford (2) SANBAG/T-TAC epresen a ive - City Manager; Alternate - City Engineer (3) SCAG R-e`presentative - Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen; Alternate - Councilwoman Crawford (4) League of California Cities epresen a ive - May6r MaE son; Alternate - Councilman Evans (5) Community Redevelopment Administrators Representative - Councilman vans; Mernate - City Manager (6) Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (SCJPIA) epresen a ive - Councilman ran erns e - Finance irec or and City Manager (7) Clean Community Systems Representative - Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen BM: LT: ac C- DATE: Feb. 26, 1987 STtkFF REPORT w.o.12.378 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) AGENDA ITEM NO. 54 SUBJECT Adoption Ordinance 107. FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED x_ MEETING DATE: Feb. 26, 1987 Enclosed in your packet is proposed Ordinance 107. It *is an urgency ordinance which is required prior to commencement of a project for undergrounding the existing overhead utilities pursuant to Rule 20A of the Public Utilities Commission. The ordinance, after adoption will permit the City to request the utility companies to underground their facilities subject to Rule 20A and the budgetary constraints. Ordinance dictates the proceedures, duties and responsibilities of various parties involved in such project. Currently, Rule 20A project is being proposed for an area between Michigan St. and Canal St. on Barton Road. This project, when completed would eliminate all overhead facilities existing in this area now. Staff Recommends: THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTS ORDINANCE 107 AS AN URGENCY ORDINANCE. ORDINANCE NO. 107 FEB 2 6 1%7 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA RELATING TO UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROCEDURAL REGULATIONS NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Definition. Whenever the words or phrases hereinafter defined are used, they shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the following definitions: (A) Commission shall mean the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. (B) District shall mean an Underground Utility District or that area in the city within which poles, overhead wires, and associated overhead structures are prohibited as such area is described in a resolution adopted pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance. (C) Engineer shall mean the City Engineer of the City of Grand Terrace or his designated representative. (D) Person shall mean and include individuals, firms, corporations, partnerships, and their agents and employees. (E) Poles, overhead wires and associated stuctures shall mean poles, towers, supports, wires, conductors, guys, stubs, platforms, crossarms, braces, transformers, insulators, cutouts, switches, communication circuits, appliances, attachments and appurtenances located above ground within a District and used or useful in supplying electric, communications or similar services. (F) Utility shall mean and include all persons or entities supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service by means of electrical materials or devices. Section 2. Procedure - Public Hearing By City Council (A) Called When. The City Council may from time to time call a public hearing to ascertain whether the public interest, necessity, health, safety or welfare requires the removal or poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures within designated areas of the City and the underground installtion of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service. -1- (B) Notification of Hearing. The City Clerk shall notify all affected property owners shown on the last equalized assessment roll, and all utilities concerned, by mail, of the time and place of such hearings at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. Included in the notice shall be a copy of this Ordinance, together with a copy of the resolution of the City Council calling for a public hearing to determine whether public interest, necessity, health, safety, or welfare requires the formation of an underground utilities district. (C) Open to Public. Each such hearing shall be open to the public and may be continued from time to time. At the hearing, all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be heard. The decision of the City Council shall be final and conclusive. (D) Report by Engineer. Prior to the public hearing, the Engineer shall consult all affected utilities and prepare a report to present at the hearing containing the extent of such utilities' participation and estimates of the total costs to the City and the affected property owners. The report shall also contain an estimate of the time required to complete such underground installation and removal of overhead facilities. (E) City Council May Designate Underground Utility District by Resolution. If, after the public hearing, the City Council finds that the public interest, necessity, health, safety, or welfare is benefited by such removal and underground installation within a designated area, the City Council shall by resolution, declare the designated area an Underground Utility District and order removal and underground installation. The resolution shall include a description of the area comprising such district and shall fix the time within which such removal and underground installation shall be accomplished and within which affected property owners must be ready to receive underground service. A reasonable time shall be allowed for removal and underground installation. Section 3. Unlawful Acts. Whenever the City Council creates an Underground Utility District and orders the removal of poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures, it shall be unlawful for any person or utility to erect, construct, place, keep, maintain, continue, employ or operate poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures in the District after the overhead facilities are removed. Section 4. Exception, Emergency, or Unusual Circumstances. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Ordinance, overhead facilities may be installed and maintained for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, without authority of the Engineer in order to provide emergency services. Section 5. Granting Special Permission. The City Engineer may grant speical permission in cases of unusal circumstances, without discrimination as to any person or utility to erect, con- -2- n n struct, install, maintain, use or operate poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures. Section 6. Other Exceptions. This Ordinance and any resolution adopted pursuant thereto shall, unless otherwise provided in such resolution, not apply to the following types of facilities: (A) Poles or electrolier used exclusively for street lighting being served by an underground electric system, except that lines and wires shall be underground. (B) Overhead wires attached to exterior surface of a building by means of a bracket or other fixture and extending from one location on the building to another location on the same building or to an adjacent building or to the supplying utility located outside of the District boundary without crossing any public street. (C) Antennae associated equipment and supporting structures, used by a utility for furnishing communication services. (D) Equipment appurtenant to underground facilities, such as surface mounted transformers, pedestal mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets, and concealed ducts. (E) Temporary poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures used in conjunction with construction projects. Section 7. Notice to Utility Companies. Within ten (10) days after the effective date of a resolution adopted pursuant to this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall mail a copy of resolution to all affected utilities. Section 8. Responsibility of Utility Companies. If underground construction is necessary to provide utility service within a District created by any resolution adopted pursuant to this Ordinance, the supplying utility shall furnish that portion of the conduits, conductors, and associated equipment required under its applicable rules, regulations and tariffs on file with the Commission. Section 9. Notice to Property Owners. Within thirty (30) days after the effective date of a resolution adopted pursuant to this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall mail a notice of the City Council's action to all property owners within the District. Section 10. Responsibility of Property Owners. (A) Every person owning, operating, leasing, occupying, or renting a building within a District shall construct and provide that portion of the service connection on his property between the facilities referred to in Section 7 hereinabove, and the termination on or within said building being served. If the above is not accomplished by any person within the time provided for in the -3- resolution adopted pursuant to this Ordinance, the Engineer shall give notice in writing to the person in possession of such premises, and a notice in writing to the owner on the last equalized assessment roll, to provide the required underground facilities within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice. (B) The notice to provide the required underground facilities may be given either by personal service or by mail. In case of service by mail or either of such persons, the notice must be addressed to the person in possession of such premises and also to the owner thereof. If notice is given by mail, such notice shall be deemed to have been received by the person to whom it has been sent within forty-eight (48) hours after the mailing thereof. If notice is given by mail to either the owner or occupant of such premises, the Engineer shall, within forty-eight (48) hours after the mailing thereof, cause a copy to be posted in a conspicuous place on said premises. (C) The notice given by the Engineer to provide the required underground facilities shall specify what work is required to be done, and shall state that if said work is not completed within thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice, the Engineer will authorize such required underground facilities to be provided in which case the cost and expense thereof will be assessed against the property benefited and become a lien upon such property. (D) If upon the expiration of the thirty (30) day period the said required underground facilities have not been provided, the Engineer shall proceed to have the work completed provided, however, if the premises are unoccupied and no electric or communications services are being furnished, the Engineer may in lieu of providing the required underground facilities, authorize the disconnection and removal of any and all overhead service wires and associated facilities supplying utility service. Upon completion, the Engineer shall file a written report with the City Council setting forth the fact that the required underground facilities have been provided and the cost thereof, together with a legal description of the property against which such cost is to be asessed. The City Council shall thereupon fix a time and place for hearing protests against the assessment of the cost of such work upon such premises, which said time shall not be less than ten (10) days thereafter. (E) The Engineer shall, prior to the time for hearing of protests, give a notice in writing to the owner in the manner hereinabove provided for of the time and place that the City Council will pass upon such report and will hear protests against the assessment. The notice shall also set forth the amount of the proposed assessment. (F) At the hour and date set for the hearing of protests, the City Council shall hear and consider the report and all protests, if there be any, and then proceed to affirm, modify or reject the assessment. -4- 400 4 (G) If any assessment is not paid within five (5) days after its confirmation by the City Council, the amount of the assessment shall become a lien upon the property against which the assessment is made and the Engineer is directed to turn over to the County Auditor/Controller a list of properties on which the assessment has not been paid, and the Auditor/Controller shall be requested to add the amount of assessment to the next regular bill for taxes levied against the premises upon which the assessment was not paid. The assessment shall be due and payable at the same time as property taxes are due and payable. If not paid when due and payable, the assessment shall bear interest at the current rate charged by the County Treasurer's Office for delinquent property tax levies. Section 11. Responsibility of City. City shall remove at its own expense all City owned equipment from all poles required to be removed hereunder in ample time to enable owner or user of such poles to remove the same within the time specified in the resolution adopted pursuant to this Ordinance. Section 12. Extension of Time. In the event that any act required herein or by a resolution adopted pursuant to this Ordinance cannot be performed within the time provided on account of shortage of materials, war, restraint by public authorities, strikes, labor distrubances, civil disobediance, or any other circumstances beyond the control of the actor, then the time within which such act will be accomplished shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time of such limitation. Section 13. Official Records of Underground Utility Districts. After the effective date of a resolution adopted pursuant to this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall send a certified copy of such resolution and all appended documents, charts, or maps to the County Surveyor and to the Engineer. The official records of the District shall be kept by the City Clerk. Section 14. Continued Effect. Any provision of law not specifically or by necessary implication amended hereby shall remain in full force and effect. Section 15. Severability. This Ordinance and the various sections, sentences, and clauses hereof are hereby declared to be severable. If any section, sentence, or clause hereof is adjudged to be unconstitutional or invalid by a court of record, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and such part thereof regardless of the portion or part that was declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. Section 16. Declaration of Urgency. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an Urgency Measure and is for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The facts constituting such urgency are there currently is no procedure for establishing underground utility districts within the City and the -5- n establishment of such districts may be necessary to preserve the health, safety and welfare of the community. Section 17. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. Section 18. Posting. The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in three (3) public places designated by the City Council, within fifteen (15) days after its passage. ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. I, LORETTA THOMPSON, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the day of , 1987, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney DATE: Feb. 18, 198 i SfAFF REP6RT s� C R A ITEM ( ) // -- COOUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: Feb. 26, 1986 AGENDA ITEM NO. l� 1, i Il SUBJECT PLANNING SERVICES FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED At the meeting of February 12, 1987 the City Council directed staff to provide additional information for planning services., Staff was asked to provide the costs to provide planning in- house, with a contracted General Plan, as well as costs for providing a contract planner full-time. The original RFP called for a minimum level of service of sixteen hours a week for the principal or project planner and attendance at all the Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as the appropriate clerical support. This level of service was determined by discussions with our current contractor and the current level of activity in planning. Planning activity has been such that several of the most recent Commission meetings have been cancelled for lack of an agenda. This level of service could be adjusted upward to meet any demand which may arise. At the current proposed level of service a base cost of $47,520 is projected. Some discussion took place regarding providing a contract level of service equivalent to full-time. If the Council wished to provide full-time planning, the contractual costs would make it uneconomical to contract. The full-time contract cost breakdown is as follows: Clerical General 40 HRS WK @ $15 PER HOUR X 52 WKS = $ 31,200 Clerical Meetings 8 HRS MO Cal $15 PER HOUR X 12 MO = 1,440 Planner Meetings 16 HRS MO dal $45 PER HOUR X 12 MO = 8,640 Project Planner 40 HRS WK dal $30 PER HOUR X 52 WKS = 62,400 TOTAL $103,680 It is projected that in-house planning, based on the estimates provided in the February 12, 1987 Staff Report, would cost $80,865. STAFF REPORT -- PLANNING SERVICES February 26, 1987 Page 2 It should be noted that regardless of which method is utilized the cost of the General Plan update would be in addition to these figures provided. A cost for the General Plan update will be provided prior to the February 26 meeting. Staff recommended contract at the minimum baseline level. If Council wishes to utilize this method, the following action would be required: 1. The City Council award the contract for planning services to Willdan and Associates at the hourly rates as set forth above and the scope of services as outlined in their proposal. 2. No additional appropriation is required. Should Council wish to contract with Willdan and Associates for full-time planning services, the Council will need to take the following action: 1. The City Council award the contract for planning services to Willdan and Associates at the hourly rates as set forth above and the level of service outlined above as full time. 2. Council appropriate $38,180 to Department 370 from the General Fund balance for a total appropriation for planning of $113,680. Should Council wish to bring the planning function in-house, the following actions would be required: 1. Adopt the attached Resolution rescinding Resolution 86- 25 and establish classifications and salary ranges for the employees of the City of Grand Terrace (This includes a position of Planning Director and Planning Secretary). 2. Appropriate $5,365 to Department 370 from the General Fund balance for a total appropriation of $80,865. 3. Direct staff to recruit and fill the positions of Planning Director and Planning Secretary. TS:bt Attachments .t, AP a RESOLUTION NO. 87- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 86-25 AND AMENDING THE ESTABLISHED CLASSIFICA- TIONS AND SALARY RANGES FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace has determined the need to add the classification of a Planning Director and Planning Secretary to the approved positions for the City of Grand Terrace; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER THE FOLLOWING: SECTION 1. Rescission - That Resolution No. 86-25 is hereby rescinded in its entirety. SECTION 2. Classifications/Salary Ranges - That the following job classifications and salary ranges are hereby established for employees of the City of Grand Terrace, and said salary ranges shall be effective May 23, 1986. TITLE SALARY RANGE Minimum Midpoint Maximum Finance Director/Assistant City Manager $2,592 $3,049 $3,506 Community Services Director/ 2,387 2,808 3,229 Assistant City Manager Planning Director 2,387 2,808 3,229 City Clerk 1,953 2,298 2,643 Accountant/Finance Office Manager 1,809 2,128 2,447 Deputy City Clerk 1,537 1,808 2,079 Administrative Assistant 1,486 1,748 2,010 Senior Account Clerk 1,306 1,537 1,768 Planning Secretary 1,273 1,499 1,724 Maintenance Lead Person 1,255 1,476 1,697 Minutes Clerk/Records Coordinator 1,221 1,436 1,651 Maintenance Worker 1,182 1,391 1,600 Clerk Typist 1,151 1,354 1,557 Receptionist 1,014 1,118 1,232 ADOPTED this day of February, 1987. DATE: Feb. 24, 198 SIFAFF REPIbRT C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( X) MET-TING DATE: Feb. 26, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. �— SUBJECT MID -YEAR BUDGET REVIEW FUNDING REQUIRED X X NO FUNDING REQUIRED The staff at mid -year reviews the projections made at budget time and compares the projections against actual revenues and expenditures,. If any deviation from projection is noticed, recommended changes are made to the budget in order that the City will be able to provide services to year end. REVENUE ANALYSIS There is only one significant deviation in the revenue projections made at budget time. Minor deviations occur in the capital improvement fees charged to developers. This is a result of the minimal development activity conducted thusfar. The first phase of the Forest City Dillon Apartment Project will pull permits this fiscal year and the revenue will exceed our projections. The only adjustment to revenue requested is reduction of the estimated revenue of 10,000 for the Roberti Z'Berg (SB 174) Grant Program which was not funded by the State this year. EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS Expenditures, as a whole, have run consistent to projections with the following exceptions: ACCOUNT # DESCRIPTION ORIG.APPROP. ADD/SUB. NEW APPROP. 1. 10-140-110 Finance Salaries $106,960 $5,965 $112,925 10-140-139 Deferred Comp. 19,414 1,080 20,494 10-140-140 Retirement 13,300 740 14,040 10-140-138 Medicare 0 210 210 10-180-110 Comm. Serv. Salaries 73,790 1,110 74,900 10-180-139 Deferred Comp. 13,718 205 13,923 10-180-140 Retirement 9,398 142 9,540 10-125-110 Clerk Salaries 74,975 5,775 80,750 10-125-138 Medicare 0 120 120 STAFF REPORT -- MID -YEAR BUDGET REVIEW February 26, 1987 Page 2 ACCOUNT # DESCRIPTION ORIG.APPROP. ADD/SUB. NEW APPROP. 2. 10-125-601 Microfilming 5,000 ($5,000) 0 3. 10-390-256 Public Health 13,000 2,464 15,464 4. 10-410-210 CSO Office Suppl. 0 300 300 5. 10-430-238 Park Utilities 6,500 4,000 10,500 6. 10-807-220 Parks & Rec. Bike Tour 0 3,100 3,100 7. 13-444-700 Park Equipment 10,000 ($10,000) 0 13-444-701 City 25% Match 2,500 ($ 2,500) 0 8. 16-900-220 Spec. Dept. Exp. 6,000 1,000 7,000 16-910-255 Overlay -Sealing 60,000 47,689 107,689 9. 16-920-255 Barton Construction 250,000 (100,000) 150,000 EXPENDITURE COMMENTARY 1. Salary adjustments are required for vacation payoff of the retiring City Clerk, acting pay for City Manager's illness, and salary merit adjustments as provided by our current open - range system. 2. The microfilming project will not be started this year. This project will be requested for appropriation next fiscal year. 3. We estimate our cost for animal control services from the County and the billing exceeded the appropriation by $2,464. 4. The original City budget recommended against funding of the Community Services Officer (CSO) position and no office supplies were budgeted. The Council authorized the CSO position and the City contributes $300 to office supplies. 5. With the increase in the water rates the current appropriation will not fund provision of utilities for the balance of the current fiscal year. Projected cost of water for the City Park, the Griffin open -space greenbelt, the brick triangle and the downtown right-of-way landscaping is estimated to increase our utility expense by $4,000 to $10,500. 6. The Park and Recreation Committee sponsored the Tour de Terrace Bike Tour. The committee expended $3,100 dollars and produced revenue of $4,396 for a $1,296 profit to the City. The appropriation is needed to cover the tour expenditures. STAFF REPORT -- MID -YEAR BUDGET REVIEW February 26, 1987 Page 3 7. The Roberti Z'Berg Program (SB 174) was not funded by the State and the appropriation which is undesignated is requested to be withdrawn. 8. A new 2126 gas tax (SB 300) has been implemented for maintenance of streets and roadways. Our share of this program is $47,689 and must be spent within one year of receipt of the funds. This amount needs to be budgeted in order to meet that criteria. No specific roadways are targeted for these funds. They will be used for general maintenance and upkeep of our current roadways. 9. Due to the time required to acquire right-of-way and implement the undergrounding of utilities, we will not be able to start con- struction of the Barton Road widening and upgrade from Mt. Vernon west to the freeway. Staff is requesting Council reduce the appropriation by $100,000 These funds will be allocated to the Mt. Vernon -Grand Terrace Road intersection upgrade which is also on the agenda for today. This project will be rebudgeted for the next fiscal year. STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE APPROPRIATION FOR ADJUSTMENTS AS OUTLINED IN THE STAFF REPORT ABOVE. TS:bt DATE: Feb. 20, 1987 010. > IRT 12.378 STAFF REPC.!�o C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (Xy MEETING DATE: February 26, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT Mt. Vernon Canal Grand Terrace Street Improvements FUNDING REQUIRED XX NO FUNDING REQUIRED City Council directed the staff to prepare plans for the improvement at the intersection of Mt. Vernon Avenue, Canal Street and Grand Terrace Road. Southerly of the intersection and the Southern California Edisontal aannd rcel vertical is he proposed Forest City Dillon Project. For proper allignments, horizon it was imperative that the design between the City's intersection and the design for the frontage of Forest City Dillon be properly coordinated. Therefore, a complete set of plans was developed for the improvements of the intersection as well as the frontage of City and Southern California Edison Company parcel on Mt. Vernon and Canal Street. (Alternate A) . In addition, these plans were then modified to provide for the minimum improvements at the intersection and minimum drainage facilities. (Alternate B) . The estimated cost for the projects are as follows: Alternate A Alternate B $162, 865.00 $ 82, 561. 00 Finance Director advises that funds are available for either Alternate A or B. Staff feels that Alternate A is a better project, will clean-up the entrance to the city at that location and will provide greater value for the expenditure. Staff recommends that City Council: 1. APPROVE CONSTRUCTION OF ALTERNATE A. 2. AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE IN THE AMOUNT OF $162,865.00 3. DIRECT THE STAFF TO PREPARE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALTERNATE A AND REQUEST CONSTRUCTION BIDS FOR THE PROJECT. JK:pjm COST ESTIMATE 11 AL'ERNATIVE "A" (FULL IMPROVEMENTS) --.- -- ----------- - _ - _ ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST/UNIT TOTAL _ - --- —CLEA�i -1; O D O-_a.0- _-. — -- -- - --� RII 2 EART�IWORK 1 LS 3500.00 3:500.00 ., ij 3 REM. EX. CO. S G . 1 LS 320.00 320.00 !_—_--- i --4 --- 42-- _-- _ T:F------•7-t-QO-----29-;808-.0� 1 5 18" R.C.P. 0-1250 71 LF 47.00 3,337.00 ► 6 STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 1 EA 3000.00 3,000.00 -- - 1 - �GF�Si E--1-- —i� IIUO-QII--IIr Ira . o C.B. X=7.0' i EA 5000.00 5,000.00 9 END AND WINGWALLS 1 LS 4000.00 4,000.00 _ - " li A.C. PAVE. REMOVAL 5834 SF 0.50 2,917.00 i, ' 12 CLASS II BASE 20G5 TONS 12.00 24,780.00 -- -- ,. Ir� 14 0.25' A.C. PAVE. 51G TONS 35.00 18,060.00 15 HANDICAP RAMP 3 EA 200.00 600.00 - '' ' - -I�, _.-_�IIIEWAC4C---------- 3643- - ----�-----2•-�-- -� �?4-00 ---- ',�— i7 DRIVEWAY 126 SF 3.00 378.00 °I is 8" A.C. DIKE 2G2 LF 4.00 1,048.00 - :� 20 FOGSEAL 2364 SY 0.27 638.00 i 21 GUIDE MARKERS 32 EA 35.00 1120.0 - -- - -- - - -- ---- 2c --------RELE OCAT-EX: -SIGNS- - 7--- -- - E -- i0-0-.00 --71r0 "00--- I, 23 RELOC. EX. FENCE 1 LS 300.00 300.00 24 STRIPING 1 LS 2000.00 2000.00 -_- - - '°I - - ---- ---SU6-TQTAL—rr42-,150.00-------- -- - 10% CONTINGENCY = $ 14,215.00 TOTAL = $ 156,365.00 L- g AT�Oit;- Ct3NSTRUCTitJi�t STAKIN-G� -AND-- I�tSPECfi ;500.-09 i I _, ----TOTAL--CST-IMATL02:g5� - I C • COST ESTIMATE 1 ALTERNATIVE-"D" -(PARTIAL IMPROVEMCNTS) ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COSTlUNIT TOTAL ULLAN 1 LS 2000.00 2,000.00 I 2 EARTHWORK & G. 1 LS 320.00 320.00 - tsi F------ 3 REM. EX. CO. - --72-. 00 -- 12- 6TG -+ 5 C.B. W=11' 3 GRATE i LS 10000.00 10,000.00 ' I G A.C. PAVE. RE140VAL 5834 SF 0.50 2,917.00 -- ss-'r f 8 as' CURB & GUTT. S51 LF 8.00 0408.00 4 8,190.00 9 TONS 3500 0.25, A.C. PAVE. 234 . ----200--fl0--- — 600:-00--- -- -- 4. 00 (340.00 it LF 8" A.C. DIKE 2104.00 SF 2.50 5,188.00 i- 12 A.C. SWALE 2075 -_ 405_. 00- - CA 35.00 665 +"! "i 14 GUIDE MARKERS 19 5 EA 100.00 500.00 500.00 15 RELOCATE EX. SIGNS ----1--- - LS --- 1500 . 00---- •I1VG- LS 2500.00 2,500.00 ,i 17 RIP RAP i STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 1 EA 3000 00 3, 000-00 !-- - - - - i8 _ ------ - SUS TOTAt = - -7I , 237. 00- `-- - — j:. f =+� 10 % CONTINGENCY m $ 7, 124.00 +L TOTAL = f 78,3G1.00 ;s�-- RtJM3N TRftfiIORt;--C4N5TRUcT O-sT#xjNG,--ANOr INFECTION - = r-4,200.00--- m TACfSTTMAiLD-COST` =-# -Sc ; 561. 0