03/26/1987CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAM'$ERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 22795 Barton Road . Call to Order * Invocation - * Pledge of Allegiance * Roll Cali AGENDA i March 26, 1987 5:30 P.M. Staff CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Recommendations Council Action 1. Approval of Minutes 3/12/87 Approve 2. Approval of 'C ,-Register No. 032687 Approve ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL e 1. Items to Delete 2. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine & non -controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Staff Member or Citizen may request removal of an -item from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Approve A. Approve Check.Register No. 032687 B. Ratify 3/Z6/87 CRA Action Approve C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda Approve D. Approve 3/12/87 Minutes Approve E. Accept & Authorize City Clerk to Record Approve the following -Grant Deeds for Barton Road Dedication from: Loma Linda University Medical Group - A.P.N. 275-242-12; Constance Nissenson - A.P.N. 277-121-19. a I • COUNCIL AGENDA 3/26/87 - Page 2 of2 Staf f Recommendations Council Action F. Approve & Authorize Mayor to Execute Approve Contract with the County of San Bernardino for the City's Participation in the County's Weekend Work Program. G. Approve Transfer of $20,000 from Fund Approve 18-912-255 (Slurry Seal) to Fund 16-900-258 & Appropriate an Additional $160,000 from the Unappropiated fund Balance of the Trans- portation Development Act Fund for Street Improvements. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 4. ORAL REPORTS A. Committee Reports (1) Wilderness Park Ad hoc Committee: Appoint Mr. Tony Petta to Serve on the Wilderness Park Committee. B. Council Reports 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 7:00 P.M. A. Request Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 10439 for a Period of Two (2) Years. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, RECOGNIZING THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF GIRL -SCOUTING. ADJOURN THE NEXT REGULAR CRA/CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS WILL BE HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1987, AT 5:30 P.M. AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE 4/9/87 MEETING MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY 12:00 NOON ON 4/1/87. MAR 2 6 1987 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ` COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CRA AGENDA ITEM NO. REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 12, 1987 A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on March 12, 1987, at 5:34 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Chairman Barbara Pfennighausen, Vice Chairman Susan Crawford Dennis L. Evans Hugh J . Grant Thomas Schwab, Executive Director Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer/Planning Director Alicia Chavez, Acting Secretary ABSENT: Randy Anstine, Community Service Director Loretta Thompson, Secretary APPROVAL FEBRUARY 26, 1987 MINUTES. CRA-87-09 Motion by Mr. Evans, second by Vice Chairman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to approve the minutes of February 26, 1987. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER NO. 031287. CRA-87-10 Motion by Vice Chairman Pfennighausen, second by Mrs. Crawford, ALL AYES, to approve Check Register No. 031287. WESTAR ASSOCIATES The Chairman advised a request had been received from Westar Associates for a 120-Day Exclusive Right to Negotiate on property known as Barton Road Corridor, bounded by Michigan and Gage Canal on the south side of Barton Road. The Chairman advised that, as his residence is located in this area, he will not be participating in the discussion or voting on this issue. He turned the meeting over to Vice Chairman Pfennighausen. Vice Chairman Pfennighausen requested Staff comments on this proposal. The Acting City Manager advised that Mr. Bob Brizius is in the audience to answer any questions that Councilmembers may have. He further advised Staff is excited about having the opportunity to develop something that will be a great benefit to the City. The proposed project is a small Neighborhood Center that would enable us to keep some of the sales tax dollars in the community that are i flowing out of the City of Grand Terrace to be used for improvements ` in the City. Staff recommends that Council enter into an Exclusive Right to Negotiate with Westar. Councilman Grant indicated that he had been a proponent for increasing the City's economic base for some time. While not being a champion of the Barton Road Corridor, this idea is still exciting. He believes this can be the nucleus of further economic development in the area bounded by Michigan, Gage Canal and Barton Road. He indicated he will continue to pursue this alternative until all possibilities have been exhausted. Councilman Evans asked the City Attorney if he was familiar with the Exclusive Right Agreement presented from Westar Associates. The City Attorney advised he had drafted the Exclusive Right Agreement. He indicated he had no problem with it. Councilman Evans indicated there is a For Sale sign on a piece of property in the area that is being considered. He asked if the owners of that property have been contacted and are aware of this and what the ageement essentially says. The City Attorney advised that he had not contacted any of the property owners. Councilman Evans indicated he felt the property owners should be aware of what this is about as their property is on the market at the present time. The City Attorney agreed. Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Councilman Grant, carried 4-0-1 with Mayor Matteson abstaining, that the property owners in the area generally known as the Barton Road Corridor bounded by Michigan and Gage Canal on the south side of Barton Road be notified of the Exclusive Right to Negotiate being entered into with Westar Associates. CRA-87-11 Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Councilman Grant and carried 4-0-1 with Mayor Matteson abstaining, that Council approve entering into the 120-Day Exclusive Right to Negotiate with Westar Associates. Adjourn at 5:40 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held Thursday, March 26, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, + Secretary APPROVED: Chairman MAk 2 G tJti% COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF GRAND TERRACE MARCH 26, 1987 CHECK REGISTER NO.CRAO32687 CHECK NUMBER OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF MARCH 26, 1987 (1) 16830 SUSAN CRAWFORD (2) 16833 DENNIS EVANS (3) 16837 HUGH GRANT (4) 16841 BYRON MATTESON (5) 16848 BARBARA PFENNIGHAUSEN (6) 16852 SANWA BANK STIPENDS FOR MARCH, 1987 $ 150.00 STIPENDS FOR MARCH, 1987 150.00 STIPENDS FOR MARCH, 1987 150.00 STIPENDS FOR MARCH, 1987 150.00 STIPENDS FOR MARCH, 1987 150.00 TRUSTEE FEE FOR CIVIC CENTER 1987/1988 3,637.88 TOTAL: $4,387.88 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORELISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF CRA LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF CRA., THOMAS SCHWAB TREASURER r .� V6iiIC "r t ';t r T t} t 1 CITY ('F GL:+F.D IIkPt.[E F LE 1 ^f TF ( / 1' /F 7 aa/� (. }1.jN��'p Y'OUCHE; /CHECY F F(,IS TE R {�� t t�Y,a F " f �"t F(,, t,LL FIE PIODS CHECK REGISTER NO.032687 ' vCILCI'EF / VFr.DUR vEND6,R ITEM ITEM CHECK CHFCY N9! 9ER 1,Ur9ER NAME CESCRIFTION AMOUNT AMOUNT I'i F�9"a f720 ,-.O.C...EC;ISCN C0r'F`4NY CASH PAY.3/t,SCE 99.04 99.04 • j� P41f1 1740 CITY CLERK'S ASSN OF CALIF CCAC,CONF.kEG.THOMPSON 150.00 .0It 150.00 °I F'49E-2 POLLING STAk7,I'VC. POLLING STATT r'EET.,MAYOR 50.00 50.CO j.= P49C.4 E,7f2 STATE COMPENSATION I1.1S.F11ND WORKERS COMP.INS.2/67 680.19 680.19 "j pa�ES HDME DEPGT 5 GEERATORS,EOC 29332.00 Z9332.00 • „ s ,B.AGEPA R1, CLEAN va6 P4967 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.3/11,SCG 55.94 55.94 aaj P4vE.1: f720 SO.CA.EDISON COMFANY CASH PAY.3/11,SCE 142.62 142.62 231 as . r a! a' n� P4970 6720 SO.CA.ED1$0N COMPANY CASH PAY.3/13,SCE 60.41 60.41 a` :•I M P/971 i 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.3/13,SCG 16.16 go-.^^ 16.16 °ee.oe 'a P4973 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAY.3/16,SCE 99.74 99.74 a`' „I P4Q74 E730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAY.3/16,SCG 10.46 10.46 c52Q PAII; Ti 5 2 P4976 1 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY • CASH PAY.3/179SCG . 39.26 15.52 39.26 1E622 UOF.OTHY DE GARNO W.W.D.REFUND,DEGARMO 4.69 4.69 16824 1158 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC. APWA MEMB.1987 55.00 55.00 I lE�75 1360 LASTANCHORY BOTTLEC kATER RFNT CCIOLEkS94/87 BOTTLED WATER93/169C/C 42.00 19.00 61.00 1E,P26 I(Piy I 1711 I744 174g CALIFOF:NIA, STATE OF N cr cTLIF COrSTArCE CHAPMAN MAINT.LIGHTS,E+AP.T/215 12/86 rCAr [11PECTfiRY CLE4N R/R,PARK (3 DAYS) 152.70 5.c. 6G.00 152.70 . 0`_ b0.00 vc'iC"t' i"I TY ( F GF l.I D TL kF A( E nt.TF C _'/ 11 /f 7 VCiUCt EF /CHECK ; EG157LP ) FOR ALL PEkl[1DS a V011Cf-EF / vEt.Dclk VEN0CR : CNFC,K I !JVPFR Nu!'bf R N1ME ITEM CESCP.I FT ION ITEM AMOUNT PACE j CHECK AMOUNT 17f.1 CJN:SC'LIC)tTE0 ELE(TFICA.L C15T. LIGHT BULF59C/C ' 37.21 ` CkEC17 YErfJ96210223 12.08- 25.13 z� it-e30 1899 SUSAN CFtdFORD CRAWFORD,3/E7 150.00 `•` . • CRAWFORD93/E7 150.00 300.00 1(?31 2042 LICKSON CG.UF INLAND ErP1RE STREET SwEEF.2/F7 1,529.03 'j SPECIAL ST.SWEEP.2/2 300.00 19829.03 ' If932 2170 ELIZABETH R. DUARTE LOCAL MILEAGE,DUARTE 6.40 , CMBTA MEET.DUARTE 16.38 22.78 `j 1 t A 3 3 2278 CENNIS L. EVINS EVANS,3/87 150.00 'I EVANS,3/87 150.00 300.00 ' 1E834 e. 2289 EXPERT TREE SERVICE REMCVE TREE,CITY BLDGS 175.00 175.00 T 'I 1fP36 2748 LOUIS CALVEZ CPRS CONF,GALVEZ 353.38 353.38 16R.',7 2950 HUGH GFANT GRANT93/87 150.00 ' GRANT93/87 150.00 300.00 , 16p38 =146 HARROP FPEIGHT SALVAGE CO. SILK TREES,C/C 495.95 495.95 '! MED.INS.4/87 246.33 ' MED.INS.4/87 292.52 j MED.INS.DUGHMAN 4/87 MED.INS.PFENNIGHAUSEN94/87 62.11 82.11 19113.62 1f:840 2217 IVAN HOPKINS LEGAL SERVICES,2/87 4,878.95 49878.95 , M. i5v: MATTESONi4/b7 150.00 300.00 2 S. - LIFE INS.4/87 21.75 LIFE INS.4/b7 19.25 1f.P43 4720 HGPF, INC. REPAIR F.00F,C/C 184.29 184.29 16844 4890 JEt.N MYERS CROSS GUARD.3/2-3/13/87 127.20 127.20 it 4-5- 4... i P _ 7.72 c0mF.Pti0NF 7.72 PAY PF;UNE,C/C 25.92 P AY-P++fiN E , E; i t 2 . i 7 3-. 53--- - I� vCUCFIF F( CITY ( C GF AI U llk{'A(F PAGE 3 wTF F7 r)tICHEk/CHFCK FEGISTLP FUR ALL PERIUCS VOUCHFF/ VFND(,k VEP,DGR ITEP ITEM CHECK CHECK. NUVOER f;(IrBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 16R46 F`35 14(,INC PLUS PAGING SVCS.3/E7 29.00 PLCING SVCS.3/87 29.00 5E.00 If,847 5545 PETKA ENTERPRISES INV.RETIRE (ARTY 149.25 CITY LETTERHEAD 139.90 289.15 1(848 r576 6AFPARA FFENrICHAUSEN PFENNIGHAUSEN,3/87 67.89 PFENNIGHAUSFN9 3/67 150.00 217.P9 1E949 5579 PEOPLE HELPERS,INC. REECC.SVCS.3/2-3/15/87 19568.58 19568.58 C'I PFT'TV C- `H Rr T YP . Pt'! TyCASH - - i5.75 -- PETTY CASH kEIMF. 13.00 i PETTY CASH REIMF. 5.48 PETTY CASH kEIMB, 26.07 PETTY CASH REIMB. 30.12 PETTY CASH FEIME. 3.77 PETTY CASH FEIMF. 23.13 6 - 16851 5595 PITNEY BOWES MAINT.MAIL.1,ACH.87/88 mA!NT.MA!L.KAGHv8?/PA 111.00 1TZ .T 222 e-fee V i 16RF2 `755 QWIV -CODE VEHICLE CODE POCK 16.48 L LL . ..O 16.48 16853 6590 SANWA BANK p s, r n M n A ., v TPUSTEE FEES,C/C,87/86 E E F C. 2 E I-GH-T 5 P-A;K 3,637.88 25-.-0 6 3,637.88 -- J 7 ELEC.SIGNAL59(2) 138.18 I ELEC.ST.LIGHTS92/87 2,402.08 29565.32 I 16855 0730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY GAS,CITY BLDGS9(3) 103.31 GAS,CIVIC CENTER 885,78 989.09 i 16P56 C740 STC'CVWF LL E PINNEY OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.63 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.19 13.P2 -lI � 16857 7880 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY CAL.RULES OF COURT 25.54 I 25.54 I 1 TOTCL CHECKS 25,226.06 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORELISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY. 1 THOMAS SCHWAB FINANCE DIRECTOR ^STY r � CITY OF GRAND TERRACE mn 2 6 1987 NCIl: Ad NOA ITEM it COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 12, 1987 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on March 12, 1987, at 5:40 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Barbara Pfennighausen, Mayor Pro Tem Dennis L. Evans, Councilman Susan Crawford, Councilwoman Hugh J. Grant, Councilman Thomas J. Schwab, Acting City Manager Joe Kicak, Planning Director/City Engineer Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Alicia Chavez, Deputy City Clerk ABSENT: Randy Anstine, Community Service Director Loretta Thompson, City Clerk The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Larry Wilson, Praise Fellowship Foursquare Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Councilman Grant. ITEMS DELETED Mayor Matteson asked if there were any items to be deleted from the Agenda. The Acting City Manager advised there were none. Councilman Grant indicated that at the last Council meeting Councilwoman Crawford had asked that the name of Mr. Tony Petta be presented for appointment to the Wildnerness Park Committee. When that request was made, the City Attorney indicated that new items could not be added to the agenda. Councilwoman Crawford asked that this item be placed on the next agenda. Councilman Grant indicated this item was not on the agenda and asked for an explanation. The Acting City Manager advised this item was left off the agenda due to an oversight in the City Clerk's Department. Councilman Grant stated that at the SANBAG meeting he had attended the previous day the Chairman mentioned an item can be added to the agenda by a 2/3's vote. He asked the City Attorney to comment on this. The City Attorney advised an item could be added to the agenda. However, it would be necessary to find that the item was of an emergency nature. Councilman Grant indicated he did not feel this matter was of an emergency nature and requested that the Acting City Manager ensure that the appointment of Mr. Petta to the Wildnerness Park Committee be on the March 26, 1987 Council agenda. SPECIAL Mayor Matteson stated it was his pleasure to present a PRESENTATION three-year Service Award to Thomas J. Schwab, Finance Director/Acting City Manager. The presentation was made. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Matteson asked if there were any items to be deleted from the Consent Calendar. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen requested that the following items be deleted: Item A - Check Register No. 031287 Item D - February 26, 1987 minutes. Councilman Grant indicated that he wished to have Item A deleted from the agenda as well. CC-87-34 Motion by Councilman Grant, second by Councilman Evans, ALL AYES, that the balance of the Consent Calendar be approved as follows: B. Ratify March 12, 1987 CRA Action. C. Waive Full Reading of Resolutions & Ordinances on Agenda. E. Accept 1986-87 Annual Financial Audit. F. Accept & Authorize City Clerk to Record Grant Deed for Barton Road Dedication from Pete J. & Laura F. Parker, Assessor's Parcel No. 277-121-32. G. Authorize City Clerk's Attendance to the 1987 California City Clerk's Association Conference in Sacramento, April 8-10, 1987. CHECK REGISTER Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that she had a question on Voucher No. 16810 - Ralph's Plumbing. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen questioned where the sewer pipe was located and why it was removed and replaced. The City Engineer indicated he believed the location was at the east end of Westwood Drive through the canyon. Apparently, there was a broken pipe in the easement that was replaced. The pipe was on City -owned property. Voucher No. 16817 - Suverkrup Lumber Company - dome bronze skylight - Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen questioned where the dome bronze skylight had been used. The Acting City Manager indicated that the restroom at the park has a skylight to allow natural lighting. This skylight had been vandalized and had to be replaced. Councilman Grant questioned Voucher No. P4748 - Business Development Association. Apparently there was or there is going to be a meeting of the Business Development Association. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 2 CHECK REGISTER He asked for an explanation of this meeting. Mayor Matteson advised this was a meeting held at the Ontario Airport with regards to the fast train to Las Vegas. Councilman Grant asked if this was with regards to the Mag-Lev. Mayor Matteson indicated it was. Voucher No. P4949 - Organization/Western Towns - Councilman Grant questioned what the Small City's Roundup was; when was it and who attended it. The Acting City Manager advised that it is a meeting that will be held in the future at Davis, California. He advised that Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen and Councilman Evans were planning to attend. Voucher No. P4958 - Home Depot - Councilman Grant questioned whether these generators had been budgeted for in the Emergency Operations Committee budget. The Acting City Manager advised they had been. Voucher No. 16807 - Patton Sales Corporation - Office supplies - Computer desk/type table - Councilman Grant questioned who would receive the furniture and office supplies listed. The Acting City Manager advised that the office supplies and furniture were purchased for the Administrative Assistant. CC-87-35 Motion by Councilman Grant, second by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, that the Check Register be approved. MINUTES Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen read the first sentence of the e�bruary 26, 1987 paragraph pertaining to Mr. Dick Rollins' comments on page 15. This sentence reads as follows "Mr. Rollins stated that at present all utilities are underground, and questioned whether this means that all properties within the boundaries of the City of Grand Terrace would have to be put underground and, if so, will this then become a tax to the citizens?" Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that this sentence was contradictory and did not appear to reflect Mr. Rollins' comments. She requested that Council direct staff to review the tape and make the appropriate corrections. CC-87-36 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, second by Councilman Grant, ALL AYES, that the minutes of the February 26, 1987 Council minutes be approved as amended. PUBLIC Mayor Matteson invited audience participation at this time. PARTICIPATION Dick Rollins, Mr. Rollins indicated he wish to speak to Council with regards 22700 DeBerry to traffic in the City of Grand Terrace. The speed of traffic on DeBerry Street early in the morning when children are going to school is excessive. He indicated that, between 7:30 a.m. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 3 and 8:30 a.m., traffic on DeBerry Street is traveling in excess of 40 mph. He further indicated that in the afternoon, between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m., traffic is consistently traveling in excess of 40 mph on DeBerry Street. Mr. Rollins stated that he had taken the trouble to pace some of these cars and knows they are traveling in excess of 40 mph. He feels that Council must look at the growth of the City and suggested that Council attempt to get a full-time traffic deputy in Grand Terrace. Mayor Matteson asked Captain Bradford to have his deputy patrol DeBerry Street in an effort to control traffic speed. ORAL REPORTS Mayor Matteson invited Committee reports. Councilman Grant asked why individual committees were not listed on the agenda as they had been previously. The Acting City Manager advised that the committees were not listed individually on the agenda in order to consolidate the agenda. Rather than asking for a report from each committee, a section of the agenda is set aside to allow any committee to give their report. Councilman Grant indicated that one of the things that concerns him is that, in time, people will forget there is;a place on the agenda for committee reports if the committees are not listed on the agenda. Councilman Grant stated he realizes that 75 percent of the time some of the committees did not report anything. In fact, they were not even in attendance at the Council meetina. However, he feels the individual committees should be listed on the agenda. If it is the feeling of the Acting City Manager that it is not necessary to have the committees listed, he will not argue. However, he did feel that when people see the agenda, they will not know that we have committees or what the individual committees are because they are not listed on the agenda. EMERGENCY Mayor Matteson asked if anyone was present on behalf of the OPERATIONS Emergency Operations Committee. Mayor Matteson indicated that COMMITTEE the Emergency Operations Committee had a request for additional funding in the amount of $1,500 for the purchase of a 8'x8'x2O' shipping container. Mayor Matteson indicated that, unless it is an emergency, he would rather the Committee include this amount in the budget for the coming year. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated there were a couple of things that should be considered. One of them is, in comparing the number of volunteer hours that members of this Committee put in with the amount of money requested, the 'additional funds requested did not seem like very much. The other thing is that, in their request, the Committee clearly explained why this request was necessary. One of the problems that is being experienced throughout the county in attempting to get the emergency operations preparedness plans in effect is that we always look at the next budget period. The Committee has Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 4 prepared a list of equipment that is necessary in case of an emergency based on a list submitted by the state and the county. It is impossible to store the equipment in the facilities they presently have and still keep that facility functional in case of an emergency. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen suggested that it would be shortsighted of Council not to grant this request so the Emergency Operations Committee could be prepared to deal with an emergency should it occur prior to July. Mayor Matteson agreed that we should purchase the storage shipping container for the Emergency Operations Committee, but questioned whether it would be a hardship for the Committee to wait until the next budget period. Councilman Grant indicated he feels the use of the generator is for emergency purposes and agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen that Council does not know when an emergency might occur. He feels this is an emergency appropriation and allocation of funds. Accordingly, he would support the staff recommendation with funds to be allocated on this basis. Councilwoman Crawford indicated that, in their report, the Emergency Operations Committee stated the shipping container will not be subject to damage under severe seismic activity. She indicated that, if there is an emergency, the equipment provided to deal with it should be available to the citizens of Grand Terrace. She felt the Committee was to be complimented for their foresight in recommending the purchase of the container to safely store their equipment. CC-87-37 Motion by Councilman Grant, second by Councilman Evans, ALL AYES, that the request for additional funding in the amount of $1,500 for the purchase of an 8'x8'x20' shipping container be approved. COUNCIL REPORT Councilman Grant indicated he had attended the SANBAG meeting held March 11, 1987 in Ontario. He mentioned one piece of legislation SANBAG, as a regional body, is supporting is Assembly Bill 514 for Assemblyman Clute. This legislation "bans tire burning at this time". Councilman Grant stated he was delighted with this bill. Of possible interest to Council was the projection to the year 2010 for all the communities in San Bernardino County. This is a projection for the •level of population, housing and employment through the year 2010. They projected that Grand Terrace's population will increase to 18,322 people by 2010. This represents a 89.84 percent increase of population from 1984. If this happens, the traffic problems will be serious. This projection also indicates that housing starts will increase by 108.50 percent. With regards to employment, the Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 5 projection indicated that employment will increase by 271 percent in the City of Grand Terrace by the year 2010. This does not mean people living in the City of Grand Terrace and working elsewhere, but people actually working in the City of Grand Terrace. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated she had the privilege of representing herself and the City of Grand Terrace at the festivities today celebrating 75 years of Girl Scouting in the United States. She stated it has been her privilege to be a member of this organization for twenty-three years. She suggested that a resolution be prepared by the City of Grand Terrace and given to the San Bernardino Girl Scout Counselor in honor of the 75th birthday of the Girl Scouts. At the last meeting, she was appointed by Council to carry the City's proxies to the Water Board meeting. Following that meeting, she realized that there was a date conflict. She will be in Davis, California on the date of the meeting. She has received a number of telephone calls from the citizens in regard to this meeting. She has discussed the matter with the Acting City Manager in an effort to determine the best method of dealing with this problem to ensure that the citizens of Grand Terrace were represented at this meeting. She noted that the Acting City Manager was planning to attend the Water Board meeting. She has suggested to all those who have asked her to take their proxies that they sign the proxies to the City of Grand Terrace/Tom Schwab, Acting City Manager. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that if citizens of Grand Terrace have already submitted their proxies with her name on it, they can change this to read City of Grand Terrace/Thomas Schwab by going down to the Water Company, making the correction on their proxy card and initialling it. Mayor Matteson asked the City Attorney if Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen could transfer her proxies to the Acting City Manager. The City Attorney indicated that, if they are in Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen's name, probably not. However, this depends on how general the proxy is. If it is general enough, yes, they could be transferred. The City Attorney suggested that citizens mark out the alternative on the form and insert the City of Grand Terrace/Thomas Schwab. Mayor Matteson asked how we could deal with the proxies already submitted to the Riverside/Highland Water Company with Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen as proxy. The City Attorney suggested that the Water Company would probably allow the Acting City Manager to vote on behalf of the citizens of Grand Terrace. Mayor Matteson asked, if Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen wrote a letter to the Water Company giving Mr. Schwab authority over all her proxies, would that suffice. The City Attorney Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 6 indicated it probably would. The City Attorney suggested that an alternative would be to prepare a later proxy and the later one would prevail. He further suggested this later proxy should be signed by the citizens. Mayor Matteson asked Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen if she could get a list of those people and the Acting City Manager could then contact them and have a new proxy signed. Councilman Evans indicated that, for those who read the newspaper article last week, he wished to clarify that Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen was scheduled to represent the City of Grand Terrace at the Water Board hearing. She was not vying for a position as a member on the Board as reported in the newspaper article. Unfinished Mayor Matteson indicated that Item A under unfinished business Business was to award and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract for a General Plan Update with Willdan Associates in the amount not to exceed $31,443 and appropriate $31,443 from unappropriated General Fund balance. Mayor Matteson questioned the inclusion of a freeway access study in the General Plan Update. He indicated that, in his opinion, the DeBerry and Iowa access has been discussed in depth. He suggested that this be eliminated from the study and that we look at the possibility of a Newport ON or OFF ramp. Councilman Evans indicated that, in the report presented, a figure of $11,578.80 was shown for an update Master Environmental Assessment (including freeway access study) and questioned how much of this was budgeted for the freeway. Mr. Al Warot, Manager of Planning Services, Willdan Associates, advised they had budgeted about $4,000 for updating the previously prepared freeway access study. If this amount was eliminated, it will reduce their total fees to about $27,000. Councilman Evans asked Mr. Warot to explain what the freeway access study will do that had not already been done. Mr. Warot indicated they will probably retrace the steps already taken in a previous study and would update cost estimates. He further indicated the figures resulting from this freeway access study will, undoubtedly, be higher than the figures presented three years ago. Mr. Warot indicated that, after reviewing the previous study, it appears the cost for the necessary improvements would probably be in the range of ten million dollars. In looking at the City Capital Improvement Program, this would amount to five or six years of capital improvement funds being totally committed to one project. From that standpoint, Mr. Warot indicated it became questionable as to what will be gained by spending $4,000 to update the cost estimate for this type of project. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 7 Councilman Evans indicated he did not see the value of retracing steps previously taken with regards to the freeway access. He did not see this as a reality as we know the cost will increase. CC-87-38 Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, that Council award and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract for a General Plan Update with Willdan Associates in an amount not to exceed $31,443 and appropriate $31,443 from the unappropriated General Fund Balance, less the $4,000 for the the freeway access study. In discussing this, Mayor Matteson suggested that perhaps we didn't want to delete the entire cost for the freeway access study, but that we would like to review the Newport alternative. Councilman Evans indicatd that his motion stood, as he did not wish to include the review of the Newport access. Councilman Grant indicated that he was going to argue about the value of retracing our steps as we might come up with additional information. However, as the consultant is suggesting, it would be a waste of $4,000 to do this study., h *id not feel he could pursue this argument. He did state he was in support of providing as much access to the City of Grand Terrace as possible. He feels that, with the projected increase in population in this area over the next twenty -years or so, the traffic problem is going to be horrendous and every possible alternative for providing access to the City of Grand Terrace should be explored. He mentioned the clover leaf CalTrans is putting in Victorville and indicated this is being done to assist Victorville with their economic development. He agreed with Mayor Matteson that Council should look at the Newport access. Councilman Evans questioned the City Engineer as to whether or not two thousand feet was required for an access from the freeway. The City Engineer indicated this is a general guideline although he cautioned this varies with the topographic conditions. He could not recall if Newport was seriously considered in the initial study. Councilman Evans indicated it appeared, in view of this general guidleline, to be unrealistic to consider an ON/OFF ramp at the Newport area. He further suggested it would be unwise to put money into this area. Mayor Matteson indicated that, as he is not an engineer, he did not know if there was a possibility of putting an ON/OFF ramp at Newport. With the traffic to be generated by the increased population due to the apartments being built in this area, he feels we must look at the area to see if there is that possibility. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 8 s Motion CC-87-38 was defeated with Councilman Grant, Councilwoman Crawford, and Mayor Matteson voting NOE. Motion by Councilman Grant, that Council award and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for a General Plan Update with Willdan Associates in the amount not to exceed $31,443 and appropriate $31,443 from the unappropriated General Fund Balance. As there was no second, the vote was not called. The Acting City Manager questioned what it would cost to look at the Newport area. This study could be only of the Newport area and could be just for an ON/OFF ramp. Mr. Warot suggested that a possible study with regards to the access at Newport would not exceed $1,000 making the cost of the total study about $28,000. Mayor Matteson invited Mr. Tony Petta to comment in this regard. Mr. Petta indicated his concern is with the population growth anticipated for the City of Grand Terrace and the valley. It is logical to assume that traffic will increase because of the increased population. Some way has to be found to disperse the anticipated traffic. We cannot wait until the problem occurs. Plans have to be made now to deal with the traffic problem. Councilman Evans agreed that something has to be done about the traffic situation. He mentioned the cost of the access outlined by Mr. Warot, stating CalTrans will not pay for the access and the City does not have the money to pay for it. When we reach the point where the City can afford to pay for the access, then we can look seriously at the access. Spending any additional money on the freeway access study is foolish. Newport as an access is foolish. Councilman Evans did feel that we need to explore and work with all diligence to redesign the existing OFF ramp at Barton Road. He indicated that in 1985, Council had asked the City Engineer to contact CalTrans to look into this possibility. A couple of meetings ago the City Engineer indicated he had contacted CalTrans again at Council's direction. Councilman Evans asked what the status of this was. The City Engineer advised he had received a letter from CalTrans who advised they will be doing a study of this area which will be completed within thirty days. Once the study has been completed, they will be corresponding with the City again. Primarily, CalTrans will be looking at the increase of traffic in this area and the impact of the improvements made at that intersection since the last study. Councilman Evans suggested that before any other access is considered, the Barton Road access will have to be reworked with money being spent at the Barton Road access before it is spent elsewhere. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 9 A Councilwoman Crawford asked Mr. Warot what it would cost to prepare data to give a realistic proposal for better freeway access within the community. Mr. Warot advised that, as he has not had an opportunity to look at all aspects of this matter, he is not in a position to provide a cost estimate at this time. He stated that his statement in regard to the freeway access study was based purely on the economic feasibility of the study. Mr. Warot mentioned a shopping center at Montebello. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated Council was aware of the information Mr. Warot provided. When the controversy with regard to the regional shopping center came up, the cost estimate for freeway access was between eight and sixteen millions dollars. The annual increment income was estimated at one million dollars per year. It would have taken eight to sixteen years before the City could recognize any profit from that commercial venture on the side. This did not make sense then, and it still doesn't. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that she could not imagine how the Newport OFF/ON ramp would be handled, but would not rule out the possibility of that access. She stated she would support the reworking of the present Barton Road access. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated she would like to see the City enter into a contract for the General Plan Update not to include the freeway access study but, based on the City Engineers comments with regards to CalTrans study, perhaps the contract could be expanded at a later date to include the freeway access study. Mr. Warot advised that within 45 days their study would be at a point where such consideration could be entertained. CC-87-39 Motion by Mayor Matteson, second by Councilwoman Crawford, carried 3-2 with Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen and Councilman Evans voting NOE, to award and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for a General Plan Update with Willdan Associates in an amount not to exceed $28,443 and appropriate $28,443 from the unappropriated General Fund Balance. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen requested that, once the CalTrans study has been received, Council reconsider based on the results of that study. Mayor Matteson indicated that will be done. NEW BUSINESS A request for a renewal of the 1986 Permit to conduct Religious Renewal of a Solicitation in the City of Grand Terrace was presented. Mayor Permit - Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that this request was submitted Religious by the same group (United States Mission/Hudson House) as last Solicitation year. CC-87-40 Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Pfenniahausen, second by Councilman Evans, that Council approve the application from the United States Mission/Hudson House for renewal of a permit to conduct Religious Solicitation in the City of Grand Terrace subject to the conditions applied in 1986. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 10 e The City Attorney advised that Condition No. 4 could not be allowed as it appears discriminatory. Councilwoman Crawford questioned whether this condition could read that "All Solicitors must travel in pairs." The City Attorney agreed that this wording would be acceptable. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen requested that her motion be amended to read "Condition No. 4 All Solicitors must travel in pairs," Second concurred. Motion No. CC-87-40, as amended, carried ALL AYES. Transportation The request to consider preparation of transportation sales tax Sales Tax resolution endorsing enabling Legislation for public vote was introduced. Mayor Matteson requested the Acting City Manager's comments. The Acting City Manager advised this is a request made by SANBAG and transmitted through Councilman Grant who had asked that this matter be placed on the agenda for consideration. At this time the development of the improvements to be funded by this tax have not been finalized. He suggested Council should open this matter for discussion, decide whether there is enough information to determine its benefits to the City of Grand Terrace and make a recommendation. Councilwoman Crawford indicated she understands this is a recommendation to put this to a vote of the people. The Acting City Manager advised that they are asking Council to endorse or recommend that enabling Legislation be put into place to allow them to create this tax. At this point, we do not know what this tax will be used for. Councilman Evans indicated that his understanding is that this is a request to support the right to put this question before the people and let them vote on it. He indicated he had no problem with supporting this request. Whether or not he could support the measure when it came to vote was another matter. Councilman Evans agreed that there is not enough information to make a decision, but he does feel that people should have the right to decide whether or not they should tax themselves. Councilwoman Crawford agreed with this statement. Councilman Grant also agreed saying that the people of the County should be given the right to decide whether or not to tax themselves. However, he 'suggested that anytime Council goes on record as supporting the issue being presented to the public for a vote, it implies support of the issue itself. Councilman Grant indicated he was not sure if he would support the tax if none of the funds were to be spent to enhance the Grand Terrace area. However, he did agree with supporting or allowing people to vote on it. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 11 Councilman Evans reiterated that he could not support anything that appeared to support a tax increase. He will support a measure that will go to the voters and let them decide. Mayor Matteson indicated that he concurred with Councilman Grant in that, if we did support putting this question to a vote, it may be assumed that Council supported the tax itself. He also agreed we do not have enough information on which to base a decision. Councilwoman Crawford agreed with Mayor Matteson. She continued by indicating she felt the people had the right to vote, but she would like to have more information on this matter before supporting the issue. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen did not agree that supporting an issue being placed on a ballot could be assumed to be an endorsement of the measure itself. She suggested that, when more information becomes available, it will be Council's responsibility to provide the information to the citizens so they can vote intelligently on the issue itself. CC-87-41 Motion by Councilman Grant, second by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, carried 3-2 with Councilwoman Crawford and Mayor Matteson voting NOE, that Council support a resolution urging approval of State Legislation authorizing a public vote for a County Transportation Sales Tax. ORDINANCE Mayor Matteson advised the next item was a proposed ordinance AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, TITLE 18, PERTAINING TO THE MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO. 104. At Councilman Grant's request, the City Attorney reviewed the proposed ordinance. The gist of the ordinance was to establish a minimum square footage for multi -family units and residential units in the City of Grand Terrace. On reviewing the square footage being proposed for studio apartments, 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apartments, Mayor Matteson asked the City Attorney where he had obtained the square footage for each unit. The City Attorney advised that he had received this information from Councilman Evans. When asked, Councilman Evans indicated that he had computed the square footages based on what he would consider to be a reasonable size apartment complex. Councilman Evans indicated that, if Council wishes to d@crease traffic and decrease population, you do not increase the square footage and livable space. He suggested that these figures are realistic and would provide a good quality development. Councilman Evans indicated one thing in the original ordinance was not included in the proposed ordinance. That is, the City will not encourage 3-bedroom apartments. He suggested this be included in the ordinance. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 12 Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that, when they were originally discussing Ordinance 104, she could not see the need for studio apartments being 800 square feet. She still sees no need for studio apartments to be this size. She further indicated that she did not know of any studio apartments beingsold as a condominium. She suggested that the condominium aspect of this particular unit be deleted. She could see the feasibility of a 3-bedroom condominium. However, she could not see the feasibility of a 3-bedroom apartment because it does encourage larger families, and this is the kind of thing that Council is trying to prevent in order to control school population. Based on this, large apartments with a lot of bedrooms should be discouraged within Grand Terrace. She suggested that 2-bedroom apartments with 1 bathroom or 2-bedroom apartments with 2 bathrooms lend themselves to small families in transitional state, senior citizens or singles. Three bedroom apartments lend themselves pretty much to one type of population - a family with a number of children. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that she had discussed this proposed ordinance with a number of people and her research indicates that the square footage in this proposal is much more consistent with what the market place will bear and what our City can live with. Mayor Matteson invited Mr. Tony Petta to comment. Mr. Petta indicated he was here representing a number of citizens in this regard. He reviewed the process resulting in Ordinance 104. Mr. Petta indicated that citizens in his area asked him to represent them to Council in this regard and ensure that Council honored their previous commitment to the citizens. Councilman Grant requested that the matter be delayed to allow the citizens Mr. Petta said would be here an opportunity to attend the Council meeting. Mayor Matteson indicated that the Chair will table this item at this time. PUBLIC HEARING The Acting City Manager advised that at a previous Council T00 p.mm. meeting the Community Development Block Grant Funding for 1987/88 was introduced. At that time it was determined that the Community Development Block Grant Funding for 1987/88 would be used for the acquisition of the improvement for the Mt. Vernon/Barton Road Traffic to include a left turn lane signal. According to the Federal Government Regulation, a public hearing must be held to accept public input into the use of these funds. the funds amount to approximately $20,000 which will be used for the Mt. Vernon/Barton Road Signalization Project. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 13 A Dick Rollins Mr. Rollins asked the Acting City Manager to explain exactly what the project will entail. The Acting City Manager advised that the project will improve the traffic flow at this intersection so that there will be a left turn pocket to allow for left turns with an arrow. This particular money will be used to acquire right-of-way in the corner, where the liquor store and barber shop are located, so we can place our new equipment which is substantially larger than previous equipment. This particular money is only used for this one corner, as it is the only corner that falls into our target area for the use of the Community Development Block Grant Funding. As there were no further public participation, Council reconvened at 7:00 p.m. CC-87-42 Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, that Council allocate the 1987/88 Community Development Block Grant Funding for the signalization project at Mt. Vernon/Barton road. ORDINANCE Council continued their discussion on the proposed ordinance. Amending Ordinance 104 The City Attorney advised, as the proposed ordinance will be amending Title 18, it would require a public hearing for public input. Council could introduce the ordinance this evening. However, it will be necessary to forward the ordinance to the Community Planning Commission for a public hearing and no further action can be taken on the ordinance until the public hearing is held and the results reported to Council for their consideration. Councils approval of the proposed ordinance will take place at a public hearing. Therefore, two public hearings will have to be held before this ordinance can be finally approved. Councilwoman Crawford indicated that when Ordinance 104 was approved, she was very much in favor of it to improve the quality of the apartment complexes and reducing the density of the complexes. She felt that her constituents will support retention of Ordinance 104. Councilman Grant indicated that he previously supported the square footage outlined in Ordinance 104 and would not be prepared to support the proposed amendment to this ordinance. CC-87-43 Motion by Councilman Evans, second by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, that the proposed ordinance to amend Ordinance 104 be referred to the Planning Commission for consideration. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 14 Commenting to this ordinance, Councilman Evans indicated that size does not necessarily indicate quality of a development. He suggested the emphasis has to be on density. By keeping a larger square footage we encourage more traffic as well as a larger number of people in a development. Accordingly, he thinks it's realistic to go with what has been proposed. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that she had spoken to a number of people in regards to Ordinance 104. Their questions always seemed to be; how does the City get into the situation that it is in and how can they get the development back as the City wants it. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated that apartments of inferior quality can be constructed based on Ordinance 104. She suggested that the ordinance does need to be reviewed and amended in order to accomplish what the City wishes from developments. She indicated that she would prefer no provisions for 3-bedroom apartments and more realistic guidelines for studio apartments; although, she would prefer no studio apartments. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen asked that Council give the Planning Commission and the public the chance to re -hear this without cutting it off at this point. Councilman Grant indicated that the public has had input into this matter previously, Council has considered it and he did not believe there was any need to amend Ordinance 104. Mayor Matteson indicated that as each member sits on Councilthey pass resolutions and ordinances for the operation of the City. As time goes on, there is a need to adjust the resolutions and ordinances for the benefit of the City. These resolutions and ordinances are amended or adjusted based on legitimate reasons. Mayor Matteson indicated he did not feel there was enough scientific reason to justify going back to the Community Planning Commission in this regard. Councilman Evans indicated he would like to have the City Engineer, who has been involved in a number of apartment developments, to provide a list of apartment complexes in the City including the number of studio, 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apartments that there are and the square footage of each unit. He suggested the information gathered in this way would indicate that his figures compared favorably to the apartment already developed. Motion CC-87-43 fails 2-3 with Councilwoman Crawford, Councilman Grant and Mayor Matteson voting NOE. PARKS & Mr. Rollins asked to speak to Council to give a report on the RECREATION Parks & Recreation Committee. Mayor Matteson advised the Dick Rollins meeting had been opened for Committee reports. However, Mayor 22700 DeBerry St. Matteson allowed Mr. Rollins to present his report. Mr. Rollins advised they have not made any further progress on the Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 15 snack bar. He urges the City Staff to contact the contractor to complete the snack bar. He feels it is urgent that this project be completed as the Little League season is approaching and the School District is putting pressure on the Committee to complete the snack bar. The Acting City Manager advised that he had attended the previous Parks & Recreation Committee meeting and at that time a tender was reviewed for the completion of the snack bar. The total price of the tender was $15,000. The feeling at the meeting was that the Committee and City were not prepared to pay that kind of money for the completion of the snack bar. They have received a commitment from Mr. Barney Karger to act as a project coordinator in an attempt to get the project completed. While Mr. Karger will not be the contractor himself, he will attempt to use his contacts with other contractors and encourage volunteer help so that the project can be completed as quickly as possible and within the budget established by Council. The Acting City Manager indicated he felt it would be premature to take any further action at this time until the Parks & Recreation Committee do something to complete the project. Mr. Rollins reiterated that he felt something had to be done to complete the snack bar. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen suggested that the concern seems to be the upcoming Little League season. She suggest that if the Little League is concerned about the snack bar, they can provide volunteer man power to complete it. Councilwoman Crawford included the swim team in this suggestion. Mr. Rollins also mentioned that the City has completed repairs and replacements at the park site necessary due to vandalism. He indicated some action will have to be taken to cope with the vandalism taking place. Closed Session At 7:23 p.m. Council went into Closed Session with City Engineer Kicak, City Attorney Hopkins and Acting City Manager Schwab and Councilmembers participating. Council reconvened at 7:50 p.m. with all Councilmembers present. Mayor Matteson advised that Council had gone into closed session to discuss potential litigation with no decision being made. Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 16 Council meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. with the next regular Council meeting to be held on March 26, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: City Clerk APPROVED: Mayor Council Minutes - 3/12/87 Page 17 DATE: 3/10/87 STAFF'REPORT 12.376 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: March 26, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT GRANT DEED DEDICATION - RIGHT OF WAY ON BARTON ROAD FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X X Attached is a Grant Deed for dedication of Right -of -Way along the frontage of Barton Road, from Loma Linda University Medical Group, Inc. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT CITY COUNCIL ACCEPT THE GRANT DEED AND DIRECT THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD THE DOCUMENT. Order No. Escrow No. Loan No. A.P.N. 275-242-12 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ,,City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, C.A 92324 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ ................................................ ...... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ...... Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax — Firm Name CORPORATION GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Loma Linda University Medical Group, Incorporated a corporation o(ganited under the laws of the State of California GRANTto the City of Grand Terrace the real property in the City of Grand Terrace County of San Bernardino , does hereby , State of California, described as That portion of Lot 18 of G.M. Curtis Tract, Tract No. 2966, as per map recorded in Book 40 of Maps, page 46 records of said County lying Southerly of a line that is parallel with and distant 17.00 feet Northerly of, measured at right angles to the Southerly line of said Lot 18. Contains 0.036 Acres, more or less. (1530.0 Sq. Ft.) It is the express intention of this instrument to add an additional 17.00 feet of dedication to the Northerly side of Barton Road, creating a half right of way width of 50.00 feet adjoining the hereinabove described property. Dated December 12, 1986 I STATE OF CAVFORWernardino f� COUNTY OF On December 12 1986 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for said State, personally appear - David B. Hinshaw and- Bruce Branson personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within Instrument as David B. Hinshaw President and Bruce Branson Secretary, on behalf of Loma Linda University Medical Group,,Incorporated the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such cor- poration executed the within Instrument pursuant to Its by-laws or a resolution of Its board of directors. Byz� President & 0�_ By Secretary gmA17prrWiMK-1111111 V4SOFFICIAL SEAL. IORETTA MIYASATO NOTARY /Uff,LIC • CALIFORNIA KROMNO Y �V1988 WITNESS my hand and official s W. (This area for official notarial seat) 1144 (6/82) Signature___ -_-- --- DATE: 3/19/87 PORT 12.376 STAFF RE C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (K4 MEETING DATE: March 26, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. 'M SUBJECT GRANT DEED DEDICATION - RIGHT OF WAY ON BARTON ROAD FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X X Attached is a Grant Deed from Constance Nissenson for dedication of Right of Way on Barton Road. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT CITY COUNCIL ACCEPT THE GRAND DEED AND DIRECT THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD THE DOCUMENT. JK:pjm Attachment Order No. • Escrow No. Loan No. A.P.N. 277-121-19 7. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO - City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Pl'NDING CITY 100LI CIL APPROVAL SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ ................................................ ...... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ...... Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax — Firm Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Constance Nissenson hereby GRANT(S) to The City of Grand Terrace the real property in the City of Grand Terrace County of San Bernardino , State of California, described as A strip of land lying Northerly of a line that is parallel with and distant 17.00 feet southerly of, measured at right angles to the northerly line of the land described as follows: The West 120 feet of the East 480 feet of Lot 3, Section 5, Township 2 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to Map of East Riverside Land Company, as per plat recorded in Book 6 of Maps, page 44, records of said County. Contains 0.047 Acres, more or less. (2,040.0 Sq. Ft.) It is the express intention of this instrument to add an additional 17.00 feet of dedication to the Southerly side of Barton Road, creating a half right of way width of 50.00 feet adjoining the hereinabove described property. i W itneasl STATE OF CALIFORNIA 15 COMMONWEALTH LAND" TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SS. OUNTY OF San Bernardino n March 18, 1987 ,before me, Nancy Hodges Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Barbara A. Bayus personally (known to me) or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instru- ment, as a Witness thereto, who being by me duly sworn, deposes and says: That _Shrr resides in California , and that she was present and saw rnn_qtanr_P Ni sspnsnn , personally known to her to be the same person_ described in and whose name is subscribed to the within and annexed Instrument as d Part y thereto, execute and deliver the same, and acknowledged to said affient that executed the same; and that said affient subscribed OFFICIAL SEAL r name thereto as a Witness. NANCY tIODGES NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA WITNESS my hjq and of Icial al. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY a • My Comm. Expires ton. 14, 1991 .�gneture Nancy Ilod - s nn? WI I �O ID GAGE ----- ' C CANAL , so' so • • ` , 1 •,'� `� co 4ki so• 7 LL, (10 (-T) Oti C okG��� O lk Ci cr m N v2 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RIGHT OF WAY PLAT DATE: March 19, 1987 STAFF REPORT C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) MEETING DATE: MARCH 26, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY WEEKEND WORK PROGRAM FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X STAFF HAS BEEN COMMUNICATING WITH.THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, REGARDING THE CITY"S PARTICIPATION IN THE "WEEKEND 11ORK PROGRAM. THIS PROGRAM WAS ESTABLISHED UNDER CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE SECTION 4024.2. IT WAS ADOPTED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPER- VISORS ON JUNE 13, 1083. THE PROGRAM IS AN ALTERNATIVE FOR OFFENDERS SENTENCED TO SERVE A PERIOD OF CONFINEMENT IN THE COUNTY .JAIL SYSTEM AND PROVIDES A WORK VERSUS INCARCERATION PROGRAM THAT WILL BENEFIT THE OFFENDER, THE TAXPAYER, AND PARTICIPATING GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES WITHIN THE COUNTY, WHO HAVE AGREED TO COMMIT THEIR RESOURCES TO THE PROJECT AND PROVIDE WORK FOR THE PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS. CITIES THAT WISH TO PARTICIPATE ARE REQUIRED TO ENTER INTO A FORM CONTRACT. THE CONTRACT STIPULATES THE CITIES RESPONSIBILITIES AND TYPE OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED AS WELL AS GENERAL LIABILITY STATEMENTS. ATTACHED TO THIS STAFF REPORT IS THE PROPOSED CONTRACT. STAFF RECOMMENDS: THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF SAID CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND THE COUNTY OF SAPS BERNARDINO. RLA a APFROVAL a AGREEMENT FOR SHERIFF'S WORK SENTENCE PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 1987, by and between the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, a mun-i p a corporation, San Bernardino County, California (the "City") and COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, hereafter called the "County" . A. RECITALS WHEREAS, the County of San Bernardino Sheriff's Department conducts and administers a work program under Penal Code, Section 4024.2 for the performing of work by persons committed to the custody of the Sheriff; and WHEREAS, The City of Grand Terrace desires that participants in such work program be placed with it for work under the direction and control of the City of Grand Terrace. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. County of San Bernardino Sheriff's Department may place inmates performing work under the aforesaid program with the City of Grand Terrace. The number of participants shall depend upon the work available and the ability to administer and control the work program. 2. On placement of persons under this agreement by the County of San Bernardino Sheriff's Department with the City of Grand Terrace, the work of the participants will be under the direct supervision and control of the City of Grand Terrace. 3. The work to be performed by program participants will consist of litter pickup, weed removal, and other aesthetic improvements to public lands, property and roadways. 4. The City will not provide any security guards and the City employee(s) working with participants will not physically restrain any participants that might leave the work area. The County will be notified by the end of the day of any participants who leave the work area without permission. 5. The City will provide transportation for participants working under this agreement to and from the work sites needed from pickup points agreed to between the County and the City. 6. Equipment operations will be performed only by qualified City employees. 7. The City will provide program work participants with safety equipment such as sians, hard hats and orange vests. X 8. The City Employees will provide safety instructions, explain the work to be done and direct the work of the work program participants placed under this agreement. 9. In the event that a claim for industrial injury is filed by a participant working under this agreement under the direction of the City of Grand Terrace, the County of San Bernardino will be responsible for the administration of the claim in the same manner as if the work participant was a County employee. The City will reimburse the County for all costs incurred in the administration of such claims including any settlement costs or awards to participants. 10. The City of Grand Terrace shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend County of San Bernardino, its agents and employees from any and all actions, claims or suits of every name, kind and description, which may be asserted by any person, including any work participant placed by County of San Bernardino with City of Grand Terrace arising out of or in connection with the performance of work for City of Grand Terrace by any participant during the period of placement with the City of Grand Terrace. 11. This agreement shall become effective upon its execution by all of the parties hereto. The agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers. "COUNTY" COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors "CITY" CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Mayor Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: City orney DATE: 3/17/87 STAFF REPORT C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: MARCH 26, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 & SUBJECT ROAD MAINTENANCE BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FUNDING REQUIRED X NO FUNDING REQUIRED FOR THE PAST EIGHT MONTHS, STAFF HAS BEEN INITIATING AND COMPLETING VARIOUS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. THERE REMAINS TO BE COMPLETED APPROXIMATELY TWELVE PRIORITY STREET PROJECTS. THE LOCATION AND A DESCRIPTION OF THESE PROJECTS IS REFLECTED ON THE ATTACHED MAP. AT PRESENT, THERE IS NOT SUFFICIENT FUNDS THAT HAVE BEEN APPROPRIATED BY COUNCIL, TO COMPLETE SAID PROJECTS. THEREFORE, STAFF IS REQUESTING THAT COUNCIL APPROVE THE FOLLOWING ROAD MAINTENANCE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: A) TRANSFER $20,000 FROM FUND 18-912-255 (SLURRY SEAL) TO FUND 16-900--258; B) APPROPRIATE AND ADDITIONAL $160,000 FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE OF THE TRANSPOR- TATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND. IT IS THE OPINION OF STAFF, THAT THESE PROJECTS BE COMPLETED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO PREVENT FURTHER DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING ROADWAY SYSTEM. STAFF RECOMMENDS: THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE AFOREMENTIONED BUDGET ITEMS A & B TO ENSURE PROPER MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY'S ROADWAY SYSTEM. RLA W �V 'MAR 2 61%1: *FORMATION 0 N4Y 3ISTW,41_iZUtX0AL CXXf1I= W7 mmTEs.oF MrCi 2, 1987 MErMC The meetiM was called to order by Chaizman Viola Gratson at 7:10 P14. Those pr"jpnt were Viola, Hannah Laister,_ and Irene Mason. Pauline; Grant;, Petta were absent. report for Febary was 7, -4-- read and apppoQed, A,vc s, ru ' apo to accept, seconded- by j;rem. - Trftsuier1*Mi attit to Betty Duarte on the death, ot her, hu sband 7 %dU, send a card also from all menbers. of our group. Old Businesss Viola is still working on getting bids for a permanent sign. Viola and and Pauline Grant attended the opening ceremony and qXt_ dedica,of the new Vivenda Street Bridge. Viola spoke a- few words on the ��-"of the bridge. , h4` All ot;hqr"�Otir�>ss was postponed until the next meeting. Flyers for the Art:0 Oill go out, in the next sewer billing. Approval, was recdt*W)!i*Vm Schiab to do this. A=mcement will be in the current issue of the Chamber of Cctmrce Newsletter, which was submitted by Irene. Street• Names: per request frcm Kiscak &Associates, asking the C=Aitteels approval,_ the secretary will write a lel;ter to them' Viola made a notion to do so, Irene secoMed the motion to accept the street names as propsed. The next meeting will be April 6th, 1987. 7: 45 PM WMM LA qim Secretary ,;hemeeting was adjoured at I/ can nF, cRAmn 4-1 41,4K c 6 19" 1 INFO.R� AT;ON %L cti C 0A rrl j f lz CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE, SHARON KORGAN RALPH BUC HWALTER cdme Pmwntion Officer the pihtat The Crime Prevefoi``£om�nittee met on Monday, hbirCh 2s. commencing at 1800 hrs. Those presentw_Ralph Buchwalter, Chairperson;: 1rFright, Vice Chairperson; James SiRglei: Ty' A`Ar; Robert Baiies, Secretary, To* Semph; and Community Service Officer Sharot ;,, ;: . Guests included.=:-�U 'Deputy Floyd Gilbreth; and Volunteers Jamie Butler, Bee Gandet, Linda Ha6ulfrand Tim Lotspeich. Agenda was submit' by Chairperson Buchwalter. Sibley made a motion to accept the minutes fte-6'V-.e February 2 meeting. Wright seconded the motion. 'The motion was carried.w �.1 , Singley made a tr�a►' �report. No Changes. . No expenditures. Bai les motioned that the treasury.reportxbe'accepted. Wright seconded the motion. Motion carried. -z COMMITTEE RE"RTS Korgan - Troubled Families, 2/14/87 Went well with 30 in,attendance. Program will be.aired on local Grand Terrace Cable TV. Korgan - Domestilt Violence Seminar to be conducted on March. 26 and 27 Flyer being' fled out within the community. No". to have about'100 participants -who-,will receive one unit of college credit. Sheriff Tidwell to make openjno, remarks. Korgan will make this an annual event. She advised that the Sheri`'fi'''s Academy will videotape seminar for training purposes. Buchwalter - Public Safety Fair to be held April 25 io Grand Terrace. Korgan to contact school to obtain permission from thOi r pri nci pal to use the school baseball field for the landing of Sheriff's.helicopter. . O'Neal"'needs volunteer assistance. . Supervisor' Riordan will be present and make opening comments. . SidewaIk'Surfer will do a skateboard safety program. - . Korgan advised several alarm companies will be wepresented and have display's. . Bee Gandet is working on food vendors - Little League, Swim Club, Lions Club, Women's Club . Bailes reported that Sheriff's Department will have'disaster p forensic laboratory and Sheriff's ID Divisions :present.`}':,r`r . Next meeting to be held on March 19.' Semph - Bike Safety Program. Advised that he will make his report on March 9. AAM 22795 BARTON _ROTjig GRAND TERRACE, t OA._92324.3'r a CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE March 2, 1987 Page 2 Wright made motion to supply funds from the committee treasury hot to exceed $75 in providing advertisement pamphlets to be put in Chamber of Commerce newspaper. Singley seconded the motion. Motion carried. However, Korgan to attempt to find vendor/businesses who will contribute towards advertising. Crime Busters - Jamie Butler, Linda Hansen and Tim Lotspeich will be heading up this program. They will have three additional adults invoived•with them. Lotspeich advised that he had 15'9tudents show at the last meeting. Registration flyers are going out. Time Buster's will have their first committee meeting March 16. There is no membership fee to join the Crime Busters, however, there is a $10 fee charged to those who can afford it for the purchase of ID, T-shirts, and other related equipment. If a child is unable to afford this purchase, the child can participate in community projects and earn points towards these items. Butler advised that the company she works for is donating all the paper to make up the flyers for the Crime Buster's Program. • Neighborhood Watch - Korgan advised that she has three additional volunteers. Singley now has all neighborhood wddh volunteers placed in his computer. Run-off to be ready at April's meeting. Korgan requested that committee attempt to set up neighborhood_ watch programs in their areas. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Korgan advised that the Committee Action Reports need not go to the City Council as decisions on practices can be made by the committee. Newsletter/letterhead is not printed yet. Korgan advised that:;l^self and Ed O'Neal visited 83 businesses in the Grand Terrace area regarding business watch. A newsletter to be sent out each month along with a monthly meeting. Sr. Deputy Gilbrel*-,advised the committee that there had been an increase in day time burglaries,,,,p cd *,rly in the Honey Hills and Vista Grande areas. Suspects are enterin Or u* open► garages and unlocked back doors or windows. No further business discussed. the next meeting will be April 6, 1987. Meeting adjourned at 1915 hrs. i S . BA L Secretary _N • r �t MAR 2 6 1987 INFC-R-.��. t 'AtIA EI DA ��17 l: CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ] AAAWS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MONDA'�, FEBRUARY 2,10_87 M.T NUT�SS . MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Louis Galvez, Barbara Conley, Ken Rinderhagen, Chuck Percy Dick Rollins, Dave Widor ABSEMt Lencre Frost, Jason Otter CITY STAFF PRz'Randall Anstine, Renee McCarthy 3 ' GUESTS: Nick Knbw.les, Rudy Garcia CAL!_ TO ORDER: 7:319 ?1 by Chairman Galvez N11011 , 61408- ftrw 06 " j.:;e sB[H �YiM3ti�p sar.�..ow T F M4 1. Minutas of the January 5,122Q6 meeting were rev iswed,and upon a meticn by Chuck`Peroy and seconded by Dave Widcr approved by unanimous vote. 2. COLTON LITTLE LEAGUE --Guest Nick Knowles, Li.ttlle League President asked this Ccmmittse to subsidize 1/3 or $SOO of Park Lighting,=trR TSB? Little league Season. Nick Knowles also explained , ;O 't ,�t-, league is under new di^ection and a more, cccpsrative alz -ship between them and the Parks & Recreation will be establised'and maintained. It was fuct r -#��iidac that the Parks & Recreation Department will keep a log, df:`';league purchases of lighting tckans for a more accurate agar„ :tlity Fcr our records. Lc;lis Galvez move to submit to Ccuncil to allow 'i:ittle League the 1/3 cr 550Q.swbsidy fcr their 151Q7 seasWn. Secorded by Chuck Percy. ACTION ITE;"t SUBMITTEn TO CITY COUNCIL. 3. T-FALL FIE D- N ak Kn=Wies rctif_9ci this CaMMit}eO that the i VI V.� ♦ 3 / 1 V t yrr— T-Balms ;e_d the CitW landscaped and ,.l.a.. ,.he Ccl c.n School D.. had agra-ed to maintain has rct teen maintained preptrly., " made attempts. to discuss this with t!7e F-incipal but hi _j.. '^ee de^;' .� He =urrsn�' y h d 't let e. h3°�e n-.�Ltt. L_ ,85 :3r 8d a. ..� i..rr ..filed Sw:' --I �Distr :..�.— .ccrcerir�~� th=s ma it3r Mild ask:.ng rr er r. r• t y++� i. C E��]��/�r 1� �'` ` 3i;;°`F`'`i.,,� 4.4�N�V a i,on in main Lali/ling the i �, ���Tt YY�� 1� L. r vr� • -AW, >'z fi. ,+ 22793 BA � y �: ;�+,, �';� C Center — (T GRAND TER F,SP 5295 �� Engineering -- (T :F ! } of +r PARKS 1 RECREATION CCMM:TTrE MEE--N6 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1S87 MINUTES Cc: nta 't. Due to the cooperation of the new president of the Little League, -this Committee notified him of the problems residents of Grand Terrace reported with last years' league. 1. Notcooperation per..ation with teams that played, leaving' the fields littered. 2. Whom - he fields are grated, make sure they are watered down so dust does not fly around disturbitzg adjourning neighbors. Nick Knowles assured this Committee that this year a new Grounds Keeper crew shculd'eliminats these complaints this year. S. SNACKBAR--This Committee was notified of the Councils' decision to recieve bids for completion of the snackbar. At least one bid has been submitted. This Committee will wait for Councils' decision at their next meeting. S. 1986 PARK LAND BOND ISSUE- Randy Anstine suggested that the 1986 Park Land Bond Issue of $27,000 be used to complete the T.J. Austyn Park Site. This Ccmmittes agreed the funds should be allocated and used for this project per T.J. Austyn and City agreement. Development of this park site is tenatively set for September 1987. Louis Galvez moved to request Council to allocate $27,000 from Park Bond Land Issue towards. the T.J. Austyn Park Site. Seconded by Chuck Percy. ACTION ITEM SUBMITTED TO CITY COUNCIL. 7. PICO PARK QITE--Due to the unavailable 20 year lease at the present tuns'- fir" ld farms has a one year extenticn on their lease For ise7 from Edison. A meeting took place between Randy Anstine and Members of this committee with Edison to convey that without a.longer lease, State or City funds Mould not be allocated for development of land on a short lease. Negotiations are still under way for possible future utilization. S. PARK LAND --Ken Rinderhagen moved to request Ccuncil to purchase land for permanent park sites since we cannot depend on lease land fcr future parks. In Addition, with current building development this City may one day be without usable land to develop for .parks. Seconded by Dick Rollins. ACTION ITEM SUEMITTED TO CITY CCUNCIL. ' . 4 S. SPRING RcrREATION PRCGRAM--Ranee McCarthy informed this - Committee of her ideas for the Spring Program and asked this CC,T,mittae fcr their input. Renee McCathy mentioned that obtat�-i-Ma ✓ .= and. retaining instr uctcrs Far classes is what is hc1d.4 ng is pcss:bl ity cf more classes. Due to the On going vaious_'e' vet far instructors, Commissioners could no orb. :F h an' suggessticns at the present time to elimic►ait n. 4L ?ARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21 1 se"dy MINUTES Caw-nt) 10. nick Rollins suggested that this committee entertain the idea of promoting a Polka Day at the Park with the Resident Polka band this summer. DickRollins will provide more detailed information and furl --her dis#psAian will be had at the -March meeting. 11. The P "P16,Helpers' contract was discussed. Randy Anstine will Furnish a dattil*V'�:Ost and services repert'for this committee to discuss at the March meeting. 12. SECURITY LIGHT --Randy Anstine has directed the security light to aluminate snackbar all through the night. Meeting adjourned at 9:2S pm. NEXT MEET TNr;- MANQU-.2. V387 Respectfully submitted, Barbara M. Conley. Recording Secretary 4n fw.. ._ S10 _ � �. T TEE COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Fahruar_ S7 _ DATE COMM I SS I CN/CCMM I TTEE : PARKS AND EEC I i ON SUBJECT: �Se . ROIRK LAND BOND t SGLE A need for more developed parks in the City of Grand Terrace that residents may enjoy. 0 s Due to the progress of the T.J. Austyn Development it is apparent that the T.J. Austyn Park site will be 4va4labls for development approximately September 1987. Th-s being the case, this Committee would like 'Co request that the Council directs Staff to submit to State for dispersement the $27,000 allocation from the Park Bond Land Issue towards the development of the T.J.Austyn Park sits based an prior agreed arrangements between T.J. Austyn, and City of Grand Terrace. ALTMAXIU - 3. Review and reject the allocation as requested. • Direct Staff to submit to State so the Bond . „v �'14tt0y :Gan be allocated with a defined purpose for +,..�:, City of Grand Terrace. ` SOLJ�"i.LlV r. Based on the limited number cf developed park sites in the City cf Grand Terrace this C--mmittee feels this request fcr allocation tc be just and wcrthwhile Fcr the residents of this city as well as beneficial fcr the City itself. REQUE57F2 ACT I CN TO RF TOKrN RY =UNC? T Af+ 11/ 12P c OFF t Accept.Altarrative #2 atove. - r- t . sY Wr;S 77 0, M_ TEE 401) CON15-11 HE TS: Fphriwaru 12 lsa"17 DATE.- Emal;rwaru L19R7 COUNC I L ]WE MITTEE: PARIS.AN RZr-R94TION COMMISSI-DN/COM SUBJECT: TnrEN 2tIAS,TnX FOR LITTL� LEA131JE ............ I ."" 2LEM! PIVIL Subsidy of 1/3 or $500 for Litj�XO 1.0,40 for the .:use us of Park lights during their **ftSPn, Facts: Little League hasreqUested, throul3b,tbis COMittee, the established po-licy tb of light tokens b6,-,cck t-.inopd- for their ii son. ALTERNATTUES* 1. Oirect Staff to subsidize up tci $SOOWcrth of I ighrtiog needs to Little League- r-br 'the use of the 4 -P*f*`.IdUring their season. 6 �.jminate lighting subsidy For Gr"d Terrace 77 it leagues. =LtIT � - Sol that it is a positive relati4m1whip bettasen 30' & Recreation/citu of Grand Terra end and athletic 0� onizations/ leagues to support,,.` bW way of A. leagues' lighting needs tar the good of the res-I'dent-s of Grand Ter. -Ace. ;:C SP TAKt.N SY M_UtICTL 01'10/0,R Ac:apt Alternative #'I' Above. 3� �77-Tg 1Fv A)IRO1, R S COUNC I.L MEETING DATE: Fighg�jaru 22-1227 DATE F*Zr'wares"-IS137 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE: PARKS Amn PEC:REATTON -ON FOR FLITLIPa. PARKS SUBJECT: Lem PROBLEM o. 6 Crit i IT T LIN: -need for more parks in the City which Residents can utilize and enjoy. Due r,,fie home construction development of Brand Terrausable land may not be available Far Park lopments in the future. C;jrz�ent efforts site .4"*71 r at., -4��61r_ing leased land does nct, A r to be mata'-'r­4-4-lizing or be the most finand=W advantageous to the City. By purche , Oing land now we will own the land to develop Euttirs park complexes that this ci4.-.W can be •proud of. review and raject, the proposal. ct Staff' to start a feasibility study of - - - - - - - - .... a land in the C Instead of developing leased land, ,t4h.1ks City should be developing .land it owns fcr permanent t park sites for its residents. gmQuESTEr! AZT.IgN_ TO BE TIBI(Vtj P4X rwrll, r�jr.-T L. jjAjA=-_M*TO*EZ a #2 ab , Accept Alterna4, cv y STAFF* REPORT C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: March 26, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. L SUBJECT APPOINTMENT TO THE WILDERNESS PARK COMMITTEE FUNDING REQUIRED _ NO FUNDING REQUIRED X • At the Council meeting of February 26, 1987, Councilwoman Crawford requested that appointment of Mr. Tony Petta to serve on the Wilderness Park Committee be placed on the Council Agenda for appointment. i STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE COUNCIL: APPOINT MR. TONY PETTA TO SERVE ON THE WILDERNESS PARK COMMITTEE. LT:ac �s STAFF REPORT narcn..iy, 12-2.1056 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (C)J AGENDA ITEM NO. 5X SUBJECT TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP #10439 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX MEETING DATE: March 26, 1987 The subject Parcel Map 10439 was presented to the Planning Commission at their regular meeting of March 2, 1987. • Attached for your information is a copy of the Staff Report presented to the Planning Commission as well as the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of March 2, 1987. Planning Commission reviewed the proposal and is recommending that the City Council approve the Tentative Parcel Map 10439. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT CITY COUNCIL: 1. CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING. 2. APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 10439 FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS. JK:pjm Attachment STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: March 2, 1987 FROM: Planning Department AGENDA ITEM NO.: II SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map No. 10439 APPLICANT: Zampese & DeBendedet 22799 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 OWNER: Same as Applicant ARCHITECT: None ENGINEER: Larry Fast 1476 Trenton Drive Riverside, CA 92506 LOCATION: South side of Barton Road Adjacent to Civic Center ACREAGE: Parcel 1 - 0.48 Acres Parcel 2 - 0.39 Acres Total - 0.87 Acres ZONING: AP GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: Office Commercial EXISTING LAND USE: Office Commercial SURROUNDING ZONING: North - R-1 South - Public East - AP West - Public REQUEST The Owner has requested approval of Tentative Parcel Map 10439 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: The project site is currently occupied with two structures, each used as offices. No additional additional structures are proposed. The QD surrounding properties include Civic Center facilities and other offices. This project is catergorized exempt pursuant to Section 15315 and Section 15303 Class 3 of the 1984 CEQA Guidelines. PROD= DESCRIPTION: The proposal is to divide a single Parcel into two (2) Parcels. STAFF SNALTSIS: The proposed Parcel Map 10439 would divide a single Parcel into two (2) Parcels as described above. All of the utilities are now available to both Parcels. Street improvements exist along Barton Road frontage. The access to the rear Parcel is available by a mutual easement, 30 feet in width, per agreement between the City and the Property owner. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: STAFF RECOMMS THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MAKE THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 10439. 2. MARE THE FINDINGS AS FOLLOWS: a. The proposed map is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. b. The design or improvements of the proposed Parcel Map is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. c. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of the development. d. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. e. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not cause serious public health problems. f. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access -2- JR:dlk through or use of, property within the proposed subdivisions. 3. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 10439 TO CITY COUNCIL, INCLUDING THE FINDINGS AS WRITTEN IN THE STAFF REPORT AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS RECUHNDED BY STAFF. - 3- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 10439 --------- . 1. Prepare final map in accordance with the provisions of the- subdivision-------- - - Map Act and submit to the City Engineer for review. 2. Prior to recordation of final map, obtain a letter of noninterference from any utility company which may have right of easement within property boundaries. 3. Conform to the requirements of the County Fire Warden. 4. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 10439 shall expire two (2) years from date of approval unless application is made prior to expiration. Pursuant to the subdivision Map Act, Subsection (e) of 66452.6, the City may extend the period for a period or periods not to exceed a total of three (3) years. ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS I an the Owner of the property described above. I am ware of and accept all of the conditions set forth herein. It is further understood that all of the improvements shall be completed in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer's office of the City of Grand Terrace and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as said by Department. SIGNATURE DATE MLM 12-08.1071 GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1987 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA. 92324 on March 2, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Norman T. Caouette. PRESENT: Norman T. Caouette, Chairman Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner Gerald Cole, Commissioner Stanley Hargrave, Commissioner Joseph Kicak, Planning Director Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney ABSENT: Daniel Mchugh, Commissioner Jerry Hawkinson, Vice -Chairman PLEDGE OF ALLIGIANCE: Led by Chairman Norman T. Caouette 1. MINUTES A. Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting of January 19, 1987 PCM 87-3 Motion by Commissioner Ray Munson and seconded by Commissioner Stanley Hargrave and passed by a 4-0-1 vote, to approve the minutes of the January 19, 1987 Planning Commission Meeting as submitted. Chairman, Norman T. Caouette abstained from vote. TENTATIVE. PARCEL. MAP .10439 Staff reported that the proposal before the Planning Commission is to consider recommending to City Council approval of Tentative Parcel Map 10439. Staff indicated that the Tentative Parcel Map 10439 is proposed to permit sale of Parcel 1 of the Parcel Map. There is no proposal at this time to construct new buildings and/or modify or add to the existing structures. Staff indicated that a 15 foot easement for sanitary sewer exists, 7.5 feet of said easement impacts this parcel. In addition, it was pointed out that there, is an existing mutual easement between the owner of subject parcel and the City for use of an existing roadway adjacent to and Easterly of Civic Center structure. The easement is twenty feet wide and the access to Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 10439 would be via 20 foot wide easement. Chairman Norman T. Caouette opened the Public Hearing at 7:14 p.m. Mr. Bill DeBenedet, owner of this property stated that there were no immediate plans to build on either Parcel, however, indicated that potential purchasers of the Parcel 1 may build in the future. That the existing structures on Parcel 1 would remain until a new structure was ready for occupancy at which time the old structure would probably be demolished. No further testimony was presented. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Ray Munson. and .Seconded. by Commissioner Gerald Cole, Planning Commission recommending approval to City Council of Tentative Parcel Map 10439 subject to all conditions as recommended by staff. Meeting adjourned- ResjTtfully submitted, 0 , manning uirec Approved by: AIRMAN, Planning Com ssion 1 mAR w C 1987 �. ROVAL ka RESOLUTION NO. 87- MIXII: AM40A fI'EM.iii 6 XI A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RECOGNIZING THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF GIRL SCOUTING. WHEREAS, the 75th Anniversary of Girl Scouting is a celebration of the vitality of the world's largest voluntary organization for girls; and WHEREAS, it is a celebration of a 75-year commitment to meeting the changing needs of girls; and WHEREAS, it is a celebration of a spirit of adventure that challenges Girl Scouts to learn new skills, to try new activities and to explore other cultures; and WHEREAS, it is a celebration of Girl Scouts' sifts of service and good citizenship to our communities and neighborhoods; and ' WHEREAS, it is a celebration of a bright future for young women and for Girl Scouting; and WHEREAS, our community has been the direct beneficiary of the 75-year tradition: NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby resolve to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Girl Scouts and encourage our citizens to continue to support Girl Scouting and their commitment to meeting the changing needs of girls. ADOPTED this day of ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. , 1987. Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof.