09/15/1987CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ADJOURNED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 22795 Barton Road * Call to Order * Invocation - * Pledge of Allegiance * Roll Call September 15, 1987 7:30 P.M. CONVENE CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION Staff Recommendations Council Action 1. Retail development in the vicinity of DeBerry and the 215 Freeway. 2. Temporary Restraining Order against Fieldcrest Homes. ADJOURN THE NEXT REGULAR CRA/CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS WILL BE HELD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1987, at 5:30 P.M. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE SEPTEMBER 24, 1987 MEETING MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY 12:00 NOON ON SEPTEMBER 16, 1987 sir�AOFF* REP(YRT C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( ) MEETING DATE: 9/15/87 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT Retail Development in the vicinity of DeBerry Avenue and the 215 Freeway FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X BACKGROUND: On July 20, 1987, the Site and Architectural Review Board considered and conditionally approved SA-87-6, a proposed 3.33 acre commercial retail center to be located in the area north of DeBerry Street and east of Interstate 215. Attached with this report is the staff report for SA-87-6, this report is presented to you for informational purposes only. The project as proposed requires a General Plan Amendment which realigns the right-of-way of Commerce Way and also reduces the required width of Commerce Way. To date, staff has not processed a General Plan Amendment to accomplish this because such a realignment of Commerce Way would certainly have a significant impact on the property to the south of this project and should be considered with the overall General Plan Amendment currently being prepared 'by the City's General Plan Consultant. Mr. Ross Geller has indicated to staff that the realignment of Commerce Way as proposed by the applicant is in line with what he will be recommending, however he has not completed his total analysis regarding recommended widths or the landuse recommendations for the properties to the south. Fhe applicant requested this joint meeting in hopes that after a general discussion of the project he will feel more comfortable in beginning work on the required working drawings necessary for building permits and further Site and Architectural Review while waiting for the General Plan Amendment to be heard. RECOMMENDATION: The purpose of this meeting is for general discussion of the project, no action should be taken by either the City Council or the Planning Commission. _ - - - David R. Sawyer/Pla ning Dire or BYRON R. MATTESON Mayor BARBARA PFENNIGHAUSEN Mayor Pro Tern Council Members HUGHJ GRANT DENNIS L. EVANS SUSAN CRAWFORD THOMAS J SCHWAB City Manager TO: Planning Commission FROM: David Sawyer, Planning Director DATE: July 20, 1987 SUBJECT: Supplemental Staff Report SA-87-6 APPLICANT: Blue Mountain Partners/Victor Construction DISCUSSION: On July 16, 1987, Staff met with the applicant to discuss various planning and engineering concerns regarding the proposed project. As a result of this meeting certain issues have been clarified and the following project analysis is provided for your Board. PLANNING DEPARTMENT: The proposed project contains approximately 35,000 square feet of floor space. At the present time there are no prospective tenants for the buildings. The project requires a total of 147 parking stalls. The proposed and required number of parking stalls are as follows: REQUIRED PROPOSED Standard Stalls 137 137 Handicapped Stalls 3 3 Loading Stalls 7 7 The proposed parking lot plan meets the required 5% of interior lot land- scaping, however, the project technically does not provide the boundary landscaping that is required by code. Section 18.27.160 (A) requires 15' of boundary landscaping along all property lines abutting streets. While the proposed project indicates 15 feet of boundary landscaping, it is located within the proposed Right of Way for Commerce Way and DeBerry Street. Additionally, the proposed width and alignment of Commerce Way do not conform with the existing General Plan. Currently the General Plan calls for a 88' foot right of way and a 64' foot improved roadway, the proposed project provides a 72' foot Right of Way and 42' feet of improved roadway. The current General 22795 BARTON ROAD 9 GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324-5295 • CIVIC CENTER — (714) 824-6621 Plan also calls for Commerce Way to be aligned along the western border of the project, while the applicant proposes the alignment through the center of the overall project. Therefore, in order to receive final approval for this project a General Plan Amendment is necessary. Since such a realignment of Commerce Way would also significantly affect the property to the south, staff has advised the applicant that such an amendment should not be considered indepen- dently at this time, but should be considered in the City's overall General Plan Amendment scheduled for September. Consequently, any approval prior to that time must be conditioned upon a subsequent General Plan Amendment. ENGINEERING: Included with this report as Attachment A are the comments received from the City Engineer. These comments focus on Commerce Way and its proposed improvements and alignments along with general site preparation comments. The City Engineer suggests that a 60 foot wide improved roadway would be sufficient for Commerce Way as opposed to the 64' foot now required. He does not recommend the proposed 42' feet. The City Engineer also recommends a minimum five foot sidewalk in his memo, however he has since indicated that depending on the final landscaping and parking design a sidewalk is not an absolute necessity. A one lot sub- division requirement is also noted in his memo and he has since been informed of the applicant's intent to file a three lot Parcel Map, which will create lots in conformance with the three proposed phases of the overall project, subsequently, the engineer has indicated this would be acceptable. OTHER REVIEWING AGENCIES: Included with this report you will also find comments from the following agencies: ATTACHMENT B - Forestry and Fire Warden Department; ATTACHMENT C - Riverside Highland Water Company; ATTACHMENT D - Department of Transportation; ATTACHMENT E - Colton Unified School District. The comments received from the above mentioned agencies are all relatively standard for this type of project. The applicant has indicated that they will be available at the time of your meeting to present their project and answer any questions you may have. RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Planning recommends the Site and Architectural Review Board move to approve SA-87-6 with regard to architectural style and site design as presented subject to the following conditions: 4 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the City Council's approval of a General Plan Amendment realigning Commerce Way and permitting an ultimate right of way width and improved roadway width consistent with this project. 2. The improved roadway (curb to curb separation) for Commerce Way shall be not less than 60 feet or as designated in the General Plan which ever is less. 3. A detailed Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the Site and Architectural Review Board for approval. Said plan shall include details regarding the irrigation system and lighting. 4. There shall be not less than 15 feet of boundary landscaping located bet- ween any interior parking area and the improved roadway (curb -to -curb separation.) ,of Commerce Way and DeBerry Street. Five feet of which may be located in the public right of way. 5. A landscape maintenance agreement shall be signed by the applicant assuring any portion of the required 15 foot boundary landscape requirement located in the public right of way shall be maintained by the applicant or assignees. 6. Curb and gutter shall be constructed on both sides of Commerce Way between DeBerry Street and the existing roadway improvements West and Southwest of Michigan Street. 7. Roadway section to be constructed shall be designed to a T.I.=7 for Commerce Way. 8. Standard driveways shall be constructed or as otherwise approved. 9. DeBerry Street shall be constructed in accordance with the General Plan, Circulation Element to a width of forty-four (44) foot half street right- of-way with thirty-two (32) feet from centerline to curb face. 10. Roadway section to be constructed shall be designed to a T.I.=7. 11. All turnaround areas within the project shall be designed and constructed to the requirements of the County Fire Marshall. 12. Street name sign shall be installed at the intersection of DeBerry Street and Commerce Way. 13. Street lighting shall be installed in accordance with the current standards or as approved by the Director of Planning and City Engineer. 14. Adequate drainage facilities shall be provided. Hydrology and hydraulics shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review. 15. Any outstanding sewer bonds shall be paid off. 16. Obtain a letter of non-interference from any utility company that may have rights of easements within the property boundaries. 17. All utilities shall be placed underground. M 18. Any grading within the road right-of-way prior to the signing of the improve- ment plans shall be accomplished under the direction of a soil testing engineer. Compaction tests of embankment construction, trench backfill, and all subgrades shall be performed at no cost to the City and a written report shall be sub- mitted to the City Engineer prior to any placement of base materials and/or paving. 19. Grading plans shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. 20. A preliminary soil report shall be filed with and approved by the City Engineering Department prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 21. Obtain a demolition permit for buildings to be demolished. Underground structures must be broken in, backfilled, and inspected before covering. 22. Submit plans and obtain building permits for all walls that may be required. 23. The developer or his engineer shall furnish the County Fire Warden with two copies of water system improvement plans where fire protection water systems are required. 24. The developer shall pay all the applicable fees in accordance with Ordinance 108 of the City of Grand Terrace. 25. All improvements shall be designed by a civil engineer to the specifications of the City. 26. All requirements as noted in the memo from the Forestry and Fire Warden Department attached as Attachment B shall be satisfied. 27. All requirements as noted in the memo from the Riverside Highland Water District attached as Attachment C, shall be satisfied. 28. Proposed Drainage Plans shall be provided to Caltrans for review. 29. A overall signing program for the development shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of Planning. 30. The Environmental Analysis for this project shall be conducted in conjunc- tion with the required General Plan Amendment, and final Site and Architectural Review approval. Submitted by, David R. Sawyer, Planning Director DS/mcm `A40 1402010r,'". 21112 BYRON R. MATTESON Mayor BARBARA PFENNIGHAUSEN Mayor Pro Tern Council Members HUGH J. GRANT DENNIS L. EVANS SUSAN CRAWFORD THOMAS J SCHWAB Ciry Manager RI`CkIVED To: David R. Sawyer, Planning Director AL 14 1987 PLANNING DEPARTMENT From: Joseph Kicak, City Engineer Date: July 13, 1987 Subject: Grand Terrace Retail Plaza - Recommendations 1. Review alignment of Commerce Way as proposed vs. General Plan and the proposed San Bernardino County Specific Plan - Master Plan Amendment No. S.V. 404. 2. Current General Plan indicates that Commerce Way is to be constructed to secondary highway standard, requiring eighty- eight (88) feet of right-of-way and sixty-four (64) feet of roadwav between curbs. The existing roadway on Commerce Way West of Michigan Street as constructed has a roadway section of sixty (60) feet between curbs with six (6) feet of parkway on each side within seventy-two (72) feet of right-of-way. This development proposes forty-two (42) feet of roadway between curbs with fifteen (15) feet of parkway on each side within seventy-two (72) feet of right-of-way. Staff recommends that a minimum sixty (60) foot curb separation be maintained. Dedications for rights -of -way shall be required based on approval of the required right-of-way widths by the Planning Commission. 3. Curb and gutter shall be constructed on both sides of Commerce Way between De Berry Street and the existing roadway improvements West and Southwest of Michigan Street. 22795 BARTON ROAD • GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324-5295 • CIVIC CENTER — (714) 824-662 X-M->h.� d LA C'. h-r A n F David Sawyer July 13, 1987 Page Two 4. Standard sidewalk; minimum of five (5) feet in width shall be constructed in Commerce Way. 5. Roadway section to be constructed shall be designed to a T.I.=7 for Commerce Way. 6. Standard driveways shall be constructed or as otherwise approved by the Site and Architectural Committee. 7. De Berry Street shall be constructed in accordance with the General Plan, Circulation Element to a width of forty-four (44) foot half street right-of-way with thirty-two (32) feet from centerline to curb face. Standard sidewalk; minimum five (5) feet in width. 8. Roadway section to be constructed shall be designed to a T.I.=7. 9. Cul-de-sac shall be designed and constructed to the requirements of the County Fire Marshall. 10. Street name sign shall be installed at the intersection of De Berry Street and Commerce Way. 11. Street lighting shall be installed in accordance with the current standards. 12. Adequate drainage facilities shall be provided. Hydrology and hydraulics shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review. 13. All parcels within the boundary of the proposed development shall be combined into a single parcel. 14. One lot subdivision shall be recorded on the project area or a boundary survey shall be performed and Record of Survey shall be filed with the San Bernardino County Surveyor and Recorder. 15. Any outstanding sewer bonds shall be paid off. n F1 David Sawyer July 13, 1987 Page Three 16. Obtain a letter of non-interference from any utility company that may have rights of easements within the property boundaries. 17. All utilities shall be placed underground. 18. Any grading within the road right-of-way prior to the signing of the improvement plans shall be accomplished under the direction of a soil testing engineer. Compaction tests of embankment construction, trench backfill, and all subgrades shall be performed at no cost to the City and a written report shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior to any placement of base materials and/or paving. 19. Grading plans shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. 20. A preliminary soil report shall be filed with and approved by the City Engineering Department prior the to issuance of a grading permit. 21. Obtain a demolition permit for buildings to be demolished. Underground structures must be broken in, backfilled, and inspected before covering. 22. Submit plans and obtain building permits for all walls that may be required. 23. The developer or his engineer shall furnish the County Fire Warden with two copies of water system improvement plans where fire protection water systems are required. 24. The developer shall pay all the applicable fees in accordance with Ordinance 108 of the City of Grand Terrace. 25. All improvements shall be designed by a civil engineer to the specifications of the City. FORESTRY AND FIRF. ARDEN DEPARTMENT -� ��O BE RN O� Fire Prutection Planning Services • Co� Government Center COUNTY ETY 385 No..4rrowhead Avenue, First Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0186 OFFICE OF PUBLIAF (714) 387-4212, 387-4213 FLOYD TID LL, Dir GLEN J. NEWMAN. Chief FIREIWAP�)EN 1 EMERGEN-07SERVICES DATE JULY 8, 1987 w�li1G p�yAi��a:u�► TO CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Rr` F E R E N C E N 0 S A 8 7- 6 APN: RECEIVED FROM GLEN J. NEWMAN County Fire Warden JUI 10 1987 SUBJECT FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BOXES WILL APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT CITY OF GRAND TERRACE INF1. The above referenced project is protected by the Forestry 01 & Fire Warden Dept. Prior to construction occurring on any parcel the owner shall contact the fire department for verification of current fire protection development requirements. 1XI F2. All new construction shall comply with applicable sections of the 5F002 1985 Uniform Fire Code (Ordinance No. 3055), Development Code, Community Plans, and other statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations regarding fires and fire prevention adopted by the State of California. IXI F3. The street address shall be posted with a minimum of three (3) F003 inch numbers, visible from the street in accordance with San Bernardinc County Ordinance No, 2108, prior to occupancy. Posted numbers shall contrast with their background and be visible and legible from the street. IF0F4. Each chimney used in conjunction with any fireplace or any 504 heating appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used shall be maint- ained with an approved spark arrestor as identified in the Uniform Fire Code. I X i F5. All flammable vegetation shall be removed from each buildinc 3F005 site a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet from any flammable building material, including a finished structure. JXI F6. The development and each phase thereof shall have two points 1F006 of vehicular access for fire and other emergency equipment, and for routes of escape which will safely handle evacuations as required in the Development Code. IXI F7. Private roadways which exceed one -hundred and fifty (150) in FQ07 length shall be approved by the fire agency having jurisdiction, anc shall be extended to within one -hundred and fifty (150) feet of and shall give reasonable access to all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building. An access road shall be provided within fifty (5U) feet of all buildings is the natural grade between the access road and building is in excess of thirty percent (30%). Where (1) AfTACAMW-Z the access roadway cannot be provided, approved fire protection system or systems shall be provided as required and approved by the fire department. IX) F8. A turn -around shall be required at the end of each roadway 150 1FOO8 feet or more in length and shall be approved by the fire department. Cul-de-sac length shall not exceed six -hundred (600) feet except as identified in the Development Code. IXI F9. Private road maintenance, including but not limited to grading F 09 and snow removal, shall be provided for prior to recordation or approval. Written documentation shall be submitted to the fire agency having jurisdiction. JXJ F10. All fire protection systems designed to meet the fire flow F010 requirements specifide in the Conditions of Approval for this project shall be approved by the fire agency having jurisdiction prior to the installation of said systems. Said systems shall be installed and made serviceable prior to recordation unless construction of said systems has been bonded for a s required by the water purveyor. Water for fire protection, as required by the fire agency having jurisdiction, shall be in and operable prior to the start of building construction and shall be over and above the average daily consumption of water. The following are minimum requirements for your proposed development: A. System Standards *Fire Flow 5500 GPM @20 psi Residual Pressure Duration 4 Hour/s Hydrant Spacing 330 Feet between hydrants *If blank, flow to be determined by calculation when additional construction information is received. B. Distribution System Mains 6 inch minimum Laterials Riser C. Fire Hydrants Numbers Type Street Valve 6 inch minimum 6 6 6 inch minimum Total Inch w/ 2 -- 2 1/2 Inch outlet/s with National Standard thread and with 1 -- 4 inch pumper connection Inch Gate JXI� Fll. The required fire flow shall be determined by appropriate cal-- F011 (2) culations, using the 1974 edition of the Insurance Services Office (ISO) "Guide for the Determination of Required Fire Flow." i F12. In areas without water -serving utilities, the fire protection F012 water system shall be based on NFPA Pamphlet No. 1231, "Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting". A storage reservoir must be provided for each parcel; the minimum capacity to be maintained shall be determined by the fire department. I X I F13. The developer or his engineer shall furnish the fire department 1F013 with two copies of water system improvement plans where fire protection water systems are required. In addition, a letter from the water purveyor stating what fire flow can be met shall be required. The fire department shall also sign all water plans prior to recordation. F14. Mountain Fire Zone building regulations specified in San Bernardino F014 County Ordinance No. 2475 shall be strictly enforced. F15. A greenbelt or fuel modification zone shall be required. Req-- F015 uirements will be site specific to the project. The greenbelt/zone plan must be filed with and approved by the fire department with jurisdiction prior to recordation of the final map. Maintenance of said greenbelts and/or fuel modification zones shall be provided for with approval frocr, the fire department. Questions and/or comments may be directed to the Fire Protection Planninc Section; County Government Center, 385 North Arrowhead, 1st Floor, San Bernard- ino, California, 92415-0186; or call 714-387--4225. Thank you for your coopera- tion. Sincerely, BY MARK TYO Fire Protection Planning Officer cc: Victor Construction Westborg LaBonte' White Inc. Riverside -Highland Water Co. 3517--Station 23 File The following are JXI Non-StandardConditionsClarifications I Comments: F16. See Attached (3) In M. n NON-STANDARD CONDITIONS NAME: (/iGTD riL REFERENCE # ' A ^ (o LOCATION: - t4-� <-r� C - J THE FOLLOWING NON-STANDARD CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY TO THIS PROJECT BASED UPON PLANS SUBMITTED TO THIS OFFICE. PLEASE CONTACT THE INDICATED FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING OFFICE FOR THE APPLICABLE STANDARD AND PROCEDURE FOR COMPLIANCE. [ixF16. Fire extinguishers are required in accordance with Uniform Fire Code Standard # 10-1. [] F17. Any gated access shall be approved by the Fire Department and emergency access arrangements made prior to occupancy. [ F18. Additional requirements may be applied due to the lack of sufficient information to review. Please submit building plans and declaration of use for proper application of codes. [] F19. The building occupancy is under the jurisdiction of the State Fire Marshal. Written documentation of review and inspection required prior to final occupancy. Contact the West Covina Office at (818) 960-6441. C] F20. All flammable liquid storage and dispensing shall be in compliance with the applicable sections of the Uniform Fire Code Article 79. Plan review and permit to operate are required. [] F21. All commercial Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) storage and dispensing shall be in compliance with the Uniform Fire Code Article 82 and County Ordinance # 3054. Plan review and permit to operate are required. F22. All access roadways s i Y hall be in accordance with C�� Ordinance # 6066. /p� [] F23. Development is within the Safety Foothills Hazardous Protective Overlay Area (Greenbelt Standards). Compliance with the provisions of County Ordinance # 3108 as applicable and determined by the Fire Department shall be required. In those areas not so designated under said ordinance, the appropriate Community Plan Overlay Ordinance will apply. '[] F24. fX F25 nonstd 04-27-87 An automatic fire alarm system is required. Said system shall be installed to the requirements of Uniform Fire Code Standard # 10-2. Additional requirements shall be required as noted on attachments. ADDITIONAL RE@UIREME S NON-STANDARD CONDITIONS: Fire Extinguishing Systems REFERENCE # LOCATION e,'tTK n APN # [) An automatic fire extinguishing system is required for the following area/s: CL7 A. Commercial -type food heat -processing equipment (UFC Sec 10.314) [] B. Spray paint booths or rooms (UFC Sec 45.209) [J C..High piled combustible storage (UFC Sec 81.101) [J D. Occupancy and location (UFC Sec 10.308) {] E,, Entire building due lack of access (UFC Sec 10.207(b) as amended by Co. Ord. #3055) e F. Entire building and/or complex as fire flow mitigation measure � eri� (UFC Sec 10.301(c) as amended by-G.-. Ord. #� [J G. Other area as indicated (UFC Sec 10.301(a) and 10.301(b) Spl haz) [] H. Entire Building or portions thereof as applicable under State Fire Marshal's Regulations (Title 19, CAC) All fire extinguishing systems, including automatic sprinkler systems, Classes I,II and III combined standpipes, Halon systems, and other special automatic extinguishing systems, and basement pipe inlets shall be approved by both the Fire Department and the Office of Building and Safety prior to installation. Said systems shall meet the appropriate standard whether NFPA or UBC. The Fire Department ,shall be notified of any testing approval and shall witness said tests. Systems shall be operational prior to occupancy. 03-22-87 addreq rev 05/10/87 In M Rivereid.e Highland. Water Company 23009 Washington street Colton, California 92324 July 6, 1987 David R. Sawyer, Planning Director CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 Barton rd Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Re: File No. SA - 87 - 6 Victor Construction Dear Mr. Sawyer: Telephone (714) 25-4128 a 04%jfjQ 0EPAI(TMEh1' Riverside Highland Water Company has no problem with the above -noted project, conditioned upon what the San Bernardino County Fire Marshall requires, and providing all "can serve" conditions of this company are met by the developer. Reviewing the phases: The water mains between the extension of Com- merce Way and DeBerry must be connected to the main on DeBerry before any building construction can begin, in order to assure adequate looping of the system for adequate flow. epm/r Sincerel /1 EUGENE P. McMEANS REC�.A CI1V OF GflAt1171ERRACt A"TTAclAmEktr C STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMEIIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 231 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92402 July 3, 1987 Development Review 08-SBd-215-0.72/0.85 Your Reference: File No. SA 87-6 Victor Construction Planning Department City of Grand Terrace Attention David R. Sawyer Planning Director 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Dear Mr. Sawyer: Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed retail/commercial development located east of Interstate 215 and north of DeBerry Street in Grand Terrace. Please refer to the attached material on which our comments have been indicated by the items checked and/or by those items noted under additional comments. It should be noted that if any work is necessary within the state highway right of way, the developer must obtain an encroachment permit from the District 8 Office of the State Department of Transportation prior to beginning the work. If additional information is desired, please call Mr. Will Brisley at (714) 383-4671. Very truly yours, . POT District Permits Engineer Att. A9:CAgj V44;i PLANNING OEPARTAIENT RECEIVED J U L 7 1987 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AMACAME,rre t7 ichoc ,aid. BYRON R. MATTESON Mayor BARBARA PFENNIGHAUSEN Mayor Pro Tem Council Members HUGH J. GRANT DENNIS L. EVANS SUSAN CRAWFORD THOMAS J SCHWAB City Manager FILE NO.: SA-87-6 APPLICANT: Victor Construction LOCATION: Area Immediately east of the 215 Freeway and North of De Berry Street PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposed Retail/Commercial Development Dear Reviewing Agency: The above referenced application has been filed with the Grand Terrace Planning Department. Please submit any comments and/or concerns your agency may have regarding this application to the Planning Department, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92324. Any such reply must be received in this office no later than Friday, July loth, 1987 NOTE TO UTILITY COMPANIES: This is for your information only. No reply is necessary unless you have existing right-of-ways or easements across the subject property. Sincerely, DAVID R. SAWYER / Planning Director DRS:mcm July 2, 1987 RECE,Vep JUL 0 8 1987 PLANNING OEPARnelpff We have no objections to the referenced application as long as the 1 fees pursu nt to Government Code Section 53080 and 65995 are W'd RECEIVED Robert-9—Murphy r Assistant Superintendent, Business ,"J! 6 1987 mp CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 BARTON ROAD • GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324-5295 • C VIC NT� JjQtOE 08-SBd-215-0.72/0.85 (Co-Rte-PM) SA87-6/Victor Const. (Your Reference) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Growth within the City has created traffic impacts which should be mitigated by the developments which influence these conditions. This development indicates an increase in drainage runoff. Existing drainage patterns should be perpetuated and any measures necessary to reduce increased drainage impacts should be included with this development. Caltrans would like to review the drainage plans, calculations, and any supportive information when available. Noise levels adjacent to heavily traveled highways is of considerable public concern. This development may require special noise attenua- tion measures which should be constructed at the time of this development. We suggest the City of Grand Terrace achieve these mitigation measures by collecting developers fees, or through assessment districts, etc. DATE: 9/ 11t/8'7 A C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEMM (X) MEETING DATE:9/15/87 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT VIOLATION OF MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 8.106.030 NOISE FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED On September 10, 1987, during the regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council, staEF was directed to bring back to Council for action, the issue concerning violations of Municipal Code Section 8.108.030- Noise. As you may recall, Council accepted testimony From Five local residents concerning repeated violations of Municipal Code Section 8.108.030 by the developer DBA Fieldcrest Homes. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COUNCIL: IF PRESENT, AFFORD THE OPPORTUNITY OF SPEAKING TO COUNCIL, BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF FIELDCREST HOMES. AFTER HEARING TESTIMONY, PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF PERTAINING TO THE FILING OF A TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER, DR A LIKE ACTION FOR THE ABATEMENT OF SAID VIOLATIONS. RLA f r , 4