12/17/1987CITY COUNCIL A G E N D A CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REGULAR MEETINGS 2nd and 4th Thursdays - 5:30 p.m. December 17, 1987 Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324-5295 City Councilmembers Byron R. Matteson, Mayor Barbara Pfennighausen, Mayor Pro Tem Hugh J. Grant, Councilmember Dennis L. Evans, Councilmember Susan Shirley Councilmember Thomas J. Schwab, city Manager Randa►i L. Anstine. Assistant City manager David R. Sawyer, Planning Director Nita Brown, Deputy City Clerk Joseph Kicak, City Engineer Ivan L. Hopkins, City Attorney, 824-662i CityOffice: �,." REVISED CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA December 17, 1987 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 P.M. GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 22795 Barton Road * Call to Order * Invocation - Pastor Salim Elias, Azure Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church. 460 Pledge of Allegiance * Roll Call STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. Approval of Minutes 12/03/87 Approve 2. Approval of Check Register No. CRA121787 Approve 3. Accept CRA Annual Report & State Controller's Accept Report. ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL 1. Items to Delete 2. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. Certificates of Service to Grand Terrace Present Seniors: Fran Thompson, Betty Pekus and Lucille Pflammer. B. Introduction of Sister City Representatives Introduce Elisa Driol and Fabiano Cudin. C. PROCLAMATION - DRUNK & DRUGGED DRIVING Present AWARENESS WEEK - DECEMBER 13-19, 1987. COUNCIL ACTION n n 0 Ln COUNCIL AGENDA 12/17/87 - Page 2 of 3 3. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine & non -controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Staff Member or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion. A. Approve Check Register No. 121787 B. Ratify 12/17/87 CRA Action C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions on Agenda D. Approve 12/01/87 Minutes 12/03/87 E. Authorization to Request Proposal for the Installation of Traffic Signal at Barton Rd. and Mt. Vernon Ave. F. Extension of Administrative Conditional Use Permit For The M-R Zone. G. Request for contributions to support Grand Terrace Youth Basketball. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 5. ORAL REPORTS A. Committee Reports 1. Crime Prevention Committee Minutes of 11/9/87. 2. Parks & Reccreation Committee Snack Bar Appropriation B. City Council STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Approve Approve Approve Approve COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL AGENDA STAFF 12/17/87 - Page 3 of 3 RECOMMENDATIONS COUNCIL ACTION 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:30 P.M. A. Consider extension for T.J.Austyn - Tentative Tract Map No. 13050 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Placement of a fixed ad in the Foothill Journal. B. Feasibility for an Economic Development Consultant for the City. ADJOURN THE NEXT REGULAR CRA/CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS WILL BE HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1988 at 5:30 p.m. ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE 1/14/88 MEETING MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY 12:00 NOON ON 1/6/87. Approve DEC , '' nv- PU';Di-NG CRA A'r`rctrVAL. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 03, 1987 A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on December 03, 1987, at 5:40 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Chairman Barbara Pfennighausen, Vice Chairman Hugh J. Grant, Agency Member Dennis L. Evans, Agency Member Susan Shirley, Agency Member Thomas J. Schwab, Executive Director Or Randy Anstine, Assistant City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney David Sawyer, Planning Director Joe Kicak, City Engineer ABSENT: Juanita Brown, Secretary APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 12, 1987 MINUTES CRA-87-49 Motion by Agency Member Grant, second by Agency Member Shirley, ALL AYES, to approve December 12, 1987 minutes. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER NO. CRA120387 CRA-87-50 Motion by Chairman Matteson, second by Councilmember Evans, ALL AYES, to approve Check Register No. CRA120387. CRA Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. until the next regular meeting which will be held Thursday, December 17, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted Secretary APPROVED: Chairman CRA AGUiDA COMCTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DEC. 17, 1987 CHECK REGISTER NO.CRA121787 CHECK NUMBER OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF DEC. 17, 1987 (1) RECO REFRIGERATION COMPANY PAYMENT ON AIR CONDITIONING AT TERRACE HILLS JR. HIGH SCHOOL $ 36,362.40 (2) COLTON JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AIR CONDITIONING AT TERRACE HILLS JR. HIGH SCHOOL 36,524.80 (3) SANWA BANK TRUSTEE FEES FOR CIVIC CENTER 478.40 (4) M.L. STERN COMPANY LEASE PAYMENT ON AIR CONDITIONING AT TERRACE HILLS JR. HIGH SCHOOL 55,838.99 TOTAL: $129,204.59 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORELISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF CRA LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF CRA. THOMAS SCHWAB TREASURER I DATE: 12/9/87 STAFF REPORT C R A IiEM (x� COUNCIL ITEM ( ) MEETING DATE: December 17, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT CRA ANNUAL REPORTS FUNDING REQUIRED ONO FUNDING REQUIRED XX Presented for your acceptance is the CRA Annual Report as required by California Heath and Safety Code § 33080, the annual report to the State Controller of Financial Transactions of Community Redevlopment Agencies, and the audited Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1986. The Financial Report was prepared by the accounting firm of Moreland & Associates, Inc., with whom the Agency contracts to perform a f,Inancial and a compliance audit. The auditor has rendered an opinion that the financial statement fairly represents the financial position of the Agency and there are no instances of non-compliance with the laws governing Redevelopment Agencies. Staff Recommends that the Agency: ACCEPT THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS AND DIRECT STAFF TO REMIT REQUIRED REPORTS TO THE STATE CONTROLLER'S OFFICE. BM s..�.. , R AGENDA ITETA NO. - ANNUAL REi ?T OF FINANCIAL TRANS ONS COVER SHEET it 00 j Tc Ut- UUMMUNI I Y HtL) VtLOVmEN t ALitNL.:ItJ FOR STATE USE ONLY State Controller COUNTY San Bernardino Division of Local Goverrnent Fiscal Affairs Community Redevelopment Reporting Unit P. 0. Box 942850 Mailing Address (Please affix label end correct the label if necessary_) Sacramento, CA 94250-5876 Apenc, 36337000 Fiscal Year Ended June 30 19 87 Community Redevelopment Agency of Scree the City of Grand Terrace Due within six nonths of the end of the agerry's fiscal year. c/o Thomas Schwab a y 22795 Barton Road Code •''THE "` STATE USE ONLYpne Grand- Terrace; -•CA 92324 '9°'••.,j r;�. Locate �° 42 s 3 �. city State Zip Code AGENCY ORGANIZATION GOVERNING BODY MEMBERSHIP 9 F OF C A`F°Q ® Redevelopment Agency (H6S Code 33100) ❑ Board of Supervisors ❑ Community Development Commission X❑ city Council ❑ Omer REvIEtEO CLEARED 6S Code 34110 Report Prepared By: Phone MEMBERS OF TW GOVERNING BODY (714) BARBARA MICHOWSKI 824-6621 Street Address Chairperson Member BYRON MATTESON same Member Member City state Zip Code BARBARA PFENNIGHAUSEN Member Member Feb vtive Dire Date HUGH J. GRANT Member Member die Title DENNIS L. EVANS THOMAS SCHWAB [Firm EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Member Member Name IWEPENDENT AUDITOR SUSAN SHIRLEY MORELAND & ASSOCIATES, INC AGENCY OFFICIALS Executive Officer Phone Contact Person Phone THOMAS SCHWAB (714)824-6621 MICHAEL C. MORELAND (714)640-1333 Fiscal Officer Phone tr" t Address THOMAS SCHWAB { �_ NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITE �00 Secretary Phone ity State Zip Code JUANITA BROWN { ) NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 LGFA BO %REV 6/07) ANNUALC'PORI Of FINANCIAL TRANSACTION FORM 002-R OF COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES 0 2 ACHIEVEMENT INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) Fiscal Year Ended June 30 19 87 Agency Name COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERI;= Indicate only those achievements completed during the fiscal year of this report as a DIRECT RESULT of the activities of the redevelopment agency. Describe the general activities of the agency during the past year. Provided multifamily housing bonds for multifamily construction of 198 units. Service and provided accounting for existing debt obligations. Provided capital improvements to the school district per agreement. LGFA 80 (6/87) 4477F/8 Enter the amount of square footage completed this year by building type and segregated by new or rehabilitated construction. Square Footage Completed A B New Construction Rehabilitated Commercial Buildings 1 Industrial Buildings 2 Public Buildings 3 Other Buildings 4 Total Square footage 5 -0- -0- Enter the number of jobs created from the activities of the agency, either Actual or Estimated. 6 Jobs Created A -0- Enter the appropriate codes to indicate each type of Public Facility completed this year. Public Facilities Completed F A —Types Completed 7 A = Utilities C = Landscaping E = Streets & Roads B = Recreation D = Sewer & Storm F = Bus/Transit II Was the report prepared from audited financial data? A. I_✓ I Yes B. I�I No Indicate Financial Audit Opinion Check One: A. I ✓I Unqualified B. I _I Qualified C. I _I Adverse 0. I _I Disclaimer E. I _I No Audit Available ANNUAL PORT 1-7 FINANCIAL TRANSACTION C Of CIMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES AUDIT INFORMATION If the opinion was other than unqualified, state briefly the reasons given. III. Was a Compliance Audit performed? A. Yes B. �_� No IV. Indicate Compliance Audit Opinion Check One: A. Unqualified B. I I Positive/Negative- No exceptions C. i _I Positive/Negative- With exceptions FORM 003-R 0 3 For State Ilte nnlv F—A-1 Audit 1 Opinion 2 Compliance 3 Opinion 4 �. I I Qualified F. I _I Disclaimer E. I _I Adverse G. I ,I No Audit Available V. If the opinion was other than unqualified, list below the Code Sections with which the agency was not in compliance. rmmnliance Audit Guide Section A B C D E I II III IV V Health & Safety Code (See Guidelines For Compliance Audits for code sections.) 5 6 7 8 i 9 Government Code 10 LGFA 80 (6/87) 4471F/4 aA Ahle�M f`IJCCT Anenry Name -COMMUNITY REDEVELO dT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND4"-,RRACE FORM 100-R. 1 - = iscal Year Ended June 30 19 87 p BI D rE FF G ASSETS & OTHER DEBITS Capital Projects Funds Debt Service Funds Low'Moderate Incom Housing Funds Special Revenue/Other Funds General Lonp-T rm General add TOTAL (hmrar" Only) mash & imprest cash 1 -� 9, o� Q �ioo, 88s) �/7 y7yL _5" 9s 7 mash v,; i th f isca l agent 2 33 4, 9S0 Fax increments receivable 3 Accounts receivable4 31 doo + `fro Accrued interest receivable 5 �, �98 �, L98 Loans receivable 6 Contracts receivable 7. Lease payments receivable Unearned finance charge 9 Due from Capital Projects Fund 10 4z.Z :. Due from Debt Service Fund 1 1 Due from Low/N-loderate Income Housing Fund 12 Due from Special Revenue/Other Fund 13 Investments 14 Other assets 15 Land and improvements held for disposal 16 i Fixed assets: Land structures & improvements 17 i Equipment 18 Amount avail3hle in Debt S?�r�ice Fund 19 /o, 9a8 i o 9-t 8 Amount to be provided for payment of Long Term Debt 20 TOTAL ASSETS & OTHER DEBITS 21 �g�s-�� �3 ohs, �z 7 off/ 2"0 — ,nC„ BA ANC T I N m COMMUNITY REDEVEL�rMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRA TERRACE FORM 100-R,2 L E SHEE r�ge"%,y a e. Fiscal 'Year Ended June 30 19 87 0 '� A 8 'C D E F 6 Debt Loa/ Moderate Special General C eral TOTAL Capital Projects service Income Housi Revenue/Other LQ Tern Fixed LIABILITIES &OTHER CREDITS Fund Funds Funds Funds "�ebt Assets (Memorandum Only) .Accounts payable 2-2,� 3, 13 % •Z -3, /-37 Interest payable 23 Tax anticipation notes payable 24 Loans payable 25 Other (;abilities 226 Due to Capital Projects Fund 27 Due to Debt Service Fund 28 Due to Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund 29 6 -1 ��- Due to Special Revenue/Other Funds 30 Tax allocation bonds payable 31 Lease revenue bonds payable 32 Other long—term debt 33 TOTAL LIABILITIES & OTHER CREDITS 34 .1s��L �3, r.3r (��sOz-6 �; EQUITIES :. :.....: . Investment in general fixed assets 35 Fund balance — reserved 36 :: -941'- 4 _ Fund balance — Unreserved designated 3 r ,Z9. 3.Z � � � �,Z. 3'��- Fund balance — unreserved — undesignated 38 rota I equities (must equal Form 2M-R. Page, tine 51) ' 39 o2 8�, 3 .? V- a2 /O 9.2 8 51�2 a 917, - G TOTAL LIABILITIES & OTHER CREDITS & EQUITIES 40 -91 5-6 6,1 de-Y+ 0/ 3 1 ; e6 % INCOME STATEMENT —CONSOLIDATED �'^ Fin 20o-R. 1 Agerc^y:1! erne: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ACY OF THE CITY Fiscal Year Ended JUNE 30 19 87 OF GRAND TERRACE n n me n n REVENUES Capital Projects Funds Cebt Service Funds Low/Moderate Incone Housing Funds Special Revenue/ Other Fulls TOTAL Tax increment 1 S S s/��Z, 9j� $ S $ �� ,-o, 93� Special supplemental subventions Property assessments 3 Sales & use tax 4 Interest income 5 S Rental income 6 Lease income 7 -Sale of real property 8 Federal grants 9 Grants from other agencies 10 , J 599E �s"9, 39eZ Bond administrative fees 11 Other revenues 12 / FF Total Revenues 13 $4z �z $ EXPENDITURES Administration costs 14 $ %L rs-�r Professional services 15 Planning, survey & design 16 Real estate purchases 17 Expenditures Sub —Total (carry to line 19 page 2) (18) $ SQL A-s'F Is Is is 7- F-s9 LGFA 80 (Rev 6/87) INCOME STATEMENT —CONSOLIDATED Agency f,-,-ro; COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT F isca 11 ear Ended JUNE 30 19 87 G n rn Y OF THE CITY OF M n FORM 200-R.2-R.2 J M EXPENDITURES — cont'd Capital Projects Funds Debt Service Funds LwMModerate Intone Housing Funds Special Revenue! Other Funds TOTAL Sub —total (from line 18, page 1) (19) $ 'ne $ $ Acquisition expense 20 Operation of acquired property 21 Relocation costs 22 Relocation payments 23 Site clearance costs 24 Project improvement/construction costs 25 /79 .�33 iy9 -333 Disposal costs 26 Rehabilitation costs 27 Rehabilitation grants 26 Interest expense 29 33,P Fixed asset acquisitions 30 Subsidies to low & moderate housing 31 Other expenditures, 32 Debt principal payments: i - Tax allocation bonds 33 -7 Revenue bonds 34 I C i ty/county loans and advances 35 Other long —terra debt 1 36. �,, oaa 0 Doo Tctal Expenditures 3 r LGFA 80 (Rev 6/87j INCOME STATEMENT —CONSOLIDATED Fiscal Year Ended JUNE 30 19 87 Agencyfme: FOFV 200-R.3 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT A Pk ICY OF THE CITY OF 0 1 5 GRAND TERRACE EXPENDITURES — cont'd Excess (Deficiency) Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (line 13 - line 37) 38 A Cacdtal Projects Funds $ /el d G 5L FB Debt Servdce Funds $ C Lou./Moderate Incone lbusing Funds D Special Revenue/ Other Funds E TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) : Proceeris of long—term debt 39 Advances, from city/county 40 Sale of fixed assets 41 Operating transfers in 42 Operating transfers out 43 sod eoo) Total — Other Financing Sources (Uses) 44 $ iao doo, $ % 97.L $ 9.2 4.1g $ $ —�— Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues & Other Financing Sources Over Expenditures & Other Financing Uses (line 38 + line 44) 45 S F& 73� c �3S /) $ // �-� yG S EQUITY, BEGINNING OF PERIOD 46 $,964 OHO $-3,,z6 0%�2 $ 304�0, F �LO $ ADJUSTMENTS: Prior period adiu-Stments 47 i Residual equity transters 43 Other- — explain 49 ! 50 EQUITY, END OF PERIOD (Must equal Forn 1W-R, line 39, pafle 2) 51 $ Z 3-Z Y- $ oZ/O 9z i I $ //-.Z L,rFA 90 (Rev 6/87) Fiscal Year Ended JUNE 3019 ASSESSED VALUATIONS - AND - TAX INCREMENT REVENUES SCHEDULE D-R CONSOLIDATED C 3 1 87 Agency Name: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ASSESSED VALUATION tal Tcl Secured Unsecured Total Frozen Base Assessed Valuation 1 g/�5-49� �O g .5-os�3, 4 e 0 g �yD i-37, �60 Increment Assessed Valuation 2 /079 O� 3 iat/ 60 9� Total Assessed Valuation 3 ��� ��8 //g -� " te $ ,- �D? 773 TAX INCREMENT REVENUES f Rl rcl Amounts Paid to Taxing Agencies Pursuant to: H&S Code 33401 H&S Code 33676 TOTAL Count 4 $ 15W $ Cities 5 School Districts 6 Community College Districts 7 M Special Districts 8 /-5 9 7 All Other Agencies 9 Total Paid to Taxing Agencies 10 Tax Increment available for redevelopment ur oses 11 1 g �Z6 93 6 Total Tax Increment Allocated 112 -? / 3 �6 ` w LGFA 80 (6/87) 4477F/7 Supplemental to the Annual Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies Agency Name: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE County: SAN BERNARDINO Fiscal Year Ended: JUNE 30, 1987 The U. S. Bureau of the Census requests the following information concerning the fiscal activities of your governmental agency. Governments furnishing this information will no longer receive Census Bureau Form F-29 or F-32, Survey of Local Government Finances. Please complete this questionnaire and return to the State Controller's Office with the Annual Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies. If you have any questions regarding this questionnaire, please call the U. S. Bureau of the Census collect at (301) 763-3888. 1. Personnel Expenditures Report your government's total expenditure for salaries and wages during the year, 4 including amounts paid on force account construction projects. AMOUNT: ZOO 1 $ -4 — 2. Mortgage Revenue Bond Interest Payments Indicate the amount of interest paid on mortgage revenue bonds during the year. AMOUNT: I89 $ 3. Cash and Investment Assets at End of Fiscal Year Report below cash and investment assets held at the end of the fiscal year, for all funds except employee retirement or nonexpendable trust funds. Type of Asset Debt Service Funds Orr Wol i a. Cash and Deposits $ b. Federal Securities, W10 obligations of U. S. Treasury, and Federal Financing Bank c. Federal agency W13 securities, obligations of CCC, Ex-Im Bank, FHA, GNMA, Postal Service, TVA d. State and local govern- W15 ment securities e. Other securities. Exclude accounts W24 receivable, value of real property, and any other non - security assets 8998F Bond Funds (Unexpended proceeds of bond issues) W31 W40 W43 I All Other Funds (except as noted above) W61 I $ G 9,0/, p4oZ W70 W73 I W45 I W75 W54 I W84 ANNUAL REP OF FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS" FORM 001-RP OF COMMUN TY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES 0 1 1 PROJECT AREA REPORT STATE USE ONLY Reviewed I Cleared Please provide a brief description of the project areas activities on the lines below. Provided multifamily housing bonds for multifamily construction of 198 units. Service and provided accounting for existing debt obligations. Provided capital improvements to the school district per agreement. LGFA 80 (6/87) 4411F/1 State Use Only Project ID it P1 36337018 Al Grand Terrace Project Area COr ) TERRACE Ni Date project area was established MM-DD-YY 1 9 _ 27 _ 79 Most recent date 2 Amended 7 _ 15 _ 81 project was amended or merged MM-DD-YY 3 Merged - - Estimated completion date ear only) 4 1990 Established limit for bonded indebtedness if applicable) 5 N/A Established limit for tax increment revenues 6 Size of project area - in acres 7 2,368 Percentage of land vacant XX.XX 8 8. % Percentage of land developed XX.X% 9 92. % Objectives of project 10 R C P 0 area as set forth in R = Residential the project area plan. Enter the I = Industrial appropriate code(s). C = Commercial P = Public 0 = Other INCOME STATEMENT —PROJECT AREA Fiscal Year Ended June 30 19 87 Ar:-ncy "If e: Project Area: Frf1 200-RP. 1 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGf�Y OF THE CITY OF G _ TERRACE GRAND TERRACE PROJECT AREA DO! A 81 e D IT REVENUES Capital Projects Fund Debt Service Fund Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund Special Revenue/ Other Funds TOTAL Tax increment 1 $ $ Special supplemental subventions 2 Property assessments 3 Sales & use tax 4 Interest income 5 Rental income 6 Lease income 7 Sale of real property 8 Federal grants 9 Grants from other agencies 10 s"9, �9z Band administrative fees 11 Other revenues 12 Total Revenues 13 4,Fy/9i 444 4--8 Is EXPENDITURES Administration costs 14 $ 7W F P $ $ $ ProfeJSional services 15 Planning, survey & design 16 Real estate purchases 17 Expenditures Sub —Total (carry to line 11,y 2) (18) $ %T Ps.9 $ $ $ Is LGFA 80 (Rev 5/87' INCOME STATEMENT —PROJECT AREA Fiscal Year Ended JUNE 30 1987 Agency Nacrie: Protect Area: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT A .NCY OF THE CITY OF 200-RP2 0 TERRACE GRAND TERRAC$ PROJECT AREA n n n n rn EXPENDITURES — cont' d Capital Projects Funds Debt Service Funds Low/Moderate Income HousingFunds Special Revenue/ Other Funds TOTAL Sub —total (fron line 18, page 1) (19) $ %19-sF $ $ $ Acquisition expense 20 Operation of acquired property 21 Relocation costs Relocation payments 23 Site clearance costs 24 Protect improvement/construction costs 25 / 79 -933 Disposal costs 26 Rehabi I i tat ion costs 27 Rehabilitation grants 20 Interest expense 33 1? s"� P .339 Fixed asset acquisitions 30 Subsidies to low & moderate housing 31 Other expenditures 32 Debt principal payments: Tax allocation bonds 33 Revenue bonds 34 City./county loans and advances 35 Other long—term debt 36 1 ere Total Expenditures 37 g,�sz, 9/ $ �3s����' $ Is I $ ���, s� 9 ISFA 80 (Re4 6•'87) INCOME STA7 EMENT — PROJECT AREA COMMUNITY RE )EVELOPMENT AGE CY OF THE CITY OF F-.� i 200-RP. 3 Agency t` � r�;e: — GRAND ACE O Fiscal Year Ended JUNE 30 1987 Project Area: GRAND TERRACE PROJECT AREA n n n n n EXPENDITURES — cont'd Capital Projects Funds Debt Service Funds Low./Moderate Incone Housin Funds Special Revenue/ Other Funds TOTAL Excess �Deticiency) Revenues Over - (Under) Expenditures (line 13 - line 37) 38 $ /�' ��� $ (/�.� �iG� $ o?Si�l $ , $ 7d 1/> OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds of long—term debt 39 Advances trom city/county 40 Sale of fixed assets 41 Operating transfers in 42 /a a DDv 9a D.:V J7 Operating transfers out 43 ( /eo Total —Other Financing Sources (Uses) 44 S /Oo 000 7, 9 7Z $ --�— Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues & Other Financing Sources Over Expenditures & Other Financing Uses (line 38 + line 44) 45 S $ (/3S �� $ $ EQUITY, BEGINNING OF PERIOD 4E S ,2 6 e 6o $ J16, $3D� ADJUSTMENTS: Prior period adjustments 47 Residual equity transfers 48 Other — explain 49 50 i EQUITY, END OF PERIOD (Rust equal FOZR 100-R, line 39, page 2) 51 $ o? �a� 307� S o7iv, 9-2� $ �f�2 �, O/ (o $ $ 9/70?�� LVA 80 (Rey 6.'87) AGENCY DEBT r C SCHEDULE A -RP TAX ALLOCAl10N BONDS, REVENUE BONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION Page 1 of 1 Agency Name: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE `— Fiscal Year Ended JUNE 30 19 87 Project Area: GRAND TERRACE PROJECT AREA Use a separate column for listing each bond authorization not fully retired. Use additional pages as necessary. CODING BOXES FOR CONTROLLER'S USE ONLY TOTAL Indicate type of debt: Tax Allocation Bond, Revenue Bond or Certificate of Par tici ation Certificate of Participation Year of authorization 1.0 Principal amount authorized 1.1 3oDo Ooo g Principal amount unissued 1.2 �- Principal amount unmatured - beginning of fiscal year 2.0 5�ooa DDO Adjustments made during year (Explain) 3.0 Principal amount issued during fiscal year 4.0 Principal amount matured during fiscal year 5.0 �sDoo Principal amount unmatured - end of fiscal ear 6.0 Principal amount in default 16.1 —� Interest in default 16.2 —� PURPOSE OF DEBT BY AUTHORIZATION REVENUES PLEDGED AS ADDITIONAL SECURITY (Specify Nature of Revenue) EXTENT I PLEDGED X X� X X LGFA 80 (REV. 7/8 4471F/2 OTHER LONG -PERM 1NDEBfEDNESS r r SCHEDULE B-RP Agency Name: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY. OF GRAND TERRACE fiscal Year Ended JUNE 30 ly 87 Project Area GRAND TERRACE PROJECT AREA OTHER LONG-TERM INDEBTEDNESS 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 TOTAL A A A A 01HER LUNG 1LRM INDEBTEDNESS 1.0 CITY/COUNTY STATE U.S. OTHER Principal amount unmatured, Beginning of fiscal year 2.0 $ aO O $ $ $ $ Adjustments made during year (Explain) 3.0 3.1 Principal amount received during fiscal year 4.0 Principal amount matured during fiscal year 5.0 $ $ $ iotaI unma Lured end of fiscal year 6.0 Is LGFA 80 (b/87) 44111 /b NON -AGENCY DEBT e a SCHEDULE C-RP MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BONDS, CERTIFICATES Of PARTICIPATION Page 1 of 1 Agency Name: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Fiscal Year Ended JUNE 30 19 87 Project Area: GRAND TERRACE PROJECT AREA Use a separate column for listing each bond authorization not fully retired. Use additional pages as necessary. CODING BOXES FOR CONTROLLER'S USE ONLY TOTAL Indicate type of debt: Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Industrial Development Bonds, Certificates of Participation MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS Year of authorization 1.0 1981 1984 1985 Principal amount authorized 1.1 $30,000,000 $38,625,000 $30,000,000 $ $ Principal amount unissued 1.2 Principal amount unmature beginning d - of fiscal year 2.0 12,935,421 38,625,000 30,000,000 Adjustments made during year (Explain)BALANCE RESTATED PER 3.0 5,864,579 Principal amoun issued during fiscal year 4.0 Principal amount matured during fiscal year 5.0 2,305,000 13,930,000 -0- Principal amount unmatured - end of fiscal year 16.0 16,495,000 24,695,000 30,000,000 Principal amount in default 6.1 _ Interest in default 6.2 PURPOSE OF DEBT BY AUTHORIZATION REVENUES PLEDGED AS ADDITIONAL SECURITY (Specify Nature of Revenue EXTENT PLEDGED NONE X X X LGFA 80 (REV. 7/86) 4411F/3 ASSESSED VALUATI - AND - TAX INCREMENT REVENU SCHEDULE D-RP CROJECT AREA 3 1 Agency Name: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Fiscal Year Ended JUNE 30 19 87 Project Area GRAND TERRACE PROJECT AREA ASSESSED VALUATION (- a i F R 1 i- c`1 Secured Unsecured Total Frozen Base Assessed Valuation 1 Sa�-� doo $ Increment Assessed Valuation 2 �`�9 D6 �'Z� -� �0� If 7/, Total Assessed Valuation 3 g�a� �08 7�.j TAX INCREMENT REVENUES f A 1 (—R 1 F—r-1 Amounts Paid to Taxing Agencies Pursuant to: H&S Code 33401 H&S Code 33676 TOTAL Count 4 ; Cities 5 School Districts 6 �57�-' �s71- Community College Districts 7 9 5z Special Districts 8 All Other Agencies 9 Total Paid to Taxing Agencies 10 $ 02-3 "Fd6, Tax Increment available for redevelopment purposes 11 $ Total Tax Increment Allocated 11213 LGFA 80 (6/87) 4477F/10 Grand Terra Redevelopment Agency Statement of Indebtedness Report Year July 1, 19 86 to June 30, 19 87 Project Indentification: Grand Terrace Redevelopment Project Area A Page 1 of 1 Debt Original Interest Outstanding Debt Principal Amount Interest Amount Identification Date Principal Amount Term Rate 6-30--U_ Due During Report Due During Repor� Year Year (a)Loan from City 6/81 36,688 12 yrsii M 52,636 3,433 (b)Loan from City 6/82 581,418 12 yrs 12% 1,1.39,578 69,770 (c)Loan from City 6/83 540,000 12 yrs 12% 1,123,200 64,800 (d)Loan from City 6/84 400,000 12 yrs 12% 880,000 48,000 (e) Loan from City 6/85 500,000 12 yrs 12% 1,160,000 60,000 Certificates of (f) Participation 4/86 4,000,000 28 yrsl 7.34% 9,337,120 85,000 281,698 (g) Loan from City 6/86 150,000 12 yrs 12% 366,000 - — 18,000 (h) Grand Totals 14,058,534 85,000 545,701 Available Financing 346,072 85,000 261,072 Net Requirement 13,712,462 284,629 Purpose of Indebtedness: (a) Capital Improvement Projects (e) Capital Improvement Projects (b) Capital Improvement Projects �f) Civic Center j (c) Capital Improvement Projects (R) Capital Improvement Projects I /a\ Capital Tmnrnvamant Prniartc i.� Chief Fiscal Officer Certification: Pursuant to Sec. 33675 of the Health and Safety Code, I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate 1 Statement of Indebtedness. Thomas Schwab (Name Typed) (Signature) CRA Treasurer (Title) 9/23/86 (Date) SCHEDULE HCD (Page 1 of 6) A The information provided on this form will be made available to the Department of Housing and Community Development. (questions related to these forms should be directed to that Department (telephone: (916) 323-3184). Before providing the project area information requested, please complete the following information: AGENCY NAME COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY PERSON PREPARING SCHEDULE HCD BARBARA MICHOWSKI 0E GRAND TERRACE COUNTY IN WHICH LOCATED SAN BERNARDINO TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR PREPARER (714) 824-6621 RLPORTINU PERIOD (FISCAL YEAk) ENDED JUNE 30 , 1987. The information requested is required for each project area, regardless of whether each activity is funded exclusively by the state or federal government. In the space below, please name each project area and assign to it a letter designation which will then be used to identify that project area throughout this reporting form. (See the letter designations at the head of each column.) If you operate more than seven project areas, please make sufficient copies of these forms to allow for the required report and change the letter designations on those copies to H, I, J, K, etc. The column on page 5 designated "OUTSIDE APEAS" is reserved for reporting housing units located Outside redevelopment areas which received assistance from your redevelopment agency. A GRAND TERRACE PROJECT AREA (Name of roject Area B C D E F G Name of Project Area Name of ProjectArea) dame of Project Area (Name of Project Area Name of Project Areaj- Name of Project Areaj SCHEDULE HCD (Page 2 of 6) TAX INCREMENT SET -ASIDE POLICIES rr AGENCY -COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Please be sure to enter project area information in the properly identified column on the following four pages. 1. Name of Project Area (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) 2. Is 20% of the tax increments for the project area being YES set -aside in a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund? (Answer yes or no) 3. Is less than 20% being set aside? 4. If you answered "no" to question 2, when were the necessary findings adopted? (Answer month/day/year) 5. Are tax increment set -asides being deferred pursuant to Section 33487(d)(Answer yes NO or no) 6. If you answered yes to question 5 please indicate the deficit amount credited to the Housing Fund as a result of the defefral NOTE: On the following page (page 3), please enter the information under the appropriate column designated for the project area which generated the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Question 16 relates to the use of that fund without regard to the location of the units assisted. SCHEDULE HCU (Page 3 of 6) ItCYCOMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT _AGENCY OF �~" THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE INFORMATION RELATED TO THE LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND REQUIRED FOR EACH PROJECT AREA NAME OF PROJECT AREA (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) 7. Beginning balance 8. Tax increments added during FY 86-87 306,840 92,028 9. Interest added during FY 86-87 25,148 10. Other revenues added (Please specify source, i.e., audit) 11. Total revenues added (8+9+10) 117,176 12. Total expenditures (including dishursements for loans) during FY 86-87 -0- 13. Balance at end of reporting period 424,016 14. Amount of outstanding loans included in Item 13 -0- 15. Amount of balance shown in 13, above, which represents commitments not yet disbursed -0- 16. Number of housing units * assisted by the Housing Fund -0- for: Very low income households Low income households Moderate income households *Other income households *SEE NOTE, BOTTOM OF PAGE 2, AND INCOME LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS, ATTACHED. SCHEDULE HCU (Page 4 of 6) /ILNCY COMMUN:112 10-MI-:V -1OPMENT A(:I;NCY OF-1-111-: CITY OF GRAND TERRACE These questions relate to housing activities. Care should be taken to enter the information under a project area designation only if the activity took place within that project area. Where the activity took place outside a project area, it should be included in the special column provided for that purpose. For instance, if the agency assisted the construction of lU units in project A, 20 units in project B, and 50 units outside the redevelopment area, the "Outside Project Areas" column would show 50 units constructed with agency assistance, and indicate the location of the other 30 units within project areas A and B. SEE ATTACHED INCOME LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS. EFFECTS OF REDEVELOPMENT UPON HOUSING (Pursuant to Health and 'Safety Code 33080.1, 33080.4, and 33080.6) NAME OF PROJECT AREA (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) OUTSIDE AREAS 17. Number of Units destroyed/ removed by the agency during fiscal year justed ENDED for: —0— Very Low Income Households Low Income Households Moderate Income Households Other Households 18. Number of units constructed with agency assistance during fiscal year just ENDED affordable for: —0— Very Low Income Households Low Income Households Moderate Income Households Other Households 19. Number of units rehabilitated with agency assistance during fiscal year just ENDED affordable for: —0— Very Low Income Households Low Income Households Moderate Income Households Other Households 20. Number of agency assisted units receiving subsidies during fiscal year just ENDED to make them affordable for: —0— Very Low Income Households Low Income Households Moderate Income Households Other Households NOTE: Units listed in Item 16, Page 3, should be included in the numbers of units shown in Items 18 through 20. Units shown in tem 20 should include only units listed in Items 16, 18, and 19 which are receiving rent subsidies from any source. jkJILDOLC Iti,U tt-'d(J' � Ot b) THE. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE EFFECTS OF REUEVELOPMENT UPON HOUSING (Continued) NAME OF PROJECT AREA (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) OUTSIDE AREAS 21. Number of units acquired by the agency during fiscal year just ENDED affordable for: —0— Very Low Income Households Low Income Households Moderate Income Households Other Households 22. Number of households displaced during fiscal year just ENDED: —0— ery Low Income Households Low Income Households Moderate Income Households thPr Households . Estimated number of households to be displaced during FY 86-87 Very Low Income Households —0— Low Income Households Moderate Income Households Other Households NOTE: Please use the space below or attach other documents to provide any other information related to the agency's housiny programs which you feel is relevant, or necessary to comply with Health and Safety Code Section 33334.2(J). (See copy attached). 1986 - 1987 ANNUAL REPORT C O M M U N I T Y R E D E V E L O P M E N T A G E N C Y O F T H E C I T Y OF G R A N D T E R R A C E DECEMBER 1987 This Annual Report of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace has been prepared pursuant to Section 33080.1 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. Section 1. Independent Financial Audit The section requires an independent financial audit for the previous year. The audit prepared by Moreland and Associates has been completed, received and filed by the Agency. The audit received an unqualified opinion and is included as an appendix to this report. Section 2. Work Program For The Coming Year The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) by agreement has certain capital improvements for the Colton Joint Unified School District which must be completed by the 1987-88 fiscal year. The completion of the air-conditioning project for Terrace Hills Jr. High School as well as the sprinkler system upgrades will be completed. The CRA is positioning itself to accumulate cash assets to assist developers with land costs or infrastructure as an inducement to promote commercial development. The CRA intends to work very closely with the City staff in adopting a general plan amendment that will clarify the development goals of the City and make it easier for the Redevelopment Agency to work with property owners and developers on potential projects. Section 3. Examination Of Previous Achievements The City completed the Terrace View Elementary School air- conditioning project as agreed upon in our agreement with the School District. The CRA, working closely with the City in an effort to standardize and simplify the developers' process brought the function of City planning in-house and have hired an in-house staff. This in-house staff has provided stability and continuity in assisting City and CRA projects through the development process. The CRA worked closely with the developer interested in developing a neighborhood center and had planned to provide financial incentives. The developer, however, could not secure the commitment of the anchor stores and has subsequently abandoned his efforts. Section 4. Recommended Legislation The current system of debt allocation by population makes it impossible for small cities to do a realistic project with the yearly allocation. The Agency would encourage legislation that would allow there to be a system of credit, or some method in which small citordercotodaccumulateeither senoughrdebtadallocationtheir detoo bt allocation, in create a feasible project. -2- SECTION 5 _ DESCRIPTION F THE DISPLACEMENT COMMISSION'S ACTIVITIES AFFECTING HOUSIII� 11 Section 33080.4 requires answers to the following questions: 1, "The total number of households that were displaced or moved from their dwelling units as part of a redevelopment project of the Agency during the previous fiscal year". Answer: 0 2. "The total number of households that the Agency estimates will be displaced or will move from their dwellings as part of a redevelopment project of the Agency during the present fiscal year". Answer: 0 3. "The total number of dwelling units housing persons and families of low and moderate income which have been destroyed or removed from the low or moderate income housing market during the previous fiscal year as part of a redevelopment project of the Agency". Answer: 0 4. "The total number of dwelling units which the Agency has caused to be constructed, rehabilitated, or developed during the previous fiscal year for occupancy at an affordable housing cost by persons and families of low and moderate income". Answer : -V- 0 -3- ........... Yl. *L p4e .. . .. ..... IN. a0z v, AIM, iV" I '-F 6tcje ax. to---l.coi&ibufijms t- - faxoutsthnbtnq.- jer SENIORS CLUB an this 11th -ibald it 19 87 MAYOR f'." # .2 CO U i',IC I L At. �'� L i , 1 i i L an tbto 17th --ibali OLL-2member - I!R 87 -- 'i `;' �� MAYOR #1 n na, k-041 AN 00 -zx zm, V, . - 1 1-- , _ ­ ­ ­-­- 1. ISAM r-" VA. zx, ivj- A-w 4,i, rr 'T FIZA bib is anu ciantri for buffans to �BNIORS CLUB Lin Wo 17th -jbttid of Ve-cembiqA —1 87 iw, MAYOR ;Al co U 414C L '7111% 11 Z' MI, It c q Zu DEC 1 ., 1981 � ZDC�iCriT�I�i[IZT DRUNK AND DRUGGED DRIVING WEEK December 13-19, 1987 WHEREAS, in 1986 2,543 persons died on California Roadways in alcohol/drug related collisions and an additional 69,876 persons were injured; and WHEREAS, these deaths and injuries cost Californians over $1 billion annually through services provided to victims and their families; and WHEREAS, approximately 46,000 drivers involved in fatal and injury accidents had been drinking; and WHEREAS, we need informed, concerned ci�izens who would be willing to help reduce the needless deaths and injuries by taking personal responsibility as hosts and hostesses or devoting time and effort toward upgrading community programs; and WHEREAS, an increase in public awareness of the problems ofdedrunk velo comprehensivesolutionsslollutionsng yatethe Statelp r current and local efforts to P levels: WHEREAS, all members of the City Council fully support efforts to provide for the health and safety of our citizens; NOW, THEREFORE, I, BYRON R. MATTESON, Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim December 13-19, 1987, as DRUNK AND DRUGGED DRIVING AWARENESS WEEK in the City of Grand Terrace, and we strongly urge all citizens to learn what they can do to prevent drunk and drugged driving during the upcoming holiday season. •�.sa•t.tinTr' • ,�Y.•rwY ,,� f Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. This 17th day of December, 1987 Ci`Lj1%Cii_ fir:. t, ^e rr;-NA -P- 'QC JP. NALPRT DATE 12 /04 /87 DATE FND DEP BSB ELE OBJ 11/30/87 10 021 15 00 11/30/87 10 021 15 00 11/30/87 10 021 15 00 11/30/87 10 021 15 00 11/30/87 10 021 15 00 11/30/87 10 021 15 00 11/30/87 10 021 15 00 11/30/87 10 021 15 00 11/30/87 10 110 220 _110- 27 0_ __ 11/30/87 10 110 270 11/30/87 10 120 260 11/30/87 10 120 270 11/30/87 10 140 270 180_ 210_ 11/30/87 10 190 210 11/30/87 10 802 270 005 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 081 EXPENDITURE CONTROL Po Cf OF GRAND TERRACE PAGE 1 INVOICE JOURNAL .......-POSTI.NG PER IOD_.0.5___.____.___.__ __CHECK REGISTER NO_121787__ DOCUMENT REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 112387 CASH PAYT.11/239SCE 233.01 112487 CASH PAYT.11/24,SCE 39.17 112587 CASH PAYT.11/25,SCE 260.Z3 113087 CASH PAYT.11/30,SCE 71.51 112387 CASH PAYT.11/23,SCG 52.07 112487 CASH._PAYT.11./2495CG _ 21.73 112587 CASH PAYT.11/25,SCG 65.00 113087 CASH PAYT.11/30,SCG 36.78 - 112487B ---- - ---------- - -- ---------- - - --- VOL.AWARD DINNER 625.90 ______----_L.CC-GENERAL-ASS.El`LB-LY_11130 _ 45_._0O_- 112487B TELEVIDEO CONF. 300.00 t, ACCOUNT TOTAL 345.00 t --- --- - --- - - - - ------D-E.P-ARLt!EN-T-_L011>L --- --- 97.0..40---------�.= 112487C ALL RISK PRPERTY INS.87/88 702.00 i 112587 LCC GENERAL ASSEMBLY 11/30 15.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 717.00 112487B CMBTA CONF. 6.38 ___1124.83M ____-___-__ __ __.____.-.BU_SI.NE.SS_.-CARDS./_ANS.TINE__-_-__--__-_._ __ ._._-_.3.0...74 1124878 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP,VISA 10.00 112487A ADVANCE,TRAVEL,CONF.SACRAMENTO 368.00 FUND TOTAL 2,882.52 SUMMARY ENTRIES DEBITS CREDITS 10 021. 00 2,882.52- 10 040. 20 2,103.02 ---GRAND TOTALS - Y 2, 882 .52 r —, VOUCHREG CC OF GRAND TERRACE PAGE 1 DATE 12/04/87 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER --------FOR-_ALL--PERIODS---- --- - --- ---- ----- VOUCHER/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT --------- P5382 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAYT.11/23,SCE 233.01 233.01 _ P5383 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAYT.11/2395CG 52.07 52.07 P.5-384 4189 SHARON KORGAN ------ ADVANCE,TRAVEL,CONF.SACRAMENTO 368.00 -- 368.00 ------ P5385 7595 VISA VOL.AWARD DINNER 625.90 - -----TELEVIDEO CONF.-- --- -- 300.00-- ---------- CMBTA CONF. 6.38 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP,VISA 10.00 942.28 P5386 6731 SO.CA.JOINT POWERS INSURANCE ALL RISK PRPERTY INS.87/88 702.00 702.00 4634 MAIN-LI_NE _EMBOS.S.ING____---__-___-.__-_B.US-INE-S_ -C-ARDS/ANST.INE_ ._ -30._7.4----," P5388 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAYT.11/24,SCE 39.17 39.17 P5389 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAYT.11/249SCG 21.73 21.73 ___-___-_P_539O_._ _. ______3426 _INLAND __ErLP_.LRE______. ___. --___ __-_L-C_C-G-ENE.RAL--AS.S.EMBLY_-11./30_--__.--____--- --_1_5.0.0_._ _- _ ------__ __.-- LC;. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 11/30 45.00 60.00 _-P5391-_ __ .___. 6720 __SO._CA.EDISON__COMP_ANY-. _ -___ ___CASH_P_AY-T.11/25,SCE _ _--.__ __ _-_ _ __-26.0-.23-------- ------160-.-23 5 P5392 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAYT.11/25,SCG 65.00 'E 65.00 P5393 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAYT.11/30,SCE 71.51 71.51 _ P5394_ 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH-PAYT.11/30,SCG - 36.78 - -- 36.-7-8---- <, _ TOTAL CHECKS _. _ ___ _ __.-- 2., 8-8 2_. 5 2- -- -- OUCHREG ATE 12/10/87 CIT VOUCCHECK GRAND TERRACE REGISTER PAGE 1 DR ALL PERIODS { VOUCHER/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT --- P5395 1485 JUANITA BROWN TRAVEL ADIANCE 125.00 125.00 P5396 5660 POSTMASTER-COLTON POSTAGE FOR -METER 19000.00 - -- POSTAGE FOR METER 800.00 1,800.00 ------ P5397 -1665 CALIFORNIA SKATE-G.T. - DAY CARE-SKAT-ING- - -- -54,00 --54-.00--- P5398 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAYT.12/1,SCE 118.20 118.20 P5399 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAYT.12/1,SCG 109.02 109.02 - P-5400- - --- 1722 -CAREER TRACK- -- - - ----STRESS--MGMT-,SE-M-INAR--- - - ---96.00----- ----96,00--- P5401 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAYT.12/2,SCE 33.30 33.30 ! P5402 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAYT.12/2,SCG 11.43 11.43 -P-540-3- 6144 -- - RECO REFRIGERATION EQUIP -.CO.-- - PROGRESS PAYMENT-,A/C,SC-HOOL - --36,362-.40------------36,36Z-.-40--- P5404 5582 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH,DAY CARE 299.19 299.19 P5405 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAYT.12/3,SCE 10.21 10.21 ?� P5406 -- -- - 6730 --- SO. CA.GAS-COMP-ANY---- ---- ----- ------GA-SH---PAYT-.-1-2-/.3-9-SCG-------- -- -- - -- -- 5,42---- - - - --- - -5.4-2 - = P5407 1884 LAVON COTTRELL SPACE HEATER 35.34 - - - - --- ---------SRAGE--HEAT-ER------- -- - --- -- ----- ---17.66 -- - - -- SPACE HEATER 17.66 SPACE HEATER 17.66 - --------- - -- - ---------- - ---------------- - - S P-A-G�-H E A T E R----------- -- ------ - -- --- -- -17 , 6 6---- - - - - - - -- SPACE HEATER 17.66 123.64 ---P5408--- -- ----1-902- LAEL CURTIS - --- - - - _ - -------REPLACE LOS-T--P-/-R-CHECK- --- - - ---200.59-- P5409 6720 SO.CA.EOISON COMPANY CASH PAYT.12/49SCE 186.24 186.24 P5410 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAYT.12/4,SCG 17.93 17.93 i P5411 6782 STATE COMPENSATION INS.FUND WORKERS COMP.INS.11/87- 800.02 -800.02 -- P5412 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAYT.12/79SCE 9.57 9.57 t P5414 4633 RENEE MC CARTHY PAY t,OVANCE,MCCARTHY 795.98 795.98 P5415 MISSION BELLS' SENIOR CITIZENS,CHRISTMAS 50.00 50.00 P5417 6730 SO.CA.GAS COMPANY CASH PAYT.12/99SCG 68.86 68.86 P5418 6531 SHERIFF FLOYD TIDWELL LAW ENFORCEMENT,12/87 51,559.17 CRIME PREVENT.OFFICER912/87 39461.83 55,021.00 OUCHREG -ATE 12/10/87 VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER P6720 17735 17736 17737 -- --17 7-3 8 17739 17740 17741 17742 17743 17744 17745 17746 17747 17748 CIT GRAND TERRACE PAGE 2 VOUC /CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM --�'- CHECK NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT b720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY CASH PAYT.12/9,SCE 138.13 138.13 --BANK OF AMERICA - W.W.D.RE-FUND,B---OF--A- - - -9.20 -9.20------" r RICHARD ALLEN W.W.D.REFUND,ALLEN 2.40 2.40 M.S.NICKELSON W.W.D.REFUND,NICKELSON 8.00 8.00 -------1150 -- ----AME-RICAN--BUS-I-NESS-- F-O-RMS-----------PR-INT--UT--IL-I-TY-BiLLS--- --- -940.-96--- -- -- ---940-.-96- - 1360 BASTANCHURY BOTTLED WATER BOTTLED WATER,12/99D/C 5.75 - - - - -- - --- - B O-T-T-L-E-D-W-A T ER-,1--24-9-,-D1 C -5-. 7-5 -- COOLER RENTAL,12/87,D/C 1.00 BOTTLED WATER,12/9,C/C 25.75 ` - -- ---------- --------- ---00-0L-ER---R-EN TA-L-, 1-24-"-t-D1C- -- -1... 00 -- ------ -- BOTTLED WATER,11/24,D/C 11.50 COOLER RENTAL912/879C/C 42.00 - ------ - - ---- `--.. - - - - - ---- B OTT-L E-D-W-A T E-R-,-1-17-2-4-rC-/-C-- -- - --- --- - 29 .4 0------- -- - BOTTLED WATER910/289D/C 5.75 COOLER RENTEL911/87 1.00 - ----- - - - - ----- --- - -- --- - ---- ---8 O T-T L-ED- WATER ,31-/-11,-0-/ G----------- -- - ---- - - -5. 7-5 1365 BAYLESS STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES 133.42 ----- -- - - --------------- --- -- -- ---0 FF-I C E-S-U P-P-L-I-E-S---------10 3 , 4 7 - ---- - --- -- -- OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.08 : OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.88 - -- - ---- --- -- -- --------- - OFFICE- -SUPP-L-I-E-S-- ---------- ------- - - --2.89 --- ---_ OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.89 OFFICE SUPPLIES 74.63 - --- --- -- - - -- ----- --- - - - ----------- ----- -OFF-I GE-S U P P L-I-E-S---------------- ----- ----- - 7 4.6 2-------- --- ---414 -. 8 8--- 1485 JUANITA BROWN LOCAL MILEAGE 3.25 CONFERENCE --- - -- -73.b0 7-6.75 --- 1660 CA PARKS E RECREATION SOCIETY CAPRC MEMBERSHIP,87/88 100.00 100.00 i 1717 SARAH CAMPOBASSO TEXT BOOK,CHILD CARE 29.00 29.00 -1 1725 NORMAN T. CAOUETTE CAOUETTE19/8,9/15,.9/21/87---- CAOUETTE,10/19/87 25.00 100.00 1748 CONSTANCF CHAPMAN CLEAN R/R�PARK (ti DA-YSi -80.00 - - CLEAN,R/R,PARK (4 DAYS) 80.00 160.00 1798 GERALD COLE COLE0/8,9/150/21/87 75.00 COLE,10/19/87 25.00 100.00 1840 COLTON, CITY OF W.W.D.SERVICES,12/87 20,324.52 SEWER CONNECTIONS911/87 468032.00 488,656.52 t 1860 COLTON JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL T.H.J.H.S. H VAC 36,524.80 OUCHREG SATE 12/10/87 CIF VOU GRAND TERRACE /CHECK REGISTER PAGE 3 i FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT SCHOOL USE/HALLOWEEN 93.90 3616l8.70 -17749 1875 COMPLETE BUSINESS SYSTEMS EXTRA COPIES -,LARGE COPIER -324.72 324.72 -- --- 17750 1899 SUSAN SHIRLEY L.C.C.WORKSHOP 20.00 20.00 17751 2042 DICKSON CO.OF INLAND EMPIRE STREET SWEEPING911/87 2040.78 2,340.78 ;r --- 17752- 2620- ----FLOWERS--B-Y YVONNE- ----- ----- -FLOWERS/I1C CARi+IY---- ------------2-7.56 - -- -----27.56 17753 2684 ----1-7754 -- - 2867 -- 17755 3151 17756 3155 17757 3163 17758- 17759 17760 17761 17762 17763 17764 3218 3426 3464 3480 3852 447() 4660 FREEDOM FINANCIAL LEASING LEASE MAIL.MACH.IST/LAST MONTH 119.44 '`. ------- --------------------- --L-EA-Sf--M-A-i-L-:-MA8H�1srT-/-L-I�Si-MONTH -- 11-9-46-- ------ LEASE OLYMPIA,IST/LAST MONTH 119.44 358.34 . 25.00-- -� 7' r STANLEY HARGRAVE HARGRAVE99/80/150/21/87 75.00 - - --- - - ---HARGRAVE, 10/i9/87----------------- 25.00- - --- - - -100.00- JERRY HAWKINSON HAWKINSO;499/899/15/87 50.00 7 I HAWKI-N-SON,-10/19/87---- --- ----25-.00- --75.00--- HEALTH NET MEDICAL !NS.1/87 82.11 MEDICAL-INS.-1/-87 -164.2-2 MEDICAL INS.1/87 164.22 / MEDICAL INS.1/87 164.22 -MEDICAL INS.-1-/87------- 2-10.41 - MEDICAL INS.1/87 246.33 MEDICAL INS.1/87 82.11 ----- MEDICAL INS.1/87 82.11 1,442.06 HYDRE-X-PEST CONTROL - PEST CONTROL,12/-87-------- - -- 48:00 --48s�00------ INLAND EMPIRE IELCC MEMBERSHIP,1988 50.00 50.00 INLAND EMPIRE MANAGERS ASSOC. IEMA MEP13EkSHIP,1988 15.00 15.00 INLAND EMPIRE STAGES LIMITED J & R JANITORIAL SERVICE LOMA LINDA DISPOSAL BARBARA MICHOWSKI BUS/RECREATION CLEAN R/R,C/C,10/87 CLEAN R/R,C/C,11/87 CLEAN R/,c.C/C,9/87 TRASH PICK-UP912/879C/C TRASH PICK-UP912/879PARK EXTRA PICK-UP,PARK911/9/87 EDEN SYS.SEMINAR FINANCIAL MGT.CONF. - 520.00 120.00 120.00 150.00 38.35 38.35 15.00 3.85 39.17 520-:00--- --- 390.00 91.70 43.02 DUCHREG ATE 12/10/87 CIT VOUC GRAND TERRACE /CHECK REGISTER PAGE 4 FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 17765 4665 MEYER DISTRIBUTING CO.,INC. POLLY COLLARS EOC 128.47 128.47 17766 4700 RAY MUNSON MUNSON,9/15,9/21/87 50.00 MUNSON110/19/87 25.00 75.00 17767 4718 MORGAN AND FRANZ LIF---INS:1187 -"-- - -- - -- ----- - ""----14.50-- -" - --- LIF INS.1/87 14.50 LIF INS.1/87 13.25 --- -- -- -- - - LIF-INS.1/87--------- ---------- ---- 2-1.75- --- - - - -- i. LIF INS.1/87 7.25 LIF INS.1/87 20.50 i - -- --- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - ---- - ----- - --- --- -- - ---1 I F -I N S � 1 / 8 7---------- - ---- - - -- ----------- --6 � 0 0- ----- -- - --- - 9 7-7 5- 17768 4890 JEAN MYERS CROSSING GUARD,11/16-11/Z7/87 114.48 114.48 17769 5450 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY MAINT.ELEVATOR912/87 - 193.88 193.88 .. s --17770-- -- - 5527 - --THOMAS -B:- PAGE- - - - ----- - PARK-CLEAN-UP-01-1/-87-- -- - - -- --- 160:00-- - - -- --160:00- 17771 5529 PACIFIC BELL PHONE,DAY CARE 59.70 59.70 17772 5535 PAGING PLUS RENT PAGER,12/87 29.00 RENT PAGER,12/87 29.00 58.00 t 17773 5545 PETRA ENTERPRISES CHRISTMAS FLYERS,REC. 138.74 138.74 :z - 17-774 ---5581 -PET-TY CASH ----- - -- -- - PE-T-T"Y---GA-SH -RE-I-MB: ----- - - ----- ---- - --- -Z1.08 ---- - PETTY CASH REIMB. 14.00 PETTY CASH REIMB. 8.73 d - - - - - - PETTY -CASH REIMB. -- - - 22.50 - - - --- --- PETTY CASH REIMB. 34.73 PETTY CASH REIMB. 50.77 -- - - - - -- - -- - - -PETTY CASH RE -I MB. --- 42.67 - - -- PETTY CASH REIMB. 12.00 PETTY CASH REIMB. 47.43 t PETTY CASH REIMB. 7.95 ----- PETTY CASH REIMB. 16.62 PETTY CASH REIMB. 3.30 281.78 17775 5660 POSTMASTER-COLTON PRE-SORT PERMIT #322 1988 50.00 50.00 17776 6144 RECO REFRIGERATION EOUIP.CO. MAINT.A/C,CIVIC CENTER 187.00 187.00 - - 17777 6555 SAN PERNARDINO,COUNTY OF DUMP.CHARGE,10/20-11/3/87 59.90 DUMP CHARGE,ID/20-11/3/87 5.00 b4.90 17778 b 5 9 0 SAN14A BANK TRUSTEE FEES96-12/879C/C 478.40 478.40 17779 6668 JIM SINS SIMS,Q/15,9/21/87 50.00 SIMS910/19/87 25.00 75.00 OUCHREG ATE 12/10/87 CIT GRAND TERRACE VOUC /CHECK REGISTER PAGE 5 FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ITEM CHECK CHECK NUMBER NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 17780 6681 SMART E FINAL IRIS COMPANY CHRISTMAS CANDY 237.89 SUPPLIES,CHRISTMAS 41.28 279.17 17781 6720 SO.CA.EDISON COMPANY ELEC.2 LIGHTSePARK 25.04 STREET LIGHTS911/87 2,604.10 29629.14 17782 6734 SOCI,INC. SEWER CLEANING,CARDINAL 400.00 400.00 - - 1-7783- 6786 --M-L-STERN E--CO.-,-INC. -- --- --LEASE- PAYMENT-9-A-IR-COND.- - - ------ -- -559838-.99"-- 559838:99-- -- 17784 7035 TRI-COUNTY OFFICIALS UMPIRE/SOFTBALL 208.00 --- -- - -- -------- -- - -- - -- - - ----- — - -- --- ---UMPIRE / S O F-T B A L L------------ 17785 7309 UNION OIL CO.OF CALIFORNIA FUEL,CITY TRUCK 55.40 i' t -- --- ---- ----- -- ---- --------- - --- --M A I N-T-, C--I-T Y—T-RU C-K ------ ----- -331 9 4---- --- -3 8 7 -.-3 4---- 17786 7553 FRAN VAN GELDER VANGELDER,9/899/15,9/21/87 75.00 - -- ------ - - -- - - - - -- VANGELDER, 10/19/87- ------ --- --- ----25.00--------- 100r00---- r ----------- -- - - -- --- - - --------------- -- -------------------- TOT -AL —CHECK 5------------- - -- - - - 691 e 792-.-1-1-- ---- , . --- PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER, ---- ----- - - - -- 1987 _ 47,976.40 -- I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORELISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY. { t -THOMAS SCHWAB - -- -- -- --- - - -- -- -- ------------ -- --- -- ---- - --------------- --- - -- - ---- -- ---- FINANCE DIRECTOR t t DEC, 17 1987 PENDING CITY COH1\1CAL APP(IOVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - DECEMBER 01, 1987 A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to Barton Road, order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Grand Terrace, California, on December 01, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Barbara Pfennighausen, Mayor Pro Tem Hugh J. Grant, Councilmember Dennis L. Evans, Councilmember Susan Shirley, Councilmember Thomas J. Schwab, City Manager/Finance Director ABSENT: None Mayor Matteson indicated Item No. 1 is the appointment of a representative to the South Coast Air Quality Management District, indicating that each Councilmember had copies of letters that were sent to them by prospective candidates. Councilmember Grant nominated Faye Dastrup, Mayor Pro Tem of Ontario, as representative to the So;ath Coast Air Quality Management District, second by Councilmember Shirley. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen nominated Carole Beswick as representative to the South Coast Air Quality Management District and stated she understood in order to qualify, the ow candidates have to be supported by nine cities and apparently Ms. Beswick has the nine cities. She indicated Ms. Beswick has indicated an interest in serving in this capacity and was just re-elected and would have four full years to serve, indicating she did not know if that was the case with Faye Dastrup. Councilmember Grant stated he thought Ms. Dastrup had about two more years to serve on her term. Mayor Matteson noted a nomination for Carole Beswick was before the Council. Mayor Matteson stated his intent to abstain from voting on these nominations. His reason being that the candidates will be at the meeting tomorrow and will present their point of view and indicated there may be nominations from the floor. He did not want to make a commitment until he heard the presentations. C0UNCIi.. AGEN'5-A ITEM 4b 3D Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated by abstaining it makes it impossible for Council to reach a consensus. Council could give Mayor Matteson the authority to vote which ever way he felt he should vote without Council's direction on successive ballots. She also stated she felt it is incumbent, at least, in the first round, to have a consensus of this Council in support of somebody. Councilmember Grant concurred with that and stated he wasn't certain how Council was going to get the consensus. Councilmember Shirley concurred with both Councilmembers and felt it would be incumbent upon the Mayor to vote the Council's desire, at least, for the first round of voting. Mayor Matteson replied he could not really do that until he talked to the candidates and asked questions and heard their testimonies. He questioned how he could vote for a candidate without knowing their position. Councilmember Shirley asked how the other Councils were handling this and what was their direction? Councilmember Grant replied, what he understands from past experiences, it varies, depending upon the city. He stated some cities are requesting the Mayor to make his/her decision. He stated most cities are not reaching a consensus. Mayor Matteson indicated it would be preferable to have the candidates here to question, but time constraint makes that impossible. He invited all Councilmembers to attend the meeting tomorrow. 40 Councilmember Shirley stated she did not believe a consensus could be reached by the Council on the issue other than at this meeting. Councilmember Grant indicated Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen has reached the only positive conclusion on this and Council really has to have some consensus. He stated whomever is selected by Council tonight did not make the first ballot, he would certainly leave it up to the Mayor to use his best judgment after the fact. Mayor Matteson stated if Counci,l without his vote, comes to consensus, then he will follow through with that, but in his true conscience he cannot make a decision without truly hearing each of the candidates presentation. He stated air quality means a lot to him and he needs to get information about the candidates on how they feel about this issue. Council Minutes - 12/01/87 Page 2 Councilmember Grant stated how the candidates feel on this issue, obviously isn't mentioned in their letters, but they do tell Council things about themselves and their positions in general. Mayor Matteson indicated Council has their credentials, but do not have their philosophies. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated as far as she is concerned, either one of the two candidates that have been nominated are highly qualified to do this job. She indicated the only thing she would suggest is that she thinks it is incumbent upon this Valley to stand solidly as a block on certain issues. She indicated we need some local representation from our area. She stated what she would like to see, at least, on a first round, is for us to join the block of the East Valley cities and support Carole Beswick, indicating there is no doubt in her mind that it's going to go to more than one round of votes and, at that point, she is perfectly willing to agree with Mayor Matteson making his own decision. She stated that if there is a second round and Faye Dastrup looked like she is going to be the representative, she would have no problem going with that because she would like to see the East Valley Block come in as a block. Councilmember Grant stated his position is the same as Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen's except that he is using the same argument in reverse and felt both of these candidates are extremely qualified. He stated he felt Faye had the edge by virtue of her experience as an incumbent, but this doesn't mean that Carole wouldn't do a good job. He stated he is also saying pollution is an Inland Area problem, not an East or West Valley problem. He stated obviously because of population, the number of vehicles and industries, the West Valley probably contributes much more than the East Valley does in total pollution, indicating both gets it from Orange County and L.A. County and smog travels over boundaries. Councilmember Evans asked what was Ms. Dastrup's position on the tire burning plant as a member of the South Coast Air Quality District? Councilmember Grant indicated talking to Ms. Dastrup today and she only told him about the garbage burning plant which was turned down 3-2 by the Board of Supervisors. She felt that was probably the most feasible way of getting rid of garbage, and yet, she understood the problem of potential pollution. She said if she had been on the Board of Supervisors, she would have had a very difficult problem and might have voted the same way as the majority of the Board of Supervisors did which would be against that plant. Council Minutes - 12/01/87 Page 3 Councilmember Evans asked if there was any way of researching Ms. Dastrup's position right now, because he believed that the South Coast Air Quality took a pro -active approach and supported the go ahead on that issue. Councilmember Shirley asked if Ms. Dastrup was at the meeting about the tire burning plant? Councilmember Grant indicated he believed so. Councilmember Shirley indicated she believes Ms. Dastrup was interested enough to be here at that meeting and knew that she did not take a public position at that meeting and indicated she felt Ms. Dastrup has the dedication, the interest and the experience. She stated Ms. Dastrup went to bat for changing that proposal for the makeup of the South Coast Air Quality Management District Board which, had it gone through the way it was originally proposed, would have been detrimental to all of Southern California. She indicated she felt Ms. Dastrup has done a lot of work in that area and that she does need Council's support. Mayor Matteson asked Councilmember Evans what his position was on these particular candidates. Councilmember Evans replied he did not have any particular position right now and would not until he has a chance to do some research. He stated he has some concerns because something locks in his mind that the members of the Air Quality District, when they discussed the tire burning plant, did not really take a strong position against it. He stated it seems to him that they were more in support of it than against, but without the records before him, he did not know what Faye's position was. He stated until he researched it, he would be very hesitant in going with her. Councilmember Grant stated researching it at twenty minutes to eight, the night before the big event, is going to be very difficult. Councilmember Evans replied, he felt it would be incumbent upon the Mayor if he is going to represent this City that he should have the research available to him before the meeting tomorrow. Councilmember Grant asked Councilmember Evans if Council would take a vote right now, would he also abstain? Councilmember Evans replied, "you will have to wait and see." CC-87-225 Councilmember Grant replied, okay, then I make a motion that we request the Mayor to support Faye Dastrup to this position, second by Councilmember Shirley. Motion CC-87-225 failed, vote was 2-2, with Mayor Matteson abstaining. Council Minutes - 12/01/87 Page 4 Mayor Matteson indicated having a 2-2 vote and he would make a decision one way or the other. He questioned what difference would it make if he makes the decision tonight or makes it at the meeting tomorrow. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated she was not going to put this in a form of a motion at this point. She asked could it possibly become the consensus of the council that there are going to be other candidates other than Ms. Dastrup and Ms. Beswick? She stated she would ask and would be willing to be part of that consensus of casting the first round of votes with Faye Dastrup. She stated if it goes to a second round and the eastern block is able to pull the weight necessary to take Faye Dastrup out, then she would ask the Mayor to support Carol Beswick. 40 CC-87-226 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, second by Councilmember Grant, to direct the Mayor to vote the first round for Faye Dastrup and the second round for Carole Beswick if it appears that there is enough support to put her in that position. Motion CC-87-226 carried 4 to 1 with Mayor Matteson abstaining. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated she highly rejected the fact that Mayor Matteson would abstain as a member of this Council. She stated we are taking a position as a Council, not simply you as a delegate to that Board and indicated Council giving Mayor Matteson the latitude of casting votes different ways, indicating she felt it's a cop-out. Mayor Matteson replied, "it's not a cop-out," you are committing me to vote for Faye and you are committing me, if that doesn't work, to vote for Carole. 4W Councilmember Shirley concurred with what Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen said and felt it is the Mayor's duty, not only as a Councilmember on this Council, but more so, as the Mayor to make the decision. Mayor Matteson replied that was incorrect because he doesn't know how the candidates stand on two major issues and apparently no one else here does. He stated until we know that, how can we make an intelligent decision? He stated those two issues are very important to him and he wasn't going to vote for someone when he doesn't know what their position is because of some connections. Councilmember Grant replied he did not have a connection with Ms. Dastrup, but he has known her for a long period of time. He stated the only thing he knows about Faye is that she is an incumbent on the Air Quality Management District and felt she was qualified for this position. Council Minutes - 12/01/87 Page 5 Councilmember Shirley stated her support for Faye Dastrup comes from the fact that she worked very diligently to maintain control of the South Coast Air Quality Management District in Southern California by the communities that it is going to affect and take it away from the Governor's appointment. Councilmember Grant stated the vote has been taken and the majority did indicate that the first ballot would be for Mrs. Dastrup indicating if there is to be a majority of the cities in favor of Mrs. Beswick, the Mayor would vote for Mrs. Beswick on the second ballot. The City Manger stated for clarification, what was Councilmember Evans vote. Councilmember Evans replied he voted yes. 4 Councilmember Evans stated he would like to encourage research on Ms. Dastrup's position because if it is in support of the tire burning plant, he would strongly support Carole Biswick at this point. The City Manager questioned if there was going to be a question and answer period tomorrow? Councilmember Grant replied, traditionally, there has been. Each candidate gets up and makes their presentation and gives their qualifications. The City Manager replied, he has no problem with doing a research indicating the only person with a track record would be Faye and staff really would not know the decision of anyone else. 4 Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen asked if it would be possible to direct or request Mayor Matteson to specifically ask that question which she assumes would fall within the bounds of procedures if there is that kind question on the floor. She indicated that we would be able to get that information directly from Ms. Dastrup herself. Mayor Matteson stated he will not ask her that question tomorrow and get a negative answer, then vote for her, he will not do that. Councilmember Grant replied, regardless of whether the Mayor asks that question or not, procedurally that question can be asked. Council Minutes - 12/01/87 Page 6 Adjourned the Special Meeting at 8:30 p.m. until the next regular City Council Meeting which will be held Thursday, December 3, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted City Clerk APPROVED: Mayor Council Minutes - 12/01/87 Page 7 U I_C `>_ 7 1987 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUN('kil- APPROVAL COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 03, 1987 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on December 03, 1987, at 5:30 p.m. PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Barbara Pfennighausen, Mayor Pro Tem Hugh J. Grant, Councilmember Dennis L. Evans, Councilmember Susan Shirley, Councilmember Thomas J. Schwab, City Manager/Finance Director Randy Anstine, Assistant City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney David Sawyer, Planning Director Joe Kicak, City Engineer ABSENT: Juanita Brown, Deputy City Clerk The meeting was opened with invocation by Mr. Tony Petta, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Shirley. Convened City Council at 5:40 p.m. Reconvened City Council at 5:45 p.m. Mayor Matteson asked Council if there were any items to be to deleted? The City Manager replied there were no items to delete. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Matteson asked Council if there were any items on the Consent Calendar to be removed for discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen requested Item-D -- Approve November 12, 1987 Minutes; Councilmember Grant requested Item - A -- Approve Check Register No. 120387. CC-87-227 Motion by Councilmember Shirley, second by Councilmember Grant, ALL AYES, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Item B - Ratify December 03, 1987 Item C - Waive Full Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions on Agenda OCR' UKCIL AGENDI^- ITEM Item E - Authorization to go to bid for Architectural Barrier Removal Project. Item F - Resolution of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace fixing times for regular City Council Meetings, Commission Meetings and Committee Meetings. Item H - Approval of Final Parcel Map No. 10439 Item A Councilmember Grant indicated page 2, Voucher No. P5379 - Check Register Fingerprint Kit. He questioned where do we use a fingerprint No. 120387 kit and stated he was not aware of anybody in the City who is fingerprinted. The reply was our Notary Public was fingerprinted for identification. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen questioned who was the Notary Public. The City Manager replied the Deputy City Clerk is getting her Notary. Councilmember Grant indicated Page 2, Voucher No. 17698 -- Grand Terrace Mailers for October 1987. He asked if G.T. Mailers picked -up the City's mail from the Post Office? The City Manager replied, "yes." Councilmember Grant questioned, " why?" The City Manager replied G.T. Mailers picks up mail from their private boxes every morning and staff is receiving mail from the Postman in the afternoons. Staff made arrangements with G.T. Mailers to pickup the City's mail at the same time as theirs so we would receive mail every morning around 9:00 a.m., which works better for staff. G.T. Mailers charges about $25.00 a month. CC-87-228 Motion by Councilmember Grant, second by Mayor Matteson, ALL AYES, to approve Check Register No. 120387. Item D Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen indicated Page 37 -- Item 1-A, Light Token Light Token Subsidy for the Soccer Club. She stated the way Subsidy for the the minutes read and we listened to the tapes again, and since G.T. Soccer Team it does deal with an official motion, she felt it probably needed clarification. She stated Councilmember Shirley asked if it authorizes 1/3 of $500.00 subsidy, but Parks and Recreation Committee requested 1/3 of what the tokens would cost or $500.00 whichever was greater. She indicated to make it official, Council needs to have it clarified because 1/3 of $500.00 is considerably less than $500.00. Mayor Matteson stated he would confirm that was the intent, as per requested $500.00 or 1/3 and Council/staff will have to make that correction. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 2 Ili 11 CC-87-229 Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, second by Councilmember Shirley, ALL AYES, to approve December 12, 1987 Minutes as corrected. It was requested that the minutes be condensed as before unless requested by a Councilmember to have the minutes verbatim. The City Manager informed Council that staff only does verbatim minutes when requested by Council. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Dick Rollins Mr. Rollins mentioned the incident of a youth killed last 22700 DeBerry summer while displaying a toy look alike gun. He stated that Council needs to look at what other cities have done in passing ordinances to prevent the sale of toy look alike guns and felt it is vitally important that Council adopt an ordinance preventing the sale of toy look alike guns in Grand Terrace. He felt if enough cities adopted such an ordinance, toy manufactures would discontinue manufacturing them. Councilmember Evans stated he would be interesting in the City Attorney obtaining copies of the ordinances that Mr. Rollins just addressed and he believed there is a current legislation pending or being proposed and would like to have that also brought to Council for review and consideration. Mayor Matteson asked if there was any other public participation? Ed O'Neal Mr. O'Neal stated we have 22608 Minona Number 19. He stated they Drive County Center at 7:00 p.m. extended an invitation to ceremony and, if possible, into the County. ORAL REPORTS a new city in San Bernardino County, will install the officers at the next Tuesday, December 8, 1987. He Council to come and be a part of that bring a resolution welcoming them Councilmember Grant replied Council could not make a motion for that because of the Brown Act, but he was sure that staff on their own would do something like that if the consensus of the Council agreed to that. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated that is the night the City has the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony and stated Council was aware of the new City and will have a representative there from the City. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS Parks and Ms. Conley stated on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Recreation Committee, a Community Events Calendar Meeting was held on Committee November 9, 1987 which was attended by various members of the Barbara Conley, City Civic Groups and they discussed not having overlapping Chairman events and other ways the Chamber and the City could work together, as well as other groups. She stated another meeting has been planned for February, 1988 and that they are trying to come up with a Master Calendar for anyone who is interested in what is going on in Grand Terrace there would be one spot to go and find out. She indicated the Parks and Recreation Committee action items for Committee members are self-explanatory. CC-87-230 Motion by Councilmember Grant, second by Councilmember Shirley, ALL AYES, that Council appoint the two individuals recommended by the Parks and Recreation Committee to that Committee, Mr. 4 Alan Cruise and Mike Brickenridge. Mayor Matteson stated Council had a copy of Emergency Operations Committee Minutes indicating he did not believe they were present at Council Meeting. COUNCIL REPORT Councilmember Councilmember Shirley stated she attended the Omnitrans and Shirley SANDBAG meetings for this month. Councilmember Councilmember Grant indicated getting in on the tail -end part Grant of the Omnitrans Board Meeting as the alternate, but he did attend the full session of the SANBAG County Transportation Meeting as the principal member. He stated he sat in on the City Selection Committee function, which Mayor Matteson 4 represented Grand Terrace and Mayor Beswick of Redlands was selected on the third ballot. He believes the system they devised at the Special Meeting was a very good system, it worked out quite well and the only variables are motions from the floor. Mayor Matteson skipped the public hearing at this point since it is scheduled for 6:30. Councilmember Evans stated if the Mayor did not have a report, he would like to ask the City Engineer a question. Councilmember Councilmember Evans asked the City Engineer if he was Evans contacting Caltrans or preparing a cost estimate for the upgrade of the Barton Road Interchange; or was that already done? Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 4 City Engineer The City Engineer replied he believes he passed out a letter in far Joe Kicak which Caltrans advised him they were working on a report as as the feasibility was concerned, as well as the cost. He stated this correspondence came in within the last three weeks and they did not give staff a specific date, but they did say that report will be coming very soon. Councilmember stated so they will have the cost figures in that report? The City Engineer replied, "that is correct." Planning Director The Planning Director stated on November 12, 1987, Council David Sawyer enacted the development of a moratorium on all Item 7-A residentially -zoned property located east of the 215 freeway. Clarification on He then indicated the property which is identified on the map Residential board labeled as Item 7 affects all property zoned R-1, R-2, Moratorium R-3 and has some affect on AP -zoned property for any residential R-3 projects that maybe submitted for in that zone. He read a scenario from his Staff Report regarding the Planning Department's procedures as a result of these actions. He stated the Planning Department recommends Council to revise the aforementioned moratorium, as requested. Mayor Matteson ask the Planning Director what is the current status of the General Plan revision? The Planning Director replied, the General Plan Revisions are due in tomorrow afternoon from the consultant on a staff level and will be reviewing their draft Environmental Impact Report and General Plan Document and then staff will go back to the consultant with their comments in approximately a week and a half to two weeks. The consultant will then prepare a final document which will be available for public comment for 30 days. #JW Mayor Matteson asked if he was talking about 30 days from the date staff returns it to the Consultant. The Planning Director replied, "that's correct." He indicated the Planning Commission and City Council hearings will probably began around the first couple of weeks in February. Mayor Matteson stated, so approximately six to seven weeks. He then stated he was going to open this up for public input on this particular issue. He stated if there was anyone in the audience who wished to address this issue. Tony Petta Mr. Petta stated there has been no objection on the part of the 11875 Eton Dr. public as far as building houses or swimming pools or patios or re -roofing the house. He stated it would appear that the revision of the moratorium, whereby individuals might want to build their house, would be allowed since apparently there is no objection on the part of anyone to someone building their Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 5 own home. He then asked if the Planning Director would be the only staff that would be allowed to look at the plans or could anyone else who wants to? The Planning Director replied the intent is that the General Plan Consultant will be submitting to him the draft that he has come up with and then he will sit down with the consultant and go over what he has proposed with questions and comments; they will sit down with the City Engineer; they will provide the park information to the Parks and Recreation Committee and go over it on staff level at that meeting. He stated it will not be open to public for comment or review until after staff completes it from staff point -of -view because it is still in a draft writing stage. He stated once staff has made their comments on it, staff will give it back to the consultant and then he will formalize it into a public comment format. Mr. Petta stated, so that communication is strictly between the consultant and City staff. The Planning Director replied, "that's correct." Bill Storm Mr. Storm stated they are processing an extension for Tract T.J. Austyn 13050 and he was trying to get a clarification on the status of that extension. He stated they are now working with staff on a compromise for that tract and he understands the extension would allow them to move ahead because they made an application prior to the cut-off date. He then asked for clarification about their Site Plan and Architectural Review not being allowed to move ahead because they had not made the formal application. The Planning Director replied, "that's correct," that's the way the Planning Department is viewing the moratorium up until this evening and clarifications for projects such as this one, which has come in for a tentative map and has been working with the Engineering Department on the conditions in the submittal of the final map would be allowed to continue and come to Council with the final map recommendations to be heard. He stated after that, the developer will have to submit a new Site and Architectural Review Application and that will not be accepted because that is a new application for the next phase of that development. He stated if Council feels that they don't want to have a project such as this in this type of timing to go forward with the final map, then that is the kind of clarification he would like. He indicated he is interpreting it that he will be allowed to go forward with that type of project in pipeline. He stated there are two items here tonight that are exactly the same type of situation where the developers have submitted tentative maps that have gone to the Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 6 Planning Commission and are now coming to Council and are now caught in a time-lag because of the moratorium. Mr. Storm stated his other question would be on Tract No. 13205, they are two to three weeks away before they will be submitting their final map on that project to the city. Mayor Matteson stated for clarification, asked Mr. Storm the projects that are under construction now, what map is that. Mr. Storm replied, 13050 indicating those are phases I thru IV and the one that was just mentioned. They wished to complete the final three phases, which are Phases 5 thru 7. Mayor Matteson questioned the phase after that? Mr. Storm replied, they have another tract, Tract 13205 on Main Street above Oriole and that's another map altogether, which is about 95 percent through final plan check with the City now. The Planning Director stated that second map is not affected by the extension issue that we will be considering at the next Council Meeting and that first map, 13050 is, so they are really two separate issues. Mr. Storm stated he believe the second map would be expiring around June and he was concerned whether or not their time would be extended in the moratorium? Do they have two years sometime to get approval until the time they can get a final map on that parcel. He stated if the General Plan process stretches out for a period of time, it could stretch beyond that two-year period and he wanted to know how that would affect him. 4+ The City Attorney stated he believes there is language in the Code that says when a moratorium is applied, that the time is automatically extended. Councilmember Evans asked Mayor Matteson what was the purpose of imposing a moratorium on all residential developments? Mayor Matteson replied the purpose was to redo the General Plan and see if we were going to be changing the zoning on some of the property and therefore, wanted to stop all construction until that time when they could see what the General Plan was going to bring and not having people coming through with maps and putting a great expense for projects that Council was not going to accept. Councilmember Evans asked so that was all residential developments? Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 7 Mayor Matteson replied, "yes," that was the intent of the motion. Councilmember Evans asked if that was still the intent of the motion? Mayor Matteson stated the reason the Planning Director is bringing this up tonight is so that Council can review it and see if some adjustments can be made. Councilmember Evans stated he would like to know what the intent of the motion is because Mr. Petta mentioned that he felt the intent of the moratorium was not to stop the construction of houses. He stated in light of what has transpired in the last couple of months, he can't help but feel it's okay to continue with construction or development of single-family homes, however, we don't want apartments. He wanted to know if the intent of the motion was to stifle multi -family development. If so, we need to specifically state that so everyone knows, then Council can proceed with what we have with us without any clarification. Mayor Matteson replied part of the problem is not just multi -family units, it's clarification on what the Planning Director had in way of lot size in the area of Blue Mountain. Councilmember Evans stated if he understood what Mayor Matteson was saying, was that any kind of residential construction will stand. Mayor Matteson replied after reviewing the Planning Commissioner's Report, he wouldn't say that any residential construction, large tract units. He stated personal residential units that were owner -occupied buildings that are going in he has no problem with, that was not the real intent. Councilmember Evans asked the Planning Director when he said in his Staff Report, owner occupied, did he have in mind someone who wanted to do an addition to their home that are currently living on the premises.? The Planning Director replied that and also a person who is in the R-1 Area and has a lot that is vacant and is planning on building his home on it, that he will be allowed to build a single-family residence on it. Councilmember Evans asked what was the difference we are waiting the General Plan for review whether it's one house, ten or twenty homes? He stated one more home will obviously will impact it, if we are going to be taking a look at residential construction as it relates to the impact in the community, that is what he is trying to get a clarification as to the purpose of the moratorium. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 8 The Planning Director replied there is an element of staff being able to work with the public and if a person is coming in and wants to build his own home in an area which may not be a residential area in the future, there is some working tei capabilities that we can deal with and get the person to perhaps not go forward with that, but if he really wants to, he can. He stated that is different than a person who is an area that has been ear -marked or is being talked about changing from residential to commercial or industrial area. He has a two or three -acre piece of property that he wants to split, subdivide and sell off, and then future people coming in and buying residential property being surrounded by a commercial area. He stated that is the type of thing he was concerned about stopping. He felt staff can deal with an individual homeowner on an individual basis. Councilmember Evans replied he underst c� at the Planning Director was saying, but it still comes the point when the motion was made statin 11 residential development, it doesn't state if it is an own r— ccupied one -dwelling unit, it's okay. He stated it seems li W we are picking and choosing and he would like some definitive guidelines and that is why he was asking the purpose of the moratorium. The Planning Director replied that is exactly what the Planning Department interpreted it with a "hard-line" on interpretation until this meeting and that is why staff is coming back to Council with this request fora revision. Councilmember Grant stated the original intent was not to create something that would pardize the integrity of the development of the revised lene al Plan, you start authorizing things that would place t IeCo ultant in a peculiar position in terms of his recommends to Council and it was a very logical act on the part of this Council to that extent. He stated to another extent, it was somewhat over -killed and that is why he would support staff's recommendations. He indicated Council could make it more liberal and still not jeopardize the consultant in what he is doing; indicating he supports the moratorium and that is the reason he seconds this motion, but felt it should be revised tonight and made more sensible. Councilmember Shirley stated she would like to get an opinion and add one more thing to Councilmember Grant's recommendation and that is replacement construction, for instance if someone's house burns down, it would be nice if it could be rebuilt. She stated she did not think that has been addressed. The Planning Director replied staff has interpreted that kitchen remodeling, replacement of an existing structure. He stated he would accept that applicant and do a permit for that on a single-family maximum type of situation. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 9 Councilmember Evans stated if he understood Mr. Storm's position in looking for direction, we are talking about the property that is just immediately south of what is under construction, known as Fieldcrest Homes, is that correct? Mr. Storm replied, "that's correct." Councilmember Evans stated if he recalls, Mr. Storm has not had a final tract map on that property? Mr. Storm replied they have a contract map on the first plot where Fieldcrest is located, but they did not have a final tract map on Phases 5 thru 7. Councilmember Evans stated the rest of the area came up and fell into the two-year time limit, then asked Mr. Storm had he 4, not filed his final tract map? Mr. Storm replied, "that's correct" they filed for an extension in July 1987 and carried into the extension a few weeks ago. Councilmember Evans asked if it was because of some problems and indicated he did not know if the City Attorney or the Planning Director had mentioned it, but usually when a developer files there is a sixty-day time limit they automatically get. He then asked Mr. Storm if that had expired also and did that expire prior to the moratorium or after the moratorium was imposed? The Planning Director replied the moratorium was placed on the last meeting and we either extended that 60-day extension time period at that meeting or the prior meeting. He asked the City 4W Attorney if he could remember which meeting that took place? The City Attorney replied, he did not recall which meeting it was. However, Council agreed by stipulation that the status quo would be preserved and felt the moratorium would not apply to those phases and believed that they would come before Council at the next meeting. He presumed, otherwise, the developer had certain recourses they would have taken and i.n order to preserve the status quo, Council arrived at a stipulation and wouldn't work an unfair hardship. Councilmember Evans stated to the City Attorney, if he recalled his direction, it was because of potential litigation. The City Attorney replied, "yes." Councilmember Evans he asked in answer to Mr. Storm's question this evening, although he is putting together a major residential development, he will not fall under this moratorium. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 10 The City Attorney replied, "yes and no," he wasn't dragging the question, but as to the final map, he would say "no," Mr. Storm would not fall under the moratorium, that they would come before Council at the next meeting or the extension of the tentative map. He stated as to taking out permits in any of those for building, that is another matter and the Planning Director has already indicated they would not entertain that. Councilmember Evans asked if Mr. Storm would be able to bring to the Planning Commission a review of what will be built on the subdivision. The City Attorney replied, "no sir," the Planning Department has already indicated they would not accept. Councilmember Evans stated so assuming that at the next meeting, he was to be granted the extension, he would then have to wait for the six-month period or until the General Plan was adopted before he could then continue further. The City Attorney replied, "yes." Councilmember Evans asked Mr. Storm if that was clear to him. Mr. Storm replied, "yes," but he was not happy with that; they would like to submit those plans if they could, but it is clear and he understands that. The City Engineer stated he believes he understands this, but he would like clarification that if any final or tentative tract that is now ready to go final, that could not be brought before the City Council for final approval until such time as the moratorium is over, is that the way I understand it? The City Attorney replied, "yes," but the time would not run on those maps because they have an automatic extension of time or whatever the duration of the moratorium. Mayor Matteson asked Mr. Storm if he had any other questions. Mr. Storm replied, "no," other than you were talking about financial impact and saving people any great financial impact, we have already spent the money, so it's already been a very great financial impact on us. He stated they are a small company and he hopes some decision can be made fairly quick so they can get on with this thing. Harry Baie Mr. Baie stated for the last year he has been trying to build an extension on his home with a bathroom. The Veterans Administration approved all his plans and he was ready to go on the 14th of November and he was turned down because the moratorium was in affect. He requested the City Council to modify this ordinance so that individual cases can be adjudicated properly and swiftly. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 11 Tony Petta Mr. Petta asked the City Attorney and the City Engineer if the 11875 Eton Dr. moratorium that took place west of the freeway was R-3 property? The City Attorney replied, it might have included R-2 also, but it certainly was R-3, not R-1 property. Mr. Petta stated that was the factor that brought on the moratorium in the first place west of the freeway. Therefore, the Council took care of that problem by imposing a moratorium essentially on R-3 properties. He stated west of the freeway, the point of discussion was the R-3 properties and there were absolutely no objections whatsoever on any form of R-1 constructed houses. Therefore, if the same criteria was used here east of the freeway, by placing a moratorium on R-3 properties, that takes care of the concern of the people and also it would not burden the individuals who are in the process of building residential homes. Mayor Matteson replied, east of the freeway, we have some other problems we didn't have on the west side and one of those is the gradual increase of lot sizes as you go south, where you get into larger lots and it made more sense to blend in increasingly larger lots, this is the reason why we are waiting for the General Plan. Mr. Petta replied he understands that, however, the Planning Commission can address that because all development has to go first before the Planning Commission. He stated the Planning Director might comment on that. He stated where there is a problem that is in reference to lot sizes, the Planning Commission can directly take action to request and then make recommendation to Council to make those lots larger without a moratorium. The Planning Director replied the Planning Commission and the Planning Department would have the zoning issues that they will be able to enforce with different projects that are proposed. He stated he would be concerned with eliminating R-1 properties from the moratorium in the instance on the southern portion part of the City, there has been an application that wanted to come to subdivide some property which he knew the General Plan Consultant is considering changing from R-1 to a commercial or industrial business park type of environment. He stated that is exactly the reason he would like to have R-1 still in there because that allows him to put that application off so it doesn't get into the procedure and doesn't give that applicant any proceeds to vested rights to that type of development. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 12 Dave Cole Mr. Cole stated he was here on behalf of a property owner in Principle of Grand Terrace who is asking for an exemption from the Regional & moratorium for a specific site that he is proposing System multi -family housing tract which is located just southerly of Landscaping & the Retirement Hotel that is being constructed. He stated they Architectural have requested through the City Manager to come before Council Firm this evening to ask for this request. He indicated this project is being considered as a replacement of the existing multi -family housing which is in a deteriorated state of condition. He stated this project would be a replacement for the existing situation. He stated he was here to request a waiver on this moratorium for this specific site is so that the developer can proceed with his planning in an expeditious manner. Mayor Matteson indicated his particular position on this is that the major constructions we are talking about would may be two months, and felt that is not a length of time that is to be of great consideration. He stated he felt these are the things we want to get straight in the General Plan and he would not be in favor of the extension or exemption on any major construction on the moratorium. However, he would be in favor of accepting the Planning Commission recommendations on the R-1 and R-2. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen apologized to Mr. Baie for the degree of difficulties he had because of the moratorium. She indicated the frustrating thing for her was that she sat here at the last Council Meeting for three pages of minutes and went item by item with Council on the motion on the floor saying are you sure that's what you mean, do you really want to stop this, and the City Attorney and Councilmembers replying and it was clear what we were doing. She indicated, feeling good, that Council is now ready to correct something that was done so incorrectly. CC-87-231 Motion by Mayor Matteson, second by Councilmember Evans, to approve Planning Commission's recommendation. Councilmember Evans asked for the definition of major construction and clarification as to it applying to R-1 and R-2, or will this moratorium govern all multi -family? Mayor Matteson replied it already governs all multi -family, as well as it governs all R-1 at the present time. He stated we are making an exception here for people who are building their own residents or making modifications to their homes. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 13 Councilmember Evans stated that is why he came back to the intent of the moratorium in the first place. What is considered major construction, because the minute you put one house, one more house in this City is going to cause an impact. He asked are you specifically identifying one house versus fifty homes. Mayor Matteson stated if you read the paragraph the Planning Director has written which specifically says "owner occupied." Councilmember Evans asked the Planning Director if that paragraph was being modified in any way during the discussion tonight? Mayor Matteson replied, "it hasn't so far." 4, Councilmember Evans asked the Planning Director if there were any problems he has with discussion tonight? The Planning Director replied as he understand the motion that was made, it was to accept staff's recommendation as written and he still concurs with his recommendations as written. Councilmember replied so R-1 would be included into that. The Planning Director replied, R-1 would be included in it and a single owner -occupied person; a gentlemen/lady who owns their own lot who wants to build his/her house can do so, but they can't put a duplex on that lot. Councilmember Evans to pass, we have two these fall under the this evening? asked the City Attorney if this motion were subdivisions for public hearings, would moratorium and should not be considered The City Attorney replied, he felt they could consider them, the tentative map will never be able to be finalized until such time as the moratorium is completed, because there would be a moratorium on that. Councilmember Evans stated he felt one involved a project of three parcels; the other one two parcels indicating he was trying to get some understanding as to where we stand. He stated it would seem from what he has heard this evening that these should also fall under the moratorium and it seem rather foolish to take a look at something now before we take a look at the document that the moratorium is supposed to be awaiting. The City Attorney replied he may wish to take that precise action on those items. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 14 Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen asked what would the recommendations be, to continue those items until such time as the General Plan is approved, or the moratorium is lifted? The City Attorney replied, "yes," but you could approve them, they may never be finalized until the moratorium is completed, but if that is the action you prefer take at that time, yes. The Planning Director indicated this is part of the reason why he wanted a clarification. He stated the Planning Department's interpretation has been that if it has been applied for, then staff will go forward with that. He stated these were applied for and that is the reason he brought them before Council tonight because it is part of tentative map approval process, just as T.J. Austyn Project is applied for, then staff would come before Council at the next meeting with that extension OAW issue. He stated if the two applicants were to come in tomorrow with these two proposals, he would say "no" to them, he could not accept them as he interpreted it. He stated that is the reason they are here tonight because they are in the process already and if I'm not interpreting that correctly, he needed Council to tell him that very plainly. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated if she understands from what the Planning Director and the direction the City Attorney gave Council, Council could go ahead and approve these maps, but that would be the end of the process for them as would it be for T.J. Austyn until such time as the moratorium is lifted or the General Plan is adopted. The Planning Director replied, "that's correct," this one is slightly different than T.J. Austyn, it's the same process, we have a tentative tract map approval process; the final map OAW approval process and the site and architectural approval process. He stated this one is at the tentative map process, it would be stopped there as these two and could not go forward to the final map process. He stated T.J. Austyn would be in the position where they would get the final map, but could not go on to the site and architectural, etc. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated, in other words, essentially completing a process they already started and they can't go on to the next step, so we're not involved with anything being constructed there. She stated if the General Plan land use designation were to change and we had gone ahead and okayed these tract maps, then are we going to say to these people we had a tentative approval or final approval on your tract map because you were that far into the pipeline, but now it isn't going to apply anymore, is that what's going to happen? Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 15 The Planning Director replied they would still have the tentative map approval and then staff will have to sit down with them and bring in legal council on that whether or not a tentative map is actually vested or not with that, but there would be argument that they should be able to go forward with those two maps. He stated these particular two maps, one is in the area where he did not anticipate any changes at all, it's in an established R-1 area. The other one is in an area that staff will be looking at larger lot sizes, but through the Planning Commission process what we are seeing tonight is a compromise that has been worked out and the Planning Department feels comfortable with it. Motion CC-87-231 carried ALL AYES, to approve Planning Commission's recommendations. 4 PUBLIC HEARING Item 6-A The Planning Director indicated Item 6-A is the first map on TPM-87-8 the board, the applicants are Kevin and Cheryl Trawinski and is APN 277-131-69 represented by Dotson Engineering. He gave a scenario of the project and it's location. Mayor Matteson opened up for public hearing inquiring if there was anyone who wished to speak for or against this project. Being there was none, he turned it over to Council. CC-87-232 Motion by Mayor Matteson, second by Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen, to approve TPM-87-8. Councilmember Shirley on your requirement 6-B "a minimum lot coverage shall be 60 percent?" 4r The Planning Director replied, "yes," the lot coverage is the birds -eye -view if you are above the lot that is not open earth or landscaped, but does not include a deck or something that's more than 30 inches, but there is a certain percentage that can be paved over or covered. Councilmember Shirley asked, "shouldn't that read maximum lot coverage?" The Planning Director replied, "you are right." Councilmember Evans asked what was the clarification. Councilmember Shirley replied, where it states minimum lot coverage shall be 60 percent, it will be corrected to read maximum lot coverage shall be 60 percent under condition of approval and also on the Resolution it needs to be changed in those two places. She stated she would like to make a comment about this area indicating she had a call from a resident on Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 16 that street Willet Court, it has nothing to do with this lot split, but she was concerned about lighting in that area because there are no street lights. She stated she would like Council to consider that at sometime. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated as a point of information, the people on Willet Street have consistently refused to participate in a lighting assessment district; they want those lights free. Motion CC-87-232 carried, 4-1, with Councilmember Evans voting NOE, to approve TPM 87-8. Councilmember Evans stated the reason he voted NOE was because he felt Council is making exceptions and when we take a look at the purpose of the moratorium, which was to review the entire land use in the City; traffic, school impaction and many other elements. Councilmember Shirley abstained from any discussion or voting on TPM-87-9 due to potential conflict of interest. Item 6-B The Planning Director indicated Item 6-B stated the applicant TPM-87-9 for this item is Steven Fox requesting for a two -parcel APN 27-181-44 subdivision dividing a 1.1-acre parcel between two individual lots of approximately 20,000 sq. ft. He gave a scenario of the project and the location. He stated the Planning Department recommends that City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving TPM-87-9 as conditioned. PUBLIC HEARING (60 Mayor Matteson asked if there was anyone wishing to speak for or against this project? David Boraquin Mr. Boraquin stated he was representing Steve Fox, indicating CG Engineering the parcel map before Council tonight consisting of two lots 2627 S. Waterman was revised in accordance with the information that they heard Avenue at Planning Commission and City Council Meetings. He stated San Bernardino they are providing a map that corresponded with the public's wishes who testified at the hearings, as well as the Planning Commission, who had stated that two lots was the maximum that they would approve for this site. He stated they have reviewed all the Engineering and the Planning Department conditions for this and are in agreement with everyone of them and respectfully request approval of the map tonight. Steve Fox Mr. Fox stated he was the owner of the property indicating the 382 E. Bonnieview costly procedure they have had trying to get this project split Rialto into two lots. He indicated the different changes they have gone through the past four years ago trying to keep up with the changes made by the City Council and,the Planning Department. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 17 He indicated he would appreciate if the City Council could approve this tonight because they are in a situation right now where economically it would really be a disaster if this went any other way except for two lots and felt they have worked out a good compromise with all the surrounding neighbors. Mayor asked if there was anyone else wishing to speak against or for this project. Being there was none, he turned it over to Council. Mayor Matteson asked the City Attorney if Councilmember Shirley would be in a conflict of interest in discussing this. The City Attorney replied, she is the one who declared she has a potential conflict of interest and therefore, she would be in conflict if she discussed this in any way. 4 CC-87-233 Motion by Mayor Matteson, second by Councilmember Grant. Motion carried with Councilmember voting NOE and Councilmember Shirley abstaining, to approve TPM-87-9. NEW BUSINESS Councilmember Mr. Mayor either at the last meeting or several meetings Grant previously, you had in passing brought up the problem what we Item 8-A see going on economically in this community and what's not Discussion on happening in Grand Terrace and I thought that was an excellent possible Economic observation. The more I thought about it the more I felt that Development we should do more than just observe and the fact that we are Consultant not progressing economically and do something about it. We have come close on occasion of getting those businesses in this community which would provide us with improved sales and use taxes, but they've fallen through. There are some who maintain that these have fallen through simply because we are at our current population and, therefore, for us to get these businesses, all we need to do is have more apartments and with all the people that come with those apartments, we'll have that population and then we'll have all those businesses anxious to come into town. That's based on the premise that with large population you are going to get a lot of businesses, I don't buy that totally. Based on the fact that you are going to have people from outside of this community as they are already doing coming into this community to purchase items. So with that in mind, I would like to make a motion and it's a motion in which there is an alternative indicated. CC-87-234 Motion by Councilmember Grant, second by Councilmember Shirley, that this Council authorize and instruct City Staff to conduct a brief feasibility study and report back to this Council by December 17, 1987. Relative to the implementation of either a City staff position or positions for the purpose of conducting a concentrated program to bring to this City an increased economic development in order to provide an improved sales and Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 18 use tax base or the retention of an Economic Development Consultant on a contingency -fee basis payment as you produce to provide that same increased economic development for an improved sales and use tax base. Its a long -worded motion, but I think it's quite clear what I'm asking here, this is my motion. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated she has two areas that she would like to address indicating the latter being she felt it's a lofty idea to try to get somebody to come in and they are only going to get paid if they produce and she made that judgement in light of the fact that there are certain things that she knows, whether it be more apartments, more houses, more population that's necessary for the kind of development that we are requiring. However, that population is going to 4JW come, she can guarantee that, but in a delayed manner because of actions that Council has taken. So, to ask somebody to come in and hand them that kind of a task, she felt first of all, you are not going to get somebody to do it, but she think it would be unfair and unsupportable of Council to even ask that that to be done. She indicated her second area of concern is where the funding of bringing on a staff person is going to come from indicating she has no problem at all if you think bringing on a Professional Economic Development Consultant that would either work full or part-time to secure commercial development for the City of Grand Terrace, on staff, on contract. However, contract has not served us well in this area before. We get a lot of excuses and a lot of paper and nothing happens. She believes if we are going to have a Consultant, they need to be brought on staff where they are directly reportable to the City Manager and City Council on a weekly or daily basis. She stated her other area of concern is 40 that we give, in the form of a grant, $30,000 a year to the Chamber of Commerce for specifically that purpose, and asked if they would continue that grant. She stated she wants an answer to that question. Mayor Matteson replied the motion was to do a feasibility study and that would probably address those issues, we don't have the answers, that's what we are going to look at if he understood the motion. The response was, "that's correct." Mayor Matteson stated Council is not making a decision to do that, the motion is just to look into the idea of it. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen asked who was going to do the feasibility study? Councilmember going to get a going to get a Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 19 Grant replied, "staff obviously," we are not consultant to determine whether or not we are consultant. Mayor Matteson stated as he reported at the last City Council Meeting, the City of Colton has approximately sixteen different major projects, one of them under construction is worth $72,000,000.00 and they have four full-time people in economic development and they are paying off. He stated when development started down in Cooley Ranch, there were no residents down there at all and they got the commercial and we got a lot of freeway exposure, we could get some of that commercial here. Councilmember Evans stated he would like to address that last comment. The reason they have commercial development in Cooley Ranch is because they have the people there. If you go back and take a look at any development in any area probably for the last forty to fifty years, no commercial development would have come unless the people were there. He stated he felt the letter Council received on October 7, 1987, from Westar Associates, who we were working with to put together a commercial center was very emphatic stating that the population base is not here, and until you increase the population base, you are not going to get anybody that's willing to take a gamble in the community. He stated in 1984, we hired a consultant to the tune of about $36,000.00, they were on for about six months and we paid them close to about $11,000.00 to $12,000.00, did they produce, "no," they collected a bunch of reports of this area. He stated until this Council gets together, decide what they are going to do and how they are going to do it, you are not going to have anybody coming in and developing anything; he felt is throwing money down the drain that could be better spent elsewhere. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated she would have take exception to the remark also. All of that development happened down there and that was before residential development and that was totally untrue. She stated the very first thing that happened at the bottom of that hill was that mobile home park and the City of Colton bought that property, sold it to the developer, gave them X-number of years free from City property tax, they did everything to break things open down there. She stated then apartments and condominiums developed before anything commercial went down there; population that would directly impact those businesses was there before. If we are going to draw parallels between Colton and Grand Terrace, let's do it realistically. Colton, yes, can put in a $72,000,000.00 project, Colton can do a $10,000,000.00 interchange improvement project, but they have aggressively sorted both commercial and residential development. Mayor Matteson disagreed with his fellow Councilmembers on some of those items, but he wasn't going to argue the point, that isn't the reason Council was talking about this. Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 20 u 1! CLOSED SESSION Councilmember Shirley stated she wanted to substantiate what Mayor Matteson had said that most of the businesses in the Cooley Ranch area are not the type that residential areas support, those are business supported, businesses in Cooley Ranch. She stated there are a couple of restaurants, one book store, one travel agent, a couple of other businesses that residential traffic would support, but the rest of them are strictly to support other commercial businesses. Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen stated there are four or six theatres, just off the top of her head, she could name at least five eating establishments. She indicated one of which, requires a certain amount of population before it's ever established and that is McDonald's. She agreed the issue before Council to find out if it is feasible to bring on an Economic Development Consultant indicating she felt that when staff is considering this, they need to consider all of the things that have been discussed here tonight. Until this community is ready to accept population growth, it's not going to get commercial developments. Mayor Matteson replied you have to that do the shopping do not have believes there is commercial that magnificent job on it and they di and he felt we should investigate do nothing like we've been doing, no commercial. d also figure that the people to live here. He stated he we can get, Colton did a it with professional help into that. He stated if we we are going to end up with Motion CC-87-234 carried with Mayor Pro Tem Pfennighausen and Councilmember Evans voting NOE, that this Council authorize and instruct City Staff to conduct a brief feasibility study and report back to Council by December 17, 1987. Relative to the implementation of either a City staff position or positions for the purpose of conducting a concentrated program to bring to this City and increase economic development in order to provide an improved sales and use tax base or the retention of an economic Development Consultant on a contingency -fee basis payment as you produce to provide that same increased economic development for an improve sales and use tax base. Mayor Matteson indicated going into closed session with potential litigation at 6:55 p.m. Reconvened City Council at 7:10 p.m. Mayor Matteson stated Council met in closed session for potential litigation. The City Attorney stated it's on the agenda as potential litigation, it's actual litigation, we could seriously end up in court on this matter labeled the City of Colton versus the Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 21 City of Grand Terrace in Riverside County Court. He stated Council met in closed session and discussed that matter, they discussed a proposed compromise offer giving in to the City of Colton and he believes they will be taking an action on it tonight and they also gave instruction to the attorney regarding that pending litigation and they took no further action. CC-87-235 Motion by Mayor Matteson, second by Councilmember Grant, ALL AYES, to reject the offer by the City of Colton. Adjourned the City Council Meeting at 7:20 p.m. until the next regular City Council Meeting which will be held Thursday, December 1, 1987 at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted City Clerk APPROVED: Mayor Council Minutes - 12/03/87 Page 22 OATE:December 7, 1987 STAFF REPORT 12.354 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) AGENDA ITEM NO. Traffic Signal at Barton and Mt. Vernon SUBJECT MEETING DATE: FUNDING REQUIRED xx NO FUNDING REQUIRED to December 17, 1987 The Plans and Specifications for the subject traffic signal have been completed. When the signal is completed it will provide left turn phases at all four legs of the intersection. The Specifications are being reviewed by the San Bernardino County HCD and we anticipate the approval of the Plans and Specifications by the 21st of December, 1987. With respect to the right-of-ways, we have discussed the matter with the owner Mr. Rex Edmundson, and advised him that the City will accept the minimum dedication that would be required for the installation of the standards and a ten foot construction easement during the period. of construction. The construction easement would be vacated upon completion of construction. Mr. Edmundson has certain obligations to: 1. The lessee of the liquor store to provide the same excess as had existed at the time of the lease. 2. The potential buyer, La Mancha who is now in escrow with Mr. Edmundson to purchase the property where the barber shop and liquor store now exist as well as the parcel to the north. Mr. Edmundson expressed a desire to cooperate with the City under the terms discussed above and subject to the approval of the lessee and purchasers of the parcel, would sign the Grant Deed for the necessary easement to install the traffic signal. I have discussed this matter with the City Attorney, and the City Manager, and it was determined that the City should proceed with the eminent domain proceedings as authorized by the City Council to assure that the signal can be installed in case the dedication is agreed upon could not be granted by Mr. Edmundson. Staff Recommends: THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE STAFF TO REQUEST PROPOSAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THAT LOCATION, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HCD. JK:dlk '(y 1COUNC R. AGE.i'4DA JTI E n # 86 STAFF REPORT, 12/9/87 19 C R A ITEM( ) AGENDA ITEM NO. COUNCIL ITEM (X� MEETING DATE: 12/-17/87 SUBJECT EXTENSION OF ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE M-R ZONE FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X 1'0: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DAVID R. SAWYER, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: STAFF REPORT 1(EQUEST: EXTENSION OF ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE M-R ZONE On June 25, 1987 your Council authorized, for a six month I-)eriod, the Planning Department to issue Administrative Conditional Use Permits for the development located at 21800 Barton Road, an industrial business park developed by Mr. Jim Goode. This authorization was intended to alleviate the hardship of the requirement of a Conditional Use Permit and its $1,141.00 fee necessary for every use allowed in the M-R Zone. It is the Planning Department's intent to amend the M-R Zone requirements and to reevaluate the City's Planning fees after the completion of the General Plan hearings. Since the General Plan schedule has been delayed from its original schedule, this has not yet been completed. RECOMMENDATIONS: Since this situation effects all properties in the M-R Zone, the Planning Department recommends the City Council extend its authorization for Administrative Conditional Use permits with a tee of $100.00 for all properties located in the M-R Zone with the decision of whether a specific application is appropriate for t-he Administrative Conditional Use Permit left to the discretion or the Planning Director. DRS/mcm /0 Respectfully Submitted, David R. Sawyer, Tanning Director GRAND TERRACE AREA YOUTH BASKETBALL G.T.A.Y.B. Jerry McMurry, President 22175 DeBerry Street Grand Terrace, CA. 92324 July 3-O, 1987 �re Grand Terrace Youth Basketball Organization is dedicated to enhancing the sportsmanship of youth through their participation in basketball. The organization is entering its nineth year of service to the youth of the community. We sincerely appreciate your financial support. We realize that your contribution is a result of your commitment to youth sports. For this reason, all contributions will be recognized in our booklet which is distributed to the parents of the players. More specifically: Contributions of $125 or more will be considered team sponsors. Sponsors will receive a 1/4 page ad in the booklet. Also, their names will appear on the team banner which is displayed at each game. Contributers contributing less than $125 will be listed as a booster in the booklet. All contributions will go towards defraying the cost of uniforms, equipment, referee fees, trophies and insurance. A member of the board of directors will be visiting YOU within the nest two weeks to answer any question, and explain the program. 1hant: you for your consideration of this matter. i ncere.l y, v \\ erry cHurry President of the Board Any questions reply to: Jerry McMurry, President ( 714) 7E33-22'83 Mike Dean, Vice President (714) 824-2g79 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE RECEIVED MINUTES OF MEETING HELD 4��� NOVEMBER 9, 1987 CITY UF GRAND TERRACE Buchwalter, Committee Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:05p.m. Present at the meeting were Buchwalter, Gigandit, Wright, Singley, Butler & Korgan. Absent unexcused were Payce & Bailes. There was a motion made to accept the minutes of the October 5, meeting as submitted bu Butler. The motion was second by Wright and carried with all 's. The Treasurer, Singley gave a detailed report. (See Attached). There was a motion made by Buchwalter to reimburse Butler $57.05 for soda purchased for the Crime Buster's Halloween Haunt booth. This motion also amends the previous motion of 10/5/87 to read $57.05. The motion was second by Wright and carried with all I's. There was a motion made by Wright to accept the treasurer's report as submitted. The motion was second by Gigandit and carried with all I's. The Crime Prevention Officer, Korgan reported that the Sheriff's Dept. is having a food drive. The drop off location will be the Grand Terrace City Hall. The food drive is a county -wide program to help the needy. The Sheriff's Dept. is also having a blood drive November 12th. Tie Sheriff's Dept. will get credit if you mention them at the time of dona-_on. Korgan reported that she needs a Business Watch Coordinator. The _-3- ordinator will help to coordinate programs and be a contact person. Buc�:- water suggested contacting someone at the Chamber to help out. The Crime Prevention Officer reported that L.J. Snow has donated t-e car for the Citizens Patroll. Korgan reported that she will need 15 pe;- ple to run the citizens patroll. Pam Williams who has coordinated all the citizen patrolls will begin training in mid January. The volunteers will be required to give 16 hours per month. They will go out in teams �f .C."Oki i " C;. e-, 11-_; " , -'. , T F N, -'� SA (I ) two. They will not carry guns or have any authority to arrest. They will be required to take the 40 hours of training thru Valley College. If they wish they may obtain 3 unit credits for an additional charge. There will be a graduation ceremony. They must also complete an interview and back -round check. The vest will cost $30.00 and the Training coarse $15.00. Class will end in March and the units should be in action by April. The county will be covering all liability costs. Korgan will be conducting all assemblies for the schools re: The Poster d Essay Contest. She will award the placques and prizes. The chairman stated that Ernie Renoso is our contact for the Sheriff's Dept. and Gilbreath is the Detective for Grand Terrace. The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. U1 COMMISSION & REPORTS COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 1ngnem ar 17, 1987 DATE: nerember 11 , 1987 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE: PARKS AND RECREATION PROBLEM: Delays in completion of snackbar. Facts T: During FY 86/87 Council approved $SOOO for completion of snackbar and actual expenditures totaled $1,7SB. Facts II. During FY 87/88 Coucil approved $'},200 and YTD expenditures total $6,300. Eact� III: Parks and Recreation Committee undertook the responsibility of constructing a Snackbar For Youth Athletic Clubs to utilize. Due t❑ numerous problems/situations, which all Council persons are painfully aware, the snackbar has not been completed in a timely fashion. The Parks & Recreation would like to complete the Snackbar, coordinated by the efforts and expertise of Mr. Chuck Uahovek, local contractor. To accomplish this, Council needs to appropriate additional funds for needed supplies/materials as needed. Estimated Expense Report is attached. Facts IU: Receipts for paid labor/materials will be submitted to the finance dept. For timely payment of out-of-pocket expenditures. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Appropriate $9,100 for completion of snackbar. 2. Do not appropriate any additional funds except that which is necessary to cover already expended cost. 50LUTION: The Committee feels Mr. Chuck Uahovek will complete snackbar. The Committee is just as anxious as Council to see the unit complete. Accept Alternative #1 above. ESTIMATED SNACKBAR EXPENSES The following are the necessary items of completion, their explanation and estimated cost. I. Drywall -Mr. Vahovel will donate materials. II. Cabinets/Lockers-$q00-$1200 5 lockers will be constructed for the personal use by athletic clubs where they can lock the non -edible items of the club. Cabinets will be the biggest cost, depending on whether they must be purchased or built by volunteer labor. Decision can not be made at the present time. III. Electrical-$950+ Conduit and water must be brought into the unit through the building in the basement. If a Volunteer Electrician can be found, cost will vary. IV. Plumbing-$1000 Again, a Volunteer Plumber is being researched. Otherwise, cost reflects labor. V. Two -hole sink-? VI. Exterior-$180-$250 Stucco to make unit appear like school and surrounding area. UII. Floors-$q75 VIII. Commercial Appliances-? Cost have not been included for Commercial appliances, which by County Health Rules we must use. It is not the intention of the Parks & Recreation Committee that the City should be responsiblity for the appliances. ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL EXPENSES- $5000 YR-TO-DATE EXPENDITURES a $8300 FY 87/88 COUNCIL APPROPRIATED- $g200 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION NECESSARY- $9100 STAFF REPORT 12/11/87 C R A ITEM ( ) AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT 4 COUNCIL ITEM (Xk MEETING DATE: EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP 13050 (T.J. AUSTYN) FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X 12/17/87 On August 5, 1985, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Tentative Tract Map 13050 (see Attachment A) and Specific Plan 85-10 to the City Council and on September 12, 1985 the City Council approved both items. In accordance with California State Law the Tentative Map was set to expire on September 12, 1987, however prior to that date staff received a request from the applicant to extend the map for a period of one year. The receipt of that request by staff automatically extended the map until November 12, 1987. On August 17, 1987, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the one year extension. On September 24, 1987, the City Council denied the request. In the staff report for September 24, 1987, staff addressed the issue of the upcoming General Plan and Zoning Ordinance revision and the possibility of recommending larger minimum lot size requirements in this area. With this in consideration staff presented the City Council with the following alternatives and the City Council subsequently chose Alternative One. ALTERNATIVE' -- ONE - deny the request for an extension of __ TM 13050 phases 5,6,and 7 thereby forcing a new tentative map to be filed which if filed after the Zoning Revision will need to meet the requirements of the revised Zoning Ordinance,. ALTERNATIVE TWO - approve an extension of TM 13050 phases 5,6 and 7 until after the Zoning Ordinance is revised (4 month extension). After which, if the zoning remains the same, a longer extension may be granted. This alternative does allow the subdivider time to submit a final map and obtain building permits prior to the time the zoning issue is decided. ALTERNATIVE THREE - approve a 4 month extension of TM 13050 phases 5-and 6 and deny the extension of phase 7. This alternative will ensure that phase 7, which extends southward into the area of larger parcels and COUNCIL AGENDA ITEN4 7 l,- undivided acreage, will not be developed at the smaller lot sizes before the zoning issue is decided. It also allows the subdivider a window of time to prepare a final map for phases 5 and 6 prior to the zoning ordinance hearing's which will dictate whether or not phases 5 and 6 should be extended or denied at the end of the 4 month extension period. ALTERNATIVE FOUR - approve a one-year extension of TM 13050 phases 5, 6 and 7 as requested. 4 However, it was learned after the meeting that the applicant had not received proper notice of the meeting and the hearing was to be rescheduled. On November 12, 1987, the City Council extended the 60 day period for a hearing on this item until December 17, 1987. Subsequent to that time, Staff has been working with the applicant on a fifth alternative which may be acceptable to all parties. As a result, such an alternative has been worked out between the applicant and City Staff including the planning staff, the City Engineer and the City Attorney. DISCUSSION: The request and recommendation before you tonight is not to consider a revised map but rather to approve an agreement prepared by the City Attorney (see Attachment. B) which extends Tentative Map 13050 until such time the applicant submits a revised tentative map and amended specific plan to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council for approval. The revised map shall be in the form agreed to in the said agreement and the agreement shall not allow the filing of Map 13050 for final map consideration in its original version. The proposed Alternative Five allows the applicant to go forward with the project with a modified version of the map which provides larger lots in the area where larger lot size requirements are to be considered in the General Plan and Zoning hearings. RliCOMMENDATIONS : The Planning Department recommends the City Council approve ttie following Alternative Five: Approve the attached agreement (Attachment B) extending Tentative Map 13050 for the sole purpose of submitting a revised tentative map and amended Specific Plan in the form included in the agreement for consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council in accordance with State and local planning laws. jRespectfu ly submitted, 7 David li. Sawyer, z✓ Planning Director 4W DRS/mcm u �j f a ocT I , rrv,•uc SfLTLT/ rAv r�n'tN TYIKAL MC77 N OAtL wTn�. r.. r"c' •rTa .'ice I i =fAL ![CT/ON I V/UN/ry ,fUO rice TY^UL MI71:y NFL/K wr"I'l ..v.r ......a s I •• ^•"•-•'_ TYr/cAL ifcr/ON M^L^TKO 4 i L cr rs. sort �=^ l.KaENO Z ry vror.✓ • �i.ww <w.• . TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 1305C FUSCOG za ••ico•.�uoc ;,w�vc UNDC4fT1 row` • u w r•c y SF�04T ATTACHMENT A 09 ATTACHMENT B WILL BE PROVIDED TO YOU PRIOR TO YOUR MEETING. ATTACHMENT B DATE: Dec. 9, 1987 S T A F F R E P O R T CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (xx) MEETING DATE: Dec. 17, 1987 SUBJECT: PLACEMENT OF FIXED AD FOR THE FOOTHILL JOURNAL ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - FUNDING REQUIRED X NO FUNDING REQUIRED Mayor Matteson has requested staff to research the possibility of placing a half -page fixed ad in each weekly issue of the Foothill Journal. The purpose of the ad would be to notify residents of upcoming activities, as well as highlighting items on the Council Agenda. The cost of placing a weekly ad for the balance of the current fiscal year would require an appropriation of $7,000. The annual costs to provide this ad would be $13,000 per year. In my con- versations with Jim Copeland, he has indicated that The Foothill Journal will continue to be delivered to all residents within the City at no charge. Should Council desire to place a fixed ad, we would require a motion to appropriate $7,000 from the unappropriated general fund balance. TS:bt !OUAl W A^Erb A ITEM w 7A