1996-06 RESOLUTION NO. 96-06
WHEREAS, the applicants, Ali Yasin (owner/operator), applied for a Conditional Use
Permit, and Environmental Evaluation to sell distilled liquor at 22087 Barton Road in the GC
Zone District of the Barton Road Specific Plan zoning area; and
WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace presently enjoys the lowest crime rate in the
County of San Bernardino; and
WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace does not have an over concentration of off-sale
alcohol licenses;.and
WHEREAS, the sale of distilled liquor at this location will provide a convenience to
the general public; and
WHEREAS, Conditions of Approval mitigate any potential negative impacts of alcohol
beverages in close distance to an elementary school, by requiring School District acceptance;
WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace provides local business support when ever
possible to help provide services to the Community; and
WHEREAS, this project requires a Negative Declaration under the California
Environmental Quality Act and is attached as Exhibit 1; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed negative declaration has been prepared for this project;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand
Terrace that the following findings have been made for the approval of CUP-96-02 and E-96-
1. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the general health, safety, morals comfort
or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the
proposed use or within the City.
As conditioned the project will not have any significant negative impact on the
environment, nor on the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding residential
and commercial area, and local elementary school, or within the City.
2. The proposed use will not be injurious to any physical property or improvement in the
neighborhood or within the City.
As conditioned below the project should not have a detrimental or injurious effect
on any physical property or improvements in the surrounding neighborhood or
within the City. It does not involve hazardous materials nor will it create or
expose people to potential health hazards. The project is conditioned to meet the
requirements of the Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control.
3. The proposed use is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan.
The current General Plan designates the land use as General Commercial and
General Commercial in the Barton Road Specific Plan.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following
conditions of approval:
1. The adjacent school is an elementary curriculum with students who are obviously under
the age of 21. Applicant must strictly adhere to state law regarding alcohol sales and
prohibiting sale of alcoholic beverages to minors.
2. Applicant must comply and support municipal ordinances prohibiting loitering in public
places. Loitering shall be prohibited on the subject property. The outlet shall also
prominently post a permanent sign stating, "No trespassing, loitering, consumption or
open alcoholic beverage containers are allowed inside the premises, in the parking area or
in the public sidewalks adjacent to the premises".
3. The commercial entity shall supply security measures to ensure the safety of customers,
employees,vendors and neighbors. These will include security lighting which shall
illuminate the parking areas of the facility and shall be in operation for all hours of
darkness that the facility is open for business. Security measures shall also include at
least one of the following: electronic burglar alarm system, video cameras, door monitors
or security guards.
4. The outlet shall not maintain or operate video or arcade machines, electronic games of
any type and/or coin operated amusement devices in order to discourage children from
lingering at the site.
5. Any plans for food sales, or for establishing a food establishment, shall be reviewed by
_ the Department of Environmental Health Services of San Bernardino County(Please
\ refer to Attachment B for reviewing agency comments).
6. Upon approval of CUP and all subject conditions, applicant must apply,receive and
maintain current licensure from the ABC for the purpose of selling alcoholic beverages.
7. In the event crossing guard funding agreement is canceled,the applicant shall maintain a
crossing guard to the satisfaction of the District.
8. Applicant shall comply with School District conditions to mitigate potential adverse
impacts of alcoholic beverage sales in proximity of elementary school.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand
Terrace California at a regular meeting held on the 23rd day of May, 1996.
City Clerk of the City.of Grand Terrace May,#rof the City of Gran Terrace
and of,the'City Council thereof. an of the City Council thereof.
I, BRENDA STANFILL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the
foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of
the City of Grand Terrace held on the 23rd day of May, 1996, by the following vote:
Councilmembers Hilkey, Singley, and: Buchanan; Mayor Pro Tem.
AYES: Carlstrom; Mayor Matteson
NOES: None
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
City Attorney
pp c:\office\wpwin\wpdocs\planning\cc\cup9602.per
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration is hereby filed on
the below referenced project, on the basis that said project will not have a significant effect on
the environment.
CUP96-02,E96-05, an application for a Condutional Use Permit and Environmental Review of
permit to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages (License Type 21, Off-Sale General).
Arco Gas Station,Ali Yasin Owner and Operator
Based on the attached Initial Study,there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a
significant impact on the environment.
Pa ' 'a Materassi Date
Community Development Director
City of Grand Terrace
Exh.iblt I
I. Background
1. Name of Proponent: City of Grand Terrace
2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: CjV of Grand Terrace
22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace. CA 92313
Attention: Patrizia Materassi. Community Development Director. 909-824-6621
3. Date of Environmental Assessment: ,Qf�3 ,,
4. Agency Requiring Assessment: City of Grand Terrace
5. Name of Proposal, if applicable:
6. Location of Proposal: 2.2.087 moors R0 Arand TejYarv, ek
II. Environmental Impacts
(Explanations of all "yes' and 'maybe' answers are provided on attached sheets.)
Yes Ma3ft N2
1. Earth. Will proposal result is
a. Unstable earth conditions or
in changes in geologic
substructures? V/
b. Disruptions, displacements,
compaction or overcovering _ /
of this soil? y
C. Substantial change in topography /
or ground surface relief features? V
d. The destruction, covering Of /
modification of any unique /
geologic or physical features? v
e. Any substantial increase in wind
or water erosion of soils,
either on or off site?
f. Changes in deposition or erosion
of beach sands, or changes in
situation, deposition or erosion
which may modify the channel of a
river or stream or the bed of the
ocean or any bay, inlet or lake?
g. Exposure of people or property
to geologic hazards such as
earthquakes, landslides,
mudslides, ground failure, or
similar hazards?
2. Air. Will the proposal result in:
a. Substantial air emissions or
deterioration of ambient
air quality?
b. The creation of objectionable
odors? y
C. Alteration of air movement,
moisture or temperature, or any
change in climate, whether
locally or regionally?
3. Water. Will the proposal result in:
a. Substantial changes in currents,
or the course or direction of /
water movements, in either marine
or fresh waters? y
- YA `Aft
b. Substantial changes in absorption
rates, drainage patterns, or the
rate and amount of surface /
C. Alterations to the course or /
flow of flood waters? V /
d. Change in the amount of surface
water in any water body?
e. Discharge into surface waters, or
in any alteration of surface water
quality, including, but not limited
to, temperature, dissolved oxygen
or turbidity? V
f. Alteration of the direction or /
rate of flow of ground waters? V
g. Change in the quantity of ground
waters, either through direct
additions or withdrawals, or
through interception of an aquifer
cuts or excavations? _XZ
h. Substantial reduction in the
amount of water otherwise
available for public water
i. Exposure of people or property to
water related hazards such as
flooding or tidal waves?
4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in:
a. Change in the diversity of species,
or number of any native species of
plants (including trees, shrubs,
grass, crops and aquatic plants)? V
ya Maybe N2
b. Reduction of the numbers of any
unique, rare or endangered
species of plants? /
C. Introduction of new species of /
plants into an area of native
vegetation, or in a barrier to the
normal replenishment of existing V
d. Substantial reduction in acreage , /
of any agricultural crop? �/
5. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in:
a. Change in the diversity of
species, or numbers of any species
of animals (birds, land animals
including reptiles, fish and
shellfish, benthic organisms or /
b. Reduction of the numbers of any
unique, rare or endangered
species of animals? v
C. Deterioration to existing fish /
or wildlife habitat? VVV
6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: /
a. Increases in existing noise /
b. Exposure of people to severe
noise levels?
7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal /
produce substantial new light or glare? V
8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a
substantial alteration of the present or
planned land use of an area?
YM Maybe
9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal
result in:
a. Substantial increase in the rate
of use of any natural resources?
b. Substantial depletion of any
nonrenewable natural resource?
10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve:
a. A risk of an explosion or the
release of hazardous substances
(including, but not limited to, oil
pesticides, chemicals or radiation)
in the event of an accident or f
upset conditions?
b. Possible interference with an
emergency response plan or an
emergency evacuation plan?
11. Population. Will the proposal alter
the location, distribution, density or
growth rate of the human population
of an area?
12. Housing. Will the proposal affect
existing housing or create a demand for
additional housing?
13. Tmnsportation/Circulation. Will the
proposal result in:
a. Generation of substantial
additional vehicular movement? y
b. Effects on existing parking
facilities, or demand for new
C. Substantial impact upon existing
transportation systems?
� Mayes Lv4
d. Alterations to present patterns
of circulation or movement of
people and/or goods?
C. Alterations to waterborne, rail
or air traffic?
f. Increase in traffic hazards to
motor vehicles, bicyclists or
14. Public Services. Will the proposal
have substantial effect upon, or result
in a need for new or altered governmental
services in any of the following areas:
a. Fie protection?
protection? Z
b. Police p C. Schools? , /
d. Parks or other recreational
e. Maintenance of public facilities,
including roads?
g /
f. Other governmental services? v
15. Energy. Will the proposal result in:
a. Use of substantial amounts 0
of fuel or energy?
b. Substantial increase in demand
upon existing sources of energy, /
or require the development of new
sources of energy? y
16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in
a need for new systems, or substantial
alterations to the following utilities:
X9 Maybe
a. Power or natural gas?
b. Communications stems? v
Water? V/
d. Sewer or septic tanks?
C. Storm water drainage?
f. Solid waste and disposal?
17. Human Health. Will the proposal result
a. Creation of any health hazard
or potential health hazard
(excluding mental health)?
b. Exposure of people to potential /
hazards? V
18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result
in the obstruction of any scenic vista
or view open to the public, or will the
proposal result in the creation of an
aesthetically offensive site open to
public view?
19. Recreation. Will the proposal result
in an impact upon the quality or quantity /
of existing recreational opportunities? V
20. Cultural Resources.
a. Will the proposal result in the
alteration of or the destruction
of a prehistoric or historic
archaeological site?
yes Maybe L14
b. will the proposal result in
adverse physical or aesthetic
effects to a prehistoric or
historic building, structure _ /
or object? �/
C. DOes the proposal have the
potential to cause a physical
change which would affect unique V
ethnic cultural values?
d. Will the proposal restrict
existing religious or sacred uses V
within the potential impact area?
21. Mandatory Findings of Significance.
a. Does the project have the
potential to degrade the quality
of the environment, substantially
reduce the habitat of a fish or
wildlife species, cause a fish or
wildlife population to drop below
self-sustaining levels, threaten
to eliminate a plant or animal or
eliminate important examples of
the major periods of California V
history or prehistory?
b. Does the project have the
potential to achieve short-term,
to the disadvantage of long-term,
environmental goals? (A short
term impact on the environment is
one which occurs in a relatively
brief, definitive period of time
while long-term impacts will
endure well into the future.)
C. Does the project have impacts
which are individually limited,
but cumulatively considerable?
(A project's impact on two or
iA Mayh
more separate resources may be
relatively small, but where the
effect of the total of those
impacts on the environment is
d. Does the project have
environmental effects which will
cause substantial adverse effects
on human beings, either directly
or indirectly?
Environmental Determination
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the
environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
I find that, although the proposed project could have a significant effect on
the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the
mitigation measures described on attached sheets have been added to the project.
I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment,
Patrizia Materassi
Community Development Director
Date Signature
For City of Grand Terrace
1. Name of Proponent: Arco Station
Ali Yasin,Owner/Operator
2. Address/Phone Number of Proponent: 22807 Barton Road
Grand Terrace,CA 92313
3. Date Study Completed for Posting: March 13,19,%
4. Agency Requiring Initial Study: City of Grand Terrace
S. Name of Proposal: CUP 96-02IE9645- Permit to Sell Alcohol
6. Location of Proposal: 22807 Barton Road.
1. Earth. Will the proposal result in:
a-g. Unstable Earth Conditions, changes in geological substructures, disruptions, displacements,
substantial changes in topography,destruction,covering of any unique geologic or physical features,
substantially increase in wind or water erosion of soils,erosion of beach sands or increase exposure
of people or property to seismic hazards?
No. This proposed use will not negatively impact geological substructures/features or,
topography. This proposal will not alter air flow or people's exposure to seismic hazards as this
proposal consists of a permit to sell alcohol at this location. This conditional use will have no
negative impact on earth conditions or soil
2. Air. Will the proposal result in:
a-c. Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality, creation of objectionable odors,
alteration of air movement?
No. The proposed use will not significantly affect ambient air quality; nor will it create
objectionable odors or alter air flow/movement due to the nature of the proposal This
proposal will not result In any physical alterations.
3. Water.Will the proposal result in:
a-I. Substantial changes of currents,course,water movements,drainage patterns,flood waters,surface
waters,ground waters,public water supplies,or exposure of people or property to flood hazards?
No. The use will not cause any significant changes in water supply or water flow. This proposal
will not increase exposure of people or property to flood hazards because it does not entail a
significantly more Intense an and will take place at a previously developed site. This proposed
use will not Involve any physical alterations.
4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in:'
a-d. Change in the diversity of species or number of native species or reduction of endangered species of
plants or introduction of new species?
No. The site is already fully developed and paved,and therefore,the proposed use will not
Impact the diversity or number of endangered or native plant species. This proposed project
will not include the introduction of new species as it does not involve any physical changes.
S. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in:
a-c. Change in the diversity of species,numbers of wildlife or fish habitat?
No. This proposal will not result in changes In the diversity of numbers of either wildlife or fish
as it does not entail the physical alteration of the property.This project will not alter the habitat
of fish or wildlife due to the fact it will take place on a previously developed and paved site.
6. Noise. Will the proposal result in:
a-b. Increases in existing noise levels or exposure of people to severe noise levels?
Maybe. This proposal has the potential to draw more consumers to the area,thereby causing
the number of people in the parking area to increase. This larger number of people has the
potential to increase noise levels. This project will be conditioned to restrict parking area
7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare?
a. No. This proposed use will not produce additional amounts of light/glare.
S. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area?
Maybe. The proposed use,off sale of alcoholic beverages,Is only permitted with CUP when the
subject site is located within 500' of a school. The proposed use of liquor store Is,however,
permitted by current zoning ordinance. Further, the primary use as an general
commerciallauto service station will remain the same. The intent of conditioning the proposed
use to Is to prevent potential conflicts of land uses and to safeguard the well-being of children
who attend an adjacent school. Any such potential conflicts will be eliminated by strict
adherence to state law regarding alcohol sales,as well as municipal ordinances applicable to
loitering on public property. Loitering will also be prohibited on the subject property. The
outlet shall prominently post a permanent sign stating,"No trespassing,loitering,consumption
or open alcoholic beverage containers are allowed inside the premises,In the parking area or
in the public sidewalks adjacent to the premises". The adjacent school is an elementary
curriculum with students who are obviously under the age of 21. Applicant must strictly adhere
to state law regarding alcohol sales and prohibiting sale of alcoholic beverages to minors.The
adjacent school does provide an adult crossing guard for school children at the intersection of
Barton Road and Michigan Avenue(the location of the business applicant)which supplies adult
supervision in this area.There is no undue concentration of liquor licenses In the area. In fact,
there are five off-sale liquor licenses(both general and beer and wine)in city boundaries.It Is
therefore felt that the issuance of an of-sale general liquor license(License type 21)would serve
the public convenience. Note that this type of license authorizes the sale of beer, wine and
distilled spirits.The site Is an adequate distance from other licensed Alcoholic Beverage Outlet
facilities that possess liquor licenses. The site Is more than 700'from another such facility. This
exceeds the distance offered by other cities which have adopted ordinances regarding this
distance.Neither the city or this particular census tract Is a high-crime area,and In fact,has a
lower crime rate than that of San Bernardino County. The commercial entity will supply
security measures to ensure the safety of customers,employees,vendors and neighbors. These
will include security lighting which shall illuminate the.parking areas of the facility and shall
be in operation for all hours of darkness that the facility is open for business. Security measures
shall also Include at least one of the following:electronic burglar alarm system,video cameras,
door monitors or security guards. The outlet shall not maintain or operate video or arcade
machines,electronic games of any type and/or coin operated amusement devices in order to
discourage children from lingering at the site.
9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in:
a-b. Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources or depletion of any nonrenewable
natural resource:
No. This use will not substantially increase the rate of use of any natural resources. This
proposal will not contribute to the depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource as it has no
physical components to IL
10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal result in:
a-b. Risk of an explosion,release of hazardous substances or interference with an emergency response
No. This proposed use does not involve the release of hazardous substances;nor does it increase
the risk of explosion at the subject site since beverages are sealed and sold at the retail level. No
large scale storage of alcohol products Is being proposed at this time. In addition,health and
fire conditions will be strictly Imposed. This project will not have any effect on an emergency
response plan.
.11. Population. Will the proposal after the location,distribution,density or growth rate of the human population
of an area?
No. The proposal will not alter the growth rate,distribution or density of the human population
as the subject site is relatively small and there is the city itself is nearly at buildouL
12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing?
No.The proposal does not create or increase the demand for housing in the area,and therefore,
it is not expected to have any effect on existing housing supply or demand. This proposed use
will not involve physical alteration to the property and will take place on a previously developed
13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in:
a-f. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement,effect on existing parking facilities,impact
on existing systems,alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of peopleland or goods
and services?
No. The proposed use itself Is not expected to generate significant amounts of traffic,affect
existing parking facilities/systems,or alter the present patterns of circulation.
14. Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered
governmental services in the following areas:
a-L Maybe. The sale of alcoholic beverages has the potential to create a demand for additional
police protection(San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department)at the subject location as the
project will be conditional to follow the Alcoholic Beverage Control regulations and municipal
ordinances. Therefore,loitering will not be permitted as per municipal code and the property
owner must prominently post a sign disallowing loitering activity on the premises,including
parking areas.
15. Energy. Will the proposal result
a-b. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy or increase the demand?
No. The use is not expected to use substantial amounts of fuel supplies or significantly Increase
the demand for fuel or energy as the proposed use does not entail the physical alteration of the
property or structure.
16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems,or substantial alterations to the following utilities:
a-f. No.This proposed use will not result In a need for substantial increases for additional utilities
as it does not Involve physical changes in the structure or property. Any additional security
lights Installed on the premises will not significantly alter the need for utility services.
17. Human Health. Will the proposal result in:
a-b. Creation of any health hazard or exposure of people to potential hazards?
Maybe.The proposed use has the potential for affecting human health due to the fact that the
subject site is located within 500'of a school. However,the business is subject to all state and
municipal ordinances,as well as regulations established by the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverage
Control Alcoholic beverages will not be sold to minors. Loitering will not be permitted at the
site. The subject site will not be permitted to have electronic games or coin operated
entertainment machines In order to discourage minors from lingering at the site when making
is. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public or will the
proposal result in the creation of offensive site?
Maybe. The proposed use will take place on a previously developed site and does not involve
the obstruction and/or creation of a scenic vista. As conditioned,this project will not result in
the creation of offensive site as It does not include physical alteration of the site and loitering,
and subsequent Uttering, will not be permitted. The business owner has the responsibility of
maintaining the cleanliness of the subject site.
19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational
No. As conditioned,the proposed use will not have a negative Impact on existing recreational
opportunities as the proposed sale of alcohol will take place on an existing retail site.
20. Cultural Resources.
a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of , or the destruction of, a prehistoric or historic
archaeological site?
No. The sale of alcohol will occur on an existing commercial site and does not Involve any
physical improvements or alterations of any cultural resources;nor does it involve any physical
alteration of the site existing site ItselL
21. Mandatory Findings of Significance.
a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environmental,substantially reduce
the habitat of fish or wildlife species,cause fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining
levels,threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community,reduce the number or restrict the range of
a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of
California History or prehistory?
b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term,
environmental goals?
C. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited,but cumulatively considerable?
No.As conditioned,the project does not have the potential to degrade the environment or have
long-term cumulative impacts. The proposed use will not affect endangered species,nor their
habitat and will not Impact any cultural elements of California history or prehistory.