04/12/1984CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING �� i TERRACE VIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL APRIL 12, 1984 22731 Grand Terrace Road 5:30 P.M. * Call to Order AGENDA * Invocation - Pastor Jerry Folsom, First Baptist Church of Grand Terrace * Pledge of Allegiance - Girl Scout Junior Troop No. 263 * Roll Call CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. Approval of Minutes (3/22/84) Staff Recommendations Council Action Approve 2. Approval of Check Register No. CRA041284 Approve 3. Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds: A. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT Adopt AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROVING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS & AUTHORIZING CERTAIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE AUTHORIZATION, SALE & ISSUANCE OF ITS COM- MUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1984 SERIES A, IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000,000. B. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT Adopt AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1984 SERIES A, BY SAID AGENCY. C. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT Adopt AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROVING THE EMPLOYMENT OF BOND COUNSEL IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS BY SAID AGENCY. D. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT Adopt AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPROVING THE BOND PURCHASE CONTRACT WITH MILLER & SCHROEDER MUNICIPALS, INC., FOR THE ISSUANCE OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1984 SERIES A, IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000,000. 4. Audits - 1981-82 & 1982-83 ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY F,OUNCIL AGENDA Staff 4/12/84 - Page 2 of 5 Recommendations Council Action CONVENE CITY COUNCIL 1. Items to Add/Delete 2. Civic Center Construction Briefing 3. Approval of Minutes (3/8/84) (3/22/84) 4. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine & non -controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request an item be removed from the Consent Calendar ,for discussion. A. Approval of Check Register No. 041284 Approve Approve B. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Adopt OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 83-25 AND AMENDING THE AUTHORIZED REPRE- SENTATIVES TO ACQUIRE FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE AGENCY FOR SURPLUS PROPERTY. C. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Adopt OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, URGING LEGISLATORS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO SUPPORT SENATE BILL 575 (FORAN) ESTABLISHING A LIMIT ON THE LEGAL DOCTRINE KNOWN AS THE "DEEP POCKET" RULE. D. Ratify Negative Declaration & Direct City Approve Clerk to File Notice of Determination for Site & Architectural Review 83-7 (Wilden Pump & Engineering Company) E. Ratify Negative Declaration & Direct City Approve Clerk to File Notice of Determination for Conditional Use Permit 84-1 (Auto Body, Paint & Repair Shop) F. Ratify Negative Declaration & Direct City Approve Clerk to File Notice of Determination for Conditional Use Permit 84-3 (Mini -Warehouses) G. Approve Bingo License Renewal for Grand Approve Terrace Lions Club for one year COUNCIL AGENDA 4/ 12/84 - Page 3 of 5 Staff Recommendations Council Action H. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Adopt OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF COST RESULTING FROM THE ABATE- MENT OF A HAZARDOUS CONDITION BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (11958 Canal). I. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Adopt OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF COST RESULTING FROM THE ABATE- MENT OF A HAZARDOUS CONDITION BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (12610 Michigan). J. Authorize Finance Dept. to Release $500 Approve Deposit to Joan Trammell, 22119 DeBerry K. Approve a Three Year Extension for Approve Tentative Tract 9773 L. Authorize Bid Request for Architectural Approve Barrier Removal Project (GTB 84-09) M. Authorize City Clerk to Record Notice of Approve Completion for Rehabilitation of Community Center Restrooms Project (Harris & Pearce General Contractors - GTC 83-37) N. Authorize City Clerk to Record Notice of Approve Completion for Construction of Group W Cable TV Distribution System (Ord. No. 59) 0. Authorize the Mayor, as the City's Approve Representative on the City Selection Committee, to Vote for Councilman William Kragness, Fontana, to Serve on the Local Agency Formation Commission P. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Adopt OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, AUTHORIZING THE ISSU- ANCE OF SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1984 SERIES A, BY THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. Q. Approve business license fee waiver to con- Approve duct a "Spring Fling" fundraiser for Senior Citizens by Christ the Redeemer Church 5. PROCLAMATIONS A. Child Abuse Awareness Month - April 1984 B. Victims Rights Week - April 17-23, 1984 COUNCIL AGENDA Staff 4/12/84 - Page 4 of 5 Recommendations 16. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 17. ORAL REPORTS A. Planning Commission (1) Request for Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting & Public Hearing on April 26 - General Plan Amendment B. Parks & Recreation Committee (1) Request for Subsidy of Lighting Fees - Colton -Terrace Little League Sr. Div. (2) Request for Professional Land Negotiation for Future Park Development C. Historical & Cultural Activities Committee (1) Request for Filing Cabinet D. Crime Prevention Committee (1) Presentation of Certificates of Merit: Kevin Oberton Emilie Medina Pauline Dominguez Jill McMeans Eric Walker Bobby Walker Michael Cardoza (2) Accept Resignations of Linda Bianchi and Edward Kelly E. Emergency Operations Committee F. Police Chief G. Fire Chief H. City Engineer I. City Attorney J. City Manager K. City Council 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Request to Construct Roadway in Victoria I Approve Street - David Cooley y B. Time Extension Request - SA 82-6 (Barney Karger) Council Action COUNCIL AGENDA Staff 4/12/84 - Page 5 of 5 Recommendations C. Capital Improvement Fee Reduction Request Approve (Wilden Pump & Engineering Company) D. Enforcement of Ordinance No. 57 & 1979 Uniform Building Code (22558 Cardinal St.) E. AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Adopt THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, ADOPTING SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2816 BY REFERENCE, INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO, PERTAINING TO THE ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT OF THE 1982 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE AND UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARDS. F. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Adopt 1st Reading OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING & Set Public Hear - ORDINANCE NO 74 AND ADOPTING DIVISION 8 OF ing for Second TITLE 3 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CODE BY Reading on 4/26/84 REFERENCE, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS THERETO, WHICH ADDS PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO UNDER GROUND STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. (First Reading) G. Appropriation for Engineering/Planning/ I Approve Building & Safety (ADJOURN THE NEXT REGULAR CRA/CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS WILL BE (HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1984, AT 5:30 P.M AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS FOR THE 4/12/84 MEETING MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY 12:00 NOON ON 4/18/84. Council Action PENDING CRA AP.PROYAL too 4 APR, 12 1984 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CRA AGENDA ITEM NO. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 22, 1984 The regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on March 22, 1984, at 5:35 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Chairman Tony Petta Roy W. Nix Barbara Pfennighausen Seth Armstead, Executive Director Tom Schwab, Treasurer Ivan Hopkins, Attorney Myrna Erway, Secretary ABSENT: Jim Rigley MINUTES - (3-1-84) (3-8-84) Motion by Mrs. Pfennighausen, Second by Mr. Nix, ALL AYES by all present to approve the Minutes of March 1, 1984 as presented. Motion by Mr. Nix, Second by Mr. Petta, ALL AYES by all present to approve the Minutes of March 8, 1984 as presented. CHECK REGISTER NO. CRA032284 Motion by Chairman Grant, Second by Mrs. Pfennighausen, ALL AYES by all present to approve Check Register No. CRA032284 as presented. DONATION TO CRA ASSOCIATION Executive Director Armstead advised the CRA Association has requested financial assistance to support legal action in behalf of all redevelopment agencies; the Association, individual redevelopment agency members and the legal firms will each share one-third of the cost. Motion by Mr. Petta, Second by Mrs. Pfennighausen, ALL AYES by all present to approve a voluntary contribution of $150 to the CRA Association from Line Item No. 22-4200-250. Executive Director Armstead introduced Tom Schwab, Finance/Administrative Services Officer. Page 1 - CRA 3/22/84 ADJOURN - The meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m. to a joint CRA/Council Mourned Regular Meeting to be held April 5, 1984 at 5:30 p.m. at Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, to consider the FY 1984-85 Capital Improvement Projects. Respectfully submitted, SecrdWy APPROVED: Chairman Page 2 - CRA - 3/22/84 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PENDING CRA APPROYAI, APR 12 1984 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CRA AGENDA ITEM NO. APRIL 12, 1984 CHECK REGISTER NO. CRA041284 CHECK NO. OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF APRIL 12, 1984 (1) P1363 HUGH GRANT AGENCY DIRECTORS' FRINGE, MARCH 1984 (THIS REPLACES CHECK #P1355 THAT WAS VOID) $ 150.00 (2) P1364 C G ENGINEERING FINAL PAYMENT ON G.T. FREEWAY ACCESS STUDY EXPANDED SERVICES 213.50 (3) P1365 C.H.J. INCORPORATED STREET STRUCTURAL SECTION DESIGN, ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION EAST OF MIRADO & NORTH & SOUTH OF DESOTO 800.00 (4) P1366 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES ASSOCIATION CONTRIBUTION TO AID REDEVELOPMENT LEGAL COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 150.00 (5) P1367 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY SERVICES FOR 3rd QUARTER 83/84 41,839.50 INTEREST DUE CITY FOR 3rd QUARTER 83/84 48,986.18 TOTAL CITY: 90,825.68 (6) P1368 KICAK AND ASSOCIATES FIRE STATION/AZURE HILLS 2,914.00 TRAFFIC FLOW PLAN 32.00 PICO STORM DRAINS 7,333.20 ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION 1,064.10 TOTAL KICAK: 11,343.30 TOTAL; $ 103,482.48 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORELISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF CRA LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF CRA. THOMAS J. SCHWAB TREASURER 4RA_AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 The Senate Finance Committee has recently approved APR 12 1984 restrictions on the issuance of "grandfathered" single-family residential mortgage revenue bonds. The restrictions are to be included in the tax bill which is currently pending in the Senate and House of Representatives. The pending legislation provides that if the "grandfathered" housing bonds are issued prior to April 20, 1984, then the bonds may be issued with no limitations. If the bonds are issued after April 20, 1984 then the principal amount of bonds issued would have to be included in the total amount of bonds allocated to the State of California under the Mortgage Subsidy Bond Tax Act of 1980. If Grand Terrace were to apply for the authority to issue housing bonds to the State's Housing Bond Allocation Committee, the City could not receive an allocation until 1985. However, the pending legislation eliminates the authority to issue "grandfathered" housing bonds after 1985. Therefore, if the City and Agency want to provide for a housing financing program which makes available below market interest rate mortgage loans for newly constructed residences within the Agency's redevelopment project area, the bonds must be issued prior to April 20, 1984. If the City and Agency approve the issuance of the bonds, then the bond proceeds would be available to finance the acquisition of newly constructed homes anywhere in the City under terms substantially similar to mortgage loans available to the purchasers of homes being constructed by Griffin Homes. STAFF REPORT �� C R A ITEM ( X)) COUNCIL ITEM ( ) K ETING DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 1982/1983 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUDIT AND FISCAL YEAR 1981/1982 AND 1982/1983 MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS AUDITS FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XXX The audited financial statements for the Community Redevelopment Agency for the fiscal year ended 6-30-83 and the audited financial statements for the Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds Trust Funds for the fiscal years ending 6-30-82 and 6-30-83 are submitted to the Agency for acceptance. The reports were prepared by the firm of Crabtree, Karlen and Arzoo, Certified Public Accountants. The auditors state that the Community Redevelopment Agency is in compliance with the State Controller's guidelines for California Redevelopment Agencies with two exceptions: 1. The Agency has not yet adopted personnel rules and regulations as required by Section 33126. Our City Attorney, Ivan Hopkins, reviewed Section 33126 and has stated that he does not feel it is necessary for the Agency to adopt personnel rules and regulations, since the Agency does not have any employees who are specifically hired by the Agency. He considers the City employees to be contract personnel, and therefore the requirement is not relevant. 2. The Agency has not yet submitted to the Legislative body the reports described in Sections 33080.1 and 33080.2. The referenced reports are the audited financial statements that must be submitted to the Agency Board within six months after the close of the fiscal year. All Community Redevelopment Agency financial data pertaining to Fiscal Year 1982/1983 was made available to our auditing firm on July 15, 1983. Our audit opinion was not delivered to us until March 21, 1984 which caused a late filing of our reports. Steps will be taken to assure timely filing of our reports in the future. TJS:gr NER 0 AR61 ITECT'S ARCO'I - o FIELD REPORT CONSuMT ❑ AIA DOCUMENT G711 FIELD ❑ A,,,, Ap r i 1 12 , 1984 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM # 2 PROJECT: Grand Terrace Civic Center FIELD REPORT NO: 12 CONTRACT: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 81-11OCC.52 DATE Mar 28, 1984TIME 8:30-11.00 WEATHERclear and sunny TEMP RANGE 75-800 EST. % OF COMPLETION 14 % CONFORMANCE WITH SCHEDULE (+, -6n time WORK IN PROGRESS PRESENT AT SITE I. Forming of sono-tube Tom Schwab, Finance Director 2. Masonry Seth Armstead, City Manager Electrical, mechanical, Councilm5n Tony PeHa .nnd nl nmhi ng Colinni 1 wnman rtarbara Rfenninghausen Bob Stewart, Building Inspector Roy Taylor, Mavertc Constructton OBSERVATIONS Larry Wolff, WLC Federal Alarm Systems 1. The approved color and material schedule was submitted to the 2. T e Contractor's Payment Request No. 4 was approved as submitted by the Arrnhi tent ana ruhmi t ed to the City for pay- ment. The revised concrete mix design for the snnn fnhP cnlrlmns was approved by the Architect and submitted to the Contractor. 4. Discussion was given with the Contractor in regards to prepar- ing the concrete and masonry surfaces which are to receive the waterproofing membrane. The 1/8" centent: pletster finish as called for in the Drawings must be provided for a smooth surface in order to receive the waterproofing membrane. All homeyCpmhr rough edgesp unstruck mortar joints, and all other obstructions must be removed and left in a smooth condition. it is a so u e y essential a e sur aces to receive the waterproofing he smnnth and frPA frnm anV 1_rrPcjularitiPs voids, and/or protrusions as specified. ITEMS TO VERIFY As noted above INFORMATION OR ACTION REQUIREDAs noted above RECOVED APB-94.r--- ATTACHMENTS N //lii ,/ CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REPORT ct A AIA DOCUMENT G711 • RCHITECT'S FI D EPORT • OCTOBER 1972 EDITION • AIA© • © 1972 THE AMERjCAN INSTIT E OF ARCHITE S 1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 pag� of 2 pages GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER #12 page 2 The layout of the Council seating was discussed and clarified with the Contractor. Bob Stewart requested clarification with the Architect that the acoustical ceiling panel sub- mitted and approved for the job met the (1) hour requirement. The Architect shall verify this item. 6. A short presentation was given by Federal Alarm Company in regards to security systems for the project. Federal will require a set of plans and specifications in order for them to submit a written proposal and price quotation to the Council. 7. After the regular meeting, a special meeting was conducted with all staff to completely review the built in furniture in the project. All areas were reviewed and deemed satisfactory except for the following items: a. It was decided that the EOC Lounge and the Storage Room should remain in their present position and that a pair of doors to the exterior be provided in the EOC Lounge. b. A 30" high bookcase x 10 foot long is required at the Community Service Director #28. c. The filing storage system to be located in the Vault #58 needs to be modified in order to allow for conventional open shelving in some areas in lieu of the file indexing as originally indicated in the specifications. d. The voting light display at the Council Dais needs to be verified. e. The type of tape recorder console specified for the Council Chambers needs to be clarified. 8., The next regularly scheduled job meeting shall be Wednesday, April 4, 1984 at 8:30am. . ' 0 MO APR 121984 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES PENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 8, 1984 COUNCIL' AGENDA 1T-EM A .3 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on March 8, 1984, at 5:46 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Jim Rigley, Mayor Pro Tempore Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Barbara Pfennighausen, Councilwoman Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer Myrna Erway, City Clerk ABSENT: None The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Ray Williams, Grand View Baptist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Myrna Erway. CIVIC CENTER CONSTRUCTION City Manager Armstead advised Field Report Numbers 8 and 9 were provided for information; met with Group W to ensure proper installation of conduit into all areas of the Civic Center and proper placement of TV monitors in the ceiling; the Council Meeting proceedings can be transmitted to the meeting room and the library should the need occur; the equipment will be mobile. ITEM ADDED TO AGENDA - 6A(1) - Appeal of Planning Commission decision variance - sign permit - 22365 Barton Road. MINUTES (2-9-84) (2-23-84) CC-84-40 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of February 9, 1984 as presented. CC-84-41 Motion by Mayor Grant, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve the Minutes of February 23, 1984 as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-84-42 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve all items on the Consent Calendar as follows: A. Approval of Check Register No. 030884; Page 1 - 3/8/84 n B. Authorize City Manager, as Treasurer, to attend Calif. Municipal Treasurers' Assoc. Seminar in San Jose, April 23-24, 1984; and C. Approve the 2-28-84 installation of stop sign at the northwest corner of Pico/Oriole. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Allen Tuck, representing Wilden Pump & Engineering Company, 22069 Van Buren, stated the City Engineer has advised he is unable to issue a building permit for his company's project, since Council sent the General Plan back to the Planning Commission for further hearings; requested consideration of the following alternatives: adopt the General Plan immediately, since several projects are being delayed, and immediately initiate a General Plan Amendment in behalf of the citizens, with the fees waived; an interpretation of the present zoning ordinance in a manner to allow issuance of the building permit; or direct the City Engineer to issue a building permit since it would be consistent with Council intent, with the understanding the matter is to be resolved prior to occupancy. City Manager Armstead recommended Council approve the General Plan, then refer it back to the Planning Commission for further hearings and initiate a General Plan Amendment. City Attorney Hopkins concurred with the City Manager's recommendation; disagreed with interpreting the zoning ordinance to allow issuance of the building permit; recommended issuing a building permit on the basis that an occupancy permit would not be allowed to be issued until such time as the property is properly zoned, which would avoid delaying construction, then recall the General Plan, advertise a public hearing for the next meeting on the Land Use Element only, and adopt the Land Use Element only; then have the Planning Commission proceed with a review of the other General Plan elements and a General Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element, to address those areas of concern as expressed by the citizens. Councilman Rigley felt the Land Use Element should not be adopted until the controversy on the north side of Barton Road is resolved. City Attorney Hopkins stated that matter and other areas could be addressed in the General Plan Amendment; adopting the Land Use Element immediately would avoid further delay of the Wilden Pump and Keeney projects. Bob Yeates, 12888 Fremontia, stated the Chamber of Commerce recommends that Council adopt the General Plan "as is," with the understanding that four General Plan Amendments are allowed per year, and those individuals who appeared at the previous meeting will have an opportunity to be heard at a public hearing to consider changes; economic development for the City is being delayed. Council concurred with adopting the Land Use Element as soon as possible to avoid further delay of proposed development. City Engineer Kicak stated taking this action will allow building permits to be issued for Wilden Pump and Keeney; Mr. Keeney's project is not Page 2 - 3/8/84 Ln 6 ready for a building permit at this time; stated Mr. Tuck is aware that his firm must also process a zone change during the course of construction; a Planning Commission public hearing is scheduled for April 2; hearings on the zone change and amendments to the Land Use Element could also be heard at that time. Councilwoman Pfennighausen felt the fees should be waived for those requesting amendments to the Land Use Element. City Attorney Hopkins stated Council and Wilden Pump should be aware that Wilden Pump runs the risk of a financial loss if a building permit is issued allowing them to proceed, in the event the zone change or the Land Use Element were not approved; stated unless Council disagrees, the City Engineer could issue a conditional building permit to Wilden Pump immediately. Councilman Nix stated the review and approval process had been expedited due to a previous concern expressed by Mr. Keeney; requested that those residents who testified in opposition to the Land Use Element be notified that adoption of the Land Use element at this time is to allow development to proceed and that a General Plan Amendment is to be initiated immediately, with no fees to be assessed for requested changes. Councilwoman Pfennighausen recommended processing the zone changes to bring the the affected properties into conformance with the land use element within a reasonable time and waiving the fees. Mr. Kicak stated a "reasonable" time has been defined as varying as much as three, fifteen and thirty years; it is a matter of policy to be set by Council; most cities take the position that if the General Plan is amended it makes no difference if the zoning is inconsistent as long as there is no proposal for development on that property; it is then the individual's responsibility to file for a zone change if development is proposed. City Attorney Hopkins advised a conditional building permit could be issued to Wilden Pump with the conditions that the zone change and the land use element must be approved so that the zone change and general plan are in conformity with the actual use prior to occupancy; recommended that Council approve the land use element in the near future; regarding the remaining elements of the General Plan, advised the public hearing for the remainder of the General Plan and the amendment to the land use element could all be considered at the Planning Commission Public Hearing to be held April 2, with separate action to be taken; then the matter could be presented to Council. CC-84-43 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES to direct Staff to schedule a Public Hearing and adoption of the land use element for the March 22, 1984 Council Meeting. City Attorney Hopkins advised a motion would not be necessary for the City Engineer to issue a conditional building permit. Councilman Nix questioned and the City Attorney confirmed that an all-inclusive zone change can be processed to bring the zoning map into conformance with the General Plan after adoption. In response to whether there is a disadvantage to taking this action, the City Page 3 - 3/8/84 Engineer advised the disadvantage is loss of revenue to the City; Councilman Nix recommended proceeding with the zone change in conjunction with the General Plan Amendment; requested a track record of all zone changes, including what changes were made and the dates, since the first General Plan in the City, for the north side of Barton Road and the west side of Michigan, from the meat locker immediately to the north. Recess was called at 6:48 p.m. and reconvened at 7:10 p.m. with all mem emirs present. PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Director Kicak advised the Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing April 2 on the General Plan. SIGN VARIANCE APPEAL - 22365 Barton Road Planning Director Kicak advised Mr. James Beckman, Manager, Grand Terrace Professional Plaza, is appealing the Planning Commission decision to deny a sign variance permit at 22365 Barton Road; recommendded setting a public hearing for March 22 for this matter. CC-84-44 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, to authorize Staff to set public hearing dates for appeals on sign waivers. Councilman Petta questioned and was advised he would have no conflict of interest in voting on this matter. The Planning Commission will be reviewing and considering amending the sign ordinance to provide more flexibility. Councilman Petta left the Council Table at 7:22 p.m. David Terbest, 22365 Barton Road, stated local businesses need reasonable signage to make the public aware of their existence; recommended that the Chamber of Commerce work with the Planning Commission on amending the sign ordinance. Motion No. CC-84-44 carried 4-0, with Councilman Petta being absent. CC-84-45 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Rigley, to set a public hearing March 22, 1984 for the appeal on the Planning Commission decision to deny a sign variance at 22365 Barton Road, carried 4-0, with Councilman Petta being absent. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Armstead reported the following: (1) Tom Schwab, who has been hired as the Finance/Administrative Services Officer, will begin working for the City March 12; (2) a Local Economic Development Strategic Planning Conference will be conducted at Cal Poly, Pomona on March 22, free of charge; and (3) an informational staff report was provided regarding a summons filed by Michael Kelley. Page 4 - 3/8/84 Nuisance Abatement - Administrative Assistant Coyle advised he, the City Attorney, the City Manager and the Building Inspector inspected the properties located at 11958 Canal and 12610 Michigan and determined the properties should be boarded up, all debris removed and vegetation should be trimmed to two inches; a force agreement was signed and the work has been completed; the cost will be placed on the tax rolls of the property owners. Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated the house at 12610 Michigan was built without a permit, and a power easement runs through the property; questioned if a permit could be obtained to upgrade the property. City Attorney Hopkins stated the structure being located beneath high -voltage power lines may constitute a health hazard; Mr. Coyle is to consult with Edison Company on this matter; Mr. Kicak stated the structure has no meter. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilwoman Pfennighausen advised she attended the Stockholders' Meeting of Riverside Highland Water Company and nominated Sanford Collins as Secretary; questioned if a master plan for updating the underground water delivery system existed; was advised a master plan and a priority list for upgrading the system will be formulated; made a motion that the directors be elected for a 3-year term and that three vacancies be created each year; this will require the by-laws to be amended; action is to be taken on that this year. Councilman Rigley questioned the status of the fire hydrant survey and Was advised it was previously submitted to Council indicating an insufficient number of fire hydrants in the northwest portion of the City, with alternatives recommended, such as an assessment district or some form of financing. The City Manager stated he feels a new water system is needed; feels it could be a joint venture with the water company. Councilwoman Pfennighausen questioned if the results of the Fire Department flow -testing the existing fire hydrants is available; was advised it is due by early April. Councilman Rigley requested that Staff bring this matter before Council with recommendations. Councilwoman Pfennighausen felt this problem should be addressed in conjunction with the plan to upgrade and replace the obsolete system. Mayor Grant reported the following: (1) attended the March meetings of mnitrans and SANBAG; the Transportation Improvement Program for San Bernardino County for this year was reviewed; one of the shelf -list SANBAG projects is the interchange improvements on I-215 for Grand Terrace; and (2) as Chairman, will conduct the annual SCAG Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing, as provided by Omnitrans, in Colton at 2:00 p.m. on March 13. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, RESCINDIN ORDINANCE NO. 73 & AMENDING THE REGULATIONS FOR COMPREHENSIVE LITTER CONTROL & MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC & PRIVATE PROPERTY. (First Reading) Page 5 - 3/8/84 City Attorney Hopkins read the title of the ordinance. Administrative Assistant Coyle advised the purpose of this ordinance is to amend Section 2 governing vehicles transporting loose materials to be in conformance with the State Vehicle Code. CC-84-46 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES, to adopt first reading of the Ordinance, by title only, and to set public hearing and second reading for March 22, 1984. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXPANDED NEWSLETTER City Manager Armstead requested clarification and direction on the funding being provided to the Chamber for the newsletter. Staff was directed to submit a report in June indicating how the expanded newsletter is progressing and a recommendation regarding its continuance for next fiscal year. Councilman Petta indicated gathering and writing articles is time-consuming; questioned who will be responsible, since the City has a small staff; Councilman Rigley recommended processing all City -related information through the City Clerk or the City Manager. Councilman Petta felt the City Clerk will be responsible for this; questioned how it will affect the performance of other required duties. City Clerk Erway indicated preparation of information for the April Newsletter was time-consuming. CC-84-47 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to authorize transmitting the funding to the Chamber of Commerce in one lump sum as a donation to use for the Chamber's Expanded Newsletter, and to require a quarterly financial statement from the Chamber of Commerce. BARTON/PALM INTERSECTION TRIANGLE Accident Report - Capt. Bradford advised he investigated the report made by Larry Halstead on a traffic collision relative to the deputies not arriving for 20 minutes and acting inappropriately upon arrival; stated from the time the initial call was received until arrival of the deputies was approximately 9 minutes, which was 6 minutes after the arrival of the Fire Department; discussed the incident with Mr. Halstead; appreciates his concern and recommendations; plans to continue to improve the level of service to the City; met with the injured individual; appears he will be okay. Capt. Bradford advised he also reviewed other accidents which have occu,red at that location; four accidents have occurred, of which two were individuals who were unfamiliar with the intersection and the area who ran into the island; since that time additional safety indicators have been placed; the other two accidents involved right-of-way violations; in one case the visibility was impaired due to not cleaning the vehicle windows, and in the other case, the motorcycle pulled out in front of a vehicle. Staff analyzed the triangle to determine what improvements might be needed. Page 6 - 3/8/84 Problems & Pro2 osed Improvements - City Engineer Kicak advised Council was provided with a three page report with a cost estimate and a map indicating proposed improvements; feels the costs are justified due to the incidents which have occurred; recommended maintaining two lanes and not widening the intersection; feels additional lighting is warranted; recommended maintaining the present speed limit to enable the deputies to utilize radar to cite violators; a left -turn lane from Barton to Palm is being considered in conjunction with Barton Road widening; would preclude parking on Barton Road; advised eleven recommendations have been proposed in the staff report. Councilman Petta stated the steep grade of Palm increases speed and the intersection requires a right-angle turn; recommended widening the intersection to make the curve more gentle and to provide a right-hand turn lane to reduce incidents of running into the planter; felt removing the tip would improve the appearance of the corner and would provide more safety; recommended that Council make observations and consider how to improve the intersection in the next two weeks. Mr. Kicak and Capt. Bradford felt the proposal could create additional traffic hazards. Councilwoman Pfennighausen left the Council Chambers at 8:35 p.m. and returned at 8:36 p.m. CC-84-48 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, to direct Staff to take the following action: (1) Install "Yield Ahead" sign on Palm Avenue for traffic traveling in the easterly direction at the location shown on the plans. (westerly end of triangle); (2) Paint "Yield" on pavement on Palm Avenue for traffic easterly on Palm Avenue just at the east end of Triangle; (3) Install "Yield" sign for traffic described above; (4) Install street light on the existing edison pole located on the southerly side of Palm Avenue in the vicinity of Triangle (9500 Lumen); (5) Paint "Stop Ahead" on pavement for westerly -bound traffic on Palm Avenue as shown on plan; (6) Install "Stop Ahead" sign on the post as shown; (7) Relocate "Curve Ahead" sign 30 feet westerly from present location; (8) Relocate existing "Stop" sign northerly to approximate location of the existing limit bar on Palm Avenue for traffic entering Barton Road; (9) Relocate BIA sign northeasterly to southerly side of Barton Road easterly of the curb return on Barton Road; Page 7 - 3/8/84 (10) Install street light on the southeast corner of Palm and Barton Road at the curb return adjacent to inlet structure; (11) Repaint Stop and Limit Bar on Palm Avenue for traffic entering Barton Road; and (12) Authorize $2,000 allocation to the Gas Tax Fund, 16-4931. Councilman Petta stated he feels the action will help; however, from experience on that street and at that intersection, feels strongly that the wider intersection would help in safety and appearance. Motion No. CC-84-48 carried 4-1, with Councilman Petta voting NOE. LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE - LONG-TERM FINANCING City Clerk Erway advised that correspondence was received from Mayor Hayes, Montclair, requesting that each city appoint a representative to assist with the League of California Cities' Task Force on long-term financing. Council, by concensus, determined that the City Manager should appoint Tom Schwab, Finance/Administrative Services Officer, to serve as the City's legislative representative. • CHAMBER OF COMMERCE President Bob Yeates announced the Chamber has joined the San Bernardino County Chambers of Commerce Executive Board; displayed a map which has been designed for the Inland Empire which will list all member cities and will include information on each city; read the information on Grand Terrace; 100,000 maps will be printed, of which 60,000 will be placed on site at the 1984 U.S. Olympics. Councilman Rigley recommended amending the City information to indicate approximately 10,000 population with an area of 3.7 square miles. ADJOURN - The regular meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held March 22, 1984 at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted City C rk APPROVED: ayor Page 8 - 3/8/84 APR 12 1984 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCIL MINUTES pFND1NG COUNCIL, ,A C Y SAL REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 22, 1984 COUNCIL AGENDA 1TE,�lii 3 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on March 22, 1984, at 5:48 p.m. PRESENT: Hugh J. Grant, Mayor Tony Petta, Councilman Roy W. Nix, Councilman Barbara Pfennighausen, Councilwoman Seth Armstead, City Manager Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, City Engineer Myrna E rway, City Clerk ABSENT: Jim Rigley, Mayor Pro Tempore The meeting was opened with invocation by Chaplain Bronwen Watts, Loma Linda University Medical Center, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Tom Coyle. ITEM DELETED FROM AGENDA - Minutes of March 8, 1984. ITEM ADDED TO AGENDA - 9B - ampese eBene et. CIVIC CENTER CONSTRUCTION Hold Harmless Agreement with Council was provided Field Report No. 10 for information; the March 21 construction meeting was cancelled. Architect Larry Wolff reviewed and requested approval of the proposed exterior/interior color selections for the Civic Center; advised the aisles will be widened since the 100 seats for the Council Chambers are smaller than anticipated; the interior accommodations will be reviewed with staff; confirmed an entry will be provided on the east side of the structure. Dennis Craig, Sonitrol, distributed and reviewed a proposal for a security system for the Civic Center; invitations will be forthcoming to receive a more detailed briefing on the system at the firm's offices; this firm has the highest national apprehension rate and the lowest false alarm rate in the industry; other proposed security systems will be presented prior to final determination. CC-84-49 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES by all present to approve the Civic Center color scheme as presented by Architect Larry Wolff. Page 1 - 3/22/84 u MINUTES - (3-1-84) F] CC-84-50 Motion by Mayor Grant, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES by all present to approve the Minutes of March 1, 1984 as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR Item 4A - Check Register No. 032284 - was removed for discussion. CC-84-51 Motion by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES by all present to approve Item 4B, to authorize the City Engineer to instruct San Bernardino County Surveyor's Office to release a $2,900 Road Improvement Bond for Minor Subdivision 78-0321. CHECK REGISTER NO. 032284 CC-84-52 Following clarification of Warrant No. 12031, Motion by Mayor Grant, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES by all present to approve Check Register No. 032284 as presented. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, cited several sections of the Zoning Ordinance with which he disagreed and felt to be ambiguous; recommended that a committee be established to review and modify the zoning code. Mayor Grant recommended this be referred to the Planning Commission and that they consider establishing an ad hoc committee to review the zoning code. City Attorney Hopkins clarified the zoning code has no ambiguities. David Terbest stated the expanded Chamber Newsletter will be mailed to all residents March 26; feels it is excellent. CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE - Minutes of January 16 were submitted. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Administrative Assistant Coyle advised an emergency plan will soon be presented. CITY ENGINEER REPORT City Engineer Kicak stated a memo has been prepared for the City Manager which will be provided to Council regarding a meeting held with Mr. Richard Jacobsen, Superintendent, Colton Joint Unified School District, on air conditioning and the parking lot at the Community Center. Mr. Jacobsen recommended postponing the parking lot project until the completion of this school year; feels neither project can be completed prior to the beginning of next school year, since the State Architect's Office must review the plans and the bidding process; feels the major work could be completed prior to the school year and could be completed during the school year with minimum disturbance to classroom activities. Council recommended writing a letter to the PTA advising the reason for the delay of the air conditioning project. Page 2 - 3/22/84 u CITY MANAGER REPORT u City Manager Armstead reported the following: (1) He and the Administrative Assistant attended a meeting regarding disaster emergency operation plans for San Bernardino County; (2) Staff is preparing information requested by Council for the meeting on Capital Improvement Projects; and (3) met with Riverside Highland Water Company relative to street cuts and other items, including water failures. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Committee Member Lenore Frost gave a report on the Parks & Recreation Conference held in San Diego March 9-12, attended by her and Gary Dishaw of the Committee, and Community Services Director Anstine. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Nix reported the following: (1) requested that Staff and the City Engineer examine the curve on Barton Road near the city limits of Grand Terrace and Colton and present recommendations to Council to improve the safety, such as guard rails, since there have been many accidents and some fatalities at that location; recommended discussing the matter with Colton also, since it is a joint concern; and (2) recommended re -considering Councilman Petta's recommendation made at the March 8 Council Meeting relative to using some or all of the 14-foot right-of-way and widening the triangle at the intersection of Barton Road/Palm; feels this would be a better long-term solution. Councilman Petta recommended considering widening the Barton Road/Palm intersection and cutting off the tip of the triangle in conjunction with the Barton Road Widening Project; referenced the Barton Road curve near the City Limits, advising San Bernardino County previously proposed re -aligning Barton Road at that location and constructing a road to intersect at Washington Street for safety purposes; recommended contacting the County and Colton regarding this matter. Councilwoman Pfennighausen reported the following: (1) Interest has been expressed re ative to the EOC Committee purchasing and reconditioning a used emergency generator for less than $500, with total placement of the system being less than $5,000, and the fact that this has been accomplished by volunteers; recommended pursuing writing an article for a journal as suggested; commended Tom Coyle, the City and the Volunteers; noted the fire station generator cost $14,000 and the wiring an additional several thousand dollars; and (2) voiced objection to Riverside Highland Water Company sending only one billing and turning off residents' water with no further notice; stated 100 hundred residents had their water shut off in one day; feels this poses a health and safety hazard. Mayor Grant reported the following: (1) Represented the City at an East ey Transit Authority Meeting March 13 to hear testimony on Page 3 - 3/22/84 unmet needs; (2) attended the LAFC Meeting and supported the City of Adelanto's request to annex a portion of an unincorporated area adjacent to the Air Force Base; (3) represented SANBAG at the final meeting of the Inland Manpower Association; and (4) concurred with concern expressed for the Water Company's billing method; feels the company should follow the same procedures being followed by other public utilities, even though they are not governed by the PUC; all citizens, as shareholders, can express this concern to the Board of Directors of the Water Company. Councilman Nix stated he does not feel a public utility can legally shut off service in the manner presently being followed and then charge a fee which has been advertised for reconnection; requested an investigation to see what can be done to reverse the policy. Recess was called at 7:08 p.m. and reconvened at 7:29 p.m. with all members present except Councilman Rigley. LAND USE ELEMENT - GENERAL PLAN - PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION NO. 84-06 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAD TERRACE, CA, CERTIFYNG THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ON THE UPDATED GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE; APPROVING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE UPDATED GENERAL PLAN; AND MAKING OTHER DETERMINATIONS. Planning Director Joe Kicak advised the purpose of this action is to consider adoption of only the Land Use Element of the General Plan as presented by the consultant to allow certain development projects to proceed. Certified notification was sent to individuals expressing concerns at the last meeting, with 10 out of 11 acknowledging receipt. Felt the issue was well covered in both the Sun and the Press Enterprise. Mr. Kicak reviewed the amendments and zone changes to the General Plan since June of 1975, when the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors adopted the first community plan. The C i ty Attorney read the title of the resolution. Mayor Grant opened Public Hearing. Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, questioned and was advised the Circulation Element is separate from the Land Use Element. Bob Keeney, 12139 Mt. Vernon, felt a Specific Plan should only be required for large developments. Proposed it be changed from 16 units to developments with 16 or more units per acre, which could possibly impact the City. Max Archer, 12490 Michigan Street, questioned whether his two parcels, 12490 Michigan Street and 22064 Van Buren, are still commercial. The Planning Director advised that the 1980 action proposed that property be for residential use. Page 4 - 3/22/84 u F] Planning Commission Chairman Sanford Collins stated the General Plan does not change zoning, only states what the zoning should be. Frances Carter, 11938 Arlis Drive, stated she was unaware her property on Michigan was changed from M-R-T in 1980; requested it be designated as M-R-T. Lee Swertfeger, 12438 Michigan Street, stated he plans to expand and was unaware his property was changed in 1980. Ray Watson, 22002 Van Buren Street, questioned the land use relative to his property. Coleen Wunner, 22959 Grand Terrace Road, expressed concern for requirements to install sidewalks, gutters, and street lights in the City; requested a personal letter notifying her of matters regarding installation of improvements. Fernando Bijorquez, 22238 Barton Road, felt the zoning on both sides of Barton Road should be the same; questioned the need to widen Barton Road; concerned for the school children's safety and traffic safety. Kenneth Parrett, 22888 Grand Terrace Road, stated he moved to Grand Terrace for the rural atmosphere and wants consideration to be given to allowing animals in areas where they would not adversely affect neighboring properties. Bill Darwin, 23172 Palm Avenue, supported adopting the Land Use Element. Brian Esgate, 5355 Kendall Street, Riverside, representing Bob Keeney, requested that if the Land Use Element is adopted, consideration be given to modifying the Specific Plan requirement to a density of 16 units per acre, which would allow Mr. Keeney's project to proceed. Barney Karger spoke in support of Mr. EsgateIs request. Mayor Grant closed the Public Hearing. Councilwoman Pfennighausen questioned what is a reasonable time element to bring the zoning into conformance with the General Plan and whether adopting the Land Use Element would resolve Wilden Pump's and Max Archer's problems. The Planning Director responded a reasonable time could be as much as 30 years; Stated it was his understanding Council wanted to hold public hearings for zone changes affected by the General Plan following adoption of the General Plan to avoid double hearings; generally when a General Plan is adopted, the zoning is not changed unless required by development. The City Attorney advised Wilden Pump & Engineering would be required to initiate the zone change; it is not one the City would initiate unless Council included it in the umbrella changes without fees; they would then be in conformace with the Land Use Element. Mr. Archer's problem would not change, since he is not in conformance either way. Page 5 - 3/g2/84 M F Council discussed the Specific Plan requirement. The City Attorney advised Council does not have the prerogative to make changes without it going back to the Planning Commission. Barney Karger recommended Council adopt the Land Use Element with the recommendation to the Planning Commission that they eliminate the requirement for a Specific Plan and revise the General Plan update as soon as possible. CC-84-53 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES by all present, to approve Staff's recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 84-06 and direct Staff to initiate the General Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element through the Planning Commission. Recess was called at 8:58 p.m. and reconvened at 9:15 p.m. with all members present except Councilman Rigley. APPEAL - PLANNING COMMISSION DETERMINATION - SIGN VARIANCE Planning Director Kicak advised this matter is being appealed to the City Council since the Planning Commission denied the requested sign variance at 22365 Barton Road; a staff report was distributed at the March 8 meeting. The appellant, James Beckman, the leasing agent and building manager for the property located at 22365 Barton Road, stated the Planning Commission previously denied a much larger sign which was presented; stated visibility is important to the businesses located within the building; the present requested sign is 7 1/2 feet by 6 feet, has the name of the facility, Grand Terrace Professional Plaza, with small sign boards below, 2 feet wide by 6 inches high, identifying each individual businesss; the sign would not impair visibility. Mayor Grant opened Public Hearing. Larry Halstead, 22675 Barton Road, supported the sign variance; understands the need for a sign ordinance; recommended considering the establishment of a uniform standard sign guide so that all signs within the City would be identical; noted many cities presently have this practice; feels the most attractive sign in the City is that of Valley Bank; felt this would beautify the City, would conform with a good sign ordinance and would provide the needed visibility to all business establishments. David Terbest, a tenant at 22365 Barton Road, supported the comments by Larry Halstead; noted the present sign ordinance indicates many signs within the City are to be brought into conformance by December, 1984; felt public hearings should be conducted to receive input from the public and businesses to determine appropriate signs and ordinance. Mayor Grant closed public hearing, there being no further testimony. Page 6 - 3/22/84 Ln F1 CC-84-54 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES by all present, to approve the appeal of the Planning Commission decision for a sign variance at 22365 Barton Road, and to approve the sign as presented. ORDINANCE NO. 77 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO. 73 & AMENDING THE REGULATIONS FOR COMPREHENSIVE LITTER CONTROL & MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC & PRIVATE PROPERTY. (Second Reading) City Attorney Hopkins read the title of the Ordinance. Administrative Assistant Coyle advised a problem exists in enforcing a particular section of Ordinance No. 73 relating to covered loads, since it doesn't conform to the State Vehicle Code; Ordinance No. 77 amends that section to conform with the State Vehicle Code. Mayor Grant opened Public Hearing; Fernando Bijorquez, 22238 Barton Road, felt complete covering of rubbish should not be required; was advised the State Vehicle Code supercedes local ordinances, so the City's ordinance must conform to that code. Mayor Grant closed Public Hearing, there being no further testimony. CC-84-55 Motion by Mayor Grant, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES by all present to adopt Ordinance No. 77 by title only. FY 1984-85 CDBG PROGRAM City Engineer Kicak advised that in order for the City to receive CDBG funding each year, a Public Hearing is required. Last year's projects were the rehabilitation of the Community Center Restrooms and the Community Center parking lot; the restroom project is primarily completed, with the parking lot to be carried over to next year; based on the amount of funding available for this year and next, it appears that the entire $470000 will be required to construct the parking lot; recommended submitting additional priorities in the event additional funding should become available; described the portion of the City which is eligible for the funding pursuant to the 1980 census; reviewed seven projects to consider, as outlined in the staff report. Councilman Nix questioned if the inadequate water system in a portion of the City would qualify; City Engineer Kicak stated an agreement would be needed with the water company, since the City doesn't own the system. Mayor Grant opened and closed Public Hearing, there being no public testimony. Councilman Petta recommended considering stage lighting and carpeting at the Community Center. Councilman Nix stated rehabilitation of the Community Center was to be a project to be completed in phases over a period of several years, including upgrading the kitchen area for community use, with the understanding the entire project cost would be $100,000 - $200,000. Page 7 - 3/22/84 CC-84-56 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, to authorize Staff to resubmit the Community Center Parking Lot CDBG Application for FY 1984-85 as the City's number one priority; to request San Bernardino County Office of Community Development to carry-over and transfer the balance of the FY 1983-84 CDBG Funds to the Community Center Parking Lot for FY 1984-85; and to establish the following priorities for projects should additional funding become available: second priority - additional improvements at the Community Center; third priority - water system upgrade in the area of Burns and Vivienda Street. Mayor Grant felt the water system should receive priority over Community Center improvements. Councilman Nix stated he recommended those priorities since he feels prior documentation exists on improvements at the Community Center which can be researched, and feels the water system upgrade project will take considerable time and funding which will require it to be a phased project over a period of years; feels if additional funding becomes available it could be sufficient to accomplish certain Community Center projects, but would be insufficient for the water system project. Motion No. CC-84-56 carried, ALL AYES by all present. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE CONSULTING SERVICES Planning Director Kicak advised Beland and Assoc. Inc. was contacted, as directed, to determine the cost to revise the completed General Plan Update; referenced a letter dated March 6, 1984 from Beland and Assoc. Inc. indicating the firm would review the General Plan process as it occurred during the recent amendment and to prepare the reports necessary for the Planning Commission and City Council, for an estimated cost of $2,400, with additional costs to be negotiated pursuant to Section 9 of the initial crr}tract should considerable additional work be required to complete the project. Mayor Grant questioned the need for additional consulting services and whether staff could not perform the needed functions. Councilman Petta questioned the consultant's previous notification of the property owners. Mr. Kicak felt the consultant could do a better job since they have been doing this project, have talked to residents and have been involved in changes; from a professional standpoint, questioned assuming a function performed by another firm; stated the consultant notified all residents whose property was being affected in this project; many of the residents who have indicated they were not notified were those whose property was changed in 1980, and were not affected by this project. Councilman Nix felt there has been insufficient guidance, and that Council, the Planning Commission and Staff should now become more involved relative to the issues which are now apparent. CC-84-57 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilman Nix, to authorize the expenditure of $2,400 from CRA Professional Services, Line Item 22-4200-250, leaving a balance of $1,300, to receive input from Beland and Associates, Inc., and if necessary, to authorize negotiation with Page 8 - 3/22/84 the consultant for additional costs which would be involved to complete the General Plan Update, carried•3-1, with Mayor Grant voting NOE and Councilman Rigley being absent. SAN BERNARDINO ARTS COUNCIL PHASE III REPORT - CULTURAL PLAN City Clerk Erway advised the subject report was forwarded for Council review and approval; the report was circulated to the Historical & Cultural Activities Committee and Theatre on the Terrace, with no input received. CC-84-58 Motion by Mayor Grant, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES by all present to direct staff to prepare a letter for the Mayor's signature advising Council has reviewed and approves the Phase III Report. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT - ZAMPESE/DEBENEDET City Attorney Hopkins read the agreement and recommended approval; advised the purpose is to provide staff access through the Zampese/DeBenedet property during construction of the Civic Center. CC-84-59 Motion by Councilman Petta, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES by all present to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Hold Harmless Agreement for Zampese/DeBenedet. ADJOURN - The regular meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. to a Joint CRA Council Adjourned Regular Meeting to be held at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, on April 5, 1984 at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, city C 1 e APPROVED: ayor Page 9 - 3/22/84 t ccj,;vcl EN5A ff O LlA PENDING CITY, CHECK REGISTER NO. 041284 GRAND TERRACE- COUNCIL APPROVAL PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 84-101 DATE 04/12/84 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK WRITTEN IZHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED AMOUNT NO AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV NO. RANDALL ANSTINE CPRS CONF.3/91S.DIEGO 13-4430-270 64.50 LOCAL MILEAGE,ANSTINE 13-4430-271 15.18 12047 79.68 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC. MEMBERSHIP 1984,APWA 13-4430-265 50.00 P3955 50.00 BASTANCHURY BOTTLED WATER BOTTLED WATER,C/M 10-4190-238 01135 9.00 12048 9.00 CITY CLERKS ASSOC./CALIF. REG.CCA CONF.MAY 84,MYRN 10-4125-270 55.00 12049 55.00 CHICAGO IRON WORKS MATERIAL,REPAIR SHELTER, 13-4430-245 1782 140.00 12050 140.00 PARK C H J MATERIALS LABORATORY SOIL Ii4VESTIGATE.COM.CEN 10-4593-255 17357 1650,00 12051 1650.00 COLTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRI COUNCIL MEET.2/9&2/23 10-4110-242 85.00 PLAN.COM.MEET.2/6/84 10-4801-242 25.00 SQUARE DANCING 2/4&2/18 13-4430-242 120.00 12052 230.00 COPY LINE CORP. RENT COPIER 3/84 FIN. 10-4190-240 10b99 166.37 RENT COPIER,3/84 C/M 10-4190-240 10875 524.70 12053 691.07 THOMAS M COYLE MEET.FONTANA 2/21,COYLE 10-4120-270 4.63 TAC MEET.2/27&3/12/84,C0 10-4120-270 7.95 MEET.CAL-POLY,3/22,COYLE 10-4120-270 17.93 TAC MEET.3/26/84,COYLE 10-4120-270 3.43 EOC MEET.3/27/84,COYLE 10-4120-270 6.66 1205 40.60 m t GRAND TERRACE PAGE NO. 2 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 84-101 DATE 04/12/84 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK MHER WRITTEN 40. DETAiI.OFDEMANDS PRESENTED DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3D COMPUTER SUPPLY PRINT RIBBON,WORD PROCESSIO-4421-210 0051 63.54 12055 63.54 f EFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/9/84 10-2164-000 DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/9/84 10-2170-000 DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/9/84 10-4120-139 DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/9/84 10-4125-139 DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/9/84 10-4140-139 DEF.CO;AP.P/R END.3/9/84 10-4180-139 DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/9/84 13-4430-139 OEF.COMP.P/R END.3/9/84 21-4572-139 DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/23/84 DEF.COMP.P/R EI4D.3/23/84 DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/23/84 DEF.00+1P.P/R END.3/23/84 DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/23/84 UEF.COMP.P/R END.3/23/84 DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/23/84 DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/23/84' DEF.COMP.P/R END.3/23/84 EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT FUND RETIRE.P/R END.3/9/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/9/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/9/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/9/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/9/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/9/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/9/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/23/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/23/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/23/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/23/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/23/84 RETIRE.P/R ENO.3/23/84 RETIRE.P/R END.3/23/84 10-2164-000 10-2170-000 10-2171-000 10-4120-139 10-4125-139 10-4140-139 10-4180-139 13-4430-139 21-4572-139 10-2167-000 10-4120-140 10-4125-140 10-4140-140 10-4180-140 13-4430-140 21-4572-140 10-2167-000 10-4120-140 10-4125-140 10-4140-140 10-4180-140 13-4430-140 21-4572-140 599.00 97.89 576.95 384.62 368.10 231.95 185.35 110.35 549.00 26.02 37.66 576.95 384.62 497,014 231.95 185.3! 110.3`_ P3958 P3964 31.90 395.26 263.50 252.18 158.90 126.98 75.60 P396C 31.90 395.26 263.50 223.37 158.90 126.98 75.60 P396`. 2554.21 2598.94 1304.32 1275.51 r m GRAND TERRACE F1 PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 84-101 DATE 04/ 12/84 CHER PAYEE DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WARRANT CHECK WRITTEN to. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV NO. AMOUNT NO AMOUNT EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT. PIT P/R DEPOSIT 3/84 10-2162-000 763.02 SDI P/R DEPOSIT 3/84 10-2163-000 308.41 P3961 1071.43 EXPERT TREE SERVICE TRIM TREES C/H 10-4180-255 2747 410.00 12056 410.00 FRITZ'S LAWNMOWER REPAIR GRASS CATCHER/LAWN MOWER 10-4180-246 1453 34.45 12057 34.45 LENORE FROST PARK CONV.S.DIEGO,3/9 13-4807-270 251.39 12058 251.39 ALEXANDER GRANT 9 COMPANY UPS CHARGE,COMP.PRINTOUT 10-4420-210 04039 5.82 COMP.SERVICES 3/84 10-4420-255 04039 1071.00 LABELS,CHAMBER MAILING 21-4572-210 03020 134.15 UPS CHARGE,COMP.PRINTOUT 21-4572-210 04039 5.82 COMP.SERVICES 3/84 21-4572-255 04039 225.00 12059 1441.79 HARBER COMPANY REMOVE/REPAIR HEADWALL,G 10-4631-255 2483 90.00 REPAIR SINKS,W.W.D. 21-4572-900 2483 338.80 REPAIR SINKS,W.W.D. 21-4572-900 2482 643.50 12060 1072.30 INLAND LIGHTING SUPPLIES,IN LIGHTS FOR PARK 13-4430-245 17683 127.20 DISCOUNT ON INV.#17683 13-4430-245 17683 2.54 12061 124.66 IPS SERVICES INCORPORATED STREET S'WEEP.2/21/84 18-4908-255 4032 357.52 STREET SWEEP 3/6/84 18-4908-255 4083 312.83 STREET SWEEP 3/13/84 18-4908-255 4194 357.52 STREET SWEEP 3/20/84 18-4908-255 4209 312.83 12062 1340.70 GRAND TERRACE PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO 84-101 DATE 04/12/84 BLUER PAYEE DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WARRANT CHECK WRITTEN rflRi. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV NO. AMOUNT NO AMOUNT INT'L INSTITUTE/MUN.CLERKS IIMC REG.CONF.5/20/84, ;10-4125-270 195.00 12063 195.00 MYRNA INTERSTATE SALES BLUE REFLECTORS,FIRE 16-4900-220 6981 121.95 12064 121.95 HYDRANTS KICAK & ASSOCIATES STAFF ENGINEERING 10-4120-601 4212.36 BUILDING & SAFETY 10-4330-255 3490.81 PLANNING 10-4370-255 2183.90 PUBLIC WORKS,ENGINEERING 10-4610-255 276.75 ARCHITEC BARRIER REMOVAL 11-4902-600 849.80 RECONST.BART,M/V-NE CITY LIMI 6-4930-600 1578.40 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL 21-4572-601 14.00 12065 12606002 ENG. SVCS. 2/20-3/18/84 K MART *4432 STEPPING STONES,(50) 10-4180-218 480266 31.27 LAWN SPREAD,C/H 10-4180-245 480266 19.05 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES C/H 10-4180-245 480266 16.51 12066 66.83 K-MART AMONIUM NITRATE 10-4180-245 495067 12.53 HEAT RESISTANT PAINT 13-4430-246 4Q5067 54.31 12067 66.84 VIRGIL LIVELY CROSS.GUARD 3/12-3/23/84 17-4910-250 50.88 12068 50.88 VIRGIL LIVELY CROSS.GUARD 2/27-3/2/84 17-4910-250 63.60 P3963 63.60 LOMA LINDA DISPOSAL TRASH PICK-UP 4/84 C/H 10-4180-245 36.40 TRASH PICK-UP,4/84 PARK 13-4430-245 36.40 12069 72.80 n GRAND TERRACE F1 PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 84-101 DATE 04/12/84 C ER PAYEE DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WARRANT CHECK WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT MICHAEL LUNA USE OF TRUCK 2/84 LUNA 10-4180-240 85.34 LOCAL MILEAGE,LUNA 10-4180-271 63.53 12070 148.87 BARBARA MICHOWSKI LOCAL MILEAGE,MICHOWSKI 10-4140-271 14.08 12071 14.08 JEAN MYERS CROSS.GUARD 3/12-3/20/84 17-4910-250 76.32 12072 76.32 PHILIP M. PAGE PARK CLEAN-UP,FEB/MARCH 113-4430-245 450.00 12073 450.00 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 3/84 C/H 10-4190-235 814.01 COMP.PHONE,3/84 10-4420-235 17.45 COMP.PHONE,3/84 21-4572-235 17.46 12074 848.92 + PETRA ENTERPRISES NAME PLATE & STAND,SCHWA 10-4140-210 4452 24.41 12075 24.41 PITNEY BOWES MAINT.MAIL MACHINE 10-4190-246 748920 85.00 MAINT.MAIL MACHINE 21-4572-246 748920 85.00 12076 170.00 5/84-5/85 SAN BOND CO CENTRAL CR UNIOr EMPLOYEE DED.P/R END.3/9 10-2165-000 1507.32 P3959 1507.32 EMPLOYEES DED.P/R END. 10-2165-000 1507,32 P3966 1507.32 3/23/84 SAN BERNAROINO,AUDITOR/CONY CJFICF 2/21-2/29/84 10-2200-000 78.00 12077 78.00 COUNTY PORTION OF PARKING CITES SAN BERNARDINO, COUNTY OF DUMP CHARGE 2/20-3/14/84 16-4900-253 842 10.80 m GRAND TERRACE n PAGE NO DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 84-101 DATE 04/12/84 ICHER kd0. PAYEE DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WARRANT CHECK WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT DUMP CHARGE 2/20-3/14/84 18-4908-253 842 99.65 12078 110.45 THOMAS J. SCHWAB CSMFO MEET.3/29/84 SCHWABIO-4140-270 60.00 LOCAL MILEAGE,SCHWAB 10-4140-271 7.00 P3967 67.00 SECURITY PACIFIC NAT'L BANK FED.P/R DEPOSIT 3/84 10-2161-000 2926.69 P3962 2926,69 SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INC. REPAIR SIGNAL KART/MV 16-4909-255 36298 42.23 SIGNAL MAINT.(3) 2/84 16-4909-255 36224 199.23 12079 241.46 SOUTHERN CALIFORINA EDISION ELEC. C/H 3/84 10-4190-238 166.56 ELEC.LIGHTS,PARK (2) 3/8 13-4430-238 24.85 ELEC.SPRINKLER,PARK,3/84 13-4430-238 15.95 BALL PARK LIGHTS 3/84 13-4430-238 107.09 ST.LIGHTS 1/1-2/29/84 16-4510-238 4131.30 ELEC.SIGNALS,(4) 2/29/84 16-4510-238 386.96 BART/PALM 3/84 16-4510-238 14.93 12080 4847.64 SO. CALIF. GAS COMPANY GAS,C/H 3/84 10-4190-238 160.13 12081 160.13 TAYLOR'S PRINT SHOP AWARD CERTIFICATES 10-4802-220 78.97 12082 78.97 PEGGY TROTTIER LOCAL MILEAGE,TROTTIER 10-4140-271 6.00 LOCAL MILEAGE,TROTTIER 21-4572-271 5.15 12083 11.15 VERTICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS PROCESS PARK,CITES 2/29/ 10-4412-255' 84003 168,00 12084 168.00 n GRAND TERRACE F PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 84-101 DATE 04/12/84 IaCHER 9tlD. PAYEE DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WARRANT CHECK WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV NO. AMOUNT NO AMOUNT WATTENBARGER'S OFFICE SUPPLY FOLDERS,BINDERS,LABLES 10-4120-210 2706 31.14 PHONE BOOK,PENS 10-4120-210 3957 14.16 PAPER CLIPS,LABELS,FOLDE 10-4125-210 4172 16.27 PAPER CLIPS 10-4125-210 3299 4.41 FILTERS,AIR PURIFIER 10-4140-210 3960 14.37 CALENDAR,MARKERS 10-4140-210 4246 7.42 TAPE DISPENSER,PENCILS 10-4140-210 4172 12.30 PENS,LIQUID PAPEROBINDER 10-4140-210 2706 46.81 FOLDERS,FILE BOX,STAMPS 10-4140-210 3299 65.34 ROLODEX FILE 10-4140-210 3957 12.68 MESSAGE PADS 10-4190-210 4172 12.37 MARKERS 13-4430-210 4246 4.04 CALENDAR,PENS 13-4430-210 2706 19.73 RUBBER BANDS 13-4430-210 3299 1.46 DATA BINDER 21-4572-210 3299 3.60 12085 266.10 WATTENBARGER'S OFFICE SUPPLY ROLODEX FILE 21-4572-210 3957 12.68 12086 12.68 JAMES BELL W.W.D.REFUND BELL 21-3114-000 9.31 12087 9.31 CUSTOM DOZER & TRACTOR WORK REGRADE/RESHAPE VAR.LOCA 16-4900-255 305.00 12088 305.00 ANAHEIM SAVINGS & LOAN W.W.D.REFUND,ANAHEIM S&L 21-3114-000 21.00 12089 21.00 WALT BURKHOLDER SECURE ABANDON STRUCTURE 10-4120-249 1280.00 P395 1280.00 FRANKLIN S.FOwLER,JR.,MD.IN PRE-EMPLOY.EXAM,3/13, 10-4190-220 32.00 12090 32.00 T. SCHWAB NEWPORT EQUITIES TRUST W.W.D.REFUND,NEWPORT EQU 21-3114-000 1.61 12091 1.61 GLAND TERRACE DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. PAYEE CHER ( DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED v10. DESCRIPTION AYROLL P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/.23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 P/R ENDING 3/9/84 P/R END.3/23/84 84-101 ACCOUNT CHG'D 10-2161-000 LO-2161-000 10-2162-000 LO-2162-000 10-2163-000 10-2163-000 10-2164-000 10-2164-000 10-2165-000 10-2165-000 10-2167-000 10-2167-000 10-2170-000 10-2170-000 10-2171-000 10-4110-120 10-4120-110 10-4120-110 10-4125-110 10-4125-110 10-4140-110 10-4140-110 10-4180-110 10-4180-110 13-4430-110 13-4430-110 21-4572-110 21-4572-110 INV NO. I AMOUNT PAGE NO. 8 DATE 04/12/84 WARRANT CHECK WRITTEN NO I AMOUNT 1551.21� 1309.73 281.08- 214.43- 109.38- 98.77- 599.00- 549.00- 1507.32- 1507.32- 31 .90- 31.90- 97.89- 26.02- 37.66- 750.00 3187,56 3187.56 2125.02 2125.02 3925.03 2746.08 1281.48 1281.48 1024.01 1024,01 609.68 609.68 15924.00 GRAND TERRACE PAGE NO. 9 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 84-101 DATE 04/12/84 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK i CHER WRITTEN � DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT RITTEN 28890.60 REPAID 32130.34 ACCRUED .00 TOTAL 61020,94 RECAP BY FUND FUND 10 FUND 11 FUND 13 FUND 16 FUND 17 FUND 18 FUND 21 RE -PAID WRITTEN 27752.80 16735.81 .00 849.80 2722.68 1429.56 .00 6790.80 63.60 127.20 .00 1440.35 1591.26 1517.08 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, HE AFO ELISTED CHECK FOR PA MINT OF CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESS RY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDIT RES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY. THMSJ. SCW FINANCE & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICEi OFFICER STcAFF REPC62T � C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( XX) MEETING DATE: 4-12-84 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4/B SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizing City Representatives to Acquire Federal Surplus Property from the Calif. State Agency for Surplus Property. FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED x The procedures to authorize members of the City Staff to acquire Federal Surplus Property require specific names, titles and signatures. The purpose of this Resolution is to delete Ed Clark's name from the authorized list, and to replace his name with that of Thomas Schwab. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COUNCIL: ADOPT THE SUBJECT RESOLUTION. ME PENDING Ci' 410 CCi UC iL APR; AL RESOLUTION NO. 84- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 83-25 AND AMENDING THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTA- TIVES TO ACQUIRE FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE AGENCY FOR SURPLUS PROPERTY. WHEREAS, there is a need to change the name of the Finance/ Administrative Services Officer previously authorized to acquire Federal surplus property from the California State Agency for Surplus Property; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Rescission - That Resolution No. 83-25 is hereby rescinded in its entirety. SECTION 2. That the City Officials whose names, titles, and signatures are listed below, shall be and are hereby authorized as representatives of the City of Grand Terrace, California, to acquire property under the terms and conditions shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. NAME TITLE SIGNATURE Thomas J. Schwab Finance/Administrative Services Officer Randall L. Anstine Community Services Director Thomas M. Coyle Administrative Assistant ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1984. ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace Terrace and of the City Council and of the City Council thereof. thereof. Approved as to form: City Attorney S-6AFF REPORT ate: 3/29/84 15f* C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE: APRIL 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM N0. _I - SUBJECT: SENATE BILL 575 (FORAN) FUNDING IS REQUIRED FUNDING IS NOT REQUIRED XX Senate Bill 575 (Foran) has twice passed the Senate. This bill would limit a city's personal injury liability. The "deep pocket" rule mandates that in a shared liability case, should the city be 1% responsible for an accident, it may well have to pay 100% of the judgement. This bill, SB 575, would limit our liability for damages to the extent to which the city was at fault.. Staff recommends that the Council: A. ADOPT A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 575 (FORAN). B. FORWARD COPIES OF THE RESOLUTION TO ASSEMBLYMEN LEONARD AND GOGGIN, AND TO THE ASSEMBLY JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. TC:Io Encl. PENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 84- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, URGING LEGISLATORS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO SUPPORT SENATE BILL 575 (FORAN) ESTABLISHING A LIMIT ON THE LEGAL DOCTRINE KNOWN AS THE "DEEP POCKET" RULE. WHEREAS, the California State Senate has twice adopted Senate Bill 575 (Foran); and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 575 would limit California's cities "deep pocket" liability; and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 575 would make cities responsible for injuries only to the extent that they are at fault; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace that it supports Senate Bill 575 and urges members of the California State Assembly to pass Senate Bill 575 as authored by John F. Foran. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to furnish copies of this Resolution to the appropriate legislators. ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1984. ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. Approved as to form: City Attorney Mayor of the City of GrandTerrace and of the City Council thereof. STAFF REPOT Via, C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( x ) MEETING DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM N0. & SUBJECT: Ratification of Negative Declaration for Site & Architectural Review 83-7. FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED x On December 5, 1983, the Planning Commission approved Site and Architectural Review 83-7, subject to ratification of the Negative Declaration by the City Council. The Owner/applicant, Wilden Pump & Engineering Company,requested site and architectural approval from the Planning Commission to construct a 38,000 square foot single -story warehouse. The proposed structure, which will be located at 22069 Van Buren Street, will be a concrete tilt -up building. Staff recommends that the City Council: RATIFY THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DIRECT THE CITY CLERK TO FILE THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF DETERMINATION. JK/lbk n III. ''�r'• Lead Agency: Location of Project: CITY OP GR:�ND TERRACE 22795 Barton Road I--- r �, Grand Terrace, California 92324 NEGATIVE DECLARATION SA 83-7 City of Grand Terrace (the "Agency") 22069 Van Buren Street City of Grand Terrace San Bernardino County, California Description of Project: The project may be generally described as follows: Construction of a single -story, concrete warehouse, approximately 38,000 square feet in area. Findings and Determinations: The Agency has made findings and determinations: 1. The project will not be growth inducing; 2. The project has been adequately addressed in prior environmental evaluations; 3. The negative impacts of the project, if any, will be short-term during the construction phase and can be mitigated by prover construction practices; and 4. The project could not have a significant effect on the environment. Initial Studv_: A true and correct cop.. of the initial Study on the project is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mitigation Measures: Mitigation measures are attached and made a part of the Initial Study, Exhibit "A". Person to Contact: The name, address and telephone number of the perscr, to contact on any matter incident to issuance of this 2egative Declaration is set forth as follows: City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, California 92324 Attn: Seth Armstead, City Manager (714) 224-G621 -%I if all docuntc_ incident to issuance o Dozumnnts. f the Cc:es o_m_ Negative Declaration may obtained, at the cost of reproduction, or inspected at the office of the Agency. Dated: r nyer�ber 2R 9�� CITY OF GRAND By: Environmentall officer NOTICE OF DETERMINATION TO: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors FROM: City of Grand Terrace County Civic Building Planning Department 175 West Fifth Street, Second Floor 22795 Barton Road San Bernardino, CA 92415 Grand Terrace, CA 92324 SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Site and Architectural Review 83-7 Project Title Myrna Erway (714) 824-6621 State Clearinghouse Number Contact Person Teleohone Number (If submitted to Clearinghouse) 22069 Van Buren Street, Grand Terrace Project Location New 38,000 sq. ft. warehouse for Wilden roject Description & Engineering This is to advise that the City of Grand Terrace Lead Agency or Resoonsible Agency has approved the above described project and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: 1. The project will, -x will not, have a significant ef-ect on the environment. 2. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this croject pursuant to the arov4sions of CEQA. x A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. The EIR or Negative Declaration and record of project approval may be examined at: 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace 3. Mitigation measures x were, were not, made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A statement of Overriding Considerations was, x was rot, adopted for this project. 4 (Q. Date Received for Filing %. AV16�A Signature - ity Manager SToAFF REPC RT a'a�a L.7, 17V 12-8.5009 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( X ) METING DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. V6- SUBJECT• Ratification of the Negative Declaration for Conditional Use Permit 84-1 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X On February 9, 1984 the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit 84-1, subject to ratification of the Negative Declaration by the City Council. The Owner/Applicant, Rose Marie Giardina, requested a Conditional Use Permit to operate an Auto Body Paint and Repair Shop located at 11900 La Crosse Avenue. Staff recommends that the City Council: RATIFY THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DIRECT THE CITY CLERK TO FILE THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF DETERMINATION. JK:dlk CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, California 92324 NEGATIVE DECLARATION CUP 84-1 Conversion of an Existing Structure to an Auto Body Paint and Repair Shop Lead Acencv: City of Grand Terrace (the "Agency") Location of Project: City of Grand Terrace San Bernardino County, California Description of Project: The Project may be generally described as follows: Conversion or an existing structure from a retail tool outlet to an auto body paint and repair shop. Findinas and Determinations: The Agency has made findings and Initial Studv: determinations: 1. The Project will not be growth inducing; 2. The Project has been adequately addressed in prior environmental evaluations; 3. The negative impacts of the Project, if anv, will be short-term during the construction phase and can be mitigated by :roper construction practices; and 4. The Project could not have a signifi- cant effect on the environment. A true and correct copy of the Initial Study on the Project is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mitigation Measures: Mitigation measures are attached and made a part of the Initial Study, Exhibit "A". Person to Contact: The name, address and telephone n,urnb,�,•r of the person to contact on any matter incident to issuance of this Negative Declaration is set forth as follows: DATED: January 31, 1984 City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Attn: Seth Armstead, City Manager Copies of all documents incident to issuance of the Negative Declaration may be obtained, at the cost of repro- duction, or inspected at the office of the Agency. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE BY: �5ZEnvironmenqta_�Officer -2- NOTICE OF DETERMINATION TO: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors FROM: City of Grand Terrace County Civic Building Planning Department 175 West Fifth Street, Second Floor 22795 Barton Road San Bernardino, CA 92415 Grand Terrace, CA 92324 SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Conditional Use Permit 84-1, Auto Body, Paint and Repair Shop Project Title Myrna Erway (714) 824-6621 State Clearinghouse Number Contact Person Telephone Number (If submitted to Clearinghouse) 11900 La Crosse Avenue, Grand Terrace Project Location The owner of the building is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to operate Project Description an Auto Body, Paint Shop within the existing facility This is to advise that the City of Grand Terrace Lead Agency or Responsible Agency has approved the above described project and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: 1. The project will, x will not, have a significant effect on the environment. 2. An Environmental Imoact Report was prepared for this oroject pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. X_ A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. The EIR or Negative Declaration and record of project approval may be examined at: 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace 3. Mitigation measures _xwere, were not, made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A statement of Overriding Considerations was, x was not, adopted for this project. Date Received for Filing Signature -�• �� A(1�2 ,5 � 17V`1 STZ.FF REPO[3T _ 8. O11 'A 12-5.1964 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( g ) tCETING DATE: April 1-2 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT: Negative Declaration and Notice of Determination for Conditional Use Permit 84-3 FUr;GIKG� REDO(A==D NO FUNDItiG RcQU1RED X At their regular meeting of April 2, 1984, the Planning Commission considered the site plan and the proposed development plans for a mini -warehouse and storage located on the northwest corner of Barton Road and La Crosse, also known as conditional use permit 84-3. The Planning Commission, after the approval of the project is recommending to the City Council that they ratify the negative declaration and direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Determination. Staff recommends that the City Council: ACCEPT THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION AND 1. RATIFY THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION 2. INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION. JK/lbk CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 Barton Road r Grand Terrace, California 92324 NEGATIVE DECLARATION < < _3 C.U.P. 84-3 MINI -WAREHOUSES Lead Agency: Location of Project: Description of Project: Findings & Determinations: Initial Study: Mitigation Measures: Person to Contact: Documents: DATED: / 2�l Yf RECEIVED MAR 3 01984 City of Grand Terrace (the "Agency") 21900 Barton Road The project is described as follows: The proposed project will include 800 enclosed storage spaces, 80 open spaces for recreational vehicles, an office and manager's living quarters. The entire project will be enclosed with a twelve foot wall and security gates. The Agency has made the following findings and determinations: 1. The Project will not be growth inducing; 2. The Project has been adequately addressed in prior environmental evaluations; 3. The negative impacts of the Project, if any, will be short-term during the construction phase and can be mitigated by proper construction practices; and 4. The Project could not have a signifi- cant effect on the environment. A true and correct copy of the Initial Study on the Project is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mitigation measures are attached and made a part of the Initial Study, Exhibit "A". The name,address and telephone number of the person to contact on any matter incident to issuance of this Negative Declaration is set forth as follows: City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Attn: Seth Armstead, City Manager Copies of all documents incident to issuance of the Negative Declaration may be obtained, at the cost of repro- duction, or inspected at the office of the Aqency. City o rand race by: Environme tal Officer CITY of GRAND TERRACE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, California 92324 NOTICE OF DETERMINATION C.U.P. 84-3 Mini -Warehouses Lead Agency: Person to Contact: Project Title: Description of Project: Findings & Determinations: Mitigation Measures: Approval of Project: Environmental Impact Report: Negative Declaration: City of Grand Terrace (the "Agency") The name, address and telephone number of the person to contact on any matter incident to this environmental evaluation is set forth as follows: City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Attn: Seth Armstead, City Manager CUP 84-3 Mini -warehouses The Project is described as follows: The proposed project located at 21900 Barton Road will include 800 enclosed storage spaces, 80 open spaces for recreational vehicles, an office and manager's living quarters. The entire project will be enclosed with a twelve foot wall and security gates. The Agency has made the following findings and determinations: 1. The Project will not be growth inducing; 2. The Project has been adequately addressed in prior environmental evaluations; 3. The negative impacts of the Project, if any, will be short-term during the construction phase and can be mitigated by proper construction practices; and 4. The Project could not have a significant effect on the environment. Mitigation measures are attached and made a part of the Initial Study, Exhibit "A". The Agency approved the Project on: No environmental impact report has been prepared pursuant to the California Environ- mental Quality Act. A negative declaration has been issued pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. A copy of the negative declara- tion is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Documents: DATED: Copies of all documents incident to the environmental evaluation of this Project may be obtained, at the cost of reproduction, or inspected at the office of the Agency. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE BY: hAAzAAZ;-j Environmenta Officer -2- r ST6,FF REPORT C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (XX ) MEETING DATE: 4-12-84 AGENDA ITEM NO. 146 SUBJECT: Bingo License Renewal - Grand Terrace Lions Club FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED x- San Bernardino County has previously issued Bingo licenses to the Grand Terrace Lions Club, pursuant to the County Code. With the adoption of the Municipal Code, the City now assumes this responsibility. The attached application has been completed and reviewed by Capt. Bradford, pursuant to Chapter 5.08 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code, and all requirements have been met as outlined in Chapter 5.08. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COUNCIL: AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO ISSUE A BINGO LICENSE TO THE GRAND TERRACE LIONS CLUB FOR A ONE-YEAR PERIOD, TO EXPIRE APRIL 13, 1985, FOR A RENEWAL FEE OF $10.00. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE y %APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO OPERATE BINGO GAMES Pursuant to Provisions of Chapter 5.08 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code TYPE OF APPLICATION: FEE: (not refundable) Original Original - $28.00 Renewal X( A Renewal - $10.00 1. Name of Applicant Organization: Grand Terrace Lions Club Type: Service Address: 22140 Barton Road Grand Terrace CA 92324 Telephone (714) 783-2031 Number and Street City Zip Code Applicant must submit declaration of a duly authorized officer or representative, under penalty of perjury, which states the applicant organization owns or leases the property on which bingo games are to be held and that such property is used by such organization as an office or for purpose of the organization other than bingo games. 2. . Bingo games will be operated at: 22140 Barton Road Number and Street on: every Friday From: 6:00 p.m. To: 11:00 p.m. Dates/Days Hour Hour 3. A copy of the tax-exempt - status determination, issued by the State Franchise Tax Board -to the applicant organization MUST BE ATTACHED HERETO. (NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ONLY) 4. Name(s) of person(s) having management and/or supervision of said games: Name Number, Street, City and Zip Code Name Number, wii r\uau - uranu ierrace. LA /bi-yytS4 treet, City and Zip Code Telephone Ron Schuster 22417 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, CA 783-2200 Name Number, Street, City and Zip Code Telephone 5. Food available: Yes ® No 0 Alcoholic Beverages available: Yes C1 No F_x The undersigned, under penalty of perjury, states that he/she is acting as a duly authorized agent for the above named applicant organization and has read, understands, and agrees to comply fully with Chapter 5.08 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code. Date: 4-4-P,4 Signature Title: Bingo Chairman Board of Director The City of Grand Terrace Police Chief recommends: Date: APPROVED [J Fee Paid: $ Signature: APPROVAL M DENIED F__] CITY COUNCIL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DENIAL [--I Title: Date: By: City Clerk STQI�FF REPOoRT • 12-5.1420 r 12-5.1842 C R A ITEM, ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( x ) METING DATE: Aoril 12. 1964 AGENDA ITEM NO. L/ // SUBJECT: Resolution Providing for Assessment of Costs Resulting from Abatement of Hazardous Condition. (11958 Canal) FUNDING F.Q��I�- NO FUNDING REQUIRED x Sometime ago the City Council authorized the abatement of hazardous condition at two locations within the City of Grand Terrace: (1) 12610 Michigan, and (2) 11958 Canal Street. These abatements have been completed and in accordance with the provisions of the code. The cost of the abatement is assessable against these properties. In order for that assessment to appear on the tax bill, the attached resolu- tion must be adopted by the City Council and transmitted to San Bernardino County. Staff recommends that the City Council: ADOPT THE ATTACHED RESOLUTIONS FOR ASSESSING THE COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS FOR: 1. 12610 MICHIGAN and 2. 11958 CANAL. THE STAFF FURTHER RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY CLERK BE DIRECTED TO FORWARD THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO THE APPROPRIATE OFFICES OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SO THAT ASSESSMENT MAY BE APPROPRIATELY LEVIED. Attachment JK/lbk r RESOLUTION NO. 84- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF COST RESULTING FROM THE ABATEMENT OF A HAZARDOUS CONDITION BY THE CITY ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the condition of the structure and of the property being in a deteriorated state constituted a public nuisance and a hazard to the community and to the adjacent neighborhood; and WHEREAS, Chapter 6 of the San Bernardino County Code provides for the abatement of substandard or unsafe buildings and substandard property; and WHEREAS, the property owner of record was advised by the City Engineer of the conditions as well as the responsibility for repair according to the cited code section; and WHEREAS, the necessary repairs were effected at a cost of $1,240.00 to the City of Grand Terrace; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to record a Notice of Lien against said property and is to advise the auditor of the County of San Bernardino, who will record the assessment, and the assessor of the County of San Bernardino, who will enter the assessment as follows on the tax roll against said property: HAZARD ABATEMENT Parcel 275-272-14 $1,240.00 ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1984. ATTEST: City Clerk of the City o ran Terrace and of the City Council thereof. Approved as to form: City Attorney Mayor of the City of GrandTerrace and of the City Council thereof. Kecording Requested By: r City of Grand Terve When Recorded Mail To: CITY CLERK City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Space above this line for Recorder's use NOTICE OF LIEN (Abatement of Nuisance) The City of Grand Terrace, a municipal corporation, (hereafter "City") with offices at City Hall, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92324, gives notice that it claims a lien for the costs of abatement of a nuisance upon the real property described below. This lien is claimed under the provisions of the San Bernardino County Code Chapter 6. This notice is recorded pursuant to Government Code Section 27297 Take notice that the City has caused a nuisance to be abated on the property described below, and the City Council, by action recorded in their official minutes of April 12 , 19 84 , have assessed the cost of the abatement, and the City claims a lien on the real property for the net expense of the abatement in the sum of $ 1,240.00 That sum, with interest at the rate of six percent per annum from April 13 , 19 84 , shall be a lien upon said real property until it has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real property upon which this lien is claimed is located in the City of Grand Terrace, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and is described as follows: Lot 3, Tract 5852, as per plot recorded in Book 74, Page 41 and 42 of maps, in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Bernardino. Address: 11958 Canal Street, Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Assessors No.: 275-272-14 Name(s) of owner(s) of record: Jim L. Bickel, an unmarried man & Anna May Delivuk, an unmarried woman CITY OF GRAND TERRACE By MYRNA ERWAY, City Clerk Dated: Res. No. ST,&FF REPORT 12-5.1420 � 12-5.1842 4 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (x ) hC=ETING DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. yZ- SUBJECT: Resolution Providing for Assessment of Costs Resulting from Abatement of Hazardous Condition. (12610 Michigan) FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDIING REQUIRED x Sometime ago the City Council authorized the abatement of hazardous condition at two locations within the City of Grand Terrace: (1) 12610 Michigan, and (2) 11958 Canal Street. These abatements have been completed and in accordance with the provisions of the code. The cost of the abatement is assessable against these properties. In order for that assessment to appear on the tax bill, the attached resolu- tion must be adopted by the City Council and transmitted to San Bernardino County. Staff recommends that the City Council: ADOPT THE ATTACHED RESOLUTIONS FOR ASSESSING THE COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS FOR: 1. 12610 MICHIGAN and 2. 11958 CANAL. THE STAFF FURTHER RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY CLERK BE DIRECTED TO FORWARD THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO THE APPROPRIATE OFFICES OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SO THAT ASSESSMENT MAY BE APPROPRIATELY LEVIED. Attachment JK/lbk RESOLUTION NO. 84- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF COST RESULTING FROM THE ABATEMENT OF A HAZARDOUS CONDITION BY THE CITY ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the condition of the structure and of the property being in a deteriorated state constituted a public nuisance and a hazard to the community and to the adjacent neighborhood; and WHEREAS, Chapter 6 of the San Bernardino County Code provides for the abatement of substandard or unsafe buildings and substandard property; and WHEREAS, the property owner of record was advised by the City Engineer of the conditions as well as the responsibility for repair according to the cited code section; and WHEREAS, the property owner failed to accomplish the needed repairs or acknowledge the legally required notifications addressing the subject by the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the necessary repairs were effected at a cost of $860.00 to the City of Grand Terrace; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to record a Notice of Lien against said property and is to advise the auditor of the County of San Bernardino, who will record the assessment, and the assessor of the County of San Bernardino, who will enter the assessment as follows on the tax roll against said property: HAZARD ABATEMENT Parcel 277-411-01 $860.00 ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1984. ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace Terrace and of the City Council and of the City Council thereof. thereof. Approved as to form: City Attorney Recording Requested By: City of Grand Tece i When Recorded Mail To: CITY CLERK City of Grand Terrace - 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Space above this line for Recorder's use NOTICE OF LIEN (Abatement of Nuisance) The City of Grand Terrace, a municipal corporation, (hereafter "City") with offices at City Hall, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, 92324, gives notice that it claims a lien for the costs of abatement of a nuisance upon the real property described below. This lien is claimed under the provisions of the San Bernardino County Code Chapter 6. This notice is recorded pursuant to Government Code Section 27297 Take notice that the City has caused a nuisance to be abated on the property described below, and the City Council, by action recorded in their official minutes of April 12 , 19 84 , have assessed the cost of the abatement, and the City claims a lien on the real property for the net expense of the abatement in the sum of $ 860.00 That sum, with interest at the rate of six percent per annum from April 13 , 19 84 , shall be a lien upon said real property until it has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real property upon which this lien is claimed is located in the City of Grand Terrace, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and is described as follows; The North 60 feet of the South 595 feet of the East 150 feet of Lot 44, East Riverside Land Co., in the City of Grand Terrace, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 6, Page 44, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Address: 12610 Michigan Street, Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Assessors No.: 277-411-01 Name(s) of owner(s) of record: ELIZABETH J. HILL, an unmarried woman CITY OF GRAND TERRACE \ . By MYRNA ERWAY, City Clerk Dated: � Res. No. STaFF REPORT �2-o' C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( X ) h--ETINC DATE: Aoril 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. V J— SUBJECT: 22119 De Berry, Owner Joan Trammell FUND In3 r-4Ji-_D NO FUl;D I NG X Attached you will find a request from the owner, Joan Trammell of 22119 De Berry Street for a refund of the $500.00 deposit as required by Ordinance 64. The purpose of the deposit was to secure any improvements that may be required as a result of a failure of a sewer lateral trench which was installed in conjunction with the construction of a new home. The work was completed on March 12, 1983; therefore, the period of deposit would not terminate until March 12, 1985. Recently City has completed resurfacing of De Berry Street along the frontage of subject property and it appears that the work as completed on the sewer lateral trench did not indicate a potential of a failure. In addition, Mrs. Trammell expresses a dire need of the deposit. It is for those reasons that the staff is making a recommendation to release the deposit. Staff recommends that the City Council: DIRECT THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT TO RELEASE THE DEPOSIT. JK/lbk Attachment P�CEIVED AT KICAK & ASSOCIATES -Z f � i -79 - 4111Z 74, >i- r-1— _lel �� :7 z- le ` L '� Z " � _ �L •L Il_' /L 'I �? C-,�'C'ji.L � C �- C fj , � Z � -f , � � :- l� % % G l �ll� L 12 le I 4 - 2 77 r �-,C , �yGIE�IC elt; lC �_ j I. ee - - 1 /- RECEIVED - -- FEB 2 81%4 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE STaFF REPOUT ,=�" C R A ITEM; ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( x ) METING DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. Yfk SUBJECT: Time Extension, Tract 9773 rUF;D?N5 RD;�"iRED 1140 iiP;D I ;u RECU , PEC, X Recently we received a request for a time extension for tentative tract 9773, located between Van Buren and De Berry just westerly of Blue Mountain. The Subdivision Map Act does provide that the governing body may approve such extension upon request. This matter was considered by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting of April 2, 1984, and the Planning Commission is recommending to the City Council that such extension be granted. Staff recommends that the City Council: APPROVE THE EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 9773 FOR A PERIOD OF THREE YEARS. ,7K/ lbk ST4�AFF REPUT 12::52 5 "0 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X METING DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT: Bid Advertisement for the Architectural Barrier Removal Project GTB 84-09 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED x The Plans and Specifications for the Architectural Barrier Removal Project have been completed and are now available for bid advertisement. This project includes the removal and replacement of trees, root trimming, removal and replacement of sidewalks, and curbs & gutters that were uprooted by overgrown trees. These proposed improvements are located in various locations within the City of Grand Terrace. The Engineer's estimate is $27,000.00, with the bid opening to be held on May 1, 1984 at 2:00 p.m. Staff recommends that the City Council: AUTHORIZE FOR THE ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS ON THE ARCHITECTURAL BARRIER REMOVAL PROJECT. JK/AE/lbk April 2, 1984 S FF REP05�T 12.256� C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( X ) MEETING DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT: Notice of Completion for the Rehabilitation of the Community Center Restrooms ( Contact No. GTC 83-37) FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X Attached you will find a Notice of Completion on the Rehabilitation of the Community Center Restrooms completed by Harris & Pearce General Contractors. This project included the rehabilitation of the mens and womens restrooms, to meet the handicap requirements, and the installation of two windows. This project is now completed. Staff recommends that the City Council: APPROVE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION. JK:dlk Attachment Recording Requested by: r City of Grand Tece When Recorded Mail to: W CITY CLERK City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 pace above this line for Recorder's use NOTICE OF COMPLETION Notice is hereby given by the undersigned owner, a public entity of the State of California, that a public work of improvement has been completed as follows: Contract No. GTC 83-37 Rehabilitation of Community Center Project title or description of work: Restrooms to meet Handicap Requirements Project. Date of completion: Name of Owner: Interest or estate of owner: Address of owner: Name of contractor: 4-12-84 City of Grand Terrace Senior Citizens/Community Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Harris & Pearce General Contractors Street address or legal description of site: 22140 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Dated: April 12, 1984 Owner: CITY OF GRAND TERRACE layor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUINTY OF SAN BUNARDINO ) ss. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ) I am the City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, the public entity which executed the foregoing notice, and on whose behalf I make this verification: I have read said notice, know its contents, and the same is true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. City Cler This day of 1 19 ST�oAFF Date: 4/4/84 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE: APRIL 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT: NOTICE OF COMPLETION - GROUP W CABLE FUNDING IS REQUIRED FUNDING IS NOT REQUIRED X Group W Cable has requested the release of their construction bonds and has certified that the construction of the cable system is complete. The release of bonds requires the filing of a Notice of Completion thirty-five days prior to requesting City Council to release these bonds. Staff recommends that the Council: AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF GROUP W CABLE TELEVISION'S DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. TC:lo Recording RequesteA By: City of Grand Ter r0 When Recorded Mail to: 1 CITY CLERK City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Space above this line for Recorder's use NOTICE OF COMPLETION Notice is hereby given by the undersigned owner, a public entity of the State of California, that a public work of improvement has been completed as follows: Ordinance No. 59 Project title or description of work: Franchise to construct, own, erect, operate, maintain, and repair a cable television (CATV) System in the City. Date of completion: Name of Owner: April 12, 1984 City of Grand Terrace Interest or estate of owner: All Areas within the City of Grand Terrace Address of owner: Name of contractor: 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Group W Cable, Inc. Street address or legal description of site: All Areas within the City of Grand Terrace Dated: April 12, 1984 Owner: CITY OF GRAND TERRACE By Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ) ss. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ) I am the City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, the public entity which / executed the foregoing notice, and on whose behalf I make this verification: I have read said notice, know its contents, and the same is true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. City Clerk This day of , 19 S Ta F T C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( XX) MEETING DATE: 4_12_84 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT: Selection of LAFC Representative by the City Selection Committee FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X__ The San Bernardino County City Selection Committee consists of the Miayors of each of the cities, unless the Mayor designates another individual. A meeting of this Committee has been scheduled for April 30, 1984 for the purpose of selecting a representative to serve on the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC). Pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of this Committee, the City Council of each city is to vote for the representative whom they wish to be selected and is to authorize the Mayor to vote accordingly. Councilman William Kragness, of the City of Fontana, is the only individual who has submitted a statement of candidacy. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COU14CIL: AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR, AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE ON THE CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE, TO VOTE FOR COUNCILMAN WILLIAM KRAGNESS, FONTANA, TO SERVE AS THE REPRESENTATIVE ON THE LAFC. ME BOARD OF SUPERVISORS John Joyner .... .. First District Ca! McElwain .. ... Second District Barbara Cram Riordan . Third District Robert 0. Townsend .. .... Fourth District Robert L. Hammock .... Fifth District March 30, 1984 ------, t (0 C IN `T---1''OF SAN BVRN;A,RDINO County Civic Building - West 175 West Fifth Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0130 (714) 383-1918 MEMIBERS OF THE CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE: n ROBERT B. RIGNEV County Administrative Officer MARTHA M. SEKERAK Clerk of the Board of Supervisoft In accordance with the November 10, 1982 Rules, all interested candidates for Representative to LAFC (Local Agency Formation Commission) were to submit statements to the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors with copies of these statements to be forwarded to all cities by March 30, 1984. Enclosed is a copy of the only statement received. SARTHA M . EKERAX Clerk of the Board -of Supervisors and Secretary to City Selection Committee Encl: (1) RECEIVED CITY OF GRAND TERRACE NATHAN A. SIMON M.YCR ::HARLES A.KOEHLER MAYOR PRO TEM BILL FREEMAN DONALD F. DAY WILLIAM KRAGNESS Coo Nci:. MEMBERS •------..-------- JACK D. RATELLE CITY MANAGER n City of Fontana C A L I F O R N I A March 30, 1984 Martha Sekerak Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County Civic Building -- PATRICIA M. MURRAY CITY CLERK JOHN D. PIAZZA CITY TREASURER M � W 0 175 West Fifth Street, Second Floor _? San Bernardino, CA 92415 This is to formally notify you of my intention to ask the Mayors Selection Committee to re -appoint me to the Local Agency Forma- tion Commission. While serving on the Commission, I have come to appreciate and become knowledgeable on the many regional concerns affecting LAFCO matters. I think this experience has enabled me to have the ability and insight to review and resolve the many complex problems brought before LAFCO. I am currently in my second term on the Fontana City Council, having served as mayor pro tem for two years. Fontana, too, has during these past few years been inundated with many diffi- cult planning matters. Both the Council and Commission respon- sibilities have provided an opportunity for me to increase my background and familiarity with LAFCO deliberations. Please accept this letter as my respectful request for you to process my name for re -appointment as a City Representative on the Local Agency Formation Commission. Sincerely, WK:fh William Kragness 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P 0. BOX 518) FONTANA. CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 823-3411 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS B C. CANADA S TQA F F R E P U T C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) MEETING DATE: 4-12-24 AGENDA ITEM NO- 40 SUBJECT: Business License Fee Waiver - Christ the Redeemer Church FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED x As outlined in Mrs. Broussard's letter, Christ the Redeemer Church plans to hold a fundraising event during spring vacation to assist a Senior Center, and is requesting that the required fees be waived. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COUNCIL: APPROVE A BUSINESS LICENSE FEE WAIVER TO CONDUCT A "SPRING FLING" FUNDRAISER FOR SENIOR CITIZENS BY CHRIST THE REDEEMER CHURCH. ME m n I Z21, APR 12 1984 NCIL AGENDA ITEM 1S4 prach-1111C.1tilall CHILD ABUSE AWARENESS MONTH APRIL 1984 WHEREAS, children are our most precious resource; and WHEREAS, child abuse is a rapidly growing problem in our society; and WHEREAS, persons abused as children can be more prone to developmental and educational disabilities and could more likely commit violent crimes as adults; and WHEREAS, effective programs for prevention and intervention of child abuse and neglect help protect children, stabilize families, reduce physical and emotional suffering, and contribute to a reduction in crimes; NOW, THEREFORE, I, HUGH J. GRANT, Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace, on behalf of the City Council, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM the month of April 1984 as "Child Abuse Awareness Month" in the City of Grand Terrace. All citizens are urged to dedicate their efforts to make this Child Abuse Awareness Campaign a most successful one. layr of t e i t�i ty of GrandTerrace and of the City council thereof. This 12th day of April, 1984 APR 12 1984 C01,I CIL AGENDA ITEM 11,5e> r VICTIMSS RIGHTS WEEK April 17-23, 1984 WHEREAS, the average American runs a higher risk of being a victim of a violent crime than of being hurt in an auto accident; and WHEREAS, we are all victims of crime - some indirectly through increased insurance premiums and taxes - and others directly throuoh loss, harm, pain, or death at the hands of the criminals; and WHEREAS, crime victims and witnesses have been overlooked by the crin:iral justice system; in its efforts to apprehend, prosecute, and deal with criminal offenders; and WHEREAS, Victims Rights Week offers an opportunity for law enforcement and concerned community groups to focus public attention on the rights of those who suffer the direct consequences of crime, as well as to emphasize the positive chances made in the criminal justice system; NOW, THEREFORE, I, HUGH J. GRANT, Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace, on behalf of the City Council, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM the week of April 17 - 23, 1984 as "VICTIMS RIGHTS WEEK" in the City of Grand Terrace. There can be no justice until those of us who are unaffected by crime become as indignant as those who a re. r^ayor of t" Ci City of Gr nd Terrace and of the City ouncil theregf. This 12th day of April, 1984 Cate: Aril 4 1984 ST FF REPO 12.234 12-8.1004 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( x ) AGENDA ITEM NO. METING DATE: April 12, 1984 SUBJECT: Request for Joint Meeting of City Council and Planning Commission on April 26, 1984, General Plan Amendment FUNDINS "'4UII-EO r °rGuIREG x At their regular meeting of April 2, 1984, the Planning Commission, as requested by the City Council, received additional input on the general plan elements for the City of Grand Terrace. This input was a result of several property owners appearing before the City Council stating that they had insufficient notice regarding the amendments to the General Plan. As a result, the City Council at their regular meeting of March 22, 1984 adopted the land use element and referred the newly amended Land Use Element of the General Plan as well as all of the other elements of the General Plan -to the Planning Commission. The property owners who appeared before the City Council regarding the insufficient notice were all subsequently notified by Certified Mail of the intent by the City Council to con- duct a public hearing on March 22, and of the fact that the Planning Commission would consider during the public hearing all of the elements of the General Plan at their regular meeting of April 2, 1984. Based on the information received in our office, subsequent to the Planning Commission meeting of April 2, it appears that certain residents could not attend the meeting and felt that the General Plan Amendments, as they are being recommended to the City Council for adoption by the Planning Commission as a result of the meeting of April 2, wish to further address both the Planning Commission and the City Council. In addition, to expedite- Mr. Keeney's proposed residential development, it appeared that the best possible solution is to have a joint meeting of both bodies and resolve any issues. Staff recommends that the City Council: DIRECT THE STAFF TO SET A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN A JOINT SESSION WITH THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE PURPOSE OF: A. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE GENERAL PLAN BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION AS RECOMMENDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. B. TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF TRACT NO. 12553 WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC ITEMS: 1. APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN; 2. APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 12553; AND 3. SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW JK/lbk .r; "!I STcAFF REPC)4�T C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) METING DATE_ 4-12-84 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT: COLTON/TERRACE LITTLE LEAGUE LIGHTING SUBSIDY REQUEST FUNDING REQUIRED X NO FUNDING REQUIRED The Parks & Recreation Committee is recommending that Council approve a one third lighting subsidy for the Colton/Terrace Little League. As Council may recall, Council approved a similar request last year. As of this date, Community Services Departmental line item #13-4430- 238, Utilities, has $630.00 remaining for the current fiscal year. The overall departmental budget has $40,075 remaining. Staff feels that this request is valid and would be beneficial to'the youngsters of Grand Terrace. Staff Recommends that the Council: IF COUNCIL SHOULD APPROVE THIS REQUEST, THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE TO COVER THE REQUESTED EXPENDITURE. RLA COMMISSION tND COMMITT4FE REPORTS COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Thursday, April 12, 1984 DATE: 4/2/84 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE: Parks & Rerreation Committee SUBJECT• Proposed proportional subsidy of Ballfield lighting for the spring/summer season of the Colton -Terrace Senior League PROBLEM: Facts: That the Colton -Terrace Little League, SeniorDivision will be both practicing and playing night games at Terrace Hills Junior High School beginning in April. That assistance from the City of Grand Terrace for a subsidy of up to $500.00 to defray the cost of the floodlights similar to the subsidy provided by the City during the, 1983 Season. ALTERNATIVES: RECEIVED r: ": ? CITY At iaRgg TERRACE SOLUTION• The Parks and Recreation Committee voted unanimously to request the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California to approve a 1/3rd. subsidy of up to but not over $500.00 for defraying the cost of Ballfield lighting based upon the total number of hours determined by the Little League that will be required for use. REOUESTED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND/OR STAFF: Approve a 1/3- subsidy for the cost of using the Ballfield Lights at Terrace Hills Junior High School, not to exceed $500.00 for the Colto-Terrace Little League Senior Division. STKA" F F R E P C4R T C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) METING DATE: 4-12-84 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO HIRE ACQUISITION AGENT FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED Community Services departmental staff has had the opportunity,to review the Parks & Recreation Committee request to retain the services of a professional acquisition agent. If Council has a desire to acquire additional land for park development, staff feels that this request is most valid. The agent would be most useful if the City had a desire to acquire any of the land that is currently owned by Southern California Edison. Staff Recommends that the Council: SHOULD COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUEST OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE, DIRECT STAFF TO BUPPET t8,000 IN THE FY 84-85 PROGRAV BUDGET, TO COVER. THE COST OF THIS PROJECT. RLA GQMM15b1VN ANV VuMMI i i cc COUNCIL MEETINu DATE: April 12, 1984 DATE: 4/2/84 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE: PARKS & RECREATION COD1r,!ITTEE SUBJECT: Obtain Professional Land Negotiation firm or individual in order seek a portion of land for future parksite development. PROBLEM: Facts: That the City of Grand Terrace is growing. That the projected population of the City may double within the next ten to fifteen years. That the present facillities, including lands jointly used of the Colton Unified School District will not be sufficient to provide adequate recreational activities to the citizens at that time. There are no areas presently suitable for establishing full size baseball diamonds, football or soccer fields nor adequate areas for general recreation and picnic areas. The School District is limited for expansion of their present facillities because of contemplated additions of new structures for educational purposes. The foothill, land area presently owned by the City at the base of Blue D"ountain will only be suitable for primitive foot -trails and hiring, no other type of athletic endeavors. ALTERNATIVES: See to purchase land(s) from private parties or public utilities through negotiation with varying possibilities for future park developments. RECEiti'ED A P F 3 1934 CITY OF GRA«D TERRACE SOLUTION: Obtain negotiating firm or individual who will provide the City Council with information regarding the possibilities of land acquistion for future park developement. REQUESTED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND/OR STAFF: The City Council direct the City 14anager and the Community Services Director to research firms or individuals who may negotiate for lands within the City of Grand Terrace for future park developments. Historical & Cultural Committee Hr R Minutes of the ApA 2, 1984 I.,eeting fjNCIL AGENDA UE¢Q 7r-- The meetingvas called to order by Chairman 3arbara :,1athews at 7 PM. Those present were Barbara Bayus, Betty Duarte, Ann Petta, Hannah Laister, and Barbara Mathews. Irene Mason was not feeling well. The minutes of the March 5 meeting ;:ere read and approved. The Treasurer reported that only $135.00 had been spent from our budget. Barbara Mathes :ill look into having our old newspapers bound. The committee will submit a Commizsion & Committee Report to the Council for the file cabinet Barbara needs for all our papers. The sign we want for the Community Center ::ill be tut on hold until the Li.:n's Club has decided on their sign. Our scrap books are getting full. Hannah Laister ::ill look into the purchase of two more b,)oks plus refills. Barbara Mathev:s reported that she had r-ceived 53-75 responses on our Cultural survey which she is cataloging and will bring to the next meeting. The survey was disappointingso the Committee com-cosed an article to be Gut in the Chamber of Commerce newsletter explaining our cultural goals and that we would like to rublish a nhamnlet. The committee could like to find out the community's interest so we would know for future use .:hat kind of fairs, shows, to put on. The budget for 1984-1985 was discussed - '2,6-;O .as approved and submitted. Country Fair: Barbara Bayus h-r.s conta nations and a letter was also com:,o.sed Barbara suggested that a Good way to be to have a parade :.ith antique cars, Boy Scouts , Girl Scuts, fire truck, She ::ill look into Getting permission reminding people to get ready for the the next sewer c;illing. cted community organi- to be sent to each 3-ne. tart o' f the fair :ould Jr. High School Sand, Grand Ma --shall, atc. for this. A flyer fair :.ill go out, r:ith rnn Fetta rn:norted that Mrs. Herrera is going to make a diaGram of houses in her area ; o Give more co,upreheiis- „n to the ,,are:; heemh is�,rmsterongro eGrandmAerrace yao na a ender icleronnur.:; rds. Terrace from the DailySun dated rebruary 17, 19 18. aecretary will write a letter thanking them. A letter ;:ill also be sent to the The. ter- Gr-up thanking them for makiriG the changes in their by-la�;s ::hich the committee requested. The next meeting will be on May 7th. Meeting adjourned at 9 FM. Resrectful y U bmitted, �t..y�v Fi nnah Laititer, lecr�-tary RECEIVED A.Q Z a CITY OF GRAND TERRACE C OO��1TTFJ�RREPORTS �t�s�0N �D 191984 POUNClL AGENDA 1TEW* 7C COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 12, 1984 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE: Historical & Cultural Activities Committee SUBJECT: File Cabinet PROBLEM: DATE: 4/3/84 Facts: The papers which Chairman Barbara Mathev:.,s has accumulated are becoming so numerous that she needs a small file cabinet to setter keep them in order. This file cabinet would be kept in her home but remain the property of the City. inhere is money in our budget to purchase th-s cab=net. The anticipated cost is $40.00. ALTERNATIVES: RcCEIVED SOLUTION: Purchase of small file cabinet. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REQUESTED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND/OR STAFF: '�','ould Cr.,uncil plea--e a_ ..rove this expenditure TO: GRAND TERRACE CITYrjOUNCIL FROM: CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE DATE: MARCH 5, 1984 APR 12 1984 !POU,NCIL AGENDA JTFM 3 9 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Carnes Joe Ramos Susan Crawford Jim Hodder Minutes of January 3, 1984 were read and approved. The committee handled several matters concerning replacing or installing Neighborhood Watch signs. Gary Carnes will be attending a Neighborhood .%atch meeting sponsored by the Sheriff's Department and will coordinate the installation of the Neighborhood Watch sign. Susan Crawford advised that she has located a print shop that will print Certificates of Merit for outstanding Citizens who assisted law enforcement in apprehending criminals. The Committee voted unanimously approximately $80.00 would be set aside for this activity. Jim Hodder indicated that he would contact "Group W" Cable for a Community Service Announcement so interested members of the public could attend Crime Prevention Committee Meetings. After discussion, the Committee voted to recommend to the City Council that the City subscribe to "We Tip" this year in the amount of $200.00. The $200.00 fee would include subscription to the "We Tip" program by the City of Grand Terrace plus all supporting materials. s ectfu submitted C� Joe Ramos, Secretary RECEIVED CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APR 1 2 1984 TO: GRAND TERRACE CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL AGENDA ITE44;1 FROM: CRIME PREVENTION COWITTEE DATE: MARCH 19, 1984 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. Members present: Gary Carnes Jim Hodder Susan Crawford Joe Ramos Guests: - G Randy Anste � S Minutes of the March 5, 1984, meeting were read and approved. The Committee discussed9th�e purchase procedure for "Certificates of Merit" with Randy Anste46ft:It was decided the presentations would be made on April 12, 1984, by the Mayor at a regularly scheduled City Council Meeting. The committee unanimously voted Susan Crawford as chair person of the Committee. The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for April 2, 1984. R pectfu y submitted, oe Ramos Secretary RECEIVED CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMISSION AND COMMITTEE REPORTS COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 12, 1984 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE: Crime Prevention SUBJECT: Presentation of Certificates of Merit. PROBLEM: Facts: ALTERNATIVES: SOLUTION: DATE: April 4, 1984 Citizens who have assisted law enforcement in apprehending criminal offenders should be recognized by the City Council for their meritorious service. REQUESTED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND/OR STAFF: THAT THE MAYOR PRESENT CERTIFICATES OF MERIT TO CITIZENS WHO HAVE ASSISTED LAW ENFORCEMENT IN APPREHENDING CRIMINAL OFFENDERS. DATE FROM TO INTER -OFFICE MEN December 22, 1983 Joe Frink, Detective Central Station J.G. Bradford, Captain Central Station PHONE SUBJECT CITIZEN'S COMvENDATION - REFERENCE DR 1193489-12 [chile attending Terrace Hills Jr. High School, in Mr. Donald Faber's classroom, B-3, located at the Northeast side of the school, Kevin, Emily, Pauline and Jill observed from the classroom windows a white male, known personally to Kevin, walk across the front lawn of the Beierle residence at 22558 DeBerry, Grand Terrace, and make forced entry into the front door. The witnesses, after several minutes, observed the same person leave the residence carrying a tan tote, or camera bag that appeared to be stuffed .full. Photographs were obtained of the named subject, and identified by all of the four students; which then resulted in a complaint and an issuance of an arrest warrant. The subject was arrested and convicted by a jury trial and has been sentenced to two years in the state prison. Kevin, Emily, Pauline and Jill came forward with information on March 25, 1983; which resulted in the arrest and conviction of a burglary suspect, which would have been impossible without their willingness to get involved; for which we should all be grateful. The action of these four individuals should not go unrewarded, neither by the citizen's of Grand Terrace, nor the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department. JF:ms RECEIVED ?;F 1984 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 12.1367-000 Rev. 1/77 F] RECOMMENDED FOR AWARD: 1: KEVIN OBERTON 22585 Van Buren Grand Terrace, CA 783-2095 2. EMILIE MEDINA 264 W. "K" St. Colton, CA 825-6163 3. PAULINE DOMINGUEZ 11872 Eaton Dr. Grand Terrace, CA 825-3479 4. JILL Mc MEANS - - 12004 Glenwood --- --- - Richie Canyon, CA 825-9588 0 i iv i ui -u r r I U t IVi t IVi u ;•L ti ' rk DATE December 22, 1983 co PHONE 383- s N 6Lp ARDINO Ext 251 FROM JOE FRINK, DETECTIVE' CENTRAL STATION TO GAMES. BRADFORD; .CAPTAIN' RECEIVED CENTRAL STATION APP Z' 9A SUBJECT CITIZEN'S ACCOMODATION - REFERENCE DR 1235880-12 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Mrs. Geraldine Keeney was at her residence located at 22922 Grand Terrace Rd., Grand Terrace, on Thursday, October 27, 1983, at approximately 12:30 p. m., when she heard a knock at the front door of her residence. When she opened the front door of her residence, two unknown subjects were there, and one of them forced his way in, assaulting Mrs. Keeney, and knocking her to the ground. _ Mrs. Keeney was able to kick the front door shut, which locked -the second subject -out, - While the first assailant was preparing to attack her with a knife, and threaten to kill her if she did not remain quiet. Eric'Walker, who was home that day, and in the kitchen of his residence, located directly across the street from the Keeney residence, told officers that while in the kitchen, he noticed two Mexican males driving very slowly Eastbound on Grand Terrace Rd. He further related that he lost sight of the vehicle when it turned the corner, and after several minutes he again noticed the same vehicle to return and park in front of the victim's residence facing in a Westerly direction. Eric thought this to be very suspicious in nature, due to the -fact he had never seen neither the vehicle nor the subjects in the area and noted one of the Mexican male subjects to exit through the passenger window, and walk several feet up the driveway. This subject then returned to the vehicle, and both subjects left from the vehicle's location. One of them retrieving something from the rear seat, and putting it in his front pocket, and return to the Keeney residence on foot. As the two suspects were approaching the door of the Keeney residence, Eric Walker lost sight of them, due to a tree obscuring his view from his location, and he left the kitchen area, and went to the living room of his residence, where he could get a better view. After several minutes at this location, he heard, what he thought was a female screaming, coming from the direction of the Keeney residence. Eric. continued to watch, and listen, and observe the two subjects to run from the Keeney house to their vehicle, now parked on Grand Terrace Rd. He further related that one of the subjects climbed back through the passenger door window without attempting to open it, and the other climbed in behind the driver's side, and that they drove off in a Westbound direction on Grand Terrace Rd. Erick Walker's mother, Bobby, also was with Eric and observed the same incident, and was able to furnish officer's with information, and description in regards to the case. United States Postal worker, Mr. Michael Cardoza, was delivering the mail on this date, October 27, 1983, at approximately 12:30 p. m. on Grand Terrace Rd. in the area of the Keeney residence. Mr. Cardoza related to officers, while doing so, he observed a maroon Cheverolet, Monte Carlo, that had an oxidized finish, and body damage to the left driver's door to be parked nearly in the middle of the street, and pointed in a Westerly direction. -.;? 1367.000 Rev. 1/77 James Cradford, Captain CITIZEN'S ACCOMODATION - REF DR16035880-12 Pg . 2 The vehicle was unattended, and parked in front of the residence at 22922 Grand Terrace Rd. Mr. Cardoza thought the vehicle was suspicious because of the manner in which it was parked and because the vehicle didn't look as though it belonged in the neighborhood, and Mr. Cardoza had not seen the car on his route before. Michael Cardoza continued on his mail delivery route, and has he droved past the car, he wrote down part of the license plate number, when at approximately this same time, he was contacted by a neighbor woman, later identified as Bobby Walker, and was asked if he had heard the screams for help coming from the house at 22922 Grand Terrace Rd. Mr. Cardoza immediately looked back towards the residence at the above address, and he could see the maroon car that was parked in front. He then confirmed the license number, and wrote it down again, and also making note of the vehicle description again, he saw two Mexican male adult subjects running from the residence towards the vehicle. The smaller of the two subjects -dove through the passenger side window of the vehicle, and the other one ran to the left driver's side, got in, and they drove off in a Westbound direction towards Mt. Vernon, in Grand Terrace. Mr. Cardoza told officers that he believed that he would have no trouble in identifying the car, and also furnished responding deputies with a good description, and a license plate number of the vehicle. With the information, and descriptions furnished by the witnesses, Detectives from the San Bernardino Sheriff's Dept., Central Station, were able to trace the vehicle through the Department of Motor Vehicles, and three previous owners within the last year. Ari arrest was made and the vehicle was located at 730 Perris St., San Bernardino, on the evening of November 2, 1983. Through further investigation, the second subject was named, a photograph was obtained, and presented to the witnesses, who without any difficulty, identified both parties involved, and the vehicle. It is this officer's opinion, that if it had not been for the quick action, the presence of mind, and their alertness to the unusual and suspicious circumstances surrounding this incident, and descriptions, and vehicle license number that they furnished Sheriff's deputies, that the subjects responsible, may have not been identified, and arrested. It is also possible that without the observation of these witnesses, that possibly the victim, Mrs. Keeney, could have suffered great personal injury, and loss of property. The action of these good citizens should be awarded. JF/spb n 19 RECOMMENDED FOR AWARD: 1. ERIC WALKER 22901 Grand Terrace Rd. Grand Terrace, CA 825-1477 2. BOBBY WALKER 22901 Grand Terrace Rd. Grand Terrace, CA 825-1477 3. MICHAEL CARDOZA U. S. Postal Worker RES.: 1083 Terrace Rd. Colton, CA 825-5043 BUS.: U. S. Post Office 265 N. 7th St. Colton, CA 825-0505 COMMISSION fOND COMMITT4E REPORTS COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 4-12-8 4 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE: Crime Prevention Committee SUBJECT: Membership of Edward Kelly and Linda Bianchi PROBLEM: 20CIL AGENDA ITEM a ?,D (z� DATE: 4-4-84 Facts: Edward Kelly was appointed to the committee on June 23, 1983 and then made an alternate approximately December, 1983. Mr. Kelly continues to be inactive and he has in the past given committee members verbal intent to resign from the committee. Linda Bianchi was appointed to the committee on July 14, 1983. She attended one committee meeting the following month and has been inactive since that date. She has also given her verbal resignation ALTERNATIVES: to committee members. RECEIVED A PR 41. 1984 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE SOLUTION: Accept the resignations of Edward Kelly and Linda Bianchi. REQUESTED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND/OR STAFF: The Crime Prevention Committee recommends that City Council accept the resignations of Edward Kelly and Linda Bianchi, vacate their memberships in the committee and advertise to fill vacant memberships. APR 12 1984 COUNCIL AGENDA 1TE;d A7� EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE January 19, 1984 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Emergency Operations Committee was held on January 19, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Mike Harris, Chairman Ed Luers Vic Pfennighausen Staff Present: Tom Coyle, Administrative Assistant o Reviewed EOC mail from the past month o Held general discussion regarding funding for the Emergency Management Training Courses. o Continued discussion from December meeting regarding role responsibilities for city staff personnel. Respectfully submitted Mike Harris, Chairman RECEIVED CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ® APR 12 1984 �UUNIU,L AGENDA ITEM t'7e EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE February 16, 1984 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Emergency Operations Committee was held on February 16, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Mike Harris, Chairman Ed Luers Vic Pfennighausen Don Minesinger Staff Present: Tom Coyle, Administrative Assistant Guest: Jim Hodder o Reviewed EOC mail from the past month o Mike Harris presented proposed organizational charts. Basic structure was agreed upon by members present. Mike will now write top level functional descriptions for each position. o Ed Luers presented proposed operational level definitions for review. This structure was also agreed upon. o Vic Pfennighausen made the following motion to the committee: The EOC 1983-1984 budget be used for the purchase of an antenna and power supply for EOC base station communications. Purchase price approximately $140.00. This motion was seconded by Don Minesinger and was unanimously approved. o The next meeting will be March 15, 1984. Respectfully submitted, Mi�rris, Chairman RECEIVED CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ST'AFF REPO?tTDate: 4/4/84 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE: APRIL 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. 75 SUBJECT: ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL BIKE-A-THON FUNDING IS REQUIRED FUNDING IS NOT REQUIRED X Mrs. Barbara Betts of 12620 Warbler Avenue, Grand Terrace, has requested and has been granted permission to use this City's streets for a Bike-A-Thon to raise funds for St. Jude Children's Reearch Hospital on May 5, 1984. The permit was granted through the City Manager's Office subject to two conditions: 1. The City be held harmless for any liability arising from this event. 2. Route and traffic control is to be coordinated with the Parks and Recreation Department and the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. Staff recommends that the Council: FOR INFORMATION ONLY TC:lo Aprr ../�J5 , S -0­04�FF REPOQ7T 12 2.1040 C R A ITER' ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (x ET iN3 DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. Yh SUBJECT: Request from Cooley, Victoria Street, Paving 20 Foot Width FJI L;.nJ ttC4 IPE Attached you will find a letter dated March 21, 1984, along with a map showing parcels 2 and 3 which would be affected if the request, as presented, is granted. In his letter of that date, Mr. Cooley is requesting that they be permitted to construct a 20 foot wide asphalt driveway within the 30 foot wide public right-of-way of Victoria Street to provide access to parcels 2 and 3 of PM 483. Pursuant to the provisions of Subdivision Map Act, as well as City Ordinance 44 whenever a new development occurs, the City may require construction of full improvements within the 60 foot public right-of-way to provide service to parcels. In this case, there are 3 parcels affected, two of which may, if necessary, obtain legal access from Barton Road, specifically the parcel which is on the southeasterly corner of Victoria and Barton Road, owned by Mr. Beckwith and parcel number 3 of the subject parcel map. This would only require an access for a single parcel, parcel number 2 of PM 483. In the recently approved subdivision, the Planning Commission and the City Council with recommendations from the staff permitted access to 4 parcels through a privately owned driveway with easeTents to the individual users. These driveways,in some cases, were longer from the public right-of-way than the requested roadway within the public right-of-way of Victoria St. The staff recommends: 1. THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT 20 FOOT WIDE ROADWAY IN VICTORIA STREET TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE THREE PARCELS IN QUESTION. 2. THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DOES NOT ACCEPT THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY IMPROVEMENTS INSTALLED AS HEREBY REQUESTED. JK/lbk Attachment 4 iso Tf t RED CARPET march 21, 1984 Kicak and .associates '2365 Barton, Rd, quite 110 (;rand 'Turracr , California 92334 D,,,ar Mr Kicuk. Re: Parcel ?�27t -Sal-Ciu �27b-3�1-O- 1 currently,- ov n Parcel 2 of Parcel hlap 483, County of San Furnardino. .incl NIr- Erwin )prenule uwns Parcel 3 of the same Parcel Map froth .A tht- ;ut- ,;;:ly have a( ( e , . using <�n tinpave6 -)(l it. Stret.t called VIct0r1- Strt,t \\ III �-} (,ad elld_; at my properry- (Parcel -0b) Ivlr Sprenoie has t. '(, ft. e ,;t•nlent i roir -Ioria as access to ilin lot We are the only" vwo iots \\ h1CI; t::lam ` 3tre(�1'. yke —ould like permission, to lave a �G f'. —1cle strip of Asphilt Iron, E,rton i<vau to each (-)f our pads without requirino Curbs and Gutters L;U that \ke can utinti7.0 the nia--=-,uln surface avuilabl,- to us. -1 pt:!t n,aI-) fS ,ttac11t•c —Ii- 'South 10 ft of Victoria Qt reeT I u natural drain alre �idv .n e\1stenct- if ,r RnUi1 Ir'-)n tat- I-Ioneyrld�,e 1'rdC i l;ltls a $ank Cre<"ited by lion '\'I'1C1_. D-vch)")nit'IiT v,,hich is totally landscaped with ground cover. A, far a. Fire 'Truck access, Mr. Sprenglc. and I ft-E'7 that 1\;r 0 ft. ea -neat driveway- would provide a good t.urnarounci access for their rclulprr.ent to prnvlde t,rotection tU my lot from 3 1des IilU a eC ( s: tu I aCk o: a,,r 5arengle's lot and front of !;1 lit from Barton Poad Tbo T)avec! yeas are -I. level %,'ith no steep anUie, t't conten(I lth. i:,i.: p';inT., 3'C would .IkE' t"),I 1() -tl1Cv this mat'Ler and "tl:t \vitlr rE ]v2;- tt the City T'o:Incil <2`+ tc, yoar UjAnion as to tl;% Iliinirnur rrGairt'::,.'1.T is;-zt .:it lty" of Gr: nc j e: racC \': 1 : rt"-lU;re u: _, t,; ,,btoln , t rn 11 t ,i :\,• ,i �- �,trE-r.t � • Tl,ani- you fur your (o-'Op r�ftiCi2, in till; mutter 'Ind would ;il,T)rE•c'lr4te a (Ir ic1C,N ,'rr; Triily yoars, P.1. Cooley 1 t 1 Tetra Lorna Revel Estate Inc i Trace No.6471tU p P'n.SF 114 Sec 133, r'S /19 10 A' 41f 71 i� Par 3 c::T �'TEra cos �l , w 7 ��r•7" �vC�q;'�,e[E j] /—i P'Jrcel Mor)No 483, Fht 4/r.; �tjrcel Map No.352. PM. 3r53 s S IQAFF REPQRT 12-8.30sA4 41 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( x) MEETING DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. "?9 SUBJECT: Time Extension, Site and Architectural Approval 82-6 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED xx Attached for your review are letters from Mr. Karger and his engineer, Mr. McKeever, requesting a time extension for site and architectural approval 82-6. Site and architectural approval was originally granted for the construction of 35 condo- minium units on 2.01 acres (tentative tract No. 12218) at the northwest corner of Mt. Vernon Avenue and De Berry Street. Also attached for your review are the response letters from the Planning Director explaining the denial of the extension request based upon the conditions of the site plan and Chapter 16 of Ordinance 57. Staff recommends that City Council: TAKE NO ACTION ON THIS ITEM. TDS/lbk Attachments KARGER CONST. CO., INC. J. B. KARGER - Realtor .46 0 J RECEIVED MAR 2 1984 CITY Of GRAND TERRACE KARGER CONST. CO., INC. J. B. KARGER - Realtor • Telephone: $ -Z s t 3 Ir V Eha1EP I February 15, 1984 Hr. Barney Karqer Karger Construction 11669 Bernardo Way i 3rand Terrace, CA 91124 ! RE: Site Approval 82-6 Dear Mr. Karger: NUGNJ GRANT MeyW JIM RIGLEY Mayo. Pro TM Council Membvg TONY PETTA ROY W Nix BARBARA PFENNIGNAUSEN SETN ARMSTEAO City Mana9w MYRNA ERWAY Cay Clem EDWARD R CLARK F lance 6 Adm,ngtgtive svwcea Ott,cof 12-3.3041 The Grand Terrace Planning Commission conditionally approved site and architectural development plan SA 82-6 at their May 3, 1982, meeting. Subsequently, you appealed the conditions of approval to the City Council, and the City Council approved site plan 82-6 with amended conditions on June 24, 1982. Condition two of your amended conditions states: 2. Approval of Site and Architectural development plan shall expire, if not used, one year from date of approval unless application is made prior to expiration for an extension not exceeding one year. In addition, Section 16.100 of Ordinance 57 governs the extension of site approvals by stating: Time Limnit A. Any site plan and architectural review approval granted in accordance with the terms of this title shall expire if not used within one year (1) from the date of final approval. B. Upon application filed prior to the expiration of the approved site plan and architectural review, the time at which such site plan and archi- tectural review expires may be extended by the Planning Director for a �period not exceeding one (1) year. VC. IF the Planning Director denies the application for extension, the applicant may appeal to the City Council within ten (10) calendar days after the denial by the Planning Director by filing with the City Clerk a letter of appeal accompanied by a processing fee. 22795 BARTON ROAD CA MANAGER - CRY CLERK (714) 824-8621 GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324-5296 FINANCE - COMMUNRY SERVICES (714) 824-7224 LJ Barney Karger February 15, 1984 -2- Based on the above information, your request for a time extension of site and architectural development plan SA 82-6, which expired on June 24, 1983, is hereby denied. Tentative Tract Map No. 12218 expires on June 9, 1984. Very truly yours, Joseph Kicak Planning Director JK/lbk CC: Seth Armstead W. J. McKeever Inc. Civil Engineering nn February 27, 1984 Planning Commission City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Rd. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 Re: Site Approval 82-6 Caen t 1 emen : This letter is to request a one year extension of time on the above mentioned site approval. The developer has been unable to complete this project due to the general economic conditions. However, he now wishes to bring the project to completion. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Yours truly, William J. McKeever me RECEIVED CITY OF GRAND TERRACE March 5, 1984 W.J. McKeever Inc. 647 North Main Street, Suite 2A Riverside, CA 92501 Re: Time Extension SA 82-6 Dear Mr. McKeever: HUGH J. GRANT Mayor JIM RIGLEY Mayor Pro Tom Council Members TONY PETTA ROY W NIX BARBARA PFENNIGMAUSEN SETN ARMSTEAD City Manager MYRNA ERWAY City Clerk EDWARD R. CLARK Finance S Aom,nistrat+ve Services Officer 12-8.3041 In response to your letter of February 27, 1984, I have attached our response of February 15, 1984, to Mr. Karger, the owner of the property, who -ate -requested a time extension for SA 82-6. pad If any further clarification is necessary, please call our office. Ve y truly yours, SEP KICAK ity Engineer JK:dlk Attachment cc: Seth Armstead 22795 BARTON ROAD GRAND TERRACE, CA 92324 - 52 95 CITY MANAGER - CITY CLERK (714) 824-6621 FINANCE - COMMUNITY SERVICES (7141 824-7226 ST4FF REP014T _ 12 5.1908 12-8.5007 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( x) h:ETINC DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. �Ic SUBJECT: Wilden Pump & Engineering Company, Resolution 83-49 For Capital Improvement Fund Fees EUP4 1 J D x rr .I�DirU �,���.� r t.: Wilden Pump and Engineering Company has requested a refund of capital improve- ment fund fees. Attached you will find a letter dated March 16, 1984, from Wilden Pump requesting a partial refund of the capital improvement fund fees paid to the City prior to the issuance of the building permit. A portion of these fees were paid under protest pending City Council determination pursuant to Ordinance 44 and Resolution 83-49 for a partial refund, pro -rated, to apply only to the portion which is now being developed. The ordinance is specific in that it provides for such request and permits the City Council to take such action. Based on the portion which is being developed at this time, excluding the portion of the property which has been developed and the portion which may be developed in the future, the fees should be $1,970.00. The acutal amount paid was $6,530.40. Therefore, subject to City Council approval, a refund of $4,613.40 would be due to Wilden Pump and Engineering Company. Staff recommends that: THE CITY COUNCIL GRANT THE REQUEST OF WILDEN PUMP AND ENGINEERING COMPANY. Attachment JK/lbk a WILOEN PUMP MR. JOSEPH KICAK, CITY ENGINEER CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92324-5295 Subject: Capital Improvement Fees Dear Mr. Kicak: & ENGINEERING CO. March 16, 1984 Wilden Pump and Engineering Company is prepared to pay the Capital Improvement Fund fees set forth in your letter of `arch 14, 1984, at this time to avoid further delays in issuance of our building permit for our pending construction project. However, we do so under protast, and request that any excess fees paid be refunded as soon as possible. We note that your calculation of Capita: Improvement Fund fees was based on our total area of 7.256 acres. First, .,e believe that the 2.46*acres previously developed prior to adoption _,f 'rand Terrace Ordinance 44 ;hu:.'_d not be subject to subsequently ae�pted fees. Secondly, we request, in accordance with Section 8 of Ordinance -4, that those tees assessed azainst our remaining 2.656"acres, which remain undeveloped, be set aside at this time. We believe the remaining 2.656 acres represent a substantial further develop- ment. Accordingly, we request that the Capital Improva-.ent Fund fees be modified as f')Liows: ..ed Assessment Park Storm Drain Streets TOTAL Initial Assessment Based On 7.256 Acres 725.00 1814.00 3990.80 $6530.40 Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. ADT:cjs Based On 2,41 Acres 213.00 532.50 1171.50 $1917.00 Sincerely, WILDEN PUMP & ENGINEERING CO. Alan D. Tuck, Jr.' Vice President ST T 12-5.1935 C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (xx) MZETING DATE' April12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT' 22558 Cardinal Street, Erection of Structures without a Building Permit FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED xx At 22558 Cardinal Street there is an owner/occupied residence. At this residence, there has been a number of structures constructed without building permits. These structures do not conform with Ordinance 57. The following violations have been noted without entering onto private property. 1. Detached structure within a public utilities easement. 2. Detached structure without sufficient sideyard or rearyard setback. 3. Carport 22 feet within the 25 foot building setback line. 4. Carport within the required 5 foot sideyard setback line. 5. Carport within the required 10 foot sideyard setback line. 6. Building additions within the required 5 foot sideyard setback line. 7. Building additions within the required 10 foot sideyard setback line. 8. Excessive lot coverage. On February 7, 1884, the Department of Building and Safety served the owner of said residence a Notice to Stop Work and an Order to Comply. Both are attached. The owner did not contact the Department of Building and Safety, nor did he comply with the notices. Pursuant to Section 1.050 (A) of Ordinance 57, the City Attorney shall upon order of the City Council commence action as is provided for in Ordinance 57, the Municipal Code and the provisions of the Government Code pertaining to zoning and planning. Violators are guilty of a misdemeanor. Staff recommends that the City Council: INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO COMMENCE ACTION TO BRING 22558 CARDINAL STREET INTO CONFORMANCE TO ORDINANCE 57 AND THE 1979 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. BMS/JK/lbk Attachments r r� "I P24 6033734 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL I NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED — NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENTTO � rtzell, III TSAiE Fd 141 St— -- POSTAGE — --- --- S 20- CERTIFIED FEE e w W SPECIAL DELIVERY s W c RESTRICTEDDELIVERY c ¢ H W SHOW'? WHOM AND W WE DE.-VERED y . 6-0 >E W w SHDW'I WHOM DATE �+ AND AD;,AESS OF c H R DEL -VERY t E3 L-j SHOW' NHOM AND DATE oO0 DEL:APEDWTHRESTRiCTE t = DELIVERY SHOW -; NHOM DATE 17 ,p ¢ ApORE,S Of DELIVERY MiH � RESTP ^ UVE RY TOTAL PO E AND FEES f ►OSTM K ON DATE — J � E 0 0 0MV18111111 Add you addwss in 1m "RETURN TA" s4aos On ieww JCONf11ILT POSTMASTER FOR !!fir r r r i. The fiiiowiag service a regeessed (check ooe} , Show to whom and due de ivemd .._..._._._ --, �• Show to whom date. and address of delivery.. _ t 2. ❑ RESPRICTED DELIVERY —0 (77m nsvia d de trery fee is dmFg d in addidow so the mtWx nrrip(%e) TOTAL 7 ANTI= ADOREIM T* Charles Hartzell, III 22558 Cardinal St. , GramA Terrace, CA 324 l rm W 80 E: ARTME _ Q �:ffafD ❑ MMi1rIe Comm [3 coo6033734 , ❑l � w< (Akyapabbb dOrlalltTs of addnsast oe aoartq I have neaived the deecri d above- 1IN NATURE Addrer w ❑ Authorvrod agent Oro�ssas IoLTO AoottEsi earl ✓�•r4 A�{t1r MN! 7a MaT1ALs .-I A rA j I CEl =°=,IED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQ� ED CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 Barton Road DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NOTICE TO STOP WORK Date rebsruarjr ZZ. 19P4 Time Permit No. District To Charles Hartzell, III Mailing Address 22558 Cardinal Street, Grand Terrace, California Lucation of Property 22558 Cardinal Street, Grand Terrace, CA Legal Description: Assessor's Parcel No. 277-261-13 Lot 58 of Tract 6028, San Bernardino County Notice is hereby given to stop work on this project for failure to comply wrath provisions set forth in Order to Comply No 02 issued on Feb. 7, 1984 and,or violations of San Bernardino County Code Section Grand Terrace Ordinance #57, and the 1979 Uniform Building Code See below Description of Violation Erection of a structure without a building permit, 1979 UBC Sec 301 Erection of a structure within the building setback, Ord. 457, 5.070 EXCPss1VP lot coverage. Ord. 57 5.060 Insufficient sideyard setback Ord. #57 5.080 Insufficient rearward setback Ord. 457 5.080 TnsufficiPnt building separations 1979 UBC 5-A The address of the local office of the Department of Building and Safety is 22795 Barton Rd., Grand Terrace Acknowledgement FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS ORDER IS A MISDEMEANOR Bob M. Stewart/�/ IFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT R'�STED 12-5.1935 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY 22795 Barton Road ORDER TO COMPLY T 1 • Date February 7, 1984 Permit No. one Region No. Owner Charles Hartzel III `:lading Address 22558 Cardinal Street. Grand Terrace, California Location of Property 22558 Cardinal Street, Grand Terrace, CA Legal Description Assessor's Parcel No 277-271-13, Lot 58 of Tract 6028, San Bernardino Cou RE: Violation of Son Bernardino County Code Section Grand Terrace Ord #57 and the Uniform Building Code 1979 Requirements for Building Permits Description of Vio!ation: Erection of a structure without a building Derrtit Erection of a structure within the building setback line See Notice to Stop Work this date -N oer-3d ^f 14.__ _days from the date of this not:ce w;!l be allowed to comply with the following require. ments. 1,10 :"C.�'�. :: �r !han corrective measures, shall ice permitted until such corrections have been completed, "131'ec'ed and alp-oved. Prior to any work being done an aDplicarion for a •uilding ermit and igsuanr-e of thetilling permit shall be repaired 1979 UBC Sec. 301 Two op�ec of a complete plot plan shall be submitted at that time. The aDDlica inn and issuance of the building Permit is not an extension of time for completing the required corrective measures set forth within the buildingpermit. Ackno.vledgement _ __ BY� -Z' a`Y OfficeBob M Stewart Building & Safety V/ Apr.55, 1984 STAFF Q T r i 12-5.1000 C F A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( x } ME-ETING DATE: April 12, 1984 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8� SUBJECT: Adoption of 1982 Edition of Uniform Fire Code, Fire Code Standards and the Amendments Thereto x Every three years the code pertaining to building, plumbing, etc., including the fire codes are revised. The revised codes do not apply to and cannot be enforced by the agencies unless they are specifically adopted by the governing bo3y. The enforcement agency for the City of Grand Terrace, with respect to the fire code requirements is California Department of Forestry. in order for them to be able to enforce the provisions of the Code within the City of Grand Terrace, the City Council must adopt an ordinance adopting the fire code and any amendments thereto. The County of San Bernardino has recently adopted this code, worked very closely with the California Division of Forestry for the amendments thereto, and we have been requested by the Fire Marshall to consider the adoption of the same. Attached for your consideration is the ordinance which could accomplish that. Staff recc=ends that the: CITY COUNCIL ADOPT THE ATTACHED URGENCY ORDINANCE BY TITLE ONLY. Attachment TK/lbk NOTE: This is an urgency ordinance; as such, if the Motion to adopt receives four affirmative votes, this ordinance will become effective immediately, and will not require a public hearing or second reading. CITX50 40 ORDINANCE N0. � �P:FPROVAL AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2816 BY REFERENCE, INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO, PERTAINING TO THE ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT OF THE 1982 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE AND UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARDS. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Adoption of San Bernardino County Ordinance No. 2816 - San Bernardino County Ordinance No. Z816 is hereby adopted by re erence, including any amendments thereto, as the law of the City of Grand Terrace. SECTION 2. Penalties - Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be eemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment. Such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this Ordinance is committed, continued or permitted by such person and shall be punishable therefor as provided by this Ordinance. SECTION 3 . Urgency - This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to Section 36937(b) of the California overnment Code as an urgency measure and pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Police Power for the immediate protection and preservation of the public peace, safety, health, and welfare of persons and property within the City of Grand Terrace. The facts establishing the necessity for such urgency measure are these: That the City is authorized by Government Code Section 50022.9 to adopt by reference County codes and ordinances; that the City of Grand Terrace has no uniform fire code and uniform fire code standard. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SECTION 5 The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in three (3) public places designated for such purpose by the City Council. ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1984. ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace Terrace and of the City Council and of the City Council thereof. thereof. Approved as to form: City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 2 AN ORDINANLE OF IHE LOUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. AMENDING CHAPTER I OF DIVISION 3. TITLE Z. OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CODE PERTAINING TO THE ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT OF THE 1982 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE AND UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARDS. The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino. State of California. does ordain as follows: SECTION I Chapter I of Division 3. Tile 2 of the San Bernurdino County Code is hereby amended. whKh chapter shall read as follows: Ckapter I UNIFORM FIRE CODE Stutionc 23.011 Findings and Adoption of the Uniform Fhe Code. 23.012 Storage of Flammable or Combustible Liquids. 23.013 Bulk Storage of Liquifoed Petroleum Gases. 23.014 Storage of Expkruve and Blasting Agents. 23.01S Amendments to the Uniform Fire Code. 23.016 Validity Clause. 21.011 Findings and Adoption of the Uniform Fire Code. (a) FINDINGS. The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino hereby finds as follows: (1) That the Western Fire Chiefs Association and the International Conference of Building Officials are private organiza- tions which have been in existence for a period of at least three (3) gars. (2) That the Uniform Fire Code. 1982 Edition, and Uniform Fire Code Standards adopted by said organizations. are rationally recognized compilations of proposed rules, regulations. and standards of said organizations. (3) That said Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards have been printed and published as a code in book form within the meaning of Section S0022.2 et seq., of the Government Code of the State of California. (4) That three (1) copies of this Code and accompanying Standards have been filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors prior to the adoption of this chapter (5) The sections of said Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards may be referred to by the number used in said published compilation preceded by the words "Uniform Fire Code Section" and may also be referred to by additional reference to the San Bernardino County Code and sections therein pertaining to said Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards. (b) ADOPTION OF UNIFORM FIRE CODE. The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino hereby adopts the 1982 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code. Uniform Fire Code Part VIII Appendices: Onitsm If, Appendices IIA. 1111. IIC. IID. Division 111. Appendices RIA, Denson IV, Appendices [VA. and the Uniform Fire Code Standards. as compiled and adopted by the Western Fire Chefs' Assocauon and International Conference of Building Officals. The provisions of this Uniform Fire Code, Fire Code Appendices and Uniform Fire Code Standards shall apply to all the unincorporated areas of San Bernardino County 23.012 Storage of Flammable and Combeedble Uqufds. (a) Pursuant to Section 79.501. 79 1001. of the Uniform Fire Code. the storage of flammable and combusuble liquid in outside above -ground tanks is prohibited in all mercantile. developed rtsdentul areas, and other areas where K is determined by the Fire Chief having jurisdiction that the installation of flammable and combustible above -ground storage tanks will cream a hazard to occupants and property owners in the area. (b) Pursuant to Section 79 1400 of the Uniform Fire Code, new bulk plants for flammable and combustible liquids shag be prohibited in all mercantile districts, closely built commercial areas and heavily populated areas The Fire Chid having jurisdiction shall be the final determining authority. 23.013 Bulk Storage of Uquiffed Fetrolewn Gabes. Pursuant to Section 82.105 of the Uniform Fire Code. the aggregate capacity of any one imcallaw n for the bulk storage of liquified petroleum goes shah not exceed two thousand (2.000) water gallons in commercial. residential. and other areas where, in the opinion of the Fire Chid having pmdnttion, the location of bulk storage of liquified petroleum gases would crate a threat to the occupants and property owners. 23.014 Storage of Explosives and Blasting Agents. Pursuant to Section 77 106(b) of the Uniform Fire Code, the storage of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited in principal ousiness dnurcts, closely built commercial areas and heavily populated areas. The Fore Chid having jurisdiction shall have the final determining authority UAIS Amendments Uniform Fire Code. (a) Section 2101 o. the Uniform Fire Code is hereby amended to read as follows. 2.101 Responsibility for Enforcement. a. The Chef shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of this Code. Under his direction the fire depart- ment shall enforce all ordinances of the jurisdiction and the laws of the State pertaining to: I The prevention of fires. 2 The suppression or extinguishing of dangerous a hazardous furs 3 The storage. use and handhnng of explosive. flammable, combustible. toxic. corrosive and other hazardous gaseous, sold and liquid materials. 4. The installation and maintenance of automatic. manual, and other private fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing equipment. S. The maintenance and regulation of fine escapes. 6. The mamtenance of fine protection and the elimination of fire hazards on land and in buildings. structures. and other property, including chose under construction. 7 The means and adequacy of each exit in the event of fire, from factores, schools. hotels, lodging houses, asylums. hospitals, churches, halls, theatres, amphitheatres, and all other places in which people work. live or congregate from rime to rime for any purpose. B. The investigation of the cause, origin. and cimumstmces of fire. It. The following persons are hereby authorized to enforce the provisions of this code. I The County Fire Warden and his deputies: 2. The officers of any Fire Department, of any Fire District, and other district with fire -prevention powers: 3 The State Forest Ranger and peace officers of the California Department of Forestry: 4. United States Forest Service Officers; S. The Sheriff and any Deputy Sheriff: 6. Officers of the California Highway Patrol: 7 Such other officers or employees of the Governing Authonty as may be recommended by the Chief and approved by the Governing Authority (b) Section 2.106 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby amended to mad as follows: 2.108 Lability for Damages. a. This code shag not be construed to hold the public entity or any officer or employee responsible for any damage to persons or property by reason of the innspect on or reinspection authorized herein provided or by reason of the approval or disapproval of any equipment or process authorized heron, or for any action in connection with the control or extinguishment of any fire or in connection with any other offKial duties. b. Fire suppression and rescue or emergency medical costs are recoverable in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Seaton 13009(a). (c) Section 2.302 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby amended to read as follows 2.302 Board of Appals. In order to determine the suitability of alternate matemls and type of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this Code. there shag be and hereby is created a Board of Appeals, which shall be the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shag adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the Fire Chef with a duplicate copy to the appellant. Any decision made pursuant to this section by the County Planning Commission may be appealed to the County Board of Supervisors. (d) Section 2.302(b) of the Uniform Fire Code recognized Standards is hereby amended by adding the following: NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION Barterymarch Park, Quincy. MA 02269 NFPA National Fire Codes Volumes I thru 16 (e) Section 9103 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby amended by adding the following definiton: AN -Weather Driving Surface — An all-weather driving surface is a concrete or asphalt covering over base material and a roadbed compacted to 9S% and of sufficient thickness to support heavy fire apparatus. (f) Section 9105 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby amended by amending the definition of "CHIEF OR CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT" to read as follows: "CHIEF OR CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ' shall mean the Chief Officer of the Fire Department or the Fire Protec. tion Distct serving the jurisdiction or his authorized representative. Chief Officer for the National Forest Lands within the jurisdiction shall mean the Forest Supervisor in charge of the National Forest. or i his authorized represent rve. Chief OH - the California Departmeric of Forestry shall mean the Sate Ranger of the whenever any building so�ed is altered, remodeled or added to. All additions, repai rations and servicing shah be in San Bernardino Ranger Unit, or his authorized represencatrve. (g) Section 10.207(b) of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby accordance with recognized standards. EXCEPTION: Systems not required by this or any amended to read as follows: other code need not be extended, altered nor augmented. Soda- (b) Access roadways. private roadways, and public acid. loam. loaded stream, antifreeze and water fire extinguishers of roadways shall be provided and mainumed in a passable condition at the inverting types shall not be recharged or placed in service for fire all times. Any obstruction or Nnpedence to reasonable access may be repaired or removed forthwith by any public safety agency and the Protection use. (k) Section 10.307 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby expense of repair or removal is to be borne by the owner of the amended by adding the followitig: roadway and in the case of an obstnicting vehicle or object by the (e) Automatic telephone dating devices to transmit an owner of said vehicle or object. "NO PARKING-' signs and/or emergency alarm shall not be connected to the fire department other appropriate notice prohibiting obstructions may be required emergency telephone number Section I I I I I of the Undone Fire Code is hereby and shag be mainuin ed by the property owner (h) Section 10.207(c) of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby (1) amended to read as follows: amended to read as follows: (c) The access roadway shall be extended to within one 11 111 Chimney Spark Arresters. (a) Each chimney used in cotqunctan with any fireplace humirrel fifty (ISO) feet of. and %haM give remonable accims to, ad or any hearing appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used shag be jimtsoi \ ell the extennr wad% of the firm Vory rf any builchnX Art xcc%% road chug he provided within Idly (50) let of all buddtng% d namiained with an approved %park arrester (b) An approved spark arrester dud mean a rlevice natural grade between the access road and building is in excess of constructed of stainless steel. aluminum, copper or brass, woven thirty percent (30%). Where the access roadway cannot be galvanized wire mesh. nineteen (19) gauge muumum of three -eights provided, approved fire protection system or systems shall be (318) inch minimum to one -hag (i/t) inch maximum openings, provided as required and approved by the Chief Access door shall be mounted in or over all outside flue openings in a vertical and near provided at near ground level for firefighting purposes in accordance vertical position, adequately supported to prevent movement and with the Building Code. There shag be at least one door not less than three (3) feet in width and not less than six (6) feet eight (8) visible from the ground. (m) Section 11.201 is amended by adding the following: inches in height in each one hundred (100) lineal feet or major (e) In the event chat abatement is not performed as fraction thereof of the exterior wall which faces the access roadway required in subsections (a) and (c) of this section, the executive body Metal rod -up doors are not acceptable for such purposes unless may instruct the Chief to give notice to the owner of the property approved by the Fire Chief. upon which such condition exam to coned such prohibited (i) Section 10.301(c) of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby condition. and 0 the owner fails to correct such condition the amended to read as follows: executive body may cam the same to be done and make the (c) Prior to the commencement of construction. an expense of such correction a lien upon the property upon which approved water supply capable of supplying required fire flow for fire such condition exists. protection shall be provided by the developer unless otherwise (n) Section 25.116 of the Undone Fire Code is hereby designated, in writing, by the Chief, to all premises upon which buildings or portions of buildings are hereafter constructed When amended to read as follows: 25.116 Standby Firemen. Whenever, in the opinion of any portion of the building protected is in excess of one hundred fifty the Chief, it is essential for public safety in any place of public (150) feet from a public fire hydrant connected to a water supply on assembly or any other place where people congregate, dux to the a public street, there shad be provided, by the developer unless number of persons. or the nature of the performance, exhebitrori, otherwise designated, in writing, by the Chief, on -site fire hydrann display. contest or activity, the owner. agent or lessee shag employ and mains capable of supplying the required lire flow one or more experienced firemen as required and approved by the Water supply may consist of reservoirs. pre%sum Chief, to be on duty at such place. Said firemen shag be subject to tanks. elevator tanks. water mains or other fixed system capable of the Chef's orders at all times when so employed and shad be in uipplymg the required him flow In setting the requirement% for fire uniform and remain on duty during the tares such places are open to flow, the Chief %hall appy, the standard% publ%Med by the Inwrance the public of when such actrvny is being conducted. Before each Services Office, 'Yule for Deterrrwtation of Required Fire Flow performance or the stun of such activity, said firemen shad inspect 1914 edition. this guide %hag be used to establish both a rtunimum the required fire appliances provided to ice ifut they are in proper and iruximum flow for projects served by organized water companies place and in good working order, and shad keep diligent watch for or water districts. In areas without serving water companies, fires during the fire such place is open to the public or such activity National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 1231 shall be used as is being conducted and take prompt measures for extinguishment of the basis for determining fire flow fires that may occur Firemen shall also perform, as required, The duration of flow required shag not exceed the emergency medical ore Firemen shad not be required or permitted. following table which has been taken from the 1980 Insurance while on duty, to perform any other duties than those herein Services Office Fire Rating Suppression Schedule. speeded. I Calculated fire flows up to 2500 gpm shag have (ol Section 28.105 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby two (2) hours of duration amended to read as follows: 2. Calculated flows between 3000 and 3500 gpm 28 IOS Storage of Agricultural Products. It shall be shall have three (3) hours of duration. unlawful to store hay, straw or other similar agricultural products 3 Calculated flows greater than 3500 gpm shall adjacent to property lines. buildings or combustible materials unless a have four (4) hours of duration. cleared horizontal distance equal to the height of pile or a minimum These flows and duration do not consider the needs distance of twenty (20) feet is mauttaued between such storage and required to provide domestic service. combustible material and buildings. A permit shall not be required for The location, number and type of fire hydrants such storage connected to a water supply capable of delivering the required fire Storage shall be limited to sucks of one hundred f 100) flow shall be provided by the developer unless otherwise designated, tons each Either an approved one (I) hour occupancy separation in writing, by the Chief. on the public street or on the site of the constructed as specified in the Building Code or a clear space of premises to be protected All hydrants shad be accessible to the fire twenty 120) feet shall be maintained between %uch stacks department apparatus by roadways meeting the requirements in (p) Section 79 1007(c) of the Uniform Fire Code t% Hereby Section 10.207 amended to read as follows (1) Section 10 302(al of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby (c) location tanks shall be kept outside and at least amended to read as follows fifty (50) feet from any property fine, building or combustible storage (al General. All spnnkler systems. fire hydrant systems, and shall be so located or such additional distance shall be provided standpipe systems, fire alarm systems, portable fire extinguishers as will ensure that any vehicle, equipment or container being filled smoke and heat ventilators. smoke -removal systems and other fire directly from such tank shad be not less than fifty (50) feet from any protective or extinguishing systems or appliances shall be maintained structure. haystack or other combustible storage in an operative condition at all times and shall be replaced or repaired (q) Section 79 804 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby where defective. All portable fire extinguishers required by the fire amended by adding the following agency having junsdiction shall be serviced annually by a fire 9 Open flames, smoking and other sources of ignition extinguisher service contractor licensed by the State Fire Marshals shall not be permitted inside the room Office Fire -protective or extinguishing systems coverage, spacing 10 Materials which will rota with water or other liquids znd specifications shall be maintained in accordance with recognized to produce a hazard shall not be stored in the same room with standards at all times Such systems shall be extended, altered or flammable or combustible liquids augmented as necessary to maintain and continue protection (r) Article 79, Division XIV Bulk Planthe Uniform Fire (x) Section 17 of Ax IIA is hereby amended to read as Code is amended by adding the following: Section 79 I400 Restricted Locations. Bulk plants shall follows: 17 Clearance of Brush or Vegetative Growth from be prohibited within the limits established by law as the limits of Roadways. districts in which such plants are prohibited. a. The Chief may require brush. vegetation. or (s) Article 80 of the Uniform Fire Code shah be amended by debns to be removed and cleared within ten (10) feet on each side of adding the following section: Parking and Garages. every roadway and access drive, and may enter upon private property Section 80.112(a) Parking on Thoroughfare. Any vehicle to do so. This section shall not apply to single specimens of tree, containing hazardous materials shah not be left unattended on any ornamental shrubbery or cultivated ground cover such as green grass, residential ureet nor in or within live hundred (S00) feet of any ivy, succuk-nts or sumtlar plants used as gresund cuven. provided that residential area, apartment or hotel complex, education, hospital or they do not form a means of readily transmitting fire As used in the care facility at any time: or at any other place that would, in the section. "roadway" means that portion of a highway or pnvxe opinion of the Chief, present an extreme life hazard. In locations street improved or ordinarily used for vehicular travel. other than those specified in Section 80.112(a), a driver shag not b. If the Chief determines in any specific case that leave the vehicle unattended on any street. highway, avenue or alley difficult terrain, danger or erosion or other unusual circumstances EXCEPTIONS: make strict compliance with the clearance of vegetation provision of I The necessary absence in connection with Sections 15. 16. or 17 of this appendix undesirable or impractical. he loading or unloading the vehicle, but dunng actual discharge from the may suspend enforcement thereof and require reasonable alterative vehicle. the provisions of Section 60.112(b) shall apply measures designed to advance the purposes of this article. 2. Stops for meals dunng the day or night, if the c. In the event that the abatement is not per - street is well lighted at the point of parting. formed as required in Subsection (a) of this secton, the executive 3. When. in case of accident or other emergency. body may instruct the Chief to give notice to the owner of the the operator must leave to obtain assistance. property upon which such condition exists to correct such Section 80.112(b) Parting Off Thoroughfare. Any vehicle prohibited condition, and if the owner fads to correct such condition containing hazardous matersafs shall not be parked at any one point the executive body may cause the same to be done and make the for longer than one (1) hour except: expense of such correction a lien upon the property upon which I Off a street. highway. avenue or alley such conditions exists. 2. At other approved locations not less than fifty 23.016 Validity Gauss. (50) feet from any budding except those approved for the storage or if any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this serving of such vehicle. chapter is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional, such decision 3. When. in case of breakdown or other enter• shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the chapter gency, the operator must leave the vehicle to take necessary action The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it would have adopted to correct the emergency this chapter, and each section, subsection, clause, sentence and Section 80.112(c) Garaging. Vehicles containing hazard- phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or mare ous materials shall not be parked or garaged in any buildings other sections, subsections, clauses. sentences or phrases be declared than those specifically approved for such use by the Chief. unconstitutional. (t) Seaton 82.105 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by SECTION 2. This ordiance shall take effect thirty (30) days adding the following: from the date of adoption. (g) Liquified petroleum gat containers and tanks shall be positioned in relation of one to another in such a manner so that the CAL McELWAIN. Chairman length axis of each tank is paraded to other tanks. Board of Supervisors (u) Section 85.104 of the Uniform Fire Code shall be amended ATTEST to read as follows: MARTHA M. SEKERAK. Clerk of 85.104 It shall be unlawful to maintain any electrical the Board of Supervisors wiring, appliance. apparatus. or device in violation of the Electrical Code. When any electrical hazards are identified. measures to abate STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ss. such conditions shall be taken. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO (v) Section 7 of Appendix IIA of the Uniform Fire Code is I, MARTHA M SEKERAK, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of hereby amended to read as follows: the County of San Bernardino, State of California, hereby certify that 7 Sparc Arresters Required. at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of said County and a Each chimney used in conjunction with any State, held on the 12th day of December, 1983, at which meeting fireplace or any heating appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used were present Supervisors Cal McElwain, Chairman; John Joyner, to be maintained with an approved spark arrester Barbara Cram Riordan: Robert 0 Townsend. Robert L. Hammock; b. An approved spark arrester shall mean a device and the Clerk, the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by constructed of stainless steel. aluminum, copper or brass. woven the following vote. to wit: galvanized wire mesh, nineteen (19) gauge minimum with a three- AYES. Supervisors Joyner, Riordan, Townsend, Hammock, eights (318) inch minimum to one -hag ('/i) inch maximum openings. McElwain mounted in or over all outside flue openings in a vertical or near NOES. None vertical position, adequately supported to prevent movement and ABSENT None visible from the ground IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and (w) Section IS of Appendix IIA is hereby amended by adding affixed the official seal of the Board of Supervisors this 12th day of me following December 1983 je) In the event that the abatement is not performed as MARTHA M SEKERAK. required in Subsection (a). (b) or (c). the executive body may Clerk of the Board of Supervisors instruct the Chief to give notice to the owner of the property upon of the County of San Bernardino. which such condition exists to correct such prohibited condition. State of California. and if the owner fads to correct such condition, the executive body may cause the same to be done and make the expense of such correction a lien upon the property upon which such condition exists. ATTACHMENT San Bernardino County Code Section 23.015(b). Amendment to the Uniform Fire Code. would be amended as follows: (b) Section 2.108 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.108 Liability for Damages a. This code shall not be construed to hold the public entity or any officer or employee responsible for any damage to persons or property by reason of the inspection or reinspection authorized herein provided or by reason of the approval or disapproval of any equipment or process authorized herein, or for any action in connection with the control or extinguishment of any fire or in connection with any other official duties. b. Fire suppression and rescue or emergency medical costs are recoverable in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 13009(a). c. Any person who negligently, or in violation of law, causes a non -fire suppression emergency, including but not limited to situations, such as a traffic accident or spill of toxic or flammable fluids or chemicals, is liable for the costs of securing such emergency. Expenses incurred by the fire department for securing such an emergency situation shall constitute a debt of such person and is collectible by the chief in the same manner as in the case of an obligation under contract, expressed or implied. STaFF REPOoRT Date: 4/2/84 C R A ITEM ( ) AGENDA ITEM NO. COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE: APRIL 12, 1984 SUBJECT: UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (AB 1362) FUNDING IS REQUIRED FUNDING IS NOT REQUIRED X Fee -for -services program Background: AB 1362 requires every county and city to implement a program to monitor underground storage of hazardous substances. A city may, if it choses, assume the responsibility for the implementation of these requirements. The Department of Environmental Health Services, specifically Jon Kindschy, has been authorized by the County as the Ager* for hazardous management and by the State Department of Environmental Health Services in a Memorandum of Understanding as the local enforcement agency for hazardous waste. The County can have inspectors at most facilities that store hazardous materials underground. The State law includes provisions for permit surcharge payments to State agencies and loss of local control. In order to conform with the State law the County has recommended that cities also pass a similar ordinance prior to January 1, 1984. Grand Terrace developed and adopted a city ordinance and program prior to January 1, 1984 at its regular City Council meeting of December 14, 1983, as Agenda Item No. 10 (c). WE ADOPTED URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 74 FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ESTABLISHING RULES, REGULATIONS, AND MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS. THIS ORDINANCE, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 4046, AN ACT TO ADD SECTION 25150.1 TO AND ADD CHAPTER 6.7 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 25280) TO DIVISION 20 OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, AS APPROVED BY THE GOVERNOR SEPTEMBER 23, 1984. The State legislation left room for local governments to establish their own ordinances which San Bernardino County and 14 of its 17 cities did (Ontario, Upland, and Rancho Cucamonga did not). The County ordinance is inclusive and clear as to everything required can be done with today's technology according to Jon Kindschy, County official assigned in the County Department of Environmental Health Services for this task. The County has made clear that new industrial installations are to include leak -detection systems and secondary containment, which can mean double -wall tanks or liner systems. The secondary containment is required by gasoline service stations if environmental factors deem it necessary to protect ground water. The County Department of Environmental Health Services stated that for existing tanks the County will follow State regulatory language so that there will be some confusion until the State sets standards later this summer. Staff Report --UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (AB 1362) Page 2 It is recommended that Grand Terrace rescind Ordinance No. 74 in its entirety and adopt Division 8 of Title 3 of San Bernardino County Code by reference including amendments which add provisions pertaining to underground storage of hazardous systems, since the County Fire Department crews are not trained or designated for surveilance and enforcement of hazardous waste generators per Section 3. Division 8 will authorize the San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health Services, Hazardous Waste and Toxic Control Section, to handle the program of education, permit surveilance and enforcement of hazardous waste generators. The County -wide education and enforcement program will be a fee -for -services program with fees ranging from $81 to $300 per year. This education and enforcemnt program will be supplemented by on -site visits of industrial facilities by specialists who will assist plant owners/managers in assuring that their hazardous wastes are handled in a manner that will protect public health and the environment, and that will comply with the State laws. Current County fees per County Ordinance No. 2838 are: Plan Review $175 first tank; each additional tank $45 Annual Permit $ 95 first tank; each additional tank $45 at same site. Staff recommends that the Council: A. RESCIND ORDINANCE NO. 74 IN ITS ENTIRETY. B. APPROVE FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY OF THE ATTACHED ORDINANCE --"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING DIVISION 8 OF TITLE 3 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CODE BY REFERENCE." C. SET PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF SAID ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 26, 1984. SA:lo Encl. ENDING CITY (10 N ORDINANCE NO. CIL APPROVAL AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO 74 AND ADOPTING DIVISION 8 OF TITLE 3 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CODE BY REFERENCE, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS THERETO, WHICH ADDS PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace has determined it to be in the best interest of the City to have the provisions pertaining to to underground storage of hazardous substances enforced by the County of San Bernardino; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Rescission - Ordinance No. 74 is hereby rescinded in its entirety. SECTION 2. Adoption of Division 8 of Title 3 of San Bernardino County Code - Division 8 of Title 3 of the San Bernardino County Code is ere y opted by reference, including any amendments thereto, as the law of the City of Grand Terrace. SECTION 3. Penalties - Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment. Such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this Ordinance is committed, continued or permitted by such person and shall be punishable therefor as provided by this Ordinance. SECTION 4. Validity - This Ordinance and the various parts, chapters, sections, and clauses of-6ivision 8 of Title 3 are hereby declared to be severable. If any part, sentence, paragraph, section, or clause is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each part thereof, regardless of the fact that one or more parts hereof be declared unconsititutional or invalid. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect at 12.01 a.m. on the 31st day after its adoption. SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in three (3) public places designated for such purpose by the City Council. n 11 SECTION 7. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the day of , 1984, and finally adopted and ordered posted at a regular meeting of said City Council on the day of , 1984. ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. Approved as to form: C i ty Attorney Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. - 2 - THE FULL TEXT OF THIS-9RDINANCE IS ON PILE IN THE CITE' -CLERK'S OFFICE i ORDINANCE NO. ORDI.�ANC.-' OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 2 A.MEN'DING THE COUNTY CODE BY ADDING A NEW 3 DIVISION 8 TO TITLE 3, WHICH ADDS PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS 4 SUBSTANCES 5 � The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino, 6 follows: 7 State of California, does ordain as 8 9 SECTION 1. The San Bernardino County Code is hereby amended by amending DIVISION 8 of Title 3, which division shall 10 11 be as follows: 12 13 DIVISION 8 14 .I UNDERGROUND STOR-A.GE OF HAZA-RDOUS SUBST.L.NCES , 7 I 1. Definitions .3 II 2. Peri:'—s 7 O i! ?. Fee .^.ec',1-_emeat 20 i �. =ns ections -� 21 �i �. Confidential Natter 22 6. S-crate Tank :.--cuirements I 23 1) _ 7. Monitoring and Reporting ' 24 I 8. Modifying and Terminating Permits 25 ! 9. Repair of Underground Storace Tanks 26 10. Underground Storage Tank Not in Use 11. Fines and Penalties 27 28 i 29 C.ha;:)ter 1 30 DEFINIT_IONS 31 ! Sections: 77 I I� 38.011 Definitions 33 34 138.011 Definitions 3z For purposes of this chapter, the folle�.-.^.c definiticns - - STi,kFF REP-ni T Date: 4/5/84 � C R A ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (XX) AGENDA ITEM NO. MEETING DATE: APRIL 12, 1984 SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FOR ENGINEERING, BUILDING AND SAFETY, AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT FUNDING IS REQUIRED X FUNDING IS NOT REQUIRED Staff is recommending a budget appropriation of $15,861 for the Engineering, Building and Safety, and Planning Department for the remaining three and one-half months of Fiscal Year 1983-84. The three department's budgets were reduced during the budget process in the Spring of 1983, while the demand for services in these areas has increased. Certain projects were requested but line items were not provided for engineering services. Monies from the City Manager and City Engineer line items were used for the engineering of these projects. Attached is a Memorandum to the City Manager from the City Engineer showing the areas in question. The attachments show summary of accounts, budget comparison, projected revenues and expenditures, etc. Staff recommends that the Council: A. AUTHORIZE THE TRANSFER OF $8,000 FROM PUBLIC WORKS, CONTRACTUAL SERVICES, LINE ITEM NO. 10-4610-255 TO CITY ENGINEER, PROFESSIONAL AND SPEC. SERVICES, LINE ITEM NO. 10-4170-250. B. APPROPRIATE $15,861 FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE TO COVER APPROPRIATIONS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM (PAGE 1) FROM THE CITY ENGINEER TO THE CITY MANAGER. SA: Io