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22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 —r Civic Center ' (909) 824-6621 w Fax (909)783-7629 Fax (909) 783-2600 ' Byron R Matteson ' Mayor ' Dan Buchanan Mayor Pro Tempore Y 4 Herman Hilkey Jim Singley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager FILE COPY January 23, 1997 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetmgs 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6.00 p.m Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 D1 I, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 22795 Barton Road JANUARY 23, 1997 6 00 P M. - - ---- 2 TM MY OF GRAND T MCE COWLS WnH TM AMERICANS IBA TI � 991# #� � s7s 1� ASSL 'TAi �T'€ ,41M*A TICS MEET6n PLEAWCA . THECiTY CLEWS OMCE AT <909) 8 &TLE&T 48 HOURS PRIOR TO �! * Call to Order - * Invocation - Pastor Tom Comstock, Assembly of God Church * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - AGENDA ITEMS STAFF COUNCIL RECOM14 EMATIONS I ACTION CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Approve 1 Approval of 01-09-97 Minutes 2 Approval of Check Register CRA012397 Approve �a AuJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1. Items to Delete 2. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. Recycling Family of the Month - December 1996 3. CONSENT The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be ailed upon by the Council at one time without dice mion. Any Count Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Approve A Approve Check Register No 012397 B Ratify 01-23-97 CRA Action C Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda D Approval of 01-09-97 Minutes E Staff Travel to League of California Cities City Managers Approve Department Meeting in Monterey February 5-7, 1997 Approve F Staff Travel to Annual California and Pacific Southwest Approve Recreation and Park Conference in Sacramento March 13-16, 1997 4. PUBLIC COMMENT PENDING C RA APPROVAL REGULAR MEETING - TANUARY 9, 1997 A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on January 9, 1997, at 6 00 p m PRESENT: Byron R Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency Member Jun Singley, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, Agency Secretary Virgil Barham, Building and Safety Director IA Sheree Stewart, Sheriffs Department ABSENT: Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Bernard Simon, Finance Director Pahima Materassi, Community Development Director John Harper, City Attorney APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 12, 1996 CRA MINUTES CRA-97-01 MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER EMKEY, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA WAS ABSENT), to approve the December 12, 1996 CRA Minutes APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER NO CRA122696 & CRA010997 CRA-97-02 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER HII.KEY, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA WAS ABSENT), to approve Check Register No CRA122696 & CRA010997 Chairman Matteson adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 6 10 p m. SECRETARY of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace CHAIRMAN of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace O R A AGENDA ITEM w. ` PAGE 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: JANUARY 23, 1997 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: CHECK REGISTER NO: JANUARY 23,1997 012397 HECK NO. VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P11641 CASH (ARROWHEAD ESCROW) PURCHASE PROPERTY AT 12466 MT VERNON 72,250 00 37366 DAN BUCHANAN STIPENDS FOR JANUARY, 1997 15000 37372 RAUL COLUNGA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INTERN 49800 37374 DAGOSTINO ENGINEERING TENTATIVEIFINAL MAP, 22381 VAN BUREN 35000 37378 ELITE CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION OF PROPERTY AT 22312 KENTFIELD 10,440 00 37381 LEE ANN GARCIA STIPENDS FOR JANUARY, 1997 15000 37384 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES FOR PROPERTIES UNDER REHABILITATION 18900 37388 HERMAN HILKEY STIPENDS FOR JANUARY, 1997 15000 37390 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE FOR FEBRUARY, 1997 3843 37397 BYRON MATTESON STIPENDS FOR JANUARY, 1997 15000 37404 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 620 37413 JAMES SINGLEY STIPENDS FOR JANUARY, 1997 15000 37413 SOUTHERN CA EDISON COMPANY ELECTRIC FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION BUILDING AND PROPERTIES UNDER PROGRAM 8859 37414 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY GAS FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION BUILDING AND PROPERTIES UNDER PROGRAM 44.52 TOTAL' 84,664.74 9 A a r PAGE 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE: JANUARY 23, 1997 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: 1.4 ► • ► 1 • : P11630 JEFFREY STALLINGS P11631 MICHAEL MULLINS P11632 BETTY TRIMBLE P11633 BRENDA STANFILL P11634 THOMAS SCHWAB Pl1635 TRACEY MARTINEZ P11636 JOHN DONLEVY P11637 LOUISE SMITH P11638 ELIZABETH DUARTE P11839 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY P11640 COMCAST CABLEVISION P11642 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY ' P11643 COMCAST CABLEVISION P11644 RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY C P11645 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY P11646 COMCAST CABLEVISION > 37357 ADAIR INC 0 37358 ADDINGTON ENGINEERING ri ov 37359 ADVANTAGE BUSINESS FORMS tj 37360 AIRBORNE EXPRESS 37361 AMERICAN BUSINESS SYSTEMS y 1 37362 AON 40 37363 DONALD BAILEY r-IF _ 37364 ANGELO/ERIN BARTELL 37365 BRUNICK ALVEREZ & BATTERSBY 37366 DAN BUCHANAN CHECK REGISTER NO: 012397 JANUARY 23, 1997 DESCRIPTION AMOUN SICK LEAVE BUY-OUT FOR 1996 49283 SICK LEAVE BUY-OUT FOR 1996 51466 SICK LEAVE BUY-OUT FOR 1998 61368 SICK LEAVE BUY-OUT FOR 1996 80486 SICK LEAVE BUY-OUT FOR 1996 1,63243 SICK LEAVE BUY-OUT FOR 1996 52195 SICK LEAVE BUY-OUT FOR 1996 87105 SICK LEAVE BUY-OUT FOR 1996 63119 SICK LEAVE BUY-OUT FOR 1996 64169 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 117/97 559 60 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 1/7/97 30870 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 1/9/97 11093 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 1/9/97 21848 WATER FOR MERLE COURT 9174 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 1/14/97 41536 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 1/14/97 9393 BINGO CHAIR FOR SENIOR CENTER 21523 ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR DECEMBER, 1996 83136 PRINT CITY NEWSLETTER/RECREATION BROCHURES 4,12359 EXPRESS MAIL 1045 MAINTENANCE ON MAIL MACHINE (1 YEAR) 25500 PUBLIC OFFICIALS INSURANCE BOND 17600 REFUND, PARKING CITATION 2500 REFUND, PARKING CITATION 2500 BOOKING FEE LITIGATION 515 STIPENDS FOR JANUARY, 1997 30000 PAGE 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE: JANUARY 23, 1997 r OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: CHECK NO• VENDOR 37397 BYRON MATTESON 37398 METLIFE 37399 METROPOLITAN LIFE INS COMPANY 37400 MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS 37401 MUNIMETRIX, INC 37402 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY 37403 PAGENET 37404 PETTY CASH 37405 KATHY PIERSON 37406 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 37407 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 37408 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 37409 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 37410 SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INC 37411 BERNARD SIMON 37412 JAMES SINGLEY 37413 SOUTHERN CA EDISON COMPANY 37414 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY 37415 THE SUN 37416 SYSCO 37417 MICHAEL TODD 37418 USAA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 37419 WAXIE 37420 WESTERN EXTERMINATORS COMPANY JANUARY 23, 1997 DES-CREDON CHECK REGISTER NO: STIPENDS FOR JANUARY, 1997 LIFE INSURANCE FOR FEBRUARY, 1997 LIFE INSURANCE FOR FEBRUARY, 1997 TAX FORM, FINANCE DEPARTMENT RENT SOFTWARE, CITY CLERK PROGRAM SUPPLIES FOR CHILD CARE AIR TIME FOR PAGER, JANUARY, 1997 REIMBURSE GENERAL PETTY CASH —FINANCE INSTRUCTOR, TINY TUMBLERS/GYMNASTICS BOOKING FEES FOR DECEMBER, 1996 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FEES, 3RD QUARTER LAW ENFORCEMENT/CRIME PREVENTION OFFICER, JAN 1997 DUMPING CHARGES, 11/20-12/12/96 SIGNAL MAINTENANCE FOR DECEMBER, 1996 REIMBURSEMENT FOR FINANCE SEMINAR STIPENDS FOR JANUARY, 1997 ELECTRIC FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES, STREET LIGHTS, MERIDIANS, PARK, AND SIGNALS GAS FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS FOOD FOR CHILD CARE OPEN/CLOSE PARKS, DECEMBER, 1996 LIFE INSURANCE FOR J SINGLEY (6 MONTHS) JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FOR CIVIC CENTER PEST CONTROL FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES 012397 30000 29095 86810 8661 30000 11965 1150 14482 61360 1,68542 2.64000 88,292 00 64004 36352 3220 30000 7,37749 74786 16860 93667 23500 80826 15160 155.00 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL CITY COUNCEL MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - TANUARY 9. 1997 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on January 9, 1997 at 6 00 p m PRESENT: Byron R Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Jun Smgley, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Virgil Barham, Building and Safety Director Lt Sheree Stewart, Sheriffs Department ABSENT: Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patrma Materassi, Community Development Director John Harper, City Attorney The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Sahm Elias, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Pro Tem Buchanan SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A Presentation by Terrace View Elementary School Principal - Maryetta Ferrel Maryetta Ferrel, Principal, Terrace View Elementary School gave a presentation on the history, programs, and goals of Terrace View Elementary School. She reported that Terrace View Elementary School has submitted an application to become a Blue Ribbon School in the USA and stated that the application is in the process of being reviewed in Washington at tlus time She introduced Mrs. Lisa Slade and her third grade class They performed the "Fifty -Nifty United States " CONSENT CALENDAR CC-97-01 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, CARRIED 4-0-1-0, (COUNCELMEMBER GARCIA WAS ABSENT), to approve the following consent calendar items A Approval of check Register No 122696 & 010997 B Ratify 01-09-97 CRA Action C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda D Approval of 12-12-96 Minutes rat "',' TL �1�� 11 #� a Council Minutes January 9, 1997 Page 3 Grand Terrace is a great place to purchase a gift or have your watch repaired He also reported that he went to the new dentist office in town and encouraged everyone to stop by and visit this beautiful facility Mayor Matteson, reported that they are in the process of working on trying to figure out what we can do with the old GTI Market and encouraged anyone who has a good idea to let us know. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6A First Reading - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, Calif orma Amending Grand Terrace MunIMW Code, QWter 10 08. Establishing Speed Limits for Various Streets in the City of Grand Terrace Mayor Matteson opened discussion to the public, there being none he returned the discussion to Council Councilmember Hilkey, expressed his dissatisfaction with measuring the speed of the cars and building our laws around the speed of the existing cars He feels that the speed limits should be set to protect the residents MaXor Matteson, stated that if the speed limits are not realistic they can't be enforced. Director of Building and Safety. Barham, stated that in order to enforce the speed hmit by radar we are required to set realistic speed limits which is determined by these surveys. Councilmember Nifty, questioned how many tickets have been issued by using a radar gun that we weren't able to win. Lt. Stewart. responded that recently they have not been writing radar tickets due to the fact that we are required to produce a valid, current, up-to-date survey when appearing in court and Grand Terrace's survey is out of date CC-97-04 MOTION BY COUNCILMEIVIBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, CARRIED 3-1-1-0 (COUNCIL-EMEBER HII.KEY VOTED NO AND COUNCILMEM BER GARCIA WAS ABSENT), to approve the First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California Amending Grand Terrace Municipal Code, Chapter 10 08, Estabhshmg Speed Limits for Various Streets in the City of Grand Terrace BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 8A Residential Trash Service Collection Exemptions City Manager's Department STAFEREPORT CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL TEEM (XX) MEETING DATE January 23, 1997 SUBJECT STAFF TRAVEL TO THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CITY MANAGERS DEPARTMENT MEETING The League of California Cities is holding its City Managers Department Meeting on February 5-7, 1997 in Monterey, Ca I am requesting that Council authorize attendance at this conference for the City Manager and Assistant City Manager Sufficient funds are available in the travel and meeting account To save on expenses, we plan to drive rather than fly to Monterey AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER'S AND ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER'S TRAVEL TO THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CITY MANAGERS DEPARTMENT MEETING IN MONTEREY, CA. ON FEBRUARY 5-7, 1997. TS yjm Attachment COUNCIL AGENDA 1iEN1W`tJ� Preliminary Program r,._•+••scdev Februaa� REGISTRATION OPEN - Regency Bdlroom Foyer 11 00 am - 5-00 Pm 00 - 3-15 pm OPENING GENERAL SESSION 2 00 Group Civic Leadership for The 21st Century- New Roles for City Managers ICIW Strategic 1.eadalhip Speaker Chris Gates, President. National Civic League 3 30 - 5-00 Pm GENERAL SESSION 30 - 5-00 P Using Effective Humor in the Workplace � - 6-00 pm HOSTED WELCOMING RECEPTION AND CITY MANAGERS EXECUTI VE S INSTITUTE "OPEN HOUSE" n.zwFebraa.N 6 REGISTRATION OPEN - Regency Ballroom Foyer 8 00 am - 5-00 Pm GENERAL SESSION g00-1030am Kw_ CMP4 SpeakerwAngeles Ames. Founder and president, Foundation for Cross Cultural Education standing r00m session at the and Research. Ssusal", auth - Vie Fow Fold Way This was a 1CMA Conference to Denver GENERAL SESSION 10 45 - noon proposition 218 Requirements, Implications and Actions xw Cw0w5 PA*06413M LUNCHEON AND DEPARTMENT AWARD noon - 1-45 pm GENERAL PRESENTATIONS �1 l'L 0Vw4 -me Importance and Benefits of youth Programs and Meatoria; gh*9clazb* 2:00 - 3.30 Pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS b This the Right jungle (Or, `Am I where I want to be and where that''") Kw CwVw8 L k8 EL The Care and Feeding of Yourself Integrity CONCURRENT SESSIONS 3.45 - 5-.00 pin L Booking UP With CW=w 1CW (3tsP3 ' 1 Cw;p7rxMMwwK3M IL AreYou Ready for the TMrd 1V &8nium' Sponsored Reception - Tentative 5-00 - 630 pm En V Febrrtnry 7 REGISTRATION OPEN -Regency Ballroom Foyer 8 � am - noon BREAKFAST DISCUSSIONS 8-900am 00 00 INFORMAL CONTINENTAL DEPARTMENT BUSINESS SESSION GENERAL SESSION: - 10 15 am pratdeat's Report Department Director's Report ICMA Report 2 STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (I) DATE: 1/23/97 SUBJECT: ATTENDANCE TO ANNUAL CPRS CONFERENCE PROPOSED ACTION Approve travel of the Director of Recreation Services to attend the annual California and Pacific Southwest Recreation and Park Conference to be held in Sacramento BACKGROUND This year, the California Parks and Recreation Society will be hosting its annual conference in the City of Sacramento on March 13-16, 1997 Director of Recreation Services, Karen Gerber is requesting to attend Funds have been budgeted and approved by Council for the activity in the FY 96/96 budget FORM MOTION APPROVE THE ATTENDANCE OF THE DIRECTOR OF RECREATION SERVICES TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL CPRS CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN SACRAMENTO, MARCH 13-16, 1997 JWD/kg COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM # 3f _ COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE January 23, 1997 DATE January 9, 1997 PROPOSED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND/OR STAFF The Parks and Recreation Committee recommends that due to the exceptional service rendered by Dick Rollins to the parks and the community of Grand Terrace, that Terrace Hills Park be renamed to honor him as Dick PwMns Park COUNCIL AGENDA n= 16NGI COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE, January 23, 1997 DATE January 9, 1997 PROPOSED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND/OR STAFF The Parks and Recreation Committee recommends that the City of Grand Terrace secure an option to purchase forty acres of land currently owned by Southern California Edison adjacent to Pico Park in Grand Terrace for future Park and Recreation development rmuNaLAGENDA ITEm aSalb CITY OF GRAND TERRACE RECEIVED CRIME PREVENTION CONEMa=E I D N I N? Regular Meeting MINUTES '�%iTY CLERK'S DEPT December 9,1996 The Grand Terrace Crime Prevention Committee met for the regular meeting at the Senior Center Meeting was called to order at 6 03 PM by Chairperson, Philomene Spisak. MEMBERS PRESENT were Phiilomene Spisak, Chairperson, Bitsy Miller, Vice Chairperson, JoAnn Johnson, Dottie Raborn, Robert Stewart and Jackie Ku= MEMBERS ABSENT - Dick Rollins ('in hospital) and Alternate Member, Mike Fasenmyer CITY STAFF -Tonya Nelson, Community Services Officer and Tom Schwab, City Manager GUESTS PRESENT- Lt Stewart, Sheriffs Department AGENDA was approved with no changes Motion by Jackie Kiacz and second by Bitsy Miller N I[NUTES - Meeting of November 18, 1996 were approved with a one word correction Page 1, under BUDGET, line 4 was changed from present it more in the form of a ledger Changed to read present it more in the form of a report. Motion by Bitsy Miller and second by Jackie Kiacz PUBLIC COMMENT - None CORRESPONDENCE - None BUDGET - $250 73 was spent for uniforms, $768 49 for cones and die cutter and $13 76 spent from petty cash. $1320 04 is encumbered and an ending balance of $4474 42 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - A- Community Crime Reporting a. O K. Although some reports are very poor and slow Tom Schwab says he will work on getting better, more timely reports b There was a creme near the corner of Thames and Eton. Items were taken away in a wheelbarrow c The question Why doesn't the report include all major crimes? lead to a discussion of what is left off the report d Tom Schwab explained why speed limits could not be arbitrarily set because of the rules covering radar and actual speed of vehicles e There was futher discussion on articles in Grand Terrace City News Good this time B a. Tom Schwab reported on the banner/pole situation. Used poles would cost at least $5000 Banners are at least $600 Does the community really want to spend that much? It was pointed out that banners could be modified and reused Will be further researched C Grand Terrace Days committee will meet January 7th at 6pm at City Hall Will be broken into smaller special task committees Letters will be sent soon. couraca AAA rt9A s,�A'2(1 SAM RUIEO CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) FUNDING REQUIRED SUBJECT RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND, Community Development Department MEETING DATE January 23, 1997 NO FUNDING REQUIRED _X_ BRSP-96-01/ E-96-13, and application to amend the Barton Road Specific Plan as follows 1) to create an interim overlay district to suspend the non -conforming status of existing residential units for a period of 10 years, in the eastern portion of the Office Professional District, and 2) to allow establishment and operation of technical and trade schools, and higher/educational schools within the BRSP Approval On November 21, the Planning Commission reviewed and approved the residential overlay district item 1) above, denied item 3, the proposed amendment to include dnve-thru restaurants in the Village Core district, and postponed discussion of item 2, techrucal trade schools until the December 5th meeting On December 5, 1996, the Planning Commission continued their review of technical and trade school uses address Staffs recommendation to include higher/professional education type uses as part of the technical and trade school amendment (please refer to Attachment 3) The Planning Commission also recommended the City Council approve these amendments as proposed (please refer to City Council Ordinance reviewed and approved by the City Attorney - Attachment -1) The overall purpose of this amendment, is to protect residential neighborhoods, and facilitate establishment of new businesses in the Barton Road Specific Plan District The City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department is initiating the subject amendments to the Barton Road Specific Plan, and no development plans have been submitted as part of the proposal, however, site specific conditions and facilities may be necessary with specific development and tenant occupancy applications Within the last couple of years the Grand Terrace Community Development Department has received inquires about improvements to existing housing uruts located in the BRSP, and establishment of technical/trade and higher/professional educational school type businesses The proposed BRSP amendments include 1) an Interim Overlay District near the intersection of Palm Ave and Preston St. for the duration of 10 years commencing on the 31st day of the ordinance adoption, to preserve the existing housing stock and protect from disinvestment caused by non -conforming status of residential units in the Specific Plan, and 2) inclusion of Technical/Trade, and Higher/Professional Educational School type uses into the BRSP Land Use Matrix 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5Wtj"ML8AGMA rrEM # I& A ORDINANCE NO. - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN OF SAID CITY IN BRSP-96-01-Al AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION E-96-Al, LOCATED IN A 1.3 MILE LONG CORRIDOR ALONG BARTON ROAD EXTENDING FROM THE RIVERSIDE FREEWAY (INTERSTATE 215) ON THE WEST TO THE INTERSECTION OF BARTON ROAD AND VICTORIA STREET ON THE EAST, AMENDING THE PLAN AS FOLLOWS: 1) TO CREATE AN INTERIM OVERLAY DISTRICT TO SUSPEND THE NON- CONFORMING STATUS OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL UNITS FOR A PERIOD OF 10 YEARS, IN THE EASTERN PORTION OF THE OFFICE PROFESSIONAL DISTRICT; and 2) TO ALLOW ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF TECHNICAL AND TRADE SCHOOLS, AND HIGHER/ PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL SCHOOLS WITHIN THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN, FILED By THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is located in the Grand Terrace Redevelopment WHEREAS, the Community Development Department has initiated the proposed amendment and approved by the Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, the following findings have been set forth in the Staff Report to the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. FACTS The Intrnm Overlay District to susnend the non-cogdam f e ,cuing residential_ uts for a period of 10 years proposal is consistent with the General Plan Goal for Housing Conditions which is, "To promote and encourage the rehabilitation of deteriorated dwelling units and the conservation of currently sound housing stock " The Inclusion of Technical and Trade and Higher/Prof-cmdonal Educational Schools w►thin the Barton Road Specific Plan proposal is consistent with the General Plan Goal for Community Development and Commercial Use which is, "Maintenance and continued development of Grand Terrace's established commercial areas, and encouragement of new commercial development " ATTACHMENT -1, Ordinance ce and Negative Declaration ' .�_ ' / I f ' Y I . I f.! / I ! I I ! !1L • ilf /. I ' ! I I / )=71MY ell I I Section 2 Barton Road Specific Plan Land Use Map, Exhibit III is hereby amended by graphically indicating the boundaries of the proposed mterun residential overlay \� Section 3 Barton Road Specific Plan Chapter III, Section D - Land Use Regulations, Table 1 - Land Use Matrix, Office and Administrative Uses is hereby amended to read as follows General Commercial(2) Village Commercial(2) Office / Professional(2) Y (Subarea 1) (Subarea 2) (Subarea 3) Office and Administrative Uses Technical and Trade Schools. Higher/Professronal Educational Schools(6) r. Notes Y � � � I ' ! • ! �i!i I I Ij riJ! i_l_�J �_ ! _I!i I Section 4 Development decisions shall be based on the Barton Road Specific Plan standards as incorporated and adopted by Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace Section 5 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect at 12 01 a.m on the 31 st day of its adoption Section 6 Posting. The City Clerk shall cause thus ordinance to be posted in three (3) public places within fifteen (15) days of its adoption, as designated for such purpose by the City Council 3 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration is hereby filed on the below referenced project, on the basis that said project will not have a significant effect on the environment DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT- BRSP-96-13, E-96-13, an application to amend the Barton Road Specific Plan as Follows 1) to create an interim overlay district to suspend the non -conforming status of existing residential units for a period of 10 years, in the eastern portion of the Office Professional District, 2) to allow establishment and operation of technical and trade schools within the BRSP, and 3) to allow drive-thru establishments within the village core area, and an application for Environmental Review APPLICANT: \ J� City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department LOCATION - Within the Barton Road Specific Plan Corridor (BRSP) area encompassing approximately a 13 mile long corridor along Barton Road extending for the Riverside Freeway (1-215) on the west to the intersection of Barton Road and Victoria Street on the east FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS: Based on the attached Initial Study, there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant impact on the environment Patnzla Materassi Community Development Director City of Grand Terrace lm c \wp61\. \p1annmg\cnvronk%13 nd Date -Yes Maybe d The destruction, covering or modification of any unique or features? geologic physical e Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off site? f Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes m - - - - - situation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the lakes ocean or any bay, inlet or g Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or hazards9 wiflar 2 Au Will the proposal result in. a. Substantial au emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? b The creation of objectionable odors? c Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally9 3 Water Will the proposal result in a. Substantial changes to currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters 2 '3 t S 6 7 E1 -YZ Maybe b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? C. Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Lfe Will the proposal result in a. Change m the diversity of , species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land anunals mcludmg reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)- b Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals9 �( C. Deterioration to existing fish or wildbfe habitat? Noise. Will the proposal result in a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result m a substantijl alteration of the present or land v planned use of an areal 4 F 14 15 16 c� Maybe d Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Public Services Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas. a. Fire protection9 b Police protection9 c Schools? d Parks or other recreational facihties9 e Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? £ Other governmental services9 Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b Substantial increase m demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy Utilities Will the proposal result to a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities. G1 R VA- x x rs� � b. Will the proposal result in Maybe adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure or objects �{ C. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? d Will the proposal restnct existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? 21 Mandatory Findings of Significance a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short. term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief; definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) _ c Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable9 (A project's impact on two or 8 TO: FROM: DATE: Planning Commission Community Development Department November 21, 1996 Community Development Department SUBJECT: BRSP-96-01-Al, E-96-13, and application to amend the Barton Road Specific Plan as follows.1) to create an interim overlay district to suspend the non -conforming status of existing residential units for a period of 10 years, in the eastern portion of the Office Professional District; 2) to allow establishment and operation of technical and trade schools within the BRSP; and 3) to allow drive-thru estab ubments within the Village Core area. APPLICANT: City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department LOCATION: Within the Barton Road Specific Plan District RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the fourth Barton Road Specific Plan amendment, BRSP-96-01-A 1 based on the findmgs contained in the staff report PURPOSE: The overall purpose of this amendement, is to protect residential neighborhoods, and facilitate establishment of new businesses in the Barton Road Specific Plan District. ` 00000000000444040000000000000040000 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Staff has completed an Initial Study to evaluate the environmental impacts of the project to identify any potential impacts A Negative Declaration is recommended for approval (refer to Attachment - B) ATTACHMENT - 29 Planning Commission report dated November 21, 1996 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 - (5 r BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Director's Note: This section of the report is to provide the Planning Commission with information on project background, code requirements, outside agency comments, staff development review process, and negotiations with applicant (as applicable) over past two months The City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department is initiating the subject amendments to the Barton Road Specific Plan, and no development plans have been submitted as part of the proposal, however, site specific conditions and facilities may be necessary with specific development and tenant occupancy applications Within the last couple of years the Grand Terrace Community Development Department has received inquires about improvements to existing housing units located in the BRSP, technical/trade school type businesses, and dnve- thru establishments at the intersection of Barton Road and Mt Vernon Ave ANALYSIS: 1. General Plan Consistency The proposed amendments are consistent with the General Plan land use district designations of General Commercial, and Office Professional O The Interun Overlay District to &=gnd the non-conforrninE status of existing residential units for a Mnod of 10 years proposal is consistent with the General Plan Goal for Housing Conditions which is, "To promote Y, and encourage the rehabilitation of deteriorated dwelling units and the conservation of currently sound housing stock " O The inclusion of Dnve-thru res =rant establishments within the Village Core dIstrIct of the Barton Road Specific Plan proposal is consistent with the General Plan Goal for Community Development and Commercial Use which is, "Maintenance and continued development of Grand Terrace's established commercial areas, and encouragement of new commercial development " 2. Barton Road Specific Plan Amendments The Barton Road Specific Plan is the zoning tool implements by the City to "ensure the systematic unplementation of the City of Grand Terrace's General Plan within the Specific Plan area. To fulfill this purpose, the document provides a comprehensive plan for land use, development regulations, design guidelines, development incentives and other related actions aimed at implementing the goals and objectives set forth in the Plan." therefore demand will exist for the easterly area hereby mdentified by the proposed Overlay District. Revisions to the BRSP include the application of the overlay onto the Specific Plan Land Use Map, and a description of the overlay district placed on page II-9, which will state, "An interim overlay for the duration of 10 years commencing in February, 1997, is also included in this distract to preserve the existing housing stock and protect from disinvestment caused by non -conforming status of residential units in the Specific Plan' (refer to Attachment F - Page II-9 Land Use Plan with proposed description of the Interim Overlay Distract) This proposal will not be in conflict with the General Plan Task Force desire to promote the area surrounding City Hall as a Cultural Center of Grand Terrace Furthermore the proposal is only temparory and continues to allow the construction of offices and perhaps public facilities in the area. �► Inclusion of Technical and Trade School uses within the BRSP is intended to complement the existing commercial type businesses and increase pedestrian activity within the Specific Plan area. The proposal will include the entire Specific Plan area. A few technical and trade schools include Vehicular Driving Schools, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and other preporatory courses, and Vocational Training Schools to name a few Revision to the BRSP includes listing "Technical and Trade School' use into the BRSP Land Use Matrix under the Office and Administrative Uses category (refer to Attachment G - Land Use Matrix) A foot note has been included to draw attention to Building and other Health and Safety Code requirements which states,"EXISTING STRUCTURES in the Barton Road Specific Plan are either R3 (residential), or B2 (commercial) Uniform Building Code (UBC) occupancy Special requirements or occupancy change may apply NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES may require E (educational) occupancy classification." That statement is crucial because technical and trade schools are general assembly type uses and depending on the type of structure it will occupy could dictate the intensity of fire wall protection on exterior walls For example, most of the commercial shopping centers in the Specific Plan are classified as "B" occupancy (Commercial) per UBC, and if used for educational purposes with less then 50 occupants will require a 1 hour fire wall be constructed along the exterior wall if setback is less than 20 feet from the property line. In most rases the Building Official will classify the use as an "E" occupancy (Educational) per UBC, and require a 2 hour exterior fire wall E I adopt design standards for development of drive-thru establishments However, combining all currently in place design standards as mentioned above, will allow the effective review of any proposed drive-thru establishment. Revisions to the BRSP include listing drive-thru establishments in the Land Use Matrix as a Conditionally Pernutted Use in the General Commercial and Village Commercial Districts (refer to Attachment E - BRSP Land Use Matrix) r l Reviewing Agency Comments: The following responses have been received from the City's Reviewing Agencies The Building and Safety/Public Works comment's are included in their memorandum dated October 30, 1996, refer to Attachment C The comments mention a few different occupancy classifications which are defined in Attachment - H Note that the Building and Safety Director does not recommend allowing schools below the 12th grade because the requirements could be cost prohibitive In addition, comment number 3 includes a requirement to restnct the conversion of residential houses to commercial uses which is not the intent of the proposed amendments 1011111111 The CDF Fine Department's have no comments at this time The Transportation Engineer's comments are included in his memorandum dated October 28,1996, refer to Attachment J Director's Note: This section of the report is to request Planning Commission mpuVresohmon of unresolved issues, Unresolved issues are conditions of approval which reflect either City Codes, reviewing agency comments, and/or development review conditions applicant is not agreeable to, and staff has no authority to waive, or staff does not feel comfortable accepting applicant's solution. These issues are the ones the Planning Commission should be most concerned with Other project items the Planning Commission should try to understand the facts which underlined staff resolutions through the development review process, and try as much as possible to compliment the process There are no Unresolved Issues with the project. Staff is in full support of amendments based on research and findings provided in this report. 'tl 3 The proposed amendment to the Barton Road Specific Plan is compatible with and complimentary to the permitted uses in the same neighborhood FACTS The area new proposed interim residential overlay district is in a stage of transition between low and high density residential uses to an office professional land use pattern Existing housing is complementary to existing single family and medium density residential uses to the east and south of proposed overlay Technical and Trade School uses are compatible to public schools which is an existing and conditionally permitted use in the General Commercial District, and private schools which is existing and permitted in the Office Professional District of the Barton Road Specific Plan 4 The proposed amendments will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare, nor be materially detrimental to the use, enjoyment, or vahration of persons or other property in the surrounding area because it is required to comply with applicable health, safety, and zoning codes FACTS The proposed amendments to the Barton Road Specific Plan will not in and of itself create any adverse impacts to affect the public health, safety and welfare of the surrounding property owners All future development plans will be required to comply with all applicable health, building and zoning codes Respectfully submitted by Approved by, �c —txm Patr to Materasst Community Development Director Attachments A - Ordinance B - Negative Declaration C - Building and Safety/Public Works comments D - General Plan Land Use Map, Zonmg Map, and Barton Road Specific Plan Map E - Proposed Barton Road Specific Plan Interim Residential Overlay DimcL F - Page 11-9 Land Use Plan with proposed description of the Interim Overlay District. G - Barton Road Specific Plan Land Use Matrix H - Table SA, and 33A from the UBC I - BRSP - Freestanding Building Design Guidlmes J - Transportation Engineer's Comments PM LM tin c \wp61\. \plannmg\sp\brsp9601 1pc 9 /�,t��r/��J`►�.I�� ���1J'��\� ��� � �S�tiGii.�}14i �!'16R�t�� _ � � w ���� I�����i�i���'����1���:... . .;: PUP f ■ �I �.Mm mm; AENE MR UDi D4 2C Q o■ ■ 11: Z41010-, I'� {'c ` hti 11 � 4 S t _ 2 The Barton Road corridor4tfu°ncl'ons�as'the'City's'downtown" commercial core As such, its' image needs to be upgraded to reflect this important role in the com- munity 3 Strip commeraal development on small disaggregated lots does not lend itself to the image, scale, or function desired for the Barton Road comdor 4 The conversion of residential structures to commercialloffice uses needs to be regulated in such a way as to ensure compatibility with surrounding development and the over- all image and function of the comdor. 5 The consolidation of small parcels needs to be required and 'incentives" provided for exceptional consoridabon schemes `-� LAND USE PLAN The Land Use Plan (Exhibit III) provides for three land use categories (c istncts) correspond- ing to the three planning subareas identified earrier. These are as follows General Commercial District (GC) - Subarea 1 Village Commercial District (VC) - Subarea 21 Administrative and Professional Office District (AP) - Subarea 3 General Commercial Distnct This land use district includes a wide variety of uses which typically include supermarkets, drug stores, variety stores, apparel shops, appliance and furniture stores, and commercial recreation uses. Because of its adjacency to the freeway, this district would also permit ,j traveler related uses such as hotels, motels, and restaurants. Village Commercial Distnct The Village Commercial land use district is designed to accommodate specialty uses Such as cafes, bakeries, gift shops, flonst shops, book stores, and other similar commercial retail uses of a scale and quality that is compatible with a pedestrian oriented village atmos- phere. Other, more general -type commercial uses such as hardware, hobby, furniture, and appliance stores are also permitted but are limited in size to under 5,000 square feet total floor area. Similar uses requiring larger floor areas are more appropriate in the General Commercial Distnct. Administrative and Professional Office District This land use district is intended to accommodate professional/administrative office uses ; and personal service uses as opposed to other commercial retail uses Typically, uses in- clude medical and health care clinics, travel agencies, insurance agencies, and copy centers Other like uses consist of executive, management, administrative, or clencat uses including the establishment of branch offices, data processing centers and the provision of �- consultation establishments of a professional nature. An interim overlay for the duration of 10 years, commencing In February,1997, Is also Included in this district to preserve the existing housing stock and protect from disinvestment caused by non- conforming status of residential units in the Specific Plan _ ATTACHMENT F BARTON ROAD CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN II-9 11 TABLE t, LAND USE MATRIX General Village Office/ Commercial Commercial Professional (Subarea 1) (Subarea 2) (Subarea 3) Retail Commercial Uses Antique Shops P P Apparel Stores P P Appliance Stores and Repair P Art, Music, and Photographic Studios and Supply Stores P Pl1i Athletic and Health Gyms and Weight Reducing Clinics P C Auto Service Station P Auto Related (including motorcycles, boats, traders, campers) a)Sales (with anallary repair facilities in a totally enclosed area) b)Rentals c)Parts and Supplies P Bakeries (retail only) P _ P Barber and Beauty Shops P _ P Bicycle Shops P _ P Bluepnnt and Photocopy Services P _ P Book, Gift, Stationary Stores (other than adult related material) P P Camera Shop (includlng processing) P P Candy and Confectioneries C P China and Glassware Stores P P Cleaning and Pressing Establishments C C Curtain and Drapery Shops P P Day Care Centers C C C Delicatessens and Specialty I I Food Stores P P Drug Stores and Pharmaaes P PO) Farmers Markets P P Floor Covering Shops P Florist Shops P P Furniture Stores P Hardware Stores P P(1) BARTON ROAD CORRIDOR SPECIRC PLAN PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION III-, TABLE 1; LAND USE MATRIX (cone:) General Village Office/ ' Commerciale} Commercialm PrntevcinnAln, Entertainment and Cultural Uses (Subarea 1) (Subarea 2) (Subarea 3) Cultural/Artist Exhibits: a. Indoor gallery and art sales P P b. Outdoor artexhbits C C _ Movie Theaters P Office and Administrative Uses Banks, Finance Services and Institutions P P P Business and Office Sernces PM PQ) P Interior Decorating Fms P P P(4) Mechcal/Dental Offices and , Related Health Clinics P P p 4ntician and Ovtometrical Shoes P P p Realtors and Real Estate Offices P P P Travel &encies P P P i,0414A S4h'VVd •" 6) 00 ,,C%% yG�� r� Public and Quazi Public Uses t- -Ir •��W-- A.M Z 1 1- (1) Under 5,000 square feet gross floor area (2) Outdoor displays/uses shall take place in front of business on site, which have been approved with a conditional use permit. Under special ciramnstances, outdoor uses/displays are allowed without conditional use permits (refer to Development Regulations, Page IlI-�). (3) Permitted on the second floor, only, except for three buildings as noted." (4) Permitted with no showroom facilities. (S) Conditional permit required for off sale of alcoholic beverages within 500 feet of a school. • Office Professrooal building located at 2W Baton Road, Terrace Towne Cuter (commacW bad bated at =0 Barton Road and Grand Terrace VMage at 121N S ML Very Avenue Otba aflawanas m remaining ceMm m the VMw Commerml Subuu bawd on eme4 y-me cmeria as avalbr q of pubs& visWq of ante from street, economic har&bp pins high vacang, to be =bjW to Planning Comm== �&MovaL'-�'-` BARTON ROAD CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN PLAN DAMWERrATM AND ADMO&MtATION III-10 TABLE A&'S-A--CwUmW TYPES N ON944 M M Amn v rhui v 4 v arbour ot:wwrnou of 0CClU% jCV o NCE OF OPENIK= IN w esoFacto 3—A=iA hrs where n� a wwk done except exdsa�e a{ p�Ls and mamtehanoe requ-q no open name, weldmt, Na kss B or the use of �S 1 Permitted than (Cont.) or 11 Squids � pukng tuna (Far roqureinents. see Secraoo 709) I hour less than Zfl feet 3 feet Protected less than Helmopa 20 feet 4'tn Praha. Wwa Owlts, Pumping Ptants, cold storage and creameries Factories and worksuips using noncombustible and nonvoosrie thermal Storage and sales rooms of nxicmbustble and nonexplosive materub I hour less than S feet Na peSh etas than thu are cot packaged or crated in or stipponed by comixsstibk mmenw I —Any baaft used for edtiwtonal purposes through the 12tn trade by SO a persons for snore than 12 hours pa week a fax hours m any as �E4 2 hen tesa tlhath S feet„ Not pmruekss than —Aup $02 SO pasom for more bier 12 per week ar fart n my 1 iota � Protected less than 10 leet2 3--Any «patron used err day -cm purposes more sir pa�ooc H Set Table No. 9-C I 1--Nursahes for the f dt-Mie are of dull en mAw the age d sir (each acooumsodstatht arm dm five persons) 1 HospasK taeatuatrtss, etrsait thoI wrath nonuiibuiasory patients and Not P less than S See also sartular bun each accommodatingmtu ere n five 2 hours less than S fact. fed Section 1002 oerrea Fair bWjUWM pataerrs COM-4 ots>fntiaht mescal ate which map reader the paneat tricapabk of tenssisted 1 hour elsewhere Protected less tun pe�ioo (each saint spice aaaotamodumlt g mom than five suchpanerits 10 fee 2—Ntrang homes for ambulatory prttars. homes for tua7dren ux yeas of — age or over (each aceoanmodateg anon than five persim) I hour Not pertnatsed less than S fee Protected less than I —Mental drab, mental s ndff ins. Pilk p nsoM refa mataries and hualdmp fbatsa 2 hours less than S lea. what personal of rrnaaa we samlarhy restrained 1 has dwwbee 10 fee Mh t—Pnvate get age, arpoets. sheds and ag nc uhma16uaadings i hour less drain 3 feet See also (« may be protected an the cites« wrh Net pamitted less than Secbm 1102 matauls approved for 3 feet 1-hour f m-mswrve corim uctim) 2^—feaoes over 6 feet bglk tanks and Grass Not tegutased for fire sesistaiioe R See Abe l—Notch and sputmerr houses Cahgregate mudaices (each acoommodmv more than 10 pesans) t flout leas enrh S fan Net permitted tar ehao S feet Sectan 112M a�ocommmod"t 1100 �pessow seshderius (cacti 1 her less than 3 fed Not pmutled huts than 3 feet i C z O m _c 5 z C A v A tOpart>ss sit be protected by a fire assembly havuht at Ices a thme4burdss4houa fire -protection aatr4g ?Grasp E. Dirtnons 2 and 3 Occupancies having an occupant load of rant trwrt than 20 may bare exterior wap and opening protection as required for Group I2, Diviswn 3 0ecupanci s. tFor agrcubwal bu MMus. set Appendix Chapter 11 a t NOTES (1) Set Section 304 for types of walls affected and requiresieits eovaint pemem a of its Permitted in exterior wails. (2) For aditonai testriaiorm we chapters under Occupancy and Types of Consnvaaon (3) For walls faang yards and public ways, we pan ry K 4r 30 �f a G. SPECIFIC FREESTANDING BUILDING DESIGN GUIDELINES 1 Design issues This category includes buildings housing a single use (possible two) which are designed to stand apart from adjacent buildings usually located in a center These buildings may range in size from the tiny fast food drive-in to a hotel. Since vanous uses within freestanding buildings have diN re esign pro ems or opportunities, these nuances must be con- sidered. There are several design issues related to freestanding buildings which are not shared by the other categones• • Freestanding buildings generally are viewed from all sides so that landscaping and building matenals must be considered on gJI sides of the buildings. • Freestanding buildings generally are smaller than the strip commercial centers or shopping centers and can be overshadowed by them • Freestanding buildings have more opportunities for creative design since the design is directed toward a single use • Freestanding buildings have more opportunity for signs, but signs can easily overwhelm the building • A freestanding building usually has its own parking lot typically with its own access point(s) and often is segregated from adjacent lots ATTACHMENT I Use Varied Textures - New buildings are encouraged to include alternative treatments where these promote an intimate scale and add to the "m1lage' character identified for Bar- ton Road. Utilize wood shingles, clapboard, or board and batten siding. The textures should be limited to one or two primary materials with roofs and glass making up the remainder of textural variety Brick accents are appropriate. Use Related Colors - Buildings shall be reviewed in terms of colors used. Colors should be related to those dominant in the immediate sphere. The use of as earthtones (not just ! shades of brown) indigenous to Grand Terrace are strongly encouraged, including the natural colors of brick and tile. Screen Mechanical Equipment - All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be located at a distance from the edge of the budding so as not to be visible from the pedestrian level or from adjacent roadways If such units must be placed in a visible location for functional reasons, they shall be screened in a manner consistent with the building facade SLOPING WOOD TRELLIS VENTED SCREEN WALL VENTS SCREEN WA U A HORIZONTAL WOOD TRELLIS BARTON ROAD CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINE I IV-23 DEVELOPMENT CODE E , bEL t ttlt`t Y.UY.ubu 4 Enclosure Repair facibtm performing body and fenQer swulm notse•gaxxatmg activities shall be conducted in fuAy-aclosed smicum rv;V=�14 of concrete block or sutnlar masamals All p intumg shall occur within in epprmed od booth S Litter The premises shall be kzpt to shalt be mamtaenod m a condor r' automotive parts or Nw stored outside the main kt 6 Storage (eat and orderly commtmon at an fonts aid all rtnprovanents a of reasmabk mpau and appearance. No used or discarded or permanently disabled, junked or wracked velucles may be ExtenorZffiihwug,*,ork area shall be used for erglo eve cad customer puking ally, and not for the repair oor long tern (over one week) storage of velvcks No %ducles to be repbe pa iced or stored on any stied or us any alky 7 Hazafdous Material Einy handling, treatment, storage or use of humdotis meta W shall be subject to the regwre n=U of ampta 9 08 090 -Section 9.09,080 Drive -In. Drive -Through. Fast Food. and Take -Out Restaurants A. Pmrrpose and Intent The purpose of &a Sea= ss to emtia+e that drive-in. dive-throu* fast food, and take-out restauraits do not result w advcm impacts on swmmdiag iaghborboods by reason of customer and employee parking demaidtraffic geacrat m esomse, h9K buff. of ommUtive mspaa of such deanaads m one arm ooriswwa with the goals, obseWves, and policies of the General Play H. AppkibMq Drive-in, dme•througk fast good, or take -nit restatrants mad► be painted subject to the standards of the underlying &;Uwt and spec W eaadrt m fisted below Tlao pramoms of then SCOW Shan apply to all dnve-A dme-Rougk fast food, and takes restaumu cared or the use of which commenced after the awtive date of then Title and to any expansion of more thaa 20% of the gross floor arcs err increase of more than 25% of the number of seats w any such restaurant m use prior to the effecave daw of this Title. Floor area added for the purpose of campha= with state or local lemth laws or access requirements of the disabled shall not be included m floor area calculations for purposes of detammcng applicabd4 of thn Secuom 9.17 r Date December 5, 1996 ' To Planning Commission From Community Development Department Subject Agenda Item 3 Amendment Item 2 - Barton Road Specific Plan amendment to allow Technical and Trade Schools within the Barton Road Specific Plan District. 4•❖-:�e•❖4.4.* 44 4.4. * * *44 4.44 4.4 4**44,*#**"#ao At the November 21, 1996 Planning Commission meeting the Commission made a motion to postpone BRSP Amendment number 2 until the December 5th meeting Please refer to the November 21 st Staff Report concerning the technical and trade schools amendments discussion. It is the Community Development Department recommendation that the Planning Commission complete the amendment discussion and bring to a closure PM LM lm c \wp6l\. \plammng\sp\brsp9601.mem ATTACHMENT - 3, Memo to Planning Commission dated December 5, 1996 GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSIO KWUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 219 1996 A F T The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on November 21, 1996 at 7 00 p m by Chairman, Jimmy W Sims 6:20 P•M. ['ONVENED PART I OF PUBLIC WORKSHOP SESSION - IN CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM UPSTAIRS • 620-655pm PRESENT: Jimmy W Sims, Chairperson Fran Van Gelder, Vice -Chairperson Matthew Addington, Commissioner Moire Huss, Commissioner Mary Trainor, Commissioner Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director J Pat Peterson, Community Development Department Secretary ABSENT: Gerry Ellis, Commissioner Doug Wilson, Commissioner • Progress Report on Economic Development Research by Director Materassi Pursuant to previous request by the Planning Commission Director Materassi said she has been gathering information regarding possible alternative dons on the subject of local economic development and revitalisation. At the ciirrent time the cost vs benefits of actions are being evaluated City becoming a member of CALED (California Association for Local Economic Development) Retain a consultant recommended by CALED to perform an economic base analysis Development of surveys to determine values and needs of the community in relation to retail Downtown needs to reflect the community if it is to prosper Develop an economic development strategy to be incorporated into the General Plan Economic Development Element and reflected in the City Redevelopment Plan Design an economic development program involving the following seven actions ATTACHMENT - 4, Draft Minutes of the Planning Commission Meetings of November 21 st and December 5, 1996 N � 4 Y November 21,1996 Page 3 Planning Commission Minutes ITEM#1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 79 1996 MOTION PCM-96-65 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 19% r Motion by Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder to approve Planning Commission Meeting minutes of November 7, 1996 Seconded by Commissioner Trainor MOTION VOTE PCM-96-65 Motion carved 5-0-1-1 Commissioner Addington abstained and Commissioner Ellis absent Associate Planner, Larry Mainez joined the meeting ITEM #4 SA 96-OS/E-96-12 APPLICATION FOR SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS TO ADD A 11,200 SQUARE FOOT CHILD MINISTRY COMPLEX TO EXISTING CHURCH PROPERTY. AZURE HILLS SEVENTH -DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 22633 BARTON ROAD, GRAND TERRACE, CA Commissioner Addington announced he will abstain from all proceedings related to this project because of a conflict of interest. Staff report was presented by Larry Mainez, Associate Planner He explamed the zoning of the surrounding properties R3 to the east, R1-7 2 to the south, and R-7 2 to the north of the new project The two current portable classrooms will be removed upon approval of this project There is no specific master plan for this site at present Ile project for review at this meeting includes 8 classrooms totaling 7,304 square feet, 600 square feet for restrooms, 856 square feet of storage, and 2,477 square feet of hallway space, totaling 11,237 square feet The architecture proposed is similar to that of the existing fellowship hall structure The textures and colors, roof style and pitch will be similar to existing Skylights are proposed for classrooms Current landscape coverage is sufficient to satisfy Barton Road Specific Plan requirements November 21,1996 Page 5 Planning Commission Minutes Regarding Commissioner Van Gelder's noise concerns, he stated the Church does not anticipate any higher noise levels than are currently being experienced He requested the Planning Commission delete Condition N2, Attachment A. Page 2 of the Building and Safety requirements, Item 6, regarding installation of a standard ornamental street light There are currently 5 street lights in front of the church on Palm/Barton Road In addition, Dr Choo was not required to install an ornamental street light when he completed the remodel of the dental office across the street at the intersection of Palm/Barton Road " 1 Chairperson Suns asked what provision will be made behind the planned retaining wall for water collection Mr Addington said there are two low points where water will be collected and brought down through the wall At this initial stage of preliminary design no flooding problems are anticipated Ann Jones 22658 LaPaix Grand Terrace, CA She stated her property is adjacent to the chddren's playground of the church. At times the noise and trash generated by the children on the playground six days per week is unbearable The noise during construction two years ago was objectionable She said she objects to any expansion of the church Any future increased enrollment and decrease of playground size is objectionable Bridgette Espinoza 22668 LaPaix Grand Terrace, CA Said she also objects to expansion She has had many problems with students and has complained many tunes to the school Students have been brought to her home to apologise for throwing rocks into her back yard Children have cussed at her family in their own back yard Expansion means more children and more problems She said she would not have bought her home had she known this expansion was planned. Her property lme is separated by oleanders, chain link fence and bamboo fencing Jim Singley 22709 F Pahn Grand Terrace, CA He said this property was purchased by him for his father-in-law, an elderly man, three years ago One of the reasons he bought it was because it is next to the playground and his father- in-law spent many hours watching the children playing on the playground The church as been an excellent neighbor and he is in favor of the new structure November 21,1996 Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 has been done to school/church property He emphasized the purpose of the proposed new structure is not to expand or increase membership It is needed for existing children in the school/church He said evening activities on the tennis and basketball courts generally end before 10-11 p in but do on a rare occasion run past that time Unauthonzed people do use the lighted tennis courts at time The intention of the church is to be good neighbors Commissioner Van Gelder asked Dr Booker if the lights on the tennis courts are locked Dr Booker responded that unauthorized persons sometimes vandalize the locked access to the lights. Tom Mayer, Associate Pastor 308 E. Cypress Anaheim, CA He said the unauthorized use of the tennis courts have been addressed within the past two months Padlocks have been placed on the tennis court gates and the electrical panel which controls the lights The locks have been repeatedly cut off Commissioner Van Gelder suggested the possibility of controlling the lights from inside an office building She asked Mr Mayer when the playground lights are turned off Mr Mayer responded that there are no playground lights Deborah Stottlemeyer 22%8 Cardinal St. Grand Terrace, CA She said her property abuts the playground of the junior high school in Grand Terrace She said she faces many of the same issues as those brought up by neighbors of the proposed project She said the benefits of having a quality school in our community outweigh the problems posed by these issues She said almost 25 % of the Azure Hills School enrollment are children of the community She said it is important that the children of the school have a playground in which to play She is appreciative that the green area has been preserved in the proposed plan for playground She urged the Planning Commission to approve this project r Troy Daul 22757 Palm Grand Terrace, CA He said he is president of the Azure Hills Homeowner's Association. The Board of Directors fully supports the proposed project There have been no noise complaints to the Board during the three years he has been on the Board of Directors r November 21,1996 Page 9 Planning Commission Minutes Associate Planner Mainez said staff feels there is actually no way to condition the playground activity after hours, noise and loitering associated unauthorized persons on church/school property Director Materassi said activities of the church can be conditioned It is the community use of the facilities which cannot be conditioned Chairperson Sims and Director Materassi had a discussion regarding the use of the proposed facilities for Sabbath classes vs church activities vs expansion of the educational building Commissioner Wilson asked what the original administrative application SA-92-13 was for Director Materassi stated that was the onguW application for the two temporary classroom units for Sabbath t� classes which were to be removed in two years A two-year continuance was allowed after the uutial two year penod Chairperson Sims invited Jack Booker to tell the Planning Commission the size of the portable classrooms Dr Booker stated the modular units are 20' x 40' each He also said the new structure will be used for school classes (grades 1 and 2) in addition to Sabbath classes 'Ile school classes will take place 4-1/2 days per week Director Materassi said there is an additional evaluation of the playground area which remains to be done since the applicant has just told staff the proposed project will also be used for general educational classes (K-6) This evaluation will take into consideration the comparison of playground/green space in public schools vs pnvate educational institutions Chairperson Suns suggested Condition # 12 may need to be re -worded Commissioner Trainor said the term remedial generally means a compensatory program for children who are not performing to grade level She said the Azure Hills program as she understands it is a private elementary school, not remedial Director Materassi said staff has been using the term remedial in lieu of academic Commissioner Trainor asked for clarification regarding the increased weekday child activity in the playground area (behind UP=) of the church/school She asked if extension of the current block wall past the property owners opposing the project would be a possibility Director Materassi said that was not a consideration as heretofore staff was unaware of any complaints MOTION PCM-66 Motion by Commissioner Tramor to add Condition # 17 to require applicant to extend the current block wall on the south property line to the east property line to add a measure of noise protection for the LaPaix property owners as well as visual privacy Seconded by Commissioner Van Gelder Commissioner Huss said she is very much against the Planning Commission imposing such a block wall condition without discussion with the applicant and the surrounding property owners, and she will not vote m favor of such a condition. � y ryt i > 1 November 21,1996 Planning Commission Minutes Page 11 MOTION PCM-96-68 Motion by Commissioner Huss to delete Condition #12 in total Seconded by Commissioner Van Gelder MOTION VOTE PCM-96-68 Carved 4-1-1-1 Commissioner Wilson voted "no", Commissioner Addington abstained, and Commissioner Ellis absent MOTION PCM-96-69 Motion by Chairperson Sims to amend Condition #2 to "review the need for mstallation of an ornamental street light, to review the need for a standard ornamental street light in conjunction with the project engineer " If the findings show a street light is necessary it shall be installed Seconded by Commissioner Huss MOTION VOTE PCM-96-69 Carved 5-0-1-1 Commission Addington abstained and Commissioner Ellis absent. MOTION PCM-96-70 Motion by Chairperson Sims to approve SA-96-05 and E-96-12 pursuant to the conditions proposed by staff and amended by the Planning Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Van Gelder MOTION VOTE PCM-96-70 Carved 5-0-1-1 Commissioner Addmgton abstained and Commissioner Ellis absent way and lowered by June 1, 1997 Plans to reflect the correct location of the monument sign Alternatives - No new plans for alternative solutions were submitted but cost estimates were submitted $111,000 to relocate the building vs $33,800 to build the proposed addition Street improvements are estimated at $50,000 Changes proposed by staff to conditions of approval are as follows • Applicant to post bond for complete cost of street improvements at the intersection of Barton Road and Michigan Street 2-year deferral for the purpose of making street improvements Estimates to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer • Applicant to purchase or obtain legal use of the strip of land at the south side of the property m or to allow enough space to bnng the property up to code regarding parking requirements with one handicapped space, pnor to issuance of building permits • New landscaping shall include 930 square feet of landscaping area or more as needed to include area adjacent to the building on the east side Landscaping of the public right-of-way, along with the strip on the west penmeter side of the property Tins new landscaping does not include existing landscaping • Existing monument sign to be brought up to code according to the previous Planning Commission approval Building plans shall include the correct location of the monument sign to reflect changes to be implemented by June 1, 1997 • Landscape maintenance bond of $2,000 to be posted for a penod of five years • Dehvery of gasoline shall be performed dung night hours • Facade colors and matenals shall be consistent with the approved plan. • Landscaping irrigation plan showing the existing and proposed landscaping for the site mcludmg the parkway area the and public nght-of--way All landscaping improvement plans must be in conformance with the Barton Road Beautification Program Plan shall be submitted with the Building & Safety Dept plan check package. Applicant is to install all the landscaping in the parkway area as applicable • Compliance with the County Fire Dept and Building & Safety. • Apphcable fees shall be paid to the Colton Joint Umfied School Dist= • All aspects of this project including maintenance shall be kept in a clean and finnctional manner to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director • Add Condition #15 "Building permit plans shall show an increased intersection turning radius to 35' and relocate propane tank in a manner to meet code " Chairperson Suns expressed concern that the new landscaping should be extended on the east side of the building to Michigan St Director agreed the landscaping should be extended to prevent people from parking m that area Commissioner Addington said there are many ambigiuties m the staff report. He asked what the status is of the four motions be made at the May 2, 1996 meeting Director Materassi said those motions were incorporated into the follow-up letters to the applicant after the meeting and have been incorporated into the staff -proposed conditions of approval Commissioner Wilson said he feels it is unrealistic to ask the applicant to post a bond for 100 % of the street improvements at that intersection He said he believes the cost should be proportionate Planning Commission Minutes -- Chairperson Sims asked Director when the dedication of public nght-of=way will occur Director said it would happen in two years unless the Commission decided otherwise MOTION PCM-96-71 Motion by Chairperson Sims to amend Condition # I "Applicant to post bond for complete cost of ih street improvements at the intersection of Barton Road/Michigan Street adjacent to subject property" Balance of Condition #1 would remain as is Seconded by Commissioner Van Gelder MOTION VOTE PCM-%-71 Carved 5-1-0-1 Commissioner Addington voted "no" and Commissioner Ellis absent " MOTION PCM-96-72 Motion by Chairperson Suns to add Condition # 16 that dedication of the nght-of-way by applicant be done prior to issuance of building permits Seconded by Commissioner Huss MOTION VOTE PCM-96-72 Carved 6-0-0-1 Commissioner Ellis absent MOTION PCM-96-73 Motion by Commissioner Addington that the proposed street improvements along Michigan Street be built at the recommendations of the City Engineer and that the proposed curb return at that same intersection be 35' radius J Director Materassi said that was included in Condition #15 Motion withdrawn by Commissioner Addington November 21,1996 Planning Commission Minutes Page 17 Staff report was presented by Larry Mavez, Associate Planner The purpose of this amendment is to protect residential neighborhoods, to facilitate estabhshment of new businesses in the Barton Road Specific Plan The Environmental Review determined a negative declaration was recommended by staff This amendment is staff -vitiated because of interest expressed by the public in these three areas These amendments are consistent with the General Plan Overhead projections were shown to demonstrate the affected areas of the Barton Road Specific Plan r ' I Amendment #1- The parcels selected for this proposed overlay district were selected because the surrounding properties are single-family and multi -family dwelling units as well as an area approved for condominium units These parcels are in close proximity to well-maintamed neighborhoods with no office development nearby This proposed amendment has a proposed life of 10 years This amendment would still allow office uses to develop in this area if market demand arises, but in the ' meantime it will allow for additions and improvements to the current residential uses Without this amendment no additions or improvements are allowed Tony Petta 11875 Eton Dr. ' Grand Terrace, CA Said he would like clarification of the proposed amendment Director Materassi said if this amendment is approved, then within the next 10 years expansion of existing dwellings and new dwellings may be built. The interim overlay distnct will allow property owners to improve the currently non -conforming structures After the 10 year period the property will again be considered non -conforming and improvements will not be allowed Also within the 10 year period the existing residences may be demolished and professional office space bunt. ' u 1. .1 DYA ; MOTION PCM-96-76 Motion by Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder to approve the 10-year interim overlay district. Seconded by Commissioner Tramor 1 November 21,1996 Planning Commission. Minutes Page 19 GTI Market site, but rather find something to promote and encourage upscale clientele She felt a drive-thru at that location would diminish the quality of life in the Grand Terrace bedroom community She urged the Planning Commission to recommend to City Council passage of an ordinance to disallow dnve-thrus in the BRSP Core area She said she would like to see a traffic flow pattern before any development of the GTI Market property Bob Henry 22614 Miriam Way Grand Terrace, CA He said he could remember when the GTI Market was open and the trash which was generated With a drive-thru at that location he said the trash problem would be worse He does not want to see any drive-thru in Grand Terrace He suggested demolishing the market to build a park. Raymond Hughes 12077 Arliss Dr. Grand Terrace, CA He said the old GTI Market is right in front of his house He was concerned about truck delivenes, trash and people loitering He encouraged a quality restaurant instead of a dnve- thru for that location He was also concerned about degrading property values Don Mangus 12070 Arhss Dr. Grand Terrace, CA His house is next door to the market to the North. He is opposed to a fast food drive-thru at that location. He has lived in that location 17 years and is unhappy with the GTI Market but would not endorse a fast food establishment. Michelle Cisneros 19845 Mt. Vernon Grand Terrace, CA Asked staff to reconsider the consequences of approving a fast food restaurant in Grand Terrace She has been a resident of Grand Terrace for 6 months and chose Grand Terrace for its character and being a faintly-onented community She said the noise level on Mt. Vernon now is so great that she must close her doors and windows to watch TV and urged staff to consider the traffic impact, noise level and safety issued associated with a dnve-thru at the GTI Market location. 0 November 21,1996 Planning Commission Minutes MOTION VOTE PCM-96-79 Carried 6-0-0-1 Commissioner Ellis absent Page 21 Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder asked if the last item denied would be presented to City Council for their consideration Director Materassi said it would not Her intention is to table Amendment #3 for 6 months per Commissioner Tramor's recommendation • vl�l • �1 �1 Respectfully submitted, Patrizia Materassi Community Development Director 1-8-97 pp c \office\wpwm\wpdocs\plammng\minuus\11-21-96 mm Approved by, Jimmy W Sims Chairperson, Planning Commission f December 5,19% Page 2 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes ITEM #1 PLANNING COMIC MION MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 21, 1996 U1470M PCM-96-80 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 21, 1996 Motion by Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder to continue this item to the meeting of December 19, 1996, per request of staff Minutes are not yet ready for review Seconded by Commissioner Addington MOTION VOTE PCM-96-80 Motion carved 5-0-2-0 Commissioners Huss and Tramor absent ITEM #2 SP-96-01\E-96-02 A SPECIFIC PLAN APPLICATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TO ADD TWO TOWERS (7S' and 80' HIGH), TWO CONCRETE BLOCK BUILDINGS (24' x SO' and 20' x 24% AND ONE GENERATOR SHELTER MEASURING 8' x 14', TO AN EXISTING UNMANNED COMMUNICATION FACILITY. P & L INVESTMENTS/BESSIE F. AND DENIS W. KIDD 26,779 SQUARE FEET OF A 40 ACRE PARCEL (APN #277-181-013), AT THE TOP OF BLUE MOUNTAIN IN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA Staff report was presented by Larry Mainez, Associate Planner He explained the location is actually the entire 40 acre parcel An environmental review was conducted by staff and it was determined that a negative declaration is applicable The zoning is RH (Residential Hillside) Zoning to the south is RH Parcels to the west are R1-20 Parcels to the east are in the City of Colton and zoned Residential Estates District in the Reche Canyon Specific Plan The General Plan designates the north and south properties as Hillside -Open Space Properties to the west are low density residential The City of Colton has also designated the parcels to the east as low density residential The zoning ordinance requires a specific plan for development of the zone distract Commissioner Huss joined the meeting The proposed project is consistent with General Plan goals As conditioned staff feels it will be compatible with the surrounding area and permitted uses He showed some overhead transparencies and a short video which illustrated the trip to the summit along the access road, the existing site and the equipment inside a typical existing building December 5,1996 Page 4 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes during a fire the Fire Dept gets to the top with 4-wheel drive vehicles and earth moving equipment He does not desire to build a paved surface as it would be very expensive The current access is sufficient for current and foreseeable needs Chairman Suns asked Mr Eddie about staff s earlier comment that the orientation and location of the towers and buildings may change Mr Eddie said the County plans to orient their project at the time of permit application Mr Eddie said Mr Kruse's concern about interference with his microwave path by the County project will be addressed by the County Chairman Sims clarified with Mr Eddie that the only uncertainty of location and orientation is with the County project, the P & L project is firm Chairman Sims asked about enclosure of the fuel tanks Mr Eddie said there will be compliance with fire requirements The propane fuel tanks would supply fuel to standby generators in an emergency Chairman Sims discussed size and ventilation concerns with Mr Eddie regarding enclosure of the tanks in a concrete structure Staff said there is no concern about allowing flexibility regarding orientation and location of the County project or deviating from condition requiring the tanks be enclosed in a concrete structure Commissioner Addington asked Mr Eddie to describe the size of structures and antennae as proposed Mr Eddie said the tower would be 80' tall Antennae will be added as users are found They can range up to 12' dishes on the lower portion of the tower, dipoles are 4-5' tall, others may be 12' tall with small lobes, and small 18-24" dishes Paul Sheridan - 1743 Myra Ave. Rialto, CA He said he is the representative for the County of San Bernardino in their project Chairman Suns asked him to discuss possible orientation and location changes on the site and the fuel tank concerns Mr Sheridan said the number and direction of dishes and antennae can be flexible The onentation/location change is resulting from a new customer and new communication path since filing of this application Regarding the fuel tank issue he said they have built over 20 similar sites within the past 5 years CAL OSHA is the regulatory agency for fuel tanks, not the local fire agency Per their pressure vessel group tanks are not allowed in any kind of structure They must be open air and certified by the vendors who make them Of the 25 tanks currently installed county -wide there has been no vandalism by gunshot detected Chairman Sims asked Mr Sheridan if it will be possible to make the orientation and location adjustments within the parameters of the site Mr Sheridan said yes He responded to the question of tower height that there are two criteria for determination of tower height The distance the signal must travel and the number of antennae which must go on the tower The current plan is for 4-5 dishes, 8' to 20' long antennae above the dishes, receive radio antennae and then transmit radio antennae at the top Mr Sheridan said he has no concerns regarding the access road t P December 5,1996 Page 6 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes MOTION PCM-96-83 Motion by Commissioner Huss to require applicant to install a drainage swale running east - west to divert water runoff from Mr Kruse's property Motion died for lack of a second r� Commissioner Addington said he has reviewed the specific requirements of a specific plan within the California planning and zoning laws He said he disagrees with staff that this proposed specific plan meets all requirements of the law He reviewed the proposed specific plan as submitted and feels there are essential elements missing as well as filler pages inserted He said he personally could not approve the proposed specific plan as submitted MOTION PCM-96-84 Motion by Commissioner Addington to deny approval of SP-96-01 and E-96-02 Seconded by Commissioner Ellis Chairman Sims said he had a discussion with the Community Development Director, wherein she J told him this project conforms to all requirements MOTION VOTE PCM-96-84 Failed 2-4-0-1 Commissioners Addington and Ellis voted to deny the specific plan Commissioner Trainor absent MOTION PCM-96-85 SP-96-01/E-96-02 Motion to approve SP-96-01 and E-96-02 as amended Seconded by Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder MOTION VOTE PCM-96-85 Motion failed 3-3-0-1 Commissioners Addington, Ellis and Wilson voted "no" Commissioner Trainor absent. L k December S.19% Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Page 8 Mr Mamez showed the Planning Commission a list from the phone directory of types of technical, trade and vocational schools in response to Commissioner Ellis's question as to what type of schools would be allowed He also said any such application will come to the Plann Commission with a CUP application ing MOTION PCM-96-87 BRSP-96-01/E-96-13 Motion by Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder to approve BRSP-96-01 and E-96-13 to allow technical and trade schools Seconded by Commissioner Wilson MOTION VOTE PCM-96-87 Carved 5-0-0-2 Chairman Suns and Commissioner Trainor absent ITEM #4 DISCUSSION REGARDING ALLOWANCE OF SCHOOLS IN GENERAL WITHIN THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN AREA Staff report was presented by Larry Mainez' Associate Planner Council member LeeAnn Garcia rought this item to the attention of the Planning Director She feels that higher education and professional education type of schools should be considered for inclusion Into the matrix an as acceptable use in the Barton Road Specific Plan area Many universities use satellite locatiofor ns higher education programs Although it is a similar use to technical and trade schools it is not exactly the same This use would also require a CUP MOTION PCM-96-M Motion by Commissioner Addington to include this higher education/professional education type of school to item 2 of the BRSP-96-01/E-96-13 amendment for review and approval by City Council Seconded by Commissioner Huss MOTION VOTE PCM-96-88 Carried 5-0-0-2 Chairman Suns and Commissioner Trainor absent CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) FUNDING REQUIRED Community Development Department T ,ff 1JR31 EUIPORT MEETING DATE January 23, 1997 NO FUNDING REQUIRED _X_ SUBJECT SP-96-01, E-96-02, a Specific Plan application and Environmental review to add two towers (75' and 80' high), two cement block concrete block buildings measuring 24'x50' and 20'x24', and one generator shelter measuring 8'z14', to enhance unmanned facilities and communications capabilities RECOMMENDATION Approval based on Conditions of Approval BACKGROUND The site has an existing 16'x20' communication building plus 3 towers which were approved by the County of San Bernardino Board of Supervisors in 1972 (copy of approval is located in Attachment 3 of the Specific Plan document) The Kidd Specific Plan contains two Phases Phase I is contained within a 125' x 125' area leased to P&L Investments containing facilities approved in 1972 Applicant proposes to construct an additional 24' x 50' building plus a 75' tower Phase II is contained within a 112' x 90' area leased to the County of San Bernardino and has no existing structures Applicant proposes to construct a 20' x 40' buildmg plus an 80' high tower All buildings and towers associated with these projects are for the purpose of enhancing the communications capabilities of the many cities, counties, railroads, medical centers, public and private paging and mobile telephone companies, as well as eliminate communication black out areas The San Bernardino County portion of the specific plan will predominately support the new County Medical Center facility in Colton (Arrowhead Medical Center) The Kidd Specific Plan covers 40 acres with 38 5 acres retained as open space The existing and proposed facilities will only cover 18% or 3,118 square feet of the 40 acre parcel On December 5, 1996, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended the City Council approve this project as proposed, subject to staff conditions of approval (please refer to Ordinance and Negative Declaration, Attachment - 1, and Planning Commission Report, Attachment -2) Please refer to the Attached Kidd Specific Plan as approved by the Planning Commission (Kidd Specific Plan, Attachment - 3) Documents included were reviewed and approved by the City Attorney The Community Development Department Staff would like to highlight that the unmanned communication site is not visible from most residential properties in the City of Grand Terrace, however the facility towers are partially visible Towers presently visible at top of Blue Mountain are owned by Kruze Communications located on property south of the Kidd property and was approved by the City Council in 1992 Project condition number 9 (page 8 of the Specific Plan) was amended by the Planning Commission to exclude the requirement of the block walls around fuel tanks and include 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313ttOMM WMA ff EM # 14� n ,4 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE,_= CALIFORNIA, APPROVING KIDD SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-96-01), P&L INVESTMENTS / BESSIE F. AND DENIS W KIDD AND ASSOCIATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (E-96-02) l� WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is located in the Grand Terrace Redevelopment area, WHEREAS, the applicant, P&L Investments/Bessie F and Derus W Kidd has applied for approval of SP-96-01 and E-96-02 to be located at the end of Blue Mountain Road (APN# 277-181-013) in the Residential Hillside District (RH), and WHEREAS, the Specific Plan (SP-96-01) set out in full in the specific plan text is consistent with the Grand Terrace Zoning Code and General Plan, and WHEREAS, the specific plan is required in the RH District, and - WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration has been prepared and approved by the Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, the following fmdmgs have been set forth in the Staff Report to the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan FACTS The Kidd Specific Plan proposal is consistent with the General Plan Goal for Hazards conditions which is, "Mitigation and eventual elimination, where economically feasible, of all natural and man-made hazards to life and public safety within the City of Grand Terrace " In addition, the specific plan is consistent with the General Plan Hazards policy which is, "Hillside areas in the eastern portion of the City shall be targeted as a zone of special environmental concern Specific factors to be considered include slope stability, fire hazard, access potential, and utility availability " The proposed project is also consistent with the Community Development Element - Specific Plan Policy, which states, "Specific Plans shall be required for all multi family projects of 20 or more units and shall be applied to low density projects All commercial and industrial projects of 10 or more acres shall be subject to the specific plan provisions 2 The proposed Specific Plan is consistent with all other applicable requirements of the local ordinances and state law ATTACHMENT -1, Ordinance and Negative Declaration Section 3 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect at 12 01 a m on the 31 st day of its adoption Section 4 Posting, The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be posted in three (3) public places within fifteen (15) days of its adoption, as designated for such purpose by the City Council Section 5 Fust read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the 23rd day of January, 1997 and finally adopted and ordered posted at a regular meeting of said City Council on the 13th day of February, 1997 City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof I, BRENDA STANFILL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting on the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 13th day of February, 1997, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Brenda Stanfill City Clerk Approved as to form John Harper City Attorney PM LM lm C \wp6IV \p1ammng\sp\sp9601 ord CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING DEPARTMMNt' I.Backg1ound 1. Name of Proponent: Cgy of Grand Terrace 2. Address and Pbone Number of Proponent: CC y of Grand Tenace 1 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace. CA W13 Attention Patnzia Materassi Community Development Director. 909-824-6621 3 Date of Environmental Assessment: ZA 6 4. Agency Requunng Assessment. City of Grad Terrace S. Name of Proposal, if applicable- ,y 60Pp P L. 1- 6. Location of Proposal Te P eF ff6 r/ _ /-t7W l�AAVP Pe,¢tF—: M. Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all 'yes' and 'maybe' answers are provided on attached sheets.) �4 1. Earth. Will proposal result in: YA Mayes a Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? b Disruptions, displacement;, compaction or overcovering of this soil? c Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? Maw b Substantial changes in absorption r _ rates, drainage patterns, or the - rate and amount of surface runoff? _ c Alterations to the cause or flow of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body'► e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? f Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? g Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer arts or excavations' h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water x �� i. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? 4 Plant We. Wfll the proposal result in. a. Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (mclu ft trees, shrubs. Brass. crops and aquatic �C plants)? kl YA 9. Natural Resources Will the proposal result in. a Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources?, b Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? 10 Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve. a A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions) b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? It Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density or ' growth rate of the human population area? of an 12. Housing Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for housing? additional 13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the - - Presultm a Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new v parking? c Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? 5 x ' 11q i�Maybj Li a Power or natural gas? X- b Communications systems? C. slater? d. Sewer or septic tanks? C. Storm water drainage? f Solid waste and disposal? 17 Human Health. Will the proposal result in a Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental heft)? b of people to potential x hazards? 18 Aesthetics Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to view? public 19 Recreation. WM the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunitiW 7X 20. Cultural Resources a Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? �( 7 Y more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant ) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly9 Environmental Determination On the basis of this initial evaluation. Maybe Ma I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared J, I find that, although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. .� I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. Patrizia Materasm Community Development Director - - - - f- Qa T)4akwAir) I Date Signature For City of Grand Terrace 9 Insignificant to terms of amount of surface rusofL b Any substantial changes in water erosion of soils. either on or off situ _ ;Maybe. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not substantially Increase soil erosion because only minor coastruchoo for structure footings is proposed. Drainage associated with the existing access road has caused some erosion but win be mitigated by requiring the repair of down drains along side of access road. 4 Plant Life. Will the proposal result m. a-d. Change in the diversity of species or number of native species or reduction of endangered species of plants or introduction of new species' No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result in the creation or reduction of endangered species as the proposed project is located on a relatively swan portion of land totaling .61 acres on a site measuring 40 acres. to addition site was already graded before. City will use its discretionary power to require replanting as necessary Animal Life Will the proposal result in a-c Change in the diversity of species, numbers of wildlife or fish habitat9 No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters wiin not result in the change or reduction of this habitat as the proposed site contains no known habitats. 6 Noise. Wu71 the proposal result m. a-b increases in existing noise levels or exposure of people to severe noise leveh,7 No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result to the change or increase of existing noise levels as the proposed project is located on top of Blue Mountain which is approximately 1,130 feet above the nearest land use designated as single family residential. Any nobe, although Insignificant to surrounding had ases, wig be confined to the interior of the equipment shelter. 7 Light and Glare Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? L Maybe. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result In producing substantial new light or glare as the project will not hiclude exterior lighting, only interior lighting for malatenanee purposes which is tasignifiant for surrounding had asp. Color of utenna= and other equipment will be conditioned for mat paint finbb and non -reflective of sun fi;iL Land Use. Will the proposal result 1h a substantial ahermoo of the present or planned land use of an areaq Maybe. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters is a permitted an throogh the approval of a spedfic plan per the Hillside Residential Zoning District. IMe applicant is applying for a speeise plan for the entire 40 am site of which only Al of an acre will be developed, Tbb zoning dbqict is Intended for very low density smgle famBy residential development whit a maximam retention of open space It is located in the portion of the City Identified in the General Mui Master Environmental Analysis as having severe development limitations related to topography and soil conditions. For this reason the Zoning Code requires a specific pica for an proposed projects am Bane Moautahs. Such speerse plan shall establish site development standards on a project by project basis Is eonsideratlon of the existing topography and other physical eonstraiats. 71k projed has, Me potential for cluttering the Blae Mountain ridge nu wEtb microwave dishes and antennas, however db will be mitigated by tie requirement of devebpigm titaadards bwFor&kd `the Vecific pin of the property which b consistent with the Zoning and General !fan regatremen& s tanks and fence condidoa) all hazards associated with tire prevection, security issues, and it will not demand new school services because it is an an maaned facility, is Energy Will the proposal result aL a•b Use of substantial amounts of fact or energy or increase the demand' No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelter win not affect the fuel supplies or increase the demand as the project will only uti'ltn existing fuel and energy uses already associated with the existing communication factLttes which will be insignifieant. �,/' 16 Utilities Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substaatlal aiteMons to the following utilities A. No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result in need for new power and gas systems as there are only minor increases to existing usage already existing on site. b No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result in need for new commaniation systems as the project b intended to installs new communication systems. c No Additional radio towers sad equipment shelters will not result in need for new water systems or alter existing ones as there are no water flow connections associated with the project d. No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result in need for new sewer and septic tanks as there are no need for sewer or septic tanks associated with the project e. No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters win not result in need for new storm drain system. Some down drains along the access road need repair and will be addressed as a condition of approvaL i No,. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters wr71 not result in the need for new solid waste and disposal systems as the project b small In size and there w9l be no waste generated. 17 Human Health. Will the proposal result m. A. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazards? No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not create any bean hazard situations to effect the pub&, because all facMtks will be enclosed by c6ncrete block and secured by a eight foot chain link fence. — b Exposure of people to potential hazards? Maybe. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters wM not expose people to potential hazards because of its remote location "d conditions placed on it (refer to number 10 A. above • gas tanks} is Aesthetes Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scene vista or view open to the public or will the proposal result in the aeon of o&astve situ No. Additional ndlo towers and equipment shelters wiD be mitigated by limiting the development activity on the top of Bice Mountain by incorporating the project into a specific ptaa. Because of cite slender constraedoa of fire Communication tower tie sank vista of the subject mountain WM not be hnpaehd. The location of the towns are proposed at flee peak of Wine Mountain weld allows only partial viewing from properties at Se base of the mountahL From a Asunce the towers appears is be deader anteaaaa, ping strnctam win be conditioned to be painted a color flat Will bs harmonbas to fie arraaadtag Eeoioglcal features and boated M be cite that is has ves&k km a* _ Community Development Department Planning Commission FROM Community Development Department DATE December 5,1996 SUBJECT SP-96-01/E-96-02, an Specific Plan application and Environmental Review to add two towers (75' and 80' high), two concrete block buildings 24' x MY and 20' x 24, and one generator shelter measuring 8' x 14', to an existing unmanned communication facility APPLICANT P&L Investments/Bessie F and Denis W Kidd LOCATION 26,779 square feet of a 40 acre parcel (APN# 277-181-013� at the top of Blue Mountain in the City of Grand Terrace, CA. RECOMMENDATION Approval subject to conditions 44444$44444444444444444444 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: It has been determined that this project requires a Negative Declaration and is attached as Attachment D ZONING AND LAND USE: The proposed project is located in the Hillside Residential District (R.H). The Zoning for the properties located to the north and south (Kruz Communication Towers) are also in the RKZone District with parcels located on the west (at the bottom of Blue Mt) designated as Single Family Residential (R1-72) The parcel to the east is located in the City of Colton and zoned Residential Estates District within the Reche Canyon Specific Plan (RE) The General Plan Land Use designates the subject property and north and south property as Hillside Properties to the west are designated Low Density Residential The City of Colton designates parcels east of the subject parcel as Low Density Residential As required by the Grand Ten -ace Zoning Ordinance, a Specific Plan is required for the development in this zone district to facilitate special development standards for the area. This zoning district is intended for very low density single family residential development with a maximum retention of 1 ATTACHMENT - 2, Planning Commission report dated December 5, 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, Calrfornra 92313-5295 1996 L� private paging and mobile telephone companies In addition to housing critical communication equipment there will also be standby electrical generators installed for the purpose of backup power to the event power failure Phase I: Phase I is contained in an area measuring 125' x 125' leased to P&L Investments that has an existing 16' x 20' communications building plus 3 towers on site (approved in 1972) P&L is planning to construct an additional 24' x 50' communication building plus a 75' tower (refer to Specific Plan Exhibit P - Blue Print of site) Phase II: Phase II is contained in an area measuring approximately I IT x 90' lease to San Bernardino County Presently the area is vacant, but the County of San Bernardino is planning to construct a 20' x 40' communication building and a 8' x 14' generator shelter, plus an 80' tower (refer to Specific Plan Exhibit P - Blue Print of site) In the event the applicant(s) decide to propose additional uses or development, a Specific Plan Amendment will be required As presented, the proposed use utilizes a minimal portion of the property leaving the balance undisturbed which is consistent with the Hillside Guidelines and General Plan goals ACCESSfTRAFFIC: The road to the subject site is a private road known as Blue Mountain Road that extends from the intersection of Palm Ave and Honey Hills Drive and winds south to the site. Most of the parcels the private road traverses through are owned by the applicant except for the one closest to Palm Ave, which since 1972 there has been a verbal agreement with the current owner As a condition of approval the applicant must present evidence of rights of access as outlined in Exhibit K of the Specific Plan. The County of San Bernardino has initiated negotiations for easements through all properties leading to the subject site. Access is also available through a private road, the Reehe Canyon Road, which intersect Blue Mountain Road near the subject site The road easements are provided in lease agreements to the lessees. - - With the installation of additional communcations equipment, it is estimated there will be increased vehicular traffic on the private road to the top of Blue Mountain in the future, from 2 to 4 trips per month, to 5 to 8 trips per month within the next two years. SITE/ARCHITECTURE: Except for the small portion that is proposed to house the communication facilities, the subject parcel is approximately 40 acres The applicant is proposing the new facilities next to the existing one located on the south east portion of the property (15 acres) The remaining 38 5 acres will be undeveloped and left as open space The applicant anticipates the grading to be minimal and 3 4r 1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Upon approval of the Planning Commission, the proposed project is subject to the following conditions of approval, which are proportional to Improvements and uses proposed at this time (* = Indicates conditions from Environmental Initial Study for subject parcel): The project shall be constructed in accordance with Site and Architecture design as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board on December 5;1996 All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines, easement locations ind`di nensions, and other measurements Minor changes or clarifications may be approved by the Community Development Department. All building materials to match submitted materials board, and as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board. 2 Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Building and Safety/Pubhe Works memorandum to the City dated February S, 1996 (Attachment - A) Compliance with all recommendations listed in the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection memorandum to the City dated February 8, 1996 (Attachment - B) 4 Compliance with all conditions of approval associated San Bernardino County Site Approval for transnutting stations approved on November 27, 1972 (Attachment - C) ♦5 (Environmental Initial Study Number 1- Earth) All grading and budding practices to be conducted in conformance with City standards to eliminate any impacts to the environment. These practices must be approved by the Community Development, Building and Safety, and Engineering Departments. ♦6 (Environmental Initial Study Number 3 - Water Erosion) Down drains along side existing access road shall be repaired and/or improved to reduce the erosion caused by rain runoff. Applicant to work with the Director of Building and Safety/Pubhc Works to identify the drainage facilities needing repair. This condition to be complete prior to certificate of occupancy/final permit. +7 (Environmental Initial Study Number 7 - Light and Glare) Color of antennas and other gquipment shall be mat paint finish and non -reflective of sun light subject to the approval of Community Development Department. ♦8 (Environmental Initial Study Number 8 - Land Use) To prevent cluttering the Blue Mountain ridge line with microwave dishes and antennas, approved development standards incorporated in the specific plan shall be strictly adhered to. *9 (Environmental Initial Study Number 10 - Risk of Upset) All fuel tanks and other otentiany hazardous substances associated with this project shall be enclosed A Respectfully submitted by, Aj&alnez Associated Planner Approved by, atnua Materassi Community Development Director Attachments A - Building and Safety Comments B - California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Comments C - San Bernardino County site approval conditions for transmitting stations approved on November 27,1972 D - Negative Declaration and Initial Study E - Ordinance Exhibit 1 - Proposed Kidd Specific Plan Document (containing exhibits) PM LM lm C 1wp61\. \ptannmg\splsp9601 Pc 7 12-8 525 7 Provide maintenance schedule of access road from Palm Avenue to site:- - - (minimum twice a year) and responsible party to contact 8 Repair or install down drains on access road to preclude erosion, and - - provide method of erosion control t� 9 Submit detail plans for structures and communication tower. 10 Pay capital improvement fund fees for storm dram on the portion of site to be unproved 11 Provide a letter from the school district indicating that school impaction has been satisfied 12 Provide letter from Southern California Edison that they have the ability to and will serve 13_ Provide copy of conditions from San Bernardino County Planning Commission November 16, 1972 as indicated in application U� 14 All reports and design of improvements shall be prepared by applicants professional personnel, registered and licensed to perform such work pursuant to the State of California Business and Professions Code, which shall comply with all requirements of the Uniform Budding Code, National Electrical Code, and the Grand Terrace Municipal Code 15 Pay all plan check, permit and inspection fees. Page 2 of 2 i R0n FIRE PROTECTION PLAN 1 OZ.OA 1996 ')IS + P. i CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION _ COUIITY SERVICE AREA 38 _ FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING COL N. W GOVEKN7aNT CENTER 315 NORTH ARROAIHEAD AVENUE, THIRD FLOOR SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92415.0186 (909) 397.4213 • FAX (909) 387.3021 GRAND TERRACE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Date• 2Afir' - - To O N � G� r ,4t (�� /�y ��-�/�r• �rr�• Location %P off _ 0ryK= 4 • y WILL • - _ M�' / ' \-I - THE FOLLOWING FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO RECORDATION OP THE FINAL MAP: A site Inspection final Is required to verify conditions of approval have been met: R F-1. PrPM9 road maintenance, includpng but not IkSted to grading and snow mmoval, &halt be provided Written documentation shall be submitted to tha fire dopartrrrent having jurisdiction. Private fire aoosss roads shall provide an as weather Surface with a rNnirriurn pa*V width of U" (20) feet R F-2. Water syst6ms designed to most Ow required fire flow of this development shall be approved by the fire department having junsdlctton• The developer strait furnish the fire department wdh two (2) copies of the water system Improvement plan for approval. Water systarns shah be powahwal and &moved by the fire deoanmer! odor to Any li amino construction rrkla- The required fire flow shell be determined by the appropriate calculations, using the San Bemardlno County "Guide For the Determination of Fire Flow." Water systems shall have mirurnwn eight (a) iNch mains, six (6) Inch laterals, six (6) Inch nsws Fire Flow required Q 20 pal Tested 4K _ Q 20 psL 1 /!0q FIRE PROTECTION PIANWNA x �' Ei to.:9$0 log .lit W W ai cr Page Three Fire Dept Ref N ^d SP F$. An approved tumaround shall be provided at the end of es r pow fifty (150) fee. or more in length Cul-de-sac length shall not exce s+�f as ldenhfied In the development code and approved by the fire chief ( ) See attached diagram of approved turnarounds Jhdrjd and THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY: O F-9 Prior to final inspection, commercial or industrial buildings shad post street addresses with a minimum of eight (6) inch numbers Street addresses shall be visible from the street and during the hours of darkness, they shall be automatically i'luminated. More building setbacks exceed one hundred (100) feet from the roadway, additional non. illuminated. contrasting sox (6) inch numbers shall be displayed at the property access. O F-10. Every chl" used in conjunction with any fireplace or any heating appliance in vNch solid or liquid fuel is used shall be maintained with an approved spark arrester. It shall be constructed of stamloss steel, copper, or braes. woven galvanized wire mesh, twelve (12) t}aga rrunlmum of three-eViths (3/8) inch rrinimurn to one -,elf (1/2) Inch maximurn openings, as per County Code 3381 The mesh shall be visible from the ground No decorator cape allowed. O F•11. The development and each phase thereof shall have two (2) points of vehicular access for fire and other emergency equipment, and for routes of escape vAch will safely handy evacuations as rW*d by the Development Coda O F-12 Private roadways w Nch exceed one hundred fifty (160) feet in length shall be approved by the fire departmeht having junsdict om and shall be extended to within one hundred fifty (150) feet of, and shall give reasonable access to all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building An access road shall be provided within fdV (50) feat of all buildinps I the natural grade between the access�road and the building Is In excess of thirty (30) percent cce Where the ass road can not be provided. a fire protection system shall be provided as rooted and approved by the faro department O F-13. An approved fire department lock Is required on all gates. K any automatic electric seaxtty pates are used, they require an approved lock switch. Contact this office for lock appi+cations F14 re extinguishers a equ�� � ca th Unit Fire o A; orm Standard 0101. 0 F-15 Additional requirements maybe applied due to the lack of sufficient Wormallon to review Please submit building plans and declaration of use for proper appkotlon of codes. �- _ • _.��� t R` � * � � `-���^ -'_:��i ���-'_tee f �l��;(€�-'-•�} = 'i 41, • ; �'=- J - -Y^J Y�� t lam; i f S �� Jl a v_ � 316 N Alt view San dennirdino Co . 92401 Nave Vatted Cableviston. Ines Date November 270 1972 3600 Central Avenue - Suite 3L Address Riverside, Ca. 92506 Index No ,232 126� This is to advise YOU of the action of the County Planning Commission on Too application for Si to Approval r relating to your request to construct a transadttiai station is an A-1-5 gone, on the progeny described as portion southeast quarter, _Section 4, T23 - 14N; spprosimataly 1-1/4 miles vast of Roche Canyon Road and approximUly 3/4 ails south of Pala load, (stop Slue Mountain ),,Crand Terraee� O" elabet 16. 1972 a alining Commission_ 22 1d the aforementioned application s1.61Ac l'oe Teo owing comilions Sad approval is not effective until each of the following conditions has bean complied with Or where permissible has been bonded as set fonh below - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Redwood slats or battens shall be inserted in the chainlink fence to reduce "attractive nuisance" aspect. 2. Parking and loading area to eonforts to requirement& of County Parkins Standards: to: number of spaces per eaployee& layout, etc. 3. Proof of legal access to be provided prior to issuance of building partdts. 4. Applicant is directed to ascertain the additional requirements of the other County Departments concerned, namely, Suilding and Safety, Health, Road, and Federal Communications Comiseion, etc. In the event a performance bond is redurred as set forth under Set 61 02Mg) Title 6. Div 1. Chapter 2. Counsv Code then the applicant shall submit a munuwen of two (2) bids from licensed contractors for said work and tM amount of the cash bond shall be the sun of the highest bid plus ter percent (10%). NOTE This action is suMect to spout for a period of ton 110) days after receipt of this nonce AN APPEAL W"1 S:SPENO "HIS ACTION VWIL SUCH APPEAL IS SETTLED COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION - - O.kV L. Hopkins 4cting) _TT31 -J11 a 11 T14S APPROVAL IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL OW (1) COPY OF THIS FORM IS SIGNED AND RJ:TUtNEO TO THE COINTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS I M the of the property described above I as aware of --• _I. -s .ate ....,a.r.M. set forth Mretn. n is further understood that NI Of a» aforementioned condiNr Attachment C — d improvements shah be completed is a am~ satisfactory to the Planning Dq B OW shall not be deemed complete von spproved and aeeoptad as completed bra CrnaTdinO County condition of approval for iransmitting_ J J 7 - y - stations (Nov. 27,19 4 Signature of Appf karat or Agent ` SAN BERNARDINOIC=OUNTYPLANNING COKHISSIING November 16.is Lewis a irran pad Robert Townsend Vic* Chairman Sohn Littleton Commissioner tic- Carl Kasingale Comsissioner Arthur Poland Comissioner Carl Van Burger Conaissioner a 4e Martin Tudor Commissioner All Leon Reding Actg Asst Director it Pool Grub* Dep Cc Counsel Ito Norma Cox Secretary frog is called to order at 9 02 A K with Corers Tudor 6 Van Burger st• At noted absent on of Cover Littleton, second by Comer Nasingale and CARRIED unanimously, of November 9, 1972, are APPROVED as written to rector's Report of the actions of the Board of Supervisors at this week's Argo , is given Included in this report is the ehanae made at the Board 4W 1 regarding the General Plan Amendment for Dart Industries in the Helen - ea The Board of Supervisors changed the requirement on Rowland Road major highway status to secondary highway status and this change is pre- COM at this time for Commission consideration After discussion, Cover m p ton moves to CONCUR with this change in the Dart Industries General Plan Belendale area, Comr Kasingale seconds, notion CARRIES unanimously. r 72 Counsel arrives at 9 09 A K ) irman notes that the inspecting team for November 27, 1972, will be 'Townsend and Littleton. tomr Tudor arrives at 9s15 A. K ) presents for Comission consideration TENT TRS 8621, 1612 and 1613, Lflma area Staff states these tracts were continued for review by the ntal COmittee A report from this committee states that they be - this will have significant affect on the environment relative to air rtton and the fact that one of the tracts should have a geologist's report it is located over a fault Coar 44asingale states that he sees no eet to wait for a written report from a geologist as this is required as t the conditions of approval and that as regards the air pollution prob- it these tracts were considered separately rash*r than the three together, would be no problem Cover Nasingale moves to proceed without the en- atal study, Camr Littleton seconds, (Coax Van Burger arrives at 9 23 } Notice CARRIES with Coar Plereee opposing because Counsel has stated discussion that this Notion is in conflict with the ruling from County 1 regarding submission of anvironnental statement after such a decision the tnvironmental Comittoe Bob Kills, engineer, is present and questions jtter of roll curbs to maintain a rural aamosphere, stating at present act a County std and cannot be considered bun_ is is h-s feelsnc c1at ttandards .hould be amended to include this. Nr Kills states that the will not be private roads and that the gatehouses mentioned should be Staff states that they concur with the matter of roll curbs and the Commission be in agreement, then they should pass a Resolution ading that the Road Dept review the standards and consider the feas- ty of adding a roll-type.curb under certain circumstances as a standard the County In addition, Staff would recomaoend that they be given leeway out with the engineer that should roll curbs be adopted as stds prior of construction, that they be allowed to construct roll curbs in these tracts After discussion, Coar Kasingale stoves APPROVAL of the above is regarding roll curbs. Comr van Burger seconds, notion CARRIES unan- ly. pvrth*r, Cover Kasinaele moves to instruct Staff to study incorporating verbs under certain conditions to be added to Road Stds, Cow Townsend . Notion CARRIES unanimously. The engineer concurs with remainder of tioms for tracts. On motion of Coar Masingale, second by Cover Littleton RRIP.D unanimously, TENT Tr 0601 is APPROVED subject to conditions on !N the Planning Dept. On Notice of Comer Masingale, second by ComAr and CARRIED unanimously, TEkr TR 0682 is APPROVED subject to Cos - file in the Planning Dept. On motion of Coat Kasingale, second by ,Littlstoe and CARRIED unanimously, TENT TR 8603 Is APPROVED subj*ct to i aNa on file in the Planning Dept. r� "�. presents for Commission consideration, TENT TR 0660, Cbcawonga area. ` �shis has been evisimid cahet hSthaiswould havenosignificanteffect on the enviroamen�ity t,ta i s f +k"I i :J"r + +p A + rf 4+r c'T ` KIDD SPECIFIC PLAN Top of Blue Mountain located in the City of Grand Terrace, CA To City of Grand Terrace Community Development Department 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Applicants Bessie F & Denis W Kidd, and P&L Investments Property Owner Bessie F & Denis W Kidd 22874 Pico St Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Contact Denis Kidd (909) 783-1664 U Property Description Top of Blue Mountain APN# 277-181-013 2 leased parcels totaling 26,779 square feet at the south comer of this 40 acre parcel The remaining square footage of the 40 acres will be maintained as open space General Plan Designation Low Density Residential (LDR) Zoning Residential Hillside (RH) Existing Use Unmanned Telecommunications Facilities (1 building and 3 towers) 1996 ATTACHMENT - 39 Kidd Specific Plan REQUIRED CERTIFICATION/AFFIDAVITS Applicant's Certification I, T3ZS S t z -F 4-�, d d 4-)e„t S W, W14J, the applicant, do hereby certify that the forgoing and following information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief signature , Date 10 — I Lf- V � i Property Owner's Certification I, �2 S5 z ► d d `� 17-2 n%S V )�- d J certify that I am currenth the legal owner of the land described to the application and that I am aware of and have authorized this application. Signature Date 300 Foot Radius Property Ownership List I, 'D1LSSi 1 141 + D-e►t� 5 W '�, d ,the applicant, do hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that the ownership list and radius map submitted with this application correctly show the latest available list of names and addresses on the San Bernardino County Assessor's records, dated Signature Date D RECEllvE© OCT 14ex and engineering reports are completed at the time of pulling permits There will be no noise or vibration generated except in the event of a power loss which causes the emergency generator to run in order to keep all communications operational In all likelihood only people in the immediate vicinity would hear this operation There will be no change in the demand for municipal services, and no change in the zoning or general plan designations This hilltop has continually been used for television or communications since 1972 There are no trees as the hilltop area consists of rocks, weeds, brush and barren ground It is also necessary to clear the area of brush and weeds to mitigate fire hazard on the hilltop and comply with fire regulations All communications on the site operate with specific approval from the Federal Communications Commission regarding tower height, transmitting frequencies, power output, antenna type and in general all aspects of the communications This Federal jurisdiction relieves the City of Grand Terrace from responsibility for regulation of these matters In addition to the items outlined in this Specific Plan document, the signed conditions of approval are part of this specific plan (page 8) RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GENERAL PLAN The Kidd Specific Plan proposal is consistent with the General Plan Goal for Hazards conditions which is, "Mitigation and eventual elimination, where economically feasible, of all natural and man-made hazards to 1 fe and public safety within the City of Grand Terrace " In addition, the specific plan is consistent with the General Plan Hazards policy which is, "Hillside areas in the eastern portion of the City shall be targeted as a zone of special environmental concern Specific factors to be considered include slope stability, fire hazard, access potential, and utility availability " The proposed specific plan is also consistent with the Community Development Element - Specific Plan Policy, which states, "Specific Plans shall be required for all multi family projects of 20 or more units and shall be applied to low density projects All commercial and industrial projects of 10 or more acres shall be subject to the specific plan provisions " The lullside area is intended for a very low density residential development with maximum preservation of natural terrain The Kidd Specific Plan proposes communication facilities which will occupy only 15 acres of a 40 acre property The remaining 38 5 acres of land will be retained as open space The specific plan is an implementation tool of the General Plan and is 4 (Attachment C) Proposed Construction will include Phase 1 1 A 24' x 50' concrete block building (building #B, Exhibit 1) 2 A 75 foot free standing open frame antenna tower (tower #4, Exhibit 1) 3 A 500 gallon propane tank (Exhibit 1) Phase 2 1 A 24' x 20' building (building #C, Exhibit 1) 2 A 8' x 14' building (building #D, Exhibit 1) 3 A 80 foot free standing open frame antenna tower (tower #5, Exhibit 1) 4 Two (2) 1000 gallon propane tanks (Exhibit 1) The entire project will be built of concrete and steel, and no flammable material Buildings have no windows, access will be through steel fire doors Because of the steep terrain and difficulty of access by fire equipment all construction will have fire safety considered as paramount UTILITIES The property is currently served by Southern California Edison and Pacific Bell, and no additional capacity will be required As the site is located in open space and unattended no additional public facilities will be required Souther Cahfornia Edison has stated that sufficient power capacity is available for both phased of the project. There also is sufficient line capacity available from Pacific Bell to satisfy the needs of both phases There is no water available or required at this remote unmanned facility Any trash generated will be removed by service personnel to keep the area tidy ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The project 1 Phase 1 will not change any ground contours Phase 2 may cause a minor change in ground contours 4 STANDARDS All improvements shall comply with the City of Grand Terrace Building Code, State of California Building Code and the building permits as issued (Attachment A) _ Zone RH - Residential Hillside Development - A Specific Plan is required for the development in this zone district to facilitate special development standards for the area This zoning district is intended for very low density smgle family residential development with a maximum retention of open space The maximum density allowed in this district in one (1) dwelling unit per gross acre In this case, the structures proposed are not dwelling units, however due to the extreme conditions of the physical and topography terrain, residential development is virtually impossible General Plan Land Use HOS - Hillside Open Space - This Specific Plan is located to the portion of the City identified in the General Plan's Master Environmental Analysis as having severe development lunitations related to topography and soil conditions Per Grand Terrace General Plan all commercial and industrial projects of 10 or more acres shall be subject to the Specific Plan provisions Permitted Uses Communication Services (unmanned equipment and towers) a Uses not listed shall not be permitted unless a specific plan amendment is approved t Area 40 acres Buildable Site Area 15 acres (Phase I = 125' x 125', and Phase 11 112' x 90' approximately) Retention of Open Space, 38 5 acres Access Road Width. 15 feet Setbacks 15 feet mmunum from project boundary Imes on the south and east. Heigh Maximum 80 feet for communication towers Maximum 11 feet for communication buildings Lot Coverage 18% or 3,118 square feet (coverage includes towers, tanks, buildings, and parking spaces) a All coverage to occur within the Build able site area Distance Between Buildings As permitted under building and fire code requirements Parking Spaces 2 parking spaces south of Building "B", and west of Building "C" 2 0� 1 � 4 �ij e,� .s CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SP-96-01, and E-96-02, (Kidd) Specife-Plan and Environmental application to add two towers (75' and 80' high), two concrete block buildings 24,x 50' and 20' x 241, and one generator shelter measuring 8' x 14', to an existing unmanned communication facility located at the top of Blue Mountain (APN# 277-181-013) The Planning Commission and City Council has approved the above referenced project, subject to the following conditions of approval (* = indicates conditions from Environmental Initial Study for subject parcel) 1 The project shall be constructed in accordance with Site and Architecture design as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board on December 5, 1996 All plans shall be consistent in terms of property lines, easement locations and dimensions, and other measurements Minor changes or clanfications may be approved by the Community Development Department All building materials to match submitted matenals board, and as approved by the Site and Architectural Review Board 2 Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Building and Safety/Public Works memorandum to the City dated February 5, 1996 (Attachment - A) Compliance with all recommendations listed in the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection memorandum to the City dated February 8, 1996 (Attachment - B) 4 Compliance with all conditions of approval associated San Bernardino County Site Approval for transmitting stations approved on November 27, 1972 (Attachment - C) ♦5 (Environmental Initial Study Number 1 - Earth) All glading and building practices to be conducted in conformance with City standards to eliminate any impacts to the euvwonment. These practices must be approved by the Community Development, Building and Safety, and Engineering Departments. ♦6 (Environmental Initial Study Number 3 - Water Erosion) Down drains along side existing access road shall be repaired and/or improved to reduce the erosion caused by rain runoff Applicant to work with the Director of Building and Safety/Pubhc Works to identify the drainage facilities needing repair. This condition to be complete prior to certificate of occupancy/final permit. *7 (Environmental Initial Study Number 7 - Light and Glare) Color of antennas and other equipment shall be mat paint finish and non -reflective of sun light subject to the approval of Community Development Department. ♦8 (Environmental Initial Study Number 8 - Land Use) To prevent cluttering the Blue Mountain ndge line with microwave dishes and antennas, approved development standards incorporated in the specific plan shall be strictly adhered to *9 (Environmental Initial Study Number 10 - Risk of Upset) All fuel tanks and other potentially hazardous substances associated with this project shall be enclosed within a structure, if applicable, and secured within a locked chainlink fence Y ItGEIVED FE 8 11 1995 OND1c I,_ 611 U%J- DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING d SAFETY. "L:BLIC WORKS ,'AND HOLSENG 22795 Barton Road Suite B Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Ci%tc Center (909) 825-3825 Fax (909)82:-7,506 �J 12-8 5255 MEMORANDUM TO Patnzia Materassi, Commuruty Development Director FROM Virgil Barham, Director of Building and Safety/Public Works DATE February 5, 1996 SUBJECT SP-96-01 & E-96-02 - P & L Investments - D Kidd The following comments and recommendations should be considered during the review process and incorporated as conditions of approval The project site is located on top of Blue Mountain, at the easterly extension of Pico Street and the easterly city limit boundary 1 Provide a record of survey for the parent 40 acre parcel a a 2 Provide lot corners by licensed surveyor which define each proposed site as indicated in application (125 x 125) & (112 x 99 59) 3 Submit topo map and grading plans for each site 4 Submit a report by Registered Geologist identifying any impacts that may result from the proposed grading and/or construction. (Indicate any boulders that may be disturbed on or adjacent to the sites). 5 Submit a soils report, identifying foundation and compaction recommendations also if blasting is required 6 Indicate the exact location of the access road to the southerly boundary of the subject site and the right to use that road as it crosses each property from the existing public nght-of-way at Palm Avenue through the subject site and terminating at the southerly boundary of subject site Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT -A Building and Safety/Public Works Conditions 0 ,i SRAM riot PROTECTION P1.1141' CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION COUNTY SUVICB ARPA $I- FOW PROTECTION PLAAININO COUNTY MVSRNMENT CENTER W NORTH AUONVH)�A� AVL'�iUL,1`NiRD FLOOR S9,.j �13D i 382FAX t�) 3E7.302 0t 00.1996 9 rAX t 909 ) 387.3021 DATE / l av �l r t �' Tol /o / VY4 r NUMBER OF PAGES (INWLMMING IBIS PAGE) SPECIAL INS 'KUCT)oNS, F, 1 r= IF YOU I;? yF,?JBNCR AN. Y Nx0"Mq RW IN NG HIS I `'irORtitAT10N, PLEASE CONTACT US AT TFll FOLL.Cw�t PAX _ lk _ it /i ATTACHMENT - B California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Conditions �` r,� 'S ^[ ji" � .y fir, stet PPOfECT1014 P.AMMiNA L� 62.60.1990 24% se P, 4 Page T" Fire Dept, Ref. No 6 ' a s T �, l R 'F•2A to areas without water serving Oiiit,es, the f,rerpr_ot*Qtl wa r iM(' its a b ad on NFPA 1231. Systems shall be a mtnirrum $000 getiana with gravi A 13, 13R, or 130 fire sprrnkiler system $ea attachod private water supply requirements. R F•28 MS•1' 3 THROUGH It.5 bVater systems deg►gnod to meet the required fire flow shall be oporation6l send approved by ins fire department prior to framing conetruotlon occurring The required fire flow shall be catemnad by appropriate calculations, using the San Bernardino County q3111' ,,on of a�g.F.wbf " In areas without water serving utilit,se, the 1 protection waver system shall be based on NF PA 1231 and be ope,alional prior to framing All NreA 1231 systems $hall be a m►n,murl 5000 gallons Win gravity flow or an approved NFPA 13, 13R, or 130 fife $prinkler system THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMITS BEING ISSUED: 8 F•3 he above referenced p1o;ect is orotected by the Callfornla Department of Forestry an prot4cdon•County Service area 38, whioh provides fire protection for the City of grand Terms. Prior to any constnuctfon occurring on any patoel, the applicant shall contact the fire department for vgr fcatlon of ou,rant fire protfsct'on development requirements, All new construction stall oompiy with the exlstir+g Uniform Fire Code requirements and all applicable - utss, codes, ordinances, or standards of the fire depatAment 8P F-4 This development shall comply with Fire Safety Overlay conditions as adopted by County Development Code This development is located In Fire Review Area--.. B F 5. for to any .� ssg conblr�sci►on ooci rr►ng, all flammable vegetation shall be removed fr ui;d;r%g site fa rninfmum distance of thirty (30) feat from any flammable bu1'ding material, Inolvding a finished structure. SP F-8. A rntnimurn _ fuel mod.restion zone is required to comply Huth county alandards. BP F•T Prior to framing construction, approved "ire hydrants and fire hydrant pavement markers shall be Installed Fire hydrants shall be sIx (6) tr%ch in diameter with a minimurn' of one four (4) inch and ons two and a half (2 112) inch connection as specified by the fire department The design of the fire hydrant and fire hydrant pavement rrarker shall be approved by the fire depoftM,ent. All fire hydrant spacing shall be three hundred (300) feet Wth the exceptlon of single family rb91denttal which may be Increased to six hundred (600) feet fnexlmum. In areas where snow removal occurs or non -paved roads exist, the blue reflective hydrant marker shall be posted on an approved post, three (3) feet from the hydrant r J ftor riRE PROTECTION iLgNY' .�1 OZ-00.1996 31 Page Four SPECIAL NON•StANDARD CONDITIONS; Questione and oommenis may be d,rected to Fire Dept Fief No FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING C"ounty Govemment Center, Third Floor 3$5 North Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CalifOnla 924115-0186 (909) 387-4213' Fax (909) 387-3021 Thank you for your booperation sinwely, DAVID J DRISCOLL, unit Chief sy, Move Faris, Captaih Fire Proteotion Planning pt_oomm FEES Type -J21-�... Amount Dat• Pd P. 6 J, CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ILIJ11-4 1 I Background 1 Name of Proponent City of Grand Terrace 2 Address and Phone Number of Proponent. Cf of Grand Terrace 11 � . 22795 Barton Road. Grand Terrace. CA M 13 Attention Patrizia Materassi. Community Develgp=nt Director, 909-824-6621 3 Date of Environmental Assessment � ZZ-? 6 4 Agency Requirmg Assessment. CMf of Grand Terrace 5 Name of Proposal, if applicable 1<)P1> 4 P L. l wn;5 ► 0#4 r5 6 Location of Proposal - -o p of &—gE W 4,e-,*Ve 7et4 e= II. Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all 'yes' and 'maybe' answers are provided on attached sheets ) Y-M Maybe No 1 Earth. Will proposal remh to a Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic aftwictiires? b Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of this sod, c Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features9 1 ATTACHMENT -D Environmental Review Maft b. Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface K runoff? c Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? .� d Change in the amount of surface water in any water bodyl e Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or tiirbxhty'? f Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters9 g Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer nits or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water x supplies? i Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? 4 Plant Life Will the proposal result in. a Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (mcluding trees, shrubs, grass, crops and aquatic plants)? 3 YA Maybe 9 Natural Resources Will the proposal result in a Substantial increase in the rats of use of any natural resources9 b Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? 10 Risk of Upset Will the proposal involve a A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions9 b Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan 11 Population Will the proposal alter the location, distnbutio% density or growth rate of the human population ' of an area? 12 Housing Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for housing? additional 13 Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement's .�. b Effects on existing parting facihties, or demand for new v parking? c Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? YA MaybeQ a Power or natural 9as9 _ X, b Communications systems9 - - i c Waterl d Sewer or septic tanks? e Storm water drainage? f Solid waste and disposal? 17 Human Health Will the proposal result in a Creation of any health hazard or potential health h:17ard (excluding mental health)9 b Exposure of people to potential -- — x hazards9 �1 lg. Aesthetics Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public vnew9 19 Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 7X 20 Cultural Resources a Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site9 rl •q Maybe .�.Y more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the - effect of the total of those - impacts on the environment is significant ) d Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects - on human beings, either directly or mdirectly9 Environmental Determination On the basis of this initial evaluation. I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared I find that, although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect to this case because the u mitigation measures described on attached sheets have been added to the projec L A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WML BE PREPARED I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIROMAENTAL DOACT REPORT is required. I- Qa -q.� Date z Patnzia Materassi Community Development Director Signature For City of Grand Terrace Insignificant in terms of amount of surface runoff Any substantial changes in water erosion of soils, either on or off sites Maybe. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters wail not substantially Increase soil erosion because only minor construction for structure footings is proposed. Drainage associated with the existing access road has caused some erosion but will be mitigated by requiring the repair of down drains along side of access road. 4 Plant Life Will the proposal result in a-d Change in the diversity of species or number of native species or reduction of endangered species of plants or introduction of new species9 No Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result in the creation or reduction of endangered species as the proposed project is located on a relatively small portion of land totaling 61 acres on a site measuring 40 acres. In addition site was already graded before. City wffl use its discretionary power to require replanting as necessary Anunal Life Will the proposal result in a-c Change in the diversity of species, numbers of wildlife or fish habitat) No Additional radio towers and equipment shelters wfil not result in the change or reduction of this habitat as the proposed site contains no known babitats. Noise Will the proposal result in a-b Increases in existing noise levels or exposure of people to severe noise levels9-- No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result in the change or iacrum of exMag noise levels as the proposed project Is located on top of Blot Mountain which is f approximately 1,130 feet above the nearest land use designated as single family residential Any noise, althougti insignificant to surrounding land uses, wiII be confined to the interior of the equipment shelter 7 Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? L Maybe. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result In producing substantral new tight or glare as the project win not include exterior lighting, only interior lighting for maintenance purposes which is insignlficant for surrounding land ases. Color of antennas and other equipment will be conditioned for mat paint finish and non-reAeetrve of saes light. a Land Use WiU the proposal result & a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an areal Maybe. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters Is a permitted use through the approval of a specific plan per the Hillside Residentlal Zoning District. The applicant is applying for a specific plan for the entire 40 acre site of witch only 61 of an acre writ be developed This zoning dsstnct is Intended for very low density single family residential development wits a masimam retention of open space. It Is located is the portion of the City Identified In the General Pfau Master Environmental Analysis as having severe development limitations related to topography and soil conditions. For this re:soa the Zoning Code requires a specific plan for an proposed projects on Blue Mountain. Such specific plan shall establish site development standards on a project by project basis lo consideration of the txWng topography and other physical constraints. The project has the potential for cluttering the Blue Moantain ridge Hut with mkrowave dishes and antennas, however this w® be mitigated by the rent of development standards incorporated in the specific plan of the property which Is consistent with the Zoning and General Ma requirements tanks and fence condition) all hazards associated with fire prevention, security Issues, and it wM not demand new school services because it is an unmanned facility. IS Energy Will the proposal result in. a-b Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy or increase the demanO No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not affect the fuel supplies or Increase the demand as the project will only utilize existing fuel and energy uses already associated with the existing communication facMes which will be insignificant 16 Utilities Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities a. No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result to need for new power and gas systems as there are only minor increases to existing usage already existing on site. b No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result can need for new communication systems as the project is intended to Install a new communication systems. c No Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result in need for new water systems or alter existing ones as there are no water flow connections associated with the project. d. No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result to need for new sewer and septic tanks as there are no need for sewer or septic tanks associated with the project. e No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result In need for new storm dram system Some down drains along the access road need repair and will be addressed as a condition of approval f No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not result in the need for new solid waste } and disposal systems as the project h small to size and there will be no waste generated 17 Human Health Will the proposal result m a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazards9 No. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not create any health banrd situations to effect the peblie, became all facilities will be enclosed by concrete block sod secared by a eight foot chain Oak fesm b Exposure of people to potential hazards? Maybe. Additional radio towers and equipment shelters will not expose peopk to potential hazards because of its remote location sad conditions placed on it (refer to number 10 s. above - gas tanks} Ili Aesthetics Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public or will the proposal result in the creation of offensive sites No. Additional radio towers and equipment slitters will be mitigated by Biting the development activity on the top of Btu Mountafa by incorporating the project into a specific plan. Because of the slender constivctkm of the communication tower the scenic vista of the:abject mountain, will not be impacted. IMe location of the towers are proposed at the peak of Blue Mountain wiles allows only partial viewing from properties at the base of the moantata. From a distance the towers appears to e/1 be slender antennas. Utfflq s bvctores will be coaditlooW to be painted a color fiat w® be harmonlow to the surrounding geological features and located on the site cleat is ins visible from the 1 2 S 4 6 6 7 8! 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 r EO 21 22 U 24 2.9 n VM Ram, 3WAU 70% RMOM MWM 0f $w 67ITZQERAI+A Attoraeps At P. 0. BOX an Thirteenth sad Lemon Streets Riverside, Calilornix M02 Teleyhone (114) ISM 4M Attorneys fear KnoutoSre M 26 I!, FILED V. DMn wu - sr ckoay I , PAtOROED IN OFFICL4 RKORDS JAW 1$ 1916 AT I 1 A IL ! V DENNIS WARDL 2i. CLERK RECOODUt' I SW BERNARDINO COU . CAUF. I I SUPERIOR COURT OF 70 STATE OF CALEFOPM 1 FOR THE COUiM OF === "N iWQ Eatate of ) 50. 36312 ' BRtJAKIK A. KIDVp aR�d� cal= MD RVIXT OF M=W US. ALLtMIN �EMITIMS AT2GM 70 ATTORM5 . WIY DMR�AlA'a WM I Tom SriTg AND 0f VML AIMIZUTION UNM M I i+ dE88IF ? KIDD and BA12! li. ><►IAD, AS bWatorsief the Will of gniAMIW A. KIDD, DeOaaeid, MVID$ bMtaf"t filed)t>�lir first and fins) scaoaat and report of Zxecutora and petition ar'l(sattlonent + e tut@ end extrs9vdias1 1, to thereof, for +�llarsaca of a r7► I I attbroeys, for reserve for @login$ costs and for final !'distributWO under will sad for liens against estate and trust esti s, and said i account, rsport and petition co+doa on rOldar1T tot htsrirgs the court fiadel I �� Dug sad 1eLs1 notice Of the aettlemat of the 1c4uAt and of the beariag oa the petition for final distribution of!Jhs estate has been regularly given for the period ana to, the Deaaer prescribed 27 - 1 2a 89 30 31 32 by low. All the as a And transactions of the the pe,tiol 7 of tbo account truly are, shwa and should be approved ana ALL the, S sllegations of t,,A petitioa for L.'s settlement and �for, fieal distri- bution are, true. The account is full, true and coire,et lad should �I S be settled, allowed and approved aA filed. %j$jAMIM A. KIDD died ttguts on Korth 20, 19S19.lid tee County f PAGE ONE ATTACBNMNT-E Title Report Hf -OWNERS MON ERRACE Dt�gEl?Ry Si \ yA� Bua�� S; ^t ru ! 0 j (tlp,7 ONi'NER 13 0 ��tcrw� z LZ V. 7r ----277IRD--- AP�z77-2��-02 40 AC Iv. R��•t�VED OCT 11996 GWI Lot 4 AG _ ,eoo� ,At' OI AC Wt. OWNLR C jo AC 30AC ,// SUBJECT 1_01 4' �� sF� �dLD6rp�Pr'��� �nn 0 AC ro.yFas 4Y�S `EASE D rip o �o �,a u, �s..�T t 3 20' p0 A1,0P OIAnLR 20 AC En Ifrase �r0 © Se r.44;E/1 e► ac SA N BERNA RDINO COUNTY cvFRsinF r-otmosv ATTACUN ENT - F Location Map 1 F,Z—V I/ iAVVol/ . a �6 !f ,• t i � f ,It, 000 ''; Sk ' IF f lilt Ll t t fill oill IF ro R e C4 ciYAW jy j s ATTACHMENT - G I I D Topographical Map '04 r APN 2-7-7-16>1-OI?,jVP-Cti-IZZ.40Ac L07, S a3,-� a�rlc 1�5 I � t �--CPf .� LINIL F'CNLG 4` r F L INvGS(Mr-N7S irfs� Q Tow= Fu6L- / 1 prli i \( Tewca" 4 40 t ,� a � ToWakrt s in"tvI r` Po4cv i 4 1 , W-vi S'T 1 �ZOCIG \ I+tFJJC/!M0 f�RMIaTICf►.�S ` � I ROO�� Naa'oo r2'iu Its o' PRASE I P L INVESTMENTS SITE PI_ A N (OF SPAGES> Q 1.6Ay6 I.IPFb o.r , A.� P�a� O OF /.pN %77 I`f1 - OIj R >ti3' DO' ol I Z' yy .4 &&' , COON-T`t OP 5AN �`LZN/aftDlfyaO A ToG wu « 2 ' wwx F6CQ. 14y.� A, Lirlasi LIHf'd I FUCL TA►+IC� ONpS! II. I Q ��P/rovoS�v I - —,l 40.4G cam I L"► "o 1� i) ��f I vaoOosCD I I L A7r cuAN,,N�cre•._.� Tvv� Ittzs GtA7C �- 0 N i ROAo 15 r- �� PNb.SL. IL COUNT`( OF 5AW MRNARDINO NORTH f� 44' 1 GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION 1VIINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1996 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on December 5, 1996 at 7 00 p m by Chairman, Jimmy W Suns PRESENT: Jimmy W Suns, Chairperson Fran Van Gelder, Vice -Chairperson Matthew Addington, Commissioner Gerry Ellis, Commissioner Doug Wilson, Commissioner Larry Mamez, Associate Planner Hally Cappiello, Associate Planner Pat Peterson, Community Development Department Secretary ABSENT: Moue Huss, Commissioner Mary Trainor, Commissioner �1�. a l►i l iAlLtan * Call to Order * Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Ellis * Roll Call * Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None ATTACHMENT - 49 Draft Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of December 5, 1996 yk December 5,1996 Page 3 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Associate Planner Mamez said the proposed specific plan is very short, however minimally meets the California Land Use Law Staff is in support of the proposal as presented with minor changes to be discussed in detail The new proposed structures are to be located on 15 acres in the southeastern portion of the 40-acre parcel Phase 1 of the project is for one tower by P & L Investments Phase 2, by the County of San Bernardino is for 1 tower Mr Mainez said he received a comment from Ed Kruse, owner of the adjacent parcel, with a similar tower Mr Kruse is concerned the San Bernardino County tower l `} may interfere with the communication to/from his tower Mr Mamez said there may need to be some minor adjustments in the placement location of the towers/equipment to maintain a clear path of communication for each tower The purpose of this new project is to enhance communications Applicants will provide, as conditioned and agreed to, an access easement through every parcel the access road runs through Commissioner Wilson asked staff why Fire did not require an all weather surface access road with a 20' minimum width There was a discussion among staff and Chairman Sims about the lack of concern from Fire due to the remoteness of the project, construction materials, and the vegetation clearance requirement from buildings Commissioner Wilson asked if there was a discussion with Fire about the safety issues related to steepness of the road and difficulty in maintaining the roadway, if someone were injured on the mountain Mr Mamez said according to his recollection Fire's main concern was that of the propane tanks He said he would like to research the safety/access issue with Fire and the City Attorney Vice -chairperson Van Gelder said she is not concerned about these issues because apparently the Fire Dept is not concerned They have not even required the normal turnaround for fire equipment as they have in the past Staff recommended the Planning Commission approve SP-96-01 and E-96-02, subject to conditions of approval Chairman Suns asked Mr Mamez if the fuel/propane tanks will be enclosed in a concrete structure The response was affirmative, as a condition 7:55 P.M. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING Alex Eddie P & L Investments 17331 Calvo Drive Santa Ana, CA 92705 He said there are no great fire hazards at the top of Blue Mountain as there is nothing to burn The building is concrete block and has been there since 1972 The steel towers and concrete building with a steel fire door don't bum There have been several fires since 1972 and the Fire Dept Is not concerned He said the issue of fire safety is moot He said December 5,1996 Page 5 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Ed Kruse 38970 Avenida Vemta Mumetta, CA - - He said he owns the communications site due south of the proposed project He said he has been in this business for 30 years and builds approximately 9 of these sites per year He said he has 3 concerns 1) the proposed County tower location winch would interfere with two communication paths currently being licensed He suggested the conditions of approval be amended to say the placement of the County tower shall not interfere with his existing tower paths to the Cajon Pass or to Valley College, 2) The proposed site is approximately 3' higher L than Mr Kruse's site creating a drainage problem which requires shovehng mud after rams He suggested applicants place a swale running in a east -west direction to re -direct runoff, a 2 ft retaining wall or possibly regrading applicant's site, and 3) recorded legal access via the access road He requested this to be a condition of approval Chairman Sims said there is a proposed condition of approval to require evidence of right of access This is required before issuance of permits 8:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MOTION PCM-96-81 Motion by Chairman Sums to re -word Condition #9 to read, "all fuel tanks and potentially hazardous substances associated with this project shall be enclosed within a structure, of applicable, and secured within a locked chain link fence subject to approval of CDF, Cal OSHA and Building and Safety " Seconded by Vice -chairperson Van Gelder MOTION VOTE PCM-96-81 Carried 3-2-1-1 Commissioners Ellis and Addington voted "no" Commissioner Huss abstained and Commissioner Trainor absent MOTION PCM-96-82 Motion by Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder to amend Condition #11, to substitute the term "legal tights of access" for "rights of access" Seconded by Chairman Sums for discussion Motion withdrawn by Vice -chairperson Van Gelder. December 5,1996 Page 7 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Commissioner Addington recommended the applicant revise the specific plan and resubmit to staff He said as it currently stands he does not feel there are enough design guidelines and standards to make it a good, working, planning document Specifically, he' wants- to see the maximum development allowed, and how much open space to be retained Although it is in -the staff report the specific plan itself lacks clarity as to these two -issues " -- - Chairman Sims said it is staffs responsibility to make the changes in the specific plan as amended by staff and conditioned by the Planning Commission Mr Mamez said the City Attorney can re-evaluate the specific plan once again He reiterated the specific plan in its current form does meet minimum requirements under the state law MOTION PCM-96-86 SP-96-01/E-96-02 Motion by Chairman Suns to approve SP-96-01 and E-96-02 as amended by staff and conditioned Seconded by Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder MOTION VOTE PCM-96-86 Carved 4-2-0-1 Commissioners Ellis and Wilson voted "no" Commissioner Tramor absent 9.00 P.M. Chairman Sims turned the meeting over to Vice -Chairperson Van Gelder and excused himself for the evening. ITEM #3 BRSP-96-01/E-96-13 AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN TO ALLOW ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF TECHNICAL AND TRADE SCHOOLS WITHIN THE BRSP. (THIS ITEM 2 OF ORIGINAL AMENDMENT WAS CONTINUED FROM THE 11/21/96 MEETING) CITY OF GRAND TERRACE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN AREA A brief staff report was presented by Larry Mamez, Associate Planner This was a portion of the original Barton Road Specific Plan Amendment presented to the Planning Commission on November 21, 1996 There was a very brief discussion on November 21, then a motion to continue discussion of the portion of the amendment on December 5, 1996 The purpose of taus amendment is to add the specific use of technical and trade schools to the use matrix of the Barton Road Specific Plan The addition of this type of business would potentially increase pedestrian traffic within the City and commerce as a whole { r) December 5,1996 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Page 9 9:25 P.M. ADJOURNED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 19, 1996. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Larry Mamez, Associate Planner Jimmy W Suns for the Director Chairman, Planning Commission 01-16-97 pp Fran Van Gelder Vice -Chairperson, Planning Commission J c \office\wpwm\wpdocs\plammng\mmutes\12-05-96 mm ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA AMENDING GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 10.089 ESTABLISHING SPEED LP IITS FOR VARIOUS STREETS IN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace, through its Traffic Consultant, has conducted speed zone surveys on various City streets, and WHEREAS, the City staff has evaluated traffic conditions and street hazards in each area, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section 1 Section 10 08 010 is hereby amended to read as follows "10 08 010 Barton Road Mt Vernon Avenue De Berry Street. Palm Avenue. Main Street and Michigan Street - Findings The City Council finds, pursuant to traffic and engineering studies conducted during 1996, that speed limits on Barton Road, Mt Vernon Avenue, De Berry Street, Palm Avenue, Main Street and Michigan Street are hereby established to provide for the protection of the general public and to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic in a reasonable and safe manner " Section 2 Section 10 08 020 is hereby amended to read as follows "10 08 020 Barton Road De Berry Street Palm Avenue. Main Street. Michigan Street and Mt Vernon Avenue - Limits Des Wjgtsd. The Prim Facie speed limits shall be as set forth in this section on those streets or parts of those streets designated as follows when signs are erected given notice thereof A Barton Road from Michigan Street to Mt Vernon Avenue, 40 Miles Per Hour, B Barton Road from Mt Vernon Avenue to Preston Street, 40 Miles Per Hour, C Barton Road from Preston Street to East City Limits, 45 Miles Per Hour, D De Berry Street from Mictugan Street to Mt Vernon Avenue, 35 Miles Per Hour, E De Berry Street from Mt Vernon Avenue to 'A mule east of Observation Drive, couNac,�e�t�� 7�i COUNCIL Ordmance No Page 3 1, Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 23rd day of January, 1997, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Approved as to form City Attorney r City Clerk