03/12/1998Y FILE COPY -V1 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 824-6621 Fax (909) 783-7629 Fax (909)783-2600 Byron R Matteson Mayor Dan Buchanan Mayor ProTempore Herman Hilkey Jim Smgley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager March 12, 1998 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6.00 p in Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MARCH 12, 1998 GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 6 00 P M 212795 Barton Road INTHE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMPLIES WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990- IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CALL THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT (909) 824-6621 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO TBE USETING * Call to Order - * Invocation - Pastor Sahm Elias, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Chuch * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - AGENDA ITEMS STAFF COUNCIL u RECOMN ENDATION ACTION CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1 Approval of 02-18-98 Minutes Approve 2 Approval of Check Register CRA022698 & CRA031298 Approve 3 Approve Memberships for Inland Empire Economic Approve/Appropriate Partnership (IEEP) and California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED) pClosed Session - Real Estate Negotiations (22555 De Soto) ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Items to Delete SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - None 3� CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one tune without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citroen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion Approve A Approve Check Register No 022698 & 031298 B Ratify 03-12-98 CRA Action C Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda D Approval of 02-18-98 Minutes Approve E Resolution - Emergency Management Assistance Grant Approve PENDING C R A APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CONEWNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES 11 SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 18, 1998 A special meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on February 18, 1998, at 6 00 p m PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Chau7nan Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency Member Jim Singley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Paftma Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building and Safety Director Lt Mike Howell, Sheriff s Department ABSENT: John Harper, City Attorney APPROVAL OF JANUARY 22, 1998 CRA MINUTES CRA-98-06 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER HUXEY, SECOND BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the January 22, 1998, CRA Minutes APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER NO CRA021298 CRA-98-07 MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Check Register No CRA021298 MID YEAR BUDGET REVIEW AND ADJUSTMENTS FY 1997-1998 CRA-98-08 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY (VICE- CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, CARRIED 5-0, to Appropriate a total of $72, 807 from CRA - General Operations/Capital Projects Fund for approved 3 % COLA increase in salanes/wages/employer expenses, computer system hardware and software upgrades, and $60,000 for a sign beautification program and appropriate $8,295 from Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund for approved 3 0 % COLA increase in salanes/wages/employer expenses CRA AOE M M N& CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE FEBRUARY 26, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: PENDING C --- APPROVAL PAGE 1 CHECK REGISTER NO: 022698 FEBRUARY 26,1998 CHECKNO. VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P12226 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE, JAN 1998 22946 P12229 HERMAN HILKEY STIPENDS FOR FEBRUARY, 1998 15000 P12230 TRACEY MARTINEZ BIRTHDAY BONUS 1000 P12236 ESCROW STREET DEPOSIT TO PURCHASE PROPERTY, 12038 ARLISS 1,00000 39420 MARGARET AYARS REIMBURSEMENT FOR LOCAL MILEAGE 2275 39423 DAN BUCHANAN STIPENDS FOR FEBRUARY, 1998 15000 39425 CALLISON CONSTRUCTION FINAL PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION AT 22832 PALM, AND PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR 12471 VIVIENDA 17,240 70 39429 RAUL COLUNGA INTERN, 2/2-2/13/98 37389 39434 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING MAINTENANCE/USAGE OF KODAK COPIER 6128 39435 DATA PRINT COPIER SUPPLIES 7542 39444 LEE ANN GARCIA STIPENDS FOR FEBRUARY, 1998 15000 39454 JOANN LOMBARDO HOUSING SET -ASIDE REDUCTION PROJECT 30000 39456 BYRON MATTESON STIPENDS FOR FEBRUARY, 1998 15000 39473 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 1200 39472 RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY WATER FOR HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 24949 39475 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUDIT CONFIRMATION 5200 39482 JAMES SINGLEY STIPENDS FOR FEBRUARY, 1998 15000 39486 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY GAS FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION BUILDING AND HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 7002 39491 TRI STATE CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION AT 22547 LA PAIX 9,86220 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE. MARCH 12, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: PENDIh%a C R A APPROVAL PAGE 1 CHECK REGISTER NO: 031298 MARCH 12, 1998 CHECK NO. VENDOR DESCRIPTION _A1llLQUNT P12241 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE, FEB-MARCH, 1998 18792 P12242 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICE LIFE INSURANCE, MARCH, 1998 5143 P12243 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH INSURANCE, MARCH, 1998 78912 39507 B & C SOYLAND CONSTRUCTION CLEAN-UP/PATCHING, 22555 DESOTO 60000 39508 VIRGIL BARHAM AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR MARCH, 1989 13750 39509 BERGEVIN'S CLEANING SERVICE JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION BUILDING, FEB 1998 4000 39513 RAUL COLUNGA INTERN, 2/16-2/27/98 36771 39516 DOOR SALES, INC REPLACE DOORS, 22555 DE SOTO 65000 39517 DRUG ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM LAWN SERVICES,HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 12000 39520 HOPKINS ENTERPRISES REMOVE TREE, 12537 MICHIGAN 60000 39531 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 1363 �3954.1 TRI-STATE HOME IMPROVEMENTS PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION AT 22555 DE SOTO 11,180 50 39544 YOSEMITE WATERS BOTTLED WATER FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION BUILDING 2560 TOTAL 14,763 41 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR CtTI J a f? a \her a f ai CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) FUNDING REQUIRED X From Fund 32 CRA $1,325 STAFF REPORT Community and Economic Development Department hh} MEETING DATE March 12, 1998 NO FUNDING REQUIRED _ SUBJECT Inland Empire Economic Partnership (IEEP) and California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED) Memberships RECOMMENDATION Approval of Appropriation of Funds for Membership .•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..*e.•..•..•..•..•..•. ................................... BACKGROUND Inland Empire Economic Partnership Membership On May 9, 1996, the Grand Terrace redevelopment Agency approved participation in the Inland Empire economic Partnership (IEEP) The IEEP is a regional agency whose goal is to bolster the local economy through business attraction and marketing efforts The benefits to Grand Terrace of participating in the program are the following 1 Education of staff regarding the needs of different industry sectors to as to be able to market to them 2 Representation of Grand Terrace in various ways to enhance unage and awareness of the City and to generate business referrals Representation includes the following conferences (public and private), symposiums, marketing materials, economic reports and regional marketing efforts 3 Allow Grand Terrace to compete (via increased knowledge of staff and business leads developed by IEEP) for both small firms and larger, more high-tech industries that we may not otherwise have been able to reach via local contacts alone 4 Business referrals to Grand Terrace so we may offer interested businesses site locations to consider Note that over the past year, Grand Terrace has received 30 referrals, with Grand Terrace responding to two of them Results are pending 5 Maintain retention and support strategies for existing businesses such as offering small business resources, education to entrepreneurs 6 Create a regional network for economic development efforts (IEEP has 22 community partners/members) 7 Help the region to grow economically "Success" (sustainable economic growth) is easier to attam when there is not a large disparity between local entities IEEP Cost of Membership The cost of IEEP membership is $2,500 00/yr This is an increase of $925 00 over recent years The cost has risen due to an increase of overall costs incurred by IEEP and an increase in duties by IEEP and expectations of member cities Marketing efforts are much more aggressive than in other years, and competition is even stronger as the Inland Empire 22795 Barton Road •Grand Terrace, California 92313-5 { rM "m PAGE 1 PENuiWG CITY COUNCIL --APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE FEBRUARY 26, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO 022698 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF FEBRUARY 26, 1998 _ CHECK NO.. VENDOR Df-SCRIPTION AMOUNT P12223 LOUISE SMITH BIRTHDAY BONUS 5000 P12224 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 2/12/98 20188 P12225 PERS RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL ENDING 2/6/98 5,83389 P12226 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE, 1198 1,205 82 P12227 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 2/18/98 25330 P12228 JULIE DVORAK REFUND, RECREATION EXCURSION 2750 P12229 HERMAN HILKEY STIPENDS FOR FEBRUARY, 1998 30000 P12230 TRACEY MARTINEZ BIRTHDAY BONUS 4000 P12231 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENT FOR 2/20/98 22968 P12232 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY DISABILITY INSURANCE FOR FEB, 1998 94640 P12233 APA 1998 WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FOR CEQA WORKSHOP 16500 P12234 POSTMASTER-COLTON POSTAGE FOR CITY NEWSLETTER/RECREATION BROCHURES 51608 P12235 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FILING FEE, RIDGE MOBILE HOMES 3500 P12237 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 2/23/98 42649 P12238 MATTHEW ADDINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, 2/19/98 5000 39419 ALAN LANDSCAPE COMPANY PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR WORK AT PICO PARK 7,78000 39421 LOWELL BAILEY REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 2152 39422 RICHARD BESSELL REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 1050 39423 DAN BUCHANAN STIPENDS FOR FEBRUARY, 1998 30000 39424 CA PARKS/RECREATION SOCIETY SUPPLIES FOR RECREATION DEPARTMENT 3000 39426 CHEM-LITE INDUSTRIES PARK MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 23688 39427 CHILD HEALTH ALERT SUBSCRIPTION, CHILD CARE PUBLICATION 2600 39428 CITY OF COLTON WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICE, FEB 1998 58,308 60 39430 COMP RESOURCE OFFICE SUPPLIES y 20050 39431 COMPUTEAM COMPUTER REPAIRS 11853 39432 MAUREEN COMUNALE REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 1155 PAGE 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE FEBRUARY 26, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF CNE.CK NO, VENDOR 39460 OFFICE MAX 39461 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY 39462 PACIFIC BELL 39463 PETTY CASH 39464 PETTY CASH 39465 VIC PFENNIGHAUSEN 39466 KATHY PIERSON 39467 POSTMASTER-COLTON 39468 PRIME EQUIPMENT 39469 QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE 39470 QUALITY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 39472 RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY 39473 S 8 S ARTS AND CRAFTS 39474 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39475 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39476 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39477 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39478 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39479 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39480 TRAVEE SETHER 39481 SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INC 39482 JAMES SINGLEY 39483 CHRISTIE SNOWDEN 39484 LEDEEN SNYDER 39485 SOUTHERN CA�EDISON COMPANY r CHECK REGISTER NO. 022698 FEBRUARY 26, 1998 1 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT EQUIPMENT FOR CHILD CARE 61748 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE, MARCH, 1998 24576 PHONE CIVIC CENTER, PICO PARK 16650 REIMBURSE GENERAL PETTY CASH -FINANCE DEPARTMENT 12329 REIMBURSE PETTY CASH -CHILD CARE 36360 REIMBURSEMENT FOR E O C SUPPLIES 4631 INSTRUCTOR, TINY TUMBLERS/GYMNASTICS 68230 POSTAGE, MAILING MACHINE 1,00000 RAIN GEAR, CITIZENS PATROL 4310 REPAIRS, CHILD CARE VAN 53176 REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 1890 WATER FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES, PARKS, AND MERIDIANS 1.53093 PROGRAM SUPPLIES FOR CHILD CARE 30126 MAP REVISION UPDATES 720 BOOKING FEES-JAN , 1998 AND AUDIT CONFIRMATIONS 36580 REPLACE PAGER, COMMUNITY SERVICES 13000 PARKING CITATIONS, COUNTY PORTION, JULY-DEC , 1997 25000 LAW ENFORCEMENT/CRIME PREVENTION OFFICER,FEB 1998 85,645 60 NPDES AGREEMENT,JAN-MARCH, 1998 90000 REFUND, RECREATION EXCURSION 2300 SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 1,16167 STIPENDS FOR FEBRUARY, 1998 30000 INSTRUCTOR, CREATIVE MEMORIES 6300 REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 735 ELECTRIC FOR STREET LIGHTS AND SIGNAL 2,80211 PAGE 1 PENDIN%x %3TY CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COUNCILAPPROVAL DAYTE: MARCH 12,1998 CHECK REGISTER NO: 031298 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF CHECK NO. VENDOR P12238 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12239 PERS P12240 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12241 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK P12242 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICES P12243 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA P12244 METLIFE P12245 LEAGUE OF CA CITIES 39503 ACCENT PRINT & DESIGN 39504 ADDINGTON CONSULTING 39505 ADVANTAGE BUSINESS FORMS 39506 AIRBORNE EXPRESS 39508 VIRGIL BARHAM 39509 BERGEVIN'S CLEANING SERVICE 39510 BODY THERAPEUTICS 39511 CA MUNICIPAL TREASURES ASSOC 39512 CITY NEWSPAPER GROUP 39514 DICKSON COMPANY 39515 JOHN DONLEVY 39517 DRUG ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM 39518 J R FREEMAN COMPANY 39519 HONEYWELL, INC 39521 INLAND EMPIRE STAGES LIMITED 39522 JANI KING-COLTON REGION 39523 LELAND NURSERY 39524 LEROY'S LANDSCAPE SERVICE MARCH 12, 1998 DESCRIPTION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 2/26/98 RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL ENDING 2120/98 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 3/3/98 HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE, FEB/MARCH, 1998 LIFE, DENTAL, & VISION INS, MARCH, 1998 HEALTH INSURANCE, MARCH, 1998 LIFE INSURANCE, MARCH, 1998 REGISTRATION FOR PLANNERS CONFERENCE PRINT SENIOR NEWSLETTER ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR FEB, 1998 PRINT RECREATION BROCHURES/CITY NEWSLETTER EXPRESS MAIL AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR MARCH, 1998 JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR BUILDING & SAFETY BUILDING PROGRAM SUPPLIES, AQUATICS PROGRAM MEMBERSHIP FOR 1998 NOTICE, PUBLIC HEARINGS STREET SWEEPING, FEB, 1998 AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR MARCH, 1998 LANDSCAPE SERVICES, FRANKLIN/ORIOLE TRANSCRIBER, CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE ON HVAC UNIT, MARCH, 1998 BUS FOR RECREATION EXCURSION JANITORIAL SERVICES, CHILD CARE, MARCH, 1998 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES FOR BIKE LANE PROJECT LANDSCAPE SERVICES, TERRACE PINES, FEB, 1998 AMOUNT 18603 5,79915 32516 1,03680 1.20378 8,23271 97515 15000 7758 1,61000 3.29382 5460 11250 4000 13315 10000 15675 2,08250 20000 25000 26614 1,37424 47000 75900 3664 20000 y�� PAGE 3 DATE. MARCH 12, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: CHECK NO, VENDOR CITY OF GRAND TERRACE MARCH 12, 1998 DI SCRIPTION PAYROLL FOR FEBRUARY, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO _ 031298 AMOUNT 135.278 89 TOTAL 259,634 88 1 CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE CITY t LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY BERNARD SIMON ` FINANCE DIRECTOR 0 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL CITY COUNCEL MEWTES SPECIAL COUNCEL MEETING - FEBRUARY 18, 1998 A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on February 18, 1998 at 6 00 p m PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember `-1 Jim Singley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Fuiance Director Patnzia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building and Safety Director Lt Mike Howell, Sheriff s Department ABSENT: John Harper, City Attorney The meeting was opened with invocation by Dr Paul Reed, Terrace Crest Baptist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Jim Smgley SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A Recycling Family of the Month - Januaa 1998 Mayor Matteson announced that Mrs Kristen Tidwell and family are the recipients of the Recycling Family of the Month award for the month of January and of the local merchant gift certificates from Demetn's Restaurant, Stater Brother's Market, Food Connection and Flowers by Yvonne CONSENT CALENDAR CC-98-13 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCIIIv EMBER HII.KEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following consent calendar items 3A Approval of Check Register No 021298 3B Ratify 02-18-98 CRA Action 3C Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D Approval of 01-22-98 Minutes 3E Tentative Tract Map No 14078-1 Final Approval 3F Reject Liability Claim (Ramos) 3G Bridge Replacement - Barton Road at S P R R - Overhead Bridge (OH- 54C-0379) COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO Council Minutes February 18, 1998 Page 3 Elaine Wellard and expressed her concern with the parking situation and asked that the Council look into this situation Hwy Real, 1233 Via Barcelona, Redlands, stated that he is the father of Elaine Wellard and expressed Ins concern with the no parking on Mt Vernon Avenue ORAL REPORTS 5A Committee Reports 1 Crime Prevention committee (a) Minutes of 12-08-97 CC-98-14 MOTION BY COUNCELMEMBER GARCIA, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0 , to accept the December 8, 1997 Minutes of the Crime Prevention Comnttee 2 Historical and Cultural Activities Committee (a) Minutes of 01-05-98 CC-98-15 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCH.MEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the January 5, 1998 Minutes of the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee 5B Council Reports Mayor Matteson, reported that on March 18 the Grand Terrace Women's Club will be celebrating their 90th Birthday On February 25, Riverside Highland Water Co Will be hosting the Chamber of Commerce's mixer from 5 00 p m to 7 00 p m The City Selection Committee is meeting on March 4 He stated that Council needs to vote for City Selection Committee and LAFCO representatives It was the consensus of the Council to allow the Mayor to use his discretion on the voting Councilmember Garcia, reported that the Women's Club 90th Birthday celebration will be held on March 18 at 1100 a m and that on March 21 at 8 15 p m at the Memorial Chapel at Redlands University the Southern California Young Artists Symphony will be playing their annual pops concert Councilmember Singlev, reported that Councilmember Garcia has been appointed as the SANBAG representative for district 6 and congratulated her He referred to a portion of the City Manager's monthly report regarding the old GTI Market site and encouraged staff to work with the applicants Community and Economic Development Director Materassi, stated that there has not been a formal application, however, she expects one in a couple of weeks Council Mmutes February 18, 1998 Page 5 Mayor Matteson opened discussion to the public There being none, he returned discussion to Council. Councilmember Hilkey, questioned whether some of the organizations that have applied for a portion of the CDBG funds allocated to the City of Grand Terrace and other cities have ever received them Assistant City Manager Donlevy, responded that Council has complete authority over the money that has been allocated to the City of Grand Terrace and is unsure if the organizations have received funding from the other county cities Councilmember Garcia, wanted to clarify that the addition to the Senior Center would be allowed to be utilized by other organizations Assistant City Mager DonlevX, responded that it is to be primarily used by the seniors and their programs, however, we are hoping to be able to utilize the space on a part time basis for other uses CC-98-16 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCH MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following list of projects for the 1998-1999 CDBG Funding Year and authorize staff to submit the Funding List to the County of San Bernardino Department of Economic and Community Development County of San Bernardino Library (Public Servicel This is for a literacy education program winch funds the Grand Terrace Branch to be open an additional day each week The program has been funded since 1996 and is very successful The total allocation request is $4,500 00 2 City of Grand Terrace (Petta Park Developments This includes implementation of Phase I of the development of a passive park located adjacent to the Senior Center Total allocation will be $25,000 which must be matched with a $25,000 allocation from the Park Fund 3 Chi y of Grand Terrace (Senior Center Expansion) This will include the construction and remodel of a 1,500 square foot addition to the Senior Center for an additional class/meeting room Total cost estimation is $77,000 The total allocation for 1998-1999 is $106,500 lIiaalla&I-,INtl:Ii��i�lxX� 7A Fire Service DelivM Qptions for the City of Grand Terrace CC-98-17 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 44-0-1 (COUNCILMEMBER J "tt Council Minutes February 18, 1998 Page 7 COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to adopt a Resolution approving an application and contract with the South Coast Air Quality Management District, MSRC for 25 % co -funding through the Local Subvention Fund Match Program, and authorize use of the City's AB2766 Subvention funds for an Electric Vehicle Lease CLOSED SESSION 9A City Manager's Annual Performance Evaluation It was the consensus of the Council to reagendize the City Manager's Annual Performance Evaluation to the next City Council Meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 12, 1998 ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT ti Mayor Matteson adjourned the City Council Meeting at 8 30 p m , until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 6 00 p m CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM MEETING DATE MARCH 12, 1998 SUBJECT EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE GRANT NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND - With the creation of the San Bernardino County Emergency Operational Area, the City of Grand Terrace became eligible to receive grant funds from the State of California Office of Emergency Services for Emergency Planning and Preparedness Specifically, the City is eligible to receive $2,000 in Fiscal Year 1997-98 to cover the costs of an Intern to assist in the revision of the City's Disaster Preparedness Plan As a requirement of the State, each City must designate "Authorized Officials", by Resolution to submit and sign the various applications for the Emergency Management Assistance Program Staff is recommending the following names and titles be submitted by the City 1 Thomas J Schwab, City Manager 2 John W Donlevy, Jr , Assistant City Manager 3 Bernard Simon, Finance Director If adopted, staff will proceed with the necessary submittals for the 1997-98 Program RECONEWENDATION: That the City Council adopt A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED OFFICIALS FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS AND SIGNING DOCUMENTS FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE GRANTS FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FISCAL IMPACT. Receipt of approximately $2,000 in State Grant Funds COUNCIL AGENDA REY NQI'3E RESOLUTION NO.98- PAGE NO.2 ATTEST City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof I, Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 12th day of March, 1998, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN City Clerk Approved as to Form City Attorney CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE F E Q= 2 I998 Regular Meeting MINUTES January 12,1"S CITY CLERK The Grand Terrace Crone Prevention Committee met for the regular meeting at the Senior Center Meeting was called to order at 6 00 p m by Chairperson, Philomene Spisak MEMBERS PRESENT were Philomene Spisak, Chairperson, Brtsy Miller, Vice Chairperson, JoAnn Johnson, Dottie Raborn, Robert Stewart, Deck Rollins and Jaclae Ku= MEMBERS ABSENT - M'ike Fasenmyer, Alternate member CITY STAFF/SHERIFF'S DEPT. - Tanya Cahill, Community Services Officer, Detective Henry Jones and City Manager Tom Schwab GUESTS PRESENT- None AGENDA was approved MINUTES - Meeting of December 8th were approved with minor correction. Motion by Jackie Kiacz and Second by Tanya Cahill PUBLIC COMIIIENT - None CORRESPONDENCE - A letter indicating the City Council had approved the membership in WeTip Copy is attached - BUDGET - Beginning balance of $11172 85, an expenditure of $1500 to WeTip and $788 24 for bracelets, rodeo and flowers, leaving a balance of $8884 61 Report given by Dottie Raborn There were questions and a lot of discussion regarding how we could inform the public on how to use WeTip UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Proposed Community Development Plan a Item no longer needed Will be removed from the agenda- B. WeTip Program a Approved by Council on November 1 Ith. See Budget item above C. ID Cards a There was extended discussion on pro's and con's of I D 's b Film purchased earlier has all expired and cannot be used c Camera is being used for personnel photos D. Security lights on field at Dick Rollins Park a No report Tom well report in February NEW BUSINESS - None uricn.�a�a rt� IG1� COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 5 MARCH 1998 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE: CRIME PREVENTION DATE :FEBRUARY 10,1998 PROBLEM: THE CRu E PREVENTION COMAIITTEE HAS TWO ALTERNATE MEMBER VACANCIES WHICH HAVE EXISTED FOR A NUMBER OF MONTHS. ALTERNATIVES: CONTINUE WITH THE VACANCIES. SOLUTION: ACCEPT APPLICATIONS OF EWELL T. KNOWLES AND CLAIRE MC ELWEE AS ALTERNATE MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE. PROPOSED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND OR STAFF WE REQUEST THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT EWELL T. KNOWLES AND CLAIRE MC ELWEE AS ALTERNATE MEMBERS OF THE CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE AND THAT MAYOR BYRON MATTESON PREPARE LETTERS LETTERS TO MR KNOWLES AND MRS MC ELWEE REGARDING THIS ACTION. COUNCIL AGENDA fl'EY NOI41 � � a i CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APPLICATION FOR CITIZEN SERVICE COMPLETE AM SUBMIT TO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AS A MEMBER OF: LPYA.0 Pl?eM5�bl7lbAol (�44,4/__T6� NAME: ADDRESS: )z �� �h IewAz HOME PHONE: 7g3�zg�d BUSINESS PHONE: OCCUPATION: EDUCATION: (List highest year completed and all degrees) ARE THERE ANY WORKDAY EVENINGS YOU COULD NOT MEET-7 YES( ) NO IF SO, PLEASE LIST: WHY ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THIS POSITION? ®r4R6 AA1 014FJ!�e7l`4/4/i r Y Ta 56512E -7' iff Co/f#uN 1 WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER TO BE YOUR MAJOR QUALIFICATIONS? REFERENCES: 1. PHIL..O/ncAlE 2 ' '3-D AAY� �To //-w2y d/ 3- -Do—r- j /�5 P&Y90&A/ PLEASE ATTACH A WRITTEN STATEMENT CONTAINING ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU FEEL WOULD BE USEFUL TO THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COMIVIITTEE F E B - 1998 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY C' CnK July 7, 1997 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Eileen Hodder at 7 00 p in MEMBERS PRESENT: Eileen Hodder, Darla Wertz, Gary Eldridge, Vic Phenmghausen, hm Monroe, and Jun Hodder GUESTS PRESENT: John Donlevy, Rich Haubert APPROVAL OF 1VIINUTES: Minutes of the June 2, 1997 meeting were approved with one correction COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: 1 5 cases (50 meals) of emergency rations have been ordered from Able Industries and we are awaiting delivery 2 The video camera has been repaired and returned to the City 3 John will submit a recommendation to City Council that Rich Haubert be approved as a member of this committee Rich will turn his application on July 8 4 Work on obtaining an intern to assist in emergency planning out of John's office is progressing 5 Movement of the secure cabinet for the handheld transceivers to building 3 is still pending EQUIPMENT/FACILITY REPORT: 1 All communications equipment is functioning normally OLD BUSINESS: COUNCIL AGENDA 1T91 NQ.5* C1W OF GF.,%i ,D ; EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE F C � V;g CITY OF GRAND TERRACE C „ January 5, 1998 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Eileen Hodder at 7 17 p m MEMBERS PRESENT: i Eileen Hodder, Darla Wertz, Gary Eldridge, Vic Phenmghausen, and Jun Hodder GUESTS PRESENT: John Donlevy APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of the November 3, 1997 meeting were approved There was no quorum at the December 1997 meeting and no official business was conducted COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: 1 John reported that the El Nmo program for the seniors at the senior center on November 19 went very well He is planning an additional disaster preparedness program in February or March 2 John reported that the City did well during the heavy rains in December 3 John is going to make arrangements for having increased security measures taken on building 3 This includes boarding some of the windows 4 John will call Mike Hatfield and find out if Loma Linda might be interested in having some joint training given to personnel from both cities, which may save costs 5 John will check on community training that has been conducted in Rancho Cucamonga EQUIPMENT/FACILITY REPORT. HISTORICAL & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 2, 1998 . F E B 2. - 1998 CITY r, glr-e The meeting was- called to order by Chairmanl'i Wlf�e at 7 PM. Those present were Hannah Laister, Colleen Edmundson, Pauline Grant, Ann Petta, Shelly Rosenkild, Judy McBride and Brenda Stanfill. The Secretary's minutes for January were read and the following change made: Shelly did not question jewelry but asked about a painted saw. She also asked about fine arts and crafts. Colleen called the County Muesum on their opinion and they said they would show a painted saw and other like itsms. The minutes were then approved on motion by Ann, seconded by Colleen. Treasurer's Report shows a balance in Petty Cash of $176.50 and Budget $536.33. $15.00 was spent to clean the table cloth. City reports do not show expenses broken down by item. Brenda will request a detailed report. Motion to accept made by Hannah, seconded by Ann. ART SHOW May 3: Ann passed around a catalog from Penny's on the screen to hide the kitchen which will have to be 12 foot long. Shelly will check into building one and she also passed around a catalog. She will get back to the Committee with her findings. Shelly is working on the Art Show applications to be ready for the March sewer billing. Her application was accepted on motion by Pauline, seconded by Ann. The discussion on the difference between Arts vs Crafts will be continued to March when Vi is present. Ann and Colleen both talked to several people on this issue. Show Case: Colleen made numerous calls about the Gage Canal with very little resu lt. She will not give up on the canal but has a lot more information on Wilden Pump. Motions to go ahead with this made by Ann, seconded by Pauline. Publicity for Art Show: Shelly made up post cards to be sent to last years participants and also left at various shows and affairs. Ann made motion to accept, seconded by Pauline. We will have 100 cards made. Shelly is also working on a poster which will include the Blue Mountain logo. Banner- There will be one on City Hall which the City will prepare. Brenda will have the display boards and the sand- wich board painted white We will have to keep advertising on on- ba?rd to ite&%p 4Qtb4r4L fry ��$�.�� b-t . Brenda will talk to the City Manager. It was requested that if anyone has a subject to discuss at the next meeting, let Vi know so it can be included in *the agenda. OOUNgL AGENDA 1TEW N0.r_n& C.1Tr Community and Economic Development Department M V {------- ST"F REPORT n { } x. x ,\xv• rN , '' J{K` hx \\ p Ash a yr ,. ,., ,E{r.�,•h ^ {i^{4 hw } { {v � Jj { '' h { � .rf :�� � r \v 'Y�{v4n{.� � y ^+f}y Ix-• rvv CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE March 12, 1998 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X_ SUBJECT CUP-97-04/SA-97-10/DU-97-03, and E-97-09, Maple Ridge Mobile Home Retail Sales Center "Property Improvement Agreement" located at 12142 La Crosse Ave. RECOMMENDATION Approval of Off -site Property Improvement Agreement. PURPOSE. The purpose of the "Property Improvement Agreement" is to ensure the eventual installation of oil site street improvements along La Crosse Ave, which include, curb and gutter, drive approach, asphalt pavement between the curb and gutter and existing asphalt This agreement is one that prevents setting a precedent whereby property owners can occupy properties for a long period of time without bring the property up to code and/or installing off -site street improvements This agreement establishes a minimum of participation from the applicant BACKGROUND. On February 19, 1998, the Planning Commission approved a five (5) year Expiration Conditional Use Permit (CUP-97- 04/SA-97-10/DU-97-03, and E-97-09) for a Manufactured Home Retail Sales Center and Freeway Sign on the subject site which expires on February 19. 2003 Condition number 3 of the Grand Terrace Building and Safety Department, and condition numbers 1 and 2 of the Grand Terrace City Engineer included the installation of street improvements along Barton Road and La Crosse Ave In -lieu of installation of such off -site improvements the property owner is required to deposit $2,700 a year into an interest bearing trust account set up by the Grand Terrace Finance Department to be used only for such improvements along La Crosse Ave only as part of the CUP approval Please note that the total estimated off -site street improvements along La Crosse are $46,700 00 Applicant is requesting to pay until balance is $23,000, approximately 50% of cost. A similar request was approved by the Planning Commission and City Council for John's Lawnmower Shop on the northern portion of the subject property on May 22, 1997 Attached to the Planning Commission report is a "Property Improvement Agreement" which was signed by the property owner, Dr Terry McDuffee with the understanding that he would be able to propose alterations to be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council The only change proposed to date is item "F" which required the property owner to submit or cause to be submitted a full grading and drainage plan, and off -site street improvement plans for the entire property The property owner has requested that all grading a drainage plans be the responsibility of existing and future tenants on the site, and that the "Property Improvement Agreement" only focus on off -site street improvements associated with each separate use The property owner's request was granted by the Planning Commission Revisions to item "F" appear in the amended "Property Improvement Agreement" (please refer to Attachment A), and is supported by the Grand Terrace Community and Economic Development Department Staff 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 923134MMM MMA 11 a Mal OR f PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Dr Terry Mc Duffee here in after "Property Owner," is the owner of certain real property located at 12142 La Crosse Ave within the City of Grand Terrace and more particularly described as assessor's parcel numbers 277-083-06 (the "Property"), and WHEREAS, Lon L Gentry is the manager of Maple Ridge Mobile Homes located on the Property, was granted a Conditional Use Permit (CUP-97-04) to operate said Manufactured Home Retail Sales Center on said Property, and WHEREAS, a condition of said CUP-97-04 was the execution of an agreement with the City of Grand Terrace providing for funds for the ultimate construction of street improvements on La Crosse, and WHEREAS, Property Owner has agreed to provide said funds subject to certain conditions NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows The foregoing recitals are true and correct 2 Upon the constructions of permanent improvement by Maple Ridge Mobile Homes on the Property, Property Owner agrees to provide street improvement funds subject to the following conditions Section 1 Conditions. A Property Owner shall deposit $2,700 00 per year into an Interest Bearing Trust Account established and held by the City of Grand Terrace This deposit shall be made on or prior to April 20th of each year, commencing on April 20, 1998 The Trust Funds shall be used for the installation of street improvements along La Crosse Ave which include, curb and gutter, sidewalk, drive approach, and asphalt pavement between the curb and gutter and existing asphalt The Trust Funds shall be deposited in said account until the account reaches $23,000 00 The Property Owner shall not be required to deposit additional funds upon the balance reaching $23,000 00 or the actual cost of improvements The City of Grand Terrace has the right to use funds accumulated at any time for the installation of street improvements along the Property B Under no circumstance shall the subject Trust Fund be refunded to the Property Owner other than for the installation of street improvements by the Property Owner as approved by the City of Grand Terrace This condition of no refund applies whether or not Maple Ridge Mobile Homes continues to operate at the site, or whether the CUP is modified or revoked C In the event Property Owner fails to deposit funds into the Trust Fund on or prior to established deadline, the subject Conditional Use Permit (CUP-97-04, E-97-09) shall become null and void Property Owner and Maple Ridge Mobile Homes specifically Mc Duffee and Maple Ridge Agreement ATTACHMENT - A Property Improvement Agreement r , • 4 r{ iffy � PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Dr Terry Mc Duffee here in after "Property Owner," is the owner of certain real property located at 12142 La Crosse Ave within the City of Grand Terrace and more particularly described as assessor's parcel numbers 277-083-06 (the "Property"), and WHEREAS, Lon L Gentry is the manager of Maple Ridge Mobile Homes located on the Property, was granted a Conditional Use Permit (CUP-97-04) to operate said Manufactured Home Retail Sales Center on said Property, and WHEREAS, a condition of said CUP-97-04 was the execution of an agreement with the City of Grand Terrace providing for funds for the ultimate construction of street improvements on La Crosse, and WHEREAS, Property Owner has agreed to provide said funds subject to certain conditions NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows 1 . The foregoing recitals are true and correct. 2 Upon the constructions of permanent unprovement by Maple Ridge Mobile Homes on the Property, Property Owner agrees to provide street improvement funds subject to the following conditions Section 1 Conditions• A Property Owner shall deposit $2,700 00 per year into an Interest Bearing Trust Account established and held by the City of Grand Terrace This deposit shall be made on or prior to Apnl 20th of each year, commencing on April 20,1998 The Trust Funds shall be used for the installation of street improvements along La Crosse Ave which include, curb and gutter, sidewalk, drive approach, and asphalt pavement between the curb and gutter and existing asphalt. The Trust Funds shall be deposited in said account until the account reaches $23,000 00 The Property Owner shall not be required to deposit additional funds upon the balance reaching S23,000 00 or the actual cost of improvements The City of Grand Terrace has the right to use funds accumulated at any time for the installation of street unprovements along the Property B Under no circumstance shall the subject Trust Fund be refunded to the Property Owner other than for the installation of street unprovements by the Property Owner as approved by the City of Grand Terrace This condition of no refund applies whether or not Maple Ridge Mobile Homes continues to operate at the site, or whether the CUP is modified or revoked C In the event Property Owner fails to deposit funds into the Trust Fund on or prior to established deadline, the subject Conditional Use Permit (CUP-97-04, E-97-09) shall become null and void Property Owner and Maple Ridge Mobile Homes specifically Mc Duffee and Maple Ridge Agreement GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION " MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 19, 1998 DRAFT The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California on February 19, 1998 at 7 00 p m chairwoman, Fran Van Gelder PRESENT: Fran Van Gelder, Chairperson Doug Wilson, Commissioner Moire Huss, Commissioner Matthew Addington, Commissioner Gerry Ellis, Commissioner Patnzia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Lary Mainez, Associate Planner Raul Colunga, Planning Intern Pat Peterson, CEDD Secretary ABSENT, Mary Trainor, Commissioner Don Larkin, Commissioner * Call to Order * Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Huss * Roll Call * Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Community Development Director ITEM#1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 15, 1998. ATTACHMENT B - February 19, 1998, Planning Commission Minutes PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 February 19, 1998 Previously, on January 15, 1998, the Planning Commission approviicrA A take possession of the property and commence operation prior to official CUP approval A'hold harmless' agreement and an off -site development agreement were executed at that time as well The proposed use is for a manufactured home retail sales center, including furnished models and sales office It is anticipated that 5-10 homes per months will be sold ranging from $40,000 to $70,000 A Determination of Use is required as this use is not specifically listed in the zoning code Staff finds the proposed use similar to automotive related services associated with sales of trailers, campers and motor homes Hours of operation are anticipated to be 9 00 a m to 6 00 p m , 7 days per week Trip volume is approximately 16 per day, including employees and customers 21 parking spaces are proposed, including handicapped Grand Terrace requires only 10 spaces Given the estimate of 7 5 homes sold per month, Maple Ridge would generate approximately $19,000 sales tax in five years It is anticipated there will be approximately 14 new Jobs created Sales brochures, material samples and photographs of a similar sales site in Las Vegas were passed around to the Planning Commissioners Location of the 25' high, 72 square foot freeway sign will be at the south east corner of the property The sign will have a white background with blue lettering Unresolved issues at time of hearing were 1 Property Improvement Agreement - property owner will deposit $2,700 per year in a trust account which will be used to make deferred off -site improvements at some time in the future 2 Property owner requested the grading and on -site improvements be the responsibility of the tenant 3 Property owner requested he be required to submit only off -site improvement plans for the LaCrosse side of the parcel, instead of for the entire parcel 4 Property owner and applicant requested a 5 yr CUP vs staffs recommendation of 3 years Commissioner Huss asked staff if there are any recent Caltrans plans regarding the 1-215 widening which would impact this parcel Director stated it is too premature It may be many years before that information is known Applicant was invited to speak before the Planning Commission Dr. Terry McDuffee 1478 W Cypress Redlands, CA He said he is enthusiastic about having Maple Ridge as a tenant and believes they will be an asset to the community He requested the Commission to approve a 5 year PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 19, 1998 Seconded by Commissioner Huss MOTION VOTE PCM-98-03 Page 5 Motion camed 4-0-1-2 Commissioner Addington abstained Commissioners Trainor and Larkin absent MOTION PCM-98-04 Motion by Commissioner Wilson to amend condition #7 to read 'Street improvement plans as required by Budding and Safety/Public Works condition #3 shall be provided at the time of installation of said improvements for the entire property Seconded by Commissioner Huss Associate Planner Mainez clarified that condition #7 is the one-year requirement for off - site street improvement plans associated only with the use of Maple Ridge to submit plans for their portion within one year Staffs intention is for tenant and property owner to work together to complete plans for the entire site sooner than later There is currently $2,000 in the trust account and property owner will deposit another $2,700 which can be used for street improvement plans Applicant Maple Ridge has agreed to the one-year term of condition #7 Commissioner Wilson amended the pending motion to read "Street improvement plans for the Maple Ridge portion of this parcel as required by Building and Safety/Public Works condition #3 shall be provided within two years from date of CUP approval' (Note Plans for the northern portion of the site were not included in the motion, therefore it will return to ongmal condition of being required at time prior to the installation of street improvements ) Second concurred MOTION VOTE PCM-98-04 Motion camed 4-0-1-2 Commissioner Addington abstained Commissioners Trainor and Larkin absent MOTION PCM-98-05 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 7 February 19, 1998 Taylor Lumber is conditionally permitted for wholesale lumber sales T ro s Ase F I would be the ancillary sale of masonry and other budding materials Mason Mart, based in Phoenix, Arizona has been operating on the Taylor Lumber site since September, 1997 They are subleasing 5,000 square feet from Taylor Lumber, selling wholesale masonry products Orders are received by phone and fax There are no walk-in customers Hours of operation are 7 00 a m to 5 00 p m There are two Mason Mart employees at the site to load and unload trucks Planning Intern Colunga reviewed his research of other lumber companies in the region Several sell other budding products in addition to lumber He also summarized and compared zoning information gathered from other cities In conclusion Planning Intern Colunga stated staffs analysis shows ancillary uses such as masonry products and other types of budding materials are similar in nature to the operation of a lumber yard He presented three options for consideration of the Planning Commission 1 Approve Mason Mart "as is" at Taylor Lumber site with Land Use and Certificate of Occupancy, or 2 Require amendment of the existing CUP-90-04 for Taylor Lumber, or 3 Deny proposal There were no questions asked of staff or applicant, Mr Wesseln MOTION PCM-98-07 Commission Wilson proposed a finding in accordance with staff recommendation that the Planning Commission determine that the subject use is similar in nature and intent with the conditionally permitted use of Taylor Lumber and that sales of masonry is considered an ancillary use of lumber yards with approval of Land Use permit and Certificate of Occupancy permit Seconded by Chairwoman Van Gelder MOTION VOTE PCM-98-07 Motion carried 4-0-0-3 Commissioners Trainor, Larkin and Addington absent City Manager's Department STAFF,REPORT COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE March 12, 1998 SUBJECT Resolution Regulating Fireworks Sales Permits NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX The City Council adopted Ordinance No 178 regulating the sale and discharge of fireworks in the City of Grand Terrace This Ordinance became effective February 23, 1998 The attached Resolution is to provide for a filing period for fireworks permits and a method by which the hcenses are to be granted or demed This Resolution is to augment the language of the Fireworks Ordinance The provisions of both the Fireworks Ordinance and Resolution must be met in securing a fireworks sales license Staff Recommends That Council: Adopt the attached Resolution setting forth dates and conditions regarding the issuance of fireworks sales permits in the City of Grand Terrace. TS yam Attachment couacu. noaon rtEJe pn�F4 i RESOLUTION NO. 98- I, Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 12th day of March, 1998, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Approved as to form City Attorney City Clerk CiT r STAFF REPORT Community and Economic Development Department CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE March 12, 1998 FUNDING REQUIRED _ X NO FUNDING REQUIRED Fund 44 Bike Lane Budgeted revenue $358,129 plus new appropriations of $11,343 = $369,472 Fund 44 Bike Lane Expenditure appropriations = $369,472 SUBJECT Article 3 Pedestrian/Bike Lane Project RECOMMENDATION Notice of Completion & Authorization to be Reimbursed BACKGROUND In December 1995, the City was awarded a $369,472 grant from the San Bernardino County Association of Governments (SANBAG) for the design and construction of a pedestnan/bike lane Due to budget constraints, it was decided that the project would be completed in phases Phase I plans have included the installation of the street improvements along the route, obtaining right-of-way dedications and the design of the route in its entirety Note that dedication has been obtained and street improvements have been installed on Main Street, however, striping on Main will be completed as a Phase II of the project as funds become available At its August 28, 1998 meeting, per the request of City Building & Safety, Public Works and Housing Department, the Grand Terrace City Council approved the construction of unprovements by Sean Malek Engineering and Construction Company pursuant to contract number GTB97-03 At this time, the work related to Phase I of the pedestnan/bike lane project has been completed It is therefore timely to 1) file a Notice of Completion on the above project so that we may submit appropriate paperwork for reimbursement of the $369,472 by SANBAG for this project, and 2) to make necessary minor adjustments for actual budget amounts RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that City Council approve the following I Approve the Notice of Completion for the pedestnan/bike lane project for Sean Malek Engineering and Construction Company to allow payment in full to this firm once project is finaled by the Deaprtment of Building & Safety, Public Works and Housing 2 Authorize Community & Economic Development staff to file a claim with SANBAG for reimbursement of expenditures related to the grant 3 Appropriate $363,033bike lane construction fund account #44-200-620 to correct budgeted expenditures for FY 97-98 per request of Finance Department 4 Adjust estimated revenue in bike lane construction fund account 44-300-01 by $11,343 to match amount of grant reimbursement from SANBAG pre request of Finance Department c V=fficelcommdev\grantlnotcomp doc vBmc 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, California 92313-500UQWpA REM NM'814 Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM () MEETING DATE MARCH 12, 1998 SUBJECT EXCLUSIVE SOLID WASTE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: In July, 1996, the City Council approved a significant revision to our solid waste management when it granted a new franchise agreement to BFI of California This included the introduction of an automated pick-up system, green waste collection and a significant expansion of our recycling efforts Much of this was done in an effort to increase the level of service provided to Grand Terrace residents, as well as meet the mandates of AB 939 Subsequently, the BFI Franchise was assumed by USA Waste of California, which is now our franchised hauler for residential collection Also at issue at that time was the franchising of commercial hauling within the City The direction of the Council at that time was to not award an exclusive franchise to any one hauler, but for staff to continue examining the issue and come back to the City Council at a later date with recommendations Because of the many issues surrounding the sale of the local BFI Franchise, a number of issues were postponed for discussion by staff in the regular management of our franchise At issue have been the following • Expansion of residential recycling to weekly collection, including expansion of the efficiency and ease of recycling to help increase our diversion efforts to meet the 50% diversion mandates of AB 939 • Commercial pick-up issues, including franchising, recycling and rate stabilization In relation to Commercial hauling, all haulers have been given notice that on July 1, 2000, the City will cancel all licensing for commercial pick-up in the City At that time also, all multi --family residential will revert to USA Waste as our residential hauler In total, staff estimates the total USA controlled waste to represent over 80% of the existing commercial waste flow with the balance being collected by Jack's Disposal and Burrtec Industnes COUNCIL AGENDA MW NqS� 'L1 l a Je Exclusive Franchise Agreement- Solid Waste Agenda Report- March 12, 1998 Page 3 of 4 2 Commercial ExclusivLq - Three haulers currently provide service to all the existing commercial and multi -family accounts within the City Franchising with one hauler will allow the City to collect franchise fees from the hauler wluch can be used to offset the impacts of trash trucks on City infrastructure Additionally, rates will be established by City Council Resolution to stabilize commercial rates as is accomplished with the residential rate program 3 USA has agreed to increase the amount of Franchise Fees paid the City Under the proposal, USA will pay a 12 5% Franchise Fee for Residenfial until July, 1999, then 15% They will pay a 15% Franchise Fee for Commercial This is in comparison to the 10% currently paid for residential and 0% received on commercial and industrial accounts Revenues Anil increase from $60,000 in the current fiscal year to $109,000 in Year 1 of the Agreement and to $124,000 in Year 2 and thereafter These funds can be used for streets and improvements which are generally uses of franchise revenues 4 Commercial Franchising will establish commercial bm recycling programs to increase diversion statistics to accommodate the needed diversion data Also, commercial and multi -family customers that recycle will enjoy reduced overall monthly rates by not paying the landfill component of the regular rate 5 USA Waste Services has agreed to utilize the San Bernardino Landfill system so that, the City will enjoy the reduced disposal rate 6 USA Waste Services has made a standing offer to purchase existing commercial accounts from the other two companies for fair market value so that they enjoy the complete five-year wind -down If a purchase does not occur, companies that are serving multi -family accounts will discontinue servicmg these accounts by July 1, 2000 due to the exclusivity of the existing Residential Franchise that is in effect to the year 2006 7 Franchise Term: The City will establish a 10-year Franchise term so that full depreciation of the new equipment will be allowed and thereby passing on the reduced fee to the rate -payers This will make the Franchise termination June 30, 2008 8 Existing recycling baskets at the residences will be offered to the homeowners or collected for reuse 9 Introduction of a curbside (no charge) bulky item collection for residential This will help residents who are unable to transport bulky items (couches, appliances, car► 1 Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM MEETING DATE MARCH 12, 1998 SUBJECT COMMERCIAL WASTE SERVICES- NOTICE NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: In the City's dealing with solid waste issues in the past number of years, the subject of how to regulate and manage the commercial waste haulers within the City of Grand Terrace has been a serious issue The main point of contention which has limited the City to act to bring the commercial haulers under regulation in order to meet the guidelines of AB 939 has been Public Resources Code Section 49520 Under PRC 49520, waste companies have had the legal rights to operate within a community, with a requirement that they be given a minimum of a Five (5) Year notice that they must cease doing business within the community This requirement has been significantly changed by recent court actions In a case decided on January 29, 1998, the Second District of California Court of Appeals, in City of Alhambra v P.J.B Disposal Company 98 D A R 1073E rendered a decision which significantly changed the interpretation of Public Resources Code Section 49520 In the decision, the Court of Appeals has determined that a five (5) year notice is only required when the waste hauler has a specific agreement with the public agency Simply doing business within the City pursuant to a business license is insufficient Under existing arrangements with our commercial and industrial haulers, the City of Grand Terrace has no formalized agreement, only the City issued business license In June, 1995, the City provided each of our commercial haulers with the required notice pursuant to PRC Section 49520, with a wind down expected on June 30, 2000 Our City Attorney has indicated that under this ruling, the City has no obligation to allow existing commercial haulers to continue in business for the statutory five (5) year period , At this evenings meeting, the City Council is considering a proposal from USA Waste, our franchised Residential hauler Under this proposal, they are proposing a number of expansions to our residential program, but are also requesting an exclusive franchise wluch would include commercial and industrial If awarded, the City now has a decision on the amount of notice we intend to give the existing haulers COUNCIL AGENDA 11EIA NOW, ClIr 5 Barton Road Grand Terrace is 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 824-6621 (909) 783-7629 (909) 783-2600 R. Matteson Maya Dan Buchanan Maya Pro Tempom Herman Hilkey Jim Singley : ee Ann Garcia Council Members J Schwab Cary Maw%w February 9,1998 Mailed Certified -Return Receipt Joe Avakian, President Jack's Disposal P O Box 141 San Bernardino, CA 92402 RE: Waste Disposal, Five (S) Year Continuation Right Dear Mr Avaluan In a case decided on January 29, 1998, the Second Distnct of California Court of Appeals, m City of Alhambra v P.J.B Disposal Company 98 D.A R. 10733 rendered a decision which significantly changed the interpretation of Public Resources Code Section 49520 In the decision, the Court of Appeals has determined that a five (5) year notice is only required when the waste hauler has a specific agreement with the public agency Simply doing business within the City pursuant to a business license is insufficient. Under existing arrangements with our commercial and mdustnal haulers, the City of Grand Terrace has no formalized agreement, only the City issued business license In June, 1995, the City provided each of our commercial haulers with the required notice pursuant to PRC Section 49520, with a wind down expected on June 30, 2000 Our City Attorney has indicated that under this ruling, the City has no obligation to allow existing commercial haulers to continue in business for the statutory five (5) year period. Currently, the City is considenng a proposal from USA Waste, our franchised residential hauler Under this proposal, they are proposing a number of expansions to our residential program, but are also requesting an exclusive franchise which would include commercial and mdustnal It is our anticipation that this will be taken before our City Council on March 12, 1998 In order to facilitate a thorough analysis of the impacts on how the City will proceed, we would request the following no later than February 26, 1998 • Written comments with your opinion on how the City should proceed • A listmg of all of your business accounts within the City of Grand Terrace • A total monthly billing amount. Please highlight any information which you consider to be propriety m nature, and this will be kept separate from public review If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or John W Donlevy, Jr, Assistant City Manager at (909) 824-6621 SmccreJL Thomas J Schwab City Manager Staff Report CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (x) MEETING DATE March 12, 1998 SUBJECT CHANGE MEETING TIME FOR MARCH 26, 1998 CITY COUNCIL MEETING The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for March 26th Staff has recently been informed that the League of California Cities Inland Empire Division General Membership meeting for March has been rescheduled from its regular date to March 26th at 7 00 p in due to a conflict with the League Policy Committee meetings, which are held in Sacramento Councilmember Garcia currently serves as the Vice President of the League of California Cities Inland Empire Division which requires her and City Staff to attend Rescheduling the City Council meeting to 4 00 p m would allow all Council Members to attend both meetings if they choose to Staff Recommends Council Reschedule the March 26, 1998 City Council meeting from 6 00 pm to 4 00 p in COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Np i-'