03/26/1998FILE COPY 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace —�' California 92313-5295 t Civic Center (909)824-6621 -• Fax (909) 783-7629 Fax (909) 783-2600 Byron R Matteson Mayor Dan Buchanan Mayor Pro Tempore Herman Hilkey Jim Singley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager March 26, 1998 5:30 p.m. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS MARCH 26, 1998 D TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 5 30 P M Barton Road TBE�OT`G�RA1 lilt TF�RI CECOMI+I WI J TBEA�CA11iS WI IIi�I ABIG�S A4'"TQ ` 0. IFYOU RIsIF� SEECI�AI. ASLS�`ANCl T4 YARTIO�AN 1'IiiS MIET>ING� gE� CAI T Cam' CURK'S O1�CE A� � SZA*1�G$I AT` FAST +18.tlfy lt'RI4It 3*�d T� M`EIvT�IG. - ` W YOU VESUM TO ADOUSS TIM QTV COUNCM MUM40 UM WXTWG, QTfMR THAN II"ER, TUBUC COMMIT, YOU ;ARE ASKED TO I+I+,EASR ,COhWT,jTZ ,A I. QVESkT T4 S AK.T'ORM AVAU AIU AT THE TRANCE ANI M ENT IT To UZ Cat CLUX SPIMRS WRLIIE CALLED I44)N NY Tin MAYOR AT = AFI'.R0 1tfA TIMF. * II Call to Order - * Invocation - Dr Paul Reed, Terrace Crest Baptist Church * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - STAFF AGENDA ITEMS RECOMMENDATION Approval of 03-12-98 Minutes Approve Approval of Check Register CRA032698 Approve Approve Memberships for Inland Empire Economic Approve/Appropriate Partnership (IEEP) and California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED) Implementation of Cost Allocation Plan Approve 1;1 Items to Delete 2 1 SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A Recycling Family of the Month - February 1998 B NORCAL - Christmas Tree Recycling Program Recognition 1 C Lmon's Club Donation to Grand Terrace Days 3 11 CONSENT CALENDAR following Consent Calendar items are expected to be me and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the cal at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item the Consent Calendar for discussion A Approve Check Register No 032698 I Approve B Ratify 03-26-98 CRA Action COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL CHAMBERS MARCH 26, 1998 fD TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 5 30 P M Barton Road `it OF GRAAUTZMV9VQMPL=WnH THE AA9JWA WnHD14A UX=S ACT OF Wo. W YOU #EQBlsm SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTIWATL IN TiIIS M1 ffWG! PLLUE CAM T= CffY CLE1 WS 0MC9 AT 0" 8t d31 ATIYAST48 JIMU PRIORTO T= bWXMG. YOU 015A"R= TW aW COtWCLOWURG,'Tl TWO, QTMTW*X " C MNE"o Y010,'Aft AM=TO PLUM COWUU A =QIIRST TO SPEAK FORM AVAUAkE iT TIM 'WITUNCZ ANDPRI=ffffTO MECHYCIXRL ISPIA"M WRLBE C UIMUPO BYTIMkft3 RAT TWAPPROPItfATNTM.. * Call to Order - * Invocation - Dr Paul Reed, Terrace Crest Baptist Church * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - STAFF COUNCIL { AGENDA ITEMS RECOMMENDATION ACTION CONVENE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Approve �1 J2 Approval of 03-12-98 Minutes Approval of Check Register CRA032699 Approve 3 1 Approve Memberships for Inland Empire Economic Approve/Appropriate Partnership (MEP) and Califorma Association for Local 1 Economic Development (CALED) 4 Implementation of Cost Allocation Plan Approve ADJOURN COMMUNYrY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Cg!DM E CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1 Items to Delete 2 SpEQAL PRESENTATIONS A Recycling Family of the Month - February 1998 B NORCAL - Christmas Tree Recycling Program Recognition 3 CONSENT CALENDAR r T1 i a following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the C. SfY f at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item lin the Consent Calendar for discussion. Approve ister gister No 032698 Approve Check Reg Ratify 03-26A8 CRA Action i PENDING C R A APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 12, 1998 A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on March 12, 1998, at 6 00 p m P Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency Member Jun Singley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Pahma. Materassi, Community and Economic Development Duector Vugil Barham, Building and Safety Director John Harper, City Attorney LL Mike Howell, Sheriffs Department APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 18, 1998 CRA MINUTES CRA-98-10 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER HILLIMY, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY WAS ABSENT), to approve the February 18, 1998, CRA Minutes APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER NO CRA022698 & CRA031298 CRA-98-11 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER HII.KEY, SECOND BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY WAS ABSENT), to approve Check Register No CRA022698 & CRA031298 APPROVE MEMBERSHIPS FOR INLAND EMPIRE ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP UEPI AND CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (CALED) CRA-98-12 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER EMKEY, SECOND BY CHAIRMAN MATTESON, FAILED 2-2-0-1 (AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY AND VICE- CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN VOTED NO AND AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE MARCH 26,1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: P12247 BERNARD SIMON P12249 UNITED STATES ESCROW P12252 STATE COMPENSATION INS FUND P12311 DANIEL NOVE 39556 ACCENT PRINT r1 DESIGN 39558 ADVANTAGE BUSINESS FORMS 39559 AERIAL PERSPECTIVES 39564 DAN BUCHANAN 39571 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY 39575 DRUG ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM 39578 LEE ANN GARCIA 39580 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 39584 HERMAN HILKEY 39594 BYRON MATTESON 39597 PETTY CASH 39606 JAMES SINGLEY 39607 SO CA EDISON CO 39606 SO CA GAS CO 39609 STAPLES 39618 YOSEMITE WATERS PENDING I A APPROVAL PAGE 1 CHECK REGISTER NO' 032698 MARCH 26.1998 BIRTHDAY BONUS 2000 LOAN-DREXEL 8,33800 WORKERS COMP ZSS 20323 GIS INTERN 2/171W3r" 44800 BUSINESS CARDS 7326 DIE -CUT FORMS 5818 AERIAL PHOTOS-GT 1,29300 BUCHANAN-STIPENDS 3/98 15000 MAINT KODAK 2/98-USAGE 1/98 6199 LAWN SERVICES-2/98-VARIOUS REHAB LOCATIONS 4000 GARCIA-STIPENDS 368 15000 WASTEWATER SVCS 3/1-5/1/98-VARIOUS REHAB LO( 12600 HILKEY-STIPENDS 3198 15000 MATTESON-STIPENDS 3/98 15000 REIMB PETTY CASH 973 SINGLEY-STIPENDS 3198 15000 ELECTRIC SERVICE -VARIOUS REHAB LOCATIONS 9846 GAS SERVICE -VARIOUS REHAB LOCATIONS 4434 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6322 BOTTLED WATER 680 TOTAL 11,634 21 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR C1TV Community and Economic Development Department OR r i Ri•\ Al { 4%�v• {'• h ..v r ,. ihK v ii•�Kh, \ S h } �`, v`�i ` t \ } � `T�6f ���if•/ f 4 J •'+k{' {"/. JfJ • fI% J'\hh4 �h\\ {i+q• ,� \ t,,�• dm h ITEM (X) COUNCIL ITEM( ) MEETING DATE March 26, 1998 SING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X ECT Agenda Item Number 3 Report Item 1 IEEP Revised TION Approval of Membership s is a revised recommendation regarding CRA Agenda Item # 3, report Item 1 Due to some confusion on membership s, we thought IEEP was requesting $2,500 for current membership dues However, they have clarified that they are jesting only the originally allocated amount of $1,575 The $2,500 membership amount is only due on the next fiscal r 1998-99 Therefore, there is no need for additional appropnation/allocation of funds at this time We will consider $2,500 during 1998-99 budget meetings t this time Staff request CRA to move to approve membership only and authorize amount of check to cover current embership dues, No additional financial appropriation is required All other information in the report referring to Item and 2 is valid Please make 2 separate motions One for IEEP and a separate motion one for CALED submitted, Materassi rnty and Economic Development Director ]m 16l/ /planning/cc/3-26-98 cc 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 - (909) 824-6621 CITh Community and Economic Development Department CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) 1 MEETING DATE March 26, 1999 FUNDING REQUIRED -X- NO FUNDING REQUIRED -X— From Fund 32 CRA $1,325 SUBJECT ITEM #1- Inland Empire Economic Partnership (IEEP), and ITEM #2 - California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED) Memberslups RECOMMENDATION Approval of Appropriation of Funds for Membership BACKGROUND On March 1% 1998, the Grand Terrace City Council continued discussion and consideration of the city's membership in both the Inland Empire Economic Partnership (IEEP) and the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED) until such time that staff could bring more mformaI on to the council. The City CounetT also requested a list of all professional organisations to which the City belongs At this time, staff is bringing the request for appropriation back to the council with specific mfon=on about membership benefits and other information as requested by the council Participation in such economic development programs fulfills the goals of the General Plan Task Force as stated in the Strategic Plan Policy #5, Actions #3 and #6 in that staff seeks to enlist the help of economic development specialists through membership m organizations hike IEEP and CALED The proposal to Jom these organu:abm also help fffll the goal in the Strategic Plan to develop Business Retention and Recruitment programs Please refer to General Plan Task Force resolution # 97-27 adopted by the City Council on November 17, 1997 (Attachment A) DISCUSSION As a new division to Grand Terrace, Economic Development is taking the initial steps to assume an active role in attracting new firms and retaining existing businesses Economic Development ranges from establishing in-house policies such as fast track permitting, business friendly environment, follow up calls to inqunies and an open door policy to far more complex issues There is no more important facet to a successful Economic Development effort than addressing these complex issues defining a market niche, discovering complimentary businesses and regional impacts, site specific needs of various industries and networking with those groups that can help us reach the decision makers and site acquisition teams of our target industries It is to our distinct advantage to make the most of available local and regional resources, thereby being both tune and cost efficient by not trying to "re -invent the wheel" For a small city, it may be the first, and most important, step in developing an economic development program 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 I IM NM IEET Cost f Membership The cost of IEEP membership is $2,500 00/yr This is an increase of $925 00 over recent years This membership fee is a flat rate for smaller cities (less than 25,000 population) Larger cities pay a greater rate of $ 25 per capita. Larger cities pay more because the ultimate benefit and services they receive is greater For example, since a larger city might have more vacant land, or more vacant building space, they will be able to respond to a greater number of business referrals than a smaller sized city like Grand Terrace The cost has also risen due to an increase of overall costs incurred by 1EEP and an increase in duties by 1EEP due to greater expectations of member cities Marketing efforts are much more aggressive than in other years, and competition is even stronger as the Inland Empire comes into competition with regions in other states in terms of an overall economy Note that due to an oversight, Grand Terrace was not a paid participant in IEEP in 1997, however, IEEP administrators will allow us to participate fully in 1998 with no accrual of membership fees Currently, S 1,575 00 is appropriated on the CRA account # 32 200-250 for IEEP, however, we need to appropriate an additional $925 00 to complete membership dues for the remaining amount. ITEM #2 - CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (CALED) MEMBERSHIP: CALED is a statewide economic development organization of 1802 members with a broad array of resources including the Professional Advisory Service (a service that gathers the time and skills of professional business persons, economists, planners and admmistrators to offer on -site workshops), a library and resource directory, newsletter, conferences and workshops, traming and seminars Membership offers the City reduced fees for all conferences and workshops of up to $100,00 for each attendee This discount is not applicable for the Professional Advisory Service items Members are also given free access to Team California Online winch offers online workshops, opportunities for networking and participating in discussion groups Non-members are also allowed to participate in workshops and most training opportunities, as well as receive CALED's technical assistance, but on a much reduced priority Note that membership benefits include all members of City staff for the same price Only special event registrations require separate payment for each attendee CALED Cost of Membership. The cost of CALED annual membership is $400 00 Given the cost of consultants, seminars and other technical advice and/or provider benefits, this is most cost effective and offers opportunities to all city staff RECOMMENDATION: The Community and Economic Development Department recommends the Grand Terrace City Council make two separate motions to approve staffs request for the following items Approve membership in IEEP and appropriate $1,325 00 for membership (inn addition to the $1,575 00 already allocated) from Redevelopment Agency account #32 200-250 Approve membership in CALED and appropriate $400 00 in funds from Redevelopment Agency account #32- 200-250 Respectfully submitted, Approved by, �F1 Hally Capp lo, Aisdciate Planner Patrizia Materassi, Community & Economic Development Director PM.hc c ImsofficelcommdevAccbeep2 rep • r 3 4 possible) Cumulative impacts of "P"actions will be evaluated during drafting of the Strategic Implementation Element. Actions will be part of the Strategic Implementation Element, and will be adopted by Resolution; Policies and Objectives will become part of the General Plan document itself and will be adopted by Ordinance, and WHEJU AS, the adoption of this resolution provides also for the closure of the General Plan Task Force as a city committee, leaving open the option for appointment of volunteer mentors as described in the document as necessary to help implementation of desired actions; and WHEREAS, the intent and content of this document was the subject of public hearings and forums of the City City Council, Planning Commission, media and newsletter articles, school educational materials, and presentations to committees and Chamber of Commerce, and WHEREAS, through the community outreach effort input was solicited and received from the community at large; and WHEREAS, the City Council previously approved this document, its intent and content and has directed staff to prepare a resolution for its adoption in order to provide a focused direction for the implementation of City goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace's Strategic Action Plan is not in any manner or form to take the place of the City General Plan, but rather, to guide the drafting and update of its elements, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace does hereby adopt the City of Grand Terrace's "Strategic Action Plan" incorporated hereby in Attachment A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace that: Section 1. The "Strategic Action Plan" is to be utilized as guidance for the General Plan update and budgetary policy, and Section 2. That any unplementation of actions be programmed and specifically authorized by the City Council on a case by case basis PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace California at a special meeting held on the 17th day of November 1997. 5Y I, BRENDA STANFILL, C'TY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 17th day of November, 1997 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hilkey, Singley, and Garcia; Mayor Pro Tom Buchanan; Mayor Matteson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Ll Rof%L��/ibty Clerk - � a Develop Business Retention and Expansion, and P Within S yrs F1 Business Recruitment, Programs in connection with the Chamber of Commerce Develop an Economic Development Element for P Within S yrs F1 the City General Plan Develop a comprehensive economic development P Within S yrs F1 program which utilizes all community assets to the utmost possible Use analytical tools to define the City's market P Within S yrs F1 niche, such as. A Economic Base Analysis (to determme our role in the economic region and the region's industrial and retail major clusters) B Market Analysis/Busmess Absorption Study (to evaluate businesses such as biomedical and medical services, dentists, chddren's businesses, etc ) C Business and Resident Surveys D CALED one -day workshop E Business Incubator Analysis Develop brochure to explain "Fast Track" permit Within 2 yrs F1 process as an incentive for new business, via a "cafeteria point m" Consider rezoning the area surrounding the GTI Within 2 yrs F1 market site to the north to make it more attractive to developers Evaluate city codes regarding tenant Within S yrs FI improvements in conjunction with local businesses to increase flembdity in Investigate a City Main Street of program Within S yrs Fl Evaluate creation of international business Within 10 yrs F1 opportunities The Practical Side Should we strive for a commercial/retail base, an industrial base, both — or perhaps, none at all? Where do we want to be in 20 years? Is it feasible to have an active downtown It is these very types of questions, the hard, practical questions, that should guide us in determining what types of economic development strategies are necessary In fact, we have already begun this process, and have initiated several programs to date I , • Work of the General Plan Task Force • Development of this Economic Development Element • Work of the Business Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce • Survey given to residents regardmg busmess • Recent City Council policy to find alternatives to loans received from Redevelopment Agency for use for normal City operations • Development of the City Profile and Compilation of the Urban Decisions Systems market data for Grand Terrace • Various economic development conferences and seminars attended by Commissioners, staff and a senes of related discussions and talks 11 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE MEMBE- HIPS & DUES 03/17/98 0 i m Z 96M7 97198 ORGANIZATION Eunsdon DEFT Einnl EYM LCC LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES TmilftswninwOmbesimal 190 szsw 00 SUN 00 SANBAG SAN BERNARDINO ASSOC OF GOUT S Trwapmtdim 190 $210 00 $210 00 SCAG SO CALIF ASSOC OF GOUTS Profewim .l AMwciebm 100 $838 00 $830 00 GFOA GOAT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC Tr~ 140 $M 00 $145 00 CSMFO CALIFORNIA STATE MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS T 120 $100 00 CSMFO CALIFORNIA STATE MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS T m $100 00 $200 00 CMBTA CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL BUSINESS TAX ASSOC T 140 $50 00 $50 00 CMTA CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL TREASURERS ASSOC Tra WnWSwnk"p W"Wm l 120 $37 50 $100 00 CMTA CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL TREASURERS ASSOC T 1,0 $37 50 $100 00 MMASC MUNICIPAL MAOT ASST OF SO CALIF T 180 $0 00 PAPA PESTICIDE APPLICATORS PROFESSIONAL ASSOC T 180 $27 00 $30 00 INC INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MUNICIPAL CLERKS T 125 $05 00 $05 00 CCAC CALIF CONTRACT CITIES ASSOC Ti@kdiWSm.di v/prdb@sk d 125 $75 00 $00 00 APA AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION T 370= $025 00 $200 00 AEP ASSOC ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS TmIr*plSwrrkwVWd"d" 370 $00 00 SIM 00 IEMA INTER EMPLOYEE MGMT ASSOC T 12D 32D 00 NNA (2YR M NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION T 125 $50 00 ICBO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS T 172 $05 00 $85 00 CALBO CALIFORNIA BUILDING OFFICIALS Tr W%awrrinws/pro-e b 172 $150 00 NFPA NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION T 172 $05 00 IED/LCC INLAND EMPIRE DIVISION OF LCC TrnkrloWSoMme/prnfi-m-1M 180 $10000 $10000 CCCA CALIF CITY CLERK ASSOC TrWMWlSunInwWWofmWmW 180 $100 00 $100 00 CPRS CALIF PARKS RECREATION SOCIETY T 430 $13000 $12D 00 CPRS CALIF PARKS RECREATION SOCIETY Tnlrrkry8wnkwWpnolwr•l" 807 $15000 SCMAF 80 CALIF MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION T 430 saw $25 00 NRPA NATIONAL RECREATION PARKS ASSOC T 430 $130 00 $130 00 NACCP NATIONAL ASSOC CHILD CARE PROFESSIONALS T 440 $75 00 $75 00 CAPRCSM CALIF ASSOC PARKS RECR COMM BOARD MEMB TmIf*WSwnlrwVpm%"iWW 807 $175 00 NAHRO NATIONAL ASSOC HOUSING a A REDEV OFFICIALS T 34400 scm 2105.00 TOTALS iAimm ALZMA PEN G CITY PAGE 1 COUNC,,. APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE: MARCH 26.1998 CHECK REGISTER NO: 032698 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: MARCH 26.1998 CHECK NO. VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P12246 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES PLANNING INSTITUTE REGISTRATION-LARKIN 3/6/98 15000 P12247 BERNARD SIMON BIRTHDAY BONUS 3000 P12248 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 3/6/98 26083 P12250 ENTERPRISE FOR ECONOMIC EXCELLENCE WEB PAGE SERVICE 226/98-2/29/99 52000 P12251 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY DISABILITY INSURANCE 3/98 95592 P12252 STATE COMPENSATION INS FUND WORKERS COMP 2/98 1.16968 P12253 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 3/10/98 21644 P12313 JEFFREY STALLINGS BIRTHDAY BONUS 5000 P12314 JAMES MULLINS UPGRADE GIS STATION 53000 P12315 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 3/17/98 42087 39555 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO INC EQUIPMENT PARTS 26276 39556 ACCENT PRINT & DESIGN BUSINESS CARDS & LETTERHEAD 31698 39557 ADDINGTON CONSULTING ENGINEEERING SERVICES 1/98 57000 39560 ALLSTATE LIFE INSURANCE CO LIFE INSURANCE, HILKEY (6 MOS) 90000 39561 APPLIANCE DOCTOR REPAIR WATER HEATER, CHILD CARE 10800 39562 ARROW STRAIGHT STREET STRIPING, PROGRESS PAYMENT 2,21355 39563 ASCOM HASLER MAILING SYSTEMS INC RENT POSTAGE METER, 4/5/98 - 7/4/98 4A8 09 39564 DAN BUCHANAN STIPEND 3/98 30000 39565 CALIFORNIA MAIN STREET WORKSHOP-CAPPIELLO 3500 39566 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING 1/98 OF BARTON ROAD/1215 4356 39567 CAROLE SHAW-OSBORNE WASTEWATER REFUND 1575 39568 CITY NEWSPAPER GROUP NOTICES OF PUBLIC HEARINGS 8250 39569 COLTON JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST RENT COMMUNITY CENTER 1998 10100 39570 CITY OF COLTON WASTEWATER SERVICES 3/98 57,92711 39571 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY MAINTENANCE 2/98 & USAGE 1/98 KODAK COPIER 5072 39572 DICKSON COMPANY DUMP CHARGES 29007 PAGE 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE: MARCH 26. 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: MARCH 26,1998 CHECK NO, 39601 VENDOR RICHARD WORSLEY 39602 ROBERT SWETNAM 39603 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39604 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39605 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39606 JAMES SINGLEY 39607 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 39608 THE GAS COMPANY 39609 STAPLES 39610 SYSCO 39611 MICHAEL TODD 39612 TRADEMARK REALTORS 39613 TRI-COUNTY,OFFICIALS 39614 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 39615 VALLEY TIRE COMPANY 39616 JEANINE VASQUEZ 39617 WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY 39618 YOSEMITE WATER 39619 ZEPHYR PRODUCTS CHECK REGISTER NO: 032698 AMOUNT WASTEWATER REFUND 2205 WASTEWATER REFUND 630 BOOKING FEES FOR 2/98 1,26648 LAW ENFORCEMENT 3/98, OVERTIME 10-12/97 89,778 74 DUMP CHARGES FOR 2/98 39112 STIPEND 3/98 300 00 ELECTRIC SERVICE 2/98 7,66570 GAS SERVICE 2198 "4 32 OFFICE SUPPLIES, COPIER PAPER 79044 CHILD CARE FOOD SUPPLIES 3/98 36037 OPEN/CLOSE PICO PARK 2/98 17000 WASTEWATER REFUND 1575 UMPIRE SERVICES 2/16-2/28/98 12000 ALERT NOTIFICATION 2198 & POPULATION CHARGE 24750 TIRES, LAWNMOWER 14664 FACILITY MONITOR 12720 PEST CONTROL 2/98 15500 BOTTLED WATER 3/98 13600 VESTS, WORK RELEASE 2800 1 CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PENDING CI s V CITY COUNCEL MMUES COUNCIL APPROVAL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 12. 1"S A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on M-arch 12, 1998 at 6 00 p m PRESENT: Byron Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem t Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Jun Smgley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Pahum Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building and Safety Director John Harper, City Attorney Lt Mike Howell, Sheriffs Department AB None The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Salim Elias, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilwoman Lee Ann Garcia SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None CONSENT CALEND R CC-98-21 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following consent calendar items- 3A Approval of Check Register No 022698 & 031298 3B Ratify 03-12-98 CRA Action 3C Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D Approval of 02-18-98 Minutes 3E Resolution - Emergency Management Assistance Grant PUBLIC COAEMU lT ° Dick Rollins, 22797 Barton Road, reported that there is a fngh level of car burglaries in Grand Terrace and encouraged residents to park their velucles in garages when possible and to make sure that all doors are locked and windows are rolled up and suggested that some type of flyer and an article be included in the newsletter about vehicle safety COUNCIL AGENDA MW NoD Council Minutes March 12, 1998 Page 3 consultant Davis and Company that prepared the feasibility study and other concerned organisations will be allowed to make their presentation He does not anticipate any decision bung made, it is only an opportunity for the LAFCO board to become familiar with the issues involved He encouraged anyone who would like to attend the meeting to do so He also reported that he attended the Riverside Highland Water Company open house and felt that it was a very nicely done event and feels that we are lucky to be served by such an outstanding organisation He attended an Advisory Commission on Water Policy meeting held where the Advisory Commission on Water Policy was asked to consider the San Bernardino Municipal Water agencies promotion on what they call the Lakes and Streams Project (Downtown San Bernardino Lake Proposal) It is his opinion that this project does not meet the criteria as a water project The Advisory Commission on Water Policy and many of the water agencies that have considered this have all decided if San Bernardino wants to do this as a redevelopment project they should, however, no one has established how it is truly a water project. He reported that the City of Colton is examining where they want to go with their sewer rate structure He stated that the initial proposal from tl ibty of Colton is a 30% rate increase for the City of Grand Terrace That item is under discussion and he will continue to represent the Council on the sewer issue He reported on the new law regarding red lights on school busses he wants everyone to be aware that when a bus is picking up or dropping off students and their lights are flashing vehicles must stop in either direction Councilmember EWW, stated that kids rarely get hurt on the school busses it is when they get off of the bus. Councilmember Sin ev, reported on the monthly SANBAG meeting that he attended Councilmember Garcia, commended Councilmember Singley for being an outstanding SANBAG representative She stated that she received a letter from WE -Tip giving the statistical report card. She reported that the Friends of the Library Cook Book will be available soon and any one wanting to give input, suggestions, or donations can call Ann Petta at 783-M8. She announced that the Garden Club is having their second meeting on March 18. On Tuesday, March 17 the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Luncheon and June Trudell will be the speaker She complemented the bike lane She requested that an article be done by the Community Services Officer on public safety to go into the next newsletter. She reported that the Spring Egg Hunt will be held on April 11 at Pico Park at 10:00 a m and that the Annual Art Show will be held on May 3 PUBLIC HEARINGS 6A CUP-97-04/SA-97-10/DU-9743 AND E-97709 Maple Ridge Mobile Home Retail Sales Center "ProM y Improvement Agreement" located at 12142 La Cross Avenue Community and Economic Development Director Materaw, stated the she is requesting the City Council to approve a off -site Property Improvement Agreement for Maple Ridge Mobile Homes at 12142 La Cross The agreement allows entitlement for the property for five years and requires that 2,700 dollars be placed in a trust account per year in Council Minutes March 12, 1998 Page 5 Henry Riedel, 1233 Via Barcelona, Redlands, stated that he feels that Ms Wellard should be allowed to park on Mt Vernon in the bike lane according to the law City Attorney Harper, responded that California law allows cities to regulate and designate an area as no parking in a bike lane or any where else in the City by ordinance and that is in fact what the City of Grand Terrace has done Sautcilmember Hilkev, stated that the City of Grand Terrace took a position not to allow parking along the bike lane mute We could have allowed it however, we took the position not to allow it Mr. Riedel, stated that he feels that staff did not do their homework before taus project was done. Councilmember Sln_ glee, stated that the property owner was aware of this proposed bike lane and feels that there must be some way to solve this problem He stated that he is not m favor of allowing cars to park in the bike lane He feels that something can be worked out Elaine Wellard, 22483 De Soto, Grand Terrace, stated that she doesn't understand why the area in front of her apartment can not be designated as parking Mayor Matteson, stated that Council would like to work with Ms. Welland Mayor Pro Tem Buchanan, stated that suggestions have been made to the property owner, however, he chooses not to do them because of the cost. Councilmember Sulelev, feels that there should be no reason why the property owner can not provide a safe and handicap accessible parking location for his tenants MMa= Pro Tem Buchanan, stated that allowing parking on the bike lane is not going to happen, and feels that the problem is that of the property owner. Ms. Welland, stated that she tried to contact City Staff regarding the bike lane issue and no one responded to her QWncilmember Sing] stated that he feels that Council has made some suggestions for staff to take to the property owner Mayor Pro Tem Buchanan, stated that staff has been working with the property owner, he is not willing to make a commitment for a solution on his end Ray Hendnc son, 4995 "N" G Street, San Bernardino, questioned why the City is placing the burden soley on the property owner member Sing ev, stated that the City is willing to work with the property owner He stated that the property owner is responsible to update the property to conform to Council Minutes March 12, 1998 Page 7 Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 26, 1998 at 5 30 p in MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace 11 r Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM () MEETING DATE MARCH 26, 1998 SUBJECT CUSTODIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT LIBRARY NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: During the 1997-98 Fiscal Year Budget, the County of San Bernardino Library presented an offer to the City regarding the contracting of custodial services for the Grand Terrace Branch If the City were to manage and process the contract for Library Custodial Services, the County would return the savings in County Administrative Overhead to the local branch At the tune, they were estimating a savings of approximately 25 %, or approximately $600 As presented, the proposal includes the City assuming the contract management for the services, primarily including the develop of the agreement and the processing of the payments to the contractor The City then bills the County directly for a full reimbursement The benefit is the County Library saving on the County unposed overhead winch is then credited to the local branch in the form of additional funds for such items as books and materials Attached for the consideration is a Services Agreement between the City and Legend Building Maintenance The contract provides for Legend to provide custodial services primarily to the Library Additionally, the services may include the restrooms directly adjacent to the Library The term is for a one (1) year period at a cost not to exceed $250 per month This is an assumption of the existing agreement and services Legend has previous provided to the Grand Terrace Branch Library RECOMMENDATION - That the City Council approve AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND LEGEND BUILDING MAINTENANCE FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES FISCAL E%IPACT The annual cost is not to exceed $3,000 which is fully reunbursed by the County of San Bernardino Library System ATTACHMENTS. Agreement COUNCIL AGENDA nEPA Na:�E II Ir any person employed by the Contractor or any subcontractor shall fail or refuse to carry out the directions of the City or its designee or is in the opinion of the City is incompetent, intemperate, or disorderly, used threatening or abusive language to any person representing the City, or is otherwise unsatisfactory, he/she shall be discharged from the project immediately, and shall not again be employed on the work except with the written consent of the City Contractor shall transfer or discharge any such person within a reasonable time following notice therefore from the City and such person shall not be employed at any other area maintained by the Contractor for the City except with the written consent of the City III Contractor shall require each of his/her employees to wear safe working attim This shall include proper work shoes and other clothing and gear required by Federal and/or State Safety Regulations p 0 C. SIGNS/EMPROVEMENTS I Contractor shall not post signs or advertising within the maintained facilities D. NON-INTERFERENCE. I Contractor shall not interfere with the public use of the maintained facilities and shall conduct its operations so as to offer the least possible obstruction and mconvemence to the public, or disruption to the peace and quiet of the areas within which the services are performed. E. STORAGE FACILITIES. I City shall not provide any storage facilities for the Contractor F. SCHEDULES/SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT. I Daily regular cLegm service a Empty and clean wastebaskets and other waste receptacles, msertmg liners as required b Sweep and/or dust mop all hard surface flooring (spot mop spillage, markings, wherever necessary) c Dust and clean all level surfaces of desks, tabletops, countertops, chairs, file -cabinets, window sills, telephones, display cases, and other office City of &rand Terrace LIbrory Custodro/ SeMces Agreemmt - Page 2 II Weekly regular clgm= service a Completely dust desks, chairs, benches, filing cabinets, and other office furniture (spot wash where necessary) b Dust partition ledges, window ledges, and low and high moldings c Spot wash walls and woodwork to remove hard marks and/or stains d Remove cobwebs from walls, ceilings, and/or floors e Wash all desktops when cleared of papers f Clean all electric switch plate covers g Thoroughly clean all restroom and lounge area floors with a solution containing an approved disinfectant h Wash and wipe dry exterior of all toilet tissue, hand towel, seat cover, and sanitary napkin dispensers Wash extenor and interior of "butt kitts" (cigarette receptacles), trash, and napkm receptacles n Contractor shall perform any task not specifically mentioned in this Agreement that is reasonably consistent with the purposes and intent of this Agreement. III Monthly regular cleaning service a Dust all wood panel surfaces and sides of portable office partitions b Dust all high and low ventilator covers and their surrounding areas Also, dust all venetian blinds c Thoroughly wet mop and spray -buff with floor machines d Vacuum upholstered furniture, polish wood portion of funuture (spot shampoo if needed) e Dust picture frames and wash glass, dust clock face and alarm sensors f Polish office furniture g Vacuum with crevasse tool all edges of carpeted areas and areas not normally reached with vacuum City of &Md Terrace L,ibrdry Cwtod�n/ Swwc" Agree mt - Page 4 A 11 The Library may require cu-rodial services of spot vacuuming traffic areas and cleaning of restroom facilities on Saturdays and/or Sundays on a regularly scheduled basis as requested by the Library through the City H. USE OF CHEMICALS. I The Contractor shall comply with all regulations and safety precautions listed on the product label I. MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS DUE TO EXTRAORDINARY INCIDENTS. I Any extraordinary incident such as vandalism, acts of God and thud party negligence which has or will affect City's property and is within the scope of the Contractor's responsibilities, shall be documented by Contractor by phone call, photographs, and/or written statement, and documentation shall be given to the City within eight (8) hours The Contractor is responsible for reporting graffiti Contractor shall perform the above documentation and report immediately upon discovery of extraordinary incidents Il Contractor shall, as set forth herein, perform maintenance, repairs and replacements, when the need for such work arises due to extraordinary incidents such as vandalism, acts of God, and thud party negligence in accordance with the provisions of this Section Contractor shall submit a written estimate for the cost of performing such work to City City may, upon review and approval of such estimate, authorize Contractor to perform said work by the issuance of a written work order Upon completion of the work, Contractor shall submit a bill to City and City shall reimburse Contractor, but only up to the amount of the agreed upon cost estimate In the event Contractor's written estimate is not approved, the City reserves the right to contract with a third party to perform such work SECTION 2. SERVICES PROVIDED CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, supervision and equipment required to perform said services SECTION 3 COMPENSATION Contractor shall be paid an amount not to exceed $250 00 per month Additional compensation may be made in amounts mutually agreed upon by both parties for "special services" City of 6wd Terrace Library CastodN/ 5vwces Agrmeemait - Po_e 6 1 TO CONTRACTOR Legend Building Maintenance P O Box 384 Rialto, CA 92376 ATTN Emanuel Butler, Manager Such notice shall be deemed received five (5) days after mailing, whether signed for or not SECTION 10. GRATUITIES CONTRACTOR warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents or representatives has offered or given any gratuities to CITY'S employees, agents or representatives with a view toward securing this contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto SECTION 11. CONFLICT OF HgTE:RFST CONTRACTOR warrants that he has no blood or marriage relationship, and that he is not in any way associated with any architect, engineer or other preparer of the plans and specifications for this project CONTRACTOR acknowledges that CITY has detailed Conflict of Interest rules, agrees to abide by those rules, and agrees that any breach of those rules shall give CITY the right to rescind, cancel or otherwise terminate this agreement, at CITY'S discretion SECTION 12. INTEGRATION This agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and it shall not be considered modified, altered, changed, or amended in any respect unless in writing and signed by the parties hereto SECTION 13. NO WAIVER The failure of the CITY at the time to require performance by the CONTRACTOR of any provisions hereof shall in no way affect the nght of the CITY thereafter to enforce same. Nor shall waiver by the CITY of any breach of any provisions hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of any wing breach of such provision or as a waiver of any provision itself SECTION 14. INSURANCE The Contractor shall supply insurance and licensing as follows ary insurance shall be provided on IOSCGL form No CG 00 01 11 85 or 88 Total limits be no less than 1 million dollars per occurrence for all coverage's and 1 million dollars ral aggregate City and its employees and agents shall be added as additional insureds using additional insured endorsement form CG 20 10 11 S5 (in no event will City accept an City of Terrace Library 40YO 01 Semces Ap-wm nt - Poo 8 0 SECTION 17 EXTRA WORK The Contractor hereby agrees that he will not proceed with any Extra Work unless he has been authorized in writing to do so by CITY WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written ATTEST By City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM By City Attorney Title CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Mayor CONTRACTOR City of &u d Terrace Libmry Custodial Sw"Ces AVvement - Page 10 i; STAFF REPORT CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ()OC) MEETING DATE March 26 1998 SUBJECT AMENDMENT OF CITY MANAGER'S EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX At the March 12 City Council Meeting the City Manager was given his evaluation At that time the following requests were submitted to the City Council to consider as changes to his current Employment Agreement The City Manager currently receives four weeks of vacation per year plus ten days of administrative leave Our personnel rules state that the ma>amum accrual of vacation is two times the annual benefit which is eight weeks for the City Manager He has been at maximum accrual for several years and finds it not possible to take ten weeks of vacation in any year to deplete the balance For this reason, it was proposed to Council to consider amending his contract by adding SECTION 4 (D which would read SECTION 4 (D) Employee may elect, one time annually, to resell back to the City up to eighty (80) hours of vacation in lieu of time off 2 To change the current severance provision of three months' severance pay to six months The above changes to the City Manager's Employment Agreement were approved by City Council and the changes have been made in the attached Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COUNCIL APPROVE AND THE MAYOR SIGN THE ATTACHED CONTRACT REFLECTING THE ABOVE CHANGES oo w& awwa mm NoY 3 { �- r Y * y SECTION 2 TERMINATION AND SEVERANCE PROVISIONS (A) EMPLOYEE, in the event COUNCIL should terminate EMPLOYEE without cause, EMPLOYEE shall receive six (6) months' severance pay at full salary and fringe benefits (B) If EMPLOYEE voluntarily resigns his position, he shall give at least thirty (30) days written notice to EMPLOYER (C) COUNCIL may terminate the employment of EMPLOYEE at any time for cause based on any ground or grounds listed in Exhibit "A" hereto EMPLOYEE shall not be entitled to any severance payment whatsoever in the event of his termination for cause SECTION 3 FRINGE BENEFITS �1 EMPLOYEE shall continue to receive vacation leave, administrative leave, sick leave, holiday leave, retirement, auto allowance and other fringe benefits and working conditions in accordance with that provided to other employees SECTION 4 OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT (A) The COUNCIL, in consultation with the Manager, shall fix any such other terms and conditions of employment, as it may determine from time to time, relating to the performance of EMPLOYEE, provided such terms and conditions are not inconsistent with or in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement, City Ordinances or Resolutions (B) All provisions of City Ordinances, Resolutions and Regulations and Rules of the EMPLOYER relating to vacation and sick leave, retirement and pension system contributions, holidays and other fringe benefits and working conditions as they now exist or hereafter may be amended, also shall apply to EMPLOYEE as they would to other employees of EMPLOYER, in addition to said benefits enumerated specifically for the benefit of EMPLOYEE except as herein provided (C) EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to receive the same vacation and sick leave benefits as are accorded employees including provisions governing accrual and payment therefor on termination of employment o (2) U f IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Grand Terrace has caused this Agreement to be signed and executed in its behalf by its Mayor and duly attested by its City Clerk, and the EMPLOYEE has signed and executed this Agreement, both in duplicate, the day and year first above written ATTEST Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM John Harper, City Attorney (4) ,a Byron R. Matteson, Mayor Thomas J Schwab, EMPLOYEE l� Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM O MEETING DATE MARCH 26, 1998 SUBJECT GOPHER ABATEMENT SERVICES EVERGREEN TREE & LAWN NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: For a number of years, the City has worked diligently in maintaining our parks and play areas A consistent problem, however has been the numerous challenges presented by the gophers and pests which inhabit the areas in, and around the parks In October, the City, as part of the Pico Park Softball Field Rehabilitation Project, contracted with Evergreen Tree and Lawn Service for the eradication of the gophers at Pico Park The project was highly successful and the eradication of pests almost complete DISCUSSION: In order to maintain the eradication, it is recommended that the City continue an ongoing maintenance agreement with -Evergreen for the provision of abatement services The cost is $180 a month, winch is considered a solid investment m keeping the gophers and rodents from the areas The service will include monitoring visits and eradication as is necessary at Pico and Richard Rollins Parks RECOMMENDATION - That the City Council approve AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND EVERGREEN TREE AND LAWN SERVICE FOR GOPHER ABATEMENT SERVICES FISCAL IMPACT - Approximately $2,100 annually, which will be included in the Parks Maintenance Budget- Grounds Maintenance COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.3G R SECTION 5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The parties agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor who is being paid to produce a result. CONTRACTOR is in no way an employee of CITY CONTRACTOR controls the means of accomplishing the work CONTRACTOR shall pay all Federal and State payroll taxes for employees of CONTRACTOR and said employees shall in no way be deemed or construed to be employees of CITY for any purposes SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATU TERM ibis agreement shall become effective upon the date of execution of the Agreement by both parties Tins contract shall terminate on June 1,1999, unless renewed. SECTION 7. TERMINATION x City shall have the right to terminate this agreement at a date earlier than specified for default Before CITY exercises said right it shall give CONTRACTOR 10 days notice of the facts constituting the default and a chance to cure any deficiencies within that time If those deficiencies have not been cured, CITY shall have the right to send CONTRACTOR notice that the contract has been terminated for default pursuant to this paragraph by giving notice as provided herein. SECTION & ASSIGNMENT No assignment of this contract may be made without the express written consent of CITY SECTION 9. NOTICE The parties may give notice under this contract by sending such notice certified mail addressed as follows TO CITY CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 22795 Barton Rd Grand Terrace, CA 92313 ATTN Community Services Department TO CONTRACTOR. EVERGREEN TREE & LAWN CARE P 0 Box 9505 Redlands, CA 92375 ATTN Mike MacLean Such notice shall be deemed received five (5) days after mailing, whether signed for or not Cky of G kid Tanw&GopbesA WUmeW Sa vimAareanew-Pt 2 Worker's Compensation: Shall be written on a policy form providing workers' compensation statutory benefits as required by law Employer's liability limits shall be no less than one million dollars per accident or disease Employer's liability coverage shall be scheduled under any umbrella policy described above Unless otherwise agreed, this policy shall be endorsed to waive any right of subrogation as respects the City, its employees or agents The Contractor shall also provide the City with a Certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance and completed Declaration Regarding Licenses Status form. Contractors must also have a valid City of Grand Terrace Business License Auto Insurance: CONTRACTOR shall provide Auto/Business Umbrella Liability Insurance as follows 1 !k Business Auto/Umbrdla Liability Insurance. Primary coverage shall be written on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 0106 92 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) Limits shall be no less than (one) 1 mullion dollars per accident Starting and ending dates shall be concurrent If Contractor owns no autos, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy descnbed above is acceptable SECTION 15 LEGAL ACTION Should the City bring any legal or equitable action for the purpose of Pig or erifo=g Its nghts under this Agreement, the City shall recover, in addition to all oilier rehe& its reasonable attorney's fees and court costs to be fixed by the Court. SECTION 16 ATTORNEY'S FEES The parties agree that should any dispute am concerning the interpretation of this contract; or regarding the performance or non-performance of this contract, that the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees. SECTION 17 EXTRA WORK The Contractor hereby agrees that he will not proceed with any Extra Work unless he has been authorized in writing to do so by CITY My of Gmnd Tarrace-GopAw Abo w d SffPkw Agra mend-ft 4 Community Services Department Staff Report CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE 3/26/98 SUBJECT TOBACCO REDUCTION ENFORCEMENT AGREEMENT NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: Effective January 1, 1998, the State of California enacted Labor Code 6404 5 (AB 13) an anti -smoking law that covers bars and restaurants This law prohibits the smoking in bars and restaurants to protect the employees in these establishments Before this law came into effect on January 1, 1998 the County of San Bernardino sent information and the offer of assistance to all restaurant and bar owners in our county to assist in becoming smoke -free, which included the City of Grand Terrace During a meeting with the District Attorney for San Bernardino County, it was made known that the smoker in these situations would be cited and a very thorough investigation with complaints from the employees would be needed for this case to go to court This whole process will require extensive time and investigating to be completed All cities within the San Bernardino County have been offered the assistance of the County in the enforcement of this law The County Health Department who deals with anti -smoking laws and labor laws would be allowed to enforce this smoking law within our City using their expertise in these situations Attached is the Agreement that provides as follows the County's responsible to enforce the Anti -Smoking law Labor Code Section 6404 05 (AB13) and investigate complaints regarding the violation of Labor Code Section 6404 05 (AB13) Also, the City of Grand Terrace's responsibility which is granting the County the authority to enforce the Labor Code and that the City shall incur no costs or expenses under this Agreement MCOIV N ENDATION: That the City Council approve the use of San Bernardino County Health Department, for the two (2) year term offered, as the enforcement agency for Labor Code 6404 5 (AB13) the anti- smoking law for bars and restaurants FISCAL WPACT: The county has offered this Tobacco Reduction Enforcement Agreement at "No Charge" for a two- (2) year term, effective on the dale of signature oouNca.aaENon rrEM N0.3N COUNTY RESF JNSIBILITIES 101 Enforcement of Anti -Smoking Laws The COUNTY, through its Health Department, shall assume all responsibility within the jurisdiction of the CITY for enforcement of Labor Code section 6404 5, including but not necessarily limited to receiving and investigating complaints, inspecting business premises for purposes of establishing compliance, and instituting such administrative and/or legal action as may be appropriate to compel compliance with anti -smoking laws 102 Investigation of Complaints Upon receipt of a complaint regarding the violation of Labor ; ode section 6404 5 within the CITY, the COUNTY Health 1 Department shall promptly investigate said complaint, and take appropriate action, if necessary, to correct the violation The COUNTY will act on complaints as received, and may, at its discretion, assign personnel to conduct periodic inspections of business establishments within the CITY's jurisdiction to determine the extent of compliance with State anti -smoking laws 103 Administration The COUNTY shall have sole discretion as to the allocation of personnel for enforcement of anti -smoking laws within the CITY and the management, supervision and control of such personnel, the investigation of complaints, and the manner of enforcement in carrying out the COUNTY's responsibilities under the terms of this Agreement CITY RESPONSIBILITIES E 120520 CJL pkr 01/22/96 9 11 Ali ' 02 Termination This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice provided to the other party by First Class Mail, postage prepaid, sent to the Notice address set forth in Section 3 03, below 3 03 Notices All notices required under the terms of this Agreement shall be mailed to the parties at the following addresses* Tobacco Use Reduction Now Program Department of Public Health, County of San Bernardino 505 N Arrowhead Ave. Ste 500 San Bemardino, CA 92415-0048 City of 3 04 Indemnification A The COUNTY agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold -harmless the CITY and its authorized agents, officers, volunteers, and employees against any and ap claims or actions arising from the COUNTY's acts, errors, and omissions by reason of its performance of the terms of this Agreement, and for any costs or expenses incurred by the CITY on account of any claim therefore B The CITY agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold -harmless the COUNTY and its authorized agents, officers, volunteers, and employees against any and all claims or actions arising from the CITY's acts, errors, and omissions by reason of its performance of the terms of this Agreement, and for any costs or expenses incurred by the COUNTY on account of any claim therefore X N 4 120520 CJL pkw 01/22/99 9 11 AM CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CRU IE PREVENTION COMMITTEE Regular Meeting MAR = 21998 MINUTES February 9, 1998 CITY CLERK The Grand Terrace Crime Prevention Committee met for the regular meeting at the Senior Center Meeting was called to order at 6 00 p m by Vice Chairperson, Bitsy Miller MEMBERS PRESENT were Phdomene Spisak, Chairperson, Bitsy Miller, Vice Chairperson, JoAnn Johnson, Dottie Raborn, Robert Stewart, Dick Rollins, Jackie Kiacz and Alternate Mike Fasenmyer MEMBERS ABSENT - None CITY STAFF/SHERIFF'S DEPT. - Tanya Cahill, Community Services Officer, Detective Henry Jones and City Manager Tom Schwab GUESTS PRESENT- Prospective members Claire McElwee and Tom Knowles and also Sharon Perez, Citizen Patrol Commander was approved with motion by Jackie Kiacz and second by Dick Rollins INUTES for the meeting of January 12th were approved with motion by Dottie Rabom and second Bob Stewart COMMENT - None - None ET - No change, with a balance of $8884 61 Report given by Dottie Raborn. DISHED BUSINESS A. ID Cards a. There was more discussion on I D's but the subject was dropped B. Security lights on field at Dick Rollins Park a_ Have not been corrected yet However, they are on the ball diamonds b Tom indicates the city is designing new park fixtures including rest rooms c The light problem may be put on hold until Little League season BUSINESS - (Items discussed under new business probably would have been more correctly d under Reports) a. Jackie Kiacz reported seeing many young children out in late evening, unattended, selling candy b The question arose, could they have been dropped off from elsewhere9 c Jackie suggested that some notification be sent to schools re danger of this action. d Mike Fasenmyer wondered if parking or stopping might be permitted at certain times in the bike lanes , COUNCIL AGENDA iEAA NO.5K�Ia (.IT1, ROMP TE Community and Economic Development Department STAFF REPORT 1 r CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: MARCH 26,1998 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X SUBJECT: SANBAG Billboard Committee Recommendations and Staffs Proposed Follow-up Actions BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Per request of City Council Member Jun Singley, as supported by City Council Resolution on Billboards, staff actively participated in an ad hoc county -wide Billboard Committee consisting of voting members of both elected officials and staff from SANBAG and member Jurisdictions The final committee recommendations are attached for your information The overall message is that ideally, freeway corridors are of superior quality, safety and attraction when free of billboards However, when properly regulated and located, billboards can be acceptable The strongest recommendations are #9 and #12 recommending a 6-month moratorium and billboard -free freeway comdors respectively All other recommendations address review proced ures, ores, safety and content of billboards Please refer to attached recommendations, Attachment A Unfortunately, as drafted, recommendations will do no good if Junsdictions choose not to implement them STAFF PROPOSED FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS In order to encourage jurisdictions to mcorporate recommendations into their regulations and produce results out of this effort, staff proposes the following actions 1 Send a copy of the recommendations to all City Managers and Planning Commissions of SANBAG member Jurisdictions, or at least to jurisdictions surrounding us such as Colton, Loma Linda, City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, Riverside and County of Riverside, and request copies of their ordinances once revised to incorporate recommendations 2 Add one more recommendation that states 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, California 923 OCKNIC)"GBMW ITEM NO. 7jq ,3an tsernarainO ASSOCiatea tJovernmentc San Benwr&no County Tta%wrt wn Commas:as San Bernardino County Trmuportanon Authority San Bernardino County Congestion Management Agency Service Authoruy for Freemy Emergenctes Minute Action 29 AGENDA ITEM March 4,1998 ubject: Billboard -related recommendations to the SANBAG Board of Directors ': Approve the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Countywide Billboard Comm, ackground: The Ad Hoc Countywide Billboard Committee consists of both elected officials and staff from SANBAG memberiunsdictions It was appointed by the SANBAG Board of Directors to develop billboard -related recommendations in response to the recent proliferation of billboards along Interstates 10 and 215 near the Guthrie Interchange, and concerns over the potential for other billboard -related actions elsewhere in the County The Committee sought clarification from the SANBAG Board most recently in December, at which time the Committee was directed to return to the March meeting of SANBAG with its recommendations They are as follows The Countywide Ad Hoc Billboard Committee (Committee) recommends that the SANBAG Board of Directors endorse the following vision. Conduct responsible planning with respect to permitting of billboards so as to meet the quality of life goals of our individual communities without offending or intruding on our neighboring communities. We encourage every jurisdiction, regardless of its policy regarding billboards, to consider the net impact of its actions on the number of billboards within that jurisdiction. Approved San Bernardino Associated Governments Board of Directors Date Moved Second In Favor Opposed Abstained Witnessed WdMa.ti ATTACHMENT A Board Agenda Item March 4,1998 Page 3 qRecommend a six month moratorium on billboard -related actions by member jurisdictions to enable them to evaluate, and if deemed appropriate, implement the recommendations of this committee • Recommend that government agencies or government entities (water districts, school districts, cities, flood control districts, the County) do not lease land for billboards • Recommend that the County give consideration to city billboard standards within unincorporated spheres of influence j 2 The Committee also recommends that SANBAG and its member jurisdictions adopt the following goal and related objectives approved by the Corridor Beautification Authority, a Joint Powers Authority established in 1990 with membership from most Valley cities and the County Pursue corridor development free of off -site advertising • Establish mechanisms to phase out all existing off -site advertising within the U-10] corridor • Establish policies to prohibit new off -site advertising within the a-10] corridor The Committee further recommends evaluation and consideration of other corridors within which these objectives may be appropriate Impact: The proposed action would have no significant impact on the SANBAG budget. By: Ad Hoc Countywide Billboard Committee on February 19, 1998 Staff: Ty Schuilmg, Director of Planning and Programming ABC9802A.REC 255 Highway Oriented Billboards Summary of Sign Ordinances Pa.. P.. in NRrch zones Sepambon M1lniewm Bet~ ftns (Ft) Mawmum DWW= hm Busness AC6* (R.) Saa Mtetimun D+sW= Ilom Freeway (Ft) RvAvw Process Required Squab I F MtMmum (Ft) Adehft Informathon not received Apple VAROY Not rrndted ina zone Barstow �, cH. E,, 10 W2 500 T—WA 500 25 10' from ROW slap Opl ft Bear tabu Not peffndted in any zone Chino Not pertndted in zone Chia HRs Caa�+rw 750 10W 500 25 5 PWhYip Cam�Mbe rand td�aYw Colbn :21 100\ Onsft 1. 45 500 Fontana t Not permttted n rMy Zone Grand Terrace Not permdted m an zone Hftpena CR 1000 WA 200 M WA sb Mpmtw HghWW 2500 WA 100 20 WA CUP Long Undo Not permdted in any zone — No provmxm n the code Mbntclwr Not pemuftd in any zone Needles Not pemMbed in any zone 0ntano Not permdted in any zone Rancho Cuca rmp Not permdted m any zone Redlands Not permdted in an zone Rwlb CA Cal. r., ad Y 2 1000 WA 300 25 5 San Bemanfsw CC-, Cb2, CH, L aK E 750 672 25 WA CUP wertinm Patna CC a w CT 3500 WA 1 240 1 25 1Camitibn PIN -Mt q upland Not permdted m any zone �ctnmlle r �woa R 500 100 3W 24 No Restrc4on Yucaipa Not penndted m a zone Yucca Vahley row �.a+. 200 . , to CUP Cw* of San Bemardno Ca rd CH 750 1000 Soo 35 3 CUP CALTRANS C-, -- it or bdulwo 1 500 1000 1200 25 Out of nght' WA B11SM7 Page �Nol f 7 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE STAFF uErraitr CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM ( X) MEETING DATE: March 26, 1998 AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT R"LEMENTATION OF COST ALLOCATION PLAN FUNDING REQUIRED X _ NO FUNDING REQUIRED FISCAL VARIOUS FUNDS AND DEPARTMENTS WELL REQUIRE AN INCREASE OR DECREASE IN THEIR LINE ITEM BUDGETS TO PAY FOR AN OVERHEAD ALLOCATION HOWEVER, THE NET OVERALL EFFECT WILL BE ZERO Council approved an appropriation for a cost allocation study to be done this fiscal year The Cost Allocation study was performed by the firm of Vavnnek, Trine, Day and Company, CPA's, (VTD) and consisted of a review of our fimctions and operations through use of our budget documents and interviews with various personnel The purpose of the study was to develop a logical and systematic method to allocate general and hWhw costs to the various operating departments and ultimately to the source of funding An approved Cost Allocation Plan will also give the City the ability to charge a percentage share of overhead to grants and various restrictive sources of City fiords such as Gas Tax Funds The study will also provide a template method m which we can calculate a percentage share of indirect costs to "functioning" divisions Staff has currently been estimating approximate indirect costs to various departments and funds To charge certain fiords and grants in this manner is generally not allowed or not legal and therefore, certain fiords are not charged an overhead cost Staff also wanted to ascertain if the actual cost of the funcbon funded by non -general fund moneys was "fully burdened" or "over burdened" The General Fund currently absorbs approximately Me of all overhead costs Therefore, based on the proposed Cost Allocation Plan, the General Fund will recover a net amount of approximately $300,000 from the other funds as a recovery of overhead costs -I- COUNCIL AGENDA I'EIYI NoA Y 03119/98 CHANGES TO EXPENDITURES 1N FY 1997-98 BUDGET EMoftre Acd i Fund Dept General 10 172 Building 8 Safely Transfer Cod Allocation 998 5,848 General 10 175 Punic Wort Transfer Cod Allocation 998 17,458 General 10 180 Community Services Transfer Cod Alooddon 996 47,218 General 10 370 Comm Development Transfer Cod Allocation 908 29,835 General 10 410 Law Enforcement Transfer Cod Allocation 996 86,748 General 10 430 Recreation Transfer Cod Alocadon 998 34,426 General 10 440 Chid Caro Transfer Cos! Alocation 998 80,868 General 10 450 Parts Maintenance Transfer Cost Allocation 996 8,718 General 10 631 Storm Drain Maantnce Transfer Cod Allocation 998 392 General 10 $01 Planning Comm Transfer Cost Allocation 996 Z420 General 10 802 Crone Prevenbon Unk Transfer Cod Allocation 998 13,784 General 10 804 Kdoncal & Cultural Transfer Cod Allocation 998 11,241 General 10 805 Serdor Citaens Prop. Transfer Cod Alocadon We 1A" General 10 807 Parka & Rec Comm Transfer Cod Alocabon 998 8,175 General 10 808 EOC Transfer Cod Alocadon 998 7,445 General 10 140 France-UhTity Paymnb Transfer Cod Alocadon 998 17,414 Subtotid for Ceneral Fund Departments ReceIving Cost A locations 373,419 General ' 10 110 City Council Transfer Cod Allocation 998 (39,525) General 10 120 Cary Manager Transfer Cost Alocadon 996 (132,431) General 10 125 City Clerk Transfer Cod Allocation 998 (125,132) General 10 140 Finance Trander Cod A ocahon 998 (119,392) General 10 140 Fmwc&JJ ty Paymnts Transfer Cod Allocation 998 0 General 10 160 City Attorney Transfer Cod Alocabon 998 (20.000) General 10 190 Non-0epartmetdal Transfer Cod Allocation 998 (262,551) General 10 380 GIS Transfer Cod Alocabon 998 (31,250) Subtotal for General Fund Departments Glvinp Cost Apocadons (73%281) 12 root Storm Drain Fund Transfer Cod Aloc abon 998 4,111 13 000c Park Fund Transfer Cod Alocabon 998 658 15 xxx Air Quaity Fund Transfer Cost Allocation 998 3,016 le cox Gas Taos Fund Transfer Cod Alocabon 998 85,394 17 cox Traffic Safety Fund Transfer Cod Alocabon 998 351 20 coos Measure'T Fund Transfer Cost Alocabon 996 9,630 21 rocs WasteWater Fund Transfer Cod Allocation 9W (33.228) 28 000c Leridacp S LlghWV Transfer Cod Allocation 998 3,560 32 )ox CRA Capital Project Op Transfer Cod Allocation 998 (229,543) 33 Door CRA Debt Service Transfer Cod Alocadon 998 386,905 34 rooc CRA Low/Mod Housing Transfer Cod Allocation 998 62,128 34 Door CRA Code EnforcementTransfer Cod Alocadon 998 14,5e2 Suter for Special Rev a CRA Funds Rsa *Wft Cost Allocaf m 307.544 CHANGES TO ESTIMATED REVENUE IN FY 199M BUDGET (307.544) (307.544) 10 800-12 Intergovernmental Loan from CRA 1 WK4 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 03/19/98 CITY OF GRAND TERRi -CE COST ALLOCATION PLAN DIRECT ALLOCATIONS THIRD 1997-1998 DGET WastOWater -21 ACCOUNT TECH 44.704 ACCOUNT CLERK 36,693 81397 INSURANCE & BONDS 18,466 GIS TRANSFER OF COSTS 11,250 subtotal 111,113 CRA Capital PrQ-32 S&W DIRECTLY ALLOCATED CITY MGR 21,837 EXEC SEC 26,$35 48,672 CITY CLERK DEPT 24,835 24,835 FIN DIR % 14,834 FIN TECH % 8,949 23,783 ACM % 19,963 19,963 subtotal 117,253 STIPENDS- DIRECTORS 9,000 CITY SERVICES 30,000 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GRANT 7,500 MAINTENANCE OF FINANCE EQUIPMENT 3,200 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 3,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - IEEP Est. 1,550 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - Other Z= 9,400 CITY ATTORNEY 10,000 INSURANCE AND BONDS 20,790 TRAVEL S COW - CM 4,550 COMPUTER SYSTEM LEASE FINANCE 3,600 TRANSFER TO FUND 1/3RD GIS 11,250 subtotal 229,543 CRA Debt Service subtotal 0 CRA Housing - 34 S&W DIRECTLY ALLOCATED CITY MGR % 21,837 21,837 FIN DIR % 14,834 ACM % ZJM 22,819 subtotal "656 TOTAL OF ALL TIER ONE ITEMS DIRECTLY ALLOCATED W5.312 (This reduces Cost Allocation Adjustment) 1 WK4 DIRECT ALLOCATIONS 1 O i WN Tier Tier C ribined IMMOAM TWO Three Tier 2 iW Cat Mod aww Ad* MOMM Ssvner Lkw Maktwwnoe 21 570 0 673.000 673,000 49,207 100 00% Sower Lkw Mairksrwnos 21 in 0 30-1Qll MAN 24.= 100,W% 0 712,100 712,100 73.870 CRA Gum Operafts 32 root 0 9,400 9,400 0 CRA Debt Service 33 na 0 4,136.125 4.136,125 386,606 100 00% CRA Low a Mod Projscis 34 na 0 999,833 999,833 121,346 100.00li Ptarrrkrp Comm 10 am 6,900 0 619W Z426 Crkrw Preverfbn Unk 10 802 14.800 0 14,800 A764 Hlst & Cu ural 10 804 tm 0 1,290 11.241 Scaler Ctllme Prop 10 805 15.000 0 151000 1,445 Part a Roo Comm 10 807 200 0 200 8.175 EOC 10 am 4= Q AM ZAA Total TIER TWO AND THREE 2,6611160 61331,211 8,890,3a1 1.048" Ick go 2.551,150 A339 1 Ack Tier Tier Cambirwd Two Throe Tier 2 33 Cast Fund Trandea -not indicted BLdW �� � RECLASS 1 ��1 Mean" i Fund Exp Frog 20 riot 0 0 0 Na Comm Dev 10 370 na 0 0 nh n/a Measure 1 20 na 0 0 O nfa eh Sewer Lkw Makttermus 21 572 0 11,230 11,260 We Na CRA Capital krrpw 32 riot 0 911-250 a1t.2;i4 rya rift TOTAL FUND TRAMMIM XX )00000= 0 9 MAW 922,600 We rota TIER TM PFtywfw Conwmft swvim L4 180 79,8m 0 79,852 We 79,862 10 Sewer Lkw MaHerw ws 21 572 0 18,406 18,486 rya rya Sewer Lkw Makbtwrtcs 21 572 0 81,397 81.397 rya a1,397 CRA Low 3 Mod Projects 34 na 0 36.671 36,671 rya 38,671 CRA Low 3 Mod Projscis 34 not 0 0 0 n/a rva CRA C,wwrai 32 not 31.850 0 31.850 n/a 31,850 Other a a 4 rds rda TOTAL Teel Two RECONCLIATIOMa 111,702 136.534 248,236 rye n1a Electric Rsrerm Cclediat 10 not 0 0 hoot 7,237 Hoot Gas Rovers Colwdm 10 Hoot 0 0 noa 5,086 hoot Cable PA vrxrs Collation 10 Total Tier One Rseoncliiatiorrs not Q 0 Q 0 ireLM 0 17,413 ,xa Hoot CRA CapW knp v 32 not 0 0 0 mils rya Subsidize s0anaps 32 200.701 O 10.000 10.000 rids n/a Cty Servion 32 200-100 0 30.000 30,000 rya nfa CRA kw swm dq 32 200-100 0 20.790 20,790 Na Na Tier One Labor Charge 32 200-1na 0 97.290 97.290 nla 97,225 Tier Oro Labor Sbpard 32 na 0 91000 9,000 rya 9.000 Sheol kwovw w ft Total Ottwr Rseonciliatiorw 46 not 0 0 105.000 272.080 105,000 272,080 n/a p(6 rya GRAND TOTAL ////Ill/!////!/!///////// 3,393,133 7.470,325 1,0"XG 33"M 381 7ok iam=j o1c Bud st Cat on WK4 COST ALLOC SPREADSHEET 2 City of Grand Terrace Cost Allocation Study Purpose The purpose of tlus study is to identify a logical and systematic method to allocate costs between operating departments of the City, and for the more general purpose of identifying the true cost of delivering specific services to the citizens of Grand Terrace Methodolow This City's departments and funds have been organized into three tiers Tier One includes all "overhead departments" or departments that serve other departments Tier Two includes "program departments" or departments that carry out programs or projects that directly benefit the Citizens Tier Three includes funds or departments that are administered by the "program departments" Tier one department costs are allocated out to her two departments, and tier three costs are administered by her two departments Tier One City Manager Finance City Council City Clerk City Attorney Non -Departmental (Allocable Portion) Tier Two Electne Revenue Collection Gas Revenue Collection Cable Revenue Collection Sewer Revenue Collection Building & Safety Public Works Community Services Community Development Law Enforcement Recreation Services Child Care Services Park Maintenance Cost Alloc Study to what function the employee said the costs were attributable to In some cases these costs were allocated based on percentages of product output attributable to a specific cost. For example, the cost of the computer system in the finance department was allocated based on the number of files for each department. Currently certain costs are allocated to tier two departments through transfers and by directly allocating portions of certain staff people These transfers and direct allocations have been backed out of the tier two departments for costs that are attributable to the tier one departments as shown in the table entitled Adjustments to Tier Two Departments. Some of the special revenue funds make up entire tier two department, such as CRA Housing, CRA Debt Service, and Sewage Treatment (Wastewater Disposal Fund) Departments Other tier two departments include general funds and special revenue funds In order to calculate the portion of these tier one allocations that can be charged to the various special revenue funds, the percentage of the total tier two department budget that each special revenue fund represents was multiplied by the cost allocation for the department that administers those funds The results are shown in the fourth table titled "Tier One Allocations to Special Revenue Funds" and are summarized below Analysis of Results The total allocable cost of the tier one departments is $1,066,275 Of these costs $386,905 could be allocated to the CRA Debt Service Fund, 5121,436 allocated to the CRA Low Mod Housing fund, 585,349 allocated to the Gas Tax Fund, S 77,885 allocated to the Wastewater Disposal Fund (524,663 + $4,015 + 49,207), 59,630 allocated to the Measure I Fund, 54,111 to the Storm Drain Fund, 53,560 to the Lighting & Landscaping Fund, 53,016 to the Air Quality Fund, 5658 allocated to the Park Fund, 5351 to the Traffic Safety Fund, and the remaining $373,374 to the General Fund. After reversing the direct allocations and transfers of tier one costs to tier two departments (S137,283), the resulting savings for the General Fund would be 5307,609 ($1,066,275 - 373,374- 385,292) These savings are based on budgeted expenditures, not actual expenditures. It is recommended that after actual expenditures are known, the amounts are plugged into the cost allocation spreadsheet and actual costs allocated at the end of the year yg gstions The Director of Finance requested that as part of this study suggestions be made for alternative ways to organize the City's budget In order to present the budget in a format that illustrates the true cost of delivering services to the citizens of Grand Terrace, the "budget departments" should be consistent with those in tiers one and two of this study The special revenue and capital project funds should be located in the budget departments that are responsible for administering each specific find. If a special revenue or capital project fund is used by more than one department, the amount used by each department should be in a separate line item in that fund Cost Alloc. Study 3 i#i1�3R�iiii!•_iiiR rr .w�=w�� _wnw • _ Ile 199! i ! i �A �•w wQ� •w 4 J flo.nc. De/NYee1M IN740 SWISS Mr C•eY enlr7 CNC boors, on" MIL 0~ plAr• %ryEo/ C.erooua%1 A{..Om now~ IWr.rr ArrIe1M M..IM Illy• NY. COMM GOMM r W. Cur PYe LOA Pk"* ft"WWM C1MI.1 CMMft ML CM G—W CM CM 14W • lei N 177 • e7{ 417 • lied•N7 1Collection 2arm 774 •Id W. eN {fe 1 eNs vb0M P.1"m f0 N_ an 2N 12" 711 710 11• N 7 to 1 1e e • 1N I:N. ••N eW o.rw.f Crrwr CrYA, keepe%rl erODa1 7�7 E4.Y. Wr.Ma.Cd.MrI 7"7 A.W CY/ 7237 e'Me Oa. ItwurCSINOM *.M A.W C.II f,OM AeM CNrr RQiIY CdIMM aeN Aaul Cod A{N NUp Sw./Nn�st Cieftalk r 80" Aw.M C..1 Pu.Ir1Ya p1 in e.IPG. soon e{I •Ile liter pill as 400 77e{ 1N w m as Ole 2.1" 712N T.Y_gmL Kill awe laN MeN I lM 71.4N eeN il.Tla •aM M717 iNl I.Ne Na Cm w Ole, • m San? f1.NT TT.NI 2j - A.aloft P.pe 0% OwawlAwM%CIr.Ye 0% EIaMY M.ur<t CraaMl 0% OY Rwtle%C461004 0% Cde.Ilno�leCraueM 0% P�r.hllla loft lAft IN A.a PayM ReN 20% Osia%.MnCrelrn 4474 10% EY.Ma Ilrrae�CN.tllr 0% Or 11r.U11r CafIrIM 0% CaM. A.Mr� Cre.rerr 0% S.w/Awr�Crr�1� e% A.09 Prld O% o.tu�llw.�CEOE�II 11'N •% ErMe.Awrree C•e.NM 17N •% OY AwMiC�AN I iM •% CaIY AwwrOlel1lle 17N •x saan/b.wr C•6d.rm" Awa..Iy 9.2N 14% A<. vaywe o% o.wdllrwreodlwr *eee eft elarlx pr.IN{CeY.ar Q•N 1{% oY A.1Mw C•`IMs 86{N e% cAYtl..weC•LdM a" ex swr IMN• 11011 n N m hwCM 1 A/sNa%e ale in A M '1.. CII All M/Cex N N% 7.M"Ae1 adereM El.tex RweMiCobs" IY MwAer Cr/ie arlr Aelerllr Cdo.AM Sass, Rr..N.01rArMMia {{e {x P-MWV 100% n lu ilia i