04/23/199822795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 824-6621 Fax (909) 783-7629 Fax (909) 783-2600 Byron R Matteson Mayor Dan Buchanan Mayor Pro Tempore Herman Hilkey Jim Smgley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager FILE COPY April 23, 1998 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 COUNCEL CHAMBERS APRIL 23, 1998 fD TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 6 00 P M Barton Road TfMC'WOF GRANDTERRACE COMIC VMM nZ AMEPJCAi'+ SWM I)BABHJMS ACTOF 1990. IFYOU REQl SPXML ASSISTANCE TO PARTWWAkTE IN TM M TRWO rLWE CALL TEE 0TT CI,EI *S Ff AT (90)8 621 AT LEAST48 HOURS IWOR TO THE MEMO, OD-DESM'M "D=SS TIC CM COVNcz RIIRwc. TEE >i+IFrMG,, €1 MM UIA1#i IliaT13ER FURUC IMME r Y-QV AM ARKER TO PUASE £OMIO.I. M A REQMT To SPEAK FoRM AVAU"IX AT THE TWMA tPMSENTITTO THE CWcIZM SPYA M WILLI CALMINNRYTM INUYOR-A R A"ROi+RIATETIME.. Call to Order - Invocation - Dr Thomas Harvick, Colton Christian Church Pledge of Allegiance - Roll Call - I STAFF AGENDA ITEMS RECOMMENDATION Approval of 04-09-98 Mmutes I Approve Approval of Check Register CRA042398 Approve Items to Delete z y• A Recycling Family of the Month - March 1998 B Terrace Hills Middle School - Kay Bunnell, Principal following Consent Calendar items are expected to be tme and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the mcd at one time without discussion Any Council Member, TMember, or Citizen may request removal of an item from Consent Calendar for discussion A Approve Check Register No 042398 Approve B Ratify 04-23-98 CRA Action C Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda D Approval of 04-09-98 Mmutes e,,.......e COUNCIL ACTION PENDING C R A APPROVAL A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on April 9, 1998, at 6 00 p m Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency Member Jim Smgley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Virgil Barham, Building and Safety Director Lt Mike Howell, Shenff's Department ABSENT: Patnzia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director John Harper, City Attorney CRA-98-19 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER RH KEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the March 26, 1998, CRA Minutes CRA-98-20 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER HRIMy, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Check Register No CRA040998 Chairman Matteson adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 6 10 p m Chairman Matteson reconvened the Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 6 55 p m Mayor Matteson announced that the Agency met in closed session to discuss real estate negotiations at 12471 Vivienda, no decision was made CRA AGENDA ITEM NO. DATE: APRIL 23, 1998 PENDING C R A v oPROVAL PAGE 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF• CHMK Na VENDOR -- - - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- ----------- -------- - --- CHECK REGISTER NO: 042398 APRIL 23, 1998 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P12345 PACIFICARE P12346 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE COMPANY P12347 TRI-STATE HOME IMPROVEMENTS P12348 TRI-STATE HOME IMPROVEMENTS P12351 DRAGUS BARBU P12354 U S BANK TRUST P12356 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK P12357 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND P12362 CALLISON CONSTRUCTION 39686 ADDINGTON ENGINEERING CONSULTANT 39690 DRAGUS BARBU 39692 DAN BUCHANAN 39698 RAUL COLUNGA 39700 1 K CURTIS SERVICES ' 39706 DRUG ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM 39708 EDEN SYSTEMS 39710 EXPERION 39713 LEE ANN GARCIA 39715 GREENWOOD UNIFORMS 39721 INLAND EMPIRE EMPIRE PARTNERSHIP 39732 BYRON MATTESON HEALTH INSURANCE, APRIL, 1998 78912 LIFE INSURANCE, APRIL, 1998 5143 PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION AT 22555 DESOTO 1,76150 PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION AT 22547 LA PAIX 8,32680 INTERN, 3/21-4/3/98 17600 REFUNDING COP 1997, APRIL PAYMENT 11,312 78 HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE, APRIL, 1998 9396 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS, MARCH, 1998 20508 PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION AT 12471 VIVIENDA 5,57370 ENGINEERING SERVICES, 22832 PALM 80 G INTERN, 4/4-4/9/98 8000 STIPENDS FOR APRIL, 1998 15000 INTERN, 3/3-4/10/98 40170 PROGRESS PAYMENT, AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 97725 LAWN SERVICE, HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 26000 PROGRESS PAYMENT, UPDATE PAYROLL SYSTEM 3,80000 TRW PROPERTY DATA AND MAPS 54392 STIPENDS FOR APRIL, 1998 15000 UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT 12973 MEMBERSHIP FOR 1997/1998 1,57500 STIPENDS FOR APRIL, 1998 15000 PAGE 1 PENDI , CITY COUNCIL m&PROVAL CITY -OF GRAND -TERRA DATE: APRIL 23, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO- 042398 OUTSTANDING_DEMANDS AS OF- _ __APRIL 23, 1998 CHECK CIO, VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOluNT P12344 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 4/2/98 4821 P12345 PACIFICARE HEALTH INSURANCE FOR APRIL, 1998 7,934 01 P12346 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE COMPANY LIFE, DENTAL & VISION INSURANCE, APRIL, 1998 1,393 61 P12349 KATRINA GRANILLO BIRTHDAY BONUS 5000 P12350 CATALINA VARELA BIRTHDAY BONUS 5000 P12351 DRAGOS BARBU INTERN, 3/21-4/3/98 17600 P12352 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 4/7/98 58019 P12353 PERS RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL 4/3/98 5,90490 P12355 SATURN OF LOMA LINDA LEASE ELECTRIC CAR 16,248 02 P12356 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE FOR APRIL, 1998 52974 P12357 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE FOR MARCH, 1998 120988 P12358 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 4/9/98 38997 P12359 RAMONA BUSINESS MACHINES REPAIR TYPEWRITERS 16000 P12360 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 4/14/98 3209 A P12361 RICHARD ROLLINS OPEN/CLOSE AND MAINTENANCE AT R ROLLINS PARK 39000 39685 AA EQUIPMENT COMPANY PARTS FOR LAWN MOWER 3627 C Zr 39686 ADDINGTON ENGINEERING CONSULTANT ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MARCH, 1998 2,7u0 00 L% 39687 ALAN LANDSCAPE COMPANY MATERIALS/LABOR FOR WORK AT PICO PARK 3,77308 r a 39688 AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION FOR SEMINAR, PLANNING DEPT 14900 %i 39689 ANITA BACHINI REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 1575 �1 39690 DRAGOS BARBU INTERN, 4/4-4/9/98 8000 39691 BOMAR TREE COMPANY REMOVE TREES, FREMONTIA 1,10000 39692 DAN BUCHANAN STIPENDS FOR APRIL, 1998 30000 39693 BURTRONICS BUSINESS SYSTEMS USAGE FOR RISO COPIER MACHINE, THREE MONTHS 5688 39694 CA SCHOOL AGE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FOR CHILD CARE CONFERENCE 25500 39695 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC AT BARTON/215, FEB 1998 19443 PAGE 3 DATE: APRIL 23, 1998 OUtSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: CHECKNO. VENDOR 39726 KELLY PAPER 39727 LAYMON CANDY COMPANY 39728 LEARNING IN MOTION 39829 DONNA LEFFLER 39730 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES 39731 PATRIZIA MATERASSI 39732 BYRON MATTESON 39733 ROBERT MATTOX 39734 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 39735 . DANIEL NOVE 39736 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY 39737 PACIFIC BELL 39738 PARTY PLUS 39739 PETTY CASH 39740 PETTY CASH 39741 KATHY PIERSON 39742 PRIME EQUIPMENT 39743 RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY 39744 ROQUET PAVING, INC 39745 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39746 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39747 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39748 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39749 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO _ CHECK -REGISTER NO. APRIL 23,1998 DESCRIPTION NCR PAPER/ENVELOPES CANDY FOR EGG HUNT PROGRAM SUPPLIES FOR CHILD CARE REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES PHONE MAINTENANCE, TWO MONTHS REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONFERENCE STIPENDS FOR APRIL, 1998 REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES PHONES FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES INTERN, 4/4-4/14/98 REPAIRS ON ELEVATOR INSIDE LINES AT CIVIC CENTER RENT HELIUM TANK, EGG HUNT REIMBURSE GENERAL PETTY CASH -FINANCE DEPT REIMBURSE PETTY CASH -CHILD CARE INSTRUCTOR, GYMNASTICS/TINY TUMBLERS RENT SOD CUTTER, MAINTENANCE DEPT INSTALL WATER METER, BIKE LANE PROJECT STREET REPAIRS, VARIOUS LOCATIONS BOOKING FEES FOR MARCH, 1998 HAZARDOUS WASTE FEES,4TH QUARTER, 1997/1998 WEED ABATEMENT SERVICES FOR 1997 LAW ENFORCEMENT/CRIME PREVENTION OFFICER FOR APRIL AND SALARY INCREASE ADJUSTMENT FOR SECOND QUARTER UPDATE BASEMAPS/GIMS EXPORT FILES 042398 AMOUNT 16216 51974 3852 367 C- 3 68 835 30000 525 1,40565 49600 7508 53772 3233 11321 25353 81778 7654 3,24471 3,32480 2,23608 2,68300 4,00000 92,435 00 1,58400 `S PAGE 5 DATE APRIL 26, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF• 39771 XEROX CORPORATION 39772 YOSEMITE WATERS CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CHECK REGISTER NO _ _042398_ _ APRIL 23, 1998 MAINTENANCE AND USAGE ON XEROX MACHINES, MARCH, 1998 47039 BOTTLED WATER FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES 413.35 TOTAL 269,039 66 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE Cl BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF ORANn TERRACF PENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL Y& I J► O I W1 11 I A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on April 9, 1998 at 6 00 p in PRESENT; Byron Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Jun Singley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Virgil Barham, Building and Safety Director Lt Mike Howell, Sheriff's Department ABS—IMM Patnzia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director John Harper, City Attorney The meeting was opened with invocation by Pastor Salim Elias, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Jim Singley 2A Proclamation Infant Immunization Week - April 19-25, 1998/Toddler Immunization Month - May 1998 Mayor Pro Tem Buchanan read a proclamation proclaiming April 19 through 25 to be Infant Immunization Week and the month of May 1998 to be Toddler Immunization Month and urged all businesses, government agencies, community based organizations and service groups to work towards a healthy future for our children by ensuring early and on time immunizations 2B Little League Team Sponsorships Mayor Matteson presented checks from Assistant City Manager, John Donlevy, Councilmember Herman Hilkey, Mayor Pro Tem Dan Buchanan, Councilmember Jim Singley, Mayor Byron Matteson, and City Manager, Tom Schwab to the Grand Terrace Little League to sponsor teams Councilmember Garcia sponsored a team and presented a check to Steve Hardert Mike O'Connell, stated that they have approximately seven hundred children participating COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM ound 1mutes Apn19, 1998 Page 3 COUNCILMEM 3ER HILKEY VOTED NO), to approve an appropriation of $500 00 to come out of the Unrestricted Fund Balance to donate to the Grand Terrace Area Youth Basketball Club 1 Historical and Cultural Activities Committee (a) Minutes of 03-02-98 CC-98-39 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, SECOND BY COUNCELMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the March 2, 1998 Minutes of the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee Mayor Pro Tern Buchanan, reminded everyone of the Spring Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Park and Recreation Services at Pico Park on Saturday, April 11 at 10 00 a in sharp There is no cost and includes pre-school through third grade categories He stated that he along with the City Manager and Assistant City Manager are currently working with the City of Colton on the Sewer Rates He stated that the Ad -Hoc group continues to meet with regards to the fire protection issue and that on April 15 the continued LAFCO workshop session will take place, where LAFCO will take up the issue of what areas are to be included in the financial study for the purposes of the pending application of the formation of an East Valley Fire Protection District At the last meeting several cities expressed their concern that the proposed district included areas within their spheres of influence and expressed their opposition to the proposed fire district based on the fact that they felt that it would have a negative impact on their future efforts to annex those properties That situation has been looked into as well as the definition of the districts and all of those concerns have been addressed with regard to the potential district The concerns with County Fire taking over CSA 38 and the lack of a significant voice on our own fire protection issues with the County Board of Supervisors help us to continue the drive to at least take the issue of a formation of a fire protection district to the voters in November C ounc lmember Garcia, updated everyone on the 20th Anniversary Celebration Committee She stated that they have come up with a sponsorship package and will be going out and asking businesses, civic groups, families and individuals to become a sponsor of our "20 Grand Years Counc lmember Singicy, reported that SANBAG voted down the resolution allowing alternates to serve on standing committees Counc lmember Hilky, responded that the City Web Site is working and the address is Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM MEETING DATE APRIL 23, 1998 SUBJECT DESIGNATION OF APPLICANTS AGENT FEMA NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: During the Storms of 1998, the City of Grand Terrace incurred damage to a number of City facilities which are eligible for reimbursement under the Federally declared disaster declaration 1203-DR Specifically, key damaged occurred at the following locations 1 DeBerry St/Mt Vernon The City has experienced a damaged storm pipe under the intersection which will require excavation and repair The estimated cost is approximately $30,000 2 Grand Terrace Rd.. Due to a high flow of water in the catch basm located near Vivienda Ave debris flowed into the City of Riverside Water Canal Tlus has required the clearing of the canal and repair to the roadside Estimated costs for this are $10,000 3 Orangewood Court This included heavy debris and silk erosion from the hillside which has affected City and private properties The estimated cost for removal is $12,000 The attached Designation of Applicant's Agent Resolution is a required form by FEMA for the authorized individuals to submit applications and receive payments on behalf of the City RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the attached Designation of Applicant's Agent Resolution FISCAL Il"ACT- Adoption of this item will allow the City to receive reimbursement from FEMA for Storm damaged estimated at $50,000 couNO.AGENDA ffEM N(L!3E CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE APR 1 61998 CKWE PF F VENTION COMMMEE Regular Meeting CITYCLERK NIINUTES March 991998 The Grand Terrace Crune Prevention Committee met for the regular meeting at the Senior Center Meeting was called to order at 6 00 p m by Chairperson, Phdomene Spisak MEMBERS PRESENT were Philomene Spisak, Chairperson, JoAnn Johnson, Dottie Raborn, Dick Rollins, Jaclae Kiacz and newly applied Alternates, Claire McElwee and Tom Knowles MEMBERS ABSENT - Vice Chairperson, BmV Miller, Robert Stewart and Alternate, Mike Fasenmyer CITY STAFF/SHERIFF'S DEPT. - Tanya Cahill, Community Services Officer and Detective Henry Jones GUESTS PRESENT- None AGENDA was approved with motion by Dick Rollins and second by Jackie Kiacz AEMTES for the meeting of February 9th were approved with motion by Dottie Raborn and second by Claire McElwee PUBLIC COAEVIENT - None CORRESPONDENCE - None BUDGET - From a beginning balance of $8884 61 expenditures of $43 10 for ram gear and $7 00 for a Chamber luncheon There was also a reimbursement of $22 09 which had been charged to Crime Prevention by mistake Ending balance of $8856 60 Report given by Dottie Raborn. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Bike Lane Parldng a. There is to be no part ing or no stopping in bike lanes b Discussion of parlang problems evolved into a lengthy discussion of proposed street .sib B. Autocad Program a No report since Bitsy was not present b Tanya would like to have the summarizing map displayed at Grand Terrace Days NEW BUSINESS a. Applicants for Alternate positions, Claire McElwee and Tom Knowles were accepted b Motion to accept was made by Dottie Raborn and second by Dick Rollins REPORTS A. Summary of Law Enforcement Activity a No regular report COUNCIL AGENDA iTEIIA N0,,)4I (� 1 EM[ERGENCY OPERATIONS COAUKITTEE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE February 2,1998 C"OFGRAND TERRACE MUgUTES APR 0 _7 1998 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Eileen Hodder at 7 00 p.m MEMBERS PRESENT: Eileen Hodder, Darla Wertz, Rich Haubert, Vic Phennighausen, and hm Hodder GUESTS PRESENT: John Donlevy, Bob Souter, ARS KC6HNL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the January 5, 1998 meeting were approved with one correction. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: & F 1 John reported that he had discussed video programming that might be available, and that the OES has numerous different videos on a variety of subjects and at different lengths He also said that they would be willing to send personnel to the city if we wanted professional help EQUIPMENT/FACHXff REPORT: 1 All communications equipment is fimctionmg normally 2 The emergency generator fimctioning properly 3 Vic submitted a request to have the rigid conduit on the generator be replaced with flexible type The rigid should not have been put on as it is susceptible to breakage due to vibration from the generator, and probable severing of the electrical wiring OLD BUSINESS: In budget discussions for a mid -year adyastment, bin Hodder moved to move $400 fmm the COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NOM23 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CONDIMEE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITYOFMANDTEMWE March 3,1998 MUgUTES APR 0 1998 CALL TO ORDER: COYCLERK The meeting was called to order by Eileen Hodder at 7:10 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Faleen Hodder, Darla Wertz, Rich Haubert, Vic Phennighausen, and Jmn Hodder. GUESTS PRESENT: John Donlevy APPROVAL OF N CKUTES: Minutes of the February 2,1998 meeting were approved with two corrections COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: 1 John reported that the communications trailer would be painted next month. 2. The adjusted budget as worked by the committee will be pry to City Council at the March 26 meeting. 3. There was s+mae damage due to El Nmo A storm pipe at dw intersection of DeBerry and Mount Vernon was broken, and there was some erosion on Grand Terrace Road and Vivienda, and some trees came down. Some aid may be available for repairs. EQUIPMENT/FACIIdTY REPORT: 1. All equipment is functioning normally OLD BUSINESS: 1 The�emergency food rations budget will be discussed at the next regular meeting. Staff Report CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM (x) MEETING DATE April 23, 1998 SUBJECT ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF PARK & RECREATION COMNff EE MEMBER - DAVE BERTINO Park & Recreation Committee member Dave Bertmo has submitted a letter of resignation effective April 1, 1998 This resignation creates an unscheduled vacancy, with the term to expire on June 30, 2000 Two alternates currently serve on the committee who will be given an opportunity to fill the regular position. The Park & Recreation Committee will be making a recommendation to the City Council following their next regular meeting STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL. ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF DAVID BERTINO FROM THE PARK & RECREATION COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO POST THE VACANCY TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM COUNCIL ArmENDA ITEM NON3a c►Tr CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) FUNDING REQUIRED X From Account #10-190-0.220 $65 00 SUBJECT RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND Commumty and Econonuc Development Department s fM AFF • EP t A City Web Page Updates Approval MEETING DATE April 23, 1998 NO FUNDING REQUIRED X At the January 22, 1998 meeting, City Council requested that staff make several changes in content to the city's web page Some of the requests were handled directly by staff, and others had to be performed professionally as they required technical skill beyond the scope of stairs expertise All alterations requested by council were completed, and the internet address was registered by the host provider, the Enterprise for Economic Excellence (EEE) On March 26, 1998, staff sent a memo to the City Manager that was routed to the City Council This memo indicated the changes most recently made to the web site, along with the request for final input in order to make the web address public Staff received requests from council members LeeAnn Garcia and Herman Hdkey to make additional changes to the site in terms of content alterations/additions, adding a link and altering and/or adding a section regarding economic development. At this time, staff would like to update the council on what changes have been made, or are underway, and what changes will require the help from experts at EEE A print out of the entire web site will be made available on member's desks prior to the meeting to allow council members to review the alterations and overall site In addition, staff felt that a couple of the changes requested were significant enough to warrant group discussion/approval DISCUSSION Most of the comments from council members were regarding very minor alterations to be done prior to public release of the web site address These alterations are either currently complete as requested or are in progress Minor items that are or will be completed byMinor items that are or will be completed by staff mcluded 1 Correct a "typo" in the Economic Development Section (which is currently linked to the 20 Year Logo on the home page), 2 Add city council members' names and direct telephone numbers, as well as City Hall's direct number, to the City Council section, 3 Maintain past city council agendas and/or minutes, as well as current agendas in the City Council section, 4 Update Calendar section with citywide calendar, 5 Fill in information in Hot News section regarding upcoming Grand Terrace Days events, 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, Claliforma 92313-6?jf j jWA ITEM No. -%A