05/14/1998y 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 824-6621 Fax (909) 783-7629 Fax (909) 783-2600 Byron R Matteson Mayor Dan Buchanan Mayor Pro Tempore Herman Hilkey Jim Smgley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager FILE COPY May 14, 1998 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6 00 p in Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 COUNCII. CHAMBERS fD TERRACE CIVIC CENTER Barton Road MAY 14, 1998 600PM I CTTY OF GRAND TERRACE. COMPIdES WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1"0. IF YOU QUIRE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CALL THE CTTY CLERK'S MCE AT (909) 824-6621 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. I YOU DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL DURING THE MEETING, OTHER THAN UNDER PUBLIC 40MMl1 Ut YOU ARE ASKED TO PLEASE COMPLETE A REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM AVAILABLE AT THE CT, AND PRESENT IT TO THE CITY CLERK. SPEAKERS WILL BE CALLED UPON BY THE MAYOR AT APPROPRIATE TIME. * Call to Order - * Invocation - Dr Paul Reed, Terrace Crest Baptist Church * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - STAFF COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS RECOMMENDATION ACTION CONVENE COMMUNITY RP.DEVEIDP NT AG .N _Y Approval of 04-23-98 Minutes Approve 1 3 ADJOURN Approval of Check Register CRA051498 Authorization to go to Bid - Street Name Signs COMMUNITY RMEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY COUNCIL- MEETING Items to Delete Approve Approve CONVENE 1 2 SPEr Ai_ p PS -NTATIONS A Proclamation - Mental Health Month, May 1998 B Proclamatiwn - Water Awareness Month, May 1998 C Water Awareness Poster Contest Winners (Terrace View) 3 CONSENT CAI-ENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the Council atone tmw without discussion Any Council Member, taff Member, or Ctt¢en may request removal of an item from e Consent Calendar for discussion Approve A Approve Check Register No 051498 B Ratify 05-14-98 CRA Action C Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PENDING C R A APPROVAL �6111%74 1►IY11 "i DI 1) WJ arm ' ul Dia ► o I lan Y g A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on Apn123, 1998, at 6 00 p m PROSENT! Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency Member Jun Smgley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Parma Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building and Safety Director Lt Mike Howell, Sheriff s Department ABSENT-. John Harper, City Attorney CRA-98-21 MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the April 9, 1998, CRA Minutes CRA-98-22 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER HMX EY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Check Register No CRA042398 Chairman Matteson adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 6 10 p in SECRETARY of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace CHAIRMAN of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace CRA AGENDA ITEM NMI r ( I R ''AGE 1 PENDING C r. APPROVAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE. MAY 14, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO* 061498 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: MAY 14, 1998 CHECK NO. VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P12367 HERMAN HILKEY STIPENDS FOR APRIL, 1998 15000 P12379 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE, MAY, 1998 9396 P12380 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH INSURANCE, MAY, 1998 78912 P12381 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICE LIFE INSURANCE, MAY, 1998 5143 P12382 RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY WATER FOR HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 25235 39777 ADDINGTON ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES, 22846 PALM 1,50000 39781 DRAGUS BARBU INTERN, 4/11-4/30/98 24600 39782 VIRGIL BARHAM AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR MAY, 1998 13750 39789 RAUL COLUNGA INTERN, 4/13-4/24/98 32445 39797 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES FOR HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 9450 39814 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS PHONE, HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPT 3381 39826 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 2908 39840 SOUTHERN CA EDISON COMPANY ELECTRIC, HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPT AND HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 10640 398741 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY GAS FOR 22832 PALM 429 39842 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 13463 39850 TRI-STATE CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION AT 22547 LA PAIX 9,70110 39851 U S BANK TRUST PAYMENT ON 1997 COP 11,312 78 39856 VISA COMPUTER UPGRADE 15342 Community Services Departii�znt Staff Report CRA ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE MAY 14, 1998 SUBJECT STREET NAME SIGNS AUTHORIZATION TO GO TO BID lasialoaflumeli1� 07 DISCUSSION An important aspect of the City's maintenance program and the enhancement of the aesthetics of the City is the maintenance of Street Name Signs They provide direction to residents and visitors who visit the City A proposal previously submitted to the Agency Board was for the use of surplus revenues from a bond refinancing to be used to implement a replacement program and redesign of our Street Name Signs The goal of this program is to provide the needed replacement of worn signs and enhance the look of the City Staff has diligently worked over the past months performing a comprehensive inventory of all traffic and name signs within the City and is now ready to move forward with a formal Public Bid for the manufacture and installation of the new Street Name Signs As part of the bid, the Contractor will be required as follows Provide the final technical and graphical design of the signs for the review and approval of the City 2 Manufacture the signs and provide all mounting brackets and hardware 3 As an optional item, provide a bid for the installation of signs In total, the project will include the manufacture and installation of approximately 500 signs The signs will be of the highest quality in terms of materials and reflectivity A sample/prototype of the sign is attached The total budget for this project is $60,000 It is the intent of the Staff to offer for sale all surplus signs to the public at a sale to be held after their removal The date for this is yet to be determined CRA AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 Bilic"Nimilit'lill CilY BARTON CITY 0Ij (J" R A N D r-l- F IZ R A'( 22000' n o Litt of 6ranb C"J.,urace ' 10-1 ar�ttt�inn MENTAL HEALTH MONTH MA Y 1998 WHEREAS, May has been recognized as MENTAL HEALTH MONTH for the past forty-nine years, and WHEREAS, the focus of MENTAL HEALTH MONTH has been on the promotion of mental health, prevention of mental illness and the progress which has been made in treating the mentally ill, and WHEREAS, for the ninth year, to recognize MENTAL HEALTH MONTH, the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health and County Schools have co -sponsored a Mental Health Poster Contest, the contest is intended to promote positive self-esteem, every public school student throughout the County, Grades K-1 Z, is invited to participate this year's poster contest theme is "LET LAUGHTER BE YOUR SONG"; more than 616 entries have been received and S7, 000 00 worth of US Savings Bonds will be awarded, on May 15, 1998, the students who drew the winning posters will be recognized at an awards ceremony, NOW, THEREFORE, I, BYRON R MATTESON, Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim May as MENTAL HEALTH MONTH and commend all the students who submitted posters and recognize the outstanding efforts of the students whose work will receive awards, Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof This 14`h day of May, 1998 P�91 T,ftij of (6ranb 01 prrttre t1ro clam att"b'an WA TER A WARENESS MONTH MA Y 1998 WHEREAS, water is the Inland Empire 's most precious and necessary natural resource, and WHEREAS, to insure an ample supply of good quality water for our residents, we must all work together to effectively conserve and protect the local water resources, and WHEREAS, by educating all citizens about the value of water and the importance of protecting our water supply we can make wise decisions regarding our personal, family, and community water use and waste disposal habits, and WHEREAS, during the month of May, the City of Grand Terrace Joins with other water agencies, cities, counties and the entire state of California to work together to increase the understanding of "Water Keep it Safe — Don't Pollute ", NOW, THEREFORE, I, Byron R Alatteson Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim May 1998 as WATER AWARENESS MONTH and urge all citizens to be responsible water users and protectors ,Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof This 14`h day of May, 1998 IV I )U1. )U" � PENDI' CRY PAGE 1 COUNCIL APPROVAL I I Y OF GRAND-TERRA-Cit DATE. MAY 14, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: CHECK NO, VENDOR P12363 TANYA ENGRAVING P12364 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12365 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12366 MICHAEL TODD P12367 HERMAN HILKEY P12368 PERS P12369 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12370 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION P12371 PATRICIA PETERSON P12372 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12373 LLP MCGLADREY 8 PULLEN P12P74 ARROW STRAIGHT P12375 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12376 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY P12377 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12378 COMCAST CABLEVISION imP12379 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK P12380 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA A P12381 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICE P12382 RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY AN 39775 AA EQUIPMENT RENTAL COMPANY 39776 ACCENT PRINT & DESIGN 39777 ADDINGTON ENGINEERING CONSULTANT 39778 MATTHEW ADDINGTON 39779 AIRBORNE EXPRESS 39780 BALLARD PLUMBING CHECK REGISTER NO 051498 MAY 14, 1998 DESCRIPTION DONATION FOR TROPHIES FOR BASKETBALL LEAGUE CASH PAYMENTS FOR 4/17/98 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 4/21/98 OPEN/CLOSE PICO PARK, 3/14/13/98 STIPENDS FOR APRIL, 1998 RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL ENDING 4/17/98 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 4/22/98 REPLACE LOST CHECK FOR DEPOSIT OF PAYROLL BIRTHDAY BONUS CASH PAYMENTS FOR 4/28/98 REGISTRATION FOR FINANCIAL SEMINAR, FINANCE DIRECTOR STREET STRIPING PROJECT CASH PAYMENTS FOR 4/30/98 DISABILITY INSURANCE, MAY, 1998 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 5/1/98 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 5/5/98 HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE, MAY, 1998 HEALTH INSURANCE, MAY, 1998 LIFE, DENTAL, AND VISION INSURANCE, MAY, 1998 WATER FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES, PARKS, AND MERIDIANS PARTS FOR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT PRINT SENIOR NEWSLETTER AND CITY LETTERHEAD ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR APRIL, 1998 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, 4/16/98 EXPRESS MAIL PLUMBING REPAIRS, COMMUNITY CENTER AMOUNT 50000 48000 5000 26000 30000 5,76489 13128 5,17606 5000 33963 5000 15.-j6 69 20287 97731 20523 36271 52974 7,94401 1,38266 1,36777 3383 33423 2,58000 5000 1045 7600 PAGE 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CHECK REGISTER NO 051498 DATE:' MAY 14,1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: MAY 14,1998 CHECK NO. VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 39809 HEIDI KNIPE LAIRD PARENT WORKSHOP, CHILD CARE 3000 39810 LELAND NURSERY PLANTS FOR BARTON ROAD 2,25626 39811 LEROY'S LANDSCAPE SERVICES LANDSCAPE SERVICE FOR TERRACE PINES 20000 39812 MALEK ENGINEERING PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR BIKE LANE PROJECT 18,309 80 39813 PATRIZIA MATERASSI AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR MAY, 1998 20000 39814 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS PHONES FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES 1,03678 39815 CANDACE MCKERNAN REFUND, RECREATION PROGRAM 3000 39816 DENA MENDEZ REFUND, RECREATION PROGRAM 2000 39817 METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE FOR MAY, 1998 97515 39818 STEPHANIE MURPHY REFUND, PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 39819 NORCAUSAN BERNARDINO, INC PRODUCTION OF 1998 WASTE PREVENTION TAB 50000 39820 DANIEL NOVE INTERN, 4/15-5/1/98 56000 39821 OFFICE MAX SAFE, CHILD CARE 45 79 39822 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY MAINTENANCE ON ELEVATOR, MAY, 1998 24 76 39823 PAPA REGISTRATION FOR SEMINAR, MAINTENANCE DEPT 4500 39824 PACIFIC BELL PHONES FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES 51214 39825 PERFECTION LAWN & GARDEN IRRIGATION SUPPLIES FOR PARKS 6122 39826 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE GENERAL PETTY CASH —FINANCE 19540 39827 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH —CHILD CARE 14213 39828 POST TOOLS, INC SMALL TOOLS, MAINTENANCE DEPT 6355 39829 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS REGISTRATION FOR PLANNING SEMINAR 9900 39831 RICHARD ROLLINS OPEN/CLOSE PARKS & WEEKEND MAINTENANCE AT PARKS 440 44000 398P2 ROQUET PAVING, INC STREET REPAIRS, VARIOUS LOCATIONS 12 39833 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO RELEASE LIENS, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL DEPT 9100 39834 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STREET REPAIR MATERIALS 18630 PA6E 5 DATE• MAY 14, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF• CITY -OF -GRAND TERRACE r MAY 14, 1998 PAYROLL FOR APRIL, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO 051498 CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR 134.803 90 TOTAL 235,666 07 CITY OF GRAND RRAC'F, f= _�� ,�!; CITY COUNCiL APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL r WITES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 23o 1998 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on April 23, 1998 at 6 00 p m PRMEML- Byron Matteson, Mayor r , Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tern Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Jim Singley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Pat ma Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building and Safety Director Lt Mike Howell, Sheriff s Department ABSENT: John Harper, City Attorney f The meeting was opened with invocation by Dr Thomas Harvick, Colton Christian Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Jun Singley SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2A Recycling Family of the Month - March 1998 Mayor Matteson announced that Mr and Mrs Robert Burelson and family are the recipients of the Recycling Family of the Month Award for the month of March 1998 and presented them with local merchant gift certificates from Miguel's Restaurant, Demetn's Restaurant, Flowers By Yvonne, and Blue Mountain Coffee House 2B Terrace Hills Middle School - Kay Bunnell, Principal Kay Bunnell, Principal, Terrace Hills Middle School, reported on their fundraising efforts through student fundraising and the PTSA She also reported on the annual Grand Terrace Lion's Club Flag Day that is held in February every year CONSENT CALENDAR CC-98-42 MOTION • BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, SECOND BY COUNCH MEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following consent calendar items COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NQ��D 1 YR Council Mmutes April 23, 1998 Page 3 _ at the next LAFCO meeting and will probably be set for public hearing in June There is no possibility that it will be on the November ballot, however, they are going through with the application and it will go on the ballot in March of 1999 He gave an update on the sewer rate issue and ststed that there will be a sewer rate increase to vote on in the upcoming months Councilmember Garda, complimented the Friends of the Library on their signs that were made for the Rare Book Auction and encouraged everyone to attend it on April 26 from 3 00 to 6 00 p m She reported that the "20 Grand Years" sponsor packets are available and any one that is interested can pick up a packet at the information desk at City Hall She encouraged everyone to attend Grand Terrace Days on June 13, 1998 Counc lmember Smeley, referred to a letter that Mr Karger had sent to the Council regarding the Pedestnan/Bike Lane Project and the issue of no parking in front of his property and feels that staff did what they could with regards to working with Mr Karger to try and come up with a solution that made both parties happy and that the issue is closed hili3 P [of: I h I - 7A Web Page U12date CC-98-46 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve item 1 To rename City Insight section to "City Overview" and Item 2 Rename City Hall section to "City Hall Staff" which would include department staff and functions Item 3C Adding the words "Economic Development" to the homepage linked to the city logo, and Item 4 Allocate $65 00 from account #10-190-220 to "swap out" a 20 year anniversary logo for the proper "20 Year Anniversary " logo that was approved by the City Council NEW BUSDIESS • ; 1 rf 1; ►lul _►T Mayor Matteson adjourned the City Council Meeting at 6 45 p m , until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, May 14, 1998 at 6 00 p m CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace MAYOR of the City of Grand Terrace ,LIT it IF Community and Economic Development Department STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE- MAY 14,1998 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED X SUBJECT- Economic Development Division Progress Report RECOMMENDATION Receive and File There have been many accomplishments this past year, from securing Rite Aid as a new tenant in the City to beginning negotiations with a developer for the City Center project Our next step is to conduct a series of analyses to determine our market niche Then we can focus on our target retail and industrial business The Economic Development Program will be reorganized to focus on business attraction, retention, and expansion, Job creation and liaison/networking Following is a partial list of our accomplishments and goals for the future I ACCOMPLISHMENTS I GOALS I In conjunction with Chamber Business Development Committee secured Rite Aid as tenant for new building at Barton Rd /Mt Vernon Actively marketed the City - Developed and widely distributed a City Profile Brochure - Completed the educational outreach portion of the General Plan Update - Booth at Grand Terrace Days every year - Articles in all local newspapers and quarterly City Newsletter - Articles in Inland Empire Magazine & Inland Empire Business Journal Completed City web page including a section on Economic Development Sustainable economic growth Determine our City's market niche to target retail and industrial businesses - Economic base analysis - Retail gap analysis - Business survey - Charette for City Center Town Square project - CALED workshop 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, California 92313-500MMAGMA ITEM WOE x nh>,y ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT Past Accomplishments A new tenant for the GTI Market site We have secured a good tenant for Grand Terrace's biggest "eye sore" site RITE AID Without the data availability, technical support and initiative of our staff, City Manager and the Chamber's Business Development Committee, Val Clemens would have been one more of the many developers that come and go without any commitment We feel proud of the progress of the project thus far The Planning Commission will review the project on May 21, 1998 Active Marketing We have marketed the City in various ways Advertising has been extremely successful as you will notice in this report Forms of THE BLUE marketing we have implemented include MOUNTAIN s City Profile brochure, widely distributed via schools, counter and phones CITY Completion of the education outreach program for the General Plan Update/General Plan Task Force related This included, but was not limited to - televised presentations to the Planning Commission, City Council and committee/Chambers forums - participation in Grand Terrace Days booth - children's placemats and zoning maps distributed in all local schools - numerous articles in The Sun, Riverside Press Enterprise, City News and quarterly City Newsletters - brochures to Senior Center - public cable access channel - copies of Action Plan available at the counter All outreach articles are available in the General Plan Task Force Outreach binder at CEDD Market Data We have collected market data for Grand Terrace, 3, 5, 10 and 15 miles around Grand Terrace for demograplucs, potential retail sales and characteristics of consumers This market data, along with traffic volumes, was very timely and helped a great deal in the Rite Aid project. Grand Terrace as part of an upscale corridor It appears that developers view us as part of a new potential corridor which includes Redlands and Loma Lmda, of "upscale and affluent" Barton Road will need to be a very attractive road to take advantage of this recent revelation' Potential Development Sites Inventory We have completed a detailed inventory of vacant and underutilized sites for residential, commercial and industrial uses We have completed a map illustrating the sites which will soon be up in the Economic Development portion of the web page Networking Participating in the Inland Empire Economic Partnership, CALED and National Council for Urban Economic Development for referrals, new economic development strategies, marketing and sustainable economic growth Web Page The City web page has been completed and is available for public viewing !Ivinz Local and New Businesses Considering the needs of businesses during ;velopment review or during the code enforcement process (donning an "economic ✓elopment hat", instead of only one of "regulator") A very successful experience which generates win -win solutions for code enforcement and even for development processing Follow Up With Business Inquiries Software is being utilized to track business inquiries, as well as cuue the case planner when to follow up This assures prompt attention to the needs of business and key players Business Attraction Activities will vary fri a marketing the Gity to our target markets via articles, flyers, brochures, including the City web page and trade shows A tabular data containing the following information will be displayed in the web page economic development section to complement the potential development sites map for instance - location - property status, City entitlements - zoning - property owner, representative and/or leasing agent - property size - development issues/subsidies/incentives We will market Grand Terrace using EV-1 and electric charging station and GIS (such as ESRI articles, etc) all of which show that Grand Terrace may be a small city, but on the cutting edge of technology and on the nght track Be prepared to respond and follow up with new business inquiries and IEEP Marketing the industrial area will produce new industrial developments and the reassessment of our land, thus increasing redevelopment increment tax revenues for the City Business attraction activities will also include further streamlining our permit process and keep market and socioeconomic data up to date ATTRACTION RETENTION EXPANSION CREATION Business Retention Activities will vary from constant contact with local businesses in the form of surveys and provision of constantly updated data which helps them to make optimal decisions, to small business loans provided by County and State Redevelopment/Economic Development programs we now have access to Business Expansion Activities will vary from evaluating data resulting from an economic base analysis and other analyses to determine potential suppliers of our local or surrounding businesses which could relocate to Grand Terrace, to low interest loans for infrastructure improvement Job Creation Activities will vary from evaluation of demographic and other data to find potential markets for business incubators, to helping local home based businesses to expand and locate within Grand Terrace Job creation programs will also include recruitment of industrial businesses that are more than Just warehouses for international distribution, but actual job creators and partial (30% at least) retail tax payers as well Liaison/Networkin2 activities will vary from actively participating in IEEP, CALED, California Trade and Commerce Agency, and other local and national economic development organizations and research institutes to get proper economic development training, to join University off -site programs for the growth of local industries which match our residents and their skills in markets previously target in our area Ultimately our businesses are to reflect the values of our community We want to keep our low density neighborhoods, but need an 106 active City Center and immediate surrounding area to make it all feasible and sustainable While we would like to estimate how many business or jobs we can create, or how many additional tax dollars we can generate, we really need approximately two years to build the foundation for this great and needed division The Economic Development Division will b require two years of CRA funding and staffing to establish a foundation We are already moving in the direction given to us by the General Plan Task Force, and are doing so with strong community support. F` C msoffice1zommdev\economicleconomu development report :A/98 Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE MAY 14, 1998 SUBJECT SENIOR CENTER HVAC PROJECT CDBG NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: As part of the 1999-97 CDBG Program, the City Council funded a project, which included the installation of an HVAC unit for the Pool Room at the Senior Center This project was funded at an amount of $2,200 DISCUSSION• As part of the Honeywell Corporation Energy Conservation Retrofit Project enacted by the City in June 1997, the project included the addition of an HVAC Unit at the Senior Center, which now services the Pool Room The system was installed and is worked very efficiently Under the requirements of CDBG, the bidding requirements and Federal Regulations, it became impractical to include the regulations into the Honeywell Agreement Thus, the funds have gone unexpended for this project As a requirement to reallocate the $2,200 into the City's "UN -Programmed Account" with the County of San Bernardino, a City Council action is required Staff is recommending adoption of an action defundmg the Senior Center HVAC RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council defend CDBG Project- HVAC Rehabilitation -Senior Center- ECD Project No 106-22601, and Authorize Staff to notify the County of San Bernardino Department of Economic and Community Development of the Action FISCAL LMPACT $2,200 will be reallocated into the City of Grand Terrace CDBG "UN -Programmed" Account with the County of San Bernardino COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N�F Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE MAY 14, 1998 SUBJECT CDBG AUTHORIZATION TO PROGRAM FUNDS FUNDING REQUIRED DISCUSSION: In February, 1998, the City Council authorized the funding a four (4) projects for the 1998-99 CDBG Program Year These included as follows Of the listed projects, staff is recommending funding as follows 1 County of San Bernardino Library (Public Service): This is for a literacy education program which funds the Grand Terrace Branch to be open an additional day each week The program has been funded since 1996 and is very successful The total allocation request is $4,500.00 2 City of Grand Terrace (Petty Park Development)- This includes unplementation of Phase I of the development of a passive park located adjacent to the Senior Center Total allocation will be $25,000 which must be matched with a $25,000 allocation from the Park Fund 3 City of Grand Terrace (Senior Center Expansion): This will include the construction and remodel of a 1,500 square foot addition to the Senior Center for an additional class/meeting room Total cost estimation is $77,000. The total recommended allocation for 1998-99 is $106,500 The City's 1998-99 funding allocation is $37,000 At present, the City of Grand Terrace has an "Un-programmed" balance of approximately $90,000 on account with the County This gives a total expendable balance of approximately $127,000 With the recommended allocation, the City will retain a balance of approximately $20,500 In order to proceed with the projects for the coming year, the City Council is required to adopt a resolution authorizing the expenditure of the "Un-programmed Funds" on account with the County of San Bernardino COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N0� RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PROGRAMMING OF UN -PROGRAMMED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $69,500 FOR THE 1998-99 PROGRAM YEAR WHEREAS, the City of Grand Terrace is a participant in the County of San Bernardino Community Block Grant Program, and WHEREAS, the City's allocation for 1998-99 is $37,000, and WHEREAS, the City has on account "Un-Programmed Funds" which are eligible for allocation into the 1998-99 Program Year, and WHEREAS, it is the City's desire to fund four (4) projects totaling $106,500 which are eligible for funding, exceeding the current years allocation by $69,500, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that in the interest of the City to proceed with the programming of $69,500 for these projects, and WHEREAS, the City Council requests that the County of San Bernardino Department of Economic and Community Development proceed with the programming of these funds NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER THE FOLLOWING Year 1 Programming of $69,500 in Un-Programmed CDBG Funds to the 1998-99 Program ADOPTED THIS 14th day of May, 1998 ATTEST City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof Staff Report CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE May 14, 1998 SUBJECT TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE FOR BLOCK PARTY - EMERALD STREET The residents on the east end of Emerald Street (22230 Emerald through 22258 Emerald) are requesting approval to block off the cul-de-sac on May 23rd, from 12 00 noon to 9 00 p m for the purpose of holding a Block Party This event took place last year with no problems reported The request is attached indicating their intent and approval of all affected residents Staff Recommends Council. Authorize the closure of the east end of Emerald Court on May 23, 1998 from 12 00 p in to 9 00 p m for the purpose of a Block Party COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.� CITY OF GRAND Tt�E Historical and Cultural Activities Committee APR ` Z' 1993 Minutes for April 6, 1998 A CLFgK R In the absence of Chairman Vi Gratson, the meeting was called to order at 7 10 P M Those present at this time, were Ann Petta, Pauline Grant, Hannah Laister, Colleen Edmundson and Brenda Stanfill The secretary's minutes for March were read and corrected as follows The vote on Arts vs Crafts was changed to four yeses and two abstentions Colleen made a motion to accept, seconded by Pauline, The Treasurer's report showed a budget balance of $407 86, $169 86 in petty cash fund Hannah made a motion to accept, seconded by Pauline Old Business A letter was received from Voter Registration Drive, Dwayne Cnspens requesting a table at the Art Show Ann called each member who all voted no Mr Cnspens was told we did not feel that this was the place for such an activity ArtShow Hanging Screens The City will check over and paint where necessary Flyers and Posters Ann passed these out to each member Colleen and Hannah will place these in town businesses in two weeks Applicarions Ann has 15 completed forms About 80 items are needed for a good show Ann will work on this At this time Shelly Rosenkild and Vice -President Judy McBride arrived and Judy took over the meeting Punch and Cookies All members will bring some kind of finger food Vi or Judy will make punch Shelly will provide background music Colleen and Hannah will check supplies Plates and cups white, napkins pastel Shelly will get one dozen balloons Brenda said that Beverly crafts has balloons for 50 cents Kitchen Screen Shelly spent a total of $181 89 and has started work She will need 2 quarts more of paint Ann made one motion for Shelly to get balloons and more paint, seconded by Colleen, all in favor Publicity Pauline is doing radio three weeks in advance Shelly wrote an article for the newspaper The City will make a sign for the billboard at Preston and Barton Members will be at City Hall, 1-3 PM, Saturday to accept items to be shown and 7-9 PM to hang Members should be at City Hall by noon on Sunday to prepare COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NOm%a CITY OF GRAND TEAAA�.- CITY OF GRAND TERRACE MAY 0 1998 PARKS AND RECREATION COM1=E Regular Meeting GTYC� EaK MINUTES April 6, 1998 Meeting called to order at 6 04 p in MEMBERS PRESENT Dick Rollins, Lenny Frost, Barry Tyler, Cheryl Whitlock, Manuel Ortiz, Gretchen Andrews MEMBERS ABSENT Pat Newberry, David Bertmo, Sarah Green CITY STAFF Karen Gerber GUESTS PRESENT None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes approved from meeting January 5, 1998 NEW MEMBER APPLICATIONS None received PARK UPDATES I RICHARD ROLLINS PARK Will be discussing restroom demolition and rebmldmg, new parking lot, monument sign. II PICO PARK Gophers gone, Field # 1 in good repair after refurbishing. Need Thank You letter sent to Girl Scout Troop 1441 for flower planting around trees III TOT LOT No report IV SUSAN PETTA PARK Roof leaks in Senior Center - to be fixed after the rainy YOUTH ACTIVITIES I Soccer Registration for '98 season has begun Practices to begin August 1, 1998 II Basketball Season winding down City of GT to discuss possible takeover of management III Little League Season underway, rain has forced several games to be canceled to be rescheduled as necessary COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM No,5A/L Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE MAY 14, 1998 SUBJECT AMENDMENT TO SEWER DISCHARGE AND PRETREATMENT ORDINANCE NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND. The Pretreatment Program began in 1982 as a condition of the City of Colton and Grand Terrace's NPDES Permit issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) for operation of the Colton Wastewater Treatment Plant Due to a number of changes in the Federal and State regulations m the area of the pretreatment of effluent, the City has periodically been required to amend City Ordinances to keep them current with existing laws Because the City of Grand Terrace is a partner in the Colton Wastewater Treatment Plant, the City is required to participate and adhere to the same pre-treatment and discharge requirements issued under the Colton Permit DISCUSSION: The Regional Board has issued a new NPDES Permit to the Colton/San Bernardino Joint Powers Authority for the RIX Regional Wastewater Tertiery Treatment Facility, which included the secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant in the City of Colton The new NPDES Permit supersedes the individual permits which are issued to each City, thus making the current Ordinance mvand The Colton/San Bernardino Joint Powers Authority has had a comprehensive pre- treatment Ordinance developed which is attached The revised Ordinance allows each City to remain the sole responsible enforcement authority over the discharge within the jurisdiction It also provides for each City's indemnification if the other fails to adequately enforce the Federal and State Pretreatment regulations COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. LOf Community Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM OM MEETING DATE MAY 14, 1998 SUBJECT CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM UPDATE NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND' In September, 1997, the City of Grand Terrace uutiated a formal program to begin the enforcement of the City's Municipal Codes This included the hire of a full time Code Enforcement Officer and the development of a number of policies and procedures to begin a progressive approach to enforcement actions Staff presented a report to the City Council in October, 1997 on our goals for the program and the process by which the City would begin implementation This report is meant to provide an update to the City Council on the progress of the program DISCUSSION: In October, the City Staff presented a number of goals and philosophies to outlme the implementation of the Code Enforcement Program These included as follows • Education and Preventative Maintenance • Make the City and aesthetically pleasing, healthy and safe place to live • Obtain voluntary compliance through education • Utilize formal proceedings as a last resort To date, the program has progressed very successfully Key areas which staff would like to update the City Council on are some of our educational initiatives, statistical summaries of the code enforcement activities, an overview of our process which is followed in all cases Education - The key element of the City's Code Enforcement strategy is to educate the public This includes both their responsibilities as a property owner and a tenant, as well as, opportunities from the City to assist them in resolving problems they may have To do this, Staff has implemented the following • Development of educational materials which are hand9d out to property owners to update them on community standards (See Attachment) COUNgL AGENDA ITEM NO.A g r e ✓z a- nJ C Code Enforcement Update Agenda Report May 14, 1998 Page 3 of 3 1 Step 1• Property Owners are contacted either verbally or with a door hanger (Attached) notifying them of the potential violation City staff then provides information and background indicating the violation and remedies to eliminate the problem 2 Step 2: A follow up letter is sent for uncorrected violations This is the first stage of the 'Formal" due process This typically includes the establishment of deadlines for compliance A majority of all cases end at this step' 3 Step 3• Additional correspondence is sent, requesting compliance Firm deadlines are established and the possibility of the issuance of a citation is indicated 4 Step 4: A Citation is issued Typically, this will include a "ticket" which is given directly to the violator, or a long form citation is written in the absence of the property owner (A letter and report which is submitted to the Court) 5 Step 5: Court Persons who are issued a citation are summoned to the Redlands Environmental Court for a formal proceeding Information is provided to the Judge, who then adjudicates the case Violators are fined both the cost of the citation, as well as reimbursement of City Administrative Costs for processing the claim This process has been thoroughly reviewed by both the City Attorney, as well as the Environmental Court Judge who oversees Code Enforcement proceedings, and has approved of each element of the program Of the 5 cases tried to date, all have been decided in favor of the City action CONCLUSION• In addition to the mentioned programs and processes, the City has also enacted a number of best practices for Code Enforcement A comprehensive database has been established to track cases and the use of a digital camera helps both the staff and resident to record the violations Mostly, our approach is positive and proactive Our main goals of treating people in a fair and equitable manner and keeping Grand Terrace an "aesthetically pleasing, healthy and safe place to live are being accomplished RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file this report FISCAL E1IPACT: None by this action ATTACHEMENTS• Educational Brochure Door Hanger Code Enforcement Location Map Code Enforcement Location Map I I rlllllllll I I III I I IIII �IIIIIIIII1h I ' I// II I II I III 4J11L 1�I�Ililist'rb!� I I 11 I I�� ' lii� III III I1i1 1 II Ill I I I I I I I I III III I � 1 111 I/ I I I IN�4WI� • I I I I I I IIII �1'i�j tm�l �IIII+�IIIII�I II I I Il �1S � ,� IIII�,'+I � I IIIIIIIJIIII IIII IIII IIII111��11'IIIIII ,�y II^III�LL11 IIIIIII I l l l l l Il I I I I I� ICI �//� IIIIIII ►I IIIII, ( IIIIIIIIIII Illlll\// I�IIIIIII Illillllnl\ IIIIIIIIIII Itlll II � II I; ,, I111114111I I I �111) I, ,; i,I I r,; i , 1, 1IV I IIII► l ' I►IIIII���, I� III■ I III�C�I II1) �.Ifllfi 1 nlumm Ilu,nm I 111111 11 L I I I Iln//mut mmol II % I I I I I I I (III, Il7r�J� %1 r+l li % 1 1 11 t /1111 I I I I (11111111�IIlUll�l11111111111r�,'I'�111ti1'I, ` I f �(11►lilli 1 IIIIIIIIIII ►I)I��flll'lllllllllllll�// �1111J( 111� III fllllllll�l'I'111i►IIIIIIIII►�/ llllllllilillf �1►1111�I; i 11■IIIII11111 1►IIII 111'IYII11\1N Cock lllllllllllll 111111111111)III �i� II i � lllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIII ' i I IIIIIIIIIillll� Iilliiii'I'I'I'l�/ IIIII III 1`I 111 111 11��� Ils�ls�l5l�ih�� i rlllllllllllllllllll'I'I I� ffII I ,� I I IIII�IIIII IIII I//■ III14 IIIIIAIl11IIIIIIIIIIIII'/111'I��IIJ ' d l l l I1'111'I'I'll■ I I N I I'//,'I'I'I'IIIIIII'I 5th ..r ►. 1 shp Ni n front yard ul,sance street 72 hours tive Vehicle Propet ty Mamtenanoe I Storage in public vnew y requires exterior repair g in restaurant Parked on Unimproved Surface shp Time City of Grand Tmwe unpkmented the Code Enforcetent program in September 1997 This new division will work collatn* with the community and other coy divisions to keep Gerund Terrace beauufiil thrvtigln education and enforcement of the Grand Tar" Mumapd Godes and all other codes adopted by the Cry of Grand Tar" Code Enforcement a the tool used to educate the community in the need for pmwentrve mmairtenarxv and erwrnng a Healthy community by enforcing the Grand Tataoe Municipal Codes as well as all adopted State and County Codes. Grand Terrace is a beautiful eomrnurury, now a the time to stet focusing on wonting together to keep it that wry Property values are higher, less crime and a healthier lifestyle we all benefits for keeping Grated Terrace beautiful Let's Work Togetheril Pbgrmn Goals A goal for the Code Enforcement Division of Grand Terrace is to educate the community on pmventawm maintenance This well help make the city an aesthetically pkanng, healthy and a safe place to live The utilunion of formal prooeedmgs is a last resort in every case This is a mutual goal, a beautiful Grand Terrace for everyone Dunes of the Code Enfamement OJJscer Interprounj and enforcing the codes to benefit the City of Grand Terrwe is one of the main duties of the Code Enforcement Office' Also included is providing information to the public, investigating complaints, conducting proactive inspections. educating the public, case file management, coordinating Special Events/ Actwaies. and representing the City in Court and mediation. TYPE OF CODE ENFORCEi� All typo of coda rrating to property maintenance issues and vdu" we addressed. These codes are mainly found in the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and the Uniform Housing Code. MonjoMce Violations rdati n6 to property inanrtenance include outside storage in public view, urumutauted landscaping, trash and debris or overgvwvn vegetation 0%777. ."-erne e, , Vehide Abatement addresses tnop UW veludes and being stoned on the strait for aver 72 hours Unlicensed and non dwohong vehicles on a residential property are not only a health hazrud but an eyesore as well IntmorRous When your hot►sekeeping practices arc creating a health acid safety issue for occupants or are affecting neighboring •� properties then the Code Enforcement Officer will be vesting you. Issues such as plumbing, electrical and mechanical problems, large accumulation of trash and hazardous conditions are addressed in the Uruform Housing Code Tie Trimming Ad& Tree trimming on pirate wwr,% property and in the city parkway u the responsibility of the property owner in Grand Terrace Overgrown trees is the nghtof- w►ay and dead vegetation arc just a couple of landscaping violations Anunal Control. ' San Bernardino County 10J. 1.800-472-5609 Dump Site INSan Tnmoteo Canyon Landfill (909) M-3256 Colton Landfill (9W) 3WB701 ®W Envuwunetital Health Samoa. San Bernardino County� �. (909) 387-3043 Trash Coe action. USA Waste a , (909) 825-3402 Vector Control. Insects, Rodents, Etc San Bernardino County (909) 388-4600 Grand U-Stor (800) 770-1884 Roadrunner The Storage Place Grand Terrace (909) 825 3638 C1T► Commurnty Services Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE MAY 14, 1998 SUBJECT UPDATE OF STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND In January, 1998, the City Council authorized the hire of a consultant to assist staff in a comprehensive inventory of the pavement conditions of the City streets and the development of Five (5) year Capital Improvement Program to begin addressing our maintenance needs DISCUSSION• Staff is currently in the process of developing the plans and reviewing reports submitted by Charles Abbott Associates on the development of a Pavement Management System for the City To date, the following components of the report have been developed 1 All streets have been inventoried and rated for condition 2 A preliminary report on recommended actions has been developed for budgeting priorities 3 The Five (5) Year Capital Improvement Program is in the development stages The final reports and program will be completed in June and presented to the City Council in July, 1998 for the implementation of a five (5) year program As a start to the City's efforts toward an aggressive street maintenance program, the 1998-99 Fiscal Year Budget includes a $406,000 Pavement Maintenance Program This includes both paving, street reconstruction's and slurry At the meeting, Staff will present a comprehensive update on the Street Maintenance Program to the City Council RECONLMIENDATION That the City Council receive and file the report FISCAL EWPACT. None by this action COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N0.eO r Staff Report CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (x) MEETING DATE May 14, 1998 SUBJECT ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER - ELLIS Planning Commissioner Gerald Ellis has subrnitted a letter of resignation from the Planning Commission effective April 15, 1998 This resignation creates an unscheduled vacancy on the Planning Commission , with the term to expire on June 30, 2000 Staff Recommends Council, ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF GERALD ELLIS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO POST THE VACANCY TO ADVERTISE TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM COUNCIL AGENDA REM NO.�3Ci