05/28/1998FILE COPY J 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 824-6621 Fax (909) 783-7629 Fax (909) 783-2600 Byron R Matteson Mayor Dan Buchanan Mayor Pro Tempore Herman Hilkey Jim Singley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager May 28, 1998 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetmgs 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6:00 p m Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 CITY OF GRAND .RRACF. REGULAR COUNCIL TiNrT AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MAY 28, 1998 GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 6 00 P M 211i795 Barton Road CITY OF GRAND TERRA£19 COMPLIES WrM THE AMERICANS WrTH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990. IF YOII_ REQ`UJRE SPECIAL ASSI.ST`ANCE TO PARTICIPATE ATM MEETING• PLEASE CALL THE CITY CLERKiS 10PFICE AT (909) 824-611 AT LEAST 49 HOMts PRIOR To THE MEETING. H YOU DES1RTs TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL DURING THE MEETING, OTWR THAN UNDER PUBLIC hO ,MMENT, YOU ARE ASKED TO PLEASE COMPLETE A REQUEST TO SPEAK FOR1V,lE AYA�BLEE AT THE :RA�i+GF� AND PRESENT1T TO THE CITY CLERK. SPEAKERS WILD. BE CAUED UPON BY THE MAYOR AT APPROPPJATE TIME, * Call to Order - * Invocation - Pastor Sahm Ehas, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - STAFF' COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS RECOMMENDATION ACTION u CONVENE COMMU i'ti' REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Approval of 05-14-98 Minutes - Approve 2� 3� Approval of Check Register CRA052898 Approve ADJOURN Closed Session - Real Estate Negotiations (12366 Mt Vernon) COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AG .NCY CITY COUNCIL MEETIN CONVENE 1 2 Items to Delete SPECLAi PRESENTATIONS A Recycling Family of the Month - April 1998 B Commendation - Gerald Ellis 3} CONSENT C LEND R I Fhe following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Cituen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion Approve A Approve Check Register No 052898 B Ratify 05-28-98 CRA Action C Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda - D Approval of 05-14-98 Minutes 1 Approve PENDING C R A APPROVAL L YWall ;:►IBIN Y. [616143 0VP "I M I / DI KQ' ul Wo W.X" DW46183II►I 11Y A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on May 14, 1998, at 6 00 p m FRESEhM Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency Member Jim Smgley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patnzia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Lt Mike Howell, Sheriff's Department ATe Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director John Harper, City Attorney ... CRA-98-23 MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the April 23, 1998, CRA Minutes CRA-98-24 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER HII.KEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Check Register No CRA051498 CRA-98-25 MOTION BY AGENCY MIUvIBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the bid specifications for the redesigning and replacement of the street name signs throughout the City and authorize staff to formally bid the project. CRA AGENDA ITEIIA Na Cl PENDING C F_ _ _ APPROVAL PAGE 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE. MAY 28, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO. 062898 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF MAY 28, 1998 CHECK NO VENDOR DESCRIPTION _ _ AMQUNT P12386 U S BANK TRUSTEE FEES, SERIES 1993 A & B 3,34750 P12388 STATE COMPENSATION INS FUND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS, APRIL, 1998 20226 39864 DRAGOS BARBU INTERN, 5/5-5/14/98 12800 39866 DAN BUCHANAN STIPENDS FOR MAY, 1998 15000 39874 RAUL COLUNGA INTERN, 4/27-5/8/98 47277 39875 COMPUTEAM PARTS/LABOR TO REPAIR COMPUTER 21127 39882 LEE ANN GARCIA STIPENDS FOR MAY, 1998 15000 39887 HERMAN HILKEY STIPENDS FOR MAY, 1998 15000 39896 BYRON MATTESON STIPENDS FOR MAY, 1998 ` 15000 39905 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH, CODE ENFORCEMENT 753 39914 JAMES SINGLEY STIPENDS FOR MAY, 1998 150 C- 39915 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY GAS FOR 22547 LA PAIX 460 39916 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 3878 39926 YOSEMITE WATERS BOTTLED WATER FOR HOUSING RAHABILITATION n DEPARTMENT 6180 TOTAL 5,16961 m 1 CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE COMMUNITY v REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES a FOR THE OPERATION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR City of Grand Terrace Comniend t1*[On gerald (ge ellia WHEREAS, Gerald Ellis was aotrtted,Planning Commissioner on June 24, 1996, and WHEREAS, Gerry servd Q;,4u 1'l nnrng Commission until April 15, 1998, and dedication to We-Jette� of the City teas demonstrated by his desire and flzn s to serve as F did ifif�t scoff musio , ,nd h WHEREAS.,►erry's desire to serve :ty was evident by his active participation in T —41 inning Commis, and _ WHE1Z& Gerry partzczpatcd in revzely hwrings to approve several new businesses in the City, ludrng; but notimed to, afull-service cleaners;recyclttgtf, c,»a_lltomn and a retail door and ndow sales company, and WHEREA4 Gerry actively participated to amendments to the Barton Road Specific Plan to ter serve the need stand Terrace citizens and further faczlitnte development _ of NOW, THEAEFO I, Byron R Mattewn, Mayor of the COP of Grand Terrace, on behalf the Czty Council, do Wt *-immmend and thank Gerald Ellis far his good work and service to the inning Commission and td the citumu of Grand Terrace Byron R Matteson Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the Czty Council thereof This 28th day of May, 1998 PAGE 1 PE" INN CITY COU um APPROVAL CITY=OF=GRAND TERRACE DATE MAY 28, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO 052898 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF CHECK NO. VENDOR, P12383 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12384 WORLD WIDE SCREEN PRINT P12387 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12388 STATE COMPENSATION INS FUND P12389 SANDRA AH SUE P12390 VALLEY TIRE COMPANY P12391 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12392 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS P12393 PERS P12395 G T AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P12396 COMCAST CABLEVISION P12397 ALAN LANDSCAPING COMPANY P12398 BITTERSWEET CAFE 39863 ASAP LOCK & SAFE v7 39864 DRAGOS BARBU C 39865 JOHN BERRYMAN Z n 39866 DAN BUCHANAN r 39867 BURTRONICS BUSINESS SYSTEMS G) 39868 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 39869 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 39870 HALLY CAPPIELLO 39871 CHARLES ABBOTT ASSOCIATES, INC 39872 CITY NEWSPAPER GROUP 39873 CITY OF COLTON 39875 COMPUTEAM 39876 ROBERT DOWELL MAY 28, 1998 DESCRIPTION MOUNT CASH PAYMENTS FOR 5/8/98 27068 GT DAYS T-SHIRTS 2,07473 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 5/12/98 32231 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS APRIL, 1998 1,273 33 REIMBURSEMENT FOR CHILD CARE SEMINAR 4900 TIRES FOR MAINTENANCE VEHICLE 52814 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 5/13/98 15782 CHILD CARE BOOK FAIR FUND RAISER 1,14090 RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL 5/1/98 5,89129 ATTEND CHAMBER LUNCHEON, COUNCIL/STAFF 3500 CASH PAYMENTS FOR 5/19/98 37029 FINAL PAYMENT FOR REHABILITATION WORK AT PICO PARK 1,954 00� MEETING -EAST VALLEY COALITION 9678 REPAIR LOCK/DOOR AT CHILD CARE CENTER 16715 INTERN, 5/5-5/14/98 12800 REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES 1575 STIPENDS FOR MAY, 1998 1"3 00 COPIER SUPPLIES 23510 FINGERPRINT CHECK, CHILD CARE 6700 ELECTRIC FOR LIGHTS AT BARTON/215 4464 REIMBURSEMENT FOR MILEAGE 3023 PROGRESS PAYMENT FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 6,36144 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 7700 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES FOR MAY, 1998 67,773 82 PARTS/REPAIRS ON COMPUTER 42266 INSTRUCTOR, KATATE AND TODDLERATE 56400 PAGE 3 CITYOF GRAND TERRACE DATE MAY 28, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF CHECK NO VENDOR 39902 DONNA PAXTON 39903 FRANCINE PEREZ 39904 PATRICIA PETERSON 39905 PETTY CASH 39906 PETTY CASH 39907 KATHY PIERSON 39908 POSTMASTER-COLTON 39909 DOROTHY RABORN 39910 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39911 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39912 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 39913 LEONARD SIGDESTAD 39914 JAMES SINGLEY 39915 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY 39916 STAPLES 39917_ THE SUN 39918 SYSCO 39919 TEXACO CREDIT CARE CENTER 39920 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 39921 TRI-COUNTY OFFICIALS 39922 U S TOY COMPANY, INC 39923 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 39924 WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY 39925 XEROX CORPORATION CHECK REGISTER NO 052898 MAY 28, 1998 DESCRIPTION REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT FOR MILEAGE REIMBURSE GENERAL PETTY CASH -FINANCE REIMBURSE PETTY CASH -CHILD CARE INSTRUCTOR, GYMNASTICS/TINY TUMBLERS POSTAGE FOR METER REIMBURSEMENT FOR SUPPLIES FOR SENIOR CENTER BOOKING FEES FOR APRIL, 1998 LAW ENFORCEMENT/CRIME PREVENTION OFFICER, MAY, 1998 DUMP CHARGES FOR APRIL, 1998 REFUND, WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SERVICES STIPENDS FOR MAY, 1998 GAS FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PERSONNELADS - FOOD FOR CHILD CARE CENTER FUEL FOR CITY OWNED VEHICLES ENGINEERING SERVICES CO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT UMPIRES FOR SLO-PITCH SOFTBALL PROGRAM SUPPLIES FOR CHILD CARE ALERT NOTIFICATION FOR APRIL, 1998 PEST CONTROL FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES MAINTENANCE/USAGE FOR XEROX COPIER AMOUNT 368 1575 3250 24368 1'r- 42 80728 1,00000 14210 1.75692 87,756 00 49298 3885 30000 30231 1,48414 11684 1,28615 32100 1,03500 6000 15641 2750 15500 25063 L CITY OF GRAND TERRACE PENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL. MEETING - MAY 14, 1998 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on May 14, 1998 at 6 00 p m PRUSENTo Byron Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Jim Singley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager, John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patnzia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Lt Mike Howell, Sheriff's Department ABA; Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director John Harper, City Attorney The meeting was opened with invocation by Dr Paul Reed, Terrace Crest Baptist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Jim Smgley SPECIAL• PRESENTATIONS 2A Proclamation - Mental Health Month, May 1998 Councilmember Hdkey read a proclamation proclaiming May as Mental Health Month in the City of Grand Terrace Mayor Matteson presented the proclamation to Mr Ed O'Neal on behalf of the San Bernardino Mental Health Commission 2B Proclamation - Water Awareness Month - May 1998 Mayor Pro Tem. Buchanan read a proclamation proclaiming May as Water Awareness Month urging all citizens to be responsible water users and protectors Mayor Matteson presented the proclamation to Mr Gene Mc Means from Riverside Highland Water Company 2C Water Awareness Poster Contest Winners (Terrace View) Mr Gene Mc Means from Riverside Highland Water Company thanked the Council for allowing them to have the opportunity to present the winners of the Water Awareness Month Poster Contest "Keep it Safe - Don't Pollute " He introduced Maryetta Ferre', Principal from Terrace View Elementary School who will make the presentation to the 1 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N06T Council Minutes May 14, 1998 Page 3 Hall Ken B1d=, 12219 Pascal, stated Ins dissatisfaction with the City's efforts on enforcing the codes throughout the City He feels that the enforcement of the codes should be lightened up Stephanie Murphy Perri, 22512 Raven Way, stated that she is a long time resident of the City of Grand Terrace She expressed her dissatisfaction with the enforcement of the codes and the way they are enforced She feels that it is unfair that RV's are allowed to be parked on properties and tent trailers cannot She urged the Council to allow the enforcement of codes to be more lenient Nhchael Perry, 22512 Raven Way, expressed his dissatisfaction with the enforcement of the codes 22111 Ladera Street, commended the Council for standing their ground with Assemblyman Granlund She feels that if the State is doing so well when do they start giving us back ,what they have taken from us in the past along with what we receive She feels that there is a need to have codes for decency and to see that the community is a pleasant and safe place to live, however, she also feels that the community needs to be turned back to being a loving and caring place Councilmember Hilkev, stated that Mr Halstead had an opportunity to do the necessary improvements to Ins property and chose not to He stated that Mr Halstead doesn't always report all of the facts He feels that the Council worked with Mr Halstead to try and make things work Councilmember` Singlet, concurred with Councilmember Hilkey He stated that the Council represents the community and that they will look into the code enforcement issues that have been brought before the Council He urged the residents to be aware of people who support their cause that have political agendas Stephanie Mumhy Pam, stated that she feels that if residents are going to be cited for code enforcement issues that everyone needs to be cited, not only those that are complaint driven Councilmember H ]key, requested clarification on the difference between a RV and tent trailer IaM Halstead, stated that he feels that he tried to address the concerns of the Council, however, he feels that he was denied the due process 5 Couned Mmutes May 14, 1998 Page 5 , into the budget 6A An Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Amending Chapter 13 12 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code Regulating the Discharge of Wastes into the Sewerage System of the City of Grand Terrace Mayor Matteson opened discussion to the public Barbara Pfenn1g a sen, 22111 Ladera Street, questioned whether there was any financial impact as a result of these revisions Assistant City ManaLyer�, responded in the negative Mayor Matteson returned discussion to Council CC-98-50 MOTION BY COUNC AEMBER GARCIA, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUCHANAN, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the first reading of an Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Amending Chapter 13 12 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code Regulating the Discharge of Wastes into the Sewerage Systems of the City of Grand Terrace r UNFINISHM BUSINESS - None 8A Code Enforcement Program Update Assistant City Manager Donlevy gave a presentation updating and reviewing the Code Enforcement Program He stated that in October, staff presented a number of goals and philosophies to outline the implementation of the Code Enforcement Program and include the following Education and Preventative Maintenance, Make the City aesthetically pleasing, healthy and a safe place to live, Obtain voluntary compliance through education and Utilize formal proceedings as a last resort To date the program has progressed very successfully The process has been thoroughly reviewed by both the City Attorney, as well as the Environmental Court Judge who oversees Code Enforcement proceedings, and has approved each element of the program The City has also enacted a number of best practices for Code Enforcement A comprehensive database has been established to track cases and the use of a digital camera helps both staff and resident to record violations For the most part the approach is positive and proactive The main goal is to treat people in a fair and equitable manner while keeping Grand Terrace an "aesthetically pleasing, healthy and safe place to live " 8B Update of 1998-99 Street Maintenance Program CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CRIME PREVENTION COMMM'EI ; MAY _ 1998 Regular Meeting MINUTES CITY C! ERK April 13, 1998 The Grand Terrace Crone Prevention Committee met for the regular meeting at the Senior Center Meeting was called, to order at 6 00 p in by Chairperson, Philomene Spisak ° ;ERS PRESENT were Phdomene Spisak, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Brtsy Miller, Stewart, JoAnn Johnson, Dottie Mom, Dick Rollins, Jackie Kiacz and Claire McElwee ABSENT - Tom Knowles and Alternate, Mike Fasenmyer STAFF/SHERIFF'S DEPT. - City Manager, Tom Schwab and Detective Henry Jones PRESENT- None 'xENDA was approved with motion by Jackie Kiacz and second by Brtsy Muller 1 4 INUTES for the meeting of March 9th were approved with motion by Claire McElwee and second Dottie Rabom COMMENT - None ENCE - None ET - From a beginning balance of $8856 60 an expenditure of $106 94 for uniform Ending of $8749 66 Report given by Dottie Raborn 11SHED BUSINESS A. Autocad Mapes a Brtsy reports no concentrations of crime activity except at Terrace Mesa and Highlands b Discussion on the summarizing map to be displayed at Grand Terrace Days c Chairperson, Spisak would like for the committee to see some of the maps d Most members are very familiar with them, but Brtsy will bring some next tune BUSINESS A Highland Apartments a Security problem has been solved However, this item should be left on agenda B. Brush by (obstructing) Traffic Signs a Reports from Citizen Patrol have not been followed up on Obstructions remain b Discussion, including Dick Rollins offering to take week end crew to remove same c Discussion of bad STOP signs Tom reported that 60 had been replaced and said they will replace any others if specifically reported C. Other items discussed a Jackie Kiacz raised several questions about the Budget and the process b Hopefully most questions were answered, but Tom Schwab suggested that the Budget COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO'�o COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE_Mgy 14i1998 DATE May 11a1998 PROPOSED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY COUNCIL AND/OR STAFF The Parks and Recreation Committee recommends that the Council earmark additional monies into a sinking fund toward creation of a Community Center, or if necessary, create a separate fund to this end COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM N06NC a COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE May 14,1998 DATE May 11,1 98 PROPOSED ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY CO gCIL AND/OR STAFF The Parks and Recreation Committee recommends that the Council accept the following applicant to the Parks and Recreation Committee, effective immediately Sarah Green COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.�`L� r 71(6197�T l2/h+�Ce V - I �, 4� J, I & 5�v thoOvL- ' �z �� a z � off' ., CITY OF GRAND TERRACE '10� Historical and Cultural Activities Commirwe "'''a Minutes for May 4, 1998 CITYCLE9K Chairman Vi Gratson called the meeting to order at 7 P M Those present were Vi, Pauline Grant, Ann Petta, Colleen Edmundson, Hannah Laister, Shelly Rosenkild, Judy McBride and Brenda Stanfill The Secretary's minutes for April were read and approved on motion by Ann, seconded by Colleen This Treasurer's report shows a balance of $155 74 in petty cash and $220 43 in the budget, motion to accept made by Ann, seconded by Pauline By the middle of May we should receive a memo letting us know if our budget proposal has been approved Old Business Art Show Vi reported that all were very pleased with the show, which had a nice amount of people Background and food were very professional Ann reported 33 artist with a total of 100 pieces of art There was a good article in The Sun Telegram Art teacher Mr Murphy of Terrace View School would like his work to be included next year The brown display boards should be painted and some others repaired Brenda will ask about this again Sandwich board was missing therefore no advertisement on sidewalk The sign onjap hill,was a poor choice of colors Ann will give a list to Brenda so Thank You notes can be sent Judy and Hannah will give pictures to Brenda to go out with notes Judy suggested a program again but Ann said this would be hard to prepare as a lot of entries are last minute We will think about this and bring up again Maybe the artist could explain his work New Business Grand Terrace Days We will have a table inside Ann will bring materials to show, Vi will bring a short lustory of Grand Terrace to hand out, and Hannah will bring a scrapbook Members to be there at 9 30 AM Pauline will prepare an article for the Grand Terrace News on The Art Show Our next one will be May 2, 1999 Show Case 20 Grand Years Theme Ann and Pauline showed pictures of City Hall dedication, Fire Station, Senior Center etc Ann will prepare articles to go with pictures The Meeting was adjourned at 7 55 PM The next meeting is June 1, 1998 at 7 PM Respectfully Submi ed, f Hannah Laister Secretary COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Npkj�� N ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 13 12 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE, REGULATING THE DISCHARGE OF WASTES INTOTHE SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AND REPEALING ORDINANCE 132 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE does hereby ordain as follows SECTION ONE Chapter 1312 of the GRAND TERRACE Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows Sections I PREAMBLE 13 12 100 Purpose and Policy 13 12 105 Definitions and Abbreviations II GENERAL PROVISIONS 1312200 Administration 13 12 205 Authorization for New or Increased Pollutant Discharges or Changes in the Nature of Pollutant Discharges 1312207 Record Keeping _ 1312210 General Discharge Prohibitions 1312211 Specific Discharge Prohibitions 1312215 Prohibition Against Discharging Solid or Fluid Material to Watercourses " 13 12 220 Prohibition Against Discharging Pollutants to the • Ground W City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance COUNCIL AGENDA ge I COMM N(0 %A J 13 12 272 Notification of Bypass 1312275 Annual Public Notice of Significant Noncompliance 1312280 Damage to City's Equipment or Facilities 1312282 Compensation for Unauthorized Discharges 1312284 Charges 1312286 City's Right of Revision 1312295 Interpretation 1312296 Severability III PERMITS 1312300 Wastewater Discharge Permits 1312305 Permit Applications 1312310 Permit Modifications 1312315 Permit Contents 1312320 Permit Duration 1312325 Permit Transfer 1312330 Reporting Requirements 1312335 Spill Containment Facilities 1312340 Signatory and Certification Requirements IV ENFORCEMENT 1312400 Enforcement, General 1312401 Notification of Violation 1312402 Compliance Time Schedules City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 3 V ADOPTION 13 12 500 Effective Date - Annexations 13 12 505 Effective Date - City of GRAND TERRACE and Unincorporated Portions of San Bernardino County Served by the GRAND TERRACE POTW 13 12 510 Conflicts I PREAMBLE ' 13 12 100 Purpose and Policy This Ordinance sets forth uniform requirements for all Users of the GRAND TERRACE Wastewater collection and treatment system, which system serves the City of GRAND TERRACE, COLTON and certain unincorporated areas of San Bernardino County The City of Grand Terrace, which is also served by the City of COLTON, is required by the "Joint Powers Agreement for Pretreatment Program Responsibilities and Authority in the GRAND TERRACE Wastewater Treatment Plant Service Area",dated November 15, 1990, to establish and maintain legal authority within its sewer service area and to amend or revise its Wastewater Ordinance and Wastewater discharge limits whenever necessary to assure that its ordinance provisions and Wastewater discharge limits are, at least, as restrictive as those specified in this Chapter This Ordinance enables the City to comply with all applicable State and Federal laws required by the Clean Water Act of 1977 and amendments thereto and the General Pretreatment Regulations (40 CFR Part 403) Cary of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 5 I collected, shall be performed in accordance with the techniques prescribed in 40 CFR Part 136 and amendments thereto Where 40 CFR Part 136 does not contain sampling or analytical techniques for the Pollutant in question, or where the EPA determines that the Part 136 sampling and analytical techniques are inappropriate for the Pollutant in question, sampling and analysis shall be performed using other sampling and analytical procedures approved by the City and the EPA 3 Authorized Representative of Industrial User An authorized representative of an Industrial User may be a A Responsible Corporate Officer, if the User submitting required reports is a corporation, b A general partner or proprietor if the User submitting the required reports is a partnership or sole proprietorship respectively, c The person in responsible charge, if the User is a governmental agency, or d An individual responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge originates If authorization under this definition is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has, responsibility for the overall operation of the facility, or overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of these definitions shall be submitted to the City prior to or together with any reports to be signed by the new authorized representative 4 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) The quantity of oxygen (expressed in mg/L), required to biochemically oxidize the organic material in a Wastewater sample over a five-day period at 20 degrees centigrade 5 BMR Baseline Monitoring Report 6 BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand (five-day) See definition under "Biochemical Oxygen Demand " 7 Bypass The intentional diversion of wastestreams from any portion of a User's pretreatment facilities City Of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance page 7 1 20 Composite Sample 'A sample which is co"gcte from a Wastewater discharge at selected intervals over a time period of twenty-four hours A composite sample may be collected using automatic continuous or discrete sampling equipment, or by manually collecting a minimum of four grab samples When I specified by, the Director, composite samples shall be collected in a manner which is proportional to the flow rate of the discharge 21 Constituent Any physical, chemical, or microbiological component or parameter of water or Wastewater which can be quantified using Approved Analytical Methods 22 Counly The County of San Bernardino or the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino 23 Director The Public Works Director of the City of GRAND TERRACE or his authorized representative, agent or deputy 24 Discharger Any person who, directly or indirectly, causes or contributes to a discharge into the POTW _ 1 25 Discharge to the Ground The discharge of Wastewater to or into the soil which is not contained in an impermeable facility approved by the Director 26 Domestic Wastewater Water bearing wastes from residences and other premises resulting from personal use of water for ordinary living processes of humans and of such a character as to permit satisfactory disposal, without special treatment, into the POTW The maximum strength shall be considered to be 250 mg/L each for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 27 Effluent The treated Wastewater flowing from the Wastewater Treatment Facilities, or the Nondomestic Wastewater discharged by an Industrial User, to the POTW 28 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The United States Environmental Protection Agency or, where appropriate, the term may also be used as a designation for _ the Administrator or other duly authorized official of the agency 29 EPA Environmental Protection Agency See definition under "Environmental Protection Agency City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 9 38 Industrial User (IAny Non -Residential User who discharges Nondomestic Wastewater to the POTW 39 Instantaneous Maximum Allowable Discharge Limit The maximum concentration of a Pollutant allowed to be discharged at any time, determined from the analysis of any discrete or composited sample collected independent of the industrial flow rate and duration of the sampling event 40 Interference Shall mean a discharge which, alone or in �.� conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources, both a Inhibits or disrupts the POTW, its treatment processes or operations, or its sludge processes, use or disposal, and b Causes a violation of any requirement of the POTW's NPDES permit (including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation) or of the prevention of sewage sludge use or disposal in compliance with the following statutory provisions and regulations or permits issued thereunder (or more stringent State or local regulations) Section 405 of the Clean Water Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA) (including Tale II, more commonly referred to as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and including State regulations contained in any applicable State sludge management plan prepared pursuant to Subtitle D of the SWDA), the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act 41 L Liter 42 LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) See definition under "Lower Explosive Limit" 43 Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) The minimum concentration of a combustible gas or vapor in the air which will ignite if an ignition source is present 44 Mass Emission Rate The mass of material discharged to the POTW durmg a given time interval Unless otherwise specified, the mass emission rate shall be expressed in City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 11 0 i� h I a t I t tU Ha agricultural operations, and brine Wastewater resulting from the regeneration of water conditioning devices All liquid Wastewater hauled by truck, rail, or any other means shall also be considered as Nondomestic Wastewater, regardless of the original source of the wastes 55 Non -Significant Industrial User (NSIU) Any Industrial User who is not a Significant Industrial User 56 NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 57 NPDES Permit National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit See definition under "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit" 58 Oil and Grease Any of the following in part or in combination a Petroleum denved products, e g , oils, fuels, lubricants, solvents, b Vegetable denved products, e g , oils, shortenings, soluble cutting oils, c Animal denved products, e g , fats, greases, oils, lard 59 Pass Through A discharge which exits the POTW -into waters of the State in quantities or concentrations which, alone or in conjunction with other discharges, causes a ' violation of any requirement of the POTW's NPDES Permit (including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation) 60 Permittee Any User which is issued a Permit to discharge to -the POTW pursuant to Sections 13 12 300 et seq of the GRANDTERRACEMunicipal Code 61 Person Any individual, partnership, co -partnership, firm, company, corporation, / association, joint stock company, trust, estate, governmental entity or any other legal entity, or their representatives, agents, or assigns City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance ' Page 13 70 Pretreatment Standard Any regulation containing Pollutant discharge limits or prohibitions promulgated by EPA or the City, applicable to Industrial Users, including promulgated Categorical Standards, National Prohibitive Discharge Standards developed pursuant to Section 307(b) of the Act and 40 CFR 403 5, general discharge prohibitions contained in Section 13 12 210 herein, and any specific local discharge limits established by the City 71 Pretreatment Wastes All wastes liquid or solid, removed from a waste stream or discharge by physical, chemical, or biological means 72 Public Sewer Any sewer located in or maintained by the City of GRAND TERRACE' The term as used herein does not include storm drains or channels for conveyance of natural surface waters 73 Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTM The COLTON Wastewater Treatment Plant and any other devices or systems used by the City in the storage, conveyance (including all sewers, pipes, lift stations, and other conveyances which convey Wastewater to the Wastewater treatment plant), treatment, recycling, and reclamation of municipal sewage 74 RCRA The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42 U S C 6901 et seq ) as amended or revised 75 Regional Board The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region 76 Responsible Corporate Officer a A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision -making functions for the corporation b The Manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operation facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding $25 million (in second - City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance page 15 3 86 Significant Noncompliance (SNC) Violations of Pretreatment Standards or Requirements, which include violations of effluent limits, sampling violations, analysis violations, reporting violations, compliance schedule and regulatory deadline violations, which satisfy one or more of the following criteria a Violations of Wastewater discharge limits b Chronic Violations Sixty-six percent or more of all the measurements taken during a six-month penod exceed (by any magnitude) either of the following two figures the daily maximum effluent limit(s) set fora Pollutant or Pollutant property in 40 CFR, Chapter I, subchapter N, Parts 405-471, or in this Chapter, or in the Wastewater Discharge Permit, the average applicable effluent limit(s) set for a Pollutant or Pollutant property, in 40 CFR, Chapter I, subchapter N, Parts 405-471, or in this Chapter, or in the Wastewater Discharge Permit n Technical Review Criteria (TRC) Violations Thirty-three percent or more of all the measurements for each Pollutant or Pollutant property taken during a six-month penod exceed either of the following two figures the daily maximum effluent limit(s) set for a Pollutant or Pollutant property in 40 CFR, Chapter I, subchapter N, Parts 405-471, or in this Chapter, or in the Wastewater Discharge Permit, multiplied by the applicable TRC constant in subsection ni below, the average effluent limit (the average of daily values for 30 consecutive days) set for a Pollutant or Pollutant property in 40 CFR, Chapter I, subchapter N, Parts 405-471, or in this Chapter, or in the Wastewater Discharge Permit, multiplied"by the applicable TRC constant in subsection ni below Applicable TRC constants for Technical Review Criteria (TRC) violations TRC Constant is 14 for BOD, TSS, fats, Oil and Grease, l City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 17 a 88 SIU Significant Industrial User See definition u Eder "Significant Industrial User " 89 Slug Discharge Control Plan A plan submitted to the City by a User pursuant to' Section 13 12 330 D herein, which specifies to the Director's satisfaction the potential Pollutants used and/or stored at the User's facility, potential pathways of entry of the potential Pollutants into the POTW, and facilities and procedures for preventing or controlling the occurrence of Slug Loading 90 Slug Loading (Slug Discharge) The discharge of any Pollutant, including oxygen demanding Pollutants (BOD, etc), which is released at a flow rate and/or Pollutant concentration which may cause Pass Through of or Interference with the POTW 91 SNC Significant Noncompliance See definition under "Significant Noncompliance " 92 Solvent Management Plan (Toxic Organic Management Plan A plan submitted to the City by an Industrial User pursuant to Section 13 12 330 C herein, which specifies to the Director's satisfaction the solvents and other toxic organic compounds used and stored, the methods of delivery, storage, and disposal used, and procedures for assuring that solvents and other toxic organics do not routinely spill or leak into the POTW or ground 93 Specific Compliance Plan A plan submitted to the City by an Industrial User pursuant to Section 13 12 330 E herein, which specifies to the Director's satisfaction the cause of noncompliance, the corrective actions which will be taken to prevent recurrence of the noncompliance, and, if required by the Director, a proposed Compliance Time Schedule 94 Spent Solutions Any concentrated Nondomestic Wastewater (i a plating solutions and static rinses), which contains concentrations of Pollutants, the discharge of which may cause Interference, Pass Through or a violation of any Pretreatment Standard or Requirement 95 Spill Containment A protection system to prevent the discharge caf non -compliant Pollutants to the Sewerage System City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 19 Approved Analytical Methods TDS is synonymous with Total Filterable Residue (TFR) 107 Total Toxic Organics (TTO) The sum of the concentrations for each of the toxic organic compounds regulated by applicable Categorical Standards which are found in the User's discharge at a 'concentration greater than 0 010 mg/L, and analyzed in accordance with Approved Analytical Methods l 108 Toxic Pollutant Any Pollutant or combination of Pollutants listed as toxic in 40 CFR 401,15 or 40 CFR 403, Appendix B 109 TRC Technical Review Criteria 110 TSS Total Suspended Solids 111 Unpolluted Water Non -contact cooling or heating water, air conditioning condensate, ice melt, condensate, rain water, or uncontaminated groundwater, surface water, storm water or other water to which no Pollutant has been added either intentionally or unintentionally 112 U S C United States Code 113 User Any person who contributes, causes, or permits the contribution of Wastewater into the POTW 114 r Wastehauler Any person engaging in vehicular transport of waste, as part of or iricidental to any business, for the purpose of discharging the transported waste to the POTW 115 Wastewater The liquid and water -carried domestic wastes or nondomestic wastes from dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial facilities, and institutions, together with any groundwater, surface water, � and storm water that may be present, whether treated or untreated, which is contributed into or permitted to enter the POTW 116 Wastewater Discharge Permit or Permit The regulatory procedure established and enforced by the Director to control the flow and quality of wastes discharged into the POTW • City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 21 P �J Wastewater samples, time of iampling, name of person taking the samples, the dates analyses were performed, the analytical techniques or methods used and the results of the analyses, all calibration and maintenance records and all onginal chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by the Permit, and records of all data used to complete the application for the Permit, for a penod of at least five years from the date of the sample, measurement, report or application This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time All records that pertain to matters that are the subject of special orders or any other enforcement or litigation activities brought by the City of GRAND TERRACE shall be retained and preserved by the Permittee until all enforcement activities have concluded and all periods of limitation with respect to any and all appeals have expired 13 12 210 General Discharge Prohibitions No Person shall contribute or cause to be contributed, directly or indirectly, any Pollutant or Wastewater which causes Pass Through or Interference with the operation or performance of the POTW 13 12 211 Specific Discharge Prohibitions No Person shall contribute or cause to be contributed into the POTW the following Pollutants, substances or Wastewater A Any liquids, solids, or gases which by reason of their nature or quantity are, or may be, sufficient, either alone or by interaction with other substances, to cause fire, explosion, or in any other way be injurious to the POTW or to operation of the POTW including, but not limited to, wastestreams with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit or 60 degrees Centigrade, using the test methods specified in 40 CFR 261 21, or which result in conditions where two successive readings on an explosion hazard meter, at the point of discharge into the system (or at any point in the system), are more than 5%, or any single City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 23 J or any cr teria, guidelines, or regulations affecting sludge use or disposal developed pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal Act, Clean Air Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuanes Act, or State Regulations, G Any Wastewater which imparts color which cannot be removed by the treatment process, such as, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions, H Any Wastewater having a temperature greater than sixty degrees Centigrade (one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit), or which will inhibit biological activity in the POTW treatment plant resulting in Interference, but in no case Wastewater which causes the temperature at the introduction into the POTW Treatment Plant to exceed forty degrees Centigrade (one hundred four degrees Fahrenheit), I Any Pollutants, including oxygen demanding pollutants (BOD, etc), released at a flow rate and/or Pollutant concentration which will cause Interference, Pass Through, or otherwise cause violation of the NPDES Permit or receiving water quality standards, J Any Wastewater containing any radioactive wastes or isotopes except in compliance with applicable State or Federal regulations, K Any discharge which may, alone, or in combination with other waste substances, result in the presence of toxic or poisonous solids, liquids, gases, vapors, or fumes in the POTW in such quantities that would create a hazard, public nuisance, or acute worker health and safety problems, L Any storm water, groundwater, well water, street drainage, sub -surface drainage, roof drainage, yard drainage, water from yard fountains, ponds, lawn sprinklers, or any type of surface water or unpolluted water The Director may approve, on a temporary basis, the discharge of such waters to the POTW when no reasonable alternative method of disposal is available, subject to the payment of all applicable User charges and fees by the Discharger Water from swimming pools, wading pools, and therapy pools may City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 25 w t ' carrying water jr not, or into any pipe, parking lot, street, gutter, or waterway leading to such drain, channel, or watercourse, any solid or fluid material which will impair the useful functioning of such drain, channel, or watercourse, or which will cause expense to the City, or other public agency, in maintaining the proper functioning of same, or which will cause or threaten to cause a public nuisance, public hazard, or pollution of Waters of the State 13 12 220 Prohibition Against Discharging Pollutants to the Ground No person shall deposit or discharge, or cause to be deposited or discharged, into any sump which is not impermeable, or into any pit or well, or onto the ground, or into any storm drain or watercourse, any material which, by seeping underground or by being leached or by reacting with the soil, can pollute usable groundwaters 13 12 222 Point of Discharge Limits No person, excluding authorized City personnel involved in maintenance of POTW facilities, shall discharge any Wastewater directly into the POTW other than through an approved building sewer, unless wntten permission for the discharge has been granted by the Director 13 12 223 Prohibition Against Dilution No person shall increase the use of process water or, in any way attempt to dilute a discharge as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with Categorical Standards, the discharge limits contained in this Chapter or in any Wastewater Discharge Permit, or any other Pollutant limit developed by the City 13 12 225 Special Restrictions, Vehicle Servicing Facilities A Any facility maintained for the servicing, repair, washing, or cleaning of any vehicles or roadway machinery, including car and truck washes, which discharges Nondomestic Wastewater, shall install and maintain a Gravity Separation Interceptor in accordance with Section 13 12 253 Wastewater from toilets 'shall not be allowed to pass ttvough the interceptor, but all Wastewaters arising City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance page 27 13 12 235 Special Restrictions Food Processing Facilities All food processing facilities, including restaurants, which discharge food processing wastes to the POTW, shall direct all Wastewater from floor drains and sinks in the food processing area, waste container wash racks, and dishwashers through r r a minimum of 100 gallon Gravity Separation Interceptor in accordance with Section 13 12 253 All Domestic Wastewaters from restrooms, showers, mop sinks, and drinking fountains shall'be kept separate until the previously specified wastes have passed through the interceptor Sizing of interceptor shall be determined as described in the Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix H, as adopted by the City of GRAND TERRACE except that the capacity of the interceptor shall not be less than 100 gallonsunless a smaller size is allowed by a Conditional Waiver 13 12 237 Conditional Waivers Conditional waivers modifying or waiving the Gravity Separation Interceptor requirements may be granted by the Director for those restaurants and other food processing facilities determined not to have the potential to adversely affect the POTW Conditional waivers may be revoked for the following reasons A Changes in types of food prepared or served, B Falsification of information submitted to the City, C Changes in operating hours, D Changes in equipment used 13 12 240 Specific Local Discharge Limits A ' Except as specifically allowed by the Director on a temporary basis or as provided herein, no Class I or Class II User shall discharge or cause to be discharged to the POTW any Wastewater unless it s City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 29 Cadmium (Cd) 005 014 005 C )5 Chromium, Hexavelent (CR VI) 04 29 04 04 Copper (Cu) 21 21 21 21 Cyanide (CN) 31 31 , 31 31 Lead (Pb) 037 037 037 037 Mercury (Hg) 0 043 0 043 0 043 0 043 Nickel (Ni) 06 47 06 06 Selenium (Se) Oil Oil Oil Oil Silver (Ag) 019 09 09 09 Zinc 39 5 4- 39 39 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB) 004 004 n/a 004 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (1,4-DCB) 033 033 n/a 033 Chloroform 011 011 n/a 011 Halomethane 0154 0154 n/a 0154 Toluehe 67 67 n/a 67 "Users subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards may be required to meet more stringent limits The above limits apply at the point where the Wastewater is discharged to the POTW The Director may impose average daily, monthly and/or mass limits in addition to the instantaneous concentration based limits set forth in Table I B Specific Local Pollutant Mass Emission Rate Limits The Director ' may authorize the discharge of Nondomestic Wastewater to the POTW which contains Pollutants in concentrations exceeding the specific local pollutant concentration limits contained herein, when said concentrations, in combination with the measured discharge flow rate, do not exceed specific local mass emission rate limits which are computed for the individual Discharger on the basis of the specific local pollutant concentration limits and the Discharger's 1 Cay of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 31 Director's determination that the discharge will not, alone or in conjunction with other discharges, adversely affect the operation and maintenance of the POTW If written authorization for such a discharge is given, the Director shall have the r authority to require that any discharge of an infectious waste to the sewer be rendered non-infectious prior to discharge if the infectious waste is deemed to pose a threat to the public health and safety, or will result in any violation of applicable waste discharge requirements 13 12 245 Categorical, Pretreatment Standards Promulgated National Categorical Pretreatment Standards, located in 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N, Parts 405-471, are hereby incorporated into this Chapter Upon the promulgation of new or revised Categorical Pretreatment Standards for a particular industrial subcategory, the new or revised Categorical Pretreatment Standards shall immediately be deemed incorporated herein The Director shall notify affected Users of applicable reporting requirements under 40 CFR, Chapter I, subchapter N, Parts 401, et seq No User subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards shall discharge or cause to be discharged to the POTW any Wastewater which is not in conformance with the discharge limits set forth in the Categorical Pretreatment Standards, including any revisions thereof Notwithstanding the foregoing, a User may obtain a variance from a Categorical Pretreatment Standard in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR 403 13 and by establishing to the satisfaction of the -Director, that the discharge will not adversely affect POTW operation and maintenance In the event that a Categorical Pretreatment Standard establishes a discharge limit which conflicts with a local discharge limit, the more stnngent discharge limit shall apply 13 12 247 Mass Emission Rates City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance 1 Page 33 proposed operating procedures for any i ew equipment or facilities Users shall submit any subsequent changes in operating procedures of the equipment or facilities to the Director for review and acceptance prior to initiation of the changes The review and acceptance of such drawings and operating procedures by the Director shall not relieve the User from the responsibility of modifying the equipment or facilities as necessary to produce an Effluent in compliance with all provisions of this Chapter 13 12 252 Prohibited Discharge of Recovered Pretreatment Wastes No Person shall discharge wastes recovered from pretreatment devices into any sewer or storm drain opening, any drains or other openings leading to any sewer or storm drain, parking lot, street, curb and gutter, or the ground All recovered Pretreatment Wastes shall be disposed of in accordance with all applicable Federal, State, County and local laws and regulations 13 12 253 Gravity Separation Interceptor Any person so required by the Director, shall install and maintain a Gravity Separation Interceptor Domestic Wastewater shall not be allowed to pass through this interceptor This interceptor shall have an operational fluid capacity of not less than 100 gallons and shall be designed so as to retain any material which will float and any matenal which will settle The interceptor shall be watertight, structurally sound, and durable Interceptors of less than 750 gallons capacity and interceptors for restaurants and food processing facilities shall have no less than two compartments Interceptors of 750 gallons or larger to be used for other than food processing and restaurant wastes shall have no less than three compartments A Interceptor Requirements City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 35 cleared as often as is necessary to ensure that sed rent and floating materials do not accumulate to impair the efficiency of the interceptor The use of chemicals to dissolve grease is specifically prohibited When an interceptor is cleaned, the accumulated sediment and floating material shall be removed and legally disposed of otherwise than to the sewer An interceptor is not considered to be properly maintained if for any reason it is not in good working condition or if the operational fluid capacity has been reduced by more than 25% by the accumulation of floating and settling solids, oils and grease The owner of any facility required to install an interceptor, the lessee and sub -lessee, if there be such, and any proprietor, operator or superintendent of such facility are individually and severally liable for any failure of proper maintenance of such interceptor If the interceptor is not properly maintained under the conditions of use, the Director may require that the interceptor be resized and replaced 13 12 255 Monitoring Facilities The City may require, at the User's expense, installation and operation of monitoring facilities to allow inspection of discharges to the POTW, monitoring of Wastewater quality, and collection of Wastewater samples The monitoring facilities, including sampling and r monitoring equipment, shall be maintained at all times in a safe and proper operating condition at the expense of the User The City may require that the monitoring facilities include a security enclosure that can be locked with a City provided hasp lock, or similar device, during monitoring or upon termination of service Monitoring facilities shall normally be situated on private property, but the City may, when such a location would be impractical, allow the facilities to be constructed in public right-of-way City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 37 ^ J Th( Director shall inspect the facilities of each Class I and Class II User a minimum of once each year, and shall sample the discharge of each Class I and Class II User a minimum of once each year The Director shall have the right to set up on the User's property such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling inspection, compliance monitoring, and/or metering operations Where a User has security measures in force, which would require proper identification and clearance before entry into their premises, the User shall make necessary arrangements with their security 1 guards so that upon presentation of suitable identification, the Director will be 1 permitted to enter, without delay, for purposes of performing the functions described in this Section 13 12 262 Sampling and Analysis - Fee - Billing A Sampling and analysis shall be at the expense of the User The actual cost for laboratory analyses and reports and an administrative fee, shall be the obligation of the occupants of the premises where the Wastewater is created or discharged B The administrative fee shall be fixed by the City Manager based on the City's current overhead cost allocation percentage C The expense to be paid by the User shall be billed and be payable the same as for other sewer -use charges 13 12 265 Confidential Information Information and data regarding a User, obtained from reports, questionnaires, Permit applications, Permits and monitoring programs, and from inspections, shall be available without restriction to the EPA, the State Water Board, and the Regional Board Such information shall also be available to the public or other governmental agencies without restriction unless the User specifically requests and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director that the release of such information would divulge City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance page 39 I r shall conduct a survey of facilities located within th POTW Service Area to identify any facilities which should be added to the list of Industrial Users 13 12 270 Reporting Changes in Discharge Slug Loading and Potential Problems All Industrial Users shall promptly notify the City in advance of any substantial change in the volume or character of Pollutants in their discharge If any routine or special sampling or monitoring by an Industrial User indicates that, for any reason, Pollutants are discharged at a rate or concentration which may cause Pass Through or Interference with the POTW, a violation of Categorical Standards or Permit limits, violation of Sections 13 12 211 or 13 12 240, or a hazard to City, POTW personnel and/or the public, the User shall verbally, notify the Director and POTW staff immediately If the discharge to the Sewerage 1 System has the potential to cause a fire or explosion hazard, the industrial User shall also immediately notify the fire department The verbal report to the City shall be followed by a written report submitted to the Director within 24 hours describing the cause of the incident and corrective action taken by the User The User shall also collect a representative repeat sample of the discharge and submit the analysis to the City within 30 days after the incident to determine whether compliance has been achieved The notification provided pursuant to this Section shall not relieve the User of any expense, loss, damage or other liability which may be incurred pursuant,to this Chapter or other applicable law 13 12 272 Notification of Bypass r r City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance page 41 r 0 corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue, and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the Bypass Failure to submit oral notice or written report may be grounds for permit revocation 13 12 275 Annual Public Notice of Significant Noncompliance In March of each year, the Director shall publish in the largest daily newspaper published in the Service Area, a list of all Industrial Users determined to have been in Significant Noncompliance with applicable Pretreatment Standards or Requirements during the previous twelve months 13 12 280 Damage to City's Equipment or Facilities Any unauthorized entering, breaking, damaging, destroying, uncovering, defacing, or tampering with any temporary or permanent structure, equipment, or appurtenance which is part of the POTW shall be a violation of this Chapter 13 12 282 Compensation for Unauthorized Discharges Any User who discharges Wastewater which impairs, interferes with or damages the POTW, its operations or monitoring equipment, detrimentally affects the Wastewater treatment process, significantly increases POTW operation costs, requires non - routine inspection and/or sampling, or results in any other damages, costs or expenses, including the imposition of fines or penalties on the City, shall be liable to the City for all damages, costs and expenses occasioned thereby j An administrative fee, which shall be fixed by the City Manager based on the City's current overhead cost allocation percentage, shall be added to these charges The City's total expenses shall be payable within 30 days of invoicing by the City 13 12 284 Charges Charges for sewer use shall be established and revised periodically by ordinance or resolution, as appropriate, of the City Council 13 12 286 City's Right of Revision The City reserves the right to amend this Chapter to impose more stringent discharge limits or requirements if deemed City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 43 I � t Lf discharge Class V Users shall apply for a Permit at least 5 days prior to the proposed discharge - The following information may be required with the Permit application A Name, address, and location of the facility (if different from the address), , B Names and addresses of the operator and owner, if different than above, C Name and address of any and all principals, owners, major shareholders of company, Articles of Incorporation, Business 'License (if applicable), D Name and address of property owners, landlord and/or property manager of the facility site, n E SIC number according to the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, Bureau of the Budget, 1987, as amended, F Wastewater constituents and charactenstict of the proposed discharge, as determined by a State certified analytical laboratory using approved analytical methods and sampling procedures in accordance with 40 CFR 136 and 40 CFR 403 12(b)(5), and other EPA approved analytical methods, G Time, volume and duration of proposed discharge(s), H Average daily, peak daily, and 15-minute peak Wastewater flow rates, including daily, monthly, and seasonal variations, if any, I Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans, including details showing all sewers, sewer connections, treatment facilities, and' appurtenances by the size, location and elevation If required by the Director, such plans shall be certified by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California, J An 8'h" x 11" process flow schematic diagram If required by the Director, the diagram shall be certified by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California, Cay of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 45 4 t W Any other information as may be deemed by the Director to be appropriate to evaluate the discharge to the POTW After evaluation and acceptance of the data, the Director may issue a Wastewater Discharge Permit subject to terms and conditions provided in this Chapter 13 12 310 Permit Modifications Within 3 months of the promulgation of a Categorical Standard, Permits for Users subject to the Categorical Standards shall be revised to require compliance within the time frame prescribed by the new standard Where an affected User has not previously submitted an application for a Permit as required by Section 13 12 305, the User shall apply within 180 days after the promulgation of the applicable Categorical Standard In addition, Users with existing Permits shall submit to the Director, within 180 days after the promulgation of an applicable Categorical Standard, a time schedule for compliance with the Categorical Standard The terms and conditions of any Permit may be subject to modification by the Director during the term of the Permit if discharge limits or requirements, as referenced in Sections 13 12 210 and 13 12 240, are modified or other good cause exists The User shall be informed of any proposed changes in the Permit at least 30 days prior to the effective date of change Any changes or new conditions in a Permit shall include a reasonable time schedule for compliance Good cause for Permit modification includes, but is not limited to, the following reasons City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 47 L- may' for tests, and a reporting schedule for submitting to the City reports, data and records relating to production levels and Wastewater discharges to the POTW 5 Statement of applicable civil and criminal penalties for violation of Pretreatment Standards and Requirements, 6 Compliance Time Schedule(s) where required B Permits may also contain the following 1 The unit charge or schedule of User charges and fees for the Wastewater discharged to the POTW, 2 Schedule of penalty fees for noncompliance, 3 Limits on the average and/or maximum discharge, time of discharge, and/or requirements for flow regulation and equalization 4 Instantaneous concentration discharge limits and/or mass emission discharge limits 5 Requirements for installation and maintenance of inspection and sampling facilities, 6 Requirements for the installation of pretreatment technology, pH control equipment, flow monitoring facilities, sampling facilities, development of pollution control plans and/or other special conditions including management practices appropriate to prevent accidental, unanticipated or nonroutine discharges, 7 Requirements for development and implementation of waste minimization plans to reduce the amount of Pollutants discharged to the POTW 8 Requirements for installation and maintenance of spill containment systems, 9 Requirements for submission of technical or discharge reports, 10 Requirements for maintaining and retaining plant records] • relating to the Wastewater discharge as specified by the Director, City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 49 by a State Certified Laboratory using approved analytical me cods Class I and Class II Users shall submit self -monitoring reports at least once every six months B Compliance -Reports Class I Users shall submit initial Baseline Monitoring Reports (BMRs) and periodic compliance reports, and, if applicable, compliance schedule reports and final compliance reports 1 Initial Baseline Monitoring Reports shall be submitted to the City to facilitate evaluation of initial compliance status with respect to Categorical Standards, and any modifications or conditions necessary to achieve full compliance with Categorical Standards Baseline Monitoring Reports shall include ` all information listed in Section 13 12 305, and the results of sampling and analysis identifying the nature and concentration, where required by the applicable Categorical Standard or the Director, of regulated Pollutants in the discharge from each regulated process Instantaneous, daily maximum and long- term average concentrations, or mass, where required, shall be reported The Baseline Monitoring Reports shall include a statement, reviewed by an Authorized Representative of the Industrial User, and certified as to accuracy by a qualified professional, indicating whether Pretreatment Standards are being met on a consistent basis, and, if not, whether additional operation and maintenance and/or additional pretreatment is required for the Industrial User to meet the Pretreatment Standards and Requirements New sources shall submit a Baseline Monitoring Report at least 90 days prior to commencement of discharge , If immediate compliance with the Categorical Standard is not possible and additional pretreatment or operation and maintenance is necessary, the report must specify the shortest time necessary to achieve compliance The completion date must not be later than that specified in the applicable Categorical Standards New Sources shall achieve compliance with all applicable Pretreatment Standards within 90 days of commencing discharge i City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page Sl J �I I t Sb nq6 i 1 analytical methods Sampling shall be performe in accordance with 40 CFR Park 136 and 40 CFR 40312(b)(5) Periodic Compliance Reports shall be submitted every six months in June and December of each year, unless required to be submitted more frequently by the Director Periodic Compliance Reports may be combined with Self -monitoring Reports pursuant to Paragraph A of this Section C Solvent Management Plans All Industrial Users subject to promulgated Categorical Standards which include a Total Toxic Organic (TTO) limitation shall be required to file a Solvent Management Plan The Director may also require other Users to submit Solvent Management Plans where, in his judgment, a plan is necessary to assure proper containment and disposal of solvents D Slug Discharge Control Plans All Industrial Users so required by the Director shall develop and file with the Director and implement a Slug Discharge Control Plan The plan shall contain at least the following elements 1 Description of discharge practices, including nonroutine batch discharges, 2 Description of stored chemicals, 3 Procedures for prompt verbal notification to the City of Slug Discharges, including any discharge that would violate a specific prohibition under Sections 13 12 210 or 13 12 240 of this Chapter or 40 CFR 403 5(b), and procedures for follow-up written notification to the Director within 24 hours, 4 If required by the Director, the plan shall include procedures to prevent adverse impact from accidental spills, including inspection and maintenance of storage areas, handling and transfer of materials, loading and unloading operations, control of plant site run-off, worker training, building of containment structures or equipment, measures for containing toxic organic Pollutants (including solvents), and/or measures and equipment for emergency response, and City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 53 Discharges of more than 15 kilograms of nc ,-acute Hazardous Wastes as specified in 40 CFR 261 30(d) and 261 33(e), require a one-time notification Additional notification is not required for subsequent months during which the User discharges additional quantities of the same non -acute Hazardous Waste In the case of new Federal regulations under Section 3001 of RCRA identifying additional characteristics of Hazardous Waste or listing any additional substance as a Hazardous Waste, the User r shall notify the City, the EPA Regional Waste Management Division Director, and State Hazardous Waste authorities of the discharge of such substance within 90 days of the effective date of such regulations In the case of any notification made under these requirements, the User shall certify that it has a program in place to reduce the volume or toxicity of Hazardous Wastes generated to the degree it has determined to be economically practical G Any other reports required by California State Law, including such reports as ,are required by Chapter 6 95 of Division 20 of the California Health and Safety Code Users shall be responsible for compliance with all milestone dates established pursuant to the reports required pursuant to this Chapter 13 12 335 Spill Containment Facilities All Industrial Users shall provide Spill Containment for protection against the unauthorized discharge of prohibited materials or other wastes regulated by this Chapter Such protection shall be designed to prevent such materials and wastes from entering into the Sewerage System in accordance with reasonable engineering standards Such facilities shall be provided and maintained at the Industrial User's expense 13 12 340 Signatory , and Certification Requirements All Permit applications, reports and plans submitted to the City by Industrial Users pursuant to Sections 13 12 270, 13 12 272, 13 12 305, 13 12 310, and 13 12 330 shall be signed and dated by an Authorized Representative of the User The signature shall accompany the following certification statement City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 55 t of proceed with any one or more of the enforLement remedies set torth in this Chapter 13 12 401 Notification of Violation Whenever the Director finds that any User has violated any discharge limit or requirement contained in this Chapter or a Wastewater Discharge Permit, the Director may serve upon such User a written notice stating the nature of the violation and the penalties for continued noncompliance Within a prescribed penod specified in the notice, the User shall submit to the Director a Specific Compliance Plan pursuant to Section 13 12 330 E 13 12 402 Compliance Time Schedules The Director may issue a Compliance Time Schedule submitted by a User, or may issue a revised Compliance Time Schedule if, in the judgment of the Director, the User's proposed Compliance Time Schedule is insufficient to achieve timely compliance with this Chapter The Director will notify the User of the Compliance Time, Schedule established by the Director in a timely manner 13 12 403 Administrative Orders The Director may direct compliance with any prohibition, discharge limit, or requirement of this Chapter or the provisions of a Wastewater Discharge Permit by issuing one or more of the following administrative orders A Compliance Order B Cease and Desist Order C Termination of Service Order D Immediate Termination of Service Order Any User served with an administrative order shall be subject to noncompliance fees which may be established by City ordinance or resolution, City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 57 0 frequency and extent of moritoring, s mpling and analysis, and submission of self -monitoring reports 13 12 406 Determination of Noncompliance with Discharge Limits A Sampling Procedures 1 Sampling of all Users shall be conducted in the time, place, manner, and frequency determined at the sole discretion of the City 2 Non-compliance with mass emission rate limits, concentration limits, Permit discharge conditions, or any discharge provision of this Chapter may be determined by an analysis of a grab or composite sample of the effluent of a User Non-compliance with mass emission rate limits shall be determined by an analysis of a composite sample of the User's effluent, except that a grab sample may be used to determine compliance with mass emission rate limits when the discharge is from a closed (batch) treatment system in which there is no Wastewater flow into the Sewerage System when the discharge is occumng, the volume of Wastewater contained in the batch system is known, the time interval of discharge is known, and the grab sample is homogeneous and representative of the discharge 3 Any sample taken from a sample point shall be deemed to be representative of the discharge to the POTW B Wastehauler Noncompliance with Discharge Limits A Wastehauler's non-compliance with discharge limits shall be determined by an analysis of a sample of the discharge for any constituent or conditions specified in the Wastehauler's Wastewater Discharge Permit or this Chapter If the discharge of a Wastehauler is found by the analysis to be in excess of the concentration limits specified in the Wastehauler's Wastewater Discharge Permit or in this Chapter, the Wastehauler shall, upon receiving a demand from the City, identify in writing all sources of the discharge City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 59 Ttie payment of noncompliance fees by Users shall not bar the City from undertaking any other enforcement, civil, or criminal proceedings The purpose of noncompliance fees is to compensate the City for costs of additional sampling, monitoring, laboratory analysis, treatment, disposal and administrative processing incurred as a result of noncompliance 13 12 408 Permit Suspension or Revocation A Grounds The Director may suspend or revoke any Permit when it is determined that a Permdtee 1 Knowingly provides a false statement, representation, record, report, or other document to the City 2 Refuses to provide records, reports, plans, or other documents required by the City to determine Permit terms, conditions, or limits, discharge compliance, or compliance with this Chapter 3 Falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or sample collection method 4 Fads to report significant changes in operations or Wastewater constituents and characteristics 5 Fads to comply with the terms and conditions of an administrative order issued pursuant to this Chapter 6 Discharges Effluent to the POTW while its Permit is suspended 7 Refuses reasonable access to the Permittee's premises for the purpose of inspection and monitoring 8 Does not make timely payment of all amounts owed to the City for fees imposed pursuant to this Chapter r 9 Causes Interference with the City's collection, treatment, or disposal system 0 City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 61 0 under terms and conditions that he deerr , appropriate to further the purposes of this Chapter C Effect 1 Upon an order of suspension or revocation by the Director becoming final, the Permittee shall lose all rights to discharge any Nondomestic Wastewater directly or indirectly to the POTW in accordance with the order All costs for physical termination shall be paid by the Permittee 2 Any owner or responsible management employee of the Permittee shall be bound by the order of suspension or revocation 3 Any future application for a Permit at any location within the POTW's Service Area by any Person subject to an order of revocation will be considered by the City after fully reviewing the records of the revoked Permit, which records may be the basis for denial of a new Permit 4 An order of Permit suspension or revocation issued by Director shall be final in all respects on the thirty-first (31 st) day after it is served personally or by certified mail on the Permittee unless a notice of appeal is filed with the City pursuant to Section 13 12 427 no later than 5 00 p m on the thirtieth (30th) day following such mailing 13 12 410 Termination of Service When the Director finds that any User has done any of the following acts, the Director may terminate sewer service to that User upon serving appropriate notice to the User A Violate a Cease and Desist Order, B Fail to accurately report the wastewater constituents, and characteristics of its discharge, C Fail to report significant changes in operations, or wastewater volume, constituents and characteristics prior to discharge, 1 D Refuse to allow reasonable access to the User's premises for the purpose of inspection, monitoring or sampling, • a City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance - Page 63 B As soon as reasoi iably practicable following the issum ice of an emergency suspension order and informal notice to the User of the time and location for a hearing, but in Ino event more than five (5) days following the issuance of such order, the Director shall hold a hearing to provide the User the opportunity to present information in opposition to the issuance of the emergency suspension order Such a heanng shall not stay -the effect of the emergency suspension order The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with procedures established by the Director and approved by, counsel for the City The Director shall issue a written decision and order within two (2) business days following the hearing, which decision shall be served personally or by certified mail on the User or the User's legal counsel The decision of the Director following the heanng shall be final and not appealable C Upon a demonstration by the User to the satisfaction of the Director that the period of endangerment has passed and will not recur, the Director may allow the User to recommence its discharge to the POTW, unless the Director proceeds with permit revocation or termination of service pursuant to Sections 13 12 408 or 13 12 410 13 12 416 Public Nuisance Discharge of Wastewater in any manner in violation of this Chapter or of any administrative order issued pursuant to this Chapter, is hereby declared a public nuisance and shall be corrected or abated as directed by the Director Any person creating a public nuisance is guilty of a misdemeanor 13 12 417 Criminal Penalties Any Person who violates any provision of this Chapter, is guilty of a misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000 00) or by imprisonment for a period of not more than six (6) months, or both Each such Person shall be deemed guilty of a r City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 65 A.,t (33 U S C Section 1251 et seq ), (2) California Porter -Cologne Water Quality Act (California Water Code Section 13000 et seq ), (3) California Hazardous Waste Control Law (California Health & Safety Code Section 25100 et seq ), (4) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42 U S C Section 6901 et seq ), and (5) California Government Code, Sections 54739 et seq B Recovery of Fines or Penalties In the event the City is subject to the payment of fines or penalties pursuant to the legal authority and actions of other regulatory or enforcement agencies based on a violation of law or 7 regulation or its permits, and the violation can be established by City as caused by the discharge of any User of the POTW which is in violation of any provision of this Chapter, the User's Permit, or an administrative order issued pursuant to this Chapter, City shall be entitled to recover from the User all costs and expenses, including, but not limited to, the full amount of said fines or penalties to which it has been subjected C Ordinance Pursuant to the authority of California Government Code Sections 54739-54740, any person who violates any provision of this Chapter, any permit condition, prohibition or effluent limit, or any suspension or revocation order shall be liable civilly for a sum not to exceed $25,000 00 per violation for each day in which such violation occurs Pursuant to the authonty of the Clean Water Act, 33 U S C Section 1251 et seq , any person who violates any provision of this Chapter, or any permit condition, prohibition, or effluent limit shall be liable civilly for a sum not to exceed $25,000 00 per violation for each day in which such violation occurs Counsel for the City, upon order of the Director, shall petition a court of competent jurisdiction to impose, assess, and recover such penalties, or such other penalties as the City may impose, assess, and recover pursuant to Federal and/or State legislative authorization D Administrative Civil Penalties City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 67 6 If, after the hearing or appeal, if an , it is found that the Person has violated reporting or discharge requirements, the Director or City Council may assess a civil penalty against that Person In determining the amount of the civil penalty, the Director or City Council may take into consideration all relevant circumstances, including but not limited to 'the extent of harm caused by the violation, the economic benefit derived through any non-compliance, the nature and, persistence of the violation, the length of time over which the violation occurs, and corrective action, if any, attempted or taken by the Person involved 7 Civil penalties may be assessed as follows (a) In an amount which shall not exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000 00) for each day for failing or refusing to furnish technical or monitoring reports, (b) In an amount which shall not exceed Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000 00) for each day for failing or refusing to timely comply with any compliance schedules established by the City, (c) In an amount which shall not exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000 00) per, violation for each day of discharge in violation of any waste discharge limit, Permit condition, or requirement issued, reissued, or adopted by the City, (d) In any amount which does not exceed Ten Dollars ($10 00) per gallon for discharges in violation of any suspension, revocation, cease and desist order or other orders, or prohibition issued, reissued, or adopted by the City 8 An order assessing administrative civil penalties issued by the City shall be final in all respects on the thirty-first (31 st) day after it is served on the Person unless a notice of appeal is filed with the City Council pursuant to Section 13 12 427 no later than the thirtieth (30th) day following such mailing An order assessing administrative civil penalties issued by the City Council shall be final upon issuance City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 69 determination of the Dir%,cto, The notice of appeal shall set forth in detail all the issues in dispute for which the appellant seeks determination and all facts supporting appellant's request No later than sixty (60) days after receipt of the request for hearing, the City Council shall either set the matter for a heanng, or deny the request for a hearing in accordance with Section 13 12 427 B Upon receipt of a timely notice of appeal, a hearing shall be held by the City Council within sixty-five (65) days, unless a later date is agreed to by the i appellant and the City Council If the matter is not heard within the required time, due to actions or inactions of the appellant, the Director's order shall be deemed final As this Ordinance constitutes a legislative enactment, except as expressly authorized under this Chapter, there are no provisions for waiver or variance from the terms of this Ordinance B Granting Request for Heanng The City Council shall grant all requests for a hearing on appeals concerning an award of civil penalties, or orders of permit suspension, revocation, or denial Whether to grant or deny the request for a hearing on appeals of other decisions of the Director shall be within the sole discretion of the City Council C Appeal Fee Refund ( The appeal fee shall be refunded if the City Council denies a hearing or reverses or modifies, in favor of the appellant, the order of the Director The fee shall not be refunded if the City Council denies the appeal D Written Determination After the heanng, the City Council shall make a determination whether to uphold, modify, or reverse the decision, action, P or determination made by the Director City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 71 �1 E Secu[V An amendment to a Waste Discharge Permit issued pursuant to Sections 13 12 428 B, C and/or D, may be conditioned upon the Permittee depositing financial security in an amount equal to the average total fees and charges for two (2) calendar quarters during the preceding year The deposit shall be used to guarantee payment of all fees and charges incurred for future services and facilities furnished by City and shall not be used by the City to recover outstanding fees and charges incurred prior to the Permittee filing and receiving protection from creditors in the United States Bankruptcy Court F Return of Security In the event the Permittee makes payment in full within the time prescribed by this Chapter of all fees and charges incurred over,a period of two (2) years following the issuance of an amendment to the Permit pursuant to Sections 13 12 428 B, C and/or D, the City shall either return the security deposit posted by the Permittee or credit his account 13 12 430 Enforcement Response Plan The Director shall prepare, implement, and, if necessary, periodically update an Enforcement Response' Plan in conformance with EPA guidance contained in 40 CFR 403 8(f)(5) 13 12 440 Notice of Discharge Prohibition The Director may serve a written Notice of Discharge Prohibition on any person(s) engaged in any activity or activities which, while not resulting in a discharge of Nondomestic Wastewater to the POTW at the time, may, in the Director's judgment, result in a discharge of Nondomestic Wastewater at sometime in the future A Notice of Discharge Prohibition shall include at lease the following A A list of general discharge restrictions and prohibitions, B A list or citation of any Categorical Standards that would be applicable upon commencement of Nondomestic Wastewater discharge, l City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 73 I' may require that the User notify the public and/or ov er Users of the POTW of such violation, of actions taken to correct such violation, and of any administrative or judicial orders or penalties imposed as a result of such, violation 13 12 460 Recovery of Costs Incurred by City in the event a Permittee fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Chapter, an administrative order, compliance schedule or a Permit issued hereunder, the City shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and costs which may be incurred in order to enforce any of the terms and conditions, with or without filing proceedings in court 13 12 470 Judicial Review A Purpose and Effect Pursuant to Section 1094 6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, the City hereby enacts this Section to limit to ninety (90) days following final decisions in adjudicatory administrative hearings the time within which an action can be brought to review such decisions by means of administrative mandamus B Definitions As used in this Section, the following terms and words shall have the following meanings 1 Decision shall mean and include adjudicatory administrative decisions that are made after hearing, and after an award of civil penalties pursuant to Section 13 12 425 D, after revoking, suspending, or denying an application for a Permit or a license, or after other administrative hearings taken to enforce this Chapter 2 Complete Record shall mean and include the transcript, if any exists, of the proceedings, all pleadings, all notices and orders, any proposed decision by the Director, and the final decision, all admitted exhibits, all rejected exhibits in the ` possession of the City or its officers or agents, all written • evidence, and any other papers in the case City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 75 G Administ, ative Civil Penalties Notwithstanding the foregoing in Section 13 12 470, and pursuant to Government Code Section 54740 6, judicial review of an order of the City Council imposing administrative civil penalties pursuant to Section 13 12 425 D may be made only if the petition for writ of mandate is filed not later than the thirtieth (30th) day following the day on which the order of the City Council becomes final V ADOPTION 13 12 500 Effective Date - Annexations Wherever in this Ordinance time limits are established or periods of compliance or extensions thereof are specified, the commencement date for computing such periods of time limits for areas annexed to the City of GRAND TERRACE subsequent to enactment of this Ordinance shall be the official annexation date This Section shall have no application to firms or industries established in annexed areas subsequent to the annexation date 13 12 505 Effective Date - City of GRAND TERRACE and Unincorporated Portions of San Bernardino County Served by the GRAND TERRACE POTW The Mayor will sign this and the City Clerk shall attest thereto, and it shall become effective in the City of GRAND TERRACE, COLTON and portions of San Bernardino County served by the GRAND TERRACE POTW thirty (30) days after adoption 13 12 510 Conflicts All ordinances or portions of ordinances in conflict herewith, and specifically Ordinance 132 are hereby repealed City of Grand Terrace Waste Discharge Ordinance Page 77 LIT), and Economic Development Department - STAFF REPORT 3 i CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE May 28,1998 4 a FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED - x SUBJECT GIS Division/Webpage Progress Report #2 RECOMMENDATION Receive and File Background At its February 18, 1998 meeting, the City Council accepted a progress report on the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) of the Community and Economic Development Department At that time, goals and various projects had been established The purpose of this report is to give Council an overall progress report on the accomplishments and hard work that has been+ performed to date This report pertains only to the GIS portion of this dwisionr We are pleased -to state that we are well on our way to accomplishing our goals+ Investments Made EFFORT The GIS Division, while still in its early stages, is the product of over two years of planning and commitment and has involved the efforts of many people including Council Members, the CEDD staff, the GIS Steering Committee, agencies within San Bernardino County, and private industry, such as ESRI FUNDING The budget for the 1997-1998 fiscal year included $31,250 for GIS These funds were used to acquire many items mandatory to the development and maintenance of a GIS division -A new GIS workstation, as well as GIS software has been purchased -Three additional workstations have been upgraded (Two for webpage) -Several staff members received GIS training -A new printer/plotter was purchased -A projector and laptop computer were purchased, and both have already been utilized for presentations in the council chambers and at other facilities I -Expenditures have been made for special wiring and networking CREATING A PRODUCTIVE WORKING ENVIRONMENT The GIS Division has moved into the City Clerk's workroom where (it has organized an office area SECURING DATA Contracts already signed between the city and SANBAG (GIMS) will ensure that our geographic database remains accurate and updated for the next two years =:ANVESTMENTS FROM OUTSIDE GRAND TERRACE ESRI, one of the international leaders in the GIS industry, has comlmitted a portion of their expansive Webpage to highlight the development of GFS at Grand Terrace Each installment of this Spotlight 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313I 5295 • (909) 824-6621 series focuses on a different aspect involved in the process of this development By reporting the success of the GIS Division, as well as any setbacks which might occur, ESRI has helped to make Grand Terrace a worldwide example for other cities or entities who have plans for implementing a GIS program ** www esn com/base/markets/localgov/grand terrace html* www esn com/base/markets/localgov/grand terr2 html* Tasks Accomplished PRODUCTS Maps, tables and other documents produced through GIS have already begun to be utilized in many daily tasks -Planners use maps to visually display their projects in Planning Commission reports and presentations L -Community Services, with assistance from the GIS Intern, has used GIS to develop pavement, street sign, and code enforcement databases which would have otherwise not been feasible -GIS has been used to make presentations considerably more appealing -Economic Development staff is using vacant and underutilized parcel data and maps for economic development efforts and marketing information PROVIDE ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING -The GIS Intern is currently working with the Building and Safety GIS/Engineering Intern and Volunteer to update the Public Works sewer map and sewer data, as well as to create a indexing system for Public Works files -Parks and Recreation personnel have received training from the GIS Intern EXPOSURE FOR GRAND TERRACE -As a result of the exposure gained through involvement with ESRI, the GIS Division has received correspondence from several GIS users and manufacturers within southern California as well as from other parts of the United States and the United Kingdom A manufacturer of GIS software in Birmingham, Alabama has given $4,000 worth of software to Grand Terrace for free in order to demo their product It is would be very reasonable for us to expect other such offers in the future -The City's own Webpage has potential to give widespread exposure to the city which could have an economic impact by attracting businesses and -investment **** www ci grand -terrace ca us** -Refinement of the website produced by the Boy Scouts have been made by the GIS Division, and updates are made continuously CUSTOMIZING PROJECTS GIS has produced useful maps specifically designed for the improvement of individual projects, such as the promotion of the EVA and the Class If bike lane =IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION By producing an updated zoning map and updated General Plan land use map with GIS, the city no longer has to rely on outside sources in order to receive printed copies of these items The new maps are of a higher quality and accuracy than previous versions Future Goals The following are some of our goals for the coming fiscal year PRESENTATIONS GIS has already raised the level of communication to the Planning Commission and the City Council, as presentations are easily put together in a professional and highly organized format POTENTIAL SAVINGS We now have most of the equipment and data necessary to begin additional GIS analysis and which could lead to enormous savings (i e - potential use of approximately $500,000 per year of the 20% set aside for pavement maintenance) TARGET HOUSING AREA Much of this database has already been created It can be used to assess residential housing in Grand Terrace using various attributes such as the age, size, value and condition of each residential structure Additionally, the Target Housing Area will be utilized in conjunction with the pavement database to justify the expenditures of RDA 20% Set Aside Housing Funds PROPERTY HISTORY DATABASE Development of this database, which is a compilation the entire property history of each parcel within the city, is well underway When complete, this will present an accurate summary of the changes and improvements made to all properties This database includes all entitlements, zoning changes, general plan amendments, land use applications, conditional use permits, and site and architecture reviews Since this will dramatically improve the upon the current filing system, it will undoubtedly increase efficiency within the planning department by significantly reducing time and effort spent in their research and evaluation We are proud of the progress and results of the GIS Division The level of investment, in terms of time, staff recruiting and funding, has been significant With the continued support of the City Council, the GIS Division will increase efficiency across departments, streamline procedures and provide the best possible services to the public Respectfully prepared by-% Approved By Daniel Nove Patrizia Materassi GIS Intern Director, Community and Economic Development Attachments A-Vacant/Under-Utilized properties B-Target Housing Area DN PM do z.;ity of Grand Tefface Community and Economic Development Department Updated 4115/98 \. E cc all ® Vacant Industrial Under -Utilized Industrial Vacant Commercial Under -Utilized Commercial Vacant Residential Staff Report CRA ITEM( COUNCIL ITEM (x) MEETING DATE May 28, 1998 SUBJECT SCHEDULE NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS N vein er The regularly scheduled City Council meeting on November 12 conflicts with the City/County Conference, which members of the Council historically attend The regularly scheduled meeting on November 26 falls on the Thanksgiving Holiday Staff is recommending that one meeting be scheduled for the month of November December The regularly scheduled City Council meetings for December fall on the loth and 24th The Historical & Cultural Activities Committee has scheduled the City Birthday Party for December 1 Oth at 6 00 pm and have requested that the City Council schedule their meeting to follow this event The second meeting for December falls on Christmas Eve Staff is recommending that one meeting be scheduled for December on the loth following the City Birthday Party Calendars for the month of November and December are attached for your convenience Please note that should an issue anse that needs to be addressed by the City Council, the Mayor may call a special meeting Staff Recommends Council Select a date for one November City Council meeting and schedule one December meeting to follow the City Birthday Celebration I COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO 1998 ecen2neN 1998 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SA1rURDAY 1 � � Planning Commission 7 pm 4 5 6 7Park&Recreation 6 pm Historical & Cultural 7 pm Emergency Operations 7 pm Q o � 10 City Birthday Party I I City Hall Closed I� - 13 145 tPmn Patrol Board Prevention 6 pm Is 16 177pm Innmg fommissionIV 19Crime 20 21 Citizen Patrol 6 pm 22 23 V 24 2 5 26 Christmas Eve City Hall Closed Christmas Day City Hall Closed 27 28 29 30 3 1 New Year's Eve City Hall Closed