06/11/199822795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 824-6621 Fax(909) 783-7629 Fax (909) 783-2600 Byron R Matteson Mayor Dan Buchanan Mayor Pro Tempore Herman Hilkey Jim Singley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager FILE COPY June 11, 1998 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6 00 p in. Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 C Y COUNCIL CHAMBERS RUNE 11, 1998 G UND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 6 00 P M 2 �p795 Barton Road GUTOFGRAND MtRACRCO�W. CANS WtMDISAB�SACT Orl"O. JF YOU REQU= SPECUL ASSISTAMM TO PARTWRATE Ili MUS XE WG$ PEASE CALL T= CITY CI.ERWS 1Fi=AT (W) 8 "621 AT LLAST48HOURS Molt ToTIIE NEETIN% V01V DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE MY COVNCIE BURWO Tia 1VIEEM% OTHER THAN UMER UC 'fir, YOU A" ASKED TO PRASE �COMPUM A REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM AvAU ABLE AT THE TRAM AND►-PRUWITTO THE CITE CIS 3XRAMRS WRL.RE CALLED VPON BY THE MAYOR AT RAPPROPRI&TETUdL * Call to Order - * Invocation - Dr Tom Harvick, Colton Christian Church * Pledge of Allegiance - * Roll Call - AGENDA ITEMS STAFF RECOADUNDATION COUNCIL ACTION 0 1 Approval of 05-27-98 and 05-28-98 Mmutes Approve 2 Approval of Check Regiger CRAo6l l98 APPmVe 3 AdjusWwnts to Proposed IW&1999 Budget 4 ADJOURN Adopt Focal Year 199&1999 Budget COMMUNITY REDEVEIDPICENT AG NCY Approve CONVENE 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Items to Delete 2 SEWJAL PRESENTATrONS - None 3 CONSENT CALENDAR' tl he following Consent Calendar items are expected to be o tine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the Sit wnc>i at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, &Member, or Ckkm may request removal of an item from +e Consent Calendar for discussion. A Approve Check Register No 061198 Approve B Ratify 06-11-98 CRA Action C Wipe Prill Reding of Ordinances on Agenda D Approval of 05-27-98 and 05-28-98 Iltmutes Approve E Reeobuhon - Requesting Audmzabon to File a Claim for Approve San BcnvudmO Assocatim Governments Article 3 Funds - Pedestrmn Bike Law Pm II QUY OF GRAND TF.RRACF PENDING C R A APPROVAL CK1 ►3 hi l NI Y We 3 31I A/ ,eW6I 31a n ►� I I Y Y A special meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on May 27, 1998, at 6 00 p m PRESELM Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency Member Jim Singley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patnzia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt Mike Howell, ShenWs Department ABSENT! John Harper, City Attorney CRA-98-26 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY VICE BUCHANAN, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Revenue in the amount of $6,050,954 Fund. CRA Carjtnl BMWs (32) i]=Wment General Q[ =tonal �g}+�uuac 2 r-- CRA-98-27 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the General Operational Expenses Department Budget prior to cost allocation in the amount of $87, 850, the Cost Allocation in the amount of ($19,165), and the Transfer of Funds to CRA Fund 33 in the amount of $900,000 with a total budget of $968,685 CRA-98-28 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER 1 GARCIA, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER HILKEY, CARRIED 3-2 , (AGENCY SINGLEY AND 7E� AGENDA ITEM NO. PENDING C R A APPROVAL t �J Y11 • ; : ►I� Y�I: ; A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on May 28, 1998, at 6.00 p m. FRURENT; Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hi1key, Agency Member Jim Singley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patnzia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt. Mike Howell, Sheriff's Department ABSENT! John Harper, City Attorney • • v : i' : ::W311►1 y� �a CRA-98-32 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the May 14, 1998, CRA Minutes. CRA-98-33 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER HICKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Check Register No CRA052898 Chairman Matteson adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 6 15 p m Matteson reconvened the Community Redevelopment Agency at 6 55 p m. CMmmn Matteson announc�d that the Agency met in closed session to discu.%q l PAGE 1 PENDING -AC RAMPRO-VAL CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE JUNE 11, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO 061198 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: JUNE 11, 1998 CHECK NO, VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P12402 RAUL COLUNGA BIRTHDAY BONUS 5000 P12410 BERGEVIN'S CLEANING SERVICE JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR MARCH, 1998 4000 P12412 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH INSURANCE FOR JUNE, 1998 78912 P12414 INLAND COUNTIES INSURANCE SERVICES,INC LIFE INSURANCE FOR JUNE, 1998 5143 P12415 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK INS, JUNE, 1998 9396 39935 DRAGOS BARBU INTERN, 5/18-5/28/98 18200 39936 VIRGIL BARHAM AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR JUNE, 1998 13750 39937 BERGEVIN'S CLEANING SERVICE JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR MAY, 1998 4000 39943 RAUL COLUNGA INTERN, 5/11-5/22/98 29664 39944 COMPUTEAM INSTALL CONTROLLER, COMPUTER 11500 39945 CORPORATE EXPRESS OFFICE SUPPLIES 21 r,., 39960 GREENWOOD UNIFORMS CASE FOR BADGE, CODE ENFORCEMENT 4738 39961 CRAIG GUDEON REIMBURSEMENT, BARTON BLOCK WALL PROJ 20119 39978 M C I TELECOMMUNICATIONS PHONE FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPT 1547 39985 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 2506 39995 SOUTHERN CA EDISON COMPANY ELECTRIC FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPT AND HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 8831 39999 U S BANK TRUST PAYMENT FOR 1997 COP ISSUE 11,312 78 40007 YOSEMITE WATERS BOTTLED WATER FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT 1200 13,519 70 CRA OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ...•................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ........................ CRA ITEM (X) COUNCIL ITEM ( ) AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE JUNE 11, 1998 SUBJECT 1998-1999 CRA OF GRAND TERRACE BUDGET RESOLUTION FUNDING REQUIRED XX Appropriation of $3,522,346 of Expenditures, net transfer -out of $2,338,285, Inter -fund loan of $350,000, Approval of Estimated Revenues of 4,527,954, use of Fund balance of $669,978, and net transfer-m of $1,523,000 NO FUNDING REQUIRED On May 27, 1998, Agency Board conducted a review of the Preliminary CRA Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 Board directed or approved various changes in the preliminary budget document A summary of the budget items requiring alterations of the budget are attached A complete final budget will be produced upon adoption of the 1998-1999 budget Changes in Revenues CRA 'Fund Revenues & Transfers Changes Revised CRA Fund Revenues Changes in Expenditures: CRA Fund F-rpen&tures & Transf Changes Revised CRA Fund Expenditures CRA Budget Report Page - 1 - INCEMECR) $6, 720,932 None $6,720,932 INCE ECR) $ 6,210,631 None $ 6,210,631 r cw► AGENa► rta No: L} CRA OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Page 3 Adoption of 1998-1999 CRA Budget Continued SOURCES OF CRA FUNDS (Estimated FY 1998-1999) CRA Capital Projects Fund Revenue $ 360,000 Debt Service Fund Revenue 3,409,554 Low & Mod Inc Housing Rev 758,400 Total CRA Fund Revenue $ 4,527,954 Other Sources of Funds Use of Available Fund Balance (to fund expenditures in that particular fund) CRA Capital Projects Fund Balance 669.978 Total Use of Available Fund Balance 669.978 Intra/Interfund Transfers Resource Transfer from Cap Prj Fund to Debt Svc 900,000 Transfer 20% set -aside from Debt Svc to L&M Fund 623,000 Total Use of Intra/Interfund Transfers $ 1,523,000 TOTAL SOURCES OF ALL CRA FUNDS USES OF CRA FUNDS (Estimated FY 1998-1999) Expenditures CRA Capital Projects Fund Revenue $ 142,250 Debt Service Fund Revenue 2,414,326 Low & Mod Inc Housing Rev 965,770 Total CRA Fund Expenditures $ 3,522,346 Other Uses of Funds Inter -fund Loan to City $ 350,000 Inter -fund Cost Alloc Net transfer -out 815,285 Intra-CRA Transf-20% set -aside from Debt Svc 623,000 Resource Transfer-antra-CRA from CRA Cap Proj 900.000 $ 2,688,285 TOTAL USES OF ALL CRA FUNDS $ CRA Budget Report Page - 3 - 6 10 631 RESOLUTION NO. CRA 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT, AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A BUDGET OF ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998- 99 WHEREAS, the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace is required to adopt a budget for the subsequent fiscal year for estimated revenues and expenditures, and WHEREAS, the members of said Community Redevelopment Agency and staff members have thoroughly reviewed and analyzed the proposed budget in order to determine the needs of the City of Grand Terrace, NOW, THEREFORE, the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that a budget for Fiscal Year 1998-99, a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's office, is hereby adopted with estimated revenues of $ 4.527.954, use of available fund balance of $ 669.971 interfund transfer of $ 1,523.000_ for a total 'source of funds of $ 6.720.932 and total estimated expenditures of $ 3,522,349 intergovernmental loan of $ 350.000, and mterfund transfer of $ 2.338.285 for a total use of funds of $ 6,210,631 ADOPTED THIS 11 th day of June, 1998 ATTEST cretary of the Grand Terrace mmunity Redevelopment Agency Chairman of the Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency Fuo FUND 10 GENERAL FUND-Undesig Unresery GENERAL FUND - Designated Reserve TOTAL GENERAL FUND 11 STREET FUND 12 STORM DRAIN FUND 13 PARK FUND 14 SLESF (AB3229 COPS) FUND 15eAIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 16 OAS TAX FUND 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 18 TDA FUND 20 MEASURE IFUND 21 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL FUND 26 LSCAPING AND LGHTO ASSESSMENT DI 27 SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 32 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 33 DEBT SERVICE FUND 34 LOW 8 MODERATE HOUSING FUND TOTAL CRA FUNDS 44 CAPITAL PROJECT- BIKE LANE 46 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT -STREETS TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS TOTAL - ALL FUNDS PROJECTED PROJECTEDChanges Changes I Sources Souroee Sources Sources Uses Uses Uses AVAILABLE AVAILABLE in Fund In Fund of Funds of Funds of Funds of Funds of Funds of Funds of Funds FUND FUND Balance Balance by by Fund Loan/TSF TOTAL by Expenditur LOAN/TSF TOTAL. BALANCE BALANCE Increase Decrease Revenue Balance FY FY FY FY FY Amm FY97 98 vs. FYQ@94 am 32,169 225 934 193 765 0 2 649 706 0 1,150 000 3 799 706 3 980 641 (374 700) 3 605 941 925,558 925.556 0 0 267,727 1,1191,422 193,765 Q 2.649.708 Q 1,150.000 2,729,708 3.990.041 1374"7001 3.005.Ull 186.879 135 402 0 (51 47 10 500 51 477 0 61 977 0 61977 61977 187 392 170 329 0 (17 063) 11 775 17 063 0 28 838 22 000 6 838 28 838 46 850 1 765 0 (45 085) 41 800 45 OBS 0 86 885 65 500 21 385 86 885 43 695 74 195 30 500 0 30 600 0 0 30 500 0 0 0 12 688 11 861 0 (827 12 000 827 0 12 827 10 000 2 827 12 827 366 520 78 276 0 (288 244 287 000 288 244 0 555 244 219 400 335 844 565 244 39 389 41 349 1960 0 6 800 0 0 6 800 4 290 550 4 840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 578 397 233 078 0 (345 319 131 000 345 319 0 476 319 275 000 201 319 476 319 718,979 679196 0 (39 783 912 9W 39 783 0 952 683 813 540 139143 952 683 3 453 (2 454) 0 (5907 12 622 5 907 0 18 529 13 521 5 008 18 529 Q Q 0 Q - Q Q 0 Q Q 0 0 Z1184,242 1,422,997 32AN (7B3 708 1,438,897 793 705 0 2,230,602 IIA23,251 774,891 2,198,142 6 244 091 5574113 0 (669 978) 360 000 689 978 0 1 029 978 142,250 887 728 1029.978 1920,587 2225197 304 610 0 3 409 554 0 900 000 4,309 554 2414,326 1590.618 4 004 944 4,289,094 4,04, $5 245.591 0 758 Q 623.Q00 1,381, 95517 209-M 1.175.709 12A53.Z72 12,214.E 510,301 4.627.9" M . 1,523,000 6,720,932 UZLM LOW= 1.210g31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q Q Q Q Q Q 415,476 415A76 41SA76 Q 415,476 0 0 0 0 0 0 415 476 415476, 415 476 0 415 476 16,51111,7411 14.6M_SU -- 6,614,"7 1463.683 3,068,479 113,11119,Z1111 9,341,714 3,000.476 124S0.190 Difference between sources of Funds and Uses of Funds $rM 526 10 GENERAL FUND CITY OF GRAND TERRACE REVEnE-71� 98=99 EX L DIN NEW EXCLUDE EXCLUDE BUDGET TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS-OU' REVENUES COST COST ESTIMATED ALLOCATION ALLOCATION FY 1998-99 FY 1998-99 1 FY 1998-99 3,799,706 (800,0001 C 11 Street Fund 10,500 0 12 Storm Dram Fund 11,775 0 13 Park Fund 41,800 0 14 AB 3229 COPS Fund 30,500 0 15 Air Quality Improvement Fund 12,000 0 16 Gas Tax Fund 267,000 0 17 Traffic Safety Fund 6,800 0 18 TDA Fund 0 0 20 Measure I Fund 131,000 0 21 Waste Water Disposal Fund 912,900 0 26 LSCPG/ LGHTG Assessment Distract 12,622 0 27 Summer Youth Program 4 4 TOTAL SPECIAL REV FUNDS 1,436,897 j 0 32 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 33 DEBT SERVICE FUND 34 LOW & MODERATE HOUSING FUND TOTAL CRA FUNDS 44 Bike Lane Capital Fund 46 Street Improvement Projects TOTAL OTHER FUNDS TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 360,000 0 0 4,309,554 0 0 1,381,400 4 0 6,050,964 0 0 0 0 0 415,476 4 0 415,476 Q 4 X Li_ J.us3 a REVENUES FY 98-99 r EXCLUDE OTHER TRANSFERS FY 1998-99 EXCLUDE INTERFUND LOANS FY 1998-99 NEW BUDGET REVENUES (EXC TSFILOANS) ESTIMATED FY 1998-99 1 0 (350,0001 2,649,706 1 0 0 10,500 1 0 0 11,775 1 0 0 41,800 0 0 30,500 0 0 12,000 0 0 267,000 0 0 6,800 0 0 0 0 0 131,000 0 0 912,900 0 0 12,622 4 0 4 0 0 1,436,897 0 0 0 0 360,000 (900,000 0 3,409,554 (623,000 0 758,400 (1,523,000 0 4,527,964 0 0 0 (415,476 Q 4 (415,476 4 Q B,614.657 REVENUES FY 98-99 NET REVENUE SUMMARY EXCLUDING TRANSFERS ' CITY OF GRA 4D TERRACE ALL FUNDS TRA14SFERSAN AND EXPENDITURES, FOR BUDGETED EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS-0UT FY 1990 1"9 PROPOSED Combined Comaned TOTAL NET BUDGET COST ALLOC COST ALLOC BUDGETED I FWD EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS -IN TRANSFERS{OUT) EXPENDITURES 10-110 CITY COUNCIL FY "-SOE1C9-99 0 10-120 CITY MANAGER 217,085 0 (43.260) (217.085) 0 0 10-125 CITY CLERK 10-140 FINANCE 174,640 0 (174,640) 0 10-160 CITY ATTORNEY 278,195 30,000 47 008 0 (237,857) 87 346 10-170 CITY ENGINEER 0 0 (30 000) 0 10-172 BUILDING AND SAFETY 69,010 10 249 0 0 0 79,259 10-175 PUBLIC WORKS 10-180 COMMUNITY SERVICES 42,355 258,490 20,412 0 62 767 10-190 NON -DEPARTMENTAL 287 206 72,947 13,186 (83.787) (234.997) 247,650 65,395 10-370 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 203,960 48,564 0 252,524 10-380 GIS 10-410 LAW ENFORCEMENT 25,317 1158,540 0 149 760 (25,317) 0 0 10-430 RECREATION SERVICES 212,985 61 708 0 1308,300 274,693 10-440 CHILD CARE SERVICES 715,408 143,668 0 859 076 10-450 PARK MAINTENANCE 10-631 STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE 131 780 9,000 16 395 0 148,175 10-700 GTPFA LEASE PAYMENTS ` 0 1 248 0 0 10 248 10-901 PLANNING COMMISSION 6 900 4 253 0 0 0 11 153 10-802 CRIME PREVENTION UNIT 14,800 25 364 0 40164 10-804 HISTORICAL/CULTURAL CMM 1,350 20 885 0 22 235 104M SENIOR CITIZEN'S PROGRAM 94,500 7,510 0 10-807 PARKS 3 REC COMMITTEE 200 15,218 0 102,010 10-8W EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CM 5.660 13,868 0 15,418 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 3,980,641 672,243 (1,046,943) 19.528 3,605,941 11 STREET FUND 12 STORM DRAIN FUND 30 000 0 31 977 0 0 61 977 13 PARK FUND 22,000 65 500 6 838 21 385 0 0 28,838 14 SLESF (AB3229 COPS) FUND 0 0 86 885 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 10 000 2 827 0 0 0 16 GAS TAX FUND 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 474 876 80 368 0 12,827 555,244 18 TDA FUND 4 290 0 550 0 4 840 20 MEASURE i FUND 21 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL FUND 405 000 0 71 319 0 0 0 476 319 26 LSCAPING AND LGHTG ASSESSME 813,540 13,521 139143 5 008 0 952,683 27 SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM Q Q 0 18,529 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1,s3s,727 359,415 Q 0 Q 2198 142 32 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 32 CAP PRJ -ECONOMIC DEV 987,850 0 (19,165) 968685 33 DEBT SERVICE FUND 54,400 3,387,326 6,893 617 618 0 0 61 293 34 LOW & MOD HOUSING PROJ 866 215 196 569 4,004 944 34 LOW 3 MOD -CODE ENFRCMNT �, Y 99,555 13 370 ' 0 1 062,784 TOTAL CRA FUNDS 6,395,346 834.450 (19,165) 112,925 9,210,631 44 BIKE LANE 0 0 0 46 STREET RFROVEMENT PROJECTS 415,476 0 0 4 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 415,476 Q 0 415.476 415A76 PRIOR PERIOD ADJ to REVENUE O 0 j q [a TOTAL ALL FUNDS 11,630,190 1,s68,10s (1,ss6,10s� 12,430,190 1998-99 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ALL TIERS PAGE 1 PEA; NG CITY COUNLAL APPROVAL IT1I RANWTERRAC DATE• JUNE 11, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO 061198 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF JUNE 11, 1998 CHECK NO VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P12399 INLAND EMPIRE DIVISION/LCC REGISTRATION FOR LEAGUE OF CA CITIES MEETING 15400 P12400 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 5/21/98 17303 P12401 PERS RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL 5/15/98 5,83884 P12403 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 5/26/98 23778 P12404 POSTMASTER-COLTON POSTAGE FOR CITY NEWSLETTERS/RECREATION BROCHURES 51608 P12405 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 5/28/98 10157 P12406 JEANETTE CARDENAS BIRTHDAY BONUS 5000 P12407 VANESSA AYALA BIRTHDAY BONUS 5000 P12408 PERS RETIREMENT FOR PAYROLL 5/29/98 5,88261 P12409 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS FOR 6/2/98 33749 P12410 BERGEVIN'S CLEANING SERVICE JANITORIAL SERVICES, BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT 4000 P12411 VISA MEETINGS/CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS FOR CITY COUNCIL, CITY MANAGER, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, RECREATION, AND PLANNING COMMISSION PAYMENT FOR COMPUSERVE AND AMERICA ON LINE, SUPPLIES 2,00638 P12412 - PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH INSURANCE FOR JUNE, 1998 7,944 01 Q P12413 METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE FOR JUNE, 1998 98015 P12414 INLAND COUNTIES INS SERVICES, INC LIFE, DENTAL AND VISION INSURANCE, JUNE, 1998 1,376 16 P12415 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE, JUNE, 1998 52974 39929 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS COMPANY PARTS FOR LAWNMOWER 7374 30 39930 ACCENT PRINT & DESIGN PRINT SENIOR NEWSLETTER 17240 39931 MATTHEW ADDINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, 5/21/98 5000 39932 ADVANCED COMPUTERS INTERFACE CARD, COMPUTER 15428 Z 39933 ADVANTAGE BUSINESS FORMS PRINT CITY NEWSLETTER/RECREATION BROCHURES 5,412 28 p 39934 ADVANTAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES RE -SEAL PARKING LOT CHILD CARE CENTER 1,1 �0 00 39935 DRAGOS BARBU INTERN 5/18-5/28/98 18200 r PAGE 3 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DATE JUNE 11, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO 0611ad OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF JUNE 11, 1998 CHECK NO, VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 39964 HONDA YAMAHA OF REDLANDS MOWER PARTS/REPAIRS 9137 39965 HONEYWELL, INC MAINTENANCE, HVAC UNIT AT CIVIC CENTER 1,37424 39966 HOUSTON HARRIS VIDEO/CLEAN STORM DRAINS 54000 39967 MOIRE HUSS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, 5/21/98 5000 39968 HYDRO-SCAPE PRODUCTS, INC STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 32200 39969 INLAND EMPIRE STAGES LIMITED BUS FOR RECREATION EXCURSION 1,06750 39970 INTERSTATE BRANDS, INC BAKERY GOODS FOR CHILD CARE 6726 39971 JANI KING-COLTON REGION JANITORIAL SERVICES, CHILD CARE 75900 39972 KELLY PAPER NCR PAPER, FINANCE DEPARTMENT 2030 39973 LA PASTA ITALIA GIFT CERTIFICATES FOR RECYCLING PROGRAM 2500 39974 LEAGUE OF CA CITIES UPDATE ON PROP 218 4000 39975 LELAND NURSERY PLANTS/TREES FOR PARKS 8512 39976 LEROY'S LANDSCAPE SERVICES LANDSCAPE SERVICES FOR TERRACE PINES, MAY, 1998 20000 39977 PATRIZIA MATERASSI REIMB FOR CONF AND AUTO ALLOWANCE, JUNE, 1998 33042 39978 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS PHONES FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES 1,17353 39979 MIGUEL'S JR GIFT CERTIFICATES FOR RECYCLING PROGRAM 2500 39980 DANIEL NOVE INTERN, 5/18-5/29/98 38000 39981 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE, JUNE, 1998 25310 39982 PACIFIC BELL SECURITY LINE, CHILD CARE CENTER _ 1588 39983 PC WORLD SUBSCRIPTION FOR BUILDING & SAFETY 1997 39984 PERFECTION LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE DEPT 1486 39985 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE GENERAL PETTY CASH -FINANCE DEPT 13118 39986 PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH -CHILD CARE 18420 39987 R C T C METRO LINK TICKETS, RECREATION DEPARTMENT " 0 00 39988 RICHARD ROLLINS OPEN/CLOSE PARKS AND WEEKEND MAINTENANCE OF PARKS 52000 II • � PAGE 5 DATE JUNE 11, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF JUNE 11, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE CITY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR OPERATION OF THE CITY 061198 L COUDed MmRiteS May 28, 1999 Page 3 It was the consensus of the Council to agendize a Budget Review at the next scheduled Council Meeting Mayor Pro Tem Buchanan, reported that there will be another strategy session on next Wednesday to evaluate where the process is going and he will report at the next Council Meeting what took place Currently the application is pending with LAFCO, their staff is waiting for the data that they need to make their analysis He reported that Grand Terrace Days is coming up on June 13, 1998 and the Lions Club Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, June 5, 1998 and that their annual Pancake Breakfast will be held on June 7, 1998 from 7 00 a m to 1100 a.m Counc lmember Garcia, encouraged everyone to come out to the Grand Terrace Days event and encouraged everyone to get one of the Grand Terrace Days T-shirts they are very nice looking and she is looking forward to the event She reported that the wall dedication at Terrace View will be held on June 2, 1998 at 7 00 p m She commended staff on the budget and thanked them for the presentation. She attended the Fast Valley Coalition and commended staff on the Community Access Channel. Councilmember Singh, reported that he attended the East Valley Coalition meeting and that they are are hoping to form a list of projects for SANBAG for the East Valley area Counc lmember u,lk y, stated that Council gave money to the basketball league for trophies and that the money wasn't spent on what they said it would be He encouraged the Council, when asked for money, to look into the situation better He stated that the City of Fontana puts out a flyer on listed sex offenders in the area to the schools and requested that the City of Grand Terrace do the same thing Mayor Pro Tern Buchanan, suggested that the recreation programs and youth sports leagues be mlcluded as well Coen_ hnember Rlkev, , reported that the recycle bins were delivered and feels that USA Waste did a great job He reported that Council attended the League of California Cities Inland Empire Division Meeting and that the League of California Cities president gave a presentation on the ACA 42 He stated that the Animal Emergency Counc in Grand Terrace offers an outstanding service to the area and that people come from all over to the Emergency Clinic 1: I it CW.1 DFA 9 1z 7A Second Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Amending Chapter 13 12 of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code Regulating the Discharge of Wastes into the Sewerage System of the City of Grand Terrace (. t T r STAFF REPORT Community and Economic Development Department CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE June 11, 1998 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED _X_ SUBJECT Article 3 Pedestrian/Bike Lane Project RECOMMENDATION Authorization to File a Claim for San Bernardino Association of Governments Article 3 Funds BACKGROUND In December 1995, the City was awarded a $369,472 grant from the San Bernardino County Association of Governments (SANBAG) with Transportation Development Act Article 3 Funds for the purpose of constructing the hardscape portion of a Class II pedestnan/bt7ce lane The bike lane is now constructed and completed, as are associated public right -of way procurements and street improvement construction On March 12, 1998, the Grand Terrace City Council received and filed a report accepting the completion of tlus transportation project The purpose of this report is to authorize city staff to file a claim for reimbursement of costs related to Article 3 funds A resolution is attached to this Staff Report formally making said authonzation RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council authorize staff to file a claun with SANBAG for reimbursement for the pedestnan/btke lane project related to Article 3 funds via attached resolution in the amount of a) $369,472 of grant award and, b) S2,255 for handicap ramp construction funds also associated with this project Prepared by Respectfully submitted by Hally Cappi4 I f Patrtzta Materasst Associate Pl hfiner Community & Economic Development Director Attachments A — Resolution authorizing city staff to file a claun PM he c �mydocumentskcrepod bicelane 22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-54KHMIk2AtMDA ITEM (I EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE CITY OF G%D TEMMACE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Apn16, 1998 CALL TO ORDER I The meeting was called to order by Eileen Hodder at 7 03 p m � MEMBERS PRESENT. Eileen Hodder, Darla Wertz, Rich Haubert, Vic Phenmghausen, and Jun Hodder GUESTS PRESENT: John Donlevy APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the March 3, 1998 meeting were approved with no -corrections COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: . 1998 C1TYC! t-,'K 1 Painting of the communications trailer has been quoted at approximately $500 and will be done after the weather clears 2 John subnutted a proposed budget for FY 1998-1999 See Old Business 3 Repairs to the storm drain at the intersection of DeBerry and Mount Vernon has been estimated to be about $20-$30,000 EQUIPMENT/FACILITY REPORT: 1 There are cracks in the welds on the fuel tank to the generator outside building 3 Johnson Tractor has been contacted and will make the repairs 2 The emergency light in building 3 will not come on when normal power is interrupted Vic will investigate 3 Our input to the phone patch is interfering with a Hollywood repeater Vic has been ui contact with the County RACES Chief Radio Officer Ron McGuire and there may be a change in the RACES frequency to be announced OLD BUSINESS: • 1 John will order the emergency food rations before June I couNaIL,4GENDA rrEM raSAla EMERGENCY OPERATIONS COM3HTTEE CITY OF GRAND TFRRACE May 4, 1998 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Eileen Hodder at 7 03 p m MEMBERS PRESENT - Eileen Hodder, Rich Haubert, Vic Phennighausen, Gary Eldridge, and Jim Hodder GUESTS PRESENT: John Donlevy APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of the April 6, 1998 meeting were approved with one correction COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: 1 Painting of the communications trailer should occur this month The proposed budget for FY 1998-1999 was approved by the City Manager John will be going to damage assessment training sponsored by FEMA YFACELITY REPORT: CITY OF GRti',D 0 �Y tt r V IIvv John will contact Johnson Tractor about repairs to the broken welds and leaks in the generator's fuel tank The emergency lights in building 3 will not come on when normal power is interrupted Vic made temporary repairs to one unit but all 3 will have to be replaced The answering machine has been taken off the autopatch line and is now on 824-7614 Air conditioner repairs have been done and cost $109 00 BUSINESS: It was agreed that for Grand Terrace Days communications trailer would be staffed, brochures would be made available for the public, and that communications demonstrations would be provided John will contact the red cross and the gas company on additional Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM (XX) SUBJECT SEWER RATE ORDINANCE NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND - Community Services Department MEETING DATE JUNE 11, 1998 Since 1972, the Grand Terrace (both unincorporated and as a city) sanitary system has been served by the Colton Wastewater Treatment Plant Under the agreement, Grand Terrace is allotted a capacity right in the plant of 16 mgd In April, 1996, the City of Colton adopted a five year program to address a number of issues surrounding a Cease and Desist Order issued against the Colton Wastewater Treatment Plant, of which the City of Grand Terrace, under agreement, has a 25 % capacity interest Under that program, a plan was develop to include a number of major improvements, expansion and repairs to satisfy the requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board A key element of the program included a financing plan to pay for the improvements In June, 1996, both the Cities of Colton and Grand Terrace enacted the first of two projected rate increases to fund the program The Grand Terrace rate was increased from $12 00 to $15 75 During the discussions with Colton regarding the Cease and Desist Order, an agreement was reached which provided as follows • Grand Terrace's obligation represents the costs for 1 6 mgd. of the plant This represents approximately 25 % of the operational costs, and any allocation of rates would represent this percentage • Colton is responsible for the remaining 75 % of the plant, all expansion costs and the maintenance and operation of the SARI Line (brine line) As proposed in 1996, the next review of the rates would occur in 1998 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NOIDq Sewer Rate Increase Agenda Report June 11, 1998 Page 3 of 3 2 Adopt AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 4 72 OF THE GRAND TERRACE MUNICIPAL CODE AND ESTABLISHING SEWER USER CHARGES FISCAL IMPACT Estimated revenues are estimated at $797,000 with total expenses $1,008,000 with matching expenses ATTACHMENTS City of Colton Agenda Report Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. Page 2 Section 4 Posting - The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to bk posted in three (3) public places within fifteen (15) days of its adoption, as designated for such purposes by the City Council Attest City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof Mayor of the City of grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof I, Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 11th day of June, 1998, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Approved as to form City Attorney City Clerk Page 2 Sewer Rate Increase Commission Meeting 3/9/98 The Utilities Commission requested a change in the consultant's schedule of the proposed protects This was done and changes the timing and expenditure level in the early years Staffs revised recommendation can be summarized as follows FY 97-98 FY98-99 FY99-00 FY00-01 Collection Rehabilitation $120,000 $280,000 $480,000 $480,000 Mt. Vernon Pump Station 281,000 Lake Cadena Pump Station 30,000 324,000 TV Inspection Program 45,000 100,000 Pump Station Improvements 120.000 Total $195,000 $985,000 $480,0 00 $600,000 Also included in the plan is the funding of the debt service reserve for the State loan so that funds will be available when the first payment comes due Few alternatives are available to ensure the long-term operational efficiency of the wastewater collection system In order to complete the upgrades and expansion at the treatment plant, a rate increase of some proportion will be required What has been added to this version above that viewed 24 months ago, are the results of the Wastewater Master Plan These are recommendations that will keep the system running in a reliable and safe manner The options that are open deal primarily with the timing of the various capital improvement projects What is presented in the financial plan is reflective of Staff requests and the Commission's input The financial plan, with the inclusions for the CIP, the State Revolving Fund loan and debt service, and normal anticipated cost increases, results in a proposed rate increase of 142 percent for all service classes A typical residential customer would have a rate increase from $16 20 per month for sewer service to $18 50 per month The additional revenue would fund a three-year CIP of $2,065,000 for existing system improvements, the debt service reserve for the load payment, and cover the normal inflationary costs with operating the division was the case in the study adopted two years ago, this one has another rate increase proposed m scal Year 2000-2001 In order to carry out additional improvements on the system and expand rrto eas in the City that do not presently have service, an additional increase of around 20 percent will be .cessary Staff is not requesting that this second phase be adopted now, but rather that it be noted and �u are cognizant that a refined number will be forthcoming in about two years ie financial plan addresses the service requirements for the City of Grand Terrace Because the City of Mon provides treatment services for Grand Terrace, they are responsible for operating expenses for int operation and the capital costs associated with Unit 1 rehabilitation (Title 22 improvements requred the cease and desist order) that is used for treatment The proposed increase for the service to Grand grace would be approximately 162 percenL A typical residential charge would go from $12 58 per )nth to $14 62 per month RESIDENTIAL RATE COMPARISON Service Provider Typical Monthly Bill Colton (existing) $16 20 (proposed) 1850 East Valley Water District 1910 Western Municipal Water 2000 Moreno Valley 1344 Rialto 1395 San Bernardino 1460 Redlands 1040 1� WASTEWATER FUND - 5 YEAR FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS UNE RYIfi �r��A 1 PERSONNEL 2 OPERATION 6 MAINTENANCE 3 RIX SYSTEM 06RECIATION 4 EXISTING 6 ADDITIONAL 4 CUSTOMER SERVICE 7 AMW43TRATMI ALLOCATION g GENERAL FUND TRANSFER g UNCOLL/CTABLE ACCOUNTS 10 TOTAL E7IPENSE3 It • MARLOCMM RIX DEMO DEST SERVICE 12 RIX PROJECT 12 SARI OUT SERVICE 14 1071 SEWER MONO 16 NEW DEBT SERVI A 16 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 11 TITLE 22 REPAIRS 16 CAPACITY EXPANSION 19 COLLECTION SYSTEM 20 CONTINGENCY 21 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 22 omfi13ra OPERATING REVENUE 23 KATE INCREASE 24 SOND FUNDS N 20 TOTAL REVEN IES 27 NET INCOME 20 DOT SENVIM COVERAGE 20 COVERAGE WITHOUT RESERVES 30 PROJECTED RATES 1M6N lee"? 1M74N 10ee4M loa-00 2e06-0t GOUGE O T COTTON p T COTTON O T COTTON O T COTTON i O T COTTON O T 430 022 363176' 12,eM N7 ON 4761741 11100 gee 225 4e0 343 107,�2 747 310 We 320 14tlla 76e 73e 623 407 14000 702 an 642 102 �' JOT e16 016 6014501 166,1g7 125 000 101,260E 706 601 671460 134 61e 293 ON 700 e00 576084 134A" 748479 603 630 141.441 782783 e34 030 14e,7231 821891 ON 731jostled 4,q0 230104 MAI 442 001 a6e 004 0i,007 404 lee 376 gee e6,t07 4e7 406 304 796 pT OQ7 e11 ne 4/4 b7e �Y7,le7 i + � 295101 230 900 ��f r, 1A) 164.237 133 032 ' 31, 284161 230170 63 a1 200 000 234900 11C/P0 250 000 202 500 117.560 Zee 000 214 060 f a= 61 e7e 60 410 200 021 1N 401pff N 1 63 220 e2 02e I+i 11,11� 364,200 Zee 060 fa 1000 eae 163 e4 622 q e22 1 r 1�00 42e707 30,263 61,461 12 000 10 oeo t 66 4e7 e6 267 *4+1 44156e a67 no 2e Soo 20 ele r 4,00a ee let 6e 9e1 t 1g0 4N,016 12 000 10 0e0 W fi0 60 {106 68706 N 01e677 601 371 1.N0 601276 4a 464 0fJ12 SM 630 164 % 'r� 300400 j �6,Ne 40e 4e0 370452 40 672 4 03e , f 0e 602 e23 020 504 e4e 1/ 4 631 124 611,210 110.oN 736 613 eagle 1 4e 872 i y 0 34305 34 3061 q 31000 310001' 0 36 000 3e wo I 11f 0 I1 30 000 30 000 0 42 000 42 000 q , Fri 2102774 17 2 see 1 1 1 1 1 ON 2870020f34 I 03000 09750 ; , 10(1 63 000 233 066 eo T60 aIm , 74 794 00 724 306 0e0 70,20a { 23,i4at 230.2471 M746 63 124 3a Tom 7 03724 70.03 / 4 w 724 70.=? 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S M 22 t d" `_1 D TERR c Community and Economic Development " Department � S • r S /� V T STAFF REPOR j/jj /�]2 j v yr F iT { n n T _` • n ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X ) REQUIRED MEETING DATE June 11, 1998 NO FUNDING REQUIRED _X_ BRSP-98-01-A3 / Z-98-01 / GP-98-01 / E-97-09 1) Amending the Barton Road Specific Plan as follows a) to allow exception to special standards within the Master Plan Area No 4 in relation to budding location, and b) inclusion of nurseries and garden supply uses within the Village Commercial district. 2) Amending the Zoning and Barton Road Specific Plan Map designations from RI-7 2 to BRSP-VC 3) Amending the General Plan Land Use Map, and General Plan Map Table VI-1 4) Associated Negative Declaration The subject amendments are associated with the construction and operation of a 16,702 square foot full service pharmacy and garden center with a drive-thru pharmacy facility located at 22524 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 TION Approval of Ordinance for Subject Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, and Negative Declaration Y The purpose of the Zone Change and General Plan Amendment is to facilitate the development of a freestanding Rite Aid Pharmacy with a drive-thru facility, and the elimination of blight created by an existing vacant commercial property and structure Seven (7) application procedures, plus 2 map amendments are required for the approval of this project not including plan check of working drawings While the required zoning and General Plan amendments do not have a negative impact on the implementation of the Barton Road Specific Plan, the architecture will serve as a prototype for future development in the area, and the tenant itself is a great asset to the community of Grand Terrace May 21, 1998, the Planning Commission approved the Site and Architecture Review to build and operate a 16,702 ire foot full service pharmacy, a Determination of Use, and a Conditional Use Permit application to operate a pharmacy e-thru (SA-98-05/CUP-98-03, and E-98-02) In addition, the Planning Commission recommended approval for the ect Zone Changes and General Plan Amendments 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, California 92313-OW A"MN1[PD commercial zoned property at the northeast corner of Barton Road and Mt Vernon Ave, a zoning map and BRSP map amendment is required The applicant is requesting to rezone the two (2) Single Family residential zoned _ lots (RI-7 2) to Village Commercial within the Barton Road Specific Plan Subarea (BRSP-VC) lease refer to attached Zoning Map and Baton Road Specific Plan Map which illustrates the proposed map changes (Zoning Map, Attachment - G of the Planning Commission Report) Color maps were distributed to you on May 18th as part of the Planning Commission packet. Transparencies showing zone changes will be presented at the meeting I Amendment to the General Plan Land Use Map f Before a Zoning Map and Specific Plan Map can be amended it must be consistent with the Crty's General Plan Land Use Map For this reason the General Plan Land Use Map must be amended Rezoning includes changing the General Plan designation of two (2) Low Density Residential zoned lots (LDR) to General Commercial zoning (GC) Please refer to General Plan Land Use Map which illustrates the GP Land Use Map change (GP Land Use Map Attachment - H of the Planning Commission Report) II Amendment to the General Plan Text. The change to the General Plan Map alters the "General Plan Land Use Map Acreage Breakdown" in Table VI-1 of the Grand Terrace General Plan Reclassification of the two (2) Low Density Residential (LDR) properties to General Commercial (GC) change each land use acreage respectively by less than a half acre ( 49 acre) The existing acreage for LDR is 999 acres After amendment the LDR will be 998 51 The existing acreage for GC is 153 11 acres After the amendment the GC will be 153 6 acres These changes are minor and insignificant, and do not alter the percentage of the land use acreage tabulation, will not significantly reduce the housing stock in the City, nor have negative cumulative impacts (Please refer to the amended General Plan Land Use Map Table VI-1, Attachment - L of the Planning Commission Report) 9 or more detailed information on the proposed pharmacy project, please reference your Planning Commission Packet dated May 21, 1998 Item Number 3 for Planning Commission Report on the subject. Community and Economic Development Department and the Plannmg Commission recommend the City Council ove the aforementioned Zone Change and General Plan Amendment Ordinance and Negative Declaration contained in (Attachment - 1) 3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN OF SAID CITY IN BRSP-98-01-A3, AMENDING THE PLAN AS FOLLOWS:1) TO ALLOW EXCEPTION TO SPECIAL STANDARDS WITHIN THE MASTER PLAN AREA NO. 4 IN RELATION TO BUILDING LOCATION; and 2) INCLUSION OF NURSERIES AND GARDEN SUPPLY USES WITHIN THE VILLAGE COMAMRCIAL DISTRICT, AND IN Z-98-01 AMENDING THE ZONING AND BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN MAP DESIGNATIONS FROM R1- 7.2 TO BRSP-VC, AND IN GP-98-01 AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP AND GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP TABLE VI-1, AND IN E-98-02 AN ASSOCIATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, FILED BY JOVAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is located in the Grand Terrace Redevelopment area, and WHEREAS, the JOVAL Development Company has initiated the proposed amendments, and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission during their meeting on May 21, 1998 recommend approval to the City Council of said amendments, and WHEREAS, the project requires a Negative Declaration per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and WHEREAS, the following findings have been set forth in the Staff Report to the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Terrace, California 1 The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan FACTS The exceptions to the Apecial requirements of Master Plan Area No 4. and inclusion of Nurseries and Garden Supply uses within the Barton Road Specific Plan proposal is consistent with the General Plan Goal for Community Development and Commercial Use which is, "Maintenance and continued development of Grand Terrace's established commercial areas, and encouragement of new commercial development " 1 ATTACHMENT -1 Ordinance and Negative Declaratior FACTS The proposed amendments to the Barton Road Specific Plan will not in and of itself create any adverse impacts to affect the public health, safety and welfare of the surrounding property owners All future development plans will be required to comply with all applicable health, building and zoning codes NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section 1 Barton Road Specific Plan Chapter III, page III-19 of the BRSP section (d), Master Plan No 4 (for Exhibit VI), subtitled Master Plan Area No 4, is hereby amended to read as follows d Master Plan Area No 4 Master Plan Area No 4 encompasses what is identified as the "Village Activity Node" and includes 1 Street adjacent buildings - 2 Corner setbacks - 3 Vehicular access - the nearest intersection Exception. In the event the separation of a "master development plan" as required on page 111-5 is not feasible do to lack Qf integrated development potential on a4otntn arcel(s). implementation of the above mentioned special provisions (a and (� could be reevaluated If a,finding can be made that there is no potential for integrated development. a building may be setback from the street right -okay, I this finding can be made, the developer shall be required to install a structure that incorporates Barton Road S2ecrf c Plan design guidelines at the intersection to the greatest extent possible which identifies the area as a "Village Actiyt Node " Section 2 Barton Road Specific Plan Chapter III, Section D - Land Use Regulations, Table 1 - Land Use Matrix, Village Commercial Uses is hereby amended to read as follows 3 Vacant LAND USE Acres % of land Acres % Total % Total in City City Rural Land/Open Space Hillside Overlay (HOS) 132 6% 151 34% 7% Total Rural Land/ Open Space 132 6% 151 34% 7% Low Density Residential (LDR) 998.51 45% 6324 14% 3% Hillside Overlay (HLDR) 108 5% 10849 25% 5% Total Low Density Residential 1 1. 06.51 50% 17173 39% 8% Medium Density Residential (MDR) 172 8% 1148 3% 5% General Commercial (GC) 153.6 7% 5852 14% 2 6% Office Professional (OC) 29 1% 727 2% 3% Light Industrial (I) 1555 7% 3772 9% 2% Flood Plain Overlay 32 1 % 0 0% Total Industrial 1875 8% 3772 9% 2% Public 79 3%, - - - Street and Highways 353 16% - - - TOTAL: 2,2126 100% 43772 100% 20% Section 7 Development decisions shall be based on the Barton Road Specific Plan standards as incorporated and adopted by Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace Section 8 Effective Date This ordinance shall be in full force and effect at 12 01 a in on the 31 st day of its adoption Section 9 Posting The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be posted in three (3) public places within fifteen (15) days of its adoption, as designated for such purpose by the City Council k, Community and Economic Development Department Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration is hereby filed on the below referenced project, on the basis that said project will not have a significant effect on the environment DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: E-98-02 / SA-98-05 / CUP-98-03 / GP-98-01 / Z-98-01 / BRSP-98-01-A3, Site and Architectural Review and Conditional Use Permit to build and operate a 16,702 square foot full service pharmacy with drive-thru, amendment to the Barton Road Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment (Land Use Map and Acreage Chart respectively), and Zone Change (Zoning Map) to convert two adjacent residential R 1-7 2 lots to General Commercial (GC) and Barton Road Specific Plan Village Commercial (BRSP-VC) respectfully, and Environmental Review APPLICANT: Joval Development Company on behalf of Rite Aide Corporation TION: 22524 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 G OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS: on the attached Initial Study, there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a :ant Impact on the environment ?atnma Materassi Date �ommumty and Economic Development Director ;ity of Grand Terrace am 1m . \wp61%- \phm=glenv\e9W2.md 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 - (909) 824-6621 i <�r West Small retail commercial shopping center on a Commercial zoned lot (BRSP-VCR a 10 Other agencies whose approval is required (e g , permits, financing approval, or participation agreement) Grand Terrace Building and Safety/Public Department City Engineer San Bernardino County Fire Department Riverside Highland Water Company Southern California Edison Transportation Consultant Environmental Factors Potentially Affected: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one unpact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages O Land Use and Planning O Transportation/Circulation O Public Services O Population and Housing O Biological Resources O Utilities and Services Systems O Geological Problems O Energy and Mineral Resources O Aesthetics O Water O Hazards O Cultural Resources O Air Quality O Noise O Recreation O Mandatory Findings of Significance Determination: On the basis of this initial evaluation (To be completed by the Lead Agency) I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared ❑ I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared ❑ 1 find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a "potentially significant unpact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated " An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed ❑ I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are unposed upon the proposed projecL 10 � 2gea Da Patnzia Matetassi Community and Economic Development Director Pnnted Name Title — Community and Economic Development Department 2 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis 01 es (and Support Information Sources) Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated I. and Use and Planning. Would the proposal a) Conflict with general Flan designation or zonin¢9 O (Source # of General Plan, VI-8 Commercial, Zoning Map, BRSP District) b Conflict with applicable environmental plans or O policies adopted by agencies with junsdiction over the project9 ( ) c Be incompatible with existing land use in the vicinity9 O (Zoning District Map, BRSP-VC Zoning Regulations m Zoning Code) d) Affect agricultural resources or operations (e g , O impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses)9 ( ) e) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an O established community (including a low-income or minority community)9 ( ) Community and Economic Development Department 4 O O ■ O O ■ O O ■ O O ■ 0 O ■ Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Al (and Support Information Sources) Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated Population and Housing. Would the proposal Cumulatively exceed official regional or local O O ❑ population projections9 ( ) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or O O O J indirectly (e g through projects to an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)9 ( ) Displace existing housing, especially affordable O O O J housing9 ( ) explanation to answer 11 The proposed General Plan Land Use and Zoning Amendments for the construction of a 16,702 square foot retail commercial building for a full service pharmacy with drive-thru located on a 151 acre site (after the lot merger of 4 lots) will not result in the above mentioned impacts The existing homes on the two northerly lots will be demolished and merged with the commercial property at the corner of Mt Vernon and Barton Road The demolition of these two 1,300 square feet homes built in the 1940's is considered insignificant to the environment, and will not generate significant impacts on the area's human population Per CEQA Categorical Exemptions Section 15301(IXI� demolition of and removal of up to three single family residences may demolished under this exemption Geologic Problems. Would the proposal result in or pose people to potential impacts involving 11) Fault rupture'? (General Plan MEA/EIR - ES-4) O O O 1 b) Seismic ground shaking7(GP MEA/EIR-U-1) O O O c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction (GP MEA/EIR - U-1) d) Seiches, tsunami, or volcanic haZard7 (GP MEA/EIR O O O } II-1) e) Landslides or mudflows7 (GP MEA/EIR II-1) ❑ O O _ f) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil O O O conditions from excavation, grading, or fill'? (GP MEA/EIR II-20) g) Subsidence of the land? (GP MEA/EIR II-1, Append O O O h) B) Expansive soils (GP MEA/EIR II-1, Append B4) O O _ O I) Umque geologic or physical features9 (GP MEA/EIR O O O II-1) Community and Economic Development Department 6 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis I.1 V� (and Support Information Sources) Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated f explanation to answer IV The proposed General Plan Land Use -and Zoning Amendments for the construction of a 16,702 square foot retail commercial building for a full service pharmacy with drive-thru located on a 1 S 1 acre site (after the lot merger of 4 lots) will not result in the above mentioned impacts No drainage facilities are associated with this project and only minor run off associated with rain is expected The project includes minor grading for a small parking lot, and drive-thru Existing domestic water service will be used for landscaping and office/drug store Air Quality. Would the proposal Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an 0 O O ■ existing or projected air quality violation (GP MEAIEIR II-14, and AQMP) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants7 O ■ Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause O 0 O ■ any change in climate9 () Create objectionable odors9 () O O 0 ■ brief explanation to answer V The proposed General Plan Land Use and Zoning Amendments for the construction of a 16,702 square foot retail commercia. building for a full service pharmacy with drive-thru located on a 15 1 acre site (after the lot merger of 4 lots) will not result m the above mentioned impacts Community and Economic Development Department 8 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis (and Support Information Sources) H. Biological Resources. Would the proposal result in ipacts to Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant Impac Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated 0 Endangered, threatened, or rare species or their habitats O O O (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds)) (GP MEVEIR II-20, Append C) b) Locally designated species (e g , heritage trees)9 (GP O O O c) MEA/EIR II-20) Locally designated natural communities (e g , oak O O O forest, coastal habitat, etc )7 (GP MEA/EIR II-20) 0 d) Wetland habitat (e g, marsh, riparian, and vernal O 0 e) pool)9 ( ) Wildlife dispersal or migration comdors7 (GP O 0 0 MEA/EIR II-20) Bnef explanation to answer VII The proposed General Plan Land Use and Zoning Amendments for the construction of a 16,702 square foot retail commem building for a full service pharmacy with drive-thru located on a 151 acre site (after the lot merger of 4 lots) will not result u the above mentioned impacts VIII. Energy and Mineral Resources. Would the proposal a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? (GP MEA/EIR U-19, and Append D) _ b) Use non-renewable resources m a wasteful and 0 0 0 inefficient manner9 c) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral 0 O O resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? (GP MEA/EIR II-19, and Append B) Brief explanation to answer VIII The proposed General Plan Land Use and Zoning Amendments for the construction of a 16,702 square foot retail commercial building for a full service pharmacy with drive-thru located on a 1 51 acre site (after the lot merger of 4 lots) will not result in the above mentioned impacts. Community and Economic Development Department 10 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis Issu --n (and Support Informatton Sources) Potentially Potentially Less than No Signtfcant Significant Significant impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated Public Services. Would the proposal have an effect n, or result in a need for new or altered government ,ices in any of the following areas Fire protection ( ) O 0 O Police protection ( ) O O O Schools9 ( ) 0 O O Maintenance of public facilities, including roads9 () O O 0 Other governmental services'? ( ) O 0 explanation of answer XI The proposed General Plan Land Use and Zoning Amendments for the construction of a 16,702 square foot retail commercial building for a full service pharmacy with drive-thru located on a 1 S 1 acre site (after the lot merger of 4 lots) will not result in the above mentioned impacts Utilities and Services Systems. Would the proposal in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial rations to the following utilities Power or natural gas) (GP MEA/EIR II-32, II-33) O O O li Communications systems? (GP MEA/EIR II-33) O O O Local or regional water treatment or distribution O O O facilities'? (GP MEA/EIR II-30) Sewer or septic tanks9 (GP MEA/EIR II-30) O O O Storm water dramage9 (GP MEA/EIR II-33) Solid waste disposal9 (GP MEVEIR II-32) O O O �� ;) Local or regional water supplies? (GP MEA/EIR II- 30) rief explanation of answer XII The proposed General Plan Land Use and Zoning Amendments for the construction of a 16,702 square foot retail commercial building for a full service pharmacy with drive-thru located on a 151 acre site (after the lot merger of 4 lots) will not result ui the above mentioned impacts Community and Economic Development Department 12 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis (asad Support Information Sources) Recreation. Would the proposal Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant Impac. Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional O 0 O ■ parks or other recreational facilities9 (GP MEA/EIR II-21) b i Affect existing recreational opportumties9 (GP O O O ■ N EA/EIR II-21) Beof explanation to answer XV The proposed General Plan Land Use and Zoning Amendments for the construction of a 16,702 square foot retail commercial building for a full service pharmacy with drive-thru located on a 1 S 1 acre site (after the lot merger of 4 lots) will not result in the above mentioned impacts Community and Economic Development Department 14 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis -�4 (and Support Information Sources) Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant impae► Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated explanation to answers W The proposed General Plan Land Use and Zoning Amendments for the construction`of a 16,702 square foot retail commercial building for a full service pharmacy with drive-thru located on a 151 acre site (after the lot merger of 4 lots) will not result in the above mentioned impacts This project will create no significant impact. There are no physical or potential improvements to significantly alter or affect long-term environmental goals The site at the comer of Barton Road and Mt Vernon already contains a vacant 13,000 square feet commercial retail building which will be demolished and lot merged with to northerly parcels to allow additional parking and dnve-thru circulation, as well as a buffer between the project and residential uses to the north There is no threat to fish or wildlife at this location Both in the long term and short term, the project will enhance a major comer of the Village Commercial district which has been abandoned for approximately 15 years, and help stimulate the local economy a possible fuel addition commercial and office development in the BRSP During the construction noise generation is likely to occur and inconvenience the nearby residential, however careful monitoring of construction hours and practices should reduce impacts to less than significant. No long term environmental goals would be compromised by this proposed project The project excluding the two residential properties, basically consists of replacing and old abandoned commercial building with a new structure of substantially the same size, purpose, and capacity (per CEQA Categorical Exemption Section 15302 - Replacement or Reconstruction) Community and Economic Development Department 16 Initial Study and Environmental Analysts (and Support Information Sources) Au�ltonty Public Resources Code Sections 21083 and 21087 Re erences Public Resources Code Sections 21080(c), 21080 1 21080 3, 21082 1, 21 83, 21083 3, 21093, 21094, 21151, Sunstrom v County of Mendocino, 202 .App 3d 296 (1983), Leonoff v Monterey Board of Supervisors, 22 Cal App 3d 13,.7 (1990) c 1wp6K \p1anning\environ\e9802 is Commtuuty and Economic Development Department Potentially Potentially Less than No Significant Significant Significant Impact Impact Unless Impact Mitigation Incorporated 18 Initial Study and Environmental Analysis The zoning for the surround properties to the north and eas are located in R1-7 2, and properties to the south and east are located in the Barton Road Specific Plan Village Commercial overlay distract (BRSP-VC) (Refer to Attachment - G, Zoning Distract Map) The General Plan Land Use designation for the subject parcels are as follows O 22524 Barton Road is located m the General Commercial (GC) O 12065 Mt Vernon Ave and 12070 Arliss Dr is located m the Low Density Residential (LDR) (Refer to Attachment - H, General Plan Land Use Map) BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Director's Note 'ibis section of the report is to provide the Planning Commission with information on project background, code requirements, outside agency comments, staff development review process, and negotiations with applicant over past two months On March 23, 1998 JOVAL Development Company, on behalf of the current property owners and Rite Aide Corporation, submitted an application to construct a 16,702 square foot full service Rite Aide Pharmacy with a Dnve-Thru Pharmacy facility All parties involved are currently m escrow pending project approval from the City of Grand Terrace The proposal includes four (4) parcels with a combined total of approximately 15 acres After project approval and prior to issuance of building permits the applicants will merge the subject parcels into one single parcel Joval Development Company has also be given preliminary design approval with a long term lease from Rite Aide Corporation contingent on the City's approval for the new facility location. The largest of the four sites currently contains an abandoned 13,000 square foot commercial building with no on -site landscaping and poor circulation, and has been abandoned for approximately 14 years The two houses associated with this project were built m 1954 with 1,100 and 1,500 square feet respectively All structures will be demolished as part of the proposed project. From a positive perspective this project will eliminate an abandoned commercial structure that has been an eye sore for City residents and businesses This fact was supported by a survey conducted in 1997 The Chamber of Commerce Business Development Committee was tristrumental along with Community and Economic Development Department Staff for initial contacts and development of this project,. 2 The Barton Ri A Specific Plan requires Land Use Buffering when a commercial development is adjacent to any residential zoned To meet this requirement the applicant is proposing a 10 foot landscaped setback along the northern and eastern property lines, and an eight (8) foot high split faced concrete block wall is proposed for the northern property line This wall will be lowered to three (3) feet high in the front set back area of the existing house on Mt Vernon Ave Because the house on Arliss Dr will be impacted by the noise generated by the loading area and trash collection, an eight (8) foot high wall is recommended for at least 22 feet of the front yard setback area requirement. The trash enclosure is placed at the end of the loading dock to help block noise generation down Minam Way Architecture JOVAL Development Company has come a long way from its original concept promoted by Rite Aide Corporation which is no more than a "square box" with diamond shaped windows similar to an industrial type building The Barton Road Specific Plan discourages "square box" type architecture with long blank walls and no pedestrian amenities The applicant has incorporated many of the Barton Road Specific Plan Architectural Design principles related to the basic quality of commercial building architecture, color, and scale Some of the architectural treatments include multi -planed pitched roofs, and, vaned heights so it appears to be divided into distinct massing elements Color and change of material was used to articulate the different parts of the building vertically and horizontally Extensive amount of "used" red brick and river rock is used around the building entrance and around the base of the entire building A tower over the store entrance helps to identify the "cape cod" architectural style and is the focal point of the store's architecture and will be used to display the "Rite Aide" wall signs The tower also serves to direct customers towards the south west comer of the building which is a Rite Aide Corporation design utilized on all new Rite Aide buildings Another feature desired Rite Aide, is the diamond shaped windows along the east, south, and west facing walls, except the box windows with shutters which are used to compliment the massing elements at the southeast and northwest building corners. Charcoal colored flat concrete roof tiles will be used on the architectural massing around the buildmgs entrance Tan colored flat concrete roof tiles will be used on the massing located at the northwest and southeast corner of the building As presented, the architecture of the building will serve as a prototype for the Barton Road unique cape cod style and will be an asset to the City Color and material samples will be available at the Planning Commission Meeting 4 and egress The driveway on Barton Road will be posted with a."no left turn" gn to avoid conflicts with west bound traffic entering the Barton Road left turn lane In addition, an "exist only" sign will be posted on the Arliss Drive driveway to decrease the amount of traffic utilizing Arliss Drive Patrons utilizing the drive-thru facility will be able to negotiate a u-tum back into the parking lot to shop without leaving the site if for some reason the pharmacy is unable to serve them in a timely manner (BRSP Chapter IV (Fx2)) Currently the City is evaluating a Traffic Impact Fee ordinance and as a standard condition of approval the developer will be required to pay such fee when ordinance is adopted at a certain maximum range amount. The City also has adequate Right -of Way around the project site and in the event the Level of Service (LOS) at the intersection of Mt Vernon and Barton Road declines the City reserves the right to install a raised median, an additional turning lane, and/or bus turn -out respectively The project does not cause or generate trips to be required to install such improvements Pedestrian Amenities As mentioned earlier a Pedestrian Amenities Bonus for parking credit was incorporated in µ the project This amenity is also used to reduce the impact of a BRSP amendment to the Village Activity Node which requires buildings to be no more than S feet from street right-of-way lines, architecturally provide mass and balance with the building across the street, and encourage pedestrian use This pedestrian amenity will be one of the City's bicycle staging areas It includes a 1,036 square foot area at the southwest corner of the property which includes a gazebo, concrete benches, landscape planters, dnnkmg fountain, bicycle rack, and trash receptacle In addition, the pedestrian area includes a City monument sign and extensive use concrete pavers similar to those requued in other proposed staging areas A stamped concrete sidewalk will connect public sidewalk to entry of building Signs A sign program for the site is under development and will be presented at the Planning Commission Meeting Signs illustrated on the elevation plans are preliminary only 6 vehicles per hour, there exists an average P ,nin ites time allowed per vehicle in order to service all vehicles arriving in one hour Kimley-Horn and Associates also conducted field observations at existing Rite Aide facihties and revealed a maximum staclung of 2 vehicles in a queue at the worst peak time The proposed drive-thru as designed will allow a total of seven (7) stacked cars without affecting site circulation Based on this information it appears that the drive-thru facility will not generate adverse impacts Dnve-thru Customer Service Service rates at the drive-thru window depend on several factors Customers at the window may drop-off, pick-up, or wart for a prescription to be filled In cases where the pharmacist is not busy, and there are no other vehicles in the dnve-thru lane, the pharmacist will fill the prescription while the customer waits. However, if the pharmacist is too busy to fill order while the customer waits (or if cars are stacked into parking lot), the customer may be asked to return at a later time to pick- up their prescription. This is Rite Aide Policy The proposed project is estimated to generate between 1,252 (Table-1 below) to 1,411 (Table-2 below) Average Daily Trips (ADT) Managers of the a nearby Rite Aide Store located on Washington Street in the City of Colton said that an estimated 100 customers visit the store daily (this number increases during holidays and special sales) That fact is well below the estimates generated from the sources listed below m table 1 and 2 Table -1 Average Daily Trips (ADT) Source AQMD - Trip Reduction Ordinance Handbook - 1993 1 trip = (origin to destination and destination to ongm) Land Use Average Unit Estimated ADT Trip (Gross budding (Generation Rate) Generation Square square x (Building area Rite per Footage) footage /Unit) unit (areak (Default Valise) General Commercial -VC 75 1,000 16,700 1 1,252 ADT 8 C, �f Rite Aide is estimating to have ten (10) employees per shift which could potentially generate 30 employees In addition, every new job created is estimated to support just under half a job elsewhere in the County and City Based on the California Department of Commerce Job Multiplier Sheets for various industries, it is estimated that the pharmacy project with 30 newjobs would generate 10 other jobs in the County and City (Source Impact of New Jobs - Using Multipliers to Measure Benefits, Published by the Office of Economic Research, California Department of Commerce for Retail) Four (4) local Jobs would be created by the employees' consumer spending locally 1) Building location within the Master Plan Area Number A. The subject site is located within the Barton Road Specific Plan Master Plan Area Number 4 identified as the "Village Activity Node" and includes the four corners of the intersection of Barton Road and Mt Vernon Ave The following special provisions apply within the Master Plan Area 4 (also refer to attached Exhibit VII from the BRSP, Attachment -n a Street adjacent buildings - Buildings and/or additions shall be located no more than S feet from street right-of-way lines to the greatest extent possible b Corner setbacks - Special comer setback areas are required for buildings adjacent to intersection corners Setback area should provide landscaping and hadscaping that encourage pedestrian use c Vehicular access - All vehicle access points shall be located at least 100 feet from the nearest intersection. The proposed amendment includes changes to the text in Chapter III, page III-19 of the BRSP section (d), Master Plan No 4 The proposed text amendment will read as follows 10 c1 r river rock and lattice structure In addition, the proposed garden center is an ancillary type product associated with Rite Aide services and products The proposed amendment includes a special note that all nurseries and garden supply stores located in the BRSP-Village Commercial District shall be of a small scale, and ancillary to the main products or services provided in keeping with the pedestrian emphasis of the Village Commercial District. The proposed amendment includes changes to Barton Road Specific Plan Chapter III, Section D - Land Use Regulations, Table 1 - Land Use Matrix, Village Commercial Uses The proposed text amendment will read as follows General Village Office / Commerct2l(2x6) Commercal(2x1) Profewional(2x6) (Subarea 1) (Subarea 2) (Subarea 3) Retail Commercial Uses Nurseries and Garden Supply P P Stores within enclosed area1.,17 Notes 01 Nurseries and garden sypply stores lowed in the BRSP- VQ99 Commercial District shall be Qfa smail scale. and anciHiza to 1he main _p—roducls or services provided in kegging with the pedestrian eMphasts Qf the Village Commerc 1) As a result of the applicant's development proposal to merge two residential lots with the existing commercial zoned property at the northeast comer of Barton Road and Mt Vernon Ave, a zoning map and BRSP map amendment is required The applicant is requesting to rezone the two (2) Single Family residential zoned lots (R1-7 2) to Village Commercial within the Barton Road Specific Plan Subarea (BRSP-VC) Please refer to attached Zoning Map and Barton Road Specific Plan Map which illustrates the proposed map changes (Zoning Map, Attachment - G) 12 City Engineer The City Engineer's memorandum to the Community and Economic Development Director dated Apn12, 1998 (Attachment - B) Please note that condition number 1, requinng under grounding of utility lines in the public right-of-way is impractical at this tune and will no longer be required San Bernardino County Fire Department, The San Bernardino County Fire Department's letter to applicant dated Apn12,1998 (Attachment - C) Southern- California Edison The Southern California Edison letter to the City dated March 31, 1998 (Attachment - D) Tran rtation Engineenng and Planning Consultant The Transportation Engineering and Planning Consultant to the Community and Economic Development Director dated March 30, 1998 (Attachment - E) Director's Note* ibis section of the report is to request Planning Commission inputhesohition of unresolved issues. Unresolved issues are conditions of approval which reflect either City Codes, reviewing agency continents, and/or development review conditions applicant is not agreeable to, and staff has no authority to waive, or staff does not feel comfortable accepting applicant's solution These issues are the ones the Planning'Commission should be most concerned with Other project items the Planning Commission should try to understand the facts which underluied staff resolutions through the development review process, and try as much as possible to compliment the process There are no Unresolved Issues in the project. Staff is in full support of project as conditioned and based on research and information provided m this report. Applicant has cooperated and met all code requirements, design review recommendations, and responsible outside reviewing agencies concerns 14 S Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Building and Safety/Public Works memorandum to the Community and Economic Development Director dated April 9, 1998 with exception of B1, 136, and B7 of said recommendations (Attachment - A) 6 Compliance with all recommendations listed mn the City Engineer's memorandum to the Community and Economic Development Duector dated April 2, 1998 with exception of number 1 of said recommendations (Attachment - B) 7 Compliance with all recommendations listed in the San Bernardino County Fire Department's letter to applicant dated Apn12, 1998 (Attachment - C) 8 Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Southern California Edison letter to the City dated March 31,1998 (Attachment - D) 9 Compliance with all recommendations listed in the Transportation Engmneenng and Planning Consultant to the Community and Economic Development Director dated March 30, 1998 (Attachment - E) 10 Awnings to be of a canvas or similar type matenal Plastic/vinyl material awnings or back lighting shall not be permitted 11 Developer shall pay Traffic Impact Fee whenever the fee is installed by the City mn the amount of S 10,000 12 (TCM B(1)) Install three (3) bike racks near the entrance of the store 13 (Env Review Mitigation - VI, Transportation/Circulation) Parking Credits In the event of future parking problems due to approved parking credits, the applicant/tenant shall implement appropnate TCMs to reduce such impacts An example of a TCM is but not limited to, provisions for delivery services to residents, seniors, and/or employment centers in the vicinity 14 Any significant expansion or changes of use shall be reviewed by the appropnate City agencies Additional permits or amendments to the Site and Architectural Review/Conditional Use Penmt may be necessary 15 Applicant shall provide a landscape and irrigation plan for Community and Economic Development Department and Building and Safety approval pnor to issuance of any bwldumg permits 16 Applicant shall provide a grading and drainage plan for Community and Economic 16 Director's Note 1) Review staff report and data provided to back up staff recommendation, 2) should a Commissioner feel data provided is not sufficient to justify approval please contact staff prior to the meeting so data can be assembled per your desire, 3) should the Commission feel comfortable with data provided, description of negotiations with applicant, and conditions of approval, than the role of the Planning Commission is to support Staffs recommendations Revisions or additions to conditions are included in this option, and 4) the Planning Commission also has the options to deny or continue the proposal Ilose options are not recommended by staff, therefore there is no mfo provided to back up these options. Should the Plannmg Commission desire to deny or continue proposal, then Planning Commission's role is to all or request staff to provide such information information will be provided for this meeting in the event contact is made with staff early and case load permits, or it will be provided by next meeting The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning Commission 1) Approve SA-98-05, and MD-98-02 for the construction and operation of a full service pharmacy and support the determination determined that the proposed uses are similar in intent, nature, and tntensity with other uses in the district. The uses are compatible with the Barton Road Specific Plan Village Commercial core area and will be an asset to the City, and 2) Approval CUP-98-03 for the construction and operation of a 24 hour drive-thru pharmacy facility by approving attached resolution (Attachment - M)„and 3) Recommend to the City Council approval of the attached Ordinance (Attachment - N) and associated Negative Declaration subject to conditions of approval contained herein as GP-98-01, Z-98-01, BRSP-98-01-A3, and E-98-02 18 APR 2 U WS itEG19 For 4D APR ee a; 0A. 11 1 P �``� Q1&H 110'- DEPARTMENT OF RU LD(NG do SAFETY [� PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING Cd 22795 Barton Road Suite B Grand Terrace hfor*ua 92313-5295 Civic Center (909)825-3825 Fax (909) 825-7506 _ 12-8 5296 - 12 579 MEMORANDUM l TO Patnzia Materassi, Community Development Director FROM Virgil Barham, Director of Building and Safety/Public Works DATE April 9, 1998 SUBJECT. 22524 Barton Road - C U-P 98-03/SA-98-05 - Jovel Corporation - Rite -Aide The following recommendations should be considered as conditions of approval for the proposed project A On -site - Provide the Following 1 Title Report. 2 Preliminary soils report. 3 Asbestos abatement certification 4 Approved grading plan 5 Removal of existing abandoned underground facilities such as septic tanks 6 Comply with A D.A requirements 7 Provide complete set of building plans B ' Offsite - Provide street improvement plans to show the following /i' Underground existing overhead utilities on Mt. Vernon and Barton Road 2 Installation of undersidewalk drains per San Bernardino County Standard Drawing 210 and 210A. 3 Installation of standard ornamental street lights on Mt. Vernon, Barton Road and Arliss 4 Relocate existing utility pole at north end of project on Mt. Vernon 5 / Install curb taper on Mt Vernon north end of project. N Construct nght turn lane on Barton Road at Mt. Vernon from Barton 01 / Road entrance west with a 25 foot radius curb return Move entrance east approximately 10 feet. Construct bus turn -out on Barton Road between Arliss Drive and Barton Road entrance See attached plan. 8 Widen exit driveway on Arliss Drive. Page 1 of 2 Attachment A - Building and Safety/Pubhc Work and Housing Conditions Page 1 of 2 '-11 1Tr 5 Barton Road Grand Terrace is 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 824-6621 (909) 783-7629 (909)783-2600 Iron R Matteson Mayan Dan Buchanan Mayor Pro Tempm Herman Hilkey Jim Smgley Lee Ann Garcia Cm=lMembea ' homas J Schwab II City Marmon MEMORANDUM TO: Patrisia Materassi, Community Development Director FROM: William H. Addington, City Engineer DATED: April 2, 1998 REVISED: April 23, 1998 FILE NO.: CUP-98-03/SA-98-05/OP-98-01/2-98-01/ BRSP-98-01-A30/MD-98-02/E-98-02 APPLICANT: Joval Development Company PROJECT: Rite Aid Pharmacy, 22524 Barton Road In accordance with your request, I have examined the preliminary site plans for this project. I have also made a field review of the site and offer the following comments and recommendations: utility lines along Mt. Vernon Avenue and Arliss Drive should be placed underground and all poles removed. If this is unpractical at this time, I suggest the telephone and cable TV lines be placed underground now and power lines placed underground when arrangements can be made with Southern California Edison Company. 2. Commercial type sidewalks and handicap ramps should be constructed along all street frontages. 3. The block walls along the Northerly property line should be high enough to protect the neighboring residences from noise and lighting intrusion. 4. The Mt. Vernon Avenue driveway at the Northwest corner of the site will be the only entrance for all traffic except the westbound Barton Road flow. In order to accommodate Southbound entering and exiting Mt. Vernon Avenue traffic the existing double yellow striped island should be removed or modified. The curb transition at the Northwest corner of the site should be lengthened to provide a 5:1 taper. 5. The Barton Road driveway will serve as entrance and exit for Westbound traffic only. An appropriate relocation for the existing bus stop should be found. Attachment B - City Engineer Condtttons ArA-ZT-Vw 96•40 rr1 W W W � - NTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IMA17r SAFETY WS10% Moth Arrowhead Avenue Ttwd Flow • San Sernarlino CA 92e16 0178 1 347 $372 • Fos t11031 367 4342 D,kTL April27 1999 REL1SED 1U`rAL UCYCLOPMCKT CO $71, RFPn%AM LA I IABRA 11E1GHTS, CA 90631 RE CL P 91 Ol'-,Ai 9144 LCK A 1 lQh 22 t:1 U 4.R rUh RUAU BRAND 1 LMACL PROIFCT TYPF PHARMACY 1'1 ANNl K !l. A F t Naar %pplicani COUMTY OF SAN UA%AKNO RICHARD W SML. fire Chet Pn RIV fire W Vlen w rh respect to the condit on% of approval regarding th. abt.ve .efetenced p-olect, the Sin Aemardano c aunty FirL lkpartmrnt r•.ontrrcnds the following fire protection rnea..um% it) bc, provided u% actordanx will, appl cab e'o.al ordwances, odes, and ni reeng-iiysd fire pri tc.Iac,•% standards ThL Fir. Np,etaw ilt as •tqt tried to cet 1 minimurn fire flew for d.%i lupmenl using the tan 1lem3rdino Cc only "("Tuid. 'or rKitrmming R►gtured 1 ire 11ow" lhis fornwli h v, csUblulied die required fire fow to h I'CO gpm fur d 2 hazer duration at 70 rA reaeual oper3ting pr burt. M- 14ater 3)steri and fire hydrant -.ball be m operating ►ordition xlun any too %bust Ut nta•erial is placed on the lob tide T)%L Poll, 4mg mlurmation of th+s tf,.0 initnf Ws forth Iht FIRL (UYI)///(),VS and (i(7/)FI!RF_Cwl ach a-e appliai to this Frolec+ / /RC C.UNDITION't F2 `Later syment designed to nee' the requir.tl lac t]oK of this &%.kFm.nl sftall bt, approved b) th. fire dep-irtment h: ving lunsdut un The developer chali fLri sh the fire dep,utment with two (21.opa.. or the wat,.-r ry%ten% unproremeni pla-ifor approval stater systems shall be.-ieratio ml and app•u.v-d by the fare de-,%ul w-ii praut to ncordanor o• any above grad< <omaruviivn mt urtirig Th. required Are fln% .hal' 6t, dcurnimcd a appropr ate cal.ulrurrm, w.rg the "Guldc far die Ntenninaiiun of Reyuuvd Fire l leiw %ew w,iwr ayst.nis %hall have mmirnurh ubhl (_) tri h maert, ux t(i) mch farerils, ands % (6) tact rncrs 17 Pn.0 to framing cons rut,Uon, approved fire h)dran a and Pao hydrant ra%enw-it marlten Sh011 be irstalled Fire hOrmuz shall be tiff (6) inch d vuctcr w th a mint-nma of one a ach and oec 2 12 inch conrovio„ a% tPecired by fr. dg4nment The des en of the 'rc hvdrl-it3 art fine h)drmd F.>•.mer%r marker; shall be approvcd b) the faro Depurtmtnt In area% where snow removal occur or non -paved rt,4d% exrct the bl,ic ntlWine hyd-an, mar<cr shall bit, poste% on as approvcd pt.s► ihrcc (31 °ee' from the hydrdni All fire h%drut spaung shall be three h indr.d t300; ►cet wr1- ite a\.eption ul singk fame ) %mecnti3 ,ivhi-Jh ma\ b. incremed to six hurdr.d 1,600) feet traxlnium Attachment C - San Bernardino County Fine Department Conditions Sp(,IMERti UUioRNI� EDISON City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 Attention Community Development Department SUBJECT CUP-98-03 Val Clemens for Joval Development Company March 31, 1998 Please be advised that the division of the property shown on CUP 98-03 will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any easements held by Southern California Edison Company within the boundaries of said map This letter should not be construed as a subordination of the Company's rights, title and interest in and to said easement(s), nor should this letter be construed as a waiver of any of the provisions contained in said easement(s) or a waiver of costs for relocation of any affected factlities In the event that the uevelopnient requires relocation of facilities, on the subject property, which facilities exist by right of casement or otherwise, the owner/developer will be requested to bear the cost of such relocation and provide Edison with suitable replacement rights Such costs and replacement rights are required poor to the performance of the relocation If additional information is required in connection with the above mentioned subject, please contact me at 714-934-M38 cc 1480 i ChLmnut St Uemmiftler CA 9-W i 803-817-3677 Fa% 714 434-CV i7 LISA SALINAS REAL PROPERTIES AND ADMIMSTRATIVE SERVICES Attachment D - Southern California Edison conditions Iftmaw • = •m r' a t %.r TABLE I, LAND USE MATRIX General wiage - Office/ C. (Subarea t) (Subarea 2) (Subarea 3 Retail Commercial Uses Anti ue Sho P P A arel Stores P P A Lance Stores and R r P Art, Music, and Photographic Studios p(1) and Su Stores P Athletic and Health Gyms and Weigrd C Reducin CGn�cs P Auto Sennce Station P Auto Related (including motorcycles, boats, traders, campers) a)Sales (with ancillary repair facildies in a totally enclosed area) b)Rentals P c Parts and Su lees Bakeries retail on P P Barber and Bea Sho s P P Bicycle Shops P P Blueprint and PhotocopySeances P P Book, Gift, Stationary Stores P (other than adult related mateng P Camera Shop (including processing) P P Candy and Confectioneries C P China and Glassware Stores P P Cleaning and Pressing Establishments C C Curtain and Drapery Shops P P Day Care Centers C C Delicatessens and Specialty Food Stores P P Pt�l nn in stems and Pharmacies P Farmers Markets P P Floor Covering Shops P Florist Shops P P Furniture Stores P Hardware Stores Attachment I - Barton Road Specific Plan Table l Land Use Matrix TABLE 1, L,ND _ A MAT= (coat.) General Village Offs Entertainment and Cultural Uses (Subarea 1) (Subarea 2) Sub Cultural/Artist Exhibits: La�M. Indoor gallery and an sales P fL P t_h1tA} -%w* a`..L:L la_ Offlee and Administrative Uses Banks, Finance Services and Medical/Dental Offices and Travel Agencies Public and Quazi Public Uses P- P it Private Scbools Associated with a Chi Notes: (1) Under 5J= square feet gross floor ar4a • (2) Outdoor la ys/uses sball take Place in front of business on site, winch have t approved with a conditional use permit. Under are allowed without conditional use permits (refer Develal opment eou ti r usesge (3) Permitted on the second floor o , except for three buildings a m, Page II (4) Permitted with no showroom faces ift P &S as noted 4 (S) Conditional Permit required for off sale of alcoholic beverages within 500 feet of a scb OtHce Professiooa! biu7 located at ` at 22545 Barton Road and Grand T rm v Road Terrace Tawee centu (��uda! b�u7dag)1ac remauung oeaters in the Y�llage S• ML Vernon AveOnue. Other aBuMW cr V'diage ConamercW Subarea based on ease -by -case criteria as App sane from street, economic hardship plus high vacant►, to be va&bifty of pal to Mn Cm.om BARTON ROAD CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN PLC �F-�NTATION AND ADhliNLS'IRA'I7 M ey 8 Setback Requirements The setback requirements are as specified by each land use district of this Specific Plan All setbacks shall be determined as the perpendicular distance from the ul- timate street right-of-way fine, or property One, to the closest foundation point of the closest structure This shall not preclude pedestnan arcades or awnings from encroaching into the front yard setbackarea- The distance of encroachment al- lowed for such structures shall be as determined by the Planning Commission at the time of site plan and architectural review. 9. Site Plan and Architectural Review Required No building permit shall be issued for the construction of, or addition to. any building, structure, or sign within the boundaries of this Specific Plan until the Planning Com- mission has first made a finding that the proposed building, strudure, or sign is in conformity with both the intent and provisions of this Specific Plan and the City's Zoning Ordinance The procedures for such review shall be as set forth in Chapter 18 48 (Sne Plan and Architectural Review) of the Zoning Ordinance. 10 Master Development Plan Required The Specific Plan land Use Map (Page II-10) indicates areas in which master development plans are required prior to development. These are identified as 'Master Plan Areas' on the Land Use Map. In addition. a master development plan may be required by the Director of Community Development when it is evident that piecemeal development Nell prevent or produce future development of adjacent properties In a manner not consistent with the intent of this Specft Plan. The intent of a master development plan is to provide for integrated development of adjoining parcels at the earliest possible time in the planning review process. Through the master development plan, there is an opportunity to coordinate the ef- forts of single or multiple property owners and discourage piecemeal strip commer- cial development. The purpose of the master development plan Is to establish relationships between adjacent properties which may be developed at different times and/or by different owners. The master development plan shall be prepared in conformance wdh the site development regulations and design guidelines of this Specific Plan and other ap- plicable regulations of the City unless otherwise noted. All development on parcels within an area for which a master development plan has been prepared shall be in conformance with said plan regardless of the timing of development. When an area for which a master development plan is being prepared involves more than one owner, or when development of the area is to be phased over a period of time, a development agreement shall be prepared and executed describing the respon- sibelibes and intentions of the various parties and the proposed development schedule. Attachment K - Barton Road Specific Plan Genera Provisions Chapter III page S, Master Dev Plan Requirement till 11 BARTON ROAD CORRIDOR SPFCIF1C 131 AN MCVC1 no..c.M me..,,...,...,.. 4 9 S TABLE VI-1 GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP ACREAGE BREAKDOWN(UNDERUTILIZED) Uaderutilzed *t LAND USE Acres of land m Acres % Total % Total City City Rural Land/Open Space Hillside Overlay (HOS) 132 6% 0 0 0% Total Rural Land/ Open Space 132 6% 0 0 0% Low Density Residential (LDR) 998.51 45% 77 74% 034% Hillside Overlay (HLDR) 108 5% 0 0 0% Total Low Density Residential L 106 51 50% 77 74% 034% Medium Density Residential (MDR) 172 8% 0 0% 000/0 General Commercial (GC) 153.E 7% 4587 44% 2% Office Professional (OC) 29 1 % 583 6% 26% Light Industrial (I) 1555 7% 51 15 500/0 2 3% Flood Plain Overlay 32 1 % 0 00/0 000/0 Total Industrial 1875 8% 5115 50% 2 3% Public 79 3% - - Street and Highways 353 16% - - TOTAL: 2,2126 100% 103 62 1000/0 4 6% Source Community and Economic Development Department, 1997 *I- Underutilzed- properties that contain non -conforming uses 9comdevAu/luchartu wpd Updated 5/98 proposed use or within the City As conditioned the project will not have any significant negative impact on the environment, nor on the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding residential neighborhood or within the City. 2 The proposed use will not be injurious to any physical property or improvements m the neighborhood or within the City As conditioned below the project will not have a detrimental or Injurious effect on any physical property or improvements in the surrounding neighborhood or within the City. There is no hazardous materials associated with this project to create or expose people to potential health hazards. This project is a pleasing and appealing addition to the surrounding properties, and is compatible with other toes in the community. 3 The proposed use is consistent with the latest adopted General Plan The current General Plan and the General Plan Update in process designates the land use as General Commercial. This proposed use is permitted in the Village Commercial District per the amendment to the Barton Road Specific Plan which is consistent with the General Plan Land Use. 4 The conditions necessary to secure the purpose of the Grand Terrace Zoning Code are made a part of the amended Conditional Use Permit BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed project is subject to the following conditions of approval a.Tl m # �+ The drive-thru shall be used exclusively for pharmacy type transactions, such as picking up or dropping off nr, escnnhons. and/or similar Jypc products for medicinal purposes that can be sold by the pharmacy department. No food, beverages (including alcoholic), and other items not associated with the pharmacy department shall be sold through the drive-thru facility Fast-food and similar type dnve-thru are prohibited in the Barton Road Specific Plan In case photos and other small items will be processes through the dnve-thru facility, additional data shall be submitted to the Community and Economic Development Department for evaluation. 2 The Drive-thru noise generating equipment, such as sl&akers and pneumatic tube device must be supported, prior to installation, by evidence that the facility will meet the off -site noise standards associated with residential uses (40 - 60 CNEL) (General Plan - Hazards Element) This noise level is measured at the nearest residential property line All speakers shall be internal to the drive-thru pedestal �11 residents, seniors, and/or employment centers in the vicinity 14 Any significant expansion or changes off shall be reviewed by the appropriate City agencies Additional permits or amendments to the Site and Architectural Review/Conditional Use Permit may be necessary 15 Applicant shall provide a landscatK and irrigation plan for Community and Economic Development Department and Building and Safety approval prior to issuance of any building permits 16 Applicant shall provide a ding and drainage plan for Community and Economic Development Department, Building and Safety Department, and Engineering approval prior to issuance of any building permits 17 Apply proper grading and construction practices to reduce dust and control erosion 18 Prior to commencement of demolition of any structures, developer shall notify all property owners within a 300 foot radius of such activity Notice shall include time and dates of demolition activity and any other pertinent construction information Such notification shall occur at minimum two (2) weeks prior to demolition. 19 "Construction Plan " A construction plan shall be submitted to the Community and Economic Development Department for approval prior to any construction activity on the subject site Such construction plan shall indicate at minimum the hours of construction, storage of materials and equipment, and the phasing of construction The Community and Economic Development Department Staff will periodically inspect site for quality and adherence of color and material samples submitted to Staff for approval 20 Lot Merger. Prior to the release of any construction permits from the City, applicant shall complete a complete lot merger application to the Community and Econorruc Development Department and receive approval from the City Engineer and Community and Economic Development Department. 21 All aspects of the proposed project including the buildmg and landscaping/irrigation shall be maintained in a clean and functional manner in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of the City of Grand Terrace 22 Upon the City Council approval of the associated Zone Changes and General Plan Amendment, and Planning Commission approval of above mentioned conditions, the applicant must sign an "Acceptance of Conditions" letter prior to said approval becoming final and binding Letter form and content to be prepared by ITI M #3 SA-98-05, CUP-98-03, GP-98-01, MD-98-02, BRSP-98-01-A3, Z-98-01 and E-98-02 APPLICATIONS FOR SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO BUILD AND OPERATE A 16,702 SQUARE FOOT FULL -SERVICE PHARMACY WITH 24 HR DRIVE-THRU; AMENDMENT TO THE BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONE CHANGE TO CONVERT,TWO ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL R1-7 2 LOTS TO BARTON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN VILLAGE COMMERCIAL (BRSP-VC), AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW JOVAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 22524 BARTON ROAD, GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Staff report was presented by Associate Planner, Larry Mamez Both developer/applicant and tenant, Rite Aid were present at the meeting He displayed an overhead transparency outlining the various issues under consideration by the Planning Commission The proposed project is a 16,702 square foot building to house a Rite Aid full service pharmacy with drive-thru facility The project is comprised of 4 four parcels with a total of approximately 1 5 acres Structures currently on the 4 lots will be demolished Staff made the determination the proposed use is compatible with land uses in the area and permitted in the Barton Road Specific Plan Staff considers this business a specialty type store with a number of specialties under one roof, and not a drug emporium or "big box" The architecture reflects this mixture of specialty type products/stores in its clustered building mass Parking will be located on the Mt Vernon side of the structure Trash pick-up and product delivery will be located along the north side of the property The north side of the property will have a block wall and 10' of landscaping as a buffer to the adjacent residential property Architectural design is significantly vaned from the usual corporate Rite Aid "box" structure design The architect has effectively integrated many design principles and treatments of the Barton Road Specific Plan The 10% differential between the 15% proposed and 25% required landscaping for the project has been resolved by applicant's agreement to provide denser landscaping as a buffer along the north property line adjacent to the residential neighborhood, denser landscaping along Arliss Dr, denser landscaping at the comer of Arliss Dr and Barton Rd , applicant will maintain the irrigation and landscaping in the public right of way on all three sides of the project, and installation of meandering sidewalks along the Arliss Dr and Mt Vernon sides of the project Applicant proposes 64 parking spaces vs 84 required by the Barton Road Specific • Plan The 64 spaces include incentive bonuses due to the emphasis on the dnve-thru AT'TACffi1EENT - 3 May 21, 1998 Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Page 3 May 21, 1998 said the end result is a very attractive, useful and an asset to the community He said the 24 hour dnve-thru is strictly for the purpose of filling prescriptions Chairwoman Van Gelder thanked Mr Robison for working diligently with staff to meet the City's guidelines She asked how many public entrances there will be to the store Mr Robison responded there is only one public entrance, at the southwest corner of the structure He responded to the Chair's signage concern that Rite Aid does not have a policy of painting windows or hanging graphics in the windows They use media advertising via radio and television in addition to residential mailers He explained the store is laid out in three main sections, the snack foods and beverages, the over-the- counter pharmacy goods and the cosmetics and beauty supplies He said he is amenable to the idea of meandering sidewalks on all three sides of the project 8 10 P.M. 10-MINUTE RECESS WAS ANNOUNCED BY THE CHAIRWOMAN 8 20 P M. RECONVENED SITE AND ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 8 20 P M. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED BARNEY KARGER 11668 BERNARDO WAY GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 He said in his opinion this is the best project for the City in 20 years RAYMOND HUGHES 12077 ARLISS DR. GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 He said he lives across the street from the project Although he is in favor of the project he expressed the following concerns 1 Lights from the drive-thru vehicles as the exit onto Arliss may shine directly into his bedroom windows at night, Mr Mainez showed Mr Hughes the location of the Rite Aid driveway and explained the vehicle lights will shine on the fence and garage 2 Noise from mechanized sweepers or blowers to clean the parking lot Mr Robison responded Rite Aid does not use vacuum trucks or blowers to clean the parking lots They pick up trash by hand and hose down the lot, typically after 8 00 a m JOHN HELT 22592 MIRIAM WAY GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 Mr Heft said he is against the project because of the demolition and loss of the PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Page 5 May 21, 1998 Tisdale property Regarding the trash issue mitigation he said the trash enclosure is approximately eight feet below street level and behind the budding so there may not be a wind problem , MOTION PCM-13 Commissioner Larkin made a motion to recommend approval of the project to City Council, subject to staffs recommended additional conditions of approval and that staff coordinate with Mr Tisdale to mitigate his concerns Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion Commissioner Addington asked if the City has an ordinance in place concerning the NPDES requirements affected by Rite Aid's proposal to hose down the parking lot Director Materassi said an ordinance was recently approved for the concept but procedures are not yet in place The applicant will be required to meet NPDES regulations Commissioner Addington initiated a discussion concerning potential traffic congestion on Mt Vernon from delivery trucks and possibly an insufficient turning radius in the parking lot to allow the backing maneuver to commence within the parking lot Mr Robison stated Rite Aid is budding another new store in Loma Linda so the anticipated delivery route would be westbound on Barton Rd , turning into the Barton Road driveway, then maneuvering to a backing position within the parking lot itself There will be no maneuvering on Mt Vernon to cause traffic congestion Commissioner Addington expressed concern the placement of the driveway on Barton Rd may not be safe and may affect the level of service at the intersection of Barton Rd /Mt Vernon Ave Director Materassi responded that several alternatives were evaluated and this is the recommended one Placing the main entrance/exit on Arliss is less safe as there is less visibility turning on to Barton due to the curved alignment of Barton and the higher rate of speed of vehicles Elimination of the Barton driveway would cause the large delivery trucks to back up and congest traffic on Mt Vernon In addition, more traffic on Arliss would disturb the residential area The Barton driveway meets code and allows smooth flow of traffic in and outside the project Should traffic service levels deteriorate in the future on Barton Road several traffic measures can' be initiated (i a raised median, widening of Barton to include additional turning lane and wider turning radius, right of way is already available) Mr Neustaedter, City traffic consultant, reiterated the driveway does meet code It will be posted restricting those leaving the parking lot on Barton to right turn only Internal circulation of delivery trucks will be further evaluated by staff and the architect to ensure proper turning radius in relation to landscaped areas C1T!• Community and Economic Development Department STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE- June 11, 1998 FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED ) SUBJECT- Amendment of Measure I, 5 and 20 Year CIP RECOMMENDATION. Approval BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION. At its meeting of December 11, 1997 the City Council adopted the Measure I, 5 and 20 Year CIP I SPRR Bridge Replacement At its meeting of February 18, 1998, the City Council approved the participation of Grand Terrace with the City of Colton in the replacement of the Southern Pacific Rail Road bridge at Barton Road, as part of the Caltrans Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (HBRR) II improvements on Barton Road at Vivienda Per the city DRAFT Circulation Element update, Barton Road is to be upgraded to a Major Highway A few areas are remaining to accomplish that goal This includes Barton Road at Vivienda, across the street from the Community Center and north of Chief Auto Parts Since we will be working on the Michigan intersection with Barton Road this year (a $105,000 project), staff recommends inclusion of the Barton Road at Vivienda to upgrade service levels (LOS) in the area, school circulation and upgrade Barton Road to Major Highway per the General Plan guidance (a $30,000 project) The project includes street widening and installation of sidewalks on Barton Road and handicap ramp at the comer, protecting the large pine tree in place Street improvements on Vnnenda are the responsibility of the property owner or future tenant Both the inclusion of the bridge replacement project and the upgrade of Barton to Major Highway status at Vivienda trigger an amendment to the Measure I Capital Improvement Program as follows 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, Cahforma 92313-=UWLbA ffEm City of Grand Terrace MEASURE I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM-F.Y.1997 to 2010 /t )edated 11 /111971 Location Improvement Cost Year of Construction Michigan St - Barton Rd to Upgrade to Major Highway $ 105.000 1998 Commerce Way ' Mt Vernon -Grand Terrace Upgrade to Secondary $196.000 2002 Rd (City entry) to 300 ft Highway south Mt Vernon at DeBerry Construct traffic signal $130.000 2005 Mt Vernon - Pico to Raven Upgrade to Secondary $74.000 2007 Highway Main St - S F R R to Upgrade to Secondary $45.000 2008 S P R R Highway NOW, THEREFORE, THE C TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The City of Grand Terrace Measure I CIP is hereby adopted as amended and incorporated in the table attached PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 1 Ith day of June, 1998 ATTEST City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof I, BRENDA STANFILL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 11 th day of June, 1998, by the following vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Brenda Stanfill City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney c \office\wpwm\wpdocs\plannmg\cc\measurei rea CITY OF GRAND TERRACE L, CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE JUNE 11, 1998 AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT 1998-1999 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE BUDGET RESOLUTION FUNDING REQUIRED Appropnation of $5,819,368 of Expenditures, net transfer -out of $400,191, Approval of Estimated Revenues of 4,086,603, use of Fund balance of $793,705, mterfund loan of $350,000 and net transfer -in of $1,215,476 NO FUNDING REQUIRED On May 27, 1998, Council conducted a review of the Preliminary City Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 Council directed or approved various changes to the prehmunary budget document A summary of the budget items requuuig alterations of the budget are attached A complete final budget will be produced upon adoption of the 1998-1999 L... j__ hanger In Revenues General Fund Revenues and Transfers Changes Changes inExpenditures: General Fund Fapendrtures and Transfers Planning Commission Stipends Revised General Fund Expenditures Changes to Special Revenue Fund Revenues - Special Revenue Funds and Transfers Changes Revised Special Revenue Funds -Expenditure City Budget Report Page - 1 - INCR(DECR) $ 3,799,706 None $ 3, 799, 706 INCR(DECR) $ 3,603,441 2,500 $ 3,605,941 INCR(DECR) S 1,436,897 - None $ 1,436,897 i COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Np,�' CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Page 3 Adoption of 1998-1999 City Budget Continued Revised Fund Balances: General Fund Projected Available General Fund Balance FYE 6/30/99 $ 225,934 Projected Designated Reserve Balance FYE 6/30/99 925,558 Total Projected General Fund Balance FYE 6/30/99 $ Special Revenue Funds Projected Available Special Rev Fund Balance FYE 6/30/99 $ 1,285,750 Projected Designated Reserve -Waste Water FYE 6/30/99 137,247 Total Projected Special Revenue Fund Balance FYE 6/30/99 $1,422,997 Capital Project Funds Projected Available Capital Projects Fund Bal FYE 6/30/99 $ 0 Total Projected Capital Projects Fund Balance FYE 6/30/99 $ 0 Total Projected City Fund Balances FYE 6130199 $ 2,574,489 City Budget Report Page - 3 - . CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Page 5 Adoption of 1998-1999 City Budget Continued USES OF CITY FUNDS (Budget FY 1998-1999) Expenditures General Fund Expenditures $ 3,980,641 Transfer-m Cost Allocation (374,700) 3;605,941 Special Revenue Funds 1,423,251 Transfer -out Cost Alloc & Proj 774,891 Capital Project Funds 2,198,142 415,476 415,476 Total City Expenditures Sources of Funds greater than Uses of Funds -City Budget SUMMARY OF FUNDING City revenue $ 4,086,603 Intergovernmental Loan 350,000 Total City Revenue 4,436 603 Use of Available Fund Balance 793,705 Interfund Transfers 47 Total Sources of City Funds 6,445,784 Less Total City Expenditures (Uses) 5,819,368 Total Net, Transfer -Out (Uses) 00 91 Total Uses of Funds 6,219,559 Sources of Funds greater than Uses of Funds $ City Budget Report Page - 5 - 6,219,559 C-1 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A BUDGET OF ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 WHEREAS,local agency is required to adopt a budget for the subsequent fiscal year for estimated revenues and expenditures, and WHEREAS, every kcal governmental agency shall file with the county auditor of the county in which the agency conducts its principal operations, a budget for the fiscal year then in progress; and WHEREAS, the City Council and Staff members have thoroughly reviewed and analyzed the proposed budget in order to determine the needs of the City of Grand Terrace; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS. Section 1. That a budget for Fiscal Year 1998-99, a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's Office, is hereby adopted for the City of Grand Terrace with estimated revenues of S 4.086.603 use of available fund balance of $ 793-705, interfund transfers -in of S 1.565.47s_ for a total source of funds of S 6.445.784 and total estimated expenditures of $ 5.819.968. interfund transfers -out of S 400_ t 9 t for a total use of funds of $6.219.559 Section 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this Resolution and the adopted Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget to the Auditor -Controller of the County of San Bernardino. ADOPTED this 11 th day of June, 1998 ,TTEST: ity Clerk of the City of rand Terrace and of the ity Council thereof Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. 0 Pilo E FUND 10 GENERAL FUND-UndesIg ,Unrewry GENERAL FUND - Designated -Reserve TOTAL GENERAL FUND 11 STREET FUND 12 STORM DRAIN FUND 13 PARK FUND 14 SLESF (A83229 COPS) FUND 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 16 GAS TAX FUND 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 18 TDA FUND' 20 MEASURE 1 FUND 21 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL FUND 26 LSCAPING AND LGHTG ASSESSMENT DI 27 SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM TOTAL sFacm REVENUs FUNDS 32 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 33 DEBT SERVICE FUND 34 LOW 3 MODERATE HOUSING FUND TOTAL CRA FUNDS 44 CAPITAL PROJECT- BIKE LANE 46 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT -STREETS TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS TOTAL - ALL FUNDS PROJECTED AVAILABLE PROJECTED AVAILABLE I Changes In Fund Cha rapes In Fund I _ Sources Sources Sources Sources of Funds of Funds of Funds of Funds Uses Uses Funds Uses FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE Balance Incresse Balance Decrease by by Fund Loan/TSF TOTAL of bY Expenditur of Funds LOAN/TSF of Funds TOTAL FY97-98 Revenue Balance FY FY FY FY FY 32,169 225.934 vs 193,765 FY 0 2,649,706 Ram 0 Sam Ram wm 911-M 0 1,150 000 3.799,706 3,980,641 (374 700) 3605,941 957,727 Z 193-765 Q 2.648.I09 t? 1.150.000. 3.788.746 3.880.641 (74.7001 3.543$4] 166,879 187,392 135 402 170 329 0 0 (51,477 (17,063 10 500 11 775 51,477 0 61 977 0 61,977 61,977 46,650 43,695 1,765 74,195 0 30,500 (45,085 41,800 17 063 45 065 0 0 28 638 68,885 22 000 65 500 6 638 21,385 28 83E 86 885 12 688 11,861 0 0 (827 30500 12,000 0 827 0 0 30,500 0 0 0 366,520 39,389 76,276 41,349 0 1,960 (288,244 267 000 288 244 0 12 827 555,244 10 000 219.400 2,827 335,844 12,827 555 244 0 0 0 0 0 6,800 0 0 0 6,800 4 290 550 4 840 578,397 716,979 233,078 679,198 0 0 (345,319 (39,783 131,000 912,900 0 345,319 0 0 0 476,319 0 275000 0 201,319 0 476,319 3,453 (2,454) 0 (5,907 12,622 39,783 5,907 0 952,683 813,540 139,143 952.683 Q Q Q Q Q Q 0 16,529 13,521 5,008 18,529 2.164,242 1.422,997 32,460 (793,705 1,436.897 793,705 Q 0 Q 2,230,602 Q 1.423,251 0 774,891 0 2.198.142 6244,091 1,920 587 5.574,113 2,225.197 0 304 610 (669 978 0 360.000 3,409554 689,978 0 1 029 978 142.250 887,728 1 029 978 4.2@8AS4 4 494 7B5 205,691 0 0 900,000 4,309.554 2,414,326 1 590 618 4 004 944 12AMM 12.294M 610.301 4A2Z&H $I,M �� 6,793322 3,522-34a 0 6,210,831 0 Q 0 Q 0 0 Q 0 0 !? 415.47B 0 415.4Z@ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 415 47Z6 6 415,476 415-4 415.476 Q 0 415 476 415-A79 9,341.714 3,088,476 12.430.190 10 GENERAL FUND 11 Street Fund 12 Storm Drain Fund 13 Park Fund 14 AB 3229 COPS Fund 15 Air Quality Improvement Fund ` 16 Gas Tax Fund 17 Traffic Safety Fund 18 TDA Fund 20 Measure I Fund 21 Waste Water Disposal Fund 26 LSCPG/ LGHTG Assessment Distnct 27 Summer Youth Program TOTAL SPECIAL REV FUNDS CITY OF GRAnu TERRACE NEW EXCLUDE BUDGET TRANSFERS -IN REVENUES COST ESTIMATED ALLOCATION FY 1998-99 FY 1998-99 10,500 11,775 41,800 30,500 12,000 267,000 6,800 0 131,000 912,900 12,622 Q 1,436,897 32 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 360,000 33 DEBT SERVICE FUND f 34 LOW & MODERATE HOUSING FUND 4,309,554 1,381" TOTAL CRA FUNDS 6,050,964 44 Bike Lane Capital Fund 0 46 Street Improvement Projects - 415,476 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS MUM TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 11-7003 REVENUES 'FY 98-99 REVENUE SUMMARY EXCLUDING TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 EXCLUDE NEW tANSFERS-OUT EXCLUDE EXCLUDE BUDGET REVENUES COST ALLOCATION OTHER TRANSFERS INTERFUND LOANS (EXC TSF/LOANS) ESTIMATED FY 1998-99 FY 1998-99 FYi4r 998-99 0 0 49,T06 00 10,500 00 11,775 0 0 0 0 0 0 141,800 30,500 0 0 0 12,000 0 0 0 -- 267,000 0 0 0 6,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131,000 0 0 0 912,900 0 0 0 12,622 Q Q Q Q - 0 0 0 1,436,897 0 0 0 0 0 360,000 0 (900,000 0 3,409,554 Q (623,000 0 758,400 0 (1,523,000 0 4,527,954 0 0 0 0 Q Q Q 0 4 4 Q 8 REVENUES FY 99.99 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ALL FUNDS TRANSFEP-34N AND EXPENDITURES FOR BUDGETED TRANSFFR3-0UT EXPENDITURES FY 1995 1999 ' TOTAL PROPOSED Combined Combined NET BUDGET COST ALLOC COST ALLOC BUDGETED B1N1'� EXPENDITURES FY TRANSFER54N TRANSFERS{OUT) EXPENDITURES 10-110 CITY COUNCIL t" 43 260 Fy 9849 0 FY9849 (43 260)� 0 10-120 CITY MANAGER 217 085 0 (217,085) 0 10-125 CITY CLERK 174.640 0 (174 640) 0 10-140 FINANCE 278,195 47,008 (237,857) 87,346 10-160 CITY ATTORNEY 30,000 0 (30.000) 0 10-170 CITY ENGINEER 0 0 0 0 10.172 BUILDING AND SAFETY 69,010 10 249 0 79,259 10-175 PUBLIC WORKS 42 355 20,412 0 62 767 10-180 COMMUNITY SERVICES 258,490 72,947 (83.787) 247,650 10-190 NON -DEPARTMENTAL 287 206 13,186 (234,997) 65,E 10-370 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 203,9W 48 564 0 252.524 10-380 GIS 25,317 0 (25,317) 0 10-410 LAW ENFORCEMENT 1,158,640 149.760 0 1,308300 10-430 RECREATION SERVICES 21ZS85 61,708 0 274693 10.440 CHILD CARE SERVICES 715,408 143 6W 0 859 076 10-450 PARK MAINTENANCE 131,780 16,395 0 148,175 10-631 STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE 9,000 1,248 0 10,248 10-700 GTPFA LEASE PAYMENTS 0 0 0 0 10-901 PLANNING COMMISSION 6,900 4,253 0 11 153 10-802 CRIME PREVENTION UNIT 14,800 25,364 0 40164 10-804 HISTORICAL/CULTURAL CMM 1,350 20,885 0 22,235 104305 SENIOR CITIZEN'S PROGRAM 94,500 7,510 0 102.010 10-807 PARKS 4 REC COMMITTEE 200 15,218 0 15 418 104308 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CM 5M 13.868 Q 19.528 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 3,980,641 672,243 (1,046,943) 3,605,941 11 STREET FUND 30,000 31 977 0 61,977 12 STORM DRAIN FUND 22 000 6 838 0 28 838 13 PARK FUND 65 500 21,385 0 88,885 14 SLESF (AB3229 COPS) FUND 0 0 0 0 15 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUND 10 000 2 827 0 12,827 16 GAS TAX FUND 474,876 80,368 0 555,244 17 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 4,290 550 0 4,840 18 TDA FUND 0 0 0 0 20 MEASURE I FUND 405,000 71 319 0 476,319 21 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL FUND 813 540 139,143 0 95Z683 26 LSCAPING AND LGHTG ASSESSME 13,521 5 008 0 18,529 27 SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM Q Q Q TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1,838,727 359,415 0 Q 2,198,142 32 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND W7,850 0 (19,165) 968 685 32 CAP PRJ -ECONOMIC DEV 54 400 6 893 0 61 293 33 DEBT SERVICE FUND 3387.326 617 618 0 4,004 944 34 LOW 8 MOD HOUSING PROJ 866 215 196 569 0 1,062,784 34 LOW & MOD -CODE ENFRCMNT 99,555 13,370 0 112,925 TOTAL CRA FUNDS 5,395,340 SU-450 19165 6,210,631 44 BIKE LANE 0 0 0 Q 46 STREET NPROVEMENT PROJECTS 415,476 0 0 415,476 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 415,476 4 Q 415.476 PRIOR PERIOD ADJ to REVENUE 0 0 (800M a& TOTAL ALL FUNDS 11,630,190 1,886,108 (1,888,108) 12,430,190 1998-99 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ALL TIERS