07/09/199822795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 824-6621 Fax (909) 783-7629 Fax (909) 783-2600 Byron R Matteson Mayor Dan Buchanan Mayor Pro Tempore Herman Hilkey Jim Smgley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab City Manager FILE COPY July 9, 1998 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetmgs 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 �Z 3 4 5 2 -V i iB -a- �Vkkc Lr 1 COUNCII. CHAMBERS JULY 9, 1998 fD TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 6 30 P M Barton Road R T'MCF, 4;OM WMTMA MCA tVAMDUOUn S ACT OF 19", V FOO M SPECIAL ASSISTANCE To PART.ICIpATE IN TMS MRE KGB PLUM CALLS CHY CUR" A.T`tV09) 92"611 ATI ZAST49HOMW I'110RT0 MRRT11�.C. Y V I11 SUM TO ADDRESS TM CTy COVNCM DVM(; TM 1MTWG, -OTIMRTANUrQXR PI3BUC IM1MT, YOV AU ASNED TO PLUM COWLFTZ A UQVW To SPEAK FORM AVAUMLZ AT TRANMAND PRUENTff To T= CftyCLUX SPIAIMRSWAL BE CAUJO UPON Ry= MAYCIBAT 1.APPROPMUTH4L Call to Order - Invocattion - Pastor Sahm Ehas, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pledge of Allegiance - Roll Call - AGENDA ITEMS STA" RECOMMENDATION Approval of 06-25-98 Minutes Approve Approval of Cheek Register CRA063099 & 070998 Approve Preliminary Plan on CRA L&M Vacant Lots and Replacement Housing Appropriation - Employee Benefits for Fiscal Year 1998-99 Appropriate CLOSED SESSION - Real Estate Negotiations (12366 Mt to Delete - None The following Consent Calendar item are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the IIIat one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Stiff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item f iir9lm the Consent Calendar for discussion. Approve Check Register No 063098 & 070999 Approve Ratify 07-09-98 CRA Action Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda Approval of 06-25-98 Minutes Approve COUNCIL ACTION PENDING C R A APPROVAL A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Terrace, was held in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on June 25, 1998, at 6 00 p m p$UIREM Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herman Hilkey, Agency Member Jim Singley, Agency Member Lee Ann Garcia, Agency Member Tom Schwab, Executive Director John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patnzia Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt Mike Howell, Sheriff's Department John Harper, City Attorney AWREIYTt None CRA-98-37 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (AGENCY MEMBER HILKEY WAS ABSENT), to approve the June 11, 1998 CRA Minutes CRA-98-38 MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to approve Check Register No CRA062598 CRA-98-39 MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER EMKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to award the Street Name sign Manufacturing and Installation Pmject`GTB-98-01 to Central Cities Sign Service r M AGENDA ITEM! NM PENDING I A APPROVAL PAGE 1 F�. CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: JUNE 30,1998 CHECK REGISTER NO• 063098 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: _ __JUNE 30, 1998 CHECK NO. VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P12443 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS, MAY, 1998 29961 P12447 JOHN DONLEVY BIRTHDAY BONUS 1750 40097 DRAGUS BARBU INTERN, 6/16-6/29/98 18400 40098 BERGEVIN'S CLEANING SERVICE JANITORIAL SERVICES, HOUSING REHABILITATION 4000 40104 RAUL COLUNGA INTERN, 6/8-6/30/98 74469 40109 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING USEAGE/MAINTENANCE, KODAK COPIER FOR THREE MONTHS 18294 40115 MADELINE FALCO REIMBURSEMENT FOR LOCAL MILEAGE 2600 40131 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS PHONE FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPT 1613 40137 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT FOR PETTY CASH 3496 40138 RIVERSIDE BLUE PRINT BLUE LINE PRINTS FOR 12520 MIRADO AND 22381 VAN BUREN 11669 40139 SAM'S CLUB FILE CABINETS 51716 40146 SOUTHERN CA EDISON COMPANY ELECTRIC HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT DEPT AND HOUSES UNDER REDEVELOPMENT 11850 40147 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY GAS FOR 22547 LA PAIX 542 40148 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLIES 3807 40149 STATE COMPENSATION INS FUND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS, JUNE, 1998 21789 40155 TRI STATE IMPROVEMENTS REHABILITATION WORK AT 22555 DESOTO 70930 40159 VISA AMERICA ON LINE, MAY, 1998 AND FAN 4148 40163 YOSEMITE WATERS BOTTLED WATER FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT 1880 40164 RICHARD ZUG DISCING, 11656 CANAL 160M TOTAL 3,48914 PAGE 1 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: JULY 9, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: CH--C-K1V-0, /1 ENDOR P12456 CAPREE ESCROW P12463 CASH (CAPREE ESCROW) 40167 ACCENT PRINT & DESIGN 40171 DRAGO BARBU 40172 VIRGIL BARHAM 40183 GRAND TERRACE REAL ESTATE 40191 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK 40196 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA 40201 STAPLES 40203 U S BANK TRUST JULY 9, 1998 CHECK REGISTER NO- 070998 __MOUNT PURCHASE PROPERTY AT 22855 MINONA 100,166 00 DEPOSIT, BID ON PROPERTY,22644 VAN BUREN 2,00000 LETTERHEAD FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION 34938 INTERN, 7/1-7/2/98 7000 AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR JULY, 1998 13750 COMMISSION, PROPERTY AT 22772 WREN 1,00000 HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE, JULY, 1998 6275 HEALTH INSURANCE, JULY, 1998 56241 OFFICES SUPPLIES, HOUSING REHABILITATION 29806 _ JULY PAYMENT ON 1997 BOND ISSUE 11,312 78 TOTAL 115,958 88 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE AFORE LISTED CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LIABILITIES HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY ME AND ARE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BERNARD SIMON FINANCE DIRECTOR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM (X) COUNCIL ITEM ( ) MEETING DATE • July 9, 1998 AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT PRELUMINARY PLAN ON CRA L&M VACANT LOTS AND REPLACEMENT HOUSING FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIREEL. XX CRA is required to replace destroyed or removed dwelling units within four years under Health and Safety Section 33413 To this date, four dwelling units have been acquired and demolished due to the poor conditions of the units or the cost to rehabilitate was not economically feasible Dwelling units do not have to be replaced in the exact location of where the original unit was removed The purpose of this report is to eventually bring back to the Agency Board a "Replacement Plan" resolution as defined under H & S, Section 33413 5 Staff is seeking direction on potential options to develop a "Replacement Plan" on the removed dwelling units The plan would state the intentions of the Agency but this could be changed in the future The current vacant lots and dwelling units under consideration are 223 81 Van Buren Street 12569 Michigan Street 12366 Mt Vernon 11695 Canal Street Total Units Removed -1 -1 -1 _1 -4 Proposed Units Replaced +2 0 0 +5 7 ,22381 Van Buren Purchased 10/6/94, Cost $80,000, 3 bedroom home removed, '/2 acre lot, has been split into two lots, lot has been graded, and has all planning approvals, awaiting final map, 2 SFR will be built, approximate time to be completed late 1998 Proposed Action continue development CRA AGENDA rraNO. 3 1 (C) 1996,TRW REDI Property Data 3) Si us 22381 VAN BUREN STREET, GRAND TERRACE CA 92313-5617 C034 Use RESIDENTIAL LOT APN 1140277-223-01-0000 Tax Rate Area 16001 Assd Land County San Bernardino CA Property Tax $443 Assd Imp Censusc71 03 Total Val Map Pg1127-C6 Exemption Assd Year 97 New Pg�1*1646-E5 %Improved Owner COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGCY/GR T ISO Mail 122795 BARTON RD,GRAND TERRACE CA,% -CITY OF GRAND TERR 92313-5207 C034 Last Sale Prior Sale ,hsf'er Date 10/25/94 Bldg/Lvarea--l-,-449_ Document # 435229 Yrblt/Eff 46— Docume' t Type GRANT DEED # Stories Price $80,000F # Units First D # Buildings Junior TD Seller�; BOURNE OPAL A Titlel,Company FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO County) Use 510 Lot Size 149 X 129 Pool Bldg Lot Area 19,221 Class F1ood,IPanl 060270-8690B Zoning Condition F1ood,Zone D, 06/23/81 T --t Park Type ya& — -C ;,end Park Spaces Paved .Pkk-g- Roof Type Roof Cover BUttT=-UP" Frame Legal) L34/HOLBROOK TR PTN COM AT 1NTERSECTI TRW-REDI (C) 1994 The Page & Grid reference is copyrighted by Thomas Bros Maps <TM> ------------------------------------------------------------ >> RIpported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed << i (C) 1996-TRW REDI Property Data ------------------------------------------------------------ 4) S1 us 12569 MICHIGAN STREET, GRAND TERRACE CA 92313-5812 C034 I1 Use SyR APN 0277-441-18-0000 Tax Rate Area 16001 Assd Land y Count) San Bernardino CA Property Tax $186 Assd Imp Census) 71 03 Total Val Map Pg27-B6 Exemption Assd Year 97 New Pg 646-D5 %Improved Owner) COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGCY/GR T /SO Mail 1 22795 BARTON RD,GRAND TERRACE CA 92313-5207 C034 Last Sale iranster Date 02/23/95 Document # 56626 Document Type GRANT DEED Price) $56,500F First 6 TD Junco TD Lende° Selle°1 HOMAN ELIZABETH M Title Company COE i Prior Sale 12/09/80 Bldg/Lvarea 37Q48- Yrblt/Eff #3- # Stories County Use4510 Other Impr Bldg Class Equipment Flood Pant 060270-8690B Lot Size Flood Zone D, 06/23/81 Lot Area r Zoning Heat Park Type Air-c nd Park Spaces Roof Type Roof Cover Legal TRW - The 78 X 280 21,840 R! YES /EAST RIVERSIDE LAND CO SUB S 77 5 FT N* Total Rooms-rr Bedrooms rl' Bathrooms -- Fireplace Pool Other Rooms Amenities Remodeled . Construct Quality Condition - Type Improv. Style Frame I (C) 1994 e & Grid reference is copyrighted by Thomas Bros Maps <TM> ------------------------------------------------------------ orted data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed !> r { e ig tk e (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 2) Situs ------------------------------------------------------------ 12366 MT VERNON AVE, GRAND TERRACE CA 92313-5632 C036 Use SFR APN 0277-131-05-0000 Tax Rate Area 16001 Assd Land Count San Bernardino CA Property Tax $1,307 Assd Imp Censu� 71 03 Total Val Map Pg 27-C6 Exemption Assd Year 97 New PO 646-E4 %Improved Owner) COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ISO Mail 22795 BARTON RD,GRAND TERRACE CA 92313-5207 C036 Last Sale Prior Sale -- anser Date l 10/18/96 10/02/91 Bldg/Lvarea I-,-BTV Docum nt # 385495 377043 Yrblt/Eff -12- Document Type DEED CORP GRANT DEED # Stories --2- Price $130,000U Firsti TD $132,400V Total Rooms-6— Bedrooms �- Junior TD Bathrooms -IN Lender Fireplace Seller VETERANS ADMN Pool Title Company FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS CO Other Rooms Count, Use 510 Other Impr Amenities Bldg Class Equipment Remodeled F1oodl Panl 060270-8690B Lot Size AO 500 Construct Flood Zone D, 06/23/81 Lot Area 21,800 Quality Zoning R3 Condition Heat Park Type �H Type Improv Air- and Park Spaces-�— Style Legal L17/HOLBROOK TR PTN BEG 1N C/L MT VER TRW-REDI (C) 1994 The FIage & Grid reference is copyrighted by Thomas Bros Maps <TM> >> Deported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « (C) 1996 TRW REDI Property Data 1) Sinus 11695 CANAL STREET, GRAND TERRACE CA 92313-4939 C041 Use SFR APN 0275-251-04-0000 Tax Rate Area 16001 Assd Land County San Bernardino CA Property Tax $1,410 Assd Imp Censusi 71 02 Total Val Map PI27-B5 Exemption Assd Year.97 New Pg 646-E3 %Improved Owner Mail 0 Trans COMMUNITY REDEVEL AGY/GRAND TERRA ISO •22795 BARTON RD,GRAND TERRACE CA 92313-5207 C041 Last Sale r Date.03/15/95 t # 78798 t Type GRANT DEED Price"11 $75,000F First 1TD 0VDI Prior Sale 10/77 $32,500F Sellef MCBROOM HERMAN H Title�ilCompany COE County Use 510 Other Impr Bldg Class Equipment F1ood�IlPanl 060270-8690B Lot Size AO 66 0od1iZone D, 06/23/81 Lot Area 28,960 jZoning • R3 Bldg/Lvarea--,-4i�-- Yrblt/Eff # Stories .1- Total Rooms-7 Bedrooms -3_ Bathrooms 2— Fireplace Pool Other Rooms FAMILY ROOM Amenities Remodeled Construct Quality Condition AVERAGE Heat III • YES— Park Type ATZACHU Type Improv Air-CLnd NONE- Park Spaces-2 Style Site I,�Snf Water YES Sewer YES Roof (Type Roof Cover C Frame Legal L4/RESUB GRAND TERRACE TR PTN & r TRW-REDI (C) 1994 The Page & Grid reference is copyrighted by Thomas Bros Maps <TM> » Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not guaranteed « STAFF REPORT 0CITY MANAGER'S DDEPARTMENTI CRA ITEM ()OC) COUNCIL ITEM ( ) MEETING DATE July 9, 1998 III SUBJECT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999 FUNDING REQUIRED XX NO FUNDING REQUIRED The City Council met in closed session at the meeting of June 25, 1998 to discuss benefits for the employees for fiscal year 1998-99 Council approved items as outlined in the Closed Session Staff' Report of June 25, 1998 totaling $34,799 with $14,924 coming from CRA Low Mod Fund STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COUNCIL APPROVE THE EXPENDITURE OF $14,924 FROM THE CRA LOW MOD FUND TO FUND THE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 Attachment cw► naENoa n9A No q CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FY 199e-99 APPROPRIATIONS NEEDED m i 10 120 110 CITY &ANNAGER DEPARTIYEN7 Salaries 2 380 10 120 1xx-x CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT Frmp Benefits d Employer Costs 642 10 125 110 CRY CLERIC DEPARTMENT Satarieo 1,506 10 125 lxx x CRY CLERK DEPARTMENT FrkW Benefits 3 Empbyer Costs 487 10 140 110 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Salaries 2 394 10 140 1xx-x -FINANCE DEPARTMENT FrNge Bwdh 3 EmpkW Costs 685 10 172 110 BUILDING AND SAFETY Salaries 53e 10 172 1xx-x BUILDING AND SAFETY Fnnpe Bendb 3 Employer Coetc 177 10 175 110 PUBLIC WORKS Salanes 244 10 175 Inc x PUBLIC WORKS Fringe Benefits 8 Employer Costs 80 10 180 110 COMMUNITY SERVICES Sebeles 1 614 10 180 1xx-x OOIYl ARATY SERVICES Fmpe Bmmrft 3 Employer Costs 551 10 370 110 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Salaries 1 459 10 370 lxxx COMwIUN7Y DEVELOPMENT Fmpe BeneIII s d Empkw Costs 475 10 380 110 GIS Salaries as 10 380 lxx x GIS FmRRe Benefib 8 EmpkW Costs 21 10 430 110 RECREATION Salaries 1,539 10 430 lxx x RECREATION Fringe Bensfls 3 Employer Costs 302 10 440 110 CHILD CARE Salaries 6,833 10 440 tncx CHILD CARE Fringe Banetd 3 Employer Costs 1 774 10 450 110 PARK MAINTENANCE Sahmas 35 10 450 1xx-x PARK MAINTENANCE Frage Smells 3 Employer Casts 124 17 910 110 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Salaries 50 17 910 1xx-x TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND FmW Benefds d Employer Costs 5 21 570 110 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Salaries 236 21 570 lxx x WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Frege Benefts 3 Employer Costs 84 32 xxx 110 CRA GENERAUPROJECTS Salaries 265 32 xxx lxx-x CRA Frnge Benefika 3 Employer Costs 88 34 xxx 110 CRA LOW AND MOD HOUSING Salaries 2 663 34 xxx 1xx-x CRA LOW AND MOD HOUSING Fmge Benefts 3 Employer Costs w TOTAL COSTS OF 1.6% COLA 2Lfim REPLACEMENT OF TELEVISION AND CHARS 10 190 705 NON- DEPARTIrENTALFURNITURE AND EC UgrAENT 1,100 SICK LEAVE BUYOUT FOR CERTAIN PART I9< maym 10 120 110 CRY (MANAGER DEPARTAENT Salaries 300 10 120 1xx-x CRY (MANAGER DEPARTMENT Fringe Boodle 3 Employer Costs 30 10 172 110 BUILDING AND SAFETY Salaries 175 10 172 lxx x BUILDING AND SAFETY Fringe Ba EmpkW Coots 17 34 xxx 110 CRA LOW AND MOD HOUSING Salaries 175 34 xxx Ixx-x CRA LOW AND MOD HOUSING Fringe Benefits d Employer Costs 1Z 714 10 190 251 NON -DEPARTMENTAL BANK C HARGES 1,150 10 180 110 COMMUNITY SERVICES Salaries i Step increase 745 10 180 1xx COMMUNITY SERVICES Fringe Benefts 3 Employer Cods 300 21 570 110 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Salaries - Slop irx rsa 745 21 570 lxx x WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Frige Benefits 3 Empbyer Cods m 2,090 10 190 235 NON -DEPARTMENTAL C,ommunoafioa 1,2110 DERIATIONCHANGES 10 xxx 998 GENERAL FL04D COST ALLOCJITION TRANSFER (OUT) N (17128) 11 mm 998 STREET FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) N 130 12 xxx 998 STORM DRAIN FND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 95 13 xxx 998 PARK FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) N 281 14 xxx 996 COPS FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (CUT) N 0 15 xxx 06 AIR C1 MUM FND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) N 14 16 m 968 OAS TAX FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) N 2,040 17 xxx 998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN8 20 xxx 996 MEASURE 1 FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) N 1624 21 xxx 998 WASTEINTR FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) N 2024 26 xxx 998 UGWGALNDSCPG COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) N 57 32 xxx 998 CRA CAP PRJ COST ALLOCATION TR"FER (OUT) N (311) 33 xxx 996 DEBT SERVICE COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) N ales 34 xxx 99e LOW & MOD INCOME COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) N 2m NET ALLOCATION 0 CITY OF GRAND TEREAC COUNCIL APPROVAL CITY • 1► 1 MMITES A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Council Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on June 25, 1998 at 6 00 p m PRESENT9 Byron Matteson, Mayor Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem Herman Hilkey, Councilmember Jim Suigley, Councilmember Lee Ann Garcia, Councilmember Tom Schwab, City Manager John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk Bernard Simon, Finance Director Patrnzna Materassi, Community and Economic Development Director Virgil Barham, Building & Safety Director Lt. Mike Howell, Sheriff's Department John Harper, City Attorney ABSENT: None The meeting was opened with invocation by Dr Paul Reed, Terrace Crest Baptist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Snngley 2A Recycling Family of the Month - May 1998 Mayor Matteson announced that Mr Richard Zamudio and family are the recipients of the Recycling Family of the Month Award for the Month of May 1998 and of the local merchant gift certificates from the Food Connection Restaurant, Flowers By Yvonne, Demetn's Restaurant, Miguel's Jr Restaurant and La Pasta Italia CC-98-89 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY COUNCII.MEMBER HICKEY, CARRIED 5-0, to approve the following consent calendar items with the removal of item 3G 3A. Approval of Check Register No 062598 3B. Ratify 06-25-98 CRA Action 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda 3D. Approval of 06-11-98 Minutes 3E Resolution - Calling a General Municipal Election - November 3, 1998 COUNCIL AGENDA MW NM 9 ked minutes 25,1998 3 COUNCELMEMBER SINGLEY, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the May 11, 1998 Minutes of the Crime Prevention Committee 2 Histoncal and Cultural Activities Committee (a) Minutes of 06-01-98 MOTION BY COUNCH MENIBER EHIMY SECOND BY COUNCH MEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to accept the June 1, 1998 Minutes of the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee Mavor Matteson, reported that he attended the Grand Terrace Days Parade and Fair and that it was a good event He also reported that he and Mayor Pro Tern Buchanan attended the Flag Pole Dedication at Pico Park that was put together by Eagle Scout Corey Sorenson Mayor Pro Tern Buchanan, expressed his appreciation for the Community Services Officer, City Staff, Sl=ffs Department, and Volunteers for a great Grand Terrace Days event He feels that the City enjoys a tremendous amount of volunteer support especially from youth organizations The Assistant City Manager has been working with the youth coordinating Eagle Scout Projects benefiting the City He stated that the Grand Terrace Toastmasters is celebrating their 20th Anniversary and congratulated them for their service and dedication. He gave a brief update on the fire consolidation issue'- He reported that he may attend a legislation hearing that would prevent the County from terminating a contract with CDF where a LAFCO application is pending Councilmember Gama, repot that she enjoyed the presentation from the Grand Terrace Elementary School She felt that the Grand Terrace Days event was outstanding and thanked everyone for their participation. She stated that the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee had an outstanding historical presentation A 4th of July community picnic celebration was held in the past and she questioned whether this is something that can be done again. She will be attending the installation dinner for the Chamber of Commerce on June 30, 1998 She reported that the Tattle League team that she sponsored, The Pirates, came in Third Place with a good season She questioned the status of the pictures of the deputies for Grand Terrace Lt. Howell, responded that they are still working on that project Councilmember Mlk _y, thanked volunteers and staff for a great Grand Terrace Days event He gave a special thanks to Barbara Bayus for her exciting announcing of the Grand Terrace Days Parade, He thanked the Fine Department for holding the coloring contest for Grand Terrace Days and reported that his daughter won He feels that El Nino has brought to Grand Terrace a beautiful winter y Council Alin ltes June 25, 1999 Page 5 Mark Mc _, Hewitt and McQuire, 19900 McArther Blvd, representing Mr Roy Roberts, stated that they are here to get some direction from the Council for the best use of the parcel which they feel is a residential plan CC-98-94 MOTION BY MAYOR MATTESON, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER GARCIA, CARRIED 5-0, to Continue the Question to Council. Is there a desire of the City Council to support a zone change for property south of Preston Street between Barton Road and Palm Avenue, to residential from current BRSP- Office Professional classification to the next CRA/City Council Meeting scheduled to be held on July 9, 1998 9A Employee Labor Negotiations Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Mayor Matteson announced that the Council met in Closed Session to discuss Employee Labor Negotiations Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. City Manager Schwab will schedule this item for action at the July 9, 1998 City Council meeting Mayor Matteson adjourned the City Council Meeting at 9 45 p in , until the next CRA/City Council Meeting which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, July 9, 1998 at 6 00 p m CITY CLERK of the City of Grand Terrace YOR of the City of Grand Terrace CITY OF GRAND TERRACE STA REPORT'` ; CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL. ITEM (X ) MEETING DATE JULY 9, 1998 AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT 1998-99 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT � FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX Article XIII-B of the California Constitution was adopted as Proposition 4 in the November 1979 General Election Proposition 4 established an appropriations limit from proceeds of taxes for each governmental entity with the State of California The appropriations limit is unique to each governmental entity and must be determined annually The intent is to provide certain limitations and controls on government spending at all levels of government in the state, but these restrictions are intended by legislature to be applied in a reasonable and practical manner so as to allow some flexibility to meet constantly changing conditions and needs of the citizens for governmental services The appropriation limit of the City is the "proceeds from taxes", as defined, ad3usted annually by changes to the population and the cost of living The Department of Finance shall notify each local agency, no later than May 1st of each year, of the change in cost of living or change in California per capita personal income, whichever is less, and the population for each local agency for the prior calendar year Proposition 111, passed in June 1990, made several changes to the method to be used in calculating the limit These changes allow that the Population Factor may be the change in population of the City or the change in population of the County Proposition 111 also changed the Price Factor to be a choice of the change in California per capita income or the change in the local assessment roll due to the addition of local nonresidential new construction The latter percentage will have to be provided by the County and will not be available for several months - 1 - COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMNIX CITY OF GRAND TERRACE t� Staff Reco=ends Council i 1) SELECT 77M COUNTY POPULATION CHANGE FOR ,FISCAL YEAR 199811999 OF 1 0098$ IN APPROPRIATION LIMIT CALCULATION 2) SELECT THU CHANGE IN CALIFORNIA PER CAPITAL INCOME FOR FISCAL YEAR 199811999 OF 4 15$ IN APPROPRIATION LIMIT CALCULATION 3) ADOPT RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE 199811999 APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE AT $ 5,326,293. - 3 - CITY OF GRAND TERRACE EXHIBIT A CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Appropriations Limit Page 5 Schedule 2 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CALCULATION OF PROCEEDS FROM TAXES BUDGETED REVENUES FOR FY 1998- 1999 Property Taxes Homeowner's Property Tax Relief Real Property Transfer Tax Sales Taxes Franchise Fees Business Licenses Recreation Fees Child Care Fees Planning Fees Engineering & Building Fees Interest- (Allocated 37% / 63%) Motor Vehicle -in -Lieu Off -Highway Motor Vehicle Misc Non -Taxable (Schedule 3) Fines & Parking Citations TOTAL GENERAL FUND ($3,795,706) Proceeds from Taxes 426,000 10,000 20,000 310,000 57,250 20,720 559,900 1,000 1,404,870 (Fees,etc ) Non -Proceeds other than Taxes 274,000 79,560 662, 088 30,033 46,700 35,280 1,258,425 8,750 2,394,836 Street Fund - Fees and Interest 0 10,500 Storm Drain Fund - Fees and Interest 0 11,775 Park Fund-Fees,grants,interest 0 41,800 AB3229 COPS allocation 0 30,500 Air Quality Fund-DMV subventions 0 12,000 Gas Tax Fund (A) 0 267,000 Measure "I" Fund (B) 0 131,000 Waste Water Fund -user fees 0 912,900 Landscaping & Lighting District-Assmts 0 12,622 Traffic Safety Fund, court fines 0 6,800 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE ($1,436,897) 0 1,436,897 TOTALS $ 1,404,870 3,831,733 (A) Exemption under $ 09/Gallon Cities receive approx 0339/Gallon from Gas tax (B) Exempted from calculation SCHEDULE 2 STATE OFgALIFORNIA DEPAP,TMENT OF FINANCE OFFICE , THE DIRECTOR STATE CAPITOL ROOM 1145 SACRAMEWO CA 95814.4998 May 1, 1998 Dear Auditor/Controller/Fiscal Officer PRICE AND POPULATION DATA FOR LOCAL JURISDICTIONS Appropriations Limit PETE VALSON Gow w Article XIII B of the California Constitution specifies that appropriations made by state and local governments may increase annually by a factor comprised of the change in population combined with either the change in California per capita personal income or the change in the local assessment roll due to local nonresidential construction The Department of Finance is mandated to provide the population and California per capita personal income change data for local jurisdictions to calculate their appropriations limits The change in the local assessment roll due to local nonresidential construction may be obtained from your county Assessor The enclosures contain the price factor and population percentage change for setting your 1998-99 appropriation limit. Enclosure I provides the change in California's per capita personal income price factor An example of how to utilize this price factor and the population percentage change in calculating your 1998-99 limit is included Enclosure II provides the population percentage change factors for cities and counties Enclosure HA provides the population percentage change factor for counties and for the total incorporated population of each county These population percentage changes were prepared pursuant to Sections 2227 and 2228 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and are calculated as of January 1, 1998 Section 2227 specifies that state mental institutions, federal military bases and state and federal prisons be excluded from the percentage change calculations Population Factors for Special Districts This letter may be received by special districts, which were exempt from establishing appropriation limits by Article XIII B, Section 9(c) Receipt of this letter should not be construed as a requirement by the Department of Finance to establish an appropriation limit III May 1, 1998 Enclosure I �r A_ Pace Factor Article JIII B specifies that local jurisdictions select their cost -of -living factor to compute their appropriation limit by a vote of their governing body The cost of living factor provided here is per capita personal income If the percentage change in per capita personal income is selected, the percentage changes to be used in setting the 1998-99 appropriation limit are Per Capita Personal Income Fiscal Percentage change Year (FY) over prior year 1998-99 4 15 B Following is an example using sample population change and the change in California per capita personal income as growth factors in computing a 1998-99 appropriations limit 1998-99: Per Capita Change = 4 15 percent Population Change = 181 percent Per Capita converted to a ratio 4 1 + 100 = 10415 Population converted to a ratio Calculation of factor for FY 98-99 181+100 =10181 100 10415 x 1 0181=1 0604 City M nager's Department STAFF REPORT COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE July 9, 1998 SUBJECT Resolution Supporting the Construction and Operation of a Criminal Justice Center in the High Desert NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX The Sheriff is in the initial planning stages to construct a Criminal Justice Center in the High Desert that will contain adult and juvenile detention facilities This facility is urgently needed, as all pre -sentencing and sentenced detainees are currently held in the two valley jails This creates cost and logistic problems when transporting individuals to and from their respective court hearings In addition, there is a critical shortage of beds for juvenile offenders Like other cities, the City of Grand Terrace has been unable to find space at the existing facility for juveniles arrested on less than very serious charges, such as attempted murder and murder The construction of a juvenile detention facility would create a place to hold juveniles that need to be removed from society that we are currently unable to detain due to a lack of available space Captain Norm Hurst from the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department has been assigned by the Sheriff to carry this project forward He is in the audience tonight to answer any questions that the Mayor or Council may have Staff Recommends that Council: Adopt the attached Resolution supporting Sheriff Gary Penrod and the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department in the construction and operation of a Criminal Justice Center containing adult and juvenile detention facilities in the High Desert area of San Bernardino County. TS yjm Attachment COUNCIL AGENDA REM NMr RF'30LUTION NO. PAGE NO.2 to be located in the High Desert region SECTION 2, The City Council recognizes and approves of the justice center, which will contain both adult and juvenile detention facilities SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect upon the date of its adoption SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF JULY, 1998 ATTEST City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and of Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace the City Council thereof and of the City Council thereof I, Brenda Stanfill, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 9th day of July, 1999, by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Approved as to form City Clerk City Attorney r STAFPREPORT CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (>Og MEETING DATE July 9,1998 SUBJECT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE REPEAL OF BOOKING FEES IN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX On March 6, 1998 Shenff Gary Penrod sent a letter to the Board of Supervisors urging them to eliminate the booking fees Most all City Councils in the County have adopted a resolution supporting the elimination of booking fees I have been reluctant to bring one to the Council, as it seems to be just a token gesture by the cities, and gets very little response, if any, from the County I have modified a resolution in asking them to consider elimination of booking fees in the 1999-2000 budget year, if the economy continues in a positive manner and other revenues are available It would seem meaningless to ask them to eliminate a four million dollar revenue source when they Just adopted their budget So, our urging them to seriously consider a reduction or elimination during the next fiscal year process is a more logical time and place for it to be considered APPROVE THE ATTACHED RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE REPEAL OF BOOKING FEES IN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY WUNCIL AGENDA REIN Np;, % RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE REPEAL OF BOOKING FEES IN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. WHEREAS, the State adopted Senate Bill 2557 in 1991 enabling counties to charge cities for the cost of booking fees, and WHEREAS,we understand that the County was forced by the State to utilize booking fees as a way to backfill lost revenues to the County from the State, and WHEREAS, the imposition of booking fees was necessary at the time, and WHEREAS, the economy is unproving and the San Bernardino County budget forecast is much more favorable than in the past, and other counties are either reducing or eliminating booking fees as other revenues have improved, and the booking fee avates a disincentive to book detainees based on an economic decision rather than a law enforcement one, and WHEREAS, the City supports the position of the Sheriff to encourage the elimination or reduction of booking fees, and WHEREAS, the County of San Bernardino has adopted a budget which is based on the revenue assumption of four million dollars in booking fees NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace encourages and supports the board to consider in its 1999-2000 budget the elimination or reduction of the booking fees rather than just assume they will be counted on regardless of the economics of the County's financial situation PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of July, 1998 (ATTEST ly Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace and the City Council thereof Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof Staff Report CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE July 9, 1998 SUBJECT REJECT LIABILITY CLAIM GTLC-98-03 (HULLINGER) The City of Grand Terrace has received a claim (GTLC-98-03) for damage Ms Hulhnger is claiming that water flow controlled and directed by the governmental entity caused a sinkhole in which she and a vehicle were injured Our Claims Adjuster has reviewed the claim and is requesting that the City reject the Claim and send a standard rejection letter to the claimant A copy of the claim is attached for your review L Staff Recommends Council REJECT LIABILITY CLAIM 98-03 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO NOTIFY THE CLAIMANT OF THE ACTION TAKEN r COUNCIL AGENDA REM NpiP Hullmger/Spanky's Freight Systems, Inc of Injury/Damages: Extensive property damage to Kenworth Tractor, requiring in excess of thirty (30) days of repair time, loss of earnings, loss of use of vehicle, physical mjunes included, sever paw to the facial area, neck pain, upper back pain, and pain to the right arm Injuries include both soft and hard tissue damages Preliminary medical analyses shows facial and nasal factures, misalignment of the orbital bodies, and fragmentation of the spmus process at C3 Claimant Shirley Hullmger was required to undergo extensive physical therapy, medical and dental treatment, mcluding but not limited to the fitting of a mouthpiece Although no amount of money can return Shirley Hullmger to her pre - accident condition, the following demand is made in an attempt to avoid litigation, and pursuant to Government Code section 945 4 1 Spanky's Freight Systems, Inc - $100,000 00 2 Shirley Hullinger $500,000 00 COUNCIL ITEM (XX ) City Manager's Department STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE July 9, 1998 SUBJECT Authorize Staff and Council Travel to the League of California Cities Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum and Cancellation of the City Council Meeting Scheduled on July 23, 1998 NO FUNDING REQUIRED _ XX The League of California Cities is holding its Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum on July 22-24, 1998 in Monterey, California Currently, two Council Members and the City Manager have expressed interest in attending this conference, and they are requesting travel authorization to attend There is sufficient funding in the travel accounts to cover the cost of attending the conference Since the dates of this conference conflict with the Council Meeting scheduled on July 23, staff is requesting that Council cancel this meeting 1. Authorize the City Manager and Council to attend the League of California Cities Mayors Executive Forum in Monterey, California on July 22-24, 1998. Cancel the City Council Meeting Scheduled on July 23, 1998. yjm COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM �� am - WO pm 10:00 am - noon noon - t:o0 pm 1:00 - 2:13 pm P r e l l m l nary Program Wednesday, July 22 1F Get credit toward completing the League's Elected Officials Leadership Academy by attending the Executive Forum sessions identified with this symbol. The Academy curriculum is designed to provide you with a solid understanding of all the key subjects and skills you need to be an effective and successful mayor or council member, well prepared to serve your city and your constituenm More information on the Academy will be available at the Executive Forum. Reglatration Open — Portola Lobby, Monterey Conference Center Pro -Forum Sesalon MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS INSTITUTE FOR NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS Y 5 CORE CREDIT The League annually conducts an orientation conference for recently elected officials Because relatively few cities held elections in the last year, rather than holding a separate conference we are incorporating many of the subjects which would normally be held in the Mayors and Council Members Institute into this year's Executive Forum as one of the strands This will make it easier for you to avail yourself of these orientation —and - refresher —sessions Please indicate on the advance registration form if you plan on attending these sessions so we will have the extra materials prepared for you There is no separate registration for these sessions, designated in this program as `MCI Sessions ' INSTITUTE KEYNOTE TAKING UP THE CHALLENGE — THE ROLE OF THE COUNCIL AND POLITICAL COURAGE 0 A thought -provoking look at the responsibilities and opportunities facing you as a leader in local government in California. INSTITUTE WORKSHOP YOUR PRIORITIES AND THE POLITICALLY POSSIBLE An engaging and insightful workshop considering some of the dilemmas and realities faang you as a public official Learn about the essential skills you need to succeed in office Lunch on Your Own Executive Porn Opening General Session ADAPTING TO THE CHANGING DEMANDS ON POLITICAL LEADERSHIP Everyone's talking about it, everyone's writing about it — the new paradigm shift in municipal government As citizens demand more services and an expectation of grater inclusion in local governance, political leadership in many communities has been slow to change or simply resistant Lyle Sumek, nationally renowned for his experience in working with local government, will address the particulars of the changes expected in political leadership as we face a new paradigm in local governance Speaker Lyle Sumek, President, Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc, Maitland, Florida Page 2 am -12d 3 pin 13s1 s - 2:00 pm 2:00 - 3:30 pin Thursday, July 23, continued Concurrent sessions As you transition from the old Industrial Age paradigm to a more information -intensive era, you will be forced to think and develop polities consistent with such dramatic changes. 7bu session is the first in a series of Building Partnerships' topes designed to provide more focus and understanding of partnership building in the 21st Century BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS PRIVATE FUNDRAISING TO SUPPORT CITY SERVICES Explore how cities are working to augment the financial support of city services by developing and 'going after' private funding sources What are the ABCs of such a venture) How successful have cities been) What are some of the potential problems cities have faced in fundraising) Come hear from those who have already traveled down this path REGIONALISM REVISITED WHEN TO WORK TOGETHER AND HOW TO DO IT The enormous potential for changing regional economies and infrastructure is becoming well documented in certain California communities Cities of all sizes are exploring the potential for collaborative possibilities within local geographic, economic and political boundaries This session will examine several successful regional collaborations and explain how and why they were accomplished. MCI SESSION MUNICIPAL LAW ;t' 5 CORE CREDIT An introduction to the basics of municipal law what you personally can and cannot do, what your city can and cannot do, what your legal obligations are as an elected official, and what you can be legally liable for HOW TO BUILD GOOD COUNCIL-MANAGER RELATIONS Y 5 CORE CREDIT This session, developed in collaboration with the City Managers Foundation and the Mayors and Council Members Program Planning Committee, will provide you with the 'how to' aspect of budding good council-manager relationships General Luncheon The major party candidates for governor have been invited to address the Executive Forum and share their ideas regarding issues of interest to clues Concurrent sessions HIGH TOUCH IN HIGH TECH TECH POWER FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS Many cities are attempting to improve services to its citizens by staying on the cutting edge of information technology With so many fancy 'bells and whistles' to choose from, the situation begs the question -What should be our plan, and how do we do it)' These questions and many others will be answered during this informative session A more detailed example of how this technology can assist cities will be demonstrated during -High Tech and High Touch Hands on Hall,' Thursday, 3 45 - 5 15 pm WELFARE REFORM ANOTHER TOOL TO IMPROVE OUR COMMUNITIES A joint effort by cities, counties and schools through the CCS Partnership Your input and active participation is needed Page 4 k Thursday, July 23, connnued 5:30 - 6:30 pm No -Most Reception Friday, July 24 am - 13:30 pm Registration Open — Portola Lobby, Monterey Conference Center 7:30 - IL30 am Breakfast Discussion sessions CITIES WORKING TOGETHER HOW INVOLVEMENT IN THE LEAGUE CAN BENEFIT YOU Come listen to and ask questions of these experienced elected officials on HOW and WHY they became involved with the League and how it has benefited them and their cities ELECTED OFFICIALSIEDUCATORS FORUM If you are a teacher or school administrator, come join your colleagues to exchange ideas and experiences about your challenges and opportunities as both an elected official and educator ELECTRICITY RESTRUCTURING Now that we are several months into electricity restructuring, what does it mean for cities) What are your options and what should you do) This session will explore the issues and alternatives and give you some practical tips STREET CUT FEES Many tines are experiencing the constant trauma of their streets being tom up, paved and tom up again Sacramento was the first city in California to pass an ordinance stating that cities may require utilities to partially cover the financial costs of long-term street damage associated with repeatedly digging trenches Find out what other cities are doing, what research has been done, and how to get your city to work with utility representatives to effectively coordinate digging schedules HOW TO BE A RESOURCE PERSON We all can become better conduits for the sharing of resources, including information and materials This informal brain -storming session will explore how elected officials can become better `resources' for each other both locally and state wide DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Does it seem as though we are all more vulnerable to disasters? With El Nino, earthquakes and firestorms having visited our cities and towns over the past few years, local government and citizen groups have developed innovative programs to inform and educate local communities on how to prepare for future disasters Come join in this informal sharing of what various cities have done in this area 8:45 - 9d5 am General session The major party candidates for governor have been invited to address the Executive Forum and share their ideas regarding issues of interest to cities Page 6 7i STAFF REPORT CITY MANAGER`S DEPARTMENT CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE July 9, 1998 SUBJECT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999 FUNDING REQUIRED XX NO FUNDING REQUIRED The City Council met in closed session at the meeting of June 25, 1998 to discuss benefits for the employees for fiscal year 1998-99 Council approved items as outlined in the Closed Session Staff Report of June 25, 1998 with a net appropriation of $34,799 and $19,875 coming from the General Fund Attached is a Summary of Appropriations for the expenditures of the approved L DVE THE EXPENDITURE OF $19,875 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO FUND THE OYEE BENEFITS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 AND APPROVE THE ATTACHED SALARY ILUTION INCORPORATING THE CHANGES COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO, i_3} 4 4* CITY OF GRAND TERRACE FY 1998-99 APPROPRIATIONS NEEDED 1.6% COLA TO ALL EMPLOYEES 10 120 110 CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT Salaries 2 380 10 120 txx-x CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT Fringe Benefits a Employer Costs 642 10 125 110 CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT Salanes 1 505 10 125 1xx-x CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT Fringe Benefits 3 Employer Costs 487 10 140 110 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Salaries 2 394 10 140 1xx-x FINANCE DEPARTMENT Fnnge Benefits d Employer Costs 685 10 172 110 BUILDING AND SAFETY Salaries 536 10 172 1xx x BUILDING AND SAFETY Fringe Benefits d Employer Costs 177 10 175 110 PUBLIC WORKS Salaries 244 10 175 1xx x PUBLIC WORKS Fringe Benefits 3 Employer Costs 80 10 180 110 COMMUNITY SERVICES Salaries 1 614 10 180 1xx-x COMMUNITY SERVICES Fringe Benefits 3 Employer Costs 551 10 370 110 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Salaries 1 459 10 370 1xx-x COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fringe Benefits d Employer Costs 475 10 380 110 GIS Salaries 66 10 380 1xx-x GIS Fringe Benefits & Employer Costs 21 10 430 110 RECREATION Salaries 1539 10 430 1xx x RECREATION Fringe Benefits 3 Employer Costs 362 10 440 110 CHILD CARE Salaries 1 6 833 10 440 1xx-x CHILD CARE Fringe Benefits 3 Employer Costs 1 774 10 450 110 PARK MAINTENANCE } Salaries 345 10 450 1xx-x PARK MAINTENANCE Fringe Benefits & Employer Costs 124 17 910 110 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Salaries 50 17 910 1xx x TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Fringe Benefits & Employer Costs 5 21 570 110 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Salaries 236 21 570 1xx-x WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Fringe Benefits 3 Employer Costs 84 32 xxx 110 CRA GENERALIPROJECTS Salaries 265 32 xxx 1xx x CRA GENERALIPROJECTS Fringe Benefits 3 Employer Costs 86 34 xxx 110 CRA LOW AND MOD HOUSING Salaries 2 663 34 xxx 1xx-x CRA LOW AND MOD HOUSING Fringe Benefits d Employer Costs 60 TOTAL COSTS OF 1 6% COLA 28.545 10 190 705 NON- DEPARTMENTALFURNMURE AND EQUIPMENT 1,100 SICK LEAVE BUYOUT FOR CERTAIN PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 10 120 110 CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT Salaries 300 10 120 1xx-x CRY MANAGER DEPARTMENT Fringe Benefits E Employer Costs 30 10 172 110 BUILDING AND SAFETY Salaries 175 10 172 1xx-x BUILDING AND SAFETY Fringe Benefits & Employer Costs 17 34 xxx 110 CRA LOW AND MOD HOUSING Salaries 175 34 xxx 1xx-x CRA LOW AND MOD HOUSING Fringe Benefits & Employer Costs 17 714 10 190 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYROLL SYSTEM 251 NON -DEPARTMENTAL BANK CHARGES 1,150 10 180 MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER 110 COMMUNITY SERVICES Salaries - Step increase 745 10 180 1xx COMMUNITY SERVICES Forge Benefits 3 Employer Costs 300 21 570 110 WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Salaries - Step increase 745 21 570 1xx x WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Forge Benefits 3 Employer Costs �44 Z090 10 190 CELLULAR PHONE SYSTEM 235 NON -DEPARTMENTAL Communications 1,200 10 xxx CHANGES TO COST ALLOCATION DUE TO APPROPRIATION CHANGES (17128) 998 GENERAL FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 11 xxx 9W STREET FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 130 12 xxx 998 STORM DRAIN FND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 95 13 xxx 998 PARK FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 281 14 xxx 998 COPS FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 0 15 xxx 998 AIR QUALITY FND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 14 16 xxx 998 GAS TAX FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 2040 17 xxx 998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 8 20 xxx 998 MEASURE I FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 1 624 21 xxx 998 WASTEINTR. FUND COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 2024 26 xxx 998 LIGHTG 3LNDSCPG COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 57 32 xxx 998 CRA CAP PRJ COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN (311) 33 xxx 998 DEBT SERVICE COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 8186 34 xxx 998 LOW 3 MOD INCOME COST ALLOCATION TRANSFER (OUT) IN 2.W NET ALLOCATION 0 I RESOLUTION NO.9& Pap 2 SALARY RANGIR F Executive Secretary to the City Manager Secretary Maintenance Crew Leader Building/Safety Inspector Administrative Clerk Account Clerk Recreation Coordinator Maintenance Worker WPM Recreation Leader reation I,e�det ssmg Guard realm Aide THIS 9th day of July, 1998 ly Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace d of the City Council thereof $1,988 $2,339 $2,691 $1,988 $2,339 $2,691 $1,998 $2,339 $2,691 $12 55 $14 64 $16 73 $1,8% $2,228 $2,563 $1,894 $2,228 $2,563 $1,8% $2,228 $2,563 $1,852 $2,177 52,507 $1,621 $1,904 $2,192 $1,424 $1,580 $1,736 $9.30 $9.97 $10.64 $7 30 $7 96 $8 65 $5 84 $6 65 $7.21 $5.84 $7 28 $7.96 Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof. 0 I RESOLUTIJN No. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLU- TION NO. 97-13 AND ADJUSTING SALARY RANGES FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE SEASONAL POOL PER- SONNEL WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace has determined the need to adjust the salary ranges for the positions contained in this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, 'the City Council of the City of Grand Tetzace DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER THE FOLLOWING; SECTION i R - That Resolution No. 97-13 is hereby rescinded in its en" SECTION 2. ClAnsmfication Salar+ R2ngcs - TMt the following job classifications and salary ranges are hereby established for employees of the City of Grand Terrace, and said salary ranges shall be effective July 1, 1998. Manager $8.70 $9 25 $9.78 n Lifeguard $7.61 $8.15 $8.70 r Safety Instructor $7 06 $7.61 $8 15 vard $5.98 $6.53 $7.06 Cashier $5 84 $6 04 $6.24 THIS 9th day of July, 1998 Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace of the City Council thereof. Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace and of the City Council thereof Staff Report CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM( x ) MEETINGDATE July 9,1998 SUBJECT Resolution Confirming FY 1998-99 Landscaping and Street Lighting Assessment District No 89-1 In 1989, the City Council required a developer to form an Assessment District for the purpose of maintaining the landscaping and lighting as required by the Conditions of Approval Subsequently, two other developments were required to be included in such a program and these were annexed to the original Assessment District 89-1 as Annexation No 1 Each year, City Council by early August must consider the costs associated with the maintenance of these districts, and adopt as presented or modify the Engineer's Report providing for assessments to be placed on the tax rolls to cover costs of maintenance and operation during the next fiscal year Staff has reviewed the expenditures for the last fiscal year, and based on our best estimate at this time, the costs of operation and maintenance should approximately equal the assessments levied and collected It is our estimate, that these costs and assessments should remain for the coming fiscal year and will adequately cover the costs Attached is a copy of the Engineer's Report for the F Y 1998-99, along with the order of Procedure and the Resolution to be adopted Conduct the public hearing Adopt Resolution confirming a diagram and assessment and providing the annual assessment levy after formation of a District for the Fiscal Year 1997-98 as presented in the Engineer's Report Direct the Finance Director to file the Assessments with the County Auditor COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO I f A CITY OF GRAND TERRACE ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR LEVY OF 1998 - 1999 F Y ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS IN LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 Prepared by William H Addington, P E July 1998 W 0 # 12 515 ENGINEER'S REPORT LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DISTRICT NO 89-1 GRAND TERRACE 1998-1999 F. Y ANNUAL ASSESSMENT The undersigned respectfully submits the enclosed Engineer's Report as directed by the City Council DATED 7" % i8 ENGINEER OF WORK By 4 William H Addington `(1 �� al I HEREBY CERTIFY that the enclosed Engineer's Report, together with Assessment and Assessment Diagram thereto attached, was filed with me on the day of 11998 Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace Grand Terrace, California Brenda Stanfill I HEREBY CERTIFY that the enclosed Engineer's Report, together with Assessment and Assessment Diagram thereto attached, was approved by the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California, on the day of 71998 Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace Grand Terrace, California By NA Brenda Stanfill Page 1 Plo 26009 Exp 3LZ CIv11 lE 0; The City has formed Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District 89-1 and subsequently annexed other parcels as Annexation No 1 to said District to insure a fair and equitable levying of the necessary costs of servicing and maintenance of the respective facilities, which in turn will enhance the value of each and every parcel in the District directly and collectively The 89-1 District Boundaries of the Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District are the boundaries of Tract 13364 filed in Map Book 203, Pages 89 through 92, Records of San Bernardino County The boundaries of Annexation No 1 are the boundaries of Tracts 14264 and 14471, filed in Map Book 242, Pages 17 and 18, and Map Book 237, Pages 41 and 42, respectively, of said County Servicing and administration of the City's landscape maintenance program shall be according to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, Part 2, Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. report is being prepared to provide for the annual assessment within these boundaries lent for the assessment for each parcel will be made in the same manner and at the same as payments are made for property taxes for each Property te proceedings will be conducted under the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, Part 2, vision 15, Sections 22500 through 22679, of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of T1us annual Report is presented for the purpose of levy of annual assessment to the above ��described properties for the purpose of maintaining the lighting and landscaping during the fiscal year 1998-1999 s report contains the necessary data required to conduct the proceedings and is submitted to Clerk of the City for filing NN Page 3 PART E A list of the names and addresses of the owners of real property within tlus Assessment District, as shown on the last equalized roll of the Assessor of the County of San Bernardino which are incorporated herein by reference PART F The Diagram of the Assessment District Boundaries showing the exterior boundaries of the Assessment District, and the lot dimensions of each lot or parcel of land within the Assessment District has been submitted to the Clerk of the Agency, a facsimile is included herein The lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within the Assessment District are those Imes and dmensions shown on the maps of the Assessor of the County of San Bernardino, for the year when this Report was prepared and are incorporated by reference herein and made part of this Zeport Page 5 (b) Li htm Poles, fixtures, bulbs, conduits, equipment, posts, pedestals, metering devices and appurtenant facilities as required to provide lighting in public right-of-ways and easements within the proposed boundaries of the District A total of 7 street lights are included in the boundaries of this development 3 Tract 14471 (a) Landscaping Landscaping, plantmg shrubbery, trees, and vines with Lot "A" of said Tract 14471, along with imgation system for the improvements within Lot "A" (b) Li htin Poles, fixtures, conduits, equipment, posts, pedestals, metering devices and appurtenant facilities as required to provide lighting in public right-of- ways and easements within the boundanes of the District A total of 6 street lights are maintained within the boundaries of this development NN Page 7 Tract 14264 1 Energy Costs - Street Lighting 2 Landscaping (a) Water Supply (b) Mowing and Trimming, etc (c) Replacement Parts 3 Contingencies (a) Legal (b) Engineering (c) Audztor Controller Charge (d) Shortage (Last F Y ) ANNUAL COST (TOTAL) Page 9 $ 86600 25075 9789 100 000 $1,215 64 NSSESSOR'S PARCEL )275-251-76 Q77-631-15 1277-631-16 277-631-17 277-631-18 277-631-19 277-631-20 277-631-21 277-631-22 277-631-23 ?77-631-24 >.77-631-25 ! 77-631-26 37-631-27 ,77-631-28 77-631-29 77-631-30 77-631-31 N', Page 11 A ;SESSMENT AMOUNT $1,215 64 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 $309 36 l PART D METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT The method of apportionment will be to accordance with benefit received The benefit is increased in property values received The benefit is based on increase in property values derived From the facilities provided by the Distract In each of the three areas, the benefit is based on the total cost of maintenance within that area, with the total cost for area being assessed equally among the lots within these areas NN Page 13 iSESSOR'S PARCEL NO PROPERTY OWNER 5-301-15 Vagas, Raymond J Vagas, Grace C 37821 Grand Oaks Ave Palm Desert, CA 92211 75-301-16 Vagas, Raymond J Vagas, Grace C 37821 Grand Oaks Ave Palm Desert, CA 92211 >75-301-17 Deshayes, Arnold Deshayes, Dollie P O Box 762 Blue Jay, CA 92317 11111 275-301-18 2 5-301-19 2 5-301-20 275-301-21 2715-301-22 275-301-23 Page 15 Deshayes, Arnold Deshayes, Dolhe P O Box 762 Blue Jay, CA 92317 Kader, Ali H Kader, Sofia A 24132 Becard Dr Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Davanzo, Frank V Davanzo, Carol A 27192 Westndge Ln Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Mauerhan, Clarence W 2525 Ocean Blvd #H6 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 c/o Barbara Pannier Foxel Partners No 2 6012 Annette Circle Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Mauerhan, Clarence W 2525 Ocean Blvd #H6 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 c/o Barbara Pannier 277-631-19 277-631-20 77-631-21 I 77-631-22 11 277-631-23 1I�77-631-24 277-631-25 27-631-26 2177-631-27 H,xkey, Kirk R. Harkey, Kristine M 12675 Oriole Ave Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Williams, James F Williams, Phyllis R. 22755 Franklm St Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Collins, Teresa S 22745 Franklin St Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Quiros, Jess Quiros, Mana E 22735 Franklin St Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Mattheson, Wayne Mattheson, Esther 12655 Pruitt Ct Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Yong, Alberta L H 12645 Pruitt Ct Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Shunel, Marvin M Slumel, Virginia L NN 22240 Van Buren St. Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Richardson, Blair Richardson, Kun 12625 Pruitt Ct Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Leaper, James D Ortiz -Gonzales, Elizabeth 12615 Pruitt Ct Grand Terrace CA 92313 Page 17 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM An Assessment Diagram for the Assessment District has been submitted to the Clerk of the City in the format required under the provision of the Act The enclosed is a facsimile of subject submittal and is included herein The Imes and dimensions of each lot or parcel within the Assessment District are those lines and dimensions shown on the maps of the Assessor of the County of San Bernardino, for the year when this Report was prepared, and are incorporated by reference herein and made part of this Report Dated this 7 7"11 day ofyU 1998 William H Addmgton Engineer of Work PRELINIINARY APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, ON THE DAY OF 1998 Brenda Stanfill Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace State of California APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, ON THE DAY OF h Page 19 , 1998 Brenda Stanfill Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace State of California S UHAL •EET L I - CITY OF GRAND TERRACE SAN BERNA13DINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA NNEXATION NO I TO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 PURSUANT `TO DIVISION 15 PART 2 OF STREETS a HIGHWAYS CODE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 w u ' u1 T INI1 im's IN( AEf(ff1EL1 OI ACRAn 1011 of ElfflQrl Dtittltl tN w / �L Dp tl 1 I /AO71O1tf ►OA N1[1AI ION ND I If III( cllt a tt/JO "'A" COONtt tt/ 'a, tEA%AIt01r0 IIAII 01 CAL11011ll tIIOA 1EtfNIDED .DYrro1 tr IN(__Mi OL___ It-_ IL /00[_- OOCtREN1 AO -___ If Or At i[fAAC CI tt AICl/ a of MIIC( OI IK CODNii AECOIIOlA W lAA 1EMA.IIDIrO CDUI111 ItI` 11tINll 1■ i!Q C , OF_ IC(a /il( CIII ettow — = iRIt 11/1 .IItANI pO I LOT 1 1 c � 1117 ACRES 1 1 I > el It tXlM tall ttu f1/N1N AP/! 27S 261 76 unlwf[-y 1 11 PECOID(D IN IK CIVICS. of WE fa/(N1rflN0l.1 Of 9IREL16 I016 CAI OF_ ,1 1 [ 411[11[ 11N[al[ IW EEfliRi 11 OI [IAEEIf Ntlr N I N HELDEA Atlt(ffnE/I us tl11LD Lt IN! cill t"Cll ON :APE AREA iu SSIISERIiluttiAM1DJite�AttE%oi0 ONO Jiilf/N01ecilaYAiNLLT110 IK CA, Of 1/ 1 /AID Atl[[0(0 Af7Ef/n(lt 117 b asL�fft4Nl POLL aEM 10441OL0 IL THE (KFICt DAI ptlN'U1Ni(); ISO �GEJE�CE 15 WADE 1011K folO10 InIN[OF Itj CEIII (1=pe(i]/11 pt{ A7if LtRLLILf Pl l NE 07 LACN ►AIICEt OV LA%o tNDYN OP iNi2 Atf(fCPELI e1AolA n CI 1 MINN .anl.[ /IIFD tpL t1Ai of 1( AC IK NDtlli�Cl DOW or I�Vf w i31ts-mm, Iflalcisr TALE U 11tE OV/1CL OF 111E cotlAll OI tlt P[P11ARp1Pa • N Rt[1aCi( �L u,( i01rLt01AMt1 0 14 It I �Oaw-� St O7 RI�AGtt COVNtT RECORDER M /AN NEMANOIA co11NIl II lot A Lit Oml I 1OU1 u IN. I I $ ♦ %!( I' O(71i31-a 12 { D2r411¢7P R t Iz nn Ac. D f also I j 1 1 LEGEND 11 ! [a111/1 - 021imae 3 027i {St 30 � QttA6 1 aim I 1 F OUR [_ y^� 10 I OL7/17 0S1-31 n4SVREEE-11' a 0211931 24 a IIAc7t^ q 119%1NRd o2LZOAC-LSn(oac'["C1yyJJ731A2 0217Z710 f ovr-i31 tJQITAC 03OAC. % 3 I _ 02171]I b 0211.1.1a OS1Ff711t . 021f 431•ts �D Q20AC 0tOAC OigAC C 02oAQ IJ Ast tIpY11. /Attl AIi1tIQ mttat •AAtta sumn- n1 •/loci NiNPIRr [wall Nn.N /1><fPNN rigtl - frrtll t1R1a natptrtn rlun:l >dBL 147/91-9? {.' Wit;, 1— laNtol ,„M.. - rla[r U.�..INn.CA.o. nn -0h i[¢%AttON No 1 CAIVNAL AJ3EJJNUIr mfNC1 It / IW!lAKAY a S VA,I a1REN Y P ICO 9 VICINITY MAP ral�. NO I r !r u u KICAK as ASSOCIAjE' S C17T OF GRAND TERRACE ASSESSMEIII OIACRAII II`I CIVIL EIICg1EENSANNEXATION HO I 10 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89 1 2?" DAP10N o" SVIIID LAl10SCAPIHO AHO LIGHTING ACI OF 1972 OrtAHO IENNACE,� CAEI1014-N N2311 41 N25A - II CODNIT OF SAH BERHM01110 SIAIE DF CALIF0R111A - K N ml INSTRUCT ION SHEET - PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF GRAND TERRACE LANDSCAPING AND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 89-1 1 URTTIrPROTO T: Any interested person may file a written protest with the City Clerk, nig the grounds for than objection. Seed protest shall contain a description of the property fj 'dent to identify said property All interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to beard at the Public Hearing, and for purposes of determining whether or not a majority test casts, the test is whether or not, upon the conclusion of the Pubhc Heanng, written tests filed, and not withdrawn, represent property owners owning more than fifty percent %) of the area Proceedings are to be abandoned if a majority protests unless overruled and ied by a four -fifths (d/S) vote by all members of the Council If a majority protest does K, I would recommend that the Hearing be continued for further consideration. there are to be no changes or modifications in the individual assessment amounts, then the misment roll as previously prepared should be confirmed. A copy of the confirmed iessment should be filed in the Office, of the City Engineer, with a duplicate copy on file in Office of the City Clerk and open for public inspection. e adoption of this Resolution constitutes the levy of the special assessment for the fiscal year referred to in the assessment. wdiately aft the adoption of the Resolution Confirming the Diagram and the Assessment, no later than the First Monday in August, 1998, the Clerk shall file a copy of the assessment ram and the assessment, or a certified copy thereof, with the County Auditor. I would mmend that together with a copy of the diagram and assessment, a certified copy of the rluboa Confirming the Assessment be forwarded also. RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CONFIRMING A DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT AND PROVIDING THE ANNUAL �1T LEVY AFTER FORMATION OF A DISTRICT the City Council has mitiatod proceedings for the annual levy of the for a street lighting district pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Landscaping Lighting Act of 1972', being Part 2 of Dhvrsron 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of State of Calrfonua, in a district known and designated as CITY OF GRAND TERRACE LANDSCAPING AND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 99-1 WHEREAS, the City Council has ordered the preparation of a report and the City has prepared and filed with dus City Council a report pursuant to law for its and subsequently thereto this City Council did adopt its Resolution of Intention to and collect assessments for the next ensuing fiscal year relating to the above -referenced and further did proceed to give notice of the time and place for a Public Hearing on matters relating to said annual levy of the proposed assessment, and, WHEREAS, at this tame, this City Council has heard all testimony and evidence and is s of proceeding with said annual levy of assessments. NOW, TARE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Grand does hereby resolve, determine and order as follows SECTION 1. That the above -recitals are all true and correct as the SECTION S. That the City Treasurer has previously a abhshed a special find known CITY OF GRAND TERRACE LANDSCAPING AND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 89 I into which the City Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax Collector pursuant to the provisions of this Resolution and law and said transfer shall be made and accomplished as soon as said monies have been made avadable to said City Treamnw SECTION 9. That the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of the diagram and assessment roll with the County Auditor, together with a certified copy of this Resolution upon its adoption. SECTION 10. That a certified copy of the assessment and diagram shall be filed in the office of the City Engineer, with a duplicate copy on file in the Office of the City Clerk and open for public inspection. 3 I T y CRA ITEM () Community and Econonuc Development Department STD REPORT COUNCIL ITEM (X ) FUNDING REQUIRED July 9, 1998 MEETING DATE: HIM 25, NO FUNDING REQUIRED X Question to Council: Is there a desire of City Council to support a zone change for property south of Preston Street between Barton Rd. and Palm Avenue, to residential from current BRSP - Office Professional classification? Roy Roberts, the property owner of parcel numbers 0276-202-64 through 0276-202-75, south of ton Street, between Barton Rd and Palm Ave north of City Hall, would like the Council to consider mhon of current BRSP Office Professional Distract for new residential uses be intent of this agenda item is 1) to ascertam if it is worthwhile for the applicant to submit a zone hange application allowing a non -conforming 15 4 units per acre condominium map to proceed to onstruction and/or 2) alternatively, request a reevaluation/amendment of the current residential overlay istrict (which suspended the residential non-conformmg status of existing single-family residences for 0 years) to instead allow construction of new housing units both cases a zone change application of BRSP and GP would be required and would cost proximately $3,685 00 formal amendment would require a public hearing Please note that this question/discussion has not en advertised and application has not been formally filed This is not a formal procedure and whatever )uncil responds at this time will not need to be upheld after public input and staff detailed evaluation of iecific Plan Amendment and General Plan Amendment applications and specific project circumstances ease note that the question is of land use nature Staff is not prepared to respond to specific site or oject questions at this time drs current position is that the BRSP and General Plan establishes this area as the Office Professional stnct of our main commercial corridor, an area for civic buildings and offices The General Plan Task rce more recently agreed that this zoning is appropriate This area is to be our Civic Center area and rhaps expand in the future to add a new larger library and a convention center Also the introduction some neighborhood commercial was considered for the future, in strategic locations Offices with a inn belt around would provide a buffer and transition to surrounding residential areas 22795 Barton Road - Grand Terrace, California 9231 COUNgL AGENDA ITEM N0.� A Staff Report CRA ITEM( ) COUNCIL ITEM (x) MEETING DATE July 9, 1998 SUBJECT REAPPOINTMENT OF COM[ IITTEE/COMMISSION MEMBERS Y is a list of Comnuttee/Commission members whose terms have expired on June 30, 1998, with response as to whether or not they would like to be considered for reappointment for your information is the current roster for each Committee litsy Miller - no response aclue Kiacz - yes )ottie Rabom - yes :obert Stewart - no dike Fasenmyer - yes these members are reappointed there will be two vacancies � Gratson - yes McBride - yes ah Laister - yes elle Rosenkild - yes these members are reappointed there will be no vacancies lore Frost - yes tchen Andrews - no Newberry - yes ry Tyler - yes these members are reappointed there will be one vacancy Hodder - no Hodder - no Monroe - yes 'these members are reappointed there will be two vacancies Updated 9/97 MEETINGS: First Monday of each month. IM. 7:00 p m PLACE- EOC, 22795 Barton Road, Building #f3 APPROVED VOTING MEMBERSHIP- 7 CITY STAFF LIAISON John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager NAME and ADDRESS PHONE NUMBERS APPOINTED REAPPOINTED TERM ENDS Eileen Hodder, Chairperson 6/26/86 6/23/94 (2) 6/30/1998 James'Hodder, Secretary " - ' - '- 6!2$/U '61=04'(1j 6/$b 096.... Vic PAnnighausen - .. .. 2/24/0 6115/06 ( )' B/W28bn Gary fIdridge-...... .. ... .. - 4729/§1' 5/66 () - 06726d. . .dames Monroe - - - .. .... ... .. ........... OWN ....... ..9/56A JS$ ... Darla Wertz 6/69/04 .. t;/1 /Sfi -- - -- ' 06126 --- Wchard Raubert .. .... ..... - 1/227§7 ... .. ......... . 1 Alternate Position r_. Updated-6/98 — PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETINGS: First Monday of each month. I=: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: Community Meeting Room, Grand Terrace Civic Center APPROVED VOTING MEMBERSHIP- 7 CITY STAFF LIAISON- Karen Gerber, Director of Recreation Services NAME and ADDRESS PHONE NUMBERS APPOINTED REAPPOINTED TERM ENDS Lenore Frost, Chairperson 11/10/83 6/23/94 (3) 6/30/1998 Gretchen Andrews, Secretary" 1/13%3$ 6756111 '0$ Pat dewberry - - - - - 12/12/96 666/109 Manuel brtiz 9/12/66 " " $40/26W _ Dick Aolffns - 1%1 0/7 Airij Saran Green (alternate member appomtmenf 11'/17/07) Alternate Positions Cheryl Whitlock � " " " "" • "" �1 �/1 �/9$ $/$G/� Vacant Updated 5/98 MEETINGS: First & Third Thursday of each month. IM. 7.00 p.m. preceded by a Public Workshop Session at 6:30 p.m PLACE: Grand Terrace Civic Center Council Chambers, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 APPROVED VOTING MEMBERSHIP: 7 CITY STAFF LIAISON: Patrizia Materassi, Community Development Director NAME and ADDRESS PHONE NUMBERS APPOINTED REAPPOINTED TERM ENDS Fran Van Gelder, Chairwoman 7/ 1 /86 6/23/94 (2) 6/30/1998 Matthew Addington, Vice-Lhafrman 9/66/0 612,1/94 ' " W /i 938' bong Wilson Moire Hus's Ma' r r firainor bon Lsrkin Vacant (FAX) 899-0680 (FAX) 783-7754 (FAX) 388-0233 i/16/92 6/1 3/66 . . 6116?1669..' W6726ffi 6/W16ffi ...