09/10/1998FILE COPY 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace California 92313-5295 Civic Center (909) 824-6621 » Fax (909) 783-7629 Fax (909) 783-2600 Byron R Matteson Mayor ` Dan Buchanan e- r ' Mayor Pro Tempore Herman Hilkey Jim Singley Lee Ann Garcia Council Members Thomas J Schwab I City Manager September 10, 1998 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursday - 6 00 p.m. Council Chambers Grand Terrace Civic Center 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313-5295 MY OF GRAND TERRACE --- — ---- - - -- --- - REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL. CIIANMERS - - - -- - - - 5hrrEUMER 10, 1998 GRAND TERRACE CIVIC CENTER 6:00 P.M. 22795 Barton Road nMCMOFGRAMh !/ `� �qp �y�. •may _ _■ �+ �Mi#z_ ��[��y tJ��tlt�lxlgU yl�► ie�c lif���asyfl..�y��i��kt C��t#s#il�fttllil.!'i: .,�� ��i�`��'*9�i�$# ���-EdA�� �'ii�4�F4�V• �.....�'�--;�"S.�>'�.z,. ...,..c.,,;:Y,,,.�,'��a '`„-"'� Fm S �win+� \ 1Yw tlM ^ JAA4Y! E3i�.B�5�1B'�AB���T1B���BIT MUM YOU AIt ASi�EDr TOlUMZ COMU A YMQ=S'F TO-S�FORDe.&�i��E� A*ji.t TTW Tom * Call to Order - - -- ----- _ _ - * Invocation - Pastor Sahm Ehas, Azure fills Seventi3-Day Advents C6t�__ - * -Pledge of Allgpwm - - * - Roll Call - - - - -- ---AGENDA IIF.MS ICONVEWZObIIbiLJNITY STAW COMM --ACTIM- - -- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -- - ApP�►a -_ - _ - --- - ---- -� - 1. App sm g of 08-27-98 a 2. Appwvd of check ge idw CRA091098 _ - - - - 3. Adapt SWWomi-oMommundy- Invadmw Fd k7 CONVENE arY COUNCIL MEUNG- 3 CONSENT CALENDAR Approve - _ _ - - The foRmiNg Consent Cakadar it m are e m ted to be swtiam acid woeatroveniaL 'lley wff be acted upow by the Cm" at Me tleae wiWout dbcua lm Aiy Couna Measbar, Staff Member, or-Eitkea-rimy mqueat-nowwal of as -begs fros the Ceeatat Calendar for dbcuniem A. APprum Check-RegWm No 091098 -- B. Ratify 09-10:98 CRA Adman - C. wame Full kwAmg of Onknu es an Agaoda PENDING C R A APPROVAL A regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency, City of Grand Tom, was held m the Council Chambers, Grand Teaaee Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, Cahfornia, on August 13, 1998, at 6:00 p.m. l Byron Matteson, Chairman Dan Buchanan, Vice -Chairman Herrman Hillwy, Agency Member - - - _-- - - -rim-Singley; Agency Member - Tom Schwab, Executive Director -- —_- -- John Donlevy, Assistant City Manager Brenda Stanfill. Cit}� Cierlc _ -=--Brd—ernaSimon,—Finance Director NW -Barham, Building do Safety Dmx1or ----t;t.-Pete, Shenfrs Department CRA-98-47 - MOTION BY AGENCY MEMBER SINGLEY, SECOND BY VICE- CHAIRMAN BUCHANAN, CARRIED 441-0 (AGENCY MEMBER GARCIA WAS ABSEN), to approve the August 13, 1998 CRA Minutes. - CRA-9848 MOTION BY AGENCY —MEMBER SIIIGLEY; SECOND BY AGENCY HIL KEY, CARRY 4-040 (AGENCY -GARCIA WAS - - � ABSIMi*i approve chock Register No. CdiA082798. t'�fDMMUNrry REDEVELOPIViENI' AGENCY i`i'11�FN'T PnT Try CRA-98-49 IWO'ITION BY AGENCY MEMBER HII.KEY, SECOND BY AGENCY MEMBER SQ URM, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (AGENCY DER GARCIA WAS ABSENT), to approve the fellowmg proposed amendments to Community Redevelopment Agency Invest Pohcy: - -8L--- -P ands Investment Structures Incorporating ]Investments - - - Permitted in Caffornis Government Code Sections S3601 and 536359 CM AOEFbA- "= NM l- CJ A APPROVAL PAGE 1 PENDING 1 (CITY F ' D TERRA�E I `C MMUNITY R�D ELOP MEN' AGENCY DATE: ,10 SEPTEMB4R,f1'�9� CHECK REGISTER NO: 091098 ; ,— G, DEMAN SA _ 0,1998OUTSTANDI_ -- --- - --- MB R— S--E-P lI _ r a + f`rI EM4 NCHECKNO. mouff P12515 MANAGED HEALTM NETWORK I HEAL�H NETWORK INSURANCE, AUG ,1998 6275F. 662 072 99 P12516 U S BANK TRUST i SEMI-ANNU4 PAYMENT FOR 1993 BOND ISSUE P12521 5 CASH BID ON PROPERTY AT 10238 ARLISS DRIVE 105.000 00 56241 R12522 PACIFICARE'OF IFORNIA i , �, ' I HEALTH INSURANCE, SEPT. 1998 3378 P12523 INLAND COUNTIES INS, COMPANY LIFE INSURANCE, SEPT, 1998 6275 P12524 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK 1 HEALTH NETWORK INSURANCE, SEPT„ 1996 CASHIERS CHECK FOR ARROWHEAD ESCROW P12526 CASH TO PURCHASE PROPERTY AT 22644 VAN BUREN 74,340 00 i 1063 40459 DRAGOS BARBU i INTERN 8/20/98 AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR SEPTEMBER, 1998 13750 40460 40466 VIRGIL BARHAM COSTCO SUPPLIES FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING 5223 40467 COUNTY RECORDS RESEARCH TRUSTEE SALES LIST LAWN SERVICES FOR 12038 ARLISS DRIVE, 00 89 40469 DRUG ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM i ,f 8000 40401 LA PASTA ITALIA j ' JUNE AND JULY, 1998 I LUNCH FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING 25000 40485 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 'PHONE FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPT 41 84 5282 40493 40496 ' BETTY CASH I ; RIVERSIDE HIGHLAND WATER COMPANY, I REIMBURSE PETTY CASH IR WATER (CLOSING BILL) FOR 22547 LA PA 4458 40504 SMART & FINAL IRIS COMPANY I SUPPLIES FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING 8175 40509 SOUTHERN CA EDISON COMPANY 1 , ELECTRIC FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION DEPT ' AND HOUSES UNDER REHABILITATION 21066 40412 STAPLES I III ' �I OFFICE SUPPLIES 18883 CRA of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE CRA rrEM (X ) COUNCEL YTEM (I MEETING DATE : September 10, 1998 AGENDA rIEM -- - - - SUBJECT ADOPT STATEMENT OF CRA INVESTS POLICY - FUNDING REQUH ED - - - NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX - - - -- - --- Government Code requires the Treasurer to present to the governing body an Annual Statement of Investment Policy This policy was approved in May 1997 and later revised to add (8 0, I) "Pools and other investment structures -incorporating investments permitted by e Government CodSection 53601 and - , m June 199-7 on s o, - was added to allow the CRA to loin the California Asset Management Pool (CAMP) There are two changes recommended Correct wording ,on paragraph 8 0, is to change from will have their own investment -policy --to _Mn have their own uavestmggwhcy Second -item is to remove the designated safe keeper of "Trust Department of Bank -of America" from paragraph 10 For some time we did not have a need for safekeeping services and therefore did not have a contract with Bank of America for these types of services In addmon; Bank- of America sold its' Trust Division last year and may no longer oflPer thawe winces - — The only safekeeping services we need, at the present time, are for Federal Agency Bond purchases through the CAMP_prgVw&_ CAMP -contracts with Bank of New York for custodial - - and safekeeping services for all of their members' transactions By virtue of our membership with CAMP we may utihze Bank of New York for safekeeping services-on-transactzons outside of the CAMP program at no additional cost The Board considered and approved the recommended changes to the policy at the meeting of_ - August 27, 1998 The revised statement of Investment Policy is now presented for a-dopti& by the Agency Board - - - - Sto f/'recomnwnds that the Agency Board Adopt statement of CRA Investmen0ohcy CM AGENDA ITUI M ,3 COM UNITY REDEVELOPNZNT AGENCY OF GRAND TERRACE - __ INVESTIONT POLICY - - - - - - - - - 1.0 POLICY --- It is the policy of the CRA of Grand Terrace to invest funds in a manner which will provide the highest investment return with the maximum security while meeting the daily - cash flow demands of the CRA and conforming to all statutes governing the investment of CRA funds. 2.0 SCOPE This investment policy applies to all financial assets of the CRA. These funds are audited annually and accounted for in the Comprehensive Annual Report. Funds include the General_-F und, Special Revenue Funds, - Trust- Funds, Debt Service Fiends and any other- CRA Funds. 3.0 PRUDENCE _ _ _ , -- -_ �� ---- - - i------- -- -- - - - -- - --- - -----=Jnv% tments-sha1.'1 e-made=Fl th - judgment and care --under-- circumstances then prevailing which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of - - their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment,_ -considering the probable safety of -their -capital as well -� - 6s e 3ncom® _Vo-eUe`r-JLvec Th_4-_-standard of — - - d= shall be the •prudent , person'- standard - - --and- shall be applaed in -the context=Qt- managrnT-&i overall - - portfolio. Investment officers acting in accordance with written--procedures-and the investment policy and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit -risk or -market -price - changes-; -� 4.0 -OBJECTIVE The primary objectives, in order of priority, of -the- investment -activities shall be: 1. SAFETY: Safety of principal is the foremot the investment program. Investments of -the CRA -shad-- ------ - be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensurd-the - - �- preservation of capital in the overall Portfolio --To attain this objective, divers ification�:s egdEfe3_in - order that potential losses in individual securities do not exceed the income generated from the remainder of the portfolio. 46 COMUNITY REDEVELOPNENT AGENCY OF INVESTMENT POLICY --- IQ 7TBRRACE' The Treasurer may select any financial-Iinstitutian/ - -- broker/dealer, selected by credit worthiness, who are authorized to provide investment services in the State of California. No public deposit shall be made except in a qualified public depository as established by state laws. IFor broker/dealers of government securities and other investments,- the Treasurer shall select only broker/dealers who are licensed and in good standing with the Californial Department of Securities, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Association of Securities Dealers. 8.0 AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS: The CRA of -Grand Terrace is empowered by statute and authorized- by -Agency Board to-investthe_following:_ ..._ _ _ A. U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS (TREASURY BILLS--T- EASRLiE�7E- - - - - - NOTES) . B . REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS. -- - — 1 C. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT WITH STATE BANKS,- NATIONAL, BANKS, - - - - STATE OR FEDERAL SAVINGS ASSOCIATIONS, STATE AND - - FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONS IN CALI1 that -are fully insured by federal or state deposit insurance. The Treasurer may waive collateralization in lieu of deposit insurance. D. NEGOTIABLE CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, _ ZED WITH -_ -_-- -- _ U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS HAVING_ A 1� AMT_ VALUE- OF— -- The treasurer may, at his discretionl, waive security for that portion of a deposit that already is covered - - by federal or state deposit insurance. E. PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS PLACED WITH FEDERAL OR STATE BANKS OR CREDIT UNIONS, that are fully insured by federal or state deposit insurance. The Treasurer may waive collateral ization in lieu of deposit insurance. F. SECURITIES ISSUED BY FEDERAL AGENCIES. - - - - - — -3- COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF GRAND ?NRRACE- _ INVESTMENT POLICY - 11. DIVERSIFICATION: _ - The CRA will diversify its investments -by security type and institution. 12. INVESTHM POLICY ADOPTION: The Investment Policy shall be approved by Agency Board and adopted by resolution of the CRA. Thi-s--po3icy --has-been-reviewed and approved by the CRA Board on September 14, 1998. - r O Q DATE: SEPTEMBER' 10, 1998 OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS OF: 1 Cl4ECK NW9 ` VgNQOk PENDING CITY COU 'IL APPROVAL r'l II I CITY OF GRAND TERRACE I I I CHECK REGISTER NO: I ' SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 �DESCRIPTIO ' P12507 LA PASTA'ITALIA LUNCH FOR CQUNCI L P12508 COMCAST CABL61SION DASH PAYMENTS FOUR 8/1' 0/98 P12509 LISA MURPHY S ; `' RffUND, REC4REATION PROGRAM P12510 STAN SWEENEY ;CrONCERT, IN THE, PARK ENTERTAINMENT, P12511 I E E P I IR�GISTRATION FOR MEETING P12512 ROBERTA MILLER BIRTHDAY BONUS , , 1 �12513 STATE'OF CALIFORNIA PLANNING PUBLICATION SUBSCRIPTION l r il P12514, COMCAST C� BLEVISI, N CASH PA' FOR 18/31/98 P12515 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK HEALTH' NEI'll RK INSURANCE, SEPT, 1998 P12517 COMCAST CABLEVIS16N CASH PAYMENTT TS FOR',8/25/98 P12518 PERS �Rr;TIRE�'ENTF'O'R PAYROLL 8/21/98 P12520 COMCAST CABLEVISION CASH PAYMENTS 00IR '' (7/98 P12522, PACIFICA E OF, CALIFORNIA HEALTH INSURANCE, SEPT, 1998 P12523 INL; k ��WTIFS INgU6kE,COMPANY LIEE� Dgp,NTAL, AND V14ION INSURANCE, SEpTPT ,1998 I �I I P12524 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK iHf! , LTHI� NETWORKI INSUR ANCE, SEPT, 1998 r2�5 H PAYMNOR 8/41/98P1TrV(�l 4TS 1312527 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 1171�H*4kME FILING°FEES P125281" STMN;QARD INSURANE COMPANY 41(�ABILITY INSURAN, SEPT, 1998 40450 AA,EQUIPAAFNT RENTAL, INC RA TS FOR MAINTENA CE EQUIPMENT s04S1, ' T 11 1)AB6Ti WI IliEISTERIN11 ,PilA TY RENTALS T ONO-COt NIE MACI INE, RECREATION 1 1,4svM521 A^t'PIF NT 10NIQR N ,I TER I W53 MATT'HFW all� PDI�1�gt,0N4 1 P �JNI G COMMISSION MEETING, 8/20/98 10484, ( ADVANCE COPY, SYST4 , NTEOANCE rAGREE ENT, COPIER AT CHILD CARE 104,55 i AIRIBORN EXPRES4 , f I REST MAIL r 10456 { AMkRICAN BUSINESS' SYSTEMS IM LINO -SUPPLIES' 10467'' AM�91�AN PLANNING 48SQ¢IATION M 'VIBEFISHIP FOR 11998/1999 I PAGE 1 091098 AMOUNT 3459 20741 7000 40000 30 00 5000 300 36028 52693 6775 5,72148 6431 7,93789 1,35161 52693 25139 3500 96635 22048 3771 9051 5000 37500 1045 6734 27400 I f' i CITY DATE: SEPTEMBER 1, 0,1998' _ i i , I, �I I ;OUTSTANDING DEMANDS AS CIF:,; , -'r i CHECK NO. VENDOR f 40486 METLIFE INSURANCE j 40487 NATIONAL,BUSINESS UR�ITURE 40488 NEI RICK COMPUTING I I II 40489 NORTHWEST PUBLISHIN ; GROUP i ( h 40490 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY 40491 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY 40492 PACIFIC BELL 140493 PETTY CASH -F 40494 FRED PRYOR SEMINAR 40495 QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE 40497 ROQUET PAVING 40498 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 40499 COUNTY OF SAN B�RNARbINO 40500 COUNTY OF SAN BF�RNARPINO j 40501 i COUNTY OF SAN BNARQINO 'I 40502 j SIGNAL MAINTENAN I 40503 BERNARD SIMON A �� !I 40505 LOUIS SMITH ' CI 40506 SO CA MUNICIPAL, ATHLETIC ASSOC 40507 SOUTHERN CA GAS COMPANY j 40500 SO CA ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENT ' 40509 SOUTHERN CA EDISON COMPANY � 40510 BRENDA STANFILL I i 40512 STAPLES r' (�IF GRAND TERACE I. rl , CHECK REGISTER NO: 1 *EPTEMER 10,1998; r; - - ' I I ' 1 t =R_ I&I ON 41 IFE INSURANCE FOR SEPT , 1998 600KICASE �OMMUNITY,DEVELOPMENT DEPT ROUBLESH6OTT GIS;IMORKSTATION/NETIMORK CARDS I1 I I �LANNING PUBLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RECREATION PROGRAM SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE ON ELEVATOR, SEPT. 1998 PHONES FOR CITY OWNED FACILITIES II I� I r t i 1 t 1 1, FtEIMPURSE GENERAL PETTY CASH -FINANCE DEPARTMENT ,1 ICROSOFT SEMINAR, CITY MANAGERS DEPARTMENT ;REPAIR CHILD CAR VAN PATCH STREETS, V IOUS LOCATIONS HOOKING FEES FO JULY, 1998 IIHAZARDOUS WAST DISPOSAL, JULY, 1998 LARKING CITATION, COUNTY PORTION, JAN -JULY, 1998 ,DUMPING CHARGES FOR JULY, 1998 SIGNAL MAINTENANCEIREPAIRS FOR JULY, 1998 I ' I�IUTO/CELL PHONE ALLOWANCE FOR SEPT, 1998 �REIMQURSEMENT FOR COPIERS PAPER :�OFT,BALL RULE BOOKS, RECREATION ,NATURAL GAS FOR CITY VAN ,MEMBERSHIP FOR 1998/1999 ,ELECTRIC FOR PARKS, MERIDIANS, SIGNALS AND OTHER �ITY OWNED FACILITIES �I AUTO/CELL PHONE ALLOWANCE FOR SEPT. 1998 II 'OFFICE SUPPLIES I I PAGE J 091098 AMQUbLT 98975 35860 16982 12900 7040 25310 187,82 10410 5900 25900 4.81175 95832 1,47089 9500 25422 44456 22000 5854 8400 367 83200 2,67094 22000 1.20511 HNG CITY Yyy yy y ) COUNCIL APPROVAL CITY COXJNCELAMNUTES REGULAR COUNCIL-1 fJ=G - AUGUST 27, 1993 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace was called to order in the Cou xil Chambers, Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California, on August 27, 1998 at 6:00 p.m. IMESUMs Byron Matteson, Mayor - - - - - - — - --- -- - - - - - — Dan Buchanan, Mayor Pro Tem. Herman Hiilkey, Councilmember _ Jint Singley, Councilmmember Tom Schwab, City Manager -- - -- -- John Donlevy, Anstant City Manager -- Brenda Stanfill, � Clerk--- Bernard Simon, Finance Director - - vugil Barham, &nldmg do Safety Director LL Pete Ortiz, Shenfrs Department -- Lee Ann Garcia, Councrlmember-- - ——Patnzia Materasm, Community and Economic Development Durctor-- John Harper, City Attorney - - The meeting was opeadd_with invoc o by Mayor Pro Tern Dan Buchanan, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by -Comma Herman lTalkegc- 2A. Recycling Family of the Month - July 1998 Mayor Matfesar_announcvd_thdt tr.-Bs.Js aranqFanu7�c tie r+eciprents of the Recycling Family of dw, Month Award for the month of July, 1998 and of the local tmercharnt gift c from Demdrifs Ralwuant,-Miguel's Jr. ReMura nt.-4 t ltahm Flowers- By Yvonne and Food Connection Restaurant. CC-98-111 MOTION BY MAYOR - PRO - TFM-_BuCHANAH, SON By -COUN � SINGLEY, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (COUNCII.MEMBER GARCIA WAS ABSENI), to approve Nre_f Le"g-anse_nt calendar items: 3A. Approval of Cbeck Register No. 082798 -- - - -----r --� - _ - - -- - - - - - -- 3B. Ratify 08-27-98 CRA Action- 3C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda_ 3D. Approval of 08-13-98 Minutes - 3E. Elevator Maintenafice Semm - Otis Elevator 3F. City Investment Policy -=- - __ -- ---- ---- — _ _— -- - __ couNCI--L- AGENDA Sri Na01D amL m7lute6 August 27, 1"S - -- Page 3 TEM BUCHANAN, CARRIED 4-0-1-0 (COUNCi AUN BER GARCIA WAS ABSEbM, to accept the ffistoncal and Cultural Activities Committee Minutes of July 6, 1998 3. Park and Recreation Committee a. Malec-& Differ m Day Food Dave CC-98-114 MOTION BY COUNCILACBM R SINGLEY, BOND BY 1j COUNCILMNBEEL HII.XEY, CARRIED-4-0-1-0 (COUN _ GARCIA WAS ABSENT), to support a nonperishable food ddve, for National -_ "Make -a -Difference Day - October 24, 1998." and to allow collection boxes at- -- City Hall and the Grand Terrace Child Care Center from 0Ctobei 22J998 through October 31, 1998. - - 5B. - CmunI RerAarts - _ "� +vor Matteson; reported that he and City Manager Schwab met with the Sheriff to discuss -different -issues-duoughout the City. He also reported that Code Enforcement Officer Hernandez held the first annual wing for local code eaforcemeat officers and commended her for doing a fantastic job Mawr Pro Tem BtidOM reported that the LAFCO hearing was held on the proposal - — - eo create ao East Yaltey Fn+e Pt=otectron Distract. The IAFCO staff recommendation was - _ _ - ------= - to-deny-dw-applies;= howere� ----- - - =— d-M- -- _ -- - -- -- - _ boundaries was approved for final study purposes and the meeting was Continued to October at which time a final decision a likely to be made. The iasrue at that time will be -whether or not a majonty of the commission members believe tint Wei -meet the necessary requirements for having a properly funded fare distract and that irreparable- - - -- - damage is not done to the remainder of CSA38 and that there is a proper motional structure set up._ He reported that the City has held two coitus in the pact that have _ __beat: and=encouraged evdyofie to attend the upcoming event. -- - -- TC0RdM=ba MU=, reported that Saturday is opening day for the Grand Terrace Community Soccer Club. PUBLIC- None IMMMM ��T.CiATFCC 7A. Second Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Grand Terrace, California, Appmving General Plan Amendment GPU 97-01 Updating - the Circulation Element Contained Within the Infiastructum Eemwt of the General Plan and Respective Negative Declaration. CC-98-I15 MOTION BY COUNCIIAG24M SINGLEY, SECOND BY an Ordinance of the - RESOLUTION", - --- - -- - - A RESOLUTION OF THE MY COUNCH. OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE IN SUPPORT OF RAILROAB TQ - - - — GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT AT COLTON, CALAFORNIA--- ------ - - WHEREAS, the efficient movMent of people and goods is essential to the health and economy of the region and the nation; and -- freight railroads play a pivotal role in interstate commerce; and the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach am the major ports of entry on the Pacific Coast; and WHEREAS, tremendous growth in railroad operations, partiodarly raternmdal and other - - through -freight, has resulted m significant unity ids; and - _ the demand for rail shipments will conumie to grow with the expansion of the Ports, the completion of the Alameda Corridor, and population growth in the region; and the main lines of the Burlington Northers Sante Fe and the Union Pacific, the only major railroads operating m Southern California, carry the majority of rail fraght traffic between the Ports of Long Beach and Los Argeiea, the rest of the nation, and Madcom theirroutes through = the Inland Empire; and - - - -- - these rafiroads_mist_ccoss each otha--at-----__ -ate - - - WHEREAS, Cohort ranch has been identified as the major ehoke point for rail trade is the region, where an average delay of fourteen minutes per train triggers wbstwdW congestion and blockages along the eomdors, and diesel mrissaaos caused by multiple locomotives i ft along the comdors while __waiting to cross Cohan-Jumct wn flutbor ea merbate the rmherlMd air quafity in the South Coast Air _ Basin; the worst area m the nation, and WHEREAS, railroad congestion has r+mnrfted in mmyfiei* shrpmer>fs being shifted to diesel trucks on the region's armady congested highways; and ra&oad congestion in Southern Cafnfornra has caused expensive delays to local shippers as well as to curers and others throughout the country, and W115- IF AS. these sam mam hne f cght corridors are utIzed for the provision of coammer passenger nail (Metrolink) and intercity passenger rail (Amtrak) service, whose operations are conststentlyc impacted by fright congestion, and COUt+ M AGENDA t1r M NOS. -- 3 RESOLUTION NO. Page 3 % Brenda. Stand, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terraces do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Coif of the City of Grand Terrace held on the IOth day of September, 1998, by the following vote - AYES NOES. ABSENT ABSTAIN - - - - - - Approved as to form _ City Clerk City Attorney DATE August 31,1998 W O # 12-91198 c0X114��f !� DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING 22795 Barton Road Suite B Grand Terrace California 92313-5�95 - Civic Center (909)825-3825 —Fax (909) 825-7506 b wkhxM:r t va Aif'�c;cS.w CRA () COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE- September 10, 1998 SUBJECT Right-of-way dedication - Haerta 22177 McClarren Street 275-242-15 FUNDING REQUIRED _ NO FUNDING REQURED . BACKGROUND Over the past several years Mr Huerta has contemplated installing street improvements along the frontage of his property The Department of Public Works has worked with Mr Huerta in bringing this project to the point that he has the necessary documents and plans to apply for a permit One of the documents that is needed is a deed dedicating an additional 10 feet of right-of-way to the City of Grand Ten -ace Attached is a copy of the grant deed which will satisfy that requirement along with an assessors map showing the additional right-of-way STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY COUNC'IT.- Accept grant deed from Jesus Huerta and Cecelia Huerta to the City of Grand Terrace and direct the City Cleric to record the document. -- — - - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - :--COUNCIL aaENa► ITM Hor!3F I� I I ,; , I I I I I I ee� Por Grand Terrace! Trbcf Grand Terrace City 27b- I I > �p'"" M B 11/4 Tox Rate Area I I 16001 I � Gq R 41, 'a Ibr FIO of r l cCp • a / yc r Pope LOT I eLK E , .'' P LOT f1 LoK E ; i I.r / II(POR 61Qr We per 1i��� -'-1t o LARRENi i i 1 o J I r i a y S TR EE 1 1 „�' . O I r I I ' I tt It C I Q � I1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M•n' 1 ra POR LOT 12 NO}Q 8LK E O It M 19 Is 17 Poe Lot I 14 13 12 11 g ®It ®:16 1 I i O e9 r ' 0 a t . so r _ �, e C r1 4 BARYON (PALM AVENUE! • I ROAD I II--��—� II Tract No 15149, M 8 247/I.2 12 Parcel Mop No 660,PM 6/54 I t Asoossor's Map April 0 M Curtis Tract, Tract No 2966, M 6 40/46 Book 275 Pape 24 I I Son Bernardino County I-; �� to or M 105C +roff AID I I , i I I I ' AO PE j I I i I 1 ' I I I CST/ - - - - - - Community Services -Department Staff Report COUNCIL ITEM (XX) MEETING DATE September 10, 1998 SUBJECT DECLARATION OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY NO FUNDING REQUIRED BACKGROUND: As a part of the normal inventorying and maintenance of equipment owned by the City, Staff has reviewed and developed a listmg of various equipment and supplies which require the approval of the City Council to either be sold or discarded Much of the items have either become worn, out -dated or of no use to the City and should be declared surplus Items are listed in Exhibit A of this report and include as follows • Approximately 500 Street Name Signs which are currently being removed during the replacement program and will be offered for sale to the public The proposed price of sale is $5 per sign • Miscellaneous furniture, including old couches, desks and chairs • Miscellaneous computer equipment which is either obsolete or broken • Other miscellaneous equipment and items It is the intent of Staff to determine markets to sell the surplus equipment and return the proceeds to the City General Fund Those items which cannot be sold will either be-- -- discarded or donated to non-profit organizations - RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council declare items listed in Exhibit A as "Surplus Equipment" and authorize Staff to sell or discard items as is practical FISCAL E%IPACT All proceeds from sold items -will be -returned to the General Fund -- ATTACHEMENTS. Surplus Property List COUNCIL AGENDA rfEm NM 2 City of Grand Terrace Surplus Property and Equipment Inventory September,1998 Item No. Item Description ID No. Number of Items Location 1 DICO Equipment Trailer E916634 1 Maintenance Yard 2 Street Name Signs NA 490 Streets 3 Couch Item #3 1 Civic Center 4 Television GT 132 1 Civic Center 5 Leading Edge CPU Item 5 1 Civic Center 6 Item 6 1 Civic Center 7 ME 386 CPU Item 7 1 Civic Center 8 BSR 386 CPU Item 8 1 Civic Center 9 Packard Bell Monitor Item 9 1 Civic Center 10 BSR Monitor Item 10 1 Civic Center 11 Misc Dot Matrix Printer Item 1+1 1 Civic Center 12 Misc Keyboards Item 12 2 Civic Center 13 Desk Chair Item 13 1 Civic Center 14 Clerical Chair Item 14 1 Civic Center 15 Tandy 425 CPU Item 15 1 Civic Center 16 Monitor Item 16 1 Civic Center 17 Keyboard Item 17 1 Civic Center 18 Drafting Table Item 18 1 Civic Center 19 HP Laser Jet 11 Printer Item 19 1 Civic Center 20 Packard Bell Monitor Item 20 1 Civic Center 21 CTX Monitor Item 21 1 Civic Center 22 8088 CPU Item 22 1 Civic Center 23 Epson Dot Matrix Printer Item 23 1 - Civic Center 24 8088 CPU 756 1 Civic Center 25 8088 CPU 750 1 Civic Center 26 NCR CPU Monitor 006 1 Civic Center 27 Epson LQ 1050 Printer 24 1 Civic Center 28 Olympia Printer 828 1 Civic Center 29 80 Data CPU 25 1 Civic Center 30 Monitor 26 1 Civic Center 31 NCR CPU 1 Monitor 27 1 Civic Center 32 NCR Monitor 28 1 Civic Center CITY OF GRAND TERRACE 4 •O.w. ./Fw ,JiJFJ YJ Y \ \ +, v�\\ VF $.W�� f \ \`\` \1vF :n Vf Jr AU{ Yti8'A JfIJ J-v)' J 7Z \ y__ C'> , >t „yt',i'c�. ✓rJ jy \ .x'''x„z\ <�r..a NI \ ��rwti� LL�x \ \ z .�.�, w , k� n/� �� ., v�>'�<z �� 'rem � .s^ �.�/.or.z„� 4 ��u.„ c r hz > r x o� '""'i~a,•s^' '��3�^i��z�rJ�9a.,�v �/�//�>rr�!zn3..t-., n � �n ..�..x. n+n :, r/ nX` �\ a.. :• �� C7..^"y � w-rr�,!%i ��aX� M cY .x 4"�c"+uy`i`"rr,,,i,?��/.vr. M�t� a'�a"'L+4'�`)��F?a��.w°,ci'a,�J� ff .css��a'.�..�.\„ oS:ttha�4 CRA ITEM ( ) AGENDA ITEM COUNCIL rrEM (X) MEETING DATE: &Member 10. 1998 SUBJECT ADOPT STATEMENT OF IIWEST'MENT POLICY - FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED XX Government Code requires the City Treasurer to present to the governing body an Annual Statement -of Investment Policy-- This policy was approved in May 1997 and Teter revised to add (8 0,1) "Pools and other investment structures incorporating investments permit ed by _ Government Code Section 53601 and 53635,- in June 1997-SkEdn- 8 0,1, was added to allow t the City to join the California Asset Management Pool (CAMP) _ _ _ There are two changes recommended Correct wording ,on paragraph 8 0, I, io change from " _—wall have -their -own investment policy. _ to may have their -own wvesunent policy - Second item is to remove the designated safe keeper of "Trust Departmeait of Bankof Ain&ke— from paragraph 1 a For some time we dad not have a need for safekeeping services and therefore — dad not have a contract with Bank of America for these types of services In addition, Bank of America sold its' Trust Division last year and may no longer offer those services_ �- - The only safekeeping services we need, at the present time, are for Federal Agency Bond - _ -- -- purchases through the CAMP program_ CAMP contracts with Bank of New York for custodial and safekeeping services for all of their members' transactions By virtue -of our membership with CAMP we may utilize Bank ofNew York for safekeeping services on transaction, outside of the - CAMP program at no additional cost Council considered and approved the recommended changes to the poky at the miming of August 27, 19 k- The revised statement of Investment Policy is now presented for adoption by - - the City Council Staff recommends that Council. Adopt statement of City Investment Policy _ --_ -_ - --- -- - - - - - NCIL_A_QMA ITEM N0.*�p CITY OF GRAND TRRRACZ _ - - -_- IMSTI4ENT p0LICy - 1.0 POLICY - It is the policy of the City of Grand -Terrace to invest --_- funds in a manner which will provide the -highest- investment return with the maximum security while meeting the daily -cash flow demands of the City and conforming to all statutes governing the investment of City funds. - 2.0 SCOPE This investment policy applies to all financial assets of the City. These funds are audited annually and accounted for in the Comprehensive Annual Report. Funds include the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds,, Trust Funds, Debt - Service Funds and any other City Funds. - 3.0 PRUbgNCE - investments shall be made with judgment and care -under circumstances then prevailing which persons of prudence, discretion -and intelligence exercise in the --management of - - their own affairs; not for speculation, but -for--1aves -ent, considering the _probable safety of their capital as well - - -- - P he Used. -Shall- be the prudent-=per-aon--6L­st-andar-d ----- and shall be applied in the context of managing an overall ---- _ _ portfolio. Investment officers-aeting�- ac o --with-__- __ _ written procedures and the investment policy and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk or -market price =-- - - - changes=.--= r The primary -objectives, in order of priority, J�of- thy— investment activities shall be: 1. SAFETY: Safety of principal is the_%zem6at,.�-�x-yh��ecti-ue:. af_ - R the investment program. Investments--of-�ii�-maybe undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio _-To _ _ _- attain this objective, diversification is required in order that potential losses- in- indtvidualwsecurities =do not exceed the income generated from the remainder of the portfolio. 0 CITY OF GRAD TERRACE INVESTMENT POLICY The Treasurer may select any financial institution/- broker/dealer, selected by credit worthiness, who are authorized to provide investment services in the State of -- California. _ No public deposit shall be made except in a qualified public r depository as established by state laws. For broker/dealers of government securities and other investments, -the Treasurer shall select only broker/dealers who are -licensed and in good standing with the California -Department -of- - - - Securities, the Securities and Exchange -Commission and the -- National Association of Securities Dealers. 8.0 AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS • The City of Grand Terrace is empowered by -statute and authorized by Council to invest -in the-- €ollowing A. U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS (TREASURY BILLS, TREASURY - NOTES)-. B. REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS.- _- - --- - ----- _—_ -- -- - - - _ C. CERTIFICATES- OF DEPOSIT WITH STATE-BANW; - STATE OR FEDERAL SAVINGS AS80C1AT1oNg,--S7ATg-AND- ---- - - -__-- - FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONS IN CALIFORNIA, that are _ fully -insured-by-federal or state deposit insurance. -The Treasurer may waive collateralization in lieu of deposit insurance. "- - =—=-D. NEGOTIAgLS CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT,COLLR29RALIZZD WITH - V.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS HAVZNG`A �! Og _- - --- - - - _ ------ - The treasurer may, at his discretion, waive security- -for -that portion of a deposit that already -is covered - by federal or state deposit insurance: E. PASSBOOK SAYINGS ACCOUNTS PLACED WITH FEDERAL OR STATE HANKS OR CREDIT UNIONS,- that are fully insured by federal or state deposit insurance. The Treasurer may waive collateralization in lieu of deposit insurance. F. SECURITIES ISSUED BY FEDERAL AGENCIES. M CITY OF -GRAND TERRACE INVEMENT ]POLICY 11. DIVERSIFICATION: -The City will diversify its investments by security type and institution. ----- r 12. INVESTMNT POLICY ADOPTION: The Investment Policy shall be approved by Council and adopted by resolution of the City. -- __This =-poky-has been reviewed and approved --by the- City Council on September 10, 1998 - Community and Economic -Development Department STAFF REPORT CRA ITEM () COUNCIL ITEM (X) MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 10,4998- - -- -- FUNDING REQUIRED NO FUNDING REQUIRED __— SUBJECT: Report on the League of California Cities Conference, in - �- - Monterey August 2748L 1998 - SpeciaLitern on Home -Based --- Businesses - -- - RECOMMENDATION: Receive, Review, Ask Questions if any and File - -- Council Member Lee Ann Garcia and Economic Development Director, Pabizia Materassi = attended the League conference and were active participants - Council Member Garcia ---- moderated a luncheon presentation and a workshop- session--CommuWand Economic - -- -- - Development Director Materassi made a presentation regarding Home Based Businesses General Information__ — Staff prepared this report to share with the City Council some of the benefits of participating in this conference- Several of the economic and redevelopment workshops were excellent and - -- will really help us with projects such as the Town Square project, the GIS application for - altemative funding of street paving and our Economic Development Strategy As a courtesy_OL- the League, besides reimbursing hotel and air fare expenses, we also have other materials ,which are available upon request at the Community and Economic_Deve��nent32epadfinent,_- such -as` _- _� - _ _ _ _ _ _ - • An audio tape on preparing a StTtegr`c Plan entitled `Tfi-e-Synergy of Redevelopment - and Economic Development' _ - - - - - • An audio tape entitled "Managing Amidst Chaos' -- - - • A video tape entitled °A Student Guide to California Local _Government • 2'/ inches of material pertaining to various workshops following 3 tracks Community Services, Economic Development and Redevelopment- Home Based Businesses ----_--- - - - --- - - As a result of preparation for presentation at the conference -staff add pibe-every interesting information about Home Based Business in Grand Terrace _The study revealed that our - `- recently developed ordinances, revisions we made to old ordinances and our code enforcement procedures _have been extremely successful and that a large part of our home occupations (54%) fall into the professional field In other�words, we have had approximately ti5-W active 22795Barton Road - Grand Terrace,Califomia92313-CWNOIL* =A_ � TO PATRIZIA MATERASSI, COMM(JNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM. RAUL COLUNGA, PLANNING INTERN DATE. 8/26198 --SUBJECT -HOP CLASSIFICATION BY CATEGORY TAKEN_—_- _1 FROM THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT LIST LAST UPDATED ON 8/13/98 THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF — - - --- - HOP'SLISTED IS 85 Total number of business tax certificates 517 Number of business located --- - - outsule=of- Grand Terrace - _ - 205 - - ----- -- - - -_ - -- - ----- Number of business located In Grand Terrace Represented as a percentage 60106 Of the 312 businesses located in Grand Terrace the following are Home Occupation M - --_--- --- -- - _ _ Represented as a percentage 27% --- — t Non HOP businesses (312 minus 85) _ 227 Source: City Finance IreparlmentZ"�sToT--- - Licensed Businesses PROFESSIONAL Drafting Computer Design - 49) Integrated Network - Systems,12269 Maclugan Real Estate - - - - - - Computer Related St.,-- - _ - - - - - ---- - -- - _ - - - Computer Cons- uWg ^- 4)ticon Real Estate - - __ -11) Yvonne Rae Best__- -,_ kM n Computer — _ -- P.O. Box 1324, Colton, -- - - - Consulting; r1731-Mt. V - -- - - -- Systems, 22891 Wren, - - - - Rea'i Estate �---- - - Computer Dafa Entry - - - Computer Consulting - - IS) Compton Associates = - 19) Content Services 70) R-Data Network -- -- - - - I I856 Preston,- 22244 Dove St., -Solutions P O Box 55696, Real Estate Appraising - Computer Services - Riverside, _ _ - 20) Cutting Edge Solutions Network Installation/Support _ _ Travel ` Y 22680 Flamingo, - - 79) Sample Solutions 2000 Software Sales/Computers 1220 E Washington, Colton, - 5) All Inclusive Vacations 21) Creative Media _ _ Computer Consulting 21999 VB,# 6, 23033 Jensen CT, 83) Thru the Net - - - "" -"` _ TravetY Computer Graphics 12056 Mt. V., #248, 27) Design Imaging Internet Advertising ' =Financial - - 12647 Franklin Way-, _ 84) Virtual Valley Artists— Arch Design/Comp. 22539 Kentfield, - _ 8) A Steve Stephens Agency = - - - --- - - ---- --= - ----- -= - ATTACHMENT A Lawn Service 73) Roble's Carpet Cleaning 45) Hazel's Cleaning 23130 Westwood, 22960 Finch Carpet Cleaning service House Cleaning 81) Stonewood Construction 53) Katie's Kleanmg P O Box 1618, Colton, 22209 Lark, Contractor House Cleaning Service 25) Darnel Enterprises 57) Los Amigos Landscapmg 12334 Pascal, 22525 Robin Way Tune Up Testers (Sales) - Landscape Maintenance 6) Appliance Doctor HOME CRAFT BUSINESS/ 22675 Eton SALES/CLOTHING Contractor 16) Certified Electronics Co -r4V�sia�irand — - _ 1) Sharon K Abbot Service -Electronic 12233 Dos Rios, 17) Collins IVAC & Fashion Accessories_& Refrigeration, 22557 Raven Supplies _-WaY=_—___ _ —=--_ - --- 42) Green Bananas Contractor -- - — - -- — - 12570 Mt. Vernon, _-26}DaYe's Tiles_ _ —_ _ --Custom Embroidery- 12338 Vivie_nda_, 52) K's Keeps You in _ _ Contractor Stitches 22606 Lark, 33) Eureka Painting Sewmg - -- Company, 12210 Mach , # A, 69) Purple Thread Designs Contractor Unlimited P O Box 11033, = --- 4--=--36) FraW--s;Leonard WAC - SB, Alterations/Tailonng --- - -t1920 Canal St., - - - Contractor Other -- 51) Jack -of Masters P O Box 493, Colton, 9) Donald Dale Atkinson Mobile Locksmith 23300 Westwood St, 56) Loma Linda IVAC Gun Shop - —M951 Wren _ _ s v 10) BMG Vending Services Contractor = _ _ _ _- _� - _ -11116Ar4ss Way - ----- - - =�(a}Dsaid,Mastrek - - - --= gd o9d ---- 22770 Mina, Way, 23) (Crossno) Custom Gunsm thing - DLC .Specialties - 65) Nelson Wade 22668 Arliss Dr 22178 Pico, Automotive Refrigerant Electronic Service Repair Sales -- 66) PBV Communications 29) Discount Distribution 11903 Kingston, Entertainment Booking_ --- — 60) Nikki Mead 23069 Hampton Ct Sells interior gaftware 64) Mountain Enterprises 23376 Westwood, Wholesale Auto 68) PINZ 1220 E. Washington, #24 Hand Crafted Jewekk 77) Shades of the Past by _ Nan, 12056 Mt. V , #151, Lampshade Makers 80) Soda Shots 12056 Mt. V , #312, Video Sales & Marketing Services, 12728 Sandburg 23286 Westwood, - Way, - - Amway Distribution/ Pay Phone ServiceVCoin networking collection/maintenance 35) Fastrack Enterprises 72) Rayco-Plumbing, H/AC 22770 DeBeny, 22340 Pico St _ Bowling BalUDnllmg-Ball Plumbing, HtgJAC Service 55) Lolypop the Clown �l 1 CommW y and Econonuc Development - - Department September 2, 1998 Hon. Francisco Alonso, Mayor City of Monterey Park 320 W Newmark Avenue Monterey Park, California 91754-2896 Subject Copy of Home Based Businesses (HBB) Presentation -Transparencies = teague-- — of California Cities - August 28, 1998 in Monterey - - -Dear Maordonso Per your request I am very pleased to provide you with this information_ I do believe HBBs can -become a veryskgnificant economic achv4 within small cities, and we -are working toward this - goal Grand Terrace has on the past • generated practical, easy to follow and to monitor regulations,--- • proactively enforced regulations, our commercial vehicle policy and the ordinance, createda­C4Vision Today approximately 1/3of our businesses are home based businesses which support our Vision In the future we will promote our home based businesses by facilitating their expansion and - participation in our economy The attached information will provide you with steps along the way _ PWa feel_free to call or -==e-maff me -See business card enclosed.-'_ Sincerely, - - -- - -- /- Patrma Materassf Community and -Economic Development Director Attachment - Presentation Transparencies _2279&Barton Road - Grind -Terrace, Cali orn 92313-529_ attachment B - Yo,,-ft- - 1, - :.l PersDective 1=2 • = Need to- establish -a City Vision for the - - future ® Balance business initiative with - - - - - - --- ---- --proper vim&-=---- ---� -- Multiply proposal by "4,000" (#-of i6ts)for-impacts =---------- -- -_ - - - T00-- anuse e u O vs. -no--- - _ regulation • Best formula = no formula VI"VIwIrG1ji_ =G, � California Municipal Business -Tax Assn: (CMBTA) urgent call against A62065 • Potential for discrimination against certain HBB types__ -- - • - Potential to- be unfair to local businesses • Potential to generate lots of traffic - • Potential to discourage establishment of _ tenant spaces, but sweat shop instead --- -_- -Di L icult-regulations to follow -and/or - - - -monitor -- ------ - -- - -- - --- _�_- _ - _- - - • - No more than 1 employee • No more than 1 customer visit/hour- - _ - • No more than 2 business deliveries/day _ } • Potential of Contamination - - - r -I GE�ilS� e S�lll'A �i W■ IL s A ems: v_•'_-•.,-W a 2� w nme AMMI*E • Once health & safety issues are addressed -no sweat shops - - - - • when HBB types are in line with City vision they - have many -positive impacts or benefits • Economic Benefits - • jobs vs.- housing balance_— _ • -new business incubators- • increase taxes - - - --- -- - - - _ - • 1-I1313s use city commercial services & - -- connect to -the economy-4sustainable ,� - -- - economic development • social • more people at home -- •- ---more surveillance- less crime-,---- -- = - - - ___ • more social -neighborhood links - --- • --_stronger social network - - • less pollution - • less congestion - • Political- • --- more -accountability of government, etc. future generations --_- -- - -_ - ----- --_ 1 E1A I , LOCATION J�l, C(mmPL.AINTfl YPE i DID CE REVEAL Null `Ps i }� , EMPUSUBCONUS } I j 1 I 1 1 it I I 1 I 1 d1992 pl'I,f� '123 a •G T Rd �t; ; ` Spray Painting 11'ell fl'raffic Yes Pico h t I Auto Repairffra(fic Not Sure Barton Auto RepamrfTratiic No 1 De Berry ', ��` Comm Truck/Pltiaterungffraflic Not Sure I I 1 1 I F 1993 II ( �9 fn I - T _ - - - -- - 4 Barton Tree Yruunuug Truckbfl'raflic Yes La Crosse Uphulstccy repalf1pragefl iaflic Not Sure De Sblo Dance Classesffraflic Yes '+ Arles Auto; DelMhng/Gawgeldumpmg � �111 III storm drduWfrdf G Yes f i 11 � ', � � I � i � I 1 19 18 I i Westwood I I I I Real 1111st�teIrw/Noiie. 1 rucks i I Yes 1; Newport pktfrf 0,61l'ialti' Aloturl"yele i Reps cl I ' 1 Likely I Van Buren , �� i Auld paw rdfficfl'uw I I TrOc oise I I Likely i Palm I Coal1( rNcks� & EqUIPM aftic Yes Vibw Gr I Advert] 0 ell Traf�ic'� i i Not Sine �I Lark Adve M �nienl/Vehicle�- etatV d ' , 'l'raffc Not Sure � ttuy�l Nu�s�:/let�lv�lu�urw�I�ttC��u�r1 Lots - ! 'he respottses to tic "Did CoJe Imfur �utte g mvcul wtuployces or (yes) wc(e based on actual confirntattun )y the L upl.tu1wut " will CRY stAl/; anJ U4. ) J4.du"Jvuik b.►scJ utt usv f tc ails both pedcbuwu and vuhu le, u.tl tc ( ' cn o •k d - ntc.aua th.,t tile, cuuipl.,w ant his wuuesswJ people. dfopputb off thctr N'Jhl. h-a at tile, site and ridingto wort to the on -if tllI r dence or conuuumiA e vehicle 'bi iIIIti t at ; All coutpidima rcldt..d to I1011t blibill Osb a"tvtttus itnesseJ w by sunuuunJunb mibl►bnrs I I I ( 34 I I � I � i I� I I j la I' ` I � 4 ( f � 1 I � Staff Report CRA ITEM ( ) COUNCIL ITEM (x) MEETINGDATE September 10,1998 SUBJECT REAPPOINTMENT OF CR IE PREVENTION COM!AITTEE MEMBER - MILLER l The term for Bitsy MZer on the Crone Prevention Committee expired on June 30, 1998 When the committee reappourtments were made in July of this year, Ms Mller was out of town and was unable to respond to the letter aslang of she was interested in serving another term She has returned and indicated that she would like to be reappointed to the Crime Prevention Committee A vacancy currently exists with an expiation date of June 30, 2002 --= STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL----- - - - - -_ -- -- - - --_ _ - - - Reappoint Bitsy (NMer) Bemor to the Crone Prevention Committee to fill a term to expire June 30, 2002 FIM NM